Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe


Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe
Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe
November 22, 2015
Support the ministries that bring God’s
love to you and to others.
Make your 2015 PSA gift this week.
MISSION STATEMENT St. Pius V is a Roman Catholic faith community following the teachings of Jesus Christ. As a
united parish, we celebrate and evangelize our many cultural traditions through liturgy, prayer and service.
Empowered and challenged by the Holy Spirit, we welcome all in fellowship by sharing our gifts and reflecting God’s
Approved by Parish Council March 27, 2001
DECLARACIÓN DE LA MISIÓN San Pio V es una comunidad de fe Católica que sigue las enseñanzas de Jesucristo.
Como una parroquia unida, nosotros evangelizamos y celebramos nuestras tradiciones culturales a través de la
liturgia, oración y servicio. Fortalecidos y motivados por el Espíritu Santo les damos la bienvenida a todos como
hermanos, compartiendo nuestros dones y reflejando el amor de Dios.
Aprobado por el Consejo Parroquial 27 de Marzo del 2001
7691 Orangethorpe Ave.
Buena Park CA 90621
fax 714-522-1730
Hours: 9:00 am - 8:30 pm (Sun. 3:00 pm)
(Closed during lunch & dinner)
Rev. Paw Lwin, Parish Administrator
Rev. Mario Juarez, Parochial Vicar
Rev. Jude Serfino, Parochial Vicar
Rev. Eamon O’Gorman, Sundays
Deacon Rey Marin
Deacon Fidel Rodriguez
Deacon William Yang
R.C.I.A: 714-522-2193
(Most Wednesdays at 7:30 pm)
Vigil (Saturday) Masses:
5:15 pm
7:00 pm (Español)
7:45 am, 9:15 am, 10:45 am,
12:15 pm, 1:45 pm (Español), 6:30 pm
Weekdays: 8:00 am and 5:15 pm
(Mondays 8:30 am)
Saturday: 8:00 am
Holy Days: As announced in bulletin
Notices for the bulletin are due at noon
on Friday, 11 days before distribution,
due to publisher’s lead time.
Our Mother of Good Counsel
Saturdays: After the 8:00 am Mass
Our Lady of Perpetual Help
Wednesdays: After the 5:15 pm Mass
BAPTISMS: By Appointment Only
(English and Spanish)
No Baptisms during Lent.
MARRIAGES: Call for an appointment
at least six months in advance.
SCHOOL: 714-522-5313 (7:00 am - 3:30 pm)
Saturdays: 3:30 to 4:45 pm
The 24th of each month
Thursday before First Fridays: 3:30 to 4:45 pm
or as announced
SPY & LITURGY: 714-521-2430
WEBSITE: www.stpius5.org
SRE: 714-522-3971 (9:00 am - 5:00 pm)
Page Two
St. Pius V Church
November 22-29
7:45 AM: All Souls Novena
9:15 AM: For the People
10:45 AM: Andrew Olea (d)
12:15 PM: Adelina Balagot Pulanco (d)
1:45 PM: Rafael Garcia (d)
6:30 PM: Novena
8:30 AM: All Souls Novena
5:15 PM: Novena
8:00 AM: All Souls Novena
5:15 PM: Novena
8:00 AM: All Souls Novena
5:15 PM: Novena
9:00 AM: All Souls Novena, Novena
There will not be a 5:15 pm Mass due to Thanksgiving Holiday
8:00 AM: All Souls Novena, Novena
There will not be a 5:15 pm Mass due to Thanksgiving Holiday
8:00 AM: Mary Helen Edmund (d)
5:15 PM: Novena
7:00 PM: All Souls Novena
7:45 AM: Felixberto F. Amagna, Sr. (d)
9:15 AM: For the People
10:45 AM: Romillo Bobadilla (d)
12:15 PM: All Souls Novena
1:45 PM: Eufemio Rivera (d)
6:30 PM: Novena
November 14 & 15
November 22, 2015
Your prayers are requested for:
Betty Kendall, Margaret Trujillo, Sr. Shelia
Coburn, Pat Prieto, Sr. Timothea Park, Ted
& Sue Gallitz, Dorothy Bardon, Charles
Lentz, Kathleen Pascoe, Clara Atkins,
Lionell Perreira, Joan Davis, Verlin
Turnquist, John Herbers, Gilles Daigle,
Jeannie Stell, John McGinnis, Josephina
Alrcon, Sammy Vincent Bulone, Pat Wurm, Josie Cortez,
Yolanda Moreno, Chrystal Trumbo, Walter Ehrmann, Ann
Northrup, Bob Elliott, Patricia Aguilar Underwood, Jeffrey
Gebelin, Kathleen Hurtado, Stan McWain, Mario Teyechea,
Shane McConnell, Phyllis, Emma Quackenbush, Fred Smith,
Judi Beltran, Millie Geibel, Mary Moline, Maryann Bischoss,
Joyce Lore, Theresa McCluskey, Daisy Marie Pascual,
Maribel O. del Campo, Socorro O. Pascual, Sheryl O.
Pascual, Sharon Kight, & Jonathan Kolp.
Novena Notes!
Names for November Monthly Novena
John Dickinson
Poor Souls in
Jules Gasc
Albert Tastayre
Omar Navarro
Maria Felix
Mary Domenick
Nguyen Family
Manuel Borges
Dantea Labarda
Mercedes Gutierre
Lisa Gonzalez
George Dabdoub
Teodoro Delos
Rodelio De Leon
Salome Lucero
Trinidad & Robert
Evans Jack
Juliana Bartolome
Patricia A.
Mini Estrada
The Lord has blessed each of us with many gifts,
including the talents we use at work.
Are you returning a portion to the Lord through your
Sunday contribution each week?
Dn 1:1-6, 8-20; Dn 3:52-56; Lk 21:1-4
Dn 2:31-45; Dn 3:57-61; Lk 21:5-11
Wednesday: Dn 5:1-6, 13-14, 16-17, 23-28; Dn 3:62-67; Lk 21:12-19
Thursday: Dn 6:12-28; Dn 3:68-74; Lk 21:20-28
Dn 7:2-14; Dn 3:75-81; Lk 21:29-33
Saturday: Dn 7:15-27; Dn 3:82-87; Lk 21:34-36
Jer 33:14-16; Ps 25:4-5, 8-10, 14; 1 Thes 3:12 — 4:2; Lk 21:25-28, 34-36
Donna Elder
Mary Baker
Mary Schimizzi
Carmela Clark
Franchesa Esposito
Santos Family
Flora Hunter
Raymond Booze
Antonio Villaroza
Teri Flanagan
Ho Family
Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe
St. Pius V Church
Page Three
2015 PSA Campaign
Diocesan Outreach Ministries enable
each of us to participate in Catholic Social
teachings. Through the fiscal and human
resources Catholic Charities works to
strengthen families, reduce poverty and
provide the basic human needs to the most
neglected. Each year 10% of the PSA
allocation goes to Catholic Charities of Orange.
Through 300 volunteers throughout the diocese, the Catholic Restorative Justice and Detention Ministry
and the PSA funding, the love and word of God is brought to inmates of the 12 city, county and federal
prisons in Orange County. Working to restore relationships broken by crime, including victims, families,
the communities and the offender.
The Catholic Deaf Community’s funding from the PSA enables those who truly cannot “hear” to share
fully in the sacramental and daily life in Christ and the Church.
Help those less fortunate yet loved by God to come to know and feel God’s love by making a pledge and
gift to the 2015 PSA. Envelopes can be found in the pews, in the back of the church or can be made on line
at www.OrangeCatholicFoundation.org – PSA 2015 “Make a Donation” (remember to identify St. Pius V
as your parish.)
Thank you!
This weekend, November 21 & 22
 Campaign for Human Development
 Catholic Communications
 Catholic University
Reach out and share that those we reach may share.
Envelopes are in the pews.
Please be generous as possible!
Please pray for the repose of the souls of:
Jenny Lamb
Sr. Margaret Eilerman
Harvey Melber
Elena Perez
Martin Chaidez
Our Lady of Guadalupe:
Mass and Novena: December 3,4,7,9,10 at 7 pm
December 5 at 7:00 pm; December 6 at 1:45 pm
December 11 at 10 pm Rosary followed by Mañanitas
Mass at 11:00 pm, Reception to follow in the hall.
Position available at St. Pius V Church
Administrative Assistant/Office Manager opening
in St. Pius V Parish office. The qualified candidate
will be a practicing Roman Catholic with a
Bachelor’s degree, who possesses previous
management experience, exemplary inter-personal
and leadership skills, a rich spirit of hospitality as
well as strong organizational, communications and
computer skills. Bi-lingual (English-Spanish) preferred.
Qualified candidates may submit a cover letter,
resume and references to: Kathleen Liuzzi in the
parish office or be email at kathleenl@stpiusvbp.org.
Adolberto Gutierrez, Jr. & Sarai Regalado
Willy Soriano & Karen Pascual
Eucharistic Adoration
Tuesday, November 24th, is set
aside for Eucharistic Adoration in
our Church. Please sign up for
adoration today. It is important that
someone is here for each hour of
Exposition. Adoration begins after
the 8:00 am Mass and continues
throughout the night until 8:00 am
the following morning (except when
Mass is being celebrated).
Page Four
St. Pius V Church
November 22, 2015
Grief, Loss & Healing
Earlier this year, through a Special Session, the CA St. Pius V Bereavement Support Ministry
legislature passed assisted suicide, allowing doctors to Next meeting Monday, December 7th at
prescribe overdose medication to terminally ill patients. 7:30 pm, upstairs in room “C”.
Stop Assisted Suicide in CA before it’s too late!
Join a coalition of physicians, nurses, disability-rights
organizations, and people of all faiths to stand for the lives
of our elderly and dying and oppose assisted suicide! On
November 22, Christ the King Sunday, petitions will be
available for signature outside of Masses. Signers must be
registered to vote and can only sign once.
Why Oppose Assisted Suicide?
Sends the Wrong Message: Legalizing suicide for the
terminally ill, while discouraging it for the rest of the
population, teaches that the lives of the ill and disabled do
not matter to our society.
Will Worsen Patient Care: Patients in other states, like
Barbara Wagner in Oregon, are being denied treatment
prescribed by their doctors, and instead offered drugs for
assisted suicide.
Will Increase Non-Terminal Suicide Rates: Suicides
skyrocket when assisted suicide is legalized. Oregon's
suicide rate for non-terminal people increased 49% after
assisted suicide became legal.
St. Pius V Catholic School Wishes You a
Blessed Thanksgiving!
This month, we celebrate Thanksgiving, a holiday that’s all
about recognizing our blessings. Many of us will probably ask
for blessings on us and our turkey dinner—without even giving
it a second thought. Here are some other suggestions for ways in
which we can remind ourselves that we are truly blessed:
Name your blessings. Sometimes even though we may know
we are blessed, we don’t take the time to recognize those
blessings. Take some time to name your blessings out loud. At
dinner tonight, have everyone in your family name one way in
which he or she is blessed.
Accentuate the positive. Focus on the blessings you do have
rather than those you don’t. For instance, I could have basked
in the shadow of those gorgeous giant sunflowers, but instead
I focused on the things that didn’t grow.
Write it down. I recently reread Sara Ban Breathnach’s
book Simple Abundance: A Daybook of Comfort and
Joy (Warner Books). In the book, she urges readers to keep a
gratitude journal where every day you write down five things
for which you are grateful. I was surprised at how quickly I
started recognizing things for which I am grateful.
Pass the word. If you consider someone to be a blessing in
your life, let that person know. Tell your kids, parents, siblings
or friends how much they mean to you and why.
Be a blessing. Try to do something nice for someone today.
It doesn’t have to be something big. Bake some cookies, give
a card with a personal note or a framed picture of you and the
recipient, or make a CD of some favorite songs. You’d be
surprised how much such blessings will be appreciated.
By: Susan Hines-Brigger of Faith-Filled Family Messages,
Call: 714-522-5313 for information.
“Not just a school . . .but a family”
“Coping with the Holidays”
In past years, the Christmas holiday season may have been a
time of great anticipation and excitement...but this year, the
prospect of facing the holidays without your loved one may
cause anxiety and dread. You are not alone. We invite and
warmly welcome any of you who are suffering due to a previous
or recent loss of a love one. Here you can find support,
encouragement, and advice to survive the holidays.
For more information, contact: John Alba 714-523-5242
Please come and join us, because we care.
“Blessed are they who mourn for they shall be comforted.”
"Bible Study”
Classes are on Tuesdays at 9:15 AM
and 7:15 PM upstairs in Room C.
We are be studying the book of
Exodus. The class is informal
and there is no homework.
Please join us as we study to get a better
understanding of this important book of the bible.
The Advent Giving Tree
The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has
anointed me to bring glad tidings to the poor.
St. Pius’ Advent Giving Tree has returned!
The Giving Tree is now up in the Gathering Area. As
always, it is decorated with small tags, each bearing the
description of a gift. Please stop by, pull off a handful of tags
and go shopping to help the needy.
Once again this year, the parish will direct our giving to
the growing number of poor and homeless in our midst.
Donations will be shared through our own Knights of
Columbus and through the Cold-Weather Shelter program at
the National Guard Armory nearby in Fullerton, operated by
the regional homeless aid group, Mercy House, on behalf of
the County of Orange.
Even as the economy is improving, homelessness is
increasing in Orange County and elsewhere. A special census
found about 15,300 people sleeping outdoors in the county on
one night last January.
This year, we also again seek to share gifts with the lonely
and poor in nearby nursing homes.
The Giving Tree will be in the Gathering Area throughout
Advent. And in just five weeks, we will come together at our
popular “Wrap Party” on Friday evening, December 5, to
put together gift bags for the homeless and wrap some other
gifts. We again invite all parishioners, including especially
children with their parents, to this party to help organize
donations, assemble gift bags, wrap packages and handcraft
some gift cards.
You will make a difference for someone!
Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe
St. Pius V Church
Page Five
I Encuentro Guadalupano
La Oficina Para Ministerios Hispanos de La Diócesis de Orange los invita a todos los católicos
Hispanos al “I Encuentro Guadalupano.” Se llevará a cabo el día 5 de Diciembre de 2015 a las
2:00 pm en la Catedral de Cristo “Arboretum y Plaza,” en la cuidad de Garden Grove, situada en el
13280 Chapman Ave., Garden Grove, CA 92840; teléfono 714-282-3050.
Esta misa se celebra anualmente seguida por una procesión, recreación de las apariciones, bendición
de las imágenes, bailes folclóricos, y mucho más. Este evento es gratuito y al aire libre.
Venga acompáñenos a venerar la Patrona de nuestra Diócesis de Orange y las Américas.
Para más información llame a Karlo Campana 714-282-3050
Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe:
Misa y Novena: 3,4,7,9,10 de diciembre a las 7 de
la tarde con las siguientes excepciones:
5 de Dic. a las 7pm; 6 de Dic. a las 1:45PM
8 de Dic. a las 7:30pm.
11 de Dic.: Rosario-10pm seguido por el Mañanitas
Misa as las 11:00pm, Recepción a seguir en el gran salón
Ven a escuchar temas relacionados con problemas
familiares, como drogadicción, divorcios y violencia
familiar. Si estas triste y piensas que ya
no hay salida a tus problemas, ven y encontraras
una nueva forma de ver la vida!
No pierdas esta oportunidad !!!
Bautismos en español
17 de Dic. 7pm en el gran salón.
Todas las Almas
Las misas serán ofrecidas en
nuestra iglesia cada día
durante el mes de noviembre
para el reposo de las almas de
sus queridos. Por favor rellene
sus nombres en TODOS LOS
SOBRES DE ALMAS recibidos en el correo o
disponibles en los bancos de la iglesia y vuelta
Información sobre Quinceañeras
La Celebración de una Misa de XV años, para
una sola joven, esta disponible en ciertas fechas.
Se les pide hacer la reservación con cuatro meses
de anticipación. Para mayor información sobre
fechas disponibles y el costo, favor de
comunicarse a la oficina parroquia.
Los bautismos comunitarios, en español, son
cada segundo domingo del mes a las 3:00 pm.
Los bautismos individuales son en sábado. Para
ambos necesita comunicarse a la oficina
parroquial para adquirir mayor información sobre
el proceso.
Campaña Pastoral Diocesana 2015
Nuestros ministerios diocesanos de ayuda nos permiten poner en
práctica las enseñanzas de la Iglesia Católica sobre justicia
social. A través de los recursos fiscales y humanos, Caridades
Católicas trabaja para fortalecer familias, reducir la pobreza, y
proveer las necesidades humanas básicas a los más
desatendidos. Cada año el 10% de las entradas a la campaña se
destinan para Caridades Católicas del Condado de Orange. Se
les agradece enormemente su generosidad para la campaña.
Pueden llevarse un sobre de las bancas, si aún no has
contribuido este año.
Page Six
St. Pius V Church
November 22, 2015
Dn 1:1-6, 8-20; Dn 3:52-56; Lc 21:1-4
Martes: Dn 2:31-45; Dn 3:57-61; Lc 21:5-11
Miércoles: Dn 5:1-6, 13-14, 16-17, 23-28; Dn 3:62-67;Lc 21:12-19
Dn 6:12-28; Dn 3:68-74; Lc 21:20-28
Viernes: Dn 7:2-14; Dn 3:75-81; Lc 21:29-33
Sábado: Dn 7:15-27; Dn 3:82-87; Lc 21:34-36
Domingo: Jer 33:14-16; Sal 25 (24):4-5, 8-10, 14; 1 Tes 3:12 — 4:2; Lc 21:25-28, 34-36
Primera lectura – Cuando uno, como el Hijo del Hombre
se dirigió hacia el anciano y fue llevado a su presencia,
recibió el dominio eterno, un reinado indestructible
(Daniel 7:13-14).
Salmo —Señor, tu eres nuestro rey (Salmo 93 [92]).
Segunda lectura – Que la gloria y el poder sean dados a
Jesucristo, el primogénito de entre los muertos y Señor de
toda la tierra (Apocalipsis 1:5-8).
Evangelio – Jesús como Rey, vino a ser testigo de la
verdad. Quien escucha la verdad, escucha su voz
(Juan 18:33b-37).
Recordemos que así, como lo mucho que se nos
ha dado, mucho se espera de nosotros y que el
verdadero agradecimiento viene del corazón y se
expresa con la boca, además se muestra con las obras.
—Theodore Roosevelt
A lo largo de los años, latinoamérica ha producido
bellísimas imágenes de Cristo crucificado, una de ellas es el
Señor de los Milagros (Perú). Normalmente estas imágenes
llevan en la parte superior el acrónimo INRI. Estas iniciales
son una abreviación de las palabras en latín: Iesus Nazarenus
Rex Iudaeorum que en español significan Jesús de Nazaret,
rey de los judíos (Mateo 27:37; Marcos 15:26; Lucas 23:38 y
Juan 19:19). Con estas palabras, y sin quererlo, Pilato da a
conocer al mundo la identidad de Jesús, mientras que él
piensa que sólo está haciendo referencia a la causa de su
muerte. El delito político de Jesús fue hacerse pasar por un
rey y ésto, al Imperio Romano no le convenía. En realidad, el
hecho de que Jesús es rey, no le conviene a ningún gobierno
humano. El rey es el líder absoluto, al cual se le debe entrega
Para los cristianos que habitamos en todas las naciones
de la tierra, el hecho de que proclamemos que Jesús es
nuestro rey, puede traernos serias dificultades. Los gobiernos
humanos no siempre actúan conforme al Evangelio y por tal
motivo, al cristiano que reconoce a Jesús como rey, le
corresponde desafiar tales gobiernos. El reinado de Cristo no
es de este mundo, pero juzga y cuestiona este mundo. Al
cristiano le toca gritar, con su vida y con su palabra: ¡Viva
Cristo Rey!
—Fray Gilberto Cavazos-Glz, OFM, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
Domingo: Nuestro Señor Jesucristo, Rey del Universo
Vigésima Cuarta o Última Semana del
Tiempo Ordinario; San Clemente I;
san Columbano; Beato Miguel Agustín Pro
Martes: San Andrés Dung-Lac y compañeros
Miércoles: Santa Catalina de Alejandría
Día de Acción de Gracias
Sábado: Santa María Virgen
Actividades de la Comunidad Hispana
Ministerio de Hombres Juan Pablo II:
Martin Cruz, Coordinador 714-388-7757;
Víctor Sierra, Sub Coordinador 714-269-8323;
Santiago Macedonio-Tesorero 714-404-9044;
Teo Esquivel, Secretario 714-292-8662
Al Anona ‘Mi Nueva Vida’: Jueves 7:15 - 9pm
Marisol Espinosa 714-235-5497
Grupo de Oración: “Ríos de Agua Viva”
Lunes 12 - 2 pm, Salón “B”
Sonia Rivera 714-539-9758
Nueva Juventud de El-Shaddai: Lunes, 7:00 pm en el
Gran Salón. Lourdes López 714-287-5257
Grupo Carismático de Oración: Emmanuel
Lunes 7-9 pm Salón “B”
María Isabel Espinosa 714-422-7136
Maty Santiago 562-884-3356
Quinceañeras: Llamar a la oficina
y completar un formulario.
Programa de Educación Religiosa:
Obdulia López 714-522-4805
R.C.I.A. Rito de Iniciación para Adultos:
Obdulia López 714-522-4805
Familias en Cristo: Miércoles 7-9 pm en la Cafetería
Evelyn Cruz 714-293-9526
Lupita Cardona 714-470-2126
Encuentro Matrimonial:
Nicolás y Julia Cervantes 714-863-4550
Nicolás y Alma del Villar 714-381-6821
Emmanuel Coordinador:
Maty Santiago 562-884-3356
Emmanuel Sub-Coordinador:
Gonzalo Noboa 213-434-4549
Retrovaille: (Matrimonios en Crisis) los señores
Martin y Angélica Ramos 714-774-4963