The Tar Heel Van - North Carolina Movers Association


The Tar Heel Van - North Carolina Movers Association
The Tar Heel Van
Convention 2014
2014 James T.
Service Winner
Bill Trimble of
Kentucky Trailer
was unable to
attend the
convention. His
award was
presented by 1988
winner Anne Horne
In This Issue
Convention 2014
From the
Board of
Gini Sowards Promoted 5
by DeHaven’s
Bill Trimble via Skype, with Anne Horne
Nick Jeffries NCUC
Transportation Utilities
2014 Mover of the Year
Tony Harris of Fidelity Moving
Systems Jacksonville
Kathy Cox
20123Mover of the Year
Vendor Service Award
City Transfer’s Move
for Hunger Drive
A Newcomer’s Tale
NCMA Scholarship
North Carolina Movers
Association, Inc.
Neil Brandon of Victory Packaging
P O Box 61210
With Brett Plummer
Raleigh, NC 27661-1210
Phone 919/554-8920
Toll Free 800/325-2114
NCMA Mission Statement
The mission of the North Carolina Movers Association is to provide
guidance to our members concerning rates, tariffs, rules and regulations as prescribed by the NC Utilities Commission. Most importantly
we provide support for our members and sponsors so they can supply
quality service to the moving and consuming public.
Fax 919/556-8520
Pam Stanley, Executive Director
The Tar Heel Van
Page 2
NCMA 60th ANNUAL CONVENTION & TRADE SHOW 60 Years! It’s amazing that the North Carolina Movers Associa on has been around for 60 years! Our 60th Annual Conven on & Trade Show at the Courtyard by Marrio at Carolina Beach shows why our associaon has been a success for 60 years. The loca on was wonderful; the weather cooperated and the feedback was great. Once again, our conven on commi ee outdid themselves! Special thanks to Leslye Plummer, Monika Markley, Dru Burgin, Kathy Cox, Wayne Ray, Tony Harris, Julie Grant and Ma Oates for all your hard work in making this year’s conven on wonderful! They did it all under the guidance of Conven on Commi ee Chairman Bre Plummer. Thanks so much!! We had another great slate of speakers this year. Col. John Falkenbury showed how the USO of North Carolina helps service members in a myriad of ways and told us how we could help them also. The NCMA made a dona on to the USO of NC to help out. Chuck White of the Interna onal Associa on of Movers did a great job of explaining all the ins and outs of making military moves. Sgt. William Moore of the NC Highway Patrol explained how the Patrol is helping out with the illegal mover situa on and what we can do to keep our trucks running safely down the road. Last, we had an NCMA panel of experts – John Po s of All American, Steve Rhodes of Nilson Van Lines, and Tony Pagrabs of Wells Insurance – answering all the ques ons our members can think of. Thanks to Dean Barre for emceeing the panel. Since it was our 60th anniversary, we also took me to recognize our past and honor those who do such much for our associa on. Monika Markley of Two Men in Charlo e made a remarkable slide show, showing pictures from the last 60 years. Bill Trimble of Kentucky Trailer was honored as the 2014 James T. Dorman Dis nguished Service Award winner. Bill is the first vendor who has been awarded the Dorman Award. He started a ending our conven on in 1978 and has been a loyal sponsor, always willing to do whatever we need. Bill was not able to a end, but we were able to connect with him via Skype. Anne Horne, the 1988 award winner, handled the presenta on. It was great to be able to honor Bill. The 2014 Mover of the Year was Tony Harris of Fidelity Moving & Storage in Jacksonville. Tony served on the board from 2005-2008 and came back on the board in 2010. He has served on a variety of commi ees – including Scholarship, Seminar and Conven on. His award was presented by the 2013 Mover of the Year, Kathy Cox, and she totally surprised him with the award. Congratula ons to Tony! He’s a hard worker and a valuable asset to our associa on. The 2014 Vendor of the Year award went to Victory Packaging. Neil Brandon accepted the award from NCMA Vice President Bre Plummer. Victory has been a loyal sponsor of our associa on – you name the event – they have sponsored it – even our Driver Training Seminar. Thanks so much for all you do! We have several new board members – Jeff Brown of Smart Move USA ; Travis Few of Few Moves; Felicia Lunsford of The Open Box Moving Solu ons and Todd Campbell of Two Men and A Truck in Asheville. Steve Rhodes of Nilson Van Lines and Robert Diaz of Affordable Moving Solu ons have signed up for another term on the board. The NCMA cannot thank our generous sponsors enough for all they have done to make our conven on a success over the years! We could not have a conven on without them and we appreciate their help so much. The 2015 conven on will be November 5-7 at Crabtree Marrio in Raleigh. Mark your calendars! The Tar Heel Van
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From the President—Tripp Moore
'Tis the season to be jolly!
I hope this message reaches everyone having a great
holiday season in the moving world. As many of us look
back, it has been a year marked with a lot of happy memories and some record months in revenue that will propel
us into a great 2015.
Here is a holiday poem that will bring a little more cheer
to your season:
All I Need to Know, I Learned From A Snowman:
It's okay if you're a little bottom heavy.
Hold your ground, even when the heat is on.
Wearing white is always appropriate.
Winter is the best of the four seasons.
It takes a few extra rolls to make a good midsection.
There's nothing better than a foul weather friend.
The key to life is to be a jolly, happy soul.
It's not the size of the carrot, but the placement that
We're all made up of mostly water.
You know you've made it when they write a song about
Accessorize! Accessorize! Accessorize!
Avoid yellow snow. Don't get too much sun.
It's embarrassing when you can't look down and see your
It's fun to hang out in your front yard.
Always put your best foot forward.
There's no stopping you once you're on a roll.
Wishing you Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year!
Tripp Moore
Tripp Moore
President NCMA
Two Men and A Truck
Charlotte, NC
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The Tar Heel Van
NCMA Board of Directors
President—Tripp Moore, Two Men and Truck of Charlotte, Charlotte, NC
Vice-President—Brett Plummer, All American Relocation, Raleigh, NC
Secretary/Treasurer—Kathy Cox, Horne Moving Systems, Goldsboro, NC
2015 Directors: Dru Burgin, Sells Service, Statesville, NC; Jerry Hare, A+ Moving and Storage,
Fayetteville, NC; Wayne Ray, Coastal Carriers Moving & Storage, Wilmington, NC; Rick Thornton,
Fayetteville Moving & Storage, Fayetteville, NC
2016 Directors: Jeff Brown, Smart Move USA, Charlotte; Todd Campbell, Two Men and A Truck
of Asheville; Todd Eberhardt, Two Men and A Truck of Wilmington; Tony Harris, Fidelity Moving &
Storage, Jacksonville, NC;
2017 Directors: Robert Diaz, Affordable Moving Solutions, Charlotte, NC: Travis Few, Few
Moves, Wilmington, NC; Felicia Lunsford, The Open Box Moving Solutions, Asheville, NC Steve
Rhodes, Nilson Van & Storage, Fayetteville, NC;
Ex-Officio: Dean Barrett, Ray Moving & Storage, Greensboro, NC
From left (seated): Felicia Lunsgord, Kathy Cox, Dru Burgin. Standing: Jeff Brown, Tripp Moore, Tony
Harris, Rick Thornton, Todd Eberhardt, Robert Diaz, Jerry Hare, Steve Rhodes, Wayne Ray, Dean Barrett
and Brett Plummer. Not Pictured: Travis Few and Todd Campbell
The Tar Heel Van
Page 5
DeHaven’s Names Gini Sowards EVP
DeHaven’s Transfer & Storage is proud to announce the
promotion of former Director of Sales and Marketing, Gini
Sowards, to the company’s new Executive Vice President. Ms. Sowards will oversee the Sales and Customer
Service departments for the company’s five branches
across North and South Carolina, as well as quality and
national accounts. Additionally, Ms. Sowards will continue
to grow DeHaven’s relationship with northAmerican Van
Lines (NAVL) and other NAVL agents.
“I am truly grateful for this opportunity and especially
thankful for the faith DeHaven’s and Robert Long have
placed in me as I accept this new role,” said Ms. Sowards.
“I look forward to continuing to progress the company in
our current and potential markets. DeHaven’s prides itself
on assisting families and businesses in their relocations
and maintaining a positive impact on our communities, and
I am humbly honored to be a part of that.”
As daughter of owner and President, Robert Long, Gini, age 28, has spent much of her life in the
moving industry. Throughout high school and college, she worked in various roles at DeHaven’s
including packing to sales as well as a vast breadth of positions in-between. After graduating
from the University of North Carolina in Greensboro with a Bachelor’s Degree in Business, Gini
spent four years in the non-profit business development sector, before returning to DeHaven’s to
become the Director of Sales & Marketing. Focusing her energy in developing new policies and
procedures for the sales department over the past year and a half, she has taken the department
to a new level.
“Gini has proven to be an effective leader, and her passion for the moving industry drives her
high-quality work ethic,” said Robert Long, President of Dehaven’s. “Her fresh perspective and
creative ideas have been a vital part of DeHaven’s recent structural changes, and I am enthusiastic about where she will direct our organization in her new role”.
DeHaven’s has been family owned and operated since 1942, serving as one of the first female
owned success stories in the Atlantic states. With a rich heritage of award winning service as a
premiere agent for northAmerican Van Lines since 1952 and active service partnership with SIRVA Worldwide, the organization continues to contribute to more than 100,000 corporate, military
and consumer relocations each year, one family to another.
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The Tar Heel Van
Nicholas (“Nick”) C. Jeffries has been hired by the North
Carolina Utilities Commission to the position of Transportation
Utilities Regulation Director. He began working at the
Commission on Monday, November 17, 2014.
Prior to coming to work for the Commission, Nick spent his last
12 years of employment as an employee with the Public Staff –
North Carolina Utilities Commission, where he worked in the
Public Staff’s Division of Consumer Services; and for the most
recent 4 of those 12 years he has been that Division’s Director of Consumer
Nick graduated from Appalachian State University with a Bachelor’s Degree in
Criminal Justice. Nick has extensive knowledge of many of the Commission’s
activities and work products, as well as the North Carolina public utilities laws and
regulations. Prior to his present employment on the Commission Staff, he attended
a Maximum Rate Tariff training seminar on November 12, 2014 in preparation for
getting a better understanding of some of his new duties and responsibilities in the
Commission’s regulation of HHG carriers. NCMA welcomes him to the Commission
in his new position.
Tripp Moore, President of NCMA, presented Pam Stanley
with a plaque honoring her 20 years of service to the
NCMA. Pam has served as Executive Director of the
Association since October 15, 1994. It’s not easy to
surprise Pam, but Tripp succeeded. Pam said she was the
luckiest person because she has a job she loves!
The Tar Heel Van
Page 7
Sgt. William Moore
NC Highway Patrol
Col. John Falkenbury, President, USO of NC
NCMA Panel of Experts: John Potts—All American
Relocation; Steve Rhodes-Nilson Van Lines and Tony
Pagrabs-Wells Insurance
Chuck White
International Association of Movers
The Tar Heel Van
Page 8
As part of the 60th Anniversary celebration, Ryder, Colt, Alan
and Dru Burgin put everyone who was willing in front a green
screen and filmed our own version of Happy.
Ryder Burgin wins NCMA Scholarship
Ryder Burgin, son of Alan and Dru Burgin and grandson of Jo Sells of Sells Services in
Statesville is the 2014 NCMA Scholarship winner. Ryder is pictured with Tony Harris,
NCMA Scholarship Committee Chairman. Ryder is a 2014 graduate of West Iredell
High School and was accepted into the NC School of the Arts. Ryder is an
experienced videographer—just look at our Happy Video above. He has his own You
Tube Channel—FootofaFerret with over 100,000 subscribers and over 4 million views,
where he does ”A Brief History” videos about everything under the sun! His web
series has garnered the attention of some big names—Hank Green, John Green, T.
Michael Martin, Neil Gaiman and BBC America.
While at West Iredell, Ryder was in the IB School orchestra for violin and cello; won
Chamber Choir Honors and multiple talent shows. He was accepted into the 2014
Mars Hill Choral Festival and has written and recorded many original compositions. He
was a teacher’s assistant for the pre-kindergarten Sunday School and Vacation Bible
School class at Western Avenue Baptist Church. His family band (with his brother Colt
and his mother Dru) have performed at a variety of public functions—including the
Iredell County Independence Day
parade, the Statesville Police
Department National Night Out,
the Statesville Pumpkin Fest, and
the NCMA annual convention.
Ryder has NEVER missed an
NCMA convention—attending his
first one when he was only one
month old!
Ryder is pictured with Tony
Harris, Scholarship Chairman.
Congratulations and best wishes
to Ryder!!
The Tar Heel Van
A special thank you to
Leslye Plummer for all
your hard work! Leslye
did everything from
designing buttons,
setting up the stage, to
being a fabulous emcee
for events! She helps
make our convention
fun and colorful!
Thanks Leslye!
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The Tar Heel Van
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Below: Josh Shipman of Coastal Carrier
with the beautiful engraved mug for the
golf winners—Mug awarded by Victory
Packaging (Justin DeSantis of Victory with
a box full of awards!)
NCMA Golf Tournament Winners
Phil Sanders, Josh Shipman
Courtney Vrisson and Wayne Ray
Coastal Carrier Moving & Storage
Josh Hovis and Jusstin DeSantis of Victory Packaging with
Darin Hall and David Rushing of All American Relocation
Robert Long Jr and Robert Long Sr
DeHaven’s Transfer & Storage
Left: John Bilton of The Quarles Agency,
Adam Burdette of United Brokerage and
Dean Barrett and Scott Lassiter
The Tar Heel Van
Page 11
Thanks to Victory Packaging for a Great Golf Tournament!
Dan Garvey of United Brokerage and
Brett Plummer of All American Relocation—Brett was trying to win the
fishing contest on the golf course!
Kirk Burns and Charts Sherwood of MHC Kenworth/Isuzu, Tripp Wilson of Two Men and Tony Pagrabs
of Wells Insurance
Left: Dixon Baxter
of MHC
Tony Harris of
Fidelity Moving and
Keith Thompson of
Victory Packaging
Page 12
The Tar Heel Van
Rick Curry of Gateway International/The
Pasha Group, Dan Garvey of United
Brokerage, Mark Fincher of Carolina
Moving Solutions, and John Potts of All
American Relocation
Trey Thaxton and Nathan Bocock of Two
Men and A Truck of Wilmington, Maynard
Kline of Advantage Truck and Alan
Sprayberry of Trak & Trace Systems
Don Hubert of Trak & Trace Systems, Brett
Plummer of All American Relocation, Travis
Few of Few Moves and Mike Harvey of
Wheaton Van Lines
Robert Long Jr and Robert Long Sr of
DeHaven’s Transfer & Storage, Karen
Shi and Dr. Johnson Wu of LookChina
Mark Southerland of CMS, Allan Hopson
of Weathers Brothers, Jerry Hare of A+
Moving & Storage, and Don Mosely of
Target Truck Sales
The Tar Heel Van
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The Tar Heel Van
Thursday Night Welcoming Reception
Sponsored by Victory Packaging
Hospitality Suite
Sponsored by United Brokerage of NC
Friday Morning Breakfast
Sponsored by Wheaton Van Lines & Bekins Van Lines
Golf Tournament and Beverage Cart
Sponsored by Victory Packaging
Kids Scavenger Hunt
Sponsored by Advantage Truck
Friday Night 60th Anniversary Awards Banquet
Sponsored by Gateways International/Pasha
60th Anniversary Awards
Sponsored by Kentucky Trailer
Saturday Morning Breakfast
Sponsored by LookChina
Saturday Night Cocktail Reception
Sponsored by Alliance Relocation
Saturday Night Surf’s Up Party
Sponsored by Wells Insurance
The Steady Eddies
Sponsored by Vanliner Insurance
Saturday Night Movers Prizes
Sponsored by CMS
Arpin Van Lines
The Quarles Agency
Suddath Van Lines
The Tar Heel Van
Page 15
Advantage Truck Sales
Alliance Relocation
Crowning Touch Senior Moving Services
Kentucky Trailer
Milburn Printing
Target Truck Sales
Trak & Trace Systems
United Brokerage
Vanliner Insurance
Victory Packaging
Wells Insurance
It takes a bunch of people to put on a fabulous convention!
Julie Grant and Matt Oates of Coastal Carrier
Moving & Storage kept the registration desk
running smoothly all weekend. It’s always nice
when you don’t have to worry about the front
desk. Everyone got checked in and all
emergencies were handled!
Thanks Julie and Matt!!
Thank you Adam! I still don’t
know how you do it!
Adam Burdette of United
Brokerage makes sure we have a
fantastic Hospitality Suite! (Dan
Garvey and John Rye also worked
hard!) We all appreciate it!!
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The Tar Heel Van
Employees and family members of City Transfer and Storage Winston Salem, NC
and High Point, NC offices were blessed with beautiful North Carolina weather on
Saturday, October 18, 2014 as they hosted their first annual Move For Hunger FillA-Truck event at Lowes Foods in Kernersville, NC and Lowes Foods in Archdale,
NC. Customers entering the stores were asked to donate non-perishable food
items while doing their shopping at these locations. Two thousand six hundred
ninety one (2,691) pounds of food and $141.00 in monetary donations were collected. All donations benefited Second Harvest Food Bank of Northwest NC and were
delivered to them on Monday, October 20, 2014.
Employees and family members who participated at the Kernersville, NC location
were Scott Lassiter, Justin Lassiter, Lisa Paschal, Karen Rankin, husband Kelly
Rankin and daughter Kristen Nickles, Jimmy Weant, Charles Watson, Bobby Cogdell and Troy Davidson. Employees and family members who participated at the
Archdale, NC location were Wendy Wood, Jimmy Hunt, Jodi Hammonds, Penny
Chapman and daughter Megan Chapman, Malinda Spencer, Borden Austin, Herbert
Powell, Mike Bar, Misael Vega-Garcia and Thomas Hopkins, Jr.
A very special THANK YOU to store managers, Jeremy Harwell of the Lowes
Foods, Kernersville, NC store and Jeff Causey of the Archdale, NC store for allowing us to hold this event at their locations.
The Tar Heel Van
Page 17
A Newcomer’s Story
By Lucky Anneheim, Make a Move
Moving is a family business. This truth came to me as I sat with a smile on my face listening to a
very funny female MC, in a large banquet room, which was filled with NC Movers Association members. They had gathered to celebrate their 60th anniversary… and to conduct official business, of
course. It was a convention, but the only correct term for the event was a ‘family reunion’.
My partner, Johnny, and I are newcomers to the household goods moving industry in North Carolina. We spent a few short years delivering furniture; offering services to a few high-end stores in the
Charlotte area. As we slowly migrated into the household goods market, we quickly realized that we
had a lot to learn. Some of the early lessons: “What do you mean it’s a regulated industry!” “Cargo
insurance cost what!” “The dolly did what to the floor!!!”
Our mission quickly became one of learning all we could, whether that was by taking MRT seminars; studying other moving companies; staying up late, after long work days, night after night after
night, pouring over documents, videos, websites and periodicals related to the moving industry. We
knew some of that learning would, also, come by meeting others in the industry. That’s why we decided to register for the NC Movers annual convention, which we had looked forward to for several
months. We had no idea that it would be more than just another convention.
At every event we attended while at the convention, we were embraced by this ‘family’, like a new
neighbor in a close-knit community. The encouragement and support we were given was amazing and
a bit surprising given the fact that everyone was suppose to be competitors. Although we missed out
on a lot great stories from the hospitality suite, we found many other experiences very educational
and convivial.
The main lessons that were learned and repeatedly driven home were that there was more than
enough work and blessings to go around and that you help and pull others up as you go. This ‘family’
value permeated this wonderful group of people and was reinforced by the fact that it really was a family business; not just in the fact that there were mother and daughters, father and sons, but in the fact
that there were decades of many tight working relationships present that had become so close, over
the years, that they had became family. Johnny and I were honored and moved to be embraced by
such an awesome group of people.
We offer deep gratitude to a few select individuals
who took their time to offer profound advice and guidance; Kathy Cox, Leslye and Brett Plummer, Tripp
Moore and Pam Stanley, who we all know will have a
special mansion in Mover’s Heaven. Many more thanks
to all of those who reached out to us in the spirit of
friendship and goodwill. We look forward to doing the
same for the next newcomer, at next years convention,
because that is what our new family taught us.
Lucky and Johnny
Make A Move, Charlotte
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The Tar Heel Van
Thanks to our
We couldn’t
do it without
Clockwise from top
Jeff Newcomer, Arpin
Van Lines; Maynard
Kline, Advantage Truck
Sales; Linda Balentine
& Kari Rohs,
Crowning Touch
Senior Moving
Services; Larry Scott,
Kentucky Trailer; Tony
Pagrabs of Wells
Insurance, Tripp
Moore and Mark
Southerland, CMS; Dr.
Johnson Wu,
LookChina; and Don
Mosely, Target Truck
The Tar Heel Van
Clockwise from
top right: Marty
Gilbert & Kirk
Burns, MHC
Kenworth; Rick
Curry, Gateways
& Pasha; Glenda
Bryan, Wells
Insurance, Beth
Mike Harvey,
Wheaton Van
Keith Thompson
& Josh Hovis,
Packaging and
John Bilton, The
Quarles Agency
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The Tar Heel Van
Thanks again to our
fantastic sponsors!
Clockwise from top
right; Scott Hopson
with Amy Kline,
Suddath Government
Services; Todd
Eberhardt with
DonHubert, Trak &
Trace; Dan Garvey,
United Brokerage;
Melanie Brown &
Jamie Hubert,Vanliner
Insurance; Amanda
Setzer, Milburn
Printing and Jim
Walsh, Alliance
The Tar Heel Van
Tony Harris, of Fidelity Moving, NCMA
Scholarship Chairman, with Kathy Walsh
of Alliance Relocation
Page 21
Over $5,300 was raised for the NCMA
Scholarship Fund at this year’s Convention.
Money was raised from the net proceeds of the
golf tournaments and the participants also each
contributed $20 (and got a mulligan and red tee
in return). We also had a 50/50 raffle, with Kathy
Walsh of Alliance Relocation winning 50% of the
proceeds (her take was over $700!). We also
raised over $3,000 from items auctioned off on
Saturday night.
The 2015 Scholarship application will be going
out in January. We now offer TWO scholarships
every year—one for $1,000 for a four-year
college student (it’s renewed 3 times) and one
for $500 for a two-year college student (it’s
renewed once). Employees of members
companies, their spouses, children and
grandchildren are all eligible to apply. You have to
be a senior in high school or already in college to
Amanda Leimbach
Photographer Extraordinaire!!
Amanda did a fantastic job of catching all the
moments of this year’s convention. If you want
to see more pictures, just go here:
and you can see ALL the pictures!
Thanks Amanda for doing such a fantastic job!
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The Tar Heel Van
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The Tar Heel Van
The Tar Heel Van
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The Tar Heel Van
The Brave Souls who Participated in the Best Costume at the Surf’s Up Party—
President Tripp Moore (counting votes), Lucky Anneheim, Melanie Brown, emcee
Leslye Plummer, Sharon Walker and Jay Ladd V
Jay Ladd V of J.E. Ladd
& Son Transfer of
Durham—how could
he not win—he was
surfing at the Surf’s Up
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The Tar Heel Van
The Steady Eddies
had the crowd rocking and dancing!
LookChina, Inc.
PO BOX 416
Cramerton, NC 28032
Tel: 704-823-0958
Page 27
The Tar Heel Van
NC Movers Association
North Carolina Movers Association, Inc.
P O Box 61210
Raleigh, NC 27661-1210
Upcoming Industry
January 10
Board of Directors Meeting
Phone: 800-325-2114
Fax: 919-556-8520
Phone: 919-554-8920
Winston-Salem, NC
May 16
Board of Directors Meeting
Asheville, NC
September 19 Board of Directors Meeting
Beaufort, NC
We’re on the web!
November 5-7 61st Annual NCMA
Crabtree Marriott
Raleigh, NC

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