December - First Baptist Church Topeka


December - First Baptist Church Topeka
The Star
December 2015
First Baptist Church
3033 SW MacVicar Ave
Topeka, Kansas 66611-1811
785.267.0380 |
Staff & Volunteers
Cheryl Henson, Senior Pastor
Corey Fields, Associate Pastor
Laura Cassidy-Moffatt, Associate Pastor
Robyn Aeschliman, Dir. of Faith Forest
Joe Barnes, Building Superintendent
Will Kubie, Organist/Pianist
Rick Kready, Director of Chancel Choir
Pam DeFries, Chancel Choir Pianist
Boopesh Kumar, CCLC Director
Steve Martin, Custodian
Kay Renyer, Day Care Director
Verlee Sanneman, Office Manager
Generosity Honors God
“Each year it is a blessing to receive the check from RMMO. We may
be retired but our hearts will always be in ministry.”
— retired pastor and spouse in California
Since the Great Depression era of the 1930’s, American Baptist
congregations have contributed to a special offering to provide financial
support to retired ministers and missionaries and their widowed spouses. In
1977 the Retired Ministers and Missionaries Offering was formally
established to continue this time-honored tradition. Receipts for the
national 2014 offering totaled $1,128,257.00. Of that amount, 57 percent
was distributed in the form of “Thank You” checks to 3,391 retired
American Baptist ministers, missionaries and their widowed spouses. The
average “Thank You” check was $179.09. A large portion of the offering is
also used to provide emergency support in crisis situations and financial
assistance to ministers and missionaries. Over the years recipients have
used these funds to pay for home repairs such as a roof damaged in a
storm, a new boiler or water tank during the cold winter months,
construction to make a home wheelchair accessible, buy or replace hearing aids, and pay for an array
of medical, dental and prescription expenses.
 American Baptist Churches USA
Editor’s Note: During December, we will remember our retired ministers and missionaries by giving to this annual
offering. Please write RMMO on the memo line of your check. Our goal is $2,000.00.
Hanging of the Christmas Greens
Come and help us decorate the church on Sunday, November 29 at 9:30 a.m.
We will have a combined worship service at 10:45 a.m. in the sanctuary
followed by a free soup luncheon in the Fellowship Hall, sponsored by the
Worship Committee. Everyone is invited to stay for the luncheon.
As a reminder there will be no 8:30 and 9:30 worship services, or Sunday
School that morning.
Sharing Christ, Nurturing People Through the Years at First Baptist
By Cheryl Henson, Senior Pastor
A pastor friend of mine, Dr. Harry Parker, recently
wrote an article in his newsletter that I think speaks to
our church and numerous churches across the country.
He begins with these words, “My, how times have
changed. Back in the 50’s
the sanctuary of First
Baptist was filled on
Sunday mornings with 500+
in attendance. Sixty years
later, not so much. It can be
disheartening to see so
many empty pews. The
church is not reaching as
many people as it once did. Or is it?” Harry goes on to
list the people who have passed through FBC Oak Park
and are now in places of ministry. I wondered what our
list would look like. You could contribute many more
names than I, but here is just a few that have been
nurtured or passed through this church:
 Dr. Steve Van Ostran, Executive Minister of ABC
Rocky Mountains
 Rev. Joe Greemore, Senior Pastor of First Baptist
Waterloo, Iowa
 Rev Matt Sturtevant, Senior Pastor of First Baptist
Lawrence, Kansas
 Rev. Mang Sonna, Director of Bethel Neighborhood
Center, Kansas City
 Blake Bledsoe, Central Baptist Seminary student
 Rev. Regan Deal, Youth Pastor of First Baptist
Richlands, North Carolina
 Rev. Janet Crowl, Midland Hospice Chaplain
 Dr. Joe Kutter, Director of Interim Ministries for the
Central Region
 Rev. Roy Marks, chaplain and counselor
 Rev. Art Campbell, Chaplain at Stormont-Vail
 Rev. Vera Goodman, Wichita, Kansas
 Rev. Merle Davis, pastor and past Interim Ministry
Director for the Central Region
 Dr. Randy Gauger, Past President of ABCUSA
 Dr. Paul Eppinger, Director of Interfaith, Phoenix,
 Rev. Caleb Lind, Pastor of First Baptist, Norfolk,
 Melissa Vivian, Christian Counselor, Rosecrance
Center, Rockford, Illinois
 Edith McGurk, former missionary (their children
continue to be missionaries)
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Rev. Roy Paslay, former Director of CE for Central
Rev. A.Q. Van Benschoten, Former Central Region
Dr. Jesse Brown, former pastor and Kathy Brown,
former Central Region Staff
Rev. Faith Spencer, former Director of Care
Rev Adriana Chaney, former Associate Executive
Minister of the Central Region, Coach at Green Lake
Rev. Rollin Strode, former CE Director, California
Dr. Fred Thompson, former Director of Regional
Ministries for ABCUSA
Rev. Ed O’Rear, Pastor at North Topeka Baptist
Dr. Sandra Wimpelberg, Staff at Green Lake
Conference Center, ABCUSA
“Many people have been nurtured by our community
of faith before moving on to other areas of ministry. If
you tally up the number of people who have been
touched by them, the numbers would be staggering. So
maybe our attendance is not what it once was. Does this
mean we are reaching less
people? Not by a long shot.”
And who knows what
child or youth in our
congregation right now will
go on to answer the call of
God to ministry. “Sharing
Christ, Nurturing People” is
our mission statement and that
is truly our task as a
community of faith.
First Baptist Church
Pastor on Call Schedule
All pastors have Fridays off, please call the
church office, 267-0380, if you have a need.
Nov. 26-29 - Pastor Corey, 379-3852
Dec. 4-6 - Pastor Laura, 508-641-1681
Dec. 11-13 - Pastor Corey, 379-3852
Dec. 18-20 - Pastor Corey, 379-3852
Dec. 24-27 - Pastor Laura, 508-641-1681
Jan. 1-3 - Pastor Cheryl, 338-2161
December 2015
Please remember in
your prayers. . . Sharon
DeVore; Sylvia Hall
(Ginny Peter’s sister); Bob Knittel; family of Greg
Knox (Jim & Letha Zahourek’s nephew); Kenny Knox
(Jim & Letha Zahourek’s nephew); Jeanne Kopp; Sandy
Milligan; Donna Rankin (Barb Norman’s sister);
Shannon Rankin (Barb Norman’s nephew); Merlene
Rogers; Helen Satzler; Arul Thangaman’s father; Rick
Willoughby; their caretakers; and our homebound
First Baptist’s Financial Report
Comparison of our actual tithes and offerings and what
our operating budget requires each week.
Amount Received ......... Amount Needed
Oct. 25 .................... $ 4,451 ....................... $10,815
Nov. 1 ....................... 13,876 ...................... 10,815
Nov. 8 ....................... 11,722 ...................... 10,815
Nov. 15 ..................... 13,291 ...................... 10,815
Year-to-date deficit at the end October: . ($38,777.19).
Please prayerfully consider how you can help us
eliminate the deficit by December 31, 2015.
Update on 2016 Pledges
To date, we have received 94 pledge cards totaling
$375,586.00. If you have not turned in your pledge card,
please do so. Pledge cards are available in the worship
Bring your family or guests, and join us as we
celebrate the birth of Jesus on December 24.
5:00 p.m. Family Service
Lattimore Chapel, First Baptist
6:00 p.m. Candlelight Service
Terra Heights Baptist Church,
232 SW Sanneman Drive
7:00 p.m. Candlelight Service
Sanctuary, First Baptist
December 2015
First Baptist’s Annual Meeting & Potluck
Sunday, December 13
The annual meeting and potluck will take place in the
gym following the 10:45 a.m. worship service on
Sunday, Dec. 13. Baked and fried chicken will be
furnished from Dillon’s. Based on the first letter of your
last name, please bring a dish to share: A-G - salads; HN - desserts; O-Z - vegetables.
Slate of 2016 Officers
Moderator – Pam DeFries
Assistant Moderator – Dennis Slimmer
Administration – Bill Kelly & Dave Harrison
Adult Education – Beth Hanes & Deane Burgess
Care – Joan Kerchner & Ginny Peters
Children & Youth – Robyn Aeschliman & Rachel Ebert
Outreach – (Open) & Sandy Shofner
Recreation – Whitney Casement & Shirley Davis
Worship – Harold Wolgast (Traditional) &
Wendy Cole (ConneXion)
Youth – Haley Beutler
Treasurer – Matt Harader
Upward Season is Here!
We ask that you please pray for the
children, families, and the volunteers
who are involved with Upward season.
Once again, we are partnering with
Countryside United Methodist Church
and Northland Christian Church.
We are need of referees and scorekeepers. If interested
see Whitney Casement or Pastor Corey.
Practices will begin December 1 at 6 p.m. in our gym.
Practices at FBC are held every Tuesday and Thursday. The
first Upward game in our gym is January 16 at 9 a.m. We
have several new children and families who are new to
Upward. This is a great opportunity to meet the young
families and invite them to church. Another great opportunity
to meet the families is on awards night which will be Feb. 29.
Congregation is invited to a. . .
Graduation celebration
Krystal Harry
Saturday, December 12
from 2 to 4 p.m.
Fellowship Hall
First Baptist Church
Krystal will receive a Bachelor of
First Baptist Church
Page 3
Day Care’s Christmas Program
Wednesday, December 2, 6:30 p.m., Gym
The congregation is invited to attend. We are looking for donations of home
made cookies for the reception. Contact the church office if you can provide
two dozen cookies.
Search for Baby Jesus
Saturday, December 5, 9:00 a.m., Fellowship Hall
Children will search for baby Jesus throughout the building. It is an event where
parents can drop off children so they can have time to do Christmas shopping, house
cleaning, cooking, or baking. This is for children ages 3 to 5th grade. Childcare will
be provided for children who are younger than age 3. Middle or high school aged
children can participate as volunteers. To volunteer, contact Nancy Fleeker-Daniels,
Youth Caroling and Cookie Decorating
Sunday, December 6, 12:45 p.m.
The youth from Gage Park Baptist will join us. Please gather by the gym doors.
Ladies Christmas Tea
Sunday, December 6, 2:30 p.m., Fellowship Hall
This is open to all women and girls of the church and is sponsored by the American
Baptist Women. Program to be announced later. Contact the church office by Monday,
November 30, if you need child care. This is a free event.
First Baptist Church’s Annual Meeting
Sunday, Dec. 13 at Noon, Gym
The FBC annual meeting will follow the 10:45 a.m. worship service. Items
to be considered during the meeting include: election of officers and the
church’s budget. The proposed slate of officers is printed on page 3 of this
Terra Heights Baptist Church will be joining us and will conduct their
annual meeting as well. Baked and fried chicken will be provided by
Dillon’s, but everyone is asked to bring a side dish to share that corresponds
to the first letter of their last name: A-G - salads; H-N - desserts; O-Z - vegetables.
Page 4
First Baptist Church
December 2015
~ December 2015 ~
9 am Search for Baby Jesus
10:30 am All Staff mtg.
6 pm Upward Practice
11:30 am Faithbuilder's
4-7 pm Living & Active
5:30 pm Staff Relations
1-3 pm Pickleball, gym
7 pm Chancel Choir
6 pm Upward Practice
6:30 pm Day Care Christmas
Program, gym
(Young Adults)
Brewster Place
Christmas Party
5 pm Badmintion, gym
2-4 pm Krystal Harry's
10:30 am All Staff mtg.
6 pm Upward Practice
6 pm Upward Practice
11:30 am Bereans Christmas
7 pm Chancel Choir
6 pm New Horizon's
9 am Professional Staff mtg.
6:45 am Men's Breakfast
9:30 am ConneXion Gathering
1 pm Women's Bible Study
9:30 am Sunday School
2:30 pm Adult Handbells
10:45 am Worship
12:45 pm Youth go Caroling
5 pm Badminton
Christmas Party, F. H.
6 pm Upward Practice
6:30 pm Scouts
Christmas Party,
12Noon Fellowship Lunch
8:30 am Traditional Worship
2:30 pm Ladies Christmas
12Noon Fellowship Lunch, F.H.
6:30 pm Scouts
11:30 am White Cross
Salad Luncheon, F.H.
6:45 am Men's Breakfast
1-3 pm Pickleball, gym
Christmas Party,
Lake Shawnee
College Graduation
Party, F. H.
6:30 pm Seeker's Christmas
Tea, F. H.
8:30 am Traditional Worship
9 am Professional Staff mtg.
6:45 am Men's Breakfast
1-3 pm Pickleball, gym
12Noon Fellowship Lunch
1 pm Day Care Employees
9:30 am ConneXion Gathering
1 pm Women's Bible Study
8:30 am CACFP
6 pm Upward Practice
5 pm Badminton, gym
9:15 am Faith Forest
2:30 pm Adult Handbells
10:30 am All Staff mtg.
7 pm Chancel Choir
9:30 am Adult Sunday School
5 pm Badminton
5:30 pm Day Care Mtg.
10:45 am Common Ground
6 pm Upward Practice
Noon FBC Annual Mtg w/
6 pm Scouts Potluck, F. H.
Christmas Party, F. H.
Potluck, gym
7 pm Foundation
8:30 am Traditional Worship
9 am Professional Staff mtg.
6:45 am Men's Breakfast
No White Cross
Office Closed
No Fellowship Lunch
Office Closed
8 am ROMEOs
9:30 am ConneXion Gathering
2:30 pm Adult Handbells
10:30 am All Staff mtg.
1-3 pm Pickleball, gym
5 pm Family Christmas
5 pm Badmintion, gym
9:15 am Faith Forest
5 pm Badminton
Eve Service, Chapel
9:30 am Adult Sunday School
6 pm Christmas Eve, THBC*
10:45 am Common Ground
7 pm Candlelight
Christmas Eve.
8:30 am Traditional Worship
9 am Professional Staff mtg.
6:45 am Men's Breakfast
9:30 am ConneXion Gathering
5 pm Badminton
10:30 am All Staff mtg.
1-3 pm Pickleball, gym
12Noon Fellowship Lunch
9:15 am Faith Forest
9:30 am Adult Sunday School
10:45 am Common Ground
*Terra Heights Baptist Church, 232 Sanneman Drive
Berean’s SS
Tuesday, December 9
11:30 a.m., Fellowship Hall
Faith Forest
Saturday, December 5
9 a.m., Fellowship Hall
Faithbuilder’s SS
Friday, December 4
11:30 a.m., Brewster (Main Bldg.)
New Horizons SS
Friday, December 11
6 p.m., Lake Shawnee
Seeker’s SS
Saturday, December 12
White Cross
Wednesday, December 2
Young Adults
Saturday, December 12
Sunday, December 13
Shelter house No. 3
6:30 p.m., Slimmer’s home
12Noon, Fellowship Hall
4 p.m., Location to be announced
4 p.m., Youth Room
For Women Only: Women of Faith Event
Foundation Focus
By Rev. Laura Cassidy-Moffatt
By Harold Wolgast, Foundation Trustee
bout eight years ago, a friend asked me if I wanted
to attend a Women of Faith (WOF) event. I had
no idea what she was talking
about. I had been facing
some challenges in my life
and my faith at that time, and
I think my friend knew that
WOF would be just the thing
I was looking for. I went
with her and a group of her
women friends - and to say that it profoundly changed
my faith would be an understatement. I laughed, and
cried, and had such a wonderful day and a half of
worship- I was truly disappointed when it ended and I
needed to go back home. It was so encouraging to hear
women talk about how they live out their faith in
practical ways given the day to day challenges of
balancing work and family. My favorite was Anita
Renfroe’s comedy sketch about the things that mom’s
say. Here’s the YouTube link of this sketch: https://
I was hooked. I have returned to WOF almost every
year since then- and I have given the gift of laughter and
healing to other women I know. Sandi Patty singing
“How Great Thou Art” will give you chills and bring
you to tears. Patsy Clairmont is a feisty little grandma
of a lady that makes you laugh at yourself and learn
something profound at the same time. Sheila Walsh has
such powerful stories of God seeing her through serious
challenges she’s faced and she helps us dig into the
scriptures in a personal way. I have gone with friends
some years, church members other years, and one year I
even went by myself.
This year is the last tour for Women of Faith, their
20 season. The last event in Kansas City is February 12
-13. I will be going, and
would be happy to share
this gift of a day and a half
of worship and learning
with you ladies- whether
you’ve been before or not.
Please see me if you are interested.
My goal is that they may be encouraged in heart and
united in love, so that they may have the full riches of
complete understanding, in order that they may know
the mystery of God, namely, Christ, in whom are hidden
all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.
Colossians 2:2-3
December 2015
s year-end approaches, we are besieged with
“opportunities” to make charitable contributions to
all manner of public charities. At the top of the list
should be our church, and the need to fund its ministry,
both around the corner and around the world.
Some folks may be in a position to think into the
future, contemplating ways to help fund the church’s
ministry far beyond the day when our Lord calls us
home. This is possible by making gifts to the First
Baptist Church of Topeka Foundation. This could be
done with current gifts, or by including the Foundation
in your will.
Endowed gifts are
invested in a manner
expected to produce
income which can be
used for a specified
purpose, or for the
general ministry of the
church. The principle remains intact. A gift to the
Foundation prior to December 31, 2015, is tax
deductible this year.
A note for year-end tax planning, for the past several
years, persons over 70½ years of age have been able to
make direct charitable rollover contributions of up to
$100,000 tax free from an IRA to recognized charities,
including the church. This is especially useful for those
who are no longer able to itemize deductions, since the
IRA rollover is not included in taxable income. Neither
does it add to the income base for computation of the
taxable portion of social security. That tax law expired
last year and, at this time, has not been reinstated by
Congress. However, those “in the know”, including our
Congresswoman, are of the opinion that Congress will
extend it for application in 2015.
So how do we handle this uncertainty? A direct
rollover contribution can be made at any time. If the
rollover law is not extended, the rollover becomes
taxable income, and for those who itemize can be
deducted as a charitable contribution. Such distributions
also qualify for the “Required Minimum Distribution”
imposed those past the age of 70½.
If you have questions about these matters, or about
the Foundation, talk to any Trustee. We’ll be glad to
FBC Foundation Trustees: Jillinda Ansell, Whitney Casement,
Jack Eakins, Gale DeVore, Fred Loseke, Bill Ogle,
Melinda Schoemaker, Gary Smith, and Harold Wolgast.
First Baptist Church
Page 9
~ December 2015 ~
9 am Search for Baby Jesus
10:30 am All Staff mtg.
6 pm Upward Practice
11:30 am Faithbuilder's
4-7 pm Living & Active
5:30 pm Staff Relations
1-3 pm Pickleball, gym
7 pm Chancel Choir
6 pm Upward Practice
6:30 pm Day Care Christmas
Program, gym
(Young Adults)
Brewster Place
Christmas Party
5 pm Badmintion, gym
2-4 pm Krystal Harry's
10:30 am All Staff mtg.
6 pm Upward Practice
6 pm Upward Practice
11:30 am Bereans Christmas
7 pm Chancel Choir
6 pm New Horizon's
9 am Professional Staff mtg.
6:45 am Men's Breakfast
9:30 am ConneXion Gathering
1 pm Women's Bible Study
9:30 am Sunday School
2:30 pm Adult Handbells
10:45 am Worship
12:45 pm Youth go Caroling
5 pm Badminton
Christmas Party, F. H.
6 pm Upward Practice
6:30 pm Scouts
Christmas Party,
12Noon Fellowship Lunch
8:30 am Traditional Worship
2:30 pm Ladies Christmas
12Noon Fellowship Lunch, F.H.
6:30 pm Scouts
11:30 am White Cross
Salad Luncheon, F.H.
6:45 am Men's Breakfast
1-3 pm Pickleball, gym
Christmas Party,
Lake Shawnee
College Graduation
Party, F. H.
6:30 pm Seeker's Christmas
Tea, F. H.
8:30 am Traditional Worship
9 am Professional Staff mtg.
6:45 am Men's Breakfast
1-3 pm Pickleball, gym
12Noon Fellowship Lunch
1 pm Day Care Employees
9:30 am ConneXion Gathering
1 pm Women's Bible Study
8:30 am CACFP
6 pm Upward Practice
5 pm Badminton, gym
9:15 am Faith Forest
2:30 pm Adult Handbells
10:30 am All Staff mtg.
7 pm Chancel Choir
9:30 am Adult Sunday School
5 pm Badminton
5:30 pm Day Care Mtg.
10:45 am Common Ground
6 pm Upward Practice
Noon FBC Annual Mtg w/
6 pm Scouts Potluck, F. H.
Christmas Party, F. H.
Potluck, gym
7 pm Foundation
8:30 am Traditional Worship
9 am Professional Staff mtg.
6:45 am Men's Breakfast
No White Cross
Office Closed
No Fellowship Lunch
Office Closed
8 am ROMEOs
9:30 am ConneXion Gathering
2:30 pm Adult Handbells
10:30 am All Staff mtg.
1-3 pm Pickleball, gym
5 pm Family Christmas
5 pm Badmintion, gym
9:15 am Faith Forest
5 pm Badminton
Eve Service, Chapel
9:30 am Adult Sunday School
6 pm Christmas Eve, THBC*
10:45 am Common Ground
7 pm Candlelight
Christmas Eve.
8:30 am Traditional Worship
9 am Professional Staff mtg.
6:45 am Men's Breakfast
9:30 am ConneXion Gathering
5 pm Badminton
10:30 am All Staff mtg.
1-3 pm Pickleball, gym
12Noon Fellowship Lunch
9:15 am Faith Forest
9:30 am Adult Sunday School
10:45 am Common Ground
*Terra Heights Baptist Church, 232 Sanneman Drive
Recap of Family Fun Night
Several adults came out to play games and their children
watched a movie while enjoying refreshments on November 4. There were 32 adults, 14 children, and four
infants in the nursery. The evening was hosted by the
Adult Education Committee. Here are some snapshots.
Your staff at First Baptist
wishes you
the gift of FAITH,
the blessing of HOPE, and
the peace of HIS LOVE,
at Christmas and always.
First Baptist Church Family,
Thank you so much for organizing, packing, and
delivering Harvester’s back snacks to Whitson
Elementary! Wow, you make such a difference each
and every week to 40 or more of our students! Thank
you all so much for all of your work! You are amazing!
Your friend at Whitson,
Mallory Jacobs, School Counselor
Thank you for the altar flowers delivered by Patty
Hodge and Terri Hurley-Owen; and also the visits from
Pastor Cheryl and a phone call from Pastor Corey.
God Bless, Warren Kinnett
Dear First Baptist Family,
Thank you so much for allowing the Kansas
Coalition Against the Death Penalty to hold our
conference and dinner in your beautiful church. We had
a great day, and Mr. Barnes was a huge help! Your
affordable facilities and friendly staff are greatly
appreciated! The Topeka community is blessed to have
First Baptist as a neighbor.
Thanks, Kristin Hammer, KCAPD
December 2015
Pastor Cheryl, Pastor Corey, Pastor Laura,
Joe Barnes, Steve Martin, Kay Renyer,
Will Kubie, & Verlee Sanneman
Effective Listening & Caring Seminar
Sponsored by the Care Committee
Saturday, January 9, 2016, 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon
Led by Pastor Corey and Steve Obdyke
Childcare available upon request
A seminar for anyone
who would like to learn
how to better care for
hurting people. Topics
covered include: listening
skills, comfort zones,
boundary setting, and
understanding grief and
loss. Contact the church
office, if you need
First Baptist Church
Page 11
F i r s t B a p t i s t Ch u r c h
The FIRST BAPTIST STAR (USPS: 194-960) is published monthly for
$25.00 per year by the First Baptist Church, 3033 SW MacVicar Ave.,
Topeka, KS 66611-1811. Periodicals postage paid at Topeka, Kansas.
3033 SW MacVicar Ave.
Topeka, Kansas 66611-1811
785.267.9148 (fax)
Periodicals Postage
Topeka, Kansas
POSTMASTER: Send address
Changes to The First Baptist Star,
3033 SW MacVicar Ave.
Topeka, KS 66611-1811
The sunrise photo on the cover was taken
by Whitney Casement.
Note: Dated Material Enclosed
First Baptist Foundation’s
Annual Meeting, Gala Dinner & Silent Auction
Saturday, February 6
Once again we will be treated to the
music of Topeka Big Band, a
delicious catered dinner, and an
exciting silent auction.
Now is the time to start thinking about
what your small group, Sunday School class, or
family could donate to the auction. What about
donating your services or talent, such as: baking a
cake, cooking a meal, raking leaves, or detailing a
car? Invite a friend or neighbor to this “Night of
Upcoming Dates
“A Night of Melody”
November 26-27 - Office & Day Care are closed,
Pastor Corey on call, 379-3852
November 29 - Decorating for Christmas, 9:30 a.m.
December 5 - Search for Baby Jesus, 9:00 a.m.
December 6 - Youth to go Caroling, 12:45 a.m., gym doors
December 6 - Ladies Christmas Tea, 2:30 p.m., Parlor
December 13 - FBC & THBC Annual Meeting, 12Noon
December 24 - Christmas Eve Services
5:00 p.m. Family Service, FBC Chapel
6:00 p.m. Candlelight Service,
Terra Heights Baptist
7:00 p.m. Candlelight Service, FBC
December 24 & 25 - Church office will be closed.
Attention: All Youth
Be sure to join us Sunday, December 6, as we will go
caroling and decorate cookies at Brewster Place.
Please meet by the gym doors at 12:45 p.m. and we
will take the church van. Invite a friend to join in on
the fun.