PMD Express, September 2016 - The Archdiocese of Santa Fe
PMD Express, September 2016 - The Archdiocese of Santa Fe
Archdiocese of Santa Fe Pastoral Ministries Division Under the Leadership of Archbishop John C. Wester Vol. 20, No. 9 October 2016 The Pastoral Ministries Division is “Called by God, Sent to Serve” Moved By Mercy: October is Respect Life Month…Plan activities and prayers for your parish! During Respect Life month and throughout the year, USCCB encourages parishes to use the Respect Life Program materials downloadable for free at http:// Some ideas: Priests/deacons: deliver a homily on the theme “Moved By Mercy” tying it together with respect for each person, no matter their stage in life. Parishes: Post the Respect Life poster in the back of church, in a meeting hall and in the parish office. Leave it up all year or put it up in October (Respect Life Month) and in January (Day of prayer for protection of the unborn). Feature one of the articles in a bulletin each month. Youth ministry: Hang poster in youth ministry space. Highlight ways in which Spiritual and Corporal Works of Mercy can help us cherish the gift of every person’s life. Young Adult/Adult Formation: Print the poster, make copies and hand out to faith formation participants. Use the reflection suggestions for discussion on the enclosed articles. Young Adults: Plan and host a prayer service for life. Host a service event based on the message of “Moved By Mercy” Catholic Education: Hang poster in classroom, explain theme within context of respecting each person’s dignity, which no one can take away. Provide sticky note to each student and ask them to write down an example of living out mercy in a way that respects dignity and post them. Have them take down someone else’s sticky note and do the action, and write about it. Be creative with how you use it during the year! Most importantly, share the message of Moved By Mercy! Formation for Christian Service 2 Office of Worship 3 Youth and Young Adult 3 Priests’ Birthdays 3 Social Justice & Respect Life 4 Office of Religious Education 5 Hispanic Ministry 5 Native American Ministry 5 Ministry Resource Center 6 Family Life 7 Pastoral Planning & Evangelization 7 Pastoral Outreach 8 The Archdiocesan Website: October 2016 PMD Express 2 Office of Formation for Christian Service Deacon Keith Davis Director 505-831-8187 Rosalie Romero Secretary 505-831-8179 Register online at: Introduction to Jesus: Saturdays, November 12 — 19 from 9am— 3pm at Lourdes Hall (Room 132) in Albuquerque. Dcn. Keith Davis, Instructor. Register online or call Rosalie (see box). Basic Theology Courses Introduction to Jesus: Monthly on the 2nd Saturday of each month at various locations in the Espanola Valley. 9:30-11:30am. Beginning Sept. 10. Tom Sena, Instructor. Call Rosalie for more information Introduction to the Church of Vatican II: Tuesdays, November 15 — and to register (see box). December 13 from 10am—Noon at Lourdes Hall (Room 132) in Albuquerque. Dcn. Keith Davis, Instructor. Register online or call Rosalie Introduction to Jesus: Monthly on the 3rd Thursday of each month (see box). – Our Lady of Guadalupe (Taos) and San Francisco de Asis (Ranchos de Taos). 6:30-8:30pm beginning Sept. 22. Tom Sena, Instructor. Call Intermediate and Advanced Theology Courses Rosalie for more information and to register (see box). (Prerequisite to these courses is the completion of all four basic theology courses). Introduction to Church History: Tuesdays, September 27, October 4, Introduction to Spirituality. Thursdays, September 29 to October 20 11, 18, and November 1 in Lourdes Hall (Room 132) in Albuquerque from 6:30—9pm. Lourdes Hall, ABQ. Dr. Megan McKenna, Instrucfrom 10am to noon. Dcn. Keith Davis, Instructor. Register online or tor. $10. Register online or call Rosalie (see box). call Rosalie (see box). Seeing God in All Things: Introduction to Ignatian Spirituality. MonIntroduction to the Church of Vatican II: Wednesdays, Sept. 28, Oct. days, October 3-17 from 1-3pm at San Isidro Parish in Santa Fe. Sr. 26, Nov. 30, Jan 25, Feb. 22. St. Charles Borromeo, ABQ. Dr. Jason Paula Gallagher, Instructor. $10 Register on-line or call Rosalie (see Rodarte, Instructor. Register online or call Rosalie (see box). box). Introduction to Scripture: Saturdays, October 1 and 8 from 9am — The Gospel According to St. Mark. Wednesdays, Oct. 5, 12, 19, Nov. 3pm at San Ysidro Parish in Santa Fe. Sr. Paula Gallagher, Instructor. 2, 9, 16. St. John XXIII ABQ. Fr. Ark Biczak, Instructor. Please call the Register online or call Rosalie (see box). parish office at 293-0088 for more informa on or to RSVP Introduction to Scripture: Wednesdays, Oct. 5, 19, Nov. 2, 16 and Jan. 4 from 6:30-8:30pm at St. Augustine, Isleta. Sr. Edna, Instructor. Register online or call Rosalie (see box). Introduction to Jesus: October 13, November 9, January 11, February 8, March 15 at San Diego Mission, Jemez. Sr. Edna, Instructor. Register online or call Rosalie (see box). Aspects of the Theology of St. Matthew. Saturdays, October 8 and November 12 from 9am—3pm at St. Anne’s Parish in Albuquerque. Dr. Jason Rodarte, Instructor. Register online or call Rosalie (see box). Studying the Scriptures in Small Groups for Conversion. Mondays, November 7-21 from 6:30-9PM . Lourdes Hall, ABQ. Dr. Megan McKenna, Instructor. $10Register online or call Rosalie (see box). Introduction to the Church of Vatican II: Mondays, October 24, No- Mary in Scripture. Thursdays, December 1 and 8 from 6:30-9pm. vember 28, January 23, February 27, March 27 at Our Lady of SorLourdes Hall, ABQ. Dr. Megan McKenna, Instructor. Register online rows, Bernalillo. Connie Smith, Instructor. This course will also be or call Rosalie (see box). taught at the same time in Spanish. Register online or call Rosalie (see box). UNIVERSITY OF DAYTON VIRTUAL LEARNING COMMUNITY FOR FAITH FORMATION (VLCFF) St. Norbert College (New Mexico Campus) Graduate Pastoral Theology Master of Theology Degree available in ABQ Call 505-873-4399 Ext. 229 for more info. program_description.htm Affordable Undergraduate Catholic Education Lewis University in Albuquerque offers The Archdiocese of Santa Fe in partnership a Pastoral Theology Minor. All active with VLCFF credits these courses towards Catholics attending Lewis receive a 10% discount on tuition. For info contact ministry certification! either Jim Saya or Joyce Montoya TO SIGN UP: Click on “Become a New Roach at 505-255-3947. Student”, go to “Create a 10% discount for Active Catholics Profile”, be sure to select in the Archdiocese of Santa Fe! “Archdiocese of Santa Fe” under “Diocese/Partner”, and receive our discount automatically! Cycle 7: October 16 – November 19, 2016 (Registration: Aug 31; Closes Oct 12) 2440 Louisiana Boulevard NE, Ste 100 Albuquerque, NM 87110 October 2016 PMD Express Office of Worship Fabian Yañez Angela Flores Director 505-831-8128 Assistant 505-831-8194 3 Youth and Young Adult Ministry Bernadette Jaramillo Della Montaño Taylor Kingston Director 505-831-8145 Secretary 505-831-8142 Middle School & Young Adults Coordinator 505-831-8216 Charla Becerra Part-time Secretary 505-831-8192 A Walk through the Mass December 17 at St. Rose of Lima in Santa Rosa. Fabian Yanez, Instructor. This courses will be from 10am to 3pm. You can register online at or call Angela Flores, Office of Worship (see box). NO FEE, open to all parishioners, especially all ministers. Also a Formation for Christian Services Certificate Requirement Course. Institute Bilingüe-Express NPM (National Association of Pastoral Musicians) October 13-15 at the Hotel Albuquerque (Old Town area). For Guitarists, Cantors, Psalmists, and Liturgists. A partial scholarship is offered upon availability. Call the Office of Worship for more information (see box) or for a registration form go to October Priests’ Birthdays 10/10 10/27 10/5 10/26 10/16 10/26 10/14 10/11 10/17 10/24 10/2 10/6 10/10 10/8 10/18 10/15 Rev. Valentine Phu Ngoc Au Very Rev. Robert Campbell O.Praem Rev. Simeon Cook OSB Rev. Peter Lechner sP Rev. Msgr. Lambert Joseph Luna Rev. Msgr. Jerome Martinez y Alire Rev. Paul Dao Ming SOLT Rev. Joseph Van Tao Nguyen Rev. Clement Niggel Rev. David Phillipson Rev. Frank Prieto Rev. Michael J. Shea Rev. Benoit Trieu Van Vu Rev. Daniel Williamson CFR Rev. Simeon Wimmershoff Rev. William E. Young Jr. Happy Birthday! Please remember to pray for our priests! Did you Know? October is Fair Trade Month! Learn about Fair Trade and living a Fair Trade lifestyle, and how you can order Fair Trade coffee, chocolate and other items. Your shopping choices make a difference to people around the world. Go the website to learn more. For more information contact Della in the Office of Youth and Young Adult Ministry (see box). Events are subject to change. Note: Chaperone a must. One chaperone for every six youth and should be 21 years of age or older and must have attended the Archdiocesan Abuse Awareness Workshop. The Youth and Young Adult Ministry Web site: Facebook Page: Attention: Parish Leaderships Please call our office TODAY (see box) to schedule training for those who are working with middle school, high school and young adults in your parish. “Let us help you form your people into ministers of the church.” Scheduling NOW. Taize Prayer Service Friday, October 21 from 7:30pm – 9pm at the Norbertine Abbey (5825 Coors Blvd. SW Alb. NM 87121). No fee, do not need to register. Open to all ages and all Christian Denominations. Archdiocesan 36th Annual Youth Conference Friday, October 21 — Saturday, October 22 starting Friday from 7pm—9:30pm and Saturday from 9am—8:30pm at St. Therese (3424 Fourth St. NW, Alb. NM 87107) The fee is $40. This conference is for ages 14 through 18 (still in high school). The registration deadline is Tuesday, October 11. Archdiocesan Search Retreat Friday, November 11 at 6pm through Sunday, November 13 to 3pm at Nuestra Senora de Guadalupe- Pojoaque (9 Grazing Elk Dr. Pojoaque, NM 87506). The fee is $40 per person. This event is for ages 15-18 (still in high school). The registration deadline is Thursday, October 27. Archdiocesan 5th Annual Middle School Conference Saturday, November 12 starting at 10:30am with Mass at 4:30pm at Shrine of St. Bernadette. This is for grades 6th—8th. The fee is $10 per person. The registration deadline is Thursday, November 3. October 2016 PMD Express Office of Social Justice & Respect Life Anne Avellone Janet Olmsted Director 505-831-8167 Secretary 505-831-8205 Nancy Sanchez CCHD Intern 505-831-8235 CRS Intern 505-831-8235 Quote of the Month from Pope Francis We are called to show mercy because mercy has first been shown to us. Pardoning offences becomes the clearest expression of merciful love, and for us Christians it is an imperative from which we cannot excuse ourselves. At times how hard it seems to forgive! And yet pardon is the instrument placed into our fragile hands to attain serenity of heart. To let go of anger, wrath, violence, and revenge are necessary conditions to living joyfully. (April 11, 2015) Archdiocese of Santa Fe African American Catholic Community Mass Sunday, October 30, 12 noon The Archdiocese of Santa Fe African American Catholic Community is celebrating Mass on Sunday, October 30, 2016 at St Joseph on the Rio Grande Catholic Church, 5901 St. Joseph Drive NW, Albuquerque at 12 noon. For more info, call 505-375-0153. Thursday, October 20 dinner to “Meet and Greet Our African Priests” The Archdiocese of Santa Fe African American Catholic Community is sponsoring a dinner to “Meet and Greet Our African Priests” serving in the Archdiocese of Santa Fe. The dinner is on Thursday, October 20 at the Catholic Center, 4000 St. Joseph Place NW, Albuquerque from 5:30 to 8:30pm. The cost is $25 per person. Reservations required. Please RSVP to Mrs. Louise Davis at 505-620-0537 by October 10. hunger relief in places where CRS works. The remaining 25% of the total Lenten Rice Bowl collection goes into the Local Archdiocesan Rice Bowl fund. In keeping with the purpose of the 25% allocation, CRS requests that the 25% be used to support hunger and poverty alleviation programs in our diocese. Criteria: Project/organization within the boundaries of the Archdiocese of Santa Fe that works to alleviate poverty, hunger, or homelessness Organization must be a 501(c)3 nonprofit or have a non-profit fiscal agent Project/organization is connected to, supported by or collaborating with a Catholic parish, school or Archdiocesan entity Organization/parish is willing to promote the use of CRS Rice Bowl during Lent, and to let people know it receives funds from CRS Rice Bowl Fund Examples of appropriate projects/ organizations: SVdP-archdiocesan council or parish conference Parish soup kitchen or food bank, mobile food pantry Emergency food/shelter needs Transitional housing support Refugee support Immigrant support Support for homeless people Catholic Charities housing, hunger, refugee support Parish healthy food education Food assistance for women in crisis pregnancies Time Line For Application: Organizations may apply for funds for local projects each year and may re-apply in subsequent years. The grant requests need to be submitted, by email only, each year by November 1. Award distributions will take place in January each year. Award Amounts: The amount awarded depends on the CRS Rice Bowl Collection from previous Lent, and may vary from year to year. Typical grants may be in the range of $200-$2,500. How To Apply: Application form is available on the Archdiocese of Santa Fe Social Justice and Respect Life web page. If you have any questions or need an application, (see box). 4 Poor One Food Pantry in Taos, Samaritan House in Las Vegas, and others. Make sure your parish, youth group, religious education program and/or school has your order set for Lent 2017 CRS Rice Bowl! FREE materials in English and Spanish include rice bowls, posters, CD-ROM, Educators guide with curriculum suggestions for all age levels, K-adult, and coordinator’s guide. Call the Office (see box) to place your order, and set up a workshop for your catechists, youth ministers, social concerns committee or family life ministers for the fall! Catholic Campaign for Human Development Grants The Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) is the national anti-poverty program of the U.S. Catholic Bishops. Funded by an annual collection taken in November in parishes across the U.S., CCHD provides grants to eligible non-profit organizations that work to break the cycle of poverty through community development or economic development projects working with the poor. 25% of the collection taken in our Archdiocese is used to fund local projects and the remaining 75% is pooled with other Dioceses to fund larger national grants. National grants may award $25,000-$75,000, while local “seed” grants of $1,500-$10,000 are available within our Archdiocese. A “PreApplication” to determine National grant eligibility is available September 1st until November 1st at grants. Local grants are available at any time. Currently, the Archdiocese of Santa Fe has one nationally funded project and four locally funded projects, including one joint matching grant with The Catholic Foundation. Please contact the Office of Social Justice and Respect Life if you are interested in applying for a grant or would like more information about CCHD, (see box). Learn more about CCHD at On the Feast of St. Francis Have you ordered your FREE CRS Rice (or anytime during the Background: Catholic Relief Services (CRS) is Bowls for Lent 2017? month of October), the international relief and development Last Lent, 74 of our parishes and schools paragency of the US Bishops ( CRS ticipated in prayer, fasting, giving and learning Take the St. Francis Pledge! CRS Rice Bowl Small Grant Process Rice Bowl ( is its wellknown Lenten catechetical and sacrificial giving program. Each Lent, 75% of the Rice Bowl collection goes to CRS overseas development and through CRS Rice Bowl. Our Archdiocese raised over $80,000 this year and a little over $20,000 will help local organizations addressing hunger like St. Vincent de Paul, San Martín de Porres Soup Kitchen in Española, Little Take the St. Francis Pledge, plan activities for your parish or school and learn more about the Catholic Climate Covenant http:// and FOSF October 2016 PMD Express 5 Office of Religious Education Office of Hispanic Ministry Sr. Edna Esquibel Kathy M. Garcia Rocío González Elvia Becerra Director 505-831-8127 Secretary 505-831-8129 Director 505-831-8152 Assistant 505-831-8147 Upcoming Skills Classes To register for any of the classes listed please call Kathy (see box). Leading Prayer in Ministry Saturday, October 8 from 9-11am at St. John the Baptist in Santa Fe. Instructor: Marie Morrison. Praying with Children Saturday, October 8, from 11am1pm at St. John the Baptist in Santa Fe. Instructor: Marie Morrison. Involving Families in Catechesis Tuesday, October 11, from 3:30-5:30pm at Immaculate Conception (Fr. George Salazar Center) in Las Vegas. Instructor: Marie Morrison. The Learner: Relating to Others Wednesday, October 26 from 6-8pm at Santuario de San Martin de Porres, Albuquerque. Instructor: Sr. Ann Marie Klasky, CSSF. Living and Teaching Mercy Tuesday, November 1 from 3:30-5:30pm at Immaculate Conception (Fr. George Salazar Center) in Las Vegas. Instructor: Sr. M. Edna Pearl Esquibel, CSSF. Storytelling in Catechesis Saturday, November 12, from 9-11am at St. John the Baptist-Santa Fe. Instructor: Marie Morrison. Praying with Children Saturday, November 19, from 10am-12pm at Cathedral Basilica of St. Francis in Santa Fe. Instructor: Marie Morrison. The Learner: Learning to Love Wednesday, November 30 from 6-8pm at Santuario de San Martin de Porres, Albuquerque. Instructor: Sr. Ann Marie Klasky, CSSF. Mi Casa Es Su Casa Newsletter Is the monthly publication from the Office of Hispanic Ministry that strives to connect the Pastoral Offices of the Archdiocese of Santa Fe with the Spanish Speaking faithful in the Archdiocese of Santa Fe. This newsletter, published in Spanish, offers messages from our Archbishop and information about happenings around the Archdiocese. Info regarding events and opportunities for faith formation, as well as information from local organizations that provide services and resources to the Spanish Speaking community are also offered. If you would like to receive Mi Casa Es Su Casa newsletter, or would like to announce a parish event in this publication, please contact the Office of Hispanic Ministry (see box). Weekend in Preparation for the Sacrament of Marriage (for Spanish Speakers) The Archdiocesan Offices of Family Life and Hispanic Ministry invite all Catholics Care. Catholics Vote. Spanish Speaking Register to Vote! couples who are In their statement Forming Conpreparing to get sciences for Faithful Citizenship, the married by the U.S. Catholic Bishops remind CathoChurch, to attend a lics, "We are called to bring together retreat in preparaour principles and our political tion for the Sacrachoices, our values and our votes, to ment of Marriage help build a better world" (no. 14). “Nos Vamos a Casar” In New Mexico, to vote in an elecpresented in Spantion, you must be registered to vote ish. The next Retreat at least 28 days prior to the election will take place Octodate. National election day is November 8. You can pick ber 28, 29 and 30, up a mail-in voter registration form at any County Clerk’s 2016 at the Madonoffice or at any MVD office or public assistance officna Retreat Center in es. Or, you can request a form by phone or by mail. Albuquerque (4000 St. Joseph’s Pl There is no on line registration, it is all hard copy. See NW, Albuquerque, NM 87120). For more information or to register Voter_Registration_Information.aspx for more inforplease call the Office of Hispanic Minmation or go to VoterView to see if you are registered! istry (see box). The Spanish Language TV Mass now airs on My50TV (KASY) In an effort to reach out to our brothers and sisters whose primary language is Spanish and who are not able to attend Sunday Mass at their local parishes due to illness, age, or other issues, the Offices of Hispanic Ministry and Worship and Christian Initiation offer the transmission of the Spanish TV Mass. This mass airs every Sunday at 7:00 a.m. on My50TV (KASY) - channel 50 on regular TV or channel 12 on Comcast (check you individual TV signal provider for other channels). If you have any questions regarding the transmission of the Spanish TV Mass, please call the Office of Hispanic Ministry (see box). Escuela de Ministerios Año II Saturday, October 1 at St. Anne in Santa Fe. Workshop 2: La Pastoral Hispana y el Encuentro. Facilitator: Rocío González. Native American Ministry Shirley Zuni Maria Garcia Coordinator 505-831-8104 Secretary 505-831-8151 The Native American Ministry Advisory Board Meeting Tuesday, October 11 at 10am at the Catholic Center in Albuquerque. Native American Ministry Monthly Pueblo Meeting The next Pueblo meeting will be Saturday, November 12 in Ft. Defiance, AZ. Starting with 10am Mass. There will be a bus leaving from the Catholic Center. The bus fare will be $10 per person. Please call the office (see box) for more information. October 2016 PMD Express Abuse Awareness Workshops Archdiocese of Santa Fe 2015 Abuse Awareness Training for Adults: Creating a Safe Environment for Our Children. Revised 09/20/2010. (formerly known as the Sexual Abuse Misconduct Prevention Workshop) ABUSE AWARENESS TRAINING FOR ADULTS. In order to create a safe environment in the workplace, neighborhood, home and church and to acquaint Archdiocesan personnel with policies and reporting procedures, the Archdiocese provides Abuse Awareness Training for Adults on an ongoing basis. Attendance at the training is mandatory for all adults, over the age of 18 who volunteer in any ministry, in any parish within the Archdiocese of Santa Fe. Pre-registration is necessary. These workshops are sponsored by the Archdiocese of Santa Fe. Note: Do not bring children. No one under the age of 18 is allowed in the workshop. If you are late you will not be allowed to enter the training. To register and for more information contact: Annette, Victims Assistance Coordinator at 505-831-8144. Thursday, October 13 from 6pm – 9pm at the Catholic Center (4000 St. Joseph Pl. NW Albuquerque 87120) Saturday, November 5 from 9am —Noon at the Catholic Center (4000 St. Joseph Pl. NW Albuquerque, NM 87120) 6 Ministry Resource Center Deacon Keith Davis Director 505-831-8187 Rosalie Romero Secretary 505-831-8179 October is the Month of Mary. The MRC has many resources on our Blessed Mother. Here are a few of the more popular ones: Close Encounters with Mary and the Rosary 2004— DVD (primary grades) During a classroom exercise in making rosaries, Alex finds he just doesn't get what the rosary is all about. The angel helps by explaining that the rosary is all about the major events in the life of Jesus. All four mysteries are presented and explained so that young audiences will understand that the rosary is a very special way to get in touch with Jesus and Mary. Discussion Guide included. Mary of Nazareth: An Epic Film of the Mother of Christ 2014—DVD (all ages) Mary of Nazareth is an epic motion picture on the life of Mary, mother of Christ, from her childhood through the Resurrection of Jesus. Shot in High Definition, it was filmed in Europe with outstanding cinematography, a strong cast, and a majestic music score. 100 Names of Mary: Stories and Prayers 2002 — Book Mary, the Mother of Jesus, has come to be known by many names, reflecting her many different qualities. New VIRTUS Program 100 Names of Mary will help people examine these The Archdiocese of Santa Fe has implemented the VIRTUS program; different qualities and approach the Blessed Mother in an internationally known and well respected best practices platform new ways. Each of the hundred names selected profor Safe Environment training. This prevention training is available vides the story about the title of Mary, a traditional online and in-person. The program is accessible in Spanish and Engprayer and a new prayer that reflects the particular charisms of the lish. It is a comprehensive training that specializes in assisting title. churches and religious organizations in creating safe environments for children and vulnerable adults. The primary course, Protecting The Rosary with Pope Francis God's Children, assists the church in its efforts to recognize and preby Marianne Lorraine Trouvé FSP 2015 — eBook vent child sexual abuse. As a community of faith, we believe that the Let Pope Francis guide you through the Rosary with prevention of child sexual abuse begins with each person. Increased down-to-earth meditations. The Rosary with Pope Francis offers the Holy Father's insightful words for each awareness and a willingness to take action are steps for every perHail Mary, using quotes from his various homilies, son to take to eliminate abuse in our society, in the community, in addresses, and written texts. the neighborhood, and in the family. All those who minister, employees and volunteers, in the Archdiocese of Santa Fe will be educated about the nature of child sexual Visit the ASF–Ministry Resource Center on Facebook. abuse, how it is perpetrated, strategies for prevention, and reporting. The Protecting God's Children Online Awareness Session course inNot currently a library patron? Ministry Resource cludes a code of conduct and a background check. It will take apYou can register online. Center Hours: proximately one hour in length and provides a downloadable certifiMondays - Fridays cate at the end of the session. Just visit our web site at: 8:30am 4:30pm (closed 12pm-1pm) To access the program go to the Archdiocese website index.html#menuHome Saturdays: and click on the Virtus link. 10am to 1pm The ebook catalog can be reached directly on Everyone is required to register for both the on-line or in person (closed major holiday this site: sessions. Any questions call the Safe Environment Office at 505-831weekends) 8144. October 2016 PMD Express Office of Family Life Vision—Every family, a holy family; every home, a holy place. Beth Lukes Yvette Duran Director 505-831-8208 Secretary 505-831-8117 Archdiocesan Pre-Cana Classes Evenings for the Engaged in Santa Fe: Preparation for Marriage for engaged couples. October 27, 28, 29 at St. Anne’s Parish in Santa Fe. For information call 505-983-3992. Engaged Encounter in Albuquerque: Marriage preparation for engaged couples (lodging and meals included). November 4-6. To register by phone call 505-352-1177 or go online to Weekend for the Engaged in Belen: Preparation for Marriage for engaged couples. November 4-6 at Our Lady of Belen. For information call Deacon Michael Montoya at 505550-8003 or Brenda Montoya at 505-5508289. Enrichment and Support for Married Couples Marriage Enrichment Evenings of Celebration: The purpose of this ministry is to strengthen and enrich the relationship between a man, a woman and God during the couple’s marriage journey through fellowship and sharing. Upcoming dates are October 25, November 18 and December 16. For more information call Dan Martinez at 296-7529. Healthy Relationships 101 “Nurture Your Love”: Do you want to express your ideas more clearly, become a better listener and learn to resolve conflict in a healthy way? Dating, engaged and married couples are invited to the Healthy Relationships 101 interactive, FREE program "Nurture Your Love". Come learn about Effective Communication Skills, Conflict Resolution Strategies, Healthy Intimacy, Spirituality, and Managing Finances. A six-week interactive program will be on Thursdays, October 6 through November 10 from 6:30 to 8pm at Risen Savior Catholic Community Church. Or Mondays, October 24 through November 28 from 6-8:30pm at the Catholic Center. To register for either session, call Yvette (see box). Retrouvaille a lifeline for troubled marriages: Is your marriage tearing you apart? Are you thinking about separation? Do you need help with communication? Retrouvaille (retro-vi) is a program that can help. It means rediscov- ery; rediscover a loving marital relationship. It is a three phase program beginning with a weekend, continues with 12 follow-up sessions and a lifetime of monthly support meetings. Two English/Spanish programs are offered each year. Dates are February 10-12, 2017 and September 15-17, 2017. Begin renewing your marriage relationship now. Check the website for upcoming program dates. There is a $250 registration fee. Questions call 505-890-3495. 7 your parish or school this fall call the Family Life Office (see box). Natural Family Planning (NFP) Couple to Couple League: The SymptoThermal Method of Natural Family Planning will be taught by the Couple to Couple League in a series of three sessions on October 9, November 13 and December 11. To register for a course go to Click on “Learn/Register” and choose the course option that fits your schedule. Certificates are Family Bereavement Ministries generated upon completion. Register online Support Groups for bereaved: by the death at the website above or call Annunciation Parof a loved one are offered at Prince of Peace ish at 505-298-7553. Catholic Community and Immaculate Conception Parish in Albuquerque. Call the parishes St. Joseph FertilityCare Center in Albuquerfor details. que, NM, invites you to learn about the Creighton Model FertilityCare™ System for Healing Hearts Parish Support Groups: Peer family planning. Leave devices and chemical support for widowed, separated and divorced contraception behind, and enrich your marpersons, led by trained facilitators. riage with this highly effective system of fami1st and 3rd Monday of every month at Risen ly planning. Let us help you identify and correct your gynecologic and fertility problems, Savior in ABQ at 7pm. Call 505-821-1715. with the morally acceptable and new repro1st and 3rd Thursday at St. Mary’s Parish Hall ductive science of NaProTechnology®. in Vaughn at 6pm. Call 575-584-2954. Services available in Albuquerque, Rio Rancho, and Sandia Park. Register at St. Jude Thaddeus Women’s Divorce, or call 505-831 Recovery Group: This group will begin on -8222. Services in, Santa Fe, Los Alamos and September 22 and will meet for 10 weeks. Espanola, call 505-690-3710. They will meet on Thursday evenings from 6:30 to 8pm. The group will meet in Room 2 Families of Americas Natural Family Planning Method: Instruction is available in Tucumcari of the St. Jude Parish Center. and throughout the SE Deanery. Call the Family Life Office (see box) to schedule a class. Catholic’s Divorce Survival Classes: A class will meet at Prince of Peace Catholic Community, 12500 Carmel Ave. NE Albuquerque, Sunday afternoons beginning September 18 from Office of Pastoral Planning 3-4pm in the San Antonio Building. This 12 & Evangelization week program has a fee of $20 and includes the "Personal Survival Guide" workbook and Michelle Montez Denise Frias a prayer book. Learn of God's healing power Executive Director PMD Executive Assistant PMD and peace for divorced or separated people, 505-831-8221 505-831-8165 and discover anew His desire for our lasting happiness. For more information or to register call Karen at 238-1159. Thank You to A class will meet at Shrine of St. Bernadette. Class starts Thursday, October 19 from 6:30 7:30pm, room C4. Learn of God’s healing power and peace for divorced or separated people, and discover anew His desire for our lasting happiness. This is a 13 week program by Rose Sweet. The $15 workbook is optional. Call 298-7557 to register. Parenting Support Parenting the Love and Logic Way: Love and Logic Parenting Classes provide practical tools and techniques that help adults achieve respectful, healthy relationships with their children. To schedule a Love and Logic course at Our State Fair Volunteers Many, many thanks to all the volunteers who helped man this year’s Evangelization Booth at the New Mexico State Fair! May our Lord richly bless you for your generosity! 47th Annual Rosary Rally Experience the Jubilee Year of Mercy by “Encountering the Face of Jesus” Sunday, October 2 at Isotopes Park (1601 Avenida Cesar Chavez SE Albuquerque, NM 87106). The main celebrant is Most Rev. John C. Wester, Archbishop of Santa Fe. The homilist: Very Rev. John Daniel, Vicar General For more information please call Deacon Manuel Montoya 505-344-3791. October 2016 PMD Express 8 Archdiocese of Santa Fe Pastoral Ministries Division 4000 St. Joseph Place, NW Albuquerque, NM 87120 Return Service Requested To subscribe/unsubscribe to this free newsletter, or if there is an address change please contact Maria Garcia at or 505-831-8151. Thank you! Office of Pastoral Outreach Deacon Robert Vigil Josephine War Director 505-831-8229 Secretary 505-831-8174 Disability Workshop Retreat Friday, October 28 and Saturday, October 29 in the Sandia Room at the Catholic Center. Keynote Speaker will be Jan Benton, Executive Director NCPD. For more information and to register please call Josephine (see box) Volunteer Mentors Needed for the Thresholds Ministry Volunteers Needed The Office of Pastoral Outreach provides the following ministries and needs volunteers to help in all ministries. Prison / Detention, Thresholds, Blessings of Age for Seniors, People Living with Disabilities, Veterans, Substance Abuse, Nursing Homes. The Pastoral Outreach Office is a liaison to St. Vincent de Paul. If you would like to volunteer for any of these ministries, please bring a letter of good standing from your Pastor, as well as a certificate of completion of the Archdiocese of Santa Fe Abuse Awareness Training for Adults to the Pastoral Outreach Office. For more information call Josephine (see box). The Archdiocesan Thresholds Reintegration Mentor Program needs volunteers to work on teams of two to three people to assist non-violent offenders in the transition from prison to families and communities. Volunteers will receive training and supervision. Thresholds works with men and women who have been involved in therapeutic programs in prison and are trying to make changes in their lives. For more information, call Pastoral Outreach Office (see box). Rosary for Military Saturday, October 15 at 10am at New Mexico Veterans Memorial Park (1100 Louisiana Boulevard SE Albuquerque, NM). Members from all dominations are invited to join us for an hour of prayer, singing and honoring the Men and Women who have and are serving in the Armed Forces of the United States. The Rosary will be held in the memory garden area to reflect on the many that have been willing to sacrifice their lives for our safety. Help Us Conserve Resources and Trees! If you have an email address we can send you the PMD Express, via e-mail, which will save printing materials. Simply send a message to We wish to thank all who are contributing to the Annual Catholic Appeal, making the ministries of the Pastoral Ministries Division possible. Published by the ASF Pastoral Ministries Division 4000 St. Joseph Place NW Albuquerque, NM 87120 Michelle Montez Denise Frias Maria Garcia Executive Director & Editor 505-831-8221 Executive Assistant & Assistant Editor 505-831-8165 PMD Secretary & Assistant Editor 505-831-8151