Click Here - Heritage Enterprises


Click Here - Heritage Enterprises
the official newsletter of: Heritage Health
February 2014
Featured Articles
Activities Corner pg. 4
Save the Dates pg. 5
Management Staff pg. 5
Follow Us On
RESTORE Therapy pg. 2
Administrator’s Letter
by Rita Quigley
I’ve been very fortunate to meet many new residents
and families lately. I encourage you to stop in my office
and say hello if our paths haven’t crossed yet.
We’ve been quite busy. As you may have noticed, we
have decided to implement a few changes, thus bringing technology to the forefront. We have installed a
large-screen TV in our dining room that will serve
multiple purposes. It can be used as a kiosk to advertise daily menus, activities for the day or informational messages that we want to get out to residents and
families. Will we also use the TV to display pictures
of events that are happening in the facility. Residents
seem to enjoy watching to see if they have become a
“star of the day”.
Another addition we have started is a “hydration
station”. We all know that dehydration is a common
problem among the elderly. While we encourage and
provide plenty of fluids throughout the day, we have
added “infused water” to our list. Infused water is water that has fresh fruit, vegetables and herbs added to
it. Not only is it healthy and refreshing, but it is pretty,
tasty and adds a conversation piece to the facility.
Resident Spotlight! pg. 3
Candy Recipe pg. 5
Residents will have fun testing the new flavors that are
provided and be able to provide feedback about their
favorite ones. They too, can provide us with ideas to
create new and exotic recipes if they choose.
Looking forward, we will continue to strive to provide
quality care that Heritage Enterprises is known for,
as well as bringing in fresh ideas to enhance the resident’s experience while they are staying with us!
To Heritage Residents and Families: The Happy to
Oblige or H to O team would like to invite you to
help us pick a winner for a free “PTO” day. This is a
paid day off for our employees, based upon their good
merit. If an employee goes “above and beyond” for you
or your loved one, please simply fill out the blue card
located at the front office window and drop it in the
box labeled H to O. We really appreciate you helping
pick our next winner! At Heritage, we are always happy to oblige.
Heritage Health
300 E. Mazon Avenue • Dwight, IL 815.540.1240 •
RESTORE Therapy pg. 2
by Rita Quigley
What’s New at Dwight
by Rita Quigley
With spring approaching we will need to get out of
Activity such as Occupational and Physical therapy
can help us get moving again and decrease pain. Not
only will we get moving again we can do this without
medical intervention and even decrease our need for
medications to manage a wide verity of medical problems as well as pain.
Many of our groups provide physically stimulating
activities which will help our residents burn energy
and in turn will help them sleep at night, which is
a common time residents fall. We do many different
activities like kickball, catch, reminiscing, cards, dice,
trivia, bean bag toss and bags. Anything that they
want to do, it’s their choice! We’ve had a lot of success
with this program so far, so come out, have some fun
and stay safe.
hibernation mode. During the winter months we tend
to spend many hours inside our homes avoiding the
cold, snow and ice. As we spend more time inside the
safety of our home we move less. With the decreased
activity we will notice and feel our joints become stiff
and painful.
Inquire today about our RESTORE Therapy program.
We can help you regain your independence!
started a new program in our Activities
Department for residents who may be at risk for
falls. By tracking fall incidents and what time the fall
occured, we can provide meaningful activities at those
times to keep our residents from falling.
Heritage Health
300 E. Mazon Avenue • Dwight, IL 815.540.1240 •
Thanks for sharing a little bit about yourself,
Ronald! We are happy to know that you call
Heritage Health in Dwight your home!
Resident Spotlight pg. 3
(Pictured is Ronald Byland)
Resident Spotlight
Ronald Byland
Ronald Byland came to us in July of 2013. Ronald
Ronald has many hobbies. Photography was his favorite. He would drive along and stop the car to take
a picture of a wild flower or a bird along the road. He
was in many photo contests throughout the years and
in a camera club. He was in charge of the photo contests during the Corn Festival and the Minooka Village Hall City Garage Sales. He also liked to fish, ride
his Goldwing motorcycle or just go flying as he had
his pilot license on his Plane.
He went to the Universe of Kentucky for sales and
marketing. After he graduated he worked at Fruit of
the Loom, earning the title of Vice President after
many years.
During family gatherings Ronald is the jokester of the
party! He loves playing with all the grandchildren and
teaching them things like fishing. “I have a wonderful
full life. There was never a boring moment! Depending
on the mood of the day, I would jump on my motor
cycle, or go fly my plane, I liked to fly over my house
and to Wisconsin. I love to go fishing and fly fishing
also! But the best of all is to be with my family!”
was born to Darcey & Pearl on September 3rd, 1932
in Ludlow, Kentucky. He’s the older of the two children. Ronald grew up and went to school in Ludlow
all his life. Roland’s parents had a candy store, which
is where he met his wife, Joyce, who worked for his
parents. They were married on June 19th, 1954 and
have been married now for 60 years! Together they
have three children: Ron Jr., Steve and Nancy.
Ronald is a U.S. veteran. He was stationed in Germany for a time. He played the clarinet in the Army
Band, which allowed him to travel all over Germany, London, Paris, Holland, England, Switzerland,
Austria, and the Netherlands with his wife. Ronald
and Joyce also traveled in the United States to Alaska,
Maine and all the National Parks. Door County was
their favorite. Needless to say, they enjoyed traveling
and being together!
Heritage Health
300 E. Mazon Avenue • Dwight, IL 815.540.1240 •
“You have mail”
Want to communicate with your family member? Use our e-mail
system to send letters. We have had several family members that
have already used the e-mail system to send letters to loved ones.
Send emails to:
2013 Activities Recap pg. 4
Pictured: Madonna loves making scarfs for
her many family members!
Activity Corner
by Brenda Burton
Family Night is February 13th, with a “Sweetheart”
theme. Dinner begins at 4:30 p.m. When your family arrives please let the staff at the nurses’ station
know and you will be seated. The menu includes:
spaghetti, loaded chicken breast, baked corn, green
beans, garlic mashed potatoes, breadsticks, tossed salad, mini cheesecakes and mini brownies. Be sure to
bring your appetite and be ready for entertainment by
Luke Lucky from 6-7 p.m.
Coming up in February, we will be visiting The Shedd
Aquarium! If there is an outing you’d like to attend you
are more than welcome to join us! Just let the Activity
Staff know ahead of time so they can plan accordingly.
In March, we have a St. Patrick’s Day party scheduled
at 2 p.m. Again, families are more than welcome to
come help us celebrate and have a green beer! At the
end of March we will be getting ready for our Annual
Easter Egg Hunt on Good Friday in April at Heritage Health! There are many other Activities going on
during the months of February and March so be sure
to check out the Activity Calendar on page five of this
newsletter, in the hallway, or in your loved ones room.
Resident Birthdays
Celebrate Good Times...
Dorothy Weller
Mary Williams
Doris French
Farie McRaven
Lois Hager
Alice Dampf
Elaine Richie
Mary Maher
Ruth Housman
Gloria Zabelski
Irene Huston
Anna Faletti
Helen Gemmill
Walter Klimaszewski
Mardella Duda
William “Bill” Boresi
Heritage Health
300 E. Mazon Avenue • Dwight, IL 815.540.1240 •
Welcome New Residents!
Virginia Puckett
Mary Martin
Roberta Corneglio
Joyce Mitchell
Margie Bailey
Gloria Zabelski
Geraldine Favero
Lois Hager
Elsie Schultz
Save the DAte
Groudhog Day and Super Bowl Sunday!
Food Committee Meeting at 1:30 p.m.
Resident Council at 2 p.m.
Family Night at 4:30 p.m.
Entertainment from 6-7 p.m. with
Luke Lucky
Valentine’s Day!
Resident Outing leaving at 10:30 a.m.
Mardi Gras begins!
Food Committee Meeting at 1:30 p.m.
Resident Council at 2 p.m.
Daylight Saving Time Begins
St. Patrick’s Day!
St. Patrick’s Party at 2 p.m.
First Day of Spring!
Resident Outing Wal-Mart
leaving at 10:30 a.m.
Management Staff
Candy Recipe pg. 5
Red Velvet Puppy Chow
5 cups Rice Chex cereal
3/4 cup white chocolate melts or chips
1/4 cup chocolate melts or chips
2 ounces cream cheese, room temperature
1-1/2 tablespoons milk
1 cup red velvet cake mix
1/2 cup powdered sugar
Valentine’s colored M&Ms or other candies
Heart sprinkles for extra decoration and cuteness
Place Rice Chex cereal into a large bowl. Place cake
mix and powdered sugar into a large plastic bag or
container with lid. Melt chocolates together in the microwave or on the stove top. Careful not to burn and
stir until smooth. Stir in cream cheese and milk. The
chocolate will get thicker. Pour chocolate over Rice
Chex cereal and stir until coated. Dump cereal into
the bag or plastic container with powdered sugar
and cake mix. Shake. Dump onto a cookie sheet and let
cool. Mix with extra colorful candies and serve! Keep
leftovers in the refrigerator.
Administrator: Rita Quigley • Business Office Coordinator: Doris Fearman • Director of Nursing: Angie Novy
Activity Director: Brenda Burton • Dietary Manager: Stephanie Mosier • Rehab: Aimee Voss •Restore Nurse: Erica Stemple
Care Plan Coordinator: Cathy Grossklaus • Laundry/Housekeeping: Sharon Griffin • Maintenance: David Webster
Admission: Kathie Davis • Social Services: Kaye Carter • Medical Records: Kendra Jury/ Susie Goodwin • PTA: Deb Wilder