Saint Juliana Parish
MASS SCHEDULE Sunday 7:30, 9:00, 10:30 AM and 12:00 Noon Saturday for Sunday Obligation 5:00 PM Monday through Friday in Chapel 7:00 and 8:45 AM Saturday Morning in Church 8:30 AM Holy Days in Church 6:00, 7:00, 8:45 AM and 7:00 PM RECONCILIATION Saturday following 8:30 Mass & 4:00 to 4:30 PM in Reconciliation Room of church or call for appointment. BAPTISMS First and third Sundays of each month at 1:30 PM in church. Arrangements must be made at parish business office at least one month in advance. First-time parents and parents new to our parish must attend a preparation meeting at 7:30 PM on the third Tuesday of any month prior to the Baptism. WEDDINGS Arrangements by appointment with a priest should be made at least six months in advance of wedding day. CHURCH 7201 N Oketo Ave CHAPEL 7200 N Osceola Ave PARISH CENTER & BUSINESS OFFICE 7200 N Osceola Ave · Chicago, IL 60631 Tel 773.631.4127 · Fax 773.631.4150 RECTORY 7158 N Osceola · Tel. 773.631.4386 SCHOOL Kathleen Barton PRINCIPAL: 7400 W Touhy Ave Tel 773.631.2256 · Fax 773.631.1125 PASTOR: PASTOR EMERITUS: PASTOR EMERITUS: RETIRED ASSOCIATE: DEACON COUPLES: PASTORAL ASSOCIATE: MUSIC DIRECTOR: BUSINESS MANAGER: HEALTH CO-ORD.: PARISH SERVICES: ADMIN. ASSISTANT: BULLETIN EDITOR: Rev. Stephen Kanonik Rev. Donald J. Ahearn Rev. Philip Dressler Rev. Roger Caplis Elizabeth and Edward Dolan Margaret and Robert Ryan Pam Francisco, D.R.E · 631.2239 Margie Shiel · 774.4956 Jeanne Anderson Cindy Brennan Joyce Browne Diane Holmen Claudette Link “Come Walk Together The Way of Christ” Saint Juliana Parish Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time June 20, 2010 There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free person, there is not male and female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus. — Galatians 3:28 Worship & Spiritual Life READINGS FOR THE WEEK Mon. 1 Kgs 21:1-16; Mt 5:38-42 Tues. 1 Kgs 21:17-29; Mt 5:4348 Wed. 2 Kgs 2:1, 6-14; Mt 6:1-6, 16-18 Thu. Sir 48:1-14; Mt 6:7-15 Fri. 2 Kgs 11:1-4, 9-18, 20; Mt 6:19-23 Sat. 2 Chr 24:17-25; Mt 6:2434 Sun. Zec 12:10-11; 13:1; Ps 63; Gal 3:26-29; Lk 9:18-24 Holy Hour Mondays in the Chapel from 6:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. St. Padre Pio of Pietreclina says, “Kneel down and render the tribute of your presence and devotion to Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. Confide all your needs to Him, along with those of others. Speak to Him with filial abandonment, give free rein to your heart, and give Him complete freedom to work in you as He thinks best.” WEEKLY OFFERING CONTRIBUTIONS Thank you for your support! Sunday Offerings 2010 II Brian Sweeney & Sara Ryan I Matthew Bowler & Diane M. Sexton 2009 2008 Fiscal Year Week #50 $ 15,364 $ 16,583 $ 17,213 YTD to Budget $(75,624) $(56,616) $(22,065) Additional Offerings Parish Projects $ 26,213 School Support Fund $ 30,322 Page 2 is now available to accept your electronic payments! Contact the parish office or email to enroll today Worship & Spiritual Life Music Ministry Thank You “Go Make A Difference” St. Juliana Parish is blessed with over 60 Music Ministers who enhance our liturgies each weekend. These many volunteers; choir members, cantors, instrumentalists, handbell ringers spend many hours each month rehearsing and providing music for our many liturgies. At each rehearsal these Music Ministers join together in prayer for each other and for St. Juliana Parish and for the needs of our world. As we spend time together in prayer and song we grow into a community. A close-knit family of musicians who share the same goal. To make beautiful music for our Parish and for Our Lord! One of the hymns we introduced this past year, “Go Make A Difference”, has truly inspired us to think beyond our small choir community and even our Parish Family of St. Juliana and has made us even more mindful of the needs of our world. Thank you St. Juliana Music Ministers for taking to heart the words in verse 2: We are the hands of Christ reaching out to those in need, The face of God for all to see. We are the spirit of hope; we are the voice of peace. Go make a difference in the world. May you be blessed with renewed energy, joy, peace and hope during summer break and come together in the Fall ready to “Go Make A Difference”! Children’s Choir Kaeli Abfall Elyse Boldt Taylor Cohen Emma Czarkowski Fiona Donnelly Ally Ferraresi Nellie Hackett Jennifer Hussey Grace Jaworski Kaylee Liberty Caelan Martin Lauren McPartland Gina Moriarty Adan Mulvaney Catherine O’Connor Kathleen O’Grady Jackie Regnier Abbey Riordan Samantha Simonetti Riley Sugrue Katie Weber Family Choir Joe, Mary & Joey Cherian Kimberly, Adan & Christian Mulvaney Diane Damert Frances Johnson Fiona & Genevieve Nolan & Nolan Manicki Colleen, Meghan & Brendan Mansfield Barry, Heather & Mary Elizabeth Pecho Theresa, Samantha, Joey, Christina, Maria & Pauley Simonetti Ann, Chuck, Emily, Nicholas & Eliann Udell Lisa Spragia, Paul & Celeste Wrezel Children’s Handbells Taylor Cohen Connor Dillane Fiona Donnelly Nellie Hackett Jennifer Hussey Kaylee Liberty Caelan Martin Jackie Regnier Falconieri Ringers Kathy Boegel Luise O’Shaughnessy Marianne Schwab Barb Sherman Keyboard Accompanists Tim Edwards Vi Piazzi David Plier Violin Frances Johnson God Bless You and Thank You, Margie Shiel Adult Choir Lee Baggio Steve Baggio Pat Byrne Rebecca Byrne MaryAnn Butzen Carole Creason Dave Creason Michael Crisci Linda Edwards Liz Filippo Jim Gregie Louise Gregie Pat Heyd Theresa Jedziniak Barbara Lawlor St. Juliana Frances Johnson Ensemble Choir Fiona Nolan Diane Damert Barry Pecho Bernie McGonagle Cathi McNamara Joan McNaughton Gloria Mercurio Roberta Pack Diane Schmidt Sue Stolarski Theresa Simonetti Lisa Spragia Paul Wrezel Handbell Director: Michael Crisci Music Director: Margie Shiel Cantors Meaghan Cusack John Dunne Diane Damert Jim Gregie Julie Hammerle Joan McNaughton Roberta Pack Barry Pecho Courtney Travers For more information on our Parish Music Ministry contact Margie Shiel at 773.774.4956,, or see our parish website. Page 3 Catholic Education and Formation Goodbye Preschool, Hello Kindergarten! Page 4 Catholic Education and Formation 8th Grade - Second Honors Martin Durkan Rachel Gotsch Edward Hennigan Grace Moriarty Claire Murphy Sarah Novosel Alexander Nunes Emily Okresik Kevin O’Malley Erik Pechnick Kelsey Reardon Emily Toomey Blair Wallace Ryan Young 7th Grade - First Honors Annie Brandstrader Mary Dillon Patrick Mulkerin Trevor Rahlfs Elizabeth Soria 7th Grade - Second Honors Emily Blomquist Zachary Bosak Bridget Broderick Morgan Browne William Byrne Matthew Curley Daniel Ellingsen Rory Fegan Marie Fiorito Carly Florine Christopher Kohl Meaghan Mackey Ann Martin Brianna McGann Hugh McGing Melissa Miller Eileen Mulroe Thomas Murphy James Oddo James Okrzesik Josephine O'Shaughnessy Eric Pritt Kayla Reardon Bridget Schnoor Amanda Smigla Mark Smolinski Kyle Steffen Anne Sugrue Molly Flynn Kerry Foley Liam Gladwin Amanda Jacobazzi Grace Kealy Sean Kulinski Shane Martin Joseph McCormack Maeve McCormack Caitlin McEnery William Moriarty Emily O’Donohue Allison O'Malley Brian O’Malley Briana Olivella Robert Ryan Madelyn Ryder Matthew Smith Mathew Szafoni Charlie Ward Katherine Weber 5th - Grade Academic Honors Kaeli Abfall Kate Bazarek Elyse Boldt Connor Browne Emily Browne Susan Childers Justin Cisneroz Lauren Cox Matthew Doherty Madison Finneke Aidan Flood Thomas Flynn Maria Gatta Lauren Gawlinski Michaela Gustaitis 6th Grade - First Honors Guiliana Conte 6th Grade - Second Honors Isabella Bottalla Clare Broderick Erin Callahan Olivia Canova Joseph Cizneroz Joseph Conte Claire Donnelly Christina Heylin Butterfly Project...Seventh grade students joined in a nationwide effort sponsored by the Houston Holocaust Museum to memorialize the 1,500,000 children who were victims of the Holocaust. In a poem written by a child in a concentration camp there is the comment that there are “no butterflies here”. The Houston Holocaust Museum is trying to collect 1,500,000 paper butterflies created by students for a special exhibit that will honor those young Holocaust victims. The butterfly project was directed by seventh grade Language Arts teachers Ms. Jennifer Frazzini and Mrs. Sharon List. The students read the book The Boy in the Striped Pajamas by author John Boyne. The book tells the story of the Holocaust from the point of view of a German boy during World War II. According the Mrs. List, “After reading this book and discussing the impact of the Holocaust on children, the students were eager to participate in the Butterfly Project.” Page 5 Thomas Hackett Thomas Herion Grace Hooker Ellyse Kealy Michael MacGregor Quinn Martin Jack Martinus John Mayer Sara McGann Noelle McGlinn John McInerney Thomas Moran Garrett Mulkerin John O'Flaherty Owen O'Malley Brendan O'Shaughnessy Desmond O'Shaughnessy Neil O'Shaughnessy Mark Pechnick Emily Pfaller Olivia Platz Brendan Poznar Richard Rabiola Jacqueline Regnier Antonio Reyes Natalie Ryder Samantha Simonetti Ian Skiersch John Snarich Lorena Soria Michael Valdez Miscellaneous Mothers’ Club Calendar Lottery In the School Hall & the Ahearn Activity Center COME JOIN US AND BRING A FRIEND EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT FOR BINGO Doors Open 4:30 – Games Begin 6:40 $5000 + in Raffles & Bingo Prizes!!! Winning Calendar Numbers 704 Wayne Alsapa 735 Anthony Basile 89 Jeanine Schraufragel 429 Sergeskettor Family 601 Lucille Gutowski 205 Tina Knight 233 Father Steve Kanonik 16 Pull Tabs/Raffles/Bonanza Progressive Pot Game/Fast Cash 2-$500 games 1-$1,000 game! Full Kitchen with Delicious Weekly Specials!!! Bingo Volunteers...If you’re unable to make your scheduled time, please get a replacement or leave a message for Jodie Canova at 773.631.4127, ext. 40. High Seas Expedition - Exploring the Mighty Love of God Friendship Club Reminder: Friendship Club Members who signed up for the lunch and tour at the Summit of Park Ridge that takes place on Thursday, June 24th, should meet in the St. Juliana Parking lot at 11:00 a.m. CCD Registration CCD Registration Forms for 20102011 are available in the Parish Office. CCD Classes are for children in grades 1through 8 who attend a public/private school. CCD classes meet on Wednesday evenings from 6:45 p.m. until 8:00 p.m. from mid September until the beginning of May. Event: Vacation Bible School Date: July 12th through July16th Where: Ahearn Activity Center Time: 9:00 a.m. – Noon Ages: 4–9 Price: $50 one child / $25 Each Additional Sibling It is that time of year again! Vacation Bible School is just around the corner. In the past, many of you have asked what we could use for VBS. As of now our station leaders are in need of: Rolls of blue or green plastic tablecloths Juice boxes Hand wipes Hand sanitizer Waffle pretzels Mini marshmallows Blue tortilla chips Boxes of blue jello Nilla Vanilla cookies Jewel gift cards All donations may be dropped in our ‘Treasure Chest” located in back of church! Thank You Very Much!! Page 6 Miscellaneous Vacation Bible School Save the Dates Monday, July 12th until Friday, July 16th 9:00 a.m. - Noon St. Juliana Vacation Bible School St. Juliana High Seas Expedition Registration Form (Fill Out One Form Per Child) $50 per Child/$25 Each Additional Sibling High Seas Expedition Child’s Name: __________________________________________ Age: _______ Date of Birth: ________________________ Last Grade Completed: ___________ Name of Parent (s): ___________________________________________________ Street Address: _______________________________________________________ City: ___________________________ State: ______________Zip: ____________ Home Telephone: _____________________________________________________ Parent/Caregivers Cell Phone: ___________________________________________ Monday, July 12th Through Friday, July16th From 9:00 a.m. – Noon $50 per child $25 Each Additional Sibling Get Ready For A Vast Voyage Through God’s Word! All hands on deck! This summer, we are hoping to welcome your child to High Seas Expedition, a Catholic Vacation Bible School Program where children will explore the mighty love of God. High Seas Expedition is awash with fun. Everyone involved will dive into God’s word through Bible Stories, crafts, games, song and more. Our expedition is open to children ages 4 – 9. We Are in Dire Need of Volunteers In Case of Emergency, Contact: _________________________________________ Relationship to Child: __________________________________________________ Allergies or Other Medical Conditions: ___________________________________ Name of Parish: _______________________________________________________ Crew Number or Name (for parish use only) _____________________________ Page 7 If you are interested in helping with High Seas Expedition this summer, we are looking for adults who have been Virtus trained. We are also looking for teens in need of service hours. Working in VBS is a fun way to earn service hours yet gives teens a chance to guide the children through a week of faith and fun. For more information about High Seas Expedition, please call Joyce Browne at 773.631.4127. Pray For Those Who Serve Masses for the Week Saturday, June19th 5:00 Father’s Day Spiritual Bouquets United States Air Force Major Michael Cerbin Senior Airman Steve Czyz Airman 1st Class Paul Dublinski Airman 1st Class Christopher Earle Airman 1st Class Timothy D. Fonseca LTC Jim Needham LT. Kyle Radke Airman 1st Class Karen Shaw Captain Franklin Shepherd Captain Patrick Ward Captain Claudine Ward United States Army Captain Grant Banko SGT Jason Bono Captain Thomas W. Dorrel, Jr. PFC James Heiderman, Jr. Captain Brian Lutz Major Michael Mannion SGT Michael Mason LTC John Moreth LT. Robert Perkins Major Kevin Powers Major Louis Rago, II LT William Ryan Schober SSG Daniel Roche SPC Gregory Spina Private John Walsh LT Kevin Ward Captain Laura Wood SGT Daniel R. Zielinski United States Marines PFC Seamus Boyle LCPL Joseph Curtis 1st LT. Katharine Dietz 2nd LT. Jack Kane LCPL Kevin Kiesgen LCPL P.J. McGrath LCPL Robert L. Rialmo 1st LT. Alicia Willoughby United States Navy LT. Cmdr. Susanne Connolly LT. Sean Driscoll LT. Nathan Scott LT. Michael Sturm LT. Cmdr. John Tutwiler LT. Paul Wood Seaman Michael Donnelly Sunday, June 20th 7:30 Father’s Day Spiritual Bouquets 9:00 Father’s Day Spiritual Bouquets 10:30 Father’s Day Spiritual Bouquets 12:00 Father’s Day Spiritual Bouquets Oscar & Dalisay Casia - 50th Wedding Anniversary 1:30 Baptisms Monday, June 21st - Chapel 7:00 Otto J. Nerad 8:45 Donald McVey/Matt Riley 6:30pm Holy Hour & Adoration in the Chapel Tuesday, June 22nd - Chapel 7:00 Mother’s Day Spiritual Bouquets 8:45 Chester DeSalvo/Kopacz & Johnson Families Wednesday, June 23rd - Chapel 7:00 Harry & Chester Perkowska/Roger O’Connor 8:45 Tim Hejza/In Thanksgiving Thursday, June 24th - Chapel 7:00 Deceased of St. Juliana Parish 8:45 Elisabeth Soehn/Patrick Grace/William & Henrietta Waldron Friday, June 25th - Chapel 7:00 Father’s Day Spiritual Bouquets 8:45 Father’s Day Spiritual Bouquets Saturday, June 26th - Church 8:30 Mother’s Day Spiritual Bouquets 5:00 John & Mary Lessner & Family/Tim Hejza & Helen Korczyk/Frank & Anna Dina/Colleen Kelley/John & Margaret Mulkeen/William & Frank Rovella & Ed Fronczak/Camille Estka & the Intentions of Ziggy Estka & Family/Deceased of Flynn & Howley Families/Marcella Biedczycki/Lillian Kordecki Page 8 Masses for the Week cont’d Eleanor Anderson Josephine Bartell Sunday, June 27th 7:30 John & Marie Stopa/Cecelia, William & Robert M. Schulte/Sister Remy Schaul/Mary Rzany/Ed Earle/John Cleary/Jack Schaul/John & Mary Lessner & Family/James Wittstock Mary Chorney Richard A. Fugiel 9:00 Ruth & Mary Lou Jess & Intentions of George Jess/Jim Greene/Lou Schoenfeldt/John Maddalozzo/Tom Oates/Maureen Esposito/Dorothy Connelly 10:30 Beverly J. Swierad/Michal Szemiot/Joe & Grace Antenore, Jennie Cappa & Josephine Nowicki/Walter & Florence Leszkiewicz/Joseph Vaccaro/ Lynne Napolilli/Mary Bowler/William Sondermann/Olgerd Bujwid Evelyn Murphy Grace A. Traficanti ALTAR LINENS 12:00 Frances F. Bruno/Agnes & Dan O’Leary/Nellie & Martin Lally/Johnny Morris /Raymond Schenfeld Today Lori Bielawski June 26th/27th Vivian Morriessey Pray for the Sick Marjorie Arbogast Celeste Baehr Arlene Belcore John Belka Jordine Berg Bernice Berowski Gina Blease Julie Brenner Baby Sara Brushaber Debbie Burgess Tim Butler Hugh Cameron Frances Cameron Nina Campagna Jean Carter Maureen Cavanaugh Marie Chrusciel Patricia Crouse Beverly Cusick Sophie DeRosa Chris Dettloff Helen Devoy Fran Draths Annette Dugas Edwynn Dunn Gertrude Dunn Sandy Elliott Claudette Fitzmaurice Tom Fleischhacker Helen Flood Jerry Fowler Eileen Fritz Nancy Gall Claire Giles Albin Great Susan Haase Peggy Halloran Debbie Haugen Ann Heidkamp Roger Hejza Jackie Heydecker Barbara Joslin James Joyce Peyton Elizabeth Jura Michael Karalis Dolly Kaspari Frank Karl Baby Liam Kelly Hank Kilian Janet Kilian Ken Kilian Rose Kinzle Helen Komperda Gregory Koncos Terri Dapper Koncos Lyn Korten Lee Kratofil Jean Kriz Amber Ladera Nancy Larson Toni Lawrence Tricia Lopez Jean Losinski Tom Losinski Anna Luczak James Luczak Mark Lukasiewicz Marybelle Macro Jim Mannion Alex Malone Lillian McCloud Connor McKenna Cecilia VariscoMcCormick Erin McDermott/child Joanne McDermott John McDonough Michele McDowell Michael McIntyre Joan McNaughton Susan Michaels Jimmy Mickey Emilie Mierzwa Mitchell Miklas Karen Minervini Michael Mikos Mathew Mirek Lottie Mosio Luke Muellner/child Maureen Mulcrone Mary Mullozzi Carol Musto Vince Nally Len Nicholus James Nickel Daniel O’Connell Helen O'Connell Patricia O’Connell Page 9 Margaret S. O’Grady Alejandrina Ortiz Donald W. Pack Joe Panek Renee Parlick Joan Pennino Brother Ramon Perez John Persaud Theresa Pietraszewski Joe Pilior Rita Pleines Michael Pontrelli William Potter Andrew Prociuk Patrick Quinn Kayla Reardon Carol Reichart Marilyn Rein Crisstella Richards Arthur Schmid Joanne Sciaccotta Julia Sebastion Lottie Shannon Mary Shepelak Bridget Siaja Krystyna Skalacki Clara Skwirut Al/Margaret Smith Gail Smith Michael Smith Susanne Smith Marge Soltis Denise Solvig Anthony Spano Marion B. Stiens Mary Sutton William Sweeney Irene Szewczyk Tracy Thompson Charlotte Tobolik Jim Turk Lawrence Turro David Vandergriff Eileen Varisco Sidney Vine/Child Thomas Waldron Amy Walsh Tom Walsh Dan Walters Kathleen Ward Shirley Watson Ignatius/Mera Wel Chuck/Marge Welter Andrew Werlein Helen White Joyce Wilkey Paul Wilkey Al Witthoft Genevieve Wolf Irene Wolski Bernie Zarnick Joseph Zicarelli New to Prayer List Shirley Schaul Miscellaneous Prayer to St. Juliana Falconieri Parishioner Registration/Information Form Welcome to St. Juliana Parish. As a member of the parish, your registration is very important, especially at the time of the Sacraments of Baptism and Matrimony or during an illness or at the time of death. Please fill out the attached form to register with the parish or with any information changes and return to the parish office via the collection basket or by mail. Please check one: New Parishioner Change of Address/Phone Moving, please remove from parish mailing list Mr. & Mrs. Miss Ms. Mr. Last Name:________________________________________________________ First Name(s): _____________________________________________________ Address: __________________________________________________________ City: __________________________________ Zip Code: _________________ Feast Day - June 19th O faithful bride of Jesus and humble servant of Mary, St. Juliana, Thou who by practicing the most heroic virtues, especially the virtue of penance and the love of Jesus in His Sacrament didst arrive at the highest peak of Christian perfection and didst merit to be fed miraculously with the bread of Angels in thy last agony; obtain for me the grace to live a holy life in the exercise of every Christian duty and to be able to receive at the moment of death the comfort of the holy sacraments in order to come with thee to the blessed happiness of heaven. Taken from: The Raccolta Official Edition (pp452-453) Compiled by: Rev. Joseph P. Christopher, PhD. et al Imprimatur: Frances Cardinal Spellman, Archiep. New York Published by: Marian House, Powers Lake, N.D. 58773 Copyright: Original 1950 (Vatican Press) Contact Phone Number:______________________________________________ Email Address: __________________________Cell #______________________ Summer T.R.I.P. Hours NO PROBLEM IS HELPLESS There IS help… please call! For alcohol and/or drug problems, call for confidential help or information Emmett McGovern 773.792.1469 Paul Trudeau 847.696.4835 Bill Steiner 773.792.0281 Sue Wolford 847.541.3038 Vic Switski 773.775.7987 Cash & Carry Monday - Friday 9:00 a.m. – 10:30 a.m. Orders Placed on Tuesdays Only All Meetings are in Parish Center AA meets Thursdays · 8:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. Recovery (for those suffering from anxiety disorders) Meeting Wednesday Evenings from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. A 12-Step Meeting (for female survivors of incest) Fridays from 7:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. For more information call Judy 773.594.0849. Page 10 You may drop orders in the mail slot at the parish business office, 7200 N. Osceola any time. Orders can be picked up during regular parish business office hours. Colonial-Wojciechowski Funeral Home 6250 N. Milwaukee Avenue- Chicago 8025 W. Golf Road- Niles (773) 774-0366 (847) 581-0536 Rose’s Beauty Salon MARY ELLEN “O’HARA” CONSIDINE Nee: Caplis 2156 W. Montrose (773) 769-2500 V. Mail (773) 564-4250 Permanent Wave Specialists Hair Color Specialist 7502 N. Harlem 1-773-774-3308 Molly A. Ward (Parishioner), Attorney • Wills • Trusts • Powers of Attorney • Decedent Estates • Probate Litigation • Disabled Adult and Minor Guardianship J C T General FLOOD CONTROL SPECIALISTS Construction PARKS’ PLUMBING & SEWER, INC. 312.855.4626 STUARTS LAWN CARE LANDSCAPING & TREE REMOVAL Design • Shrubs • Sod • Tree & Bricks Senior Citizen Discount - First Time Only LARGE PARKING FACILITY Windows Gutters 773-792-0433 (773) 882-1488 Niles Animal Hospital and Bird Medical Center 6000 N. Milwaukee Ave. (773) 774-4100 Subsidiaries of SCI Illinois Services, Inc. JOHN & DIANNE GUEST JACK GUEST $100 off your new Flood Control System with this ad. Siding Pre-Need Arrangements Available St. Juliana Parishioner Funeral Home Roofing (847) 676-1931 McMullen 6400 NW Hwy. Chicago Appointments: (708) 647-9325 773.297.8300 7278 N. Milwaukee Ave. Dr. Elise Grandinetti-Adley, D.D.S. Dr. Samuel Grandinetti, D.D.S. City Volkswagen Family Dental Care (773) 775-3431 Hair Loss Solutions for 7215 W. Touhy Ave. Men and Women YOUR NORTHWEST SIDE VOLKSWAGEN DEALER Just minutes away...New and Certified Pre-Owned 5330 W. Irving Park Road Chicago, IL 60641 Frank Grisanzio, Parishioner 50 Years Experience Alopecia and Chemo Patients Welcomed With Compassion Private Rooms Free Consultation 773.794.7800 1-847-675-0330 Lincolnwood, IL Tina Pusateri Manager-Parishioner Before BUYING OR SELLING GO TO: John Kutasi Joe Denk Parishioner After Owned & Operated by the Cooney Family 625 Busse Hwy., Park Ridge 847-685-1002 3918 W. Irving Park Road, Chicago Name Brand Kidswear & Shoes starting at $ Joanne & Roger Hejza 7307 W. Howard St. Chicago, IL 60631 773-763-1528 E-Mail I. D. # 356524 2.65 Over 100 Brands! Newborns • Infants Toddlers • Boys • Girls View our Complete Line and Unmatched Prices by Visiting: 773-588-5850 TOM COLLINS PLUMBING • REPAIR • REHAB • NEW CONSTRUCTION 847-647-6640 LICENSED • BONDED • INSURED Since 1972 PL # 13833 JOHN M. SISTO, D.D.S. Oral Surgery • Dental Implants 350 S. Northwest Hwy. Ste. 118, Park Ridge (847) 696-4848 COMPLETE AUTO SERVICE CENTER Off. 847-233-7395 SKOKIE AUTOMOTIVE CORP. 7254 N. Milwaukee Niles, Illinois Phones: Niles 647-9320 Chicago: 631-1199 Res. 773-631-7768 E. J. SIEVERS CO. Electrical Systems Our Specialty Plumbing - Heating - Service & Installation Lic. No. 3536 M 9209 B. Ivanhoe, Schiller Park, IL Dr. Melissa Grandinetti-DeGroot, O.D. Comprehensive Eye Exams, Glasses and Contacts. 7215 W. Touhy, Chicago, IL 60631 1063 N. Northwest Hwy., Park Ridge, IL 60068 847-470-0700 773-774-2283 847-318-7672 “There’s STILL Such A Thing As A Community Bank” John P. Kenney, DDS, MS & Associates Children’s Dentistry in Park Ridge Mowimy Po Polsku Licensed Specialist • 24 Years of Happy Smiles 7601 N. Milwaukee Ave. Niles 101 S. Washington 847.698.2088 — 24 Hr. Ans. Svc. 512117 St Juliana Church (B) For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-566-6170 Patrick & Sons Plumbing & Sewers BZ Home Remodeling • Repairs • Remodeling • Rodding • Hot Water Tanks • Boilers Patrick 773-699-1819 Mike 773-671-3627 10% Sr. Disc. Lic.# 058185315 Licensed • Bonded • Insured Specializing In: Windows, Roofing, Kitchens Bathrooms, Room Additions 773-763-4788 ASK FOR DAVE MUELLNER, Fellow Parishioner/Owner Dr. Henry V. Spunar And Save $$$ Podiatrist Diseases and Surgery of the Foot Call Now Edison Park Foot Clinic 6780 Northwest Hwy, Chicago 847-679-1111 Financing Available “Always on the go” A & A TUCKPOINTING, INC. Open to the Public Wholesale Italian Custom Sausage • Poultry • Beef • Lamb • Pork etc. Receive 3 lbs. Italian Sausage with $50.00 or more purchase w/ad Cert. Restoration Contractor Licensed • Insured “Our 55th Year” Pre-School • Kindergarten Summer Day Camp “Since 1979” 4452 N. CENTRAL AVE., CHICAGO F. O’NEILL PLUMBING & PIPING 773-777-4800 CALL FOR AN ESTIMATE Lic# TL16242 LICENSED • BONDED • INSURED CREDIT CARDS ACCEPTED 773-329-1082 “Your Ambassador For Travel” 842 W. Lake St. Chicago, IL 312-421-4096 773-774-2727 6835 W. Higgins Ave. Chicago IL 60656 Our 37th Year CONRAD CRAIG & MARTIN • • • • flooring and staircases jlHardwood • Natural Stone Porcelain • Ceramic Supply • Fabricated • Installation Custom Design • 27 Yrs. in Business 847/647-8709 John Litera New Patients Welcome Evening Office Hours Emergency Care All Ages Welcome Suerth Funeral Home 773-792-2221 Mon thru Fri 6:00am to 2:00pm Sat 6:00am to 1pm Family Owned Since 1975 FAMILY DENTISTRY 7250 W. Touhy - (773) 631-3632 Tuckpointing • Roofing DIPLOMAT TRAVEL AGENCY DR. MICHELE T. BOGACKI CHILDREN’S CAMPUS Consider Remembering Your Parish in Your Will. Family Owned & Operated at the Same Location Since 1927 Dennis S. Krawzak Donald R. Krawzak Peter T. Heneghan Nancy K. Haran For further information, please call the Parish Office. 773-631-1240 7234 W. Touhy (773) 631-7688 6754 W. Northwest Highway INCOME TAX/ACCOUNTING Year-Round Service • 50 Years in Neighborhood ROY THE HANDYMAN • Electrical • Painting ST. BENEDICT NURSING AND REHABILITATION CENTER 27 Yrs. Exp. + Respect 4 U • 24 Hour Licensed Nursing Care. • Independent Living Through Skilled Care. • Physical, Occupational and Speech Therapy. • Daily Mass and Rosary. 6930 W. Touhy Ave., Niles • Plumbing • Drywall Repair • Remodeling • Carpentry FREE ESTIMATES SENIOR DISCOUNT 847-647-0003 847-965-6415 SKAJA TERRACE FUNERAL HOME Family Owned & Operated Pre-Need Arrangements 7812 N. Milwaukee Ave. Niles • (847) 966-7302 NICK’S DRIVE IN Best Homemade Gyros 7715 W. Route 14 Crystal Lake • (815) 455-2233 Duraclean (847) 825-6099 NEED A PLUMBER NOW? NILES COIN SHOP • Sump Pumps • Water Heaters • Toilets • Tubs • Sinks • Any Drain Problem Corrected • All Work Guaranteed 7216 N. Harlem 773-631-5045 24 HOURS • 7 DAYS A WEEK Roofing • Siding • Gutters JOSEPH-JAMES ENTERPRISES, INC. Specializing in Residential Work For Free Estimates Call (847) 692-9113 • Hand Bags • Jewelry • Accessories • In Store Parties 6727 N. N.W. Hwy., Chgo. PARISHIONER NORTHWEST DENTISTRY DR. TANIA BUI • Children’s Dentistry • Sleep Apnea/Snoring • Cosmetic Dentistry 847/967-5575 773/631-6677 7637 N. Milwaukee Niles, IL 6676 Northwest Hwy. Chicago, IL 60631 Physicians and Surgeons, Osteopathic Board Certified Family Practice Hours By Appointment Oak Mill Mall, Ste. 2-23 847-966-9878 7900 N. Milwaukee Ave., Niles Sharon Bottalla 773-763-2247 Michael J. Athans, Ph.D. SAM’S REMODELING ED THE PLUMBER ED THE CARPENTER Child, Adolescent, and Family Psychology (847) 965-1883 DRAIN-EZZ Off PLUMBING 10% With & SEWER This Ad Lic. #9501 SERVICE (847) 671-0171 SENIOR CITIZEN SPECIALS Paying much more than jewelry & hotel buyers for scrap gold • Estate Appraisals a Specialty Coins • Diamonds • Jewelry PAUL A. MEYER, D.O. MICHAEL J. MEYER, D.O. BAUBLES & BAGS, INC. All Plumbing & Sewer Licensed & Bonded Lic# 11475 847-215-1600 Painting & Decorating Services — Exterior & Interior — Fully Insured Free Estimates — Guaranteed Work Don Johanson, Parishioner 773-774-8449 Jim Springer - Owner Free Quote Welter Plumbing Inc. A Franciscan Community Independent Living Assisted Living Skilled Nursing Outpatient Rehab • Daily Mass DURACLEAN Quality Carpet & Furniture Cleaning Area Rugs Cleaned on Location ® In America 32 Main Street, Park Ridge, IL 60068 (847) 823-4444 ADDOLORATA VILLA For All Your Needs Kitchen • Bath Plumbing • Tiling Carpentry Exterior & Interior Painting Free Estimates Low Rates Best Work • Best Rate Satisfaction Guaranteed As We Do All Our Own Work Lic# 055-026066 Parishioner Discount 773-471-1444 GRAND OPENING (847) 663-1595 A Resource Catalog to Promote Vocations 1-773-955-5453 FOR A FREE CATALOG 847-823-2813 NUZZO SEWER & PLUMBING INC. Power Rodding 773-625-6280 • Hair • Hair Extension • Gel Nails • Facials • Permanent 708-456-7300 All Sewer & Plumbing Repairs & Installation Make-Up • Massage • Cellulite Treatment Specializing in Flood Control • Correcting Low Water Pressure 7633 N. 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