Saint Juliana Parish
Saint Juliana Parish
MASS SCHEDULE Sunday 7:30, 9:00, 10:30 AM and 12:00 Noon Saturday for Sunday Obligation 5:00 PM Monday through Friday in Chapel 7:00 and 8:45 AM Saturday Morning in Church 8:30 AM Holy Days in Church 6:00, 7:00, 8:45 AM and 7:00 PM RECONCILIATION Saturday following 8:30 Mass & 4:00 to 4:30 PM in Reconciliation Room of church or call for appointment. BAPTISMS First and third Sundays of each month at 1:30 PM in church. Arrangements must be made at parish business office at least one month in advance. First-time parents and parents new to our parish must attend a preparation meeting at 7:30 PM on the third Tuesday of any month prior to the Baptism. WEDDINGS Arrangements by appointment with a priest should be made at least six months in advance of wedding day. CHURCH 7201 N Oketo Ave CHAPEL 7200 N Osceola Ave PARISH CENTER & BUSINESS OFFICE 7200 N Osceola Ave · Chicago, IL 60631 Tel 773.631.4127 · Fax 773.631.4150 RECTORY 7158 N Osceola · Tel. 773.631.4386 SCHOOL Kathleen Barton PRINCIPAL: 7400 W Touhy Ave Tel 773.631.2256 · Fax 773.631.1125 PASTOR: PASTOR EMERITUS: PASTOR EMERITUS: RETIRED ASSOCIATE: DEACON COUPLES: PASTORAL ASSOCIATE: MUSIC DIRECTOR: BUSINESS MANAGER: HEALTH CO-ORD.: PARISH SERVICES: ADMIN. ASSISTANT: BULLETIN EDITOR: Rev. Stephen Kanonik Rev. Donald J. Ahearn Rev. Philip Dressler Rev. Roger Caplis Elizabeth and Edward Dolan Margaret and Robert Ryan Pam Francisco, D.R.E · 631.2239 Margie Shiel · 774.4956 Jeanne Anderson Cindy Brennan Joyce Browne Diane Holmen Claudette Link “Come Walk Together The Way of Christ” Saint Juliana Parish Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time February 14, 2010 “Blessed are you who are poor, for the kingdom of God is yours. Blessed are you who are now hungry, for you will be satisfied.” — Luke 6:20-21a Worship & Spiritual Life Bereavement Ministry Choirs/Handbells Christ Renews His Parish Eucharist Minister Family Liturgy Holy Hour of Adoration WEEKLY OFFERING CONTRIBUTIONS Thank you for your support! Offerings Week of 2/7 YTD to Budget $ $ 14,767 (54,354) Additional Offerings - YTD Parish Projects School Support Fund $ 16,033 $ 15,326 is now available to accept your electronic payments. Contact the parish office at 773.631.4127 or email to enroll today. Lector/Commentator Liturgy Team Ministers of Care Order of St. Francis Parish Council Servers/Ushers Blessed Are They Who Hope in the Lord. On these dark and cold days at the end of winter it is comforting to hear words of hope that come to us in the Sunday readings, especially the Beatitudes spoken by Jesus (Luke 6:17, 20-26). The Beatitudes call us to a life of hope, knowing that what brings us sadness on earth will be turned to joy in heaven. You may be feeling that hope already in your parish after the 5 weeks of Catholics Come Home television ads. In the last three weeks since the ads were on TV the stories have come in through phone calls and e-mails about individuals and families who are returning to the practice of the faith because they felt a warm invitation extended from their parish. There were two special opportunities for Reconciliation in the Archdiocese and over 400 people participated, some who had been away from the church for more than 10 years. The television ads not only brought people back to church, they helped practicing Catholics think about what it is that we believe. One statement in the ad called Epic initiated many conversations about our history, “We developed the scientific method and the laws of evidence.” There are moments in Church history that people point to when Church leaders dismissed scientific facts and those sad moments in history are always dredged up in this discussion. Looking at those facts in the context of 2,000 years of not only participating in science, but leading the way that the sciences were organized and advanced in the world gives a different perspective. To hear a great presentation on Church and science go to Fr. Bob Barron’s website and listen to his sermon from Epiphany 1-30-10, it is sermon #469. During the Lenten Season • • • Weekday Masses in Church at 7:00 & 8:45am Stations of the Cross following the 8:45 a.m. Mass on Fridays Holy Hour on Monday evenings from 6:30-7:30 p.m. in the Chapel The Chapel is always open for prayer and meditation during our regular parish business hours. Mondays & Fridays: 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Tuesdays, Wednesdays & Thursdays: 8:00 a.m.-7:00 p.m. Saturdays & Sundays: 9:00a.m. - Noon For those Catholics who were intrigued by the TV ads to learn more about their faith, there will be an adult formation series in Lent called HOMECOMING: Catholics Renewing Their Faith. This 5-week series will take place in 19 parishes around the Archdiocese of Chicago. For a detailed list of locations and dates go to 2010 Lenten Regulations 1. Abstinence from meat is to observed on Ash Wednesday and ALL Fridays of Lent by all Catholics 14 years old and older. 2. Fasting is to be observed on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday by all Catholics who are 18 years of age, but not yet 59. Those who are bound to this may take only one full meal. Eating solid foods between meals is not permitted. But if necessary, two smaller meals are permitted in order to maintain strength according to individual needs. Page 2 Worship & Spiritual Life READINGS FOR THE WEEK Mon. 1 Pt 5:1-4; Mt 16:13-19 Tues. Is 55:10-11; Mt 6:7-15 Wed. Jon 3:1-10; Lk 11:29-32 Thu. Est C:12, 14-16, 23-25; Mt 7:7-12 Fri. Ez 18:21-28; Mt 5:20-26 Sat. Dt 26:16-19; Mt 5:43-48 Sun. Gn 15:5-12, 17-18; Ps 27; Phil 3:17 — 4:1 [3:20 — 4:1]; Lk 9:28b-36 Mass Schedule The Mass schedule for Ash Wednesday is as follows: 7:00 a.m., 8:45 a.m., 1:15 p.m., with school children in attendance and 7:00 p.m. Ashes will be distributed during the masses. All Masses are in church. Mark Your Calendars for the St. Juliana Parish Mission Irish Family Mass Monday, March 15th at 7:00 p.m. In Church Reception Will Follow Mass In the Ahearn Activity Center Sunday, March 7th through Wednesday, March 10th Labyrinth Walk Holy Hour Mondays in the Chapel from 6:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. “He comes form heaven for your personally, to offer you companionship and consolation.” St. Peter Julian Eymard Apostle of the Eucharist. III Robert V. Gilfert & Erin M. Doherty Sunday March 7th from Noon – 6:00 P.M. In the Ahearn Activity Center The Labyrinth provides a meditative path of prayer designed to bring one into an awareness of their relationship with God. A walk on the labyrinth gives one the opportunity to pray with the whole body while walking to the center. Some people find it meaningful to pray for others as they enter the labyrinth and for themselves on the way out. Through prayer and movement, one is provided with a deeply spiritual experience. There is just one path that leads to and from the center. One can stay in the center for any length of time and may then follow the same path out to the threshold. Those who have walked the Labyrinth in the past have made these comments: This was a cleansing and love walk for me. My past transgressions are past. I feel like I have been baptized all over again...I thought it was very peaceful - a wonderful experience...Awesome...It seemed I would never reach the center and then I wanted it to go on – I didn’t want to come out...I really enjoyed this and would like to do it again sometime...Would love to see it return every lent...It was a blessing...I didn’t know what to expect, but found peace and some answers to my prayers...I wish I could experience the walk through the labyrinth on a regular basis...The labyrinth was beautiful, I felt much better…Great to have this quiet time during Lent for reflection...I believe that it was likened to our walk through life, to be open and inclusive - especially to the spirit that moves within us all! We hope to see you on Sunday, March 7th! Please make the Labyrinth part of your Lenten Journey. Page 3 Catholic Education and Formation St. Juliana Pre-Cana Marriage Preparation Program This weekend we celebrate Valentine’s Day and the feast of St. Valentine, the patron saint of lovers and sweethearts. At St. Juliana Parish we have a ministry that helps to nurture and encourage the love of engaged couples. The St. Juliana Pre-Cana, Marriage Preparation Program for Engaged Couples has been in existence for nearly 30 years. For most of those years my husband Bob and I have been ministering as facilitators at the Pre-Cana Workshops. It is an honor to be able to help in the preparation of our engaged couples for the sacrament of marriage! The format for our St. Juliana Pre-Cana sessions is a one day 6 hour workshop. There are usually about 5 engaged couples and always two facilitator couples; married couples from our parish who have been trained by the Archdiocese. We base our program on the workbook, “A Marriage In The Lord”, written by the Family Ministries Staff of the Archdiocese. The facilitator couples make short presentations, introduce workbook exercises, facilitate and encourage discussion and provide hospitality. The sessions are usually held in a facilitator couples home. Some of the topics we cover at Pre-Cana are: communication, goal setting, money matters, sexuality, children, managing time, and spirituality. At this time there are 7 facilitator couples from our parish volunteering for this important ministry and so we hold a Pre Cana during each season: Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall. Bob and I look forward to the opportunity to share our stories and to reflect and pray with the engaged couples. We also really enjoy doing all of the workbook exercises that we ask Ash Wednesday Prayer, fasting, and almsgiving: these disciplines, prescribed by Jesus himself in the Sermon on the Mount, along with strict instructions not to flaunt them in public to win recognition and praise (Matthew 6:1-18), have been embraced by all the saints at the beginning of every Lent for almost two thousand years. But mention Lent, and many react with a grimace or slight shudder—even now, years after official obligations have been reduced to a minimum! No wonder the Eastern Rite’s “Lenten Announcement” sounds surprising: the engaged couples to do. We always feel that our marriage is strengthened and renewed even as we help to prepare the engaged couples to stand before their families, friends and community on their wedding day to witness their love for each other. This photo is of the Winter 2010 Pre-Cana which just took place on January 30th. We pray on St. Valentine’s Day that these couples will be a witness to our parish community of the power of love. May their love continue to grow and flourish throughout their married lives. If you would like more information about our Parish Marriage Preparation Program please call or email. Margie Shiel - Marriage Prep Coordinator 773.774.4956 - “Let us receive with joy, O faithful people, the divinely inspired announcement of Lent! The Lenten Spring shines forth! Begin the fast with joy! Let us fast from passions as well as food, taking pleasure in the good works of the Spirit, and accomplishing them in love!” Saint John Chrysostom, whose feast is September 13, elaborates: “Do you fast? Give proof by your works. If you see a poor person, take pity. An enemy, be reconciled. A friend gaining honor, don’t be jealous.” A positive approach! May the saints help us keep such a Lent! Page 4 —Peter Scagnelli, © Copyright, J. S. Paluch Co. Catholic Education and Formation The Preschool Program offers classes five days a week from 8:15 A.M. – 10:45 A.M. for three and four-year-old children. A three-day class for three-year-olds is also available. Registration and Admission Information for New Students • • • Students registering for Three-Year-Old Preschool must be 3 years old by September 1, 2010. Students registering for Four-Year-Old Preschool must be 4 years old by September 1, 2010. Students registering for Kindergarten must be 5 years old by September 1, 2010. The Catholic community of Saint Juliana School is dedicated to promoting the spiritual, emotional, physical, and social development of each student in an educational setting which fosters Christian values of peace, justice, and concern for others as found in the Gospels. A non-refundable $95.00 registration fee is due at the time of registration for all new students. Registration Documents • • • • • For an additional fee, students in the three-year-old or fouryear-old programs may stay after the morning sessions in the Preschool Day Care program until the afternoon dismissal at 2:50 P.M. Please visit our school website for more information. Saint Juliana is a “Catholic School that Celebrates Life-Long Learning in a Faith-Filled Community”. Child’s original legal birth certificate as required by the Illinois State Board of Education Copy of the child’s baptismal certificate. Child’s social security number. Parish envelope number for Parishioner Participating Tuition rates. Registration fee - $95.00 Preschool Open House Saint Juliana School will offer a full-day and half-day Kindergarten program for the 2010/2011 school year. Enrollment numbers will determine whether the half-day students are in a self-contained classroom or included in a full-day classroom. Preschool Open House for 3 and 4 year olds will be held on February 24 and March 19 from 8:30 a.m.-10:30 a.m. Call the school office at 773.631.2256 with any questions. Sr. Remy Schaul Service Award Winners...On Sunday, January 31st, the St. Juliana School Board presented the Sister Remy Schaul Service Award to Todd and Melody Steffen in recognition of their many hours of volunteer work for St. Juliana Parish and School. The Sister Remy Schaul Service Award was created in memory of our former St. Juliana School teacher and principal who devoted many years of her life to service in the St. Juliana Parish Community. She led a life that was exemplary in generosity and charity. Her dedication to the children of St. Juliana was unwavering as she continued working as a volunteer teacher after her retirement and even as she waged a personal battle with cancer. Todd and Melody Steffen, this year’s recipients of the award are graduates of St. Juliana School and are the parents of 3 children who attend our school. They have been tireless workers in many different aspects of school and parish life and most currently are leaders in The Blacktop Ball, our major parish fundraising event. The Sister Remy Schaul Award plaque includes words from the famous prayer of St. Francis, “It is in giving that we receive”, a favorite prayer of Sister Remy. These words clearly have meaning for the Steffens because of their great spirit of giving many others receive benefits. Page 5 Parish Support Save the Date! Our St. Joseph Table Sunday, March 21st ORDER FORMS - are available in the back of Church. Please return completed forms to school or the parish business office by: Monday, February 22nd PICK-UP INFORMATION Thursday, February25th 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm in Ahearn Activity Center Questions ? Call: Cindy Kamka at 773.763.3465 We are pleased to once again have a St. Joseph Table this year! It will be "under new direction". Further details will be printed in the bulletin as they become available, and as more plans are keep reading! ST. JOSEPH TABLE COMMITTEE Questions Contact : Marco Simonetti - 773.467.8587 Andrew Giglione - Cell - 773.216.5900 Beginning with this week’s bulletin, and continuing each week until the end of April, we will feature questions about the Blacktop Ball from parishioners. To submit a question, you can call the parish office, or email us at Saturday, May 15th Dear BTB: Last year, I waited too long to buy tickets, and when I finally got around to it, the Blacktop Ball was sold out. I even tried a ticket broker, but no luck. Will more tickets be available this year? Signed, Anita Ticket Mothers’ Club Calendar Lottery Dear Anita, We missed you at last year’s event, and we are sorry that you were not able to get a ticket. While we’d love to sell tickets to each and every person who wants one, space constraints prevent us from doing so. Based on the great response to last year’s event, we will be getting a slightly larger tent this year, but we’re still constrained by the size of our ‘blacktop’. The best thing to do is get your ticket order in early to reserve your spot! Invitations and ticket order forms will be mailed to all parishioners in mid March. See you at the Ball! COME JOIN US AND BRING A FRIEND EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT FOR BINGO In the School Hall & the Ahearn Activity Center Winning Calendar Numbers 114 572 258 355 687 267 488 - Thomas & Christine Boyd Joseph Roddy Marco & Theresa Simonetti Thomas Kelly Mary Beth Owen Terry Golnik Colleen & Joe Sanchez Doors Open 4:30 - Games Begin 6:40 $5000 + in Raffles & Bingo Prizes!!! 16 Pull Tabs/Raffles/Bonanza Progressive Pot Game/Fast Cash 2-$500 games 1-$1,000 game! Full Kitchen with Delicious Weekly Specials!!! Page 6 Parish Community News from St. Juliana Boy Scout Troop 965 Attention Friendship Club Members….On Thursday, March 11th, 1:30 p.m., the Friendship Club will be hosting a St. Patrick’s Day/St. Joseph Day luncheon. We are also planning entertainment in honor of St. Patrick. The cost for the afternoon is $8.00 per person. If you are planning to attend the luncheon, please mail or drop off your check to Joyce Browne at the Parish Business Office by Thursday, March 4th. St. Pat’s Corned Beef and Cabbage Dinner Saturday, February 27th In The School Hall For tickets or more information call Jim and Cathy Flood @ 773.631.9860 Parish & School Web Site You really should check it out!! You will find all sorts of up-to-date information, including: • Calendar of parish & school events • Mass schedules • Parish information • Photos • Archived bulletins • Facebook/Twitter • Email addresses It is very impressive! Troop 965 went cabin camping near the Rock River in Oregon, Illinois last weekend. Camp Lowden is situated in rolling and forested hills that provide miles of hiking and exploring. Two of the Scouts completed their First Class cooking requirement by planning the weekend menu, shopping for the food, and supervising other Scouts who helped with the cooking and clean -up. We ate well! Other Scouts practiced navigating through the woods with map and compass on a five mile hike. We are also preparing for the Webelos II Cub Scouts to join our Troop next month. With our newest members we will be over 40 Scouts strong at St. Juliana. The month of February 2010 marks the 100th birthday of the Boy Scouts of America. The BSA is one of the nation’s largest and most prominent values-based youth development organizations. At St. Juliana, Scouting provides a program for young men that builds character, reinforces values, teaches the responsibilities of citizenship, and develops personal fitness. We are deeply grateful to the parish for sponsorship since 1932 - 78 years! Here are some fast facts about Troop 965 from our recent report to Fr. Steve. In 2009: • 39 Scouts were registered in the troop – young men from 6th grade through high school are members • We held 45 Troop meetings, 8 weekend camping trips, a week at summer camp, and a week in the Florida Keys • As a group we spent over 500 nights out camping and almost 1300 miles hiking • Scouts and Leaders gave nearly 500 hours of service to the parish and community through Eagle service projects and other activities • We collected over 200 pounds of food for the parish food pantry • Troop 965 won the 2009 District Klondike Derby (winter outdoor skills) and finished 4th in the District First Aid Meet Troop 965 meets at St. Juliana every Monday night at 7:00 in the Gym or School Hall. If you would like more information about joining us please call Scoutmaster John Pelrine at 773.594-.555 or visit our Troop website at New Scouts (Boys 10 1/2 years old and up) are always welcome. Page 7 Pray For Those Who Serve Masses for the Week Saturday, February 13th United States Air Force Major Michael Cerbin Senior Airman Steve Czyz Airman 1st Class Christopher Earle Airman 1st Class Timothy D. Fonseca LTC Jim Needham LT. Kyle Radke Airman 1st Class Karen Shaw Captain Franklin Shepherd Captain Patrick Ward Captain Claudine Ward United States Army Captain Grant Banko SGT Jason Bono Captain Thomas W. Dorrel, Jr. PFC James Heiderman, Jr. Captain Brian Lutz Major Michael Mannion SGT Michael Mason LTC John Moreth Major Kevin Powers Major Louis Rago, II LT William Ryan Schober SSG Daniel Roche SPC Gregory Spina Private John Walsh LT Kevin Ward Captain Laura Wood SGT Daniel R. Zielinski United States Marines PFC Seamus Boyle LCPL Joseph Curtis 1st LT. Katharine Dietz LCPL Kevin Kiesgen LCPL P.J. McGrath LCPL Robert L. Rialmo 1st LT. Alicia Willoughby United States Navy LT. CDR. Susanne Connolly LT. Sean Driscoll LT. Nathan Scott LT. Michael Sturm LT. Cmdr. John Tutwiler LT. Paul Wood Seaman Michael Donnelly *Has safely returned home LCPL Anthony Kelly 5:00 John & Mary Lessner/Ashley Smiegowski/George & Helen Hickey/ Camille Estka & Intentions of Estka Family/James & Onalee Marti, Julia & Otto Marti, John & Julietta Greif, Vincent & Virginia Gariti, Marianna Brocar, Fred & Christine Schneider & Donald Schneider/Alan Karl/Patrick Sim/Miguel Martinez Sunday, February 14th 7:30 John Wierzbicki/Scott Sabres/Sister Remy Schaul/Cecelia, William & Robert M. Schulte/Mary Rzany/Mary, Joseph & Esther Messina, Jennie Cappa, Joe & Grace Antenore/Jule Riordan/Joseph, Michael, Edward & Catherine Prugar 9:00 Ruth & Mary Lou Jess & the Intentions of George Jess/John Mollica/ Maureen Esposito/William Mundt/George Buechner/Robert Steinbach Sinclair/Norman Berg, Sr./Mary Margaret Klodinski/Krystyna Skalacki/ Intentions of Mr. & Mrs. Marcelo Rosa/Intentions of Connolly Family 10:30 Beverly J. Swierad/Conor Ryan/Kevin O’Rourke/Tom Lemke/Dennis R. Allen/Margaret Dritlein/Ed Mazzenga/Patrick Fleming/O’Meara Family 12:00 Johnny Morris/Frances F. Bruno/Genevieve Foerster/Raymond Jaekar/ Helen Strysik/Frances Hanson/James P. Johnson/John B. Guzikowski Monday, February 15th - Chapel 7:00 William & Blanche Weber 8:45 Deceased of St. Juliana Parish 6:30pm Holy Hour & Adoration in the Chapel Tuesday, February 16th - Chapel 7:00 Deceased of St. Juliana Parish 8:45 Deceased of St. Juliana Parish Wednesday, February 17th - Ash Wednesday - Church 7:00 Jack Fitzmaurice 8:45 Patrick Grace/Dorothy Mizerk 1:15 All School Mass 7PM Kevin Fallon Thursday, February 18th - Church 7:00 Chester & Harry Perkowski/Tadeusz Gosciniak 8:45 Robert Worobey Friday, February 19th - Church 7:00 Harriett Laski 8:45 Deceased of St. Juliana Parish - Stations Following Mass 7 PM Robert V. Gilfert & Erin M. Doherty - Wedding in the Chapel Saturday, February 20th - Church 8:30 Deceased of St. Juliana Parish 5:00 John & Mary Lessner & Family/Minnie Brunken/Richard Paul William Krawczyk & Family/Patrick Staunton/Michal Szemiot/Thomas Przyborski/Camille Estka & Intentions of Estka Family/James & Onalee Marti, Julia & Otto Marti, John & Julietta Greif, Vincent & Virginia Gariti, Marianna Brocar, Fred & Christine Schneider & Donald Schneider Page 8 Masses for the Week cont’d Donald Kerz Richard Kossak Sunday, February 21st 7:30 Sister Remy Schaul/Cecelia, William & Robert M. Schulte/Mary Rzany/ John Mulrooney/Ted & Ann Hendzel/Robert Krohn/Eugene Schabelski 9:00 Ruth & Mary Lou Jess & the Intentions of George Jess/Donald Gafke/ Maureen Esposito/Stanley Gaziorowski/Lou Schoenfeldt/Edward Mazzenga/George J. Buechner/Todd Bauschke/Mary Doherty/Intentions of Connolly Family/George & Helen Simon/Jim Greene 10:30 Beverly J. Swierad/Matt Riley/Paul F.Moss/Alice Meehan/Ed Mazzenga/ Michal Szemiot/Richard Callahan Genevieve Kula Rev. Matthew McDonald ALTAR LINENS Today 12:00 Johnny Morris/Frances F. Bruno/John McTighe/Anthony Wegmann Mary Biasi February 20th/21st Janette Byron Pray for the Sick George Adamick Joan Adamick Marjorie Arbogast Celeste Baehr Arlene Belcore John Belka Jordine Berg Bernice Berowski Gina Blease Mary Bowler Julie Brenner Baby Sara Brushaber Debbie Burgess Tim Butler Hugh Cameron Frances Cameron Jean Carter Maureen Cavanaugh Jolanda Chmara Marie Chrusciel Nicole Conn Frank Conosconti Della Curran Beverly Cusick Joan Dapper Sophie DeRosa Chris Dettloff Helen Devoy Fran Draths Joe Dressler Annette Dugas Edwynn Dunn Gertrude Dunn Sandy Elliott Katherine Fenton Claudette Fitzmaurice Tom Fleischhacker Helen Flood Jerry Fowler Eileen Fritz Nancy Gall Claire Giles Jan Girolamo Albin Great Susan Haase Peggy Halloran Debbie Haugen Jackie Heydecker Barbara Hickey Barbara Joslin Peyton Elizabeth Jura Michael Karalis Frank Karl Dolly Kaspari Martina Kelly Mary Ketterick Hank Kilian Janet Kilian Ken Kilian Rose Kinzle Helen Komperda Gregory Koncos Terri Dapper Koncos Lyn Korten Joel Koskiewicz Jean Kriz Ted Kukla Amber Ladera Nancy Larson Toni Lawrence Tricia Lopez Jean Losinski Anna Luczak James Luczak Mark Lukasiewicz Marybelle Macro Gail Maines Jim Mannion Alex Malone Lillian McCloud Connor McKenna Cecilia VariscoMcCormick Erin McDermott/child Joanne McDermott John McDonough Michele McDowell Michael McIntyre Joan McNaughton Susan Michaels Jimmy Mickey Emilie Mierzwa Mitchell Miklas Karen Minervini Mathew Mirek Lottie Mosio Luke Muellner - child Maureen Mulcrone Mary Mullozzi Carol Musto Vince Nally Len Nicholus James Nickel Daniel O’Connell Helen O'Connell Patricia O’Connell Page 9 Margaret S. O’Grady Donald W. Pack Joe Panek Renee Parlick Sam & Joan Pennino Brother Ramon Perez John Persaud Joe Pilior Rita Pleines Michael Pontrelli Eleanore Potempa William Potter Andrew Prociuk Kayla Reardon Carol Reichart Marilyn Rein Crisstella Richards Madeline Saverino Jack Schaul Arthur Schmid Colleen Schober Kristin Schwab Joanne Sciaccotta Joseph Schneider Baby Mia Scola Julia Sebastion Lottie Shannon Mary Shepelak Bridget Siaja Krystyna Skalacki Al & Margaret Smith Gail Smith Michael Smith Susanne Smith Denise Solvig Anthony Spano Nora Speziale Marion B. Stiens Mary Sutton William Sweeney Tracy Thompson Charlotte Tobolik Bill Uruba David Vandergriff Eileen Varisco Sidney Vine - Child James Waldron Thomas Waldron Amy Walsh Tom Walsh Dan Walters Kathleen Ward Shirley Watson Ignatius & Mera Wel Chuck/Marge Welter Andrew Werlein Helen White Joyce Wilkey Paul Wilkey Mary Winikaitis Al Witthoft James Wittstock Genevieve Wolf Irene Wolski Bernie Zarnick Joseph Zicarelli New to Prayer List Lee Kratofil Ted Kukla Mary Winikaitis Miscellaneous Siena High School Reunion All Class Reunion Dear St. Juliana Parishioners, On May 15, 2010 St. Juliana Parish will host its second Blacktop Ball event, a fundraiser designed to benefit the entire parish community. Each attendee will receive a program book which will serve as a guide for the evening’s activities. The book will include schedule of events, descriptions of auction items, and ads from businesses, parishioners and friends supporting the event. Please consider supporting this event by placing a personal ad in our book. Family photos, clip art, even kids’ drawings can be turned into an ad. We encourage you to write a personal message of inspiration to add to the page! St. Catherine of Siena High School all class reunion will be held on Saturday, April 17, 2010 at the Siena Campus which is now the Chicago Catalyst School/Circle Urban Ministries, 5600 W. Washington in Chicago. For more information contact Kathleen Cahill at 630.894.5964 or email We are pleased to offer special pricing for parish family and friends! Full page ads will cost $40 and half page ads are $20. All money raised will benefit the Parish. Thank you for your support. ******************************************* *FRIENDS AND FAMILY ADS* Your Name: _____________________________________________________________ Your email address (optional): ______________________________________________ Ad size (check one): ___Full page ($40) ___Half Page ($20) Message: (please include the names(s) to appear in the ad) T.R.I.P. Hours Monday - Thursday 8:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. Return this form to the parish or school office: Checks should be made payable to St. Juliana Parish. Envelopes should be marked: "BLACKTOP BALL AD BOOK” Orders/payments must be received by April 9, 2010. Don’t forget to include this order form and include photo/drawing/clip art, if desired Electronic photos are encouraged. Send them to and place your last name in the subject line. Questions? Please call Sara Murphy at 773.774.5780. Printed photos (please label) will be returned in early May. Page 10 Friday 8:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. You may drop orders in the mail slot at the parish business office, 7200 N. Osceola any time. Orders can be picked up during regular parish business office hours. Colonial-Wojciechowski Funeral Home 6250 N. Milwaukee Avenue- Chicago 8025 W. Golf Road- Niles (773) 774-0366 (847) 581-0536 MARY ELLEN “O’HARA” CONSIDINE Rose’s Beauty Salon FLOOD CONTROL SPECIALISTS Nee: Caplis Permanent Wave Specialists Hair Color Specialist 7502 N. Harlem 1-773-774-3308 Molly A. Ward (Parishioner), Attorney • Wills • Trusts • Powers of Attorney • Decedent Estates • Probate Litigation • Disabled Adult and Minor Guardianship J C T General Construction 312.855.4626 STUARTS LAWN CARE LANDSCAPING & TREE REMOVAL Design • Shrubs • Sod • Tree & Bricks Senior Citizen Discount - First Time Only St. Juliana Parishioner 773-792-0433 Roofing 2156 W. Montrose (773) 769-2500 V. Mail (773) 564-4250 PARKS’ PLUMBING & SEWER, INC. $100 off your new Flood Control System with this ad. (847) 676-1931 Windows Gutters JOHN & DIANNE GUEST JACK GUEST Siding (773) 882-1488 McMullen 6400 NW Hwy. Chicago Pre-Need Arrangements Available 6000 N. Milwaukee Ave. (773) 774-4100 Funeral Home LARGE PARKING FACILITY 773.297.8300 Subsidiaries of SCI Illinois Services, Inc. Dr. Elise Grandinetti-Adley, D.D.S. Dr. Samuel Grandinetti, D.D.S. City Volkswagen Family Dental Care 7215 W. Touhy Ave. (773) 775-3431 YOUR NORTHWEST SIDE VOLKSWAGEN DEALER Just minutes away...New and Certified Pre-Owned 5330 W. Irving Park Road Chicago, IL 60641 Frank Grisanzio, Parishioner Niles Animal Hospital and Bird Medical Center Appointments: (708) 647-9325 773.794.7800 7278 N. Milwaukee Ave. PLEASE PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS And Let Them Know You Appreciate Their Support of the Parish Bulletin That’s the Best Way to Thank Them for Your Bulletin Joanne & Roger Hejza 7307 W. Howard St. Chicago, IL 60631 773-763-1528 E-Mail I. D. # 356524 Hair Loss Solutions for Men and Women 50 Years Experience Alopecia and Chemo Patients Welcomed With Compassion Private Rooms Free Consultation COMPLETE AUTO SERVICE CENTER 1-847-675-0330 Electrical Systems Our Specialty Lincolnwood, IL Tina Pusateri Manager-Parishioner Before SKOKIE AUTOMOTIVE CORP. 7254 N. Milwaukee Niles, Illinois Serra for Priestly and Religious Vocations PAUL A. MEYER, D.O. MICHAEL J. MEYER, D.O. After JOHN M. SISTO, D.D.S. Physicians and Surgeons, Osteopathic Board Certified Family Practice Hours By Appointment Oak Mill Mall, Ste. 2-23 847-966-9878 7900 N. Milwaukee Ave., Niles Owned & Operated by the Cooney Family 625 Busse Hwy., Park Ridge Oral Surgery • Dental Implants 350 S. Northwest Hwy. Ste. 118, Park Ridge (847) 696-4848 Phones: Niles 647-9320 Chicago: 631-1199 847-685-1002 3918 W. Irving Park Road, Chicago Off. 847-233-7395 773-588-5850 TOM COLLINS PLUMBING • REPAIR • REHAB • NEW CONSTRUCTION 847-647-6640 LICENSED • BONDED • INSURED Since 1972 PL # 13833 Res. 773-631-7768 E. J. SIEVERS CO. Plumbing - Heating - Service & Installation Lic. No. 3536 M 9209 B. Ivanhoe, Schiller Park, IL John P. Kenney, DDS, MS & Associates • Haircut • Color • Nails • Wax • Air Brush Tannings •10% Off New Clients Children’s Dentistry in Park Ridge Licensed Specialist • 24 Years of Happy Smiles 101 S. Washington 847.698.2088 — 24 Hr. Ans. Svc. Dr. Melissa Grandinetti-DeGroot, O.D. Comprehensive Eye Exams, Glasses and Contacts. 7215 W. Touhy, Chicago, IL 60631 1063 N. Northwest Hwy., Park Ridge, IL 60068 512117 St Juliana Church (B) 773-774-2283 847-318-7672 6693 N. Northwest Hwy 773.763.4247 847-470-0700 “There’s STILL Such A Thing As A Community Bank” Mowimy Po Polsku 7601 N. Milwaukee Ave. Niles For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-566-6170 Patrick & Sons Plumbing & Sewers BZ Home Remodeling • Repairs • Remodeling • Rodding • Hot Water Tanks • Boilers Patrick 773-699-1819 Mike 773-671-3627 10% Sr. Disc. Lic.# 058185315 Licensed • Bonded • Insured Specializing In: Windows, Roofing, Kitchens Bathrooms, Room Additions DR. MICHELE T. BOGACKI CHILDREN’S CAMPUS Pre-School • Kindergarten Summer Day Camp “Since 1979” FAMILY DENTISTRY 4452 N. CENTRAL AVE., CHICAGO 7250 W. Touhy - (773) 631-3632 773-763-4788 ASK FOR DAVE MUELLNER, Fellow Parishioner/Owner Dr. Henry V. Spunar • • • • Call Now Edison Park Foot Clinic 6780 Northwest Hwy, Chicago 847-679-1111 Financing Available Single and pregnant? Porcelain • Ceramic Supply • Fabricated • Installation Custom Design • 27 Yrs. in Business 847/647-8709 John Litera 773-777-4800 And Save $$$ Podiatrist Diseases and Surgery of the Foot flooring and staircases jlHardwood • Natural Stone New Patients Welcome Evening Office Hours Emergency Care All Ages Welcome F. O’NEILL PLUMBING & PIPING CALL FOR AN ESTIMATE Lic# TL16242 LICENSED • BONDED • INSURED CREDIT CARDS ACCEPTED 773-329-1082 We care about you. Call 312-454-1717 A & A TUCKPOINTING, INC. Catholic Charities 773-792-2221 DIPLOMAT TRAVEL AGENCY Tuckpointing • Roofing Cert. Restoration Contractor Licensed • Insured “Our 55th Year” “Your Ambassador For Travel” 6835 W. Higgins Ave. Chicago IL 60656 773-774-2727 Our 37th Year CONRAD CRAIG & MARTIN Suerth Funeral Home A Resource Catalog to Promote Vocations 1-773-955-5453 FOR A FREE CATALOG Family Owned & Operated at the Same Location Since 1927 Dennis S. Krawzak Donald R. Krawzak Peter T. Heneghan Nancy K. Haran 773-631-1240 7234 W. Touhy (773) 631-7688 6754 W. Northwest Highway INCOME TAX/ACCOUNTING Year-Round Service • 50 Years in Neighborhood ST. BENEDICT NURSING AND REHABILITATION CENTER ROY THE HANDYMAN (Free Paint Special) Home Repairs/Remodeling 847-965-6415 Free Estimates Sr. Discount Quality Workmanship • 24 Hour Licensed Nursing Care. • Independent Living Through Skilled Care. • Physical, Occupational and Speech Therapy. • Daily Mass and Rosary. 6930 W. Touhy Ave., Niles 847-647-0003 SKAJA TERRACE FUNERAL HOME Family Owned & Operated Pre-Need Arrangements 7812 N. Milwaukee Ave. Niles • (847) 966-7302 7715 W. Route 14 Crystal Lake • (815) 455-2233 ADDOLORATA VILLA A Franciscan Community Independent Living Assisted Living Skilled Nursing Outpatient Rehab • Daily Mass 847-215-1600 NICK’S DRIVE IN Painting & Decorating Services — Exterior & Interior — Fully Insured Free Estimates — Guaranteed Work Don Johanson, Parishioner 773-774-8449 Best Homemade Gyros In America 7216 N. Harlem 773-631-5045 DURACLEAN Duraclean NILES COIN SHOP Quality Carpet & Furniture Cleaning Area Rugs Cleaned on Location ® Jim Springer - Owner Free Quote (847) 825-6099 Roofing • Siding • Gutters JOSEPH-JAMES ENTERPRISES, INC. Specializing in Residential Work For Free Estimates Call (847) 692-9113 BAUBLES & BAGS, INC. • Hand Bags • Jewelry • Accessories • In Store Parties 6727 N. N.W. Hwy., Chgo. PARISHIONER Sharon Bottalla 773-763-2247 Consider Remembering Your Parish in Your Will. For further information, please call the Parish Office. Michael J. Athans, Ph.D. Child, Adolescent, and Family Psychology 32 Main Street, Park Ridge, IL 60068 (847) 823-4444 NORTHWEST DENTISTRY DR. TANIA BUI Paying much more than jewelry & hotel buyers for scrap gold • Estate Appraisals a Specialty Coins • Diamonds • Jewelry ED THE PLUMBER ED THE CARPENTER • Children’s Dentistry • Sleep Apnea/Snoring • Cosmetic Dentistry 847/967-5575 773/631-6677 7637 N. Milwaukee Niles, IL 6676 Northwest Hwy. Chicago, IL 60631 RON BIELINSKI Auto • Home • Life • Health • Business Like A Good Neighbor, State Farm Is There Best Work • Best Rate Satisfaction Guaranteed As We Do All Our Own Work 6304 N. Milwaukee Av. SAM’S REMODELING Lic# 055-026066 Parishioner Discount 773-471-1444 GRAND OPENING (847) 663-1595 • Hair • Hair Extension • Gel Nails • Facials • Permanent Make-Up • Massage • Cellulite Treatment 7633 N. Milwaukee, Niles For All Your Needs Kitchen • Bath Plumbing • Tiling Carpentry Exterior & Interior Painting Free Estimates Low Rates 847-823-2813 (773) 775-2000 professional lawn and tree care Established 1959 LAWN CARE • TREE CARE HYDRO SEEDING PRAIRIE SEEDING Long Grove, IL 60047 847-438-5161 NUZZO SEWER & PLUMBING INC. Welter Plumbing Inc. All Plumbing & Sewer Licensed & Bonded Lic# 11475 708-456-7300 Power Rodding 773-625-6280 All Sewer & Plumbing Repairs & Installation Specializing in Flood Control • Correcting Low Water Pressure Video Sewer & Locating Service Lic. # 14636 (847) 965-1883 RYAN - PARKE funeral home Family Owned & Operated Since 1936 847-823-1171 512117 St Juliana Church (A) Clement J. Ryan — Michael C. Ryan 120 S. Northwest Highway, Park Ridge 773-792-1811 For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-566-6170
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