Adventure excursions - Zell am See
Adventure excursions - Zell am See
Winter 2013/2014 Adventure Excursions Let the Happiness in! EN ZELL AM SEE 1 Schmittenhöhe 2 Museum of Local History Vogtturm 3 Ice Rink – Freizeitzentrum 4 Indoor Swimming Pool – Freizeitzentrum 5 Bowling – Freizeitzentrum 6 Toboggan Run Köhlergraben 7 Winter Wonder Train – Pinzgauer Lokalbahn 8 KRAXLEREI – Climbing Hall 9 Indoor – High Rope Course KAPRUN 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Kitzsteinhorn – THE Glacier Kitzsteinhorn – Gipfelwelt 3000 Kitzsteinhorn – ICE CAMP Tauern Spa Zell am See-Kaprun Castle Kaprun Vötter’s Vehicle Museum Alpine Coaster Maisiflitzer Family Ski Mountain Maiskogel Kaprun Museum Toboggan Run Guggenbichl Information Center Verbund 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 NATIONAL PARK HOHE TAUERN Experience World Wood – Mühlauersäge in Fusch Toboggan Run Kohlschnait Adventure Mountain Naglköpfl Noriker Horse Museum Weißsee Glacier World National Park Center Museum Bramberg Toboggan Run Wildkogel Krimml Waterfalls Planetarium Observatory National Park House “Könige der Lüfte” SAALBACH - GLEMM VALLEY Glemmy Offroad Park Ice Cart Treetop Path and Golden Gate Bridge Snowmobil*City 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 SAALFELDEN Ritzen Castle Museum Felsenfest Climbing Gym 57 58 59 60 36 37 38 39 40 41 SAALACH VALLEY Lamprechts Cave 61 Pongau Adventure Castle Klammstein Alpentherme Bad Hofgastein Felsentherme Bad Gastein SALZBURG CITY Haus der Natur Mönchsberg lift Museum Mönchsberg Museum Rupertinum Residence Salzburg Fortress Hohensalzburg Stiegl – Brewery SALZBURG Surroundings Salzburg Open-Air Museum Salt Worlds and Celtic Village Salzburg Zoo Salt Mine Berchtesgaden Kaiservilla Bad Ischl TYROL Adventure Fortress Kufstein Glass City Rattenberg Silver Mine Schwaz Swarovski Crystal Worlds “Das Tirol Panorama” with Kaiserjägermuseum LEOGANG Mining- and Gothic Museum Leoganger Open Air Go-Cart Course Flying Fox XXL Tobogganing at the Asitz Crystal Cellar Imprint: Editor: Zell am See-Kaprun Tourismus GmbH,; Despite careful examination, there is no warranty for the content. Changes are possible! Status October 2013; Concept und graphis:; Photos: Gletscherbahnen Kaprun AG, Schmittenhöhebahnen AG, Zell am See-Kaprun Archiv, Tourismus Salzburg, listed excursions and sights 2 3 Söchtenau Rinnsee Schwabering Hofstätter S. faffenhofen (522) Breitenbrunn am Chiemsee Gstadt Prutting e Nußdorf Schloßberg Stephanskirchen Herreninsel Prien Erlstätt e hi Wag ing er Waging am See Petting St. Leonhard Leobendorf 156 Abtsdorf Schönram Surheim Holzhausen bei Teisendorf Saaldorf Lauter 304 Neukirchen Teisendorf Neumarkt Obertrum am See Freilassing F Seewalchen C A L Seekirchen Oberhofen lle Wa r se e G H Wildeneck Henndorf Anthering am Wallersee 1 Elixhausen Eugendorf Hallwang am Wallersee U A am Wallersee Vö Weißenkirchen St. Georgen Lichtenberg 154 151 im Attergau Nußdorf 1114 Oberwang Mondsee Thalgau Seewalchen Berg Seewalchen Schörfli am Atterse St. Georgen Kammer Attersee Straß Abtsdorf am Moos Kolomannsberg Schörflin imAtterg. im Attergau Irrsee Zell Kulmspitze R Steindorf l Obertrumer- Mattsee see Schleedorf Oberndorf b. Sbg. am Haunsberg Lenzing Mösendorf Irrsdorf Köstendorf ck Arnsdorf Nußdorf Abtsdorfer See Ettendorf Traunstein Ut.- Ob.-eching Laufen bei Wonneberg Wolkersdorf m Sim Herrenchiemsee am See 304 Chieming am Chiemsee Rimsting se nheim Eggstätt Hartsee Bad Endorf Kirchanschöring Lampolding Taching e Se en Pelhamer See Truchtlaching Knesing Seebruck Matzing Traunwalchen Hart Kammer Gollenshausen Egerer Aiging am Chiemsee Tachinger See A t t e r s e e Vogtareuth Seeon St. Georgen Traunreut Brünning se e Roitham Halfing Inn t Pittenhart Holzhausen 15 am Attersee Oberwang Zell Weyregg am Attersee 152 Seeleithen Grabenstätt Vachendorf Mondsee OberWallersee A1 Stockwinkl Übersee 1096 Bergheim Straß Seefeld Grabenstätt Bergen Schweinb. Traunstein/ am Teisenberg teisendorf A8 Feldwies Siegsdorf Hochleckenkg.La 45-51 Innerschwand Plainfeld Thalgau 304 Loibichl A8 Bernau/Ch. 1691 St. Lorenz Neukirchen Sbg. Nord 158 Irschen Steinbach Pichl Auhof Rosenheim Lauterbach Frasdorf Bernhaupten Siegsdorf Vogling am Attersee Übersee 20 Liefering Hof bei Sbg. Fus Teisenberg Gaisberg Au Achenmühle Unterach s Anger Ainring Gries chl Bernau Hammer A8 e e 151 HÖ am Attersee Gr. Rohrdorf see 1287 Feldkirchen Siezenheim 1333 Rottau Ebenau Frasdorf am Chiemsee Bergen Scharfling L L E Rohrdorf Anger 152 Achenmühle Zinnkopf N Grassau 305 Weißenbach Fuschl am See 154 Schafberg G E Neubeuren Törwang 306 Burgau am Attersee Wals Faistenau Aufham Aschau Haindorf Altenmarkt Salzburg Piding 1227 Staudach 1782 im Chiemgau am Inn S Airport (425) Grainbach A Hochfelln L Glasenbach Z 153 eischenhart Kampenwand Zwiesel Bad Reichenhall 21 Knoten W K A MME R G Leonsberg Elsbethen St. Gilgen Marquartstein 1664 Ruhpolding Inzell Mauthausen Hochries Salzburg Glanegg 54 UT o l Falkenstein Mitterweiße 1668 (690) 1782 Wiestal(608) Nußdorf 1745 Anif fg St. Wolfgang Zwölferhorn 1568 stausee Hintersee 52 Fürstenbrunn Ht. Rauschberg am Inn 20 Unterwössen an im Salzkammergut Grödig Sbg./Süd 307 A93 1521 Brand O Puch/Urstein g Haiden 1671 Weißbach se Abersee Großgmain 305 st Schleching Gaartenau Nieder- Puch e h Spitzstein (473) Gurnwandkopf 305 56 Ret an der Alpenstraße Thumsee Gaißau Untersberg Geigelstein alm bei Hallein Krispl 158 n Bayrisch e Hintersee Oberwössen h 1597 Strobl 1691 r Förchensee Gmain 1808 Oberalm Weißenbach 305 ho Lödensee Markt 159 53Hallein Adnet 1613 Nussensee Reit Schellenberg Sonntagshorn (469) Schmittenstein rn Erl Predigtstuhl im Winkl Weitsee 1961 1695 Wildbichl G Kössen Hütte Hoher Zinken r u p Postalm Steinpaß Bad Vigaun Lauffen 175 1764 Walchsee p e Bischofswiesen Weißenbach 145 eraudorf 558 Deutsche Waidach 172 Unken 55 Alpenstraße ro St. Koloman Trattberg Oberaudorf Niederndorf Zinkenkopf ler A Walchsee Bad Goisern Kuchl 1337 Ebbs Durchholzen 1757Seewaldsee Schwendt Georgenberg Kiefersfelden Gamsfeld St. A Reit (572) Ramsau 1773 Pyramidenspitze Kuchl iefersfelden Fellhorn Zah 1997 Unterberghorn 178 2027 Steinplatte Schwarzer Berg me r Kai s e r Schönau Kufstein Nord 175 Golling 1764 Rußbach Steeg 57 am Königssee Faistau 176 Ramsau 1869 Torren an der Salzach 1584 am Paß Gschütt Paß.. Gschütt Voglau Hoher Göll 2522 am Königssee Strub Königssee Griesenau Scheffau Golling Lofer Gr. Hundshorn 166 Kufstein 964 178 Waidring Rußbachsaag am Tennengeb. Gosauzwang (499) Paß Strub . 162 1703 1874 Gosau W ilder Kaiser utal A10 . Paß Lueg Kirchdorf Erpfendorf d a t 677 n Jenner in Tirol u l Horn St. Martin Ellmauer Halt E B 552 Hallstatt Watzmann Hinter- Treffauer 2344 bei Abtenau RG Königssee 36Lofer 173 steinersee Hocheisspitze 2304 Lahn BI Salzburger Gr. Ochsenhorn 2712 E Schwoich Pillersee Dolomitenstraße Paß Lueg 2511 2521 Österr. Romantiks Scheffau Kahlersberg St. Ulrich Nationalpark St. Johann am Pillersee a. W. K. Vd. A10 T E N N E N G E B I R G E L o f erer Steinberge Weißbach hl 178 Going a. W. K. in Tirol(659) H. Kripp Berchtesgaden 2350 bei Lofer DießbachBleikogel 58 59 Gosausee Annaberg Ellmau a stausee ad Häring Rifflkopf Gr. Hundstod St. Jakob u im Lammertal k 164 Oberndorf 2594 Obersee im Haus Hartkaser 2254 61 häusl 60 Raucheck 2411 Bischofsmütze a m m Ht.Hallstätter in Tirol St Le o g a n g e r S 311 178 Söll Funtensee Rauchegg 2431 2458 Tenneck a 1556 S e a t l e a ine 2216 161 Kitzbüheler Horn Reith 166 D A Gletscher Hoher D Birnhorn i n b ch Itter Hohe Salve Werfen r Werfen bei Kitzbühel Hochfilzen Fieberbrunn n 1996 St. Martin 2995 (2836) 1828 Brixen e C H Gerzkopf am Tennengebirge Breithorn s M e 37 39 2634 S T E Grießenpaß . Pfarrwerfen Pfarrwerfen u Hopfgarten im Thale 35 e r 170 Lenzing I 969 Werfenweng 1728 im Brixental 38 41 Kitzbühel 159 2504 Selbhorn Grießen 164 (762) Kirchberg Bischofshofen Filzmoos r Wildseeloder Westendorf 40 Hütten Maut Lammertal Saalfelden 2642 Spielberghorn i x R a l in Tirol 1655 Leogang Übergossene Alm Aurach 99 2118 a e n t skiingRoßbrand area 34 am St. Meer 2044 Hahnenkamm Bischofshofen 2941 Maria Alm 311 Hinterthal Eben 2642 Bischof am Steinernen M. Mandlingpaß im Pongau 33 Eben i. P. Wildenkarkogel Hüttau Hochkönig Mitterberg toboggan run .Mandling .1357 Saalbach 2127 1910 1782 Harham 815 Pichl Filzensattel 1342. 164 Rettenbach Radstadt Ennstal Hochgründeck Hochkeil Aschau cross-country ski run Gleiming 32 31 30 Gerling 32 Hinterglemm Dientner Sttl. Jochberg 311 Forstau G Roh Dienten Viehhofen 1827 Di e n Reitdorf l e Sa Altenmarkt Mühlbach am Hochkönig N E ice rink t P L im Pongau e a A Schattberg n am Hochkönig l er Ber m amch E L E R Maishofen 2018 ge 163 och 99 1790 pool 18 Z B Ü H t a1 l 6 3-5 Flachau T 161 im Pongau (615) indoor swimming I Hundstein Geißstein St. Veit K Hochwur Flachau 2363 Gr. Rettenstein Vd. Fager Schmittenhöhe Thumersbach 2366 im Pongau Weng Hochkogel Wagrain 2117 1965 Alpendf. climbing Zeller See Hundsdorf 2249 Vd. Geißstein Grießenkareck . 2 21 26 Goldegg Schwarzach 1274 Paß Thurn dogs welcome 2177 8+9 7 1991 Stuhlfelden S (757) Taxenbach Lend Schüttdorf Piesendorf Untertauern Burk im Pongau Wildkogel Flachau25 Uttendorf Steindorf 11 24 20 22 168 311 for wheelchair/ Bramberg 42 winkel Süd Zauchensee Steir. Kalkspitze Höllwand 165 13 Klamm 2234 am Wildkogel 14 Embach A10 stroller possible Bruck 12 Mittersill Klammstein 2287 2459 N Kleinarl Salzach Niedernsill Mühlbach Hollersbach Neukirchen Steinfeldspitze 15 an der Glocknerstr. dorf (790) R am Großvenediger Stubach im Pinzgau Wenns (755) gsleiten28 Wald bad weather E Ennskraxen 2344 (857) Bernkogel im Pinzgau Obertauern Habach Drei Brüder . A U 18 2436 29 Rosental T 16 17 Radstädter Tauern 107 2325 sights for children 1739 her Dorfgastein Jägers. 2264 Großarl R 19 Vorderkrimml ßboden E Rauris Reißrachkopf Fusch T 99 Krimml an der Glocknerstr. Ä D motorway Tauerntunnel Fellern Schrotkopf 10 2210 A D S T Tappen- Mosermandl (6401m) R 167 Breitfuß 2776 2359 karsee Bad Fusch 2680 main road 27Hütteltalkg. 108 Wörth Kitzsteinhorn Draugstein 2853 Maut 2962 Hoher Tenn 43 Tweng 3203 main rconnection Seebachsee 3368 ha Ferleiten Schwarzkopf l Hüttschlag us b Bad Hofgastein Karteis t a Stausee Tauernkogel Weißeck other roads ch Kratzen2764 Grünsee a (859) Mooserboden Türchlwand Bucheben bergsee 2988 3564 2711 23 sp. Zederhaus Tauern2577 Felber Tauern Zederhaus moossee Gr. Wiesbachhorn railroad Edlenkopf Felbertauerntunnel 2260 Mautern 2577 es e k 3086 h Mu Weißsee H. Riffl 44 Innergschlöß (5304 m) Maut Fell zbac 2924 Edelweißsp. Murtörl 2411 r rsul Granatspitze Kalser. Tauern 3338 Großvenediger P P E Speiereck Stubnerkogel Unt. Schwarzsee Fuscher Törl 2515 Bad Gastein FelbertauernU Unt. Fuscher-Kar-Kopf (1000) 3674 2246 Muhr straße (1075) Rotgüldensee 3360 Eiskögele 3426 G R Wildensee Birnlücke 3331 Dorfer See 2934 Kölnbreinspitze St. M St. Michael Böckstein 0 4 2665 5 10 km Gr. Geiger R Kesselspitze M . ur Hocharn im Lu Maut Großglockner Auto-BahnHochtor2504 Maut KölnbreinE Hafner 2763 3499 3254 Katschbergtunnel verladung © arbeitsgemeinschaft kartographie 3798 Gasteiner Gletscherstr. G speicher (5439m) Schareck Dreiherrnsp. 3076 Alpenstr. am Chiemsee Felden C o Riedering Söllhuben M n d SALZBURG Bad Reichenhall Saala c Bad Hallein Salz ach Ti che Berchtesgaden T E N N ll N Ha E G G s HAG Go U EN G A erg U Sperten tal R e U St. Johann B Z R a u r i s t a l l Fuschertal Fusch er A che h ac ur Ta l Ferle itenta l Ta Kapruner Ache achtal berb r uner Ka p de r S E l Pa ste rze Taue al Ze Fel Wei ch NIEDERE T a e N A G G r o ß a r lb a al al Margaritzen- U A L O P a G r o ß ht htal l t a A s t e i n e r G a ac ch T E KAPRUN he Ac Rauriser Z U A b Stu ba ent O H Hollersbac Ha Ach l ulzbachta Obers mler H I ch ersulz ba Ob Krim P N G bach Zauchen ZELL AM SEE Ob 5 g (591) R L N Tauerntunnel U N Zell am See 1 Freizeitzentrum Zell am See-Kaprun 5 BOwling Fun with friends and family. Schmittenhöhe Opening times: daily from 4.00 pm Enjoy skiing and winter hiking at 2,000 meters or relax on one of the many sunterrace with a magnificent panoramic view over more than thirthy 3,000 metre peaks. Opening times: 30.11.2013 – 21.04.2014 daily 8.30 am – 4.30 pm 02.02. – 07.03.2014 daily until 5.00 pm Prices: day ticket adults from € 41.00 up and down trip adults from €13.50 more information see brochure: Prices & Info Address: Schmittenstr. 119 5700 Zell am See +43 6542 789-211 bus 660 + 71 Whether on snow-shoes for winter hikes, or on a treasure hunt using GPS, the Schmitten can be discovered with or without skis. A weekly programme for free guided tours is available at the Schmitten Infocenter and Tourist information. Funslope XXL Snails, tunnels and steep curves on the new Funslope make every skier and snowboarder’s heart beat faster. OF LOCAL HISTORY VOGTTURM 2 MUSEUM An interesting museum in the more than 1,000 y. old Vogtturm – a look into local history. Prices: on request Address: Turmplatzl (town sq.) 5700 Zell am See +43 664 5862706 +43 664 4626253 bus 660 rink Freizeitzentrum Zell am See-Kaprun 3 Ice Sporty ice-skating. Opening times: Mon.-Fri. 10.00 am–3.20 pm Sat., Sun. 1.00 pm–3.20 pm Tue., Thu. 8.00 pm–10.00 pm low season: Mon. – Sun. 1.00 pm – 3.20 pm Tue. 8.00 pm – 10.00 pm Christmas: 24.12.2013 10.00 am – 3.20 pm 25.12.2013 – 06.01.2014 10.00 am – 4.50 pm Prices: adults €7.00 with guest c.€ 6.30 youths € 4.50 children € 3.80 ice skate hire adults €3.50 youths € 2.50 children € 2.50 Address: Steinergasse 3-5 5700 Zell am See +43 6542 785-0 bus 660 SWIMMING POOL 4 INDOOR Freizeitzentrum Zell am See-Kaprun Indoor swimming pool with 74 m water slide, 3 m diving tower, 1 m diving board, 25 m swimming pool and 33 m² children’s pool with pirate ship game, steam bath, sauna facilities. Opening times: open all year round daily 10.00 am – 10.00 pm 6 Prices: adults €13.00 with guest c.€ 11.70 youths €8.20 children €7.00 € 1.00 € 10.00 closed on Mondays Address: Steinergasse 3-5 5700 Zell am See +43 6542 785-40 bus 660 run KÖHLERGRABEN 6 toboggan 1,5 km long toboggan run, from Gasthof Köhlergraben, through the Schmitten valley to Hotel Waldhof. A mountain adventure with a difference Opening times: Christmas 2013 – Easter 2014 Mon., Wed., Fri 1.30 pm – 5.30 pm last entry 5.00 pm Prices: 7 min. 1 h approx. Opening times: depend on snow conditions, daily open, floodlit 4.00 pm – 10.00 pm, ascent on foot, every Tue. toboggan bus: 6.50 pm – 9.50 pm, post square, 20 min. interval, Hotel Alpenblick 6.45 pm, last bus back 10.06 pm toboggan hire about € 4.00 – 5.00 Address: Köhlergrabenweg 15 5700 Zell am See +43 6542 770 bus 660 + 71 wonder Train – PINZGAUER LOKALBAHN 7 WINTER Narrow gauge railway from Zell am See through upper Pinzgau to the icy Krimml waterfalls. Welcome Grappa and a torch tour are included. Opening times: 26.12.2013 – 13.03.2014 every Thursday departure train station Zell am See at 4.00 pm Prices: bidirectional adults € 23.10 youths € 14.90 children € 13.10 Address: Bahnhofplatz 1 5700 Zell am See +43 6562 40600 bus 660 – CLIMBING HALL 8 KRAXLEREI With an area of 2.000m² and walls of up to 18 meters, every climbing wish is fulfilled and all energy is spent. You can conquer a great variety of routes from easy to challenging, with big and small holds. Specifically modern architecture combines a 500m² Boulder area within the hall. Opening times: open all year round daily 4.00 pm – 10.00 pm Sign in necessary! Prices: day ticket adults € 12.00 youths (15-17 y.)€ 10.00 child. (-14 y.) € 8.50 climbing-set rental: per person € 8.00 Address: Club Kitzsteinhorn Gletschermoosstr. 13 5700 Zell am See +43 6542 57241 bus 660 – HIGH ROPE COURSE 9 INDOOR Austria’s biggest hight rope course offers fun for young and old. 5 courses with 50 different stations are a challenge to one’s bravery and physical skills. There are interesting tasks to accomplish which, of course, are lot of fun. Opening times: Address: Steinergasse 3-5 5700 Zell am See +43 6542 785-0 bus 660 Prices: toboggan bus per person € 1.90 Only on request! +43 6542 57241 Prices: adults € 25.00 youths (15-17 y.)€ 20.00 child. (-14 y.) € 15.00 Address: Club Kitzsteinhorn Gletschermoosstr. 13 5700 Zell am See +43 6542 57241 bus 660 7 Kaprun 10 11 Tauern SPA Zell am See-Kaprun Kitzsteinhorn – the glacier Glacier skiing with excellent natural snow pistes, 3 snowparks with Austria’s biggest superpipe and Freeride XXL with 5 routes, freeride info base and an avalanche search area. Opening times: open all year round daily 8.15 am – 4.30 pm Prices: day ticket adults youths children € 46.00 € 34.00 € 23.00 more information see brochure: Prices & Info bus 660, additional skibus in winter The Kitzsteinhorn summit station at 3,029 m is the highest vantage point in the Salzburg region. On eye-level with Austria’s mightiest mountains, it has magnificent views of the National Park Hohe Tauern, the biggest nature reserve in the Alps. Prices: Gipfelwelt 3000 (incl. cable cars to summit station – 3,029 m) adults youths children € 33.00 € 24.50 € 16.50 Opening times: 01.10.2013 – 30.04.2014 Sat. – Thu. 9.00 am – 11.00 pm Fri. 9.00 am – 12.00 pm Address: Kesselfallstr. 64 5710 Kaprun +43 6547 8621 Kitzsteinhorn – Gipfelwelt 3000 Opening times: open all year round daily 8.15 am – 4.00 pm The base camp for body and soul with Finnish sauna, oven sauna, herbal bath, soft sauna, saline laconium, aromatic steam room, spacious relaxation areas, steam-dousing saunas in the garden. Seperate area with various saunas for clothed guests. Prices: day ticket Mon. – Fri. adults € 25.00 children € 12.50 day ticket Sat. – Sun. + holiday adults € 27.50 children € 13.50 see more prices on the website Address: Tauern Spa Platz 1 5710 Kaprun +43 6547 2040-0 bus 660 Kaprun 12 castle Built in the 12 century – proven by Roman criterion in the east tower. In th the beginning the castle was owned by Graf Falkenstein or Graf Peilstein. Address: Kesselfallstraße 64 5710 Kaprun +43 6547 8621 Opening times: Mon. 4.00 pm during the guided tour! bus 660, additional skibus in winter Prices: adults € 4.00 child. (-15 y.)free Address: Schloßstr. 55 5710 Kaprun +43 676 5653012 bus 660 free with valid ski pass Cinema 3000 Spectacular scenery up close! A wonderful way to experience ‘Kitzsteinhorn – THE NATURE’, a film shown on an 8 metre wide screen. National park Gallery The fascinating info stations are situated in a 360 m-long gallery and recount the origins of the Hohe Tauern Mountains, Tauerngold, precious stones, permafrost and technology on the Kitzsteinhorn. DESIGNED FOR FREEDOM Panorama Platforms The Panorama platforms “Top of Salzburg“ and „National Park Gallery“ open up excellent views of the Kitzsteinhorn and the Großglockner, which is Austria’s highest mountain at 3,798 m. kitzsteinhorn – ice Camp presented by Audi quattro A small, stylish world made of snow and ice. The igloo landscape at an altitude of 2,500 metres is the ideal place to enjoy a cool drink in the quattro Lounge or on the sun deck. Opening times: opening 04.01.2014 daily 8.15 am – 3.00 pm Prices: Gletscher Genuss Ticket (incl. cable cars to Alpincenter – 2,450 m) adults youths children €26.50 €19.50 €13.00 Address: Kesselfallstraße 64 5710 Kaprun +43 6547 8621 bus 660, additional skibus in winter free with valid ski pass Inserat.indd 1 8 10/1/2013 3:48:08 PM 9 vehicle museum 13 Vötter’s Vehicles from the 50ies – 70ies, cars, motorbikes, scooters, tractors, old Kitzsteinhorn cable car, apartment from the 50ies, the biggest convertible in the world. Opening times: open all year round daily 10.00 am – 6.00 pm Prices: adults € 7.00 child. (7-14 y.)€ 3.50 family (2 adults + 1 child) €15.00 Address: Schloßstr. 32 5710 Kaprun +43 6547 71340 bus 660 KAPRUN Museum 16 Exhibitions: prehistory, pioneers of tourism, modern tourism, the song of Kaprun – in the 400 years old Steiner farm house, special exhibitions. Opening times: open all year round Wed. + Fri. 10.00 am – 12.00 noon Sun. 3.00 pm – 6.00 pm Prices: adults € 3.90 child. (6-15 y.)€ 2.80 family (2 adults + children) € 9.50 Address: Kirchenplatz 4 5710 Kaprun +43 664 9316228 bus 660 toboggan run GUGGENBICHL 17 Clear a way through the snow with the toboggan. Alpine Coaster Maisiflitzer 14 Fast tobogganing fun for the whole family with 5 banked loops, bumps and jumps and speeds up to 40 km/h. Opening times: open all year round daily 11.00 am – sunset children from 3-7 years only accompanied by adults Prices: single run adults €10.00 youths (8-15y.)€ 7.00 child. (3-7y.) € 4.50 family (2 adults + 2 child. 3-12 y.)€24.00 Address: Einödweg 3 5710 Kaprun +43 6547 20113 bus 660 perfect groomed slopes: that’s what guarantees a wonderful skiing experience for the whole family! Prices: day ticket adults €38.00 youths €27.00 children €20.00 up and down trip adults €13.00 Further prices see brochure: Price and Info f 10 Prices: free toboggan rental at the “Jausenstation” Address: Guggenbichlweg 11 5710 Kaprun +43 6547 8578 bus 660 continue on foot “Jausenstation” closed on Mon. Information center VERBUND 18 Modern interactive technology, valuable facts about the VERBUND, as well as the interplay of nature and technology. SKI MOUnTAIN MAISKOGEL 15 FAMILY Easy travel, plenty of free parking, inexpensive lift tickets and Opening times: December 2013 – April 2014 daily 8.30 am – 4.00 pm Opening times: depends on snow conditions, daily illuminated until 10.00 pm disE a r a Ski p gan Fun og ily & Tob hole Fam e w or th Address: Einödweg 3 5710 Kaprun +43 6547 20113 bus 660 Opening times: open all year round daily 8.00 am – 6.00 pm Prices: entrance free Address: Krafthausstraße 20 5710 Kaprun +43 50313 23201 bus 660 Nationalpark Hohe Tauern WORLD WOOD - MÜHLAUERSÄGE IN FUSCH 19 EXPERIENCE Forest as symbiosis, forestry, development of sawing techniques, wood handicrafts etc. Opening times: December 2013 – April 2014 Thu. – Sun. 1.00 pm – 6.00 pm guided tour 1.00 pm and 4.00 pm Prices: adults children family € 4.00 €2.50 € 9.00 Address: Z 121 5672 Fusch/Glstr. +43 664 2112823 bus 650 run KOHLSCHNAIT 20 Toboggan Snow and fun for the whole family, 3 km illuminated toboggan run, snow tubing, sledge express. Opening times: daily 11.00 am – 12.00 pm sledgeexpress on booking 11.00 am – 9.00 pm snow guarantee Prices: sledge-package: incl. ascent, sledge and drink adults €11.00 child. (-14 y.) € 8.00 child. below 1 m free Address: Meeting point Parkplatz Mitterhofstraße 9 5671 Bruck/Glstr. +43 6545 6112 11 MOUNTAIN Naglköpfl 21 ADVENTURE llluminated toboggan run, snow tubing, trampoline, paragliding, tandem, “Zipflbob”, skiing, Aprés Ski, FunNights. Opening times: 21.12.2013 – 02.03.2014 daily 9.00 am – 4.00 pm tobogganing & tubing daily 12.00 noon – 4.00 pm FunNigths Tue. + Thu. 7.00 pm – 10.00 pm Prices: day ticket ski adults €17.1 0 children €9.50 ½ day ticket ski adults €10.90 children €6.30 Address: Schiliftstraße 166 5721 Piesendorf +43 6549 7331 bus 670/train R230 horse museum 22 Noriker An exhibition about horses and people in the Nationalpark Hohe Tauern. Opening times: October 2012 – April 2013 Tue., Sat. 1.00 pm – 5.00 pm Prices: adults € 4.00 child. (6-15 y.) € 2.00 Address: Kirchgasse 1 5722 Niedernsill +43 664 2355130 bus 670/train R230 Glacier world Uttendorf 23 WeiSSsee Insider tip for the whole family - 2 children up to 12 years are free accompanied by their parents! Skiing, snowboarding, freeriding, ski touring and ice climbing in its purest form. Opening times: 21.12.2013 – 04.05.2014 daily 9.00 am – 4.15 pm Prices: day ticket adults € 30.00/33.00 child. € 15.00/ 1 6.50 up and down trip adults €20.00 children € 10.00 dog € 2.00 bus 670/train R230 + bus 672 parents only pay for one child (-14 y.) 12 Address: Information Neukirchen Marktstraße 171 € 10.00 5741 Neukirchen € 5.00 +43 6565 6256 Information Bramberg €27.00 Stoitznergasse 3 €13.50 5733 Bramberg +43 6566 7251 Snow-Hotline: +43 6565 6205 bus 670/train R230 Waterfalls 27 Krimml Also in the winter the fifth highest waterfalls in the world are worth visiting, falling 380 m, during wintertime you can visit the 1st waterfall (Kürsinger Platz) in a 10 – 15 minutes walk. Opening times: Visit of the 1st Waterfall possible all year round Prices: entrance free Address: Oberkrimml 47 5743 Krimml +43 6564 7212 bus 670/train R230 and observatory Königsleiten 28 Planetarium Opening times: 15.12.2013 – mid of April 2014 closed on Saturdays planetarium presentations Sun. – Fri. 5.30 pm and 8.30 pm bus 670/train R230 telescope observation clear sky at 9.30 pm Prices: Address: adults € 9.00 Königsleiten 29 youths (14-21y.)€ 6.00 5742 Wald/Pzg. child. (6-13 y.) € 4.50 +43 6564 20014 bus 670/train R230 National park house “Könige der Lüfte” 29 Golden eagles and vultures – the kings of the air in the Nationalpark and culture from the region, bee exhibition, „People and Culture“ exhibition, open air area and mining section. Prices: adults € 6.00 with guest c. € 5.00 child. (6-14 y.)€ 3.00 family €12.00 guided tour €25.00 Prices: single run adults + youths children day ticket adults + youths children floodlit until 10.00 pm Address: Gerlos Straße 18 5730 Mittersill +43 6562 40939 Museum Bramberg 25 National Park exhibition ‘Emerald and Crystal’, handcraft, tradition Opening times: 26.12.2013 – 06.01.2014 daily (except 01.01.) 1.00 – 5.00 pm 07.01.2014 – 17.04.2014 Thu. 7.00 pm – 9.00 pm Fri. 1.00 pm – 5.00 pm Opening times: depending on the snow Christmas – approx. mid of March daily 8.45 am – 4.15 pm special evening offer (last ascent at 6.30 pm) Tue. + Fri. Smaragdbahn Bramberg Sat. Wildkogelbahn Neukirchen With the stars so close, one can only be in the Planetarium Königsleiten. trove with 3D-cinema, mountain forest, alpine summer, wild water, avalanche dome, world of glaciers and the unique 360° panoramacinema. Prices: adults € 8.50 child. (6-14 y.)€ 4.00 depending on your skills. Address: Stubach 90 5723 Uttendorf +43 6563 20150 park Center mittersill 24 National Nine worlds under one roof – eagle flight, marmots & friends, treasure Opening times: open all year round daily 9.00 am – 6.00 pm toboggan run WILDKOGEL 26 Fun and action, 14 km illuminated toboggan run, about 30-50 min, Address: Weichseldorf 36 5733 Bramberg +43 6566 7678 bus 670/train R230 Hohe Tauern, the largest birds in the alps, integrated cinema. Opening times: 01.01. – 19.03.2014 Wed. 4.00 pm – 6.00 pm Prices: adults € 5.00 child. (6-14 y.)€ 3.00 family €10.00 Address: Dorfstraße 27 5661 Rauris/Wörth +43 6562 408490 bus 640 13 Saalbach - Glemm valley Glemmy Offroad Park 30 SNOW QUAD/BUGGY BIKING in the snowy Glemmtal! Into the snow flurry! Swerve and drift with our Quads and Buggys over snowy and icy slopes in our 60.000 m² terrain, it’s great fun for children and adults. Opening times: 27.12.2013 – 21.04.2014 daily 10.00 am – 6.00 pm closed on Tue. Prices: from € 11.00 depending on the length of the trip It is better to book a winter wonder tour in advance. Address: Burgsteinweg (directly at the street – “Ölwehrtechnik Fürstauer“) 5752 Viehhofen +43 664 3709685 +43 664 8954855 bus 680 breathtaking action on 3,500 m² ice. Prices: 1 run (10 min.) until 20.12.2013, from 12.01.2014 and Sun. €11.00 21.12.2013 – 11.01.2014 € 13.00 Address: Vorderglemm 85 5753 Saalbach +43 676 5175630 Opening times: December 2013 – February 2014 Thu. – Sun. 11.00 am – 5.00 pm Christmas: 24.12.2013 – 06.01.2014 daily 11.00 am – 5.00 pm Prices: adults € 4.50 child. (-18 y.) free seniors (+60y.)€ 3.00 last entry 4.00 pm Address: Museumsplatz 1 5760 Saalfelden +43 6582 72759 bus 260 CLIMBING GYM 35 FELSENFEST A perfect playground for all climbing professionals, ambitious climbers Opening times: open all year round daily 10.00 am – 10.00 pm Prices: adults € 12.00 youths (12-17 y.)€ 8.50 child. (6-11 y.)€ 5.00 child. (0-5 y.)free Address: Leoganger Str. 30A 5760 Saalfelden +43 664 1238985 bus 260 Saalach valley The 1 kilometer circular treetop path leads through 11 towers and platforms, 33 bridges, a skywalk, the Golden Gate Bridge up to 42 m height. An unique excursion destination for adults and kids! Prices: adults € 9.00 children € 6.00 groups on request Exhibition: Protohistory, cradle collection, minerals, votive pictures, local culture. bus 680 path and Golden Gate Bridge 32 treetop The highest tree-top path can be found at the end of the Saalbach-Hinterglemm valley. Opening times: open all year round daily 10.00 am – 9.00 pm 34 RITZEN CASTLE MUSEUM and climbing beginners: 1,700 m² of climbing surface (including 200 m² for bouldering) with foreign climbing wall and outdoor climbing wall. ice cart 31 “Feel the speed!” spectacular drifts, races and Opening times: until 31.01.2014 2.00 pm – 8.00 pm from 01.02.2014 3.00 pm – 8.00 pm attention: closed in rainy conditions, thaw and heavy snowfall Saalfelden Address: Talschlussweg 357 5754 Hinterglemm +43 6217 29029 bus 680 36 Lamprechts cave One of the biggest passage cave in the world with around 51 km surface area, 700 m of the cave is illuminated, 70 m difference in altitude. Opening times: 01.11.2013 – 30.04.2014 Fri., Sat., Sun. 9.00 am – 5.00 pm 04.11. – 21.11.2013 and 03.03. – 21.03.2014 closed guided latern hike Thu. 7.30 pm (approx. 1,5 h) sign in necessary Prices: adults € 4.50 child. (-15 y.) € 2.50 Groups fom 10 persons with booking Address: Obsthurn 28 5092 St. Martin bei Lofer +43 6582 8343 +43 676 4480791 guided latern hike bus 260 adults €14.00 child. (6-15 y.)€ 7.00 Snowmobil*City 33 Action-packed through snow and winter landscape. Opening times: mid December 2013 – mid March 2014 depends on snow conditions Tue. – Sun. 1.00 pm – 7.00 pm 14 Prices: snowmobile Address: Zinneggweg 92 10 min. € 18.00 5732 Saalbach 30 min. € 54.00 +43 664 8444323 60 min. €108.00 reduced kids prices bus 680 snow grommer to drive alone/pers 25 min. €109.00 incl. instruction (adult + passenger/pers.) 15 Leogang Pongau mining- und Gothic museum 37 Dive into the times of the Middle Ages. A worldwide unique collection 42 adventure castle Klammstein of holy Gothic figures from all over the Alps. Opening times: 26.12.2013 – end of March 2014 Thu. 6.30 pm – 8.30 pm Prices: adults € 6.90 child. (-15 y.) free Address: Hütten 10 5771 Leogang +43 6583 7105 Prices: adults 10 min. five times € 1 1.00 € 50.00 Address: Rain 5771 Leogang +43 664 4343500 bus 690 FOX XXL 39 FLYING It is one of the fastest and longest steel cable slides in the world. Opening times: 07.03. – 19.04.2014 Fri. + Sat. 12.00 noon – 4.00 pm Prices: on request closed until March 2014 Address: Hütten 39 5771 Leogang +43 6583 821957 bus 690 at the ASITZ “LEO’S KUFENGAUDI” 40 tobogganing On the toboggan through the winter landscape. Opening times: mid December 2013 depends on snow conditions daily 1.00 pm – 4.00 pm night tobogganing Tue. + Fri. 6.00 pm – 10.30 pm Opening times: Tue. – Sun. 11.00 am – 6.00 pm closed on Mon. Prices: adults children € 6.00 €3.00 bus 690 open air GO-cART course 38 LEOGANGER An out of the ordinary spare time activity is awaiting you! You will love it! Opening times: 25.12.2013 – 06.01.2014 daily 2.00 pm – 9.00 pm from 07.01.2014 Wed. – Sun. 2.00 pm – 9.00 pm Located at the beginning of the Gastein Valley, 60 m above the road is a magnificent fortress on the Klammstein, “Burgschänke”, with a museum containing its history. Prices: day tobog. single run/½ day incl. tobog. adults €15.00/ 23.00 child. € 7.50/1 1 .50 night tobogganing single run/evening ticket adults €15.00/ 23.00 child. € 7.50/ 1 1 .50 Address: Hütten 5771 Leogang +43 6583 8219 Address: Klammstein 26 5633 Dorfgastein +43 6433 7603 +43 660 6597615 43 ALPENTHERME – BAD HOFGASTEIN Alpine health- and leisure world; 360° panorama view overlooking the glacier world of the National Park Hohe Tauern, Relax-, Sauna-, Family-, Ladies- and Sports World. Opening times: open all year round until 19.12.2013 Sun. – Wed. 9.00 am – 9.00 pm Thu. – Sat. 9.00 am – 10.00 pm 20.12.2013 – 09.03.2014 daily 9.00 am – 11.00 pm Prices: day ticket adults children €29.00 €16.50 Address: Sen. W. Wilflingplatz 1 5630 Bad Hofgastein +43 6432 8293-0 4-hours-ticket adults €24.00 children €14.50 44 FELSENTHERME – BAD GASTEIN The powers of Gastein’s hot spring water are particularly suitable for revitalising tired cells and harmonising body functions. Opening times: open all year round daily 9.00 am – 9.00 pm from 25.12.2013 daily 9.00 am – 10.00 pm Prices: day ticket adults €24.50 children €1 5.50 3-hours-ticket adults €21.00 children €12.00 Address: Bahnhofplatz 5 5640 Bad Gastein +43 6434 2223-0 bus 690 CELLAR 41 CRYSTAL Viewing of a private collection of minerals gathered from all over the world, mandrakes and sculptures from roots and wood. Opening times: October – June daily 4.00pm – 7.00pm Prices: entrance free Address: Sonnberg 121 5771 Leogang +43 6583 7540 bus 690 16 17 Salzburg city 49 Residence Salzburg Round tour through the 15 state apartments with a personal audio-guide, a journey through two centuries of decorative style, combi-ticket: state apartments and gallery. Opening times: open all year round state apartments daily (closed during events) 10.00 am – 5.00 pm Residence Gallery closed on Mon. and 24.12.2013 45 HAUS DER NATUR - MUSEUM FOR NATURAL ScIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Understanding technology in the Science Center, fascinating underwater world, from prehistoric times into future times, rarely snakes and lizards, travel in the human body, biospheres of the nature etc! Opening times: open all year round daily 9.00 am – 5.00 pm closed on 25.12.2013 Prices: adults € 8.00 child. (4-15 y.)€ 5.50 family (2 adults + 1 child) €20.00 special reductions Address: Museumsplatz 5 5020 Salzburg +43 662 8426530 bus 260 50 Express lifts to the view point on the Mönchsberg, fantastic vista of Salzburg city and walking trails to the Hohensalzburg Fortress and the Museum der Moderne. Opening times: open all year round daily 8.00 am – 9.00 pm Wed. 8.00 am – 7.00 pm Prices: see prices on the website Address: Gstättengasse 13 5020 Salzburg +43 662 44801500 bus 260 der moderne mönchsberg 47 Museum Modern Art in contemporary frame. Opening times: open all year round Tue. – Sun. 10.00 am – 6.00 pm Wed. 10.00 am – 8.00 pm closed on Mon. guided tour Wed. 6.30 pm (free) Sun. & holiday 3.00 pm (€ 2.00) Prices: adults €8.00 child. (6-18y.)€ 6.00 family €12.00 seniors/ students €6.00 Address: Mönchsberg 32 5020 Salzburg +43 662 842220-403 bus 260 The fortress overlooking the roofs of Salzburg, Audio guide through the inner rooms, ruler’s rooms, museums and funicular. Prices: adults € 1 1 .30 child. (6-14y.)€ 6.50 family (2 adults + 2 children) €26.20 Address: Mönchsberg 34 5020 Salzburg +43 662 84243011 bus 260 Stiegl – Brewery “It has to be a Stiegl.” Learn all about beer, brewing and history of Europe’s largest beer-world experience. Opening times: open all year round daily 10.00 am – 5.00 pm guided tours daily 11.00 am, 2.00 pm and 4.00 pm closed on 25. – 26.12.2013 and 01.01.2014 Prices: adults children € 1 1 .00 € 6.00 Address: Bräuhausstr. 9 5020 Salzburg +43 662 8387-1492 bus 260 + 10 + 1 open-air museum 52 Salzburg 100 original structures showing farm living and culture over 6 centuries, handicraft presentations, permanent exhibits. A baroque house for new artistic concepts. 18 bus 260 Salzburg surroundings Museum der moderne Rupertinum 48 Opening times: open all year round Tue. – Sun. 10.00 am – 6.00 pm Wed. 10.00 am – 8.00 pm closed on Mon. guided tour Wed. 6.30 pm (free) 51 Address: Residenzplatz 1 5020 Salzburg +43 662 80422690 Fortress hohensalzburg Opening times: December 2013 – April 2014 daily 9.30 am – 5.00 pm “Advent” weekends 9.30 am – 6.00 pm 46 Mönchsberg lift Prices: adults €9.50 child. (6-14y.)€ 3.50 family (2 adults + 2 children) € 21.50 Prices: adults €6.00 child. (6-18y.)€ 4.00 family €8.00 seniors/ students €4.00 Address: Wiener Philharmoniker Gasse 9 5020 Salzburg +43 662 842220-451 bus 260 Opening times: 26.12.2013 – 06.01.2014 daily 10.00 am – 4.00 pm 29.03. – 02.11.2014 Tue. – Sun. 9.00 am – 6.00 pm in winter houses and the railway are closed Prices: adults € 10.00 child. (6-18 y.)€ 5.00 family (2 adults + children) €20.00 special reductions Address: Hasenweg 1 5084 Großgmain +43 662 850011 bus 260 + 180 19 Salt worlds and celtic village Hallein 53 Into the mountain with the mine railway, mystical tunnels on fast wooden slides, raft over the salt lake and back into a long forgotten world, children from 4 years. Opening times: open all year round daily 07.01. – 24.01.2014 due to revision closed Prices: adults €19.00 child. (>4 y.) € 8.50 family (2 adults + 2 children) €48.50 Address: Ramsaustr. 3 5422 Hallein +43 6132 2008511 Salt mine Berchtesgaden 55 The Salt Mine Berchtesgaden, a site at which salt has been mined since 1517, opened its gates for visitors for the first time more than 170 years ago. Miners guide you on a fascinating journey through the underground mine system, deep into the mountain. Popular highlights, such as the slide or the journey on the Mirror Lake melt with gripping information about the “White Gold”. Opening times: 02.11.2013 – 30.04.2014 11.00 am – 3.00* pm *last guided tour Prices: see prices on the website Address: Bergwerkstraße 83 83471 Berchtesgaden +49 8652 6002-0 bus RVO 840 + RVO 848 54 Salzburg Zoo 140 animals from all over the world live in an unique zoological landscape. Enjoy seeing animals from Eurasia, South America and Africa. Address: Aniferstr. 1 5081 Anif +43 662 820176 bus 260 + 25 56 Kaiservilla Bad Ischl The atmosphere of a past epoch lives on here – when the emporial court was important for culture and intellectuality, the house and park are a remembrance to empress Elisabeth. M THE AGE OF RO 4+ Address: Jainzen 38 4820 Bad Ischl +43 6132 23241 R CO STU DY Prices: adults €13.00 reduced €11.50 child. (7-16 y.)€ 7.50 family (2 adults + 1 child) €26.50 Opening times: “Advent” weekends 10.00 am – 4.00 pm 26.12.2013 – 06.01.2014 10.00 am – 4.00 pm Jan. – March 2014 Wed. 10.00 am – 4.00 pm guided tour hourly S. 4 YR KIDS F guided tour on request duration: approx. 1,5 h Prices: adults €10. 1 0 youths (15-19y.)€ 7.00 child. (4-14 y.)€ 4.00 family (2 adults + children) €23.00 disabled € 7.00 dog € 2.50 MM. Opening times: Nov. 2013 – March 2014 daily 9.00 am – 4.30 pm SHOES RE ✆+43 (0) 61 32 200 2400 IGHTSEEING EX ES SION CUR HER IDEA L WI Salt Mine BerchteSgaden AT A UNIQ U TH A NY WE Bergwerkstraße 83 83471 Berchtesgaden Phone: +49-8652-6002-0 OPEN DAILY ALSO IN WINTER SEASON! g in t m in chenh w w w. s tiP: low-priced kombi-tickets with the Old Salt Works in Bad reichenhall. winnu ge Salz ng AZ-134mmx74mm_2013_eng.indd 1 20 ad-rei nce 15 line-b si QR SCAN lte-sa NEW: MOBILE TICKET w w w. a A magic world, built by miner’s hands. 17 FA S C I N AT I N G S A LT M I N E alzzei treise .de Sal Except for revisionworks from 7 to 24 Jan 2014 08.10.13 16:46 21 Tyrol Enjoy the ‘dilemma of choice’: swimming in the ultramodern indoor pool with its 74-meter slide, relaxing in the spacious sauna zone, sweeping swift rounds across the smooth surface of the ice skating arena, bowling at the cozy Sport Bar or replenishing body and soul in the pool restaurant. All of it is under one and the same roof...and for every taste there is the perfect refuge. This is an absolute highlight for the entire family. ADVENTURE FORTRESS KUFSTEIN 57 Kufstein fortress offers visitors a unique opportunity to experience history first-hand. Opening times: 03.11.2013 – 11.04.2014 daily 10.00 am – 4.00 pm Prices: adults € 9.50 child. (6-18 y.) €5.50 stud. (19-25 y.) €5.50 family (2 adults + children) €20.00 group prices per person 10 persons + € 8.50 schoolgroup with supervisor €4.50 Address: Festung 1 6330 Kufstein +43 5372 66525 . city RATTENBERG 58 GLASS With approx. 400 inhabitants and about 10 ha surface Rattenberg is the smallest city in Austria. The medieval pedestrian zone is dominated from the unique handcraft of the numerous glass factories. Opening times: open all year round Mon. – Fri. 8.30 am – 6.00 pm Sat. 8.30 am – 5.00 pm Sun. + holiday 10.00 am – 4.00 pm Prices: entrance free Address: Information Rattenberg Parkplatz P1 West 6240 Rattenberg +43 5337 21200-50 Fremdenverkehrs GmbH & Co. KG Steinergasse 3-5 5700 Zell am See Tel: +43(0)6542/785-0 E-Mail: 59 Silver mine in Schwaz The ‘Mother of all mines’, the biggest silver mine of the Middle Ages, 800 m deep entrance with the mine railway, 500 years of silver and copper mining. Opening times: open all year round daily 9.00 am – 5.00 pm 17.11. – 25.11.2013 due to revision closed Prices: adults €16.00 youths (15-18 y.)€ 14.00 child. (5-14 y.) € 8.00 family (2 adults + 1 child) €38.00 Address: Alte Landstr. 3a 6130 Schwaz +43 5242 72372 Expedition rule No. 7: Those wanting to banish stress need to stay calm. 60 Swarovski crystal worlds Elegant as the eternal ice sparkle the crystals in the Swarovski Crystal Worlds. Opening times: open all year round daily 9.00 am – 6.30 pm Prices: adults child. (-15 y.) dog cage deposit € 11.00 free €10.00 Address: Kristallweltenstr. 1 6112 Wattens +43 5224 51080 train + shuttle bus TIROL PANORAMA” with KaiserjägerMuseum 61 “DAS The Tirol Panorama with the Kaiserjägermuseum puts Tyrol on a new Stage with the famous Innsbruck giant panoramic painting as its main attraction. 22 Opening times: open all year round 9.00 am – 5.00 pm Prices: adults reduced closed on Tue. Combi ticket Tiroler Landesmuseen: adults €10.00 reduced € 7.00 € 7.00 €5.00 Address: Bergisel 1-2 6020 Innsbruck +43 512 59489-111 Sightseer, line 1 + 6, Stubaitalbahn and Stubaitalbus TAUERN SPA Zell am See – Kaprun: Base Camp for Body and Soul. 4* superior hotel resort with 160 rooms and suites, all with balcony and a fantastic view SPA experience on more than 20.000sqm with 12 themed pools and 13 saunas & steambathes Panorama SPA with glass skylinepool Body & beauty treatments at the Alpin Vital SPA & Kosmetik Separate SPA Kidstein for children Best culinary delights in 5 different restaurants and bars TAUERN SPA WORLD Betriebs GmbH & Co KG, Tauern Spa Platz 1, 5710 Kaprun T. +43 6547 2040-0, F. +43 6547 2040-9900, 23 At 3000 metres altitude new horizons open up. ❚ Nationalpark Gallery Mystical info stations located inside the mountain and an impressive Panorama-Plattform. Cinema 3000 ❚ Cinema 3000 Spectacular natural ambiance and seemingly unlimited panoramic pictures. Nationalpark Gallery Cinema 3000 ❚ Panorama-Plattform „Top of Salzburg“ Salzburg´s highest panorama platform. ❚ Free info tour with a National Park Ranger Enjoy fascinating insights and views of the Hohe Tauern National Park every Tuesday & Thursday (26.12.2013 - 24.04.2014). Gletscherbahnen Kaprun AG,, T. +43(0)6547 8621, GPS N47 13.754, E12 43.598 Top of Salzburg Nationalpark Gallery kitz_Gipfelwelt3000_134x112.indd 2 FABULOUS VIEWS. Zell am See-Kaprun Tourismus, 5700 Zell am See, Austria, Tel. +43 (0) 6542-770,, 30.09.13 15:11
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Zell am See-Kaprun Archiv, listed excursions and sights; Print: Samson Druck GmbH