Immaculate Conception Parish
Immaculate Conception Parish
Immaculate Conception Parish 489 Broadway Everett, Massachusetts 02149 Phone: 617-389-5660 Fax: 617-389-2456 RECTORY HOURS 8:30AM-12PM & 12:30PM-3PM Website: Email: PASTOR Rev. Gerald Osterman: 617-389-5660 PAROCHIAL VICAR Rev. Donatus Ezenneka PASTORAL ASSOCIATES Philomene Pean: 617-389-0029 Haitian Community Richard F. Randazzo: 617-387-7009 Notary Public Faith Formation & Confirmation 6-10 FAITH FORMATION (September—May) GRADES 1-5 Sundays 10:15AM-11:30AM In Our School 617-387-7009 Fran Foley, Co-Director Grades 1 and 2 Janine Keller, Co-Director Grades 3, 4, 5 SPANISH FAITH FORMATION Sunday: 10:15AM-12 NOON In Our School FAITH FORMATION GRADES 6-10 Thursdays 6:00-7:15PM Our School ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT Thursday after 7:00AM Mass (Chapel) Benediction 6:30PM CHARISMATIC PRAYER MEETING Friday: 7:30PM In The Chapel SPANISH PRAYER MEETING Friday: 7:00PM In The Church SODALITY (March-December) First Friday of the Month at 12:15PM RECONCILIATION (Confession) Saturday: 3:00PM-3:40PM BAPTISM 1st and 3rd Sundays at 2:00PM (Chapel) Call Rectory to make arrangements WEDDINGS Call Rectory at least 6 Months prior for An appointment with the Priest Immaculate Conception Parish October 25, 2015 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time PARISH MASS SCHEDULE CONGRATULATIONS! DAILY Monday-Saturday 7:00AM (Chapel) SATURDAY (Sunday Vigil) 4:00PM Congratulations to all who received the Sacrament of Confirmation last weekend. May they continue to let the Holy Spirit Guide them. Also, a big thank you to all that made the Mass a wonderful celebration. SUNDAY 7:00AM; 9:00AM(Family); 11:00AM 12:15PM Spanish Community 4:00PM Haitian Community Mass 5:30PM Mass (Chapel) ______________________________________________________ Do you like to sing? Did you know that singing is praying twice? Why not join our choir? If you are interested, rehearsals take place on Wednesday Nights at 7:30PM at the Church or please see John after Mass and he will let you know when choir practice takes place. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 24TH (St. Anthony) 7:00AM……Our Parish Family, Both Living and Deceased…… 4:00PM……Salvatore Cucinotta……………..15th Anniversary ________________________________________________ SUNDAY, OCTOBER 25TH (St. Daria) 7:00AM……Nicholas DiMauro………………………...Memorial 9:00AM……Charlotte Darmody……………….6th Anniversary 11:00AM…..Our Parish Family, Both Living and Deceased…… 5:30PM.…...Theresa Dascoli & Kathy Lachance……..Memorial Please join us as we welcome the following newly baptized into our Catholic Community in September and October: MONDAY, OCTOBER 26TH (St. Bean) TUESDAY, OCTOBER 27TH (St. Frumentinus) Samantha Marie Cheney Isabella Lee Deavilla, Steven Arthur Deavilla III Dante Difusco, Gennessis N. Guevara Lemus London James Kuhn, Jason Alfredo Melendez Guerrero Giovanni Salvatore Talluto, Stephen Alexander Valle WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 28TH (St. Jude) 7:00AM……Florence Barresi………………………….Memorial THURSDAY, OCTOBER 29TH (St. Narcissus) FRIDAY, OCTOBER 30TH (St. Alphonsus Rodriguez) Sylvia Daniele Andre Afia Elida Afrakoma Bandoh, Winston Asante Bandoh Leeam Adam Cornet, Viergemina Georges Dandrode Christopher Donald Foulds, Vivienne Grace Tremblay SATURDAY, OCTOBER 31ST (St. Wolfgang) 7:00AM……Our Parish Family, Both Living and Deceased…… 4:00PM……Gertrude L. O’Brien……………...4th Anniversary To the parents of these beautiful children we send many blessings. SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 1ST (ALL SAINTS DAY) 7:00AM……All Saints Memorial………………………………… 9:00AM……Religious Education (Saints)………………………. 11:00AM…..Jerry Byard………………………..1st Anniversary 5:30PM……Frank Masi……………………..Birthday Memorial ______________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ INVITATION TO A HEALING SERVICE WITH BROTHER HENRY WAMPAMBA FROM UGANDA Date: Time: Place: Special thank you for the Fall flower planting of the Mums which were donated by Joe and Maria Pierotti of: Friday, October 30th 7:00PM IC Church, 489 Broadway, Everett Sponsored by: The Marantha Charismatic Prayer Group J&S LANDSCAPING 2 Immaculate Conception Parish October 25, 2015 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time MIDWEEK REFRESHER READ: Mark 10: 46-52 Let Us Pray for the Sick in our Parish and those we have been asked to remember: REFLECT: It is to the Christian community, hesitantly following Jesus on the road of his passion, that Mark reports the episode of the cure of Bartimaeus. Paradoxically, the blindness of this beggar, seated at the side of the road, does not keep him from perceiving more clearly than the crowd who Jesus is. He expresses his conviction by rejecting all support and jumping up toward the one who calls him and heals him. The clear-sightedness of faith not only saves us, but also commits us to the dynamism of conversion. As soon as he is healed, Bartimaeus, image of the faithful community and type of the perfect disciple, begins to follow Jesus along the road. Already a symbol of "those who sit in darkness and in the shadow of death" (Luke 1:79), Bartimaeus now becomes the model of those who cry out, who pray to be delivered from their blindness, in order to set out on the way of peace. With the help of the Son of David, we too join the procession of those who believe, those who pray those who see. Especially, Mary Agnes, Mark Amaral, Louise Barry, Ricardo Belizaire, Mary Ann Burley, Janet Burridge, Mike C., Vincent C., Lorraine Callinan, Phyllis Camarata, Michael Cannon, J. Case, Leonard Caption, Warren Clifford, Charles Comeau, Connie, Roseann Dasaro, Robert Del Rossi, Donna Del Vecchio, Bob DiLoreto, Dorothy Doran, Robin Doucette, Katherine Draper, Biriella Eisnor, Ellen, Frank F., Luke Farrell, Michelle Fraser, Robert Freedman, Robert Frost, Rosemarie G., Maryellen Grace, Ginger H., Nina Hanlon, Mary Harkins, William Kemp, Eddie King, Paul Liburdi, Michelle Linnell, Jessica Lunsford, Kelley Ann McCleveland, Arthur McKim, Shirley Melanson, Marcie Meserve, Dorothy "Dot” Mortellite, Nick Murphy, Lynn N., Inh Nguyen, Jon Niedzwiecki, Nicole Olson, Diane O’Brien, Mary O’Brien, Lucille Presti, Trixie Ricci, Albert Rigolini, Jr., Peggy Riley, Drew Simmons, Brad Steed, Marie Sykes, Jackie Tieri. Let Us Pray for the Deceased of our Parish: Ernest A. Keller, Margarett Legg Margaret Legg, Dennis Williams PRAY: Pray for the gift of spiritual sight. ACT: Acknowledge the next beggar you see on the "side of the road". Let Us Pray that our men and women in the service might be safe in the days and weeks ahead. Especially those connected to our Parish as well as those unknown to us: Mark Baldacchino, Melissa Lynn Beaton, Olavio Bisneto, Christopher Brienza, Joseph Dang, Jason Doucette, Matthew Evans, John Fitzgerald, John Fitzpatrick, III, Paul Garrity, Andrew McGlinchey, John O’Rourke, Matthew Pothier, Christina Racca, Brian Ramunno, Stephen Ramunno, Alex Recupero as well as those unknown to us. BEREAVEMENT MASS NOVEMBER 15TH AT 11:00AM As an expression of sympathy for our families that have lost a loved one, every month we will celebrate a Mass for those that have passed away. This Mass will be for those who passed away this who passed away in OCTOBER: We ask that you remember all those that have given so much for us: The Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines and Coast Guard. Please bless them and their families. Andrew C. Chiarello Ernest A. Keller Margaret Legg James Magno, Jr. Scripture for the week of October 25th 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 1 SUN Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat SUN Jer 31:7-9/Heb 5:1-6/Mk 10:46-52 Rom 8:12-17/Lk 13:10-17 Rom 8:18-25/Lk 13:18-21 Eph 2:19-22/Lk 6:12-16 Rom 8:31b-39/Lk 13:31-35 Rom 9:1-5/Lk 14:1-6 Rom 11:1-2a, 11-12, 25-29/Lk 14:1, 7-11 Rv 7:2-4, 9-14/1 Jn 3:1-3/Mt 5:1-12a ANOINTING MASS NOVEMBER 21ST Letters for this Mass have already been sent out to all parishioners age 65 and over. IF you did not receive one, then you are not registered. Please get a registration form from the back of the Church or ask for Rick. This weekend, the burning of the Sanctuary Candle, the reminder of the Lord’s Presence in the Most Holy Eucharist, and the Altar Bread and Wine are in appreciation of: OUR PARISH FAMILY We look forward to seeing you there. Thank you and many blessings! 3 Immaculate Conception Parish OFFERTORY: October 25, 2015 $5,094 (10/18) 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time WINNER: DAVE WILCOX (10/18) CATHOLIC APPEAL GOAL: $43,119 (Received $28,489 by 75 Donors (9/15) If you would like to participate in this raffle, fill out the envelope at the back of the church and enclose $1.00. Place the envelope in the collection basket. Drawings take place weekly. (You will be contacted if you win.) Bequests to our parish are strongly encouraged and gratefully accepted. Please think about putting a donation to our Church In your Will. Or when a loved one dies, please advise relatives and friends to make a donation to “Immaculate Conception” in memory of the deceased, and include this wish in the obituary notice. Thank you and blessings! 1,000 CLUB: SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 14TH 4:45PM The $1,000 Club is one of our Fundraisers we conduct all year round. Numbers are always available for purchase. If you don’t have a number, please consider purchasing one for yourself or as a gift for a family member or friend. BULLETIN EVANGELIZATION NOTICES Thank you in advance. “What do you want me to do for you?” The answer seems obvious and the question unnecessary, but, really, it’s a great question. Jesus asks us this same question every second of every day-not in a vending machine way: put in a prayer, press a button, get your prayer answered, but as a reminder that we are not alone. Jesus tells the blind man, “Go your way; your faith has saved you.” Our faith is such a gift! Following Jeremiah’s instructions, let’s “Shout with joy!” Spread the word! ONLY $4 SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 15TH 7:30-10:30AM In Our Church Hall Come and join your fellow parishioners for a nice warm breakfast on the above date. (Pancakes, eggs, toast, coffee, tea, juice). Sounds delicious. How can you resist? FOXWOODS TRIP NOVEMBER 17TH $27PP PRAYER MINISTRY EVERY SUNDAY 10:00-10:45AM Meets at the St. Joseph’s Altar Bus leaves Rectory by 6:59 Sharp! Return to Rectory by 7:30PM ZUMBA CLASSES EVERY MONDAY AT 7:30PM ($5) Free Buffet or $10 Food Credit and $10 Slot Play Coffee AND……..on Bus Down BIBLE STUDY TUESDAYS (1:00PM-LOWER CHURCH HALL) Call Rectory to Reserve a Seat! NO PAYMENTS ON BUS… Please Pay at Rectory VIETNAMESE DIVINE MERCY PRAYER GROUP NOVEMBER 7TH (7:00AM) SODALITY (MASS/PENNY SALE/LUNCHEON) NOVEMBER 6TH (12:15 MASS) SACRAMENT OF THE SICK NOVEMBER 8TH Twitter@Pontifex) SOCIAL JUSTICE MEETING TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 10TH (7:30PM-RECTORY) “Dear young friends, do not be afraid to give your all. Christ will never disappoint you.” Pope Francis SPARE CHANGE NOVEMBER 15TH (All Masses) 4 Immaculate Conception Parish October 25, 2015 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time “90 PLUS OCTOBER BIRTHDAYS” GRADES 6-10 God Bless the following who are celebrating a special birthday this month: THURSDAYS 6:00-7:30PM AT SCHOOL ON SUMMER STREET Jennie Clark, Rose Dellorfano Barbara DiCecca, Leo Flaherty Josama Jean Charles, Emily Kittredge, Florence M. Ricci Dates: November 5; 19 December 3; 17 _____________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ CLASS SCHEDULE GRADES 1-5 AT 10:15AM Eucharistic Adoration Of The Blessed Sacrament Dates: October 25 November 1; 8; 15; 22 (NO CLASS NOV. 29TH) December 6; 13; 20 Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament will be held EVERY THURSDAY from 7:45AM to 6:30PM in our Chapel. Each Thursday’s adoration will conclude with Benediction of the Most Blessed Sacrament at 6:30PM. All are welcome to come and spend some time in the Lord’s presence. Please invite other to join you. CHRISTMAS VACATION: December 27th-January 17th Classes Resume: January 24th GRADES 1-2 meet and be dismissed at the rear of the School on Summer/Argyle Street. The Rosary at 6:30AM (Before Mass) The Angelus at 12:00PM The Divine Mercy Chaplet at 3:00PM The Rosary at 5:30PM for Peace and the Holy Father’s intentions The Divine Mercy Chaplet (Sung) at 6:00PM GRADES 3-5 meet at the front door on Summer Street and be dismissed at the rear of the School. _____________________________________________________ If you would like more information, call Madeline McComish at 617.387.7820 _____________________________________________________ OPEN HOUSE ARCHDIOCESE OF BOSTON Date: Sunday, October 25th Time: 1:00PM-4:00PM Place: 617 Cambridge Street, Boston Phone: 617-254-8383 JESUS IN BOSTON-YOUNG ADULT EVENT (10/30) All Young Adults and College Students are invited to join us on Friday, October 30th at 7:30PM for our monthly “Jesus in Boston” event. This month, we will be at St. Paul’s Church in Harvard Square. It’s a great way to meet new people and strengthen your interior life through the sacraments and fellowship with other Catholic young adults. For more info email Mike Drahos at: Saint Joseph Preparatory High School in Boston, a coed Catholic, independent school which offers shuttle bus transportation for area commuter rail stops, will offer a five session Test Prep for the Catholic High School Entrance Test (HSPT) in the Fall for students who seek to maximize performance for admission and scholarship opportunities. Space is limited and registration is available on a first come, first serve basis. Entrance testing I the Archdiocese is scheduled for NOVEMBER 7TH AND DECEMBER 6TH and will also be offered at Saint Joe’s. Registration forms for both offerings are available on the website: SCOUT SUNDAY AT THE SEMINARY (11/15) Join scouts of all ages at St. John Seminary, Brighton, on Sunday, November 15th from 2:00PM-4:00PM. This is an opportunity to meet seminarians, ask questions and tour the seminary! To reserve space for your group, please respond to Kathy Stebbins by November 2nd! To download the flyer, go to: For more information, please contact Kevin Faherty, Assistant Director of Admission at: 617-254-8383 x1109 or 5 Immaculate Conception Parish October 25, 2015 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time MUSIC SATURDAY, OCTOBER 24TH (4PM) MUSIC SUNDAY, OCTOBER 25TH (9 & 11AM; 5:30PM) Entrance: Penitential Act: Gloria: R&A: Offertory: Memorial Acclamation: Communion: Meditation: Recessional: Entrance: Penitential Act: Gloria: R&A: Offertory: Memorial Acc: Communion: Meditation: Recessional: How Great is our God Sung—Lord Have Mercy Mass of Joyful Heart Pg. 140-141 #405 Hosea When We Eat This Bread #624 Shepherd of My Heart Your Deserve the Glory #496 How Great Thou Art #743 Gather Us In Sung—Lord Have Mercy Mass of St. John Pg. 140-141 #627 You Are Mine When We Eat This Bread #586 Amazing Grace Table of Plenty #741 All Are Welcome _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Counting and sharing our blessings, we at Immaculate are very blessed by all that we do to share our goods with our neighbors. Such as soda can pull tabs for Shriner’s Hospital, Box Tops for Education, glasses for Haiti, ink cartridges that we recycle, clothes for St. Vincent DePaul, and food for our pantry. Starting November 14th, we will begin to collect new and slightly used shoes, sneakers and new socks for the homeless at St. Francis House in Boston. As always, we thank you for your generosity and ask God to continue to bless us! ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ BRING A BOOK—BUY A BOOK This Fundraising Program, in the hallway out back, is called “Bring A Book-Buy A Book”. All books are $1.00 and any money collected will go towards our Stain Glass Fund. So bring a Book and Buy a Book and put your donation in an envelope marked “Bring a Book” and place it in the Collection Box or hand to Rick. Thank you and Blessings. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ CLOTHING DRIVE We have put a SVDP collection bin in the Church parking lot. Please put all clothing donations in that bin. Thank you for your generous donations. 6 1215 Main Street, Unit 122 Tewksbury, MA 01876 Classified • Help Wanted • Forand Sale • For Rent Clergy Health Retirement Trust Classified • Help Wanted(978)• For Sale • For 851-9103 Caring for the Well-Being of our Boston Priests 617-779-3788 To support our priests, For all your Classified Advertising needs text the word PRIEST to 56512 Msg. & data rates may apply. 617-779-3788 Advertising@pilotcatholicnew Space Rosaries from Flowers For all your Classified Advertising Available “Handmade from the Flowers of your Loved One” ITOWANT YOU ADVERTISE HERE America’s Oldest Catholic Newspaper America’s Oldest Catholic Newspaper 617-779-3770 For more information Subscribe: 617-779-3792 Advertise: 617-779-3788 Subscribe to Get the Catholic Perspective and be fully informed. Words of wisdom from Pope Francis Full local coverage of news and events throughout the archdiocese ■ National and International Church-related news ■ Analysis relating the teachings of the Church to current events ■ Faith related articles by locally and nationally acclaimed authors ■ Stories about the Faith and Good Works of the archdiocese Subscribe: 617-779Advertise: 617-779- We serve over 100 Parishes and have available space in those bulletins to serve you better. Subscribe toSpace Get the Catholic Perspective and be fully info Available Words of wisdom from Pope Francis Full local coverage of news and events throughout the archdiocese ■ National and International Church-related news ■ Analysis relating the teachings of the Church to current events ■ Faith related articles by locally and nationally acclaimed authors ■ Stories about the Faith and Good Works of the archdiocese ■ ■ ■ ■ The Catholic Cemetery Association of the Archdiocese of Boston Subscribe: 617-779-3792 Subscribe: 617-779 Special all SoulS’ MaSS and open HouSe atto Holy croSS ceMetery in Malden Subscribe to Subscribe Get the Catholic Perspective and be fully info Get the Catholic Perspective and be fully informed. This year there will be two special All To coincide with this, there will be two open house Souls’ Day Masses. Subscribe: 617-779-3792 events at Holy Cross Cemetery. Subscribe: 617-779 on Sunday noveMber 1St at noon there will be a mass in Portuguese. on tueSday noveMber 3rd at 6pM there will be a mass in English. All are invited to attend either mass located in our mausoleum chapel. The first will be on tueSday noveMber 3rd 10aM - 2pM the second will be on tHurSday noveMber 5tH 10aM - 1pM All are invited to stop by for refreshments and information on this cemetery – including lot locations and free pre-planning kits. For more information or to schedule a private appointment, please call Rob Baker at 339-226-1271. Shouldn’t your family be protected? Call today for your free pre-planning kit loaded with useful tools and information. . Call us today 339-226-1271 For Advertising Information, Please Call 617-779-3770 Pilot Bulletins • Immaculate Conception Parish, Everett, MA Over 65 Years Experience CARR * HENDERSON MALDEN AUTO BODY of EVERETT 87 BROADWAY RT99 EVERETT, MA 02149 331 Main St, Everett 617-387-4180 617-389-3030 617-387-1110 Member FDIC/Member STF NMLS #443050 J.F. WARD FUNERAL HOME Service with Compassion & Professionalism Offering Pre-need Planning Family Owned & Operated Serving Our Parish Since 1925 With Professional, Personal & Caring Service Francis O’Hara, Director Pre-Need Planning Available Kevin S. Creel Director, Notary Public 519 Broadway, Everett • • 617-387-3367 Messinger Insurance Agency, Inc. 772 Broadway, Everett J. Lester MacLaughlin & Company - 93rd Year Of Service - Business and Professional Insurance 617 387 2700 475 Broadway • Everett, MA 02149 Manteniendo adultos Manteniendo adultos mayores demayor 55 saludables 55 saludables e independientes Manteniendo adultos mayores dee independie 55 saludables e independientes Plumbing - Heating Gas Fitting - Fire Sprinklers Established 1929 507 Broadway • Everett 617-387-4058 T ElderServicePlan ElderServicePl East Boston Neighborhood Health Center “Feed My Sheep” John 21:17 Lester S. MacLaughlin • Master’s Lic. No 7874 DED! EXPAN rAnS DentAl CAre We accept all Dental Insurance as well as Mass Health WHIte FIllIngS .DentureS root CAnAlS. CroWnS . BrIDgeS Se Habla eSpañol | 617-884-0165 10 Gove & 20 Maverick Sq. Blue Line Maverick Stop 617-387-6285 Mount Vernon Restaurant $8.00 OFF/Person for SUNDAY BrUNCH } from 9:30–2:30 14 Broadway, Somerville | 617-666-3830 | Function Rooms for All Occasions POLLO R E S TA U R A N T ROYAL “Fresco, Jugoso y Sabroso” 15% OFF* 115 Commercial St Lynn, MA 01905 WITH THIS COUPON 781.780.9953 TM 529 Broadway Revere, MA 02151 781.284.6039 *Not valid with any other coupons or discounts • Not valid on deliveries White’s Auto Body Foreign - Domestic 617-387-7609 617-568-6377 • 620 Broadway, Everett Mon-Fri 9AM-6PM . Sat 9AM-5PM . Sun 9AM-3PM WITH THIS COUPON (Up to 8 guests) East Boston Neighborhood Health ElderServicePlan Sirviendo las comunidades East Boston NeighborhoodaHealth Center Sirviendo a las comunidad de East Boston, Revere, Chelsea, de East Boston, Revere, Chel Sirviendo a las Everett comunidades y Winthrop Now Accepting New Patients Everett y Winthrop de East Boston, Revere, Chelsea, 617-568-6377 • 617-569-5800 Everett y Winthrop 617-568-6377 • www.ebnh 242 everett Ave. . CHelSeA . MA 02150 { 617-387-0506 The Catholic Cemetery Association O of the Archdiocese of Boston ur ministry includes assisting families before a death occurs. Call today for your free pre-planning kit including: • Free pre-planning guide • Free Catholic Family Emergency Record Guide • Money saving certificate & info on payment plans • Specific information on our new developments at Holy Cross Cemetery & Mausoleum in Malden Shouldn’t your family be protected? Call Today . 339-226-1271 At the corner of revere Beach Parkway and Vine in everett. mA reg #1805 MALDEN CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL Today’s Outstanding Students Tomorrow’s Outstanding Leaders ... Call about our shadow program 781-475-5293 or apply online today at A Xaverian Brothers Sponsored School Since 1932 For Advertising Information, Please Call 617-779-3770 Pilot Bulletins • Immaculate Conception Parish, Everett, MA
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Immaculate Conception Parish
Especially, Mary Agnes, Mark Amaral, Louise Barry, Ricardo Belizaire, Mary Ann Burley, Janet Burridge, Mike C.,
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Immaculate Conception Parish
Especially, Mary Agnes, Mark Amaral, Louise Barry, Ricardo Belizaire, Mary Ann Burley, Janet Burridge, Mike C.,
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