2014 First Quarter - Hawaii Automobile Dealers Association
2014 First Quarter - Hawaii Automobile Dealers Association
The Official Publication of the Hawaii Automobile Dealers Association 2014 First Quarter Hawaii was the center for fuel once — will it be again, this time in renewables? Story on page 14 Other Stories in this Edition... HADA executive committee reviews legislative issues over luncheon meeting 13 Hawaii Auto Outlook ™ Dealer Day at the State Capitol. Mike Niethammer (left) with Gov. Neil Abercrombie 9 State new vehicle market predicted to move higher in 2014 18 Ser ving our customers and the communities we live in has been our hear tfelt commitment from the star t. We are honored and proud to be recognized as one of the B est Places to Work in Hawaii, 10 years in a row. 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Hawaii Automobile Dealers Association 1100 Alakea Street, Suite 2601 Honolulu, HI 96813 (808)593-0031 • Fax (808)593-0569 2013-2014 HADA 2012-2013 irectors Officers & DirectOrs President resident P Mike Niethammer President resident-Elect P -elect Bill van den Hurk Vice ice President President V Eric Fukunaga Secretary ecretary s Wayne DeLuz Joe Nicolai Treasurer reasurer t John Uekawa NADA Director nada director Stan JoeMasamitsu Hanley Hawaii Director Hawaii director Brian Kitagawa Wayne De Luz Maui Director Maui director Damien Farias Damien Farias Oahu Director oaHu director Stan Masamitsu Stan Masamitsu Oahu Director oaHu director Morrie Stoebner Morrie Stoebner Oahu Director oaHu director Kenny Ching Jack Jackson Oahu Director oaHu director Dan Keppel Keppel Dan Kauai Director Kauai director Ryan Mackey Dan Mackey At Large Director at large director Keoni Hansen Hansen Keoni At Large Director iMMediate Past President Inder NickDosanjh Cutter Immediate Past President Much HADA thanks goes to Congresswoman Hanabusa Acting on HADA’s request, Congresswoman Colleen Hanabusa wrote a letter to the director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau with questions regarding the Bureau’s March 21 Guidance on dealer-assisted financing. As we all know, the Bureau charged that auto dealers across the nation had engaged in (even though perhaps inadvertently) what the Bureau officials termed “disparate impact” discrimination with regard to protected classes on dealer-assisted financing. In the Bureau’s response to the Congresswoman the director stated that the loan finance amounts were not considered in the Bureau’s analysis. This was new information--that revealed a possible flaw in the CFPB’s analysis of dealer-assisted financing. The helpful assistance of Congresswoman Hanabusa and her staff helped achieve a breakthrough in understanding how the Bureau pursued their study. As more discussions on this issue continue with the Bureau, NADA has published a helpful Fair Credit Compliance Guide. HADA has ordered 300 copies which will be available at the HADA office at the auto show. It is also available online at www.nada.org Much thanks to all for the work on this issue. Mike Niethammer 2013 – 2014 HADA President HADA STAFF Nick Cutter Executive Director HADA DaveSTAFF Rolf Executive Director Dealer Services Manager DaveCochard Rolf George HawaiiDealer is designed & published by Custom Publishing Design Group, Inc.® 800.246.1637 • www.MyCompanyMagazine.com. To advertise in an upcoming issue contact Michelle LeBlanc, 800.246.1637 ext. 311 or e-mail mrl@mycompanymagazine.com. HawaiiDealer is published quarterly by the Hawaii Automobile Dealers Association, 1100 Alakea Street, Suite 2601, Honolulu, HI 96813 Phone: 808 593-0031 Fax: 808 593-0569 Email: drolf@hawaiidealer.com 4 We make inventory disappear. It’s not magic. Just fast loan approvals and happy customers driving off your lot. And with responsive service for you as well as your customers, you’ve got a financial partner who’s committed to your success. LEAR N MOR E. Call our Dealer Center at 844-3860. Yes, We Care. fhb.com Member FDIC FHIB-28088_Hawaii Dealer 7-75x10 v5.indd 1 2/12/14 11:47 AM 5 13-CPB-1215 Hi Dealer Mag.indd 12/10/13 10:54 AM - 1 - (Cyan) (Magenta) (Yellow) (BlacK) Auto dealer lenders, we’ve got loans that get clients in your cars and out the door. MIKE WARING WAYNE ARAKAKI EDSON TOMA Vice President & Manager Ph: 544-3731 Fax: 532-4200 michael.waring@centralpacificbank.com Assistant Vice President, Dealer Center Ph: 544-5282 Fax: 532-4200 wayne.arakaki@centralpacificbank.com Dealer Center Loan Officer Ph: 544-5284 Fax: 532-4200 edson.toma@centralpacificbank.com Experienced. Flexible. Prompt. If you’re looking for competitive rates and fast approvals, call today and see how we can help make auto loans work for you. COMPETITIVE RATES FLEXIBLE TERMS QUICK LOAN APPROVALS RESPONSIVE SERVICE Matsumoto & Clapperton Advertising Date: 12.10.13 Client: Central Pacific Bank Job# 13-CPB-1215 Pub: Hawaii Dealer Magazine Run 4th Qtr. 2013 Protectingdate: Our Customers' Assets Size: 7.675” x 4.9” Mtls: PDF-X/1a Serving & Supporting Hawaii’s Auto Dealers Since 1976 Need Answers? Matsumoto & Clapperton Advertising Date: 8/3112 Client: Central Pacific Bank Job #:12-CPB-0813A Title: “Auto loans that get them in your car and out the door." Pub: Hawaii Dealer Magazine Run: 2012_3rd Qrtr. Size: 1/2 pg (h), 7.675” x 4.9”, 4color Film/Specs:PDF-X/1a www.HawaiiAutoDealer.com Your HADA Info Resource II A U T O M An Independent Insurance Agency Specializing in: O B W A H A E IL E IO D N hada A 6 L E R Cavanah Associates, Inc. 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(d/b/a American Heritage Insurance Services), the dealer services division of American Heritage Life Insurance Company (Home Office:Jacksonville, FL), Northbrook Indemnity Company (Home Office: Northbrook, IL) and First Colonial Insurance Company (Home Office: Jacksonville, FL). Each of these entities is a member of the Allstate family of companies. © 2012 Allstate You Have the Power We’ll Show You How to Use It For More Information Contact: Linda R. Fisher Phone: (714) 612-6176 Email: linda@dealerassurancegroup.com 8 Dealer Assurance Group Your Competitive Edge TM Dealer Day at the State Capitol Governor Neil Abercrombie discusses issues relating to the auto industry with HADA president-elect Bill van den Hurk at the Dealer Day at the State Capitol, January 16. D ealers and senior managers representing most of Hawaii's new-car dealerships joined more than 50 members of the State House of Representatives and State Senate to enjoy an informal discussion on issues facing the retail auto industry in Hawaii. Plate lunches from Kaka'ako Kitchen were provided for the HADA-sponsored "Dealer Day at the Capitol" held 11:30 – 1 p.m., Thursday, January 16, 2014 in Room 329 at the State Capitol. Energy will be a subject of legislation likely to be discussed at length during this year's legislative session. The Car Factor is playing a growing role in Hawaii's energy economy. Electric vehicles provide a market for offpeak electric charging through the power grid, and the possible introduction of hydrogen fuel cell vehicles in the next few years may provide a commercial market for renewable, Hawaii-produced fuel. The development of hydrogen fueling infrastructure in Hawaii has been funded for years by a portion of the $1.05/barrel tax on imported oil. The barrel tax sunsets next year and there will be legislation relating to extending the tax beyond its designated sunset in 2015 to accommodate the continued development of hydrogen fueling infrastructure. HADA continues to support the goals of the Hawaii Clean Energy Initiative, with the goal 70% clean energy by 2030—with 40% coming from renewable energy and 30% from efficiencies. 9 Pete Luke, Bill van den Hurk, Keoni Hansen, Ivan Nakano, Kenny Ching, Rep. Lauren Matsumoto, Michael Stoebner, Alan Ueyoka, Brian Kitagawa Rep. Ryan Yamane and Stan Masamitsu Mark Bensen, Rep. Bert Kobayashi, Mary Bensen Thor Toma, Eric Fukunaga, Mary Bensen, Rep. Gregg Takayama, Mark Bensen Sen. Mike Gabbard and Stan Masamitsu 10 Mike Niethammer greets Rep. Justin Woodson Mike Niethammer, Speaker Joe Souki and Eric Fukunaga Eric Fukunaga, Rep. Chris Lee (background) Rep. Aaron Johanson and Rep. Beth Fukumoto Rep. Mark Hashem Rep. Linda Ichiyama Eric Fukunaga, Sen. David Ige, Thor Toma Kenny Ching and Rep. Rida Cabanilla Mark Bensen, Mary Bensen, Rep. Clift Tsuji, Rep. Gene Ward Sen. Sam Slom, Rep. Della Au Belatti, Sen. David Ige Rep. Jo Jordan and Kenny Ching Rep. Derek Kawakami, Charlie King, Mike Niethammer Alan Ueyoka, Michael Stoebner, Rep. Mark Takai, Keoni Hansen, Stan Masamitsu Rep. Gene Ward, Charlie King, and Rep. James Tokioka Russ Wong, left, Bill van den Hurk, center discuss new Safety Check program with Gov. Abercrombie Stan Masamitsu and Rep. Laura Thielen Rep. Richard Creagan and Sen. Les Ihara 11 Sen. Michelle Kidani, Stan Masamitsu, and Rep. Bertrand Kobayashi Sen. Rosalyn Baker, Bill van den Hurk Rep. Sylvia Luke, Thor Toma, Eric Fukunaga, Rep. Mark Nakashima Mike Niethammer, Sen. Will Espero and Erik Soderholm 12 Mike Niethammer and Rep. Faye Hanohano Sen. Brian Taniguchi and Stan Masamitsu Mike Niethammer, House Speaker Emeritus Calvin Say, Ivan Nakano Rep. Tom Brower, Erik Soderholm, Charlie King Sen. Clarence Nishihara, Charlie King, Sen. Kalani English, Sen. Ron Kouchi Rep. Angus McKelvey and Mike Niethammer Rep. Bob McDermott Mary Bensen, Sen. Kalani English, Mark Bensen Rep. Scott Nishimoto and Rep. Chris Lee Keoni Hansen and Sen. Laura Thielen Rep. Kaniela Ing Rep. John Mizuno Rep. Marcus Oshiro Rep. Richard Fale Stan Masamitsu and Rep. Scott Saiki U pdate on the ongoing 2014 L egi s lat i v e S e s s i o n • HADA has filed opposition testimony on SB2685, a bill to impose a $1 tax on replacement tires. • HADA filed support testimony on HB2509, which would replenish the abandoned tire fund • HADA filed support testimony on HB2658, which would use some of the barrel tax to create hydrogen fuel station infrastructure. • HADA is monitoring SB2896 which “clarifies that the General Excise Tax (GET) imposed upon the wholesale sale of tangible personal property is generally one-half of one percent of the gross proceeds of the sale.” • HADA is monitoring the minimum wage bills (HB2580 and SB2609) which would raise the $7.25 min. wage by $2.25 and $2.85 respectively over the next three years. The House bill raises the minimum hourly wage 75-cents per year, while the Senate bill raises it by 95 cents per year. Both bills delete the tip credit and attach future increases to the Consumer Price Index. 13 Cover Story Hawaii At the Center of Innovation For a time, Hawaii was at the epicenter of the world fuel that was used for light. Up to 800 whaling ships plied island waters around Lahaina in the early part of the 19th century. The clean-burning whale oil obtained from harvesting the giants of the deep was used to lubricate the new machines of the burgeoning industrial age. The oil was also perfect for lamps. New Bedford Mass, the East In the late 1800s, Hawaii’s King Kalakaua visited with the famed inventor. Iolani Palace subsequently was lit with electric lights. The king used hydro power from a dam on Nuuanu stream to create his electricity. The first car in the islands was, in fact, a Woods Electric, brought in October 1898, by Henry P. Baldwin—of Alexander & Baldwin—and interestingly a relation through marriage lines to HADA’s current present, Mike Niethammer, a Nissan dealer, who sells the LEAF. Coast American city, in fact, was called the “city that lit the world.” Today, more Hawaii homeowners are duplicating King Kalakaua’s conLahaina, a whaling town, was Hawaii’s first capital. Later in the 1800s, things rapidly changed. A new drilling technique, that involved pipe-reinforced well walls in Pennsylvania, was developed to allow easy extraction of petroleum. When John D. Rockefeller came along and developed a way to inexpensively refine kerosene – the ancient “darkness that cometh when no man cept, and creating their own electric grids to power lights, air conditioning, home appliances…. and even their own personal transportation. Hawaii now has the nation’s highest per capita use of photovoltaic energy production. Hawaii’s 1 home in every 10 embrace of photovoltaic--with many of Hawaii’s 1,500 EV owners now combining PV +EV -- has caused some problems, however. can work” was pushed back. Productivity increased. Book publishing 14 flourished. Even remote rural farmers began to find use for the night Hawaiian Electric Company receives the excess daytime power feed-ins hours. from many PV homes and then through net-metering, feeds their electric Then, of course, along came Edison, and the electric light – making use turbines. But with a growing amount of so-called non-firm power, this of new electric power. grid has problems. power back at night -- produced by oil-fired generators or wind-powered HECO officials now restrict the number and size of PV systems that can route electricity through their many neighborhood “distribution transformers.” These transformers are seen either on poles or on concrete pads in neighborhoods around Hawaii. High voltage electricity is transformed to 120v/240v for use in homes and transformers allow load variances of input and demand to be accommodated. Initially HECO used a 15% load factor limit from PV-equipped homes using on a single neighborhood distribution transformer. Soon, however, homeowners who sought installation after their neighbors and applied for the permits, were asked to pay for costly “studies” to determine if the neighborhood distribution transformer could handle the additional variable PV load. Some of these homeowners complained about the delays and additional costs -- saying that the 15% limit on the transformer was “arbitrary” and not backed by sufficient data to illustrate a distribution problem. Enter the electric car….and a $30 million Japan-funded study conducted by Hitachi officials on Maui—to see how Smart Grid distribution of electricity in PV homes could eventually allow fewer traditional oil-fired generators to be on line. There is even discussions on how EV batteries can serve as backfill—which would provide storage of electricity to be used to backfill when unfirm wind is online at night and load levels need to be supported by electricity that is stored in batteries. Hawaii finds itself again at the epicenter of world attention on clean fuel. This time, though, the focus is renewable fuel—reflected in the adoption goals of the 2008 Hawaii Clean Energy Initiative. As pointed out in this edition’s story on Dealer Day at the Capitol, much legislation in the 2014 legislative session is focused on hydrogen fuel station adoption, the barrel tax, and laws facilitating use of electric vehicles. Hawaii’s adoption rate for EVs, up until the higher goals set for this year, had remained roughly on track. It is clear, now though, that the efficient use of the distribution transformers in neighborhoods, and perhaps, more importantly, the general education issues surrounding the benefits for Hawaii customers who make use of Hawaii-produced renewable-energy in their vehicles, are issues that need to be soon resolved. Hawaii’s new car dealers are ardently pursuing ways to help the process. 15 The Official Publication of the Hawaii Automobile Dealers Association The Official Publication of the Hawaii Automobile Dealers Association The Official Publication of the Hawaii Automobile Dealers Association The Official Publication of the Hawaii Automobile Dealers Association 2013 Summer Edition 2013 Convention Edition 2013 Fourth Quarter 2013 First Quarter Miss Hawaii USA 2013 Brianna Acosta and Miss Hawaii Teen USA 2013 Samantha Neyland Welcome Speakers at VIP Preview Night Autowatts’ CEO Alex Tiller Speaking at HADA Board Meeting, December 13, 2012 Asking for Help Cars & Energy recap THe Issue: CFPB says U.S. dealers are using discriminatory loan practices NADA questions the data, and asks for a copy of their analysis. HADA Dealers support requesting transparency from CFPB But CFPB hasn’t provided it, so far. Dealers Ask Autowatts to Exhibit at 2013 Auto Show Hawaii’s show was in TOP 3 of MotorTend-produced 21 shows Autowatts story on pg. 21 HADA sent representatives to Washington D.C., asking help from our Members of Congress,in requestiong that CFPB provide the data. Other Stories in this Edition: Other Stories in this Edition: See page 4 Other Stories in this Edition... March 22-24 Hawaii Convention Center Dealer Day at the Capitol: Keoni Hansen greets Gov. Neil Abercrombie, Mike Niethammer (center) pg. 6 Cars·Technology·Fun pg. 18 2013 Legislative Session Update pg. 16 More than 400 guests attended the VIP Preview Night The HADA board assisted Governor Neil Abercrombie with the official seat belt unbuckling to open the show. Governor Abercrombie takes a close look at the $1.4 million Maserati MC12 which was one of 350 cars and trucks on display U.S. Senator Brian Schatz U.S. Senator Mazie Hirono U.S. Representative Colleen Hanabusa U.S. Representative Tulsi Gabbard State Teacher of the Year receives free car use (for a year), compliments of Cutter Mazda and Mazda North America Operations 12 HADA chart is used for many things 10 HADA launches $1,000 automotive training scholarships Advertise In The HawaiiDealer Established under HADA president Charlie King in 2002, the HawaiiDealer is a quarterly magazine that provides information on the activities of HADA members to a wide audience, including the membership of the Association, key employees at the dealerships, legislators, city council members, Hawaii media, the Congressional Delegation, and many Hawaii sister organizations. Also see the HADA website at www.hawaiiautodealer.com Call us if you’re interested in your own magazine, or if you’d like to buy an advertisement in this magazine! Custom Publishing Design Group has assisted many companies in producing beautiful, full-color magazines... for free! 16 1-800-246-1637 www.MyCompanyMagazine.com 14 With Protective Asset Protection, you protect your best asset – your reputation. In today’s transparent world, consumers are only a few clicks away from uncovering the good, the bad and the ugly about any company. With Protective Asset Protection, you and your customers can rest assured that the products we offer are administered and backed by us, which means reliable service that protects your reputation. What’s more, our company believes in doing the right thing by you and by your customers. We are in business to serve people, build trust, and simplify everything. 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Covering Data thru December 2013 Covering Data thru December 2013 Hawaii Hawaii Auto AutoOutlook Outlook ™ Volume 13, Number 1 Volume 13, Number 1 TM Sponsored by: Hawaii Automobile Dealers Association Sponsored by: Hawaii Automobile Dealers Association FORECAST FORECAST State New Vehicle Market Predicted to Move Higher in 2014 New retail New registrations are expected to exceed Predicted 51,000 units and increase for the Higher fourth straight State Vehicle Market to Move inyear 2014 Forecasting automotive sales is aare delicate balancingto act. There are51,000 units • Household sheets. have straight made considerable New retail registrations expected exceed and balance increase forConsumers the fourth year frequently conflicting indicators that can provide mixed signals on future Forecasting automotive salesis is a delicate balancing There are market conditions. The trick identifying these trends, act. separating the frequently conflicting indicators that can provide mixed signals on meaningful from the meaningless, and forming a consensus on where future market conditions. The trick is identifying these trends, sepathe market is headed. Below, we identify the key positive and negative rating the meaningful from the meaningless, and forming a consensus forces that likely istoheaded. impact the market in 2014.the key positive and on where theare market Below, we identify negative forces that are likely to impact the market in 2014. Forces leading the market higher • Low interest and strong Forces leading therates market higheraffordability. Low interest rates and mild inflation, combined with decent personal income growth kept new affordability at historically strong levels. • Lowhave interest ratesvehicle and strong affordability. Low interest rates and mild inflation, combined with decent personal income growth have • Improving economic growth.atMost economists expect GDP growth kept new vehicle affordability historically strong levels. headway in reducing debt, but are largely hesitant to fund future, a lingering consequence of more the 2008 increases in spending by adding on debt. financial crisis, and ensuing economic recession. Wrap up: Positive factors will lead the market higher in 2014, but we • Household balance sheets. Consumers have made factors considerable believe that for at least the next two years, the negative will debt, are largely placeheadway a ceilinginonreducing how high newbutvehicle sales hesitant will go, to andfund we increascould es in spending by adding on more debt. approach that ceiling by 2015. Wrap up: Positive factors will lead the market higher in 2014, but we believe that for at least the next two years, the negative factors will 3 Key Market place a ceiling on how high new vehicleTrends sales will go, and we could approach that ceiling by 2015. 1. to continue in 2014, which should give a boost to the job market. • Improving economic growth. Most economists expect GDP growth Pent up demand age to• continue in 2014, and whichbenefits should to give“upgrade.” a boost toThe the average job market. • of vehicles on the road exceeds 10 years. This will continue to Pent up demand and benefits to “upgrade. The average ageneed of prompt many consumers to purchase a new”vehicle based on vehicles on the road exceeds 10 years. This will continue to prompt (present vehicles are wearing out) and desire (new vehicles offer many consumers to purchase a new vehicle on need (presmany advantages over the average 10 yearbased old vehicle). ent vehicles are wearing out) and desire (new vehicles offer many advantages overthe themarket average back 10 year old vehicle). Forces holding • Consumer sentiment. Although consumer attitudes have improved Forcessomewhat, holding the market back there is still a pervading sense of concern about the future, a lingering consequence of the 2008 financial crisis, and • Consumer sentiment. Although consumer attitudes have improved ensuing economic recession. somewhat, there is still a pervading sense of concern about the Hawaii new retail light vehicle registrations increased 14.7% from 2012 to 2013, above the 9% improvement 3 Key Market Trends in the Nation. 1. Hawaii new retail light vehicle registrations increased 2013,increased above theto9% improvement 2. 14.7% Light from truck 2012 marketto share 49.2% in 2013, in theupNation. 0.8 points from 2012. 2. Light truck market share increased to 49.2% in 2013, up pointsThree fromregistrations 2012. 3. 0.8Detroit were up 21.9% in ‘13, higher than the 14.7% increase for the industry. State Detroit 3. Detroit wereU.S. up (20.3% 21.9%ininHawaii ‘13, higher Three Three marketregistrations share still trailed vs. than the 14.7% increase for the industry. State Detroit 40.7% in Nation). Three market share still trailed U.S. (20.3% in Hawaii vs. 40.7% in Nation). Manufacturer Market Share - 2013 Annual Total VW, 2.9% Mazda, 3.9% TOTAL 2012 42,506 % Chg. 2013 '12 to '13 48,766 14.7% Car Light Truck 21,925 20,581 24,787 23,979 13.1% 16.5% 50.8% 49.2% Detroit Three European Japanese Korean 8,105 5,129 26,063 3,209 9,880 5,310 30,285 3,291 21.9% 3.5% 16.2% 2.6% 20.3% 10.9% 62.1% 6.7% Toyota, 28.4% BMW, 4.2% GM, 5.2% Chrysler, 6.3% Hyundai/Kia, 6.8% Honda, 16.6% Ford, 8.5% Nissan, 10.7% Brands included: Toyota (Toyota, Lexus, and Scion), Honda (Honda and Acura), Nissan (Nissan and Infiniti), Ford (Ford and Lincoln), Chrysler (Chrysler, Dodge, Fiat, Jeep, and Ram), GM (Buick, Cadillac, Chevrolet, and GMC), BMW (BMW, Rolls Royce, and MINI), and VW (Audi, Bentley, and Volkswagen). Source: Polk. 18 Market Summary Others, 6.5% Mkt. Share 2013 Detroit Three consists of vehicles sold by GM, Ford, and Chrysler. Source: Polk. 19 Page 2 Page 2 Page 2 MARKET MARKETTRACKER: TRACKER:QUARTERLY QUARTERLY RESULTS RESULTS MARKET TRACKER: QUARTERLY RESULTS Hawaii Auto Outlook Hawaii Auto Outlook Hawaii Auto Outlook State Market Up 7.6% in 4th Quarter 2013 vs.vs. 4.9% in U.S. State State Market Market Up Up 7.6% 7.6% in in 4th 4th Quarter Quarter 2013 2013 vs. 4.9% 4.9% in in U.S. U.S. QUARTERLY TREND QUARTERLY TREND QUARTERLY PERSPECTIVE QUARTERLY PERSPECTIVE Percent Change in New Vehicle Market Percent Change NewU.S. Vehicle Market Stateinand State and U.S. %% change change versus versus year year earlier earlier 20.0% 20.0% 12000 The Hawaii market increased at The Hawaii market a faster pace than increased the U.S. in at athefaster pace than U.S. in Fourth Quarter the of 2013. the Fourth Quarter of 2013. 10000 10000 New New retail retail light light vehicle vehicle registrations registrations 25.0% 25.0% Five Years of Fourth Quarter Results Five Years in of State FourthMarket Quarter Results in State Market 12000 State State U.S. U.S. 15.0% 15.0% 10.0% 10.0% 5.0% 5.0% 0.0% 0.0% State State U.S. U.S. The market was up by about 3,700 The up Quarter by aboutof3,700 unitsmarket in the was Fourth 2013 units in the Fourth Quarter of 2013 vs. 2009. vs. 2009. 8000 8000 6000 6000 4000 4000 2000 2000 Q1 '13 Q1 '13 9.8% 9.8% 8.6% 8.6% Q2 '13 Q2 '13 16.6% 16.6% 9.0% 9.0% Data Source: Polk. Data Source: Polk. Q3 '13 Q3 '13 24.0% 24.0% 13.3% 13.3% 0 0 Regs. Regs. Q4 '13 Q4 '13 7.6% 7.6% 4.9% 4.9% Q4 '09 Q4 '10 Q4 '11 Q4 '12 Q4 '13 Q4 '09 Q4 '10 Q4 '11 Q4 '12 Q4 '13 7399 7867 8869 10330 11118 7399 7867 8869 10330 11118 Fourth Quarter registrations during past five years Fourth Quarter registrations during past five years Data Source: Polk. Data Source: Polk. MARKET TRACKER: HYBRID AND ELECTRIC VEHICLES MARKET TRACKER: TRACKER: HYBRID HYBRID AND AND ELECTRIC ELECTRIC VEHICLES MARKET VEHICLES Hybrid & Electric Share Declined in 4th Quarter of Last Year Last Year Hybrid Hybrid & & Electric Electric Share Share Declined Declined in in 4th 4th Quarter Quarter of of Last Year Quarterly Alternative Powertrain Market Share Quarterly Alternative Powertrain Share (includes hybrid and electricMarket vehicles) (includes hybrid and electric vehicles) 9.0% 9.0% 8.0% 8.0% 7.0% 7.0% 6.0% 6.0% 5.0% 5.0% 4.0% 4.0% 3.0% 3.0% 2.0% 2.0% 1.0% 1.0% 0.0% 0.0% 20 Trendline Trendline Q2 Q2 '10 '10 Q3 Q3 '10 '10 Q4 Q4 '10 '10 Q1 Q1 '11 '11 Q2 Q2 '11 '11 Q3 Q3 '11 '11 Year Year 2008 2008 2009 2009 2010 2010 2011 2011 2012 2012 2013 2013 Q4 Q4 '11 '11 Q1 Q1 '12 '12 Q2 Q2 '12 '12 Q3 Q3 '12 '12 Q4 Q4 '12 '12 Q1 Q1 '13 '13 Q2 Q2 '13 '13 Q3 Q3 '13 '13 Q4 Q4 '13 '13 State Hybrid and Electric Vehicle StateNew Hybrid andRegistrations Electric Vehicle Retail New 2008 Retailthru Registrations 2013 2008 thru 2013 Hybrids Electrics Hybrids 1459 Electrics 15 1459 15 1102 15 1102 15 1025 2 1025 2 1299 338 1299 338 2403 341 2403 341 2550 775 2550 775 Total Total 1474 1474 1117 1117 1027 1027 1637 1637 2744 2744 3325 3325 New registrations of hybrid and electric vehicles New hybrid581 and units electric vehicles were registrations 3,325 units inof 2013, higher than were 3,325 units in 2013, 581 units higher than in 2012. in 2012. Source: Polk. Source: Polk. Hawai‘i leads the nation (tied for number 1) In Hawai‘i,1.6 percent of total 2013 vehicle registrations were Electric Vehicles! Top states for EV % of total auto registrations 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. County WashingtonState(tied) Hawaii(tied) California Georgia Oregon DistrictofColumiba Utah Colorado Tennessee Illinois Source: Edmunds.com, a leading online source for automobile inforomation. Electric Vehicles Level 2 Charging stations Ports Level 3 Charging Stations Oahu 1,427 221 246 4 Maui 291 32 39 1 Hawai‘i 95 29 46 0 Kaua‘i 56 32 37 1 1,869 314 368 6 State of Hawai‘i Source: State of Hawai‘i, Department of Business Economic Development and Tourism, Energy Office, November 2013. In 2013, Hawaiian Electric Companies: • extendedDiscountElectricVehicleChargingRatesforanotheryeartoOctober2014. • approvednewEVChargeSpotRatesinJuly2013,designedtoencourageplug-inEVownershipinHawai‘i byeasing“rangeanxiety.”Also,theCommercialPublicElectricVehicleChargingFacilityServiceRate(Schedule EV-F)willmakeitfinanciallyattractiveforbusinesscustomerstoopennewpublicEVchargingfacilitiesmetered separatelyfromotheruses. hawaiianelectric.com Page 3 Covering Data thru December 2013 Covering Data thru December 2013 LONG TERM TRENDS LONG LONGTERM TERMTRENDS TRENDS Hawaii Auto Outlook Page 3 Page 3 Cyclical Recovery Predicted to Continue in 2014 Cyclical Recovery Predicted to Continue in 2014 in Cyclical Recovery Predicted to Continue 2014 Market predicted to increase for fourth consecutive year Market predicted toto increase for fourth consecutive year year Market predicted increase for fourth consecutive The graph below provides a long term perspective of trends in the Hawaii new retail light vehicle market. It shows historical registrations from 2007 The graph below provides longterm termforecast perspective trends Hawaii new retail vehicle market. It shows historical registrations The a along perspective ofoftrends in in thethe Hawaii new retail lightlight vehicle market. It shows historical registrations fromfrom 2007 thrugraph 2013,below alongprovides with Auto Outlook’s for 2014. thru 2013, along with Auto Outlook’s forecast for 2014. 2007 thru 2013, along with Auto Outlook’s forecast for 2014. NewNew retail light vehicle registrations retail light vehicle registrations State New Retail Light Vehicle Registrations - 2007 thru 2013, 2014 Forecast State New Retail Light Vehicle Registrations - 2007 thru 2013, 2014 Forecast 60,000 60,000 50,000 50,000 40,000 40,000 30,000 30,000 20,000 20,000 10,000 10,000 0 0 2007 2007 Regs. 54,492 Regs. 54,492 Key KeyTrends Trends Key Trends Between 2008 2008 41,184 41,184 2009 2009 32,888 32,888 COUNTY SCOREBOARD COUNTY SCOREBOARD COUNTY SCOREBOARD 2010 2010 32,668 32,668 2011 2011 35,591 35,591 2012 2012 42,506 42,506 2013 2013 48,766 48,766 2014 Forecast 2014 Forecast 51,500 51,500 2010 (the low point Between 2010 (the low point during market(the and Between low point duringthethe2010 market downturn) downturn) and 2013, state new retail light vehicle during market 2013,the state new downturn) retail lightand ve2013, state have new retail light ve-by registrations increased hicle registrations have increased hicle registrations haveunits increased by more than 16,000 an inmore than 16,000 units an increase by more ofthan 16,000 units an increase about 50%! of about 50%! crease of about 50%! market up 14.7% last TheThe market waswas up 14.7% last year The market was upand 14.7% last year versus 2012, Auto Outversus 2012, and Auto Outlook is year 2012,aand Auto Outlookversus is predicting 5.6% increase predicting a 5.6% increase this year. look predicting a 5.6% increase this isyear. this year. Source: Polk. Source: Polk. Years Years All County Markets Improved in 2013 All Markets Improved in 2013 All County County Markets Improved in 2013 Oahu market was up 13.1% Oahu market was up 13.1% The table on thewas rightup provides Oahu market 13.1%a The table on the right providesfour a summary of each of Hawaii’s summary of each of Hawaii’s four retailtable light onvehicle markets. The a The the right provides retail light vehicle markets. The table is divided into four sections. summary of each of Hawaii’s four table is divided intoshows four sections. Market Summary total new retail light vehicleshows markets. table Market Summary totalThe new retail light vehicle registrations duris into 2013 four sections. Market retail light vehicle registrations ingdivided 2012 and and the durpering 2012 and 2013 and the perSummary shows total new retail light cent change. The second and third cent change. The second and third vehicle duringand 2012 sectionsregistrations show Light Truck De-and sections show TruckThe andfourth De- The troit Three market share. 2013 and theLight percent change. troit Threeshows market share.share The fourth section market figures second and third sections show Light section shows market share for the top 10 selling light figures vehicle Truck and Detroit Three market share. for the top 10 selling lighttop vehicle brands in the state. The rated The fourth section shows market brands in the state. The top rated county in each category is shaded. county in each category is shaded. share figures for the top 10 Hawaii had the largest increase,selling up Hawaii had thebrands largest increase, up The light vehicle the state. 22.3%. Detroit Three inmarket share 22.3%. Detroit was rated highest in Three Kauaiinmarket (23.7%) and top county each share category was highest in Kauai (23.7%) and lowest on the Big Island (17.4%). is shaded. Hawaii had the largest lowest on the Big Island (17.4%). increase, up 22.3%. Detroit Three Data Source: Polk. market share Data Source: Polk.was highest in Kauai (23.7%) and lowest on the Big Island (17.4%). Data Source: Polk. 22 New Vehicle Markets Summary New Vehicle Markets Summary Local Markets Local Markets Hawaii Kauai Hawaii Kauai Market Summary Market Summary 2012 Annual Total 4,234 1,724 2012 Annual 4,234 1,724 2013 AnnualTotal Total 5,178 2,062 2013 Annual Total 5,178 2,062 Percent change 22.3% 19.6% Percent change 22.3% 19.6% Light Truck Market Share Light Truck Market Share 2012 Annual Total 54.8% 65.0% 2012 54.8% 65.0% 2013Annual AnnualTotal Total 56.0% 65.3% 2013 Annual Total 56.0% 65.3% Change (share points) 1.2 0.3 Change 1.2 0.3 Detroit(share Three points) Market Share Detroit Three Market 2012 Annual Total Share 17.7% 24.0% 2012 17.7% 24.0% 2013Annual AnnualTotal Total 17.4% 23.7% 2013 Annual Total 17.4% 23.7% Change (share points) -0.3 -0.3 Change -0.3 Market(share Sharepoints) for Top 10 Selling Brands in State-0.3 - 2013 Annual Total Market - 2013 Annual Total Toyota Share for Top 10 Selling Brands in State30.4% 33.5% Toyota 30.4% 33.5% Honda 20.6% 17.1% Honda 20.6% 17.1% Nissan 11.3% 11.7% Nissan 11.3% 11.7% Ford 6.3% 11.5% Ford 6.3% 11.5% Mazda 3.0% 4.9% Mazda 3.0% 4.9% Hyundai 3.0% 4.7% Hyundai 3.0% 4.7% Chevrolet 2.6% 4.9% Chevrolet 2.6% 4.9% BMW 2.1% 0.2% BMW 2.1% 0.2% Kia 4.3% 0.1% Kia 4.3% 0.1% Lexus 0.6% 0.9% Lexus 0.6% 0.9% Maui Maui Oahu Oahu 4,418 4,418 5,197 5,197 17.6% 17.6% 32,130 32,130 36,329 36,329 13.1% 13.1% 55.2% 55.2% 56.3% 56.3% 1.1 1.1 45.8% 45.8% 46.3% 46.3% 0.5 0.5 19.9% 19.9% 21.4% 21.4% 1.5 1.5 18.9% 18.9% 20.3% 20.3% 1.4 1.4 28.1% 28.1% 13.4% 13.4% 14.7% 14.7% 14.0% 14.0% 2.3% 2.3% 2.7% 2.7% 3.7% 3.7% 2.3% 2.3% 2.2% 2.2% 1.8% 1.8% 24.1% 24.1% 13.8% 13.8% 9.2% 9.2% 7.6% 7.6% 4.1% 4.1% 4.0% 4.0% 3.7% 3.7% 3.7% 3.7% 3.1% 3.1% 3.3% 3.3% JM&A Group will help your dealership achieve goals you never imagined possible in sales, service and F&I. . Higher Profits. Better Performance. Good Life. (800) 553-7146 jmagroup.com A division of JM Family is a diversified automotive company ranked on the FORTUNE® 100 Best Companies to Work For® list, its sixteenth consecutive year. © 2014 Jim Moran and Associates, Inc. 23 Page 4 Hawaii Auto Outlook Page 4 Hawaii Auto Outlook Hawaii New Retail Car and Light Truck Registrations Fourth Quarter Annual Totals Registrations Market Share (%) Registrations Market Share (%) 4Q '12 4Q '13 % change 4Q '12 4Q '13 Change 2012 2013 % change 2012 2013 Change 10,330 11,118 7.6 42,506 48,766 14.7 TOTAL Cars Light Trucks 5,328 5,002 5,587 5,531 4.9 10.6 51.6 48.4 50.3 49.7 -1.3 21,925 24,787 1.3 20,581 23,979 13.1 51.6 50.8 16.5 48.4 49.2 -0.8 0.8 Domestic Brands European Brands Japanese Brands Korean Brands 1,954 1,321 6,345 710 2,205 1,217 6,926 770 12.8 -7.9 9.2 8.5 18.9 12.8 61.4 6.9 19.8 10.9 62.3 6.9 0.9 8,105 9,880 -1.9 5,129 5,310 0.9 26,063 30,285 0.0 3,209 3,291 21.9 19.1 20.3 3.5 12.1 10.9 16.2 61.3 62.1 2.6 7.5 6.7 1.2 -1.2 0.8 -0.8 Acura Audi BMW Buick Cadillac Chevrolet C/D/J/R Total Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram FIAT Ford GMC Honda Hyundai Infiniti Jaguar Kia Land Rover Lexus Lincoln Mazda Mercedes MINI Mitsubishi Nissan Other Porsche Subaru Tesla Toyota Volkswagen Volvo 255 99 411 28 39 404 572 91 199 199 83 41 791 92 1,314 473 56 9 237 25 319 20 386 293 132 33 1,117 44 37 149 7 2,693 207 47 216 80 405 18 59 382 668 68 234 268 98 21 937 84 1,599 411 80 6 359 32 321 25 415 268 113 26 1,111 21 36 236 30 2,918 193 48 -15.3 -19.2 -1.5 -35.7 51.3 -5.4 16.8 -25.3 17.6 34.7 18.1 -48.8 18.5 -8.7 21.7 -13.1 42.9 -33.3 51.5 28.0 0.6 25.0 7.5 -8.5 -14.4 -21.2 -0.5 -52.3 -2.7 58.4 2.5 1.0 4.0 0.3 0.4 3.9 5.5 0.9 1.9 1.9 0.8 0.4 7.7 0.9 12.7 4.6 0.5 0.1 2.3 0.2 3.1 0.2 3.7 2.8 1.3 0.3 10.8 0.4 0.4 1.4 0.1 26.1 2.0 0.5 1.9 0.7 3.6 0.2 0.5 3.4 6.0 0.6 2.1 2.4 0.9 0.2 8.4 0.8 14.4 3.7 0.7 0.1 3.2 0.3 2.9 0.2 3.7 2.4 1.0 0.2 10.0 0.2 0.3 2.1 0.3 26.2 1.7 0.4 -0.6 851 957 -0.3 432 407 -0.4 1,196 1,568 -0.1 105 92 0.1 158 264 -0.5 1,833 1,778 0.5 2,339 2,994 -0.3 322 315 0.2 777 1,174 0.5 894 1,089 0.1 346 416 -0.2 164 119 0.7 3,145 4,048 -0.1 442 443 1.7 5,583 7,144 -0.9 1,899 1,830 0.2 310 274 0.0 52 35 0.9 1,310 1,461 0.1 117 132 -0.2 1,237 1,351 0.0 71 86 0.0 1,518 1,879 -0.4 1,081 1,052 -0.3 562 504 -0.1 172 159 -0.8 4,259 4,941 -0.2 267 189 -0.1 143 162 0.7 607 1,063 0.2 7 167 0.1 11,402 12,461 -0.3 1,024 1,029 -0.1 220 177 12.5 2.0 2.0 0.0 -5.8 1.0 0.8 -0.2 31.1 2.8 3.2 0.4 -12.4 0.2 0.2 0.0 67.1 0.4 0.5 0.1 -3.0 4.3 3.6 -0.7 28.0 5.5 6.1 0.6 -2.2 0.8 0.6 -0.2 51.1 1.8 2.4 0.6 21.8 2.1 2.2 0.1 20.2 0.8 0.9 0.1 -27.4 0.4 0.2 -0.2 28.7 7.4 8.3 0.9 0.2 1.0 0.9 -0.1 28.0 13.1 14.6 1.5 -3.6 4.5 3.8 -0.7 -11.6 0.7 0.6 -0.1 -32.7 0.1 0.1 0.0 11.5 3.1 3.0 -0.1 12.8 0.3 0.3 0.0 9.2 2.9 2.8 -0.1 21.1 0.2 0.2 0.0 0.3 23.8 3.6 3.9 -2.7 2.5 2.2 -0.3 -10.3 1.3 1.0 -0.3 -7.6 0.4 0.3 -0.1 16.0 10.0 10.1 0.1 -29.2 0.6 0.4 -0.2 13.3 0.3 0.3 0.0 75.1 1.4 2.2 0.8 0.0 0.3 0.3 9.3 26.8 25.6 -1.2 0.5 2.4 2.1 -0.3 -19.5 0.5 0.4 -0.1 Source: Polk 8.4 -6.8 2.1 Hawaii Auto Outlook Hawaii Auto Outlook Published by: Published by: Outlook, Auto Auto Outlook, Inc. Inc. PO390 Box 390 PO Box Exton,Exton, PA 19341 PA 19341 Phone:Phone: 800-206-0102 800-206-0102 EMail: jfoltz@autooutlook.com EMail: jfoltz@autooutlook.com Reproduction, including photocopying ofReproduction, this publicationincluding in whole or in part, is photocopying of this prohibited without the express permission publication in whole or in part, is prohibited of Auto Outlook, Inc. Any material quoted without the express permission of Auto Outlook, must be attributed to Hawaii Auto Outlook, Inc. Anybymaterial quoted be attributed published Auto Outlook, Inc. must on behalf oftoHADA, and must include published the state- by Auto Hawaii Autoalso Outlook, ment: “Data Source: Polk.” Unforeseen Outlook, Inc. on behalf of HADA, and must events may affect the forecast projections also include theAuto statement: “Data Source: presented in Hawaii Outlook. Consequently, Outlook, Inc. is not responPolk.” Auto Unforeseen events may affect the sible for management based forecast projectionsdecisions presented in on Hawaii Auto the content of Hawaii Auto Outlook. Outlook. Consequently, Auto Outlook, Inc. is not responsible for management Hawaii Auto Outlook is distributeddecisions free of based on charge to all members the Hawaii Authe content of HawaiiofAuto Outlook. tomobile Dealers Association. The publication is sponsored and supported by the Hawaii Auto Outlook is distributed Association. Hawaii Auto Outlook is pub- free of charge all members of the Hawaii lished andtoedited by Auto Outlook, Inc., anAutomobile independent automotive market Dealers Association. The research publication is firm. Opinions expressed in Hawaii Auto sponsored and supported by the Association. Outlook are solely those of Auto Outlook, Hawaii Auto is published and edited by Inc., and are notOutlook necessarily shared by the Hawaii Dealers Association. automotive Auto Automobile Outlook, Inc., an independent market research firm. Opinions expressed in Copyright Auto Outlook, Inc. Hawaii Auto Outlook are solely those of Auto February 2014 Outlook, Inc., and are not necessarily shared by the Hawaii Automobile Dealers Association. Copyright Auto Outlook, Inc. February 2014 YOUNG BROTHERS - HADA - 2/14 • CMYK 7.75”W X 3.187“H” (1/3-H) YOUNG BROTHERS has 12-weekly sailings from O‘ahu to safely and securely transport your vehicle. Our friendly local employees are ready to take your reservations to ship your automobile. KAUA‘I: 2 times/week MAUI: 3 times/week MOLOKA‘I: 2 times/week LANA‘I: 1 time/week HILO: 2 times/week KAWAIHAE: 2 times/week Serving the islands for over 110 years. For your interisland shipping call us at 800-543-9311. 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Over the y ears, Hawa iiUSA’s Dealer Cen ter continu es to help many of H awaii’s dea lerships fin their auto ance loans. We offer: • New an d Used aut o financing • Fast and friendly se r vice • Flexible terms • 12 Conv enient bra nch locatio ns Contact us fo r more deta ils today! nager Featuring our Dealer Center Ma Team. r John Miwa and the Dealer Cente Federally insured by NCUA • call: (808) 534.4300 / toll-free (800) 379.1300 Life matters. • hawaiiusafcu.com 27 CU Direct’s Automotive Solutions helps you sell more cars, fund loans faster and reach more buyers. Financing Solutions CU Direct’s CUDL credit union network drives qualified buyers to your dealership and increases sales. CUDL is the nation’s leader in point-of-purchase and indirect lending for the credit union industry. 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