here - Wimler Foundation


here - Wimler Foundation
Joint Annual Report
Enhancing capacities for development
Foreword from WIMLER HK 3 Vision and Mission 4 Highlights 2013 Hong Kong 5 Capacity Building Program for Migrant Workers 6-7 Friends of Wimler in Action 8-10 Financial Report WIMLER HK 11-12 Foreword from WIMLER 13 Philippines Vision and Mission 14 Highlights 2013 Philippines 15-16 Financial Statements 17-18 Friends of WIMLER 19 Contact Us 20 2
Foreword As the new Chairman of WIMLER HK, I am honored to present
Follow up support to this area is in the form of 2-3 fishing boats
WIMLER HK and WIMLER Philippines joint 2013 Annual
with engines complete with fishing gears and another support
Report. And what a magnificent year it has been! Although it
for their organic farms managed by farmers affected by typhoon
was a year with much difficulty, we were up to the challenge,
successfully reaching our objectives, and giving back to the
Yolanda. On this way,
through the support of our donors
WIMLER is able to help the victims rebuild their lives.
local and international community.
In the field of migrant advocacy work , WIMLER collaborated
This year our Send a Child to School program supported a total
with Ateneo de Manila
of 135 elementary school pupils and 17 high school students in
OFSPES, SEDPI, Ugat Foundation, Philippine Labor Office (POLO
the Philippines. Through our raffle sales event, we were able
HK), Overseas Workers Welfare Administration (OWWA HK), and
to raise HKD 67,975.00
to help the underprivileged
children. Not only that, we were also able to contribute to
University School of Governance,
the Philippine Consulate General in the conduct of
Leadership and Social Entrepreneurship (LSE) in Hong Kong.
Seventy-one Filipino migrants successfully graduated the course.
the local community in Hong Kong by giving back through a
partnership with the Hope of the City Foundation, a local HK
We note some movements of WIMLER Board of Directors in 2013.
charity organization which provides underprivileged children
Our chairman, Floyd Lau was relocated by his company to the
from low-income families a chance to excel in public
By January 2014, WIMLER HK will sponsor English
lessons for 18 pupils from different cultural backgrounds. For
the children victims of war in Zamboanga City, Mindanao, we
Honorary Chairman and he will continue to provide his valuable
expertise. Leila Rispens-Noel, founder and Treasurer has moved
together with her husband, Wim Rispens to the Philippines. She
will oversee our various projects there and at the same time
launched the “Send a Hug – Kids for Zamboanga”. The toys
actively involve in the empowerment program for families of
we collected were sent to the children victims of Zamboanga
overseas Filipino workers. We also welcomed new members of
conflict care of Fr. Angel Calvo of Katilingban/Zabida Founda-
the Board. Kathy de Guzman, Luz Tan, Joy Tadios Arenas, Anna
Martinez, and Myrna Pama Hill who officially joined the Board of
This year, our operations extended far beyond providing
education for the underprivileged.
Through the help from
Directors in 2013. For accountability and transparency, we have
decided to extend the services of Mr. Liu WaI In, CPA , AAT.
Friends of WIMLER in Alaska and Portland (USA), we were able
As in past years, we are very fortunate to count on support from
distribute eight boxes filled with medical supplies to vil-
our corporate sponsors SWIFT Asia Pacific who continue to
lage health centers and provincial hospitals in Davao del Sur.
contribute to our operations and providing much needed funds
to our typhoon disaster drive and migrant empowerment train-
Through the coordinated efforts of WIMLER HK and WIMLER
Last but not least, we wish to thank you, our individual
donors for your confidence in us
Philippines, we were able to successfully mobilize our network
of volunteers to transfer much needed aid - medical supplies,
support. In the coming year, we
bottled water, food, blankets, shelters – to the hardest hit
will hope to increase our target
areas of Coron and Busuanga (Palawan), Bantayan Island
fundraising drives, increase our
(Cebu), and Estancia/Passi City (Iloilo).
partnerships in the local and
In Bantayan alone,
200 relief bags were sent for distribution, as well as funds
allocated to purchasing 20 fishing boats to support rebuilding
extend our corporate sponsors
list, and wide our outreach in
the livelihoods of local fishermen. Thirty –eight (38) sacks of
rice were distributed to the typhoon victims in Estancia.
helping the local underprivileged
communities where we operate.
WIMLER Foundation Hong Kong
WIMLER Foundation Hong Kong Ltd. was officially registered in
2011 as a non-profit and charitable organization which primary
objective is to support the capacity building and empowerment
of migrant communities regardless of nationalities and to promote cultural diversity based on mutual respect, solidarity, and
shared empowerment among peoples.
WIMLER HK was established through the initiative of Leila
Rispens-Noel together with Emilie Veringa-Tobias and Victor Neri
as co-founders. Leila who has lived for 29 years in the
Netherlands before relocating to Hong Kong in 2009, founded
WIMLER Philippines in 2006 as her way of “giving back” to her
country of origin where she already assisted hundreds of children
through her philanthropic work. At present, the WIMLER HK
team is composed of individuals from various nationalities with
different fields of expertise.
Sustainable Development
We believe that harnessing our natural resources, skills
and opportunities in a sustainable and responsible manner
would contribute to a better quality of life of the present
and future generations.
Migration and Development
We believe that if properly harnessed, migration could
work for development but only when migrants are socially
and economically empowered and their rights are
protected, respected, and promoted.
What we do  Support and initiate customized capacity building training program for migrant workers and their organizations in Hong Kong (e.g. transformational leadership, team building, financial literacy, social entrepreneurship, and project management); VISION
migrant organizations of various nationalities, We envision a world where people have access to a decent standard
of living with opportunities to develop their full human potentials
and live in dignity without poverty.
concerned individuals, academe, policy makers, public, and private sectors to promote the wellbeing of migrants and their families; MISSION
Our mission is to promote the development and empowerment of
migrant/ethnic communities in Hong Kong and support
development-oriented projects in partnership with public and
Engage and stimulate active involvement of 
Launch fundraising activities to support community
-driven projects in migrants’ countries of origin especially in the areas of education of poor children and economic empowerment of local communities; Our Core values 
Conduct workshops or seminars on the link Respect
between migration and development focusing on We believe that poor people have the right to improved quality
of life. That the legitimate aspirations of the local organizations
and their members with whom we work for should be valued,
enhanced, and respected.
the role of migrants and the potentials of hometown associations as agents of development; 
Provide technical assistance, consultancy services Making a Difference
and conduct research related to migration, We believe that our work must focus on building and
strengthening capacities of people to help them exercise their
legitimate rights to live a decent and dignified life. That
supporting social entrepreneurship and other job-creating
activities, if properly supported, could make a difference in the
lives of the poor.
microfinance, remittances, and development and Integrity
We believe in conducting ourselves with transparency, honesty
and integrity to the values, beliefs and principles that Wimler
Foundation upholds. We strive to be ethically and morally
accountable to the resources entrusted to us.
disseminate them for knowledge sharing and influencing policies and practices that affect the lives of the poor; 
and promote Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) to help poor communities to rise up from poverty; and 
We believe in dedicated efforts to achieve our vision and mission
by forging partnerships with organizations and individuals who
share our vision and mission and by practicing servantleadership.
Encourage Establish strategic alliances with organizations which share similar vision and mission with WIMLER. Highlights 2013
Typhoon Haiyan (Yolanda) Typhoon Haiyan, known as Typhoon Yolanda in the Philippines,
was a powerful tropical cyclone that devastated portions of
Southeast Asia, particularly the Philippines, on November 8,
2013. It is the deadliest Philippine typhoon on record. The
cyclone caused catastrophic destruction in the Visayas,
particularly in Samar and Leyte. According to UN records, about
11 million people have been affected and many have been left
homeless. The National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (NDRRMC) reported that as March 14, 2014, there
are 28,689 injured, 6,268 dead, and 1,061 missing as the result
of the typhoon. Damage in agriculture and infrastructure is
estimated at US$ 878,860,457.60
WIMLER Foundation HK was reluctant to launch its own relief
drive aware of its limited resources on both human and financial. However, since a great number of people were asking to
course their donation to WIMLER, we finally accepted the
daunting task to coordinate the distribution of the goods and
funds that were entrusted to us.
In challenging time like this, we witnessed the outpouring of
the generosity of the people. WIMLER received a total cash
donation of HKD 139,159.70 apart from the numerous contributions in the form of relief goods. Three areas were identified
for distribution activity: Coron (Palawan), Bantayan (Cebu), and
Estancia (Iloilo) and conducted separate campaigns.
For Coron, we were able to receive HKD 6,575 direct donation
which was used for shipping the goods we received. Sonia
Zerrudo of WIMLER spearheaded this campaign together with
Catherine Marsden. Tents, 12 boxes of baby milk, 4 boxes
of Nestogen, 18 feeding bottles, and 300 kgs medicines were
also donated.
Cebu raised a total amount of HKD 16,700.00. The amount was
spent for shipping goods , blankets, and purchase of relief
goods locally. The staff members of the City University of Hong
Kong supported the Cebu fund raising campaign. Joy Tadios
Arenas, a WIMLER HK Board of Director, coordinated the
On another note, a group of young people led the fund raising
for the Iloilo campaign by organizing a Dodgeball tournament.
Myrna Pama Hill, WIMLER board of director, led the campaign.
She also raised funds from her network. All in all, Iloilo was
able to raise the amount of HKD 37,584.00.
Apart from the above fund campaigns, we also received a total
amount of HKD78,300.70 from individual and corporate
donation from Hong Kong, Netherlands, Belgium, USA, and
We thank Dr. Karen Fernan of Cebu, Joefel Resol and Fr. Tom
Delicana of Patronage of St. Joseph Parish in Pototan, Iloilo,
and Joey Zaballero of Manila for coordinating the distribution.
71 migrant domestic workers and a few
Filipino HK residents graduated the sixmonth Leadership and Social Entepreneurship (LSE) training program
135 pupils and 17 high school students
went to school during the school year
2013- 2014
1,200 books were distributed to Villa
Doneza Elementary School and Marber
Elementary School both located in
Bansalan, Davao del Sur and two kindergarten schools (Sulop and Bansalan)
800 families in New Bataan, Davao
Oriental who are victims of typhoon Pablo
received food packs
2 barangay (village) health centers and
the provincial hospital of Digos City
received medical supplies donated by
Friends of WIMLER in USA
Raised a total amount of HK$ 139,159.70
or typhoon Haiyan (Yolanda) victims aside
from relief goods, medicines, blankets,
and tents were also distributed to Coron
(Palawan), Bantayan (Cebu), and Estancia
Follow up
The remaining balance will be used to contribute to the rehabilitation of some affected families. In Bantayan, Cebu,
WIMLER will donate funds to build 20 bancas in partnership
with Bantayan Back to the Sea Project (BBSP) which helps in
identifying the deserving beneficiaries.
For Iloilo, we will support the building of two pumpboats for
Banate fisherfolks and the rest of the amount will be
allocated to support the organic farming in Estancia.
Lessons Learned:
We realized that sending of goods from Hong Kong to the
local beneficiaries was not only impractical but even more
We do not wish to have a “next time” but if it does happen,
it is better to collect the funds and send the money to the
contact person/s and who shall then be tasked to buy the
goods locally instead of sending goods from Hong Kong.
Sent to Estancia, Iloilo
38 sacks of rice, 150 pieces of blankets, 12
boxes of Bear brand and choco, 100 pieces of
aluminum keƩle, 20 liter kerosene,
Sent to Bantayan, Cebu: Tents (trapals) and
blankets benefiƫng 150 families
Also we need to draw up a good agreement with the relevant
parties/persons before sending any goods. Haste makes
waste. Things not clearly communicated will not only resort
to more confusion but would make the shipment of goods
more expensive.
Capacity Building Program for Migrant Workers
Leadership and Social Entrepreneurship Course (LSE 15 and 16) Enhancing capacities and empowering ethnic minorities to prepare for their return and reintegration, stimulate active citizenship and deepen their engagement in the development of their homelands are two important aspects of the LSE 15 graduates
In 2013, WIMLER Foundation HK organized two Leadership
and Social Entrepreneurship (LSE) courses in Hong Kong.
Seventy-one (71) participants graduated the course: 27
(LSE 15) and 44 (LSE 16). Of the 71 graduates, 31 received
merit awards. The graduation was held at the City University of Hong Kong. The first batch of LSE started in Hong
Kong in 2012 with 50 graduates.
The LSE Program is a joint initiative of the Ateneo
University School of Government (ASoG) with the Overseas
Filipinos Society for the Promotion of Economic Security
(OFSPES), the Social Enterprises Development Partnerships
Inc. (SEDPI), Ugat Foundation, the Philippine Consulate,
the Philippine Overseas Labor Office (POLO), and the
Overseas Workers Welfare Administration (OWWA). The
course is organized and coordinated in Hong Kong by
WIMLER Foundation Hong Kong with support from SWIFT
APAC. The course in 2013 was held at the Service
Seamen’s Center.
The LSE 22 covers 13 sessions each, two Sundays per
month over a six-month period. The program covers three
modules: financial literacy, leadership and social
The LSE aims to develop the leadership skills and potentials among overseas Filipinos and their families, provide
knowledge and skills in savings and investments and other
financial matters and develop and/or enhance their entrepreneurial skills the course.
work of WIMLER Foundation in Hong Kong. LSE 16 graduates
I already learned a lot since the first
day of the class. I tried to apply what
I learned and I am amazed how much
we can do if we manage our finances
well and prepare for the day when I
decide to go home for good.
Thank you LSE.
‐ Marilyn A. Ramos, LSE 16
Capacity Building Program for Migrant Workers
Friends of WIMLER in Action
Friends of Wimler in Action
On May 19, 2013, ALAY: A Tribute for the HK Filipino Community was held at Chater Road, Centeral with support from Ayala Foundation, AyalanLand, Bank of the Philippine Island, and Globe. Aside from the main activities, WIMLER also conducted financial literacy awareness day and fund raising activities by selling raffle tickets. Despite the tight schedule, all plans pushed through. The event raised a total amount of HKD 67,975.00 to support its “Send a Child to School” project. As a Hong Kong registered charity, WIMLER Foundation not only support poor children in the Philippines but also less privileged migrant children in Hong Kong. Hope of the City Foundation works to transform the lives of the underprivileged in Hong Kong, providing access to opportunities and believing in each person’s potential to succeed. It provides funding, mobilizes people and sources quality resources to transform the city, one life at a time. Many children from low-income families do not have the resources needed to excel in Hong Kong's public school system. As a result, they often fall behind their peers and become trapped in a cycle of educational poverty. Hope of the City hires professional English teachers to travel to local community centres and churches to conduct English lessons for students. Students participating in the courses are screened and referred to Hope of the City by social workers. Each class meets for one hour per week over a period of 12 weeks. In order to provide tailored feedback, there are no more than 10 students per class. During 2014, WIMLER Foundation HK is partnering with Hope of the City to sponsor English lessons for 18 students. Each student will receive 24 hours of English instruction from a tutor specifically trained in teaching English as a second language. 9
Reaching out
WIMLER in action 10
Financial Report
Financial Report
WIMLER Philippines
Horner and Mary Vazant from USA which we distributed in three village health centers and in one provincial public hospital. We also distributed this year 1,200 books sent by WIMLER HK in two public elementary schools in Bansalan, and two kindergarten schools (one in Bansalan and the other in Hagonoy). As we promised last year, WIMLER Philippines is now more actively involved in development-related activities with its participation in the poverty reduction program. WIMLER Philippines is now a member of the Local Poverty Reduction Team (LPRAT) of the municipality of Bansalan and I am elected as the co-chairperson. LPRAT is a government program which involves civil society in identifying and monitoring poverty alleviation programs of the Philippine government. It is a new area of cooperation where grassroots communities It is our pleasure to report to you what WIMLER Philippines accomplished in 2013. With the support largely by are encouraged to participate in formulating development strategies. WIMLER Foundation Hong Kong and our donors abroad In the area of migration and development, our main we were able to provide the things the 135 pupils and 17 focus is to conduct financial literacy and social entre-
high students during this school year. The “Send a Child preneurship for families of overseas Filipino workers. to School project continued to bring bright hopes for the This will be done in collaboration with Ateneo de children. While it is true that elementary education in the Manila University School of Government, OFSPES, Philippines is free, there are still many parents who cannot SEDPI and Ugat Foundation. Preparations are afford to provide the basic things the children needed to already underway for trainings to be conducted next go school such as school uniforms, school bags, new pairs year in Davao City, Iloilo and Cagayan de Oro City. of shoes, etc. The financial support motivated them to go Thank you for your con-
to school and many of them graduated with honors. tinued support. The poor especially those living in the villages also suffer inadequate health services. Many village health centers do not have the necessary medical supplies to be able to meet the basic health needs of the community. We are fortunate to receive medical supplies from Cris Skinner, Michael Leila Rispens-Noel
President and Founder
WIMLER Philippines
Vision and Mission
T he WIMLER Partnership for Social Progress, Inc. is small non-profit and non-governmental organizations which OPERATIONAL OBJECTIVES aims to contribute to the development of the local com- To achieve its mission, WIMLER works to: munities in Mindanao. Established in 2006 by Rispens- 1. Support Noel Family, WIMLER supports projects which benefit e.g. microfinance and other livelihood projects) and to co mmunit y-bas ed self-help init iat ives local communities, particularly women and out-of-school youth. promote sustainable development. To “Give Back” to the community where she came from is the 2. Provide capacity-building, development and skills training primary reason why Leila Rispens-Noel, founder and president, that enhance the social and economic empowerment of the founded up WIMLER Philippines. Leila left her hometown in 1979 to local communities. live in the Netherlands. Inspired by the positive contributions of Filipino diasporas to their respective hometowns, she decided to 3. Help people help themselves through practical application of local knowledge and resources to improve their quality of life. support local communities. Her initiatives have grown as more 4. Provide educational assistance to deserving children and friends, individuals, and organizations from around the world out-of-school youth. support her cause. In 2011, she co-founded WIMLER Hong Kong. She also succeeded in forming WIMLER workgroups in USA. 5. leveraging funding to not only support various MISSION community projects but also work towards their self-
Our mission is to contribute to the development and advancement sustainability. of grassroots communities through alternative approaches to socioeconomic development, education, capacity building of communi- 6. ties and building partnership with like-minded organizations locally and internationally. VALUES WIMLER Philippines believes that: 
The legitimate aspirations of the local organizations should be valued, promoted, encouraged, and respected. 
Promote the philosophy and principles of corporate social responsibility for the benefit of grassroots communities. GOVERNANCE WIMLER is run and managed by volunteers. The Board of WIMLER. The primary responsibility of the Board is to protect the interest of the foundation and ensure that programs are properly Our work should focus on building and strengthening community-based organizations. 
7. Provide technical assistance and consultancy services. Poor people have the right to improved quality of life and Directors is the highest governing body within the structure of active participation in the society. 
Link locally-based organizations with external donors, implemented in accordance with the Vision and Mission of WIMLER. The Board sets policies for ensuring excellent and effective management. WIMLER also has an International Advisory Board which helps the The community-based organizations should be actively Foundation solicit feedback, ideas and opinions from the public. It involved in deciding the types of programs and services that does not have any legal or formal responsibilities, but is convened are good for them. to support the Board of Directors. 
Sustainable development is achievable if development is Our volunteers ensure that projects and activities are properly actively supported by local communities based on implemented with minimal operational costs. local ownership, mutual respect, and trust. 
Entrepreneurial projects and job-creating activities with broad FINANCIAL AUDIT ground-level support could make a difference in the lives of the The Gatmaitan Auditing office with BIR Accreditation poor. No. 19-003052-1-2014 valid up to January 2017 conducts the annual financial audit for WIMLER Philippines. 14
Highlights 2013
Distribution of medical supplies
Financial Statement
Financial Statement
In Phil. Peso
In Phil. Peso
Detailed copy of the Audited Financial Report is available upon request
Friends of WIMLER
Thanks to our donors Jeffrey Comer
Joy Tiongco-Delgado
2013 Juan Antonio Emmanuel Reyes
Judith Jebsen
Abigail Camaya Hills
Julie Devera
Allan Ermmann and Susan Dollinger
Jun and Arlyn Fermin
Alexander Flugel
June Noel and Wimler Friends (USA)
Amy Stanway
Karen Noel-Mundin
Angela Nicholson Do
Ka. Sara (Friends from Bangkok)
Anna Martinez
Kirsten Hill
Anna Day
Kwok Yuk Yin Petty
Annamarie Torre
Laine Santana
Leila Rispens-Noel
Anton Romaschenko
Leirifi Roberts
Antonio and Arlene Sy
Lenlen Mesina
Arancha Hernandez,
Liezl Jane Yulo
Asuncion “Gurley” Payne
Lilly Hamilton
Auluxa Company
Lisa Furnad
Awi Curameng
Lisa Hunt
Bart Soriano
Lonneke van Zundert
Benigno Cintron, Jr.
Lorna Lopez
Boris Carino
LSE 15 Participants
Brian Albritton
Lucy Rodriguez
Carina Roncevalles
Luningning Espiritu
Carlina Hsu
Luz Tan Sanchez
Cathy Burnett
Maddi Palser
Celeste Murphy
Manuel and Arlene Roldan
Cherry Eslerra Eugenio Elito
Marcie Lockwood
Chiqui Barnes
Marco Veringa
Chona Rocca
Marie-Jose Peters
City University of Hong Kong Staff
Marilyn Lane
Colin Barlow
Marites Auditor
Craig R W Giova
Maritta Putterill
Crisostomo Medaro Cultura
Mark Thompson
David Ma-an
May Bevan
Delia Dykes
Mayeth Rossi
Dickon Biggins
Md Kamal Uddin
Dietmar Hoenicke
Meital Koefman
Michelle and Paul Gunn
Duane Salud
Mrs. Chui
Guy Lockwood
Myrna Pama Hill
Don Vincent Salud
Nancy Lim
Donna Bentley
Neil Ajoc
Dr. Nan
Nikoletta Evangelou
Efrain Jimenez
Noel and Kathy De Guzman
Noriko Inagawa
Elvie Subala Costales
Paul Cammack
Emilie Veringa
Peachy Viniegra-Lim
Emma Linnit
Piko Valencia
Enrico Dsouza
Erlin Feliciano
Pooja Pant
Priya Newberry
Estela Omlas Cada
Raisha Asnan
Estella Cada Omlas
Ramesh Sema
Esther, Ms.
Ranny Yu
Far East Merchandising Trading
Razim Farid Samy
Fiona Martin
Rebecca Merrett
Rene Platevoet
Florence Belenario
Resham Daswani
Franco Villanueva
Rhea Nee
Friends of Myrna Pama Hill
Rhoda Acosta Urban
Geert van den Berg
Richelle Oblena
Gemini Caasi
Rona Hellewell
Rosabelle Leonor-Woolf
Glenna Nacinopa
Rowel and Ethel del Fierro
Gloria Taripe
Rowena Tabilin
Grace Smeaton
Royaltex Hong Kong
Grand Tex Ltd.
Sabrina Chao
Guy Lockwood
Sheena Martinez
Hatari Express
Sonia Zerrudo
Society of Accredited Recruitment
HFM Group
Ilan Ltd.
Steve and Brooke
Inge Mulder
Suzanne Bright
Inna Hung
Isabella Federation
Thom van den Berg
T L Santana
Jacky Chang
Ton van Asperen
Janita Hogevorst
Under Dodgeball Uzma Aubahai
Jona Gabrillo Barantes
Valerie Yap
Joy Solano
Veronica Viniegra-Lin
Joy Tadios-Arenas
Vivian Mamawag
Wayne Robinson
Wennie Ombrog Taylor
Wilma Donnely
Wim Rispens
Yuk Wah Chan
Yvonne Riches
Zarah Chiu
Zahra Jamshed
Thanks to our sponsors and cooperators A-freight
Catherine Marsden
Cebu Pacific
City University of Hong Kong
Cris Skinner , Michael Horner, and Mary
Vazant (USA)
Hizon laboratories
JNC Datum Tech. International Ltd.
Joey Zaballero
Karen Fernan (Cebu)
Kennedy School (Hong Kong)
Maiandros Olives Company Shenzhen/ Chris
Marita Putteril
M F Jebsen
PLDT Hong Kong
Quarry Bay School
Servicemen’s Guide Association (SGA)
UP Mountaineers Search & Rescue Team
Association of Bansaleňos Worldwide (ABW)
Ateneo de Manila University School of
Governance (LSE Program)
Hope for the City Foundation
Dugong Elementary School (Mlang, North Cotabato)
ETWA Netherlands
LSE 15 Graduates
LSE 12 Graduates
LSE 16 Graduates
Mlang Pilot Elementary School (Mlang, North
Nicolas Amor Scholarship Foundation
M.V. Duque Elementary School (Nueva
Philippine Consulate General Hong KongPinoy
Wise Movement
POLO Hong Kong
OWWA Hong Kong
Patronage of St. Joseph Parish, Iloilo
SWIFT Asia Pacific
Val-Tan Network
Thank you for your
continued support
PHILIPPINES: WIMLER Foundation Philippines
Camia Street, Purok Maligaya
Poblacion Uno, Bansalan
Davao del Sur, Philippines
Mobile: +63 9192927067 /+63 928 6905546
Registered on September 19, 2006 as non-stock, non-profit
organization at Security Exchange Commission (SEC) Davao City,
Philippines. Reg. No. 200629799
Registration No. 200629799
HONG KONG: WIMLER Foundation Hong Kong Ltd.
Room 5, 13/F., Witty Comm. Bldg.,
1A – 1L Tung Choi Street,
Mong Kok, Kowloon, HONG KONG (SAR)
Tel.: +852 56607706 (Whatsapp/Viber)
Registered as charity organization in HK
IR File No. 91/11639
Certificate of Incorporation No. 1682615
WIMLER PHILIPPINES Members of the Board WIMLER Founda on Hong Kong Leila Rispens-Noel, President and Co-founder
Board of Directors Alpha Vargas Lajato, Vice-President
Amelita Balisalisa Atillo, Secretary
Lydia Doromal , Treasurer
Dr. Duane Salud
Atty. Angelisa Razo
Maria Lourdes Tiangco
Joy Tiongco-Delgado
Ana Marie A. Noel, Liaison Officer
Samy Razim - Chairman
Anna Martinez - Vice Chairman
Emilie Veringa - Secretary
Kathy de Guzman - Assistant Secretary
Leila Rispens-Noel - Treasurer
Luz Tan - Assistant Treasurer
Contact Person: June Noel
Joy Tadios-Arenas
Myrna Pama Hill
Sonia Zerrudo
Sindy Wong, Operations Secretary
Guy Lockwood - Young Ambassador of Goodwill
Floyd Lau - Honorary Chairman
Contact Person: Bing Balisalisa
Interna onal Advisory Board Zorra Espero , Chicago, USA
June Noel , Montana, USA
Laura Meins, Rome, Italy
Katarina Marino, Hong Kong
Soukeyna Ndiaye Ba, Dakar, Senegal
Wim Rispens, The Netherlands
Gerard de Vries, The Netherlands
Lonneke van Zundert, Singapore
Editor: Kathy de Guzman
Photo Credits: Leila Rispens‐Noel, Justynne Kay Noel
Tee, Myrna Pama Hill, Ivy Ng, Emilie Veringa , and
Joy Tadios Arenas
Enhancing capacities for development