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Disclaimer: No responsibility can be taken by Spotlight Magazine for any errors or
omissions contained herein. Furthermore, responsibility for any losses, damages
or distress resulting from adherence to any information made available through this
magazine is not the responsibility of Spotlight Magazine. The opinions expressed
are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of Spotlight Magazine. Comments are welcome.
On The Red Carpet With Gainsboro
Spotlight 4
A Message From Drew Barnes 7
Fitness & Lifestyle Coaching/
Project Live Like you Mean It
Nathalie J. Pépin 8 - 9
Why Do They Get Away With Everything? Scott Stenbeck 10
Estate Preservation Dan Hein 11
Fire From Within Dr. Jason Schnieder 12
Stage Your Home To Live Leslie Cochrane 17
A Message From Lavar Payne 18
2013 Medicine Hat Stampede: Come Along For The Ride
Jim Tennant 20
Medicine Hat’s First Company Challenge Crystal Metz 21
Don’t Let The Truth Get In The Way Scott Cowan 23
Crossword Puzzle 24
to Bev Empey on winning
the Find the Brownie Contest for 500 FREE Business
Cards from Copy Works Design & Gifts.
Barring Joel Manfredi and Greg Morrison 26
Pg. 3
On the Red Carpet
By Joan Bateman
Spotlight editor Scott Cowan with movie director Lawrence Roeck.
Our covers have featured some of Canada’s great entertainers. In
keeping with the theme, we want to introduce one of the industries
sharpest up and coming movie directors, Lawrence Roeck. You
never know who you are sitting next to in public. While relaxing in
the Banff Hot Springs, I struck up a casual conversation with our
guest this month. I was amazed when he answered my question of
what was his business.
“I am a movie producer,” he answered casually. So we engaged
in our interview there in the 103 degree water. He fascinated me
with stories of working at the famed “Pebble Beach Golf Club.” For
years growing up he bussed tables and parked cars. Now he enjoys
lunches there with Hollywood elite. It was a California childhood of
surfing, and dreaming of one day being part of the movie industry.
Finally, he met and interned with an American icon, Clint Eastwood.
Almost ten years passed while he mastered his craft. As so many
celebrities have told me in different ways, luck is that place where
determination and preparation collide.
Spotlight: Please introduce yourself.
I’m that kid from the neighborhood that always wanted to be a movie
director. Beyond that I’m a proud Canadian, born in Calgary, grew
up in Carmel California. I didn’t realize my childhood would lead me
to where I am today, coming hot off a big international movie release
with “The Forger.” That production starred “Josh Hutcherson,” (The
Hunger Games) and was the last screen appearance for the great
“Lauren Bacall.” Then came the Eastwood Factor, starring my favorite director and influence; Clint Eastwood. When I decided to make
my first movie 20 years ago, I chose Canada and snowboarding as
my subject. Now it seems that, like most good things in life, everything comes full circle. I’m back directing Scott Eastwood, Clint’s
youngest son, in a Spaghetti Western. I couldn’t be happier to be
bringing the production to Alberta.
Spotlight: Why are you shooting in Calgary?
As a Canadian born citizen and US resident, I enjoy enormous tax
advantages in filming in and starting a movie company in my own
province of Alberta. I also believe Canada needs to start making
commercially viable movies NOW, and grow our industry. It can’t
just be US citizens coming up here and bringing academy award
winning talent. It needs to be Canadians winning Academy Awards
with Canadian talent. I’m here to bring the biggest guns I have out of
the US and make Canadian movies by Canadians, starring Canadians that win worldwide. It is a passion of mine.
Spotlight: What film opportunities do you envision in
I see the entire movie industry looking toward Canada as an amazPg. 4
ing country, with incredible people and resources, and financial
incentives to make movies. It’s a wave that is coming, and I look
forward to catching it.
Spotlight: You’re offering Spotlight Magazine a “scoop,”
regarding your up-coming movie “Diablo!”
Diablo is the brainchild of having worked for Mr. Clint Eastwood for
a number of years, and then having met his youngest son Scott. It
is the first Western starring an Eastwood in the last 20 years since
the Academy Award Winning “Unforgiven”. It is also created and
being shot in the same style of those great Westerns. I saw connections between the two Eastwood’s that most didn’t recognize.
Scott has all those qualities that made Clint Eastwood great. He has
his charisma, integrity, and an incredible work ethic. To direct Scott
Eastwood’s first Western in Alberta, a place I love to call home, and
do it with such a close friend who I believe in, well this is the proverbial dream coming true. It’s a huge responsibility, but it is also a job
I wouldn’t pass up for anything. The kid (Scott Eastwood) is going
to knock this one out of the park. He’ll give movie patrons the thing
they’ve been waiting for, the return of the classic Western.
(Left: Clint Eastwood, Right: Scott Eastwood)
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Much of the Spring Session was spent debating the government’s
back in debt budget that will saddle Albertans with $17 billion in debt
by 2016. This means a return to interest payments for the first time
in nearly a decade. This year alone, Albertans will pay $238 million
in interest on debt - money that will be taken out of front line services
like health care and education just to keep creditors off our backs.
The government shortened the spring sitting of the Legislature by two
months and rushed to pass legislation, in some cases even introducing
bills without consulting any of the affected parties. For example
when Bill 25, the Children First Act, was introduced, the Privacy
Commissioner raised some serious concerns about the extent to
which the legislation allows personal information to be shared without
the consent of the individual (it will facilitate information sharing
between police, educators, government departments and healthcare
providers to share personal information about kids and their parents
for the purposed of providing services). Bill 25 does contains some
good measures, such reviewing all government programs and policies
that affect children and establishing a Children’s Charter. Many
constituents also raised concerns about unintended consequences
that might arise from the sharing of children’s personal information,
such as undermining the natural supremacy rights of parents. The
Wildrose Caucus passed an amendment to require the Legislature’s
approval of the Children’s Charter before it comes into effect, so that
we can revisit this debate in the Fall. If you have comments on this
legislation, please contact my office so I can share your input in the
Legislature when it resumes in October.
One of the private bills introduced in the Legislature this spring is
Bill 207, the Human Tissue and Organ Donation Amendment Act. If
passed, it will create a provincial online donor registry, and an Alberta
Organ and Tissue Donation Agency to manage the online registry
as well as educate the public about donation and coordinate work
with other donation organizations. A group of nursing students at
Medicine Hat College has been researching and bringing attention to
the need for an online donor registry in Alberta, and I was happy to be
able to host them at the Legislature to meet with the MLA sponsoring
this legislation and the Health Minister to provide input before the bill
was introduced. I commend the MH College Nursing students for the
great work they’ve done on this issue, and fully support Bill 207.
Another issue that received a lot of attention in the Legislature is
the recent changes to generic drug pricing the government made.
The changes were intended to lower drug prices for Albertans, but
this has not been the result. In fact, more drugs actually went up in
price than went down due to the government’s centrally mandated
price. I heard loud and clear from pharmacists in our area that by
forcing them to sell products at unreasonably low prices, the viability
of local pharmacies is threatened is putting Albertans’ access to their
medicine at risk. I opposed these changes and will keep working to
ensure Albertans continue to receive the great care they do from their
local pharmacists.
As you can tell, it was a brief but busy spring in the Legislature. I
am proud to be part of a caucus that stands up for Albertans and
achieves results. I look forward to seeing many of you at events
throughout Cypress-Medicine Hat during the summer months. As
always, please do not hesitate to contact me with your comments,
questions, and concerns.
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ummer is here, and MLAs are back in our
constituencies after concluding the Spring Session
of the Legislature. As a member of the Wildrose
Official Opposition, I am proud of the successful
spring session my colleagues and I spent holding
the government to account on the issues our
constituents raised with us, as well as positively
affecting the government’s agenda in many areas.
Pg. 7
Fitness & Lifestyle
Coaching with
by Nathalie Pepin
Project Live
Like You Mean It
’d like to invite you to follow
me, on my personal journey
of return to wellness from
the inside out. For the next
90 days, expect serious
discussion, a bit of out-there
humour and most of all, it will
be the real deal (complete
with progress pics). You can join me and
follow along on our Facebook page.
Since some of you saw the pics of me
last fall while following a pre-competition
regime, you’ll know that that type of
physical condition comes with a hefty
price. Adrenal fatigue and nearly-killedmy-liver-and-kidneys-illness. My goal of
stepping up on stage and placing instead
became a 2 week stay in ICU.
For those of you who were not a part
of that trip, let’s just say it was scary
and life changing. Remember, I was
over-training, deeply Ketogenic (acidic),
under-rested and over-supplemented.
It was NOT a pretty site on the inside.
I’ve paid a heavy price but it could have
been worse.
My body, mind and spirit have taken
a huge turn for the better. I’d be full of
doo-doo if I said it’s been good times. It’s
been a heck of a lot of frustration, tears,
anger, blame and regret. Once I got
past of all that, bundled it up and let it go
into the land of ‘’THE PAST’’, things got
better, brighter and way fun-ner!
It has taken 9 months to get to my
current health status. That means that
my electrolytes, acidity/alkalinity levels,
pooping, menstrual cycle, sleep and
moods have returned to normal. I have
Pg. 8
followed a complete detox diet and
training program at the guidance and
prescription of a registered holistic nurse
and a top, certified personal trainer. I
cannot stress enough the importance of
hiring certified, experience professionals
in the fields of personal training and
My goal is to regain health and wellness
through balance in my nutrition, using
whole, organic foods, juicing and
choosing mostly vegan foods. Balance
equally means consistent, reasonable
exercise and rest program. It is hard
work to earn that free-pass to Get Well
If you’d have told me a year ago that
this was the way to go, I’d have laughed
in your face, done another 20 reps, ran
another 60 mins, chewed on a raw steak
and pooped out a handful of deadly
health statistics in the form of pills and
No excuses. No magic. Just a whole
different attitude and way of perceiving
and doing things.
It’s a great time to start... LIVE LIKE
Nathalie J. Pépin
Certified CanFitPro Trainer
FLCN - Fitness and Lifestyle Coaching
with Nat Inc.
Email: fitlifestylewithnat@gmail.com
Skype: flcnat
iPhone: (403) 866-3874
Veggie Burgers
If you haven’t discovered the amazing
benefits from juicing fruits and veggies, then
you could be missing out on some intense
liquid love! Juicing has become popular
not only because it’s just dang cool, but
the notable, immediate and obvious health
improvements are staggering. To make
this recipe, you’ll need pulp from the juicing
process. Discovering which produce mixture
makes your fave flave of burgers is just part
of the fun!
5 Cups Juicing Pulp
4 Whole Eggs
2 Cups Cooked Brown Rice
3 - 4 Tbsp Ground Chia
2 Tbsp Hemp Seeds
Handful Chopped, Fresh Green Onions
Squirt or so of Sriacha Hot Sauce
Sea Salt, Coarse Black Pepper to Taste
1 Tbsp Rosemary
Mix the whole lot in large bowl. Mix well and form into
desired size patties.
In pan, melt coconut butter under medium heat. Place
patties in pan once coconut butter is hot. Brown patties for
about 10 mins per side until slightly crispy and golden.
If making burgers, you can use gluten free bread. Try
some Earth Balance spread, home made sauerkraut and
mashed avocado for your toppings.
Garnish with the usual fixings such as fresh lettuce, baby
spinach, sliced rep pepper, onions, cukes and pickles.
Eat clean, train smart, rest... repeat!!
Pg. 9
Why Do They Get Away With Everything?
By Scott Stenbeck - Local Divorce Litigation Lawyer
The above is a question that I probably
get asked at least once a week by a
client who is unfortunate enough to be
in divorce or family litigation with an expartner that seems to just do whatever
they want, makes up their own rules, and
seems to have no difficulty taking liberties
with the truth.
Well, the answer to this question requires
some explanation, and a background on
the Court system. A case begins with the
filing of what are called “pleadings”, which
is a Statement of Claim for Divorce, or a
Claim for some kind of relief under legislation other than the Divorce
Act. Now, from the time those pleadings are filed until the time
everything can come to trial can be over a year, depending on the
situation. The time between filing pleadings and the trial is called
“the interim” by lawyers, which is just lawyer-speak for “between the
beginning and the end”. During that time, if there are things that are
too urgent to wait for trial, either party can bring an application to
Court for a temporary solution, which is good until trial. These are
called “interim applications”, and they are not done in a full trial setting with the calling of witnesses, but in a forum called “Chambers”,
which is in a Court room, but with a shorter process than trial.
Still with me? If you aren’t I don’t blame you. Let me give an antiquated example. You and I are living in England in the 1700s. We
have a dispute over who owns a goat. You file a Statement of Claim
against me saying that you own the goat, and I must return it to
you. The magistrate is busy, he can’t hear our dispute in a trial for
a couple of months, because the trial will take a day or two. In the
meantime, in “the interim”, who feeds the goat? Well, you and I go to
the magistrate’s private office, to his “chambers”, and in five minutes
or less, we each give our position on who should feed the goat. The
magistrate listens to our “interim application” on goat feeding, and
says “Well, Stenbeck, the goat is currently in your barn, it is easiest for you to feed it, I order you to feed the goat and keep track of
the costs, and depending on what happens at trial, if it ends up you
don’t get to keep the goat, you will be reimbursed. Thanks, see you
at the trial in two months.” There is now an “interim order” that I feed
the goat, until the trial, when there will be time to parade in all the
witnesses and deal with the issues fully.
Now, in a divorce or family law setting, the most common type of
interim applications have to do with where children should live until
trial, how much contact they should have with each parent until
trial, what child support or spousal support should be paid until
trial, and who can live in the matrimonial home until trial. To save
time, the evidence in support of these interim applications is not
given live, verbally, when the application is heard in Chambers. It is
written down, and the truth of the evidence sworn to, in an affidavit.
Depending on the situation, a party swearing an affidavit may be
questioned on it prior to the interim application, and the transcript of
those questions read by the Judge hearing the application.
Back to the original question, why does the other side seem to get
away with everything? There are two answers, and they both have
to do with the fact that our litigation system was designed before the
high divorce rate we have now, and it copes poorly with what can be
quickly changing circumstances in a family dispute. Firstly, in order
to force another party to do or not do something after an action is
commenced, but before trial, you need to make an interim application. An interim application only gives an interim order, which is only
good until trial. In other words, it is a temporary band-aid solution.
However, it costs money and time to do, and it does not move the
case closer to trial, a final resolution. If there needs to be an order
fixing where children live, fixing access, providing support prior to
trial, or dealing with an extreme or dangerous situation by applying
for restraining orders or access supervision, then those are situations where an interim application needs to be in place, and I make
them all the time. However, because of the cost and delay, if there
are situations that are just more of an annoyance or inconvenience,
and my client can tolerate it until trial, I generally advise them to wait
and deal with the issue at trial. So, to partly answer the question, it
doesn’t mean that the other party gets away with whatever they are
doing forever, just for right now, because the problem is not large
enough to justify the cost and delay to deal with it in an interim application.
The second answer is that the interim application process is a balance between getting problems dealt with quickly, versus having
the ability to bring in adequate evidence. The interim application
process just does not allow the time to bring in several witnesses
and deal with evidence in the detail that can be done at trial. It is designed to give quick solutions, with a fuller look at the problem down
the road. So, if someone is willing to bend the truth in an affidavit,
it is tough to deal with in an interim application. Further, in Medicine
Hat, Thursday morning chambers, for shorter matters, allows five to
ten minutes to present an application, not enough time to get into a
lot of detail. For longer chambers matters, they are heard in “special
chambers”, which allows an hour. Again, not a lot of time compared
to, say a five day trial. At a trial, I have transcripts of everything an
opposing party has ever said on the record handy, every affidavit
they have ever sworn, witnesses and documentary evidence to back
up a point I want to make, or to contradict an opposing party on a
point they are advancing. There is just not the process to do that on
an interim application. So, again, the answer is that an unreasonable opposing party may get away with what they are doing for now,
during the interim application process. But it usually comes back
to haunt them at trial, when the result will be more permanent and
more important.
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Pg. 10
Inquires: 1 - 866 - 783 - 6232
Estate Preservation – Betty & Ben
Find Their Own Way
your life.
your legacy.
Surprisingly few have an estate plan that intentionally
optimizes assets, minimizes tax and properly carries out
their wishes. Not surprisingly, many estates incur avoidable
expenses, delays, frustration and taxation, while heirs are left
with less than was intended.
The planning effort is well worthwhile – and it’s much more
interesting and satisfying than you might think.
Begin with some big questions. Can we minimize tax and
avoid unnecessary probate to better protect my assets? How
will we ensure fair and timely distribution of our estate? Will
the family be alright if one of us passes prematurely? Can we
preserve more of our assets and retirement savings for our
heirs? Can we protect and possibly increase wealth, while
boosting after-tax income? When will we establish Power of
Attorney – and who will need it on file? Are our intentions
clear whether I or my spouse passes first? Could any of our
assets attract US or foreign estate tax? Should we make
provisions for how and when our heirs gain access to their
inheritance? Are we expecting too much of our executor(s) to
bear the responsibility and extended liability of administering
our estate?
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But that’s just the start.
I’ll show you how life insurance
can also help you reach
other financial goals, like
Does our Last Will & Testament clearly explain and fully
implement these important answers?
Ben & Betty’s income requirements are more than met through
RRIF, pension and investment income. They are interested in
preserving more for their heirs, if possible. They know that
upon the first death, the deceased’s RRIF will rollover tax-free
to the surviving spouse. At the second death, all remaining
RRIF value will be fully taxed as income in their final tax
return and is subject (in most cases) to the highest marginal
tax rate. Ben & Betty reviewed a “Joint-Last-to-Die” insurance
program and decided it was an affordable way to prepare
for the inevitable tax hit to their RRIF and several other
investments and assets. Being in stable health, they applied
and qualified for the program, and put it into effect.
State Farm International Life Insurance Company, Aurora, Ontario
Early in their retirement Ben & Betty travelled extensively and
have slowed down a bit to enjoy more time with their adult
children & grandkids. Betty has supported a local charity for
over 30 years and is happy that Ben has joined her effort since
his retirement. They regularly volunteer together.
They have included their children and grandchildren to share
in their estate. Also, they want a fund established with their
community foundation to make an annual grant in Betty’s
memory. They hope to encourage more people to embrace the
cause that means so much to them. Due to the long term nature
of their estate and trust, they have arranged for a professional
Executor and Trustee to carry out their wishes and take their
legacy forward. Betty & Ben have taken great care to update
their Wills, ensuring that their wishes are fulfilled.
For more information, contact:
Dan Hein, BRE
Associate Investment Advisor
BMO Nesbitt Burns Inc.
Medicine Hat, AB
Tel.: 403-528-6771
The comments included in this article are not intended to be a definitive analysis of tax applicability or trust and estate law. The comments
contained herein are general in nature and professional advice regarding an individual’s particular tax position should be obtained in respect
of any person’s specific circumstances. ® “BMO (M-bar roundel symbol)” is a registered trade-mark of Bank of Montreal, used under licence.
® “Nesbitt Burns” is a registered trade-mark of BMO Nesbitt Burns Inc. BMO Nesbitt Burns Inc. is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Bank of Montreal.
Opinions are those of the author and may not reflect those of BMO Nesbitt Burns. The information and opinions contained herein have been
compiled from sources believed reliable but no representation or warranty, express or implied, is made as to their accuracy or completeness.
Member-Canadian Investor Protection Fund
Pg. 11
July 2013 Article | By Dr. Jason Schnieder
From Within
This phenomenon goes by many names;
acid reflux, heart burn, gastro-esophageal reflux disease (GERD), etc. It may
feel like burning in the stomach to fire
all the way up to the throat. To be clear,
this is not a disease but a symptom of
underlying health problems. Since there
are medications to suppress stomach
acid production, it has now earned its
place as a disease. Unfortunately, these
medications only add to the underlying
health problem without correcting it.
inflammation, decreased immune
function, joint issues, cardiovascular
problems and mineral loss.
These medications may give temporary
relief but will eventually fail to work resulting in medication changes every time
the stomach adapts. Eventually you will
run out of options and severe damage
will be done.
What underlying health problems
could acid reflux indicate?
What is the responsibility of the
stomach regarding your health?
Digests only protein with the use of
hydrochloric acid and churning.
Acidic environment kills foreign bacteria, parasites, viruses and other
harmful microbes.
Production of intrinsic factor necessary for the absorption of vitamin
Breakdown of calcium for absorption in the small intestine.
One of two ways the body eliminates acid and supports healthy pH
(acid-alkaline balance).
Emotional Balance: worry, anxiety,
digesting your world.
Chinese medicine perspective: the
Stomach and Spleen transform food
in to absorbable energy for the body
to use.
Pharmaceutical medications may
help short-term but cause longterm problems: When the symptoms
What do you do about correcting
acid reflux? You must re-balance the
body (i.e. the stomach) environment/
terrain. If the terrain is unhealthy, the
body is unhealthy and the stomach will
not heal.
are addressed, not the cause(s), greater
problems arise. Lowering stomach acid
production increases the risk of:
Pg. 12
Improper protein digestion resulting
in slower metabolism, blood sugar
regulation problems (diabetes) and
fermentation of protein in lower digestive tract causing inflammation.
Decreased absorption of vitamin
B12 and calcium (osteoporosis).
Increased acidity resulting in
Poor eating habits with possible
food sensitivities/allergies.
Lifestyle issues.
Low stomach acid production with
lower protective stomach mucus lining production (liver function).
Emotional conflict: excessive worrying, anxiety, can’t “digest” what is
on your place or the world around
Pharmaceutical medication side
Acidic body environment (terrain).
Digestive tract disorder.
Remove any causes (i.e. nutrition
and lifestyle issues).
Must remove any medications
suppressing the stomach’s normal
function. [Note: this is not an enjoyable process since you will experience rebound reflux, due to acid
suppression by the drug].
Deal with any emotional issues and
Re-balance the acid terrain of the
stomach and kidneys.
Support liver function to properly
production stomach mucus production.
Pg. 13
Pg. 14
Pg. 15
Pg. 16
Stage Your Home to Live
By Leslie Cochrane, Loft 3 Desiign Company
n the weeks prior to my
house hitting the market,
I spent numerous hours
“staging my home” for
the sale. I did the work it
takes to make a home attractive
to a potential buyer. By the end,
my house looked better than
it ever had… and then I sold
it. I couldn’t help but be struck
by the irony of the situation. I
spent numerous hours getting
my home into its best possible
condition, only to leave it? The entire time I was staging my home for
sale I wondered why we never put in the effort to stage our homes for
living. You know, so that we could have actually enjoyed it more while
we called it home.
Consider setting aside a weekend to stage your house for living. The
process will take some time, energy, and money. It will take some
intentional effort. But in the end, your home just may look better than
the day you bought it. Step-by-step process to stage your home for
Remove 1/3 of your possessions.
Those who stage a home for sale will tell you to remove roughly 33%
of your personal possessions from the property. Less stuff means
your rooms/closets have room to breathe and feel more spacious.
This may be easier if you were actually moving (natural purging almost always takes place during transition)… but if you wouldn’t take
it with you when you moved, why let it take up space in your life
Declutter counter tops, cupboards, and drawers.
Buyers always open cupboards, drawers, and closets. Unfortunately,
storage spaces packed too tightly look small, unsightly, and counterproductive. Remove unneeded items from everyday storage spaces.
This won’t be difficult. You have likely collected a number of items
over the years that are no longer necessary. At this point, they are
only taking up space in your storage areas. Discard them. As an added benefit, you just may realize that you have had open and spacious
storage space all along.
Personalize your decorations.
Professional home stagers will ask you to
remove most of your personal decorations
as it subtly communicates “I live here, not
you,” to your potential buyer. However,
when staging your home for living, leave
the personal decorations. More than leave
them capitalize on them! Rather than devaluing them, highlight them by removing
some of the non-personal decorations in
your home. As a result, the ones that make
you unique will play a more pronounced
role in your home.
Consider curb appeal.
Realtors will tell you that you can never spend too much attention
on curb appeal. Your potential buyer will likely make their decision
on your home within the first 30 seconds of entering. Therefore, first
impressions are the most important. And the first impression they receive is when they pull into your driveway.
If you have children, clean up their toys. If you have shrubs, prune
them. Lay fresh mulch. Put some grass seed on the bare spots in
your yard. Paint your foundation. Plant some flowers. After all, you
pull into your driveway almost every day of your life. Don’t you want
to pull into something you’d like to purchase all over again?
Complete minor repairs.
Take a notepad and create a to-do list of minor home repairs such
as wall knicks, paint touch-ups, squeaky doors, running toilets, loose
pieces, and burnt out light bulbs. Most of the minor
repairs can be handled in less than 20 minutes for
less than $15 and can be found with a simple Google
Likely the hardest part of staging your home for living
is finding the motivation to get started. I get it. Life
gets busy. And without the potential for a future sale
on the horizon, it can be difficult to get started. So
you just may need to artificially create the momentum to get started in the process. That is, unless the
simple fact that you live every day in this home is
motivation enough.
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• Cruis
Lynnette Schile
417 3rd St.SE Medicine Hat, AB
(403) 581-8075
Pg. 17
ome concerns have been expressed regarding the
funding and Government support of programs and
initiatives as well as the recent activities of members
of the Senators. Our Conservative Government’s
priority continues to be the economy, to support the
creation of jobs, long-term prosperity and low taxes
for all Canadians.
As a result of our Economic Action Plan Budgets, Canada has helped
create over 1,000,000 net new jobs since the downturn in 2008
and we have the best job creation record among G7 countries. Of
these 1,000,000 net new jobs approximately 90% are full time, with
approximately 75% in the private sector. In the first quarter of 2013 we
have seen economic growth of 2.5%, the strongest growth in nearly
two years. This will bode well for our Government’s goal of returning
to a balanced budget by 2015-2016.
Our investments are helping Canadian families and communities by
reducing tariffs for families on items such as baby clothing and sports
equipment, thereby reducing the retail gap that Canadian pay versus
the United States. Our new Building Canada Plan, with over $53
billion to build and improve roads, bridges and other infrastructure,
continues to help the growth of our economy.
We are also investing in Canadian industries by providing tax relief for
investments in new machinery and equipment through the extension
of the temporary accelerated capital cost allowance. This is helping
manufacturers and businesses to compete in the global economy.
The Canadian Aerospace and Defence Industry is an important part
of our economy so we have made funds available for made-in-Canada
innovations. In addition we are providing $225 million for advanced
research infrastructure. We are investing $335 million to Sustainable
Development Technology Canada to support the development and
demonstration of clean technologies.
Our Conservative Government continues to strengthen our
agricultural industries by partnering with provincial and territorial
governments to endorse the Growing Forward 2 program which
includes our $3 billion cost-sharing investment. As part of Growing
Forward 2, Agri-innovation will see an investment of $698 million by
our government to help producers take advantage of cutting-edge
science and technology in Canada’s agriculture sector. In addition,
we have provided an investment of $341 million for the Agri-marketing
Program to improve food safety and traceability while promoting
growth into new markets.
tough new rules for governing Senate travel and expenses proposed
by our Conservative Senators as follows:
1. Remove the principal from the Senate Administrative Rules that
states a Senator is presumed to act honorably with respect to
2. Clarify and make consistent terminology surrounding residency
for the purposes of expense claims.
3. Require a Senator to provide a specific purpose for travel when
claiming expenses.
4. Require Senators to maintain mileage logs for the purpose of
claiming mileage.
5. Require taxi receipts be provided when claiming taxi expenses.
6. Restrict per diems in the National Capital Region (NCR) to days
the Senate sits, days the Senator attends committee meetings
and up 20 additional days while on approved business.
7. Amend the 64 point travel system to limit Senators to 12 trips not
between the NCR and the Senator’s provincial residence.
8. Restrict a Senator’s designated traveler to a spouse or partner.
9. Require Administration to provide internal Economy with monthly
reports on travel patterns.
10. Amend the categories of travel to Regular Senate Business
Travel and Other Senate Business Travel.
11. Eliminate the ability to use a travel point for international travel
except for the currently authorized maximum of four trips in total
to New York City (for UN-related business only) and Washington,
I continue to diligently and conscientiously serve you the people of
the Medicine Hat Riding. If you have any questions, comments, or
concerns, I welcome your calls, emails and conversations; I can be
reached in Ottawa, or through my offices in Brooks, Taber or Medicine
Many of you may have read my comments and tweets regarding the
issues of Senators or Members of Parliament or civil servants who
have been accused of betraying Canadian taxpayers by cheating on
their claims; I find this unacceptable. If those in government are not
here to serve their constituents and our country they should not be
sitting in the House of Commons, the Senate or civil service. While
some Conservative Senators have been in the media recently, there
are individuals in other political parties who have been accused of
misusing public funds. It has just been reported that a Liberal Senator
apparently owes Canadian taxpayers over $230,000 he claimed for
his Ottawa residence. The Senate has now adopted our Government’s
Pg. 18
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mari &
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oice of sta
ib & L
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Pg. 19
Come along For
The Ride
A Tradition Since 1887
A Legacy For The Future
There’s lots happening now; preparations are well
underway for everything coming up in July and we’re
looking for everyone in Medicine Hat to get in to the
spirit as well. You can participate in Store Decorating,
build a float and join the parade. Maybe you’ve got a
special talent and you can enter your favorite recipe,
drawing, photograph or bedding plant. We’re always
looking for submissions in the Better Living and Visual
Arts categories.
For those horse lovers, we’ve got the All-Breed Horse
Show and the Ranch Horse Competition to enter or just
come out and watch. There are some very talented riders and horses out there and you’ll be amazed on what
they can do! Want to enter yourself? All the entry forms,
rules and regulations are online at our web site
The Annual Parade will have some minor changes
again this year due to City road upgrade; so stay tuned
and watch for details. Better yet, enter the parade
yourself – floats, bands, groups, decorated cars, kids,
whatever – its fun!
There’s a lot to do and see during the stampede as well
and you won’t want to miss out on any of the action!
You can get your tickets right now for the terrific night
show line up of Gretchen Wilson on July 24th, Montgomery Gentry July 25th or Cheap Trick on Saturday
the 27th; heck why not buy all three? For the small price
of admission you can take in the Freestage shows on
the grounds with 2 show bands, hypnotist, high dive,
lumber jacks, petting zoo and the Spruce Meadow
Prairie Dogs!
We want to thank all our sponsors again this year. Without their support, we wouldn’t be able to offer special
event days like the Cenovus Military Day, July 25th,
Methanex Kiddies Day, July 26th and UFA for sponsoring the Country in the City display in the Kin II arena.
I can almost smell and taste it all now! Elephant ears,
lemonade, hot dogs, popcorn, hamburgers, french fries,
Swirls ice cream, fudge, cotton candy, burritos, wraps,
corn dogs, mini donuts, candy apples, is your mouth
watering now? We’ll see you all there.
Be sure to
take in the
“Wild Ride”!
Sponsored by
CalFrac Well
Pg. 20
Any questions or concerns about the Medicine Hat
Exhibition & Stampede, please don’t hesitate to call
(403) 527-1234 or Toll Free 1-888-mhrodeo.
Tickets available at Medicine Hat Mall
Guest Services or E* Tickets
available at: www.mhstampede.com
State Farm, Royal LePage, Source
Concepts and 102.1 CJCY Present:
Medicine Hat’s first
Company Challenge!
ragging rights, cash prizes and loads of fun are on
the line with Medicine Hat’s first-ever Company Challenge!
State Farm, Royal LePage, Source Concepts and 102.1
CJCY present the Company Challenge from July 12th to the
14th, 2013 at the Moose Diamonds. Enter your team for a fun
weekend of slo-pitch, tug of war and bocce ball!
“The Company Challenge will help solidify our business network in Medicine Hat,” says organizer and sponsor Crystal
Metz. “We are all so busy with our professional and personal
lives that even though we have good intentions of getting ‘out
there’ by networking and getting to know people – far too
often we don’t.”
In addition to the friendly competition between local businesses, a live band will entertain the crowd on Saturday, July
13th. All food and beverage services provided by Local Public Eatery and Earl’s.
More than $6000 in cash prizes will be handed out for winners and runners-up in each event, and the overall winner
gets to claim the “Company Champion” trophy and display it
at the office for a year!
Registration is $400 for a team of 20 (including 60% employees and at least eight women per team) ; small companies
can team up with another company to meet the requirements.
Register on-line via the form at http://www.cjcyfm.com or
drop by the State Farm office at #2-1335 Trans-Canada Way
SE in Medicine Hat.
Email crystal at crystal.metz.my3i@statefarm.com.
Pg. 21
Pg. 22
By Scott Cowan
One of the greatest injustices of my life time
is unfolding across Canada’s television
screens and newspapers. It is a serious
matter all Canadians should be watching
and considering the ramifications. I speak
of the high tech lynching of Toronto Mayor
Ford. I don’t live in Ontario and can’t vote
for or against Mr. Ford. However, every
one of us should be quivering in our boots
as we watch the marriage of media and
the unions and the ensuing evisceration of
an innocent man. I will admit I don’t know
if Ford is guilty of anything. Neither does
the press, or the choir of union leaders and
left wing politicians, leading the charge
to not just get him out of office; but to
prosecute. The fact is there are no facts
whatsoever to prove guilt. Only endless
innuendo, suspicion fueled by baseless
accusation. What happened to innocent
until proven guilty? But who cares? We
have a journalist who claims to have seen
a man who looks like the mayor, smoking
what he thought was a pipe, containing
what resembled drugs. Was it Mayor Ford?
Was it drugs? Was the video tampered with
or photo shopped? But it looked authentic
and damming so that’s all a Liberal needs.
Besides we have the sterling character of a
drug dealer to substantiate everything. Also
there’s the small matter of this drug dealing
Liberal expert demanding $200,000.00 for
the release of the video. Salivating Liberals
raised the ransom, while simultaneously
destroying the mayor’s reputation. Except
after weeks of fund raising by frenzied
media types, the video if it ever existed has
disappeared. NO matter, the accusation is
enough to crucify a conservative.
This isn’t the Liberal / NDP’s first attempt.
Remember a few months ago when the
Mayor sent a $3,300.00 appeal for funding
a youth football league. He used city
letterhead. This was enough for a Liberal
appointed judge to remove him from
office. A higher court wisely squashed that
ridiculous decision.
What about the picture of the Mayor with
a known criminal? I am not referring to
politicians and lawyers. I mean the young
black man. Why are these racist Liberal’s
assuming the black man is bad? Right
he is standing beside the mayor. That is
enough for them to throw him under the
bus if it causes the Mayor some bad press.
Well this young black male played on the
under privileged football team the Mayor
coached. I use the past tense because Ford
was asked to step down from his position,
due to the publicity and the questions of his
tarnished reputation. The Liberal’s couldn’t
stand seeing the conservative Mayor of
Canada’s largest city seen taking time to
coach poor kids…step on that for sure.
So what is Ford’s real crime? It is lowering
taxes and fixing holes in the streets of
Toronto. He is guilty of winning as a
conservative in Liberal Toronto.
Liberals are amazed the voters were
stupid enough to elect Ford, so they have
to incorporate the politics of personal
destruction. They will harass, lie, and
suggest any offence every day he is in
office. They are aided by CBC automatons
that throw dust in the air daily to wear the
voters down. They will go after his staff
threatening them till they quit. Then use the
defections against the Mayor.
Now they are enlisting the Premier of
Ontario to allow non-citizens the right to
vote municipally. They call it inclusion.
It makes socialists seem so caring and
those extra votes are easy to manipulate
fraudulently. Who cares if they are not
across the country. Being a Canadian will
become irrelevant. The frightening thought
is if the Liberal / NDP masters get away with
lynching Mayor Ford, who else is safe?
If real evidence was brought forward I say
the mayor should be held accountable to
the full extent of the law. But that is not what
is happening. Only unsubstantiated rumor
has been offered. But no matter, a greater
precedent has been established. Left wing
media, not the rule of law is dominant.
Liberals know none of what they’ve talked
about would hold up in court. Including
the infamous video. More television and
newspaper has been dedicated to this
travesty of justice than any scandal in our
history. They have even said Ford should
step down because of his weight. What
would happen if someone suggested a fat
ugly liberal woman should quit? Front page
news for weeks!
I only hope the beautiful, gaunt, openly
lesbian Liberal Premier of Ontario decides
to let non-citizens vote. We can organize
bus loads from Alberta to go vote for Mayor
Comments send to scott-cowan@live.com
The immense problem I referred to above
is, if it can happen in Toronto it will filter
Pg. 23
Crossword puzzles provided by BestCrosswords.com
(http://www.bestcrosswords.com). Used with permission.
1- Aleutian island
5- Spots
8- Adjoin
12- Fashionable
13- More or less vertical
15- Expensive seating
16- Bath powder
17- Caterpillar rival
18- Tent stick
19- Person who grows
22- Family
23- Energy
24- Historical chapters
26- Revolve
29- Grommet
31- TKO caller
32- Spanish Mister
34- Actress Barkin
36- Poop
38- Put a new price on
40- Hit with an open
41- Big name in insurance
43- Doles (out)
45- Be off
46- Capricious humor
48- Westerns
Pg. 24
50- Coup d’___
51- Piece of cloth, tabloid
52- Business abbr.
54- Crushed with sorrow
61- Redding’s genre
63- Memorable mission
64- Must’ve been something ___
65- ___ Romeo
66- Render genderless
67- Cabbage salad
68- Lummoxes
69- Able to
70- Dissolve
1- When Hamlet dies
2- Baht spender
3- Brick oven
4- Take
5- Copycat
6- Notable exploit, legal
7- Dress often worn by
Hindu women
8- High mountain, as
found in central Europe
9- Proprietor of a bookstore
10- Wrinkly fruit
11- Adolescent
13- Power plug transformer
14- “One Flew Over the
Cuckoo’s Nest” author
20- Some votes
21- Branch location
25- ___ well...
26- Continue a
27- Impromptu
28- Foe
29- Muse of love poetry
30- Rips
31- Narrow inlet
33- Suffix with Capri
35- “Car Talk” airer
37- Put a lid ___!
39- Automobile transmission
42- Eastern nanny
44- Celestial body
47- Lieu
49- Conceit
52- Golfer Aoki
53- Vincent Lopez’s
theme song
55- One of the Baldwins
56- Tabula ___
57- Revenuers, for short
58- Cabbagelike plant
59- Footnote abbr.
60- Salamander
62- Part of UNLV;
Answer: Pg. 26
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Pg. 25
In this article, we discuss the hitting fault of “barring
the arms,” typically referred to as simply “barring.”
We’ll look at some of its effects, and then determine
a remedy.
Barring is when a hitter violently thrusts his hands
toward the backstop just prior to bringing the bat
forward to strike the baseball. This usually happens
during the “loading phase” of the baseball swing
and just prior to bringing the bat forward to strike the
ball. This fault is called “barring” because the front
arm of the hitter (left arm for right-handers) resembles an iron “bar” that is purely straight. The bat and
hands go backward… away from the body… toward
the backstop.
This is not good because it causes the bat to be late
getting to the hitting zone. When the bat is late to
the hitting zone, a batter gets consistently jammed
or fouls off many pitches that he should hit. Often,
the only balls that this batter hits well are outside
Sometimes, barring also causes the batter to look
like he’s “pulling” the bat through the zone, rather
than driving and snapping it through with powerful
hands, forearms, and wrists. Pulling a bat will also
make it late to the hitting zone, causing ineffective
speed and power, and altering the correct timing of
good contact.
So barring does two things: 1) It makes the hitter’s
hands late to the baseball. And 2) It causes the bat
to be pulled through the zone, rather than whipped
through. Both of these faults cause ineffectiveness in striking a baseball at the proper time with
the maximum amount of force and speed. But the
absolute worst thing about a hitter who bars is that
he usually doesn’t know that he’s doing it, can’t feel
himself doing it, or doesn’t believe that he’s doing it.
Answer to
The “top-hand-over” drill is a wonderful drill that
fixes many faults with the baseball swing. It’s unorthodox, but it works extremely well. Scott Crampton, the head baseball coach at Lamar Community
Pg. 26
By Joel Manfredi and
Greg Morrison
College in Colorado, describes the “top-hand-over”
drill as an improvement on the one-handed swing
drill where hitters grab a bat with just their left hand,
choke up, and swing off of a tee or with soft toss. In
that drill, the arm can get tired and actually begin
creating bad habits from fatigue. The top-hand-over
drill is essentially the same drill but with more stability.
For a right-handed hitter, hold the bat out in front of
you, upright (barrel to the sky), with only your left
hand at the knob or slightly above the knob. Now
take your right hand and hold it out in front of you,
thumb pointed at the ground. Now grab the baseball bat above your left hand with your right so that
your thumbs are touching each other. This is the
top-hand-over drill.
The top hand is the right hand. It is important to
note that in this drill, the right hand is nothing really
more than a guide for the bat. Now that you’ve got
your top-hand on the bat, get into a hitting position.
If your top-hand is in the correct position, your back
elbow should be sticking up at least toward the
backstop if not higher. From here, swing straight
out toward the baseball AND RELEASE YOUR TOP
HAND at the contact point. That is very important! You do not want to hang on to the bat in this
drill… and it’s almost impossible to do so. As you
get more comfortable with the “top-hand-over” drill,
you won’t even have to grab the bat with your top
hand to perform this drill correctly. Just putting the
handle of the bat in the crook of your top hand will
be sufficient for bat guidance. If you try and hang
on to the bat with your top hand you’re liable to rip
your arm out of its socket. Remember, you’re training your left hand to go straight to the baseball and
you’re training your right hand to help it by pushing
the bat forward and straight. Now… try barring with
the “top-hand-over” drill and you will find it nearly
impossible. This can be done off of a tee, with soft
toss, and even live batting practice once the hitter
has sufficiently corrected the problem.
That’s enough coaching for today…Let’s play
Joel Manfredi &
Greg Morrison are
former professional
baseball players
with the LA Dodgers
Organization. Both
have coached with
The Medicine Hat
Mavericks Baseball
Club of the WMBL.
Coach Manfredi
currently coaches in
Stockton, California.
Coach Morrison operates Morrison Health
– Soft Tissue & Sport
Therapy in
Medicine Hat, AB.
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Pg. 27
Pg. 28