Idente Family-USA
Idente Family-USA
Bulletin # 2 Fall—Winter 2014 Idente Family-USA-Familia Idente St. Patrick’s Cathedral Santa Maria Church St. Dominic’s Church St. Luke’s Church Holiness is City of the Cross where good taste transforms the earth’s murderous stubbornness into a kiss, in this dusty world that dims supple brilliance. Oh Holy Family! Model of the monastic home where sacrifice kept watch over the sacred agape! You are the cupola of the Idente home! Fernando Rielo La Santidad es Ciudad de la Cruz donde el buen gusto transforma en ósculo la terquedad homicida de la tierra: mundo éste polvoriento que empaña ductile brillo. !Oh Sagrada Familia, modelo del hogar monastic donde el sacrificio velábase por agape sagrado: !tú eres cúpula del hogar idente! Fernando Rielo Who are we: The Idente Family is an association whose members participate in the mystical patrimony of the Institute Id of Christ the Redeemer, Idente Missionaries, founded by Fernando Rielo Pardal. Quienes somos: La Familia Idente es una asociación cuyos miembros participan del patrimonio místico del Instituto Id de Cristo Redentor, Misioneras y Misioneros Identes, fundado por Fernando Rielo Pardal. By the expression “Idente Family,” we mean all those who, not being professed Idente Missionaries or in a probationary status to be a missionary, wish to live, in some way, the Idente charism and its doctrine. Everyone should feel welcome to the Idente Family where the talents of each person are placed at the service of others. Con la expresión “Familia Idente”, se denominan todos aquellos que, no siendo misioneros y misioneras identes, quieren vivir, de algún modo, el carisma idente y su doctrina. Todos deben sentirse bienvenidos a la Familia Idente donde los talentos de cada uno son puestos al servicio de los demás. The members of the Idente Family collaborate with the Institution constituting one adorable family of brothers and sisters, of men and women of every age and condition, married and celibate, seniors, youth, adolescents, children, who, in the midst of the world, in their families, at their workplace, school, college, university, confess one sole heavenly Father, manifesting a filial consciousness that has as its model Jesus Christ, our First-Born Brother, who was also a child, an adolescent, a youth and an adult. Los miembros de la Familia Idente colaboramos con la Institución constituyendo todos una familia adorable de hermanos y hermanas, de hombres y mujeres de toda edad y condición, de casados y célibes, de ancianos y ancianas, de jóvenes, de adolescentes, de niños y niñas, que, en medio del mundo, en sus familias, en el trabajo, en la escuela, en el colegio, en la universidad, confiesan a un Padre celeste manifestando una conciencia filial que tiene por modelo a Jesucristo nuestro Hermano Primogénito, que fue también niño, adolescente, joven y adulto. November 7th, 2014: 6:30—9:00 pm Special Events in Commemoration of the 10th Anniversary of the Passing of our Father Founder: Panel Presentation of Rielo’s Intellectual Work Cardinal Egan Catholic Center at NYU ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Friday, December 5th , 2014 8:00 pm Annual Anniversary Mass Saint Patrick’s Catedral, NYC Time: 05pm Who is/Quién es Fernando Rielo Fernando Rielo Pardal was born in Madrid on August 28, 1923. From childhood on he experienced love for God in the Person of the Father, a love which governed his whole life and left its imprint on the spirituality of his sons and daughters. IDENTE YOUTH JUVENTUD IDENTE Parents are encouraged to send their children to Idente Youth. Los Padres están animados a enviar sus hijos-as a Juventud Idente: OLS-St. Dominic St. Dominic’s Holy Name Room—1739 Unionport Rd, Bronx IY Kids, Tweens, and Teens (3rd to 12th grade) meet every Thurs from 5pm –6:30pm in two age groups. Santa Maria IY Tweens (6th to 8th grade)—every Friday 4pm-5:30pm—Santa Maria Parish Hall (2352 Saint Raymond Ave, Bronx) IY Teens (High School)— every Friday 5:45-7:00 pm—Santa Maria Parish Hall (2352 Saint Raymond Ave, Bronx) St. Luke’s Parish Hall—266 Wicks Rd., Brentwood, L.I. IY Young Adults—every Tuesday, 5:30pm—6:45pm Idente Youth—every Wednesday, 5:30pm— 6:45pm Our Lady of Loretto—104 Greenwich St., Hempstead, NY 11550 IY —every Saturday, 10:00am-12:00 noon Page 2 At the age of sixteen he had an experience which marked him forever—the call of our Heavenly Father, who said to him, “Be holy, my son, as I am holy.” He himself stated, “I promised Him I would always repent of everything that might cause Him displeasure and that I would spend my entire life seeking his will..., and I began to desire that these words of the Father would enter the hearts of all.” His passion for Christ also led him at that time to compose a prayer which he would later pass on to his Idente sons and daughters and which would come to form part of their observance: “I promise You, Lord, to live and transmit the Gospel with the sacrifice of my life and my reputation and, faithful to the greatest witness to love, to die for You.” His intense spirituality was concretely manifested when, at the age of twenty-three, he entered the Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer, where he completed his philosophical and theological studies. Providence had other plans, however, and he left the Congregation in 1954, returning to the world of work while awaiting new signs of the divine will. He was sent to a civil service post in Santa Cruz de Tenerife, the Canary Islands. The Institute Id of Christ the Redeemer, Men and Women Idente Missionaries, arose there on June 29, 1959. The religious foundation would be followed by others, in his search for every possible way to take the Gospel to all people. This aspiration developed in him an extraordinary creativity in both the religious and civil spheres. In his concern for the spiritual and social needs of human life, he created various foundations and associations for the spiritual, moral, and civil good of humanity. In 1988 he moved to New York at the request of his sons and daughters to receive specialized medical treatment after the amputation of his right leg. This and other infirmities prevented normal movement. He died in New York on December 6, 2004, under the tender care of his spiritual children. Fernando Rielo Pardal nace en Madrid (España) el 28 de agosto de 1923. Desde muy niño vivió el amor a Dios en la Persona del Padre, de tal manera que ha regido su vida entera y marcado la espiritualidad de sus hijas e hijos. A los 16 años una íntima experiencia le marcó para siempre. Fue la llamada de nuestro Padre celestial: “Sé santo, hijo mío, como Yo soy santo.” El mismo relata: “Yo le prometí que siempre me habría de arrepentir de todo aquello que le desagradara y que me pasaría toda mi existencia buscando su voluntad… y comencé a anhelar que en el corazón de todos los hombres entrara esta palabra del Padre.” Su pasión por Cristo le llevó, en esa misma época, a cincelar una oración que más tarde transmitirá a sus hijas e hijos identes, formando parte de su observancia: “Te prometo, Señor, vivir y transmitir el Evangelio con el sacrificio de mi vida y de mi fama, fiel al mayor testimonio de amor: morir por Ti.” Esta intensa espiritualidad se concretará con su ingreso a los 23 años en la Congregación del Santísimo Redentor, con quienes cursará los estudios filosófico-teológicos. Pero la Providencia tenía otros proyectos para su vida, por lo que sale de ella en 1954 y se reincorpora al mundo laboral en espera de nuevos signos de la voluntad divina. Es destinado como funcionario del Estado a Santa Cruz de Tenerife (Islas Canarias). Allí nacerá, el 29 de junio de 1959, el Instituto Id de Cristo Redentor, misioneras y misioneros identes. A la fundación religiosa seguirán otras, con el deseo de buscar todas las vías posibles para llevar el Evangelio a todas las gentes. Esta aspiración desarrolló en él una extraordinaria creatividad en los ámbitos religioso y civil. Quiso hacer suyas las necesidades espirituales y sociales de la vida humana, creando diversas fundaciones y asociaciones en beneficio del bien espiritual, moral y civil de la humanidad. En 1988 se traslada a Nueva York para recibir especial asistencia médica necesaria tras la amputación de su pierna derecha. Esto, y otras enfermedades, le impedirán el ejercicio ordinario de movimientos. Allí morirá el 6 de diciembre de 2004, bajo el tierno cuidado de sus hijas e hijos . Work Session—Sesión de Trabajo Answering the call made by the International Office of the Idente Family based in Rome, to organize at the level of the whole institution the provisional Council to consolidate the Idente Family, the Provincial Superiors Fr. Robert Badillo and Elaine Schenk convened the first summit in the Province of New York. The meeting took place at the residence of the Holy Family on July 25, 2014. An enthusiastic group of consecrated missionaries and Idente Family members were present. Participating members contributed with ideas and clarified doubts, concepts and concerns. One such a concept was that Idente Family is an association whose members participate in the mystical patrimony of the Institute Id of Christ the Redeemer, Idente Missionaries. Dear members, let us respond to this call diligently, joyfully and with enthusiasm. As the Provincial Superior, Elaine Schenk already mentioned, "We know that our Founding Father is helping us and the results will be amazing!" Respondiendo al llamado que hizo la oficina Internacional de la Familia Idente, sede en Roma, de organizar a nivel de toda la institución el Consejo provisional para consolidar la Familia Idente, los Superiores Provinciales Pdr. Robert Badillo y Hna. Elaine Schenk convocaron la primera Cumbre en la Provincia de Nueva York. La reunión tuvo lugar en la residencia de la Sagrada Familia el 25 de Julio del 2014. Un grupo entusiasta de misioneras y misioneros consagrados así como miembros de la Familia Idente se hicieron presente aportando ideas y aclarando dudas, conceptos e inquietudes. Uno de estos conceptos fué que la Familia Idente es una asociación cuyos miembros comparten la espiritualidad del Instituto Id de Cristo Redentor, Misioneras y Misioneros Identes. Queridos miembros, encaminémonos respondiendo a este llamado con diligencia, alegría y entusiasmo. Como ya lo mencionó la Superiora Provincial, "Sabemos que nuestro Padre Fundador nos está ayudando y los resultados serán maravillosos." Members of the provisional council United Nations June 3, 2011 “Make haste to give your life as fresh-baked bread; there will still be seven full baskets left over.” Fernando Rielo Retreat at Holy Family Residence, Briarwood Idente Youth Gathering, Bronx, New York B O L E T I N N. 2 Page 3 We welcome your comments and suggestions: Idente Family US— National Office 143-48 84th Drive Briarwood, NY 11435 718-526-3694 347-281-9935 Chris Morano, M.Id Dolores Sanchez, M.Id Month/ Mes Date/ Fecha ACTIVITY / ACTIVIDAD July / Julio 19 26 Motus Christi Spiritual Lesson Saint James / Lección Espiritual Santiago Apóstol St. Philip Neri Parish/Bronx Holy Family residence 10am-4pm. 7:30pm August / Ago- 16 Spiritual Lesson, Assumption / Lección espiritual, Asunción Holy Family residence 7:30pm Retreat UTPL/ Retiro en UTPL UTPL: 86-58 Midland Pkwy. 10am-4pm. 30 Claustro, , Mass and Reception Founding Father’s Birthday/Claustro, misa y recepcion—cumpleaños nuestro Padre Fundador St. Dominic Church 1739 Unionport Rd.—Bronx 4 pm—8 pm 06 Spiritual Lesson, Birth Virgin Mary/ Lección Espiritual, Nacimiento Virgen María Holy Family Residence 7:30pm 21 Our Lady of Mercy / Nuestra Sra. De las Mercedes Saint Dominic Church 11:30am October Octubre 18 Retreat UTPL/ Retiro en UTPL—en español UTPL/86-58 Midland PkwyJamaica Estates 10am-4pm. November / Noviembre 01 Claustro, All Saints Day/Día todos Santos Saint Luke Church-Brentwood 07 10th Anniversary F. Founder- event at NYU NYU 6:30 - 9:00pm 15 Retreat UTPL/ Retiro en UTPL (in Spanish/en español) UTPL/86-58 Midland PwayJamaica Estates 10am-4pm. 05 Fernando Rielo’s anniversary Mass Saint Patrick’s Cathedral 8:00 pm 07 Claustro F. Rielo’a anniversary Our Lady of Loreto Church 4pm 13 Spiritual Lesson, Immaculate Conception Holy Family Residence 8:30 pm 20 Retreat UTPL/ Retiro en UTPL 10am-4pm. 25 Clautro, Christmas / Claustro Navidad UTPL: 86-58 Midland PkwyJamaica Estates Holy Family Residence 28 Spiritual Lesson, Holy Innocents Holy Family Residence 5pm 03 Claustro Three Kings / Claustro Reyes M. Saint Dominic Church 6:30pm sto September / Septiembre December Diciembre January Enero LOCATION / LUGAR Idente Family USA TIME / HORA 5pm Santa Maria @IdenteFamilyUSA Our Lady of Solace—St.Dominic Saint Luke @IdenteFamilyUSA WWW.IDENTEFAMILYUSA.ORG Our Lady of Loretto OTHER LINKS: WWW.RIELO.COM ~ WWW . IDENTE.ORG ~ WWW.ID ENTEYOUTH.US ~ WWW.WORLDYOUTHPARLIAMENT.US