Welcome To The… 87th WISCONSIN FFA CONVENTION Sally Albers 2015-2016 Wisconsin FFA President Welcome to the 87th Wisconsin FFA Convention! This past year has allowed us to live out our theme, “Be…”. Members from across the state have taken this theme and made it their own by finding their own interests in FFA. For some, their “Be…” is in community service, for others it may be in their supervised agricultural experiences, and some may find it somewhere else. Regardless of where we find our paths in FFA leading, we have seen FFA members excel in everything that we do. At convention we have the opportunity to celebrate those members who have found a way to “Be...successful” in their agriscience fair projects, speaking contests, proficiency awards and so much more. We also have the opportunity to explore other ways that we can get involved in the organization. FFA has something for everyone. Let’s use this week to discover all of the different opportunities FFA has to offer and find our own “Be…”. There is so much in store, from workshops, sessions, tours and more! We don’t have a minute to waste as we celebrate our time at the Alliant Energy Center! Let’s celebrate a successful year and our state theme, “Be…”! 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS General Convention Information ............................................................................................ 3 - 6 State Convention Meal Functions ................................................................................................ 7 State FFA Speaking Events .......................................................................................................... 8 Stars Over Wisconsin Judging ..................................................................................................... 8 State Officer Candidate Schedule ................................................................................................ 9 State Delegate Information and Schedule................................................................................... 10 Organizational Meetings ............................................................................................................ 10 State FFA Honors Band and Honors Chorus Schedule............................................................... 11 State FFA Talent Competition .................................................................................................... 11 State FFA Entertainment ............................................................................................................ 11 State Convention Main Sessions.......................................................................................... 12 - 18 Career Show................................................................................................................................ 19 State FFA Convention Workshops ...................................................................................... 20 - 23 State FFA Convention Tours ............................................................................................... 24 - 25 State FFA Speaking Contest Participants............................................................................. 26 - 27 State FFA Talent Participants ..................................................................................................... 28 State FFA Honors Chorus Members .......................................................................................... 29 State FFA Honors Band Members ............................................................................................. 30 Wisconsin FFA Degree Recipients....................................................................................... 31 - 33 Wisconsin FFA Honored Adults........................................................................................... 34 - 35 State FFA Convention Judges ............................................................................................. 36 - 40 Wisconsin FFA Foundation Donors .................................................................................... 41 - 44 Post-Secondary Scholarship Program ................................................................................. 45 - 46 Blue and Gold Society ............................................................................................................... 47 Special Thanks and Recognition................................................................................................. 48 Wisconsin FFA Officer Team ..................................................................................................... 52 The Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction, Wisconsin Association of FFA and the Wisconsin FFA Center do not discriminate on the basis of sex, race, color, religion, age, national origin, ancestry, creed, pregnancy, marital or parental status, sexual orientation, or disability. 2 GENERAL CONVENTION INFORMATION Registration Convention registration is located in the lobby of the Exhibition Hall at the Alliant Energy Center. ALL chapter members, advisors, parents, sponsors, alumni and guests are required to register. Each chapter is asked to bring two official delegates for the annual business session. In addition, chapters are invited to bring all FFA members and guests who would like to attend. Award winners, convention participants, alumni members, parents, school administrators, counselors, and community leaders are all welcome! The following is the process for registering: • Fill out a registration card if you have not registered online. • Turn it in to the individuals at the registration table. • Receive your official convention button and program. *You must have a button to be admitted to any convention event. **If you lose your button, there is a $1.00 charge for replacements. Purchased tickets can be picked up at the following times at Ticket Booth B during State Convention Monday 7 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. Tuesday 7:30 a.m. - 12 p.m. and 1 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. Wednesday 7:30 a.m. - 12:45 p.m. General Convention Registration Monday 7:30 p.m - 8:30 p.m. Tuesday 7:30 a.m - 8:30 p.m. and 7:00 p.m - 8:30 p.m. Wednesday 7:30 a.m - 2:30 p.m. and 6:30 p.m - 7:30 p.m. Thursday 8:00 a.m - 9:30 a.m. Registration Fee The following are the Convention Registration Fee options. Your chapter must have paid one of the options below to be eligible to participate in any convention events. • Your chapter has PAID in full their $350 Wisconsin FFA Center Affiliation Fee. NO FURTHER CONVENTION FEES ARE NEEDED. • Chapters selecting Option 2 are required to pay a $250 Convention Registration Fee. PAYMENT IS NECESSARY AT CONVENTION REGISTRATION IN ORDER TO PARTICIPATE IN CONVENTION ACTIVITIES. 3 Dress and Conduct All FFA members are to be in complete official dress for the State FFA Convention. Please refer to the Wisconsin FFA Code of Ethics for complete official dress requirements. Courtesy Corps and door checkers will be watching for proper official dress as you enter the Convention Hall. People form their first impression of you and your chapter based on your conduct and appearance. Proper conduct and a neat appearance will continue to build the positive image of the FFA. Here are some guidelines to follow for proper conduct and official dress at our convention. • Respect the rights and property of others. • Show pride in being a member of the FFA. • Your FFA jacket should be kept clean and neat at all times. The FFA jacket must be worn with the zipper fastened to the top and collar turned down, and the cuffs should be in place and buttoned. Keep scarves and ties tied at all times. LOOK SHARP! • Official dress for males: Black pants, black socks, black shoes, white shirt, official FFA tie and official FFA jacket. • Official dress for females: Black skirt of appropriate length (black pants are acceptable), black shoes, white blouse, official FFA scarf and official FFA jacket. Only black or off-black nylons are recommended. Safety For your safety while in Madison, we encourage you to: • Stay in groups when moving about the city and avoid poorly lit areas and alleys. • When traveling by taxicab, always go in small groups. • When entering a taxicab, always note the taxicab number in case of lost items. • Cross streets at the lights! Use caution when crossing any street. • When purchasing items, do not display a large amount of cash. • Do not leave valuables in vehicles. • Make sure to set up a designated meeting point for your chapter members. For your safety while staying in your hotel, we encourage you to: • Read the emergency instructions on the back of the entrance door. • Use hotel room dead bolts and do not open your door to strangers. • Do not leave your door open. • Report questionable individuals to the hotel front desk. • Do not leave valuables out in the open. Hotels provide lock boxes for your security. Curfew Although there is no curfew specifically set by the Wisconsin Association of FFA, we encourage advisors to set a 12:30 a.m. curfew for students staying in the Madison hotels. Please be courteous to others staying in your hotel. No disrespectful behavior will be allowed - loud noise in hallways, items thrown from windows, etc. If the hotel reports problems with this type of behavior, you will be asked to leave. 4 Convention Photography Empire Photography of Madison is the official convention photographer. Photos will be taken throughout the sessions and made available following convention. View and order photos online at EmpirePhotos.com. Click the “FFA” icon and use the password “2016convention.” There are also locations around convention to take great photos of your chapter members. Make sure to take plenty of photos! Empire Photography: 1. Go to www.empirephotos.com 2. Click on “Order Photos” along the top of the page 3. Click on the FFA logo 4. You should see the gallery Courtesy Corps Throughout our convention, members from FFA chapters and the 2016-17 State FFA Officer Candidates will serve as State Convention Courtesy Corps. A Courtesy Corps armband can identify these individuals. If you have questions during convention, please feel free to ask these FFA members. There will be an orientation meeting for State Convention Courtesy Corps members on Tuesday, June 14 at 9:30 a.m. It will be held in Mendota Room 4 of the Exhibition Hall at the Alliant Energy Center. FFA Day on The Hill Join the WAAE Public Relations Committee as they will work with FFA members to learn how to communicate a positive message with their legislative policy makers in Madison. This event will help show students how to take an active role in advocating for funding for agricultural education. Students need to meet in Mendota 4 at 8:45 a.m. Tuesday, June 14, 2016 for orientation. 5 FFA Newsroom The FFA Newsroom can give you the “scoop” on Wisconsin FFA chapters and their members who are receiving awards at convention. There are press releases in the Newsroom, which is located outside the doors of Hall C/D. There is also a special area for media to conduct radio, television and newspaper interviews, along with a photo area equipped to take important photos. The FFA Center Assistant and the Newsroom Staff will be available to assist you with your publicity needs. The State Convention Newsroom Staff will have an orientation meeting on Tuesday, June 14 at 10:00 a.m. It will be held in the Newsroom, which is located in Ticket Booth C of the Exhibition Hall at the Alliant Energy Center. FFA Hall of Stars The Supervised Agricultural Experience programs of the State FFA Star Finalists and State FFA Proficiency Winners will be highlighted at State Convention. On Tuesday, June 14, the proficiency winners will have displays featuring their programs in place from 10:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m. The students will be present from 11:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. to answer questions about their SAE. Wednesday will highlight the State Star Farmer, Star in Agriscience, Star in Agribusiness and the Star in Agricultural Placement finalists. Their displays will be in place from 8:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m. The Star Recipients will be available to answer questions from 10:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. and from 5:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. All displays will be located in the lobby of the Exhibition Hall at the Alliant Energy Center. Come and learn what made these students’ programs so successful and gather ideas to develop your own SAE. We will also highlight the achievements of one chapter from each of the ten sections on Wednesday. Come and check out how chapters in Wisconsin are making an impact on their members, schools and communities. Share and learn ideas that make Wisconsin FFA a premier organization. The chapter displays will be available for viewing from 8:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. and chapter members will be available for questions from 9:00 a.m - 11:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. Earn FFA Bucks Do you want to be an FFA Bucks millionaire? Attend workshops, tours, sessions and the Career Show. Take the initiative to meet, greet, and represent Wisconsin FFA to the best of your ability. You never know when you might be rewarded. Pool your bucks with friends and chapter members or bid individually on items in the silent auction. The items available will be displayed at the Career Show. The silent auction will occur between the conclusion of the Sixth General Session and midnight on the evening of Wednesday, June 15. It will coincide with the convention dance. Top bidders can claim their items in the lobby Wednesday night. 6 State Convention Meal Functions Meal Function Chairperson Brenna Bays, State FFA Parliamentarian MEAL TICKETS MUST HAVE BEEN ORDERED IN ADVANCE! Purchased tickets can be picked up at the following times at Ticket Booth B during State Convention Monday 7 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. Tuesday 7:30 a.m. - 12 p.m. and 1 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. Wednesday 7:30 a.m. - 12:45 p.m. All events located in the Exhibition Hall at the Alliant Energy Center Tuesday, June 14, 2016 11:00 a.m. - Lunch Buffet 1:00 p.m. Hall B 4:30 p.m. - Dinner Buffet 7:00 p.m. Hall B 5:00 p.m. Sponsors Reception - Kegonsa/Waubesa Rooms - Sponsors Only 5:45 p.m. Doors Open to Sponsors and Award Winners Dinner - Mendota 1 - 4 6:00 p.m. Sponsors and Award Winners Dinner - Mendota Rooms 1 - 4 Wednesday, June 15, 2016 9:45 a.m. School Officials Program and Lunch - Mendota 4 11:00 a.m. - Lunch Buffet 1:00 p.m. Hall B 12:15 p.m. State Degree Lunch - Hall A *Tickets sponsored by Renk Seed 2:00 p.m. UW-River Falls Alumni Reception - Kegonsa/Waubesa Rooms 4:30 p.m. Honored Adults Dinner - Mendota Rooms 5 - 7 5:00 p.m. State Leadership Dinner - Hall A 5:00 p.m. Past State Officer Reception - Monona/Wingra Rooms Thursday, June 16, 2016 12:30 p.m. 2015-2016 State Officer, Parent, and Advisor Lunch Waubesa/Kegonsa Rooms Agriscience Fair Tuesday, June 14, 2016 11:00 a.m. - Noon Contestants submit binder for judging - East Corridor 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. Contestants set up exhibits - East Corridor Wednesday, June 15, 2016 8:00 a.m. Face-to-Face Agriscience Fair judging begins - East Corridor Viewing of all Agriscience displays will be open to everyone following conclusion of judging. 1:00 p.m. Presentation of Awards - Career Show Stage 7 State FFA Speaking Events Tuesday, June 14, 2016 7:30 a.m. Extemporaneous speakers must report for topic drawings and preparation in Mendota Room 2 8:00 a.m. State Semi-Finals Speaking Contests Please Note: Group A: Even Sections Group B: Odd Sections Creed Speaking Group A: Mendota 1 Group B: 9:00 a.m. Mendota 1 Prepared Speaking Group A: Mendota 5 Group B: Mendota 7 Extemporaneous Speaking *(Report at 7:30 a.m. for topic drawings.) Group A: Conference A Group B: Conference B Discussion Meet Group A: Mendota 6 Group B: Mendota 8 Parliamentary Procedure Group A: Monona Group B: Kegonsa Quiz Bowl Waubesa Wingra 10:00 a.m. State FFA Speaking Contest Finals Creed Speaking: Extemporaneous: Parliamentary Procedure: Prepared Speaking: Discussion Meet: Quiz Bowl: Mendota 1 Conference A Monona Mendota 5 Mendota 6 Waubesa State CDE Competitions 8:00 a.m. Ag Issues CDE - Board Room Marketing Plan CDE - Board Room Wednesday, June 15, 2016 8:00 a.m. Job Interview Contest Semi-Finals Kegonsa, Waubesa and Board Rooms 8:00 a.m. High School Quiz Bowl Contest Mendota 2 and 3 10:00 a.m. Job Interview Contest Finals Board Room *Final Awards for the Job Interview Contest will be presented at the Fifth Session. 1:00 p.m. Opening/Closing Ceremonies Contest Mendota 1 and 2 High School and Junior High Divisions 1:00 p.m. National Delegate Interviews Board Room State FFA Stars Over Wisconsin Judging Wednesday, June 15, 2016 8:00 a.m. Candidate Interviews Mendota 1, 5, and 6 8 State FFA Officer Candidate Schedule All State Officer Candidate interviews will take place at the Sheraton Hotel. All candidates need to report to the State Officer Candidate Headquarters in the Sheraton Hotel. Monday, June 13, 2016 11:00 a.m. State Officer Candidate Judges’ Orientation Destination South Room - Sheraton Hotel 12:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. State Officer Interviews **Note** Refer to individual candidates schedule for exact times and locations. Tuesday, June 14, 2016 9:30 a.m. State Convention Courtesy Corps Meeting Mendota 4 *All candidates need to attend 12:00 p.m.State Officer Candidate Introductions Opening Convention Session Hall C/D 2:00 p.m. State Officer Candidate Exam and Writing Activity Superior Room - Clarion Suites Hotel *All candidates need to report at this time Wednesday, June 15, 2016 11:00 a.m. Announcement of State Officer Finalists *All candidates must be present. Hall C/D - Exhibition Hall at the Alliant Energy Center 11:15 a.m. SECTIONAL MEETINGS - State Officer Selections Section 1 - Mendota 1 Section 6 - Mendota 6 Section 2 - Mendota 2 Section 7 - Mendota 7 Section 3 - Mendota 3 Section 8 - Mendota 8 Section 4 - Michigan Room* Section 9 - Waubesa Section 5 - Mendota 5 Section 10 - Kegonsa * Michigan Room located in the Clarion Suites Hotel ** All other meetings will take place in the Exhibition Hall at the Alliant Energy Center 5:00 p.m. State Leadership Dinner Hall A (Candidates will be recognized.) 7:00 p.m. Announcement of 2016-2017 State Officer Team Sixth Convention Session Hall C/D Thursday, June 16, 2016 7:30 a.m. 2016-2017 State Officer Team Meeting Monona Room 1:00 p.m. 2016-2017 State Officer and Advisor Meeting Monona Room 9 Delegate Information and Schedule Tuesday, June 14, 2016 8:30 a.m. Delegate/Chapter Registration - Lobby 8:45 a.m. Delegate Enrichment Workshop - Hall C/D 9:15 a.m. Convention Delegate Committee Meetings - Hall C/D 9:45 a.m. Delegate/Advisor Orientation - Hall C/D 10:00 a.m. Official Delegate Business Session - Hall C/D Wednesday, June 15, 2016 11:00 a.m. Delegate Session - State Officer Selections -Hall C/D 11:15 a.m. SECTIONAL MEETINGS - State Officer Elections Section 1 - Mendota 1 Section 6 - Mendota 6 Section 2 - Mendota 2 Section 7 - Mendota 7 Section 3 - Mendota 3 Section 8 - Mendota 8 Section 4 - Michigan Room* Section 9 - Waubesa Section 5 - Mendota 5 Section 10 - Kegonsa * Michigan Room located in the Clarion Suites Hotel Delegate Process 1. Delegates AND Advisors MUST Report to Hall C/D of the Exhibition Hall at the Alliant Energy Center at 9:45 a.m. on Tuesday, June 14 for the Delegate and Advisor Orientation. 2. At approximately 9:50 a.m., there will be a question and answer time for BOTH advisors and delegates. This will serve as a clarification time and will allow the business session to proceed efficiently. 3. At 10:00 a.m., the advisors will move to the back of the room, and the delegates will proceed with the Official Business Session. This session will last 1 hour. ALL BUSINESS NEEDS TO BE COMPLETED IN THIS TIME FRAME. 4. Delegates will be asked to return to Hall C/D on Wednesday, June 15 at 11:00 a.m. for the delegate session to elect the State FFA Officers. Further announcements will be made at Tuesday’s meeting. Organization Meetings Monday, June 13, 2016 2:30 p.m. 2015-2016 State FFA Board of Directors Monona Room 4:30 p.m. State FFA Convention Managers Meeting - News Room Ticket Booth C Tuesday, June 14, 2016 10:00 a.m. Wisconsin FFA Foundation Executive Committee Meeting Board Room 11:15 a.m. Wisconsin FFA Foundation Annual Meeting Board Room 10 State FFA Honors Band and Honors Chorus Schedule Tuesday, June 14, 2016 8:30 a.m. Band & Chorus Check-in 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Band & Chorus Rehearsal 1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. Band & Chorus Rehearsal 7:15 p.m. Band & Chorus Concert before Third Session 8:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. Band & Chorus Rehearsal (Tentative) *All band rehearsals will be in Hall A **All chorus rehearsals will be in the Superior Room, Clarion Hotel Wednesday, June 15, 2016 7:15 a.m. Band & Chorus Concert before Fourth Session 8:00 a.m. Band & Chorus Rehearsal 9:15 a.m. Jazz Band to open Career Show 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Band & Chorus Rehearsal 1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. Band & Chorus Rehearsal (Band starts at 2:00 p.m.) 6:15 p.m. Band and Chorus Concert before Sixth Session Thursday, June 16, 2016 8:15 a.m. Band and Chorus Concert before & during Seventh Session State FFA Talent Competition Tuesday, June 14, 2016 8:00 a.m. 8:30 a.m. Talent Show Registration Talent Stage - Hall B State FFA Talent Competition Talent Stage - Hall B State FFA Entertainment Tuesday, June 14, 2016 Conclusion of Third Session - 12:00 midnight Hall D - Exhibition Hall at the Alliant Energy Center Piano Fondue - Dueling Pianos Featuring the talents of entertainers with decades of professional touring experience, Piano Fondue has delighted audiences of all types all across the country. Their all-request rock and roll show gives you the versatility of a DJ, the quick wit of a stand-up comedy act, and the entertainment value of a show band in one high-energy performance that engages an audience like no other. With their unique blend of musical styles and extensive repertoire, the crowd gets a little bit of everything - country and current pop, oldies and Broadway classics - the Piano Fondue show is molded on the fly to entertain every audience member. Tickets can be purchased at Ticket Booth B or at the door for $10.00. Wednesday, June 16, 2016 Conclusion of Sixth Session - 12:00 midnight Hall B - Exhibition Hall at the Alliant Energy Center “Be A Fan!” Put on your dancing shoes, and come have a great time! Tickets can be purchased at Ticket Booth B or at the door for $5.00. 11 STATE CONVENTION MAIN SESSIONS *All Convention Sessions will be in Hall C/D of the Exhibition Hall at the Alliant Energy Center. **We ask all session attendees to please stay seated throughout the entire session and that award winners return to their seats after being on stage. REFLECTIONS Monday, June 13, 2016 • 8:30 p.m. 2015-2016 State FFA Officer Team FIRST CONVENTION SESSION Tuesday, June 14, 2016 • 12:00 p.m. CONVENTION SESSIONS “Celebrate the Beginning” GRAND OPENING Grand Entry of the Flags Posting of the Colors and National Anthem sung by Megan Pethke, Manawa OPENING CEREMONIES 2015-2016 State FFA Officer Team SESSION CHAIRS Jason Roth, State FFA Vice President Abby Sabel, State FFA Reporter GREETINGS FROM NATIONAL FFA Mr. Josh Bledsoe, National FFA Chief Operating Officer Ms. Abbey Gretsch, 2015-2016 National FFA Southern Region Vice President INTRODUCTIONS 2016-2017 State FFA Officer Candidates SERVICE RECOGNITION Day of Service Rally to Fight Hunger Easter Seals GREETINGS Mr. Troy Talford, President, Wisconsin Association of Agricultural Educators SPECIAL RECOGNITION 2015-2016 State FFA Officer Advisors ESSAY AWARD PRESENTATIONS FFA Jr. High Essay Awards GROWMARK, Inc. Essay Awards KEYNOTE SPEAKER Mr. Landan Schaffert, Motivational Speaker CLOSING CEREMONIES 2015-2016 State FFA Officer Team 12 SECOND CONVENTION SESSION Tuesday, June 14, 2016 • 3:00 p.m. PRE-SESSION - 2:30 p.m. “The Future is Ours, So Be It” OPENING CEREMONIES 2015-2016 State FFA Officer Team SESSION CHAIRJoelle Liddane, State FFA Sentinel AGRICULTURAL PROFICIENCY AWARDS Fiber and Oil Crop Production Food Service Forage Production Forest Management Fruit Production Goat Production Grain Production Home and/or Community Development Landscape Management Nursery Operations Organic Agriculture Outdoor Recreation Poultry Production Sheep Production Small Animal Production and Care Specialty Animal Production Specialty Crop Production Swine Production Turf Grass Management Vegetable Production Veterinary Science Wildlife Production and Management SESSION IN REVIEW CLOSING CEREMONIES 2015-2016 State FFA Officer Team 13 CONVENTION SESSIONS Agricultural Communications Agricultural Education Agricultural Mechanics Design and Fabrication Agricultural Mechanics Repair and Maintenance Agricultural Processing Agricultural Sales Agricultural Services Agriscience Research-Animal Systems Agriscience Research-Integrated Systems Agriscience Research-Plant Systems Beef Production Dairy Production Diversified Agricultural Production Diversified Crop Production Diversified Horticulture Diversified Livestock Production Environmental Science and Natural Resources Equine Science THIRD CONVENTION SESSION Tuesday, June 14, 2016 • 8:00 p.m. “Be the Change” WISCONSIN STATE FFA HONORS BAND AND CHORUS CONCERT 7:15 P.M. Band Director: Mr. Monte Dunnum, Westby Choir Director: Mr. Peter Engh, Westby OPENING CEREMONIES 2015-2016 State FFA Officer Team SESSION CHAIR Beth Zimmer, State FFA Vice President Jared Retzlaff, State FFA Vice President CONVENTION SESSIONS WISCONSIN FFA FOUNDATION RECOGNITION Leadership Partner Recognition STATE CONVENTION SPEAKING CONTEST AWARD PRESENTATIONS Junior High Quiz Bowl Creed Speaking Prepared Speaking Parliamentary Procedure Extemporaneous Speaking Discussion Meet WISCONSIN FFA FOUNDATION RECOGNITION Star Mission Partner Recognition State Convention Partners Recognition WISCONSIN FFA FOUNDATION Blue and Gold Society 2015-16 WISCONSIN FFA FOUNDATION BOARD PRESIDENT Mr. Travis Holt, President, Citizens State Bank of Loyal WISCONSIN FFA FOUNDATION REMARKS Ms. Sara Schoenborn, Wisconsin FFA Foundation Executive Director KEYNOTE SPEAKER Mr. Dave Roever, Motivational Speaker SESSION IN REVIEW CLOSING CEREMONIES 2015-2016 State FFA Officer Team SPECIAL ENTERTAINMENT TICKETS REQUIRED Piano Fondue - Dueling Pianos 14 FOURTH CONVENTION SESSION Wednesday, June 15, 2016 • 8:00 a.m. “Dream to Be” WISCONSIN STATE FFA HONORS BAND AND CHORUS CONCERT 7:15 a.m. Band Director: Mr. Monte Dunnum, Westby Choir Director: Mr. Peter Engh, Westby OPENING CEREMONIES 2015-2016 State FFA Officer Team SESSION CHAIR Brenna Bays, State FFA Parliamentarian MEMBERSHIP AWARDS Chapter Membership Recruitment Award P.R.I.D.E. Award - 10+ Chapter Membership Increase Largest Percent School Population Award Sectional Membership Growth Award AWARD PRESENTATION Washington Leadership Conference Scholarships Three Star Leader Awards STATE FFA CAREER DEVELOPMENT EVENT WINNERS Horse Evaluation & Selection Land Evaluation Livestock Selection Marketing Plan Meats Technology & Evaluation Milk Quality and Products Nursery/Landscape Poultry Safe Tractor Operators Contest Veterinary Science Wildlife Agricultural Communications Agricultural Issues Agricultural Mechanics Agricultural Sales Agronomy Dairy Cattle Evaluation Dairy Handling Environmental & Natural Resources Farm Business Management Floriculture Food Science & Technology Forestry CLOSING CEREMONIES 2015-2016 State FFA Officer Team GRAND OPENING of the Career Show!!! *Session will dismiss to the Career Show 9:30 a.m. Hall B 15 CONVENTION SESSIONS WISCONSIN FFA ALUMNI GREETINGS Mrs. Julie Spoke, 2016-2017 Wisconsin FFA Alumni President FIFTH CONVENTION SESSION Wednesday, June 15, 2016 • 2:00 p.m. “Be Discovered” OPENING CEREMONIES 2015-2016 State FFA Officer Team SESSION CHAIR Taylor Halopka, State FFA Treasurer CHAPTER AWARD PRESENTATIONS Food For America Awards AWARD PRESENTATION High School Quiz Bowl Job Interview Agricultural Artwork Contest CONVENTION SESSIONS WISCONSIN FFA FOUNDATION SCHOLARSHIP PRESENTATION GREETINGS Dr. Tony Evers, State Superintendent of Public Instruction SPECIAL RECOGNITION State Officer School District Recognition WISCONSIN FFA DEGREE CEREMONY Section 1 through Section 10 SESSION IN REVIEW CLOSING CEREMONIES 2015-2016 State FFA Officer Team 16 SIXTH CONVENTION SESSION Wednesday, June 15, 2016 • 7:00 p.m. “Be A Star” WISCONSIN STATE FFA HONORS BAND AND CHORUS CONCERT 6:15 p.m. Band Director: Mr. Monte Dunnum, Westby Choir Director: Mr. Peter Engh, Westby OPENING CEREMONIES Wisconsin Past State FFA Officers SESSION CHAIR Maddi Colbeth, State FFA Secretary Kaitlin Konder, State FFA Vice President GREETINGS Ms. Sandy Chalmers, Wisconsin Assistant Deputy Secretary of Agriculture Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection ADULT HONORS AND RECOGNITION Honorary Wisconsin FFA Degree Ceremony Distinguished Service Award Wisconsin FFA Hall of Fame Induction AWARD PRESENTATIONS Agriscience Fair Opening/Closing Ceremonies Contest STARS OVER WISCONSIN Star in Agriscience Awards Star in Agribusiness Awards Star in Agricultural Placement Awards Star Farmer Awards ANNOUNCEMENT 2016-2017 Wisconsin FFA Officer Team-Elect SESSION IN REVIEW CLOSING CEREMONIES 2015-2016 State Officer Team 17 CONVENTION SESSIONS PAST STATE OFFICER RECOGNITION SEVENTH CONVENTION SESSION Thursday, June 16, 2016 • 9:00 a.m. “Be You…” WISCONSIN STATE FFA HONORS BAND AND CHORUS CONCERT` 8:15 a.m. Band Director: Mr. Monte Dunnum, Westby Choir Director: Mr. Peter Engh, Westby OPENING CEREMONIES 2015-2016 State FFA Officer Team SESSION CHAIR 2015-2016 State FFA Officer Team CONVENTION SESSIONS CHAPTER AWARD PRESENTATIONS Chapter Scrapbook Recognition STATE HONORS BAND, CHORUS, AND TALENT RECOGNITION Musical Performances - State Honors Band and Chorus National FFA Band and Chorus Nominations State FFA Talent Awards CHAPTER AWARD PRESENTATION National Chapter Awards ANNOUNCEMENTS National FFA Delegates WISCONSIN FFA YEAR IN REVIEW Ms. Abby Sabel, 2015-2016 State FFA Reporter RETIRING ADDRESS Ms. Sally Albers, 2015-2016 State FFA President SPECIAL RECOGNITION State Officer Parent Recognition RECOGNITION 2015-2016 State FFA Officers Ms. Cheryl Zimmerman Wisconsin FFA Executive Director Mr. Jeff Hicken Wisconsin FFA Advisor Ms. Sara Schoenborn Wisconsin FFA Foundation Executive Director INSTALLATION 2016-2017 State FFA Officers ANNOUNCEMENT 2016-2017 State FFA President CLOSING CEREMONIES 2016-2017 Wisconsin FFA Officer Team 18 2016 CAREER SHOW Wednesday, June 15, 2016 Hall B - Exhibition Hall at the Alliant Energy Center Show Hours: 9:30 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Special Features Earn FFA Bucks by visiting exhibitors Buy your FFA Supplies and Convention Souvenirs The following companies and organizations will be attending the Career Show National Farmers Organization Northcentral Technical College Northeast Iowa Community College Northland College NorthStar Cooperative, Inc. Ohio Technical College Organic Valley/CROPP Cooperative Peace Corps Riesterer & Schnell, Inc. Roundy’s (Pick’n Save, Copps, Metro Market) Rural Mutual Insurance Company Seneca Foods Sloan Implement Company, Inc. South Dakota State University Southwest Tech Stewart-Peterson Swiderski Equipment Inc. University of Minnesota USDA Farm Service Agency UW-Madison’s Farm & Industry Short Course UW-Madison College of Agriculture & Life Sciences UW-River Falls We Energies Wisconsin Agri-Business Association Wisconsin Association of Agricultural Educators Wisconsin Bankers Association Wisconsin Beef Council Wisconsin Farm Bureau Federation Wisconsin Farm Bureau - Ag in the Classroom Wisconsin FFA Alumni Association, Inc. Wisconsin Indianhead Technical College-Superior Wisconsin Milk Marketing Board Wisconsin Motor Carriers Association Wyo Tech Wysocki Produce Farm Accelerated Genetics Adams-Columbia Electric Cooperative AgrAbility of Wisconsin AgriGold AgStar Financial, ACA Allied Cooperative Alsum Farms & Produce, Inc. ANIMART LLC Army ROTC Badgerland Financial Blain’s Farm & Fleet Culver’s Dairy Grazing Apprenticeship DuPont Pioneer East Central/Select Sires Equity Cooperative Livestock Sales Assoc. FABTECH Education Center Focus on Energy Foremost Farms USA Fox Cities Builders Fox Valley Technical College Russ Davis Wholesale/Crazy Fresh Produce Globe University GreenStone Farm Credit Services Heartland Farms, Inc Insight FS/GROWMARK John Deere Financial Keller, Inc. Kerry Kuhn North America, Inc. Lakeshore Technical College Landmark Services Cooperative Madison College / John Deere Tech Program Mid-State Technical College MinnTex Citrus, Inc. Nasco **Visit the Career Show between 9:30 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. and receive FFA Bucks from the exhibitors! 19 STATE FFA CONVENTION WORKSHOPS Workshop Chair -Taylor Halopka, 2015-2016 State FFA Treasurer MONDAY JUNE 13, 2016 1:30p.m. #TheStruggleisReal ...................................................................................................... Clarion Hotel Abbey Gretsch, National FFA Southern Region Vice President Who is driving the struggle bus? How can I get off it? In this workshop we will learn about our struggles and how we can use them to benefit ourselves as well as others. TUESDAY JUNE 14, 2016 10:00a.m. - 10:45a.m. Take Action with Ag in the Classroom....................................................... Mendota 8 Wendy Kannel and Teyanna Loether, Wisconsin Farm Bureau Find out what’s new in Wisconsin Ag in the Classroom program that you can use with your Food for America Program. This workshop will explore new resources that your chapter and FFA Alumni can use in presentations, hands-on activities, farm tours, classroom visits and other special events! 11:00a.m.-11:45a.m. The Changing Perceptions About Technical Colleges............................... Mendota 8 Kyle Schwarm: Wisconsin Technical College System If you haven’t visited one lately, you may have an outdated view of Wisconsin’s Technical Colleges. Once you visit a technical college, chances are you’ll be impressed by what you experience. This session will examine several myths about technical education and share important research and relevant facts about technical colleges to help you make an informed decision about higher education. 11:00a.m.-11:45a.m. SAEs: Learn, Explore and Beyond ............................................................ Mendota 7 Logan Wells: Past State Officer What is a Supervised Agricultural Experience and why are they important? Logan Wells was a past state and national proficiency winner with his forestry SAE and will help answer some crucial questions on how to find what SAE is right for you and get it started! Participants will design their dream SAE and build a plan to put in action. 12:00p.m.-12:45a.m. Let’s Make a Birthday Cake....................................................................... Mendota 8 Kathy Hartmann-Breunig: Owner of Rainbow Floral Let’s Make a Birthday Cake- Floral arranging isn’t just putting cut flowers in a vase. You will use your creative hands to make a floral birthday cake out of daisy and cushion mums. The art of straight lines and color schemes will be seen in this workshop. There is room for 30 hands-on participants with room for others to look on. 2:00p.m.-2:45p.m. Smock Valley Timber: The Fun in Forestry................................................... Mendota 7 Logan Wells: Past State Officer Past state officer Logan Wells started a portable sawmill business as his Supervised Agricultural Experience. This past May he graduated from UW- Madison with a degree in forestry and continues his business today. Come to learn and ask questions about forestry and see a sawmill demonstration. 2:00p.m.-2:45p.m. Hunger Outreach Response Team: Our Hunger Initiative............................ Mendota 8 Jeanie Alling and Unity FFA Members: Unity Agriculture Department and Leeah Luepke, Past State Officer Do you realize just how many people really go hungry every day? How many people in our own communities, not just in underdeveloped countries but in our own communities go to bed at night without eating a meal? In our Hunger Outreach Response Team program, we would like to share some information with you and assist you in developing a plan to take home to help your own community. The Unity FFA has also conducted a Shanty Town experience that they will share with you in broadening your awareness of food insecurity. 20 Tuesday, June 14, 2016 — Convention Workshops Cont. 3:00p.m.-3:45p.m. Raised Vegetable Gardens and Pallet Gardens............................................... Mendota 8 Jeanie Alling: Unity Agricultural Instructor and FFA Advisor So you don’t have room to grown a garden? Let us show you some simple methods on increasing your space with raised vegetable gardens and pallet gardens. It is a way to assist groups to put in healthy gardens and will demonstrate how they can be constructed in a limited space. The Unity FFA has received several Food For All grants over the past several years and hopes to share their experience in developing partnerships that keep growing and expanding to include more people every year. Come and grow with us. 3:00p.m.-3:45p.m. Listen and Resolve: Building Trust & Managing Conflict Effectively......... Mendota 7 Landan Schaffert: Motivational Speaker Conflicts often arise in group and team settings and in professional relationships in the workplace. In this workshop, participants will discover the five stages of group/team/relationship development and the barriers to development, which often result in conflict. Participants will also explore the various qualities that make others appear trustworthy, identify numerous sources of conflict, reflect on their individual style of conflict resolution, and discuss strategies to help build trust and improve their effectiveness in resolving conflict. 3:00p.m. - 5:00p.m. Change Lives Teach Ag! .......................................................................... Mendota 5 & 6 Pre-Registration Required!!! This program at the State FFA Convention will be an action-packed two hour program including panel of current teachers to share their stories of why they decided to become an agricultural education instructor as well as representatives from the universities in how you can earn a degree in agricultural education. There will be other fun activities and discussions related around learning more about a career in agricultural education. 4:00p.m.-4:45p.m. FFA is GROOOOOVY..................................................................................... Mendota 7 Connor Anderson: Past State Officer We have a lot of fun in the FFA, but sometimes our friends just don’t get it. How can we help them understand why FFA is so important to us? In this interactive workshop, learners will seek answers to this question while networking with other passionate FFA members. Come see what makes FFA groovy! 5:00p.m.-5:45p.m. Success Over Stress .......................................................................................... Mendota 7 Ethan Dado and Maggie Larson: Past State Officers We all have many stressors in our life. As we grow in our life and FFA Career it is vital that we learn to handle this stress in order to overcome it and grow. In this workshop we will learn the different reasons for stress and some of the techniques to overcoming these stresses. This workshop will be a blast and teach us all how we can achieve success over stress! 5:00p.m.-5:45p.m. BINGO- You Can Be a Winner................................................................. Mendota 5 & 6 Janet Schneider, Past President & Julie Spoke, President: Wisconsin FFA Alumni Agriculture is the production of food and fiber through growing crops and raising animals. The agricultural industry is made up of all the people who help feed and clothe other people in the world. Are you planning a career in Agriculture? Are you making connections with the right people to make that easier? If you answered yes then plan to join in on the fun by playing Career BINGO with the Wisconsin FFA Alumni members. Using the game your presenters will help you learn how you can use Alumni members to your build career path. Prizes and treats will be provided. 5:00p.m.-5:45p.m. State FFA Office… Do you have what it takes............................................... Mendota 8 Emma Heser: Past State Officer Have you ever considered running for state office? What about college? Money? Time? Travel? Benefits? Come find out more about running for state office and have all your questions answered. Being a state officer is an amazing experience, do you have what it takes? 21 WEDNESDAY JUNE 15, 2016 8:00a.m.-8:45a.m. Wanted: YOU..................................................................................................... Mendota 8 Kelly Jones, Kevin Christenson, and PJ Aarsvold: AgStar Financial Services, ACA A lot of times we try to become something else so we can help our clubs and teams, but actually what our groups need is for us to be us! We’re going to explore what traits make us unique and how we can best utilize those in our teams and activities! 9:00a.m.-9:45a.m. Networking and Developing Goals........................................................................Wingra Kati Kindschuh: Wisconsin Holstein Association Princess and Past State Officer Do you love an organization or cause but are unsure of where to go next? Do you think people are misinformed about something you love? In this workshop, we will explore how to harness your dreams and show the world about it too! From advocating on social media to networking with other professionals in the field of agriculture, we will grab the bull by the horns to develop your abilities! 9:00a.m.-9:45a.m. Safety on the Farm ........................................................................................... Mendota 8 Bill Kriese and Tim Schley: Rural Mutual In this exciting workshop, learn how to effectively teach others what they need to know about safety on the farm. Often times, accidents happen while working with the ones we are closest with. Join us in learning how to prevent these common accidents when working on and bringing guests to visit the farm. 9:00a.m.-9:45a.m. Speak Up to Slow Down.........................................................................................Monona Tari Costello and the Waupun FFA Chapter Speak Up to Slow Down shares the heartbreaking story of the high-speed Campbellsport crash involving nine high school girls resulting in three deaths and 2 with life-long injuries. Attend this session to learn how your chapter can help to share this vitally important message that WILL save lives. 10:00a.m.-10:45a.m. Careers in Food Science and Culinology..................................................... Mendota 8 Kyle Long and Dylan Knudsen: Kerry Learn about the exciting careers in Research, Development and Applications in the Food Industry. Meet scientists from Kerry, a global taste and nutrition company with its North American headquarters located in Beloit, WI. Engage with the speakers in a discussion of opportunities available with degrees in Food Science and Culinology. 10:00a.m.-10:45a.m. Stand Tall: Be Empowered.................................................................................Wingra Marsha Salzedel: National Farm Medicine Center, National Children’s Center for Rural and Agricultural Health and Safety, and the Marshfield Clinic Research Foundation “Stand TALL” empowers young workers by helping them understand what they need to know about a job and encourages them to ask questions and to speak up when they feel they are unsafe. We will explore the concepts of “risk” and “hazards” through activities and discuss how entrapment, engulfment, and entanglement can happen and how to prevent them. Join us in Standing Tall! 10:00a.m.-10:45a.m. Parliamentary Procedure 101...........................................................................Monona Connor Anderson and Shawna Henke: UW- River Falls Parliamentary Procedure Team Are you looking for a fun and exciting workshop to attend? Would you like to learn about becoming a better leader? Do you want to learn more about FFA meetings? Then this is the workshop for you! In this workshop, you will learn about the basics of parliamentary procedure. You will learn to understand parliamentary procedure, receive handouts to advance your knowledge, and be ready to jump into any parliamentary procedure contest or meeting and understand what’s going on! 22 Wednesday, June 15, 2016 — Convention Workshops Cont. 1:00p.m.-1:45p.m. Jeopardy, The FFA Alumni Way .................................................................... Mendota 8 Janet Schneider, Past President & Julie Spoke, President: Wisconsin FFA Alumni What does it mean to advocate for agriculture education? How does the FFA Alumni organization work? Who is the State and National FFA Alumni? Who can belong? Do you have other questions? Participate in this workshop and you will have fun getting the answers and learning more about the FFA Alumni and how it operates locally, on the state and national level too! Presenters, Wisconsin FFA Alumni Council members Julie Spoke and Janet Schneider will use a touch a humor to get everyone in attendance involved. You will not be disappointed have “fun” and enjoy the snacks that will compliment this workshop. 1:00p.m.-1:45p.m. #TheStruggleIsReal...............................................................................................Monona Abbey Gretsch: National FFA Officer Who is driving the struggle bus? How can I get off it? In this workshop we will learn about our struggles and how we can use them to benefit ourselves as well as others. 1:00p.m.-1:45p.m. Moving Beyond FFA: The Next Step for You.......................................................Wingra Jenessa Freidhof and Jon Jennings: Past State Officers Have you ever wondered how being an FFA member relates to your future? Join Jon Jennings and Jenessa Freidhof in discovering how to take the skills, lessons, and friendships you have gained as an FFA member and see how to take the next step to apply them to the real world. 2:00p.m.-2:45p.m. Finding Your Voice on Social Media............................................................... Mendota 8 Annaliese Wegner: Modern-day Farm Chick We all have a story to share, but finding your voice and getting started can be a bit nerve-racking. In this Agvocate 101 workshop, learn how to effectively communicate with consumers and share your farm story. Discover what social media platform suites you best and who your audience is. We will discuss what works and what doesn’t work, as well as how to deal with animal activists. These tips and tricks will have you properly AGvocating in no time. 2:00p.m.-2:45p.m. Wanted: Food Fighters..........................................................................................Monona Katy Tomlinson, Jessie Potterton, & Cindy Fendrick: UW- Madison College of Agricultural and Life Sciences We interrupt your regularly scheduled program with this breaking news…. Earth’s sister planet has been discovered! It’s 2050 and our 9 billion earth inhabitants are counting on your team’s work to secure more food. Are you ready commander? The shuttles are departing, come decide who will be our food warriors. 2:00p.m.-2:45p.m. Exploding Dust, Who Knew...................................................................................Wingra Marsha Salzedel: National Farm Medicine Center, National Children’s Center for Rural and Agricultural Health and Safety, and the Marshfield Clinic Research Foundation Falling hazards, dust inhalation and dust eXpLoSiOnS are some of the most common types of hazards encountered while working in agriculture. Join us for a game of Jeopardy where we will test your knowledge of the different types of falls experienced on farms and how to protect against them as well as exploring dust inhalation and dust eXpLoSiOnS and strategies to prevent injuries and fatalities when working in a dusty worksite. 3:00p.m.-3:45p.m. Communicating Agricultural Opportunities in Today’s World................... Mendota 8 Ann O’Leary: 69th Alice in Dairyland From snail mail to skype, communication has a wide variety of attributes. Join our newest Alice in Dairyland to learn more about how we can share agriculture’s greatest stories. 4:00p.m.-4:45p.m. Attend College and Compete for an Army ROTC Scholarship..........................Wingra Mr. Reuben Sotolongo; Army ROTC Army Reserves Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC) is one of the best leadership training and developement programs in the nation. Come and learn about the leadership training and experiences you could have as a Cadet in the ROTC program, scholarship opportunities and student eligibility. Pay close attention for a chance to win prizes and enter our raffle for a chance to win the ultimate swag bag. 23 STATE FFA CONVENTION TOURS Tours Chair - Jared Retzlaff, 2015-2016 State FFA Vice President There is a limited number of participants per tour, so sign up early at the Tour Table in the lobby of the Exhibition Hall at the Alliant Energy Center. Times listed include travel to and from site. Tours leave from the Alliant Energy Center. Arrive 15 minutes early so tours can depart on time. Monday, June 13, 2016 12:05 - 3:00 p.m. Henry Vilas Zoo Limit: 50 people Cost: $10.00 Henry Vilas Zoo originally opened in 1904 as a park but became a zoo in 1911. Col. William Vilas and his wife named the park after their son who died at a young age from diabetes. Vilas stipulated the park and zoo always remain free. In 1983, the 28 acres the zoo and park occupy was turned over to county operations. This tour has been a favorite for many years. Members will have the opportunity to walk through the zoo and see all sorts of animals that they might not find at home or in the agricultural classroom! Tuesday, June 14, 2016 9:20 a.m. - 11:45 a.m. Epic Limit: 40 people Cost: $10.00 Epic was founded in a basement in 1979 with one full-time and one part-time employee. Today, they employ over 9,000 people and develop software to help people get well, stay well, and to help future generations become healthier. Today, nearly 190 million patients have a current electronic record in Epic. Their software is used in medical centers, rehab centers, and in hospice care. Members will have the opportunity to explore how “Epic” this software company is. 9:25 a.m. - 12:10 p.m. Landmark Services Cooperative Limit: 40 people Cost: $10.00 Landmark Services Cooperative is a member-owned cooperative business providing agronomy, animal nutrition, grain, and energy and retail products and services to over 15,000 members in communities throughout southern Wisconsin and northern Illinois. During this tour, members will explore Landmark’s facility in Cottage Grove and explore potential careers in the agriculture industry. Come check out why Landmark Cooperative is one of the top agricultural cooperatives in the country. 12:35 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. Nevin Fish Hatchery Limit: 40 people Cost: $10.00 Nevin is the oldest of all DNR managed lands, acquired by the state in 1876 for use as a fish hatchery. The hatchery is home to brook, brown, and rainbow trout and is home to fourteen natural springs. Hundreds of thousands of fish are raised at this hatchery to stock Wisconsin’s lakes and rivers. Members will explore what it’s like to work at a fish hatchery and gain insight into other careers within the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources. 24 Wednesday, June 15, 2016 8:00 a.m. - 9:45 a.m. X Marks the Spot Limit: 30 people Cost: $10.00 The X Marks the Spot Tour will highlight the locations of remarkable discoveries at the College of Agricultural & Life Sciences at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. This walking tour will include historic sites in agricultural science on campus, including the UW Dairy Barn (a National Historic Landmark and one of the cradles of discovery of vitamins), the Biochemistry Buildings (warfarin, vitamin D, goiter-curing iodide breakthroughs) and the sites of research that won 4 Nobel Prizes in Physiology or Medicine and 4 Wolf Prizes in Agriculture. Members will be able to explore the UW-Madison campus and connect their knowledge to historic discoveries made right here in Madison, Wisconsin. 9:05 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. Vita Plus Limit: 50 people Cost: $10.00 Vita Plus is an employee-owned livestock feed, nutrition and management company headquartered in Madison, Wisconsin with facilities and an expansive dealer network across the upper Midwest. Their core business is feed manufacturing and distribution. They do business with dairy, swine, and beef producers. Additionally, they handle more than 12 million bushels of grain, provide financial consulting, offer agronomy services at some locations, have two transportation fleets, and have a construction business that offers feed mill, bin building, and fabrication services. Members will have the opportunity to explore their corporate office and manufacturing pre-mix plant. 10:00 a.m. - 12:15 p.m. BioTrek Limit: 30 people Cost: $10.00 BioTrek is the outreach portion of the UW-Madison Biotechnology Center. Members will have the opportunity to participate in a hands-on DNA science workshop, as well as tour the DNA Synthesis Facility and the NextGen DNA Sequencing Facility at the Biotechnology Center. During the workshop, members will get a grip on the double-helix of DNA, analyze a sample of highly purified DNA, extract DNA from wheat germ, and build and take home a model of singlestranded DNA. Activities will develop participants’ science savvy, as well as connect to crops, livestock, and microbial cultures that are at the heart of Wisconsin agriculture. 1:15 p.m. - 3:45 p.m. Limit: 40 people Ice Cream Included Sassy Cow Creamery Cost: $14.00 Sassy Cow Creamery is a farmstead milk bottling business that opened its doors in 2008. Located north of Sun Prairie, this tour will include a farm tour, creamery tour, and an ice cream cone for members. Consumers can view Sassy Cow Creamery products being made in the processing areas. Sassy Cow continuously hosts events to educate the public about dairy products and their sources. Sassy Cow has two farms run by the Baerwolf Family which produce 100% of the milk used at Sassy Cow Creamery. Members can look forward to learning how milk is converted into ice cream and can taste the end result. 25 STATE FFA SPEAKING CONTEST PARTICIPANTS CREED SPEAKING (2015 Winner - Braden Kundert, Badger FFA) Section 1: Section 2: Section 3: Section 4: Section 5: Section 6: Section 7: Section 8: Section 9: Section 10: PARTICIPANT Grace Sprinett Cole Wozniak Blake Johnson Sati Bailey Jacob Mahlkuch Katie Yanke Xander Jansen Morgan Seitz Annie Colling Courtney Uhlenhake CHAPTER Amery Stanley-Boyd Holmen Riverdale Juda Sauk Prairie Neillsville Seymour De Pere Burlington ADVISOR(S) Mr. Derrick Meyer Mr. Jordan Donnerbauer Mr. Roger King Mr. Paul Marshall Mr. Ralph Johnson Mr. Troy Talford Ms. Amy Gerhardt Mr. Aaron Kilsdonk Mr. Adam Wolf Ms. Katie Hagemann PREPARED SPEAKING (2015 Winner - Jared Retzlaff, Omro FFA) Section 1: Section 2: Section 3: Section 4: Section 5: Section 6: Section 7: Section 8: Section 9: Section 10: Amanda Queiser Eva Doornink Collin Weltzien Cora Carpenter Megan Lehr Caitlyn Warren Katelyn Zimmerman Taylor Eilers Lilly Feider Braden Kundert Barron Baldwin-Woodville Arcadia Darlington Monticello Portage Spencer Waupaca New Holstein Badger Ms. Kristin Hanson Ms. Michelle Kamm Mr. Kevin Whalen, Mr. Steve Schank Mr. Troy Lobdell Mr. Ryan Indergand Ms. Theresa Schieferl, Mr. Paul Zuelke Mr. Mark Zimmerman Ms. Jenifer Erb, Ms. Rene Lehman Mr. Joe Heinbuch Mr. Larry Plapp, Ms. Candice Frank EXTEMPORANEOUS SPEAKING (2015 Winner - Alex Brand, Ellsworth FFA) Section 1: Meikah Dado Amery Section 2: Wesley Franklin Glenwood City Section 3: Collin Weltzien Arcadia Section 4: Scott Pittz Mineral Point Section 5: Seth Oren Edgerton Section 6: Micah Harpold Lodi Section 7: Alysha Bauer Marshfield Section 8: Mason Jauqet Pulaski Section 9: Sarah VanAsten Wrightstown Section 10: Ben Dresdow Fort Aktinson 26 Mr. Derrick Meyer Mr. Sean VanderWaal Mr. Kevin Whalen, Mr. Steve Schank Mr. Mike Robinson Mr. Rick Reese Ms. Glenda Crook Mr. Tim Heeg, Mr. Mark Zee Mr. Kaleb Santy, Mr. Cedric Pettis, Mr. Terry Erdmann Mr. Brian Pinchart Mr. Jeff Agnew, Ms. Shannon Lyon, Mr. Steve Merkel DISCUSSION MEET (2015 Winner - Beth Zimmer, River Ridge FFA) Section 1: Section 2: Section 3: Section 4: Section 5: Section 6: Section 7: Section 8: Section 9: Section 10: Kellie Kjeseth Sam Gerber Jacob Markhardt Nicole Flint Kendra Spier Elizabeth Krueger Michael Geissinger Mason Jauquet Sam Pinchart Emily Kruse Amery Elk Mound Black River Falls River Valley Cambridge Berlin Stratford Pulaski Luxemburg-Casco Elkhorn Mr. Derrick Meyer Mr. Jeremiah Fredrickson Mr. Brad Markhardt Ms. Shari Graffunder Ms. Emily Klingbeil Ms. Kimberly Dehn Ms. Rebecca Wirkus Mr. Kaleb Santy, Mr. Cedric Pettis, Mr. Terry Erdmann Mr. Marty Nowak Mr. Dave Kruse Job Interview (2015 Winner - Trent Dado, Amery FFA) Section 1: Section 2: Section 3: Section 4: Section 5: Section 6: Section 7: Section 8: Section 9: Section 10: Meikah Dado Caleb Green Alivia Heller McKailah Strang Jenna Keiser Victoria Timme Kali Kaiser Melissa Remer Sarah Calaway Carley Krull Amery Mr. Derrick Meyer Stanley-Boyd Mr. Jordan Donnerbauer Cochrane-Fountain City Ms. Christine Jumbeck Shullsburg Ms. Jenifer Russell Oregon Ms. Jillian Beaty Portage Ms. Theresa Schieferl, Mr. Paul Zuelke Edgar Mr. Matt Reinders Omro Mr. Keven Busse Denmark Ms. Mary Handrich, Ms. Skylar Kraemer Lake Mills Mr. Rich Dykstra PARLIAMENTARY PROCEDURE (2015 Winner - Amery FFA) Section 1: Section 2: Section 3: Section 4: Section 5: Section 6: Section 7: Section 8: Section 9: Section 10: Amery Ellsworth Holmen Platteville Marshall Sauk Prairie Granton Waupaca Kiel Watertown Mr. Derrick Meyer Ms. Katie Christenson Mr. Roger King Ms. Brigid Reimann Ms. Paula Bakken Mr. Troy Talford Ms. Cheryl Steinbach, Ms. Katie Chapman Ms. Jenifer Erb, Ms. Rene Lehman Mr. David Friend, Mr. Art VanderWaal Mr. Jonathon Ganske QUIZ BOWL (2015 Winner - Stevens Point FFA) Section 1: Section 2: Section 3: Section 4: Section 5: Section 6: Section 7: Section 8: Section 9: Section 10: Amery Osseo-Fairchild Whitehall Black Hawk Clinton Adams-Friendship Spencer Pulaski Wrightstown Big Foot Mr. Derrick Meyer Mr. Eric Boettcher Ms. Melinda Goplin Mr. Travis Meyers Ms. Marlina Jackson Ms. Becky Grabarski Mr. Mark Zimmerman Mr. Terry Erdmann, Mr. Kaleb Santy, Mr. Cedric Pettis Mr. Brian Pinchart Ms. Lisa Konkel, Ms. Jeanne Case, Mr. Zach Markhardt 27 WISCONSIN STATE FFA TALENT PARTICIPANTS The following list of FFA members will compete in the Talent Contest on Tuesday, June 14 at 8:00 a.m. It will be held in Hall B of the Exhibition Hall at the Alliant Energy Center on the Talent Stage. Everyone is invited to attend. Many of the participants will be asked to perform during the convention sessions and on Wednesday in the Exhibition Hall lobby. Josie Jakel Cailey McLain Melissa Konkel Brooke Moore Dale Hetke Daniel Torrez Haven Olson Laura Bomber & Georgia Mobley Sheila Weninger Leah Weninger Carter Sime Sabrina Giltner Taylor Payne Megan Pethke Natalie Faith Cailee Cross Ashlee Schaefer Emily Thielbar Ashlee Schaefer & Emily Thielbar Dakota Watton Mackenzie Staidl & Isabella Behnke Daniel Abdallah Andraya Errthum Jessica Taylor Nicole Flint Reilly Klippel Chelsea Gruber & Nicole Flint Reagan Russell Anna Stukenberg Brady Junker Faith Buhrandt Toby Schreier Madelyn Geiger, Sarah Thorn, Megan Kjos & Jasper Dunn Heather Satterstrom Alexis Miller Taylor Koltz & Cole Verbeten Abbotsford Adams-Friendship Big Foot Black Hawk Bruce Clintonville DeForest Freedom & Wrightstown Hartford Hartford Holmen Luxemburg-Casco Luxemburg-Casco Manawa Monroe Montello Mount Horeb Mount Horeb Mount Horeb Neillsville Oconto Falls Oshkosh North Potosi Poynette River Valley River Valley River Valley Shullsburg Shullsburg Stanley-Boyd Suring Waupun Whitehall Wisconsin Heights Wonewoc-Center Wrightstown 28 2016 STATE FFA HONORS CHORUS MEMBERS Director: Mr. Peter Engh • Assistant Director: Ms. Deanna Schlies • Pianist: Lori Berget Sopranos Shelby Merlin Victoria Ertl Madalyn Scott Kate Schmelzer Kaitlyn Hickey Jamie Eder Anna Gasper Jeanna Rupnow Juanita McCarter Madelyn Geiger Sierra Renderman Kassandra Palzkill Jordyn Stasiak, Naomi Frisinger Valerie Makowski Destiny Kogler Emily Makos Clancy Jo Albers, Carisa Cleven Alexi Plaski McKailah Strang Markesan Auburndale Shullsburg Owen-Withee Wey-Fremont Bloomer Holmen Black Hawk Thorp Whitehall Owen-Withee Belmont Holmen Barron Horicon Horicon Juda Owen-Withee Tomah Amherst Shullsburg Tenor Matthew McCarter Chase JunG Daytin Blake Brady Coulthard Tresten Heath Ervin Kraft Conner Siemers Ryan Whitacre Megan Rassbach Tim Krieger Thorp Clintonville Ellsworth Neillsville Cochrane-Fountain City Barron Howards Grove Melrose-Mindoro Prairie Farm Southwestern 29 Altos Josie Jakel Fallon Zimmerman Sara Jordan Lilly Hinz Anna Stukenberg Sheila Weninger Hope Francis Laura Bomber Jaci Brandl Haven Olson Georgia Mobley April Hunt Heather Juedes Beatrice Mumm Taylor Hessler Aurora Daniels Hailey Kammerer Kayla Kaczorowski Leah Weninger Lydia Bouc Courtney Bates Taylor Hanley Michelle Greenfield Abbotsford Iowa-Grant Juda Baraboo Shullsburg Hartford Darlington Freedom Stevens Point DeForest Wrightstown Barron Marshall River Ridge Westby Juda Juda Cochrane-Fountain City Hartford Juda Prairie Farm Cashton Shullsburg Bass Kasey Burg Chase Kelly Landan Polk Andrew Scheller Alex Bartel Joseph Grady Reid Scott Riley Jones Dylan Voight Quinton Kammerer Benjamin Huebner Chilton Shullsburg Wonewoc-Center Manawa Wey-Fremont Marshall Shullsburg Darlington Brillion Juda Lakeside Lutheran 2016 WISCONSIN STATE FFA HONORS BAND Directors: Mr. Monte Dunnum and Mr. Kory Dahlen Flute Cierra Ballmer Chelsea Severson Katie Woodward Samantha Holmstrom Amber Sawyer Lilly Fielder Eleana Ruehmann Alyssa Seitz Samantha Corso Cyndall Gorde Clinton Argyle Johnson Creek Pecatonica Sevastopol New Holstein Cochrane-Fountain City Seymour Montello Rio Oboe Ashley Hagenow Rio Clarinet Cierra Duellman Angela Klinkner Teagan Benson Danielle Angotti JennaMarie Pagel Hannah Horst Summer Henschel MacKenzie Batten Alexis Luedtke Rachel Burno Isabella West Maddie Zutz Wittenberg-Birn Cashton Cumberland Freedom Waupaca Hartford Elkhart Lake Tomah Beaver Dam Clinton Cumberland Valders Bass Clarinet Carl Grenquist Crystal Cafferty Cumberland Mauston Alto Sax Cheyenne Larson Abigail Solum Laura Dunnum Chris Walter Colton Lunemann Katie Chipman Steven Hoffelt Simon Engstler Kickapoo Rice Lake Westby Big Foot New Auburn Adams-Friendship Bruce Cochrane-Fountain City Tenor Sax Kaylee Snyder Claire Hawthorne Catherine Krance Cortney Zimmerman Wonewoc-Center Westby Barron Spencer Baritone Sax Dyllan Griepentrog Hunter Williams Danika Griepentrog Spencer Antigo Spencer 30 Trumpet Katelyn Zimmerman Alex Lewandowski Ella Koenig Brianna Palubicki Alainna VanProoyen Holly Pickhardt Aspen Bue MyKayla Kuhn Samantha Angotti Miranda Connell Mason Geary Collin Bays Isabelle O’Grady Joe Schlies Spencer Wittenberg-Birn Stanley-Boyd Sparta Wittenberg-Birn Randolph CF Black River Falls Waupun Freedom Parkview Kickapoo Adams-Friendship Portage Denmark French Horn Kathryn Lampi Moze West Emily Taylor Kaylee Warner Justin Chipman Owen-Withee Wis. Heights Poynette New Holstein Adams-Friendship Trombone Michael Kafer Travis Schmitt Kimberly Robertson Lizzy Novak Marti Viste Rachel Peterson Curtis Weltzien Eric Klefstad Brent Olson Katelyn Dunnum Cochrane-Fountain City Westby Antigo Denmark Southern Door Barron Arcadia Prairie Farm Holmen Westby Baritone Jessica Mehre Kaleb Krzyszton Matthew Gosser Dylan Crook Briar Putz Elkhart Lake Cochrane-Fountain City Sevastopol Kickapoo Cochrane-Fountain City Tuba Jordan Waughtal Seth Wittmer Natalie Rennhack Melrose-Mindoro Prairie Farm Beaver Dam Percussion Morgan Alexander Lucas West Joe Stratton Emily Nelsen Cassidy DeWitt Kickapoo Cumberland Owen-Withee Denmark Wis. Heights 2016 WISCONSIN STATE FFA DEGREE RECIPIENTS Section I * Denotes Stars Over Wisconsin Finalists Amery Barron Bloomer Luck Rylee Black Dominic R. Micheels Kyle S. Hilger Nicole L.M. Dittbrenner* Cole Jakupciak Shane A. Hanson* Luke T. Skaw New Auburn Kellie L. Kjeseth Parker T. Massie* Preston Vahlenkamp Anthony P. Gordon* Trent S. Dado* Unity Jarett G. Davison Section II Baldwin-Woodville Ellsworth New Richmond Stanley-Boyd Tyler M. Franklin Alex J. Brand Shawnee J. Holte Alizabeth M. Brunner Eleva-Strum Alexandra A. Hines Osseo-Fairchild Caleb J. Green Tyler Hazelton Menomonie Nicole Welke* Greta Monson Brook D. Brantner Tyson Rohrscheib Section III Arcadia Cashton De Soto Independence William R. Loewenhagen Alex Hurtz Trisha L. Nickelotti Justin J. Gierok Nick M. Schlesser Joshua Korn Brandon J. Parr Steven Gamroth Kristen M. Sendelbach Ryan R.P. Osuski Gale-Ettrick-Trempealeau La Farge Black River Falls Cochrane-Fountain City Cory J. Maliszewski Torger W. Bekkum Ciara R. Koboski Brianna Beseler Brandy T. Thesing Hannah M. Thelen Amanda M. Marecek Jordon B. Dittrich Seth W. Byom Tomah Brookwood Simon M. Engstler Holmen Hunter J. Conant Bridget M. Cleven Jordan J. Kaczorowski Jennifer A.Lorenz Peter R. Schroeder Jacob G. DeWitt Jonathan J. Marquardt Jameson P. Marcou Samantha L. Storkel Sam DeWitt Riley A. Ruehmann Alyssa M. McCathie Viroqua Cory M. Ottum Kaleb S. Stoppelmoor Bryce J. Miller Allison R. Hardy Kaylie M. Tollefson Laura E. Munger Katherine Larson* Whitehall Brent X. Olson Kaitlyn Montagne Section IV Argyle Dodgeville PecatonicaRiverdale Kari M. Fischer Zachariah S. Tolzman Kelsey V. Chrostowski Jeffrey J. Hrubes Black Hawk Fennimore Dylan T. McGowan Brooke R. Ottesen Brooke R. Moore Nicole M. Handflet Hallie D. Scace Shullsburg Caleb W. Novak Tucker H. Trefz Connor S. Huffman* Erlinn Y. Hernandez Darlington Lancaster River Ridge Jada J. Hicks Katie L. Calvert Brianna Marcue Amber L. Patterson Joseph P. Lyne Allie A. Halvorson Josh Schwantes River Valley Taylor L. Ubersox Hannah M. Hauser Mineral Point Samantha A. Ewers Hillary M. Wiegel Alexander J. Lyne Elizabeth Moellers Nicole Flint Haden T. Kilcoyne Scott R. Pittz Christine A. Moore Gunnar J. Rielly* 31 Section V Belleville Janesville Parker Monticello Parkview Adam J. Laufenberg Laura Prentice Brittany R. Disch Hanna E. Kearns Brodhead Carly Treinen Brienne N. Graber Madison L. Melms David Drewes Juda Madalyn R. Holtz Dalton J. Ryan Brianna R. Hadley Kelsey L. Cramer Megan E. Lehr Stoughton Jasten C. Halvorsen Marshall Marissa E. Peterson Samantha K. White Brett L. Hammon Joseph D. Grady Bryss J. Shover Jessica M. Wendt* Adam Richards Jenifer Zimmerman Kolton A. Shulka Verona Isaac J. Welsh Zelina Zimmerman Trent M. Siegenthaler Ciarah L.M. Hellenbrand Cambridge Milton Karlene M. Walters Dana Maxwell Leif Evenson Alex N. Reily Mount Horeb Heidi N. Mueller Kendra Spier William J. Arnold Alex J. Esser Lauren J. Randall Amber R. Topel Trevor Marsden Joel D. Judd Ryan Weiss DeForest Matthew F. Mawhinney Tyler W. Kellesvig Waunakee Jack A. Sergenian Patrick R. O’Leary New Glarus Shannon M. Lamb Blake F. Walke Cora N. Persons Jacen L. Wilinski* Elizabeth R. Rake Emma A. Weisensel Katelyn A. Riesterer Oregon Marissa M. Ripp Jonathan R. Wipperfurth Andrea Shultz-Kittleson Natalie Gefke Elizabeth A. Manthe* Jacob L. Sundlin Liz Grady Evansville Caitlyn M. Wileman Brooke M. Trustem Janesville Craig Katie Lux Connor Peters Section VI Adams-Friendship Mauston Randolph Cambria-FrieslandReedsburg Faith E. Bork Mckayla R. Osborne Paden J. Agnew Tarek K. Horkan Zachary Olson* Montello Wyatt J. Bancroft Brett J. Knuth Berlin Allison T. Foster Joseph Bradley Brock J. Pelton* Hannah E. Olsen Autumn L. Welke Brittany S. Cupery Ripon Columbus Pardeeville Sehajpreet S. Dhaliwal Terrance R. Beck Rachel E. Damm Joseph R. Ballweg Aaron L. Drozonek Sauk Prairie Laconia Portage Spencer W. Einerson Evan M. Davis Brent Hopp Peter F. Daentl Bennett Koopmans Gillian H. Hacker Melanie Hopp Sarah E. Daentl Cameron J. Moll Emily E. Matzke Lodi Moriah J. Rataczak Anthony Priester Samuel H. Peetz* Samuel C. Jesse Lindsey L. Summers Jacob R. Rataczak Waupun Victoria C. Timme Nick T. Leystra* Abigail Henken Katelyn M. Vesely Wisconsin Dells Josh J. Anderson* Section VII Abbotsford Evan J. Schindler Amherst Ryan P. Konkol Devon M. Zblewski Eric Wuthrich* Colby Chelsea P. Stuttgen Trevor R. Meyer Edgar Hanna Lang Rachel Roskopf Gilman Racheal Krug Granton Danielle Anding Derek Anding Michael Z. Meddaugh Austin Naedler Cheyenne Redcay Jessica Richmond Logan Wucherpfenning Greenwood Mariah E. Elmer Neillsville Molly J. Dolle Julia D. Heiman Alyssa S. Katcher Jenna N. Pavlac Owen-Withee Kyle J. Bakke Emily F. Gokey Angel L. Gonzalez Kathryn A. Lampi Lori J. Mc Guire John R. Schmelzer Morgan A.Vetterkind 32 Rosholt Erin Mlodik Breanna L. Yenter Spencer Andrew M. Seefeldt Stevens Point Sadie L. Kolodziej Stratford Michael G. Geissinger* Cassy Bonnin* Oconto Falls Sam Hanson Erin R. M Cassy Bonnin* Oconto Falls Sam Hanson Erin R.T Freedom Ashley M. Baeten Kaitlyn Walker Garrett Bonduel Manawa Oshkosh West Waupaca Freedom Ashley Baeten Kaitlyn Garrett Danielle M. Angotti EmilyM. Birr MikaylaWalker M. Wing Kimberly Cynthia R. Root Andrew Ariel Bjorge Jared T. Borntrager Danielle M.Scheller Angotti Emily BirrBursa Mikayla M. Wing Kimber GillettA. Danielle Shawano Raymond Cassy Bonnin* Oconto Falls Sam Hanson Erin R. Montgomery Gillett Danielle Bursa Shawano Raymo Section VIII Logan Doll Omro Jared D. Beyer Caleb S. Bonduel Manawa Oshkosh West Waupaca Freedom Ashley M. Baeten Kaitlyn Walker GarrettD.T.Beyer Orr Logan Doll Omro Jared Caleb S Bonduel Manawa Oshkosh West Waupaca Thomas A. Nauke Cerrina S. Stokes Winneconne Weyauwe Cynthia R. Root Andrew A. Scheller Ariel Bjorge Jared T. Borntrager Bonduel Manawa Oshkosh Waupaca DanielleR. M.Root Angotti Emily Birr Mikayla M. Wing Kimberly M. Zills Thomas Nauke Cerrina S.West Stokes Winneconne Weyauw Cynthia Andrew A.C.Scheller Ariel Jared Borntrager Jacob Timm Oshkosh North Wanda C. Kunde Ryanne N Cassy Bonnin* Oconto Falls Sam Bjorge Hanson Erin T. R. Montgomery Gillett Danielle Bursa Shawano Raymond R. Zills Cynthia R. Root Andrew A. Scheller Ariel Bjorge Jared T.C. Borntrager Jacob C. Timm Oshkosh North Wanda Kunde Ryanne Oconto Falls Sam Hanson Erin R. Montgomery Cassy Bonnin* Daniel H. Abdallah Michaela Prince Jenna E. Freedom Ashley M. Baeten Kaitlyn Walker Garrett T. Orr Cassy Oconto Falls Sam Hanson Erin R.S.T. Montgomery LoganBonnin* Doll Omro Jared D. Beyer Caleb Hamm* Daniel H.Walker Abdallah Michaela Prince Jenna E Freedom Ashley M. Baeten Kaitlyn Garrett Orr Ashley R. Sievers Amanda Van Dam Michael Danielle M. Angotti Emily Birr Mikayla M. Wing Kimberly M. Zills Freedom Ashley M. Baeten Kaitlyn Walker Garrett T. Orr Thomas A. Nauke Cerrina S. Stokes Winneconne Weyauwega-Fremont Ashley Sievers Amanda Van Dam MichaeS Emily BirrBursa MikaylaR.M. Wing Kimberly Danielle M. Angotti Wittenberg-Birnamwood Hannah Gillett Danielle Shawano RaymondM. R. Zills Zills Danielle Angotti Emily Birr Mikayla Wing Kimberly Zills Jacob C. M. Timm Oshkosh North Wanda C.M.Kunde Ryanne N.M. Wittenberg-Birnamwood Hannah Danielle Bursa Shawano Raymond R.Benz Zills Gillett Alex Lewandowski Glenn W Logan Doll Omro Jared D. Beyer Caleb S. Hamm* Gillett Danielle Shawano Raymond R. Zills Daniel H.Bursa Abdallah Michaela Prince Jenna E. Hamm* Mathwig Alex Lewandowski Glenn W Logan Doll Omro Jared D. Beyer Caleb S. Thomas A. Nauke Cerrina S. Stokes Winneconne Weyauwega-Fremont Ashley R. Sievers Amanda Van Dam Michael Schroeder Logan Doll Omro Jared D. Beyer Caleb S. Hamm* Manawa Oshkosh Waupaca Thomas Nauke Cerrina S.West Stokes Winneconne Weyauwega-Fremont Ryanne N. Benz Jacob C.A. Timm Oshkosh North Wanda C. Kunde Thomas Nauke Cerrina S. Stokes Winneconne Weyauwega-Fremont Wittenberg-Birnamwood Hannah N. Sroka Jacob C.A. Timm Oshkosh North Wanda Kunde Ryanne Benz t Andrew A. Scheller Ariel Bjorge Jared T.C. Borntrager Daniel H. Abdallah Michaela Prince Jenna E.N.Mathwig Jacob C. Timm Oshkosh North Wanda C. Kunde Ryanne Benz Alex Lewandowski Glenn Walbourn Oconto Falls Sam Hanson Erin R. Montgomery Daniel H. Abdallah Michaela Prince Jenna E. Mathwig Ashley R.Abdallah Sievers Amanda Van Dam Michael Schroeder Daniel Michaela Prince Jenna E. Schroeder Mathwig Ashley M. Baeten KaitlynH. Garrett T. Orr Ashley R.Walker Sievers Amanda Van Dam Michael Wittenberg-Birnamwood Hannah Schroeder Sroka Ashley Sievers Amanda Van Michael Wittenberg-Birnamwood Hannah Sroka gotti Emily Birr MikaylaR.M. Wing Kimberly M. Dam Zills Alex Lewandowski Glenn Walbourn Wittenberg-Birnamwood Hannah Sroka Danielle Bursa Shawano Raymond R. Zills Alex Lewandowski Glenn Walbourn Alex Lewandowski Glenn Walbourn Omro Jared D. Beyer Caleb S. Hamm* ke Cerrina S. Stokes Winneconne Weyauwega-Fremont Manawa Oshkosh West Waupaca Section OshkoshIX North Wanda C. Kunde Ryanne N. Benz ot Andrew A. Scheller Ariel Bjorge Jared T. Borntrager Bay Port Denmark Plymouth Sevastopol Daniel H. Abdallah Michaela Prince Jenna E. Mathwig Oconto Falls Sam Hanson Erin R. Montgomery Valerie Cole M. Van Beck Cory Carlson Ashley Berend R. Sievers Amanda VanOss Dam Ashley MichaelE.Schroeder AshleyKocha M. Baeten Kaitlyn Garrett T. Orr Logan Green BayWalker East Morgan Matthew R. Gosser Wittenberg-Birnamwood Hannah Klumpyan Sroka gotti Emily Birr MikaylaM.M.Van Wing Kimberly M. M. Schalk Zills Forrest Rabach Brittney R. Nuthals Alex Bridget Dreel Catharine Lewandowski Glenn Walbourn Danielle Bursa Shawano Grace Raymond R. Zills Brillion Kewaunee C. Sonnentag Sheboygan Falls Omro Jared D. Beyer Ben Caleb S.Holzmann* Hamm* Lyndsay Fenner Brooke L.Brouillard Alyssa Johanek M. Badger Burlington Hartford Lomira uke Cerrina S. Winneconne Weyauwega-Fremont Mikayla M.Stokes TeBeest Mishicot R. Baker Reedsville Kreuscher Wrightstown Badger Burlington Hartford Lomira Danielle MaeganN.A. Michael J. Groshek Joseph S Oshkosh North Wanda C. Kunde Ryanne Benz Chilton Emily A. R. Hutterer Maegan Trevor Mack McKenzie A. Diny Danielle Baker A. Kreuscher Michael Groshek Joseph Casey E. Burmeister Campbellsport Kevin D.J.Twardokus Jacob R. Daniel H. Abdallah Michaela Prince Jenna E. Mathwig Morgan Groeschl Kyle A.E.Junk Campbellsport Brandon Magley Olivia C. Hey Casey Burmeister Kevin D.T.Vande Twardokus Jacob R Callee M. Gilfoy Cassandra L. Theisen Raphael Roxas Elizabeth Ashley R. Sievers Amanda Van Dam Michael Schroeder Badger Burlington Hartford Lomira Alex T. Pingel Matthew Kleckner Keisha Callee M.D. Gilfoy Cassandra L. Theisen RaphaelC.T.Verbeten Roxas Elizabe Heidi K. Lininger East Troy Horicon Mayville Wittenberg-Birnamwood Hannah Sroka Danielle R. Baker Maegan Kreuscher Michael J. Cadman Groshek Joseph S. Adelmeyer Heidi K.A. Lininger East TroyG. Horicon Mayville Amanda Meier Travis AnnaMarie K. Condon Shelby E Alex Lewandowski Glenn D. Walbourn Casey E. Burmeister Campbellsport Kevin Twardokus Jacob R. Falk Amanda Meier Travis Cadman AnnaMarie K. Condon Maxwell Shelby Levi D. Speckman Sam G. S. Foley Jefferson Badger Burlington Hartford Lomira Section X Gilfoy Callee M. Cassandra L. Theisen Raphael T. Roxas Elizabeth A. Ries Levi D. Speckman Sam S. Foley Jefferson Maxwe Badger Burlington Hartford Lomira Beaver Dam Elkhorn Tiffany Danielle R. Baker Maegan A. Kreuscher Michael J. Groshek Joseph McCulloch S. Adelmeyer Waterfor Badger Burlington Hartford Lomira Heidi K. R. Lininger East Troy Horicon Mayville Beaver Dam Elkhorn Tiffany McCulloch Waterfo Danielle Baker Maegan A. Kreuscher Michael J. Groshek Joseph S. Adelmeyer Jennifer M. Swan Leslie L. Reinke Taylor Chwala* Brett A. W Casey E.R. Burmeister Campbellsport Kevin D.J. Twardokus Jacob R. Falk Shelby E.Falk Toellner Amanda Meier Travis G.A. Cadman AnnaMarie K. Condon Danielle Baker Maegan Kreuscher Michael Groshek Joseph S. Adelmeyer Jennifer M. Swan Leslie L. Taylor Chwala* Brett A Casey E.M. Burmeister Campbellsport Kevin D.Reinke Twardokus Jacob R. Big Foot Fort Atkinson Lake Mills Waterloo Callee Gilfoy Cassandra L. Theisen Raphael T. Roxas Elizabeth A. Ries Levi D.E. Speckman Sam S. FoleyTheisen Jefferson Maxwell B. Casey Burmeister Campbellsport Kevin D.T.Twardokus Jacob R. Falk Big Foot Atkinson Waterlo Callee Gilfoy Cassandra Raphael Roxas Elizabeth A. Wendorff Ries Mikayla K. Grinnell Fort Samantha R. Abendroth Lake KileyMills J. Eck Katie C. Heidi M. K. Lininger East Troy L. Horicon Mayville Beaver Dam Elkhorn Tiffany McCulloch Waterford Callee M.Lininger Gilfoy Cassandra Theisen Raphael T.R.Roxas Elizabeth A. Ries Mikayla K.L. Grinnell Samantha Abendroth Mayville Kiley J.R.Eck Katie C Heidi K. East Troy Horicon Rachel N. Vandestappen Alicia K. Church Kailey Meschke Whitewat Amanda Meier Travis G.Reinke Cadman AnnaMarie K. Condon Mayville Shelby E. Toellner Jennifer M. Swan Leslie L. Taylor Chwala* Brett A. Waldron Heidi K. Lininger East Troy Horicon Rachel N.Carpenter Vandestappen Alicia K. K. Church Kailey R. Meschke Whitew Amanda Meier Travis G. Cadman AnnaMarie K. Condon Shelby E. Toellner Faith Megan Jordan Alexis Schultz Courtney Levi D. Speckman Sam S. Foley Jefferson Maxwell B. Wendorff Big Foot Fort Atkinson Lake MillsJordan Amanda Meier Travis G. Cadman AnnaMarie K. Condon Waterloo Shelby E.B. Toellner Faith Megan Alexis Schultz Courtne Levi D. Dam Speckman Sam S.Carpenter Foley Jefferson Maxwell Wendorff Dakota W. Turk AustinK.J.McCulloch Kind Arora R. Westenberg David Hi Beaver Elkhorn Tiffany Waterford Mikayla K. Grinnell Samantha Abendroth Lomira Kiley J.J.McCulloch Eck Katie C. Levi D.Dam Speckman Sam S. Foley Jefferson Maxwell B. Wendorff Dakota W.R. Turk Austin Kind Arora R. Kovalaske Westenberg DavidRH Burlington Hartford Beaver Elkhorn Tiffany Waterford Slinger Watertown Megan Jennifer M. Swan Leslie L. Reinke Taylor Chwala* Brett A. Waldron RachelDam N. Alicia K.Reinke Kailey Chwala* R. Meschke Whitewater Beaver Elkhorn Tiffany McCulloch Waterford Slinger Watertown Megan ker Maegan A. Kreuscher Michael J.Church Groshek Joseph S. Adelmeyer Jennifer M.Vandestappen Swan Leslie L. Taylor Brett Ashley M. Polum VinceA.E.Waldron Borchardt Anna Lu Big Foot Fort Atkinson Lake Mills Waterloo Faith Carpenter Megan K.Reinke Jordan Alexis Schultz Courtney A. Frie Jennifer M. Swan Leslie L. Taylor Chwala* Brett A. Vince E.Waldron Borchardt Anna L Ashley M. Polum* eister Campbellsport Kevin D. Twardokus Jacob R. Falk Big Foot Fort Atkinson Lake Mills Waterloo Brittany Rennhack Mikayla K.Turk Grinnell Samantha R. Abendroth Lake Kiley J. Eck Katie C. Kovalaske Dakota W. Austin J. Kind Arora R. Westenberg David Hiebert Big Foot Fort Atkinson Mills Waterloo Brittany Rennhack y Cassandra Theisen Raphael Roxas Elizabeth A. Ries Mikayla K.L. Grinnell Samantha Abendroth Kiley J. R. Eck Katie C. Kovalaske Rachel N. Vandestappen Alicia K.T.R. Church Kailey Meschke Whitewater Slinger Watertown MeganC.Reynolds Mikayla Grinnell Samantha R. Abendroth Mayville Kiley J.R.Eck Katie Kovalaske Rachel N.K.Vandestappen Alicia K.K.Church Kailey Meschke Whitewater ger East Troy Horicon Faith Carpenter Megan Jordan Alexis Schultz Courtney A. Frie Ashley M.Church Polum Vince E. Borchardt Anna Lucht Rachel N.Cadman Vandestappen Megan Alicia K. Kailey R. Meschke Whitewater Travis G. AnnaMarie K. Condon Shelby E. Toellner Faith Carpenter K. Jordan Alexis Schultz Courtney A. Frie Dakota W. Turk* AustinK. J. Kind Arora Schultz R.Rennhack Westenberg David Hiebert Brittany Faith Carpenter Megan Jordan Alexis Courtney A. Frie man Sam S. W. Foley Jefferson Maxwell B. Wendorff Dakota Turk Austin J. Kind Arora R. Westenberg David Slinger Watertown MeganHiebert Reynolds * Dakota W. Turk Austin J. Kind Arora R. Westenberg David Hiebert Slinger Watertown Megan Reynolds Elkhorn Tiffany McCulloch Waterford Ashley M. Polum Vince E. Borchardt Anna Lucht Burlington Hartford Lomira Slinger Watertown Megan Reynolds an Leslie L. Reinke Taylor M. Chwala* Brett A. Ashley Polum Vince E.Waldron Borchardt Anna Lucht Brittany Rennhack Joseph S. Adelmeyer ker Maegan A. Kreuscher Michael J. Groshek Ashley M. Polum Vince E. Rennhack Borchardt Anna Lucht Fort Atkinson Lake Mills Waterloo Brittany eister Campbellsport Kevin D. Twardokus Jacob R.Rennhack Falk Brittany nnell Samantha R. Abendroth Kiley J. Eck Katie C. Kovalaske oy Cassandra L. Theisen Raphael T. Roxas Elizabeth A. Ries estappen Alicia K. Church Kailey R. Meschke Whitewater ger East Troy Horicon Mayville Megan K. Jordan Alexis Schultz Courtney A. Frie Travis G. Cadman AnnaMarie K. Condon Shelby E. Toellner k Austin J. Kind Arora R. Westenberg David Hiebert man Sam S. Foley Jefferson Maxwell B. Wendorff 2015-2016 National FFA Officers Slinger Watertown Megan Reynolds Elkhorn Tiffany McCulloch Waterford Ashley M. Polum Vince E. Borchardt Anna Lucht National President Taylor McNeel Arkansas an Leslie L. Reinke Taylor Chwala* Brett A. Waldron Brittany Rennhack National Secretary Nick Baker New Mexico Fort Atkinson Lake Mills Waterloo National Southern Region Vice President Gretsch Georgia nnell Samantha R. Abendroth Kiley J. Eck Katie Abbey C. Kovalaske Central Region Vice Kailey President Abrah Meyer Iowa destappen National Alicia K. Church R. Meschke Whitewater National Eastern Region ViceAlexis President Sydney Snider Ohio r Megan K. Jordan Schultz Courtney A. Frie k Austin J. Kind Region ViceArora R. Westenberg DavidSarah Hiebert National Western President Draper Utah Slinger Watertown Megan Reynolds 33 Anna Lucht Ashley M. Polum Vince E. Borchardt Brittany Rennhack 2016 WISCONSIN FFA HONORED ADULTS Wisconsin FFA Hall of Fame The Wisconsin FFA Hall of Fame recognizes members, advisors, alumni, state staff, sponsors and other supporters whose dedication to the Wisconsin Association of FFA allowed it to continue its long traditions of excellence. The Hall of Fame was created to honor those people that have made lifelong contributions to the Wisconsin FFA Association. The Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection is the home of the Wisconsin FFA Hall of Fame. The following are current members of the Wisconsin FFA Hall of Fame. 1995 1995 1995 1996 1996 1996 1997 1997 1997 1998 1998 1998 1999 1999 1999 2000 2000 2000 2001 2001 2001 2002 Arnold B. Cordes Floyd J. Doering Dr. Virgil O. Martinson Mick Gundlach Donald McDowell L.M. Sasman Dale Aebischer C.H. Bonsack Art Kurtz Raymond Hoeft Gene Pressnall E.M. Tiffany J.M. May Ray Miller Jack Whirry Dr. Walter T. Bjoraker Fred V. Meinke Dr. Victor E. Nylin Dr. Marvin D. Thompson John A. James Glen Holmen Melvin Cooper 2002 2002 2003 2003 2003 2004 2004 2004 2005 2005 2006 2006 2006 2007 2007 2007 2008 2008 2008 2009 2009 2009 Parmley Harris Orion Samuelson Dr. George W. Sledge Don Triebensee Dr. Gerald R. Matteson George Johnson Bernie Staller Dr. Robert Campbell Dr. Harold Beals Dr. Richard Delorit Dr. Richard Jensen Francis Steiner John Perkins Arnold Bluemke Dick Meske Merle Richter Archie Abbott Ken Seering Floyd J. Miller Charles Larson J.O. Beadle Ivan Kindschi 2010 2010 2010 2011 2011 2011 2012 2012 2012 2013 2013 2013 2014 2014 2014 2015 2015 2015 2016 2016 2016 Dean Gagnon Harold Tech Ken Allen Kevin Keith Dick Aide Eugene King Dr. Gary Rohde Farres Harrison Don Loomans Keith Gundlach John Emmons LaVerne G. Stuckey Orland Abel Don Leibelt Roy Esser Kim Havens Glenn L. Linder Jim Marcks Clara Hedrich Robert. G Heebink Pat Zimmer Honorary State FFA Degrees The Honorary State FFA Degree is the highest FFA Degree a state can bestow upon a non-member. The purpose of the degree program is to recognize individuals who have rendered outstanding service to the agricultural education/FFA program. Individuals nominated must have provided exceptional service to agriculture and/or the agricultural education/FFA program. Kim & Terry Adler Brent Albers Mark S. Alden Dale Gallenberg Travis Holt James A. Holte Sonya R. Huebner Larry A. Lader Lori Lulich Regina Oldendorf Beth J. Rieth Becky Schollian Julie M. Spoke Troy Talford Distinguished Service Awards The Distinguished Service Citation is the highest award presented to an individual, organization, agency, business, or industry. The recognition is for outstanding contributions made to the Wisconsin Association of FFA and the total program of agricultural education. Teyanna Loether William J. Nelson WAXX 104.5 R. Tim Wyss Dr. Mark Zidon Jeff Zobeck 34 Wisconsin FFA Presidents 1929-30 1930-31 1931-32 1932-33 1933-34 1934-35 1935-36 1936-37 1937-38 1938-39 1939-40 1940-41 1941-42 1942-43 1943-45 1945-46 1946-47 1947-48 1948-49 1949-50 1950-51 1951-52 1952-53 1953-54 1954-55 1955-56 1956-57 1957-58 1958-59 1959-60 1960-61 1961-62 1962-63 1963-64 1964-65 1965-66 1966-67 1967-68 1968-69 1969-70 1970-71 1971-72 1972-73 Donald James, Dodgeville Harold McMahon, Portage John F. Boss, Oshkosh West Arley Heinze, Portage Clayton Heitz, Fort Atkinson Rodney Kittleson, Albany Owen Owens, Portage Richard Schuster, Oregon Ivan Kindschi, Sauk Prairie Richard Delorit, Algoma Reid Goodell, Menomonie Frank Wing, Baraboo John Welles, Rosendale Harvey Considine, Portage Donald Thompson, Lodi William J. Schmidt, Seymour Marvin Krull, Lake Mills Arlie Matthys, Barron Norbert Schachtner, Watertown Richard Rossmiller, Rochester Eugene Gohl, Cumberland William Pickerign, Eau Claire Memorial Kenyon Giese, Sauk Prairie Merle Krueger, Seymour James Werth, Markesan Joe Conlin, Columbus Howard Poulson, Palmyra-Eagle Alan Spors, Melrose-Mindoro Roger Christy, Eau Claire Memorial Lowell Pritchard, Watertown Orwoll Hagen, Wittenberg-Birnamwood David Meyer, Westby John B. Zimmerman, Fort Atkinson Thomas Bleck, New London Gerald Dryer, Reedsburg Scott Traynor, Milton William T. Boehm, Mosinee Calvin O’Harrow, Oconto Falls Ronald Deiter, Cuba City David Bollman, Rice Lake Terry Hess, Cassville Dick Prine, Barron Kim Havens, Darlington 1973-74 1974-75 1975-76 1976-77 1977-78 1978-79 1979-80 1980-81 1981-82 1982-83 1983-84 1984-85 1985-86 1986-87 1987-88 1988-89 1989-90 1990-91 1991-92 1992-93 1993-94 1994-95 1995-96 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 Gerrit DeBruin, Juda Tom Pechacek, River Falls Ferron Havens, Darlington Mike Kawleski, Stevens Point John Arneson, Stoughton Mike Walsh, Glenwood City Mark Lelle, Black Hawk Tom McKittrick, Kickapoo Neal Wellner, Cadott Harvey Menn, Brookwood Dale Beaty, Hillsboro Rick Dado, Amery Dave Schaefer, Platteville Darren Kittleson, Mt. Horeb Ed Peck, Marshall Bryan Higgins, Antigo Amber Vickers, Black Hawk Joel Wondra, Sun Prairie David Lulich, Ashland Amy Meyer, Loyal David C. Meyer, Loyal Jim Piechowski, Waupaca Brenda Pietz, Wittenberg-Birnamwood Michael Tauscher, Pulaski Amy Bollinger, Cochrane-Fountain City Nathan Russell, Shullsburg Tolea Kamm, New Richmond Matthew Reinders, Johnson Creek Cortney Peissig, Colby Matthew Schleusner, Barron Chris Ritscher, Cochrane-Fountain City Nicole Schmidt, Gresham Gena Polzin, Cadott Matt Anderson, Sauk Prairie Andrew Christenson, Amery Nick Palkowski, Cochrane-Fountain City BJ Chrisler, Sauk Prairie Alicia Hodnik, Big Foot Ethan Giebel, Mauston Kayla Hack, East Troy Logan Wells, Monroe Alison Wedig, Darlington Sally Albers, Sauk Prairie Wisconsin State Staff Advisors 1929-30 V.E. Kivlin 1930-60 Louis M. Sasman 1960-72 D.C. Aebischer 1972-88 Floyd J. Doering 1988-90 Dean P. Gagnon 1990 Kevin A. Keith 1990-93 David L. Doerfert 1994-96 Kevin A. Keith 1996-03 Sharon W. Wendt 2003-05 Dean P. Gagnon 2006-16 Jeff Hicken Executive Secretaries 1939-65 C. H. Bonsack 1965-67 D.E. Beyl 1967-83 Arnold B. Cordes 1983-85 Virgil O. Martinson 1985-94 Kevin A. Keith 1994-96 Sharon W. Wendt 1996-05 Dean P. Gagnon 2006-16 Jeff Hicken 35 FFA Coordinators 1992-93 Melanie Burgess 1993-94 Cheryl L. Zimmerman FFA Executive Director 1994-16 Cheryl L. Zimmerman FFA Executive Assistant 2001-16 Terry Bernick 2016 STATE FFA CONVENTION JUDGES CREED SPEAKING Semi-Finals Ms. Clara Hedrich, Retired, Agricultural Education Instructor, LaClare Farms Ms. Ginger James, Regional Accounts Manager, AgroChem Mr. Don Mier, Retired, Agricultural Education Instructor, Plymouth Finals Ms. Robin Connelly, Member Services Supervisor, Organic Valley / CROPP Cooperative Ms. Carolyn Butts, John Deere Financial Mr. David Laatsch, Retired, Agricultural Education Instructor, Beaver Dam PREPARED PUBLIC SPEAKING Semi-Finals Ms. Emily Treu, Sales Representative and Owner, Treu Seeds Ms. Janet Schneider, Past Wisconsin FFA Alumni President Mr. Ron Demars, Director of Credit, Allied Cooperative Ms. Jennifer Gracyalny, Director of Learning Services, Pulaski School District Ms. Danielle Waterworth, Director-Commercial Lending, CNH Industrial Capital Mr. Darren Kittleson, Operating Principal/Broker, Keller Williams Finals Mr. Jim Massey, Editor, The Country Today Ms. Andrea Bloom, Marketing and Communications Specialist, Vita Plus Mr. Mark Kunde, Winneconne School Board & FFA Alumni Member EXTEMPORANEOUS SPEAKING Semi-Finals Ms. Dawn Doran, Business Analyst, John Deere Financial Dr. Rick Daluge, Retired, Dean UW-Madison Short Course Ms. Kathleen Murphy, Customer and Channel Experience Manager, John Deere Financial Ms. Bec Kurzynske, Superintendent Pulaski Schools Ms. Candie Lehto, Wisconsin FFA Alumni Council Ms. Fran O’Leary, Editor, Wisconsin Agriculturist Finals Mr. Luke Wiedenfeld, Sanitation Manager/Night Superintendent-Madison Plant, The Kraft Heinz Company Ms. Karen Lee, Editor, Progressive Dairyman Mr. David Erickson, Retired, Cooperative Network DISCUSSION MEET Semi-Finals Mr. BJ Chrisler, 2011 WI Farm Bureau Collegiate Discussion Meet Winner Ms. Beth Schaefer, Regional Program Manager, WI Dairy Council-WMMB Ms. Jillian Beaty, 2007 WI Farm Bureau Discussion Meet Winner Mr. Nate Zimdars, 2014 WI Farm Bureau Collegiate Discussion Winner, Wisconsin Farm Bureau Ms. Jolynne Schroepfer, Field Representative, Sartori Cheese Ms. Wendy Kannel, Director of Training and Leadership, Wisconsin Farm Bureau Finals Mr. Jim Holte, President, Wisconsin Farm Bureau Mr. Dale Beaty, CAO, Wisconsin Farm Bureau Mr. Kory Stalsberg, UW-Extension Dairy & Livestock Agent, Grant & Lafayette Counties JOB INTERVIEW Semi-Finals Ms. Rae Nell Halbur, Farm Broadcaster Mr. Jim Melby, Agricultural Education Instructor, Winneconne Ms. Kendall Babcock, Employee Relations Assistant, Great Wolf Lodge Ms. Candie Lehto, Wisconsin FFA Alumni Council Ms. Heidi Clausen, Regional Editor, The Country Today Ms. Lori Lulich, Regional Sales Manager, Mid-West Family Marketing Finals Ms. Jessie Corning, Senior Marketing Manager, Culver Franchising System Ms. Jill Makovec, Account Executive, Learfield Communications Mr. Dan Smith, Division Administrator, DATCP 36 PARLIAMENTARY PROCEDURE Semi-Finals Mr. Tim Wyss, Retired, Agricultural Education Instructor, Clear Lake Mr. Tim Heeg, Agricultural Education Instructor, Marshfield Ms. Shawna Henke, Agricultural Education Student, UW-River Falls Mr. Cal Geiger, Agricultural Education Instructor, Mayville Mr. Troy Lobdell, Agricultural Education Instructor, Darlington Ms. Madeline Bode, Agricultural Education Student UW-River Falls Finals Dr. Rick Bockhop, Professor, Agricultural Education, UW-Platteville Dr. James Graham, Professor, Agricultural Education, UW-River Falls Dr. Mark Zidon, Professor, Agricultural Education, UW-Platteville OPENING/CLOSING CEREMONIES CONTEST Junior Division Mr. Ken Harter, Past State FFA Alumni President Mr. Dave Kruse, Agricultural Education Instructor, Elkhorn Ms. Gwen Dado, Wisconsin FFA Alumni Council Senior Division Ms. Kimberly Heine, Agricultural Education Instructor, Palmyra-Eagle Ms. Whitney Barnes, Agricultural Education Instructor, Bay Port Mr. Kris Beaver, Agricultural Education Instructor, Waupun JUNIOR HIGH QUIZ BOWL Ms. Sandra Dykes, Agricultural Education Instructor, Weyauwega-Fremont Mr. Daniel Robinson, Agricultural Education Instructor, Lomira Mr. Jeff Meske, Agricultural Education Instructor, Lakeside Lutheran Ms. Lori Rowe, Agricultural Education Instructor, Tigerton Ms. Rene Lehman, Agricultural Education Instructor, Waupaca Mr. Ryan Seichter, Agricultural Education Instructor, Waupun HIGH SCHOOL QUIZ BOWL Ms. Jennifer Russell, Agricultural Education Instructor, Shullsburg Ms. Kim Schadrie, Agricultural Education Instructor, Hartford Mr. Mark Ladsten, Vice President, Wisconsin FFA Alumni Mr. John Slipek, Agricultural Education Instructor, Abbotsford Mr. James Grasee, Financial Advisor, Edward Jones NATIONAL CONVENTION DELEGATES Mr. Isaac Christenson, Agricultural Business Banker, Bremer Bank Ms. Susan Long Brugger, Dairyland State Bank Ms. Natalie Parementier Killion, School Counselor, Green Bay Public Schools-Green Bay Preble FOOD FOR AMERICA Ms. Nicole Adrian, Education Committee, Wisconsin Farm Bureau Promotion Ms. Rosalie Geiger, Education Committee Chair, Wisconsin Farm Bureau Promotion Ms. Wendy Kannel, Director of Training and Leadership Development, Wisconsin Farm Bureau AGRICULTURAL ARTWORK Ms. Michelle Fine, Senior Graphic Designer, Nasco Arts Ms. Julie Palkowski, Fine Arts Consultant, Department of Public Instruction Ms. Anne Pryor, WI Arts Board Ms. Rachel Daul, Daul Farms Ms. Susan Van Asten, Vice President of Telesales, United Health Care Ms. Sherri Castel, Curater of Madison Museum of Art STATE SCRAPBOOK CONTEST Ms. Jill Reilly, Wisconsin FFA Alumni Council Ms. Ione Hausler, Agricultural Education Instructor, Stevens Point Ms. Ellen Cary, Wisconsin FFA Alumni Council Ms. Steffi Sabel, Bon-Home Farms FFA TALENT COMPETITION Ms. Sue Pruessing, Media Communications Coordinator, Big Foot Ms. Marian Viney, Graphic Designer, Wisconsin Farm Bureau Ms. Krist Kvalheim, Agricultural Education Instructor, Sun Prairie 37 STATE STAR FARMER Mr. Keith Gundlach, Agricultural Education Instructor, Randolph Cambria-Friesland Mr. Dave Rizzardi, Curriculum Sales Consultant, CEV Multi-Media, Ltd. Mr. Timothy Pederson, Agricultural Education Instructor, Amherst Ms. Pam Allen, Agricultural Education Instructor, Mt. Horeb Ms. Hanna Wolsdorf, Agricultural Education Instructor, Montello STAR IN AGRISCIENCE/AGRIBUSINESS Ms. Kaleb Santy, Agricultural Education Instructor, Pulaski Ms. Linda Sattler, Agricultural Education Instructor, Laconia Ms. Tracy Heinbuch, Agricultural Education Instructor, Plymouth Mr. Paul Majors, Agricultural Education Instructor, Whitewater Mr. David Friend, Agricultural Education Instructor, Kiel STAR IN AGRICULTURAL PLACEMENT Mr. Tim Heeg, Agricultural Education Instructor, Marshfield Ms. Kim Houser, Agricultural Education Instructor, Wisconsin Heights Mr. Joe Heinbuch, Agricultural Education Instructor, New Holstein Ms. Sandy Dykes, Agricultural Education Instructor, Weyauwega-Fremont Mr. Ralph Johnson, Agricultural Education Instructor, Juda AGRICULTURAL ISSUES CDE & MARKETING PLAN CDE Ms. Stacey Kunde, Agricultural Education Instructor, Brillion Ms. Mary Handrich, Agricultural Education Instructor, Denmark Ms. Abbey Wethal, Marketing Executive, Filament Marketing NATIONAL CHAPTER AWARD APPLICATIONS Mr. Mike Sabel, Agribusiness Instructor, MidState Technical College Mr. Dave Rizzardi, Curriculum Sales Consultant, CEV Multimedia, Ltd. Mr. Steve Boe, District 4 Coordinator, Wisconsin Farm Bureau Mr. Dave Gliniecki, Retired, Agricultural Education Instructor, Wisconsin Rapids Lincoln Mr. Ken Harter, Past Wisconsin FFA Alumni President Mr. Ken Seering, Retired, Agricultural Education Instructor, Denmark Ms. Janet Schneider, Past Wisconsin FFA Alumni President Mr. Adam Wehling, Association Dean of Energy and Agriculture, CVTC Mr. Herman Seebandt, Retired, Agricultural Education Instructor, Neillsville AGRISCIENCE FAIR Ms. Randi Osborne, Agricultural Education Instructor, Weston Ms. Jeanne Alling, Agricultural Education Instructor, Unity Mr. Jonathon Ganske, Agricultural Education Instructor, Watertown Mr. Terry Erdmann, Agricultural Education Instructor, Pulaski Mr. Mark Strohschein, Agricultural Education Instructor, Green Bay East Ms. Tiffany Schaffner, Agricultural Education Instructor, Rosholt Mr. Paul Jakupciak, Agricultural Education Instructor, Osceola Mr. Sam Behrends, Agricultural Education Instructor, Bruce Ms. Lisa Konkel, Agricultural Education Instructor, Big Foot Mr. Darren Swartz, Agricultural Education Instructor, Bloomer Mr. Travis Engel, Agricultural Education Instructor, Owen-Withee Ms. Fay Westberg, Agricultural Department Assistant, UW-River Falls Mr. Brad Markhardt, Agricultural Education Instructor, Black River Falls Mr. Kent Haake, Agricultural Education Instructor, Gale-Ettrick-Trempealeau Mr. Mark Cournoyer, Agricultural Education Instructor, Auburndale Mr. Steve Stomberg, Agricultural Education Instructor, Shawano Dr. Tim Buttles, Agricultural Education Professor, UW-River Falls Mr. Rick Bierbauer, Agricultural Education Instructor, Bangor Mr. Cedric Pettis, Agricultural Education Instructor, Pulaski Mr. Bob Voss, Retired, Agricultural Education Instructor, Monticello Mr. Don Dipprey, Retired, Agricultural Education Instructor, Turtle Lake Ms. Chanyn Dorn, Agricultural Education Instructor, New Lisbon Mr. Tom Sebranek, Agricultural Education Instructor, Green Bay Southwest Ms. Diane Colburn, Agricultural Education Instructor, Prairie du Chien Mr. Bill Urban, Agricultural Education Instructor, Pittsville Mr. Keith Kolpack, Retired, Agricultural Education Instructor, Barron Ms. Jill Gaskell, Pecatonica FFA Alumni 38 STATE OFFICER SELECTION Chairperson: Mr. Dan Ziegler, Agricultural Education Instructor, New Glarus Tabulator: Dr. Rick Bockhop, Professor, Agricultural Education, UW-Platteville STATE OFFICER CANDIDATE INTERVIEW TEAM Ms. Lori Lulich, Regional Sales Manager, Mid-West Family Marketing Mr. Dale Beaty, Chief Adminstrative Officer, Wisconsin Farm Bureau Ms. Cheryl Steinbach, Agricultural Education Instructor, Granton Ms. Rachel Sauvola, Agricultural Education Instructor, New Richmond Mr. Matt Reinders, Agricultural Education Instructor, Edgar Ms. Whitney Barnes, Agricultural Education Instructor, Bay Port Mr. Kevin Whalen, Agricultural Education Instructor, Arcadia Ms. Christine Jumbeck, Agricultural Education Instructor, Cochrane-Fountain City Ms. Shari Graffunder, Agricultural Education Instructor, River Valley Ms. Kim Schadrie, Agricultural Education Instructor, Hartford Mr. Derrick Papcke, Papcke Farms, Elkhorn Ms. Rebecca Wirkus, Agricultural Education Instructor, Stratford Mr. Eric Larsen, Director of Assessment, Menasha, New London and Winneconne School Districts Mr. Shane Westphal, Firefighter/Paramedic, Stevens Point Mr. Jeff Zobeck, Agricultural Education Instructor, Gresham Ms. Crystal Retzlaff, Agricultural Education Instructor, Clintonville Mr. Kaleb Santy, Agricultural Education Instructor, Pulaski Ms. Sandy Dykes, Agricultural Education Instructor, Weyauwega-Fremont Ms. Bridgett Neu, Realtor, Pleasant View Realty Mr. Jim Massey, Editor, The Country Today Ms. Beth Porior-Schaefer, Regional Program Manager, Wisconsin Milk Marketing Board Ms. Regina Oldendorf, Wisconsin FFA Alumni Executive Director Ms. Jamie Propson, Agricultural Education Instructor, Mishicot Mr. Kris Beaver, Agricultural Education Instructor, Waupun Mr. Tim Heeg, Agricultural Education Instructor, Marshfield Ms. Jillian Beaty, Agricultural Education Instructor, Oregon Ms. Kim Houser, Agricultural Education Instructor, Wisconsin Heights Ms. Jennifer Russell, Agricultural Education Instructor, Shullsburg Mr. Dave Kruse, Agricultural Education Instructor, Elkhorn Ms. Tari Costello, Agricultural Education Instructor, Waupun Ms. Paula Bakken, Agricultural Education Instructor, Marshall Ms. Sheri Hicken, Agricultural Education Instructor, SAGES Ms. Lisa Konkel, Agricultural Education Instructor, Big Foot 39 STATE CAREER DEVELOPMENT EVENT SUPERINTENDENTS Ag Sales Ag Technologies and Mechanical Systems Agronomy Dairy Cattle Evaluation Farm Business Management Floriculture Forestry Horse Evaluation Livestock Evaluation Meats Evaluation and Technology Milk Quality Nursery and Landscape Poultry Veterinary Science Wildlife Management Ms. Andrea Brossard, Beaver Dam Mr. Nick Lindloff and Mr. Bob Gray, MATC Mr. Paul Roemer, County Visions Co-op Ms. Beth Heinze, UW-Madison Mr. Dusty Williams, Blackhawk Tech Mr. John Porior and Ms. Sara Schoenborn Mr. Chris Kuntz, UW-Stevens Point Ms. Liv Sandberg, UW-Madison Ms. Bernie O’Rourke, UW-Madison Mr. Jeff Sindelar, UW-Madison Mr. Scott Rankin, UW-Madison Ms. Eileen Nelson, UW-Madison Mr. Ron Kean, UW-Madison Ms. Katie Olson, Globe University Mr. Bryce Larson and Ms. Gerianne Albers, DNR In addition we would like to thank the following locations for serving as our Regional Career Development Events sites. Janesville - Ms. Diane Runde and Ms. Jillian McNeely FVTC-Appleton - Mr. Randy Tenpas UW-Platteville - Dr. Mark Zidon and Dr. Rick Bockhop UW-River Falls - Dr. Tim Buttles, Dr. James Graham and Ms. Fay Westberg 40 THANK YOU TO ALL 2015-16 CONVENTIONRELATED DONORS THROUGH THE WISCONSIN FFA FOUNDATION State Convention Partners Platinum ANIMART - Named Sponsor of the Star Awards Kerry -Named Sponsor of Day of Service & Rally to Fight Hunger Renk Seed - Named Sponsor of the State Degree Lunch and Program Roundy’s Supermarkets, Inc. - Named Sponsor of the National Chapter Award Program Gold 2014-15 State Officer Team Army ROTC GreenStone Farm Credit Services Supporter Boehringer Ingelheim Vetmedica, Inc. Digi-Star LLC East Central/Select Sires EIS Implement, Inc. Elburn Co-op Foremost Farms USA Greater Madison Convention & Visitors Bureau Jennie-O Turkey Store UW-Madison Dept. of Animal Sciences We Energies Foundation Wisconsin Association of Agricultural Educators Wisconsin Dekalb Asgrow Sales Team Silver DuPont Pioneer Local CHS/LOL Member Cooperatives Merial Ltd. Seneca Foods Corporation Wisconsin FFA Alumni Association Wisconsin Public Service Friend Blain’s Farm & Fleet International Stock Food Corporation Richard and Sue Schultz Ronald W. Martin UW-River Falls Ag Ed Society & Alpha Tau Alpha Bronze Agropur inc. Badger State Ethanol, LLC Citizens State Bank of Loyal Collegiate FFA, UW-Madison GROWMARK, Inc. John Deere Company Lakeside Foods, Inc. Mid-West Family Broadcasting Southwest Wisconsin Technical College Town Bank We Energies Westby Cooperative Creamery Wisconsin Farm Bureau Foundation Wisconsin Farmers Union 41 Proficiency Awards Sponsors Agricultural Communications Agricultural Education Agricultural Mechanics Design & Fabrication Agricultural Mechanics Repair & Maintenance (E) Agricultural Mechanics Repair & Maintenance (P) Agricultural Processing Agricultural Sales (E) Agricultural Sales (P) Agricultural Services Agriscience Research-Animal System Agriscience Research-Integrated Agriscience Research-Plant Systems Beef Production (E) Beef Production (P) Dairy Production (E) Dairy Production (P) Diversified Agricultural Production Diversified Crop Production (E) Diversified Crop Production (P) Diversified Horticulture Diversified Livestock Environmental Science & Natural Resources Equine Science (E) Equine Science (P) Fiber & Oil Crop Production Food Service Food Science & Technology Forage Production Forest Management and Products Fruit Production Filament Marketing Clarence A. and Caroline L. Strohschein Endowment Cooperative Network GROWMARK, Inc. Foth Production Solutions, LLC Wisconsin Public Service Lulich Auction & Realty, Inc. Lulich Implement Wisconsin FFA Foundation Annual Fund Foth Production Solutions, LLC Sloan Implement Company, Inc. La Crosse Milling Company Mill Haven Foods The Country Today Wisconsin Public Service Direct Enterprises, Inc. Wisconsin Dekalb Asgrow Sales Team Dairyland Seed Co., Inc. Lodi Veterinary Care Wisconsin FFA Foundation Annual Fund Vivayic Inc. Wisconsin FFA Foundation Annual Fund Wisconsin FFA Foundation Annual Fund ANIMART Nasco Wisconsin Cattlemen’s Association American Foods Group Accelerated Genetics ANIMART Wisconsin FFA Foundation Annual Fund ANIMART Lely North America Wisconsin FFA Foundation Annual Fund Milk Source, LLC Wisconsin Public Service Wisconsin Agri-Business Association OXBO International Corporation Section 8 FFA Alumni Affiliates Wisconsin FFA Foundation Annual Fund ANIMART Equity Cooperative Livestock Sales Association Johnsonville Sausage, LLC Badger State Ethanol, Inc. Cooperative Network Marshfield FFA Alumni Wisconsin FFA Foundation Annual Fund Edward J. Okray Foundation, Inc. GROWMARK, Inc. Wisconsin FFA Foundation Annual Fund Seneca Foods Cooperation H&S Manufacturing Co. Kuhn North America, Inc. Fennimore FFA Alumni Wisconsin FFA Foundation Annual Fund 42 Goat Production Grain Production (E) Grain Production (P) Home and/or Community Development Landscape Management Nursery Operations Organic Agriculture Outdoor Recreation Poultry Production Sheep Production Small Animal Production & Care Specialty Animal Production Specialty Crop Production Swine Production (E) Swine Production (P) Turf Grass Management Vegetable Production Veterinary Medicine Wildlife Management Speaking Contest Sponsors Creed Speaking Contest Discussion Meet Extemporaneous Speaking Contest Job Interview Contest Jr. High Essay Contest Opening & Closing Ceremony Contest Parliamentary Procedure Contest Prepared Speaking Contest Quiz Bowl Contest LaClare Farms Montchevre-Betin, Inc. Kuhl Equipment, Inc. Wisconsin Corn Growers Association Glenn L. and Sonja Linder Endowment United Cooperative Wisconsin FFA Foundation Annual Fund Lulich Landscaping, LLC Denmark FFA Alumni Millhome Nursery and Greenhouses Wisconsin FFA Foundation Annual Fund Organic Valley/CROPP Cooperative, Inc. Cochrane-Fountain City FFA Alumni Wisconsin FFA Foundation Annual Fund GNP Company Wallace H. Jerome Endowment Big Sky Suffolks Waupaca FFA Chapter & Alumni Wisconsin Sheep Breeders Cooperative Wisconsin FFA Foundation Annual Fund MAI Animal Health Amherst FFA Alumni Wisconsin FFA Foundation Annual Fund Clinton FFA Alumni Wisconsin FFA Foundation Annual Fund Wisconsin Pork Association Wisconsin FFA Foundation Annual Fund Willow Creek Farm Keith A. Gundlach Endowment Wisconsin FFA Foundation Annual Fund Gumz Farms McCain Foods, Inc. Wisconsin FFA Foundation Annual Fund Wisconsin Veterinary Medical Association Dunn-Hill Marketing LLC Dr. & Ms. Louis Arrington Wisconsin FFA Foundation Annual Fund Kevin and Julie Larson Family Milk Source, LLC Wisconsin Farm Bureau Foundation Daily Dairy Report The Country Today Wisconsin Public Service Kuhn North America, Inc. Wisconsin FFA Foundation Annual Fund Cooperative Network Cooperative Network Dr. Gerald R. Matteson Adams-Columbia Electric Cooperative BMO Harris Bank Floyd Doering Endowment AgStar Financial Services, ACA 43 Career Development Events Agricultural Communications Agricultural Issues Agricultural Mechanics Agricultural Sales Agronomy Dairy Cattle Evaluation Dairy Foods Dairy Handling Environmental & Natural Resources Farm Business Management Floriculture Food Science & Technology Forestry Horse Evaluation Land Judging Livestock Evaluation Marketing Plan Meat Evaluation & Technology Nursery/Landscape Poultry Veterinary Science Wildlife Cooperative Network United Cooperative Wisconsin FFA Foundation Annual Fund Wisconsin National Farmers Organization RCI Engineering United Cooperative ANIMART Star Blends United Cooperative Associated Milk Producers Inc. Foremost Farms, USA FarmFirst Dairy Cooperative Wisconsin FFA Foundation Annual Fund GROWMARK, Inc. Wisconsin FFA Foundation Annual Fund Wisconsin Florists Foundation Brakebush Brothers Inc. Midwest STIHL The Country Today Wisconsin FFA Foundation Annual Fund Jerry Steiner and Denise Bertrand Family JBS-Green Bay Duffy Grain, Inc. Mr. & Ms. Tom & Jesi Betley Wisconsin Association of Meat Processors Wisconsin FFA Foundation Annual Fund Donors Wisconsin Poultry and Egg Industries Association ANIMART Wisconsin FFA Foundation Annual Fund 44 POST-SECONDARY SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM The Wisconsin FFA Foundation Scholarships are awarded through annual contributions and endowed funds donated by companies, industry organizations and individual supporters, all of which share the Foundation’s passion for agricultural education and leadership development. Matthew D. Anderson Endowment Matt Anderson inspired many FFA members serving as the Wisconsin FFA President in 2006-07. Though his life was cut short in a farm accident, Matt’s legacy lives on through the endowment established by his family. ANIMART ANIMART is an international animal health supplier that provides veterinary goods, show equipment, and supplies to dairy and livestock producers. Badger State Ethanol, LLC Badger State Ethanol is a dry-mill ethanol production facility in Monroe. The Limited Liability Company (LLC) was founded in May of 2000 and today has increased production to over 57 million gallons of ethanol per year. Harold and Geneva Beals Endowment Dr. Harold Beals taught Vocational Agriculture and biology at Platteville High School. He later taught at Wisconsin State College, Platteville and served as Acting Dean of the College of Agriculture. Walter and Delores Bjoraker Endowment Mr. Walter Bjoraker played a leadership role in the Department of Agriculture and Extension Education at UW-Madison, serving as department chairman for 20 years. Blain’s Farm & Fleet Scholarships Blain’s Farm and Fleet was founded in 1955 by brothers Claude and Bert Blain offering midwestern shoppers everything needed for family or projects under one roof. Collegiate FFA UW-Madison Chapter UW-Madison Collegiate FFA Chapter enhances the collegiate experience through service and engagement to form premier leaders, enable personal growth and ensure career success. ConAgra Foods ConAgra Foods is one of North America’s largest food companies and has a facility in Menomonie, specializing in creating their signature Swiss Miss blend. They are proud to support those high school seniors who are pursuing a career in agriculture and live in the counties of Chippewa, Dunn, Pierce or St. Croix. Arnold and Katherine Cordes Endowment Arnold Cordes served as an Agricultural Education Instructor, Agricultural Education Consultant at the Department of Public Instruction, State FFA Executive Secretary and founder of the Wisconsin FFA Foundation. Together, Arnold and Katherine shared a passion for supporting FFA members and their leadership development. Elstad Brother Endowment The Elstad Brothers were major dairy producers from northwestern Wisconsin who wanted to make a contribution to assist students with their education. Equity Cooperative Livestock Sales Association Equity Cooperative Livestock Sales Association, established in 1922, helps producers market, manage and finance their agricultural businesses. Farmer Community Giving, Organic Valley Organic Valley recognizes the value FFA offers students and wants to support high school seniors in Viroqua, LaFarge, Westby, Kickapoo and Cashton areas in continuing their education to become future leaders in organic agriculture. Foth Production Solutions, LLC Foth Production Solutions serves clients through strategic planning, consulting and engineering to meet their needs of infrastructure development, environment stewardship and production processes. 45 Dean P. and Mary Elstad Gagnon Endowment Mr. Dean P. Gagon and Mrs. Mary Elstad Gagon are both former Wisconsin State Staff members and long time supporters of Agriculture Education and the FFA. As a result of their service in the Peace Corps, they believe in assisting minorities who are pursuing careers in agriculture. GROWMARK Scholarship GROWMARK, formed in 1980, uses a network of supply and grain cooperatives to provide products and services to member-owners and customers. Kenneth K. Heideman Endowment Kenneth K. Heideman believed his farm upbringing contributed significantly to his life and wished to provide advanced educational opportunities to young people who came from similar backgrounds from the Clintonville, Marshfield and New Holstein area. Rodney O. Kittelsen Endowment Mr. Rodney O. Kittelsen, President of the 1935 State FFA Officer Team, had a distinguished career in the FBI and later as a long-standing member of Monroe’s legal community. Robert and Herta Laatsch Family Endowment Mr. and Mrs. Laatsch raised seven children on the family’s diversified dairy farm and instilled into them the values of education, hard work, money management and a respect of the land and agriculture. Dr. Virgil and Ann Martinson Endowment The Dr. Virgil and Ann Martinson Endowed Scholarship was established to support students planning to teach agricultural education. Louis M. Sasman of the Kiwanis Club of Downtown Madison Endowment Louis M. Sasman was State Supervisor of Agricultural Education and State FFA Advisor in Wisconsin for many years. A memorial scholarship fund was established by his family, with the cooperation of the Kiwanis Club of Downtown Madison to assist students with financial need. Star Blends Star Blends is a leading livestock and companion animal feed manufacturer and supplier of complete feeds to enhance the health, well-being and performance of animals. Bernie and Marty Staller Endowment Mr. Staller was an agribusiness instructor and FFA advisor for 11 years at Janesville-Parker High School, and served the National FFA Organization for 27 years, helping to streamline national operations and assemble a world-class staff. John and Hattie Van Wychen Endowment Peter, George, and Jim Van Wychen, along with Jim’s wife Nodji, chose to honor the Van Wychen brothers’ parents by establishing this scholarship. Wisconsin Agri-Business Association The Wisconsin Agri-Business Association provides programs and services as a unifying voice for the agribusiness industries of Wisconsin. Wisconsin FFA Convention Scholarship FFA members attending the Wisconsin FFA Convention donate to this fund to provide this oneof-a kind scholarship that is awarded annually to a fellow FFA member. Wisconsin Rural Opportunities, Inc. The Wisconsin Rural Opportunities Foundation fosters the vitality of rural Wisconsin by investing in education programs of people to transform and improve the economic health and quality of rural life. Robert Wohlford Memorial Robert Wohlford was a lifetime FFA Alumni member from New London and prior owner of the Ace Bolt & Nut Company. He passed away in May 2015, but leaves a legacy within the FFA and FFA Alumni on the state and national levels. WPS Farm Show Food Vendors The WPS Farm Show Food Vendors are ag industry groups who sell food at the WPS Farm Show every year in Oshkosh. 46 BLUE AND GOLD SOCIETY This society is comprised of individuals who generously demonstrated support of Wisconsin FFA members and programs through a gift of $15,000 or more to the Foundation over a period of one to three years or who have supplied a letter of intent that they included the Wisconsin FFA Foundation in a planned gift estimated to be a comparable amount. Individual Members: Lou and Sandra Arrington Harold and Geneva Beals Walter and Delores Bjoraker Arnold B. and Katherine Cordes Floyd Doering Dr. Rick and Peggy Daluge Elstad Brothers Estate The Family of Matthew D. Anderson Dean P. and Mary Elstad Gagnon Keith Gundlach Kenneth K. Heideman Al and Lynn Herrman The Family of Gordon J. Iverson, DVM Wallace H. Jerome Amber Vickers Keller Rodney O. Kittelsen Robert and Herta Laatsch Family Kevin and Julie Larson Family Glenn L. and Sonja Linder Virgil O. and Ann Martinson Gerald R. Matteson Bethany L. Rieth Ken Seering Bernie and Marty Staller Clarence A. and Caroline L. Strohschein Thomas H. and Christine M. Thomsen, in honor of Mr. Thomsen’s father, H. H. ‘Tommy’ Thomsen Jim and Nodji Van Wychen, in honor of Mr. Van Wychens’s parents, John and Hattie Van Wychen. 47 SPECIAL THANKS AND RECOGNITION There are hundreds of people who make the Wisconsin FFA Convention possible. Whether they assisted with the state speaking contests, courtesy corps, registration or other duties, everyone worked together to help make this a successful convention. The 2015-2016 State FFA Officers and State Staff would like to extend a special thank you to everyone who attended, participated or helped with our Convention. State Convention Managers Agricultural Art Competition - Brian Pinchart, Wrightstown Agriscience Fair - Colleen Geurink, Marathon and John Slipek, Abbotsford Awards - Aaron Kilsdonk, Seymour and Kim Houser, Wisconsin Heights Back Stage Line-Up - Jodi Meyer, Hillsboro; Shari Graffunder, River Valley and Tyler Franklin Business Session Manager - Troy Talford, Sauk Prairie Career Show - Jen Bradley, Wisconsin FFA Foundation; Katie Hagemann, Burlington Contests - Katie Christenson, Ellsworth; Troy Talford, Sauk Prairie; Crystal Retzlaff, Clintonville; Marty Nowak, Luxemburg-Casco; Nelda Bailey and Kelly Hubert, Tomah Convention T-Shirts - Troy Talford, Sauk Prairie Courtesy Corps - Kristin Hanson, Prairie Farm; Christine Jumbeck, Cochrane-Fountain City; Kevin Whalen and Steve Schank, Arcadia Dance/Entertainment - Roger and Diane King, Holmen Day of Service - Beth and Brian Rieth, Oconto Falls and Melissa Sylte, New London Decorations - Glenda Crook, Lodi and Dan Filla, Independence FFA Bucks - Shelby Mitchell, Fennimore and Jamie Rupp, Albany Hall of Stars - Sandra Dykes and Connie Peterson, Weyauwega-Fremont Honored Adults - Sonya Huebner on behalf of the Wisconsin FFA Foundation Logistics - Mark Zimmerman, Spencer Meals/Receptions - Melinda Goplin, Whitehall and Jason Hovell, Independence News Room - Rene Lehman, Waupaca; Kim Schadrie, Hartford and Jamie Propson, Mishicot Registration - DeWayne Fossum and Darren Swartz, Bloomer Restored Tractor Display - Matt Reinders, Edgar Scrapbook Contest - Rebecca Wirkus, Stratford and Rachel Sauvola, New Richmond Seating - Ryan Holle, East Troy; Jeff Zobeck, Gresham and Paula Bakken, Marshall Social Media Manager - Jennifer Russell, Shullsburg Staging - Jamie Hagenow, Brillion; Steve Boe, Blair-Taylor; Melissa Ploeckelman, Colby; Connor Anderson, Clear Lake; Emily Watson, Elkhorn; Nate Overby, Amery State Officer Interviews - Dan Ziegler, New Glarus and Dr. Rick Bockhop, UW-Platteville State Star Judging - Glenda Crook, Lodi Talent Stage - Lisa Konkel, Jeanne Case and Zach Markhardt, Big Foot Tickets and Name Badges - Cassie Fabian, DPI Tours - Richard Dykstra, Lake Mills; Shannon Lyon, Fort Atkinson and Travis Engel, Owen-Withee Workshops - Mary Handrich, Denmark; Paul Zuelke, Portage and Nathan King, Cashton Alliant Energy Center Shirley Kaltenberg & Mike Klahr Buses for Tours First Student, Inc. Catering Centerplate Convention Audio Visual ServicesTri-Media Convention Branding & Design X-treme Livestock Graphics, Aaron Zimmerman Convention Housing Laura Senz, Greater Madison Convention and Visitors Bureau Convention T-Shirts Tools of Marketing Courtesy Corps FFA Member Assistants; 2016-2017 State FFA Officer Candidates FFA Band Director Monte Dunnum, Westby FFA Band Assistant Director Kory Dahlen, Westby FFA Chorus Director Peter Engh, Westby FFA Chorus Assistant Director Deanna Schlies FFA Chorus Pianist Lori Berget Flowers Kathy Hartmann-Breunig, Rainbow Floral Greater Madison Convention Visitors Bureau Deb Archer & Jeff Holcomb Guidebook Design and Layout Eau Claire Press Co./Leader Printing National FFA Supply Service Mark Zimmerman News Room Staff Terry Bernick, FFA Executive Assistant Session Announcer Bob Meyer, WDLB Radio Sound and LightingSosonic State Convention Photographer Empire Photography of Madison Tour Chaperones FFA Advisors, FFA Alumni, State Officer & Member Parents Wisconsin FFA Foundation Sara Schoenborn, Kristin Johnson & Jen Bradley 48 PROUDLY SUPPORTS FFA! Congratulations Wisconsin FFA Members Your neighborhood Check out our job Pick ’n Save, Copps and opportunities at : Metro Market stores picknsave.com salute your commitment copps.com to Wisconsin agriculture, metromarket.net the root of healthy communitites. OVER 80 YEARS OF INNOVATION ROOTED IN TRADITION As a family-run company we value strong customer service and having the best, most innovative products. This has been the Renk family’s mission since the 1930’s. Proud Supporter of the Wisconsin FFA! www.renkseed.com 49 It’s a tradition we stand by. For 100 years, GreenStone has been committed to supporting agriculture. Through our partnership with the Wisconsin FFA, we are ensuring this long-standing tradition continues. 800-444-FARM www.greenstonefcs.com Investing in the Future ANIMART has donated over $232,000 to the Wisconsin FFA Foundation since 2008 ANIMART is proud to support WI FFA as a Platinum State Convention Partner, Gold Leadership Partner and Three Star Mission Partner Join ANIMART on Facebook & Twitter To learn more about us, visit our booth at the Career Show or visit animart.com 50 800.255.1181 | animart.com Scan this code with your smartphone or tablet to download the 87th Wisconsin FFA Convention program! No camera? No problem! Visit this link to download the booklet: http://goo.gl/1YLa6 Notes 51 WISCONSIN ASSOCIATION OF FFA STATE OFFICER TEAM 2015-2016 Sally Albers, President Sauk Praire FFA Chapter Advisor: Mr. Troy Talford Parents: Kim and Terry Adler and the Late Brent Albers Jason Roth, Vice President Juda FFA Chapter Advisor: Mr. Ralph Johnson Parents: Bill and Wendy Roth Brenna Bays, Parliamentarian Adams-Friendship FFA Chapter Advisor: Ms. Becky Grabarski Parents: Jim Bays & Molly and Doug Wiese Maddi Colbeth, Secretary Clear Lake FFA Chapter Advisor: Mrs. Dani Schott Parents: Paul and Heidi Colbeth Taylor Halopka, Treasurer Colby FFA Chapter Advisors: Ms. Melissa Ploeckelman and Ms. Aime Long Parent: Todd Halopka Kaitlin Konder, Vice President Glenwood City FFA Chapter Advisor: Mr. Sean VanderWaal Parents: Kraig and Maureen Konder Jared Retzlaff, Vice President Omro FFA Chapter Advisor: Mr. Keven Busse Parents: Dennis and Tammy Retzlaff Joelle Liddane, Sentinel Tomah FFA Chapter Advisors: Ms. Nelda Bailey & Ms. Kelly Hubert Parents: Tim and Kathy Liddane Abby Sabel, Reporter Chilton FFA Chapter Advisor: Ms. Amy Thielman Parents: Jerry and Cari Sabel Beth Zimmer, Vice President River Ridge FFA Chapter Advisor: Mr. Bret Iverson Parents: Gerard and Theresa Zimmer 52