It`s Staff Panto Time - Oh Yes It Is! Clean Sweep at


It`s Staff Panto Time - Oh Yes It Is! Clean Sweep at
Yateley Manor’s Weekly Newsletter •
Next Week’s Diary
Year 8 Exam Week
Appointments Committee
Reception, Year 1 and Year
2 Parents’ Evening (see club
notice below)
Common Entrance Trial French
9.30am Sherfield Debating Competition
10.00am Governors’ Meeting
4.00pm Reception, Year 1 and Year
2 Parents’ Evening (see club
notice below)
Common Entrance Trial French
9.00am Boys’ Gum Shield Fitting
9.30am Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 to
Vue Cinema, Camberley
10.30am Nursery Coffee Morning for
current parents
1.30pm Health and Safety Meeting
After School Clubs
After school clubs and coaches are running
next week except:
Monday: Years 4 to 8 Basketball (due to
basketball match)
Vol. 30 Issue No. 6 • 12th October 2012
Harvest Festival Celebration
The whole school, together with more than 230
parents, celebrated a traditional Harvest Festival on
Friday. The service began with the Pre-Prep children
processing into the decorated Fyson Blum Hall
carrying their harvest gifts which were received by
the School prefects and displayed with the other
harvest gifts on heavily laden tables. While the PrePrep children were making their entrance the Prep
children and parents sang the traditional Harvest
hymn Come Ye Thankful People Come.
The harvest lesson, The Feeding of the 5,000 was
superbly (continued on page 2)
Clean Sweep at Wellington Chess
The Yateley
Manor chess
teams swept the
board this week
at the Wellington
College Prep
Our U13 team
came first in
their section
with Harry
Grieve scoring
the highest in the competition, winning six out of his six games. In the U11 event, the
Yateley Manor U11B and U11A teams finished first and second respectively with the B
team outscoring the A team by 2½ points! Both events were (Continued on page 7)
Tuesday: All Pre-Prep clubs (including PrePrep Choir) are cancelled due to the parents’
evenings. Supervision will be available for
those children who need it.
It’s Staff Panto Time - Oh Yes It Is!
Thursday: All Pre-Prep clubs are cancelled
due to the parents’ evenings. Supervision
will be available for those children who need
Children from Reception to Year 4 will see the show during school time and those in
Year 5 upwards will have the opportunity to watch during club time on Thursday 13th
December. No other clubs will run on that day.
Save The Date
The PTA Yateley Manor Spring Ball will take
place 16th March 2013 at Wokefield Park,
Reading. Information on the venue, itinerary
and ticket sales will be available in the New
Year. YT (PTA)
The Yateley Manor staff have been working hard, secretly rehearsing a staff pantomime,
Snow White, which they will perform at the end of term. Who is Snow White? and who
is her prince? Which staff are taking part – all to be revealed during the performance.
The show will also be performed at 7.30pm on Wednesday 12th and Thursday 13th
December for parents, families and pupils who would like to see it again. Tickets are
strictly limited and will be sold on a first come first served basis with all profits going
to this year’s Charity of the Year. Ticket prices will be £5.00 for adults and £3.00 for
children. Tickets will be available from Reception from Monday. Ticket requests must
be accompanied by full payment. If you are sending your children to buy tickets
please send them with a cheque payable to Yateley Manor School rather than cash.
House Points and Bonuses
House Points
Little Brown Bushrat Story: Bella Roberts,
Isabella Rose Fordham, Tom Garlinge,
Maya Attale
English - Captivity Essay: Alex Cockayne
Howard Carter’s Diary: Ben Muncaster,
Aimée Howell
Pre-Prep Awards
Bonus Point Winner: House Point Winner:
Overall Winner:
Reception Stars of the Week
For sequencing the Little Red Hen pictures
and retelling the story: Leo Fitzherbert
For coping so well with everything with one
arm, even making bread: Zoe Tickle
Harvest Continued
read by Christopher Perryman before
Simon Head talked to the children about
how lucky we are to have all the things
we need. Some objects that we take
for granted such as clean water, enough
food to eat and a shelter to sleep in are
luxuries for many people around the
world. In Gandhi’s words ‘there is enough
for everyone’s need but not enough for
everyone’s greed. Simon used the letters of
the word harvest to create the words earth,
starve, share, heart and left the children
with the thought that we can and should
share not only food and material things but
kindness and encouragement too.
The Pre-Prep choir gave an enchanting
performance of Harvest Time and Manor
Singers sang Another Day In Paradise.
Polly Burford, our new modern languages
teacher, stunned the audience with her
beautiful performance of John Rutter’s
Look at the World.
The combined Pre-Prep’s traditional
rendition of Big Red Combine Harvester
was met with the usual approval from
the assembled children and was this year
accompanied by the Pre-Prep string group.
Thank you to parents and children for their
very generous donation of harvest goods
which included two beautiful homemade
hedgehog breads, a large pumpkin
grown by Olivia James and a huge box
of vegetables, produced in the Pre-Prep
garden, with the help of the PTA. All the
donations were collected on Friday by
representatives from the Ian Goodchild
Centre in Camberley and will, by now,
have been distributed within the local
Pattern of Reporting
Below is the draft programme of reporting for the coming year. There may be some small
modifications during the year to make the reporting as useful as possible to parents.
Autumn Term
Spring Term
Summer Term
Parents’ Coffee Morning
February/March Parents’ Evening
June - Early Years report
March - Grade report
June - Early Years report and
Reception October – Settling in
Parents’ Meetings
Early Years report and
Year 1
September - Welcome
October – Settling in
Parents’ Meetings
Parents’ Evening
March - Grade report
Introductory meeting for
parents of children joining
Reception next year
June/July - Full report
Parents’ Evening
December EYFS style
Year 2
September - Welcome
October – Settling in
Parents’ Meetings
March - Grade report
June/July - Full report
Parents’ Evening
December – Full report
Year 3
September - Welcome
December - Full report
Year 4
September - Welcome
December - Full report
Year 5
September - Welcome
December - Full report
Year 6
September - Welcome
Parents’ Evening
June/July - Full report
March - Grade report
Parents’ Evening
June/July - Full report
March - Grade report
Parents’ Evening
June/July - Full report
March - Grade report
March - Grade report
June/July - Full report
Parents’ Evening
June/July - Full report
November - Full report
Parents’ Evening
Year 7
September - Welcome
December - Full report
Year 8
September - Welcome
November - Full report
Parents’ Evening
March - Grade report
March - Full report
June/July - Grade report, with
tutor and HM summary
Congratulations to ...
Ayush Bose (6JCK) who won Hampshire
County Cricket’s Best U10 Bowler Award.
Happy Birthday
Tess Attale 5
Daniel Brown 4
Ben Chadd 4
Chloe Cooper 6
Mia Ingram 7
Message From Matron
A couple of cases of head lice have
recently been identified. Please check
your child’s hair regularly and if you find
headlice treat it as soon as possible. Speak
to Matron if you would like some advice.
Thank you.
PTA Officers
Following the recent PTA meeting, we can
announce the PTA Officers for the coming
year are:
Chair Nic MacRobbie
Vice Chair Anna Colom-Piera
Hon Vice Chair Tristan Morris
Secretary Yvonne Tickle
John Mitchell
They can be contacted through the PTA
email address:
Chef Gary’s email address was incorrect
in the School Directory. It should be .
Senior School Open Day
Luckley Oakfield
Girls day and boarding
Saturday 13th October,
Tours 9.30am and 11.0am
0118 978 4175
For sale: Three tickets for the Yateley
Manor Classical Spectacular trip on
Saturday 24th November. The price of
£32.00, includes return coach travel as well
as the ticket. The coach leaves school at
10.00am giving you the day in London
before the evening concert. Contact
School Reception if you are interested.
For sale: Upright piano. Good sound,
recently tuned (to be collected) £150 ono.
Contact Vanessa 01252 657 197 (evenings)
Did You Know....
10 years ago today (12th October), Simon Head cycled the Andes to raise money for
Macmillan Cancer Relief Fund
10 years ago today (12th October), Kingsley House were in the lead with 84 house
Did You Also Know......
Anyone wishing to order an Ultimate Plum Pudding, should do so by 19th October.
Take the hassle out of Christmas Shopping by coming along to the PTA organised
Harrods Christmas Shopping Trip. This delightful trip is only a request form away! No
driving, no congestion charge, no problem! This London coach trip takes place 29th
November, it starts and finishes in the school car park so it couldn't be easier. Give it a
go and treat yourselves and friends or family to a day out. Look out for request forms in
book bags. YT (PTA)
Singing for Gold
Lucy Webb travelled to the USA in July as part of the
Farnham Youth Choir. Here is her account of the trip:
On Independence Day 2012 my choir and I set off on a big
adventure, an adventure that would end up bringing back
a Gold Medal for Great Britain before the sporting Olympics
had even started. We flew to Chicago airport from where
we drove on to Cincinnati the host of the World Choir
Games. This competition is extremely prestigious and used
to be called the Choir Olympics, an event that is held every
two years all over the world.
We were entering two classes in the competition; the Equal
(continued on page 5)
What Will You Choose for Lunch Next Week?
Roast Chicken Breast, Honey and Rosemary Gravy
Lentil and vegetable bake (v)
Roast potatoes, roasted butternut squash and savoy cabbage.
Tinned Peaches and custard.
Lamb Hotpot, Baked with Sliced Potato and Onions, Natural Gravy
Steamed carrots and peas,
Vegetable burgers, grated cheese and tomato (v)
Fresh Fruit salad, natural yoghurt and Granola.
Conchiglie Pasta Shapes
Chicken, tomato and chilli sauce
Cream of cheddar and leek sauce (v)
Cheesy garlic bread, tossed salad, roasted Mediterranean vegetables
Apple and cinnamon oat crumble, hot custard
Pork Sausage Meat and Branston Wellington, wrapped in puff pastry
Roasted vegetable tartlets, mozzarella and fresh basil (v)
Diced roast potatoes, fresh cauliflower and carrots
Sticky toffee sponge, toffee sauce
Lost Property
Paige Norton Edwards (7DC ) has lost her
named red Fyson polo shirt. If you have
seen it please let Paige or Mr Daines know.
Breakfast: (8.00-8.30am) A choice of: fruit juice, cereal, scrambled
eggs, sausage, bacon, beans, toast & marmalade, tea, coffee or milk.
All for only £2.30. Continental breakfast is £1.20. Vouchers are also
available in books of 10.
As well as our daily menu, we have an extensive salad bar with
various protein items, composite salads and hot jacket potatoes.
Fresh bread, fresh fruit and yoghurts are always available.
Baked Fish Fingers in Crispy Breadcrumbs, Tartar Sauce and Lemon Wedges
Salmon and spinach in puff pastry
Mushroom filled tortellini, Spinach and tomato sauce (v)
Crispy Cajun potato wedges, baked beans and broccoli
Choc Ice
Next week’s fixture list
All day Millfield International Chess Tournament
1.30pm The Oratory U11 Hockey Tournament (meet Miss Callan at The Oratory at 12.55pm)
All day Millfield International Chess Tournament
1.00pm Bradfield U11 6-a-side Football Tournament (meet Mr Cluett at Bradfield at 1.00pm)
5.00pm Basketball v Lambrook U13 & U11 Away (coach leaves 4.15pm & returns 6.50pm)
2.00pm ISFA National U11 7-a-side Football Competition at Elstree
Football v Farleigh Year 3 Away (coach leaves 1.25pm & returns 5.00pm)
Netball v Hawley Place U9A & U8A High Five Away (coach leaves 2.00pm & returns 4.00pm)
Netball v Hall Grove U13, U11A, U10A & U10B Away (coach leaves 1.45pm & returns 4.30pm)
Netball v The Abbey U11B & U11C Home
House Football Matches Year 4, 5, 6 7 & 8 (rearranged from earlier in ther term)
When the weather is inclement on match days the decision as to whether a match will go ahead or not is made at about 12 noon on
the day. Please do not call for information as to whether a fixture is on or off before this time. Fixture information is kept updated on
the website and is also available from the Sports Department by telephoning 01252 405508 after 12.15pm on match days.
English School Cross Country Cup
This Regional Hampshire and Surrey competition held at Reeds School, Cobham was an early start for the Cross Country team and
took place over a long 3k course. The boys acquitted themselves well with all six runners putting in a great effort and completing the
course. In a field of close to 100 athletes the first home was Freddie Guy in 51st closely followed by Reece Lane in 52nd and Joe
Tucker in 60th. Jamie Blackburn, Jordan Spooner and Adam Hendries were not far behind them and all of the team displayed a
great positive attitude. The boys also realised that they need to train more if they are going to compete at the same level and be as
successful as they were last year. RE
U13 National 6-a-side
The seniors 6-a-side team travelled to
Oxfordshire for the southern section of
the Nationals. Put into a group of six they
played five matches. Although the results
were good, there was once again a feeling
that if we had played to our potential we
could have achieved a little more. We
finished third in the group and therefore
did not proceed into the knock out stages.
Our main struggle this term in both
tournaments and eleven a side matches
is scoring goals and this continued at
Goalkeeper Thomas Coates was
outstanding and was named Yateley
Manor’s player of the tournament.
drew 0 – 0 v Cheam
won 1 - 0 v Horris Hill (Waddington)
drew 0 – 0 v Edgeborough
lost 0 - 3 v Thorngrove
won 1 – 0 v Moulsford
Team: Harvey Marchant, Thomas
Coates, Adam Hendries, Louis Sims,
Oliver Blease, Tom Kirkpatrick, Jordan
Spooner, Ollie Waddington
Basketball v Papplewick
U11 lost 12 – 25
Despite the loss, this was an encouraging start for the U11s. Papplewick are always
strong at basketball due to their American pupils but we gave them a really good game.
Four of our team were playing their first ever basketball match and gained valuable
experience. We started nervously but after a timeout, when we were 0 – 10 behind,
settled into a better style, taking care of the ball and playing better defence. Papplewick’s
star player was difficult to contain, but apart from him the sides were fairly even.
Improvement is the key and it was clearly visible so well done boys. PD
Team: Kai Corbett (4), Reece Lane (2), Jontie Sebborn (2), George Guy (2), George
Cox (2), Henry Bole, Lewis Morrison, Freddie Francsics, Sam Lalondrelle
Years 1, 2 & 3 Parents’ Maths Workshops
The series of maths workshops for parents will continue after half term with workshops
for parents of Year 1 pupils on Thursday 8th November , for Year 2 parents on Thursday
15th November and for Year 3 parents on Monday 12th November. All three workshops
will begin at 4.35pm and will last for approximately an hour.
If you would like to attend either workshop please email or
complete the slip below and return to School Reception.
Maths Workshop for Parents of Pupils in Year 1, Year 2 and Year 3
I/we would like to attend the Year 1 Parents’ workshop Tuesday 8th November
I/we would like to attend the Year 2 Parents’ workshop on Thursday 15th November
I/we would like to attend the Year 3 Parents’ workshop on Monday 12th November
Names of those attending: ___________________________________________
Child’s name:
Sports Council Minutes
Requested: Would like to do some different types of sports in games lessons. Response: There will be more choices in the summer.
Requested: A water polo club. Response: This will be possible if enough interest is shown. We have run this club in the past.
Year 4
Requested: A Tai Chi club. Response: This will be looked into.
Requested: A unihoc club. Response: This may happen in summer
Year 5
Requested: Boys hockey lessons. Response There is an open hockey club on a Friday which boys can attend.
Year 6
Requested: Girls would like hair dryers in changing room. Response: This might be possible when new changing facilities are built.
The problem with hair dryers is that using them takes too much time.
Requested: To play dodgeball in games lessons. Response: This will happen at the end of term.
Year 7
Requested; Bottle holders for matches.
Response: The Sports Department will look
into this.
Year 8
Requested: Boxing and fencing clubs.
Response: Boxing requires a lot of safety
equipment and well trained staff, so this won’t
be possible. Fencing will be part of the sports
carousel in the Spring Term.
Mr Cluett and Mrs Ellis reported that there
will be all new sports in this year’s carousel:
fencing, rowing, American Football, handball,
kayaking and rock-climbing.
Chaired by: Kate Treacher
Minutes by: Joseph Tucker
Year 3 Pyramid Building
The Year 3 children arrived at school this week with beautifully decorated cardboard
boxes emblazoned with Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics and used them to build
a pretend pyramid on Friday afternoon. Mr Thackray turned into a Pharaoh for
the afternoon and the children put tea towels on their heads, fastened them with
their ties and looked just like Egyptian slaves! They acted out quarrying for stone,
transporting it along the Nile in pretend boats and then they constructed the
pyramid. To finish off the afternoon Mr Thackray tried his hand at mummifying
Caitlin Emery, removing all her insides, bandaging her up and placing her in a tomb
under the finished pyramid.
It was a great way for the children to learn about Egyptian life and rituals and will
hopefully help them with their homework. Thank you to all parents for helping to
make the afternoon happen.
Singing for Gold continued
Voices Youth choir and the Musica Sacra. The first competition was for soprano Youth Choirs, which basically means that you can have
no tenors or basses (the two lowest choir parts) in your choirs. The second competition was Musica Sacra, which translated means
Sacred Music category; this was for choirs of any age.
In the second class, the Sacred Music, we were placed in the second highest standard of choir, which was a huge thing for us because
it meant that we had beaten some very good adult choirs. However in the first category we got a gold medal! It was such a big
achievement, everybody was so happy with the result, and it was certainly an experience I will never forget.
Congratulations Lucy, this is a fantastic achievement.
Staff Profile - Annie Salt
What do you do at Yateley Manor?
I am the Pastry Chef. I make all the bread, cakes, desserts, snacks and do all the functions.
What did you do before working here?
I worked in a job centre.
How long have you been here?
Fourteen years!
Where in the world do you want to go and see and why?
New York. I would love to see all the tourist sites and also run the New York marathon.
What is the best advice you have been given?
Honesty is the best policy.
What is the strangest thing that has happened to you?
When I was shopping in Edmonton Green, Ray Winstone walked past, smiled and said ‘alright mate’. What was odd was that just five
minutes before we had been talking about one of his films!
Is there anyone who inspires you/is your hero?
Katie Piper, the model who had acid thrown in her face. She now promotes beauty is only skin deep.
If you had to do a job other than this one, what would it be (regardless of qualification or skills needed)
A nurse in Accident and Emergency.
What is your favourite book?
The Pact by Jodie Picoult.
What is your favourite film and why?
Ghost because it is both romantic and funny.
What music do you like listening to?
Madness and Snow Patrol
Have you met any celebrities?
I have met Gwen Taylor and also Julie Hesmondhalgh who plays Hayley in
Coronation Street.
If you could drive any car, what would it be?
Definately a Bugatti Veyron.
Batman or Superman?
Custard or Cream?
Cats or Dogs?
Money or Happiness?
Chess Hampshire Congress
Several Yateley Manor players took part in the Hampshire Chess Congress last weekend with some spectacular results.
Dev Atara finished joint first in the U8 section winning five out of his six points but was placed second on count back. Dev’s brother
Omeet (5.5/6) took first prize in the U10 event with
Benjamin Perryman (5/6) and Stephen Moss (4.5/6)
finishing in third and fourth place in the same event
Harry Grieve (aged 11) gave away four years playing in the
U16 section for the experience and finished in a spectacular
second place. Their successes qualify all five boys for the
London Major Championships.
Harvey Roper (4/6) Japbir Singh (4/6), Nehan Radia
(3.5/6) and Tom Adams (3.5/6) all qualified for the minor
U10 London Championship.
Congratulations to all these boys and to Sunay Patel,
James Thompson, George Thompson, Aman Ashfaque,
Xavier Norton Edwards, Paige Norton Edwards and
Christopher Perryman who also took part in the congress.
Football v Feltonfleet
1st XI lost 1- 3
A better second half performance raised the spirits after a poor first half. Harvey
Marchant’s goal in the second half was well taken. Thomas Coates in goal for us, once
again had to make numerous saves to keep the scores close. Mr Daines changed the
positions of several boys in the second half to try to find a unit that would work, and some
really impressed in their new roles. Keep trying hard boys. PD
Team: Thomas Coates, Jamie Blackburn, Louis Sims, Adam Hendries, Tom Kirkpatrick,
Alex Ball, Joe Tucker, Harvey Marchant, Oliver Blease, Jordan Collard, Ollie
Waddington, Jordan Spooner
2nd XI lost 0 – 3
The score line is completely misleading; this was easily our best performance of the season.
Every player was committed to the cause and showed signs of improvement. I have to give
a special mention to Freddie Guy who was without a doubt the most outstanding player
on either side. With only two minutes to go the game was still at 1- 0 and we could so
easily have drawn such an evenly matched contest. The boys can look forward to their next
game with their heads held high and be proud to be part of such a determined outfit. RW
Team: Ben Martin, Jonathan Findell, Freddie Guy, Matthew Jones, Leddy Al-Khalaf,
Josh Butcher, Thomas Sloan, Daniel Ingram, Elliott Jealous, Seth Roman, Luke Allison
3rd XI lost 0 - 4
This was a much improved performance by the 3rd XI - their passing and tackling was noticeably better. They came very close to
scoring on several occasions but just could not quite get the finishing touch. The game was played in a very sportsmanlike manner
and was enjoyed by all players and spectators. Well done to you all. Lets hope that this improvement continues throughout the
season. GB
Team: David Hilditch, Ben Hodgkiss, Zen Marais, Arsen Ismagilov, Harry Grieve, Charlie Wiseman, Will Arris, Harry Muncaster,
George Page, Michael Atkinson, Ben Gaff
U11A won 3 – 1
On a difficult and small pitch the boys adapted well and controlled the game. Goals came from Quinn Matthews (2) and captain
Lewis Boniface. Well done boys. KC
Team: Jontie Sebborn, Ben Smith, Lewis Morrison, Ayush Bose, Lewis Boniface, Luke Harriss, Kai Corbett, Quinn Matthews,
Ben Scott
U11B lost 0 - 2
Despite the scoreline this was an evenly balanced match. The boys gave their all in this match but were unable to find the back of the
net. Good effort boys. KC
Team: Sam Lalondrelle, Michael Hills, Adam Kennedy, Ben Hawes, Toby Davis, Will Shoesmith, Reece Lane, Oliver Newton, Will
U11C drew 2 – 2
Both Yateley Manor goals came in quick succession in the first half from periods of good play. The team still needs to focus on passing
and chasing the ball as opposed to waiting for it to come to them. Otherwise a really good draw. JR
Team: Will Banham, Boris Kempster, Adam Brown, George Cox, Marcus Marais, Matthew Squirrell, Charlie Warner, Harry
Foster, Freddie Francsics
U11D won 6 - 0
The boys were up against tough opponents but managed to play a controlled game and seize a 2 - 0 lead by half time. The boys
came out in the second half in fighting spirit. Aggressive attacking from the midfield and excellent goalkeeping skills led the team to
a superb and well-deserved victory. Alex Cockayne scored an impressive four goals, with Edward Nye and Alex Webb each scoring
one. Alex Cockayne was named player of the match. CEM
Team: Henry Bole, Zach Seth, Harry Young, Alex Webb, Matthew Williams, Edward Nye, Henry Ballard, Alex Cockayne, William
Clean Sweep at Wellington Chess (continued)
played against some very strong chess schools including Aldro, Eagle House, Windlesham House, Papplewick, The Oratory School
and Davenies making our success even more satisfying. The whole team played exceptionally well and eight of our players received
valuable commemorative tankards as a memento of this special day.
Congratulations to : Harry Grieve, Ayush Bose, Jamie Blackburn, Jontie Sebborn, Omeet Atara, Ben Perryman, Stephen Moss ,
Harvey Roper, Japbir Singh, Liam Briscoe, Nehan Radia, Niam Patel
Football v Feltonfleet continued
U10A lost 2 – 3
This was a great game for the spectator, but an agonising one for the U10As. Yateley Manor were fantastic in attack, constantly testing
the Feltonfleet goalkeeper. Tom Hennah terrorised the defence, and Wil Geeves and Will Partridge were clinical in their finishing,
scoring a goal each. Again Aman Ashfaque, Oliver Kirkpatrick and Stephen Moss were solid in defence, conceding only one goal
in the first half which was from a counter attack. The second half was no different, with Feltonfleet’s goalkeeper constantly keeping
them in the game. Fairly new members of the U10As George Guy, Louis Foster and Luke Jones worked extremely hard. Going into
the final few minutes it was looking like a 2 - 1 win for Yateley Manor, until the Feltonfleet goalkeeper had the final say. A huge goal
kick gave the Feltonfleet striker a chance to equalise which he took and seconds later we were picking the ball out of the net again. On
another day Yateley would have won this game 7 - 3. Lessons have been learnt to try and shut out the game for next time. Great effort
boys. RH
Team: Stephen Moss, Aman Ashfaque, Tom Hennah, Oliver Kirkpatrick, Wil Geeves, George Guy, Louis Foster, Luke Jones, Will
U 10 B lost 0 - 2
This was a close match from start to finish, with Yateley Manor working hard in the middle to win the ball. Both sides had chances, with
Ben Day producing some strong saves to keep Feltonfleet out. Our boys had some good chances of their own but were unable to
make it count. TM
Team: Ben Day, Sam Roberts, Jack Muncaster, Samuel White, Liam Briscoe, William Russell, James Thompson, Oscar Smith,
Harvey Roper
U10C lost 0 - 6
The games started well with some strong pressure in the beginning from Yateley Manor, but as the match went on Feltonfleet proved
the much stronger side scoring six goals and having plenty of possession. Yateley Manor never gave up and battled hard to the final
whistle. TM
Team: Jonathan Noble, Hayden Gamble-Smith, Daniel Murray, Nehan Radia, Niam Patel, Hari Gupta, Thomas Ball, Benjamin
Bishopsgate U10 Netball Tournament
Luckily the weekend brightened up just in time for the U10s netball tournament at Bishopsgate. The girls had some very tough games
to compete in throughout the morning and they took the opportunity to demonstrate their determination and tenacity on court.
Gemma Lane played well as centre, dodging and moving about the court with ease. Captain Millie Pearson, Elouise Ridgwell
and Lucy Tickle should be commended on some exceptional defending in the shooting 'D' as each of the girls made many crucial
interceptions against some very strong opposition. Serena Lu and Charlotte Mooney were very effective in bringing the ball down
the court, however Yateley Manor did not have much luck in getting close enough to shoot. Sophie Allison, Lizzie Roughton and
Anna Sloan needed to work hard in attack, which they certainly did. Congratulations to Sophie who managed to score all the team's
goals in the tournament!
There was real improvement shown from game to game, with a final match against Bishopsgate the best showcase of the girls' netball
skills. Unfortunately, this game finished 2-1 with Bishopsgate scoring a last minute goal to take the lead and Yateley Manor finished 4th
All the girls maintained fantastic attitudes throughout the tournament and worked exceptionally hard. Well done. VT.
Team: Gemma Lane, Elouise Ridgwell, Sophie Allison, Serena Lu, Phoebe Moore, Millie Pearson, Lucy Tickle, Charlotte
Mooney, Lizzie Roughton, Anna Sloan
Football v Bradfield
1st XI v Bradfield Year 9s lost 0 - 5
A disappointing result in the rain over at Bradfield. We defended well and held on until just before half time but Bradfield scored at
regular intervals in the second half. We never really looked like scoring, the story of the season so far. Hard luck boys. PD
Team: Thomas Coates, Jamie Blackburn, Louis Sims, Adam Hendries, Tom Kirkpatrick, Alex Ball, Harvey Marchant, Joe Tucker,
Oliver Blease, Jordan Spooner, Ollie Waddington, Jordan Collard
Hockey v Marlston House
U13 lost 1 – 3
It took the girls a long time to warm up after their journey to Marlston House. During the first half the girls seemed reluctant to defend
and were slow with their passing. Marlston House took advantage and scored a goal at the end of the first half. After a team talk about
determination and speed the girls went out and played with more enthusiasm and resolve. Kate Treacher took a nasty bump to the
head after being hit by the ball but carried on playing in the second half. Marlston House scored twice more in the second half but
Yateley Manor pulled one back with a goal set up by Emily Hall and finished off by Lucy Webb . Deena Shawkat demonstrated some
particularly good defensive work and Elysia Geeves showed real grit; never giving up. Good effort girls. Elysia Geeves, Kate Treacher
were named players of the match. NOT
Team: Paige Norton-Edwards, Deena Shawkat, Francesca Johnson, Elysia Geeves, Lucy Webb, Kate Treacher, Chloe Day, Lily
Hargreaves, Emily Hall
Mixed team v U11B won 1 - 0
To give Marlston House U11B a game we played a mixed team of U10s and U13s. Our U10A team faced them in the first half and
showed great skill and spirit. They were at least equal to Marlston House and were unlucky to go into halftime without a goal. Our
defense had been excellent but we needed more spark in attack to score. In the second half some U13 players were introduced
intermittently to strengthen our side. After a few minutes Elysia Geeves made a terrific run from deep in our half, past four defenders
and scored a wonder goal. This was a great boost to the girls, all delighted to be getting a positive result. Well Done! RB
Team :Sophie Allison, Iona Maciver, Gemma Lane, Anna Ball, Jasmine Hood, Lizzie Roughton, Paige Norton-Edwards, Emma
Hopper, Deena Shawkat, Elysia Geeves, Kate Treacher, Chloe Day
U10A lost 1 – 3
The team started well in the first half of the match but needed to spread out a bit more, and at half time the score was still 0 – 0.
Sophie Allison played a good game in goal, keeping her feet together when stopping the balls and kicking and clearing the balls out
of the goal really well. In the second half, however, Marlston House scored their first goal and Gemma Lane scored one for Yateley
Manor. Two more goals then came from Marlston House.
Marlston House tackled well and although Yateley Manor passed quite well, they needed to spread out more and stay in their positions.
Everyone enjoyed the game and Sophie Allison was named player of the match. Match report by Lizzie Roughton
Team: Sophie Allison, Iona Maciver, Emma Hopper, Gemma Lane, Anna Ball, Jasmine Hood, Lizzie Roughton
U10B lost 0 - 6
Marlston House always provide tough opposition and this match was no exception. From the whistle they attacked en masse. The
pressure was sustained and well structured, and while our defense battled hard and initially contained the Marlston House forwards,
it always seemed likely they would break the deadlock. Unfortunately after the first goal went in Marlston House gained in confidence
and we began to doubt ourselves, leading to more attacks and more goals from Marlston House. Despite the final score, the girls did
not give up and I am proud of them for supporting each other and trying new ways to break away. Better luck next time! RB
Team : Jessie Sheffield, Lucy Tickle, Erin Gauntlett, Serena Lu, Hannah Butcher, Pippa Arris, Millie Pearson, Rachel Whiteley
Hockey v St Piran’s
U11A lost 0 – 1
Playing at Bisham Abbey on the national pitch was very exciting for our girls and what a lovely surface it was to play on. Our girls
dominated the whole match with our goalie only touching the ball once. We pressed hard and kept the pressure on throughout the
game. We were very unlucky to have goals scored by both Sohini Long and Abi Heppner disallowed. Well done girls; a really great
game. Sophie Gibson was name player of the match for demonstrating fantastic stick work and ball control. JC
Team: Katie Newell, Emily Treacher, Ella Haffey, Sophie Gibson, Issy Harper, Abi Heppner, Sohini Long
U11B won 3 - 0
The girls were very lucky to play this game of hockey at the wonderful facility of the National Hockey Centre at Bisham Abbey with a
large photograph of Alex Danson hanging to one side, overlooking the pitch!
Our girls took charge of the game from the whistle, quickly moving into attack and threatening the St Piran’s defence. Lucy Newell
was given good support from Anna McFall, Phoebe Moore and Catherine Fogarty on the wings and Yasmine Bowman in the
centre, creating plenty of chances to shots at goal. It was Lucy who scored the first goal with a fine shot, swiftly followed with another
giving us a 2 - 0 lead going into the second half. The defence proved solid, with Purdy Wilson and Emily Houghton putting in some
good tackles. Francesca Courtney, in goal for the first time in a match, certainly played her part well, using her kicking gear to good
effect to clear the ball out of the danger zone and so stop St Piran’s from getting a good clear shot on goal. Yasmine Bowman played
with determination and was rewarded for her efforts with an impressive goal just a minute from the final whistle.
Well done girls, this was a good team result where everyone played their part in achieving this 3 - 0 victory. It was also pleasing to see
that the girls tried hard to use the width of the pitch, not relying on just sending the ball down the middle, but making use of all the
space available to them. Yasmine Bowman was named player of the match. SC
Team: Francesca Courtney, Purdy Wilson, Emily Houghton, Lucy Newell, Yasmine Bowman, Phoebe Moore, Anna McFall,
Catherine Fogarty
Netball v Marston House
U9A Lost 0 – 9
The scoreline above may suggest that this game was very one-sided, but that could not be further from the fact. For the very first time
the Yatelely Manor U9A were playing full seven-a-side netball and they adapted incredibly well. It was clear that Marlston House were
a strong team from the start and took an early lead, whereas we took a little longer to get going. When we did, however, we matched
Marlston House in every area of the court, with our defence, Jenna Davis, Maddy Hall, Amy Stewart and Amy Hodgkiss putting in
so much effort they were exhausted by the end of the game. An area we need to focus on now is being consistent with our shooting,
Marlston House had nine shots on goal and scored them all; we unfortunately were not able to convert our chances. It was a great
game and our girls performed way beyond expectations. One of the Marlston House teachers said that we were the toughest they had
ever played; a huge compliment to the A team, and well deserved. Jenna Davis was named player of the match. RE
Team: Millie Young, Anna Thomas, Madison Aumonier, Amy Hodgkiss, Amy Stewart, Maddy Hall, Jenna Davis
U9B lost 3 - 7
This was the first seven-a-side match and despite being a little unsure before the game started, once play began the girls showed no
sign of nerves. Constance Bole, Simone Barkatullah and Jodie Saunders did a fantastic job in defence during the first half with Ela
Singh, Dibra Thapa Magar, Georgia Fraser Steadman and Moore Kazhdan in attack and Caitlin O’Toole as centre linking up play
down the whole court. Unfortunately for Yateley Manor, Marlston House were a well orgnaised team and with some super shooting
they scored five goals in the first half. After a few changes of position at half time, Yateley Manor’s confidence grew and Moore, Ela
and Caitlin all scored a goal. Marlston House only managed two more goals in this half making the final score 7 – 3 to Marlston House.
Ela Singh was player of the match. AE
Team: Ela Singh, Moore Kazhdan, Dibra Thapa Magar, Caitlin O’Toole, Jodie Saunders, Simone Barkatullah, Constance Bole,
Georgia Fraser Steadman
U9C won 2 - 1
This was the U9C's first game of the season and the girls were very keen and enthusiastic. Amiya Rana demonstrated some super
interceptions, and good team work between the shooters resulted in two goals in quick succession in the first half. Marlston House
scored once just before the whistle blew at the end of the first half making the score 2 – 1 to Yateley Manor at half time. The girls
rotated positions for the second half and although the score remained the same they all continued to play their best. We must
remember to watch our distance when marking our player and look to see who is free before releasing the ball. A good game girls,
well done! Player of the Match was awarded to Amiya Rana. DH
Team: Frances Fogarty, Lucy Hunt, Amelia Lees, Amiya Rana, Holly Davies, Olivia James
U8A High Five lost 1 - 6
Excitement was high as we boarded the coach to Marlston House for the U8's first netball match. We were a little slow getting into the
game, nerves and excitement getting the better of us. Marlston House were much taller and stronger and they took an early lead and
by half time we were four goals down.
At half time the girls rotated positions and after a quick team talk and lots of encouragement they came out feeling positive. With much
delight we scored a goal but Marlston House remained focussed and scored two more.
Although the team lost the girls played some positive netball and they never gave up. It was very obvious that there is some real talent
within the squad and they will do well in the future. Well done girls. LM
Team: Mia Blogg, April Ellis, Amelia Shaw, Danielle Olugbile, Aimée Howell, Caitlin Emery, Ella Cox
U8B lost 0 - 9
After an exciting coach journey to Marlston House the Year 3s were keen to play their first netball
match. The girls all played well with some lovely passing down the court. Skye-Abigail Louw
made some super interceptions and both Ella Pullinger and Emma Butcher showed quick
reactions, snatching any loose balls. Sarah Findell, Alison Shek and Amy Li all defended well.
Marlston House, however, were very well organised and their shooting was excellent giving them
the edge. Skye-Abigail was named player of the match. AE
Team: Amy Li, Sarah Findell, Ella Pullinger, Anna Morris, Skye-Abigail Louw, Emma
Butcher, Alison Shek
U8C lost 0 – 6
The girls were all very excited to be playing their first netball match for Yateley Manor. They
played high five netball, with no WA or WD and changing positions at half time. The girls
certainly displayed an abundance of enthusiasm throughout the match! As this was the girls’
first game, they were coached during match play. Pointers such as keeping our landing foot still
when the ball is received and using the space on court were given. We didn't manage to score
any goals but our effort was valiant - well done girls! DH
Team: Isobel Beeson, Anna Turrell, Millie Blackburn, Tara Gill, Sadie Kitto, Mimi Ridgewell

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