visibility report cosentino
visibility report cosentino
VISIBILITY REPORT COSENTINO TABLE OF CONTENTS DESCRIPTION OF THE THEMATIC SPACES 3 DESCRIPTION OF THE ACTIVITIES AND COMPETITIONS 10 VISITOR STATISTICS 13 VISIBILITY REPORT 14 → COMMUNICATIONS 14 → OFFICIAL GUIDE OF SIDIM 20 → WEBSITE24 → AT THE DESIGN SHOW 27 2 IIDEAS, CREATIVITY, NETWORKING AT THE 26TH EDITION OF THE DESIGN SHOW Created and hosted by PID Agency, the DESIGN SHOW has become in it’s 26 years of existence the most important Canadian gathering of design professionals from all the disciplines and from all over the world. The 26th edition of SIDIM was a not-to-bemissed event of creativity and a leverage for promoting and stimulating the design quality and business development! SIDIM is a cultural event with a multitude of discoveries! represented: industrial design, interior design and architecture. Once again, thank you to the partners, exhibitors and visitors for having participated. It is your great loyalty to SIDIM that has helped make it such a success. With much pleasure and enthusiasm we are already thinking about the next edition of SIDIM! On the 22nd through the 25th of May this year at Place Bonaventure, more than 16 000 design and architecture professionals, business people and consumers met more than 300 exhibitors who were carefully selected to represent the residential, commercial and office trends. Thanks to the variety of the exhibitors, all fields of design were 3 THEMATIC SPACES OF SIDIM 2014 From the realm of design emerge objects and spaces that improve our daily lives, offering a new way to use materials from yesterday as well as new thinking for the environment of tomorrow. In order to take proper account of this reality, the 26th edition of SIDIM took the design lovers on a journey through many booths and thematic spaces that illustrate different perspectives of today’s design. 1. CULTURE AVENUE Since 1997, the DESIGN SHOW plays a key role in the intermingling of craftsmen and interior and architecture design professionals from Quebec by proposing to craftsmen a space to present their creations and know-how. Culture Avenue hosted artisans from the art, designer and photographers trades. By consolidating into a larger project professionals of craft, design, architecture and photographers, the Culture Avenue helped foster collaboration between these disciplines, including promoting the use of products and knowhow of the craft in development projects, thereby increasing their market share in Québec. 4 THEMATIC SPACES OF SIDIM 2014 2. BÂTIR VERT Space focused on innovation in terms of sustainable development, Bâtir Vert presented innovative specialists with backgrounds in construction, architecture and renovation. Sustainable development is at the heart of the current concerns, and this thematic space allowed visitors to discover new trends, products and eco design services, that had become so popular that makes it essential. •Construction and materials •Architecture and landscape architecture •Industrial design and eco design •Intelligent buildings and communications •Energy efficiency •Environment, urban development and sustainable development •Tooling, renovation and joinery •Property developer 5 THEMATIC SPACES OF SIDIM 2014 3. CARREFOUR INTERNATIONAL Carrefour International took you on the ride through Italy, Austria, France and Philippines. These countries made you discover the new talents and the design icons’ creativity that make them proud. No effort has been spared to foster the business development for businesses searching for opportunities in Quebec, Canada and North America. GRANDESIGNETICO BY PLANA A space also focused on grandesignEtico by Plana, an Italian company that promotes projects and people who are differentiated by their environmental and ethical orientation. Eight Italian companies were at the DESIGN SHOW to introduce you their green and socially responsible products. 6 THEMATIC SPACES OF SIDIM 2014 4. ESPACE LUMIÈRE 5. T HE GALLERY Espace Lumière not only reflects the growing interest in this field, but also testifies to the constant evolution of technologies linked to the lighting. As art and design are becoming increasingly intermingled, the DESIGN SHOW devoted an area to art. By regrouping art galleries, photographers, sculptors and professionals from all the disciplines of the visual art, the Gallery and its Art and café design have become a true place of meetings between artists and design professionals. This year, it is in an atmosphere with contrasts that the public was introduced to the last technological developments in commercial, residential and industrial lighting. Many lighting experts introduced, in a concrete way, the recent innovations of this sector. 7 THEMATIC SPACES OF SIDIM 2014 6. BUSINESS / SURFACES DISTRICT In order to highlight the benefits a space well organized could have on the staff, business partners and the customers, in 2014, the DESIGN SHOW focused on office and contracts furnishing products in a space where professionals in offices and contracts development were introducing their newest products. In addition, for more information on surfaces, floors, walls or counters, the Surfaces space opens the possibility of discovering innovative surfacing materials to introduce to design professionals and the public. 8 THEMATIC SPACES OF SIDIM 2014 7. WATER AND FIRE SPACE New this year, almost 15,000 sq,ft. of kitchens, bathrooms, household appliances, heating and fireplaces will be in the same area. The family residence is an important asset for the financial household. Spring lends itself well to desires and dreams and this is often the opportunity to question if it is much better to buy a new house or renovate it? It is well known that a renovated kitchen and bathroom will bring the highest returns when it comes time to sell. Large and open areas are the current trend. The bathroom size almost tripled during the last 20 years. Now, we notice a real enthusiasm for oversized bathrooms with freestanding bath and heating floors. In the kitchen, it is all about granite or corian countertops, ventilation hoods and electrical appliances in stainless steel as well as recessed lighting. For heating and households, new technologies are constantly emerging in order to create the comfort necessary for well-being. *MARKETPLACE BY ESPACE PEPIN MAISON In the very heart of the thematic area Water & Fire, there is a warm and friendly meeting space where discoveries abound. Furniture, surface finishings, home furnishings, throws, pet accessories… This is a place where Lysanne Pepin, a multidisciplinary artist and shopkeeper, with her brother Patrick, photographer and designer, will welcome you and help you discover an art of living where the joy of feeling well at home is essential. 9 ACTIVITIES AND CONTESTS 2014 Because it was time to celebrate, this year, the DESIGN SHOW increased the level of activities and attractions. Receptions, artistic events, contests and 5-7 were opportunities for professionals, business people and consumers to speak directly to experts. After all, design is also a question of meetings and exchanges! DESIGN AGORA Visitors relived the 7th edition of GRANDS PRIX DU DESIGN, a real showcase of designers’ talent and local architects and discover the laureates from the 7th edition making a stop at the Design Agora where the best design projects, in residential furnishing, commercial, institutional, office and product design from Quebec, were presented in residential, commercial, institutional and office development or even design of products. BRUNCH DU DIMANCHE On Sunday 25th, the DESIGN SHOW invited visitors to a feast for the eyes and the taste buds with its brunch while discovering the latest design trends. 10 ACTIVITIES AND CONTESTS 2014 CORTEO DISEGNO : THE AWARDS CEREMONY OF EXCELLENCE AND SIDIM AWARD The DESIGN SHOW is proud for bringing to light, once again this year, the creativity and the industrial and interior design excellence, including the imagination of craftsmen. Several designers, manufacturers, agents and distributors were rewarded for their creativity and their product excellence or the layout of their booth. This non-conventional tribute will take place on Friday, May 23rd at 3 pm, under the sign of creativity and collective celebration. For this 26th anniversary, our spokesperson Virginie Coossa led a joyous party through the Show aisles to the winners’ booths. The surprise effect triggered by the improvised procession will enthral winners while attracting visitors around the Corteo. DESIGN RENDEZ-VOUS On Friday, May 23rd, the largest networking event for design professionals and business people in the DESIGN SHOW will change the whole space into a huge happy hour. Around the Show, many appetizers and planned or improvised cocktails animated the DESIGN SHOW after the excellence award ceremony. A lot of networking activities allowed professionals increasing their professional and business exchange opportunities. 11 ACTIVITIES AND CONTESTS 2014 SICO NEW TALENT EXCELLENCE AWARD 2014 Following a remarkable 2013 edition, Sico was proud to announce the launch of the 8th edition of Sico’s New Talent Excellence Award! This competition has become increasingly popular and showcases the best graduating in interior design and interior decoration from Quebec and the City of Ottawa. Sico rewarded its two Sico Talent Excellence Award winner, a contest allowing to assert and discover the new talents in interior design in Quebec, for their quality of their design. For the eighth year, Sico gave the chance to the graduates with a professional level or college level in decoration or interior design from Quebec and the city of Ottawa to differentiate themselves by submitting a project where colour became primordial. This contest contained two distinctive categories: the first one was dedicated to the graduates in interior decoration from a professional training centre (CFP) or with a college level, and the second gathered the graduates in interior design from cegep or with a college level. WINNERS Interior design Karine l’Archevêque CEGEP régional de Lanaudière à l’Assomption Interior decoration Sandra Ciccarelli Centre de formation professionnelle Pierre-Dupuy 12 VISITORS STATISTICS OF SIDIM 2014 Total number of visitors Designers 3 500 Architects, technicians, engineers 1,000 Entrepreneurs and promoters 475 Retailers, distributors, manufacturers’ agents and manufacturers 3,800 Buyers, managers, governments and business people 1,400 Media 350 Teachers and students 1,400 Other professionals and consumers 4,675 TOTAL 16 500 13 COMMUNICATIONS NEWSLETTERS Mention of your partnership and insertion of your logo in the following SIDIM newsletters: April 29, 2014 15 NEWSLETTERS -CONTINUATION- Mention of your partnership and presence in the following SIDIM newsletters:: May 1st, 2014 16 ADVERTISING Insertion of your logo on the promotional banners for trade and business people’s days on the INDEX Design website. — mai 2014 — Place Bonaventure Journées pour professionnels et gens d’affaires présentées par: Billets en vente dès maintenant 17 ADVERTISING -CONTINUATIONInsertion of your logo on the promotional banners for trade and business people’s days in the INDEX Design newsletters. 18 TICKETS AND BADGES Mention of your partnership for trade and business people’s days, on the SIDIM tickets and badges. HORAIRE SCHEDULE Jeudi 22 mai 13 h - 18h Vendredi 23 mai 10 h - 20 h Thursday, May 22, 1 pm - 6 pm Samedi 24 mai 10 h - 18 h Dimanche 25 mai 10 h - 17 h Friday, May 23, 10 am - 8 pm Saturday, May 24, 10 am - 6 pm Sunday, May 25, 10 am - 5 pm NOM DE LA PERSONNE COMPAGNIE Les journées pour professionnels et gens d’affaires sont présentées par Promoteur / Media / Exposant... Code barre 19 OFFICIAL SIDIM GUIDE OFFICIAL SIDIM GUIDE Presence and mention of your partnership in the official SIDIM 2014 guide. 97 GUIDE OFFICIEL DU 26 e SIDIM — SIDIM 26 th OFFICIAL SHOW GUIDE REMERCIEMENTS THANKS LE SALON DU DESIGN TIENT À REMERCIER LES COLLABORATEURS SUIVANTS, QUI ONT APPORTÉ DE PRÉCIEUSES CONTRIBUTIONS. SANS LIMITE 22.23 POUR VOS 24.25IDEES mai may 2014 THE DESIGN SHOW WISHES TO THANK THE FOLLOWING COLLABORATORS FOR THEIR VALUABLE SUPPORT. PARTENAIRES MAJEURS MAJOR PARTNERS Avec sa grande versatilité, RE-BOARD permet de créer sans limite et offre une qualité d’impression remarquable. Doté d’une solidité exceptionnelle, sans contrainte de poids, il est l’incontournable pour vos kiosques d’expositions, d’étalage et d’ameublement. RE-BOARD donnera durabilité à vos projets les plus ambitieux. RE-BOARD, l’option éco-responsable. — Place Bonaventure MONTILOU PARTENAIRES MEDIAS MEDIAS PARTNERS — Billets en ligne Tickets online DIB DESIGN DTPR-EVENTS EXTENSION CONCEPTS GROUPE POLYATO GROUPE RONO PEINTURE LAURENTIDE HÔTEL CHEZ SWANN PLACE BONAVENTURE PRIX SICO RELÈVE D’EXCEL- HÔTEL ZÉRO 1 LENCE IMPRESSE QUESTOLOGY JEAN-MICHEL GAUVREAU JURA KANVA RE-BOARD PAR LVP RÉFÉRENCE DESIGN RESTAURANT COMMUNION LE POIS PENCHÉ SANA M LEVEY INDUSTRIES SILVA GRILLADES LUMINERGIE SYLVIE LEMAY MILAN STUDIO CASERNE MANON-RITA CRÉATION THIERRY QUENETTE D’ATMOSPHÈRE VIRGINIE COOSSA MEDIAGRAPH MURALUNIQUE WILSAM DISTRIBUTION NATURE AU CARRÉ 3 NOMDESIGN DE LA SECTION INFORMATIONS DU SALON DU OÙ JOURNÉES POUR PROFESSIONNELS ET GENS D’AFFAIRES TRADE AND BUSINESS PEOPLE'S DAYS PLACE BONAVENTURE PRÉSENTÉES PAR PRESENTED BY WHERE 800, rue De La Gauchetière O. Montréal (Québec) H5A 1K6 514 397-2222 EN LIGNE TICKETS ONLINE 20 $ AÎNÉS (65+) + ÉTUDIANTS 15 $ SENIORS + STUDENTS GRATUIT FREE 1.877.628.6061 40 ACTIVITÉS & ATTRACTIONS LES COCKTAILS DES RENDEZ-VOUS DU DESIGN SONT OFFERTS PAR : ARE OFFERED BY: GARE CENTRALE BILLETS -25 % Évitez les files d’attente en achetant vos billets en ligne avant le 20 mai ! Et bénéficiez d’un rabais de 25 % * Visitez le Avoid line-ups. Buy your tickets online before May 20th! And get a 25% discount* Go to JURA, EN COLLABORATION AVEC AMARULA, VOUS OFFRE DE SAVOUREUX COCKTAILS À BASE DE CAFÉ ET D’AMARULA / JURA, IN COLLABORATION WITH AMARULA, SERVES DELICIOUS COFFEE AND AMARULA COCKTAILS. LA CÉLÈBRE PIADINA DE L’ARTISAN PIADINERIA, UNE SPÉCIALITÉ DE L’ÉMILIE-ROMAGNE, VOUS EST OFFERTE PAR LE BALCONNIER ET ID 224, LE TOUT ACCOMPAGNÉ D’UN VERRE DE VIN. / L’ARTISAN PIADINERIA’S FAMOUS PIADINA, A SPECIALTY FROM THE EMILIA-ROMAGNA REGION, ACCOMPANIED BY A GLASS OF WINE, IS OFFERED BY LE BALCONNIER AND ID 224. COSENTINO VOUS OFFRE COCKTAILS ET TAPAS SERVIES PAR LE RESTAURANT COMMUNION. / COSENTINO OFFERS VISITORS ELEGANT COCKTAILS AND CANAPÉS SERVED BY THE COMMUNION RESTAURANT. * Rabais non valide à la billetterie de la Place Bonaventure. * Discount not valid at the Place Bonaventure ticket counter. HORAIRE SCHEDULE PROFESSIONNELS ET GENS D’AFFAIRES Jeudi 22 mai, 13 h – 18 h Vendredi 23 mai, 10 h – 20 h TRADE AND BUSINESS PEOPLE Thursday, May 22th 1 pm – 6 pm Friday, May 23rd 10 am – 8 pm OUVERT À TOUS Samedi 24 mai, 10 h – 18 h Dimanche 25 mai, 10 h – 17 h GENERAL ADMISSION Saturday, May 24th 10 am – 6 pm Sunday, May 25th 10 am – 5 pm COSENTINO CANADA UNE ENTREPRISE LEADER QUI DÉVELOPPE DE MANIÈRE RESPONSABLE DES SURFACES INNOVANTES DE GRANDE VALEUR. A LEADING COMPANY THAT RESPONSIBLY IMAGINES & ANTICIPATES HIGH VALUE INNOVATIVE SURFACES FOR THE ARCHITECTURAL & DESIGN WORLD. COSENTINO.COM COSENTINO GROUP GROUPE ST-GELAIS — ENFANTS (6-) CHILDREN CHARPENTERIE DA VINCI CRÉATION NATURE Virginie Coossa ADULTES ADULTS BISTRO DE LA PLACE signé Sœurs Gourmandes CHAPITEAU NATIONAL LÉGER RÉSISTANT — ENTIÈREMENT Porte-parole RECYCLABLE BONAVENTURE APDIQ L'Association professionnelle des designers d'intérieur du Québec BICOM COMMUNICATIONS NUMÉRART PERFECTA PLYWOOD PARTNERS & CONTRIBUTORS AUX 2 FLEURONS RE-BOARD HÔTEL HILTON BONAVENTURE PARTENAIRES ET COLLABORATEURS UNE DÉGUSTATION TOUT FEU TOUT FLAMME VOUS EST PROPOSÉE PAR MAISON DF ET TOWN & COUNTRY. / A FIRE AND FLAME TASTING IS OFFERED BY MAISON DF AND TOWN & COUNTRY. COCKTAILS ET BOUCHÉES ORIGINALES VOUS SONT PRÉSENTÉS PAR LVP DE MÊME QUE DE NOMBREUSES SURPRISES CULINAIRES EN COLLABORATION AVEC LA BRASSERIE PARISIENNE LE POIS PENCHÉ. / ENJOY COCKTAILS AND ORIGINAL CANAPÉS, OFFERED BY LVP, ALONG WITH PLENTY OF OTHER CULINARY SUPRISES, IN COLLABORATION WITH THE PARISIAN BRASSERIE LE POIS PENCHÉ. DÉGUSTATION DE BARBE À PAPA VERTE, LA COULEUR DE LUMINERGIE. / AS A NOD TO ITS BRAND COLOUR, LUMINERGIE IS OFFERING GREEN CANDY FLOSS. L’AGENCE PID VOUS INVITE SOUS SA BULLE OÙ LE RESTAURANT SYLVA GRILLADES VOUS OFFRIRA DES GÂTERIES À SAVEUR PORTUGAISE. / AGENCE PID INVITES YOU TO COME UNDER ITS DOME AND SAVOUR PORTUGUESE TREATS OFFERED BY THE RESTAURANT SYLVA GRILLADES. GOODFELLOW SERVIRA DES BOUCHÉES À SAVEUR SUCRÉE. / GOODFELLOW WILL SERVE UP SOME SWEET TREATS. LE RESTAURANT FRANÇAIS LES 2 FLEURONS ÉPATERA LA GALERIE AVEC SES BOUCHÉES CLASSIQUES. / THE FRENCH RESTAURANT LES 2 FLEURONS WILL AMAZE YOU WITH ITS CLASSIC APPETIZERS. BO CONCEPT VOUS GÂTERA AVEC DE DÉLICIEUSES BOUCHÉES DU DANEMARK. / BO CONCEPT WILL TREAT YOU WITH DELICIOUS APPETIZERS FROM DENMARK. LE BAR À BIJOU FREEKARTS SERA DE RETOUR AVEC SON DUO MIXOLOGUE ET DJ AFIN DE VOUS FAIRE DÉCOUVRIR SES COLLECTIONS PUR ET STAR. / THE JEWEL BAR FREEKARTS WILL RETURN WITH HIS MIXOLOGIST DJ DUO AND WILL MAKE YOU DISCOVER ITS COLLECTIONS PURE AND STAR. FAITES DE GRAND IMPRESSI PLEX-IMAGE Allié à notre procédé d’impression de qualité supérieure un impact visuel haute définition. Exigez l’authenticité en optimisez votre aménagement résidentiel, commercial e PLEX-IMAGE, l’unique revêtement mural. NOVATEUR DURABLE POLYVALENT BOUGEZ AUX RYTHMES ENDIABLÉS DE LA MUSIQUE ORIENTALE ET SOYEZ SERVI ROYALEMENT AVEC DES MEZZE ET DE PETITS FOURS LIBANAIS LE TOUT OFFERT PAR DIB. / MOVE THE RHYTHMS OF MIDDLE EASTERN MUSIC AND BE ROYALLY SERVED WITH MEZZE AND LEBANESE SMALL OVEN ALL OFFERED BY DIB. ESPACE PEPIN VOUS REÇOIT DANS SON UNIVERS AVEC BULLES ET MUSIQUE. / ESPACE PEPIN WELCOMES YOU TO HER HAVEN WITH BUBBLES AND MUSIC. ORGANISÉ PAR ORGANISED BY LE CONSULAT D’AUTRICHE VOUS REÇOIT AVEC CLASSE. / THE AUSTRIAN CONSULATE GIVES YOU A CLASSY WELCOME. 21 OFFICIAL SIDIM GUIDE -CONTINUATION- 46 47 ACTIVITÉS & ATTRACTIONS ACTIVITÉS & ATTRACTIONS EAU & FEU STÛV AMERICA WATER & FIRE — Cuisines, salle de bains, électroménagers, éléments de chauffage et foyer, bref tout ce qui gravite autour des éléments eau et feu en matière de design sont regroupés dans un espace dédié. Le printemps est une saison qui se prête aux désirs et aux rêves. Découvrez les nouveautés, faites le plein d'idées et laissez-vous tenter ! COSENTINO TOWN & COUNTRY Kitchens, bathrooms, household appliances, heating, fireplaces… in short, everything that has to do with water or fire in terms of design is grouped together in one thematic area. Spring is the season for dreaming and planning new projects, so come see what’s new, get some great ideas, and let yourself be tempted! ROULEAU GRANIT - CAMBRIA ARRITAL CUCINE AUX BOIS D'OEUVRES FINE ÉBÉNISTERIE ATELIER CULINAIRE B/S/H - BOSCH-THERMARDOR-GAGGENAU 48 49 ACTIVITÉS & ATTRACTIONS ACTIVITÉS & ATTRACTIONS Exposants - Eau & Feu Exhibitors - Water & Fire ACADÉMIE DU HAUT DESIGN STELPRO DÉCOUVREZ PLUS D’EXPOSANTS EN VISITANT LE SIDIM.COM DISCOVER MORE EXHIBITORS BY VISITING SIDIM.COM ACO SYSTÈMES Aco Systèmes présente sa nouvelle collection de drains de douche. — Aco Systèmes presents it new collection of shower drains. ARRITAL CUCINE La division commerciale de Maison Ethier invite les professionnels de l’industrie à venir découvrir la collection Arrital-Cucine. — The commercial division of Maison Ethier invites industry professionals to come and discover the Arrital Cucine collection. ATELIER CULINAIRE B/S/H - BOSCHTHERMARDORGAGGENAU Venez découvrir en exclusivité canadienne la toute nouvelle série Benchmark de Bosch. De plus, durant les quatre jours du SIDIM, les chefs Cindy et Émilie de l’Atelier Culinaire Gourmand vous concocteront d’exceptionnelles mises en bouche cuisinées sur des appareils Bosch. — Discover the exclusive Canadian debut of the latest Benchmark series from Bosch. As well, during the four days of SIDIM, chefs Cindy and Émilie from the Atelier Culinaire Gourmand will cook up mouth-watering appetizers prepared on Bosch appliances. AUX BOIS D’ŒUVRES FINE ÉBÉNISTERIE Venez découvrir la nouvelle bibliothèque avec échelle coulissante ou encore cette remarquable cave à vin en acajou massif. — Discover their new bookcase with sliding ladder or the magnificent solid mahogany wine cellar. BLANCO CANADA Tradition. Qualité. Innovation. Les éviers STEELART®, SILGRANIT® et les robinets de cuisine BLANCO sont célébrés pour leur tradition. — Quality. Innovation. STEELART® and SILGRANIT® sinks & BLANCO kitchen faucets are celebrated for their quality & timeless beauty. COSENTINO CANADA Cosentino vous présente sa plus récente innovation : Dekton, une surface ultracompacte et résistante qui peut être utilisée pour tous vos projets intérieurs et extérieurs. — Cosentino presents their latest innovation: Dekton, an ultra-compact and resistant surface that is perfect for all your indoor and outdoor projects. GOODFELLOW Découvrez-y une multitude de matériaux pour vos projets. — Discover many different building materials for your projects. JURA Jura présente ses toutes nouvelles machines à espresso de tradition italienne Lelit. — Jura presents Lelit, its brand new traditional espresso coffee machine. L’ACADÉMIE DU HAUT DESIGN GOODFELLOW ROCHELEAU École spécialisée dans l’enseignement du design de cuisine et salle de bain. — School specialised in teaching design for kitchen and bathroom. PRESTOLAM PRESTOLAM Prestolam vous propose des comptoirs, des portes d’armoires et des composantes au design raffiné. — Prestolam proposes countertops, kitchen cabinet doors, components of great refinement. VANICO-MARONYX QUINCAILLERIE RICHELIEU Richelieu vous offre plus de 100 000 produits, incluant accessoires de cuisine et panneaux décoratifs, éclairage, portes coullissantes et la cuisine smart living. — Richelieu offers over 100 000 products including kitchen accessories, décorative hardware and panels, lighting, sliding door systems and the kitchen smart living. QUINCAILLERIE RICHELIEU 22 INTÉRIEURS MAGAZINE 63 Intérieurs — # 63 Salons internationaux ACO SYSTÈMES PRESTOLAM Exposants - Eau & Feu Exhibitors - Water & Fire DÉCOUVREZ PLUS D’EXPOSANTS EN VISITANT LE SIDIM.COM DISCOVER MORE EXHIBITORS BY VISITING SIDIM.COM ACO SYSTÈMES Aco Systèmes présente sa nouvelle collection de drains de douche. — Aco Systèmes presents it new collection of shower drains. ARRITAL CUCINE La division commerciale de Maison Ethier invite les professionnels de l’industrie à venir découvrir la collection Arrital-Cucine. — The commercial division of Maison Ethier invites industry professionals to come and discover the Arrital Cucine collection. ATELIER CULINAIRE B/S/H - BOSCHTHERMARDORGAGGENAU Venez découvrir en exclusivité canadienne la toute nouvelle série Benchmark de Bosch. De plus, durant les quatre jours du SIDIM, les chefs Cindy et Émilie de l’Atelier Culinaire Gourmand vous concocteront d’exceptionnelles mises en bouche cuisinées sur des appareils Bosch. — Discover the exclusive Canadian debut of the latest Benchmark series from Bosch. As well, during the four days of SIDIM, chefs Cindy and Émilie from the Atelier Culinaire Gourmand will cook up mouth-watering appetizers prepared on Bosch appliances. AUX BOIS D’ŒUVRES FINE ÉBÉNISTERIE Venez découvrir la nouvelle bibliothèque avec échelle coulissante ou encore cette remarquable cave à vin en acajou massif. — Discover their new bookcase with sliding ladder or the magnificent solid mahogany wine cellar. BLANCO CANADA Tradition. Qualité. Innovation. Les éviers STEELART®, SILGRANIT® et les robinets de cuisine BLANCO sont célébrés pour leur tradition. — Quality. Innovation. STEELART® and SILGRANIT® sinks & BLANCO kitchen faucets are celebrated for their quality & timeless beauty. COSENTINO CANADA Cosentino vous présente sa plus récente innovation : Dekton, une surface ultracompacte et résistante qui peut être utilisée pour tous vos projets intérieurs et extérieurs. — Cosentino presents their latest innovation: Dekton, an ultra-compact and resistant surface that is perfect for all your indoor and outdoor projects. GOODFELLOW Découvrez-y une multitude de matériaux pour vos projets. — Discover many different building materials for your projects. TOWN & COUNTRY JURA Jura présente ses toutes nouvelles machines à espresso de tradition italienne Lelit. — Jura presents Lelit, its brand new traditional espresso coffee machine. VIP STONE STÛV AMERICA ROCHELEAU L’ACADÉMIE DU HAUT DESIGN École spécialisée dans l’enseignement du design de cuisine et salle de bain. — School specialised in teaching design for kitchen and bathroom. PRESTOLAM ACADÉMIE DU HAUT DESIGN Prestolam vous propose des comptoirs, des portes d’armoires et des composantes au design raffiné. — Prestolam proposes countertops, kitchen cabinet doors, components of great refinement. ROULEAU GRANIT - CAMBRIA QUINCAILLERIE RICHELIEU Richelieu vous offre plus de 100 000 produits, incluant accessoires de cuisine et panneaux décoratifs, éclairage, portes coullissantes et la cuisine smart living. — Richelieu offers over 100 000 products including kitchen accessories, décorative hardware and panels, lighting, sliding door systems and the kitchen smart living. STELPRO ATELIER CULINAIRE B/S/H - BOSCH-THERMARDOR-GAGGENAU QUINCAILLERIE RICHELIEU 28 29 BLANCO CANADA 23 SIDIM WEBSITE WEB SITE Mention of your partnership on, in the « Schedule »section for trade and business people’s days. 25 WEB SITE -CONTINUATIONMention of your presence in the Water & Fire thematic space of SIDIM. 26 AT THE SHOW SIGNAGE AT THE SHOW Your name on the at the SIDIM entrance, at the SIDIM exit, at the promotor’s office and at the information stand. MONTILOU 28 SIGNAGE AT THE SHOW -CONTINUATION- 29 SIGNAGE AT THE SHOW -CONTINUATION- JOURNÉES POUR PROFESSIONNELS ET GENS D’AFFAIRES TRADE AND BUSINESS PEOPLE’S DAYS PRÉSENTÉES PAR PRESENTED BY 30 SIGNAGE AT THE SHOW -CONTINUATION- 31 SIGNAGE AT THE SHOW -CONTINUATION- 32
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