C!Print 2017 brochure
C!Print 2017 brochure
THE TRADE SHOW FOR: A EVENT www.salon-cprint.com VISUAL COMMUNICATION / DECORATION / LAYOUT / DESIGN / PERSONALISATION / MARKING C!Print Lyon SEE YOUR BUSINESS DIFFERENTLY ! I COMPLEMENT MY OFFER, TAKE MY PLACE AMONGST A RANGE OF GLOBAL SOLUTIONS AND TURN PROJECTS INTO REALITY End users I FIND NEW IDEAS AND ENHANCE MY FUTURE PROJECTS BRANDS LOCAL COMMUNITIES DECORATORS ARCHITECTS PRINTING AND SILKSCREEN PRINTING PRINTING MACHINES PERSONALISATION EQUIPMENT SUPPORTS AND MEDIA ALL THE MARKET PLAYERS BROUGHT TOGETHER TO ACCESS NEW BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ADVERTISERS Purchasing advisers DESIGNERS COMMUNICATION AGENCIES Service MARKING providers PERSONALISATION DIGITAL PRINTING in I PLAN A GLOBAL MARKETING STRATEGY I PRESENT MY INNOVATIONS AND SUPPORT MY CLIENTS IN THEIR MARKETING DEVELOPMENT Manufacturers/ Suppliers/ MERCHANDISING, PROMOTIONAL Distributors GARMENTS AND GIFTS IMAGE PROCESSING CUTTING AND FINISHING DIGITAL MEDIA AND TRADE SIGNS From short runs to mass personalisation, C!Print brings together all digital software technology’s potential, from printing, cutting and digitizing right through to finishing. MESSAGE PERSONALISATION trade logos, signage, events PRODUCT PERSONALISATION marking, packaging, fashion, design SPACE PERSONALISATION commercial layout, interior design, decoration Modern, lively and inspiring, the C!Print trade show is firmly orientated towards innovation and applications, enabling the various market players to find concrete solutions to help their businesses develop. When you exhibit at C!Print, you give to your business a new direction and develop your activity on the French market. CONCEPT The personalisation trade show IN ALL SHAPES! LA PLATEFORME: SERVICE PROVIDERS’ HUB All the service providers and all personalisation solutions (marking, signage, events, web-to-print) are brought together in order to create network oppotunities for brands and designers. ➝ To respond to increasingly global offers, become solution architects and guide your clients in the design of their campaigns. ➝ Come along to complete and present your range of services at the C!Print Plateforme, meeting the needs of communication agencies, purchasing advisers and end users. This SHOWROOM is produced in partnership with leading players in their respective markets, assembled in a «Creative Club», which collaborates actively in the design of this key communication component of the trade show. AREAS 100% DEDICATED TO INNOVATION AND APPLICATIONS ➝ Support and inspire printers and processors in their changes and offer them the possibility of experimenting with new solutions and new business ➝ Show your purchasing advisers the state of the art of personalisation and its innovations ➝ Present brands with the digital technology application fields adapted to their Branding issues DESIGNED IN COLLABORATION WITH EXPERT DESIGNERS IN THEIR SPECIALISMS (ARTISTIC MANAGEMENT, INTERIOR DECORATION, TEXTILE DESIGN), PLUG&PLAY PRESENTS OVER 200 APPLICATIONS, IN 3 DEMONSTRATION SPACES: PRODUCT PERSONALISATION WORKSHOP AREA DEDICATED TO LAYOUT DECRYPTION AREA Cutting, engraving, UV printing, transfer, sublimation, etc. Over 15 techniques explained and demonstrated in the Live personalisation of 15 different products. The PLUG&PLAY brand is applied and put to use in various environments (pop-up store / bar / meeting room, etc.), presented in real-life conditions. Sector experts will run workshops, round tables and guided tours throughout the three days of the trade show, with material that inspires and stimulates the creative spirit of its visitors. PLUG&PLAY VIEW YOUR BUSINESS DIFFERENTLY WITH PLUG&PLAY: A TRADE SHOW IN TOUCH WITH THE MARKET ➝ Bringing innovation to the fore ➝ Deciphering market trends ➝ Supporting designers and decision makers C!Print offers a comprehensive programme of presentations, produced with the collaboration of over 60 experts and the 59 trade show partners (professional associations and institutions, technical and designer partners, professional press and media). 15 3 10 20 3 TRIMESTRIEL JANVIER 2016 #15 VISIBLE The Visual Communication Federation’s quarterly magazine Circulated to over Rencontre Jacques-Antoine Granjon, PDG et fondateur de vente-privee.com Dossier RÉINVENTER LES ESPACES DE TRAVAIL, ENTRE UTILITÉ ET IDENTITÉ Tribune Les perspectives de l’impression numérique industrielle Étude de cas Une ola pour la signalétique du stade de Lens 4,000 QUALIFIED CONTACTS www.visible-mag.fr www.visible-mag.com ROUND TABLES: manufacturers, suppliers, service providers, creative designers and end users, the market leaders meet for 3 days, decrypting the market trends and supporting the developments of the future. GUIDED TOURS: C!Print guides advertisers, brands, local communities, communication agencies, interior designers and decorators on an informative tour. An open door to the potential offered by personalisation techniques. CASE STUDIES AND 3 MASTER CLASSES: High profile campaigns and projects of the year are decrypted by those that produced them and those that designed them. INDUSTRIES CREATIVES Creative Industries: the new design trend blog Monthly newsletter sent out to 20,000 QUALIFIED CONTACTS www.industries-creatives.com WORKSHOPS: The workshops offer entry into the heart of technology as well as analysis of the latest technical innovations. OFF DESIGN COURSES Cross-media, mass personalisation, marketing layout, printed decoration, textile printing, packaging, etc., the key topics are all dealt with in a friendly environment, perfect for creating contacts. Throughout the year, THE TRADE SHOW VIDEOS (workshops, round tables, case studies, interviews), and newsletters report on the latest news in the C!Print community. www.youtube.com/user/656Editions THESE EDITORIAL MEDIA TOOLS ARE AVAILABLE FOR YOU, SO THAT PEOPLE TALK ABOUT YOU! CONTENT THE C!PRINT TRADE SHOW TEAM USES ITS EDITORIAL MEDIA THROUGHOUT THE YEAR TO PROMOTE PERSONALISATION AND COMMUNICATION THROUGH IMAGES. Alongside the annual trade show, C!Print accompanies you throughout the year. The organiser 656 Editions oversees numerous initiatives within the community of image, personalisation and digital community professionals. Therefore, as an exhibitor at C!Print your profile will be displayed on all our medias! + DATA 656 #tousacprint #salonincontournable www.salon-cprint.com SPECIAL EDITIONS Sent out to 10,000 qualified contacts 230 EXPOSANTS SOIT 10 % DE PROGRESSION PAR RAPPORT À 2015, DONT 40 PRESTATAIRES DE SERVICES SUR LA ZONE PLATEFORME. AN ULTRA-QUALIFIED DATABASE FOR TARGETED CAMPAIGNS! 3 visites guidées 20 EXPERTS Small and large format personalisation professionals / communication solution service providers / Purchasing advisers and designers / End users / Communication agencies / Promotional garment and product retailers. Target your needs using a database of over 40,000 CONTACTS and carry out custom-made direct marketing campaigns (E-mailing, telemarketing, mail shots)! parcours 3design « off » dans la ville… QUI ACCOMPAGNENT LE SALON… 40 PARTENAIRES, EXPOSANTS MAJEURS, MAIS AUSSI ASSOCIATIONS ET PRESSE PROFESSIONNELLE. HS C!Print 2016 éxé-ok.indd 1 14/12/2015 18:40 WEB AND INFORMATION BLOG Circulation of daily market news and weekly newsletters to over 30,000 contacts. THE 100% PRINT RELATIONSHIP-BUILDING PLATFORM A tool that is simple, fast and effective, giving visibility to your products, monitoring your marketing, improving your referencing and boosting your sales! www.salon-cprint.com ➝ www.cprint-sourcing.com WEB AND MEDIA 45,000 Traffic generated on the website www.salon-cprint.com during the month before the trade show. WE SHARE YOUR MARKET NEWS ACROSS ALL OUR NETWORKS! 1,542 Tradeshows’ App downloads 1,197 followers on Twitter +33.2% The percentage increase of followers on Twitter since the 2015 show 1,061 contacts on LinkedIn 2,709 fans on Facebook +57.9% The percentage increase of contacts on LinkedIn since the 2015 show +86.7% The percentage increase of fans on Facebook since the 2015 show #CPRINT / @Salon_CPrint THAT REINFORCE YOUR VISIBILITY TRADE SHOW GOODIES SPONSORSHIP ON ESTIMATE PERSONALISED E-MAILING We prepare e-mail campaigns in your colours ready to be sent out to your contacts Attract even more visitors to your stand by handing out and personalising official C!Print goodies COMMUNICATION CUSTOM COMMUNICATION TOOLS LANYARDS BAGS BAG INSERTS PENS PAPER INVITIATIONS To invite all your customers PERSONALISED BANNER To be incorporated into your website / email signature, etc. All our communication tools can be found at: www.salon-cprint.com/en/advertising-tools CREATION OF STRONG PARTNERSHIPS WITH THE PRESS AND PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATIONS FRANCE muuuz architecture & design magazine 2016 REPORT Exhibitors 230 THE PREMIUM SERVICE A C!PRINT EXCLUSIVITY We manage the follow-up of your VIP accounts from A to Z, ensuring they receive an EXCLUSIVE PREMIUM service to facilitate your commercial contacts! PERSONALISED CONTACT / REGISTRATION FOR THE EVENT / HOTEL RESERVATION ASSISTANCE / STATION WELCOME AND TRANSFER / FREE PARKING AND CLOAKROOM / FREE STATION-AIRPORT SHUTTLE / SPECIFIC WELCOME / OPEN BAR EXHIBITORS 49 91 12 11,197 UNIQUE VISITORS OVER THE 3 DAYS MANUFACTURERS OF PRINTING EQUIPMENT / MEDIA +7,31% increase compared with the 2015 show SERVICE PROVIDERS DISTRIBUTORS OF EQUIPMENT / MEDIA 78 Visitors Visitor profiles and posts 62.56% PRESS AND ASSOCIATION PARTNERS decision makers INTEGRATED LOGISTICAL SUPPORT PERSONALISED LOGISTICAL SUPPORT A SINGLE CONTACT PERSON FOR ALL YOUR TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS A CUSTOMISED STAND OFFER 19.84% other 17.60% purchasing advisers 2016 Report VISITOR BUSINESS FIELDS IN 2016 LARGE FORMAT PRINTING SERVICES 22.73% DISTRIBUTORS / SELLER OF GARMENT AND GIFT 4 9.84% 2.27% POST-PRESS / FINISHING PROCESSORS 0.78% 3 PRE-PRESS PROFESSIONALS SMALL FORMAT / PERSONALISATION SERVICE PROVIDERS 37.1% 2 14.78% 1/ LARGE FORMAT 53% 2/ OFFSET PRINTING 21% 1 / SIGN 17% 3 4/ DIGITAL SIGNAGE 9% NON-PRINTED VISUAL COMMUNICATION PROVIDERS 14.36% CONTRACTOR / PURCHASE / ADVERTISERS 9.78% CREATIVE / PHOTOGRAPHERS AND DESIGNERS COMMUNICATION AGENCIES 14.16% 11.30% DISTRIBUTION PER FRENCH GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION OF VISITORS 50 COUNTRIES REPRESENTED 92% FRENCH REGION: Alsace, Champagne-Ardenne and Lorraine 5.28% Aquitaine, Limousin and Poitou-Charentes 4.41% Auvergne and Rhône-Alpes 43,81% Bourgogne and Franche-Comté 4.32% Brittany 1.37% Centre 1.91% Corsica 0.36% Ile-de-France 13,27% Languedoc-Roussillon and Midi-Pyrénées 8.96% Nord - Pas-de-Calais and Picardie 2.74% Basse-Normandie and Haute-Normandie 1.29% Pays de la Loire 3.23% Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur 9.05% ContacTs Thomas NOLLET Jérôme BOURGEOIS Emilie EGGENSCHWILLER Pauline DUCAT Sales director thomas.nollet@656editions.net Tel. +33 (0)6 20 63 46 27 / +33 (0)4 78 30 41 73 Sales Representative emilie@656editions.net Tel. +33 (0)4 78 30 44 57 A Julie CHIDE Marketing Director and Plug&Play Project jerome.bourgeois@656editions.net Tel. +33 (0)4 78 30 41 73 Content manager julie.chide@656editions.net Tel. +33 (0)6 76 72 92 80 Pauline DUCAT Marketing Manager Logistic Department Marketing Manager pauline@656editions.net Tel. +33 (0)4 78 30 35 08 logistic@656expo.net pauline@656editions.net Tel. +33 Tel. (0)4+(34) 78 69911 84 82 25 93 96 event The C!Print Lyon trade show is organised by 656 Editions animating the community of the image, personalisation and digital sector professionals. TRIMESTRIEL JANVIER 2016 #15 The group is responsible for specialist trade shows, press publications, social media and marketing services aimed at a range of markets including visual communication, merchandise / textiles, print and graphic arts and its new applications (Architecture, Decoration, Design, Industry, etc.). Throughout the year 656 publishes fresh content relating to markets, new trends, and highly innovative technical applications. It also runs communication campaigns targeting fully qualified and personalised contacts, making 656 a Multi-Channel group. The group channels its expertise into helping market players optimise their year-round communication activities with a view to acquiring new market opportunities € Rencontre Tribune Les perspectives de l’impression numérique industrielle RÉINVENTER LES ESPACES DE TRAVAIL, ENTRE UTILITÉ ET IDENTITÉ Étude de cas Une ola pour la signalétique du stade de Lens www.visible-mag.com MAG /// AUTOMNE 2015 LE JOURNAL DE L’OBJET PUBLICITAIRE, DU TEXTILE PROMOTIONNEL ET DES TECHNIQUES DE PERSONNALISATION /// « Vous informer ÉVÉNEMENTS sur l’actualité et les mutations de votre marché, c’est notre priorité ! » Pour tous les distributeurs d’objets et de textile promotionnels et les professionnels du marquage et de la personnalisation, le prochain grand événement du marché aura lieu à Lyon du 26 au 28 janvier 2016. CTCO et C!Print : deux rendez-vous indispensables et complémentaires pour bien démarrer 2016 en étant en prise directe avec un marché en pleine évolution. Les préenregistrements sont désormais ouverts : rendez- CTCO : CAP SUR L’ÉDITION 2016 ! Le cadeau d´affaires fait sa rentrée Pour mettre sur pied la 8ème édition du salon CTCO, du 26 au 28 janvier prochain à Lyon, l’organisateur 656 Editions s’est avant tout posé une question : comment accompagner toujours mieux fournisseurs et distributeurs d’objets et de textile promotionnels dans l’évolution et la professionnalisation de leur marché ? La réponse en quelques points clés… (La suite page 2) les 2 et 3 septembre à Paris vous sur les sites www.salon-ctco.com et www.salon-cprint.com pour obtenir gratuitement vos badges d’entrée avec le code invitation APCTCO16CM. Organisateur de salons en France et, depuis 2014, également en Espagne, nous souhaitons par ailleurs renforcer la dimension européenne de nos activités, que ce soit dans l’événementiel ou l’édition. Par exemple, nous initions à compter de ce numéro d’automne de C!mag News une collaboration éditoriale avec le magazine EPPI de la société allemande WA Media. Dans chaque numéro, vous retrouverez désormais une rubrique dédiée, signée par la rédaction d’EPPI, vous offrant un supplément d’information sur l’actualité européenne. Je vous invite donc à découvrir dès à présent votre C!mag News et à retrouver, en 36 pages, les dernières actualités et nouveautés du secteur promotionnel et des techniques de personnalisation. Since its creation in 2001, the group has constantly sought to provide innovative solutions combining creativity, conviviality and high-quality services. ... Jacques-Antoine Granjon, PDG et fondateur de vente-privee.com Dossier Bonne lecture à tous et rendez-vous en janvier pour un numéro exceptionnel CTCO et C!Print ! Guillaume Abou, Directeur de publication fr.linkedin.com/in/guillaumeabou ACTUALITÉS PF CONCEPT DEVIENT DISTRIBUTEUR EXCLUSIF DES PRODUITS OPPENHEJM & JANSSON En août dernier, PF Concept a annoncé qu’il prenait en charge la distribution exclusive sur le marché promotionnel européen de la collection de produits de sûreté et de sécurité de Oppenhejm & Jansson. Un accord stratégique qui permet à chaque partie d’aller de l’avant tout en se concentrant sur son domaine d’excellence. (La suite page 11) BP 1072 - 69202 Lyon Cedex 01 - 1 place Tobie Robatel 69001 Lyon - Tél : +33 (0)4 78 30 41 73 - Fax : +33 (0)4 78 30 41 79 E-mail : info@656editions.net - www.c-mag.fr Directeur de la publication : Guillaume ABOU - g-abou@656editions.net Fondateur : Michel ANJORAS - ma@656editions.net Direction artistique et réalisation : François JAILLET - fjaillet@656editions.net Rédactrice en chef : Céline COLLOT - celine@656editions.net Chefs de publicité : Anne SIZARET - anne@656editions.net - Thomas NOLLET - thomas.nollet@656editions.net Rédaction : Céline COLLOT - Guillaume ABOU - Julie CHIDE Contributions éditoriales : Olivier Cetra - Thierry Reynaud - Communication et marketing : Pauline DUCAT Web-mastering : Thomas PERRAUT Petites annonces : celine@656editions.net Corrections : Céline COLLOT Omelettes & bières : Christian du Romarin Impression : Manufacture d’histoires des Deux-Ponts, 5 rue des Condamines, 38320 Bresson Routage : DS Routage, 73 rue Jules Guesde, 69230 Saint Genis Laval Prix au n° : 15 euros Abonnement 1 an : 50 euros Publicité : +33 (0)4 78 30 41 73 Editeur : Sarl 656Editions - RCS LYON B 440 290 070 - APE 221E - ISSN : 2266-7601 - Commission paritaire en cours - “costatum pressio est” - Conformément à la loi du 11/03/57 toute reproduction même partielle des articles et illustrations publiés dans C!mag News est interdite sans accord de la société d’édition. INTERVIEW Jean Chabert, fondateur de la marque textile Stanley&Stella ANALYSE Pour un objet publicitaire responsable Page 24 BRODERIE Achat de matériel : la bonne marche à suivre FOCUS Le textile promotionnel tiré à quatre épingles ! Page 58 Page 44 Page 22 Édité par #15 Septembre 2015 15 euros - www.c-mag.fr VOIR PAGE 4 PAGE 1 en partenariat avec
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Directeur de la publication : Guillaume ABOU - g-abou@656editions.net Fondateur : Michel ANJORAS - ma@656editions.net Direction artistique et réalisation : François JAILLET - fjaillet@656editions.n...