annual - Strathcona County Library
annual - Strathcona County Library
A N N U A L S T R AT H C O N A C O U N T Y L I B R A R Y R E P O R T 2 0 1 4 County residents are at the heart of everything we do, and we love that our photos are full of people of all ages enjoying Library activities. Here are some additional 2014 highlights. Growth in our digital collections. Our community continues to be interested in physical formats like books, DVDs, and CDs. But demand is also rising for digital formats too, with digital borrowing up by 68%. We’ve added Zinio eMagazines, and Hoopla, to bring eMovies, Music and TV into our existing electronic mix. Library programming in the community. Last year, we offered over 3000 program sessions to more than 57,000 attendees of all ages. Many of these took place out in the community: at preschool agencies (36% more than in 2013), in rural community halls (Bookmobile program attendance increased by 149% over 2012), and in seniors’ lodges (for more than 100 seniors residing there). A solid future. In the fall of 2014 we began developing a new Plan of Service. Our consultation brought together a diverse group of 26 community representatives to talk about needs and challenges, and to tell us how they want to see Library services shaped over the next five years. The future they described is bold, exciting, and community-focused. We look forward to unveiling our new plan this fall. Thank You. We want to take a moment to offer our sincere thanks for the support we receive from so many: • Mayor Roxanne Carr and Strathcona County Council; • The Province of Alberta and in particular, the Honourable Dave Quest and MLAs Jacquie Fenske and Cathy Olesen; • The Friends of Strathcona County Library Society, who raise a tremendous amount of funds for collections and services through events like our annual Garden Tour that many residents enjoy; • Our many volunteers who give so generously of their time and energy, including our hardworking and dedicated Library Board; • Community partners, whose support has added many innovative dimensions to Library service; • The many individual donors who care so much about the collections, programs and services the Library provides; and • Our caring and professional staff, and our patrons, who continue to use and support the Library. You are all a vital part of our mission to provide literacy, learning and leisure in the community that we are so fortunate to call home. As we look to our library’s future, we are reminded of something our dear friend and previous board chair used to say: “Onward and upward!” Anna Pandos Chair, Strathcona County Library Board 2 Sharon Siga CEO, Strathcona County Library A DAY IN THE LIFE OF STRATHCONA COUNTY LIBRARY 42 1557 PEOPLE SIGN UP FOR PEOPLE WALK THROUGH THE DOORS OF OUR CENTRAL LIBRARY IN THE STRATHCONA COUNTY COMMUNITY CENTRE 101 PEOPLE VISIT THE BOOKMOBILE A LIBRARY CARD 3809 PHYSICAL ITEMS ARE BORROWED 274 DIGITAL ITEMS ARE BORROWED CHECK-OUTS OF DIGITAL ITEMS HAVE INCREASED BY 1077 PEOPLE 68% OVER 2013 VISIT OUR WEBSITE 1752 PEOPLE VISIT OUR ONLINE CATALOGUE 165 PEOPLE TA K E PA R T I N A LIBRARY PROGRAM 222 PEOPLE U SE O NE O F O U R 88 P U B L I C COMPUTERS AND PEOPLE LOG INTO THE LIBRARY’S FREE WIFI SERVICE 369 TIMES THIS REPRESENTS A 31% INCREASE OVER 2013 Statistics are based on days open in 2014 3 PROGRAMMING FOCUSED ON MENTAL HEALTH On April 2, we welcomed His Honour, Col. (Retired) the Honourable Donald S. Ethell, OC OMM AOE MSC CD LLD, Lieutenant Governor of Alberta, to speak about his personal experiences living with post-traumatic stress disorder. He was joined by Melissa Baker, Director of the Edmonton Chapter of the Post Natal Depression Association, who spoke about living with post natal depression. This unique program was presented with the assistance of the The Lieutenant Governor’s Circle on Mental Health and Addiction, a charitable organization dedicated to helping reduce the stigma related to mental illness and addiction, furthering public knowledge of the topic, and shining a light on the positive work taking place across the province. MINISTER’S AWARD OF EXCELLENCE AND INNOVATION IN PUBLIC LIBRARY SERVICE Our Library is a member of the Metro Edmonton Federation of Libraries, which received a Minister’s Award of Excellence and Innovation in Public Library Service in 2014. This award recognized the development of the ME Libraries Service, which began its life as a pilot project created by the Metro Edmonton Federation of Libraries (made up of Edmonton, Fort Saskatchewan, St. Albert and Strathcona County Libraries). What began as a pilot has now become Alberta-wide borrowing: an Albertan with a valid library card can borrow materials from any public library in the province. 4 PARTNERSHIP WITH EDMONTON IMMIGRANT SERVICES ASSOCIATION (EISA) In 2014, the Library launched an innovative partnership with the Edmonton Immigration Services Association. We supply Library meeting space, and EISA supplies a Settlement Practitioner, who meets twice a week with newcomers to Canada. Grazyna Pakos, our Settlement Practitioner The Library Settlement Program is funded by Citizenship and Immigration Canada and our Settlement Practitioner provides assistance to newcomers in a broad range of areas: • immigration and related issues, • information and assistance with government forms and procedures, • referrals to local agencies such as Family and Community Services, and • understanding the Canadian school system. CHANGING LIVES THROUGH PARTNERSHIPS Some key partners helped our Library to make a big impact on people’s lives in 2014: • With Strathcona County Family & Community Services, we helped residents to complete their income tax returns. • With our Metro Library Writer in Residence, we helped to guide and inspire local writers. • With the Rotary Club of Sherwood Park Heartland, we offered free faxing, printing and other job-search help through our Career Resource Centre. • With Norquest College, we welcomed newcomers with ongoing English language classes. • With the Community Adult Literacy and Learning Society of Fort Saskatchewan and Strathcona, we offered English conversation circles and one-on-one language tutoring. 5 2014 Human Library Event Human “books” share stories from their lives FAMILY FOOTBALL NIGHT In May, kicker Grant Shaw and fullback Calvin McCarty of the Edmonton Eskimos spent an evening with a group of County kids and their families. Literacy isn’t always about books, and this event was designed to teach kids a little bit about how the game of football is played, as well as give them a peek into the world of a professional football player. Edmonton Eskimos kicker Grant Shaw signs a football for a young fan 6 No question was off-limits and the queries ranged from “Do I have to go to college in the U.S. if I want to play in the CFL?” to “What do you eat for supper?” We all learned something new! Bookmobile Manager Diana Balbar and Bookmobile Specialist Cindy Schmidt (second and third from the left), with several County residents at Antler Lake Hall for Neighbour Day COMMUNITY BUILDING When the Antler Lake Community Hall closed, our Bookmobile staff began a year-long community development effort. Diana Balbar, our Bookmobile Manager, put on a Neighbour Day to gauge support, held community meetings to recruit new members for the Community League executive and helped plan a series of programs and events. This rural hall has re-opened, and community programming is going strong once again. Our Bookmobile is truly part of the rural community, and works hard to support the many rural community halls that the Library uses to provide programs and services to County residents. 7 THE YEAR IN PHOTOS Bookmobile Specialist Christiane Karsten leads a summer storytime in North Cooking Lake Linda Fair and her dog Hazel present the program “Dogged Determination Across Canada” , the story of Linda’s four-year trek across Canada by dogsled. Local teens Emelia Housch and Caitlin Taylor attend a Steampunk program in November Global TV’s Gord Steinke showcases his book at the Words in the Park local author event 8 Writer in Residence Margaret Macpherson hosts the Big Speakeasy event A participant plays Scrabble in our UnlimitED senior’s program THE YEAR IN PHOTOS Participants in the “Star Wars Reads” event Strathcona County Mayor Roxanne Carr reads to a group of children during Read-In Week 2014 Melanie Kerr reads at Words in the Park Brian and Penny Betts, 2014 Friends’ Garden Tour hosts Enbridge employees, plus 67 other volunteers, help with the Friends of Strathcona County Library gift wrap fundraiser at Sherwood Park Mall Bookmobile Manager Diana Balbar and Bookmobile Specialist Twyla Guenette-Wachno celebrate the completion of the Grade One Book Buzz program at Ministik School 9 LOCKED IN THE LIBRARY As a member organization in the Positive Youth Development Committee, the Library planned one of the County-wide Youth Rocks events in May: Locked in the Library. This program received a grant from the Edmonton Community Foundation’s Young Edmonton Grant (YEG) program, and it was one of the programs featured in the Edmonton Community Foundation’s Vital Signs report -- an annual check-up to measure how the community is doing with youth. We were also very pleased that Taryn Lough, our Teen Services Librarian, received a High Five Award in 2014. Recipients for this award are chosen by Strathcona County youth. 10 FUND DEVELOPMENT INDIVIDUALS CORPORATIONS COMMUNITY GROUPS IN MEMORY OF LOVED ONES $57,995 donated in 2014 Alan Hill and Larry Fowler of the Sherwood Park Breakfast Lions Club (front row) were on hand to present the Library with three SAD lamps in December 2014. In this year’s annual report, we’d like to make special mention of the Sherwood Park Breakfast Lions Club, who are long-time donors to the Library, often supporting initiatives that will help patrons with special needs: • • • • SAD Lamps, which may help patrons who experience Seasonal Affective Disorder and sleep disorders. Sound Enhancement Systems technology, which helps people with limited hearing, including second language learners and children with a variety of special needs. Special computer monitors for patrons who are visually impaired. DAISY readers (Digital Accessible Information System), Talking Books and Descriptive DVDs. EQUIPMENT SERVICES PROGRAMS FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY SOCIETY • • • • • The 14th annual Garden Tour ran Sunday, July 13. Volunteers donated over 600 hours of their time to this event. Friends’ volunteers helped with annual Book Sale in August, which raised almost $11,000. In October, the Friends hosted a successful wine-tasting event called “Books, Bites and Bubbly”, attended by 90 people. Our annual Christmas Gift Wrap fundraiser at Sherwood Park Mall saw more than 70 volunteers donating 425 hours, and raising just over $7500. And finally, there were two recipients of the 2014 Muriel Abdurahman Volunteer Award: Tine Prins and Beth Duff. 11 12 SATELLITE SERVICES This year, we opened a book return bin at the new Bethel Transit Terminal. We now have three of these satellite book drops: as well as the bin at Bethel, there’s a book drop at Millennium Place and one at the Ardrossan Recreation Centre. MONTHLY AVERAGE ITEMS RETURNED TO S AT E L L I T E B O O K D R O P S 275 The book drop at the Bethel Transit Terminal ARDROSSAN 295 1106 BETHEL MILLENNIUM 13 14 The Provincial Libraries Act of Alberta requires that public libraries have their annual financial statements audited by an external auditor. KPMG, our external auditor, provided us with an unqualified audit opinion that our financial statements for the year ended December, 31, 2014 present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of the Library and our results of operations, our change in net debt and our cash flows in accordance with Canadian public sector accounting standards. The Strathcona County Library Audited Financial Statements and Notes to the Financial Statements for the year ended December 31, 2014 are available on our website at 15 Our beautiful cover photo was shot by NAIT student Corey Pollack, as part of a photo essay assignment Strathcona County Library 401 Festival Lane | Sherwood Park, AB | T8A 5P7 780.410.8600 | |