
Volume 15, Issue 4
May 2013
First Holy Communion
May 11, 2013
From the principal...
Dear Parents,
We have reached the end of another
school year. I want to thank all of
you who helped to make this year
a success. We managed to make
it through the numerous changes
to the school calendar due to the
NCEA convention as well as survive
the construction in the church and
school. It was an unexpected turn of
events that led to the renovation of
the church. Something we had not
planned or prepared for during this
year. The gym, cafeteria and church
are now complete and look beautiful. It is good to be on the other
from all these projects. I appreciate all those who helped make this
work possible and were understanding of the changes necessary to our
normal routine. Work on the athletic
to beginning the next school year
under better conditions.
You should have received your
school calendar for the 2013-2014
school year by now. You will notice
we are back on a more predictable
schedule. Please note that Spring
Break will be on March 17-21, not
March 10-14, 2014. The two early
dismissal days will be devoted to
the professional development of the
faculty and staff. The time will allow
for training and collaboration between and among the various grade
The school board is beginning work
on a strategic plan for St. Vincent de
Paul Catholic School. The plan will
growth and expansion. Mr. Ray Vale
and Mr. Joe Watson are coordinating the effort under the leadership
of our new board president Mr. Joe
I hope everyone has a safe and enjoyable summer vacation. School
resumes August 13, 2013 with a
half day of school and PTO Orientation in the gym.
Yours in Christ,
Carolyn Sears M.Ed.
years in making decisions regarding the future of the school. School
board members will reach out to the
community at large for input. Areas
for discussion are: Catholic identity, academic excellence, leadership
and governance, enrollment and
marketing, temporal vitality, and
From the PTO President...
It’s hard to believe that summer
is here and that this is my last letter to you as PTO President. It has
been an outstanding year for PTO.
We just completed Teacher Appreciation Week, Career Fair, Style Show
and our 3rd/4th quarter Tiger Pride
Day. I’d like to extend my thanks to
Jill Garcia and Katherine Macey, our
Hospitality Directors, for leading the
many heartfelt activities that made
up such a special week in appreciation of our wonderful SVdP faculty.
I’d also like to thank Tiffany Johnson and Hai Tran who jumpstarted our children into thinking about
Fair. Thank you to our Spring Style
Show Directors, Keli Luce and Tina
Swartz. “Life’s a Journey,” honored
our beloved Ms. Kathy Barnes, and
was a very touching and beautiful
send off for our eighth grade students and their families. I also want
to thank Kimberly Buettgen and Tricia Hoffman for bringing Tiger Pride
Days to our school. The children
loved the treats! What a wonderful
way to conclude our year.
Last but certainly not of any less importance, I would like to thank the
SVdP Booster Club Organization for
all of the wonderful things they have
brought to our school. I especially
want to thank Penny Grams for her
insight and support while working
closely with PTO during this transition phase. We are excited about
this integration and look forward
to continuing to develop the good
works Booster Club has put in place
to support our children’s school for
years to come.
It has been my honor and privilege
to serve as PTO President. I cannot
thank the Executive Board and Directors enough for their dedication
to our school and their generosity.
The support Carolyn Sears provided, the guidance from Elisabeth
Yoder and the helpfulness of our
faculty and the church staff have
made this position such a joy to undertake. I wish the incoming Board
much success in the upcoming year.
Through your generosity and the incredible work ethic of the PTO Board
and their committees we have had
many successful community and
fundraising events. Every family
has been an integral part of this effort. The PTO would not successful
without the willingness of each of
you. Thank you for generously donating your time. I feel extremely
overwhelmed when I think of this
wonderful community that my family is so fortunate to be a part of.
Michelle Bickham
2012-13 PTO President
In gratitude,
From the incoming PTO President...
I’m thrilled to have the opportunity to serve as
your PTO President in the upcoming school year.
It promises to be an exciting year, as we celebrate both
the 70th anniversary of our great school, and the comfor the leadership of our soon-to-be PTO Past-President,
Michelle Bickham, She has given an incredible amount
of time, energy and dedication to our children’s school.
will be joining Michelle and me on the PTO Executive
Board for the 2013-2014 school year. I would also like
to extend my appreciation to all of the new PTO Directors
for their willingness to serve. The entire list of the new
PTO Board is printed below.
The incoming PTO board has already begun planning for the 2013-14 school year. Please add the
following PTO-sponsored events to your calendar:
August 13, 2013 - Orientation, 7:30-11:00 a.m.
November 18-22, 2013 - Book Fair
December 7, 2013 - Breakfast with Santa
January 25, 2014 - Auction and Gala
April 27, 2014 - Style Show
Fundraising: As most of you know, tuition only covers
part of the cost of educating our children at SVdP, and
PTO helps bridge that gap. Money raised through PTO
school each year. Our major fundraiser is Auction; critical funds are also raised via Book Fair, Tiger Market,
and Tiger Bucks. Historically, PTO funds have contribrenovation, new trees on campus, technology upgrades,
performance programs equipment, science lab and art
room improvements, the playground, classroom Smart
Boards, the library expansion, and sound and lighting
Service: With the assistance of a multitude of volunteers, we carry out many support functions for the
school. These include Breakfast with Santa, Cabrini Festival, Career Fair, Enrichment/Power of One, the Getting
to Know SVdP speaker series, Hospitality, Orientation,
Party Packs, Public Relations, Room Parent Coordinator,
Style Show, the Tiger’s Mouth newsletter, the Tiger’s
Roar Yearbook, and the Used Uniform program.
PTO is growing to meet the school’s needs: To better align volunteering and fundraising efforts within the
school, the PTO is integrating the responsibilities that
were formerly supported by Booster Club, which will no
longer be an independent organization after this current
school year. We are grateful for all the hard work done by
our Booster Club peers, and we look forward to building
on the success they had in supporting the school’s athletics and music programs. To that end, we have added
the following Director positions to the PTO Board: Concessions, Sports Parent Coordinators, and Performance
Programs. Tiger Market will resume under PTO, and will
integrate Booster Club’s spirit gear sales.
We hope that you will become a part of the PTO
and support these volunteer and fundraising efforts. Volunteer opportunities and sign-up sheets will be
available at Orientation on August 13. The monthly PTO
open to all and I encourage your attendance. If you have
questions or suggestions, please contact me at 713-2999747 or Together, we can
continue to build a strong school community and provide an exemplary education
for our children.
Yours truly,
Heather Montoya
President - Michelle Bickham
Past President - Marnie Clark
Vice-President, President Elect - Heather Montoya
Communications Vice-President - Karen David-Green
Secretary - Teresa Bogatto
Treasurer - Jennifer Rosenfeld
PTO Directors:
Auction - Stephanie Bourg & Kristina Drone
Auction Elect - Katy Antill & Maggie Garza
Book Fair - Tiffany Moreno & Jill Pollard
Breakfast with Santa - Victoria Castro & Twyla Levy
Career Fair - Tiffany Johnson & Hai Tran
Enrichment - Wendy Johnston, Maria Jose Redondo
Nieto & Leanne Schneider
Faculty Liason - Preston Smith
Hospitality - Jill Garcia & Katherine Macey
Orientation - Erin Ayers & Shannon Ramirez
Party Packs - Kim Gentry & Amy Sorenson
Public Relations - Janet Cunningham & Claire Lynch
Room Parent Director - Lisa Louis
Style Show - Keli Luce & Tina Swartz
Tiger Bucks - Mary Helen O’Leary & Patrica Ritter
Tiger Market - Kimberly Buettgen & Tricia Hoffman
Tiger’s Mouth Newsletter - Rachel Parten & Ana Patrick
Tiger’s Roar Yearbook - Claire Hughes
Used Uniforms - Graciana Linardi & Debra Pesek
PTO Executive Board:
SVdP School PTO Board
2013 - 2014
SVdP School PTO Board
2012 - 2013
PTO Executive Board:
President - Heather Montoya
VP, President-Elect - Teresa Bogatto
Past President - Michelle Bickham
Communications VP - Jennifer Rosenfeld
Secretary - Stephanie Bourg
Treasurer - Claire Hughes
PTO Directors:
Auction - Katy Antill & Maggie Garza
Auction Elect - Cathy Hollerbach & Ana Patrick
Book Fair - Cathy Hughes & Jody McDaniel
Breakfast with Santa - Maribel Nola & Esmer Vale
Cabrini Festival-Soledad Aguirre Duffy & Carolina Ferrante
Concessions Coordinator - Laura Sage
Enrichment - Alexis Kennedy & Elaine Whitley
Hospitality - Dani Bass & Kari Clay
Orientation - Karen Haysley & Kelly Hogan
Performance Programs & Suanne Bovier
Party Packs - Wendy Johnston & Leanne Schneider
Public Relations - Janet Cunningham & Mary Polnau
Room Parent Coordinator - Kristina Drone
Sports Parent Coordinator - Kris Little &
Tiffany Leyendecker
Style Show - Kim Burrow & Victoria Mattioli
Tiger Bucks - Mary Helen O’Leary & Patricia Ritter
Tiger Market - Erin Ayers & Graciana Linardi
Tiger’s Mouth Newsletter - Rachel Parten
Used Uniforms - Eryn Elliott & Colleen Walsh
Yearbook - Valerie Cortez & Mel Iero
PTO Financial Performance 2012-13*
Book Fair**
Breakfast with Santa
Orientation/PTO Dues
Party Packs
Style Show
Tiger Bucks
Tiger Market
Used Uniforms
** In addition, over 550 books were donated to our library, classrooms and counselors.
Career Fair
Enrichment/Power of 1/Red Ribbon Week
New Family Orientation/Buddy Family program
New School year Orientation
Parenting Speaker series
Public Relations – External publications
Room Parent Communication
Tiger Pride Days
Tigers Mouth Newsletter
Uniform Lost & Found
2012/13 School Operation Expenses
Faculty Christmas Bonus Deferred 2013
Faculty Retention Bonus
Tree Project
Funds are needed prior to annual Auction fundraiser, thus deferred
Funds raised at Book Fair
Paddles Up - Auction
Equipment, lighting and drape
Chrome Books (to replace student machines) (21)
Apple Minis to complete Cart B (whole school use) (20)
Printers (4)
Micro Access Points (wifi) for Apple Devices (6)
Apple TVs (22)
Teacher iPads (10)
60 Chrome Books for 1:1 in 8th grade class
Chrome Books for Intermediate (2nd/3rd Grade Classes) + CART
PTO Services, School Operating Expenses & Special Projects
To apply toward additional school projects or PTO savings
PTO Financial Performance 2012-13*
Thank you to the following faculty for their years of
service to St. Vincent de Paul Catholic School!
June 7
Report Cards Mailed
August 13
First day of school-no PK (11:30 a.m.
August 15
August 19
All school Mass, Holy Day of Obligation
First full day for PreK
September 2
Labor Day Holiday
This is an impressive list and reminds us that happy
teachers make the best teachers. SVdP Catholic
School was voted one of Houston’s “Best Places to
Work in 2012” by the Houston Chronicle.
Tuesday – 11th 1-3 p.m.
Wednesday 12th 6-8 p.m.
Tuesday – 2nd 1-3 p.m.
Wednesday – 3rd 1-3 p.m.
Jan Berry - 30 years
Carolyn Sears - 25
Diane Sinclair - 20
Pam Babin - 15
Elizabeth Urquhart - 15
Brindley Drake - 10
Dianne O’Neill - 15
Ashley Acomb - 5
Megan McNabb - 5
Melissa Pruet-Collins - 5
Stephe Shaw - 5
Tuesday – 18th 1-3 p.m.
Tuesday – 9th 1-3 p.m.
Wednesday – 19th 6-8 p.m. Wednesday – 10th 6-8 p.m.
Tuesday – 25th 1-3 p.m.
Tuesday 16th – 1-3 p.m.
Wednesday – 26th 6-8 p.m. Wednesday – 17th 6-8 p.m.
Tuesday – 23rd – 1-3 p.m.
Wednesday – 24th -6-8 p.m.
Scholarhip Winners
Best Wishes!
Congratulations to Miss Sarah Cromwell
who will be married to Mr. Avery Sheppard
on August 10!
Congratulations to Miss Keri Lott who recently became engaged to Mr. Eric Meyer. They will be
married on November 2, 2013.
this year. Each one has been awarded a half-tuition
scholarship to area Catholic High Schools. These are
very competitive scholarships with most schools only
celebrated Miss
Smith’s engagement with
fun and treats
enjoyed by all.
Baby News...
Mary Condron - St. Agnes Academy
Drew Johnson - St. Thomas High
Michael Price - Strake Jesuit
William Sage - St. Thomas High
Anna Winter - Incarnate Word Academy
The kindergarteners showered Mrs.
Woody with love
and gifts for the
upcoming arrival
of her baby boy!
Mrs. McNabb’s class celebrated the upcoming arrival of her second baby boy!
Best wishes to our teachers!
Students who were offered scholarships but chose
to attend other schools are:
Will Davidson, Kyle Katigbak, Michael Price
Felix Read and Emma Stavinoha
St. Agnes Academy
Madeleine Alff
Alyssa Bradley
Christina Broeckelmann
Isabelle Burt
Katherine Castaneda
Mary Condron
Carrie Cruces
Grace Darling
Elena Didway
Taylor Garnett
Anna Hanel
Avery Kelly
Angela Lancaster
Anna Lang
Elena Linardi
Taylor Luce
Meghan McCairns
Olivia McGuire
Zoe Narvacan
Sophia Reinoso
Hannah Robichaux
Emma Stavinoha
Jilia Tremont Teixeira
Peri Van Tho
Lauren Wolfe
Michael Price
Felix Read
Luke Stavinoha
Alejandro Swartz
Incarnate Word
Emma O’Brien
Anna Winter
Bellaire High School
Isabelle Schmidt
Lamar High School
Kyle Gasper
Michael Streitmann
Strake Jesuit College
Brandon Astilla
Jack Carbo
Will Davidson
Daniel Dotson
Kyle Katigbak
Jake Keville
Crespin Linton
Patrick Mooz
Kyle Pesek
Episcopal High
Julia Donato
Nicolas Emery
Mollie Naegeli
Mia Heckler
St. Thomas High
Cameron Alo
Matthew Harris
Drew Johnson
Clay Reidy
William Sage
Jack Sullivan
Elizabeth Ayers
Katrina Baaklini
Brandon Butz
Ryan Butz
Emma Castro
John Castro
Maveric Clarin-Jante
Rome Courville
Henry Culotta
Jaime De Lucas
Cassie Doyle
Mia Gonzalez
Skylar Grosshans
Bejamin Hight
Henry Hogan
Giuliana Jansen
Conner Johnson
Kenna King
Pablo Kotara
Emma Kramer
Ema Le
Madelyn Liebl
Ava Lynch
Owen McCarthy
Sarah Mejia
Alexander Montoya
Aislinn O Suilleabhain
Sarah Ortegon
Cameron Patrick
Katherine Probst
David Ramirez
Nora Rijken
Elise Ritter
Kiara Ritter
Olivia Rodriguez
Abigail Schellinger
Garrett Schellinger
Henry Sovany
Peyton Stewart
Joseph Sweeney
Evelyn Tan
Rachel Curry
Jerry Doyle
Margaret Duncan
Jacob Flowers
Charles Gibson
Jack Guitreau
Lillian Keeler
Nicolas Kotara
Patrick Leif
Peter McGinnis
Lee Monistere
Andrew Schneider
Charlotte Steely
Vanessa Stipes
Maria Emilia Aguirre
Jeff-Angelo Alesna
Victoria Bacigalupo Cruz
Natalie Cenatiempo
Mabyn Coleman
Jason Butz
Georges Sayegh
Preston Flowers
Caroline Franco
Sydney Gibson
Roman Vessels
Jack Brodie
Alexandra Probst
Vincent Vessels
Amanda Butz
Brodie Scott
Kirstie Scott
Matthew Galli
Yara Karam
Sebastian Lacouture
Nathaniel Ramirez
Bryce Guidroz
Alexander Jacobs
Service Project
Caldecott Limo Riders 2012-2013
1st grade
Andrew Buettgen
Lauren Cunningham
Katelyn Fiegel
Lauren Gentry
Dylan Jimenez
Jack Magnus
Penny Meehan
Kate Miller
Alexia Nanquil
Julia Polnau
Karolina Tkaczyk
Denise Walsh
2nd grade
Blythe Bath
Patrick Bourg
Brenna Butler
Edgar Castro
Dominic Considine
Caleb Davis
Isabella Drone
Caroline Dunn
Dax Garza
Jake Haysley
Mary Claire Hughes
Darren Jimenez
Elise Johnson
Sophie Johnston
Jack Keeler
Seth Levy
Laura Linardi
Max McNicholas
Aidan Nanquil
Evie Naumann
Daniella Nolla
Isabella Nolla
Charlie O’Leary
Kevin Pedroza
Elise Reinoso
Aurelie Rijken
Bailey Raymond
Ava Robson
Camille Schneider
Peyton Tan
Eliza Vale
Thank you to all of the SVdP students and
families who participated in the 2nd and
3rd grade service project to collect school
supplies for CUPS. CUPS or Comunidades
Unidas Pro Salud (Communities United For
Jack Ward
3rd grade
Cody Ayers
Katie Berggren
Dalton Ezell
Emily Gentry
Isabelle Louis
Leonardo Morales
Reed Pollard
Reid Ramirez
Sam Read
Tosha Tkaczyk
Stephanie Tremont
Shawn Varkey
to improve the quality of life in rural communities along the Mexico-U.S. border.
CUPS works in Mexican communities serving
50 schools with a total school population of
approximately 2,500 students. Louise Flippen, the director of CUPS, came to SVdP to
speak to the students about the organization, collect the donations, and especially
thank our 2nd and 3rd graders for all
of their efforts.
Power of ONE / Enrichment Committee Update
Power of One Book Club
We wrapped up our Power of One
Book Club series for this school year
on April 14 where we discussed the
book Nurture Shock: New Thinking
About Children, by Po Bronson and
Ashley Merryman. A big thank you
goes to Catherine Devine who hosted
and led the discussion at her home.
We will be continuing the book club
into the next school year and hope
you can join us. Look for information
to come out for summer reading opportunities and the date for our next
meeting in the fall.
Brownie Troop
Brownie Troop 25340
recently earned
girls completed activities around
and learning about the +Works approach to bullying. Some of the activities included discussing the traits
of a +Girl and how to integrate them
into their life, listing their +traits and
what unique qualities they have to
offer to others, creating bookmarks
to remind them of what they learned
about being positive every day, and
performing a small, simple act of
kindness to a different person every
day for a week.
For more information on
how your girls can earn the +GIRL
patch, please contact +Works at or
Leanne Schneider at schneider06
Save the Date! Power of One
Week October 22-25
Power of One Week will be held October 22 – 25 this fall. We will again
have a variety of speakers, activities
and events for the students, parents
and teachers in support of our Power
of One theme, making healthy and
positive choices including: drug, alcohol & tobacco awareness, making
wise choices, health & wellness, and
anti-bullying. Each person has the
power to make wise choices each and
every day - emotionally, physically,
and spiritually.
Stay tuned for more details as we get
closer to the event.
“My Future Begins Today” Career Fair
“My Future Begins Today” Career Fair was held on Tuesday, April 23 thru Thursday,
April 25. This inspiring event
kicked-off with keynote speaker Mr. Frank Hogan, a parent
and alumna. He shared with
the entire student body his
journey from SVdP and West
University Little League, to
graduating Harvard, playing
Major League Baseball, and
becoming a successful businessman, husband, and father. Mr. Hogan encouraged
all the students to work their
hardest every day and to keep
an open mind while enjoying
the Career Fair.
The primary school welcomed
twelve professionals, many
of them parents, into their
classrooms after the keynote
speaker. They learned how
the speakers chose their careers and about their profession. The students were introduced to careers in medicine,
law, psychology, IT, and business. Sister Maria also shared
what it was like being a nun,
children outside to see their
pumper truck.
Wednesday, April 24, the intermediate classes rotated
between 6 speakers in the
gym and MJFC. Sister Maria
shared what is was like being
a nun, and a NASA engineer
spoke about what it was like
visiting outer space. The students heard how important
civil service is from the West
University Place mayor, and
they explored different careers in music with Mr. Smith.
Thank you to our Career Day Speakers:
los-Ballerini Law Firm, PC
Judge William Zimmer, Immigration Judge Ben Raymond, Principal Sales Representative - Medtronic Cardiac Rhythm Management
Hai Tran, PharmD, Associate Professor Thoracic H&N Medical Oncology - Research The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center
Elizabeth Rebello, MD, Assistant Professor,
Anesthesiology & Perioperative Medicine The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer
Elizabeth Keeler, MD, Clinical Assistant Professor, Gynecologic Oncology & Reproductive Medicine - The University of Texas MD
Anderson Cancer Center
tween subject classrooms,
where each speaker focused
on real life applications of
that subject.
An architect
discussed the importance of
math, while a meteorologist
discussed how different sciences are used in weather
prediction. In literature, an
author explained her journey
from 6th grade journals to six
published books, and in Religion, Sister Maria and SVdP’s
youth minister explained their
vocations. The West U mayor
brought government to life in
history class, and in English,
an entrepreneur explained
what it takes to start and run
your own business.
Mary Oxford, Ph.D. - The Menninger Clinic
Tim Drone, CFO, - J. Patrick Homes
Carrie Schwartzenburg, Owner - Raspberry
Rose and Loop
Sister Maria Eleanor Caisido, CVI, Vocation
Director - Congregation of the Incarnate Word
& Blessed Sacrament
Rachel Parten, Principal, Web Developer and
Designer - Pixel Street Media, LLC
Captain Joe Brace - Fire Station 37
E/O Paul Hamilton - Fire Station 37
We want to thank all our
speakers and their companies for their time, their participation, and for giving our
students a glimpse into their
Fire Captain John Zepeda
Preston Smith, Musician - SVdP School
Mayor Bob Fry, West University Place
Dennis P. M. Hughes, M.D., Ph.D. , Associate Professor, Department of Pediatrics Research, Division of Pediatrics, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center
Tiffany Johnson & Hai Tran
Career Fair Directors 2012-13
Oscar Castro, Division Chief Structural Engineering Division - NASA
shared their passion
Katherine Center, Author - Recent book The Lost Husband
how critical conducting research is.
Andy Immroth, AIA, Lead Architect Parsons Brinckerhoff
Jim Schell, Owner - The Zone, sports complex
On Thursday, April
25, the middle school
students spent the
morning rotating be-
Joey Muckenthaler, Coordinator of Youth
Ministry - SVdP Church
Anthony Yanez, KPRC Meteorologist
I would like to thank Msgr. Bill and Principal
Sears for their support of the Tiger’s Roar Yearbook.
The 2013 Dads’ Club Golf Classic was a resounding success
thanks to the generous support of our sponsors, many of whom
are parishioners and school parents, as well as the tireless work
of Charlie Bourg and David Colley. It was a windy day which
added some strokes to everyone’s game, but everyone was focused on raising money for the students.
I would also like to thank my talented and dedicated yearbook staff for all their time and effort
in putting together a fabulous yearbook.
Special thanks go out to Kim Gentry and Stephanie Bourg who
worked to help register all of our players. Stephanie drove the
beverage cart throughout the tournament, keeping the coolers
Erin Ayers
Sarah Blutt
Suanne Bouvier
Valerie Cortez
Eryn Elliott
Dennis Hughes
Mel Iero
Maribel Nolla
Rebecca Oliver
Rachel Parten
Jennifer Tansey
president next year.
Tournament Sponsor
Dr. Phil Iero of Bellaire Facial
Surgery Center
Beverage Sponsor
Silver Eagle Distributors
Thank you to Lisa Gasper and Debra Pesek who
helped scan and organize the 8th grade baby
Thank you to contributing photographers
who helped the staff
with photos:
Lucy Anderson
Michelle Bickham
Beth Bradley
Kim Buettgen
Janet Cunningham
Hazel Donato
Catherine Dunn
Carol Dupuis
Lisa Gasper
Penny Grams
Gayle Grassle
Karen David Green
Karen Haysley
Renee Heckler
Cathy Hollerbach
Kathy Hwu
Tiffany Johnson
Colleen Kelly
Scott Kloesel
Tiffany Leyendecker
Graciana Linardi
Lynell Linton
Lisa Louis
Claire Lynch
Andria McCairns
Cece McCann
Gentine Meagher
Heather Montoya
Heather Naumann
Maria Redondo Nieto
Chuck O’Leary
Larry Patrick
Gumaro & Stella
Beverage Cart Sponsors
Dr. Julie Longoria of Houston
Pediatric Dental Specialsts
Faith Sepe
Mauria Still
Tricia Streitmann
Gilda Tremont
Kimberly Venker
Rick Vinson
Tedd Winter
Carolyn Wolfe
Lunch Sponsor
The Pollard Family
Gift Bag Sponsor
The Bourg Family
Tiger Sponsors
IBC Bank and Insurance
Thank to the Name
Label Editors who
reviewed and proofread names in the
Hole Sponsors
Lucy Anderson
Dani Bass
Stehanie Bourg
Marnie Clark
Lorraine Coletti
Janet Cunningham
Catherine Dunn
Maike George
Leslie Hansen
Gracian Linardi
Lisa Louis
Victoria Mattioli
Cece McCann
Heather Montoya
Tiffany Moreno
Heather Naumann
Stella Pedroza
Debra Pesek
Jill Pollard
Mary Roy
Mauria Still
Tricia Streitmann
Alice Tholany
Carolyn Wolfe
The Bautista Family
The Considine Family
The Fitzpatrick Family
JARC Energy Solutions, LLC
The Johnson Family
Loop Shoes
The McCarthy Family
The Michalek Family
The Moreno Family
Msgr. Bill Young
Naegeli Transportation, Inc.
Raspberry Rose
Raymond James
River Oaks Cleaners
The Robson Family
St. RoC Family Guild
The Tanglewood Center for
Aesthetic Dentistry
Willis Group Family of
Thank you to all the volunteers who cooked, baked, and donated
their time to make the Hospitality Committee a success. This
year the committee and additional parent volunteers provided:
treats for 10 months of teacher and staff birthdays
refreshments and volunteer time for the positive parenting series speakers Dr. Myron Friedman and Cathy Garcia-Prats, Grandparents’ Day, Christmas Program, Catholic
Schools Week Luncheon, Teacher Appreciation Week, and
Parent-Teacher Conferences
snacks for the Getting to Know SVdP meetings in the fall
55 homemade meals for Staff and Teacher Appreciation
We would like to express our sincerest gratitude for all of your
thoughtfulness, kindness, and generosity. Thank you for a wonderful school year!
Claire Hughes
PTO Tiger’s Roar Yearbook Director 2012-13
Jill Garcia and Katherine Macey
PTO Hospitality Co-Directors 2012-2013
Ways to help SVdP earn
“Free Money”!
There are multiple opportunities to
raise funds for the school that we
consider free money! These programs are of no cost to you but the
combined effort of many truly makes
a difference. Thank you for making a
little extra effort to make your reguBox Tops Marketplace - If you are
an online shopper, a new and easy
way to take advantage of BoxTops
for Education is through the Box
Tops Marketplace. Box Tops Marketplace has a huge variety of vendors, including Expedia, Southwest
Airlines, Choice Hotels, Home Depot, 1-800-FLOWERS, Apple, Itunes,
Max, Target, Wal-Mart, J.C. Penney
and Nordstrom.
To get started, go to and click on “Earn” and
“Shop Marketplace” to see the list
of vendors. When you click on your
store then it will ask you to register
and select St. Vincent de Paul from
the list of schools. Make it a “favorite”
and start shopping!
Box Tops for Education - Simply
clip the box top squares from participating General Mills products and
send them to school with your child.
Each box top is worth ten cents.
Amazon - Begin your Amazon shopping from the SVdP website and your
qualifying purchases will earn money
for the School. Google “Free Money
for SVdP” and the link will appear.
Click on the Amazon link and start
Target - If you have a Target credit card, contact them at
com/tcoe or call 1-800-316-6142 to
add us to your account.
Family Day at local restaurants
month. Enjoy eating out with your
family at a designated restaurant and
10-20% will be donated back to the
Shopathons – we link up with specialty boutique shops and on those
designated days the shops will donate 20% back to our school.
Local Shopping Partnerships
SVdP partners with Randall’s, Kroger and Target to receive a portion of
your purchases back as donations to
the school. Kroger - You will receive
a bar code at the beginning of the
year. Scan the bar code when shopping and it will link SVdP to your loyalty card. Randall’s - Ask customer
service to link your card to the SVdP
account number 11804.
Please contact us for additional information, Mary Helen O’Leary - or Patricia Ritter –
The PTO would like to thank the following behind the scenes volunteers,
for their weekly
task of digging
though bins, sorting and returning
lost items to our students:
Monica Cruces
Joan Ezell
Carmen Fitzpatrick
Lisa Gasper
Katie Lee
Jan Reinoso
Mauria Still
Tina Swartz
We couldn’t have done it without you!
Graciana Linardi and Debra Pesek
PTO Used Uniform Directors 2012-13
The PTO wants you to mark your calendars!
Join us, as we
“Reach for the Stars”
Saturday, January 25, 2014
Hotel Zaza
Come celebrate our 70th anniversary
amongst friends with live and
silent auctions, big board,
fabulous dinner, dancing
and much more!
Stay the night!
Book your room early for special rates
ZaZa Reservations: (713) 526-1991
(reference SVDP room block)
Already have a great donation or party idea? Want to volunteer or underwrite?
Be a shining star and contact us! We’d love to hear from you!
Auction co-chairs: and
Booster Club
It was recently announced that the
Booster Club’s activities would be
absorbed in the coming year into
the PTO. As background, the Booster Club was created to support our
athletic coaches, music director and
cheer and dance by raising much
needed funds for both programs,
as well as providing necessary volunteer support. The Booster Club’s
gap that was previously not supported through either the normal
SVDP budget or the PTO. Over the
past 4 years, the Booster Club has
raised just under $100,000 through
the generous support of our donors,
concession/merchandise sales, Tiger
Classics for boys & girls and Spring
Musical. None of this would have
been possible if not for the dedication and support of our Booster Club
Board and committees. With the
creation of the Annual Fund and in
an effort to reduce the number of
organizations currently fundraising,
the Booster Club’s role will now be
facilitated by several PTO positions.
These positions will support the
many volunteers at the team level.
Beginning in the fall, all families participating in any school sport, music
program or cheer/dance program will
be required to support their child’s
team/program through various volunteer opportunities and by doing
so you will be supporting the athletic department, music program and
cheer/dance program.
A special thank you to those that
spent countless hours to help establish the foundation of the Booster
Club that will now carry on through
its inclusion in the PTO. Thank you
to those that were there from the beginning: Kim Alo, Ann Garnett, Meredith Harris, Joanne Johnson, Kris Little, Shannon Mizell, Kelly Mooz, Tara
Parker, Laura Sage, Peggy Santry,
Sharon Schell, Bethany Smith, Marti Stanley, Tricia Streitmann, Shelley
Ulm, Becky Wall.
In addition, I’d like to thank others
that have volunteered this year to
ensure the athletic, music and cheer/
dance programs were supported and
successful in their volunteer needs:
Cathy Hughes & Jenny McCarthy
bace, Tiffany Leyendecker and Sta(Soccer, Jazz Night & Spring Mu-
nee & Jeff McCurry (Boys Tiger Clas-
Heather Naumann & Patti Biggio
rent Booster Club Board Members:
Staff, Ivory Young, Caitlyn Cain and
Monica Roberts.
The St. Vincent de Paul Catholic School
Track Team participated in a meet on March
23 hosted by St. Laurence Catholic School
at Barnett Stadium. St. Vincent de Paul’s
6th grade girls relay team placed 1st overall
in the 4X400 relay and 3rd overall (1st in
The St. Vincent de Paul Varsity baseball team are the GHCAA 2013
Champions! SVdP ended their season playing St. Ambrose in the
championship game and won 7-0. Michael Streitmann pitched 5 perfect innings for the Tigers and Jack Grams closed out the game to shut
out St. Ambrose and take home the 1st place trophy. Go Tigers!
The St. Vincent de Paul Lady Tiger softball team,
led by Coach Caitlyn Cain, won the Greater Houston
ship game held at the St. Agnes Athletic complex.
The Lady Tigers played in both the WUSA 14U spring
rec softball league and the GHCAA league, and had
an undefeated season in both leagues. The team is
comprised of two 8th graders, nine 7th graders, and
three 6th graders. Assisting Coach Cain was Devyn
Werner and Colleen Kelly. SVdP family and friends
are so proud of the girls-WAY TO GO LADY TIGERS!
First Holy Communion
May Crowning
Field Day 2013
Style Show - “Life’s a Journey”
Special thanks to
for graciously donating the
printing of this newsletter.

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