St. Luke Catholic School - St Luke Catholic Church


St. Luke Catholic School - St Luke Catholic Church
St. Luke Catholic Church
Staffed by
the Scalabrinian Fathers
Diocese of Dallas
202 S. MacArthur Boulevard
Irving, Texas 75060-2708
Established 1902
Pastor: Rev. Clair Antonio Orso, C.S.
Parochial Vicar: Rev. Francesco D’Agostino C.S.
Rev. Richard Bezzegato, C.S. & Rev. Jaime Benjamin Aguila Hdez, C.S.
Deacons: Daniel Segovia, Jose Treviño, Jr.
Office hours/Horas de Oficina: Monday-Friday/Lunes-Viernes:
Parish office/Oficina Parroquial:
1015 Schulze Drive—Irving, TX 75060-2711
Phone: 972-259-3222, Fax: 972-259-3339
9:00 a.m.-12:30 p.m. and 1:30 p.m.-5:00 p.m.
St. Luke Catholic School/Escuela Católica de San Lucas:
1023 Schulze Drive Irving, TX 75060-2711
Office hours/Horas de Oficina: Monday-Friday/Lunes-Viernes: 7:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Established 1955
Phone: 972-253-8285, Fax: 972-253-5535
Principal: Kathy Carruth
Secretary: Gloria Harwerth
Religious Education Office/Ofcina del Catecismo:
1009 Schulze Drive
Irving, TX 75060-2711
Phone: 972-259-1832
Office hours/Oficina: Monday-Thursday/Lunes-Jueves: 1:30 p.m.-5:00 p.m.
Pastoral Staff/Administración Pastoral:
Business Manager: Mary O’Sullivan
Resource Coordinator: Terri Hernandez
Facilities Manager: Jesse Hernandez
Director of Music: Wade Lair
Safe Environment Coordinator: Carmen Acosta
Parish Catechetical Leaders (PCL)
For Children/Youth: Deacon Daniel Segovia / Sr. Jacinta Tran
For Adults and RCIA: Therese Frank, MA
Mass Schedule/Horario de las Misas
English: 7:30 a.m. & 11:00 a.m.
Español: 9:00 a.m.—1:00 p.m.—3:00 p.m. & 4:30 p.m.
Portuguese: 6:00 p.m.
8:00 a.m. English
7:00 p.m. Español
Eucharistic Adoration/Adoración Eucaristica
6:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m.
English: 5:30 p.m.
Tuesday & Friday/Martes & Viernes: 6:00 - 7:00 p.m.
Saturday/Sábado 3:30 - 5:30 p.m.
Registered parishioners should contact the church office regarding application, class Contact a parish priest six months in advance of preparation. /
La pareja deberá comunicarse con uno de los padres seis meses antes para tomar
requirements and other details.
las clases de preparación matrimonial.
Los feligreses registrados en la Parroquia, deberán comunicarse con las Oficinas
de la Iglesia para la solicitud, las clases y otros detalles y requisitos.
Sick and Homebound / Enfermos
We appreciate being informed of the sick, confined to the home and the elderly as
they are valued members of the parish. Please call the church office. /
Les agradeceríamos si nos informaran de las personas que se encuentran
enfermas, los enfermos sin poder salir y los envejecientes, ya son miembros
valiosos de nuestra Parroquia. Por favor comuníquense con las Oficinas de la
Parish Registration/Registro Parroquial
We welcome all to our parish. Please register at church office. Also, if your address or
phone number changes or if you are moving away from the parish, please notify the
church office.
Le damos la bienvenida a todos. Por favor regístrense en la Oficina de la Iglesia.
Si cambia de domicilio o número de teléfono, por favor notifíqueselo a la oficina.
For registered active parishioners only. The family must be registered and active for at least 6 months before the appointment with one of the
priests of the parish. The Quinceañera must have received Baptism, First Communion and Confirmation in the Catholic Church.
Para feligreses registrados y activos solamente. La familia tiene que estar registrada y activa en la parroquia por lo menos 6 meses antes de hacer
una cita con uno de los padres de la parroquia. La Quinceañera tiene que haber recibido el Bautismo, Primera Comunión y Confirmación el la
Iglesia Católica.
7, 2012
In today’s Gospel, Jesus refuses to be caught up in petty squabbles over the reasons divorce is allowed. In Jewish law a
woman was simply not allowed to divorce her husband. Jesus moves the conversation beyond the legal aspects of the
law to the heart of the divorce question: it is a question of marriage. In light of our contemporary experience of everything
from “fast food” to “fast marriages” and “fast divorces” when things don't’ work well, Jesus’ teaching on divorce is not
easily accepted, and leaves little wiggle room. Jesus is clear. He not only transcends Jewish law, he also transcends the
contemporary thinking of his day. His teaching is crystal clear: God’s intention for marriage has its origin in creation. It is
a covenant of love.
In what ways can you encourage couples preparing for marriage to be living witness to Christ in the world?
Mass Intentions
Intenciones de la Misa
CCD & Teen Classes
CCD and Teen classes will resume the weekend of October 13 – 14
Saturday, October 6, St. Bruno
8:00 AM * Our Lady of Grace, † Kevin Rygaard by: Frances Tappen Fam
5:30 PM * Hope Daly (B-Day)
CCD y Clases para Jóvenes
CCD y Clases para Jóvenes se reanudan el Fin de Semana de Octubre 13 y 14
Sunday, October 7, Twenty-Seven Sunday in
Ordinary Time
7:30 AM † Suhail C.C. Hameed, † John W. Becket by: Cynthia
Jauregar, † Jose Velez Sr., † Francis Rae Ratilla
9:00 AM *Nina, *Ehren, * Zooey by: Connie Donihoo, † Ingris Alvarez
Martinez, † Patricia Mendez
11:00 AM † Ryon McGuire
1:00 PM * Amy Calzada (Bendicion 3 Años), † Bridida Orosco de:
Fam. Castellon
3:00 PM
4:30 PM
6:00 PM † Douglas Brassill Horak by: Brassill Fam.
Expectant Mothers Blessing
The Expectant Mother’s Blessing will take place
during all masses the weekend of October 13th
and 14th. For more information, contact DeLiza
Monday, October 8,
Bendición de las
Futuras Madres
8:00 AM † Alan Smith by: Trudy & Dick Smith, † Kuriakose Mozhayil
Tuesday, October 9, St. Denis, and St. John Leonardi
8:00 AM † Cyriac Joseph
7:00 PM † Misael Tellez de: Rosinda Tellez, † Jose Gpe. Valle de: Fam.
La bendición de la futura madre se llevará a cabo durante todas las misas del fin de semana de octubre, 13 y 14. Para obtener más información, por favor comuníquese con DeLiza
Gierling al 214-938-1143 o escriba al
Wednesday, October 10
8:00 AM † Cravciro Vaz by: Rosie Mazarcllo
7:00 PM
Thursday, October 11,
8:00 AM
7:00 PM
Friday, October 12
El Sabado 20 de Octubre, habrá un retiro
para los ministros de Eucaristía de habla
hispana, en la cafetería de la Parroquia.
El horario será de 9:00am a 1:00pm. La
concurrencia es obligatoria para todos los
ministros, para poder ser renovados el
Año que viene en este ministerio.
8:00 AM
7:00 PM
Saturday, October 13
8:00 AM † Mary Chandy, † Jose Barrera by: Our Lady of Grace
5:30 PM * Edith & Jerry Watson, * Stephen Posvar by: Posvar Fam.
Sunday, October 14, Twenty-Eight Sunday in
Ordinary Time
September 30, 2012
First Collection
Food Pantry
CCD Students
$ 4,115.50
$ 189.00
7:30 AM
9:00 AM *Nina, *Ehren, * Zooey by: Connie Donihoo, † Para las Almas
• *Carlos Javier Melo (Bendicion 3 Años),
• * Melisa Amaya Hernandez (Bendicion 3 Años)
11:00 AM † Francisco Itrube by: Javier Itrube y Familia
1:00 PM * Benito Esparza, † Calixto Esparza, † Maria de Jesus Martinez
3:00 PM
4:30 PM † Martha Beltran de Garcia de: Hijos y Nietos
6:00 PM
OCTOBER 7, 2012
Rev. Francesco D'Agostino, C.S.
Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers,
for by this action, some have entertained angels without even knowing it.
Hebrews 13:2
As baptized Christians, we wish to belong to God's vine, where we must find enjoyment and savor the taste of the fruit of our work which is God's gift to us.
Meaning, we must be happy (we find joy) wherever we find ourselves and do our best to produce fruit for the kingdom. There are times when we need pruning
to make us, not only free from the bad, but also to expand us further. A vine is pruned and at times what is pruned is planted elsewhere to expand the vineyard
in order to produce more fruit. But this pruning needs work and effort and causes change. A change that is drastic is not always accepted or liked. As much as
we might like things to stay the same, change is inevitable. We are a people who don’t like change, and when change does happen, it is hard for us to accept.
But just as when we are reading a good novel, for instance, where we must turn the page to know what happens next, no matter how much we like for the story
to end, right then and there, because it is a happy moment; so too, change must be looked upon as turning to a new chapter in anticipation for what will happen
in the future. Yes we are called to be prophets filled with the Spirit, prophets who must accept the will of God; Accept that change which God has called us to
with joy and humbleness. As the prophet Micah tells us: "You have been told, O mortal, what is good, and what the Lord requires of you: Only to do justice and
to love goodness, and to walk humbly with your God." (Micah 6:8)
And so, even though the book has been awesome so far, a new chapter in my life begins as I walk humbly with our God. As you know, I leave St. Luke after the
Fall Festival, to be vicar at Our Lady of Sorrows in Vancouver, BC. No matter how much I have enjoyed myself here, I must turn the page, I must continue the
journey and accept what God has planned for me. For as in the words of Thomas Merton, “All the good that you will do will come not from you but from the fact
that you have allowed yourself, in obedience of faith, to be used by God’s love.” I believe with all my heart, that all I have done and all I have said and taught,
has been to express God’s love for you; his fruit. I hope you received this message from me. I ask for your prayers that I may continue “to be used by God’s
love” for the community of Our Lady of Sorrows; as I will pray for all of you that you may continue to know and believe in the love that God has for you. There
are no goodbyes or farewells, only God's blessing. So may God bless you all and may the Blessed Virgin of Guadalupe guide you through life with her own example of accepting the will of God. Sincerely, Fr. Francesco
Como cristianos bautizados, nuestro deseo es de hacer parte de la viña de Dios, donde encontramos felicidad y donde podemos saborear el fruto de nuestro
trabajo que el regalo que nos da Dios. Que quiero decir con esto es, deberíamos ser felices (encontramos alegría) donde quiera encontramos en la vida y tratamos de hacer lo mejor de sacar fruto por el Reino de Dios. Hay momentos cuando necesitamos ser podido y a veces lo que esta podido es plantado en otro
lugar para acrecentar el viñedo así podamos producir más fruto. Pero de poder necesita trabajo y esfuerzo y causa el cambio. Un cambio que es drástico no
es aceptado o gustado todas las veces. Por tanto que nos gustaríamos que las cosas sigan igual, el cambio es inevitable. Somos gente que no queremos el
cambio, y cuando el cambio si pasa, es difícil aceptar. Pero es como leer un buen libro, una novela, donde deberíamos cambiar la página para conocer que va
a pasar después. Probablemente, queremos que la historia se termine porque estamos en un momento feliz. Así pues, deberíamos entender el cambio como
comenzando un nuevo capitulo en anticipación por lo que va a pasar en el futuro.
Si somos llamados de hacer profetas; profetas lleno de Espíritu Santo; profetas quienes deben aceptar la voluntad de Dios. Y aceptar esa cambio que Dios nos
dio con alegría y humildad. Como dice el profeta Miqueas, “El te ha declarado, oh hombre, lo que es bueno. Y qué es lo que demanda el SEÑOR de ti, Sino sólo
practicar la justicia (el derecho), amar la misericordia (lealtad), Y andar humildemente con tu Dios.” (Miqueas 6:8)
Por lo tanto, mientras que estoy caminando humildemente con nuestro Dios, un nuevo capítulo se comienza para mi, y el libro que estoy viviendo hasta hoy es
un maravillo. Pero, me voy de S. Lucas después del Festival de Otoño, y me voy a Vancouver, BC para hacer el vicario de la parroquia de Our Lady of Sorrows. No lo importa que tanto me gusté aquí, debo cambiar la página, y aceptar lo que Dios tiene planeado para mí. Como dijo Thomas Merton, “Todo lo
bueno que va a hacer no va a venir de ti sino del hecho que dejaste a ti mismo, en obediencia de fe, de ser movido por el amor de Dios.” Creo con todo mi
corazón, que en todo que hice y todo que he dije y enseñé, fue hecho para expresar el amor de Dios para ustedes. Espero que hayan recibido este mensaje de
mí. Pido por tus oraciones que continuo “de ser movido por el amor de Dios” para Our Lady of Sorrows; yo oraría por todos aquí que continúan a conocer y
creer en ese amor de Dios. No hay palabras para decir adiós o de despedirnos, solamente la bendición de Dios. Por lo tanto, que Dios les bendiga a todos y
que la Virgen de Guadalupe les guía a lo largo de sus vidas con su propio ejemplo de aceptar la voluntad de Dios. Sinceramente, P. Francesco
El Grupo Juvenil CAMINA Organizara
Por Primera Vez una Ofrenda De Dia De
Muertos. Por Lo Que Se Les Pide A Las
Personas Que Quieran Pueden Traer
Una Foto De Algun Familiar o Amigo
Kroger Cards
Please support St. Luke Parish by picking up a Kroger Card,
Church Narthex and School Office.
Tarjetas de Kroger
Que Haya Fallecido.
Por favor apoye a la Iglesia de San Lucas. Levante una tarjeta
de la tienda Kroger del Vestíbulo de la Iglesia o de la Oficina
de la Escuela.
Dia 14 De Octubre Al Final De Todas
St. Luke Catholic School
Las Fotos Se Estaran Recolectando El
Las Misas…Esperamos Su Colavoracion.
“CAMINA Con Cristo A Una Nueva
7 DE OCTUBRE, 2012
Premios de la Rifa:
1st: $5000
2nd: $2000
3rd: iPad2
RaffleTicket Prizes:
1st: $5000
2nd: $2000
3rd: iPad2
St. Luke Catholic Church, 202 S. MacArthur Blvd. Irving TX
!!Estudia una
OCTOBER 7, 2012
La Universidad Pedagógica de Durango en colaboración con
Casa Durango Dallas te ofrece la oportunidad de estudiar tu
carrera a distancia desde México.
3:30 p.m.
Confessions/ Confesiones-Ch
Si eres migrante mexicano y estas trabajando, la Universidad
Pedagógica de Durango te ofrece la oportunidad de estudiar una
Licenciatura en Educación, con planes diseñado especialmente
para gente trabajadora, con horarios y costos accesibles.
Requisitos mínimos
-Inicio de cursos Noviembre 2012
5:00 p.m. Taller de Oración y Vida #6
6:30 p.m. Catholic Daughters of the Americas-Caf
7:00 p.m. Ser Familia Catolica-#3
7:00 p.m. Clases para nuevos ministros-#1
Inscripciones Abiertas ya
9:30 a.m.
Our Lady of Grace – #1
6:00 p.m.
Confessions/Habra Confesiones
6:30 p.m.
ESL –Jr. High Building
7:00 p.m.
Altar Society Crafting-#1
7:00 p.m.
Amigos de Scalabrini - #6
6:00 p.m.
Our Lady of Perpetual Help Novena-CH
7:00 p.m.
7:00 p.m.
Teen Group-#6
7:00 p.m.
Casa Durango-Jr. High
6:30 p.m.
ESL Classes-Jr. High
7:00 p.m.
PTP Meeting-PH
7:00 p.m.
7:30 p.m.
English Choir-Youth
6:30 p.m.
CCD Portuguese-#3
7:00 p.m.
Coro Arcoíris/Coro Internacional #1/#5
7:00 p.m.
Casa Durango-Jr. High
8:00 p.m.
Brazilian Choir-Youth
9:00 a.m.
AFF/Parent Classes
10:00 a.m.
Altar Servers #1
3:30 p.m.
Confessions/ Confesiones-Ch
4:30 p.m.
6:30 p.m.
Grupo de Oración Carismático-MT
(1R) Trudy Hallaran
(2R) Marilyne Gette
(M) Ciborium–Philomena Hameed & Richard Neveau
Chalice-Marva Bichsel, Frances Edwards, DeAnna Gerstner & Mary Ramos
7:30 AM (1R) Jackie Lamers
( 2R) Patrick Lamers
(M) Ciborium–Tom Watters & Ligaya Villafuerte (C) Substitute Needed
Chalice– Margaret Tobias, Substitute Needed, Kelly Dannelley, Substitute
9:00 AM (1L) Claudia Lopez
( 2L) Edith Lopez
(M) Ciborium— Mona Navarrete y Rosa María Silva
(C) Renald Ruiz
Cáliz-Ross Navarrete, Guillermo Silva, Ruando Martínez, Ninoska Salvatiera
11:00 AM (1R) Norma Quintanilla
(2R) Robert Wood
(M) Ciborium— Bea Gallegos & Susan Garden
(C) Teresa Coronado
Chalice– Tony Azcona, Rudy Fernandez, Bob Garden & Marie Azcona
1:00 PM (1L) Escuela
(2L) Escuela
(M) Ciborium— Lizy Hassenteuffel y Dolores Mejia (C) Florencio Mejia
Cáliz– Meche Hassenteufffel, Jose Ponce, Nelly Jaramillo y Teresa Ruiz
3:00 PM (1L) Sandra Nunez
(2L) Eusebio Alcantara
(M) Ciborium— Angel Alvarado y Sustituto (C) Rafael Cardenas
Cáliz– Julio Castellon, Giselle Ramos, Dora Hilda Ramos y Jose
The Valor Group will be serving food in the Cafeteria after all
El Grupo Valor estarán vendiendo comida después de todas las
misas en la cafetería
4:30 PM (1L) Veronica Lopez
(2L) Sandra Vanegas
(M) Ciborium—Tony Morales (C) Alejandra Haedo
Cáliz-Juan Haedo
6:00 PM (C)
6:00 p.m.
Grupo Camina– Youth
Adult Faith Formation
In celebration of the 50th Anniversary of the Second Vatican Council, Pope Benedict has declared October 11, 2012 through November 24, 2013, a “Year of Faith”, and invites all Catholics to renew and deepen
their Catholic Faith by studying and reflecting on the sources of our faith. If you would like to understand
your Catholic Faith better so that you can better “radiate the word of truth that the Lord Jesus has left us”,
consider participating in our 2012-2013 parish faith enrichment program – “Who Do You Say I Am?”. Together we will journey through the Catholic Faith under the guidance of Fr. Robert Barron available through
his series, “Catholicism.” Meetings will take place on the second Saturday of each month, October through
May, 9:30 – 11:30am, in the Family Life Center. To participate, call the Office of Adult Faith Formation (972259-1832 ext.238) or e-mail
Catechist Formation Classes Enroll by e-mail to or, or
sign up in the enrollment folder, available in the CCD Office.
Tuesdays & Thursdays, October 9, 10, 16 and 17 (7 – 9:30pm) – Christian Morality (10 credit hours); Instructor – Mrs. Therese Frank; Family Life Center, Room #3
Saturday, October 27 (all day) – 2012 UD Ministry Conference (5 credit hours); Location – Irving convention
Center at Los Colinas, 500 W. Las Colinas Blvd, Irving 75039; deadline for group registration has now passed
Adult Faith Enrichment, in English
English Bible Study Make your participation at Mass more meaningful by reading and discussing the day’s
readings with others. You do not have to come every week to benefit or “keep up.” No preparation or background study is needed. We meet every Sunday, 9:15 – 10:45 am, between the 7:30 and 11:00am Masses,
in the Family Life Center (Adult Faith Formation Room).
“Who Do You Say I Am?” Parish adults are invited to come together once a month to reflect on their personal answer to Jesus’ question. Reflection and discussion will be grounded in the sources of faith, and
guided by the new DVD series, “Catholicism”, featuring the gifted teacher Fr. Robert Barron. Our first meeting will be Saturday, October 13, 9:30 – 11:30am, in the Family Life Center (Room #3).
Adult Faith Enrichment, in Spanish
Ser Familia Católica es un grupo de adultos serios que están interesados en conocer mejor nuestra fe
católica. Ponerla en práctica para transformar nuestras familias en una escuela de amor. Este año estudiamos los evangelios. Nuestra próxima reunión será el lunes 8 de Octubre. La reunión será en el salón Mother
Theresa de FLC a las 7pm. Dirigido por el Diacono José Treviño y el señor Jerónimo López. Para más información llamar el Adult Faith Formation Office o el Señor Jerónimo López al 214-597-2353.
Fundamentos de la fe católica Esta programa invita los adultos de nuestra parroquia a participar en un vije
espiritual enfocado en Jesucristo y la vida sacramental! La próxima clase será la domingo, 4 de noviembre,
Salón Parroquial: 9:15am, 11:15am, 1:15pm, o 3:00pm
Parents of CCD Students (La Clase para los Padres) All parents of religious education students are required to attend one year of adult faith classes. Classes are conducted in English and Spanish.
In English, parents will attend the “Catholic Faith and Life” program; this year’s theme is “Who Do You Say I
Am?”; the first class will meet Saturday, October 13, 9:30-11:30am, Family Life Center (Room 3)
En Español, la clase “Fundamentos de la fe católica”, -nuestra primera clase sera domingo 14 de octubre,
mismo tempo que la clase de sus hijos (9:15am, 11:15am, 1:15pm, o 3:00pm)
Clase para padres de Candidatos el Bautismo mas que 7 años Primero miércoles de octubre a mayo,
7:00 – 9:00pm (Bilingual) en la cafetería; La próxima clase sera el miércoles, 7 noviembre
Parents of older children (7and older) preparing for Baptism (Parent RCIA) Our next class will take
place Wednesday, November 7, 7:00 – 9:00pm, in the School Cafeteria
Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA/RICA) – Do you know someone searching for a spiritual home? If so,
invite them to accompany you to our parish RCIA classes. These classes introduce adults to beliefs and
practices of Catholicism. They prepare adults for Baptism; they prepare non-Catholic Christians to enter into
full communion with the Catholic Church. They also prepare Catholic adults to receive the Sacraments of
Confirmation and First Communion. Classes are conducted in both English and Spanish. Our topic for
October 11 will be “The Church – One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic.” Time and Place: 7:00 until 8:30pm in
the Family Life Center (1009 Schulze Drive). For more information, call or visit the Adult Faith Formation
office at 972-259-1832 ext.238.
Readings for Sunday, October 14: Wisdom 7:7-11; Psalm 90:12-17; Hebrews 4:12-13; Mark 10:17-30
Liturgy of the Hours: Beginning Sunday October 7: Week III
7 DE OCTUBRE, 2012
Si ya recibieron el Sacramento de Primera Comunión y desean ser monaguillos por favor regístrense después de misas
de español. Abra personas registrando afuera
de la iglesia. Para mas información
comuníquese con el Señor Rafael Cuellar al 972-986-8496
We are in NEED OF
LECTORS to proclaim
God’s word. If you are
willing and feel called
to serve as a lector,
please contact Norma
Quintanilla at or
214-392-5856 or contact Carmen or Terri at
the Parish office.
Platicas de Crecimiento
espiritual para fortalecer tu vida conjugar y
familiar. Las Platicas
se llevaran acabo el segundo Martes de
cada mes comenzando con el día 9 de
octubre a las 7:00 en el Centro Familiar. Para mas información comuníquese con Willie al 214-986-7071.
From the Diocese of Dallas
Political Phone Calls
Diocesan officials have been alerted that some of our Catholic faithful have received phone calls from individuals identifying themselves as members of Catholic
groups supporting a particular candidate for president. This group is telling callers that they have the permission of their parish pastor to make the calls. Please
be advised that neither Bishop Farrell nor any of our pastors in the Diocese of Dallas have given permission or endorsement for any Catholic group in our diocese to make partisan endorsements of any candidate or political party. All Catholics are encouraged to register to vote and exercise their right to vote following
their informed conscience. All Catholics are encouraged to visit to read the Faithful Citizenship document from the United States Conference
of Catholic Bishops.