May 29, 2016 - St. Peter Catholic Church
May 29, 2016 - St. Peter Catholic Church
ST. PETER CHURCH - CANTON, OHIO MAY 29, 2016 ST PETER CHURCH THE BASILICA OF ST JOHN SATURDAY MAY 28 1:00 Wedding – Ray Benedetti & Callahan Dempsey 4:00 Ethel Ranalli - Children SUNDAY MAY 29 8:00 Donald OMalley – Christine/Diane Yohn 10:00 Albert Hoffman – Rachel Chevraux ----------------------------------------------------------------------------MONDAY MAY 30 8:00 Joe Stranan – M/M Dan Tomsho TUESDAY MAY 31 8:30 Anthony Kramanak - Family WEDNESDAY JUNE 1 ** NO MASS ** THURSDAY JUNE 2 8:00 Joanne Simia – Susan Bianchi Family FRIDAY JUNE 3 8:00 Marie Hudak - Husband -------------------------------------------------------------------------------SATURDAY JUNE 4 4:00 Elaine Klekotka – Joan Becherer SUNDAY JUNE 5 8:00 Catherine Scheetz - Family 10:00 Velma Scrima – Rosemarie Alonzo SATURDAY MAY 28 11:00 Wedding – Brunk & Reeves 4:00 Joey Markino – St John Guild EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS OF HOLY COMMUNION SATURDAY – JUNE 4 4:00 Deacon, Kathy Kellogg, Bonnie Nieschwitz, Pam Pope SUNDAY MAY 29 11:00 James & Margaret Deierling - Family LAMP Pat Liberator - Family ---------------------------------------------------------------------------MONDAY MAY 30 10:00 Marie Garcia – Gary/Annette Hand Memorial Mass – St John Cemetery TUESDAY MAY 31 ** NO MASS ** WEDNESDAY JUNE 1 9:00 MaryJane Plott – St John Guild THURSDAY JUNE 2 9:00 Ruth Shelby – Ruth Bazzoli 11:00 Samaritan’s Table FRIDAY JUNE 3 9:00 Andrew Kirkpatrick – Millie Kirkpatrick -----------------------------------------------------------------------------SATURDAY JUNE 4 4:00 Thomas Hannon - Family SUNDAY JUNE 5 11:00 Bernie Gill – Mr Jean Frank LAMP Ashley Anita Rabaa – Anita Rabaa EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS OF HOLY COMMUNION SUNDAY – JUNE 5 8:00 Deacon, Marjorie Burkhart, Vince Calzola, Diane Yohn SATURDAY – JUNE 4 4:00 Julie / James Carman, Gail Miranda, Theresa Whitehouse ************** *********** LECTORS SCHEDULE SATURDAY – JUNE 4 4:00 Elizabeth Cecconi, Yvonne Willaman SUNDAY – JUNE 5 11:00 George Mangus, Anita Rabaa, Christopher/Barbara Stevens ************************* LECTORS SCHEDULE SUNDAY – JUNE 5 8:00 Gary Cooper, Diana Smith ************************* ALTAR SERVERS SCHEDULE SATURDAY – JUNE 4 4:00 Alec Bagley, Alex Looby, Lauren Vaughn SATURDAY – JUNE 4 4:00 Robert Lindesmith SUNDAY – JUNE 5 8:00 Regina Laubacher, Genevieve/ Nicholas Smith SATURDAY – JUNE 4 4:00 Keenan / Tyler Carosielli, Sam Conrad ************************* PRESENTERS SCHEDULE SATURDAY – JUNE 4 4:00 Ushers SUNDAY – JUNE 5 8:00 Mike & Jackie Milobowski ******* SACRISTY CLEANING SCHEDULE – Saturday June 4 @ 9am Pat Karam, Beth Cecconi, Bonnie Ogden The Church & Cemetery Office will be CLOSED Monday, May 30th, Memorial Day, and will re-open Tuesday, May 31st. Have a Safe and Happy Memorial Day! SUNDAY – JUNE 5 11:00 Hilary DiSimone ************************* ALTAR SERVERS SCHEDULE SUNDAY – JUNE 5 11:00 Emily Davala, Tommy / Kelley Stevens MONDAY MAY 30 ~ Church / School Offices CLOSED ~ TUESDAY MAY 31 Parish Council Mtg 7pm St Peter School THURSDAY JUNE 2 Last Day of School ! SATURDAY JUNE 4 Pepperoni Roll Pick-up 3-6pm Social Hall MONDAY JUNE 6 Mens Club Mtg Social Hall 7:30pm THE MOST HOLY BODY AND BLOOD OF CHRIST Point of Clarification Last week Bishop Murry was here for a ‘Meet and Greet’ session sponsored by Holy Cross Academy. It was an opportunity for area businesses to become more acquainted with St. Peter School. In the course of the presentations, it was mentioned that $90,000 would need to be raised for the 2016-2017 school year to help the financial picture of our parish/school. To be clear, we are projecting a shortage of $175,000 for the 2016-2017 school year. This figure is based on this present year’s parish subsidy (2015-2016). Of that $175,000, Holy Cross Academy has agreed to work with our school organizations to raise $85,000; St. Peter Parish will provide a subsidy of $90,000. Together this is total anticipated subsidy for 20162017 school year. With the assistance of Holy Cross Academy this benefits our parish in that our portioned of the subsidy would be cut in half. Church At Home combined collection will be taken up throughout the diocese next weekend, June 4-5. This three-in-one collection supports the national and local work of the Catholic Campaign for Human Development, the Catholic Communications Campaign and the Catholic University at America /Newman Campus Ministries. Sunday 10:00am Mass While our collaborative effort with the parishioners of the Basilica of St. John the Baptist continues, we are expanding the liturgical schedule at St. Peter by adding a 10:00 am Sunday morning mass beginning Memorial Day weekend (May 29). At the present time, this 10:00 Sunday mass will be a quiet mass (no music). There is no schedule for Lectors, Distributors of Holy Communion and Servers for this additional Sunday mass. Therefore, we are asking for your help with these particular ministries. Training will be given to any new volunteer to these liturgical ministries. We will also need ushers. So if you are asked to help with taking up the collection, please offer your services. While a 10:00 am Sunday mass remains viable, our collaborative weekend mass schedule is: Saturday 4:00 pm mass (at both churches); Sunday 8:00 am and 10:00 am (St. Peter) and 11:00 am (at the Basilica). St. Clement Festival in Navarre will be held on June 9, 10, 11, 12. There will be live entertainment each evening. The best hot sausage sandwiches in town!! Rides by Kissel Amusements for the children. Bingo and special meals every night. The festival will be open Thursday, Friday and Saturday evenings from 6:00 pm to 11:00 pm, and on Sunday from 4:00 pm to 9:00 pm. Call 330-879-5900 for more information. Parish Council is in need of volunteers to help with the planning and execution of the Parish Picnic July 24. Please call Gary Cooper at 330-704-2384 if you can help, thank you ! STEWARDSHIP OFFERING $ 5,859.00 Sunday, MAY 15 2016 Offering $ 1,415.00 E-Giving $ 7,274.00 TOTAL (MAY 17 2015 = $ 9,757.00) Our parish Stewardship Offering for MAY 8 was $ 9,179.00. Over that weekend 192 envelopes out of 911 envelopes mailed to our parishioners were returned. THANK YOU for your financial support! A First Friday “Out-Door” Mass will be held June 3rd at 7:00p.m. at “Our Lady of Lourdes Grotto,” located on the west campus of Central Catholic High School. The Rosary will be said 20 minutes before Mass begins. Mass will be in Thanksgiving of the 60th Wedding Anniversary of Cal and Jo-Ann Streb. Music will be provided by Jeanine Berens & Dennis Dietz. Father Donald Feicht will be the guest celebrant. In case of rain, Mass will be held in the School Chapel at C.C.H.S. Enter on the east side of the school, railing available. Walk for the Unborn Forty Days for Life/Canton and Right to Life of Stark County are inviting you and your family to a free picnic lunch and a leisure walk at beautiful Price Park in North Canton on Saturday, June 25, 10 am to 1 pm. Guest speaker, Ducia Hamm is the Associate Director of Ministry for Heartbeat International. The daughter of immigrant parents with personal experience with WWII and the Holocaust, Ducia is dedicated to help stop the Holocaust of Abortion. She will share her story, and her knowledge of Heartbeat International and Option Line. Option Line is the number on the RTL of Stark Co. SARTA bus campaign. Please visit, or call 330-705-8814 for details. HELP BUILD A CULTURE OF LIFE PREGNANT NEED HELP1-800-712-4357 2016 Bishop’s Appeal for Catholic Charities and Church Changing Lives…One Family at a Time THANK YOU! to all who made a commitment to the 2016 Bishop’s Appeal. To date 201 have collectively committed $59,333.50 (89%) toward our Parish Appeal Goal of $66,428.00! If you have not yet made your commitment please do so by sending your response to Fr. Beneleit attention at the Rectory. Pope Francis @Pontifex Each one of us can be a bridge of encounter between diverse cultures and religions, a way to rediscover our common humanity. ADVERTISERS OF THE WEEK (Please place Sponsor of Week logo > Leonard Insurance 330-2661904) Providing Professional Insurance Service Since 1904 4 2 4 4 M t . P l e a s a n t S t . N . W. , Ste. 200, North Canton 1-800-451-1904/ 330-266-1904/ fax 330-498-9946 Download our Parish app at Our Family serving Your Family since 1946 Now a CHOICE of Two Locations One Number 330-477-6721 Canton Chapel 705 Raff Rd. SW North Canton Chapel 801 Pittsburgh Ave. NW Safety•Quality•Loyalty•Integrity•Pride•Customer Focus•Community Service JOE & JEAN BARBATO, Owners 330-477-1232 330-477-1235 6017 12th St. NW 456-2509 STARK SANDBLASTING AND PAINTING Co. Tuck Pointing - Painting Water Proofing - Sand Blasting 1501 Raff Rd., S.W. Canton Industrial Park 330-478-0009 1-800-762-5579 Stelio Flamos Peffer Gallery On The Road With Service Since 1919. Free Estimates Fully Insured CARPET CLEANING “Steam Cleaning at its Best” Residential • Commercial Carpet • Furniture • Velvets 330-492-1200 Custom Framing & Art Gallery in Business since 1972 Parishioners 4112 Cleveland Ave. NW 330-493-7581 Site Preparation • Highway Construction Cast-In-Place Concrete • Underground Utilities Landfill Construction • Industrial Development Golf Course & Residential Development 2000 Beaver Place Ave. S.W. • • 330-478-2151 Your Catholic Credit Union Open to any person who lives, works, worships or attends school in Stark County. Louisville Branch Main Office 1811 Whipple Ave. NW 315 Sherban Ct. Canton, OH 44708 Louisville, OH 44641 Parishioner Scott Robertson Owner 1932 26th St., NE P 330-454-5252 F 330-454-6009 RobertsonIndustries @ C 330-205-3474 Laubacher Upholstery FULTON DRUGS Free Delivery Most Insurance Accepted Call for a Price Quote Upholstery – Refinishing Slip Covers & Repairs 456-4351 Jason N. Bing Zollinger, gruber, Thomas & Co. Attorneys at Law 6370 Mt. Pleasant St. NW North Canton 330-497-2886 1657 25TH ST., N.W. Compliments of Robert Zedell 330-456-2476 Attorney at Law Sutton’s Flower & Gift House 3102 6th St. S.W. 330-453-9284 Providing Professional Insurance Service Since 1904 4 2 4 4 M t . P l e a s a n t S t . N . W. , Ste. 200, North Canton 1-800-451-1904/ 330-266-1904/ fax 330-498-9946 Tim Kingsbury, Owner Pharmacist • Parishioner 743 Cleveland Ave. N.W. ~ Canton Council 341 ~ 601 Cleveland Ave. Second Floor Stark County’s Catholic Hospital (330) 452-0409 330-455-5235 600 6th St. NW Canton 330-452-WRAP Eugene C. Wackerly III • Parishioner atering C reative Bill & Mary’s Diner 1022 N. Main, N. Canton Bill & Mary Renner 330-494-9036 OH Lic. #21874 Wackerly Funeral Home 1375 Market Ave. N. 330-455-7703 771 W. Main St. , Alliance 330-823-1444 Compliments of Dr. David F. Pavlick, DMD Dr. Kate Pavlick, DDS Dr. Kaitlin Johnston, DDS 330-492-1500 • 330-493-8197 330-452-6500 COMPLIMENTS OF EYE CENTERS OF OHIO LOWMILLER 6407 Frank Ave., NW, North Canton KEN LOWMILLER P. O. Box 36534 Ph: 330-497-8840 Ohio License #28264 Fax: 330-497-8844 It’s easy to see the difference... ELECTRIC 330-966-1111 • Lamiell FUNERAL HOME 14th & Cleveland Ave. N.W. Paul Lamiell, Founder • P.J. Lamiell, Director Pre-Arranged & Prepaid Funerals 330-456-7375 • Brad Bonsky Sheet Metal Co. 3011 State St. • P. O. Box 155 Greentown, OH 44630 Heating & Air Conditioning Sales & Service Metal Roofing • Welding Chimney Caps & Other Sheet Metal Projects Bradley Bonsky 330-499-3633 CatholicMatch Ohio
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