April 12, 2015 - St. Peter and St. Paul Parish


April 12, 2015 - St. Peter and St. Paul Parish
Wivine `ercy
9135 BANYAN STREET, ALTA LOMA, CA 91737—909-987-9312-FAX 909-980-9404 or www.facebook.com/spspaltaloma.com
Faith Formation for Children (Grades 1-5) Baptism (909) 980-9423 School (Preschool - Grade 5) (909) 987-7908
MONDAY through FRIDAY— 7:30 am Mass
4:00 pm & 1st Saturday Mass 7:30am
7:30, 9:00 & 11:00 am, 1:00 pm (Spanish); 5:00 pm (Life Teen)
(Filipino Choir - Fourth Sunday of Each Month, 9:00 am)
Every Friday there is 24-Hour Adoration - 8:00 am ending with Benediction at 7:45 am Saturday –Every Wednesday from 8am to 8pm
CONFESSIONS: Saturday 8:15am & Thursday 7pm
HOLY DAY OF OBLIGATION: As Announced in the Bulletin
We the people of St. Peter & St. Paul Parish, as members of the Roman Catholic Church, are a sacramental, worshipping community on a journey towards the fulfillment of Christ’s Kingdom. We strive to provide a spiritual haven for all people without distinction. We are equally committed to the
challenge of the Gospel message. We accept its call to ongoing conversion, the use of our gifts for the benefit of the community, and loving service to
one another.
Divine Mercy
April 12, 2015
Parish Event Schedule
Sunday, April 12-Divine Mercy
9:00 am 10:00 am Children’s Liturgy - (English) - (Library)
9:30 am 10:15 am RCIA Dismissal - (Adoration Chapel)
11:00 am 12:00 pm Children’s Liturgy - (English) - (Library)
11:00 am 12:00 pm Sunday School - (Hall Classrooms)
1:00 pm 2:00 pm Children’s Liturgy - (Spanish) - (Library)
3:00 pm 5:00 pm Confirmation—Virtus - (JPII, 2nd Fl)
6:15 pm 7:45 pm LIFE TEEN, Youth Ministry - (JPII, 2nd Fl)
Monday, April 13
10:00 am 12:00 pm Prayer Shawl Ministry - (JPII, 2nd Fl)
3:00 pm 3:40 pm Children’s Choir Rehearsal - (Church)
3:45 pm 5:00 pm Children’s Faith Formation - (JPII, 1st Fl)
5:30 pm 6:45 pm Children’s Faith Formation - (JPII, 1st Fl)
5:30 pm 7:00 pm EDGE Class - (JPII, 2nd Fl)
6:30 pm 9:30 pm Boy Scouts Mtg. - (Hall)
7:00 pm 8:30 pm Adult Bible Study - (JPII, 1st Fl)
7:00 pm 9:00 pm Choir Youth Spanish - (Church)
7:30 pm 8:30 pm Multicultural Secretariat Meeting - (JPII, 1st Fl)
7:30 pm 9:00 pm Rosary Making Group - (JPII, 1st Fl)
Tuesday, April 14
3:45 pm 5:00 pm Children’s Faith Formation - (JPII, 1st Fl)
5:30 pm 6:45 pm Children’s Faith Formation - (JPII, 1st Fl)
7:00 pm 9:00 pm Talleres de Oracion y Vida - (JPII, 2nd Fl)
7:00 pm 9:00 pm LIFE TEEN, Core Mtg. - (JPII, 2nd Fl)
7:15 pm 9:15 pm DWS Support Grp - Divorced, Widowed, Separated - (JPII, 1st Fl)
7:30 pm 9:30 pm RCIA - (Hall & Library)
Wednesday, April 15
8:00 am 8:00 pm Eucharistic Adoration - (Adoration Chapel)
10:00 am 12:00 pm Talleres de Oracion y Vida - (Cry Room—Church)
10:00 am 3:00 pm Fifty Plus Club - (Library)
3:45 pm 5:00 pm Children’s Faith Formation - (JPII, 1st Fl)
5:30 pm 6:45 pm Children’s Faith Formation - (JPII, 1st Fl)
5:30 pm 7:00 pm RCIA for Children & Teens - (Library)
7:00 pm 9:00 pm Women’s A.C.T.S Meeting - (Hall)
7:00 pm 9:00 pm Choir 9AM - (Church)
7:00 pm 9:00 pm Grief Support - (JPII, 2nd Fl)
Thursday, April 16
9:00 am 10:30 am Adult Bible Study - (Library)
9:00 am 11:00 am Holy Spirit Bible Study - (JPII, 2nd Fl)
7:00 pm 7:30 pm El Rezo del Santo Rosario - (Church)
7:00 pm 8:00 pm Spiritual Motherhood - (Chapel)
7:00 pm 9:00 pm Life in the Spirit Prayer Group - (JPII, 2nd Fl)
7:00 pm 9:00 pm Adult Confirmation - (JPII, 1st Fl)
7:00 pm 9:00 pm Confessions - (Church Confessionals)
7:30 pm 9:00 pm Estudio Biblico - (JPI, 2nd Fl)
Friday, April 17
8:00 am 7:45 am Eucharistic Adoration - 24 hours - (Adoration Chapel)
6:30 pm 9:00 pm Filipino Ministry Meeting - (Library)
Saturday, April 18
7:00 am 8:30 am St. Joseph’s Covenant Keepers - (JPII, 1st Fl)
7:45 am 8:00 am Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament - (Chapel)
8:00 am 3:30pm Living the Eucharist Retreat - (Hall)
8:15 am 9:45 am Confessions - (Church)
9:00 am 11:00 am Hopeful Loving Memory Ministry - (JPII, 2nd Fl)
This year’s Pascal Candle
was graciously donated by
Margaret Willett in loving memory
Robert and Mary Boyens
Arthur and Aileen Willett
Pauline Lense
Mass Schedule & Intentions
Sunday, April 12, 2015
Divine Mercy Sunday
Christina Purther-Happy Birthday
Mai Nguyen
People of the Parish
People of the Parish
†Minda Gamalinda
†Antonio Couto
†Joseph & †Dolores Walker
†Baby Juanito Martinez
†Deceased Poor
† All Souls in Purgatory
Monday, April 13, 2015
Jon & Karen DecoteauHappy 30th Anniversary
†Jerry Hector
Tuesday, April 14, 2015
Wednesday, April 15, 2015
Thursday, April 16, 2015
Friday, April 17, 2015
Saturday, April 18, 2015
Sunday, April 19, 2015
†Joe Meserole
†Andrew & †Mary Golias
Gloria David - Happy birthday
Patricia Higgins
†Florinda Elvena
†Guadalupe Camacho Lozano
†Aniceto Elvena
Annie David
† Joan Burri
†Steve Baer
Mel Bernardo
†Caetano Demelo
†Paul Parker
†Julia Ramirez Tagorda
People of the Parish
People of the Parish
†Esther Torres
†Alegria Vda de Galvez
Myra Walker-Happy Birthday
†John Hao Nguyen
“Let us pray for the Repose of their Souls
and give thanks for their love
that has touched our hearts forever”
†John Charles Leach
†Leonardo Andrade
†Gary Joseph Kramer
†Jaime Ibarra
†Cecelia Rodriguez
†Peter Libertone
†Frank Barron
†Lorraine “Bunny” Burch
From the Desk of Michael Donaldson, Pastoral Coordinator
Page Three
Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good, his
mercy endures forever. (Psalm 118:1)
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
We celebrate this weekend the great
Feast of Divine Mercy. As the Psalmist
proclaims, God’s mercy does endure
forever. The season of Easter is truly a
fitting time to give thanks for God’s mercy.
Jesus Christ’s act of sacrifice on the cross
demonstrated the ultimate reach of the
merciful love of God. This is a time to
embrace God’s forgiveness and to rejoice
in His promise of life. During the 1930’s, Our Lord revealed His mercy for the
world to Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska, a nun in Krakow, Poland. The message of Divine Mercy can be summarized into three requests:
Ask for God’s mercy
Be merciful to others
Trust in God’s mercy
We are all called to act in mercy and to be merciful to others. Be merciful, just
as [also] your Father is merciful. (Luke 6:36) A few weeks ago, Pope Francis
announced there will be jubilee year to be called the Holy Year of Mercy. This
special year will begin on the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception, December 8, 2015, and will close on the Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ,
King of the Universe, November 20, 2016. How beautiful to see how he calls
upon our Mother of Mercy to kick off the Year of Mercy! She always points to
her Son, our Lord Jesus Christ. Our Lady beckons each of us to follow Jesus’ example. Mercy lies at the heart of our ministry as Christians. It is the
work of the Church.
"I am convinced that the whole church -- that has much need to receive mercy
because we are sinners — will find in this jubilee the joy to rediscover and
render fruitful the mercy of God, with which we are all called to give consolation to every man and woman of our time."- Pope Francis
As people of mercy, our faith is challenged. We are called to trust in Jesus’
mercy for us and the whole world. May the mantra “Jesus I trust in You” be on
our lips, so that we can be people who emulate God’s mercy!
In Jesus through Mary,
Michael Donaldson
Pastoral Coordinator
Grief Support
meets on Wednesdays....
7-9pm 10 weeks (JPII, 2nd Fl )
grief support group will be starting
on Wed. April 8th
There is no grief…Like the grief that does not Speak…
Is your heart broken? Have you lost a loved one?
Do you find yourself in unfamiliar emotions?
When we grieve the loss of someone special in our lives, we find ourselves filled with
pain, doubt, confusion, loneliness, sadness, walking a journey of grief. With the encouragement of our Grief Support Group, you will begin to form an understanding and
healing of these emotions. CONTACT INFO: ♥ Debby Leonardo, Pastoral Care at
909-987-9312 Ext 302 or ♥ Andrea Woore, Grief Facilitator at 909-261-3487
I desire that the first Sunday after Easter be the
Feast of Mercy. Ask of
my faithful servant that on this day, he tell the
whole world of My great
mercy; that whoever approaches the Fount of Life
on this day will be
granted complete remission of sins and punishment. Mankind will not
have peace until it turns with trust to My mercy. …
My heart rejoices in
this title of Mercy. Proclaim that mercy is the
greatest attribute of
God. All the works of My hands are crowned with
Mercy. (Diary, 300)
Our parish is offering VIRTUS training on
Saturday, April 25th from 9 AM – Noon
in both English and Spanish.
You must register for our training
through the VIRTUS website.
Please call Jenny Campbell for information or questions about how to
register at (909)987-9312.
Any adult volunteering in the Diocese of San Bernardino needs to
have completed safe environment training within the last five years.
The current program for adult volunteers is called “Protecting God’s
Children®” by VIRTUS. This training can be accessed on-line on the
VIRTUS website. However, due to the content, taking a live session
is strongly encouraged. Fortunately, you
can take the training at a location and
time that is convenient for you anywhere
in the diocese. Registration for attendance at any live training is required.
Please go to www.virtus.org to see the
list of local training sessions and to register. Any volunteer whose last training was completed in 2010 or
earlier must complete this new training in order to continue volunteering.
Divine Mercy
April 12, 2015
Christian Initiation of Adults
is pleased to extend an invitation to anyone who is interested in learning more
about the Catholic Church.
In the RCIA process, one is able to learn
and ask questions to determine if this is where God is calling them.
If there is a desire to be received into the church, the team works
closely in helping individuals discern their next step towards full
initiation in the Church. We invite those who may be interested in
our Catholic faith or those who may want to look into becoming a
sponsor, to join us Tuesday evenings at 7:30PM in the Fr. Joseph Gregorek Library. For more information on the process,
please call Danny or Vicki Centurioni at 909 987 7971.
Adapted for Children and Teens
Children (ages 7-12) and Teens (ages
13-17) who are interested in joining the
Catholic Church are invited to participate in the RCIA adapted for Children
and Teens. The goal is to provide a
means of conversion suited to the student’s age and understanding, and to
prepare them for the reception of the Sacraments of Christian Initiation
(Baptism, Eucharist and Confirmation). Parents and sponsors share a loving
journey with the student’s by attending sessions with them and assisting them
as they learn about Jesus and the Church, and ensuring that they experience
a Catholic environment in the home. To participate more fully in this journey,
we encouraged you to attend scheduled retreats, weekly Mass, special celebrations, and the Easter Liturgy. Our sessions begin in September and end in
Sessions held every Wed.5:30-7pm. – In the Library
Feel free to contact us anytime throughout the year for program information
Tony Mandala at (909) 987-9312 ex. 231
Explain the term
The scholastic term used to
designate the unique change
of the Eucharistic Bread and
Wine into the Body and
Blood of Christ.
“Transubstantiation” indicates that through the consecration of the bread and the
wine there occurs the
change of the entire substance of the bread into the
substance of the Body of Christ, and of the entire substance
of the wine into the Blood of Christ, even though the appearances or “species” of bread and wine remain.
There are some things about the Church, faith, holiness and the spiritual
world that we all have questions about but never seem to be able to find the
right resources to answer those questions. Members of our adult class suggested topics that they would like to know more about, and so we’re covering
those inquiries in this next six week session:
April 29th: The Mass – its symbols and why we do what we do
May 6th: Virtues & Vices – what they are and why they’re important in
the spiritual life
May 13th: Demon possession – does it really happen today?
May 20th: The Rite of Exorcism
May 27th: The Canonization Process – its standard form & how Pope
Francis is changing it
June 3rd: Mary, the Greatest Saint
Wed. mornings, 9 – 10:30 AM, JPII 2nd Floor –St. Bernardine Rm
Wed. evenings, 7 – 8:30 PM, JPII 1st Floor – St. Bernardine Rm
Please join us for all 6 topics, or the any that you want to know more about.
For information, please call Jenny Campbell at (909) 987-9312 or email
“Always be ready to give an explanation to anyone who asks you for a
reason for your hope” 1Peter 3:15
Home” Do you
know someone
who has left the Church? Most of
us do not have to look very far to
find non-practicing “Catholics” in
our circ le of family and
friends. Obviously, most of them
are searching, but how can we help them find their way home?
As baptized practicing Catholics we have a precious gift of faith and love from the
Lord that needs to be shared with our non-practicing brothers and sisters. First, we
need to pray for them. Secondly, we need to extend a personal invitation to them to
come home to the Catholic Church. Most non-practicing Catholics are waiting for an
invitation to return. Many mistakenly think they are not welcome to return for a
variety of reasons.
St. Anthony’s Parish in Upland has a special program to help non-practicing Catholics return to the Church called “Catholics Returning Home”. This 6 week series
begins Thursday, April 9, 2015 at 7:30 PM in room 9 in their hall. Please pass this
article on to anyone who might be interested. For more information about Catholics
Returning Home call Bill Thurin at 909-225-4498 or CRH123@charter.net .
All are welcome to join us at the
Holy Spirit Bible Study
Please come —
Every Thurs. 9—11am
(JPII, 2nd Fl)
For more information please contact
Josie at 909-987-7348
Page Five
SCRIPTURE STUDY JAN. 26 through MAY 7, 2015
No one has made a greater impact on history than Jesus of Nazareth. His life, teachings, and example have had a profound
influence on every generation since His
death and resurrection. The quest for Jesus
is unending, both for people of faith and
modern scholars.
While many images of Jesus have been popular over the centuries, the most
authentic source for our understanding of Jesus remains the New Testament,
especially the Gospels. In this study you will discover the true nature of the
four Gospels, their historical reliability, and the unique dimensions of Jesus’
mission as portrayed by the evangelists. The portrait of Jesus they present to
us is powerful, compelling, and challenging.
Join us to discover the truly life-giving Jesus, the Jesus alive in our Church
and in our world today - the Jesus of scripture. This DVD series will be
presented by Fr. Donald Senior, STD, member of the Pontifical Biblical Commission since 2001, and noted writer and professor of New Testament.
Heaven On Earth…..
Come spend some time in the quiet presence of our Lord.
Bask in the warmth of His love.
"Mary adored Jesus as the Bridegroom of
souls. Union is the final purpose of love.
Jesus by the gift of His substance in the
Eucharist unites Himself with our souls as
with His dear spouses. As a Bridegroom, He
gives them all His possessions, His name,
His heart, His whole Self, but on the condition that the soul reciprocates. The soul, His
spouse, shall live for Him only,"
- St. Peter Julian Eymard
If you would like to sign up for 1 hour,
please contact Karen Hein at (909) 987-9312 ext. 230
Wed. 8am-8pm - Fri. 8am-12am - Sat. 12am-7:45am
Mondays: 7:00 – 8:30 pm, JPII Center
Thursdays: 9:00 – 10:30 am, Parish Library
For further information call
Mary Ann Andel at 909-987-9312 x 250.
Please join us!! Are you
interested in sharing your
God-given talent with
We meet
every Mon. 10am - Noon
(JPII, 2nd Fl)
This ministry creates shawls and lap blankets for those suffering from illness and would
appreciate any donations of skeins of yarn and/or medium size gift bags for presenting
the shawls and lap blankets to the recipients. There are blessings of fellowship, sharing
creative ideas, prayerful encouragement, and refreshments. If you would like to contact
the Prayer Shawl Ministry, please call Anne Napolitano at 909-935-9080. Please
bring your donations to Debby Leonardo, Pastoral Care, in the Parish Office.
Thank you and May God Bless you for your support….
Ministry to the
Homebound, Sick & Elderly
♥ Any parishioner who is confined to their home because
of illness or age are recommended for Homebound Ministry.
♥ Our Homebound Ministers will visit on a weekly basis with prayers, Holy Communion, and spiritual support.
♥ If you know of a parishioner who would like to receive weekly visits from our
Homebound Ministry, please contact:
Debby Leonardo, Pastoral Care If you are in need of emergency assistance, please call the Parish Office at 987-9312 Ext 302 and follow
the prompts.
A cheerful giver does not count the cost of what
he gives. His heart is set on pleasing and cheering
the one to whom the gift is given.
—St. Julian
Christ departed from our sight that we might
return to our heart, and there find him. For
he departed, and behold, he is here.
—St. Augustine
Domingo de la Divina Misericordia
“Den gracias al Señor porque es
bueno, porque es eterna Su
misericordia” (Salmo 118: 1)
Queridos hermanos y hermanas en
En este fin de semana estamos celebrando la Fiesta de la Divina Misericordia. Tal
como lo proclama el Salmista, la misericordia de Dios dura para siempre. La temporada de Pascua es un tiempo muy
adecuado para dar gracias por la misericordia de Dios. El sacrificio de Jesucristo en la cruz demuestra el alcance máximo del amor misericordioso de
Dios. Este es el tiempo de abrazar el perdón de Dios y de gozarse en Su
promesa de vida. Durante el año 1930, Nuestro Señor reveló Su misericordia
por el mundo a Santa María Faustina Kowalska, una monja de Krakovia,
Polonia. El mensaje de la Divina Misericordia se puede resumir en estas
Pedir la misericordia de Dios
Ser misericordioso con los demás
Confiar en la misericordia de Dios
Todos nosotros somos llamados a actuar con misericordia y tener misericordia con los demás. Sed misericordiosos, como vuestro Padre es misericordioso. (Lucas 6: 36) Hace unas semanas, el Papa Francisco anunció que habría
un año de jubileo que se llamaría Año Santo de Misericordia. Este año especial comenzará con la Solemnidad de la Inmaculada Concepción, Diciembre
8, 2015, y se terminará con la Solemnidad de Nuestro Señor Jesús, Cristo
Rey del Universo, en Noviembre 20, 2016. ¡Cuán hermoso es ver cómo Él
llama a Nuestra Madre de la Misericordia para comenzar el año de la Misericordia! Ella siempre nos señala hacia Su Hijo, Nuestro Señor Jesucristo.
Nuestra Señora nos pide que sigamos el ejemplo de Jesús. María está en el
corazón de nuestro ministerio como Cristianos. Ese es el trabajo de la Iglesia.
“ Estoy convencido que toda la Iglesia- que tiene mucha necesidad de recibir
misericordia porque somos pecadores- encontrará en este jubileo el gozo de
descubrir de nuevo y hacer fructífera la misericordia de Dios, con la cual
hemos sido llamados a dar consuelo a cada hombre y mujer de nuestros
tiempos.” Papa Francisco. Como gente de misericordia, nuestra fe está siendo retada. Hemos sido llamados a confiar en la misericordia de Jesús con
nosotros y con el mundo. ¡Ojalá que el estribillo “Jesús, yo confío en Ti” esté
en nuestros labios, para que podamos ser la gente que imita la misericordia
de Dios!
A Jesús por medio de María,
Michael Donaldson
12 de abril de 2015
Juventud con Visión y Acción is a ministry for young adults ages 18-25 dedicated to the development of our personal relationship with Christ.
Our meetings are every other Friday at 7:30 in JPII
building, located in 9135 Banyan St, Alta Loma,
CA 91737.
For more information please contact Karina Silva at (909) 827-8485 or
Juventud con visión y Acción es un ministerio para jóvenes de 18-25 años
dedicado al incremento de nuestra relación personal con Cristo. Nuestras
reuniones son cada otro viernes a las 7:30 en el edificio JPII, localizado en
9135 Banyan St, Alta Loma, CA 91737.
Para más información por favor de llamar: (909)827-8485 o por correo
electrónico: kjsilva@uci.edu
Nuestra parroquia está ofreciendo entrenamiento del programa VIRTUS el día Sába-
do, Abril 25, desde las 9:00 am hasta
las 12:00 en los idiomas Inglés y Espa-
ñol. Ud. debe registrarse para este entrenamiento en el sitio Web de VIRTUS. Por favor llame a Jenny Campbell para información o preguntas
acerca de cómo registrarse al (909) 987-9312.
Todo adulto que quiera hacer trabajo de voluntariado en la Diócesis de
San Bernardino necesita cumplir con el entrenamiento de ambiente seguro
dentro de un período de cinco años. Al presente, el programa es llamado
“Protegiendo a los Niños de Dios” ® de
VIRTUS. Este entrenamiento se puede
conseguir en línea en el sitio web VIRTUS.
Sin embargo, debido al contenido, se recomienda una sesión en vivo. Afortunadamente, Ud. Puede recibir el entrenamiento
en un lugar y tiempo convenientes para Ud.
en la Diócesis. Se requiere el registrarse
para asistir al entrenamiento. Por favor vaya al WWW.virtus.org para
ver la lista de las sesiones y poder registrarse.
Todo voluntario que haya completado su entrenamiento en 2010 o
antes debe completar este nuevo entrenamiento para continuar su
Coordinador Pastoral
Sanando Corazones Heridos - ¿Estás sufriendo por un Aborto?
Si usted tiene heridas emocionales o espirituales a consecuencia de un aborto pasado,
por favor considere el próximo retiro del
Viñedo de Rachel, que será el fin de semana
del 24-26 de Abril del 2015. Este retiro será
un encuentro de consuelo para renovar,
reedificar y redimir corazones heridos por el
aborto. Es una oportunidad de experimentar
el amor de Dios, el perdón y la compasión.
La participación es estrictamente confidencial. Para más información, comuníquese
con Blanca Leal-McGuthrie al 909 520-3867 ó visite el sitio
Primera lectura — La communidad de los creyentes compartía
todo con el mismo amor (Hechos 4:32-35).
Salmo — La misericordia del Señor es eterna. Aleluya (Salmo
118 [117]).
Segunda lectura — Si alguien cree que Jesús es el Enviado,
ése ha nacido de Dios (1 Juan 5:1-6).
Evangelio — Felices los que creen sin haber visto
(Juan 20:19-31).
Page Seven
You are invited to join
Fr. Patrick Kirsch on an 11-day trip
to Paris and London June 19-29,
2015. Non-stop round trip air, hotel in the
heart of Paris next to an active monastery,
Eiffel Tower, Paris Music
Festival, Eurostar train, Mass at Notre
Dame & Chapel of the Miraculous Medal, Disneyland Paris, Saint Chapelle, Louvre
museum, catacomb tour, bike & boat tour of Paris, breakfast and dinner daily AND
SO MUCH MORE, all for $3799. Go to
www.cityoflightstravel.com or text/call
(909) 210-7171 email ayalafrench@msn.com
Respect Life
Family Rosary
Every 4th Monday of the month
7:00 – 7:30 in the Church
Pray the Joyful Mysteries with the whole family. All ages welcome!
…our ecclesial duty is to see the root dignity
and personhood of every other offender in
our midst. Kurt M. Denk, S.J.
Next rosary Apr. 27
For information: Deborah (909) 240-6419
Respect Life Calendar 2015
Respect Life Ministry will be publishing a quarterly calendar to keep you
informed of upcoming events. Each month will focus on one or more areas
of respect for human life and dignity. Look for more information on activities that may interest you in detailed bulletin announcements.
Apr. - Employment & Restorative Justice
Catholic Advocacy Day – Sacramento 4/28/15
Assure Pregnancy Clinic Annual Walk for Life 4/18/15
Assure Baby Shower 4/25/15
May - Families in Need & Spiritual Motherhood
Mother’s Day Rose Sale 5/10/15
Socks & Underwear Collection 5/16/15 -5/17/15
Jun. – Freedom, Vocations & Eucharistic Adora
tion Fortnight for Freedom Patriotic
Rosary & Eucharistic Adoration
Annual Assure Pregnancy Clinic Walk for Life April 18, 2015
Bring the whole family from 8am-12pm
9161 Sierra Ave Fontana, CA
Feel free to collect donations for Assure Pregnancy Clinic or just
come out to support this dedicated Pro Life facility.
For more information see:
Or contact Andrea Jessen:
(909) 251-9311
Psalm 118:29 & 118:22-24
O pasalamatan ang Diyos, pagkat siya'y mabuti; pag-ibig niya'y
magpakailanman. Ang batong
itinakwil ng mga tagapagtayo ng
bahay, ang siyang naging batong-panulukan. Ginawa ito ng
Diyos at ito'y kahanga-hangang
pagmasdan. O kahanga-hanga
ang araw na itong Diyos ang nagbigay, tayo ay magalak, ating ipagdiwang!
Give thanks to the Lord for He is good; His love is everlasting.
The stone which the builders rejected has become the cornerstone,
By the Lord has this been done; it is wonderful in our eyes.
St. Vincent de Paul Corner—
Helpline– 1-800-716-0646
Mike Parker—President
Please join us for our next meeting
on Wed., April 15 @ 7:30 pm
(JPII, 1st Fl)
Respect Life — Catholic Advocacy Day
Join the Diocese of San Bernardino
in Sacramento on April 28, 2015
Meet with our Representatives on issues of Physician Assisted Suicide,
restorative justice, poverty & education.
Local advocacy teams are being
formed now. For more information
Marie Widmann, M.A., Director—Pro Life Catholic Ministries
Diocese of San Bernardino—(909) 475-5351
MWidmann@SBDiocese.org or
Deborah Cummins, Coordinator—Respect Life Ministry
St. Peter and St. Paul Catholic Community (909) 240-6419
or dcummins1@charter.net
Life in
The Spirit Prayer Group
Do you get excited and shout when you see a touchdown?
How about a homerun? A goal you've reached?
We are called to worship the Lord with that same kind of energy and passion.
In Ps. 100:1 it proclaims "Shouting joyfully to the Lord, all the earth.” Our songs of
praise and worship come from hearts filled with joy! We invite you to come with an open
heart to experience love and healing through the power of the Holy Spirit in praise and
Thursdays, 7-8:30pm (JPII bldg. –2nd Fl)
All are welcome. For info: Please call the Parish Office for more information. Group leaders: Susan Sabahi Maureen Malady
Divine Mercy
April 12, 2015
Youth Ministry
EDGE (Junior High)
Confirmation (High School)
Office Hours
Mon. & Tues. 1-6pm
Thurs. 10-6pm
Maegan Odicino—Ext. 301—Coord. of Youth Ministry
Gary Foote—Ext. 222—Coord. of Confirmation
Christian Gross—Ext. 300—YM Secretary
Our parish has decided to lead a group of young adults and
adults to the next
World Youth Day in 2016 in Krakow, Poland.
It is our hope to take at least 30 and
at most 40 pilgrims.
We are at 20 so far. The cost is $4,899 per person.
We plan on offering some fundraising opportunities, but the bulk of the
trip fee will be on each pilgrim.
For more information contact: Michael Donaldson at mdonalson@stpeterstpaul.com or
Maegan Odicino at mfrazier@stpeterstpaul.com
Children’s Faith Formation
& Baptism
(909) 980-9423
Office Hours: 10 AM-5 PM
Mon—Thurs./Closed Fridays
♥ Catechesis Classes Grades 1-5
♥ Sunday Children's Liturgy (1-6 grades)
9am (pre-school—6th) & 11am (1st—6th) English)
1:00pm (Spanish)
♥ Sunday Pre-School (ages 3-5 ) 11:00 am
Irma Mc Gaughey—Administrative Assistant—Ext. 232
Tony Mandala—Coord. of Children's Faith Formation & Baptism—Ext. 231
Children’s Faith Formation
Children’s faith formation is not just
about sacramental preparation – it is
on-going discipleship formation that should be life-long!
April 2015 Schedule
♥ Heart of Mary Women’s Fellowship
Week of 4/13 – 4/15 – Regular Class Sessions
May 2 —9-11:30 am (Hall)
Week of 4/20 – 4/22 - Regular Class Sessions
Please join us for a morning of
fellowship & reflection.
Week of 4/27 – 4/29 – Regular Class Sessions
All men and women are invited .
Tom Imbruglia will be our guest speaker. He will be sharing his
devotion to the Rosary and how it has impacted his life!
We now have childcare so
bring your kids so you
can rest and be blessed!
Please call the Children’s Faith Formation
Office if you need additional information.
Page Nine
St. Peter & St. Paul Catholic School
Preschool - Fifth Grade
Patty Ferrer - Principal
Peter Horton—Administrative Consultant
Laura Onopa - Business Manager
Annie Valtier - Administrative Assistant
Telephone: (909) 987-7908
Fax: (909) 987-6779
Email: stpeterstpaul.ocs@sbdiocese.org
Website: www.stpeterstpaulschool.com
St. Peter and St. Paul
Catholic School is seeking
an energetic, enthusiastic,
and dedicated teacher for
2015-2016 School Registration
 Preschool: 2,3 or 5 full or half-day programs, minimum age is 3 years of
age by September 1. Kindergarten through Fifth Grade: 8:00 a.m. – 2:45
 Before and after school care available
Current registration fees and tuition rates are available on the school website,
Elementary school:
their 2015-2016 school year. The
applicant must meet the following
Practicing Roman Catholic
BA/BS degree, Masters degree preferred
California State Multiple Subject Teaching Credential preferred
Compensation: Diocesan Scale. ; salary information is available
upon request.
Contact the school office at (909) 987-7908 to obtain an application packet.
Completed application packets will be accepted through April 24, 2015.
Jump Rope For Heart Kick-off Assembly
2nd Grade Student Retreat
School Mass @ 9:00 a.m.
2nd Grade 1st Holy Communion @ 9am
Fully credentialed Catholic teachers
Candidate for WCEA Accreditation and in good standing with
WCEA accrediting agency; accreditation scheduled for February
Bi-weekly School Mass, coordinated by our Campus Minister
Diocesan and California Common Core State Standards
Average class size is 16
Curriculum based field trips throughout the year
Co-curricular subjects include Computers, Fine Arts Program
(music and art), Sparks© Physical Education, and Spanish.
New school library, fully operational by September 2014
Accelerated Reader program
School uniforms
Catered hot lunch program
100 Mile Club
Jump Rope for Heart
Community Service Outreach Programs throughout the school year
100 Mile Club Update!
Our students have been working
very hard running and walking to
earn miles and incentives such as
t-shirts, golden pencils,
wristbands, and the coveted golden medal. As of this month,
they have achieved 4,241 miles overall.
They may have tiny feet, but they sure are mighty and fast!
Congratulations to our Saints Soccer team for their dedication
and a great season. After a number of attempted goals, they
scored in the final minutes of the last game taking home their
very first victory. WAY TO GO SAINTS!!
Please join us in congratulating Patricia Ferrer for being awarded
“Distinguished Principal of the Year” by the Diocese of San Bernardino.
Mrs. Ferrer is one of the original preschool teachers, was named the
second preschool director, and founding principal for the elementary
school. She celebrated her 30th anniversary this past year. Pictured
with Mrs. Ferrer is Auxiliary Bishop Rutilio del Riego congratulating her
on the prestigious achievement.
Divine Mercy
April 12, 2015
Welcome to our
God-Sent Ministry
This is a
Hopeful Loving Memory
Ministry ♥ HLMM
“ How Love Moves Many”
“A fellowship ministry to support, share and reach out to family caregivers of loved ones with memory impaired dementia related hardships”
Please come and... ♥ be blessed ♥ be heard ♥ be loved
Our next meeting is Sat., April 18th - 9-11am
(JPII, 2nd Fl)
"Filling lives with Hope"!
As caregivers of your precious loved ones, you will see and hear God
working in your lives as you receive much support and love from others
who are currently on, or have been on this journey.
For more information, please contact:
Deborah Waters 909-899-7125
Tea Party
For the
Fr. Kolbe Missionaries
Sun., April 19th—1-4pm
Madonna Hall
819 Buena Vista St, Duarte
$35 per person
Please contact Lili Molander for tickets (626) 475-2736
 Silent Auction
 Photo Booth
No children under 10 please
Military Prayer List
SSgt Juan Manuel Juarez, Jr.
PFC Shyanna Irwin
Cpl Robb McCandlish
PFC Kevin McCarthy
SGT Joshua Miller
A1C James A. Montminy
PO2 Luke Myers
SSG Kamrin Pavlos
PFC Paul Perez
Sgt. Kurt Rehnberg
SSgt Victor Sanez
A1C Jordan Stone
A1C Matthew Toms
PFC Riley Villalpando
Capt Alex J. Williams
SR Nicole Woodall
Justin Andrews, National Guard
Capt. Andrew Bowne
SPC Andrew Cavazos
Maj Jon W. Clanton
SGT Joshua Cornell
CPL Justin Crabbe
PvVT Jeddah J. Deloria
SA Adrian Dominguez
SSG Gilbert D. Frasquillo
CWO Anthony Gannuscio
SSgt Cassie Crough-Guerra
Cpl. Mark Steven Guerra
Col. Frank Guerrera
CPL Alex Jamsa
SPC Christen Jamsa
Andrew Jimenez, National Guard
SPC Kevin Bovi-Jones
Lt Col Jeffrey Conbalecer
Prayer For Our Sick
“Please Pray for the Healing of our Family & Friends”
Please call Debby Leonardo at Ext. 302 in the parish office, to add a
person to the prayer list. Due to the many prayer requests, the name
will remain on the list for 4 weeks. If additional prayers are needed,
call to re-submit the name. Thank You & May God Bless You
Jeanie Woolf
Jack O’Neil
Baby Isabella Mendez
Virginia Mora
Mary Lou Harshman
Mark Schabowski
Glenda Goff
Diane Scheffer
Paul & Norma Castellanos
& Family
Aurelia Guzman
Anne Beech
Randy Ochoa
Freddy Ochoa
Matthew Decoteau
Frank McCormick
Tere Reyes Barron & Family
Reilly Flynn
Leonard Andrade
Kim Castellanos
Diane Frend
Vivian Feysa
Mary Luman
Bertha King
Lily Raya
Carlos Barron
Kathy Theising
Felix Vasquez
Cathy Fontana
Anna Dziak
Socorro Gonzalez
Bernie Strapp & Family
Ivan Burdick
Sally Reade
Helen Porros
Dorothy Demelo
The Lucifora Family
Ron Michaels
J. Rodriguez
B. Burns
Fred Ladores
Lawrence Willey
Martha Cameron
Martha Barahona
Isaiah Valtier & Family
Gary Lacy
Juliet Castanar
Jo Kopasz
Mike Valarde
Terri Rubio
Dr. Joe Trezza
Susan Thompson
Jalynn Duloc’
J. M. Benson
Barbara Benson
Frances Nicole Magsambol
& Family
Sam & Madeleine Oliverio
David & Lydia Queen
Baby Daniella Contreras
Jan Mc Kie
Frances Barron
Sr. Mary Mackessy, snjm
Angelina Rodriguez
Lucina Soltero
Jose & Ada Vasquez
Christopher Csik & Family
Kevin Wiecking
Charles & Helen Bidinian
Vicki Maxwell
Sandie Hartman
Debbie Zbinden & Family
Spagnolo Family
Mary Lee Blow
John & Gloria Garcia
Victor & Lilia Torres
Kathy Perez
Elba Ramirez
Patricia Holder
James Rodriguez
Paul Basenberg & Family
Rafael Reveles
Olivia Madrid
Fred Madrid, Jr.
Paula Smith
Baby Noah Gutierrez
Laurie Meyer
Josie Emery
Pauline Bartollotto
John Bartollotto
Alice Ramirez
Irwan Rosadi
Kori Marie Kolstad
Robin Di Mario & Family
Sarah Hernandez
Maria Luisa Valdez Aleman
Evelyn Walker
Kate McRae & Family
Baby Isabella Cruz Mendez
Mary M. Delgadillo
Bob Peyton
Lilia Wallace
Doug & Roxanne Wittwer
Ed & Joan Combs
Jenny Manoogian
Chuck Murray
Michael Fedorsic
Ryan Fedorsic
Harry Burch
Vickie & Gary Burch
Rick Burch
Page Eleven
Adult Scripture Study
Introduction to the Bible
“Yesterday is experience, tomorrow is
hope...today is getting from
one to the other”
Any adult who is currently experiencing (or within the last 3-4 years), a separation,
divorce or widowhood is invited to join this group, there is no age limit. This was a
much needed and active support group here at St. Peter & St. Paul from 1982-2002.
Unfortunately, our spouses die and so does love, so the need for this ministry is still
viable today.
There will be discussions on various topics that affect the group’s needs and you will
have the chance to share, if you like, with others that are having to cope with many of
the same situations and emotions as you are. It takes time but you will begin to realize
that there is life after death of a marriage or death of a spouse.
By the bond of our Catholicism, and your ministering to each other through your sharing, trust, and respect for each other through Christ, group members will accept their
situation, learn from it, heal, and forgive. You will move forward with peace and happiness in your hearts to the new plan God has for you. Please call if you would like more
Where the Bible came from? How is the Bible inspired?
How is a Catholic Scripture Study different? How does the Church teach
us to use and interpret Scripture? Are all Bibles the same?
Newcomers and experienced Scripture students alike will benefit from this
study, developing a better understanding of the Bible’s themes and writing
styles, and gaining clear insights about Catholic use and interpretation of the
Bible. The study is 7 sessions Wed. Evenings—From 7– 8:30 pm For location and further information, call Marcy at 989-9256
or Jane at 987-4385. There is a fee of $17 for materials.
(JPII, 1st Fl)
Come and find out!
We meet after the 4pm mass, (JPII, 2nd Fl)
2nd Saturday of the month
Spouses, Grandparents, Parents and interested Teens meet together, while the younger family members have their own fun
nearby! We have childcare and light refreshments for all.
Next Meetings: May 9
Contact & Facilitator: Judy Nelson 909-880-4389
The Meetings will be held
every 2nd & 4th Tues. of the month @ 7:15 to 9:15 pm
First Reading — With great power the apostles bore witness to the resurrection of
the Lord Jesus (Acts 4:32-35).
Psalm — Give thanks to the Lord for he is good, his love is everlasting
(Psalm 118).
Second Reading — The victory that conquers the world is our faith (1 John
Gospel — Blessed are those who have not seen and have believed (John
Have you ever wondered?
Acts 4:23-31; Ps 2:1-3, 4-9; Jn 3:1-8
Acts 4:32-37; Ps 93:1-2, 5; Jn 3:7b-15
Acts 5:17-26; Ps 34:2-9; Jn 3:16-21
Acts 5:27-33; Ps 34:2, 9, 17-20; Jn 3:31-36
Acts 5:34-42; Ps 27:1, 4, 13-14; Jn 6:1-15
Acts 6:1-7; Ps 33:1-2, 4-5, 18-19; Jn 6:16-21
Acts 3:13-15, 17-19; Ps 4:2, 4, 7-9; 1 Jn 2:1-5a; Lk 24:35-48
Sunday: Second Sunday of Easter
(or of Divine Mercy);
Julian Calendar Easter
Monday: St. Martin I
Wednesday: Income Tax Day
Thursday: Yom Ha-Shoa
(Holocaust Remembrance Day)
Gloria and Rick Rivera: fiveinhishands@aol.com
Pat and Ellie Cabildo: elmiester@hotmail.com
The Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem /
Western USA Lieutenancy Presents…
A Pilgrimage to the Holy Land
Walking in the Footsteps of Jesus
November 7 to 18, 2016
 Nazareth - site of
Under the Spiritual Direction of:
Rev. Stephen Porter, S.T.L., KCHS
Group Coordinator: Jenny Campbell,
LCHS I am so excited to announce that
I have joined with Fr. Steve Porter in
planning a pilgrimage to Israel and
would love to have you join us! We are
going through a wonderful Catholic
travel agency that assures us Christian
tour guides. We’re also partnering with
the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem Both Father and I
have been there and so we hope to
make this pilgrimage a most holy and
informative one that will change your
life, your spirituality and how you hear
the Gospels. (909) 98709312 X-243
Boat ride on Sea of Galilee
Bethlehem - birthplace of
Jerusalem - Mt. of Olives &
Mt. Zion
Upper Room & Garden of
Via Dolorosa & Church of
Holy Sepulchre
Visit to Latin Patriarchate
Visit to Bethlehem University
EOHSJ members receive
pilgrim shell
And much more!
Divine Mercy
April 12, 2015
Directory of Parish Ministries
Liturgical Ministries
Service Ministries
Altar Servers
Art and Environment
Children’s Liturgy
Director of Liturgy
David & Terry Di Giuseppe
Parish Office
Jacquie Hotchkiss
Dan Centurioni
Eucharistic Adoration
Eucharistic Ministers
Master of Ceremonies
Music Ministry Director
Karen & Mike Hein
Teri & Alan Guindon
Cheryl Harshman
Audrey Donaldson
Larry Lastrapes
Carmen Fernandez
Jamie Harshman
Catechetical Ministries
Adult Confirmation
Mary Ann Andel
Adult Faith Formation
Jenny Campbell
Tony Mandala
Bible Study - English
Mary Ann Andel
Bible Study - Spanish
Jose Henriquez,
Bible Study—Holy Spirit Josie Urquizu
Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA)
Dan & Vicki Centurioni
Gary Foote
♥ of Mary Women's
Michelle Workman
Jr. High-EDGE
Life Teen
Maegan Odicino
Children's Faith Formation Grades 1-5
Tony Mandala
RCIA for Children
& Teens
Parish Office
St. Joseph’s Coven. Keepers- Fernando Montanez
Sunday Preschool
Jacquie Hotchkiss
Yolanda Rivera
Prayer Groups
Rosary Group
Alice Chavez
Respect Life Ministry
Inland Empire Girls Clubs
of Alta Loma & Fontana host
The 2nd Annual
Assure Pregnancy Clinic Baby
Join the fun helping new babies and
their families by bringing
baby items or gift cards to the parish hall,
Saturday, April 25, 2015 from 1:00 – 3:00pm
Refreshments will be served
For more information contact: Melissa Bloomer: (909) 260-7792
Norm Anderson
Boy Scouts
Pete Peters
Cub Scouts
Jaime Dominick
DWS (Divorced, Widowed & Separated Group)
Judy Nelson
Family Vocations Min.
Jonathan Aytona
Filipino Community Min. Dr. Grethel Cabison
God’s Handyman
Tom Catlin
or Office Ext. 311
Grief Support
Andrea Woore
Hopeful Loving Memory Ministry
Deborah Waters
Homebound Ministry
Debby Leonardo
Justice for Immigrants
Connie Amescua
Araceli Dominguez
Knights of Columbus
David Patin, GK
Library Ministry
Parish Office
Mary’s Table
Elaine Hein
Our Charity In Action
Linda Hahn &
Irene Charrette
Pastoral Care
Debby Leonardo
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Anne Napolitano
Respect Life
Deborah Cummins
Rosary Making Group
Mary Catherine Kim
St. Rose of Lima Garden Sandra Seabrook
(aka-Memorial Garden)
Wedding Preparation
Norm Anderson
Catholic Daughters
Linda Teran
Fifty Plus Club
Jo Kopasz
St. Vincent De Paul Society Helpline
Matt Silva
(Communications & Technology)
(800) 716-0646
Lay Catholic Movements
A.C.T.S. Missions
Cursillos in Christianity
World Apostolate
of Fatima
Worldwide Marriage
Joseph Lang
Leslie & Donna Roman
Dennis & Aileen Gamalinda
Joan Combs
Joseph Dennett
Patrick Cabildo
Bryan Dopp
Bruce Armbruster
Finance Council
Pastoral Council
Stewardship Committee-
Regular Parish Office Hours (909) 987-9312
8:30am—4:30 pm (closed noon-1pm for lunch)
Friday 8:30am—Noon
Children’s Faith Formation & Baptism (909) 980-9423
(909) 980-9423
Office Hours: 10 AM-5 PM Mon—Thurs.
Closed Fridays
Youth Ministry
Mon. & Tues. 1-6 pm
Thurs. 10-6 pm
Page Thirteen
Our Parish Financial Corner
The Parish Staff Directory
Pastoral Staff 987-9312
Pastoral Coordinator
Priest Minister
Priest Minister
Michael Donaldson
Fr. José Jaramillo, MG
Fr. Cyriacus Ogu
Ext. 223
Ext. 229
Ext. 304
Parish Office 987-9312
Business Manager
Liturgy-Office Clerk
Music Director
Life Teen Music Coordinator
Pastoral Care
Parish Office Assistant &
Bulletin Editor/Registration
Parish Office Secretary
Norm Anderson
Karen Hein
Cheryl Harshman
Audrey Donaldson
Austin Ott
Debby Leonardo
Debbie Uhlack
Ext. 236
Ext. 230
Ext. 303
Ext. 227
Ext. 227
Ext. 302
Ext. 242
Ann Hogan
Ext. 221
Parish Faith Formation 980-9423
Adult Faith Formation-Coord.
Dir. of Adult Faith Formation
Coord. of Children’s Faith Formation
& Baptism
Children’s FF Admin. Assist.
Children's Liturgy
Coord. of Youth Ministry
Coord. Confirmation
YM Secretary
Mary Ann Andel
Jenny Campbell
Tony Mandala
Ext. 250
Ext. 243
Ext. 231
Irma McGaughey
Jacquie Hotchkiss
Maegan Odicino
Gary Foote
Christian Gross
Ext. 232
Ext. 232
Ext. 301
Ext. 222
Ext. 300
Parish School / Preschool through – 5h grade: 987-7908
Principal – Preschool Director
Business Manager
Administrative Assistant
Patty Ferrer
Laura Onopa
Annie Valtier
Ext. 235
Ext. 245
Ext. 234
Can you believe...
How much money do Americans spend betting on the
NCAA Tournament in (4) four days verses the total yearly
budget of all the Catholic parishes in the United States:
Answer: NCAA Basketball Tournament
4 day total betting - 9 billion
Info By: Chris Cillizza March 21 Washington Post—US Catholic Parishes
——————————————————Yearly Budget total - 11 billion
Info from: a 2012 investigation by
the Economist Magazine regarding
the finances of the Catholic Church
Other ways American’s spend their money→
Sunday Collection 03-29-15:
Misc. Income for 03-29-15:
Total weekly income:
Total weekly expenses:
(From estimated current budget)
$ 26,740.22
$ 1,466.35
$ 28,206.70
$ 36,299.71
John Paul II Bldg. Fund:
Total weekly donations for 03-29-15:
$ 1,353.00
Total weekly debt payment:
$ 5,700.27
(Based on monthly loan agreement of $24,701.16 dated 7-1-09)
($ 4,347.27)
2015 Diocesan Development Fund
Current Parish Pledges Total:
Diocese Goal:
Pledges Made:
Gifts Received:
$ 42,906.65
Donors: 200
Percent of Goal: 31.02 %
As of: April 2, 2015 @ 7:17 am
We now have on-line giving available.
You can access it through our
website, stpeterstpaul.com, our Facebook, www.facebook.com/
spsaltaloma.com or onlinegiving@osv.com/1801.
If you use
online bill pay through your bank, you
can also donate to the church by
setting us up as a regular payment
using your envelope # as your account. If you do not have envelopes
and would like to receive them, please contact the parish office @ (909)987
Thank you to our parish family members who faithfully support our parish.
May God bless you and your families during this new year. May we embrace the message of our faith with love and wisdom.
Easter Flowers
In Loving Remembrance and Honor of...
M/M Mauricio Acevedo
†Rodolfo Acevedo
†Gabriel Marquez
Patricia Alachniewicz
Jane Almanza
Olga Armstrong
†Manuel Robert Almanza
†M/M Eusebio Martinez
†Lando Cerecedes
†Lauren Armstrong
†Harry Tanner
M/M Gonzalo Alvarez, Jr.
†Dolores Diaz
†John N. Nercy
†Celia Ramos
†Reyes Gonzalez
†Alejandro Quiroga
Mrs. Frank Annunziato
†Frank Annunziato
Barbara Antinora
M/M Alfredo Araguz
†Alfred David Araguz
†Rudy Alaniz
†Eliseo Rodriguez
†Mario Rodriguez, Jr.
†Ernie Rodriguez, Jr.
Teresa Aranda
†M/M Francis Gallegos
†Mary Valdez
†Carlos Aranda
†Alma Perez
†Cassandra Arredondo
Betty Arcide
Anthony Arcide
Louise Arcide
Silvio Colista
Josephine Colista
Teresa Alfonso
Rito Armenta
M/M Kenneth Arredondo
†Cassandra Rose Arredondo
†Carlos H. Aranda
†Lichita Garcia
†Laurie Trejo
†Marsha Scoffer
Mrs. Gerrie Baldassano
†Nick Baldassano
†Sarah & Joseph Baldassano
†Sophie & Michael Radzinski
†Chester Radzinski
Lysandra Castro
†Ariel Giesman
†Jose S. Hernandez
†Peter David Hernandez
†Robin DiMario
M/M Santiago Bautista
†Ricardo De la Pena
†Santiago Bautista, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Centurioni
Fr. Pat Kirsch
†Lyle Loveless
†Alex & Army Centurioni
†Paula Amorelli
†Doreen L. Brunswick
Maria Bennett
Diana, Andy, Sal & Rochelle
Lupe Caballero
†Albert Caballero
†Sal Arias
†Maria Ensminger
M/M Ernest Berg
M/M Pierre Biane
Mary Lee Blow
†Eric Keiner
†Mike Butler
†Christie Wilson
Leona & Jim Blow
Jimmy Blow
Sharon Bowie
†Joseph Messing
Our Family
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Braga
All Men & Women in the Military
M/M Jerome Brown
M/M Charles Buquet, Sr.
†Manuela Donado
†Carmen Bright
†Aura Coronado De Bright
†Faustine Bright
†Frank Bright
†Thomas Bright
†Carmen Anita Chastain
†Billy Bright
†Carmen Ramos
†Linda Leyva
†Edna Hector
Theresa Bustos
M/M Robert Byrne
†Magdalena Paz
†Paul Byrne
Norma Calaycay
M/M Dennis Azarovitz
†Dennis Azarovitz
Alicia Cervantez
Natalia Saenz
Salvador Mier
Belem Mier
Manuel Jesus Mier
Asuncion Mier
Mrs. Nelfa Calhoun
Fred & Jane Clow
†Bill & Connie Franke
†Don Evans
†Bernie Strapp
M/M Mark Cobb
M/M Lee Coleman
†Mom & Dad
†Nana & Narcy
†Grandmas & Grandpas
†All departed friends
Mrs. Helen Conklin
†Joe Candelaria
†Ramona Candelaria
†Robert Cupelli
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Contreras
†Antonia Pence
M/M Efren Cordura
The Cordura Children
†Corazon Somera
†Alejandro Somera
†Ramona Cordura
†Benigno Cordura
Matthew & Cindy Cornelius
†Lynn Cornelius
†Charles Cornelius
†Juan & Piedad Verduzco

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