October 18, 2015 - St. Peter and St. Paul Parish


October 18, 2015 - St. Peter and St. Paul Parish
9135 BANYAN STREET, ALTA LOMA, CA 91737—909-987-9312-FAX 909-980-9404 or www.facebook.com/spspaltaloma.com
Faith Formation for Children (Grades 1-5) Baptism (909) 980-9423 School (Preschool - Grade 5) (909) 987-7908
MONDAY through FRIDAY— 7:30 am Mass
4:00 pm & 1st Saturday Mass 7:30am
7:30, 9:00 & 11:00 am, 1:00 pm (Spanish); 5:00 pm (Life Teen)
(Filipino Choir - Fourth Sunday of Each Month, 9:00 am)
Every Friday there is 24-Hour Adoration - 8:00 am ending with Benediction at 7:45 am Saturday –Every Wednesday from 8am to 8pm
CONFESSIONS: Saturday 8:15am & Thursday 7pm
HOLY DAY OF OBLIGATION: As Announced in the Bulletin
We the people of St. Peter & St. Paul Parish, as members of the Roman Catholic Church, are a sacramental, worshipping community on a journey towards the fulfillment of Christ’s Kingdom. We strive to provide a spiritual haven for all people without distinction. We are equally committed to the
challenge of the Gospel message. We accept its call to ongoing conversion, the use of our gifts for the benefit of the community, and loving service to
one another.
Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Parish Event Schedule
Sunday, October 18
7:00 am 5:00 pm World Mission Sunday Collection - (Church)
9:00 am 10:00 am Children’s Liturgy - English - (Library)
9:30 am 10:15 am RCIA Dismissal - (Adoration Chapel)
10:00 am 4:00 pm Women’s A.C.T.S. Return Reception - (Hall)
11:00 am 12:00 pm Children’s Liturgy - English - (Library)
11:00 am 12:00 pm Sunday School - (Hall)
11:00 am 1:00 pm Filipino Choir Practice - (Music Room, St. Serra Bldg)
3:00 pm 5:00 pm VIRTUS Confirmation - (JPII, 2nd Fl)
6:30 pm 8:00 pm XLT—Life Teen - (JPII, 2nd Fl)
Monday, October 19
10:00 am 12:00 pm Prayer Shawl Ministry - (JPII, 2nd Fl)
3:00 pm 4:00 pm Children’s Choir - (Church)
3:45 pm 5:00 pm CFF - Children’s Faith Formation - (JPII, 1st Fl)
5:30 pm 6:45 pm CFF - Children’s Faith Formation - (JPII, 1st Fl)
5:30 pm 7:00 pm EDGE - (JPII, 2nd Fl)
6:00 pm 7:00 pm Total Consecration to Jesus - (Church)
6:00 pm 9:00 pm Boy Scouts - (Hall)
7:00 pm 8:30 pm Adult Bible Study - Who is Jesus - M. Andel - (JPII, 1st Fl)
7:00 pm 9:00 pm Our Lady of Guadalupe Committee Meeting - (JPII, 1st Fl)
Tuesday, October 20
3:45 pm 5:00 pm CFF - Children's Faith Formation - (JPII, 1st Fl)
5:30 pm 6:45 pm CFF - Children’s Faith Formation - (JPII, 1st Fl)
5:30 pm 7:00 pm EDGE Sacramental Prep - (JPII, 2nd Fl)
6:00 pm 8:00 pm Men’s A.C.T.S. Retreat - (Adoration Chapel)
7:00 pm 9:00 pm Talleres de Oracion y Vida - (JPII, 2nd Fl)
7:30 pm 9:30 pm RCIA Session - (Hall-Library)
9:00 pm 9:30 pm RCIA Rite Rehearsal - (Church)
Wednesday, October 21
8:00 am 8:00 pm Eucharistic Adoration - (Adoration Chapel)
9:00 am 11:00 am Adult Faith Formation/The Mystery of God, Campbell - (JPII, 2nd Fl)
10:00 am 12:00 pm Talleres de Oracion y Vida - (JPII, 2nd Fl)
3:45 pm 5:30 pm CFF - Children's Faith Formation - (JPII, 1st Fl)
5:30 pm 6:45 pm CFF - Children’s Faith Formation - (JPII, 1st Fl)
5:30 pm 7:00 pm RCIA for Children - (JPII, 1st Fl)
7:00 pm 9:00 pm Choir 9am - (Church)
7:00 pm 9:00 pm Grief Support - (JPII, 2nd Fl)
7:00 pm 9:00 pm Life and Prayer - (JPII, 2nd Fl)
7:00 pm 9:00 pm Living the Eucharist - (JPII, 2nd Fl)
7:00 pm 9:00 pm Adult Faith Formation/The Mystery of God, Campbell - (JPII, 2nd Fl)
Thursday, October 22
9:00 am 10:30 am Adult Bible Study - Who is Jesus - M. Andel - (Library)
6:30 pm 9:00 pm Men’s A.C.T.S. Retreat Team Meeting - (Library)
7:00 pm 7:30 pm El Rezo del Santo Rosario - (Church)
7:00 pm 9:00 pm Life in the Spirit Prayer Grp - English—(JPII, 2nd Fl)
7:00 pm 9:00 pm Adult Confirmation - M. Andel - (JPII, 1st Fl)
7:00 pm 9:00 pm Confessions - (Church)
7:00 pm 10:00 pm Choir Rehearsal - AD - (Church)
7:30 pm 9:00 pm Estudio Biblico - (JPII, 2nd Fl)
Friday, October 23
8:00 am 7:45 am Eucharistic Adoration - 24 hour (Adoration Chapel)
9:00 am 11:00 am Holy Spirit Bible Study - (JPII, 2nd Fl)
6:30 pm 9:00 pm Filipino Ministry - (Library)
7:00 pm 9:00 pm Youth with Vision and Action - (JPII, 2nd Fl)
7:00 pm 9:30 pm PMFP - (JPII, 2nd Fl)
Saturday, October 24
7:45 am 8:00 am Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament - (Adoration Chapel)
8:00 am 9:00 am EMHC Sick Training - Eucharistic Ministers - (Church)
8:15 am 9:45 am Confessions - (Church)
9:00 am 11:30 am Disaster Preparedness for Families - (Hall)
2:00 pm 4:00 pm Filipino Choir Practice - (St. Serra Bldg., Music Room)
A note from:
Manny Huerta
I would like the parishioners of
Ss. Peter & Paul to know that I am
very grateful for their support and I am praying for them.
Thank you so much and God bless you.
October 18, 2015
Mass Schedule & Intentions
Saturday, October 17
4:00 PM
†Teresa Massagli Rand
†Marian Kemmerer
†Teresa Calderon
Sunday, October 18-World Mission Sunday
7:30 AM
†Mary Shewey
†Jeanine Wilder
†Oscar & †Lourdes Hormillosa
9:00 AM
Dan & Miriam Warden - Happy Anniversary
†Cornelio Vicente, Sr.
†John Hao Nguyen
11:00 AM
People of the Parish
1:00 PM
†Isabel de Leon
†Renato Herrera
5:00 PM
†Frank Perez
†Lidia Krzyzanowski
Monday, October 19
7:30 AM
Jennifer Wooley
†Paula Hansen
Sr. Antonia Tognetti, RSM
Tuesday, October 20
7:30 AM
†Virginia Gross
†Pat Redner
Wednesday, October 21
7:30 AM
†Paula Hansen
John Divine
†Evelyn Anderson-Kane
Thursday, October 22
7:30 AM
Kathleen Magnaye - Happy Birthday
Rose Elia
Friday, October 23
7:30 AM
George Borres
Delfina Paras
9:00 AM
Veronica Galindo - Happy Birthday
School Mass
†Felipe Gutierrez
†Javier Ramon
Saturday, October 24
4:00 PM
†Peter & †Lillian Collins
†Dr. Joe Trezza
†Frecia Sicilia
Sunday, October 25
7:30 AM
†Visitacion Aznar
†Corsino Gonzales, Jr.
9:00 AM
†Erhard Kaltenhauser
†Nicanor Cabison
†Evelyn Casas
11:00 AM
†Mr. & †Mrs. Coelho
†Eden Abon
1:00 PM
Juan & Marisela Palacios - Happy 25 Anniversary
5:00 PM
People of the Parish
“Let us pray for the Repose of their Souls and give thanks for their love
that has touched our hearts forever”
†Mitsuko Kusaba
†James Pearson
†Katharina Hoffman
†Royal Lee Swanberg, Jr.
†Leona Blow
†Kerry Carroll
†Raul Garza
Page Three
Our Charity in Action
2015 Schedule
We need blankets of all sizes...must be new!
Nov. 7 & 8
Noviembre 7 & 8
“Warm ‘N Cozy”
Cobijitas Acogedoras y calientitas
Help Us Help Them
The Knights of Columbus will be collecting money after Masses
on the weekend of Oct. 10/31—11-2, 2015 in its annual Campaign
for People with Intellectual Disabilities, also known as the “Tootsie
Roll Drive.” Funds collected will benefit OPARC Adult Development
Center, in Rancho Cucamonga.
Please prayerfully consider supporting this worthy cause.
For Information on how to volunteer for these
collections ...Please Call or Text
Para más información, por favor
llame o mande texto a:
Irene Charrette (909) 261-9940
Linda Hahn (909) 730-0206
*We are seeking a Spanish speaking volunteer!!!!
St Peter and St Paul - Men's ACTS Retreat 2015
You are invited to spend a Spirit-filled ACTS Retreat Weekend with your fellow Parishioners: to deepen your relationship with Jesus Christ; to renew
yourself spiritually; to give new meaning to your prayer life; and to build lasting
friendships with members of our Parish Community.
November 12-15. 2015
Call Bob Emery (Director) for registration:
To be fully initiated into our
Catholic Faith, a person needs
to have received the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist. Often, life circumstances may have prevented a baptized
Catholic from completing this process at a younger age. As a result, some
adult Catholics may have little understanding of our Catholic Faith or its importance in living a Christian life.
Adults 18 years and older who have completed high school are invited to
participate in our Adult Confirmation sessions to gain an adult understanding
of the basic teachings of our Catholic Faith in order to prepare for the sacrament of Confirmation and living a full, active Catholic life. The sacraments of
Reconciliation (Confession) and Eucharist (Communion) will be part of this
preparation, where necessary, in order to complete Christian Initiation.
These sessions are always open to any adults who desire an updated understanding of the teachings of our Church, even if there is no need to prepare
for sacraments. Our focus is on those serious questions about being Catholic
that often come to mind without knowing where to go for answers.
Our sessions meet on Thursday evenings (September to June)
7-9 pm (JPII, 1st Fl)
For further information, please call Mary Ann Andel at 987-9312 x 250
For information about the Knights of Columbus,
contact Nick Ewell, GK
info@KC13403.us (909) 235-6425
“Army’s Army”
Be a part of ‘Army’s Army’ and help
souls get out of Purgatory.
If you are going on vacation, or visiting a parish out of the
area, please stop by the office for a pack of ‘St. Gertrude
Prayer Cards’. Take a picture of yourself or your family at
the church or shrine where you’ve dropped them off, and
send it to us at Vcenturioni@hotmail.com Photos will
be posted on the St. Peter & St. Paul Web site and Facebook page. Let’s continue the ‘mission’ of Army Centurioni and help save souls!
Who God Is & Why
He Matters
Atheism is on the rise. Skeptical thinkers
like Richard Dawkins, Christopher Hitchens and Sam Harris vigorously attack belief in
god as irrational or, even worse, dangerous. The so-called New Atheism has attracted
millions of young people. In The Mystery of God: Who God Is and Why He Matters,
Bishop-elect Robert Barron reaches into our rich intellectual tradition to teach us how to
respond. Using the insights of St. Augustine, St. Thomas Aquinas and Pope Benedict
XVI, he uncovers a clear yet sophisticated understanding of what we mean by “God.”
Wednesdays, 9 – 11 AM or 7 – 9 PM
JPII , 2nd Fl – St. Bernardine Room
10/21: Exploring the Trinity
The most important event in human history took place when God, infinite and
incomprehensible, became a finite and familiar man, Jesus the Christ. While
some people reduce Jesus to a wise teacher, the testimony of scripture and
the early church makes it clear that Jesus of Nazareth was, and is, God incarnate. He’s the Second Person of the Trinity. And, by His sacrificial death and
glorious resurrection, we too can enter into Trinitarian life.
For more program information, call or write:
Register with Jenny Campbell (909) 987-9312
or jcampbell@stpeterstpaul.com
Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Liturgy Workshop for all
Liturgical Ministers
We invite you to attend the annual
workshop for liturgical ministers on
Oct. 17th 9-11am (Church)
"…so let us confidently approach the throne of grace…" (Heb. 4:16)
Attention all who serve in liturgy:
This workshop is for: Readers, EMHC's, Altar Servers (& parents), Choir
Members, Emcees, Children’s Liturgy Catechists, Ushers, as well as our
Deacons and Priests.
As we approach the end of our liturgical year it is important, that as
liturgical ministers, we receive ongoing spiritual formation and properly
prepare for the upcoming "Year of Mercy. 'This year, we are pleased to
have as our guest speaker, Paul Puccinelli. Paul is the Director for
Liturgy and Music at St. Rita's Catholic Church and Mater Dolorosa
Retreat Center, both in Sierra Madre, CA.
He has most recently participated in the ordination Mass for the three
new L.A. Bishops and has also directed several other events and
liturgies at the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels such as the annual
Archdiocesan Prayer Breakfast. As in years past, there will be plenty of
time for dialogue and Q&A.
This workshop is obligatory for all who serve at the altar and participate
in liturgy. If you are unable to attend this very important session, please
contact your respective coordinators directly so they may assist you in
finding another date to enable you to meet your yearly obligation.
October 18, 2015
We meet after the 4pm mass, (JPII, 2nd Fl)
2nd Saturday of the month.
Spouses, Grandparents, Parents and interested Teens meet together, while the
younger family members have their own fun nearby! We have childcare and light
refreshments for all.
Please join us in our upcoming events:
October 31, Trunk or Treat (page 5)
November 14, Fellowship and Games
Thank you for joining us this past year! We have plenty of activities that promise to bring you and your family closer to our Catholic community and closer
to God! Gloria and Rick Rivera: fiveinhishands@aol.com
Pat and Ellie Cabildo: elmiester@hotmail.com
♥ Heart of Mary Women’s Fellowship
Nov. 7th —9-11am (Hall)
At Heart of Mary we gather for a morning of
faith sharing and friendship!
We will join together in a morning of gratitude ! Bring a friend to celebrate in
this very heartfelt gathering.
In all circumstances give thanks, for this is the will of
God for you in Christ Jesus
1 Thessalonians 5:18
Dan Centurioni, Director of Liturgy
RCIA—A Teaching Moment
What do the initials I. H. S. and I. N. R. I.
stand for?
The letters I. H. S. form a monogram for devotional use of
the name of Jesus. It is frequently noted, especially on the vestments of the
priest worn at Mass. The letters are popularly taken to mean references to
Jesus, Hominum Salvator, Latin words
for Jesus, Savior of Men.
The letters I. N. R. I. was placed over
our Lord’s head on the cross. I. N. R.
I. the first four letters of the Latin words
“Jesus Nazarenus Rex Judaeorum,”
meaning, “Jesus of Nazareth, King of
the Jews.”
by a priest, deacon, employee, or volunteer,
complete and mail the special form available in the vestibule of
the parish or from the parish office. You may also call the toll free
Sexual Misconduct Hotline 1-888-206-9090
Meetings will be every 2nd & 4th Tuesday of each month from 4-6 pm in
the JPII, 2nd Fl St. Bernardine Room.
There are no fees to attend the meetings.
Cancer affects a person physically, emotionally, psychologically, mentally,
spiritually, and socially. Many times it is difficult to share one’s feelings with
family members or friends. This group provides an opportunity to share your
feelings and experiences with others in a caring and safe environment. By
your sharing and supporting one another it will help give you the courage to
cope with your journey regardless of what type of cancer you have.
For more information or to RSVP for the first meeting please call
Judy Nelson, 909-880-4389 Contact/Facilitator
“I refuse to walk in the shadow of cancer and look forward to my future with
hope, endurance, love, and laughter.”
Judy Nelson, 02/08/08
Page Five
Tagalog Corner
Hebrews 4:14-16
Kaya nga, magpakatatag tayo sa
ating pananampalataya, dahil
mayroon tayong Dakilang Pinakapunong Pari na pumasok na sa kalangitan, doon mismo sa harap ng Diyos.
Siya'y walang iba kundi si Jesus na Anak ng Diyos. Ang ating Pinakapunong
Paring ito ay nakakaunawa sa ating mga kahinaan sapagkat tulad natin, tinukso
siya sa lahat ng paraan, subalit kailanma'y hindi siya nagkasala. Kaya't huwag
tayong mag-atubiling lumapit sa trono ng mahabaging Diyos upang makamtan
natin ang habag at kalinga sa panahon ng ating pangangailangan.
(Since we have a great high priest who has passed through the heavens, Jesus,
the Son of God, let us hold fast to our confessions. For we do not have a high
priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but one who has similarly been tested in every way, yet without sin. So let us confidently approach the
throne of grace to receive mercy and to find grace for timely help.)
Heaven On Earth…..
Come spend some time in the quiet presence of our Lord.
Bask in the warmth of His love.
In this Sacrament, Jesus Christ is truly present. Though he
is in another form, he is truly with us. Indeed, as Jesus was
about to ascend into heaven, he said, “Remember, I am
with you always, to the end of the age” (Mt 28:20). Jesus
comforted the apostles and their followers with generous
promise to stay with them and be with them in bodily presence.
~Urban IV – Transiturus De Hoc Mundo August 11, 1264
If you would like to sign up for 1 hour,
please contact Karen Hein at (909) 987-9312 ext. 230
Times: Wed. 8am-8pm - Fri. 8am-12am - Sat. 12am-7:45am
Sat., Oct. 31, 6-8pm , “Trunk or Treat,”
Rehearsals for the
Vroom! Eek! And Oh My Stars!
It’s a Night to treat & décor your cars.
At Trunk or Treat, costumes are a hitAs from trunk to trunk, more candy you’ll get.
So come as you’d like (Just don’t cause a fright!),
And join in our very own
Trunk or Treat night!
Christmas Eve
Midnight Mass
(in the southwest church parking lot)
For more information contact: Ellie & Patrick Cabildo: elmiester@hotmail.com
Sponsored by The Catholic Family Ministry
the Jesus of History and the Christ of Faith
We call Jesus the Christ, “the Anointed One,” but who really was he and why has he
had such an impact on the world? His vision for the world as it should be and his
knowledge of and relationship to God, his “Father,” are as compelling today as they
were some 2000 years ago.
Our scripture study will give an overview of what is known about Jesus from the Scriptures, the historical record of his time, in order to gain a more complete picture of Jesus
and his message.
Each week we’ll focus on a specific image/title for Jesus through a key Gospel passage
that will offer us another piece of the puzzle of who Jesus is and the meaning he has in
our own lives and also in our world today, so that we can more strongly affirm that
Jesus is “the Way, the Truth, and the Life.” Our Scripture Study begins on Monday
evening, Sept. 21, from 7:00 – 8:30 pm in the St. Augustine room of our JPII Center and for those who prefer a study during the day, Thursday morning, Sept.24
from 9:00 – 10:30 am in our parish Library. There is a minimal fee for our textbook.
Please bring your Bible. For further information, please contact Mary Ann Andel at
909-987-9312 x 250.
each Thursday, at 7:30pm
in the church.
We invite all parishioners high school age and up to participate
in this annual tradition.
We will be singing Christmas carols, as well as beautiful choral
pieces from around the world. Come join us for enriching music
and fellowship!
Welcome to our God-Sent Ministry
This is a Hopeful Loving Memory Ministry ♥ HLMM
“ How Love Moves Many”
“A fellowship ministry to support, share and reach out to family caregivers of
loved ones with memory impaired dementia related hardships”
Please come and... ♥ be blessed ♥ be heard ♥ be loved
Our next meeting is Sat., Nov. 21st - 9-11am
(JPII, 2nd Fl)
For more information, please contact:: Deborah Waters 909-899-7125
Vigesimo Noveno Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
18 de octubre de 2015
Momentos Matrimoniales
La obra de Dios de la salvación
es el enfoque de las lecturas este
fin de semana. Desde el acontecer profético de Isaías hasta la
visión de Jesús sobre la condición humana en Hebreos, y terminando con el rescate que paga
Jesús por nosotros en san Marcos, Dios está al mando. Puede
que ocurran caídas e incomprensiones por el camino. Puede que nos
alejemos de Dios, pero Dios nos trae de vuelta a su lado mediante la
conversión. Al igual que Santiago y Juan, a veces dejamos que la
avaricia y el poder empañen nuestra visión de lo que Jesús nos quiere enseñar sobre el Reino; pero sin tregua nos enseña y nos repite
cómo ha de ser la vida en el Reino. Jesús ha pagado por nuestro
rescate para garantizar que compartamos el Reino con él.
La Regla de Oro dice: Traten
ustedes a los demás como
quieren que ellos les traten a
ustedes. Demos un nuevo
giro al dicho: Traten a los
demás como ellos quieren
que ustedes les traten. Ver A
New Twist on an Old Rule (Un nuevo giro para
una regla antigua en www.SusanVogt.net. Haz
clic en Espiritualita para buscar ideas.
No es raro que pensemos sobre el rescate que pagó Jesús en términos de un castigo que tuvo que sufrir. Sin embargo, es más acertado
y más como Jesús, reconocer que el rescate es un regalo de Dios
para nosotros.
Juventud con Visión y Acción (JVA) is a young adult
ministry dedicated to youth ages 12-18. JVA is committed to helping the youth build and strengthen their
relationship with God. Through JVA, we hope to help
the youth grow in their faith and be able to share it
with others. Our meetings are every other Friday at
7:00pm in JPII building, located in 9135 Banyan St,
Alta Loma, CA 91737. For more information please
contact Karina Silva at (909) 827-8485 or
Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
por parte de un sacerdote, diácono, empleado o voluntario,
complete y envíe por correo el formulario especial que está
disponible en el vestíbulo de la parroquia o en la oficina
parroquial, o llame a la Línea Directa para reportar
Conducta Sexual Inapropiada al 1-888-206-9090
La mayoría de las personas que viven en
Estados Unidos han emigrado para mejorar
su situación económica. Muchísimos lo han
logrado mediante mucho trabajo, un buen
salario y comprándose una buena casa en
un vecindario tranquilo. En pocas palabras,
se han hecho ricos. No obstante, éste mismo sueño se ha convertido en una pesadilla, pues
todos sueñan con ser famosos, ganar mucho dinero, tener el carro más lujoso y vivir en un
condominio muy exclusivo. El chiste es hacerse ricos a toda costa. Muchas veces sin importar
los medios.
En la Palestina del tiempo de Jesús todo mundo soñaba con hacerse rico. Las riquezas eran
consideradas bendición de Dios, por eso los discípulos se asombraron cuando Jesús declara:
“Es más fácil que un camello pase por el ojo de la aguja, que un rico entre en el Reino de
Dios” (Marcos 10:25). El ojo de la aguja era una puerta baja y estrecha por la cual pasaba la
gente común a Jerusalén. Jesús no está negando la entrada al cielo a los ricos, basta que
hagan lo que hace el camello para pasar: despojarse de su carga.
—Fray Gilberto Cavazos-Glz, OFM, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
Juventud con visión y Acción (JVA) es un ministerio para jóvenes de 12-18 años. JVA
se dedica a ayudar a los jóvenes a desarrollar una relación personal con Dios. Nuestro
anhelo es acercar a los jóvenes más a Cristo y proporcionarles un lugar para compartir su fe. Nuestras reuniones son cada otro viernes a las 7:00 en el edificio JPII, localizado en 9135 Banyan St, Alta Loma, CA 91737. Para más información por favor de
llamar: (909)827-8485 o por correo electrónico: kjsilva@uci.edu
Vigésimo Noveno Domingo del Tiempo
Ordinario; Domingo Mundial de las Misiones
San Juan de Brébeuf, san Isaac Jogues y compañeros
San Pablo de la Cruz
Papa san Juan Pablo II
San Juan de Capistrano
San Antonio María Claret; Santa María Virgen
Primera lectura — Ya que él ofreció su vida como sacrificio por el pecado, el
proyecto de Dios prosperará en sus manos (Isaías 53:10-11).
Salmo — Muéstrate bondadoso con nosotros, Señor (Salmo 33 [32]).
Segunda lectura — Porque tenemos un sumo sacerdote que ha sido probado en todo, a excepción del pecado, acerquémonos con plena confianza al
Dios de bondad (Hebreos 4:14-16).
Evangelio — El Hijo del Hombre ha venido a servir y a dar su vida como
rescate por una muchedumbre (Marcos 10:35-45).
Page Seven
Total Consecration to Jesus
Respect Life
Family Rosary
Every 4th Monday of the month
7:00 – 7:30 in the Church
Pray the Joyful Mysteries with the whole family. All ages welcome!
“We are asked to love and honor the life of every man and woman and to
work with perseverance and courage so that our time, marked by all too
many signs of death, may at last witness the establishment of a new
culture of life, the fruit of the culture of truth and of love.”
Gospel of Life, Saint Pope John Paul II
Next rosary October 26
For information: Deborah (909) 240-6419
through Mary
With 33 Days to Morning Glory by Fr. Michael Gaitley, MIC
Start Date: Monday, October 19, 2015
6:00pm in Church
Consecration Date: Friday, November 20, 2015
Closing Mass 7:00pm in Church
If you would like to participate, please contact
Michelle Workman At: heartofmarywf@aol.com
Respect Life
Fundraising Banquet
Oct. 24th @ 6:30-9pm
Ontario Doubletree Hotel
222 N. Vineyard Ave.
Ontario, CA
Assure Pregnancy Clinic is a life giving, licensed medical clinic offering over
50 men and women facing unplanned pregnancy hope each month. They
provide pregnancy tests, ultrasounds, information on fetal development,
abortion risks, adoption, parenting, and resources throughout the
Come support those saving the lives of the unborn and
their parents.
RSVP (909) 621-4800
40 Days for Life
The Beginning of the End of Abortion
Our community is joining the worldwide movement to protect
mothers and babies with 40 days of prayer, fasting and
peaceful vigil.
September 23 – November 1
Then the word of the Lord came to me, saying: "Before I formed you in
the womb I knew you; Before you were born I sanctified you; I ordained
you a prophet to the nations.” Jeremiah 1:4-5
Vigil location: Outside of Planned Parenthood abortion center
at 1550 North Garey Ave., Pomona, CA
Vigil times: 7 AM – 7 PM every day
Sign up for vigil times: 40daysforlife.com/pomona
Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Youth Ministry
Life Teen (High School)
EDGE (Junior High)
Confirmation (High School)
Office Hours—
Mon. –Thurs 1-6pm
Fri. 9am-12:30pm
Christian Gross—Coord. Of Confirmation & Youth Ministry
Phone Ext. 225 Email: cgross@stpeterstpaul.com
Maegan Odicino—Coord. Of Middle School (EDGE) Ministry
Phone Ext. 301 Email: mfrazier@stpeterstpaul.com
Luis Chavez—YM Secretary
Phone Ext. 300 Email: lechavez@stpeterstpaul.com
“For any Youth Ministry questions or concerns,
please call 909-987-9312 Ext. 300
or email cgross@stpeterstpaul.com
October 18, 2015
Sunday School
11:00 Mass
10:50am to end of mass
Ages 3-6
Come join our team!
We need teachers and aides!
Please contact the Children’s Faith Formation Depart.
at 909-980-9423 for more information.
Children’s Faith
Children’s faith formation is not just about sacramental preparation
– it is on-going discipleship formation that should be life-long!
October 2015 Schedule
Thurs., Oct. 1st—Sacramental Prep Parent Meeting
9-10 A.M. (Morning Option)
JPII, 2nd Floor. St. Bernadine Room
6-7 P.M. (Evening Option)
JPII, 2nd Floor. St. Bernadine Room
Week of 10/05 – 10/07 – Regular Class Schedule
Week of 10/12 – 10/14 – Regular Class Schedule
Week of 10/19 – 10/21 – Regular Class Schedule
Week of 10/26 – 10/28 – Regular Class Schedule
Please call the Children’s Faith Formation Office if you need additional
information. 909-980-9423
Our parish has decided to
lead a group of young adults
and adults to the next
World Youth Day in 2016 in
Krakow, Poland.
It is our hope to take at least 30 and
at most 40 pilgrims. We are at 20 so far.
The cost is $4,899 per person.
We plan on offering some fundraising opportunities, but the bulk of the
trip fee will be on each pilgrim. For more information contact:
Maegan Odicino at mfrazier@stpeterstpaul.com
St. Peter & St. Paul Catholic School
Page Nine
St. Peter & St. Paul Catholic School
Preschool - Fifth Grade
Kelly Burt - Principal
Laura Onopa - Business Manager
Annie Valtier - Administrative Assistant
Telephone: (909) 987-7908
Fax: (909) 987-6779
Email: stpeterstpaul.ocs@sbdiocese.org
Website: www.stpeterstpaulschool.com
2015-2016 School Registration
 Preschool: 2,3 or 5 full or half-day programs, minimum age is 3 years of
age by September 1. Kindergarten through Fifth Grade: 8:00 a.m. – 2:45
 Before and after school care available
Current registration fees and tuition rates are available on the school website,
Elementary school:
Parishioners and School Families we ask for your support to
purchase a beautiful Pre Sale Christmas Tree, Wreath, Evergreen
Swag or Cedar Garland.
This is one of our major fundraiser and will help our school grow
tremendously in our school classrooms and
technology programs.
Fully credentialed Catholic teachers
WCEA/WASC Accredited
Bi-weekly School Mass, coordinated by our Campus
Diocesan and California Common Core State Standards
Average class size is 16
Curriculum based field trips throughout the year
Co-curricular subjects include Computers, Fine Arts
Program (music and art), Sparks© Physical Education,
and Spanish.
New school library, fully operational by September 2014
Accelerated Reader program
School uniforms
Catered hot lunch program
100 Mile Club
Jump Rope for Heart
Community Service Outreach Programs throughout the
school year
We thank our Parishioners and Families in advance for all your support!
Ordering is Easy
Order on-line at: www.stpeterstpaulschool.com
(Click on the Christmas tree to place your order)*PayPal*
Fill out an order form at the school office and pay cash or check.
Checks payable to St. Peter & St. Paul Catholic School.
Email: spspxmastreefundraiser@aol.com with questions or concerns you
may have and a PTG member will contact you.
Last Day to
School Advisory Board
School Mass
Harvest Hoe Down
No School-Staff In-service
Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time
You Are Valued ~ God’s Love is Great
Life can be challenging
Those in crisis… please seek Counseling….reach out to others.
To counsel with our Priests, please call 909-987-9312 for an
appointment. After hours, there is an
emergency prompt for a call back from a priest.
National Suicide Hotlines –
Toll-Free / 24 hours / 7 days a week / USA
1-800-SUICIDE (1-800-784-2433) National Hope line Network
1-800-273-TALK (1-800-273-8255) National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
1-877-YOUTHLINE (1-877-968-8454)
Youth America Hotline – Teens
Community Crisis Response Team – CCRT San Bernardino West Valley
Phone 909-458-9628 or Pager 909-535-1316
1-888-628-9454 (En Espanol)
Or don’t hesitate to call 911
Sacrament of the Sick
The Sacrament of the Sick is a Sacrament offered by the Church for
healing in sickness. This sickness may be physical, mental or emotional. Anyone of any age can receive the Sacrament as often as
needed, but not usually not less than a 3 month period. Unfortunately,
many still refer to this Sacrament as the “Last Rites” and often call the
parish for a priest when an individual is critical and close to end of life.
The Church has not used the term “Last Rites” since the Vatican II
Council; asking the faithful to call for a priest when in the need of Healing. One of the realities of the
Church today is a priest shortage. If a call is made to the Church for the Sacrament, when someone
is close to the end of life, there might not be enough time for a priest to reach the person prior to
them passing away, or a priest might not be available, at that important moment. Only a priest can
offer the Sacrament of the Sick. A Deacon is not permitted to administer the rite of this Sacrament
because it includes the Sacrament of Reconciliation. The Church will do everything possible, in
case of an emergency. However, it may be difficult if it is “last minute”.
May this be a reminder to take advantage of the healing Sacraments of the Church~
For Sacrament of the Sick … Please contact the Parish Office at 909-987-9312
During hours the office is closed, call 909-532-3312 for Emergencies
Military Photo Update If you have a family member actively serving our country and
would like their picture included in the Military Frame of our Soldiers honoring our Men
and Women for their service; please bring a photo of your Soldier to the Parish Office
and fill out the Military Personnel Information Form. The Military information consists of
their rank, stationed location, branch of service, address of soldier, along with Parish
family contact. These photos provide the community with recognition of those parishioners and family members serving in the military. Many of our parishioners will keep the
names and faces in their hearts and prayers, along with all of our Military Men and
Women serving our country. Please contact Debby Leonardo for more information
at 909-987-9312
Military Prayer List
Justin Andrews, National Guard
Capt. Andrew Bowne
SPC Andrew Cavazos
Maj Jon W. Clanton
LTC Jeffrey Conbalecer
PFC Candace Cordero
SGT Joshua Cornell
CPL Justin Crabbe
PvVT Jeddah J. Deloria
SA Adrian Dominguez
SSG Gilbert D. Frasquillo
CWO Anthony Gannuscio
SSgt Cassie Crough-Guerra
Cpl. Mark Steven Guerra
Col. Frank Guerrera
CPL Alex Jamsa
SPC Christen Jamsa
Andrew Jimenez, National Guard
SSgt Juan Manuel Juarez, Jr.
PFC Shyanna Irwin
Cpl Robb McCandlish
PFC Kevin McCarthy
SGT Joshua Miller
A1C James A. Montminy
PO2 Luke Myers
SSG Kamrin Pavlos
PFC Paul Perez
Sgt. Kurt Rehnberg
SSgt Victor Sanez
LCpl Zachary Smith
A1C Jordan Stone
A1C Matthew Toms
PFC Riley Villalpando
Capt Alex J. Williams
SR Nicole Woodall
SPC Kevin Bovi-Jones
October 18, 2015
Prayer For Our Sick
“Please Pray for the Healing of
our Family & Friends”
Please call Debby Leonardo at Ext.
302 in the parish office, to add a person to the prayer list. Due to the many
prayer requests, the name will remain
on the list for 4 weeks. If additional
prayers are needed, call to re-submit
the name.
Thank You & May God Bless You
Frances Nicole Magsambol
& Family
David & Lydia Queen
Frances Barron
Angelina Rodriguez
Lucina Soltero
Christopher Csik & Family
Debbie Zbinden & Family
Spagnolo Family
Mary Lee Blow
John & Gloria Garcia
Kathy Perez
Elba Ramirez
Patricia Holder
Olivia Madrid
Paula Smith
Josie Emery
Irwan Rosadi
Kori Marie Kolstad
Evelyn Walker
Kate McRae & Family
Baby Isabella Cruz Mendez
Lilia Wallace
Mary Lou Harshman
Mark Schabowski
Aurelia Guzman
Frank McCormick
Tere Reyes Barron & Family
Kim Castellanos
Diane Frend
Cathy Fontana
Brandon Burns
Isaiah Valtier & Family
Ed & Joan Combs
David & Anna Gardner
Gary Lacy
Juliet Castanar
Susan Thompson
Dora Thompson
Janet Arnold
Evie Onteberos
John- John Leon
Ariel Mirote
Sarah Tompkins
Sarah Hernandez
Greg Rasalan
Sherry Harlan
Lupe V. Caballero
Sandi Hartman
David Durdines
Elbert & Louise Wilkerson
Thomas Palombo
Josephine Holquin
Sheri Rose Shepherd
Doreen Brunswick
Baby Maisie Helton
Beatrice Villegas
Bertha King
Matt Decoteau
Marco Villegas Jr.
Violet Timko
Carol Uhlack
Walter & Dorothy Riebli
Carmen Acuna
Antonia DiPonio
Terri Sullivan, Jr.
Marci Gifford
Joe Perez
Maria Hernandez
Jackie Hallman
George Amara
Vicki Coyle
Carol Tessier
Joe Catlin
Jeanie Woolf
George Amara
Fernando & Kim Castellanos
Norma Castellanos
Jonathan Tercero
Gerri Baldasano
Hirth Martinez
Mary Lou Allen
Annette Kosareff
Mark Duff
Karen LeGrand
Christian & Tina Porter
Jose Tercero
Connie Martinez
Betty Figuerora-Diaz
Ann Marie Razo
Fernando Flores & Family
Tommy Green
Kate Cerda-Nunez
Fred Salazar
Thomas Barrett
Shelley Mills
Jalynn Duloc’
Greg Bayliss
Linda & Dave Star
Noli Dominguez
Page Eleven
“Yesterday is experience, tomorrow is
hope...today is getting from
one to the other”
Mass of the Deceased
A Special Mass for All Souls
will be celebrated on
Mon., Nov. 2nd at 7pm
Any adult who is currently experiencing (or within the last 3-4 years), a separation,
divorce or widowhood is invited to join this group, there is no age limit. This was a
much needed and active support group here at St. Peter & St. Paul from 1982-2002.
Unfortunately, our spouses die and so does love, so the need for this ministry is still
viable today.
In our Catholic tradition, the Church sets aside the month of November to pray for the
souls of those who have gone before us in faith. Although this Mass is for All of our
faithful departed, there will be a special dedication roll-call of our loved ones who have
entered into †Eternal Rest from October 2014 through October 2015.
There will be discussions on various topics that affect the group’s needs and you will
have the chance to share, if you like, with others that are having to cope with many of
the same situations and emotions as you are. It takes time but you will begin to realize
that there is life after death of a marriage or death of a spouse.
All Parishioners of St. Peter & St. Paul are invited to attend this special Mass of the
Deceased and join in prayer with parish members and families, as we honor and remember loved ones. A Reception in the Parish Hall will follow the Mass, for all families,
guests and the Parish Community.
By the bond of our Catholicism, and your ministering to each other through your sharing, trust, and respect for each other through Christ, group members will accept their
situation, learn from it, heal, and forgive. You will move forward with peace and happiness in your hearts to the new plan God has for you. Please call if you would like more
If you wish to attend this Mass and your loved one did not have services at St. Peter &
St. Paul Parish, during this past year, please contact Debby Leonardo, in the Parish
Office, to assure your loved one’s name will be included in the dedication roll-call.
Contact & Facilitator: Judy Nelson 909-880-4389
The Meetings will be held
every 2nd & 4th Tues. of the month @ 7-9 pm
(JPII, 2nd Fl)
First Reading — My servant shall justify many, and their guilt he shall bear
(Isaiah 53:10-11).
Psalm — Lord, let your mercy be on us, as we place our trust in you (Psalm
Second Reading — Let us confidently approach the throne of grace to receive mercy and to find grace for timely help (Hebrews 4:14-16).
Gospel — Whoever wishes to be first among you will be the slave of all (Mark
10:35-45 [42-45]).
Rom 4:20-25; Lk 1:69-75; Lk 12:13-21
Rom 5:12, 15b, 17-19, 20b-21; Ps 40:7-10, 17; Lk 12:35-38
Rom 6:12-18; Ps 124:1b-8; Lk 12:39-48
Rom 6:19-23; Ps 1:1-4, 6; Lk 12:49-53
Rom 7:18-25a; Ps 119:66, 68, 76-77, 93-94; Lk 12:54-59
Rom 8:1-11; Ps 24:1b-4ab, 5-6; Lk 13:1-9
Jer 31:7-9; Ps 126:1-6; Heb 5:1-6; Mk 10:46-52
Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time;
World Mission Sunday
Ss. John de Brébeuf, Isaac Jogues, and Companions
St. Paul of the Cross
St. John Paul II
St. John of Capistrano
St. Anthony Mary Claret; Blessed Virgin Mary
During the month of November, there will be a Loving Memorial and Empty Memorial
Pew, draped in white, representing the memory and physical absence of a deceased
loved one. You are welcomed to provide nothing larger than an unframed
5x7 or 4x6 picture, by October 28th, to the Parish Office, which will be
framed for the Memorial. If possible, please email photos to Vivian Imbruglia at vivianimbruglia@mac.com. There will be a basket provided for notes or cards of your
loved one, you are welcomed to personally place in the basket. Please include your
name, address and phone number on the back of any items, which can be picked up in
the Parish Office, following the month of November.
Please, no fresh flowers because of the upkeep. It is our hope that this Loving Memorial will remind us to pray for all the faithful departed in joyful hope of eternal life and
realize that we are all part of the communion of Saints.
Children's choir—it’s not too late to join us!
(3-3:40pm, Church)
All children in grades 2-8 are welcome to join our
parish choir.
The choir sings once a month at the 11am Mass.
For more information please contact
Audrey Donaldson in the parish office (909) 987-9312 Ext. 227.
St. Vincent de Paul Corner—
Helpline– 1-800-716-0646
Mike Parker—President
Our next regular meeting will be—
Oct. 28th @ 7:30 - (JPII, 1st Fl)
Our Thanksgiving food drive will be coming next month.
Details and announcements will follow.
Mike Parker President
Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time
October 18, 2015
Directory of Parish Ministries
Catholic Daughters
Cursillos in Christianity
Linda Teran
Leslie & Donna Roman
Dennis & Aileen Gamalinda
Fifty Plus Club
Jo Kopasz
Knights of Columbus
Nicholas Ewell, GK
Marriage Encounter MEMC
Jon & Lynde Peralta
St. Vincent De Paul Society Helpline
World Apostolate
of Fatima
Joan Combs
(951) 285-0270
(800) 716-0646
Finance Council
Pastoral Council
Patrick Cabildo
Bryan Dopp
Catechetical Ministries
Adult Confirmation
Mary Ann Andel
Adult Faith Formation
Jenny Campbell
Tony Mandala
Bible Study - English
Mary Ann Andel
Bible Study - Spanish
Jose Henriquez
Bible Study—Holy Spirit Josie Urquizu
Catholic Family Ministry Pat & Ellie Cabildo
(951) 741-1611
Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA)
Dan & Vicki Centurioni
Children's Faith Formation Grades 1-5
Tony Mandala
Christian Gross
♥ of Mary Women's
Michelle Workman
Jr. High-EDGE
Maegan Odicino
Life Teen
Christian Gross
RCIA for Children
& Teens
Tony Mandala
St. Joseph’s Coven. Keepers- Fernando Montanez
Sunday Preschool
Jacquie Hotchkiss
Yolanda Rivera
Young Adult Ministry
WY Day 2016
Christian Gross
Karina Silva
Life in
The Spirit Prayer
You ask what is a prayer meeting? A Prayer Meeting is a weekly gathering of
Christians. To give praise, thanks, honor and love to Jesus Christ our Lord and
savior. It's a time we gather in community. Please join us in song and
All are welcome.
Our prayer group meetings are Thurs. 7-8:30pm (JPII, 2nd Fl.
Blessings In Faith
For info: Please call the Parish Office for more information.
Group leaders: Susan Sabahi Maureen Malady
Pastoral Liturgical Life Ministries
Liturgical Ministries
Altar Servers
Art and Environment
Children’s Liturgy
Director of Liturgy
Eucharistic Adoration
Eucharistic Ministers
EMHC to the Sick/HB
Master of Ceremonies
Music Ministry Director
David & Terry Di Giuseppe 730-9067
Parish Office
Jacquie Hotchkiss
Dan Centurioni
Karen & Mike Hein
Teri & Alan Guindon
Debby Leonardo
Cheryl Harshman
Audrey Donaldson
Larry Lastrapes
(562) 209-4684
Carmen Fernandez
Jamie Harshman
Susan Sabahi
Alice Chavez
Prayer Groups
Life in the Spirit
Rosary Group
Talleras de Oracion y vida
Life & Prayer (English)
Maribel Barajas
Letty Andrade
Service Ministries
A.C.T.S. Missions
Lorene Santoyo
(951) 217-1765
Boy Scouts
Marc Cobb
Cub Scouts
Jaime Dominick
DWS (Divorced, Widowed & Separated Group)
Judy Nelson
Filipino Community Min. Dr. Grethel Cabison
God’s Handyman
Tom Catlin
or Office Ext. 311
Grief Support
Andrea Woore
Hopeful Loving Memory Ministry HLMM ♥
Deborah Waters
Library Ministry
Parish Office
Mary’s Table
Elaine Hein
Our Charity In Action
Linda Hahn &
Irene Charrette
Pastoral Care
Debby Leonardo
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Anne Napolitano
Respect Life
Deborah Cummins
Rosary Making Group
Mary Catherine Kim
St. Rose of Lima Garden Sandra Seabrook
(aka-Memorial Garden)
Weddings & Annulments Norm Anderson
Women’s Cancer Support Group
Judy Nelson
Holy Spirit
Bible Study
All are
welcome to join us!
We are studying the…The
Acts of the Apostles
Led by Fr. Ogu
Every Friday, 9-11am (JPII, 2nd Fl)
We look forward to seeing you! For more information
please contact: Josie at 909-987-7348
Page Thirteen
Our Parish Financial Corner
The Parish Staff Directory
Our Pastoral Clergy / Staff 987-9312
Sunday Collection 10-04-15:
Misc. Income for 10-04-15:
Total weekly income:
Total weekly expenses:
Very Rev. Romeo Seleccion, MS
Parochial Vicar/Pastoral Delegate
Fr. Cyriacus Ogu
Parochial Vicar
Rev. Tong Nguyen
John Barna
Donnie Geaga
Ext. 304
Ext. 223
Ext. 304
Ext. 221
Ext. 221
(From estimated current budget)
John Paul II Bldg. Fund:
Total weekly donations for 10-04-15:$
Balance on Parish Debt:
(As of 8-31-15)
Our Parish Office Staff 987-9312
Business Manager
Liturgy-Office Clerk
Music Director
Life Teen Music Coordinator
Pastoral Care
Parish Office Assistant &
Bulletin Editor/Registration
Parish Office Secretary
IT Specialist/Ministry Support
Norm Anderson
Karen Hein
Cheryl Harshman
Audrey Donaldson
Austin Ott
Debby Leonardo
Debbie Uhlack
Ext. 236
Ext. 230
Ext. 303
Ext. 227
Ext. 227
Ext. 302
Ext. 242
Ann Hogan
Gary Foote
Ext. 221
Ext. 222
Our Parish Faith Formation Staff 980-9423
Adult Faith Formation-Coord.
Dir. of Adult Faith Formation
Coord. of Children’s Faith Formation
& Baptism
Children’s FF Admin. Assist.
Children's Liturgy
Coord of Middle School (EDGE) Ministry
Coord. of Confirmation/YM
YM Secretary
Mary Ann Andel
Jenny Campbell
Tony Mandala
Ext. 250
Ext. 243
Ext. 231
Irma McGaughey
Jacquie Hotchkiss
Maegan Odicino
Christian Gross
Luis Chavez
Ext. 232
Ext. 232
Ext. 301
Ext. 225
Ext. 300
Parish School / Preschool through – 5h grade: 987-7908
Principal – Preschool Director
Business Manager
Administrative Assistant
Kelly Burt
Laura Onopa
Annie Valtier
2015 Diocesan Development Fund
Current Parish Pledges Total:
Diocese Goal:
$ 138,300.00
Pledges Made:
$ 143,722.00
Gifts Received:
$ 130,777.63
Donors: 427
Percent of Goal: 94.56 %
As of: Oct 8, 2015
We now have on-line giving
available. You can access it
through our website, stpeterstpaul.com, our Facebook,
spsaltaloma.com or onlinegiving@osv.com/1801. If you use
online bill pay through your
bank, you can also donate to
the church by setting us up as a
regular payment using your
envelope # as your account. If
you do not have envelopes and
would like to receive them,
please contact the parish office
@ (909)987-9312.]
Thank you to our parish family members who faithfully support our parish.
May God bless you and your families during this new year. May we embrace
the message of our faith with love and wisdom.
Ext. 235
Ext. 245
Ext. 234
Regular Parish Office Hours (909) 987-9312
8:30am—4:30 pm (closed noon-1pm for lunch)
Friday 8:30am—Noon
Children’s Faith Formation & Baptism (909) 980-9423
(909) 980-9423
Office Hours: 10 AM-5 PM Mon—Thurs.
Closed Fridays
Youth Ministry—
Mon.– Thurs. 1-6pm, Fri. 9am -12:30pm
The Golden Rule
with a new twist. Do unto others
as they would have you do unto them.
Please see A New Twist on an Old Rule for
(www.SusanVogt.net click on Spirituality)
A note to: JS Paluch
Bulletin Editor - Debbie Uhlack - Ext. 242
Mon—Thurs. 8:30—1:30
Off on Friday
NOTE: Please contact Karen Hein Ext. 230
if you are unable to reach Debbie after 1:30 Thurs.
Thank you so much!