Spring 2014 - International Association for Colon Hydrotherapy
Spring 2014 - International Association for Colon Hydrotherapy
I-ACT International Association for Colon Hydrotherapy Quarterly Spring 2014 Disclaimer: I-ACT neither endorses, approves, nor supports any products advertised in this Quarterly Newsletter. These advertisements are provided to the membership by each advertiser. Additionally, the readers should assure themselves that the material presented herein is current and applicable at the time it is read. The authors cannot warrant that the material will continue to be accurate. Readers should verify statements before relying on them. No statement herein shall be considered a legal opinion nor a substitute for the advice of an attorney. For the most recent and complete interpretation of laws, please consult an attorney. Table of Contents 2 I-ACT P S I-ACT P ’ L 3 4 2014 C I NBCHT P ’ M 5 6 W I F R C R 9 10 R R C R R R L 11 13 L C R H ,M &S R 14 15 W C R R 12 T S ... + Q D 16 18 - 19 L C M I 2014 C “D ” 20 -21 22 -25 A “L D - ” T E B (IRA I 25 26 E C R R M S 28 29 I-ACT C HELP! I I 30 31 S W R R P S /E C 33 30 N M - 4 Q olicy resident s tatements etter onvention nvitation resident s essage orkplace nformation und aising ommittee egional egional ep eport ep ommittee ist egislative eart iind oul anada uccessful ost arlier the eeting ay ailies etter yme is ease nfo ducation egional eport arketing deas rticle he eport egion uote of ow onvention ommittee egistration estern hings eport ommittee eport chedule ookbook needs your nsurance nformation outh rofessional tandards ew 2 est thics embers egion eport ommittee th I-ACT Policy Statements: I-ACT recommends the use of currently registered FDA equipment and only disposable speculums, rectal tubes, or rectal nozzles. However, should the Therapist use reusable speculums, these speculums should, at a minimum, be autoclaved for sanitation and cleanliness (30 minutes). Additionally, the autoclave unit must be tested and inspected by competent authority at least four times per year- maintain documentation. (Under NO conditions should a disposable speculum or rectal tube be reused). I-ACT recognizes the FDA classifies equipment used to instill water into the colon through a nozzle inserted into the rectum to evacuate the contents of the colon into three distinct classes; Class I (Enema Kits), Class II and Class III are (Colon Irrigation Systems). Follow the guidelines of your manufacturer, as approved by the FDA for the type of equipment (devices) you are using. Make no claims as to the use of your device other than those approved by the FDA. The main differences between Class I and Class II devices: The code of federal regulations CFR 876.5210 & 876.5220 describe the differences between the Class I and the Class II devices. From that regulation, a Class I device is an enema system and does not include “colonic irrigation devices”. A “colon irrigation device” is a Class II device, which in part is described as: “The system is designed to allow evacuation of the contents of the colon during the administration of the colonic irrigation. The Class I Device: · The Class I device is defined as an enema system and may not have temperature control, temperature gauges or water purification as part of the device. Class I enema systems must be self-administered. · Manufacturers of Class I devices are not required to have third party oversight as they need not comply with the good manufacturing practices and record keeping that are required of Class II manufacturers. Class I devices are not as heavily regulated and controlled by the FDA as Class II devices are. · Owners of Class I devices may not market their service using the terms “colonics or colonic irrigation” in describing the scope of their practice of evacuating the contents of the lower bowel. The Class II Device: · The Class II Device is a “colonic irrigation device”. · Manufacturers of Class II devices are required to have third party oversight and must comply with the good manufacturing practices and record keeping that are required by the FDA. Class II devices are heavily regulated and controlled by the FDA. · The FDA requires Class II devices to be sold and used on or at the order of a physician or health care practitioner. This may be different in each state. Although I-ACT is not aware of any laws that preclude you from assisting an individual with an enema, I-ACT does want you to consider upgrading your equipment to the equipment that provides the greatest safeguards to the public. In this profession, that would be equipment marketed as Class II devices. Remember that I-ACT strongly recommends that all I-ACT members use FDA registered Class II devices or devices equivalent to Class II devices regulated by the appropriate agency in your country. Only individuals using FDA registered equipment will be placed on the I-ACT Web Site. Purchase equipment at your own risk. Ensure you are in compliance with your local, state, federal and country guidelines. Ensure that equipment you purchase is cleared for use in your country. I-ACT recognizes there are two distinct types of colon irrigation systems; open and closed systems. However, it is I-ACT policy that the colon hydrotherapist / technician is always in attendance / or is immediately available to the client throughout the session. The degree of assistance is to be in compliance with the instructions of the manufacturer of the equipment as registered with the FDA, and/or as directed by a physician. The policy on insertion is to follow the instruction of the referring physician; the guidelines of the manufacturer as approved by the FDA; or the directives from the authority of your city, county, state, or country ordinances. I-ACT recommends that you do not put the initials (CT) for colon hydrotherapist after your name, write it out in full. According to most state laws, putting initials after your name is not allowed unless you are licensed or have a degree from an accredited professional school. Advertising copy which states or implies that colon hydrotherapy can treat any disease, promise cure for any disease, or that makes unsubstantiated medical claims SHALL NOT be used. uarter I-ACT Quarterly Spring 2014 Following is a list of our new members for the period January 1, 2014 through March 31, 2014. We are glad to have you as members. Remember, at I-ACT you are important to us! First Name Casey Emelia Laura Amanda Yelizaveta Roza Irena Olga G'Anna Brea Diana Laura Pamela Ani Leah Michelle Dr. Joyce Victoria Lorri Mariel Cynthia Sandra Leda Livia Laudicea Song Monica Gulnora Laura Dana Leslie Tammy Nurhan Rachel Alexandria Michelle Amanda Kristin Lauren Karen Tania Wilma Fred Luna Teresa Cristina Heidi Marianella Angelique Michele Darriel Amram Natasha Kristin Taquiya Monica Qiong Mei Michelle Rebecca Last Name Powell Chin-‐Smith Duck Dooner Katseva Feldman Negelev Kalinina Dennis McLay Guevara Hollar Wheeler Sarkissians Sturgis Graham Bellamy Gray Lorentz Torres Lombardi Nogueira Fernandes de Alencar Neves Costa da Silva Lee Garrido Elgizooli Saldivar Hasten O'Halloran Schmidt Istekli Handley Foster Freitas Kimmel Darfus Jordan Johnson Lynch Custodio Lavassani Hart Trevaskis Tommeraasen Parres Pratt Mermet Hoot Perkins Kahn Dubuis Siegelaar Freeman Lowry Chen Jiao Adams Bernstein Country USA New Zealand Australia Australia USA USA USA USA USA Australia Venezuela USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil USA USA USA USA USA Australia USA Australia Brazil USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA Canada Canada USA USA USA USA USA USA Home City Newark Pakuranga Bellingen Armidale San Francisco San Francisco San Francsisco San Francisco Salem Sale Los Teques Austin Pasadena Santa Monica Gardnerville Clinton Hamden Los Angeles Eau Claire Orlando Old Saybrook Sao Paulo Campinas Sao Paulo Santos Los Altos Pasadena Brooklyn Gilbert Glendale Doonan Keller Farrer Aguas de Lindoia Colorado Springs Las Vegas Belgrade Granville Collierville Chestnut Faye Heville Glen Burnie Glendale Willits Slough House Port Hueneme Ventura Yorba Linda New York Wexford Phoenix New York Edmonton Calgary Tucson Tucson Foster City Hayward Diamond Bar Sand City Home State NY Auckland NSW NSW CA CA CA CA OR Victoria TX CA CA NV MD CT CA WI FL CT SP SP SP SP CA CA NY AZ AZ QLD TX ACT Sao Paulo CO NV MT OH TN IL GA MD CA CA CA CA CA CA NY PA AZ NY Alberta Alberta AZ AZ CA CA CA CA I-ACT Quarterly Spring 2014 N E W M E M B E R S 1 S T Q U A R T E R 2 0 1 4 39 Letter to the Members from the I-ACT President: Dear I-ACT Members, It is with heavy heart that I write this letter to you. Our beloved founder, Connie Allred, passed away on March 24, 2014. She was an inspirational leader and a visionary for our profession. It was Connie, with a small number of other likeminded colon hydrotherapists, who in 1989 founded ACTA, the American Colon Therapy Association. A few years later, this association evolved into I-ACT. Connie founded the Internal Environment Institute (IEI) that was the first colon hydrotherapy school recognized by CA. Many of us learned the “Allred Technique” at her school. C O N V E N T I O N She helped to develop the first I-ACT training, and developed the original testing that was performed as early as the 1994 I-ACT Convention. Through her hard work and dedication, she laid the cornerstone for our profession. She set high standards and demanded others exceed those standards. She understood the value of colon hydrotherapy and championed its use. She stood tall against the California Medical Board when they tried to shut down colon hydrotherapy in July 1992, ... and she won! R A F F L E It is unusual for one person to have such a dramatic impact on a profession, and we all have been blessed to have known Connie. Our profession has been blessed through her high standards and unceasing demand for perfection. Her clients and those in need were blessed through her caring heart and nurturing touch. Thank you Delmar Vogel for your fantastic donation. You can purchase your raffle tickets early by calling the office. You do not have to be preesent to win. Tickets are $25.00 each. Contact the I-ACT office, or purchase your raffle tickets on line Good Luck!!! 38 I-ACT Quarterly Spring 2014 “Colon irrigation devices are prescription devices and only a practitioner licensed by state law to use such devices can purchase such devices in that state.” At her passing, she has passed the standard for each of us to pick up and to follow her guidance and leadership, and continue to move our profession forward. We will not let her down. So, mark your calendar for June 19, at the 2014 I-ACT Annual Convention, as we will celebrate the beautiful life of Connie Allred. Gail Naas The theme for this years Convention is “Lights Camera, I-ACTion”. You will see the movie theme throughout our convention. Come and celebrate the Hollywood Theme. This year, we will also be celebrating the 25th year of our Association. Our 25th Year Anniversary Celebration includes great speakers, new events which includes a Past Board Member’s Screen Guild Recognition Party. We have great speakers under contract for this event, Habib Sadeghi, MD; Dr. Robert Young; Naima Sachdev, MD; Stephen Holt, MD; Bo Wagner, MD; Dicqie Fuller, ND; Kristen Eykel; Mark Fowler; Peter Margo; Roger Bezanis; and, The Blender Girl, Tess Masters; and more. This may be the best list of speakers we have ever had. Don’t miss out. Make sure you register now. In addition, we will have a special Wednesday evening event with numerous speakers sharing their stories. This will be a fund raiser, just like last year, so pay your $50 and sign up now. This event will be open to the public; we have already begun advertising in Natural Awakenings magazine. Make sure you check out the Regional Rep Booth. This committee has worked hard getting raffle prizes and more. Need a little challenge and fun while at the Convention, you will not want to miss our newest addition, a “Murder Mystery”, more clues to follow! This will be a special time. Few membership associations last to 25 years. We have lasted and we are growing stronger. Can we count on you to help enjoy our convention, our growth and our excitement and move our profession forward? See you in California. In Your Service, Gail Naas I-ACT President I-ACT Quarterly Spring 2014 3 2 0 1 4 C O N V E N T I O N I N V I T A T I O N 4 The International Association for Colon Hydrotherapy Board of Directors Cordially invite you to the 25th Anniversary Celebration of I-ACT on Friday, June 20, 2014 at Seven O’clock in the evening Crystal Ballroom Millennium Biltmore Hotel Los Angeles, California Formal ~ Semi Formal { Vintage attire acceptable } I-ACT Quarterly Spring 2014 A D V E R T I S E M E N T I-ACT Quarterly Spring 2014 37 Precious Booty! Working Dotolo B-SC-UV all inclusive, basic reliable. $1,800. & S/H 774-487-7092 www.RadicalRemedies.com A D V E R T I S E M E N T National Board for Colon HydroTherapy President FOR SALE 3 LIBBE Colonic Devices Due to owners relocation selling three LIBBE Open System Units in excellent condition Oak cabinets/Blue tables Price is negotiable Please call: (347) 439-6736 Email: rtzak@yahoo.com Whittier, CA ONLY $250 - $450 Includes use of our COLENZ CLASS 1 - OPEN SYSTEM Relaunching under new ownership in May 2014 Share with a loving network! Busy Uptown Whittier! Flexible days/hrs. Start your business today! Inquire at Hydroligecolonics@gmail.com \, or call (562) 944-2795 Announcing One of the manufacturers has stepped up to give you an incentive to take the exam. Bill and Jeri Tiller are raffeling off one of their devices and by just taking the exam, you are eligible for five tickets for their raffle. Do you need a new device? Then take the exam, and you have a chance to win one. Thank you Tiller MINDBODY, Inc. for your generous donation. Bill Tiller, ND. Booklet Builds Clients! Colon Hydrotherapy Questions & Answers I-ACT Quarterly Spring 2014 We have been talking about this exam for years, and many of you have not taken this exam. This exam is now recognized in FL, CT and in CO. The new NBCHT exam IS legally defendable, which, means that if you go to court to defend yourself as a colon hydrotherapist, the NBCHT board will attest you are certified and qualified to practice colon hydrotherapy. Phone 210 387-1687 Place Order By Paypal www.toxicwastesite.net 36 Connie was adamant about increasing the professionalism of colon hydrotherapists, and was a staunch supporter of the NBCHT. She would be excited to know that we have an exam that is being accepted by some states, as this is the first step in making colon hydrotherapy a truly recognized profession. BOOKLETS One for $8.00 (Includes Postage) • 25 for $30.00 • 50 for $50.00 • 100 for $95.00 OR Best Buy 300 for $240.00 Over 500,000 Sold MEMO From the NBCHT President We were saddened to hear of the passing of I-ACT Founder, Connie Allred. Connie was a great inspiration to many of us, and she will be missed. By William “Bill” Tiller, ND. Medsker Publishing, 106 N. Creek Dr., Quinby, SC 29506, 843-669-5794 11103 San Pedro Ave., Suite 117, San Antonio, TX 78216 Office: 210-308-8288 • Fax: 210-366-2999 www.nbcht.org To: All Members of NBCHT “Are YOU a TOXIC WASTE SITE?” The book that educates clients to the importance of Digestive Tract Care See an increase in the number of new patients Pricing $1.50 per book. Free shipping & handling on orders of 100 or more National Board for Colon HydroTherapy NBCHT From The Desk Of: Edgar Guess, MD NBCHT President COLON THERAPY - ROOM FOR RENT Edgar Guess, MD Plus Shipping by UPS Ground • Prices Subject to Change • We believe any colon hydrotherapist that is practicing properly and following I-ACT guidelines can pass the NBCHT exam. However, if you are concerned or if you have test anxiety, then to help prepare you for this exam, I-ACT has a preparatory course. The cost for the webinar or DVDs is only $150.00. Contact the I-ACT office to register for this new webinar or to get the DVDs. Then take the National Board Certification Exam and get certified by the NBCHT. We look forward to seeing you all at the 2014 I-ACT Convention. Thank you for doing your part to help us grow our Association and our profession. Sincerely, Edgar Guess, MD NBCHT President I-ACT Quarterly Spring 2014 5 A Workplace Resolution You Can Keep We’ve all been caught in the trap of making new year’s resolutions only to find we can’t or don’t want to keep them. We decide that we are going to be more healthy, exercise more, shed those extra 10 pounds – you know how the list goes. And, at the beginning of every year, there are a plethora of resources to help keep your health-related resolutions focused and on track. W O R K P L A C E I N F O R M A T I O N But what can you do as the winter turns to spring and the resolution seems like it is fading in the distance? You started out doing well, but time seems to be the biggest culprit for resolutions losing steam, especially given that work can take so much out of you. That’s right, it’s the “9 to 5 syndrome” that can be the biggest counterproductive measure to keeping your resolution. OSHA has named stress a workplace hazard. Stress costs business and industry more than $300 billion every year in productivity and lost revenues. So it stands to reason that if we reduce our stress through healthy practices at work, we can improve our health and stay on track to keep that health-related resolution. Here are three tips that everyone can employ: A D V E R T I S E M E N T • Take a breath. Simply stop and breath during the day. Whether you do it every hour or in between clients, be intentional about taking a breath. Get up, stretch and take notice of what’s happening around and in you. Whether you set a timer or you put a post-it note on your computer, make it a point to be “in tune” with yourself through your working day. • Work in a workout. A little bit of exercise goes a long way, even if you can’t make it to the gym for a full workout. Try a few simple stretches or arm circles to get the energy flowing again. Take a walk during a break. Park at the far end of the parking lot. Use the stairs. • Schedule a meeting for one. Keep your mind and spirit clear from chaos by scheduling a weekly meeting with the most important person you know – you! Whether it’s Monday afternoon or Friday morning, close your door, turn off email and the cell phone. You’ll be amazed at what you can accomplish when you take time to prepare and plan for your success. Resolve to be a more healthy you. Just because it’s spring doesn’t mean you have to wait until the new year to get started. Take steps every day for less stress and more wellness. Adapted from an article by Raquel Braemer, HealthLink Medical Center 6 I-ACT Quarterly Spring 2014 I-ACT Quarterly Spring 2014 35 www.QMSAZ.com EMAIL info@QMSAZ.com TOLL FREE (877) 759-1277 MOBILE (623) 640-4646 Exceptional quality, great pricing, Fast friendly service, always in stock, same day shipping! A D V E R T I S E M E N T Smooth-Tip Speculum Kits Hydrocare Speculum Kits SALE PRICE $3.15 / KIT SALE PRICE $3.25 / KIT EVERYDAY LOW PRICE $3.25 / KIT EVERYDAY LOW PRICE $3.45 / KIT NEW! Round-Tip Speculum Kits SALELOW PRICE KIT EVERYDAY PRICE$3.25 $3.45 //KIT EVERYDAY LOW PRICE $3.45 / KIT A D V E R T I S E M E N T NEW! One-Piece Speculum Kits SALE PRICE $3.25 / KIT EVERYDAY LOW PRICE $3.45 / KIT EACH KIT INCLUDES: 1 SPECULUM, 1 WASTE HOSE AND 1 WATERLINE RECTAL NOZZLES Smooth-Tip Bulbed EVERYDAY LOW PRICING $1.25 EACH QUANITY DISCOUNTS @250 PCS - $1.15 EA _________________________________ Clear Poly Tubing (Open System) 100 ft. Roll $24.99 - 50 ft. Roll $14.99 - 7”Pre-cut .22¢ __________________________________ 34 I-ACT Quarterly Spring 2014 “Colon irrigation devices are prescription devices and only a practitioner licensed by state law to use such devices can purchase such devices in that state.” “Colon irrigation devices are prescription devices and only a practitioner licensed by state law to use such devices can purchase such devices in that state.” I-ACT Quarterly Spring 2014 7 Professional Standards & Ethics Committee Report Thank You Therapists! 20th. ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION! Over $20,000.00 Prizes! Many Ways to Enter! DRAWING: June 2014 At I-ACT Convention Made In America Tiller MIND BODY, Inc. A D V E R T I S E M E N T Recent grievances pertaining to proper sanitation of colon hydrotherapy premises and equipment maintenance have prompted a review of the current Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) and Colon Hydrotherapy Manual to ensure our members are aware that public health and safety is a priority. By Dorothy Chandler, RN Chair The committee has requested and received board approval to revise the aforementioned documents to include the public health guidelines outlined in our association’s legislative packet. Notification to all members will be provided once all revisions are completed. “1994 to 2014” 10911 West Avenue, San Antonio, Texas 78213 Website violations colonic.net Quality System FDA 21 CFR Part 820 : “U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA) New LIBBE Grand Prize LIBBE COLON HYDROTHERAPY DEVICE (Value $12,000.00) (Choice of Wood Cabinet - Plus FREE Training in San Antonio, TX.) 2nd Place 3rd Place Two $2,000.00 Winners Five $1,000.00 Winners 2nd and 3rd Place Winners used Towards Purchase of a LIBBE Device, LIBBE Supplies Or Training in San Antonio, TX. One FREE Entry with Each Purchase of “100 Session Pack”, NBCHT Exam, Or Purchase at 2014 I-ACT Convention: $25.00 Single Entry, or 5 for $100.00 - Fees to be Donated! (NOTE: Non-Members & Personal Use Owners are not eligible for this Drawing.) LIBBE Device Purchase Requires Device Training and current Prescription No Cash Value, Non-Transferable - Prize Amounts Expire: 11/30/2014 Do Not Need to be Present to win! 8 Grievance I-ACT Quarterly Spring 2014 Do NOT Miss 2014 Convention! • Great Prizes! • New Products • Free Samples! and Special Convention Discounts! “Colon irrigation devices are prescription devices and only a practitioner licensed by state law to use such devices can purchase such devices in that state.” A non-member colon hydrotherapy business in Stockbridge, GA, infringed on the I-ACT copyright and intellectual property by placing the association logo on their website and claiming membership and certification. A letter was sent in February and a recent review of the website shows that the logo has been removed. Members, please review your website and marketing material and make this correction if needed. The I-ACT membership logo may be downloaded from the members only section on the I-ACT website for your use. www.i-act.org Lastly, the Grievance and Website Compliance committees are now subcommittees of Professional Standards and Ethics. This blending allows subcommittee actions to flow directly into the PSEC for revision or implementation of standards. Grievance committee members will remain at the board level. If you’re looking to get involved consider the Professional Standards and Ethics Committee. I-ACT Quarterly Spring 2014 33 Information on Approved A&P Courses Fund Raising Committee Mission Statement: Your students may take an A&P course through their local community college or university. If they have taken an Anatomy & Physiology course for massage, from a state licensed school that provided at least 45 hours of classroom time, that course will also count. There is one course that may be used for the A&P pre-requisites. Your student may take the Delmar course through CENGAGE Learning ONLY if you as the instructor or school register with Delmar and set up the program. It goes through you. Students may not just call Delmar, it doesn’t work that way. The Instructor must Contact : Claudine DeChant: Cengage Learning at, 5 Maxwell Dr., Clifton Park, NY 12065 (p) 800.998.7498 x2598 or email: Becky.Chateauneuf@cengage.com. Valid in the USA. The Fund Raising Committee will help promote the validity of Colon Hydrotherapists with action and information on the legal right to provide colon hydrotherapy within the US and our International neighbors. We will be raising funds for legal and legislative representation now and into the future, as well as funding for educational and scientific research studies. This will help us all become independent, qualified professionals with the validating statistics that we need to move forward in our profession. The aim of our legislative efforts is to expand our outreach efforts to our members and non-members. We look forward to taking on the process of reenergizing and refocusing certain aspects tive activities. Fundraising Committee Report By Gail Marie Palms Chair of our legisla- Over the last couple of months, I have sent out letters asking for volunteers to help with formatting, recipes, and the creation of our cookbook. As of right now, the cookbook is 82% completed with just over two hundred recipes! If anyone else is interested in sending any last minute recipes to be included, the deadline will be April 20th, so that we can finalize the project and send it to print by the end of the month. Finally, I just want to say a huge thank you again to Judith M. Toscano, ND (Dr. Jude), from Lotus Wellness Cottage in Stuart, VA; Diana Loze from Mississauga, ON; and Donna Hoenninger, for their help in making this cookbook a reality. Information for Those Seeking a Job Looking for a Job? Go to the I-ACT web site and then go to the members only section. Inside you will find numerous job opportunities. If you are looking to be employed, you may email us and we will list your name as someone looking for employment. If you are seeking someone to employ, send us an email with your information and we will post your opening in our E-Blasts. We are always open to any ideas to help keep the fund raising account afloat and tangible without donating too much of our own money. I am also hoping to find volunteers who would like to join me in this venture to raise money. Please email me with any ideas or let me know if you’re interested in helping. We look forward to taking on the process of reenergizing and refocusing certain aspects of our industry. Sincerely, Gail Marie Palms (gaylepalms@hotmail.com) Judith Toscano, ND Diana Loze Fund Raising Committee Best of luck! 32 I-ACT Quarterly Spring 2014 I-ACT Quarterly Spring 2014 9 Regional Rep Committee Report By Darlene Holloway Chair Spring has finally arrived, and there is a buzz in the air. Our Regional Representatives have been buzzing around as well, holding regional meetings for further education. Katherine Labonte in Western Canada conducted our first regional meeting using Skype. It was such a success; the meeting was filled to capacity. Barbara Chivvis held her first meeting on March 29, 2014, in New York, and Rose Mary Polhemus’ first regional meeting was held on March 30, 2014, in Pennsylvania. Three regional meetings in one month… great involvement! Thank you, and way to go Regional Reps! We have also been flying around getting ready for our 25th year convention. Please be sure to check out our regional representative booth. It will be buzzing with giveaways and raffle items. We will be raffling off a Vita Mix, as well as a $6,850.00 gift certificate donated by Prime Pacific. The raffle tickets for the gift certificate can be purchased through the I-ACT office prior to the convention, or at the convention. You do not need to be present to win. Our committee has been active with the Fundraising Committee, bringing in items for our silent auction that will take place at the I-ACT convention. Some of the items up for auction will be two Cherubun Enema Systems by Life Stream, a basket from Advance Naturals, and a Basket of Love from Cathy Windland, just to mention a few. I would like to express my appreciation to Trishna Craig and Suzanne Gray for their years of service as Regional Representatives. Each has stepped down from their positions to give someone else the opportunity to build on the foundation they have laid. Like all of our Regional Representatives, they have invested much time and hard work providing education in their regions, as well as being involved with making our conventions run smoothly. Thank you, Suzanne and Trishna, for all your commitment and dedication to I-ACT! As your I-ACT Board Member At Large and Chair for the Regional Representative Committee, I am here for you. Let Suzanne Childre, Co-chair, and I be your voice. Please do not hesitate to let us know how we can serve you. I look forward to seeing everyone at our 25th convention. This is going to be an awesome convention! Check out the agenda on I-ACT’s website. Come have fun and get involved! With Gratitude. REGIONAL REPRESENTATIVE COMMITTEE MISSION STATEMENT: We as Regional Representatives will provide leadership and share the I-ACT story with members and non-members through regular communication, invitations to join our Association, providing education to further the profession, and opportunities for testing. 10 The Most Potent Range of Advanced Probiotics Featuring Formulas Developed Especially for Women A D With Advanced Naturals probiotic formulas, you can be assured that your clients are getting a high-potency daily probiotic V formula that meets their individual needs.* Choose from 6 billion to 200 billion live cultures per serving to help support and maintain * * a balanced intestinal environment. Plus our women’s formulas have additional support for vaginal and urinary tract health. E R T I S E M E N Visit the h website to T Brenda Watson, C.N.C. see our entire line I-ACT President 1999-2004 Established accounts–call for monthly specials New accounts–receive a FREE GIFT with initial order www.advancednaturals.com 1-800-690-9988 Linda x265, Gina x280 or Olga x276 *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Southwest Region Report Dear Members, We had a great time at our recent meeting. Thanks to all who came and shared so much. We had two speakers. Mark Fowler gave us insights on how and what to look for so that we can grow in our business no matter how small or big; and, Tim Martin explained the importance of juicing and the purity of the choice you make. He also listed some of the pitfalls in doing some cleansing. We had a very exciting and informative round table discussion that Dr. Guess, the President of NBCHT, helped with. We learned the importance of watching what we say and put on our websites to protect ourselves, as well as our Profession. One of the members suggested that I-ACT provide a few templates that members could purchase for their websites, so that we all stay safe and I-ACT has another fundraiser. Send the office your input on this idea. The next 25 years will be growing fast with all the fresh, new, action-packed ideas from more members. We have an artist in our midst that is going to work on our Regional T-Shirt for the 25th Anniversary here in Los Angeles this June. Get your reservation in, as this will be a crowded Convention with all the excitement we are hearing. We will have great speakers and wonderful times to share. DON’T MISS OUT ON THIS ONE, THE HAPPY 25TH! I-ACT Quarterly Spring 2014 I-ACT Quarterly Spring 2014 S W R E G I O N A L 31 Insurance Information Professional liability insurance. Allied Professional Insurance will write professional liability insurance for I-ACT members. You must be a current member and keep your membership current to be eligible for the insurance. Contact the I-ACT office (210-366-2888) for the application form, or go to the I-ACT web site - Members Only Section - and download the application from the web site. Doctors’ Insurance Agency also writes professional liability insurance for colon hydrotherapists. email them at: info@ doctorsagency.com. They are located at 6 Hamilton Landing, Suite 170, Novato, CA 94949. Phone 415-506-3030. Another company, CM&F may write liability insurance for colon hydrotherapists (they have dropped numerous therapists, but some are getting insurance. - call 800-221-4904, or go online to cmfgroup.com. It will be listed as “Enterostomal Therapist.” They will put a rider in the policy stating colon hydrotherapy if you request; however, it is not required - this depends on the underwriter of the insurance. In Canada, try Lloyds of London - check with your local Lloyds of London agent. In the UK, try Balens Insurance Brokers at 01684 893006. In the Netherlands, try: Mark Hypotheken & Pensioenen B.V., Therese van Reeuwijk Oude Delft 103, NL-2611 BD DELFT • tel. +31 152147543 • fax. +31 152126086 • www.markhypotheken.nl Check around and choose the best policy for you. As other options become available, we will let you know. If you hear of anything let us know. Advertisement Wholistic Skin & Body Rejuvenation ™ 30 CERTIFICATED COURSES FOR Certification course NOW OFFERED VIA TELESEMINAR. No travel or lost income! E INSTRUCTOR— Gloria Gilbère, N.D., D.A.Hom., Ph.D., D.S.C., EcoErgonomist™, Wholistic Rejuvenist™ Colon & Massage Therapists & Health Professionals ARNING CERTIFICATION AS A WHOLISTIC REJUVENIST (C.W.R.) will exponentially change your life, your practice, your income potential, and the lives of those you serve. WSBR courses introduce you to the art and science of Pluralistic Medicine—diverse global disciplines that encompass all healing modalities that are safe and effective regardless of their origin; each one a piece of the total health continuum. The courses are designed to prepare you to become certified as a C.W.R., to expand individual disciplines whose ultimate goals are complete health, recovery and anti-aging. TELESEMINAR “LIVE” CLASSES for all levels from the convenience of your home or office. Check our website for level offered, dates and time. You can register online or call 888-352-8175, CLOSED FRIDAY. ON-SITE DATES/ LOCATIONS… Check our website for locations nationally and internationally. Why not schedule a class at your location? Email us for minimum attendee information at your location. COST… $695 per level, includes full-color 300+ page course manual. Join your colleagues who have taken the courses and are raving about its comprehensive information you don’t learn elsewhere. Registration For a complete list of on-site class dates, for more information, to request a class at your facility, or to attend a class in Sandpoint, ID, call toll-free in the U.S. 888-352-8175. EMAIL—WSBR@gloriagilbere.com VISIT OUR WEBSITE— www.gloriagilbere.com LEVELS– One—Rejuvenation is a Journey, Not a Destination Two—Rejuvenation Inside-out Advanced—Preparing the Terrain Instructor—Teaching the Teachers NBCHT approved for 20 CEUs (for each level) when combined with a Case Study/Investigative Report Project Approved by Florida Massage Board and Georgia Board of Chiropractic—many states allow for reciprocal credit. I-ACT Quarterly Spring 2014 New England/New York South Central Barbara Chivvis email: Maine Connecticut New York Debra Christian email Texas 516-383-9505 bdchiv65@optonline.net New Hampshire Massachusetts Vermont Rhode Island North East Rose Mary Polhemus email: Pennsylvania Maryland 973-697-3530 rosemary@earthspringwellness.com New Jersey Delaware D. C. West Virginia North Central Connie Thrush email Michigan Kentucky 567-224-1441 connie.peaceathand@gmail.com Indiana Ohio Mid Atlantic Darlene Holloway email Virginia 919-380-0023 althealthcenter@peoplepc.com North Carolina South Carolina Mid South Open Position Seeking Regional Representative If interested contact the office or Darlene Holloway 918-380-0023 for an application. Arkansas Louisiana Mississippi South East Pam Craig email Tennessee North Florida 770-714-6350 pamcraig1@gmail.com Georgia Alabama South Florida Open Position Seeking Regional Representative If interested contact the office or Darlene Holloway 918-380-0023 for an application. South Florida Australia - Eastern Region Michelle King Gum Tree Retreat 3570 Orara Way, Grafton, NSW, Australia 2460 612-6649-4464 - Email: info@gumtreeretreat.com Australia - Western Region Open Position Seeking Regional Representative If interested contact the office or Darlene Holloway 918-380-0023 for an application. Europe Lisette Timmermans Natuurgeneeskundig Therapeut / Aqua Lingua Center for Colon Hydrotherapy Education Julianalaan 45, 2628 BB Delft, Netherlands Phone: +31 15 214 42 21 - E-mail: info@aqua-lingua.eu Canada - Eastern Region Paul Schillaci First Touch Health & Wellness Centre 2361 Lake Shore Rd. W. Oakville, Ontario L6L1H6, Canada Phone: 905-220-1190 - E-mail: firsttouchhealth@msn.com 903-593-4025 debrachristian5554@sbc Oklahoma New Mexico 651-490-3347 kburich@comcast.com Minnesota North Dakota 815-648-4544 ghmelby@gmail.com Missouri Iowa North Mid West Kristin Burich email Wisconsin South Dakota Mid West Grace Melby email Illinois Kansas North West Russell or Cherie Kolbo253-649-0288 email russellkolbo@earthlink.net Washington Oregon Montana Idaho Central Mountain Annette Buxton-Bacon 303-989-6889 Colorado Utah Nebraska Wyoming California/South West Suzanne Childre’ 310-576-6360 email suzannechildre@ieihealth.com France Robert 310-576-6360 email francerobert@ieihealt.com California Southern Arizona Nevada Hawaii Russell Kolbo 253-649-0288 russellkolbo@earthlink.net Hawaii Canada - Western Region Katherine Labonte Dharma Spirit Holistic Health 67 Gleneagles Terrace Cochrane, Alberta T4C 1W5, Canada Phone 403-981-3334 - E-mail: k.labonte@dharmaspirit.ca SE Asia Open Position Seeking Regional Representative If interested contact the office or Darlene Holloway 918-380-0023 for an application R E G I O N A L R E P R E S E N T A T I V E S United Kingdom Marlin and Richard Armstrong Heavenly Spa 1 Chilworth Mews, London, W2 3RG, United Kingdom Phone: 020 7298 3820 - Email: relax@heavenlyspa.co.uk I-ACT Quarterly Spring 2014 11 hef C n ló Co s: y Sa r ou A D V E R T I S E M E N T y end es! thy l hea ip rec s hat i t g n egan ythi e an carbs, v d u l w . Inc . at, lo getarian rmation f w e o lo f v or al in ition r t u de n Inclu S H E L P CT I-A VEGETARIAN HEALTHY Y LTH HEA G KIN COO U S VEGAN EMAIL TO: homeoffice@i-act.org SNAIL MAIL TO: I-ACT • 11103 San Pedro, Ste 117 • San Antonio, TX 78216 12 I-ACT Quarterly Spring 2014 “Colon irrigation devices are prescription devices and only a practitioner licensed by state law to use such devices can purchase such devices in that state.” I-ACT Quarterly Spring 2014 29 Notice, I-ACT is Green As of the Summer 2013 Quarterly, I-ACT has gone “green.” Your quarterly will be emailed to you. If you would like to have the quarterly sent to you via regular mail, you MUST let us know so we can put you on a list. Just send us an email: homeoffice@i-act.org and let us know you want/need your future quarterlies via mail. By receiving an email version of the Quarterly, you help the Association be cost effective and good stewards of the budget. Should we receive an excessive number of requests for printed copies, a small fee to cover the printing and mailing may need to be charged; we’ll let you know. I-ACT is GREEN!!! Regional Meetings Scheduled South Central Regional Saturday, April 26, 2014 - 9:00 AM At: Christian Wellness Center & Day Spa 1011 North Englewood, Tyler, TX 75702 903-593-4025 Contact Debra Christian or email: debrachristian5554@sbcglobal.net for more Information or to Volunteer your time. General Information for Members E-Blasts I-ACT sends out E-Blasts to notify its members of Regional Meetings and other important issues. If you are not receiving these E-Blasts, please email the I-ACT Office and give your current e-mail address. We will immediately put your email address on our E-Blast list. Members Only Section of the I-ACT Web Site If you have not been to our web site, please go to www.i-act.org. Go to the members only section - contact the office for your Members Only password. In that location, you can find the I-ACT Member Logo, and additional member information. In the future, those on our E-Blast list will be sent the current password, so make sure that you are on our E-Blast list to ensure that you receive the password for our I-ACT Member site. 28 I-ACT Quarterly Spring 2014 Legislative Call To Action!! This is I-ACT’s 25th year as a membership association. Protecting consumer access to colon hydrotherapy and protecting the right of colon hydrotherapy practitioners to provide these services is of paramount importance. Colon Hydrotherapy Advocacy is the designing and implementation of a proactive legislative strategy. This strategy includes sustained action by a core leadership group consisting of dedicated volunteers and the financial support of everyone. Legislative Committee Report By Dorothy Chandler, RN Chair Our legislative strategy has several components. Key aspects are to educate the therapist community on the importance of legislative advocacy; educating our clients to solicit their support; and, finally educating our legislative officials as to who we are as a practitioner group who contribute to the local economy. Our positive actions will change negative perspectives. Recently, we witnessed coalition building in Colorado and Connecticut; practitioners who came together and succeeded in getting new laws protecting colon hydrotherapy. I-ACT has developed and is populating a state legislative database which includes: • State legislative cycle, when bills can be introduced • Number of Senate, House members and legislative districts • Party in leadership Connecticut: Currently, I-ACT members in Connecticut, regulated under the Naturopathic Board want to stand on their own and are now working toward licensing. Strategic planning meetings are being planned this spring. Any Connecticut therapist interested may contact Beverley Blass or Constance Jones to get involved. Illinois: A core group of Illinois therapists and other interested natural health practitioners will be holding strategy meetings this summer for a 2015 legislative push. Any Illinois therapist interested may contact Dorothy Chandler to become involved. Colorado: By lending their support and getting involved, Colorado I-ACT members participation made the Colorado Consumer Protection Law possible. Currently, Colorado health freedom groups have introduced SB032 in an effort to amend portions of the 2013 consumer protection law. This law currently prohibits the treatment of children by natural health practitioners without permission from their pediatrician. Lastly, many of you are acquainted with the work of Marianne Williamson. She is currently running for The US Congress from California. Constance Jones shared this link to encourage activism. Do you consider yourself ‘conscious,’ yet don’t engage politically - See more at: http://spiritualityhealth.com/blog/ alma/heart-heart-marianne-williamson#sthash.H1k4p2Sy.dpuf “Be the change you wish to see in the world.” Gandhi I-ACT Quarterly Spring 2014 13 4 6 7 1 2 3 5 H E A R T, R E G I S T R A T I O N • • • • Colon Hydrotherapy Lymphatic Drainage Body Work with Colon Hydrotherapy Post-‐Secondary Anatomy and Physiology Prime Pacific A D V E R T I S E M E N T Dotolo 2014 I-ACT Convention Registration Form (Vendors must use separate Vendor Registration Form) Please register me for the 2014 Heart, Mind & Soul Premier Event Wednesday Evening 7:00 PM - 10:00 PM Mail completed form to: I-ACT • P.O. Box 461285 • San Antonio, TX 78246-1285 (210-366-2888) •• Please Print Legibly •• •• or Fax to 210-366-2999 or email to homeoffice@i-act.org •• Name: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Please Print - Copy this form if necessary - (only one person per form) Lymph Drainage Address: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Internal Environment Institute’s philosophy blends the best of Eastern and Western modalities, drawn from our nursing and natural healing backgrounds, as well as our 60+ years of experience as Colon Hydro therapists. City / State / Zip (Postal Code): _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Contact Information: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ (area code) Phone number E-mail Address I-ACT Member (or spouse) NOT an I-ACT Member (or spouse) I-ACT Quarterly Spring 2014 Angel of Water – Open System Specialty CALL (310) 576-‐6360 Registration Costs (USD) 14 The Internal Environment Institute (IEI), offers certified training in all levels of: M I N D & S O U L Get Certified FOR OUR MOST CURRENT SCHEDULE $50.00 $75.00 Internal Environment Institute 910 Broadway Suite 112 Santa Monica, CA. 90401 www.ieihealth.com We are located in the amazing, diversified, alternative and traditional healing community of Santa M onica, California I-ACT Quarterly Spring 2014 27 Education Committee Report By Russell Kolbo, DC, ND Chair Western Canadian Regional Meeting 2014 Dear Schools and Instructors, The Senior Education Committee believes it is time to update the three levels of the I-ACT exams. The last major update was in 2008. They are seeking volunteers who would like to work on the Level 1, Level 2, and Level 3 exam update sub-committee. The intent is to make the exams more like the new NBCHT exam. Next, the Senior Education Committee will be reviewing and updating the four levels of the I-ACT syllabi. This might include expanding the hours in the Foundation Level syllabi and/or incorporating the Foundation and Intermediate levels into one level. Your input on these issues is critically important. Please volunteer to work on the syllabi update sub-committee. Next, the Senior Education Committee is seeking your input on the possibility of developing a 60 hour webinar to be developed by volunteer instructors to include: -- Business Ethics -- Health & Hygiene -- History -- Anatomy & Physiology THANK YOU I-ACT!!! Our vast Canada now has an easier way to do meetings! We had a RECORD numbers this year, maxing out with 8 on Skype and two more ‘in house’ sharing my Skype, with a total of TEN members. We look forward to greater numbers next year and a new Webinar System that will enable us to have bigger numbers. Members shared great ideas to bring back to I-ACT, and we had a presentation about CANCER PREVENTION and a DVD By Dr. Hoffman on Healing Consciousness. The members that came were: Natasha Dupuis, Kristin Siegelaar, Jamie Dick, David Dick, Diana Loze, Tinesja Vanel, Elena Kazakova, Linda Fredine, Judy Patry, Katherine Labonte. Dharma Spirit Healing Center Katherine Labonte, B.Ed, NCP, ERYT (403) 981-3334 W E S T E R N C A N A D A Rights to use materials may be purchased by instructors. Master webinar serie to include A & P, pathophysiology, pharmacology, etc., for existing therapist could be developed with an exam for CEU credit. Please volunteer to work on this Master 60 hour webinar sub-committee. Finally, there is a sub-committee that has been formed to deliberate on the desire to restrict new instructors to teach Level 1 and 2. Establish an instructor trainer qualifications. Develop a webinar for Instructors that teach others to be Instructors…. Or evaluate the pros and cons of an “ADVANCED INSTRUCTOR” Level that is qualified to teach all levels. Your input on these deliberations is also requested. Please call the office (210.366.2888) if you would like to volunteer with this project. Have a great day. Sincerely, Are you ready to get great clients and make more money? Free Training for I-Act members: How to Attract Great Clients Who Love You and Pay You Well! Russell Kolbo, DC, ND I-ACT Education Committee Chairperson GetGreatClientsNow.com 26 I-ACT Quarterly Spring 2014 I-ACT Quarterly Spring 2014 A D V E R T I S E M E N T 15 12 Things Successful People Do Different What’s your definition of success? Like people, success comes in many shapes and forms. While our definitions may vary somewhat, there are some basic principles that all successful people follow. Here are some that you might incorporate into your daily routine. 1 2 Successful people: 1. Create and pursue focused goals. 2. Take decisive and immediate action. 3. Focus on being productive, not being busy. T H I N G S 4. Make logical, informed decisions. 5. Avoid the trap of trying to make things perfect. 6. Work outside of their comfort zone. 7. Keep things simple. 8. Focus on making small, continuous improvements. 9. Measure and track their progress. continued from page 24 second being a massive form of fungal overload. When one is working with a person with so many issues, conditions, infections, co-infections and symptoms, a large umbrella is needed to help assess and deal with the problems at hand and addressing one item and not several in most cases actually increases issues and does not decrease the issues. Once again, this has been my experience from working with Lyme issues in clients and in most cases, the ones who follow the suggestions that are presented, follow the ideas that we share and do the things that are needed can get a complete reversal of all issues, infections, co-infections and related using diet, herbs, supplemental modalities and realizing that it will take a few years of dedicated effort, but, the end result will pay off. That stated, a few items that have helped people are increasing the probiotic load to help offset the detrimental effects of the large dose antibiotics that some people have been on. Adding a spice like Curcumin to the diet to help with inflammatory processes has helped. Cleaning up the parasite, bacteria, fungal and virus overload in the body as well as improving the detoxification pathways has also helped. A R T I C L E Just remember, there is no one approach fits all in this instance, it is all related to the individual needs of that person and all work must be done on an individual basis. Working with a competent practitioner is the only way to get results. 10.Maintain a positive attitude as they learn from mistakes. 11.Spend time with motivational people. 12.Maintain balance in their life. Give it a try. Your success may be more bountiful than you can imagine. Adapted from DailyQuotes.com Q U O T E Are you putting off contributing to your IRA? You may want to think twice, because when it comes to your retirement account, contributing “early” may be better in more ways than one. For starters, the earlier you begin contributing to your IRA, the better. And if you’ve already started, it’s important to keep investing on a regular basis. Skipping an annual contribution to your IRA, or delaying contributions all together, can make a big difference to your overall retirement funds. For example, if an investor made annual investments of $5,000, earning an eight percent rate of return compounded annually, contributions from the age of 30 to 65 would grow to $935,511. Based upon the same investment and rate of return, contributions from the age of 31 to 65 would total only $861,584. If the investor waited five or ten years more, the results would be even more drastic. This hypothetical illustration does not reflect actual performance of any particular investment. O F Also important, but often overlooked, are the benefits of making annual IRA contributions prior to the April 15 deadline. Instead of making contributions at tax time, investors may consider making their contributions earlier in the tax year. By contributing earlier, your IRA may grow even faster, due to compounding. T H E I N F O R M A T I O N Above all, investors shouldn’t be discouraged if they have waited to contribute to their retirement funds. Your investment professional can help you with a retirement plan to help you meet your personal needs, regardless of your age. D A Y 16 The Earlier the Better Kathleen Zelenka is a Financial Advisor with The Gormley Furlong Group at Stifel, member SIPC and New York Stock Exchange, and can be contacted in the Yardley, PA, office at (215) 504-1665. I-ACT Quarterly Spring 2014 I-ACT Quarterly Spring 2014 25 continued from page 23 issues as well as exacerbating the co-infections and related issues. Natural items exist to help address and assist with Lyme and the other issues that are common with Lyme and its components. While some people report success with a course of long-term antibiotic therapy, there are massive risks associated with this strategy. To begin, the risk of developing antibiotic resistant infections and diseases is increased; antibiotics kill off all bacteria in the system both good and bad. That in turn makes it virtually impossible to maintain optimal gut health without rigorous attempts to reseed the gastric system with massive amounts of friendly bacteria; most people simply do not do this part of the equation. We also need to look at the fact that the Lyme organism can exist in three different forms, the cyst the spirochete and the L-form making it really good from hiding from the antibiotics. In addition to this factor, a large percentage of people who have Lyme issues also have sensitivities to alcohol, medications, antibiotics and perfumes. In this situation, one usually has a defect in the methylation cycle of the genetics. The methylation pathway is the detoxification pathway in the body and the process of what cleans the toxins out of the system. In a large percentage of cases, most Lyme positive persons have a methylation issue and this makes it very hard for them to respond to conventional Lyme treatment, especially those presenting with neurological symptoms and symptomology. In a lot of the clients I have seen in the office, this is a contributing factor to their problems and a large percentage of these issues also have a heavy metal component that is blocking the metabolic pathways. Again, all part of the reason that Lyme-related issues are not a simple “one item fixes everything” case. This is where one has to look at so many variables that the conventional allopathic world dismisses. A R T I C L E When we look at blood tests for Lyme disease and Lyme-related issues, it opens a completely different set of issues as most Lyme blood tests are unreliable as indicators of the Lyme infection in that the spirochete has found a way to infect your white blood cells. Most lab tests rely on the normal function of these cells to produce the antibodies they are measuring, and if it is the white blood cells that are infected, they will not respond to produce the antibodies the lab is attempting to measure. Add this to the issue that if the white blood cells are infected, they do not respond to an infection in the body appropriately. This is one of the factors that those suffering the most from a Borrelia infection, the less likely that this will be detected on the standard blood tests. In most cases, in order for a Lyme test to prove useful, the person must go through some form of treatment first. Once the immune system starts to respond normally, then and only then will the antibodies present in the conventional laboratory tests. If your conventional Lyme blood laboratory test came back with a positive IgM antibody reading then the person must consider this to indicate a positive confirmation of active Lyme in the body. Once again a large percentage of allopaths will dismiss this reading and tell the person that they do not have an active infection in their body. Instead they will usually tell the person that it is a false positive and not to worry. Again, dismissing the person and the problem. Due to a process known as antigenic variation, the proteins on the outer surface of the Lyme organism move around, causing your body to see this “germ” as new and different even if it has been living in the person for years. This is in turn what causes the positive IgM result even years after the initial infection of Lyme occurred and this process is often referred to as epitope switching. With all of this information presented, it is one of the contributing factors that I will only use one specific laboratory for Lyme testing for my clients who want a definitive laboratory test done. The reason I use this specific lab is that they test the outer surface protein bands and can often detect Lyme while almost all the conventional and standard blood tests cannot. The lab I prefer also tests for a few strains of the co-infections such as Babesia and Erthlichia. Again, providing the person being tested with additional information on what is actually going on with their body and helping to pro-vide that information to help assess and decide on a course of action in addressing the Lyme issue. When I look at the majority of people showing up in my offices with Lyme and/or Lyme-related issues, several items are almost always present as well. The first being some form of a heavy metal toxicity and the 24 continued on page 25 I-ACT Quarterly Spring 2014 SOLE DISTRIBUTOR Colon hydrotherapy, the therapeutic purpose of water 73-925 H w y 111 , S u i t e F. P a l m D e s e r t C A 9 2 2 6 0 . - Fits all closed system equipments P h . ( 7 6 0 ) 3 4 0 - 0 7 2 0 - w w w. c o l o n i c p l u s . u s c o l o n i c p l u s i n f o @ y a h o o . c o m - Original smooth bor hose - Obturator perfect design for an easier handling - Lubricant 2.5gr Large hydrokits Ref:Z-09 Before $3.55 Small ColonicPlus C o lon Care & Supplies Now “Due to your conFidence in our products we reduce prices“ $3.15 hydrokits Ref:Z-10 Before $3.55 Now $3.15 limiter Hydrokits with Soft continued on page 26 hose Ref:Z-17 Before $3.55 Now $3.15 Large hydrokits with Soft hose Ref:Z-20 Before $3.55 Now $3.15 Speculum only (no hose) Before $2.25 Now $1.90 A D V E R T I S E M E N T Special offer for more than two boxes. Straight hydrokits Hemorrhoid friendly Ref:Z-12 Before $3.55 Now $3.15 “Colon irrigation devices are prescription devices and only a practitioner licensed by state law to use such devices can purchase such devices in that state.” I-ACT Quarterly Spring 2014 17 Low Cost Marketing Ideas By Cathy Windland, I-ACT Secretary/Treasurer & Marketing & PR Committee Chair Q : I am a solopreneur without a large marketing budget – actually without a marketing buget at all. Might you have some strategies that I can use to grow my business? Right now, I basically get business from referrals, mostly from current clients, but a few from area doctors. I know that I need to do more, but what? M.K A They leave for all sorts of reasons – maybe they don’t need you anymore, or they found what you do somewhere else that is more convenient or cheaper, or they moved, or whatever. Working on your business, especially as a solopreneur or small center, means that it is not a crisis when a customer/client inevitably leaves. Most people assume that the only way for Lyme to be transmitted is through the bite of a tick. However, this bacteria can be spread by other insects including mosquitoes, spiders, fleas and mites. Fewer than a quarter of all Lyme diagnosed individuals ever recall getting a tick bite. For those of us who spend vast amounts of time outdoors, in the woods, fields and forests, it is not uncommon to get an insect bite and not realize it as we are also getting scratched and scraped by the surrounding vegetation. With that understanding, I have seen reports that only three percent of Lyme infected persons ever develop the famous bull’s eye rash. Again, making it harder to detect the moment of infection and harder to start some form of treatment to address this condition. Here are four ways to work on your business – to grow your business – without breaking the bank: 1. Tap into the Power of Testimonials Satisfied customers/clients can be one of a small business’ best marketing tools. A testimonial impresses potential customers because it is independent, third-party validation that a business really is as good as it claims to be. Ask some of your best customers/clients to write a letter of recommendation, and then use these on your web site, as an email tag line, in your blog or e-newsletter, in presentations, in your on-hold messages, wherever it is appropriate to do so. 2. Boost Your Word of Mouth Advertising We all know that word of mouth is the best sort of advertising there is. But aside from just waiting or hoping that a customer passes your name along, you can try these simple marketing activities: Create a referral program that gives customers a discount when they refer you business. Encourage comments on your Facebook page, blog or web site. Ask your best customers to recommend you. Check out networking groups in your area. Professional Women’s Business Network (pwbn.org) is a growing organization that’s great for female entrepreneurs. Le Tip and BNI are two nationally known groups. There may also be good local groups in your area. Find one that works for you. 3. Stay in Touch Every business is looking for the best way to make a one-off customer/client into a loyal, repeat customer/client. The best way is to stay top of mind. That is, if you want to get 18 Much recent research confirms what homeopaths have long stated that many of the diseases that plagued our forefathers were never completely eradicated, but suppressed to be expressed in various forms later in the person’s life or in future generations. It is my understanding that during the Napoleonic Wars, the massive casualties among the French were attributed to some of the infections associated with what is now referred to as Lyme. The Russians did not experience the massive casualty rate due to using a form of homeopathy to boost the immune system to this issue. The Lyme disease bacterium has a weird feature for survival; it can exist without iron, while most other living organisms require iron to make protein and enzymes. Instead of iron, Borrelia burgdorferi uses manganese thus eluding immune system defenses that destroy pathogens by starving them of iron in the body. Thanks to the field of bio-chemistry and microbiology, we now know that there are five subspecies of Borrelia burgdorferi, more than one hundred strains in the United States and three hundred worldwide, many of these strains have developed resistance to various antibiotics. : In his great book The E-Myth, Michael Gerber says that far too many small business people spend too much time working in their business and not enough time working on their business. Why is work on your business so important? Because clients and customers leave. A R T I C L E continued from page 22 I-ACT Quarterly Spring 2014 To add even more insanity to this puzzle, ticks usually transmit more than the Borrelia organism. They can simultaneously infect you with Bartonella, Rickettsia, Ehrilichia and Babesia. Any or all of these organisms can travel with Borrelia burgdorferi and each causes and creates a different set of symptoms and symptomology. When a person is Lyme infected, they almost always have additional infections and or co-infections. Many Lyme-positive people who battle this issue on a daily basis appear to be normal and healthy, and this is part of the underlying reasoning for Lyme to be labeled as a silent illness. These people look good, and during a routine medical examination and blood work, everything appears to be fine, but their internal experience is a completely different story. The statistical number of undiagnosed and misdiagnoses is typical for many Lyme-positive individuals because conventional labs are not good at detecting the causative agent or it’s co-infection pathogens. Add that to the story that physicians have been sold that Lyme does not occur out of the Northeastern United States, when in fact it is in all states and worldwide. A R T I C L E With Lyme disease, the most disabling symptoms are always the invisible ones. Due to all of the coinfections creating a large array of constant symptoms, this creates a massive mimic of disorders such as multiple sclerosis, arthritis, Parkinson’s, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, ALS, ADHD, and even Alzheimer’s disease. Now the big question is how does an individual know if they have Lyme with so many factors involved. Some of the initial symptoms may be flu like symptoms with fever, chills, headache, stiff neck, achiness and fatigue, and if this situation is not addressed at this point, it may lead to arthritis, face palsy, nervous system and heart problem to name a few of the hundred. To make matters more stressful, allopaths who belong to the Infectious Disease Society discredit chronic Lyme and will usually only prescribe a course of antibiotics for four weeks. Once again, this does not address the presenting issue and/or the underlying issues with this condition. I am under the opinion that long term use of antibiotics for this issue and/or any issue is not a smart decision and that other options should be considered first and foremost prior to damaging the beneficial bacteria in the body, setting up the system for massive fungal overgrowth that are common with Lyme continued on page 24 I-ACT Quarterly Spring 2014 23 Lyme Dis-ease By: Dwayne Haus, N.D. Over the past decade, I have had more people come through my offices with Lyme-related issues than I care to count. Some of them had medical diagnoses, some were misdiagnosed numerous times, and some had been totally dismissed by the allopathic world. I am hoping to address some of this through this article. This is by no means a definitive report on the issues related to what is referee to as Lyme disease. What I hope to do in this short space is provide a simplified look at a very misdiagnosed and under reported issue as well as provide a few suggestions for options. To begin with, I am also speaking from experience as twice I have been Lyme positive and twice, I have removed the spirochete from my body. To start, I feel that some background and understanding of Lyme is important, as it has now been fairly well established that chronic infection is an underlying factor in most chronic illness such as Parkinson’s, Multiple Sclerosis, chronic fatigue, and gastritis, as all of these are examples of chronic infections. In a lot of these labels, Lyme disease appears to be a major player. According to recent statistics released by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, approximately 300,000 new cases of Lyme disease are reported each year in this country. That figure is about ten times higher than the officially reported number indicating that this issue is vastly being under reported. A R T I C L E For those who think Lyme is one issue or one infection, I need to extrapolate this out and define what Lyme is. In 1982 Willy Burgdorfer, Ph.D. discovered the bacterium responsible for the infection: the spirochete, named after him, Borrelia burgdor-feri. This is a cousin to the spirochete that causes syphilis; in fact the two organisms look almost identical under a microscope. repeat business, your customer/client has to think of you when he or she has a need. And they will more likely think of you if you gently, consistently (but not too often) stay in touch with them. Here are a few ideas for doing this: Email marketing is a great way to stay in touch because it is permission marketing. Always have a purpose – information, tips for wellness, special offers, etc. – but use it sparingly as customers have given you permission to stay in touch with them. Social media is all the rage for a reason: it works. Create a Facebook page and use contests and great content to get people to “like” your page and stay connected to your business. Keep it friendly, but stay in touch. Write a thank you note. With so much electronic communication these days, it’s nice to receive a hand-written note in the mail. Send a birthday greeting and/or birthday discount via email. It’s a great way to stay in touch as well as surprise and delight your customer that you remembered their birthday. Make personal phone calls and offer a VIP offer that encourages repeat bookings. 4. Get Some Free (or low cost) Assistance Let’s face it, you can’t be an expert in everything, but as the business leader, you need to know when and how to bring in those who can help you achieve success. Fortunately, we’re in a time and space where you don’t have to do it alone, even if you are the solopreneur. There is a lot of help out there, and much of it is free. Check these out: The Small Business Administration has field offices all over and a great web site. The Small Business Development Centers, SCORE, and the local chamber of commerce are all in the business of helping business and members succeed. Some even offer counseling and training. A R T I C L E Trade organizations sometimes offer marketing assistance, ideas and guidelines. Lyme Spirochete Online forums and groups. Spirochetes are double membrane bacteria which are usually long and helically coiled. They are able to propel themselves by means of an axial filament which coils length-wise between the inner and outer membranes along the length of the bacterium. This causes a twisting motion which allows the spirochete to move fairly rapidly acting like a cork-screw and inserting itself into host cell structure, to hide in a variety of body tissue, and this is the reason it creates such a wide range of multisystem involvement. Borrelia burgdorferi does not just exist as a spirochete; it has the ability to live inter-cellular as an “L-form” and also encoated as a “cyst” form. These different morphologies explain why conventional treatment is so difficult and recurrence of symptoms occurs after the standard allopathic treatment of antibiotic protocol. Research into syphilis in the early 1900’s showed that the causative agent had a unique lifecycle which when under attack from antibiotics or the immune system, caused the spirochete to change into spore form. Recent research has shown that the Lyme disease spirochete has a similar lifecycle producing spore and cysts form when under threat. This may be the reason for the persistent and chronic nature of the infections and co-infections associated with Lyme disease. Have a customer/client that is a marketing professional? Consider bartering services as a low cost way of boosting your marketing budget. (Be sure to check with your tax professional if you decide to do this.) Bottom line: spending a little more time working on your business will allow you to work in it longer. Years from now, when someone asks you how to run a successful business, you’ll be able to say you did it with integrity and professionalism and made a difference in the lives of your customers/clients. Do you have any marketing questions for the Marketing & PR Committee? Send it to the I-ACT office or email Cathy Windland, committee chair, at cathy@innerspa.org. We’ll be happy to address your questions. continued on page 23 22 I-ACT Quarterly Spring 2014 I-ACT Quarterly Spring 2014 19 I-ACT 2014 Convention “Dailies” D AR NGS O I B T E ME g tin e rk Ma PR ues 6 /17 cene 1, Ta ke 1 ’s nt e d e i es om Pr elc W Lights, Camera, I-ACTion s or bit p i h u Ex Set Wed 6 /18 Scene 2, Ta ke 1 ER SP BA BA MM ZU ZU ER Robert Young Thurs 6/19 Scene 3, Ta ke 3 Thurs 6/19 Scene 3, Ta ke 5 ER Thurs 6/19 Scene ??? 3, Ta ke 6 s es in ing s Bu uild hop B rks wo nt lf Se eme p v o o pr ksh Imwor K EA SP Dr. Dicqie Fuller ER R. Beza Fri 6 /20 Scene 4, Ta ke 2 K EA SP Stephen Holt Sat 6 /21 Scene 5, Ta Sat 6 ke 1 /21 18 Scene I-ACT Quarterly Spring 2014 5, Ta ke 2 C. Wind SP R KE EA Bo Sat 6 /21 Scene 5, Ta ke 3 ler Fri 6 /20 Scene 4, Ta ke 5 SP Wagner er land R KE EA SP M. Fow Fri 6 /20 Scene 4, Ta ke 4 ER Krysten Eikel re nis P. Marg o Fri 6 /20 Scene 4, Ta ke 3 K EA Wed 6 /18 Scene 2, Ta ke 5 d ar Bo r be on st Pa Mem iti n g co Re p hi rs s e b m ing Me eet M Naina Sachdev Sat 6 /21 Scene 5, Ta ke 4 Thurs 6/19 Scene 3, Ta ke 8 Thurs 6/19 Scene 3, Ta ke 7 S RD T A E U AW NQ BA y th al en e h H tc hop Ki rks wo M. Mill G. Gilbe ri 6/2 0 cene 4, Ta ke 1 Thurs 6/19 Scene 3, Ta ke 1 JingSlingers Thurs 6/19 Scene 3, Ta ke 4 ER rs AK ste E a SP M ss e T O ? WH IT N N DU K EA SP Habib Sadeghi, MD Thurs 6/19 Scene 3, Ta ke 2 Wed 6 /18 Scene 2, Ta ke 4 Wed 6 /18 Scene 2, Ta ke 3 R KE r Fu ion t ca u Ed r nd A MB ZU se ai EA SP Lights, Camera, I-ACTion e g tiv la isin s i a g Le d R n Fu Wed 6 /18 Scene 2, Ta ke 2 K EA G A I L I-ACT 2014 Convention “Dailies” R. Youn g R. Youn L. Helff g rich Fri 6 /20 Scene 4, Ta ke 6 AP WR RTY PA NT DE as I ES Na N PR ail A G S H V I L L E Fri 6 /20 Scene 4, Ta ke 7 2 0 1 5 Sat 6 /21 Sat 6 S cene /21 5, Ta 19 Scene k 5, Ta I-ACT Quarterly Spring 2014e 6 ke 5 I-ACT 2014 Convention “Dailies” D AR NGS O I B T E ME g tin e rk Ma PR ues 6 /17 cene 1, Ta ke 1 ’s nt e d e i es om Pr elc W Lights, Camera, I-ACTion s or bit p i h u Ex Set Wed 6 /18 Scene 2, Ta ke 1 ER SP BA BA MM ZU ZU ER Robert Young Thurs 6/19 Scene 3, Ta ke 3 Thurs 6/19 Scene 3, Ta ke 5 ER Thurs 6/19 Scene ??? 3, Ta ke 6 s es in ing s Bu uild hop B rks wo nt lf Se eme p v o o pr ksh Imwor K EA SP Dr. Dicqie Fuller ER R. Beza Fri 6 /20 Scene 4, Ta ke 2 K EA SP Stephen Holt Sat 6 /21 Scene 5, Ta Sat 6 ke 1 /21 18 Scene I-ACT Quarterly Spring 2014 5, Ta ke 2 C. Wind SP R KE EA Bo Sat 6 /21 Scene 5, Ta ke 3 ler Fri 6 /20 Scene 4, Ta ke 5 SP Wagner er land R KE EA SP M. Fow Fri 6 /20 Scene 4, Ta ke 4 ER Krysten Eikel re nis P. Marg o Fri 6 /20 Scene 4, Ta ke 3 K EA Wed 6 /18 Scene 2, Ta ke 5 d ar Bo r be on st Pa Mem iti n g co Re p hi rs s e b m ing Me eet M Naina Sachdev Sat 6 /21 Scene 5, Ta ke 4 Thurs 6/19 Scene 3, Ta ke 8 Thurs 6/19 Scene 3, Ta ke 7 S RD T A E U AW NQ BA y th al en e h H tc hop Ki rks wo M. Mill G. Gilbe ri 6/2 0 cene 4, Ta ke 1 Thurs 6/19 Scene 3, Ta ke 1 JingSlingers Thurs 6/19 Scene 3, Ta ke 4 ER rs AK ste E a SP M ss e T O ? WH IT N N DU K EA SP Habib Sadeghi, MD Thurs 6/19 Scene 3, Ta ke 2 Wed 6 /18 Scene 2, Ta ke 4 Wed 6 /18 Scene 2, Ta ke 3 R KE r Fu ion t ca u Ed r nd A MB ZU se ai EA SP Lights, Camera, I-ACTion e g tiv la isin s i a g Le d R n Fu Wed 6 /18 Scene 2, Ta ke 2 K EA G A I L I-ACT 2014 Convention “Dailies” R. Youn g R. Youn L. Helff g rich Fri 6 /20 Scene 4, Ta ke 6 AP WR RTY PA NT DE as I ES Na N PR ail A G S H V I L L E Fri 6 /20 Scene 4, Ta ke 7 2 0 1 5 Sat 6 /21 Sat 6 S cene /21 5, Ta 19 Scene k 5, Ta I-ACT Quarterly Spring 2014e 6 ke 5 Lyme Dis-ease By: Dwayne Haus, N.D. Over the past decade, I have had more people come through my offices with Lyme-related issues than I care to count. Some of them had medical diagnoses, some were misdiagnosed numerous times, and some had been totally dismissed by the allopathic world. I am hoping to address some of this through this article. This is by no means a definitive report on the issues related to what is referee to as Lyme disease. What I hope to do in this short space is provide a simplified look at a very misdiagnosed and under reported issue as well as provide a few suggestions for options. To begin with, I am also speaking from experience as twice I have been Lyme positive and twice, I have removed the spirochete from my body. To start, I feel that some background and understanding of Lyme is important, as it has now been fairly well established that chronic infection is an underlying factor in most chronic illness such as Parkinson’s, Multiple Sclerosis, chronic fatigue, and gastritis, as all of these are examples of chronic infections. In a lot of these labels, Lyme disease appears to be a major player. According to recent statistics released by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, approximately 300,000 new cases of Lyme disease are reported each year in this country. That figure is about ten times higher than the officially reported number indicating that this issue is vastly being under reported. A R T I C L E For those who think Lyme is one issue or one infection, I need to extrapolate this out and define what Lyme is. In 1982 Willy Burgdorfer, Ph.D. discovered the bacterium responsible for the infection: the spirochete, named after him, Borrelia burgdor-feri. This is a cousin to the spirochete that causes syphilis; in fact the two organisms look almost identical under a microscope. repeat business, your customer/client has to think of you when he or she has a need. And they will more likely think of you if you gently, consistently (but not too often) stay in touch with them. Here are a few ideas for doing this: Email marketing is a great way to stay in touch because it is permission marketing. Always have a purpose – information, tips for wellness, special offers, etc. – but use it sparingly as customers have given you permission to stay in touch with them. Social media is all the rage for a reason: it works. Create a Facebook page and use contests and great content to get people to “like” your page and stay connected to your business. Keep it friendly, but stay in touch. Write a thank you note. With so much electronic communication these days, it’s nice to receive a hand-written note in the mail. Send a birthday greeting and/or birthday discount via email. It’s a great way to stay in touch as well as surprise and delight your customer that you remembered their birthday. Make personal phone calls and offer a VIP offer that encourages repeat bookings. 4. Get Some Free (or low cost) Assistance Let’s face it, you can’t be an expert in everything, but as the business leader, you need to know when and how to bring in those who can help you achieve success. Fortunately, we’re in a time and space where you don’t have to do it alone, even if you are the solopreneur. There is a lot of help out there, and much of it is free. Check these out: The Small Business Administration has field offices all over and a great web site. The Small Business Development Centers, SCORE, and the local chamber of commerce are all in the business of helping business and members succeed. Some even offer counseling and training. A R T I C L E Trade organizations sometimes offer marketing assistance, ideas and guidelines. Lyme Spirochete Online forums and groups. Spirochetes are double membrane bacteria which are usually long and helically coiled. They are able to propel themselves by means of an axial filament which coils length-wise between the inner and outer membranes along the length of the bacterium. This causes a twisting motion which allows the spirochete to move fairly rapidly acting like a cork-screw and inserting itself into host cell structure, to hide in a variety of body tissue, and this is the reason it creates such a wide range of multisystem involvement. Borrelia burgdorferi does not just exist as a spirochete; it has the ability to live inter-cellular as an “L-form” and also encoated as a “cyst” form. These different morphologies explain why conventional treatment is so difficult and recurrence of symptoms occurs after the standard allopathic treatment of antibiotic protocol. Research into syphilis in the early 1900’s showed that the causative agent had a unique lifecycle which when under attack from antibiotics or the immune system, caused the spirochete to change into spore form. Recent research has shown that the Lyme disease spirochete has a similar lifecycle producing spore and cysts form when under threat. This may be the reason for the persistent and chronic nature of the infections and co-infections associated with Lyme disease. Have a customer/client that is a marketing professional? Consider bartering services as a low cost way of boosting your marketing budget. (Be sure to check with your tax professional if you decide to do this.) Bottom line: spending a little more time working on your business will allow you to work in it longer. Years from now, when someone asks you how to run a successful business, you’ll be able to say you did it with integrity and professionalism and made a difference in the lives of your customers/clients. Do you have any marketing questions for the Marketing & PR Committee? Send it to the I-ACT office or email Cathy Windland, committee chair, at cathy@innerspa.org. We’ll be happy to address your questions. continued on page 23 22 I-ACT Quarterly Spring 2014 I-ACT Quarterly Spring 2014 19 Low Cost Marketing Ideas By Cathy Windland, I-ACT Secretary/Treasurer & Marketing & PR Committee Chair Q : I am a solopreneur without a large marketing budget – actually without a marketing buget at all. Might you have some strategies that I can use to grow my business? Right now, I basically get business from referrals, mostly from current clients, but a few from area doctors. I know that I need to do more, but what? M.K A They leave for all sorts of reasons – maybe they don’t need you anymore, or they found what you do somewhere else that is more convenient or cheaper, or they moved, or whatever. Working on your business, especially as a solopreneur or small center, means that it is not a crisis when a customer/client inevitably leaves. Most people assume that the only way for Lyme to be transmitted is through the bite of a tick. However, this bacteria can be spread by other insects including mosquitoes, spiders, fleas and mites. Fewer than a quarter of all Lyme diagnosed individuals ever recall getting a tick bite. For those of us who spend vast amounts of time outdoors, in the woods, fields and forests, it is not uncommon to get an insect bite and not realize it as we are also getting scratched and scraped by the surrounding vegetation. With that understanding, I have seen reports that only three percent of Lyme infected persons ever develop the famous bull’s eye rash. Again, making it harder to detect the moment of infection and harder to start some form of treatment to address this condition. Here are four ways to work on your business – to grow your business – without breaking the bank: 1. Tap into the Power of Testimonials Satisfied customers/clients can be one of a small business’ best marketing tools. A testimonial impresses potential customers because it is independent, third-party validation that a business really is as good as it claims to be. Ask some of your best customers/clients to write a letter of recommendation, and then use these on your web site, as an email tag line, in your blog or e-newsletter, in presentations, in your on-hold messages, wherever it is appropriate to do so. 2. Boost Your Word of Mouth Advertising We all know that word of mouth is the best sort of advertising there is. But aside from just waiting or hoping that a customer passes your name along, you can try these simple marketing activities: Create a referral program that gives customers a discount when they refer you business. Encourage comments on your Facebook page, blog or web site. Ask your best customers to recommend you. Check out networking groups in your area. Professional Women’s Business Network (pwbn.org) is a growing organization that’s great for female entrepreneurs. Le Tip and BNI are two nationally known groups. There may also be good local groups in your area. Find one that works for you. 3. Stay in Touch Every business is looking for the best way to make a one-off customer/client into a loyal, repeat customer/client. The best way is to stay top of mind. That is, if you want to get 18 Much recent research confirms what homeopaths have long stated that many of the diseases that plagued our forefathers were never completely eradicated, but suppressed to be expressed in various forms later in the person’s life or in future generations. It is my understanding that during the Napoleonic Wars, the massive casualties among the French were attributed to some of the infections associated with what is now referred to as Lyme. The Russians did not experience the massive casualty rate due to using a form of homeopathy to boost the immune system to this issue. The Lyme disease bacterium has a weird feature for survival; it can exist without iron, while most other living organisms require iron to make protein and enzymes. Instead of iron, Borrelia burgdorferi uses manganese thus eluding immune system defenses that destroy pathogens by starving them of iron in the body. Thanks to the field of bio-chemistry and microbiology, we now know that there are five subspecies of Borrelia burgdorferi, more than one hundred strains in the United States and three hundred worldwide, many of these strains have developed resistance to various antibiotics. : In his great book The E-Myth, Michael Gerber says that far too many small business people spend too much time working in their business and not enough time working on their business. Why is work on your business so important? Because clients and customers leave. A R T I C L E continued from page 22 I-ACT Quarterly Spring 2014 To add even more insanity to this puzzle, ticks usually transmit more than the Borrelia organism. They can simultaneously infect you with Bartonella, Rickettsia, Ehrilichia and Babesia. Any or all of these organisms can travel with Borrelia burgdorferi and each causes and creates a different set of symptoms and symptomology. When a person is Lyme infected, they almost always have additional infections and or co-infections. Many Lyme-positive people who battle this issue on a daily basis appear to be normal and healthy, and this is part of the underlying reasoning for Lyme to be labeled as a silent illness. These people look good, and during a routine medical examination and blood work, everything appears to be fine, but their internal experience is a completely different story. The statistical number of undiagnosed and misdiagnoses is typical for many Lyme-positive individuals because conventional labs are not good at detecting the causative agent or it’s co-infection pathogens. Add that to the story that physicians have been sold that Lyme does not occur out of the Northeastern United States, when in fact it is in all states and worldwide. A R T I C L E With Lyme disease, the most disabling symptoms are always the invisible ones. Due to all of the coinfections creating a large array of constant symptoms, this creates a massive mimic of disorders such as multiple sclerosis, arthritis, Parkinson’s, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, ALS, ADHD, and even Alzheimer’s disease. Now the big question is how does an individual know if they have Lyme with so many factors involved. Some of the initial symptoms may be flu like symptoms with fever, chills, headache, stiff neck, achiness and fatigue, and if this situation is not addressed at this point, it may lead to arthritis, face palsy, nervous system and heart problem to name a few of the hundred. To make matters more stressful, allopaths who belong to the Infectious Disease Society discredit chronic Lyme and will usually only prescribe a course of antibiotics for four weeks. Once again, this does not address the presenting issue and/or the underlying issues with this condition. I am under the opinion that long term use of antibiotics for this issue and/or any issue is not a smart decision and that other options should be considered first and foremost prior to damaging the beneficial bacteria in the body, setting up the system for massive fungal overgrowth that are common with Lyme continued on page 24 I-ACT Quarterly Spring 2014 23 continued from page 23 issues as well as exacerbating the co-infections and related issues. Natural items exist to help address and assist with Lyme and the other issues that are common with Lyme and its components. While some people report success with a course of long-term antibiotic therapy, there are massive risks associated with this strategy. To begin, the risk of developing antibiotic resistant infections and diseases is increased; antibiotics kill off all bacteria in the system both good and bad. That in turn makes it virtually impossible to maintain optimal gut health without rigorous attempts to reseed the gastric system with massive amounts of friendly bacteria; most people simply do not do this part of the equation. We also need to look at the fact that the Lyme organism can exist in three different forms, the cyst the spirochete and the L-form making it really good from hiding from the antibiotics. In addition to this factor, a large percentage of people who have Lyme issues also have sensitivities to alcohol, medications, antibiotics and perfumes. In this situation, one usually has a defect in the methylation cycle of the genetics. The methylation pathway is the detoxification pathway in the body and the process of what cleans the toxins out of the system. In a large percentage of cases, most Lyme positive persons have a methylation issue and this makes it very hard for them to respond to conventional Lyme treatment, especially those presenting with neurological symptoms and symptomology. In a lot of the clients I have seen in the office, this is a contributing factor to their problems and a large percentage of these issues also have a heavy metal component that is blocking the metabolic pathways. Again, all part of the reason that Lyme-related issues are not a simple “one item fixes everything” case. This is where one has to look at so many variables that the conventional allopathic world dismisses. A R T I C L E When we look at blood tests for Lyme disease and Lyme-related issues, it opens a completely different set of issues as most Lyme blood tests are unreliable as indicators of the Lyme infection in that the spirochete has found a way to infect your white blood cells. Most lab tests rely on the normal function of these cells to produce the antibodies they are measuring, and if it is the white blood cells that are infected, they will not respond to produce the antibodies the lab is attempting to measure. Add this to the issue that if the white blood cells are infected, they do not respond to an infection in the body appropriately. This is one of the factors that those suffering the most from a Borrelia infection, the less likely that this will be detected on the standard blood tests. In most cases, in order for a Lyme test to prove useful, the person must go through some form of treatment first. Once the immune system starts to respond normally, then and only then will the antibodies present in the conventional laboratory tests. If your conventional Lyme blood laboratory test came back with a positive IgM antibody reading then the person must consider this to indicate a positive confirmation of active Lyme in the body. Once again a large percentage of allopaths will dismiss this reading and tell the person that they do not have an active infection in their body. Instead they will usually tell the person that it is a false positive and not to worry. Again, dismissing the person and the problem. Due to a process known as antigenic variation, the proteins on the outer surface of the Lyme organism move around, causing your body to see this “germ” as new and different even if it has been living in the person for years. This is in turn what causes the positive IgM result even years after the initial infection of Lyme occurred and this process is often referred to as epitope switching. With all of this information presented, it is one of the contributing factors that I will only use one specific laboratory for Lyme testing for my clients who want a definitive laboratory test done. The reason I use this specific lab is that they test the outer surface protein bands and can often detect Lyme while almost all the conventional and standard blood tests cannot. The lab I prefer also tests for a few strains of the co-infections such as Babesia and Erthlichia. Again, providing the person being tested with additional information on what is actually going on with their body and helping to pro-vide that information to help assess and decide on a course of action in addressing the Lyme issue. When I look at the majority of people showing up in my offices with Lyme and/or Lyme-related issues, several items are almost always present as well. The first being some form of a heavy metal toxicity and the 24 continued on page 25 I-ACT Quarterly Spring 2014 SOLE DISTRIBUTOR Colon hydrotherapy, the therapeutic purpose of water 73-925 H w y 111 , S u i t e F. P a l m D e s e r t C A 9 2 2 6 0 . - Fits all closed system equipments P h . ( 7 6 0 ) 3 4 0 - 0 7 2 0 - w w w. c o l o n i c p l u s . u s c o l o n i c p l u s i n f o @ y a h o o . c o m - Original smooth bor hose - Obturator perfect design for an easier handling - Lubricant 2.5gr Large hydrokits Ref:Z-09 Before $3.55 Small ColonicPlus C o lon Care & Supplies Now “Due to your conFidence in our products we reduce prices“ $3.15 hydrokits Ref:Z-10 Before $3.55 Now $3.15 limiter Hydrokits with Soft continued on page 26 hose Ref:Z-17 Before $3.55 Now $3.15 Large hydrokits with Soft hose Ref:Z-20 Before $3.55 Now $3.15 Speculum only (no hose) Before $2.25 Now $1.90 A D V E R T I S E M E N T Special offer for more than two boxes. Straight hydrokits Hemorrhoid friendly Ref:Z-12 Before $3.55 Now $3.15 “Colon irrigation devices are prescription devices and only a practitioner licensed by state law to use such devices can purchase such devices in that state.” I-ACT Quarterly Spring 2014 17 12 Things Successful People Do Different What’s your definition of success? Like people, success comes in many shapes and forms. While our definitions may vary somewhat, there are some basic principles that all successful people follow. Here are some that you might incorporate into your daily routine. 1 2 Successful people: 1. Create and pursue focused goals. 2. Take decisive and immediate action. 3. Focus on being productive, not being busy. T H I N G S 4. Make logical, informed decisions. 5. Avoid the trap of trying to make things perfect. 6. Work outside of their comfort zone. 7. Keep things simple. 8. Focus on making small, continuous improvements. 9. Measure and track their progress. continued from page 24 second being a massive form of fungal overload. When one is working with a person with so many issues, conditions, infections, co-infections and symptoms, a large umbrella is needed to help assess and deal with the problems at hand and addressing one item and not several in most cases actually increases issues and does not decrease the issues. Once again, this has been my experience from working with Lyme issues in clients and in most cases, the ones who follow the suggestions that are presented, follow the ideas that we share and do the things that are needed can get a complete reversal of all issues, infections, co-infections and related using diet, herbs, supplemental modalities and realizing that it will take a few years of dedicated effort, but, the end result will pay off. That stated, a few items that have helped people are increasing the probiotic load to help offset the detrimental effects of the large dose antibiotics that some people have been on. Adding a spice like Curcumin to the diet to help with inflammatory processes has helped. Cleaning up the parasite, bacteria, fungal and virus overload in the body as well as improving the detoxification pathways has also helped. A R T I C L E Just remember, there is no one approach fits all in this instance, it is all related to the individual needs of that person and all work must be done on an individual basis. Working with a competent practitioner is the only way to get results. 10.Maintain a positive attitude as they learn from mistakes. 11.Spend time with motivational people. 12.Maintain balance in their life. Give it a try. Your success may be more bountiful than you can imagine. Adapted from DailyQuotes.com Q U O T E Are you putting off contributing to your IRA? You may want to think twice, because when it comes to your retirement account, contributing “early” may be better in more ways than one. For starters, the earlier you begin contributing to your IRA, the better. And if you’ve already started, it’s important to keep investing on a regular basis. Skipping an annual contribution to your IRA, or delaying contributions all together, can make a big difference to your overall retirement funds. For example, if an investor made annual investments of $5,000, earning an eight percent rate of return compounded annually, contributions from the age of 30 to 65 would grow to $935,511. Based upon the same investment and rate of return, contributions from the age of 31 to 65 would total only $861,584. If the investor waited five or ten years more, the results would be even more drastic. This hypothetical illustration does not reflect actual performance of any particular investment. O F Also important, but often overlooked, are the benefits of making annual IRA contributions prior to the April 15 deadline. Instead of making contributions at tax time, investors may consider making their contributions earlier in the tax year. By contributing earlier, your IRA may grow even faster, due to compounding. T H E I N F O R M A T I O N Above all, investors shouldn’t be discouraged if they have waited to contribute to their retirement funds. Your investment professional can help you with a retirement plan to help you meet your personal needs, regardless of your age. D A Y 16 The Earlier the Better Kathleen Zelenka is a Financial Advisor with The Gormley Furlong Group at Stifel, member SIPC and New York Stock Exchange, and can be contacted in the Yardley, PA, office at (215) 504-1665. I-ACT Quarterly Spring 2014 I-ACT Quarterly Spring 2014 25 Education Committee Report By Russell Kolbo, DC, ND Chair Western Canadian Regional Meeting 2014 Dear Schools and Instructors, The Senior Education Committee believes it is time to update the three levels of the I-ACT exams. The last major update was in 2008. They are seeking volunteers who would like to work on the Level 1, Level 2, and Level 3 exam update sub-committee. The intent is to make the exams more like the new NBCHT exam. Next, the Senior Education Committee will be reviewing and updating the four levels of the I-ACT syllabi. This might include expanding the hours in the Foundation Level syllabi and/or incorporating the Foundation and Intermediate levels into one level. Your input on these issues is critically important. Please volunteer to work on the syllabi update sub-committee. Next, the Senior Education Committee is seeking your input on the possibility of developing a 60 hour webinar to be developed by volunteer instructors to include: -- Business Ethics -- Health & Hygiene -- History -- Anatomy & Physiology THANK YOU I-ACT!!! Our vast Canada now has an easier way to do meetings! We had a RECORD numbers this year, maxing out with 8 on Skype and two more ‘in house’ sharing my Skype, with a total of TEN members. We look forward to greater numbers next year and a new Webinar System that will enable us to have bigger numbers. Members shared great ideas to bring back to I-ACT, and we had a presentation about CANCER PREVENTION and a DVD By Dr. Hoffman on Healing Consciousness. The members that came were: Natasha Dupuis, Kristin Siegelaar, Jamie Dick, David Dick, Diana Loze, Tinesja Vanel, Elena Kazakova, Linda Fredine, Judy Patry, Katherine Labonte. Dharma Spirit Healing Center Katherine Labonte, B.Ed, NCP, ERYT (403) 981-3334 W E S T E R N C A N A D A Rights to use materials may be purchased by instructors. Master webinar serie to include A & P, pathophysiology, pharmacology, etc., for existing therapist could be developed with an exam for CEU credit. Please volunteer to work on this Master 60 hour webinar sub-committee. Finally, there is a sub-committee that has been formed to deliberate on the desire to restrict new instructors to teach Level 1 and 2. Establish an instructor trainer qualifications. Develop a webinar for Instructors that teach others to be Instructors…. Or evaluate the pros and cons of an “ADVANCED INSTRUCTOR” Level that is qualified to teach all levels. Your input on these deliberations is also requested. Please call the office (210.366.2888) if you would like to volunteer with this project. Have a great day. Sincerely, Are you ready to get great clients and make more money? Free Training for I-Act members: How to Attract Great Clients Who Love You and Pay You Well! Russell Kolbo, DC, ND I-ACT Education Committee Chairperson GetGreatClientsNow.com 26 I-ACT Quarterly Spring 2014 I-ACT Quarterly Spring 2014 A D V E R T I S E M E N T 15 4 6 7 1 2 3 5 H E A R T, R E G I S T R A T I O N • • • • Colon Hydrotherapy Lymphatic Drainage Body Work with Colon Hydrotherapy Post-‐Secondary Anatomy and Physiology Prime Pacific A D V E R T I S E M E N T Dotolo 2014 I-ACT Convention Registration Form (Vendors must use separate Vendor Registration Form) Please register me for the 2014 Heart, Mind & Soul Premier Event Wednesday Evening 7:00 PM - 10:00 PM Mail completed form to: I-ACT • P.O. Box 461285 • San Antonio, TX 78246-1285 (210-366-2888) •• Please Print Legibly •• •• or Fax to 210-366-2999 or email to homeoffice@i-act.org •• Name: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Please Print - Copy this form if necessary - (only one person per form) Lymph Drainage Address: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Internal Environment Institute’s philosophy blends the best of Eastern and Western modalities, drawn from our nursing and natural healing backgrounds, as well as our 60+ years of experience as Colon Hydro therapists. City / State / Zip (Postal Code): _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Contact Information: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ (area code) Phone number E-mail Address I-ACT Member (or spouse) NOT an I-ACT Member (or spouse) I-ACT Quarterly Spring 2014 Angel of Water – Open System Specialty CALL (310) 576-‐6360 Registration Costs (USD) 14 The Internal Environment Institute (IEI), offers certified training in all levels of: M I N D & S O U L Get Certified FOR OUR MOST CURRENT SCHEDULE $50.00 $75.00 Internal Environment Institute 910 Broadway Suite 112 Santa Monica, CA. 90401 www.ieihealth.com We are located in the amazing, diversified, alternative and traditional healing community of Santa M onica, California I-ACT Quarterly Spring 2014 27 Notice, I-ACT is Green As of the Summer 2013 Quarterly, I-ACT has gone “green.” Your quarterly will be emailed to you. If you would like to have the quarterly sent to you via regular mail, you MUST let us know so we can put you on a list. Just send us an email: homeoffice@i-act.org and let us know you want/need your future quarterlies via mail. By receiving an email version of the Quarterly, you help the Association be cost effective and good stewards of the budget. Should we receive an excessive number of requests for printed copies, a small fee to cover the printing and mailing may need to be charged; we’ll let you know. I-ACT is GREEN!!! Regional Meetings Scheduled South Central Regional Saturday, April 26, 2014 - 9:00 AM At: Christian Wellness Center & Day Spa 1011 North Englewood, Tyler, TX 75702 903-593-4025 Contact Debra Christian or email: debrachristian5554@sbcglobal.net for more Information or to Volunteer your time. General Information for Members E-Blasts I-ACT sends out E-Blasts to notify its members of Regional Meetings and other important issues. If you are not receiving these E-Blasts, please email the I-ACT Office and give your current e-mail address. We will immediately put your email address on our E-Blast list. Members Only Section of the I-ACT Web Site If you have not been to our web site, please go to www.i-act.org. Go to the members only section - contact the office for your Members Only password. In that location, you can find the I-ACT Member Logo, and additional member information. In the future, those on our E-Blast list will be sent the current password, so make sure that you are on our E-Blast list to ensure that you receive the password for our I-ACT Member site. 28 I-ACT Quarterly Spring 2014 Legislative Call To Action!! This is I-ACT’s 25th year as a membership association. Protecting consumer access to colon hydrotherapy and protecting the right of colon hydrotherapy practitioners to provide these services is of paramount importance. Colon Hydrotherapy Advocacy is the designing and implementation of a proactive legislative strategy. This strategy includes sustained action by a core leadership group consisting of dedicated volunteers and the financial support of everyone. Legislative Committee Report By Dorothy Chandler, RN Chair Our legislative strategy has several components. Key aspects are to educate the therapist community on the importance of legislative advocacy; educating our clients to solicit their support; and, finally educating our legislative officials as to who we are as a practitioner group who contribute to the local economy. Our positive actions will change negative perspectives. Recently, we witnessed coalition building in Colorado and Connecticut; practitioners who came together and succeeded in getting new laws protecting colon hydrotherapy. I-ACT has developed and is populating a state legislative database which includes: • State legislative cycle, when bills can be introduced • Number of Senate, House members and legislative districts • Party in leadership Connecticut: Currently, I-ACT members in Connecticut, regulated under the Naturopathic Board want to stand on their own and are now working toward licensing. Strategic planning meetings are being planned this spring. Any Connecticut therapist interested may contact Beverley Blass or Constance Jones to get involved. Illinois: A core group of Illinois therapists and other interested natural health practitioners will be holding strategy meetings this summer for a 2015 legislative push. Any Illinois therapist interested may contact Dorothy Chandler to become involved. Colorado: By lending their support and getting involved, Colorado I-ACT members participation made the Colorado Consumer Protection Law possible. Currently, Colorado health freedom groups have introduced SB032 in an effort to amend portions of the 2013 consumer protection law. This law currently prohibits the treatment of children by natural health practitioners without permission from their pediatrician. Lastly, many of you are acquainted with the work of Marianne Williamson. She is currently running for The US Congress from California. Constance Jones shared this link to encourage activism. Do you consider yourself ‘conscious,’ yet don’t engage politically - See more at: http://spiritualityhealth.com/blog/ alma/heart-heart-marianne-williamson#sthash.H1k4p2Sy.dpuf “Be the change you wish to see in the world.” Gandhi I-ACT Quarterly Spring 2014 13 hef C n ló Co s: y Sa r ou A D V E R T I S E M E N T y end es! thy l hea ip rec s hat i t g n egan ythi e an carbs, v d u l w . Inc . at, lo getarian rmation f w e o lo f v or al in ition r t u de n Inclu S H E L P CT I-A VEGETARIAN HEALTHY Y LTH HEA G KIN COO U S VEGAN EMAIL TO: homeoffice@i-act.org SNAIL MAIL TO: I-ACT • 11103 San Pedro, Ste 117 • San Antonio, TX 78216 12 I-ACT Quarterly Spring 2014 “Colon irrigation devices are prescription devices and only a practitioner licensed by state law to use such devices can purchase such devices in that state.” I-ACT Quarterly Spring 2014 29 Insurance Information Professional liability insurance. Allied Professional Insurance will write professional liability insurance for I-ACT members. You must be a current member and keep your membership current to be eligible for the insurance. Contact the I-ACT office (210-366-2888) for the application form, or go to the I-ACT web site - Members Only Section - and download the application from the web site. Doctors’ Insurance Agency also writes professional liability insurance for colon hydrotherapists. email them at: info@ doctorsagency.com. They are located at 6 Hamilton Landing, Suite 170, Novato, CA 94949. Phone 415-506-3030. Another company, CM&F may write liability insurance for colon hydrotherapists (they have dropped numerous therapists, but some are getting insurance. - call 800-221-4904, or go online to cmfgroup.com. It will be listed as “Enterostomal Therapist.” They will put a rider in the policy stating colon hydrotherapy if you request; however, it is not required - this depends on the underwriter of the insurance. In Canada, try Lloyds of London - check with your local Lloyds of London agent. In the UK, try Balens Insurance Brokers at 01684 893006. In the Netherlands, try: Mark Hypotheken & Pensioenen B.V., Therese van Reeuwijk Oude Delft 103, NL-2611 BD DELFT • tel. +31 152147543 • fax. +31 152126086 • www.markhypotheken.nl Check around and choose the best policy for you. As other options become available, we will let you know. If you hear of anything let us know. Advertisement Wholistic Skin & Body Rejuvenation ™ 30 CERTIFICATED COURSES FOR Certification course NOW OFFERED VIA TELESEMINAR. No travel or lost income! E INSTRUCTOR— Gloria Gilbère, N.D., D.A.Hom., Ph.D., D.S.C., EcoErgonomist™, Wholistic Rejuvenist™ Colon & Massage Therapists & Health Professionals ARNING CERTIFICATION AS A WHOLISTIC REJUVENIST (C.W.R.) will exponentially change your life, your practice, your income potential, and the lives of those you serve. WSBR courses introduce you to the art and science of Pluralistic Medicine—diverse global disciplines that encompass all healing modalities that are safe and effective regardless of their origin; each one a piece of the total health continuum. The courses are designed to prepare you to become certified as a C.W.R., to expand individual disciplines whose ultimate goals are complete health, recovery and anti-aging. TELESEMINAR “LIVE” CLASSES for all levels from the convenience of your home or office. Check our website for level offered, dates and time. You can register online or call 888-352-8175, CLOSED FRIDAY. ON-SITE DATES/ LOCATIONS… Check our website for locations nationally and internationally. Why not schedule a class at your location? Email us for minimum attendee information at your location. COST… $695 per level, includes full-color 300+ page course manual. Join your colleagues who have taken the courses and are raving about its comprehensive information you don’t learn elsewhere. Registration For a complete list of on-site class dates, for more information, to request a class at your facility, or to attend a class in Sandpoint, ID, call toll-free in the U.S. 888-352-8175. EMAIL—WSBR@gloriagilbere.com VISIT OUR WEBSITE— www.gloriagilbere.com LEVELS– One—Rejuvenation is a Journey, Not a Destination Two—Rejuvenation Inside-out Advanced—Preparing the Terrain Instructor—Teaching the Teachers NBCHT approved for 20 CEUs (for each level) when combined with a Case Study/Investigative Report Project Approved by Florida Massage Board and Georgia Board of Chiropractic—many states allow for reciprocal credit. I-ACT Quarterly Spring 2014 New England/New York South Central Barbara Chivvis email: Maine Connecticut New York Debra Christian email Texas 516-383-9505 bdchiv65@optonline.net New Hampshire Massachusetts Vermont Rhode Island North East Rose Mary Polhemus email: Pennsylvania Maryland 973-697-3530 rosemary@earthspringwellness.com New Jersey Delaware D. C. West Virginia North Central Connie Thrush email Michigan Kentucky 567-224-1441 connie.peaceathand@gmail.com Indiana Ohio Mid Atlantic Darlene Holloway email Virginia 919-380-0023 althealthcenter@peoplepc.com North Carolina South Carolina Mid South Open Position Seeking Regional Representative If interested contact the office or Darlene Holloway 918-380-0023 for an application. Arkansas Louisiana Mississippi South East Pam Craig email Tennessee North Florida 770-714-6350 pamcraig1@gmail.com Georgia Alabama South Florida Open Position Seeking Regional Representative If interested contact the office or Darlene Holloway 918-380-0023 for an application. South Florida Australia - Eastern Region Michelle King Gum Tree Retreat 3570 Orara Way, Grafton, NSW, Australia 2460 612-6649-4464 - Email: info@gumtreeretreat.com Australia - Western Region Open Position Seeking Regional Representative If interested contact the office or Darlene Holloway 918-380-0023 for an application. Europe Lisette Timmermans Natuurgeneeskundig Therapeut / Aqua Lingua Center for Colon Hydrotherapy Education Julianalaan 45, 2628 BB Delft, Netherlands Phone: +31 15 214 42 21 - E-mail: info@aqua-lingua.eu Canada - Eastern Region Paul Schillaci First Touch Health & Wellness Centre 2361 Lake Shore Rd. W. Oakville, Ontario L6L1H6, Canada Phone: 905-220-1190 - E-mail: firsttouchhealth@msn.com 903-593-4025 debrachristian5554@sbc Oklahoma New Mexico 651-490-3347 kburich@comcast.com Minnesota North Dakota 815-648-4544 ghmelby@gmail.com Missouri Iowa North Mid West Kristin Burich email Wisconsin South Dakota Mid West Grace Melby email Illinois Kansas North West Russell or Cherie Kolbo253-649-0288 email russellkolbo@earthlink.net Washington Oregon Montana Idaho Central Mountain Annette Buxton-Bacon 303-989-6889 Colorado Utah Nebraska Wyoming California/South West Suzanne Childre’ 310-576-6360 email suzannechildre@ieihealth.com France Robert 310-576-6360 email francerobert@ieihealt.com California Southern Arizona Nevada Hawaii Russell Kolbo 253-649-0288 russellkolbo@earthlink.net Hawaii Canada - Western Region Katherine Labonte Dharma Spirit Holistic Health 67 Gleneagles Terrace Cochrane, Alberta T4C 1W5, Canada Phone 403-981-3334 - E-mail: k.labonte@dharmaspirit.ca SE Asia Open Position Seeking Regional Representative If interested contact the office or Darlene Holloway 918-380-0023 for an application R E G I O N A L R E P R E S E N T A T I V E S United Kingdom Marlin and Richard Armstrong Heavenly Spa 1 Chilworth Mews, London, W2 3RG, United Kingdom Phone: 020 7298 3820 - Email: relax@heavenlyspa.co.uk I-ACT Quarterly Spring 2014 11 Regional Rep Committee Report By Darlene Holloway Chair Spring has finally arrived, and there is a buzz in the air. Our Regional Representatives have been buzzing around as well, holding regional meetings for further education. Katherine Labonte in Western Canada conducted our first regional meeting using Skype. It was such a success; the meeting was filled to capacity. Barbara Chivvis held her first meeting on March 29, 2014, in New York, and Rose Mary Polhemus’ first regional meeting was held on March 30, 2014, in Pennsylvania. Three regional meetings in one month… great involvement! Thank you, and way to go Regional Reps! We have also been flying around getting ready for our 25th year convention. Please be sure to check out our regional representative booth. It will be buzzing with giveaways and raffle items. We will be raffling off a Vita Mix, as well as a $6,850.00 gift certificate donated by Prime Pacific. The raffle tickets for the gift certificate can be purchased through the I-ACT office prior to the convention, or at the convention. You do not need to be present to win. Our committee has been active with the Fundraising Committee, bringing in items for our silent auction that will take place at the I-ACT convention. Some of the items up for auction will be two Cherubun Enema Systems by Life Stream, a basket from Advance Naturals, and a Basket of Love from Cathy Windland, just to mention a few. I would like to express my appreciation to Trishna Craig and Suzanne Gray for their years of service as Regional Representatives. Each has stepped down from their positions to give someone else the opportunity to build on the foundation they have laid. Like all of our Regional Representatives, they have invested much time and hard work providing education in their regions, as well as being involved with making our conventions run smoothly. Thank you, Suzanne and Trishna, for all your commitment and dedication to I-ACT! As your I-ACT Board Member At Large and Chair for the Regional Representative Committee, I am here for you. Let Suzanne Childre, Co-chair, and I be your voice. Please do not hesitate to let us know how we can serve you. I look forward to seeing everyone at our 25th convention. This is going to be an awesome convention! Check out the agenda on I-ACT’s website. Come have fun and get involved! With Gratitude. REGIONAL REPRESENTATIVE COMMITTEE MISSION STATEMENT: We as Regional Representatives will provide leadership and share the I-ACT story with members and non-members through regular communication, invitations to join our Association, providing education to further the profession, and opportunities for testing. 10 The Most Potent Range of Advanced Probiotics Featuring Formulas Developed Especially for Women A D With Advanced Naturals probiotic formulas, you can be assured that your clients are getting a high-potency daily probiotic V formula that meets their individual needs.* Choose from 6 billion to 200 billion live cultures per serving to help support and maintain * * a balanced intestinal environment. Plus our women’s formulas have additional support for vaginal and urinary tract health. E R T I S E M E N Visit the h website to T Brenda Watson, C.N.C. see our entire line I-ACT President 1999-2004 Established accounts–call for monthly specials New accounts–receive a FREE GIFT with initial order www.advancednaturals.com 1-800-690-9988 Linda x265, Gina x280 or Olga x276 *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Southwest Region Report Dear Members, We had a great time at our recent meeting. Thanks to all who came and shared so much. We had two speakers. Mark Fowler gave us insights on how and what to look for so that we can grow in our business no matter how small or big; and, Tim Martin explained the importance of juicing and the purity of the choice you make. He also listed some of the pitfalls in doing some cleansing. We had a very exciting and informative round table discussion that Dr. Guess, the President of NBCHT, helped with. We learned the importance of watching what we say and put on our websites to protect ourselves, as well as our Profession. One of the members suggested that I-ACT provide a few templates that members could purchase for their websites, so that we all stay safe and I-ACT has another fundraiser. Send the office your input on this idea. The next 25 years will be growing fast with all the fresh, new, action-packed ideas from more members. We have an artist in our midst that is going to work on our Regional T-Shirt for the 25th Anniversary here in Los Angeles this June. Get your reservation in, as this will be a crowded Convention with all the excitement we are hearing. We will have great speakers and wonderful times to share. DON’T MISS OUT ON THIS ONE, THE HAPPY 25TH! I-ACT Quarterly Spring 2014 I-ACT Quarterly Spring 2014 S W R E G I O N A L 31 Information on Approved A&P Courses Fund Raising Committee Mission Statement: Your students may take an A&P course through their local community college or university. If they have taken an Anatomy & Physiology course for massage, from a state licensed school that provided at least 45 hours of classroom time, that course will also count. There is one course that may be used for the A&P pre-requisites. Your student may take the Delmar course through CENGAGE Learning ONLY if you as the instructor or school register with Delmar and set up the program. It goes through you. Students may not just call Delmar, it doesn’t work that way. The Instructor must Contact : Claudine DeChant: Cengage Learning at, 5 Maxwell Dr., Clifton Park, NY 12065 (p) 800.998.7498 x2598 or email: Becky.Chateauneuf@cengage.com. Valid in the USA. The Fund Raising Committee will help promote the validity of Colon Hydrotherapists with action and information on the legal right to provide colon hydrotherapy within the US and our International neighbors. We will be raising funds for legal and legislative representation now and into the future, as well as funding for educational and scientific research studies. This will help us all become independent, qualified professionals with the validating statistics that we need to move forward in our profession. The aim of our legislative efforts is to expand our outreach efforts to our members and non-members. We look forward to taking on the process of reenergizing and refocusing certain aspects tive activities. Fundraising Committee Report By Gail Marie Palms Chair of our legisla- Over the last couple of months, I have sent out letters asking for volunteers to help with formatting, recipes, and the creation of our cookbook. As of right now, the cookbook is 82% completed with just over two hundred recipes! If anyone else is interested in sending any last minute recipes to be included, the deadline will be April 20th, so that we can finalize the project and send it to print by the end of the month. Finally, I just want to say a huge thank you again to Judith M. Toscano, ND (Dr. Jude), from Lotus Wellness Cottage in Stuart, VA; Diana Loze from Mississauga, ON; and Donna Hoenninger, for their help in making this cookbook a reality. Information for Those Seeking a Job Looking for a Job? Go to the I-ACT web site and then go to the members only section. Inside you will find numerous job opportunities. If you are looking to be employed, you may email us and we will list your name as someone looking for employment. If you are seeking someone to employ, send us an email with your information and we will post your opening in our E-Blasts. We are always open to any ideas to help keep the fund raising account afloat and tangible without donating too much of our own money. I am also hoping to find volunteers who would like to join me in this venture to raise money. Please email me with any ideas or let me know if you’re interested in helping. We look forward to taking on the process of reenergizing and refocusing certain aspects of our industry. Sincerely, Gail Marie Palms (gaylepalms@hotmail.com) Judith Toscano, ND Diana Loze Fund Raising Committee Best of luck! 32 I-ACT Quarterly Spring 2014 I-ACT Quarterly Spring 2014 9 Professional Standards & Ethics Committee Report Thank You Therapists! 20th. ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION! Over $20,000.00 Prizes! Many Ways to Enter! DRAWING: June 2014 At I-ACT Convention Made In America Tiller MIND BODY, Inc. A D V E R T I S E M E N T Recent grievances pertaining to proper sanitation of colon hydrotherapy premises and equipment maintenance have prompted a review of the current Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) and Colon Hydrotherapy Manual to ensure our members are aware that public health and safety is a priority. By Dorothy Chandler, RN Chair The committee has requested and received board approval to revise the aforementioned documents to include the public health guidelines outlined in our association’s legislative packet. Notification to all members will be provided once all revisions are completed. “1994 to 2014” 10911 West Avenue, San Antonio, Texas 78213 Website violations colonic.net Quality System FDA 21 CFR Part 820 : “U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA) New LIBBE Grand Prize LIBBE COLON HYDROTHERAPY DEVICE (Value $12,000.00) (Choice of Wood Cabinet - Plus FREE Training in San Antonio, TX.) 2nd Place 3rd Place Two $2,000.00 Winners Five $1,000.00 Winners 2nd and 3rd Place Winners used Towards Purchase of a LIBBE Device, LIBBE Supplies Or Training in San Antonio, TX. One FREE Entry with Each Purchase of “100 Session Pack”, NBCHT Exam, Or Purchase at 2014 I-ACT Convention: $25.00 Single Entry, or 5 for $100.00 - Fees to be Donated! (NOTE: Non-Members & Personal Use Owners are not eligible for this Drawing.) LIBBE Device Purchase Requires Device Training and current Prescription No Cash Value, Non-Transferable - Prize Amounts Expire: 11/30/2014 Do Not Need to be Present to win! 8 Grievance I-ACT Quarterly Spring 2014 Do NOT Miss 2014 Convention! • Great Prizes! • New Products • Free Samples! and Special Convention Discounts! “Colon irrigation devices are prescription devices and only a practitioner licensed by state law to use such devices can purchase such devices in that state.” A non-member colon hydrotherapy business in Stockbridge, GA, infringed on the I-ACT copyright and intellectual property by placing the association logo on their website and claiming membership and certification. A letter was sent in February and a recent review of the website shows that the logo has been removed. Members, please review your website and marketing material and make this correction if needed. The I-ACT membership logo may be downloaded from the members only section on the I-ACT website for your use. www.i-act.org Lastly, the Grievance and Website Compliance committees are now subcommittees of Professional Standards and Ethics. This blending allows subcommittee actions to flow directly into the PSEC for revision or implementation of standards. Grievance committee members will remain at the board level. If you’re looking to get involved consider the Professional Standards and Ethics Committee. I-ACT Quarterly Spring 2014 33 www.QMSAZ.com EMAIL info@QMSAZ.com TOLL FREE (877) 759-1277 MOBILE (623) 640-4646 Exceptional quality, great pricing, Fast friendly service, always in stock, same day shipping! A D V E R T I S E M E N T Smooth-Tip Speculum Kits Hydrocare Speculum Kits SALE PRICE $3.15 / KIT SALE PRICE $3.25 / KIT EVERYDAY LOW PRICE $3.25 / KIT EVERYDAY LOW PRICE $3.45 / KIT NEW! Round-Tip Speculum Kits SALELOW PRICE KIT EVERYDAY PRICE$3.25 $3.45 //KIT EVERYDAY LOW PRICE $3.45 / KIT A D V E R T I S E M E N T NEW! One-Piece Speculum Kits SALE PRICE $3.25 / KIT EVERYDAY LOW PRICE $3.45 / KIT EACH KIT INCLUDES: 1 SPECULUM, 1 WASTE HOSE AND 1 WATERLINE RECTAL NOZZLES Smooth-Tip Bulbed EVERYDAY LOW PRICING $1.25 EACH QUANITY DISCOUNTS @250 PCS - $1.15 EA _________________________________ Clear Poly Tubing (Open System) 100 ft. Roll $24.99 - 50 ft. Roll $14.99 - 7”Pre-cut .22¢ __________________________________ 34 I-ACT Quarterly Spring 2014 “Colon irrigation devices are prescription devices and only a practitioner licensed by state law to use such devices can purchase such devices in that state.” “Colon irrigation devices are prescription devices and only a practitioner licensed by state law to use such devices can purchase such devices in that state.” I-ACT Quarterly Spring 2014 7 A Workplace Resolution You Can Keep We’ve all been caught in the trap of making new year’s resolutions only to find we can’t or don’t want to keep them. We decide that we are going to be more healthy, exercise more, shed those extra 10 pounds – you know how the list goes. And, at the beginning of every year, there are a plethora of resources to help keep your health-related resolutions focused and on track. W O R K P L A C E I N F O R M A T I O N But what can you do as the winter turns to spring and the resolution seems like it is fading in the distance? You started out doing well, but time seems to be the biggest culprit for resolutions losing steam, especially given that work can take so much out of you. That’s right, it’s the “9 to 5 syndrome” that can be the biggest counterproductive measure to keeping your resolution. OSHA has named stress a workplace hazard. Stress costs business and industry more than $300 billion every year in productivity and lost revenues. So it stands to reason that if we reduce our stress through healthy practices at work, we can improve our health and stay on track to keep that health-related resolution. Here are three tips that everyone can employ: A D V E R T I S E M E N T • Take a breath. Simply stop and breath during the day. Whether you do it every hour or in between clients, be intentional about taking a breath. Get up, stretch and take notice of what’s happening around and in you. Whether you set a timer or you put a post-it note on your computer, make it a point to be “in tune” with yourself through your working day. • Work in a workout. A little bit of exercise goes a long way, even if you can’t make it to the gym for a full workout. Try a few simple stretches or arm circles to get the energy flowing again. Take a walk during a break. Park at the far end of the parking lot. Use the stairs. • Schedule a meeting for one. Keep your mind and spirit clear from chaos by scheduling a weekly meeting with the most important person you know – you! Whether it’s Monday afternoon or Friday morning, close your door, turn off email and the cell phone. You’ll be amazed at what you can accomplish when you take time to prepare and plan for your success. Resolve to be a more healthy you. Just because it’s spring doesn’t mean you have to wait until the new year to get started. Take steps every day for less stress and more wellness. Adapted from an article by Raquel Braemer, HealthLink Medical Center 6 I-ACT Quarterly Spring 2014 I-ACT Quarterly Spring 2014 35 Precious Booty! Working Dotolo B-SC-UV all inclusive, basic reliable. $1,800. & S/H 774-487-7092 www.RadicalRemedies.com A D V E R T I S E M E N T National Board for Colon HydroTherapy President FOR SALE 3 LIBBE Colonic Devices Due to owners relocation selling three LIBBE Open System Units in excellent condition Oak cabinets/Blue tables Price is negotiable Please call: (347) 439-6736 Email: rtzak@yahoo.com Whittier, CA ONLY $250 - $450 Includes use of our COLENZ CLASS 1 - OPEN SYSTEM Relaunching under new ownership in May 2014 Share with a loving network! Busy Uptown Whittier! Flexible days/hrs. Start your business today! Inquire at Hydroligecolonics@gmail.com \, or call (562) 944-2795 Announcing One of the manufacturers has stepped up to give you an incentive to take the exam. Bill and Jeri Tiller are raffeling off one of their devices and by just taking the exam, you are eligible for five tickets for their raffle. Do you need a new device? Then take the exam, and you have a chance to win one. Thank you Tiller MINDBODY, Inc. for your generous donation. Bill Tiller, ND. Booklet Builds Clients! Colon Hydrotherapy Questions & Answers I-ACT Quarterly Spring 2014 We have been talking about this exam for years, and many of you have not taken this exam. This exam is now recognized in FL, CT and in CO. The new NBCHT exam IS legally defendable, which, means that if you go to court to defend yourself as a colon hydrotherapist, the NBCHT board will attest you are certified and qualified to practice colon hydrotherapy. Phone 210 387-1687 Place Order By Paypal www.toxicwastesite.net 36 Connie was adamant about increasing the professionalism of colon hydrotherapists, and was a staunch supporter of the NBCHT. She would be excited to know that we have an exam that is being accepted by some states, as this is the first step in making colon hydrotherapy a truly recognized profession. BOOKLETS One for $8.00 (Includes Postage) • 25 for $30.00 • 50 for $50.00 • 100 for $95.00 OR Best Buy 300 for $240.00 Over 500,000 Sold MEMO From the NBCHT President We were saddened to hear of the passing of I-ACT Founder, Connie Allred. Connie was a great inspiration to many of us, and she will be missed. By William “Bill” Tiller, ND. Medsker Publishing, 106 N. Creek Dr., Quinby, SC 29506, 843-669-5794 11103 San Pedro Ave., Suite 117, San Antonio, TX 78216 Office: 210-308-8288 • Fax: 210-366-2999 www.nbcht.org To: All Members of NBCHT “Are YOU a TOXIC WASTE SITE?” The book that educates clients to the importance of Digestive Tract Care See an increase in the number of new patients Pricing $1.50 per book. Free shipping & handling on orders of 100 or more National Board for Colon HydroTherapy NBCHT From The Desk Of: Edgar Guess, MD NBCHT President COLON THERAPY - ROOM FOR RENT Edgar Guess, MD Plus Shipping by UPS Ground • Prices Subject to Change • We believe any colon hydrotherapist that is practicing properly and following I-ACT guidelines can pass the NBCHT exam. However, if you are concerned or if you have test anxiety, then to help prepare you for this exam, I-ACT has a preparatory course. The cost for the webinar or DVDs is only $150.00. Contact the I-ACT office to register for this new webinar or to get the DVDs. Then take the National Board Certification Exam and get certified by the NBCHT. We look forward to seeing you all at the 2014 I-ACT Convention. Thank you for doing your part to help us grow our Association and our profession. Sincerely, Edgar Guess, MD NBCHT President I-ACT Quarterly Spring 2014 5 2 0 1 4 C O N V E N T I O N I N V I T A T I O N 4 The International Association for Colon Hydrotherapy Board of Directors Cordially invite you to the 25th Anniversary Celebration of I-ACT on Friday, June 20, 2014 at Seven O’clock in the evening Crystal Ballroom Millennium Biltmore Hotel Los Angeles, California Formal ~ Semi Formal { Vintage attire acceptable } I-ACT Quarterly Spring 2014 A D V E R T I S E M E N T I-ACT Quarterly Spring 2014 37 Letter to the Members from the I-ACT President: Dear I-ACT Members, It is with heavy heart that I write this letter to you. Our beloved founder, Connie Allred, passed away on March 24, 2014. She was an inspirational leader and a visionary for our profession. It was Connie, with a small number of other likeminded colon hydrotherapists, who in 1989 founded ACTA, the American Colon Therapy Association. A few years later, this association evolved into I-ACT. Connie founded the Internal Environment Institute (IEI) that was the first colon hydrotherapy school recognized by CA. Many of us learned the “Allred Technique” at her school. C O N V E N T I O N She helped to develop the first I-ACT training, and developed the original testing that was performed as early as the 1994 I-ACT Convention. Through her hard work and dedication, she laid the cornerstone for our profession. She set high standards and demanded others exceed those standards. She understood the value of colon hydrotherapy and championed its use. She stood tall against the California Medical Board when they tried to shut down colon hydrotherapy in July 1992, ... and she won! R A F F L E It is unusual for one person to have such a dramatic impact on a profession, and we all have been blessed to have known Connie. Our profession has been blessed through her high standards and unceasing demand for perfection. Her clients and those in need were blessed through her caring heart and nurturing touch. Thank you Delmar Vogel for your fantastic donation. You can purchase your raffle tickets early by calling the office. You do not have to be preesent to win. Tickets are $25.00 each. Contact the I-ACT office, or purchase your raffle tickets on line Good Luck!!! 38 I-ACT Quarterly Spring 2014 “Colon irrigation devices are prescription devices and only a practitioner licensed by state law to use such devices can purchase such devices in that state.” At her passing, she has passed the standard for each of us to pick up and to follow her guidance and leadership, and continue to move our profession forward. We will not let her down. So, mark your calendar for June 19, at the 2014 I-ACT Annual Convention, as we will celebrate the beautiful life of Connie Allred. Gail Naas The theme for this years Convention is “Lights Camera, I-ACTion”. You will see the movie theme throughout our convention. Come and celebrate the Hollywood Theme. This year, we will also be celebrating the 25th year of our Association. Our 25th Year Anniversary Celebration includes great speakers, new events which includes a Past Board Member’s Screen Guild Recognition Party. We have great speakers under contract for this event, Habib Sadeghi, MD; Dr. Robert Young; Naima Sachdev, MD; Stephen Holt, MD; Bo Wagner, MD; Dicqie Fuller, ND; Kristen Eykel; Mark Fowler; Peter Margo; Roger Bezanis; and, The Blender Girl, Tess Masters; and more. This may be the best list of speakers we have ever had. Don’t miss out. Make sure you register now. In addition, we will have a special Wednesday evening event with numerous speakers sharing their stories. This will be a fund raiser, just like last year, so pay your $50 and sign up now. This event will be open to the public; we have already begun advertising in Natural Awakenings magazine. Make sure you check out the Regional Rep Booth. This committee has worked hard getting raffle prizes and more. Need a little challenge and fun while at the Convention, you will not want to miss our newest addition, a “Murder Mystery”, more clues to follow! This will be a special time. Few membership associations last to 25 years. We have lasted and we are growing stronger. Can we count on you to help enjoy our convention, our growth and our excitement and move our profession forward? See you in California. In Your Service, Gail Naas I-ACT President I-ACT Quarterly Spring 2014 3 Disclaimer: I-ACT neither endorses, approves, nor supports any products advertised in this Quarterly Newsletter. These advertisements are provided to the membership by each advertiser. Additionally, the readers should assure themselves that the material presented herein is current and applicable at the time it is read. The authors cannot warrant that the material will continue to be accurate. Readers should verify statements before relying on them. No statement herein shall be considered a legal opinion nor a substitute for the advice of an attorney. For the most recent and complete interpretation of laws, please consult an attorney. Table of Contents 2 I-ACT P S I-ACT P ’ L 3 4 2014 C I NBCHT P ’ M 5 6 W I F R C R 9 10 R R C R R R L 11 13 L C R H ,M &S R 14 15 W C R R 12 T S ... + Q D 16 18 - 19 L C M I 2014 C “D ” 20 -21 22 -25 A “L D - ” T E B (IRA I 25 26 E C R R M S 28 29 I-ACT C HELP! I I 30 31 S W R R P S /E C 33 30 N M - 4 Q olicy resident s tatements etter onvention nvitation resident s essage orkplace nformation und aising ommittee egional egional ep eport ep ommittee ist egislative eart iind oul anada uccessful ost arlier the eeting ay ailies etter yme is ease nfo ducation egional eport arketing deas rticle he eport egion uote of ow onvention ommittee egistration estern hings eport ommittee eport chedule ookbook needs your nsurance nformation outh rofessional tandards ew 2 est thics embers egion eport ommittee th I-ACT Policy Statements: I-ACT recommends the use of currently registered FDA equipment and only disposable speculums, rectal tubes, or rectal nozzles. However, should the Therapist use reusable speculums, these speculums should, at a minimum, be autoclaved for sanitation and cleanliness (30 minutes). Additionally, the autoclave unit must be tested and inspected by competent authority at least four times per year- maintain documentation. (Under NO conditions should a disposable speculum or rectal tube be reused). I-ACT recognizes the FDA classifies equipment used to instill water into the colon through a nozzle inserted into the rectum to evacuate the contents of the colon into three distinct classes; Class I (Enema Kits), Class II and Class III are (Colon Irrigation Systems). Follow the guidelines of your manufacturer, as approved by the FDA for the type of equipment (devices) you are using. Make no claims as to the use of your device other than those approved by the FDA. The main differences between Class I and Class II devices: The code of federal regulations CFR 876.5210 & 876.5220 describe the differences between the Class I and the Class II devices. From that regulation, a Class I device is an enema system and does not include “colonic irrigation devices”. A “colon irrigation device” is a Class II device, which in part is described as: “The system is designed to allow evacuation of the contents of the colon during the administration of the colonic irrigation. The Class I Device: · The Class I device is defined as an enema system and may not have temperature control, temperature gauges or water purification as part of the device. Class I enema systems must be self-administered. · Manufacturers of Class I devices are not required to have third party oversight as they need not comply with the good manufacturing practices and record keeping that are required of Class II manufacturers. Class I devices are not as heavily regulated and controlled by the FDA as Class II devices are. · Owners of Class I devices may not market their service using the terms “colonics or colonic irrigation” in describing the scope of their practice of evacuating the contents of the lower bowel. The Class II Device: · The Class II Device is a “colonic irrigation device”. · Manufacturers of Class II devices are required to have third party oversight and must comply with the good manufacturing practices and record keeping that are required by the FDA. Class II devices are heavily regulated and controlled by the FDA. · The FDA requires Class II devices to be sold and used on or at the order of a physician or health care practitioner. This may be different in each state. Although I-ACT is not aware of any laws that preclude you from assisting an individual with an enema, I-ACT does want you to consider upgrading your equipment to the equipment that provides the greatest safeguards to the public. In this profession, that would be equipment marketed as Class II devices. Remember that I-ACT strongly recommends that all I-ACT members use FDA registered Class II devices or devices equivalent to Class II devices regulated by the appropriate agency in your country. Only individuals using FDA registered equipment will be placed on the I-ACT Web Site. Purchase equipment at your own risk. Ensure you are in compliance with your local, state, federal and country guidelines. Ensure that equipment you purchase is cleared for use in your country. I-ACT recognizes there are two distinct types of colon irrigation systems; open and closed systems. However, it is I-ACT policy that the colon hydrotherapist / technician is always in attendance / or is immediately available to the client throughout the session. The degree of assistance is to be in compliance with the instructions of the manufacturer of the equipment as registered with the FDA, and/or as directed by a physician. The policy on insertion is to follow the instruction of the referring physician; the guidelines of the manufacturer as approved by the FDA; or the directives from the authority of your city, county, state, or country ordinances. I-ACT recommends that you do not put the initials (CT) for colon hydrotherapist after your name, write it out in full. According to most state laws, putting initials after your name is not allowed unless you are licensed or have a degree from an accredited professional school. Advertising copy which states or implies that colon hydrotherapy can treat any disease, promise cure for any disease, or that makes unsubstantiated medical claims SHALL NOT be used. uarter I-ACT Quarterly Spring 2014 Following is a list of our new members for the period January 1, 2014 through March 31, 2014. We are glad to have you as members. Remember, at I-ACT you are important to us! First Name Casey Emelia Laura Amanda Yelizaveta Roza Irena Olga G'Anna Brea Diana Laura Pamela Ani Leah Michelle Dr. Joyce Victoria Lorri Mariel Cynthia Sandra Leda Livia Laudicea Song Monica Gulnora Laura Dana Leslie Tammy Nurhan Rachel Alexandria Michelle Amanda Kristin Lauren Karen Tania Wilma Fred Luna Teresa Cristina Heidi Marianella Angelique Michele Darriel Amram Natasha Kristin Taquiya Monica Qiong Mei Michelle Rebecca Last Name Powell Chin-‐Smith Duck Dooner Katseva Feldman Negelev Kalinina Dennis McLay Guevara Hollar Wheeler Sarkissians Sturgis Graham Bellamy Gray Lorentz Torres Lombardi Nogueira Fernandes de Alencar Neves Costa da Silva Lee Garrido Elgizooli Saldivar Hasten O'Halloran Schmidt Istekli Handley Foster Freitas Kimmel Darfus Jordan Johnson Lynch Custodio Lavassani Hart Trevaskis Tommeraasen Parres Pratt Mermet Hoot Perkins Kahn Dubuis Siegelaar Freeman Lowry Chen Jiao Adams Bernstein Country USA New Zealand Australia Australia USA USA USA USA USA Australia Venezuela USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil USA USA USA USA USA Australia USA Australia Brazil USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA Canada Canada USA USA USA USA USA USA Home City Newark Pakuranga Bellingen Armidale San Francisco San Francisco San Francsisco San Francisco Salem Sale Los Teques Austin Pasadena Santa Monica Gardnerville Clinton Hamden Los Angeles Eau Claire Orlando Old Saybrook Sao Paulo Campinas Sao Paulo Santos Los Altos Pasadena Brooklyn Gilbert Glendale Doonan Keller Farrer Aguas de Lindoia Colorado Springs Las Vegas Belgrade Granville Collierville Chestnut Faye Heville Glen Burnie Glendale Willits Slough House Port Hueneme Ventura Yorba Linda New York Wexford Phoenix New York Edmonton Calgary Tucson Tucson Foster City Hayward Diamond Bar Sand City Home State NY Auckland NSW NSW CA CA CA CA OR Victoria TX CA CA NV MD CT CA WI FL CT SP SP SP SP CA CA NY AZ AZ QLD TX ACT Sao Paulo CO NV MT OH TN IL GA MD CA CA CA CA CA CA NY PA AZ NY Alberta Alberta AZ AZ CA CA CA CA I-ACT Quarterly Spring 2014 N E W M E M B E R S 1 S T Q U A R T E R 2 0 1 4 39 I-ACT International Association for Colon Hydrotherapy Quarterly Spring 2014
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