Spring 2010 - International Association for Colon Hydrotherapy


Spring 2010 - International Association for Colon Hydrotherapy
I-ACT neither endorses, approves, nor supports any products advertised in this Quarterly Newsletter. These
advertisements are provided to the membership by each advertiser. Additionally, the readers should assure
themselves that the material presented herein is current and applicable at the time it is read. The authors
cannot warrant that the material will continue to be accurate. Readers should verify statements before
relying on them. No statement herein shall be considered a legal opinion nor a substitute for the advice of
an attorney. For the most recent and complete interpretation of laws, please consult an attorney.
I-ACT Policy Statements:
I-ACT recommends the use of currently registered FDA equipment and only disposable speculums, rectal tubes, or rectal nozzles.
However, should the Therapist use reusable speculums, these speculums should, at a minimum, be autoclaved for sanitation and
cleanliness (30 minutes). Additionally, the autoclave unit must be tested and inspected by competent authority at least four times per
year- maintain documentation. (Under NO conditions should a disposable speculum or rectal tube be reused).
I-ACT recognizes the FDA classifies equipment used to instill water into the colon through a nozzle inserted into the rectum to
evacuate the contents of the colon into three distinct classes; Class I (Enema Kits), Class II and Class III are (Colon Irrigation
Systems). Follow the guidelines of your manufacturer, as approved by the FDA for the type of equipment (devices) you are using.
Make no claims as to the use of your device other than those approved by the FDA.
The main differences between Class I and Class II devices:
• Class 1 devices do not have any safety features and manufacturers of Class I devices may not have any third party oversight as they do not have to comply with the good manufacturing practices that are required of Class II manufacturers.
• More specifically, the code of federal regulations CFR 876.5210 & 876.5220 describe the differences between the Class
I and the Class II devices. From that regulation, a Class I device does not include “colonic irrigation devices”. A “colon
irrigation device” is a Class II device which in part is described as: “The system is designed to allow evacuation of the
contents of the colon during the administration of the colonic irrigation.
• The FDA requires Class II devices to be sold on or at the order of a physician or health care practitioner. This may be
different in each state.
Additionally there are two areas of concern with the use of a Class I device:
• The first area of concern is the safety of the consumers, your clients. Since the Class I device does not have to comply
with good manufacturing practices there are no safeguards during the manufacturing of your equipment. The Class I
manufacturer does not have to maintain records, nor are they inspected as thoroughly or as rigorously as a Class II manufacturer which also reduces the safeguard for the consumer. By definition, the Class I device is an enema kit and cannot
have any safety features that might protect the consumer. Class I devices consist “of a container for fluid connected to
the nozzle” and does not allow for the container to be hard plumbed to the city water system. There are no back flow
prevention systems to preclude the back flow of the effluent into the tubing. Additionally, without the requirement to
follow the good manufacturing practices there are no guarantees that the equipment can be cleaned, disinfected and
sanitized in a manner that can guarantee there is no transmission of disease to the client. Remember, our Code of Ethics
states, “the health, welfare, and comfort of our clients is our primary concern”.
• The second area of concern is the potential for inappropriate advertising. If you are using a Class I device, you may not
market that as a colonic irrigation device as it clearly is an enema kit.
Although I-ACT is not aware of any laws that preclude you from assisting an individual with an enema, I-ACT does want you to consider upgrading your equipment to the equipment that provides the greatest safeguards to the public. In this profession, that would be
equipment marketed as Class II devices.
International Association for Colon Hydrotherapy
State of MA Recognizes I-ACT Training
Scientific Review 9
In Memorium - Passing of Laura Weekes
Regional Representatives
15 Regional Rep Corner
Convention Registration
16 & 17
School Info/Upcoming Regional Mtgs
2010 Talent Show & Speakers
Heartland Ceremony / Cathy Shea & Ruth Kay
Membership / Awards Committee
Remember that I-ACT strongly recommends that all I-ACT members use FDA registered Class II devices or devices equivalent to
Class II devices regulated by the appropriate agency in your country. Purchase equipment at your own risk. Ensure you are in compliance with your local, state, federal and country guidelines. Ensure that equipment you purchase is cleared for use in your country.
I-ACT recognizes there are two distinct types of colon irrigation systems; open and closed systems. However, it is I-ACT policy that
the colon hydrotherapist / technician is always in attendance / or is immediately available to the client throughout the session. The
degree of assistance is to be in compliance with the instructions of the manufacturer of the equipment as registered with the FDA, and/
or as directed by a physician.
SW Regional Meeting @ Phoenix
The policy on insertion is to follow the instruction of the referring physician; the guidelines of the manufacturer as approved by the
FDA; or the directives from the authority of your city, county, state, or country ordinances.
I-ACT recommends that you do not put the initials (CT) for colon hydrotherapist after your name, write it out in full. According to most
state laws, putting initials after your name is not allowed unless you are licensed or have a degree from an accredited professional school.
Advertising copy which states or implies that colon hydrotherapy can treat any disease, promise cure for any disease, or that makes
unsubstantiated medical claims SHALL NOT be used.
Spring 2010
I-ACT President’s Message
NBCHT President’s Letter
A&P Course and Insurance Info
I-ACT Policy Statements
P.O. Box 461285
San Antonio, TX 78246-1285
Phone: 210-366-2888
Fax: 210-366-2999
“Colon irrigation devices are prescription devices by federal law. A practitioner licensed by state law to use such prescription
devices must authorize the purchase of the colon irrigation device, must use or supervise its use, and must order each colon
irrigation for a patient.”
Letter to the Members from the I-ACT President: Advertisements
Pam Craig, B.Sci.
Turning Point Healing Center
Dear I-ACT VIP’S (Very Important People) (Our members):
Happy Spring! I hope this letter finds us focusing on happy and healthy thoughts. We
have so much to look forward to in the years ahead. We have had our struggles in the
past decade, and made many major changes to our association to ensure we were all
compliant with the regulations. We have seen the detrimental effects that one individual
not following the guidelines can have on our profession and the impact it has on us all.
“The Hinge between the Heaven and Earth”
“The Five Elements of Health”
-High Strung
Renewal is happening and bringing that which no longer serves us to the surface to be
cleansed and washed away. As Colon Therapists, we are steady on course in creating
space for change and letting go of the past, concentrating on the present moment, and
looking forward to the good times ahead.
Turning Point Healing Center offers bioenergetics therapy including:
Acupuncture, N.A.E.T., Colon Hydrotherapy, REIKI, Five Element Theory,
Hypnotherapy, Flower Essences, Smoking Cessation, Moxa Therapy, and Facial
It is time to take our association to new heights of Professionalism and Unity. As Colon Hydrotherapists, we are
called to a Profession that we know is innovative, valuable and important. We understand that it takes a special
person to succeed in our profession. It takes an individual that is committed to helping others. A person that
can listen to the client and help them achieve their goals. A person that is willing to serve humankind.
Yes, we are different. And we should be proud of our difference. Yet in spite of our differences, we all have one
thing in common, we love our chosen profession of colon hydrotherapy. So as I ponder our profession, I ask
myself, “What can we do to help our profession grow and gain greater recognition?”
Last Quarterly, I announced the theme of my Presidency would be “Unity”. We know a unified association
working to improve the profession is the best way to get things accomplished. As a body we are stronger when
we are unified. As therapists we are stronger when we belong to I-ACT. So the question I pondered is, “How
can we make I-ACT stronger?”
The answer is simple and we all can participate in the process. We are striving to increase our VIP’S
(membership). I am proposing that we set a goal to increase our membership by 500 members each year, and
by 2015 our membership roster would register 5000 active and contributing members.
The increase in membership will have a tremendous impact on our Conventions. Imagine with me, a
convention with over 1000 Colon Hydrotherapists. Imagine the energy, and the love that would manifest with
a Convention of that size.
The 21st Century consciousness is one of global focus. We are learning of more VIP’s who desire our presence
overseas. Please provide us with suggestions or assistance in our vision of making this a reality. Our overseas
VIP’s are operating, growing and maintaining an eminent standing, yet with our cooperation, the vision of
future Regional Meetings, Board meetings, or other ideas from our VIP’s (you) can be considered as part of our
progressive vision to spread our services to VIP’s around the world. We will need your help in making this
happen. This subject is a topic of discussion at Board meetings. Let’s get together and embrace all cultures to
promote the growth of Colon Hydrotherapy worldwide. Please let me know any comments or suggestions you
have for our board (pamcraig1@gmail.com). Our next face to face Board meeting is on 14 June 2010, Monday
from 9AM to 5PM at our next convention in sunny St. Petersburg, FL! I would like to invite you to attend the
Board meeting on Monday and or the follow up meeting on 22 June 2010, Sunday at 9AM. Please attend and
in a positive, result oriented way, let your Board members hear from you.
Continued on page 12
I-ACT Quarterly Spring 2010
- Aggressive
Dr. Susan Russell, Ph.D., Th.D., L.Ac, L.M.S.W., CCT I-ACT, Bio-Technology Rep.
CD’s from Dr. Susan Russell’s “Body of Qi” health and wellness
Designed to help you realize, connect with, balance, and maintain the free flowing Vital
Life Force that flows through, in and around your Brain, Bones, and Energy “Qi” Channels.
Fantastic EBook for $22. Take a look at the perfect pairing
of colon hydrotherapy with Original Chinese Medicine.
Help your clients understand how colon hydrotherapy
affects who they are and their health goals. Includes
constitutional profile, emotional issues tied to colon
issues, recipes/smoothies and much more.
CD's are available On Line or at our Center for $22.00 each.
Ask about quantity prices and practitioner discount.
January 2010 New Release! Wei Qi CD for enhancing you physical, mental, and emotional
Turning Point Healing Center’s living food tonics to help you live a healthier
life throughout the seasons. $36 each. Ask about practitioner discount.
Living Food Tonics
Winter Tonic
Spring Tonic
Summer Tonic
Late Summer Tonic
Fall Tonic
Digestion Enhance
Trauma Ease
Wei Qi Tonic
Skin Tonic
Use for:
Kidney/Urinary Bladder
Heart/Small Intestine/Pericardium/
Triple Warmer
Lungs/Large Intestine
All Digestive, Stomach, Large/Small Intestine
Brain, Pineal, Nervous System
Supports all Immune Systems and Organs
Supports Skin(3 Lung), Tissue Repair, Tightens & Tones
Cold Laser Therapy
Restores health, helps with joint, back/neck pain/stiffness,
restful sleep, reduces stress/fatigue, helps burn calories
/controls your weight, and improves your immune system.
The BioMat is a “pad” which lies on top of your home
mattress. Uses Far Infrared Rays, Amethyst Crystals, and
Negative Ions. Far Infrared Rays benefit muscles on the
surface of the body and all cells including blood vessels,
lymph glands, and nerves. Amethyst as a healing stone or
crystal contains sobering and calming qualities and is used to
treat and heal problems involving the central nervous
system. Negative Ion therapy can help purify blood, improve
immune system, controlling automatic nervous system, the
vitalization of cell metabolism, relieves paralysis.
Shealy Relaxmate II Glasses
Safe, proven photo-stimulation therapy for calming the
mind and body ... developed by Norm Shealy, M.D.
30-40 minutes a day induces mind-body states associated
with lower blood pressure, headache relief, reduced anxiety,
improved digestion, and an overall reduction in stressrelated illness.
-Fine-tune your sessions with brightness, color spectrum,
and frequency controls.
New Technology
View lymphatic, colon, & digestive system pre and post
colon hydrotherapy, a real eye opener for your clients.
The OBERON is a revolutionary diagnostic system based on spectral
analysis of electromagnetic fields found in organisms, providing full
analysis of the patient’s health and pathological symptoms.
Through the use of headphones it is able to retrieve information, which
human‘s brain collects and preserves information about the cells,
tissues, interior organs, systems, presenting them in form of matrixes
(signals, pictures, vibrational patterns). Which provides information
about the problems of a particular organ as well as its connection with
other organs, tissues, systems, organism, and the internal and exterior
environment, the reciprocal relationship.
Cold lasers can be used for many
purposes including inflammation
treatment, pain treatment, and
stop-smoking therapy. The laser
beam is used to stimulate the
body's acupoints or damaged area
in an attempt to increase the blood
supply to parts of the body. Cold
Laser Therapy is considered an
alternative Therapy like
Turning Point Healing Center
4343 Shallowford Rd., Suite H-5, Marietta, GA
Phone: (770)552-4155 Fax: (770)552-4275
Email: susan@turningpointhc.com
Website: www.turningpointhc.com
Offering classes and training on bio-energics.
For more information or to order these
technologies contact TPHC.
The Trinfinity 8 Beauty &Anti-Aging System
Bio-Energetic Anti-Aging Software
The Trinfinity8 System delivers DNA repair,
rejuvenation, and non-surgical beauty and wellness treatments
through a sensory stream of algorithmic binary codes via the USB
port on a personal computer.
Positive Vibrational Tool, Quartz Crystal Technology
Trifinity8 resolves the following,
-Stress Reduction - Anti-Aging Health & Nutrition -Face & Beauty
-Skin & Hair Rejuvenation -Female Balance -Male Balance
-Weight Management – Body Sculpting – Anti-Aging Priority
- Wellness Tune Up –Restful Sleep – Healthy Hair –Spritual
Oneness and much more, contact TPHC for more information
*Has a great program to help resolve issues you may have from
receiving vaccines*
I-ACT Quarterly Spring 2010
National Board for Colon HydroTherapy President
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service and ease of use.
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Bekki Medsker, ND, D.Ch.
National Board for Colon HydroTherapy
11103 San Pedro, Suite 117, San Antonio, TX 78216
Office: 210-308-8288 • Fax: 210-366-2999
MEMO From the NBCHT President
From The Desk Of: Bekki Medsker, ND, D.Ch.
NBCHT President Elect & Acting President
To: All Members of NBCHT
What an exciting time this is for our National Board.
We will be meeting in Las Vegas the second week of April to finalize the cut score for our new Exam. We
would like to recognize the following individuals that participated with myself to complete this important
project. To Belinda Massey, Lilia Varlakov, Judith Toscano, Linda Hallmark, Sally Garber, Maryanne Dieffenbach, Terri Hawkins-Fox, and Tiffany Hawkins-Adams, we send our Special Thanks and our appreciation.
Your efforts are instrumental in helping the NBCHT take the next important step in finalizing the development
of our National Exam.
We also would like to thank Vickie Gibbs who had volunteered, but was not able to participate due to health
issues, and Sharon Balthis who had volunteered, but was not able to participate as her husband had an accident. We send our prayers for their immediate recovery, and thank you for volunteering.
We will be using the new exam for our NBCHT Testing during the 2010 Convention. Additionally, the State of
Florida is in the final stages of Rule Making which will make our NBCHT exam the test colon hydrotherapists
will take so they may be licensed by the state. What a great step forward.
Model A System
Next, we had our first Virtual Auction, offering an air purifier as our first auction item. The winning bid on
that item (by Russell Kolbo) was $225.00. These funds will continue to be used to help offset the expenses of
completing our Certification. Thank you to Gloria Gilbere and Dr. Edgar Guess, our fund raising committee,
that is spearheading this project.
If you are planning on taking our National Exam during the 2010 Convention, please fill out the application in
the handbook and get that turned in early. There will be special arrangements for this exam.
We look forward to seeing you at the Convention.
Quality Products - Quality People - Quality Life
I-ACT Quarterly Spring 2010
Specialty Health Products, Inc.
Phoenix, AZ
“Colon irrigation devices are prescription devices and only a practitioner licensed
by state law to use such devices can purchase such devices in that state.”
Bekki Medsker
Bekki Medsker, ND, D.Ch.
NBCHT President
I-ACT Quarterly Spring 2010
Colon Hydrotherapy Solutions
LIBBE Colon Hydrotherapy
device with LOTS of SUPPLIES!!
Aquanet EC - 2000™ Colon Hydrotherapy Device
Smart - Innovative - Safe
Used for 2 years. Exxcellent condition!!!
Call for details.
Choose between five Disposable
Speculum Kits
Looking for a Job?
Go to the I-ACT web site and
then go the members only
(password “iactmember”)
Inside you will find numerous
job opportunities.
Best of luck!
Never run out of speculums again.
For savings on speculums call today:
Advanced Quality Controls
PPHIC is fully certified to the follwoing standards: ISO 13485:2003,
ISO 9001:2000, CSA, CE, 93/42/EEC...more at www.pphic.com
Upgrade your colon hydrotherapy equipment to a higher
standard with the Aquanet EC - 2000™:
SW Regional Picture
 Dual Operation Mode, Gravity and Pressure
 Fully Integrated dual Disinfection System
 Automatic Temperature Control
 Applied Pressure Sensing Technology (APST)
 3 Stage Water Purification System
 User friendly installation instructions with CD
... more at www.pphic.com
SW Regional Meeting Report
Prime Pacific Health Innovations Corporation
Setting higher standards since 1997
For details call today:
PPHIC Corporate Office:
Toll Free: 1-800-223-9374
#8 - 145 Riverside Drive
Phone: (604) 929-7019
North Vancouver, BC
E-mail: info@pphic.com, or
I-ACT Quarterly Spring 2010
“Colon irrigation devices are prescription devices and only a practitioner licensed
by state law to use such devices can purchase such devices in that state.”
We met in Phoenix for a day of exchange of information. We only had four
people but there was a great speaker Dr. Matt Mitchell. He helped us all
understand how and why the HCG diet works; and, why there are so many
success stories with having colonics during the program. He helped us to
help our clients. Rose Lexa spoke about the importance of enzymes. We
discussed the importance of good business ethics and general information
on our convention. We were a small group but we had a great day.
Suzanne Childré
I-ACT Quarterly Spring 2010
Information on Approved A&P Courses
Your students may take an A&P course through their local community college or university. If they have
taken an Anatomy & Physiology course for massage, from a state licensed school that provided at least 45
hours of classroom time, that course will also count.
There are two additional courses that may be used for the A&P Pre-requisites.
Your student may take the Delmar course through CENGAGE Learning ONLY if you as the instructor or
school register with Delmar and set up the program. It goes through you. Students may not just call Delmar, it doesn’t work that way. The Instructor must Contact : Becky Chateauneuf: Cengage Learning at, 5
Maxwell Dr.• Clifton Park, NY 12065 (p) 800.998.7498 x2698 or email: Becky.Chateauneuf@cengage, com
Or - Introduction to Human Anatomy & Physiology 060908 - Course Author Dr. LarryJ. Milam, Ph.D.,
H.M.D. For questions on the course contact Amanda at info@universitynaturalmedicine.org
Insurance Information
Professional liability insurance.
A company, CM&F will write liability insurance for colon hydrotherapists - call 800-221-4904, ext 5, or go online to
cmfgroup.com, click on “Choose Profession” (Nurses), and then click “submit online” and fill out the application online
to submit. It will be listed as “Enterostomal Therapist” they will put a rider in the policy stating colon hydrotherapy if
you request; however, it is not required.
In Canada, try Lloyds of London - check with your local Lloyds of London agent. In the UK, try Balens Insurance
Brokers at 01684 893006.
In the Netherlands, try: Mark Hypotheken & Pensioenen B.V., Therese van Reeuwijk
Oude Delft 103, NL-2611 BD DELFT • tel. +31 152147543 • fax. +31 152126086 • www.markhypotheken.nl
Check around and choose the best policy for you. As other options become available, we will let you know. If you hear
of anything let us know.
(1/2 way between Los Angeles and San Diego)
• Hydro San Instrument (2 yrs old)
• In professional Building
• 4 Office Suites, Reception Area, Administrative Area
• Established Clientele
• Economically Stable Community
• Great Future Potential
• Completely Furnished and equipped, Begin Work Tomorrow
I-ACT Quarterly Spring 2010
City In Massachusetts Recognized I-ACT Training
By William (Bill) Mussenden
I have an exciting story to share with you today concerning one of St. John’s Academy’s Foundation Level
graduates, Linda Martinez-Whitford, and her determination against all odds to win city approval to legally
administer Colon Hydrotherapy.
Linda’s story begins in 2007, the year she completed her Foundation Level training and began preparations
to set-up her new Colon Hydrotherapy facility. Linda chose to renovate a garage on her property to house her
equipment, and called City Hall in Easthampton, Massachusetts to obtain the necessary permits for the electrical
and plumbing work. When the work was completed, and the building inspectors had officially signed off, Linda’s
next step was to contact the Easthampton Board of Health to inquire if there were any regulations pertaining
to Colon Hydrotherapy, and invited them to visit her facility. The Board of Health member told her that there
were no regulations at the city level or any other level that she knew of, but advised Linda that if she continued
to offer Colon Hydrotherapy she could be shut down. (From 2005 through 2006, Linda had operated her Colon
Hydrotherapy business in a rented space in the near-by surrounding area).
Linda was concerned about the lack of regulation and decided to contact the State Board of Health. She was told
by them that each city or town in Massachusetts had a choice to defer to State or Federal Health Department
regulations, or they had the power to create their own regulations.
When Linda called the Board of Health in her city again it was clear she had become a problem. She received a
letter from the Board of Health saying her property wasn’t zoned commercial and they would not allow a medical
clinic to be a home occupancy business. Linda then applied for a zoning variance for home business.
At this point several local newspaper articles began appearing with a negative slant against Linda and Colon
Hydrotherapy. Much of the information contained in these articles was misleading and incorrect. It seemed to
Linda that she could correct these negative misunderstandings by providing truthful and positive information
concerning Colon Hydrotherapy and I-ACT. She began to deliver a great deal of positive information to the local
newspaper and the Board of Health in her city using I-ACT information and other supportive documentation.
During the following months the Board of Health held three open meetings on the subject of Colon Hydrotherapy
and several “closed” ones. The result was, after another year, the City of Easthampton adopted their own
regulations for Colon Hydrotherapy. Linda was sent a copy and given three weeks to comply.
Shortly thereafter, her new location was thoroughly inspected and she was granted an Occupancy Permit for her
facility and a permit to operate as a Practitioner for Colon Hydrotherapy in Easthampton, Massachusetts.
Linda is very proud to say, “... now when my clients enter my facility they not only see my accreditation from
I-ACT, they also see that both myself and my facility are approved by the Board of Health. This gives them more
confidence in their decision to partake of my services.”
Although it took several years to gain acceptance, Linda has the deepest respect for the East- hampton Board of
Health’s careful analysis of the situation, and their prudent decision to insure the health and well being of their
citizens by insuring that practitioners of Colon Hydrotherapy are throughly certified according to the guidelines of
the International Association of Colon Hydrotherapy (I-ACT).
Through Linda’s tenacity and determination to persevere, and do the right thing, she has accomplished, single
handedly, a very important milestone in I-ACT’s history.
Continued on page 11
I-ACT Quarterly Spring 2010
 Financing Avaliable. Just $200 a month
Starting at
HC-1 Manual
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Colonic Speculums
Call for a FREE sampler kit
Colon Care & Supplies
73-925 Hwy 111, Suite F. Palm Desert CA 92260. Ph. (760)340-0720
I-ACT Quarterly Spring 2010
“Colon irrigation devices are prescription devices and only a practitioner licensed
by state law to use such devices can purchase such devices in that state.”
“Colon irrigation devices are prescription devices and only a practitioner licensed
by state law to use such devices can purchase such devices in that state.”
I-ACT Quarterly Spring 2010
Membership and Awards Committee Report
International Association for Colon Hydrotherapy
Membership Committee
By Gail Naas
Membership Statistics
I-ACT membership numbers are staying high, we have 2320 members worldwide! Even in our harder economic
times, our members are committed to staying in touch with the leading association of colon hydrotherapy.
I-ACT is here for you; please let any Board Member or me know how we can better serve you.
2010 Membership Drive
Deadline – April 30, 2010
Please see flyer in the previous edition, or contact me for more information.
Awards Committee
Now in its second year, the sub-committee of the Membership Committee is announcing 2010 Award Year.
I-ACT will be presenting awards to outstanding members.
Brand New Never Used
For Sale
For Sale,
Still in box
HydroSan Plus Model C
Be sure to attend this year’s convention, we will present the awards at the Saturday night banquet!
$3000 OBO
flexible on price
I-ACT Approved Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology
• Telephone and email support to enrolled students
• Designed to help student complete the course successfully with
I-ACT Certified Instructors
• Transcript Provided Upon Completion
Contact Course Instructors:
BEKKI MEDSKER 843-679-0718
Three types of awards will be given:
*Colon Therapist of the Year Award, *Educator of the Year Award, *President’s Award
Although we are requesting nominations from the Regional Representatives, we are accepting nominations
from the membership at large. To nominate someone, please contact me to obtain the Guidelines and a
Nomination Form.
Good condition - works well
Offered by BARBARA CHIVVIS - RN, L.Acup., RYT, I-ACT Instructor, Lindenhurst, NY
Intermediate and Advanced Level Testing
April 17 - ½ day @ $60, full day @$100 plus $75 I-ACT testing fees
Gail Naas
Membership Committee
I-ACT Board Member
I-ACT Quarterly Spring 2010
Learn to prepare your Instructor Presentation for the I-ACT Convention in June
INSTRUCTOR LEVEL – 60 hour course – 7.5 days – APRIL 26- MAY 3 - $950
Dates may be changed for 2 or more trainees
Contact: 516-383-9505
www.barbarachivvis.com E-mail: barbarachivvis@gmail.com
I-ACT Quarterly Spring 2010
Scientific Review Committee Report - By Dr. Sylvester Yong
Organized by Scientific Review Committee
For the first time, a workshop on colon hydrotherapy will be conducted at the June 2010 I-ACT Convention in
St. Petersburg, FL. The workshop will discuss specifics relating to the instruments and the procedure of colon
Make plan to attend the convention immediately. Do not miss the workshop as it will offer an excellent
opportunity for learning and sharing. You can also play an active role in the discussion and deliberations. See
you in St. Petersburg, FL.
The production of the Manual remains daunting and challenging. Due to concerns relating to the legal
injunction on I-ACT, information in the Manual will focus on the procedure and instruments of colon
hydrotherapy. More importantly, the Manual is taking shape and a working draft is being reviewed by the
Board. Further input will be sought from schools, instructors and members.
Do attend this meeting to find out more about the Manual. You are invited to contribute articles or
information that is of interest. Useful information will be incorporated into the Manual.
Case reports provide a means for discussion of interesting cases and to deliberate on options in the
management of clients with different problems and presentations.
Cases will be presented at the Workshop on Colon Hydrotherapy during the forthcoming convention in St.
Petersburg, FL. I-ACT intends to make this a regular feature at future meetings and conventions. Several
members have indicated their interest in learning about how to prepare case reports for discussion.
Here is another reason why you should attend the convention. The workshop in colon hydrotherapy will teach
you the basics on how to present a case for discussion.
The Medical and Health Advisory Board (MHAB) is available to address any question you have relating to
medical and health matters that concerns colon hydrotherapists. Several members have sought advice from
MHAB about their questions has been addressed promptly.
If you have any questions or issues of concerns about the procedure, practice or professions of colon
hydrotherapy, do write in to the Advisory Board. MHAB is here to serve you. So take advantage of their
Continued on page 12
I-ACT Quarterly Spring 2010
I-ACT Quarterly Spring 2010
In Memorium - Laura Weekes
Laura Ann Weekes, RN, BSN
Born December 15, 1938 in Silver City, New Mexico, to Samuel and Teresa Walter. She passed away
peacefully on February 25, 2010, at her home is Los Angeles surrounded by her family.
In her early years, Laura studied nursing, and she was one of the first African Americans to graduate from Los
Angeles City College with a nursing degree.
Her nursing career spanned over 30 years in which she worked as an operating room nurse for Cedar Sinai
Medical Center and California Hospital, as well as a clinical instructor for Children’s Hospital, Daniel
Freeman Hospital, Trade Tech Community College, California Hospital and
White Memorial Hospital. After she retired from nursing, she went into
the field of colon hydrotherapy where she practiced for over ten years as a
recognized member of the International Association for Colon Hydrotherapy
(I-ACT). She was trained by Connie Allred and worked for several years as
a therapist for ClearWay.
Her interests were piano, ballet, classical music, reading, travel, films, and
She is survived by her siblings James Walter, Lydia Smith, and Rosemary
Jones; her children Maurice Morgan and Teresa Avila; and her grandchildren
Anthony Avila, Laura Avila, and Amillia Avila.
She is preceded in death by her parents; Samuel Walter and Teresa Webb.
On October 31st, Laura had another bout of excruciating pains in her right leg and took herself to the local
emergency room. She called to let us know what was happening and that she might need a ride home. After
much sitting around waiting for news I went to pick her up to take her home. Laura looked really dazed and
shook up when I arrived. She told me that they had taken an MRI and a very insensitive physician’s assistant
brought the e-xray in to show her the results and coldly informed her that she had cancer in the pelvic bone in
her back. Not the most caring approach!
Since then, Laura has gone for many tests, each trip more and more enlightening to say the least! Early
December, the lab discovered that her liver was cancerous which led to further investigation, resulting in the
diagnosis of lung cancer. A numbness in her hands, arms and shoulders led to a bone scan......which showed
that the cancer had spread to her spine and jaw.....
Through all these tests Laura remained the calm and graceful woman she is. Even after being told she has
roughly a year to live (she wants no treatment) she still radiates that beautiful smile and calmly told us “its all
about the quality of life, not the longevity”.
Laura has spent many years as a nursing professional, from the emergency room to the classroom, teaching
others to be professional and caring. An inspiration to all! She has experienced life in many ways.....
We planned a trip to Australia over three months ago.....this is her dream holiday. Its been touch and go over
the last few weeks as to her being able to travel.....but she has willed it so....we leave on Wednesday...packed
with medication and all the props required for a long journey. We have a great medical team behind us and we
so want to thank them for all their love and support.
Laura is an inspiration to us all....she is at peace with herself and God.
Love & Light
I-ACT Quarterly Spring 2010
I-ACT Quarterly Spring 2010
Ribbon Cutting Ceremony - Heartland Colon Care
Date: Thu, Mar 4, 2010 at 10:12 PM
Subject: View Photos From Heartland Colon Care Ribbon-Cutting Ceremony!!
Cash for Colonic Clunkers!
(Up to $1000.00 - Applied To Purchase - Expires 6/30/10)
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FDA (Class II.) Colon Irrigation Systems, are prescription medical devices and are approved for colon cleansing, such as before radiologic, endoscopic examinations or when medically indicated.
Since 1992 Providing I-ACT Certification Training
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This Class Completes I-ACT A&P Pre-requisite • includes: Manual
www.colonic.net -- click on -- “Register Today”
Hello, I wanted to share with everyone photos from Heartland Colon Care’s Ribbon-Cutting Ceremony. Many of you
were not able to make it, but prayed for me and shared wonderful words of encouragement and support. Thank you,
and believe me, your prayers were heard! But many of you did attend, including Bishop Larry Taylor and his wife
First Lady Sister Taylor, along with The McLean County Chamber of Commerce, my church family, my own family,
members of the Bloomington/Normal community, a representative from Congressman Dan Brady’s office as well as
Mayor Stockton all attended!!! It was a great success. Please enjoy the photos and continue to spread the word about
Heartland Colon Care. Thank you all!!! Best Regards, Valencia Morris, R.N., Colon Hydrotherapist
I-ACT Quarterly Spring 2010
“Colon irrigation devices are prescription devices and only a practitioner licensed
by state law to use such devices can purchase such devices in that state.”
Cathy Shea meets Ruth Kay in Auckland, New Zealand
During a recent visit to New Zealand, I was delighted to renew ties with Cathy Shea, whom I
first met in Louisville, Kentucky when I attended my instructor level graduation, seemingly so
long ago -- how time flies!
After all these years we had a very happy catch up at my clinic here in Auckland (Down
Under). It was great receiving first-hand news of the progress of hydrotherapy in the United
States and in particular her involvement in training and continuing professional development.
Speaking of progress, Cathy’s eagle eye spied an old enema can which a patient had given to
me and which had been used by the patient’s parents about 100 years ago. Whilst the copper
can is in good condition, the associated original rubber tubing shows the effects of the passage
of time. As she was quick to remark, “thank goodness for modern technology!”
Cathy’s visit reinforced my view that during the seventeen years of my I-ACT membership,
the organization really has gone from strength to strength as an international professional
society. I-ACT is a constituent member of the New Zealand Charter of Health Practitioners
which in turn requires I-ACT membership in order to become a “Chartered Natural Therapies
Practitioner”. With the growth of colonic clinics in New Zealand, Cathy’s educational input
will be greatly appreciated to ensure that practitioners are properly trained and continue to
meet high CPD requirements.
I-ACT Quarterly Spring 2010
State of Massachusetts Recognized I-ACT Training - Continued
Looking for Talent for the 2010 Convention (3rd annual) Talent Show
2010 Convention Talent Show - Looking for Talent
All we need is your:
Phone Number:
Cell Number:
What’s your talent:
Do you have a group? (... include all names)
I-­ACT Annual Talent Show
at the 2010 Convention
We want you to be part of the show!
Come join us at Rehearsal on Thursday, June 17,
2010 at 4:00pm, the Talent show is on Friday!
Continued from page 5
The Regulations for Colon (Colonics) Hydrotherapy Establishments and Practice, as they are written by the
Easthampton Board of Health (14 pages in all) opens the door for all I-ACT certified graduates in Massachusetts, by
precedent, the opportunity to obtain a local permit to practice Colon Hydrotherapy.
Below you will find the exact wording of several important paragraphs from the Easthampton Board of Health’s
Regulations for Colon (Colonics) Hydrotherapy Establishments and Practice.
Sec 19-2 Authority
The Board of Health, City of Easthampton Massachusetts acting under the Authority of Massachusetts
General Laws Chapter 111, section 31, 122, and Chapter 140 section 51, adopts the following rules
and regulations governing the
licensing and practice of Colon/
Colonic Hydrotherapy and the
operation of a Colon/Colonic
Hydrotherapy establishment.
Sec 19-3 Definitions
Colonic Hydrotherapist
Practitioner or practitioner
means a specifically identified
trained individual who has been
granted a permit by the Board to
perform Colon Hydrotherapy in
an establishment that has been
granted a permit by the Board.
Colon Hydrotherapy School
Recognized school of Colon
Hydrotherapy - Any institution of
learning which has for its purpose
the in-depth instruction of the
theory, practice/application, and
ethics of Colon Hydrotherapy.
The institution must offer a
residential course of study and
require a 100 hour course of
study with no less than one
hundred (100) hours of classroom
instruction, and 25 intern sessions
(colonics). The institution must
issue a certificate or diploma
upon the successful completion
of the course of study, and
provide an official transcript.
When located outside the state of
Massachusetts, the school must
be approved by the International Association of Colon Hydrotherapy (I-ACT), If located within the city,
such an institution must be licensed by the state board of private, technical and business schools. The
school must also comply with zoning regulations.
Have your music and material available with you at convention.
To apply: Contact Millie-409-347-1722 or email Millie@gt.rr.com
Tentative Speaker List for the 2010 Convention
Following is the tentative list of speakers for our 2010 Conventon.
Send in your Registration NOW to ensure that you have a space for this fantastic Convention.
Ann Louise Gittleman, Ph.D. • THE FIRST LADY OF NUTRITION* Key Note Speaker.
France Robert - “Bringing the body into a Healing Mode with Body Work
during Colon hydrotherapy Sessions.”
Brenda Watson - “Your Gut Feelings.”
Dorothy Chandler - “What I-ACT Does for You ... .”
Dorothy Chandler & Suzanne Gray - “Web Compliance - Do’s & Don’ts.”
Cathy Shea - “How Stress Affects Digestion.”
Dr. S. K. Dash - “How and When to Use Probiotic Supplements.”
Rosalind Fusco, LMT - “Lymphatic Protocol for Breast and Colon Health.”
Dr. Sylvester Yong - “Colon Hydrotherapy Practice and Instrumentation (workshop).”
Article Submitted by William Mussenden, I-ACT Instructor from MD
I-ACT Quarterly Spring 2010
I-ACT Quarterly Spring 2010
Letter from the I-ACT President - continued
We are going to have a ball at convention, as we always do! Our Speaker line up is top notch! Starting with our Key
Note Speaker, Author Anne Louise Gittleman, (The Fat Flush Plan), Dr. Sylvester Yong, MD (Board member) will
present many new ideas including a Draft Manual of Colon Therapy and Workshop. Dr. S. K. Dash, Ph.D (Author)
will offer “Selection Criteria for Probiotics” as his Pesentation. Our own past President Brenda Watson, ND will
be speaking on “Your Gut Feelings”. Other VIP Speaker’s will include Dorothy Chandler, RN (Board member and
Instructor) along with Suzanne Gray (past Board member and Instructor) who will be presenting an Advertising
and Web Compliance Report. Cathy Shea (Author & Instructor) will speak on “How Stress Affects Digestion”.
France Robert (Instructor) will be presenting “Bringing the Body into a Healing Mode with Body Work during Colon
Hydrotherapy Sessions .” And Rosalind Fusco, LMT will be speaking on “Lymphatics for Wellness”.
I am so looking forward to seeing you all at convention in June where we will all benefit by being together with our
peers. Thank you all for supporting I-ACT as we continue to serve others.
All is in Divine Order,
Pam Craig, B. Sci.
I-ACT President
Scientific Review Committee Report - By Dr. Sylvester Yong - Continued
Continued from page 8
Detoxification & Why Colon Hydrotherapy is Useful – The topic was presented by Dr. Sylvester Yong at the
Bangkok Congress on Anti-Aging and Regenerative Medicine in Nov 2009 to a group of medical doctors. Dr.
Yong will highlight some of the relevant information in his talk at the Scientific workshop.
In the past, there has been a lack of opportunity for such information to be presented and shared. You can
now do it through the various activities such as the Workshop on Colon Hydrotherapy, Scientific Review
Committee meeting, Articles in Quarterly, Regional meetings, etc.
We need to promote and refine the understanding of colon hydrotherapy in order to elevate the standards and
professionalism of this practice. Your assistance is most appreciated.
There are many experienced members within I-ACT who posses a wealth of experience, knowledge and skills
about the practice of colon hydrotherapy. I-ACT is appealing to you to come forward to share with others your
understanding of the practice of colon hydrotherapy – be it information about the procedure, instruments,
advice relating to the use of diet and techniques, etc.
Wholistic Skin & Body Rejuvenation
Continued from page 2
Colon Therapists & Health Professionals
life, your practice, your income potential, and the lives of those you serve.
WSBR courses introduce you to the art and science of Pluralistic Medicine—diverse global disciplines that
encompass all healing modalities that are safe and effective regardless of their origin; each one a piece of
the total health continuum—each course designed to prepare you to become certified as a C.W.R.
WSBR Courses
– One—Rejuvenation is a Journey,
Not a Destination
– Two—Rejuvenation Inside-out
– Advanced—Preparing the Terrain
– Instructor—Teaching the Teachers
To take this level you must have
completed all three previous levels.
• COST—Advanced Level—$695 includes
full-color 300-page class manual.
• TO REGISTER, for a complete list of
on-site and on-line classes, more information, request a class at your facility, or attend
a class in Sandpoint call toll-free 888352-8175 in the U.S. Mon.-Thurs., 8am
to 2pm Pacific time (CLOSED FRIDAY).
• EMAIL—WSBR@gloriagilbere.com
• WEBSITE—www.gloriagilbere.com
Auto-register on our website.
You can now take
presented in each
course stands on
its own.
MEXICO for an
intensive on-site
class, camaraderie
and fun this fall.
Level III (Advanced) WSBR Class
Sante Fe, NM, September 17-18, 2010
Inn of the Governors
– Phone: 1-800-234-4534/
– Website: www.innofthegovernors.com
• TO RESERVE—Call 1-800-234-4534
(may NOT be made online to receive
group rate). Be certain to mention:
Wholistic Rejuvenation Seminar.
• SPECIAL GROUP RATES reserved for
September 16-19, 2010. Reservations
to receive group rate must be made
strongly suggest making them as
early as possible.
TODAY with our
easy monthly pay
Looking forward to
another great course event!
—Your Partners in Health…Gloria and Staff
Gloria Gilbère, N.D., D.A.Hom., Ph.D., D.S.C., EcoErgonomist™, Wholistic Rejuvenist™
NBCHT & ANCB approved for 20 CEUs (for each level) when combined with a Case Study/Investigative Report Project
I-ACT Quarterly Spring 2010
I-ACT Quarterly Spring 2010
Fund Raising Committee
The Ultimate Probiotic for Women!
Quarterly Fund Raiser!
Auction Closes on May 20, 2010
We are seeking licensing at this time. This has been a long and costly endeavor for all those involved. We want
to achieve our independence as licensed colon therapists. Our membership is striving toward higher standards and
this is the next step. Please call with any questions. Suzanne Childre’ 310-576-6360 or mail gentlecleansing@
If you want to donate an item: call Suzanne Childre’ 310-576-6360 or email gentlecleansing@yahoo.com. To
donate please send a clear photo, total value including shipping within USA and company logo.
If you want to bid on an item: Email your tax deductible bid to I-ACT. You can bid on as many items as you
wish. Winners will be notified and payment must be sent immediately to I-ACT and the item will then be shipped
to you. All winners will be listed in the next Quarterly. You can check the Website (at members only) for the
highest bid. As it grows you can resubmit a higher bid. Minimum bid per item is $100. Save money on great deals
& support legislation.
1. When the bids go up so does our progress toward becoming licensed.
2. Any package that has disposables requires a prescription for you to receive it.
The Ultimate Probiotic for Women!
Ultimate FloraMax VagInaL BaLance™
critical care Probiotic for Vaginal and Urinary Health
Chronic yeast issues and digestive problems point to an underlying bacterial
imbalance. Ultimate FloraMax Vaginal Balance™ is a therapeutic-strength daily
probiotic for women formulated to help prevent urogenital issues such as recurring
yeast overgrowth and infection.* 50 billion cultures of 9 clinically proven strains
of microflora help restore and maintain vaginal and urinary tract health.*
• High-Lactobacilli Probiotic Formula for Women
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• No Fillers or Binders
Ultimate FloraMax VagInaL BaLance™
critical care Probiotic for Vaginal and Urinary Health
Chronic yeast issues and digestive problems point to an underlying bacterial
imbalance. Ultimate FloraMax Vaginal Balance™ is a therapeutic-strength daily
probiotic for women formulated to help prevent urogenital issues such as recurring
yeast overgrowth and infection.* 50 billion cultures of 9 clinically proven strains
of microflora help restore and maintain vaginal and urinary tract health.*
• High-Lactobacilli Probiotic Formula for Women
• Convenient & Cost-effective One-a-day Oral Dose
• Enteric-GUARD™ Delayed Release
• No Fillers or Binders
NEW from the Industry Leader in Probiotics!
Call for Introductory Specials!
1-800-690-9988 Ext. 261 or 265
* This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
NEW from the Industry Leader in Probiotics!
Call for Introductory Specials!
1-800-690-9988 Ext. 261 or 265
* This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
 Announcing 
Included in this package are 24 SHP patented disposable speculum kits,
12 standard two-piece, 6 one-piece & 6 two-piece tapered, (48” hoses)
2- flip top surgilube, 2 - cotton exam gowns, 1 - box large Nitrile gloves,
18 oz anti-microbial soap, 1- 32 oz disinfectant cleaner spray, 1- Dr. Walker,
1 Foot Relaxation Chart, 1 Endocrine Chart and 1 Digestive System Pocket
Anatomy. Specialty Health Products Valued over $250.00
Advanced Naturals- Fiber Max, Digest Max, Cleanse Max,
Ultimate Flora Max
Fish Max Ultra 2 BOOKS - Renew Your Life & The H.O.P.E. Formula
Valued over $220.00
Item # 2
Item #1
Internal Environment Institute
Cetylcide II, The Professionals Choice! 32ozConcentrate =16 gals
The best disinfectant available for Colon Therapy equipment for
cleaning internal and external surfaces.
Effective against 110+ microorganisms including:
Hepatitis B Virus, Hepatitis C Virus, HIV-1 (AIDS Virus
4 Mint Green quilted gowns One Size, ankle length, washable
HYDROTHERAPY\Value $235.00
Item #3
I-ACT Quarterly Spring 2010
Bioelectric Lymph
Basic Certification
A great way to boost your
clients health and your
in just 3 days
Value $700.00
Item #4
• 210 545-1919 • Fax 210 545-1920
P.O. Box 34595, San Antonio, Texas 78265
 The book that educates clients to the importance of
Digestive Tract Care
 See an increase in the number of new patients
 Pricing $1.50 per book.
 Free shipping & handling on orders of 100 or more
Medsker Publishing, 106 N. Creek Dr., Quinby, SC 29506, 843-669-5794
I-ACT Quarterly Spring 2010
US Regional Representatives
New England/New York
Beverley Small
Connecticut New York
South Central
212-496-8702 email:
New Hampshire
Rhode Island
North East
Annette Bray
215-536-1442 email:
New Jersey
D. C.
West Virginia
North Central
Connie Thrush
567-224-1441 email
Mid Atlantic
Darlene Holloway
North Carolina
South Carolina
Mid South
Trish Craig Arkansas
501-664-8200 email
South East
Pam Craig Tennessee
North Florida
Debra Christian Texas
903-593-4025 email
New Mexico
262-705-6416 email
North Dakota
815-648-4544 email
North Mid West
Gale Ulbert Wisconsin
South Dakota
Mid West
Grace Melby
North West
Russell Kolbo
Central Mountain
Seeking Qualified Applicant
California/South West
770-714-6350 email
813-871-3200 email
South Florida
Suzanne Gray
South Florida
Suzanne Childre’
France Robert
310-576-6360 email
Southern gentlecleansing@yahoo.com
Seeking Qualified Applicant
International Regional Representatives
SE Asia
Western Canada
Dr. Sylvester Yong
10 Sinaran Drive #09-31
(Novena Medical Center Square 2)
Singapore, 307506, Republic of Singapore
Phone: 65-62356311
E-mail: therapy@pacific.net.sg
Katherine Labonte
Dharma Spirit Holistic Health
67 Gleneagles Terrace
Cochrane, Alberta T4C 1W5, Canada
Phone 403-981-3334
e-mail: k.labonte@dharmaspirit.ca
Hendrik J.M. Pelser
160 Kinney Avenue
Pentiction, British Columbia V2A 3N9, Canada
Phone: 250-492-7995
E-mail: SHpelser@vip.net
Eastern Canada
Paul Schillaci
First Touch Health & Wellness Centre
2361 Lake Shore Rd. W.
Oakville, Ontario L6L1H6, Canada
Phone: 905-220-1190
E-mail: firsttouchhealth@msn.com
I-ACT Quarterly Spring 2010
United Kingdom
Catherine Morgan
10a Derwent Street, Sunderland,
Tyne & Wear, SR1 3NT United Kingdom
Phone: 0191 5658511
Lisette Timmermans
Natuurgeneeskundig Therapeut / Aqua Lingua Center for Colon
Hydrotherapy Education
Julianalaan 45
2628 BB Delft, Netherlands
Phone: +31 15 214 42 21
E-mail: info@aqua-lingua.eu
I-ACT Quarterly Spring 2010
Upcoming Regional Meetings
Southern California Regional
Saturday, April 24, 2010 • 9 AM - 5 PM
Vibrant Bodies - Park Place Medical Building
41011 California Oaks Road, #103, Marietta, CA 92562
Contact Suzanne Childre 310-576-6360
or France Robert 760-900-6814
Western Canada Regional
Saturday, April 24, 2010 • 9 am. (exams at 8 am)
Nanbooth Library, Cochrane,
Alberta, Canada
Contact Catherine Labonte 403-981-3334
South Florida Regional
Saturday, April 24, 2010 • 9 AM - 5 PM
ReNew Life Wellness Center, 1007 N. MacDill Ave.,
Tampa, FL 33607
Contact Suzanne Gray (813) 871-3200
Mid-South Regional
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Natural Body Institute & Alliance of Classical Teachings
3115 John F. Kennedy Blvd., Suite 2
N. Little Rock, AR. 72116
Contact Trish Craig 501-664-8200
or naturalcleanse@aol.com
General Information for Members
I-ACT is sending out E-Blasts to notify its members of Regional Meetings and other important issues. If you are
not receiving your E-Blasts, please email the I-ACT Office and give them your current e-mail address. We will
immediately put your email address on our E-Blast list. For your protectipon, we use Bcc to protect your name and
email address.
Members Only section of the I-ACT Web Site
If you have not been to our web site, please go to www.i-act.org. Go to the members only section - your password is:
iactmember. There are no hyphens and no spaces. In that location you can find the I-ACT Members Logo, and
information on the current Auction. Read page 20 of this quarterly, and then go to the Members Only section and see
what the current bids are on the items you are interested in.
All Schools & Instructors
Mandatory School / Instructor Meeting at the Convention - Options to Attendance
I-ACT has sent out notice that there is a mandatory meeting (for ALL INSTRUCTORS & SCHOOLS) at the 2010
Convention. As you know, Schools must attend this meeting every year and Instructors must attend every two years.
If you did not attend the 2009 Convention you MUST attend this year. (Schools/Instructors are only excused for
the most dire of circumstances - if you can’t make the Convention meeting, you may participate with an Education
Committee meeting during the year or the Education Committee is evaluating other options to help you maintain your
certification). This mandatory school / instructor meeting will be on Wednesday, June 16, 2010, (the
day prior to the 2010 Convention) the meeting will be held from 08:00AM to 10:00AM.
See You there!!!
Dr. Bill and Jeri Tiller are celebrating their 50th Year Anniversary.
Come and celebrate with them at the 2010 Convention.
Regional Representative Corner - Lila Reader, RN, LMT
Spring 2010 Regional Representative Corner
Our international representatives are growing and the one thing that has encouraged this is their participation in
the yearly convention. We have a chance to meet face-to-face and an opportunity to go over what the goals of
our regions are. We welcome our international members to participate in the convention and in the future we
would like to start having an event outside the United States. However, this will only happen if we have more
participation. If you are an international member and have some ideas, please share them.
Please schedule your regional meetings as soon as possible and forward the details to Dick at the home
office. An e-blast will go out to members and it will be posted on i-act.org. On Page 14 is the list of Regional
Representatives, review your information for accuracy and contact me with any corrections and/or changes.
New Regional Representative
Please welcome our newest team member Carol Harley from Perth, Western Australia. Carol has been practicing
colon hydrotherapy for nine years and became an I-ACT Certified Instructor in 2008. Her desire is to bring
together therapists from around Australia and develop a community to share ideas and information, encourage
participation, education and inform others about I-ACT.
Regional Financials
The board is responsible for the budget of our association and I have the task of working on the budget for I-ACT
Regions. I need your help with this area and the most important thing you can do is make sure that the I-ACT
office receives all of the payments for registration, testing and an expense report for costs you incur that may be
reimbursed. When I was actively holding meetings as a regional representative I absorbed some of the expenses
as a good will offering to our association, but now that times are tougher and extra funds are scarce for many of us
that may not be possible. You can find the expense report in the I-ACT Regional Representative Handbook.
2010 I-ACT Convention, St. Petersburg. Florida
Start making your plans for attendance at the convention. We have streamlined the meetings and trimmed a day off
of the schedule, as this was a suggestion on the convention feedback forms.
We will be utilizing tickets for our scheduled events at the convention; we will be part of the team that takes tickets
from attendees to enter receptions and the banquet on Saturday night. This replaces the colored badges and we
hope this alleviates unplanned numbers entering the events.
Please let me know if you have any questions or need any help with your region.
Kindest Regards,
Lila Reader
Unprecedented Experience,
Training, Education
and Service
Hydro-San device for sale
I-ACT Quarterly Spring 2010
Optimal Oxygen Utilization at the Cellular Level
Increased Stamina and Endurance
Lower Inflammation
Join TRISH CRAIG at our
EVOLV Vendor Booth
to experience for yourself while at the
I-ACT Quarterly Spring 2010
2010 I-ACT Convention
Member Registration Form
June 16-19, 2010
Hilton, St. Petersburg Bayfront
333 1st Street South
St. Petersburg, FL 33701
Special I-ACT Hotel Rates
$99.00 per night (Single/Double)
(excluding tax)
Please mention I-ACT for this special rate.
Rates good through
May 31, 2010
or until the room block is sold out.
•• June 14, 2010 (Monday) ••
I-ACT Board Meeting
•• June 15, 2010 (Tuesday) ••
I-ACT Board Meeting
NBCHT Board Meeting
Mandatory New Instructor Meeting
•• June 16, 2010 (Wednesday) ••
Vendor Setup * at Noon
Mandatory Instructor / Schools Meeting
Instructor Presentations (must be pre-registered to present)
Education Committee Meeting
Regional Rep Meeting
Fund Raising Committee Meeting
Scientific Review Committee Meeting
•• June 17, 2010 (Thursday) Convention ••
President's Remarks
Talent Show Rehearsal
Thursay Evening - Dinner on your own, or join a Community Dinner
•• June 18, 2010 (Friday) Convention ••
Membership Meeting
Reception & Talent Show
•• June 19, 2010 (Saturday) Convention ••
Dress Up - Dinner Dance Saturday evening
•• June 20, 2010 (Sunday) ••
I-ACT Board meeting
NBCHT Testing (requires authorization to test letter)
I-ACT Quarterly Spring 2010
2010 I-ACT Convention Registration Form
(Vendors must use separate Vendor Registration Form)
Please register me for the 2010 I-ACT Convention
June 16 - 19, 2010 ••• Hilton, St. Petersburg, FL USA
Mail completed form to: I-ACT • P.O. Box 461285 • San Antonio, TX 78246-1285
•• Please Print Legibly ••
_________________________________________________________ Name to Appear on Badge
Please Print - Copy this form if necessary - (only one person per form)
_________________________________________________________ Address
_________________________________________________________ City / State / Zip (Postal Code)
_________________________________________________________ Contact Information
(area code) Phone number
E-mail Address
I will be testing for
 Intermediate Level
 Foundation Level
I will be testing for and have registered separately for
 Advanced Level
 Instructor Level
 NBCHT Examination *must have prior NBCHT Authorization*
Registration Costs (USD)
(Includes meetings, Speaker presentations, morning snacks, Thursday reception and Saturday banquet)
(additional dinner tickets and other event tickets will be available at the Convention for a fee)
Early Registration
Late Registration
U.S. Member (or spouse)
 $250.00
 $300.00
International Member (or spouse) (out of USA)
Please select one prior to May 1, 2010
 $150.00
 $250.00
Registration Costs NON I-ACT Member (USD)
 $350.00
 $400.00
(If no selection is circled, the Banquet meal will be ordered)
 Vegan Meal
 Vegetarian Meal
 Banquet Meal (Chicken / Fish)
May 1, 2010 and after
(please circle one)
Payment Options (Check one)
 Check
 Cash
 Credit Card (circle one: MC
CC Number ______________________________ (Security code)______ Expire Date ______
3 or 4 digits
Signature _____________________________________________
--- * Absolutely NO exhibiting or selling of products without vendor fee.--Refund Policy: All requests for refund must be made in writing.
Refunds of Convention Registration Fees may be made until June 1, 2010 (less a $50.00 processing fee);
after June 1, 2010, No Request for Refunds will be honored.
I-ACT Quarterly Spring 2010

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