2014 Annual Report


2014 Annual Report
2014 Local Impact Report
The great strides made by the YMCA of Youngstown in 2014 ensure a strong foundation for future
growth and will lead to an enhanced Y experience for members and the community. The Y began offering
new services that support its healthy living initiative with the creation of both the LIVESTRONG at
the YMCA cancer survivor program and the Diabetes Prevention Program. Both programs have been
instrumental in bettering the health and quality of life of the participants.
Over the last couple of years, we’ve contemplated how the Y will continue to provide significant services
to the next generation of members. We are pleased to announce that we have begun in-depth planning
and fundraising efforts to renovate downtown Youngstown’s Central YMCA location and to build an
additional YMCA in western Mahoning County. These efforts will help us continue to meet the community
demand for Y services and provide a contemporary and fulfilling Y experience to members in the coming
As we plan to repurpose the Central YMCA, we will be flipping the calendar and celebrating the 100 year
anniversary of this historic building in 2015 to provide an even better facility for the next 25-30 years
of service.
We have accomplished much over the past year and expect to serve the community at an even higher level
moving forward.
Timothy M. Hilk
Chief Executive Officer
The YMCA of Youngstown’s Local Impact Report
Thomas Fleming
Chairman, Board of Trustees
Going for the Gold
Jill Drajic brought her son, Kenny Martin, to the
YMCA 10 years ago. At an early age, Kenny was
diagnosed with autism and cerebral palsy and was
considered mentally challenged. It was important to
Jill that he learn how to swim. The Y’s scholarship
fund has been a blessing to Kenny’s family, enabling
him to pursue private swim lessons. Over the past
10 years, Kenny has gone from not being able to
swim at all to being able to swim doggy paddle and
float in the deep pool.
Kenny started taking swim lessons at the Davis
Family YMCA before transitioning to the downtown
location, where he continues to enjoy working on his
water skills. In addition to learning how to swim,
Kenny’s made many friends, built a lot of muscle
tone and has had a great Y experience overall.
Jill Drajic & Kenny Martin
Jill had nothing but good things to say about the
YMCA staff that have played a part in Kenny’s journey
over the past decade. “The staff is wonderful, for
me as well as Kenny. Having a child with a disability,
it is important to me that Kenny is accepted. When
we come to the Y, everyone is very kind to Kenny
and I find it to be genuine. There are just good
people down here.”
Moving forward, Kenny will keep taking swim lessons
at the Y and he might try basketball. Outside of the
Y, Jill has considered getting Kenny involved with the
Special Olympics swim team. However, Jill explains
“when Kenny gets to the pool, he likes to be in the
pool and he does not like to wait.” No matter what
sport Kenny tries in the future, his mom knows that
“because of the Y, we have a better quality of life.”
Kenny with his YMCA swim instructor.
The YMCA of Youngstown’s Local Impact Report
Shaping Futures Through Day Camp
Joselyn Parker
When Joselyn Parker heard
there was a job opening
at the Central YMCA, she
remembered how great she
felt coming to the Y to play
on sports leagues with new
friends and the sense of
unity the Y inspired. She
decided she wanted to be a
part of that. Now Joselyn is
the Youth and Teen Director
for the Central YMCA.
Central Y Youth &
Teen Director
One of the programs Joselyn
leads is Day Camp, also called Nuha, a Swahili word
that means intellectual mind and educated. Each
day, day campers study reading, math, and science,
have swim lessons and tend a community garden.
There’s a field trip every Friday that aims to expose
the kids to something new. Day Camp activities help
the kids fight summer learning loss, a common issue
among school-age children.
Central Y Day Camp Counselors
Day Camp also exposes kids to diversity and
encourages them to accept others who may be
different than them. “The one thing that we try to
put on our kids and put in them with Nuha is that
we all take care of each other and we’re all family. It
doesn’t matter what you look like, what race or size
you are, it doesn’t matter here,” explains Joselyn.
Joselyn sees Day Camp and encouragement from
counselors having a long-lasting impact on the
campers. “When somebody tells you that you can
do it, and reiterates that you’re smart, intelligent
and bright, and they give you the opportunity to do
better, you’ll do better. That’s what I want to do for
these young people; I want to see the graduation
rate change because of the YMCA and because of
programs like this.”
Positive Y experiences also encouraged Allie
Baklarz to become a Day Camp Counselor. A day
camper since the program started, Allie became a
Counselor Apprentice at 13 and a Counselor at 18.
Through her involvement with Day Camp activities
at the Y, she realized that she really liked working
with the younger kids and discovered her passion
for teaching. “I would have never known that if it
wasn’t for Y Day Camp. It’s what inspired me and it
still inspires me today,” Allie shared.
Nicole Murray
Davis Y Youth &
Teen Coordinator
The YMCA of Youngstown’s Local Impact Report
Allie Baklarz
Davis Y Counselor
Apprentice Coordinator
New Directions
Robert Lawrence first heard about Camp Fitch from
his middle school principal. A few years later, he
went to Camp for two weeks on a scholarship and
the experience changed his life. “It was the most
amazing two weeks of my life. It was a turning point
because I was going through a really dark time and I
didn’t really know what direction I was going in, but
that experience brought the light to me, in a way.”
Since his initial experience, Robert has become an
outdoor education instructor at Camp and also
acts on the program staff hosting school groups
and weekend events. He loves working with kids
and working at Camp has given him a vision for his
future. “Getting involved with Camp at such a young
age has been a great opportunity for me because it
really set the path for me. I definitely think this is
my career; I want to be a camping professional and I
want to work with kids in the Y organization.”
Robert Lawrence
Outdoor Education Instructor at Camp Fitch Y
Robert and his family are thrilled that he has found
direction in his life. He plans to go to college and get
a degree; he is currently looking at a school in Wales
that offers an outdoor education program. He knows
none of this would have been possible without the
Camp scholarship fund. “I’d just like to say thanks
Camp Fitch not only offered Robert a start on his for everything. I wouldn’t be the person I am today
career, but also enabled him to build long lasting without the Y movement and people’s donations
friendships. “The friendships and relationships you that helped me and other campers develop.”
can build in a camp environment, especially at Camp
Fitch, are definitely unlike any other. All of these
people you never thought you would talk to before “You could tell right away that this guy was
end up becoming your best friends. You spend every going to be a Camp guy, maybe for the rest
second with them at Camp and build relationships of his life.”
that you can’t form anywhere else.”
- Brian Rupe
Executive Director, Camp Fitch YMCA
The YMCA of Youngstown’s Local Impact Report
Diabetes Prevention Program
You may not know that across the country, over 33% of people
have pre-diabetes. At home in Mahoning County, the prediabetes rate is almost 40%. Facing a rate higher than the
national average, the YMCA stepped up in 2014 to help combat
the prevalence of pre-diabetes and type 2 diabetes with a new
wellness program.
The YMCA’S Diabetes Prevention Program helps individuals
reduce their risk for diabetes. “It’s a year-long program that
teaches people about healthier eating, physical activity, and
making lifestyle modifications so they can really enjoy life and
improve their health. The participants meet in a small group led
by a trained lifestyle coach and they go through evidence-based
information from the CDC, and they really get good tools to
better their lives,” explains Michelle Edison, Wellness Program
Michelle Edison
Wellness Program Coordinator
The goal of the program is for each person to lose about 7%
body weight and to increase physical activity to 150 minutes per
week. The CDC found through research that these factors have
a significant impact on reducing disease risk. Michelle has seen
the program inspire other positive changes in addition to physical
changes. “I’ve seen participants really change in other areas of
their life. Their families are making comments about how the
person’s eating habits have changed, how they have more energy
and how they’re interacting differently. So the effects of the
program are translating into other areas.”
The YMCA of Youngstown’s Local Impact Report
The YMCA of Youngstown was one of 10 YMCAs in the country to
receive a 2014 LIVESTRONG at the YMCA Implementation Grant from
Y-USA in partnership with the LIVESTRONG Foundation. “This is a
program for cancer survivors, whether they’re newly diagnosed or
they have been in remission for years. It’s a fitness class that helps
improve cardiovascular fitness, strength, endurance, flexibility, and
balance. The class also provides an emotional support network,”
says Loretta Pflug, LIVESTRONG coach.
Mike Puskar was one of the first program participants when it came
online in 2014. “Two years ago in May I came down with esophageal
cancer so I went through chemo, radiation, and major surgery, after
which blood clots developed. I had to go on disability from a job that
I loved, and that really hurt. I was looking for something to lift me
out of the dark place I was in and this was really the start of it. I felt
so much better after I completed the program that I joined the Y so I
could continue working out and getting stronger,” said Mike.
“Physically I feel a lot
better and mentally I
feel really good. It’s
impacted my family to
the point where they all
say ‘you’ve come back.’
And it all started with
this LIVESTRONG at the
YMCA program.”
- Mike Puskar
LIVESTRONG at the YMCA Participants
The YMCA of Youngstown’s Local Impact Report
Mary Beth Partika was another pilot participant, and the
program impacted both her and her family. “When you start
moving, you think more positively, feel better spiritually, and
can do more physically. The impact on my family was wonderful
too. My family would always encourage me, and now we all
plan to join the Y this summer,” Mary Beth said.
Other program participants have seen similar results as well,
and the Y plans to continue the program in the future. “There
are really no other programs like this. You hear people say ‘if
I didn’t have this program, I’d be sitting on the couch watching
TV or sitting in my own sorrow.’ Being here is positive and
it really helps cancer survivors become stronger people,”
explains Loretta.
Mary Beth Partika
LIVESTRONG at the YMCA Participant
LIVESTRONG at the YMCA Participants
The YMCA of Youngstown’s Local Impact Report
“I have told so many people about the program and
to try it. You’ve got to do it. It will make you feel
better. It will help you get through what you’re
going through. It helps you feel like you’re back in
- Mary Beth Partika
Highlighting Former Board Members
The YMCA of Youngstown and its Board of Trustees would like to bid a fond farewell to two former board
members, the late Tom Cleary and Dr. Dean Economus, and give appreciation for the time and talent they
dedicated to the YMCA.
“Tom Cleary was on the YMCA Board for many years,
and he chaired the board in the late ‘80s and early
‘90s. He not only gave of his time and talent; he
was very inspirational in the operation of the Y for
years. He not only contributed to the Y; he was
also a community leader since the late ‘70s. He had
a lot of friends across the whole community and
was a great contributor to the Y’s success and the
Youngstown community in general. He will be sadly
missed. ”
Thomas Fleming, Chairman, Board of Trustees
“Tom Cleary really embodied the Y and believed in
our mission. He understood what the Y could bring
to the community and that the YMCA could truly
make a difference in people’s lives. Tom was a topnotch contributor to the legacy of our YMCA. We
would not be as strong as we are today without Tom
Timothy M. Hilk, Chief Executive Officer
Dr. Dean
“It has been a great honor to be asked to serve on the
Y Board. Four generations of the Economus family
have participated in Y programs: my grandfather
obtained his law degree from what was then the Y
College, my father was a long-time HFD member and
now my children learned how to swim and continue
to use the fitness facilities. For nearly 100 years the
Y has been a part of our life and I look forward to a
time when I am able to serve the Y again.”
Dr. Dean Economus
“I met Dean Economus when I came to town and he
told me his family story and why he volunteered at
the Y. Dean volunteers because the Y has done so
much for his family. As a board member, Dean gave
graciously of his time and talent, and even though
he’s a very busy man, he’s brought us rich resources.”
Timothy M. Hilk, Chief Executive Officer
The YMCA of Youngstown’s Local Impact Report
“Tradition and family
fuels my passion for
Camp Fitch. I was
raised at the Y and
Camp Fitch. I have
so many childhood
memories from my
time there.”
amount. He could also be found at Camp nearly every
weekend over the past spring and summer working
on projects, most notably Friend Circle. “J.D. and the
volunteers he recruited literally built Friend Circle by
hand and certainly if there’s anyone who deserves
to be Volunteer of the Year, it’s J.D.,” commented
Thomas Fleming, YMCA’s Board Chair.
Despite the hard work J.D. has put into Camp Fitch
over the last year, he still looks for excuses to go to
- J.D. Mirto
Camp. “When I pull into Camp Fitch, I feel like I’m
J.D. Mirto
home,” J.D. says. He knows his experiences at Camp
2014 Volunteer of the Year
Fitch have greatly enriched his family life and circle
When people think of Camp Fitch, they often think of friends. When asked what he looks forward to,
of the Mirto family. Many amazing Y volunteers J.D. says “I look forward to my next trip to Camp.”
and contributors have come from this family legacy
including J.D. Mirto, the 2014 Joe Check Memorial “J.D. really is the man of the year in my
Volunteer of the Year.
mind and my heart when it comes to Camp
J.D. doesn’t remember how old he was when he
started at the Y, but he recalls going to the Central Y
with the men in his family while his mother and sister
would shop downtown. He knows he was four years
old the first time he went to Camp Fitch. He grew up
there, going to Family Camp with his parents. When
his own son turned just one year old, J.D. told his wife
it was time for them to start going to Family Camp,
thus continuing the Mirto legacy at Camp Fitch.
Over the years, J.D. has been a driving force in shaping
what Camp Fitch is today. He chaired the Camp Fitch
board for over a decade. J.D. also chaired Camp’s
2014 Capital Campaign, and through his energy and
enthusiasm, raised $200,000 more than the goal
Mirto family
The YMCA of Youngstown’s Local Impact Report
Fitch. He’s given so much and in so many
different ways. It’s hard to describe all the
work that he’s put in to make Camp Fitch a
better place and a special place. We are so
grateful for his leadership and all that he’s
been able to do and give to the community
and to the Camp Fitch bunch.”
Brian Rupe
Executive Director, Camp Fitch YMCA
Previous Joe Check Memorial Honorees:
1989 Jean M. Ross
1990 J. Richard Bennett
1991 William Schrack
1992 James E. Mitchell
1993 Gordon Harrison
1994 James E. Greene
1995 Daniel J. Mirto
1996 Howard B. Friend
1997 Emma Blackstone
1998 John Storey
1999 Kenneth J. Wilson
2000 James Lottier
2001 John H. Yerian, Jr.
2002 William Richardson
2003 William Bigelow
2004 Al Leonhart
2005 James B. Greene
2006 Howard Hartzell
2007 C. Robert Buchanan
2008 Atty. Thomas J. Lodge
2009 Leah Sabo
2010 Janice JanJanin
2011 Richard Hahn
2012 Matt Poese
2013 Warren Harrell
The Camp Fitch Century II Campaign, chaired by J.D. Mirto, raised over $1.3 million to build an Equestrian
Center with an indoor riding area, build a Camp Fitch Amphitheater dedicated as Friend Circle in honor of
Howdy and Gert Friend, and construct a state-of-the-art waste water treatment facility that will better
serve the needs of camp for decades. Thanks to all who volunteered and donated.
James & Coralie Centofanti
Rick & Anita Dearing
Michael & Lois Russell
Friend of the Y
Friend of the Y
$25,000 – 99,999
Marjorie Hartman Family Foundation
Winkle Electric Co. Inc.
Youngstown Foundation
Art & Marge Zabel
$5,000 – 24,999
Belden Brick Company
Brian & Christine Berlin
James & Kim Cole
Four Square Club
Howdy & Cathi Friend,
Craig & Judy Sheetz, and Scott & Sue Friend
Friend Family (Howdy & Cathi Friend, Scott & Sue Friend, Craig & Judy Sheetz, Pa & Mimi Friend)
Tim & Jenny Jamison & Family
In Memory of Kia McCoy
Sam & Rochelle Miller
Nancy Mirto
Toby & Janet Mirto
J.D. & Sue Mirto
Ron & Peggy Ringness
Clarence R. Smith Jr.
Sweeney Chevrolet Buick GMC
Trumbull Industries, Inc.
Walter E. & Caroline H. Watson Foundation
$1,O00 – 4,999
Joan & Harry Albrecht
Elaine T. Barnard
Donna & Sam Boak
Boardman Rotary
Jason Crist
Kathleen & Albin Dearing
The Dingeldein Family
Eric Petroleum Corporation
Tom & Mary Fleming
Forman Family
Friend Grandchildren
James B. Greene
Harsh Family
Phil & Kelly Kilpatrick Family
James & Cheryl Lamborn
Bill & Darla Lyder
Ira & Amy Mirkin
Tony & Kathy Palmieri
Barbara & Michael Roman
Mike & Donna Seiser
Russ & Gwen Spitz
$100 – 999
Alex Downie & Sons Co.
Rose Mary Anderson
Lynn Atkins
Jim & Sue Baker, Whit & Beth Baker, Kim & Sandy Roy
Ken & Sue Barton
Tim, Heather, & Emily Bauman
Mary Jane & Bill Becherer
Bill, Deb, Katie & Sam Becherer
Diane & Paul Becker
Dick & Gwen Bennett
Kathryn Blaszak
William & Janice Bloomfield
Sarah Boyarko
Mark & Lisa Breen
Eric Brooks
Jill Brothers
Christopher P. Chengelis
Lynn Cleary & David Duggan
Dave & Marge Comstock
Sandra Cupper
Jeff Daigle
Eleanor Davidson
Tony & Sara DeAscentis
Denise DeBartolo York
Kelsey Donahue
Bob & Kathy Doyle
George Economus
Jean Eich
Robert & Almedah Evans
Tom, Holly, Chad, Eric, and Carolyn Fender
John & Valerie Finocharo
Fithian Contracting
James & Joan Fox
Ed & Geri Freeze
Don & Amy Friedrich
Howard B. Friend
Sarah B. Friend
J. L. & Mary Friend
Robert S. Fulton
Attendees of the 1963 Chaney High School 50th Class Reunion (Aug. 10, 2013)
Jim Geller
Bill & Ilona Gerson
John & Sandy Gibson
Abigail Puskar Goodman
Chris & Gina Green
Jim & Mary Delle Hale
Donald R. Harrison
Peter Heinze
Bob & Kay Hettler
Anne A. Holder
Holy Family School Student Council
Dean & Joyce Hoover
Sally Howard
Don & Jean Inglis
Rick & Shevy Jacobson
Janice JanJanin
Eric Jay
Mike Kalnitzky
Nick & Cyndi Katz
Keybank Foundation
Barb Hendrickson Kirtland
Connie Knecht
Robert S. Komara
Ann & Robert Kurz
Al Leonhart
Randall & Patricia Leyshon
David Lund Jr.
Amy & Denis Lunne
Dave & Judy Martinson
Charles W. & Teresa Masters
Neil & Laurie McClester
Paul & Ruth Merifield
Gil Mulhere
Dianne & Thomas Murphy
Jennifer Neff
Mary & Gary Novotny
Joseph Ochs
Olin Family
Carol Olin
John & Stacie Oliver
Richard & Jane Organ
Packer Thomas Certified Public Accountants
Edward J. Palguta
John, Valerie, & Stephen Park
Marina, Tom, Ian & Abby Parker
Charlie Pfannenschmidt
Karen & Fritz Poese
Kelly & Matt Poese
ProcessMAP Corporation
Marie Peterson
Ries Family
DonnaJean & Dennis Ruble
Ken Rudge
Brian & Lynn Rupe
Michael E. Sabelli
Beth & Mark Scheller
Hugh J. Schultz, Inc.
Schwebel Family Foundation
Jerry & Beth Seavy, Janice & Phil Courtney, Karen Poorbaugh & Roger Pritchard, Don & Paula Wayt
Melanie Seiser & Phil Misiak
Ken, Mary, Jennifer & Kristin Sheetz
Renee Slabic
Donald Sniderman
Fred Soller
James Soller
Robert & Joyce Soroka
Brian & Kate Stark & Family
Stuart & Jan Strasfeld
Superior Beverage Group - John Antonucci
Marilyn Sweeney
Kathleen A. Thomas
Rick & Linda Tsoumas
Bill & Beverly Turner
W.K. Kellogg Foundation
David Webster
Western Reserve Indian Princesses
Windsor Elementary School
Andrea Wood
Wright’s Garage
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Yerian Jr.
Youngstown Indian Guides (Spitz, DeAscentis, Mirkin, J.D. & Toby Mirto)
Youngstown Kenworth, Inc.
Family Camp Early Bird Coffee
Bob & Carol Zajack
Judith & Walter Zyvith
The Y strives for accuracy
in listing donor names.
However, if you notice
any errors or omissions,
please accept our sincere
apologies and contact
Patty Tchoryk at
The YMCA of Youngstown’s Local Impact Report
Investment Income $217,297
Realized and Unrealized Gains (Losses) $191,762
Sponsorships $29,025
Contributions Individuals/Business $346,698
Endowment Transfers to Operations $12,604
Contributions for Facility and Equipment $375,429
Special Events $47,386
Contributions to Endowment $172,390
United Way Funding for Programs $144,441
Foundation Grants $209,139
Government Grants for Special Programs $13,168
Merchandise Sales
Program Revenue
Summer Day Camp
Camp Fitch Fees
Membership Revenue
Early Childhood Program Revenue
Other Expenses
Salary and Wages
International Expenses $3,100
YMCA of the $101,149
USA Support
Promotion $97,868
Equipment $124,178
Insurance $163,818
Cash and Cash Equivalents Accounts and Pledge Receivables
Inventories of Supplies and Merchandise
Prepaid Expenses
Market Value of Endowments
Accounts Payable Deferred Revenue
Other Current Liability Refundable Advance of Land Total Assets
Total Liabilities
Net Assets
Capital Debt
The YMCA of Youngstown’s Local Impact Report
Professional Fees
Other Personnel Costs
10,986 MALE 10,346 FEMALE
The YMCA has Beneficial Interests in the following
Trusts that directly benefit Y programs:
Birth - 5 6-11
65+ Silversneakers
Davis Preschool
Teen Leadership Development
Y Neptunes
Resident Camp
Summer Resident Camp
Summer Day Camp
Bequest Gift from the estate
of William Spencer
Bequest Gift from the estate
of William Spencer Bequest Gift from the estate
of Mary B. Smith Gifts to the John 17:21 fund
in memory of Judy Scotford
• YMCA Endowment Fund
• William L. Spencer Trust
• Michael H. & Lois J. Russell Trust
Designated for development of a YMCA in Western Mahoning County
Youth Swimming Lessons
YMCA Youth Leagues
Management and General
• The David W. Edward Trust @ Farmers Trust Company
• Ernest W. Travis Trust @ PNC
Sam & Donna Boak
Nathan Ware
*Plus all camp capital contributions.
Teen Development Programs Healthier Kids in the Valley DD Davis Pre-School Camp Fitch Outdoor Edcuation $
Program Services
The YMCA of Youngstown’s Local Impact Report
Thank you for supporting the Y’s Mission
Hine Memorial Fund
$30,000 - 40,000
Camp Corral
$10,000 – 20,000
Bruce Beard
Camp Barclay
Diabetic Camp
Epilepsy Foundation
Jim & Lorel Mocker
The Home Savings Charitable Foundation
John H. & Susan Yerian, Jr.
$5,000 – 9,999
Bruce Brocker
Michael Bruno Family
Richard Dearing
Edward W. Barr Charitable Foundation
Tom & Mary Fleming
Healthways, Inc.
Knoll Run Golf Course
Lelia M. Sharp Fund
Thom & Karen Lodge
PNC Bank
The Berlin Fund
The Youngstown Foundation Support Fund
Warren P. Williamson
Jr. Fund
$2,500 - 4,999
AIM NationaLease
Anthem Blue Cross & Blue Shield
Arnold D. Stambaugh Fund
Bob Cene
City of Youngstown
Norm Crocker
Dearing Compressor and Pump
Frankford Bicycle, Inc.
Greg Gentry
Richard & Carolyn Hahn
Paul Harkey
Kiwanis Club of Youngstown
James Lamborn
Mercy Health Partners
Pepsi Beverages Company
Lowell & Ellen Satre
Texas Roadhouse
William Neckerman Foundation
David & Rosemary Yerian
$1,000 - 2,499
Advanced Dermatology & Skin Care Center
Akron Children’s Hospital
Allegro MicroSystems, LLC
Allstate Foundation
Anne K. Christman Fund
Bruce R. Beeghly & Nancy W. Beeghly Family Foundation
Brian & Christine Berlin
Sam & Donna Boak
Boardman Lions
Carl & Betty Bogan
Tim & Kelly Bresnahan
Callos Management Company
Canfield Pools, Inc.
Caribbean Pool & Hot Tubs
Monsignor Michael J. Cariglio
David Castilla
The Chamberlains
Compco Industries
Atty. John P. Daliman
Tony Deascentis
Denise Debartolo York
Steve Drake
Five Star Graphics
Flex-I-Tonic, LLC/ John Grantonic
Dr. Constantine & Renae Economus
Frank C. & Norma J. Watson Family Foundation
Fraternal Order of Eagles 3298 Aerie
Jeff & Theresa Fusco
Tom & Adele Gacse
Jennifer Gaffney & Carson
Galaxie Industrial
The Grantonic Family
James B. & Lynn Greene
James E. & Patricia Greene
Warren & Iva Harrell
HBK CPAs & Consultants
Shaun & Regina Hennon
Timothy & Jeannie Hilk
Huntington Bank
Margaret Isaly
Janice JanJanin
Juleen Keefer
The Greg Kleeh Family
Philip & Katie Kocon
Avid Lajevardi
Lane Family Funeral Homes, Inc.
Donald Larcinese
DiAnne Lindberg
Jocelyne & Kollay Linsalata
Paul Mahin
Michael Maillis
Fred W. Martin
Ian Midgley
Millwood, Inc.
Tisa Moore
Garry Mrozek
David Parker
Peace Race Foundation
Pinnacle Health Concepts
Sam & Janet Pitzulo
Pizza Joe’s
ProcessMAP Corporation
Real Living Ministries
Rhiel Supply Co.
Rick’s Ranchwear
Brian & Lynn Rupe
Kevin & Elaine Ruse
Bill & Linda Russell
Leah Sabo
Mark & Beth Scheller and Family
Sean & Jana Burke Charitable Foundation
Second Sole
Shaffer Brothers Band
Mike & Joyce Shaffer
Randy & Laura Shaffer
Shook/ KBJ
Star Trac
Steel Valley Triathlon Club
James & Joan Stevenson
Gregg Strollo
Sweeney Chevrolet Buick GMC
Taco Bell
Taylor Kia of Boardman
The Junior League of Youngstown/ Kashi Foundation
Thornton & Son, LLC
Mechanical Contractors
United Way of Summit County
United Way of Youngstown
Vallourec Star
Bessie & Anthony Veck
Vinylume Products, Inc.
Stephen Webster
Andrea Wood
Yerian Insurance, LLC
$250 - 999
Aladdin’s Eatery
The YMCA of Youngstown’s Local Impact Report
Austintown Fraternal Order of Police
Ken Barton
Bernard & Elaine Soss Family Charitable Trust
Bisconti Orthodontics
Blackwood’s Pet Foods, Inc.
Melissa Booth
C. Robert Buchanan
Eric & Jane Buckingham
Anthony Cafaro
Central Leaders Club
Jason Crist
Mark Daprile
Erin Broderick Deak
A. P. Dearing
Phillip Dennison
James Dewar
Dick’s Sporting Goods
Susan Dierksen
Dominion East Ohio
Greg & Barb Donahue
Eagle Rental Purchase
Farmers Trust Company
Justin Fatica
Yvonne Fayard
Five Starr Tire & Wheel
Howdy Friend
Glenn, Cherie & Seth Graham
Donald Harrison
Humility of Mary Health Partners Foundation
Rick Hunneke
In memory of James Berny, MD
J. S. Paris Excavating, Inc.
Stanley Kline
Mike Klucher
Alan R. Kretzer
Dr. Robert Lewis
George Limbert
Craig Long
Mary Beth Lowry
Amy & Denis Lunne
Manchester, Newman & Bennett
Medi-RX Pharmacy
Lisa Miller
Nancy Mirto
ms consultants
Shawn Oglesbee
Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church
Tom Parker
Peggy Gray Candies and Gifts
Theresa Precurato-Cozad
Progressive Insurance Foundation
Rachel’s Restaurant
Karl & Dottie Reder
William L. Richardson
Rudzik Excavating
David Schultz
Craig Sheetz
Spinning Junkies
Stifel Nicolaus
Art Strahin
Jerry & Adele Taylor and Family
Walter Terlecky
The Business Journal
The Diamond Steel Construction Company
The Joseph F. Burke Corp.
Kathleen Thomas
Tri-R Dies, Inc.
John Vitullo
Wags ‘N Wiggles Resort, Inc.
Wee Care Daycare/ Lads N’ Lasses
Western Reserve Mechanical
Ken Wilson
Morgan Winget
Charles Wissuchek
Y Neptunes
Dr. Joseph Zeno
$100 – 249
A.D.E., Inc.
Aebischer’s Jewelry, Inc.
Afterburner Fx
Walter Allen
Lisa Amerson
Rob Anderson
Melanie Angiuli
Anness, Gerlach & Williams
Austintown Lions Club, Inc.
George & Katie Axiotis
Mary Atchley
Michael Bachinger
Bajco North, LLC
Papa John’s Pizza
Becker Funeral Homes
Barry D. Balliet
Bedford Trails Golf Course
Gary Barnes
Jeff Bees/ Springfield Assets, LLC
John Battaglia
Bayfront Eyecare
Donald Begezda
Bill Beichler
John Belak
Vasilij Belikov
Belleria Cornersburg
J. Richard “Dick” Bennett
Brandon Benson
C. Bersch
Bob Bertelsen
Rosann Bezilla
Bianchi Honda
William & Carol Bigelow
Emma Blackstone Moore
Cheryl Blakeman
Boardman Firefighters Association Local 1176
Boardman Imports
Boardman Rotary
Monica Bokesch
Jeffrey Bond
Gary Bonner
Bernard Bonnot
Rich Bort
BOST Workplace Benefits
Betsy Bramson
Kim Brauer & Company, LLC
Mark Breen
William Brennan
Raymond J. Briya
Dr. Donald Brunetti D.D.S., Inc.
Buckeye Beverage, LLC
Buckeye Lawn Service
Burgan Real Estate, Ltd.
Guy Burney
Heidi Burns
Emily Bush
Stephanie Cailor
Robert & Virginia Calcagni
Campbell Hardware & Supply LLC
Jill & Jay Campbell and Family
Therese Campbell
Millie Campean
Canfield Lions Club, Inc.
Russell Cannane
Canteen Services
Stephanie Carano
Marne Cario
Carney Painting
Thomas Case
Catholic Charities
Charles Masters & Co. LLC
Carley Chickonoski
Chris Haus Auto Sales, LLC
Darlene Christian
Thomas Cimmento, Jr.
Cintas First Aid & Safety
Lawrence Clark
Clayton Heating & Air Conditioning Co.
Lynn Cleary
Cohen & Company
David & Marjorie Comstock
Cox Consulting Group, LLC
“As the Chairman of the YMCA Annual Campaign for 2014, I have been inspired by the generosity and compassion of our donors. Their
support has given less fortunate families who have genuine need the chance to enjoy the benefits of YMCA membership. Through their
experiences at the Y, these families have the opportunity to grow spiritually and physically, thereby enriching their lives. I am pleased to
report that our goal for the 2014 Annual Campaign was exceeded as we received more than $615,000 in donations.” – Thomas Gacse
Michael & Melissa Cox
Don Crist
Diane Crowe
C.A. Curtze Co.
D’Amato Chiropractic & Acupuncture Clinic
Paul Damore
Davis Membership Divas
John Delillo
Stephanie Diana
Donald P. Pipino Company, Ltd.
Jeannine Donatelli
John & Judy Donchess
Laura Dooley
Dorrance Supply Company
Anne Dougherty
Jean & Peter Dougherty
Brian & Kricket Downie
Ted & Julie Downie
Edward Drennen
Dennis & Greta Dunn
James Dunn
Mary Durick
Robert J. Durick, DDS
Rachel Durner
Daniel M. Ebert, MD
Eclipse Aftermarket Group, Inc.
Robert Elsas
Kathy Evans
Tom Evans
Fairview American Legion Post 742
Stephanie Fama
Farmers National Bank
Sam Fasline
Sam Fasline, Jr.
Lisa Felleti
Susan Filipovich
Lindsay Forman
Charles & Mary Fowler
Mary Kathrine Frangos
Ellie Frank
Frattaroli’s Sparkle Market
Freeport-McMoran Copper & Gold Foundation
Scott Freeze
Judy French
Don Friedrich
Howard Friend
Rick Fryda
Gaetano Insurance Agency, Inc.
Gaffney Grandchildren
Steve Garea
Anthony Garono
Gary’s Kids Fund
GBS Corp.
Carolyn George
Bill Gerson
Michael Getsy
James Gibbs
John Gibson
Girard American Legion Post 494
Don Glaeser
Robert Glass
Great Garage Doors
Gulu Electrical Contractors
Guys BBQ
Carole & James Halloran
James Halowell
Janice Haltigan
Jill Haltigan
Hands On Physical Therapy
Steve Hanousek
Bill Harr
Nancy Hawkins
Eleftherios Hazimihalis
Pete Heinze
Jeffrey Hilk
Rebecca Hinkley
Holly Ritchie/Howard Hanna Real Estate
Home and School Solutions LTD
Maureen Horvath
Sally Howard
Chris Huffman
Christine & Todd Hughes
Helen Hulme
Scott Hunter
Jason Hurd
Greg Husnik
Antonietta Iacobacci
Image One Uniforms, Inc.
In memory of Jamie Roberts
In memory of Linda Hoefert
Kathryn Infante
Inner Circle Pizza
Invisible Fence of Eastern Ohio
Irish Bobb’s, Inc.
Iron City Wood Products, Inc.
Italian Heritage Foundation of Youngstown
Tricia Jacobs
Carl James
Larry & Nancy Jensen
Johnson Controls
Johnson & Johnson Attorneys at Law
Don P. Johnson
Eric Johnson
Kathleen Johnson
Judith Jones
Judy Jones
Lindsey Jones
Sidney Jones
Paul Joseph
Kal Sales Company
Kaleel Brothers, Inc.
Tamara Kerr
Keynote Media Group, LLC
Pamela Kidston
Robert Kidston
Deborah Kirkham
Kiwanis Club of the Western Reserve
Tom Klucher
Bob Kohn
Michael Koken
Daniel Kollay
Koncrete Dezign, LLC
Anthony Koulianos
Scott & Sharon Krichbaum
Lally Pipe and Tube
Gina Lamarca
Michael Anthony Larocca
Latone’s Superior Auto Body, Inc.
Lawless Industries, LTD
Christopher Leeper
Debra Lenthe
Annette Lenton
Chester Leone
Jim & Georgia Leone
Victor Leonino
Dixie Lester
Dick & Carol Lindstrom
Julius Livas
Tracey Lossev
Jacob Lucas
Lyden Oil Company
Bill & Darla Lyder
M & C Siding and Roofing, LLC
Kim MacDonald
Esther Maffei
Richard & Elsie Magill
Mahoning Shenango Kennel Club
Joe & Dorris Mancini
Sandra Manley
Maple Donuts
Aubrey Markota
Ryan Martin
David Martinson
Cathy Mastropietro
Anette Mayer
Mayflower Wollam Insurance Group
Dr. Robert McDonald - in memory of Mary Johnson
Robert McGowan
Seth McMillan
Timothy Merlin
Ellen Miffett
Sam Miller
J.D. & Sue Mirto
Chris Morrone
Alyssa Morucci
Edward Muransky
Mary Jo Nagy
Nagy-Baker Court Reporting, Inc.
Shelly Nicoloff
Northwest Gravel
Fred Norton
Jeff Norton
O. R. E.
Oasis Commercial Cleaning Service, Inc.
Nathan Offerdahl
Ohio Sports & Spine Institute
Ohio State Eagles
Abby Olin
Barb Olin
Lawrence Olson
James O’Malley
Rev. Timothy O’Neill
Pam Ornelas
Louise Osborne
Caroline & Marc Packer
Melissa Padgett, DDS
John Palmer
Panera Bread
Par Insurance Agency, Inc.
Lisa Parish
Roger Patterson
Perfecta Products, Inc.
Todd Perkins
Robert D. Perrott, DMD
Felix A. Pesa, MD
F.A.C.S., Inc.
Michael & Lori Pesa
Daniel Peterson
Joyce Petrarca
Thomas Petrarca
Cindy Piedra
Ed & Karen Pierson & Family
Pilgrim Baptist Church
Delores Pipino
Joseph Pipino
Fritz Poese
Poland Medical Center, LTD
Pour House Bar & Grill
Power Management Co., LLC
Brad Powers
David Powers
Annette Pratt
Preston Auto Hyundai
Provenzale Concessions
RSI Sports
R. T. Vernal Paving
Redex Indrustries, Inc.
Marianne Redslob
Allen Reis
Berdina Reis
Keith & Brigitta Remley
Phyllis Ricchiuti
Jim Ries
Faith Ringgold
Craig Roberts
Rotary Club of Austintown
Roth, Blair, Roberts, Strasfeld & Lodge
Daniel Rowland
Michelle Rowland
Royal Oaks
Shannon Royea
Randy Rummell
Rust Belt Brewing, LLC
Congressman Tim Ryan
S.C.B., Incorporated
Russell Saadey, Jr.
C.P. Sammarone Jr., DO
Mayor Charles Sammarone
Eric Schaffert
Joe Schiavoni
William Schrack
Schwebel Family Foundation
Mike Seiser
John Robert Senn
Anthony Sertick
Drs. Manu & Sangeetha Sethi
Andrea Shaer
Shaffer Concrete, LLC
Josh Shaffer
Sabrina Shapiro
Chuck Siemon
Nina Simosko
Sisters of the Humility of Mary
Thomas Skovira
Donald Sniderman
Ron Snyder
Dr. Fred Soller
James Soller
Patricia Soller
Nicholas Spagnola
Carol & Ken Sponseller
Robert Stackhouse
David Standley
Robert Stanger
Karen Steckner
Terry Stephens
Denise Stewart
Carl & Anne Stocking
Arielle Stryffeler
Megan Sturgeon
Sure Shot
Teleproductions, Inc.
Cy Svagerko
Kimberly & Tony Swain
Bruce Tamarkin
Patty Tchoryk
James Tedesco
Liz Testa
The Balloon Doctor
The Beauty Shop
The Center For Women
The Rizer Group, LLC
The Todd Thomas Family
Thrivent Financial
Beau & Betsy Tiger
Title Works Agency, LLC
Jason Toot
Toyota of Boardman
Tri State Lung & Sleep Associated, Inc.
Larry Trombitas
Thomas Trueman
David Turner
James & Gail Van Vranken
Beth Ann Vannoy
Vasco Electric
Vector Security
Father Venglarik Council Knights of Columbus #11915
Jody Vernal
VNL Contracting, Inc.
William Wade
Dr. HS & Florence Wang
Michael Wardle
Pamela Wardle
Wash on Wheels
Wendy Weiss
West Side Merchants & Civic Associates, Inc.
Laura & Matt Weymer
Ben White
Charles White
White Turkey Drive-In
Wilkinson Accounting Services
Jason Wilson
Kenneth Wilson
Pamela Wilson
Marie Woloszyn
Francis Worthy
Eldon Wright
Jody Wright
Kevin Wright
Wright’s Garage
Tom & Shirley Wronkovich
Daniel Yemma
Dr. John D. Yerkey DC, FACO
Youngstown Bible Group
Youngstown Crab Co.
Youngstown Propane, Inc.
Youngstown State University Campus Recreation
James Yukech
Bob & Carol Zajack
Kathryn Ziemianski
Zoom Media
Judy & Walter Zyvith
The Y strives for
accuracy in listing
donor names.
However, if you
notice any errors or
omissions, please
accept our sincere
apologies and contact
Patty Tchoryk at
The YMCA of Youngstown’s Local Impact Report
To put Christian principles into practice through programs that
build healthy spirit, mind, and body for all. THOMAS FLEMING
Chair/Chief Volunteer Officer,
Board of Trustees
Central YMCA Executive Director
Camp Fitch YMCA
Executive Director
Director of Development
& Marketing
Strategic Advancement
Director of Business & Finance
Davis Family YMCA
President/Chief Executive Officer Executive Director
Administrative Assistant
David Bennett William Bigelow, Emeritus
Sam Boak
William J. Brennan, Emeritus
Timothy Bresnahan
C. Robert Buchanan, Emeritus
Melinda M. Davies
Dr. Constantine Economus
Thomas Fleming, Chair/
Chief Volunteer Officer
Howard B. Friend
Howard T. Friend
Atty. Thomas Gacse,
2nd Vice Chair
Jennifer Gaffney
James B. Greene,
1st Vice Chair
James E. Greene, Assistant Secretary
Richard Hahn
Warren Harrell
Donald Harrison,
3rd Vice Chair
Atty. Timothy J. Jacob
Janice JanJanin
Philip Kocon, Treasurer
George Limbert
(Judge Magistrate)
Julius Livas
Atty. Thomas Lodge, Emeritus
J. D. Mirto, Assistant Treasurer
Garry Mrozek
William L. Richardson
William Russell
John Scotford, Jr.
Denise Stewart
Gregg Strollo
David Turner
Charles A. Wissuchek
Andrea Wood, Secretary
John H. Yerian, Jr., Immediate Past Chief Volunteer Officer
Timothy M. Hilk, President/
Chief Executive Officer
J.D. Mirto
Barbara Roman
Brian Rupe
Mike Seiser
Larry Teaberry
Virginia Williams
John H. Yerian, Jr.
Thomas Fleming, Ex-Officio
Timothy M. Hilk Ex-Officio
James Altiere
Brian Berlin
Sam Boak
Bruce Brocker
Rick Dearing
Tony DeAscentis
John DeLillo
Brian Downie
Howard T. Friend
Robert Fulton
Bil Gerson
Philip Kilpatrick
Amy Mirkin
Sam H. Miller
Denise Stewart, Chair
Lynn Bilal
Guy Burney
Leo Jay
Larry Olson
Randy Rair
Michael F. Shaffer
Timothy M. Hilk, Ex-Officio
Syesha Shaw
Thomas Fleming, Ex-Officio