the lamplighter - Ardmore United Methodist Church
the lamplighter - Ardmore United Methodist Church
THE LAMPLIGHTER Volume 24, Issue 9 September 2016 “Care for the flock that God has entrusted to you. Watch over it willingly…” - I Peter 5:2 The Privilege of Pastoring While I’ve been in the ministry for nearly 30 years, I have often been engaged in ministries that are more administrative, or supervisory, in nature. There have been years that I have been more involved with programs and policies than with people and pastoral care. All of these ministries have been important, and I do hope they have all helped to build the Kingdom of God. But I must admit, it feels so good to be back in a pastoral role! My most joyful years of ministry have been these types of appointments. My first ministry setting was a two-point charge in Central Illinois. My husband and I were students at Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary (a United Methodist Seminary in Evanston, Illinois), and our field education was in the middle of corn and soybean fields, grain elevators, and slab roads laid out in square miles. Along those roads and in those villages and farmhouses were some of the nicest people I have ever met, and being a 23-year old shepherd of their flocks was an amazing privilege. They endured my long visits and novice sermons, but most of all, they allowed me to care for them. I have not forgotten their trust, and every time I begin again in itinerancy I am reminded of the sacred trust between pastors and their parishioners. I want you to know that I feel privileged to be here with you at Ardmore, and I am so humbled to be a servant among you and a shepherd to you in your life journey. I want you to know I am here for you, and all of us on your church staff consider it a privilege to care for the flock that has been entrusted to us. You can call on us at any time. As our fall ministries begin, let us all re-evaluate our roles as both shepherds and members of the flock. Likewise, let us encourage and shepherd one another in our classes, groups, neighborhoods, and families. We all belong to one another, and we all have gifts for caring. Thank you again for your trust and our good beginning. With Love, Pastor Bev Connect to God, one another and the world. In This Issue Ardmore Vespers September Worship Opportunities Music Ministries Children and Family Ministries Youth Ministries Contemporary Worship The Artist’s Way Senior Moments September is Samaritan Inn Month Ardmore Vespers Coming Each Wednesday Beginning September 7 It’s time for our Wednesday Night Fellowship Meals to gear back up, and with them will come a new worship service, Ardmore Vespers. Vespers will take place each Wednesday night in the Chapel, from 6:30-7:00 pm. The fall season of Vespers will be from September 7 to December 7, with only a short break for Thanksgiving Week (November 23) The inspiration for these midweek services is the Iona Community, a dispersed Christian ecumenical community working for peace and social justice, rebuilding of community and the renewal of worship. For more information about Iona and its worship resources, visit 2 We will use music and liturgy from Iona in these weekly services. worship leader or technology programmer, please see Pastor Bev or Pastor Lisa. Our Vespers services will follow this monthly schedule: We look forward to offering these midweek services. They will increase your connection with God, one another, and the world – offering an opportunity to focus more on your growing faith as well as an opportunity to be present for worship when you have to be away on Sundays. First Wednesday Prayers for Healing Second Wednesday Celtic Evening Liturgy Third Wednesday Holy Communion Fourth Wednesday Prayers for Peace and Justice Fifth Wednesday Service of Silence If you have gifts in the area of worship (contemporary or traditional) or would like to be of assistance as an occasional STARTING WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 7TH AT A NEW TIME, 5:45 PM Everyone is welcome! Reservations are required by 10:00 AM each Monday morning by calling the church office. You may also complete the form in the bulletin each Sunday! Beginning with the October newsletter, you will find the menu for the month to help you plan. It is our goal to offer a delicious variety of wholesome foods! FALL BIBLE STUDY On Wednesday, September 7th at 6:45 PM in Room 304 we will begin the 8 week study of “Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus” by Nabeel Qureshi who shares the powerful story of his journey from faith in Allah to faith in Jesus Christ. Valuable insight into Islam, sharing cultural, intellectual and theological barriers that often stand in the way of Muslims accepting Jesus. Contact Eva Jane Felts at or Greg Brown at for more information or to sign-up. September Worship Opportunities 3 Sunday, September 4 Summer Sunday Worship in the Sanctuary 10:30 am (Scripture Reader Suzanne Johnson) Scripture: Matthew 5:8-9 Rev. Bev Coppley, Preaching Sunday, September 18 Traditional Service of Prayer and Praise, Sanctuary 8:15 am (Scripture Reader Eddie Draughn) Traditional Worship with Choir, Sanctuary 10:15 am (Scripture Reader Debbie Williams) Contemporary Worship with Band, Rozzelle Chapel 11:15 am Scripture: Acts 4:13-20 Rev. Lisa Tanico, Preaching Wednesday, September 7 Ardmore Vespers in Rozzelle Chapel 6:30 – 7:00 pm, Service of Healing Rev. Bev Coppley, Worship Leader Wednesday, September 21 Ardmore Vespers, Rozzelle Chapel 6:30 – 7:00 pm, Holy Communion Rev. Bev Coppley, Celebrant Sunday, September 11 Traditional Service of Prayer and Praise, Sanctuary 8:15 am (Scripture Reader Bobbie White) Traditional Worship with Choir, Sanctuary 10:15 am (Scripture Reader Timothy Binford) Contemporary Worship with Band, Rozzelle Chapel 11:15 am Scripture: Matthew 5:11-12 Rev. Bev Coppley, Preaching Sunday, September 25 Traditional Service of Prayer and Praise, Sanctuary 8:15 am (Scripture Reader J. R. Snider) Traditional Worship with Choir, Sanctuary 10:15 am (Scripture Reader Dolores Kanouse) Contemporary Worship with Band, Rozzelle Chapel 11:15 am Scriptures: 1 Samuel 16:1-14 / John 15:12-17 Rev. Bev Coppley, Preaching Wednesday, September 14 Ardmore Vespers, Rozzelle Chapel 6:30 – 7:00 pm, Celtic Evening Worship Rev. Lisa Tanico, Worship Leader Wednesday, September 28 Ardmore Vespers, Rozzelle Chapel 6:30 – 7:00 pm, A Service of Peace and Justice Rev. Lisa Tanico, Worship Leader From Our Associate Pastor You see it every day: The school bus rumbles to a stop and automatically a sturdy metal bar with an eightsided sign swings out from the left, much like a hen’s wing covering her brood. The school bus stop arm was envisioned, invented, and put into use in the 1950s. Eventually it was adopted by all 50 states, and some have tweaked this safety feature with LED or even strobe lights. And just last year a number of states began testing extended stop arms, arms that add as much as six feet, for extra warning. Last April Guilford County tested a product that lengthens the arm and boasts an extra stop sign, to boot. Point made: Less is not always more. When we share the road with those big yellow bodies that ferry our loved ones to and from school, we need to pay attention. Wouldn’t it be nice if God had a big stop arm that would flip into view somehow when we need to make a decision? We’re faced with a dilemma and out comes the arm: “Yes, go ahead!” or “You need to think about that…” or just plain “STOP!” You know as well as I do that God has vast and wondrous ways to get our attention. I can’t say they involve mechanical stop arms, but God has ways, and God always delivers the message. Sometimes it’s as plain as “STOP!” but often it’s more complex. Sometimes God speaks to us in ways to make us pause instead of stop, and this gets confusing. “Is that God speaking to me? What does God want me to do? Where does God want me to go?” I’ve heard it said that a restless spirit is often the sign of God trying to tell you something. Yet we tend to see unrest as a sign that something is wrong. Sleepless nights are written off as job stress, or family issues, or just plain worry. But it might be God speaking in your heart, telling an important secret meant only for you. One of the most faithful journal writers of all times was John Wesley, and the way he paid attention to his spiritual life is amazing. Wesley spent hours pondering God at work in the world and in his life, and was able to discern God’s presence because he stopped and paid attention. He even stopped to put it in writing! So here’s my chance to suggest that the next time you’re “caught” behind a school bus offloading (what seems like) all the children in the world, use those moments to examine your heart and listen for God’s voice. Truly stop, more than just your car. And take this practice wherever you go, not just behind the wheel. God is speaking, and God wants your attention and your answers. Swing out your own personal stop arm and take time to hear God’s message. Thoughtful blessings, Pastor Lisa Music Ministries 4 News From the Loft The regular choir season begins this month. We have music-making opportunities for ages 3 up. If the Spirit has been whispering to you, or someone next to you in the congregation has said, “You need to join the choir!” we hope you will join us for excellent music-making and fellowship that warms the soul. :) Our Fall Schedule: Wednesday, August 31, 7:30-8PM, Room 207 – Sanctuary Choir resumes regular rehearsals Wednesday, September 7, 5-5:30PM, Room 207 – Preschool Choir starts! Ages 3 through 5 Wednesday, September 7, 5:30-6PM, Room 207 – Children’s Choir starts! Grades K-4 Sunday, September 11, 6-7PM, Room 302 – The Ardmore Bells begin fall rehearsals If you are interested in participating and want more information, please email Dreama Lovitt at Music for the Month and More… Sunday, September 4, Communion Guest musician, Judy Jordan, plays the flute and the Sanctuary Choir sings: Prayer of St. Francis– by Carol McClure and the beloved Lutkin Benediction Sunday, September 11, The Start of Our New Worship Times! 8:15AM, Morning Prayer 10:15AM, Traditional Service in Sanctuary 11:15AM, Contemporary Service in the Chapel The Sanctuary Choir sings the 10:15AM service: To God All Praise and Glory, by Martin and Now and Always, by Lovitt Sunday, September 18 The Sanctuary Choir sings at the 10:15AM service: music TBS Sunday, September 25 The Sanctuary Choir sings at the 10:15AM service: Lord, Speak to Me– by Hopson and Prayer of St. Richard of Chester– by White Sunday, October 2, World Communion Sunday The Sanctuary Choir sings at the 10:15 service: music TBD A pretty full house! Photo by Hal Garrison Timothy Olsen plays Handel’s ‘Cuckoo and the Nightengale’ concerto. Photo by Hal Garrison 5 Our Sounds of the Summer concert at Ardmore UMC was a huge success! Susan Bates (Centenary UMC) started the concert with a rousing Bach Toccata that brought immediate hoots and hollers of enjoyment. Glenn Siebert (Home Moravian and UNCSA) sang beautifully in a trio set of chorale preludes. And strings and oboes accompanied our lovely Noack in a grand finale Handel Concerto played by Timothy Olsen (Augsburg Lutheran and UNCSA/Salem College). We had a good crowd, with 250 people in attendance! Thank you to Nick Nicholson for the excellent video projection! And thank you to those of you who helped greet our guests and pass out programs! Glenn Siebert sings ‘Herr Jesus, Christ dich zu uns wend’ before the first trio. Photo by Hal Garrison Susan Bates gets set to play the brilliant Toccata in F Major by J.S. Bach. Photo by Hal Garrison Pastor Bev gives a warm welcome for the concert. Photo by Hal Garrison News From the Mic Welcome, Jerry Chapman! Ardmore UMC welcomes Jerry Chapman to our staff! Jerry has come aboard as our Interim Director of Contemporary Music. He has already been working with our band to begin plans for an 11:15 service at Ardmore, which will begin with a “soft launch” approach on September 11. Be on the lookout for more information about this service, and how you can pray for it and be involved in its successful outreach. Jerry is a professional musician and a native of Winston-Salem. He is a graduate of Furman University and is the proud father of Georgia and Matthew. Jerry now lives in Mount Airy and is married to Jennifer, who is an Admissions Officer at Salem College. You will enjoy Jerry’s versatile musical talents, his encouraging leadership, his warm personality, and most of all, his sense of fun! If you have interest in being a part of the band, contact Jerry at Children and Family Ministries WEDNESDAY EVENING CHILDREN’S PROGRAMS It’s almost time to kick off our Wednesday night Christian Education programs. Children’s choirs and KidSpace classes resume September 7. Are you curious about all the fun going on for children? Come check it out firsthand! We would love to see your child at both opportunities, growing as disciples. Multiple teaching styles are utilized to grab and maintain the attention of ALL children. On special occasions in KidSpace we participate in missions, collecting change to buy and donate. All children are welcome: K-2ND MEETS 5:00-5:30 PM PRE-K MEET 5:30-5:55 PM 6 ATTENTION: PARENTS/ GUARDIANS OF PRE-K AND KINDERGARTEN STUDENTS We are changing our Sunday morning routine just a bit! The idea behind this new opportunity for our youngest learners is to expose them to Christian Education through community worship and allow volunteers to be in a portion of our service. We ask that you pick up your children at the close of Sunday school and proceed to take children along with you to the service. All children Kindergarten and younger, (minimum 3 years toilet-trained) are invited to join the volunteer staff after our Children’s Message for additional learning time in Room 218 with an offering, prayer time, a Bible lesson and hands on activity. Note: other changes are coming, but we’re positive you will love them. If you have any questions, see Nicole Stevens or Pastor Bev Coppley. SURF SHACK VBS: TOTALLY AWESOME DUDE This summers Vacation Bible School may just have been the best one to date. The children not only learned that God Creates, God Loves, God Helps and God Calms, but they learned all these things through different teaching styles. They learned at assembly with Skipper Lisa (Tanico) and puppet, Snappy the Crab. They learned through music and art as well as story time. And they were introduced to missions and outreach with opportunities to donate gently-used clothing, food items for Our Father’s Table pantry, toiletries for Samaritan Inn, and noisy change for Triad Pink Heals ( Children raised over $188.00. Those who’ve been affected by cancer were able to sign the pink fire truck on our final day; founder and fireman Chuck Goins, brought the truck for the children to see. It was a big hit for all ages and for boys and girls alike. Older children, in rising 5th and 6th grade worked in the food pantry prepping groceries for our Aug 4 clients, visited Cancer Services, Inc. to learn more about volunteer opportunities, cataloged library books at Ward Elementary to help the school, and then set up everything for the evening of the pantry. Our students are amazing. Thank you to all our wonderfully gifted servant leaders, the leadership team, and the congregation for your loving and prayers. We were able to serve 95 children altogether and believe it or not, we are already chatting about VBS 2017! 7 Youth Ministries YOUTH LOVED #spiritUS2K16 Our youth just returned from their summer beach retreat August 12-14, full of the Holy Spirit. The guest speaker, Jeniffer Dake (, was awesome. She shared her gift of weaving ridiculous but true life experiences into the scripture to bring her message to a younger generation of believers. The youth who attended enjoyed her talks, the John Lewis Band and being together in fellowship. We walked on the beach, played cards, laughed and enjoyed a fantastic time together. Before departing the island, we enjoyed lunch and a treat at OKI’s Sunset Slushies to cap off a great weekend. SEPT 18 YOUTH KICK OFF/POT LUCK at 4:00-6:00 PM; fellowship hall. Electronic sign up sheet has been sent and will be sent out again. Please save the date! 25 YOUTH FELLOWSHIP & SNACK, 4:30 - 5:55 PM; snack provider to be announced. OCT 2 YOUTH FELLOWSHIP & SNACK, 4:30 - 5:55 PM; snack provider to be announced. 7-9 SAVE THE DATE – FALL RETREAT, Valle Crucis, NC we’ll enjoy the crisp fall air of the NC mountains, beautiful surroundings, fellowship, worship and great activities. Plan now and save these dates to your calendar. Cost will be approximately $150 per child. Scholarship money is available to help offset costs for members’ children. Registration forms were emailed out. See Nicole if you need one. Attach copies of medical insurance front & back to form along with your deposit of $75.00 16 YOUTH FELLOWSHIP & SNACK, 4:30 - 5:55 PM; snack provider TBA. as well as program. 23 “SPECIAL” OFF SITE FALL MISSION ACTIVITY - details to come. 30 YOUTH FELLOWSHIP & SNACK, 4:30 - 5:55 PM; snack provider TBA. NOV 5 Serve at H.O.P.E. We’ll help pack produce bags and make lunches for triad area families and children who are impoverished. For more info, go to 8 YOUNG ADULT BIBLE STUDY (YABS) Ardmore’s Young Adults are meeting regularly to study scripture from The Book of Acts. Together we reflect on God’s Word for our lives, and we discuss work, family issues, and just support each other and hold one another accountable to this faith we claim. Our God is faithful to us and we are committed to being faithful to Him by staying in service and fellowship. YABS MEETS WEEKLY AT 7:00 PM in the Reception room on the second floor of the main church building each Wednesday. The room is accessible by both elevator and stairs. Childcare is always provided and we typically wrap up around 8:15-830 PM. The Artist's Way is coming to Ardmore! An OVERNIGHT CAMPING ADVENTURE is on the agenda for Young Adults September 16-17, at Jessup Mill. To register simply go to under reservations, reserve your space in “tent camping”. For additional info, reach out to Camping Coordinator, Erich Strupe, 336.462.5536 or Contemporary Worship The EPIC Worship Committee is working alongside our Ministers to relaunch the contemporary service. The contemporary service will not thrive unless we have your support. Please prayerfully consider volunteering your time and talent. If you are interested in helping in these areas please contact the following: Unlock your God-given talents with this 12-week class of self-exploration based on the book The Artist’s Way: A Spiritual Path to Higher Creativity by author Julia Cameron. Our sessions will be taught by Tim Binkley, who has many years of experience guiding people through this creative process. For more information, read the Wikipedia article describing the course, check out the book in our church office, or ask Dreama Lovitt, our Music Director. Dreama took the course years ago and considers it to be a pivotal influence in her life. The Artist’s Way has been translated into 12 languages, and there are Artist’s Way classes and communities all over the world. Artists of all persuasions and those simply seeking to feel in touch with their full range of talents often look for these courses to be offered. Please invite friends and neighbors to consider the class! The proposed class schedule is September 12 through December 5, 2016 (excluding October 31, 12 total sessions), 6:30 - 8:30 pm. December 12, 2016 will be reserved as a weather makeup date. Fee for up to 10 students: $275 each; 10 or more students: $250 each; 20 or more students: $200 each. The class fee may be paid on or before the evening of the first class. A registration form will be provided. Book not included. Music Dustin Moore, Please email Dreama Lovitt at if you are interested. Technology Daniel Fernandez, If there is interest Mr. Binkley is willing to offer another free preview session. It will include information on Mr. Binkley’s experience with The Artist’s Way, an overview of the book and the class, and a question and answer time. Email Dreama Lovitt or Tim Binkley at Hospitality Tasha Strupe, or Hillary Fernandez, Senior Moments According to the calendar, summer is coming to an end and autumn is on the way. I hope you have had a nice summer. There has certainly been a lot going on and getting to know Pastor Bev has been a highlight for us all. Barb Carter, Betty McBride, Mary O’Daniel and I attended a “Lunch and Learn” program, Pastoral Care and the Transition to Facility Living”, at Trinity Elms in Clemmons last month. Trinity Elms has expanded, and now offers rehab, memory care, skilled care, assisted living and long term care. It is a beautiful place! On Tuesday, September 27, Young at Heart programs/ luncheons resume with VIP (Voices In Praise), Calvary Baptist Church’s Senior Adult Choir, presenting “DANIEL, God’s Peerless Prophet”. Thank you to former Ardmore member Don Dwiggins for arranging this. We will meet at 11:45 a.m. in the Bob Martin Hall (fellowship hall). Lunch will be catered by Cagney’s and the cost is $8.00. The program will be first, with lunch around 12:30. Please 9 plan to attend and call or email me (336-723-5566 or to make your reservation…and invite a friend to come with you. Let me know by Thursday, September 22 so that I can add your name(s) to my list. Put it on your calendar now…Young at Heart, Tuesday, September 27 at 11:45. On Thursday, October 6, Suzanne Johnson has invited us to visit her farm, the animals, farmhouse and a Civil War cemetery adjacent to her farm. We will talk more about this field trip at the September program/luncheon. On October 25 Young at Heart program will be a “vendor fair.” People from various local facilities and people who do health screenings will be here. There will be door prizes and some fun activities as well, so you won’t want to miss it! You will hear more about this next month. As the summer ends and school begins again, I am reminded of a quote by Walter A. Witt: “Life is a school. There is something new to learn wherever we may be, wherever we OUR CONGREGATIONAL CONCERNS For friends and family in need of healing: Harrison Anderson, Peggy Andrews, Tammy Binn, Polly Blackburn, Pat Blankenship, Charlotte Breeze, Lydia Brinker, Johnnie Bryant, Jan Carter, Jane Click, Ron Creasy, Lucy Doud, Sally Doud, Lou Foster, Betty Frazier, Marian Funderburk, Bethany Goodman, Nell Hamilton, Marjorie Harris, Carolyn Hankins, Cliff and Nancy Harvel, Ruby Houlden, Earl Hucks, Louise Hutchinson, Jerry Johnson, Elizabeth Martin, Ruth Martin, Gertrude Maynard, Sylvia Powell, Bruce Richardson, Jim Smith, Hank Spainhour, Dianne Spainhower, Nancy Stahl, Carl Stevens, Carolyn Stuart, Mary Tatum, Robert Tull, Janice Weeks, Sue Wilkinson, Evelyn Williams, Jim Wooten, and Sofie Zuluaga For those who grieve: for the family and friends of Rita Hicks and for the family and friends of Virginia Steadman. For those who serve our country. For those who come to Our Father’s Table Food Pantry and Clothing Closet. go, wherever we turn.” We are all lifelong learners and that makes each day special for us. See you in September. Love and Peace to All, Mary Jo Each month, The Upper Room Daily Devotional Guides are available in the Narthex. Please take one for daily devotional use. To help offset the expense of the guides, please place a $1.00 in the box near the guides, ask an usher to put it in the box or use an offering envelope from the pew, mark it for “Upper Room” and leave it in the offering plate. Remember our Homebound Do you know of a church member who has difficulties making it to worship on Sunday mornings? We provide copies of our weekly sermons on CD as well as our church bulletin. If you know of a shut-in that would like to receive either or both of these, please contact the church office and we will add them to our mailing list. Memorials & Honorariums 10 IN MEMORY OF FRANKIE LILES by Ms. Lynn Dixson IN MEMORY OF LARRY MARTIN by Ms. Mary Jo Brewer, Mrs. Carolina Simmons, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Read, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Tom Atwood, Mrs. Edith Jordan, Mr. and Mrs. Jere Carter, Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Stokes, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Greene, Sheffield Gardners, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Kennedy, Mrs. Sarah Penry, Mrs. Wynnette Alexander, Ms. Mary O’Daniel, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Amos, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hamilton, Dr. and Mrs. Blucher Taylor, Mrs. Betty Richardson, Mrs. Pat Weaver, Ms. Hattie Hauser, Ms. Betty McBride, Mrs. Dolores Kanouse, Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Foster, Mrs. Lucia Smithdeal, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Stevens, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Dwiggins, Deborah Circle of the UMW IN MEMORY OF JOAN ROSS by Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hedrick, Mrs. Carolina Simmons, Ms. Mary Jo Brewer, Scott Miller Sunday School Class of First Baptist Church in Lincolnton, Ms. Sarah Beam, Mrs. Lucia Smithdeal, Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Foster, Ms. Jane Click, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Baity, Christian Fellowship Class, Mrs. Patsy Grubbs, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Kennedy, Mr. and Mrs. Larry Frick, Mr. and Mrs. David Frick, Trudy Frick IN MEMORY OF C. P. PATE by Mr. and Mrs. Richard Smithdeal, Mrs. Lucia Smithdeal, Mrs. Wynnette Alexander, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Kennedy, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Amos, Mrs. Shelby Sitison, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Blair, Mr. and Mrs. Rick Evans, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Dwiggins IN MEMORY OF DR. BILL MYERS by Mr. and Mrs. Richard Smithdeal IN HONOR OF JOCK AND CHERYL OLLIS by Ms. Mary Kay Ollis, Mr. Charles Potts IN HONOR OF ELIZABETH MARTIN by Mrs. Pat Weaver Happy September Birthday 9/1 9/3 9/4 9/5 9/6 9/7 9/8 9/9 9/10 9/12 9/13 9/15 Dolores Kanouse Carolina Simmons Elise Myers Marilyn Greene Tammy Sexton Jack Colwell Fields Rachel Hembree Judith Law Marilyn Reins Amelia Johnson Kim Sink Drew Blackwell Sammy Scheerer Dallas Carper Stephanie Rehm Matt Rogers Emma Slater Lily Kate Jones James Savage Eva Jane Felts Carolyn Webster John Schmidt Milton Kern Liam Griffin Sally Blackburn Jay Jackson Teri Liles Sienna Liles Marguerite Wilson Angie Ware Bob Tomihiro Bethany Carrigan 9/16 Ken Norton Catherine Dyer 9/17 Mary Whiteheart Leon Weddle Peter Hucks Elizabeth Kneller Eric French 9/18 Jordan Jackson 9/19 Wilson Crawford John Stuart 9/20 Walt Unks Rebecca Rogers 9/21 Nancy Harvel Barbara Goldsmith Cooper Lindel Sally Lindel 9/22 Eddie Draughn 9/23 Betsy McNichols 9/24 Jim Elliott Trin Rehm 9/25 Janice Weeks Creola Seivers Hannah Jones 9/26 Dianne Weddle Hank Ely Paige Deaton 9/27 Aric Clinkscales 9/28 Edith Knott Dianne Spainhower 9/29 Marian Funderburk 9/30 Julie Huffines 9/30 Kara Elliott Dear Ardmore Church Family, Thank you for your expressions of love and concern as well as your prayers over the past many months. The doctor has released me to return to normal activities and “so far” this time, my heart is in normal rhythm. Willard Fenegan SEPTEMBER IS SAMARITAN INN MONTH! The Samaritan Inn is a wonderful volunteer opportunity coming our way again this month. Ardmore will serve the shelter on two Friday nights, September 23 and September 30. Each night, we will set up and serve dinner, clear up after the meal and share fellowship and evening devotions with the guests there. 6 to 8 folks are needed to spend the night as well, and serve a small breakfast in the morning before guests depart at 7:30 AM. Ask anybody who has volunteered at the shelter before, and they will tell you this is one of the MOST rewarding experiences they've ever had! Hurry and sign up to take part in this opportunity. Please contact Treva Jackson at 336-972-7646 or OR Joy Troyer 336 -765-4083 or 11 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 28 9:15 AM Sunday School 10:30 AM Children's Church/ Learning Time 10:30 AM Summer Worship 4:00 PM Cub Scouts Meal Prep 6:00 PM BS Troop 749 6:00 PM Cub Scout Kick-Off 29 30 5:45 PM GriefShare 31 7:00 PM Young Adult Bible Study 1 PS Conferences 5:30 PM FOOD PANTRY 2 PS Conferences 12:00 PM CHURCH OFFICE CLOSES 3 4 9:15 AM Sunday School 10:30 AM Children's Church/ Learning Time 10:30 AM Summer Worship 6:00 PM BS Troop 749 5 Labor Day 6 9:00 AM Preschool 5:45 PM GriefShare 7:00 PM Miriam Circle 7 9:00 AM Preschool 11:00 AM Stitchers 5:00 PM KidSpace (K-2nd)/ PreK Choir 5:30 PM KidSpace (PreK)/ Children's Choir (K-4th) 5:45 PM Fellowship Meal 6:30 PM Vespers 7:00 PM Young Adult Bible Study 8 9:00 AM Preschool 11:30 AM Duke Energy Retirees Luncheon 9 9:00 AM Preschool 12:00 PM CHURCH OFFICE CLOSES 10 11 Patriot Day 8:15 AM Prayer and Praise Service 9:15 AM Sunday School 10:15 AM Children's Church/ Learning Time 10:15 AM Traditional Worship 11:15 AM Contemporary Worship 6:00 PM BS Troop 749 12 9:00 AM Preschool 9:15 AM TTWS Parent Meeting 13 9:00 AM Preschool 10:00 AM Esther Circle 10:30 AM Martha Circle 3:00 PM Deborah Circle 5:45 PM GriefShare 14 9:00 AM Preschool 11:00 AM Stitchers 5:00 PM KidSpace (K-2nd)/ PreK Choir 5:30 PM KidSpace (PreK)/ Children's Choir (K-4th) 5:45 PM Fellowship Meal 6:30 PM Vespers 7:00 PM Church Council 7:00 PM Young Adult Bible Study 15 9:00 AM Preschool 5:30 PM FOOD PANTRY 16 9:00 AM Preschool 12:00 PM CHURCH OFFICE CLOSES 17 18 8:15 AM Prayer and Praise Service 9:15 AM Sunday School 10:15 AM Children's Church/ Learning Time 10:15 AM Traditional Worship 11:15 AM Contemporary Worship 4:00 PM UMYF Fall Kick-Off 6:00 PM BS Troop 749 19 9:00 AM Preschool 6:30 PM Missions and Outreach Committee 20 9:00 AM Preschool 5:30 PM ADK Meeting 5:45 PM GriefShare 6:00 PM Nominations Committee 6:30 PM UMM Dinner and Meeting 6:30 PM Worship Committee 21 9:00 AM Preschool 11:00 AM Stitchers 5:00 PM KidSpace (K-2nd)/ PreK Choir 5:30 PM KidSpace (PreK)/ Children's Choir (K-4th) 5:45 PM Fellowship Meal 6:30 PM Vespers 7:00 PM Young Adult Bible Study 22 First Day of Autumn 9:00 AM Preschool 6:00 PM Ardmore Community Club Dinner 23 9:00 AM Preschool 12:00 PM CHURCH OFFICE CLOSES 24 25 8:15 AM Prayer and Praise Service 9:15 AM Sunday School 10:15 AM Children's Church/ Learning Time 10:15 AM Traditional Worship 11:15 AM Contemporary Worship 4:30 PM UMYF Snack/Program 6:00 PM BS Troop 749 26 9:00 AM Preschool 27 9:00 AM Preschool 11:45 AM Young at Heart 5:45 PM GriefShare 28 TTWS Clothing and Toy Sale 9:00 AM Preschool 11:00 AM Stitchers 5:00 PM KidSpace (K-2nd)/ PreK Choir 5:30 PM KidSpace (PreK)/ Children's Choir (K-4th) 5:45 PM Fellowship Meal 6:30 PM Vespers 7:00 PM Young Adult Bible Study 29 TTWS Clothing and Toy Sale 9:00 AM Preschool 30 TTWS Clothing and Toy Sale 9:00 AM Preschool 12:00 PM CHURCH OFFICE CLOSES 1 TTWS Clothing and Toy Sale If you have a meeting or event to schedule or one that is not listed on the calendar, please contact Deb Jandes in the church office at or 336.723.3695. Reservations are required for all church facilities. Thank you for your cooperation. 630 South Hawthorne Road Winston Salem, NC 27103 Periodicals Postage Paid 12 Winston-Salem, NC 27102 USPS #343130 The Lamplighter (USPS No. 343130) is published monthly by Ardmore United Methodist Church, 630 South Hawthorne Road, Winston-Salem, NC 27103. Phone: 336.723.3695. E-mail:; website: All information herein is the property of AUMC and their friends and family. Please do not use without express consent from the publisher. Food For Share The needs for the month of September include: Canned meats (tuna, salmon, chicken, etc.), canned corn, mac/cheese and canned soup Other needs include coffee, laundry detergent, bath soap, deodorant, shampoo, toothpaste, tooth brushes, diapers (size 2-5). Contact Us Give us a call for more information about our church. This list serves as a guideline in making donations that meet specific needs for the month. Grocery bags are available in the Narthex, the lobby near the elevator and beside the Missions Closet near the entrance to the Education Building. Please take one, fill it up on your next grocery shopping trip and return to the Missions Closet. Ardmore UMC 630 S. Hawthorne Road Winston Salem, NC 27103 Our Father’s Table Food Pantry and Clothing Closet 336.723.3695 We will be serving guests on September 1 and 15 this month. Volunteers are always needed. Please come and help serve our community. For more information or to get involved, please contact Eva Jane Felts at Connect to God, one another and the world. Visit us on the web at