January 12, 2012 newsletter.pub - Crown Point Community School
January 12, 2012 newsletter.pub - Crown Point Community School
Winfield Elementary PAW PRINTS “Little People, Big Dreams, Bright Futures” Mrs. Patricia Carnahan, Principal 13128 Montgomery Street Phone 663-2287 Fax 663-1138 www.cps.k12.in.us/winfield Standard 1: The school establishes and communicates a shared purpose and direction for improving the performance of students and the effectiveness of the school. FROM MRS. CARNAHAN: A+ January 12, 2012 29 DAYS TILL WINTERFEST……February 10th! The biggest event of the year! ⇒ Remember the first grade field trip that had no bus cost. ⇒ Remember the 4H Chicks in second grade that the kids loved. ⇒ Remember Kindergarten Graduation with their Caps and Gowns. ⇒ Remember the Document Cameras that brought learning alive with color. ⇒ Remember the proud Student of the Month pictures and award items. ⇒ Remember the Summer Packet Program that kept our kids motivated. ⇒ Remember the Multi-Cultural Days that provided an awareness of our neighbors. ⇒ Remember the classroom monies that updated the classroom supplies and materials. ⇒ Remember the Free Family Fun Nights…for everyone in the family. ⇒ Remember Red Ribbon Week that taught your child to say “NO”. ⇒ Remember the welcoming Shelter in back of school for outside activities. ⇒ Remember the school sign out by the road that announces our busy schedule. ⇒ Remember the Paw Prints that you walk on as you enter school. ⇒ ETC. The PTO provides the monies that support these activities that make school memorable. Without donations and volunteers for the PTO WinterFest, we will not be able to continue these activities. Let’s make sure we ALL (you, me, the teachers, the staff, the community) support our PTO with the WinterFest Event. Our children are worth it! 1. Please donate themed items towards your child’s class basket. They are anxiously awaiting items to put in their baskets. Big or small items are welcome. You may also make a monetary donation of any amount and we will purchase items for you for the class baskets. Now is better than later…so we can wrap up the baskets. 2. Please remember to pre-order dinner tickets by January 27th and save $2.00 off an adult ticket. Kindergarten Registration (Part One) Parents of children who will attend Kindergarten in the fall will begin the registration process on February 21, 2011, 9:00-11:30am and 1:00-3:00pm. Please bring the child’s official birth certificate, shot record and social security card.. We must also have proof of residency which will include a drivers’ license (with correct address) and two utility bills. Children must be age 5 by August 1, 2012. MENU Monday 1-16 NO SCHOOL Tuesday 1-17 Turkey and stuffing Chicken nuggets Asian chef salad Turkey sandwich Wednesday 1-18 Chicken alfredo/pasta Bosco stick Turkey chef salad Turkey sandwich Thursday 1-19 Mostaccioli/meat sauce Corn dog Turkey sandwich Ham chef salad Friday 1-20 BBQ chicken sandwich Mexican lasagna Taco chef salad Turkey sandwich DATES TO REMEMBER January 13-Teacher Records Day-NO SCHOOL January 16– Martin Luther King day– NO SCHOOL January 19-Report cards come home January 20– Return report card envelopes February 9– Six Flags Read to Succeed logs due February 10– WINTER FEST Please remember to call your children off when they are ill. 663-2287 Someone You Should Know Is there a remarkable someone (school employee, student, etc.) you know who has a special talent or goes above and beyond to make their school or community a better place, and you would like the community to know about this person? Then nominate them for a special feature, “Getting to Know,” in the Times newspaper at slbero@hotmail.com. From Mrs. Schultze– "Success comes to the person who does today what you were thinking about doing tomorrow” Breakfast is served 10 minutes before the start of school. When sending in lunch money, please place it in an envelope with your child’s first and last name and teacher on the outside. Make the check payable to Winfield cafeteria. Students cannot charge just milk unless there is money on their account. A W S P Play Fairly Act Kindly Work Hard Show Respect BOOK-IT The following students have met the requirements for the month of December: Miss Ferraro– Ariana Cornett, Riley Daniels, Sean Dorsey, Cristyn Fraley, Madelyn Girton, Andrew Goldthorpe, Kamryn Hendricks, Mason Hullinger, Aiden Jaworski, Kendall Johnston, Ariana Klingberg, Brooke Lawhead, Aedin obringer, Gloria Radford, henry Spomar, Nicole Tul, Vraniskoski, Zoey Wells. Mrs. Tracy– Gage Albers, angel Diaz, Grant Anderson, Angelina Tants, Angie olivieri, Maram Tadros, Miles Origel. Please, no fast food in the cafeteria. SCHOOL HOURS Attendance Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday; 1st and 2nd Grade: 8:55-3:30 AM Kindergarten: 8:55-11:30 PM Kindergarten: 12:55-3:30 AM KindergartenPM KindergartenFull Day KFirst GradeSecond Grade– On Wednesdays, there is a delayed start: 1st and 2nd grade: 9:15-3:30 AM Kindergarten: 9:15-11:30 PM Kindergarten: 1:05-3:30 The nurse’s office is in need of girls pants and long sleeved shirts, sizes 6,8, and 10. We also need boys and girls socks. Thank you! The Hobart Humane society is in dire need of supplies for the large amount of animals it has taken in. Their shelter is equipped to comfortably house 75-90 animals. They are now averaging 150 or more each month! There will be a large donation box by the front doors from January 23-27th. If you have any questions, please call Mrs. Paska at 219-712-1357. Here is a list of items needed: Extra large trash bags, Literally tons of clay kitty litter, Purina Cat Chow and Kitten Chow, Purina Dog Chow and Puppy Chow (no canned dog food), Pine Sol, SOS pads, anti bacterial dish soap, Paper towels, PLAIN Clorox bleach, Old laundered towels, Monetary donations (checks made out to the Hobart Humane Society) Child Care 2011 Tax Statements 2011 Tax Statements for Child Care are now available for pick up in the childcare classroom between the hours of 6:00 am – 6:00 pm. Tutor Available Jaclyn Wise (first grade student teacher) is available for tutoring. Please contact her 219-405-4051. Community News is provided as a service to our parents and community. It is not meant to be an endorsement. Spring 2012 LOFS soccer registration will take place at the LOFS clubhouse on January 7th from 9:00am till Noon. If you have any questions, please go to www.seasonssoccerclub.org LOFS Girls softball sign ups will take place on Saturday, Jan 21st, Feb 4th and Feb 18th from 10am till 1pm at the 19th hole, 1048 N. Lakeshore Drive. You may also sign up online and save $10. Go to www.Lofsgirlssoftball.com LOFS-Winfield Youth Baseball registration Registration sessions for the local Little League is set for Wednesday, January 18 from 6:30 p.m. to 9 p.m.; Saturday, January 21 from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m.; and Saturday, February 4 from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. All sessions are set for the Lakes of the Four Seasons clubhouse. Parents and guardians need to bring: player insurance information (carrier and policy no.); doctor’s name, address and phone number; emergency contact information; hospital preference; medications and dosages; date of last tetanus booster; player’s uniform size (samples available); plus a copy of the birth certificate (for all players who did not participate in the 2011 season. Divisions: T-Ball (5&6); Denim (7&8); Minors (9&10); Majors (11&12); Juniors (13-15); Seniors (15-18). The league will conduct a camp for 4-year olds again this year in June and early July. When the details are finalized, they will be posted on the website. There is a $30 late fee added to all registrations after February 5. Player evaluations are set for Sunday, February 26 starting noon at Boone Grove High School. All Crown Point school kids age 4 to 18 living east of I-65 are eligible to sign up with LOFS Little League. Call Dan Kukulski, Player Agent, at 708-903-3724 or email him at mfdkuku@comcast.net. Also visit www.lofsll.org. BULLDOG YOUTH WRESTLING LEAGUE sign ups will be Jan 18, 23, and 25th at Lake Street Elementary from 5:30-7:30 in the gym hallway entrance 5S. This is open to students in Pre-K to 6th grade. If you need further information, go to www.gocpwrestling.com or contact league director Del Kutemeier at dgkutemeier@cps.k12.in.us or phone 663-7292 The registration form and schedule will be sent home via an AlertNow email.
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