crown point - Winfield American
crown point - Winfield American
Region Communications Inc. 7590 East 109th Avenue Winfield, IN 46307 PRSRT STD ECRWSS U.S. POSTAGE PAID Crown Point, IN PERMIT No. 811 POSTAL CUSTOMER Winfield Vol. 15, Issue 738 American Serving Winfield, Lakes of the Four Seasons, and Winfield Township since 2002 Single-family building permits up 14 percent Single-family building permits in Indiana increased 6% in June compared to the same time last year according to the latest data from the U.S. Census Bureau and the Department of Housing and Urban Development. Permits decreased 2% in June over the previous month. “For the fifth straight month, single-family housing starts in Indiana have increased over the same time last year,” said Indiana Builders Association Chief Executive Officer Rick Wajda. “This steady climb indicates that the housing industry should continue to strengthen throughout the remainder of the year.” In June 2016, there were 1,394 single-family build- ing permits issued compared to 1,309 in 2015. The single family permit numbers for the first half of 2016 are up 14% compared to the first half of 2015. Builder confidence in the market for newly built, single-family homes in July fell one point to 59 from a June reading of 60 on the National Association of Home Builders-Wells Fargo Housing Market Index (HMI). Any number over 50 indicates that more builders view conditions as good than poor. For the past six months, builder confidence has remained in a relatively narrow positive range that is consistent with the ongoing gradual housing recovery. The Wings of Freedom Tour of the WWII Vintage Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress, Consolidated B-24 Liberator, North American B-25 Mitchell and North American P-51 Mustang Announce Unique Display in Valparaiso at Porter County Regional Airport from August 5 to August 7. The Collings Foundation’s Wings of Freedom Tour brings rare bomber and fighter aircraft for local living history display as part of 110- The Lake County Fair has arrived, and it is sharing the summer with a myriad of other local festivals and carnivals. It is important to remember that although amusement rides continue to be a thrill for Hoosiers of all ages, riders need to remain informed about ride safety. “If there is any concern over a ride’s safety, alert the ride operator and do not board the ride,” said John Erickson, Director of Public Information for the Indiana Department of Homeland Security. “When standing in line for a ride, look for any issues that could make the ride August 5, 2016 New park a win-win for the Town of Winfield and a local developer Late last year the Winfield Town Council announced that planning and work was to begin to develop the town’s first major park on Randolph Street, just north of Stonegate subdivision. The Town obtained 10 acres two years ago from Providence Real Estate Development and had worked the past several years gathering the cash, almost $350,000, to develop it without having to increase taxes. Many residents, along with Town Council members feel that a park is essential for the town’s long term quality of life. It will be a place for families and their kids to have fun and relax, and hold sporting events, concerts, and festivals similar to what was started in Crown Point years ago. The first phase will include the entrance, a parking lot, a playground, and a picnic pavilion with restrooms. In city nationwide tour. Participating in the Collings Foundation’s Wings Of Freedom Tour, the Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress ‘Nine O Nine’ WWII Heavy Bomber, Consolidated B-24 Liberator ‘Witchcraft’ WWII Heavy Bomber, North American B-25 Mitchell ‘Tondelayo’ WWII Medium Bomber and P-51 Mustang ‘Betty Jane’, will fly into Porter County Regional Airport in Valparaiso for a visit. This is a rare opportunity to visit, explore, and learn more about these unique and rare treasures of aviation history. The B-17 is one of only eight in flying condition in the United States, the B-25 is best known for the Doolittle Raid, the B-24J and Dual Control P-51C Mustang are the sole remaining examples of their type flying in the World. Visitors are invited to explore the aircraft inside and out; a $12 donation for adults and $6 donation for children under 12 is requested for ac- cess to up-close viewing and tours through the inside of the aircraft. WWII Veterans can tour through the aircraft at no cost. Visitors may also experience the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to actually take a 30-minute flight aboard these rare aircraft. Flight experiences are a tax-deductible donation. Flights on either the B-17 or B-24 are $450 per person. B-25 flights are $400 per person. Get some (See Wings Pg. 2) unsafe.” Most amusement rides are safe, but Hoosiers should always observe a ride before boarding to ensure there are no broken parts, improper maintenance or operating problems. If a problem is noticed, express the safety concern to the ride’s operator. If there is still a concern after the ride operator has been alerted, it should be reported to the ride company’s management, then the venue. An inattentive ride operator should also be reported. If safety concerns remain unresolved or problems with multiple rides at a venue are noticed, Hoosiers should contact the state’s ride safety hotline at 1-888-203-5020 or e-mail Additional amusement ride safety tips from IDHS: • Read all posted rules and listen to instructions given by ride operators. • Watch the ride with children before boarding. Point out the operator and the entrance and exit locations prior to riding. Make sure children understand the instructions and warnings fully. • Obey minimum height, age and weight restrictions. (See Residents Pg. 2) Community Healthcare System was recently presented with a Community Excellence award from Lake Area United Way for the hospital system’s outstanding support in the 2015-16 annual community campaign. The Community Excellence Award is presented to a corporate partner that embodies the overall spirit of living united through contributions of time, leadership and resources that coincide with United Way’s work in the priority areas of education, income and health. “Community Healthcare (See Community Pg. 2) Excavation crews on Randolph moving dirt from the retention pond for the subdivision onto future Town park property. the future, the park plan calls for a series of picnic shelters around a large open green space with trails running throughout the park, and, eventually baseball and/or soccer fields. To help in the financing of the park, in May of 2016 (See Park Pg. 2) ‘Wings of Freedom’ planes make stop this weekend at Porter County Airport in Valpo Residents encouraged to be aware of safety Community Healthcare System hospitals concerns before boarding amusement rides recipients of Lake Area United Way Honor Brandi Adams, relationship manager, Lake Area United Way, presents the Community Excellence Award to Tony Ferracane, Community Healthcare System’s Vice President of Human Resources. The award is presented to a corporate partner that stands “united” with LAUW’s efforts in the priority areas of education, income and health. See Coupons Pg. 7 2 August 5, 2016 Crown Point High School set to distribute 100th edition of school’s yearbook this month The Excalibur yearbook staff will distribute the 100th edition yearbooks with the theme, ‘By George We’ve Done It’ in the high school cafeteria on Wednesday, August 10 from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. and on Wednesday, August 24 from 2:30 p.m. to 4 p.m. A limited number of this 2015-16 anniversary edition are available while copies last for $75 at the August 10 distribution. (Park from Pg. 1) Winfield received the necessary approvals to impose a fee on builders in Winfield to build a home in the town. The Town Council approved a park and recreation impact fee of $585.86. It will be collected at the time a building permit is received and the money will be used to pay for park amenities for residents. The new fee will be mandatory on all residential construction for the next five years. Recently the town’s plan to begin development of its 10-acre downtown park got a big win-win from a mutually beneficial deal with the developer of the subdivision that borders two sides of the park property. Said Town Council President Gerry Stiener, “The Town struck a deal with the developer of the subdivision for them to do most of the land balancing work for the Town in exchange for their being able to excavate their property. They will dig a large detention basin (for their subdivision) and the Town will get the fill. The detention basin will also have a walking trail around it connecting to the park. The developer agreed to do almost all the earthwork for the park. Truly a win-win for both parties.” Those who drive south of 117th Avenue down Randolph Street will see that Providence Development has started work on the 188-lot Providence at Stonegate subdivision, which will include an entrance from Randolph Street also serving as the main entrance to the park, complete with acceleration and deceleration lanes on Randolph that the town would have had to build if not for the agreement with Providence. Town officials estimated that this arrangement will save the town $300,000 to $350,000, which will enable the town to use the funds in park money it has saved over the years to do even more at the park. “While it did cause a delay in the project the money saved by the Town made it very worthwhile,” said Steiner. Winfield residents are now a major step closer to having a first class park. (Residents from Pg. 1) Never sneak children onto rides if they are too small or too young. • A smaller or younger child may not be physically or developmentally able to stay safely seated. • If children are unable to stay seated with hands and feet inside, don’t let them ride. • Keep all body parts (hands, arms, legs, long hair, etc.) inside the ride at all times. Keep long hair pulled up with a hat or hair tie. • Always use the safety equipment provided (seat belt, shoulder harness, lap bar, etc.). • Remain in the ride until it comes to a complete stop at the unloading point. If a ride stops temporarily due to mechanical failure or other reasons, stay seated and wait (Wings from Pg. 1) “stick time” in the world’s greatest fighter! P-51 flights are $2,200 for a half hour and $3,200 for a full hour. For reservations and information on flight experiences call 800-568-8924. The Wings Of Freedom Tour will arrive at Porter County Regional Airport at 2 p.m. on August 5 and will be on display at Main Ramp until the aircraft departs August 7 after 5 p.m. Hours of ground tours and display are: 2 to 5 p.m. on Friday, August 5; 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Saturday, August 6; and 9 a.m. through News and Event Submissions Community events and news items should be submitted through our website at News and event items are published free-of-charge as editorial space and time permits. Submission does not guarantee placement. For guaranteed placement of your community event promotion please visit our website at or call our office at 219-662-8888 to place a paid advertisement. Classified Ad Placements Place and pay for your classified ads online at Region Communications Inc. 7590 East 109th Avenue Winfield, IN 46307 219-662-8888 Published every Friday throughout Winfield, Lakes of the Four Seasons, and Winfield Township. Advertising deadlines are Fridays at 3 p.m. for the following Friday’s edition. Editions published near major holidays deadline earlier; please call our office for information. Mike Kucic.............................Business Manager Kimberly Piazza..................................Production Stephen Martin...... Contributing Photographer Joseph S. Irak.......................Corporate Counsel Paula Martin.................................. Bookkeeping Home Mountain Printing.........................Printing High School, 1500 South Main Street, Crown Point, IN 46307. For additional information contact Lisa Keene, Excalibur Yearbook Adviser at lkeene@cps. Franciscan Insurance Services, outpatient services, stroke awareness and palliative care. Health screenings and information will be available for balance assessment, blood glucose, blood pressure, body fat analysis, early heart attack care, lung and breast health, nutrition and skin cancer. Other attractions will in- clude free refreshments and music by the Goldtones, starting at 9 a.m.; and applepeeling contest at 1 p.m.; radio memories, featuring The Dentons, at 11 a.m., 1 and 6:30 p.m.; and a musical tribute, called, The Spaniels Forever, at 7:30 p.m. There also will be giveaways and chance to receive a coupon for a free foot screening. Senior Citizens Day at the fair offers healthy fun Franciscan Alliance will sponsor Senior Citizens Day at the Lake Country Fair from 9 a.m. until noon on Monday, August 8. The program, in the Showcase Tent, will offer information regarding the Accountable Care Organization, Franciscan Senior Promise, Franciscan Senior Health and Wellness, (Community from Pg. 1) System has been such a mon- it means to live united in our provide to residents throughumental partner to Lake Area community!” out Northwest Indiana, said United Way, participating in The hospitals of Community Healthcare many events and contributing Community Healthcare System’s Vice President more than $1 million dollars System - St. Mary Medical of Human Resources Tony in the last decade through Center, Hobart Community Ferracane. their employee giving, cor- Hospital, Munster, and St. “This award represents a porate and foundation gifts,” Catherine Hospital, East prime example of what we said Brandi Adams, relation- Chicago - are proud to be can accomplish when we all ship manager, Lake Area key contributors to United work together toward posiUnited Way. “COMHS truly Way and the good work its tive change in our commufor an operator to give further embraces and exhibits what programs and initiatives nity,” he said. instructions. Heel, Foot , & Ankle Pain Experts • Be aware of personal and family physical conditions Thank you for voting and health limitations. Do not board a ride or allow children to do so if the ride may aggravate a pre-existing condition. For more information on 4 years in a row! amusement ride safety, visit Drs. Nirenberg and and Lacey of FriendlyatFoot Dr. Nirenberg his associates Friendly Care the nation's top foot Foot are Careamong are among the nation’s top and foot and ankle doctors. They They strive strivefor forexcellence excellencewhen ankle doctors. 5 p.m. on Sunday, August 7. when treating foot andproblems, ankle problems, treating foot and ankle specializing The 30-minute flight expespecializing in state-of-the-art laserand surgery, in state-of-the-art laser surgery, use tinyriences are normally schedand use tiny-incision incision arthroscopicarthroscopic surgery forsurgery ankle and uled before and after the for heelankle pain.and heel pain. ground tour times above. Dr. Michael Nirenberg Since its start, tens of millions of people have seen the & Dr. Michael Lacey B-17, B-24, B-25 & P-51 disDr. Michael Nirenberg play at locations everywhere. The B-17, B-24 & B-25 were the backbone of the American effort during the war from 1942 to 1945 and were famous for their ability to sustain damage and 50 West 94th Place * Crown Point still accomplish the sion. Despite the risks of anti-aircraft fire, attacking enemy fighters and the harrowing environment of subzero temperatures, many B-17s, B-24s & B-25s safely brought their crews home. The P-51 Mustang was affectionately known as the bombers ‘Little Friend’, saving countless crews from attacking Axis fighters. After the war, many air• A gift of love for your family craft were scrapped for their raw aluminum to rebuild a • Provides you with peace of mind nation in post-war prosperity and therefore very few • Is a compassionate means of were spared. The rarity of helping your loved ones during one Funeral Home & Crematory the B-17, B-24, B-25 & P-51 of the most difficult times of life. - and their importance to tellCROWN POINT • HOBART ing the story of WWII is why the Collings Foundation conOn-Premises tinues to fly and display the aircraft nationwide. Crematory At each location we HOBART CROWN POINT encourage local veterans and their families to visit and share Serving 10101 Broadway 701 E. 7th Street their experiences and stories Crown Point Hobart, IN Winfield/LOFS with the public. Visitors can 769-0044 942-1117 Since 1985. find out more by visiting NEED GOOD ADVICE? Got stuff for the paper? The early price for the 2016-17 yearbook is $55 until October 1. Mail checks payable to ‘Excalibur’ to Crown Point FRIENDLY FOOT CARE “BEST PODIATRIST” 65 years in a row! 219-663-2273 BURN URNS Funeral Home and Crematory Pre-planning is: Celebrating Life BURNS Family Owned for 104 108 Years August 5, 2016 Professional Treatment Right in Your Neighborhood +!!)'"$#($#($#' +'+%$&('# )&' +)(&($#"$)#'"#+&'$#"# )&* +)#($#"#'(# +)%)#()& Dr.Arlyn AaronW. K.Jacobus Popp Dr. Chiropractic Physician and Nutritionist Chiropractic Physician and Licensed Acupuncturist Dr. Popp Dr.Aaron JeremyK.K. Popp Chiropractic Physician and Nutritionist Chiropractic Physician and Acupuncturist Chiropractic Physician Dr. Jeremy K. Popp Dr. Matthew E. Sherwood Chiropractic Physician Chiropractic Physician and A.R.T. Muscle Specialist Chiropractic Physician Winfield Woods Medical Complex 9150 East 109th Avenue, Ste. 2B Crown Point, IN | 46307 (Across the street from Lakes of the Four Seasons) $# 8 a.m. 7 p.m. Fridaypm 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. $)&' Monday-Thursday, Monday-Friday, 8:00toam to•6:00 3 4 August 5, 2016 Glow games, 5k fun run, night hikes, arts and crafts at Taltree’s Glow Fest Taltree’s fourth-annual Glow Fest kicks off at 6:30 p.m. Friday August 12, with Taltree’s Glow 5k, featuring a fun run-walk through our wooded trails. As the race ends, more fun will begin in the Railway Garden, Depot, and Sidetrack. Activities include glow games, glow crafts, food vendors, art vendors, guided night hikes, music and more. Glow Fest continues Saturday night at 8 p.m. featuring all of the light up fun with the addition of a magic show before concluding with e We Us or! l ISO Co A+ a spectacular fireworks display. Activities end at 10 p.m. both nights. Glow items will be on sale each night in the Railway Garden Depot so guests can get in on all the fun. Admission to each night is $10 for adults, $5 for kids 12 and younger and free for children 3 and younger. The 5k race registration is $20 in advance or $25 the day of the race. Race registration includes a t-shirt and free admission to Glow Fest Friday night. Registration is available at All proceeds go to further Taltree’s mission of environmental education, conservation, restoration, and sustainability. For more information, call 219-462-0025. Hair Studio WE’VE MOVED! ADD A LITTLE WARMTH FREE DEEP CONDITIONING TO YOUR HAIR TREATMENT WITH109th A FAvenue EW HILITES 8183 East • Winfield Purchase Necessary We’reNo now in the same building as No Service Required Ancient Ink Tattoo & Angel Smiles Dental! FOR MORE INFORMATION No Chip Manicures-$20! ShampOO & haIrCUt! CALL 219–661–1218 We also have a nice selection of $ necklaces 95 for prom inexpensiveOnly rhinestone14 ! and a new selection ofPrices! purses! Budget-friendly W ! HOURS Mon. 10 – 6 NE Family-friendly Salon!Call For MoreTue., Information Wed., Thurs. 10 – 8 219.661.1218 Fri. 10 – 7 • Sat. 10 – 4 Mon.9am-5pm 10-6 monday tues.-Wed.-thurs. 9am-7pm Tues., Wed., Thurs. 10-8 10660 RANDOLPH • WINFIELD Friday 9am-6pm • Saturday 9am-3pm Fri. IN 10-7 Sat.BUILDING 9-4 LOCATED THE•SAME WITH BAGELS ‘N BEANS LOCATED IN THE SAME BUILDING Appointments A ccep Accep cceptted AS CHACH’S GRILL Appointments Accepted • elcome WAlk-ins Welcome Walk -ins W alk-ins Welcome WE CAN FIX ANYTHING! • FREE RENTALS ON SITE • CLAIM ASSISTANCE 24-Hour Towing (800)358-0122 • INSURANCE DIRECT REPAIR • WRITTEN LIFETIME WARRANTY ng owi &T THE BEST IN NORTHWEST INDIANA & THE INDUSTRY! Crown Point Schererville Merrillville 219-661-8877 219-322-5220 219-736-0722 10730 Broadway 1225 Birch Drive 3111 W. Lincoln Hwy August 5, 2016 5 Several Purdue Master Gardeners to be available for duration of Lake County Fair Several Purdue Master Gardener volunteers will be present at their booth between 10 a.m. to 9 p.m., located near Gate 2 in the southwest corner of the Flower Building, at the Lake County Fair, which runs from August 5 through August 14. Admission to the fair is free before 3 p.m. Monday through Thursday. Visitors have the opportunity to get their lawn and garden questions answered. If they cannot answer your question, they will research the problem and find an answer. Master Gardener volunteers help people with their gardening problems, which range from taking care of your lawn to landscaping, vegetable gardens, trees, shrubs, flowers and insects. In 2016 Lake County Franciscan St. Anthony Health-Crown Point will offer a series of diabetes classes on Tuesdays and Wednesdays in September, October, and November. Classes will help provide participants with individual meal plans designed to meet specific needs, along with information in accordance with the American Diabetes Association Standards. Sessions will take place from 1 to 3 p.m. on Tuesdays and 6 to 8 p.m. on Wednesdays. Typically, there are four sessions for each class. They will take place weekly each month in the Burrell classrooms, which are located on the hospital’s lower level. Individual appointments are available in case classes aren’t convenient, or for those with special needs. Registration and a physician referral are required prior to class. Fees are covered by most insurance companies; interested persons should check before calling. Medicare A & B covers a series of classes one time Master Gardeners assisted over 550 homeowners. Master Gardeners have received 13 weeks of training in various aspects of horticulture through the Purdue Extension-Lake County. They volunteer their time at the information booth during the Lake County Fair and through various other community services. Don’t Wait. Get Better. Franciscan St. Anthony Health-Crown Point offers diabetes education classes and individual appointments yearly, as needed, after classes, for nutrition and medical management. For more information, including fees and registration, call 219-757-6268. Immediate Care & MUCH MORE. Walk-Ins Welcome • No Appointments Required NOW OPEN! M-F 10am-6pm SAT 9am-5pm SUN 10am-4pm E. North St. Broadway SPARTA DOME SPORTSPLEX Indiana Ave. Residential & Commercial • Home Repair Kitchen, Bathroom, & Basement Remodel Drywall, Mud, Tape, & Finish • Laminate & Ceramic Tile • Acoustic drop-ceiling Tile Framing, Cabinets, Countertops • Interior & Exterior Painting • Porches, Pergolas, Sheds, Doors & Windows Acute Illness and Injury Care • Cold/fever/sore throat/flu • Cuts and minor burns • Nausea/vomiting and rashes • Urinary tract infections • Dehydration • Fractures/sprains/strains • Earaches and ear infections • Upper respiratory infections and sinus infections • Diarrhea and food poisoning Plus… • Wart and skin tag removal • Physical exams • X-rays • Laboratory services • EKGs • Immunizations 1275 East North Street CROWN POINT 219-663-2793 Owned & operated by LOFS Residents 219-252-1135 Senior Citizen Discounts Veteran’s Discounts Call for your appointment today. • Family and Cosmetic Dentistry • New Patients are Always Welcome • Convenient Office Hours Why They Got It: Save $5 with your next purchase of or more. •$25Prompt Emergency Care Coupon Amount: • Professional and Courteous Staff Facebook (DP103087) (90023606) • SCREEN REPAIR • COASTAL VALLEY WATER, 5 GAL. • KEY CUTTING/LOCK REKEYING • SHIP PACKAGES UPS HERE • GLASS CUTTING • PURINA PRO PLAN DOG & CAT FOOD Coupon Calendar Offer • CARPET CLEANER RENTAL and Facebook • AUTOMOTIVE CHIP KEYS/FOBs Next Purchase SAVE $5 Onof Your 25 or More $ Limit 1. Promo Code 7160301Y. Coupon good at participating Ace Hardware stores. Not valid on sale or clearance priced merchandise, city stickers, online purchases or in conjunction with any other coupon offer. May not be used toward rental, in-store services, Ace gift card purchases or previously purchased merchandise. Not redeemable for cash. Must present original coupon. Limit one coupon per customer. Offer Offer valid March 1–31, 2016. valid at Winfield Ace Hardware only. Expires 8-12-16 Cashier Instructions: Scan the promotional barcode in the body of the transaction or key in the expiration 3/1/16-3/31/16 number beneath the barcode. Offer will automatically apply. Ace Calendar WINFIELD ACE HARDWARE 11702 Randolph Street • Winfield (DP102201) (90018534) Promotion Dates: Valid March 1-31, 2016 663-7676 WinfieldAceHardware AFFILIATE PROMOTIONS – 9161 East 109th Avenue (In the Four Seasons Plaza, located just outside the LOFS main gate) 219-661-5085 Payment options available through Monday-Saturday: 8:00 a.m. consideration - 7:00 p.m. to ensure we’re part of shopper sets. The Affiliate Program includes coupon and shopping sites that aggregate and display online and printable promotional offers from advertisers and loyalty sites that offer their members a percentage of cash back Sunday: 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Care Credit, Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Why They Got It: As online deal-seeking has become more of a consumer shopping behavior norm, Ace leverages its affiliate program on purchases. Since thousands of retailers – including Home Depot, Lowe’s and Sears – compete in this space, Ace maintains a strong presence on these sites. Our presence allows us to compete for millions of dollars in potential revenue. More than 1,000 affiliate sites make up the Ace affiliate partner network. Most consumer activity is driven by our top 15 partners including, and Cartera Commerce. Discover 6 August 5, 2016 One day can make at difference at United Way Day of Caring on August 12 United Way Regional Volunteer Center is inviting the public to join the United Way Day of Caring on Friday, August 12. As one of the largest single-day volunteer events in Northwest Indiana, Day of Caring brings together nonprofits, local businesses, municipalities, churches, civic groups and individuals to make a significant impact in their community. The event is per- fect for teams and individuals looking for an easy way to give back. “There is still a good selection of projects available in Lake, Porter, and a few in LaPorte County available,” said Mackenna Schon, United Way of Porter County director of volunteer engagement. “We work with such deserving non-profits, we really want to see every project taken for that day.” Day of Caring, now in its 14th year, offers more than 100 projects for volunteers to choose from including painting, landscaping, building, cleaning, hosting picnics, packing meals and taking kids fishing. Trained and skilled professionals are encouraged to participate, but no experience is necessary. The event is sponsored by Strack & Van Til, Ultra Foods, Town and Country Market, Nipsco, Family Express, Blue Chip Casino’s King of the Road Food truck, Blythe’s, the McAfee Animal Hospital, and many more. The event kicks off with a free breakfast at 8 a.m. in Valparaiso and Merrillville. Volunteers also receive a free t-shirt. Corporations, teams and individuals looking for more information or interested in participating should register at LOFS Lions Club looking for Gamers invited to catch Pokémon in Indiana Dunes State Park golf outing participants The LOFS Lions Club is hosting their annual four-person scramble golf outing on Friday, August 19, at Lakes of the Four Seasons Country Club. The cost is $55 for LOFS golf members and $75 for non-members. Registration begins at 10:30 a.m., with a noon shotgun start. Price includes lunch at 11 a.m., goody bags, raffle prizes, beer tickets, a chance to win one of six drawings for $50 cash and a ribs and chicken dinner following the event. Golfers will also have the chance to win $25,000 with a hole-in-one. Cost for ‘dinner only’ is $15. Proceeds from the event benefit Leader Dog for the Blind, Indiana Cancer Control Fund, The Caring Place, Indiana School for the Visually Impaired, food certificates for our local food pantries, along with all other LOFS Lions projects. Registration is limited to the first 144 golfers. If interested in playing, sponsoring or donating, contact either Kim Brownlee at 219-7413622 or Chuck DeLasCasas at 219-776-3031. Indiana Dunes State Park welcomes a new group of visitors who are as interested in spotting a fictional Snorlax or Venomoth as they are in seeing a raccoon or scarlet tanager. The park is home to more than 25 ‘pokestops’ and ‘gyms’ for players of all ages. While having fun seeking out the park’s Pokémon, re- • Interior / Exterior Painting • Residential / Commercial • Free Estimates • 3rd Generation of Service • Licensed & Insured • Serving Winfield & LOFS! Program support comes from the Indiana DNR and Indiana Arts Commission. For more information, call 219-926-1390. Indiana Dunes State Park is located at 1600 North 25 East in Chesterton. Call Brian at 219-306-6648 KAUFFMAN CHIROPRACTIC 1ST DAY CONSUlT & ExAM $20.16 7620 E 109th • Winfield • 662.9855 100 W 84th Dr. • Merrillville • 736.7363 Visit our website at Dr. Robert Kauffman "Where Young Minds Grow" Nursery School: Ages 2-3 Tues & Thurs 9-11am Preschool: Ages 3-4 Mon, Wed, & Fri 9-11:30am Pre-K: Ages 4-5 Mon, Tues, Wed, & Thurs 12:30-3pm Tutoring for grades K-6 RegisteringFor Now! Registering Fall CALL 219-477-6704 216 West, 100 South 1 About 0 mi nute South of Valparaiso, from s SE of Aberdeen off Route2 : LQÀH OG Licensed Elementary Teacher LOF S! 25 Years Experience Kindergarten & Reading Endorsements General Classifieds South Shore Brass Band to perform at Indiana Dunes State Park Saturday Listen to the music of the South Shore Brass Band during a concert at Indiana Dunes State Park on August 6. The concert will be at 4 p.m. at the City West Shelter lawn, by the main beach. The South Shore Brass Band, conducted by Charles Mann, is a professional musical organization based in Northwest Indiana with 28 musicians who play instruments including the cornet, flugel horn, tenor and baritone horn, euphonium, trombone, tuba, and percussion. The concert will feature the music of John Williams, Elton John, Leroy Anderson, the Beatles and John Philip Sousa. The concert is free after paying the standard gate fee of $7 for in-state vehicles and $12 for out-of-state vehicles. member to be safe and aware of your surroundings. There are other amazing natural resources to also enjoy in the dunes while you are here. You’ll find the real world of the dunes just as fascinating. And if you’re unsure, yes there are ‘pokestops’ on top of each of the 3 Dunes Challenge Dunes. Garden of .QRZOHGJH 3UHVFKRRO Dr. Danielle Kauffman Dr. Kelsi Dimmitt Dr. Nicholas Kauffman NEW PATIENTS SEEN SAME DAY! Classified ads must be submitted by Sunday at 3 p.m. to run in that Friday’s Winfield American. Submit your ad online at Seamstress, Tailoring, & Alteration Services Seamstress and tailor, all types of garments, men’s and women’s, specializing in gowns, beaded, wedding dresses, prom, and more. ALL HEMS (pants only) $3! Located in LOFS-Winfield. Call Terri of “Al-Terri-ations” at 219-9885152 or 219-779-0405. (735) Fire Force Volunteers Needed Lakes of The Volunteer Fire Force is in need of more dedicated volunteers to join our ranks. Have you ever thought of being a part of something bigger than yourself? Want to help your community by giving back through service? Please call 219-662-7576 and speak with Chief Campbell. Help Wanted ~ Winfield Ace Part Time Sales Associate. Must have following requirements open availability, all shifts (days nights, weekends, holidays) Able to lift 50# Minimum. Retail experience preferred Hardware experience a plus. If you are interested in being a part of our Ace team, please acquire information about application at Winfield Ace. (735) Job Fair Immediate Openings General Laborers & Maintenance Mechanics! Adecco Staffing Is Now Hiring For Aunt Millie’s In Lowell! Friday July 29 & Friday August 5 at Lowell Public Library, 1505 E Commercial Ave, Lowell IN. (738) Retired R.N. Available Retired R.N. interested in providing nursing/companion care for home bound patient, part-time. References available. Please call 219-226-3144. (739) PLACE YOUR BUSINESS CARD AD HERE COMPLETE RANGE OF TREE CARE SERVICES • Tree trimming • Tree removal • Stump removal • Fertilization Certified Tree Care “Generations of Experience” Licensed . Bonded . Insured . Call 219.226.1223 John Arthur Manning Owner ISA Certified Arborist-IN-1449A TREEMAN517@AOL.COM HOME IMPROVEMENTS HOME IMPROVEMENTS C Remodeling SeRviCeS Complete OMPLETE REMODELING SERVICES Specializing in kitchens and baths Specializing in kitchens and baths • Electrical •Electrical • Plumbing • Ceramic Tile •Plumbing • Marble Tile •Ceramic • Granite •Marble •Granite 40 YeaRS’ expeRienCe 40eYEARS ’ EXPERIENCE FRee Stimate and deSign FREE ESTIMATE AND DESIGN Call Tom at 219.988.5947 Call Tom at 219-988-5947 DRAPERIES & FABRICATIONS HORIZONTAL & VERTICAL BLINDS SANDY HELM (219)988-3744 WE BUY GOLD Serving Northwest Indiana for 45 Years Always buying Coin Collections, Stamp Collections, Old Gold & Silver .999 Fine Knight Coin & Jewelry 3434 Ridge Rd. • Lansing, IL 237 Main St. • Hobart, IN (708) 895-9339 (219) 942-4341 On the web: DON’S FOUNDATION REPAIR Free estimates! Ask For Don 30+ Years Of Reliable Service & Experience Buckled Walls Repaired or Replaced • Basement/Foundations Built Under Exisiting Homes Floor Leveling/ House Raising or Leveling • Rusted Joint And Beam Repair Rotted Joist Sill Plate, Face Plate & Joists Licensed/Bonded/Insured Personal Checks 219.644.7644 • 219.956.3355 • 219.789.2232 August 5, 2016 7 Northwest Indiana Symphony Orchestra to present 10th Annual Summer Music Festival has three dates The Northwest Indiana Symphony Orchestra and Music Director-Conductor Kirk Muspratt continue the 2016 South Shore Summer Music Festival. The festival will feature free concerts by the Northwest Indiana Symphony in five communities across Northwest Indiana. Residents are invit- ed to come early, bring lawn chairs and blankets, and relax and enjoy the music. The concerts will have something for everyone and will feature light classical, pops, and patriotic music, as well as music by your favorite Indiana composers to honor the state’s bicentennial. Remaining dates include: • Friday, August 5, 7:30 p.m. Wolf Lake Pavilion (Calumet Ave. at Sheffield Ave.) (Rain location: Calumet College of St. Joseph Athletic Center, 2400 New York Avenue, Whiting) • Saturday, August 6, 7:30 p.m. Central Park (600 N. Broad Street) (Rain location: Griffith High School, 600 N. Wiggs Street) • Saturday, August 13, 7:30 p.m. Redar Park (Austin Street north of US 30) (Rain location: Lake Central High School, 8400 Wicker Ave., St. John) Summer concert information is available by calling the symphony office at 219-836-0525 or by visiting the web site at www. Home food preservation classes Indiana’s spotted gar record fishing record offered by Purdue Extension broken by 13-year-old from Fort Wayne Home food preservation classes are being offered by the Lake County Purdue Cooperative Extension Service on September 1, 8, and 15, from 10:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Individuals will get the latest information and learn the basics of safe home food preservation. This course will cover Home Canning Basics, Ball FreshTECH Electric Canner, Water Bath Canning, and Pressure Canning. Each class will consist of instruction, including lecture and hands-on food preservation techniques. The classes will be presented by Linda Curley, Health and Human Sciences Extension Educator. The fee is $75 for three classes. Class size is limited, no refunds. Deadline to register is August 25, 2016. To register for the classes, contact Diana Cook at 219-755-3240. Jaxton Orr, a 13-year-old who lives in Fort Wayne, broke the Indiana size record for spotted gar recently while fishing on Big Lake in Noble County. The size of Indiana state fish records are determined by weight. The record fish weighed 6.0 pounds. The old record for spotted gar was 5.1 pounds, caught from Turtle Creek Reservoir in Sullivan County in 2014 by Dale Haas. Orr’s fish was Grant application packets available from 34.7 inches long and its girth Crown Point Community Foundation measurement was 11 3/8 Grant application packets grants tab, or those interested inches. DNR fisheries bioloare currently available from may stop by the office at 115 gist Jed Pearson verified the the Crown Point Community South Court Street in Crown record today. Orr caught the fish on a rod Foundation, Inc. Point. The packet contains an application form and guidelines for proposal evaluation. The application deadline date is September 1, 2016. Grants from the Crown Point Community Foundation, Inc. Endowment Where do Fund will be made to organiyou take a zations and community projsick boat? ects which impact residents of Crown Point and South Lake County. Fields of interest which will be considered for funding include education, health and human services, civic affairs, preservation, conservaTo a DOC tion, arts and culture. of course! “The Crown Point Community Foundation is interested in funding projects that will improve the quality of life for citizens in the Crown Point area,” according to Patricia Huber, president of the Foundation. Organizations eligible for funding may request a Grant Application Packet from the Crown Point Community Foundation, Inc. by calling 219-662-7252. Applications Conveniently located just 15 minutes from LOFS & can also be found at www. Winfield at 2058 Joliet Road in Valparaiso under obtain/ Bring it Today, and reel using cut baits. Indiana began keeping size records on spotted gar in 2011. Nine-year-old Noah Smith of Delaware, Ohio, caught a 3.17-pound, 29 3/16inch spotted gar in late June of that year from Crooked Lake in Steuben County to set the original record. Down to Earth trEE SErvicE 663-5630 Out on a limb for you since 1992 Firewood/ Snowplowing REES FUNERAL HOMES & CREMATION SERVICES FAMILY OWNED & OPERATED RIGHT IN THE NEIGHBORHOOD Serving Winfield, LOFS & Crown Point A Full Service Funeral Home Traditional or Personalized Burial & Cremation Services, Out of State Services, and Advance Funeral Planning with Irrevocable Trusts There’s Still Time to PLAY! Or, you can bring it to us! Call NOW! 219-531-2278 10% OFF Any purchase Monday thru Friday! Baja’s Restaurant 10749 Randolph Street 219-226-0669 1 OFF $ any Medium Pizza! Must present coupon. Good anytime Monday thru Friday. Discount limited to $5. Expires: 9/1/16 10909 Randolph • Winfield, IN 46307 (219) 661-2600 All Faiths Welcome, Service to All Cemeteries Our respect your choices. LiStyle Salon 8291 East 109th Ave., Winfield 219-663-8440 10% OFF ANY COLOR SERVICE First time clients only. Must present coupon. Not valid with any other offer. Expires: 9-1-16 Right across from Lil’ Caesar’s Pizza! 2 OFF $ any Large Pizza! any Family Pizza! 10703 Randolph Street • Winfield 10% OFF STOREWIDE SALE! 3 OFF $ Stephano’S pizza 219-663-6656 REES WINFIELD CHAPEL Supplements • Smoothies Must present coupon. Not valid with any other offer. Expires: 9/1/16 10797 Randolph Street 219-213-2064 (Located in the same building as Levin Tire, facing Doubltree Plaza) Must present coupon. Expires: 9/1/16 8 August 5, 2016 Meals on Wheels announces needs, August training and orientation sessions Meals on Wheels offers volunteer opportunities delivering meals in your own community Monday through Friday. All are welcome to join for new volunteer training-orientation on Tuesday, August 9, at 10 a.m., or on Thursday, August 18, at 1 p.m. Training is held in the Community Room at 8446 Virginia Street in Merrillville. “Why not join your neighbors and make a difference in not only our client’s day but This day in history August 5, 1858 After several unsuccessful attempts, the first telegraph line across the Atlantic Ocean was completed. The telegraph was first developed by Samuel F. B. Morse, who conceived of the idea of the electric telegraph in 1832. Morse worked independently and by the mid-1830s had built a working telegraph instrument. In the late 1830s, he perfected Morse Code, a set of signals that could represent language in telegraph messages. Within a decade, more than 20,000 miles of telegraph cable crisscrossed the country. The rapid communication it made possible greatly aided American expansion, making railroad travel safer as it provided a boost to business conducted across the great distances of a growing United States. In 1854, Cyrus West Field conceived the idea of the telegraph cable and secured a charter to lay a well-insulated line across the floor of the Atlantic Ocean. On August 16, President James Buchanan and Queen Victoria exchanged formal introductory and complimentary messages. Unfortunately, the cable proved weak and the current insufficient and by the beginning of September had ceased functioning. In 1866, the British ship Great Eastern succeeded in laying the first permanent telegraph line across the Atlantic Ocean. Cyrus West Field was the object of much praise on both sides of the Atlantic for his persistence in accomplishing what many thought to be an impossible undertaking. yours too?” asked Joan Vith, volunteer manager. Each day, volunteers assist in the delivery of more than 1,500 meals throughout Lake County. According to Vith, “volunteers help us meet our goal of providing proper nutrition to those in need throughout Lake County. We are recruiting new drivers to assist us in these communities as some of our drivers will be out of town during the fall and winter months.” Interested candidates will have an opportunity to tour the facility and ask questions about Meals on Wheels and the different volunteer opportunities we have available. If you would be interested in doing a “ride-along” be- fore committing to a volunteer position, call Vith at 219-756-3663, and a delivery route for you to “ridealong” will be set up to see if the timing works for you and your work schedule. Winfield & Crown Point’s Hometown Auto Repair Your #1 option for quality, affordable vehicle care N POINT AUTO W O R C Repair & Restoration 1510 North Main Street • Crown Point 219-663-1847 FOREVER BRAKES LIFETIME WARRANTY On Pads & Shoes 99.95 $ (Reg. $149.95) Per Axle • Inspect Entire Brake System • Install New Disc Pads or Shoes Road test & Certify Braking Capacity • 12-month/12,000 mile Labor Warranty You get a lifetime warranty on disc pads & shoes. If needed, we’ll replace them for free, as long as you own your vehicle. All you pay for is labor. Most vehicles, see store for details. Must present coupon. Not valid with other offers.Expires: 9/5/16 Winfield American A/C Recharge & Performance Test $ 69.95 (Reg. $99.95) INCLUDES 1 LB. OF R 134-a FREON AND LEAK DETECTION DYE Additional A/C Repairs 15% OFF! Most vehicles. Must present coupon. Some restricions apply. See store for details. Expires: 9/5/16 Winfield American • FRee Towing from Winfield • FRee Loaner Vehicle! 5 Years in Services! • Oil Changes • Brakes & Tires • Collision Repair • Rust Repair • Alignments CROWN POINT AU TO Voted BesT in th • Heating & A/C • Scheduled Maintenance • Complete Engine Repair • Complete Inspections • Belts & Hoses • Computer Diagnostics • Transmissions • Emissions Testing • Tune-ups • Electrical Systems e Region! a Row! We w on ALork L make modes & ls! SuMMER SAVINgS Any Cooling 15% OFF System Repairs! Most vehicles. Must present coupon. Some restricions apply.Expires: 9/5/16 10% OFF ALL SERVICES! On any service & any competitor’s written estimate Most vehicles. Must present coupon. Some restricions apply. Expires: 9/5/16 Winfield American Emission TEST/Check Engine Light FREE w/repair limited at 1 hour diagnostic. ($89.95 Value) Most vehicles. Must present coupon. Some restricions apply.Expires: 9/516 Winfield American Winfield American 24-hour Drop-off • Nationwide Warranty • Price Match Guarantee Hours: Mon. - Fri. 8 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.
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