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CALL - Winfield American
Region Communications Inc. 7590 East 109th Avenue Winfield, IN 46307 Hey kids, July is National Ice Cream Month! Winfield Vol. 15, Issue 735 PRSRT STD ECRWSS U.S. POSTAGE PAID Crown Point, IN PERMIT No. 811 POSTAL CUSTOMER American Serving Winfield, Lakes of the Four Seasons, and Winfield Township since 2002 July 15, 2016 Northwest Indiana Symphony Orchestra to Crown Point High School student wins the present 10th Annual Summer Music Festival 2016 ‘Congressional Art Competition’ The Northwest Indiana Symphony Orchestra and Music Director-Conductor Kirk Muspratt have announced the 2016 South Shore Summer Music Festival. The festival, beginning July 23 and concluding August 13, will feature free concerts by the Northwest Indiana Symphony in five communities across Northwest Indiana. Residents are invited to come early, bring lawn chairs and blankets, and relax and enjoy the music. “As we approach the Symphony’s 75th anniversary, we are so excited to celebrate 10 years of our wonderful summer music festival. Thank you for supporting your orchestra,” said Muspratt. “Join us for fun, relaxing evenings filled with beautiful music as we kick off a season of anniversaries.” winner Hope Johansen of Schererville will also perform. The South Shore Summer Music Festival will be appearing at: • Cedar Lake Saturday, July 23, 7:30 p.m. Town Complex Grounds (See Symphony Pg. 7) Congressman Pete Visclosky recently announced that the winner of the 2016 Congressional Art Competition is Vanessa Garcia for her piece entitled, ‘Indiana Treasures’. Garcia’s artwork will be on display in the U.S. Capitol building until June, 2017, and it will be next to pieces of artwork selected from each Congressional District in the United States. Vanessa, along with her mother, recently attended the unveiling of her artwork in Washington, D.C. Garcia graduated from Crown Point High School earlier this month and plans to attend the American Academy of Art. Said Garcia, “It is a true honor to have been chosen to represent Indiana’s First Congressional District. Being in Washington, D.C., has been an amazing experience, and seeing my own artwork in the U.S. Capitol is inspiring. There is simplistic beauty in everything, and that is what drives my creativity.” Congressman Visclosky stated, “I congratulate Vanessa and thank all of the Northwest Indiana students who participated in with almost 400 cases reported in 2014, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Young children aren’t the only ones affected. Every day about ten people die from unintentional drowning. Overall, it ranks fifth for unintentional injury death in the United States. More than 50 percent of drowning victims who are treated at emergency de- Jeff Strack of Strack and Van Til; Conductor Kirk Muspratt; and Regina Moody of Chase look forward to bringing NISO’s annual summer music festival to Region residents with five concerts. The concerts will have something for everyone and will feature light classical, pops, and patriotic music, as well as music by your favorite Indiana composers to honor the state’s bicentennial. Vocalist Justin Ruff and Young People’s competition the 2016 Congressional Art Competition. Their artwork serves as a reflection of the creative abilities of our region, and I wish all of them the best in their continued academic and artistic studies.” Drowning #1 cause for unintentional injury, death for kids 1 to 4 years of age Summer is here, which means millions of people hit the pools, beaches and lakes to cool off and take in the sun. The nation’s emergency physicians strongly advise all parents and guardians to get their children familiar with water - specifically teaching them to swim safely as early as possible. “It only takes a few seconds and a few inches of water for a child to drown,” said Dr. Jay Kaplan, president of the American College of Emergency Physicians. “While it’s impossible to predict and prevent every scenario, you can take steps to protect kids, stay safe and still enjoy the water.” Drowning is the leading cause of unintentional injury death among children between 1 and 4 years of age, partments require extended hospitalization or long-term care. Several factors can contribute to a person drowning and obviously not all of them can be controlled. However, steps can be taken to keep a child and even an adult safe as possible when near or in the water. Supervise Young Children - They must be watched at all times when near water. It can take only a matter of seconds for a child to accidentally drown when an adult turns away. Learn to Swim - Formal swim lessons can protect people, especially young children from drowning. Learn CPR - It can take paramedics several minutes to arrive. Having CPR skills often times can mean the difference between life and death or permanent brain damage. Use the Buddy System Never swim alone. Always be with someone. Swim in areas that have lifeguards on duty if possible. Don’t Drink and Swim Drinking alcohol while on a boat or swimming in the water can severely impair (See Drowning Pg. 4) School senior Brandon Haczynski achieved perfection when he pitched his first perfect game recently against the Oak Lawn Sharks in the PBR/DSP 17U Classic in Oak Lawn Illinois. The game lasted just 5 innings, where Brandon and the APEX Team retired 15 straight batters. Of the 15 batters, Haczynski struck out four batters, five batters grounded out and six batters flied out. Haczynski was efficient and threw only 46 pitches in the game. The final score was 14 to 0. Haczynski helped his Summer offers lots of outdoor activities that create stronger, healthier youngsters, but they often need adults’ help, says a Ball State University expert. Without a schedule set by schools, most children need parents to plan some things, said Anthony Mahon, a kinesiology professor who studies exercise response in youngsters for Ball State University’s Human Performance Laboratory. “Before computers, smartphones, and video games, children had to go outside to Winfield’s Brandon Haczynski with coach Brett Summers. meet each other and play,” he said. “Today, video games are very engaging and addicting. Kids can stay connected via computers and phones. So, it’s up to parents and caregivers to encourage children to get outdoors.” Youngsters should get an hour or more of daily physical activity that is aerobic and strengthens bones and muscles, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. “Hopping, skipping, jumping, and jump rope all are good activities for healthy bone development. Climbing activities can build muscle strength, and simple things like walking, running, playing tag, bike riding, and rollerblading are effective aerobic activities,” said Mahon. He recommends that parents: •Become a role model by engaging children in active play. •Schedule activity into the daily routine by taking youngsters to a park, pool or YMCA. •Organize play groups with other children. •Become a coach of your (See Summer Pg. 2) Winfield’s Haczynski pitches perfect game Summer is time for children to get Local Winfield resident outdoors to play, reaping healthy benefits and Crown Point High 2 July 15, 2016 Prepare your vehicle before taking off on a long summer road trip Bill Wilson and his crew at Crown Point Auto Repair know about cars and think you should, too. They need regular maintenance. Little problems can quickly turn into big problems when they are ignored, and a vehicle’s life expectancy is greatly increased when it’s treated with a little care. Over the next two articles, we’ll discuss a few of the things you should do before heading out on the Great American Summer Road Trip with your family or friends. Check Your Tire Pressure I know it sounds like something so basic, but many people forget to do this when planning a road trip and it costs them lots of money in wasted fuel economy and poor tire wear. Use a tire pressure gauge (digital ones (Summer from Pg. 1) child’s sports team or assist in organized recreational activities. •Have the entire family take the dog for a walk. Above all, Mahon said parents should remember to make exercise fun. “Young children are not miniature adults,” he said. “They don’t do traditional exercises like we do, including lighting weights and going for a run. Rather, they engage in short bursts of activity that usually last for 15 seconds or less before stopping and doing it again. They just want to laugh and have fun while being active.” (Winfield from Pg. 1) cause by hitting two doubles bringing in 4 RBIs. This win allowed APEX to advance from pool play into the first round of the brackets in the tournament. Haczynski is no stranger to big games, as he has thrown several no hitters including are more accurate) and set the pressure to manufacturers standards. On most newer cars you can find the PSI on a tag on the inside of the door frame on the drivers side or in the manual. While you’re doing this take a minute to CHECK YOUR SPARE. Many of us forget the spare until we need it, and that’s a terrible time to find out your spare is flat. Check Your Tread Depth While you’re putting air in the tires take a minute to look at the tread wear on your tire. If you see any uneven wear you should have them checked out before venturing on a long road trip. You also want to check the tread depth to make sure the tires aren’t worn out, you can use a tread depth tool to make sure you have more than 3/32, or use a penny and make sure the tread goes past Lincoln’s head. Check Your Service Record See when you are due for an oil change or factory service. If you are within 500 miles of your next service, go ahead and get it done before the trip. Normally, when you are completing a full service oil change, most services will check the rest of the fluids for you. Tip: if you recently paid for service on your vehicle, many national chains, will top off and check your fluids for free in between service intervals. Check Your License, Insurance, and Registration I don’t really think you’ll plan for a road trip without any of these things, but it will help to find them so you will have them all in one place if needed (you don’t want to be scrambling to find these things as “Officer McSpeedTrap” stands by waiting). It’s also important to check when your insurance policy expires since it may expire while you are on an extended road trip. If you’re interested in learning more about proper vehicle maintenance, contact Bill Wilson, master mechanic and owner of Crown Point Auto Repair, or one his crew at 219-663-1847. Down to Earth trEE SErvicE 663-5630 Out on a limb for you since 1992 Firewood/ Snowplowing one for Crown Point High School and one in a Perfect Game Tournament in Fort Myers, Florida, last fall. After the game Haczynski said “I’m glad I could help the team win, the whole team provided great defense.” • Interior / Exterior Painting • Residential / Commercial • Free Estimates • 3rd Generation of Service • Licensed & Insured • Serving Winfield & LOFS! Call Brian at 219-306-6648 Got stuff for the paper? News and Event Submissions Community events and news items should be submitted through our website at News and event items are published free-of-charge as editorial space and time permits. Submission does not guarantee placement. For guaranteed placement of your community event promotion please visit our website at or call our office at 219-662-8888 to place a paid advertisement. Classified Ad Placements Place and pay for your classified ads online at Region Communications Inc. 7590 East 109th Avenue Winfield, IN 46307 219-662-8888 e We Us or! l ISO Co A+ Hair Studio ADD A LITTLE WARMTH FREE DEEP CONDITIONING TO YOUR HAIR TREATMENT WITH A FEW HILITES No Purchase Necessary No Service$Required 95 ShampOO & haIrCUt! Only 14 ! No Chip Manicures-$20! FOR MORE INFORMATION Budget-friendly Prices! CALL 219–661–1218 We also have a nice selection of Family-friendly Salon! Published every Friday throughout Winfield, Lakes of the Four Seasons, and Winfield Township. inexpensive rhinestone necklaces for prom and a new selection of purses! Advertising deadlines are Fridays at 3 p.m. for the following Friday’s edition. Editions published near major holidays deadline earlier; please call our office for information. 219.661.1218 Fri. 10 – 7 • Sat. Mike Kucic.............................Business Manager Kimberly Piazza..................................Production Stephen Martin...... Contributing Photographer Joseph S. Irak.......................Corporate Counsel Paula Martin.................................. Bookkeeping Home Mountain Printing.........................Printing W ! HOURS Mon. 10 – 6 NE More Information Call For Tue., Wed., Thurs. 10 – 8 10 – 4 Mon. 10-6 Tues., Wed., Thurs. 10-8 10660 RANDOLPH • WINFIELD Fri. IN 10-7 Sat.BUILDING 9-4 LOCATED THE•SAME WITH BAGELS ‘N BEANS LOCATED I NSAME THE SAME LOCATED IN THE BUILDING Appointments A ted Accep ccept BUI LDI AS NI CK’ Sccep EATERY AS NG CHACH’S GRILL Appointments Accepted • elcome WAlk-ins Welcome Walk -ins W alk-ins Welcome July 15, 2016 Professional Treatment Right in Your Neighborhood +!!)'"$#($#($#' +'+%$&('# )&' +)(&($#"$)#'"#+&'$#"# )&* +)#($#"#'(# +)%)#()& Dr.Arlyn AaronW. K.Jacobus Popp Dr. Chiropractic Physician and Nutritionist Chiropractic Physician and Licensed Acupuncturist Dr. Popp Dr.Aaron JeremyK.K. Popp Chiropractic Physician and Nutritionist Chiropractic Physician and Acupuncturist Chiropractic Physician Dr. Jeremy K. Popp Dr. Matthew E. Sherwood Chiropractic Physician Chiropractic Physician and A.R.T. Muscle Specialist Chiropractic Physician Winfield Woods Medical Complex 9150 East 109th Avenue, Ste. 2B Crown Point, IN | 46307 (Across the street from Lakes of the Four Seasons) $# 8 a.m. 7 p.m. Fridaypm 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. $)&' Monday-Thursday, Monday-Friday, 8:00toam to•6:00 3 4 July 15, 2016 Registration open for workshops to learn to recognize, report invasive forest pests The Indiana DNR Division of Forestry, Division of Entomology, along with Purdue Entomology will be hosting Early Detector Training programs across the state this summer in late July. The goals are to train interested citizens and landowners how to identify the signs and symptoms of invasive pests and diseases posing a threat to our Indiana rural and urban forests. These trained citizen scientists will then be asked to report via GLEDN website or App where they are seeing these signs and symptoms in their region and across the state. Sessions will prepare you to be the first line of defense for your community’s forests. Learn to identify signs and symptoms of Emerald Ash Borer, Asian Longhorn Beetle, Thousand Cankers Disease of Walnut, and Hemlock Woolly Adelgid. Each workshop will include presentations on the biology and management of Indiana forest pests by Dr. Cliff Sadof, Professor and Extension Specialist at Purdue University; and identification of host plants, and how to report using the GLEDN App by Carrie Tauscher, State Community and Urban Forestry Coordinator with Indiana DNR. Attendees will also have the opportunity to ask questions about these pests. Light refreshments will be provided. These workshops are open to individuals of all ages and levels of knowledge. Whether you’re a master gardener, a concerned citizen, forest land owner, or natural resources related professional, you will learn something about Indiana forest pests. Programs are free to attend, but registration is required. Locally, the program will be held at Purdue University Northwest, Calumet Campus on July 21, from 2 to 4 p.m., and later that same day from 6 to 8 p.m. The workshop will be held at the Student Union Library Building Room 3272200, at 169th Street in Hammond. For more information call Cliff Sadof at 765-494-5983 or Sara Stark at 765-4940822 (Drowning from Pg. 1) a person’s judgment and cognitive skills. Also, never drink alcohol while supervising children. Use Life Jackets - When on a boat, make sure the number of (Coast Guard approved) life jackets match the number of passengers on the boat and that they are easily accessible in case of emergency. Young children should have a life vest on at all times in a boat, or in the water. Potentially half of all boating deaths might be prevented with the use of life jackets. Air-Filled or Foam Toys are Not Safety Devices - These toys are not substitutes for life jackets and are not designed to keep swimmers safe. Be Aware of Weather Conditions - If strong winds or heavy thunderstorms and lightning roll in, get out of the water and seek shelter immediately. Understand Waves and Rip Currents - If on the beach, watch for dangerous waves and rip currents. If caught in a rip current, swim parallel to the shore. Once free of the current, swim toward the shore. Don’t Overestimate Your Swimming Ability - Everyone has limits, even the most experienced of swimmers. For more information on drowning or other healthrelated topics, go to www. REES FUNERAL HOMES & CREMATION SERVICES FAMILY OWNED & OPERATED RIGHT IN THE NEIGHBORHOOD Serving Winfield, LOFS & Crown Point A Full Service Funeral Home Traditional or Personalized Burial & Cremation Services, Out of State Services, and Advance Funeral Planning with Irrevocable Trusts Baseball age u5, u8, u11 Softball age u7, u10, u12 Limited spots available! 2016 LOFS Baseball/Softball Fall Season Registration: Online at In person signups will be at LOFS baseball fields on July 30th 9am-1pm Start date: We will play 8 games starting Sept. 10th - Oct. 22nd Game times: Sat. 2pm,4pm & Mons. 6pm REES WINFIELD CHAPEL Cost: $75 includes shirt and hat 10909 Randolph • Winfield, IN 46307 (219) 661-2600 All Faiths Welcome, Service to All Cemeteries Our respect your choices. Questions please contact: Eric Ward: Dave Leluga: July 15, 2016 5 Celebrating 50 Years~1966-2016 Lakes of the Four Seasons SPECIAL THANK YOU TO OUR LOFS 50TH ANNIVERSARY SPONSORS The Lakes of the Four Seasons 50th “birthday” celebration was fantastic. The weather cooperated, and the bands, the water sports show, and the other activities of the weekend brought out the camaraderie and spirit that has defined LOFS through its’ first 50 years. The sold-out gala event on Saturday night provided a wonderful time for people to enjoy great food and to share their stories and memories of the history of LOFS. The community cook-out drew a huge crowd and gave friendly neighbors the opportunity to hang out together, or meet new neighbors. The annual Independence Day parade helped close things out on Monday, July 4, and it has been said that the 2016 fireworks show was our most spectacular yet. Our four-day birthday bash required a lot of time from local residents who concocted, and ultimately coordinated and produced, the many celebratory activities that were held. Just as important are the sponsors who contributed to the event, and whom we wish to thank publicly (below) for their generosity. Some people hope a party never ends, and this one still has more than five months to run before LOFS turns 51. Feel free to celebrate our community’s birthday throughout the rest of summer, through autumn, and into the holiday season ~ and be thankful for everything LOFS has to offer. PLATINUM SPONSORS RESIDENTIAL / FAMILY DONORS TWO BILL’S TAP PAGE POP TECHNOLOGIES HALL INSURANCE SERVICES, INC LEE LUGO & JOSH LICHTENFELD OF CHRISTENSON CHEVROLET, INC MARK MERCER ALLSTATE INSURANCE AGENCY QUALITY IMPRESSIONS SCHEPEL BUICK GMC CADILLAC WALGREENS – WINFIELD CENTIER BANK – WINFIELD WINFIELD WOODS CHIROPRACTIC BOB MORETH – STATE FARM INSURANCE PETRY, FITZGERALD & LESS, P.C.- BRIAN E. LESS JMC APPLIANCE REPAIR LLC- JUAN CLAVIJO – NEIDA KESSLER FAMILY DENTISTRY RD 93 AVE. ACE HARDWARE – ANTHONY MANSCH FRANK TRAPANE II – CENTURY 21 AFFILIATED INSTANT REFLECTIONS PHOTO BOOTH- DAWN FARON ZACK WEISS- TRIM- A- SEAL OF IN NITCO MIKE KUCIC - REGION COMMUNICATIONS INC. JAY & PATRICIA ROBISON • JANET KATICH SCOTT & TIMBURLEY ECKLUND & FAMILY JAMES & SHARON CHLEBEK • JIM & BARB WOOD DAVE & KATHY TOOREDMAN • MICHAEL & DAWN NASTOFF LINDA KOBLACK • REGGIE & GLEYCINE KELLY CHRIS & LINDA KORZENIEWSKI & FAMILY SHARRON ROTHE • LEE & SALLY LUGO KATHY & DAVID HALTERMAN CRAIG & AMY PHILP • RICH & BETH SULLIVAN • ROBERT KELLER JOANNE & THOMAS NASTOFF • JIM & LORI DUPRATT & FAMILY ROD & CHERYL ATTEBERRY & FAMILY • CLAYTON & SHIRLEY KRIEGER ERIC & SUE NEWMAN • DENNIS & ALICE ERICKSON SHARON SALERNO & FAMILY • KURT & CARYN WHITEHEAD RICHARD & NANCY KLAVAS & FAMILY • JOHN & CAROL THORSEN & FAMILY P.G. & BARBARA BAILEY FAMILY • TOM & SHARON STRBJAK MARTIN DOYLE & FAMILY • TONY, RENATE, TIFFANI & BRANDON SAHULCIK JOHN & SHARON PALMERI • VIC NOWICKI FAMILY • JEFF & BRENDA VERSNEL & FAMILY CARL & LINDA ANDERSON • RYAN & SHANNON SUTTON & FAMILY ROB & KIM RABELHOFER • ESTHER P. GOLDMAN PARKHOUSE FAMILY • KEN & MITZI LEVANDER • EDGAR & ELEANOR BLAIR ELI & JUDY LAZAR & FAMILY • JOHN, VALERIE & STEPHANIE LACHOWICZ MICHAEL & VALERIE GERNENZ • HERB & DONNA WHITEHEAD WALTER BARAN & FAMILY • BOB & LORI JOYCE ELMER HART • DAVID DRIVER III • TSIKOURIS FAMILY CARL & MARGE WILKE • ANDY & CONNIE BLACK & FAMILY KACHATUROFF FAMILY • MARSHALL ANDERSON BRUCE PENROD & FAMILY • PAUL & GELINE ZNIKA GEORGENE, MAREN & JOSEPH JOHNSON • JOHN & CHARLOTTE BENNETT RONALD & CYNTHIA PAULSIN & FAMILY • WAYNE & LINDA KRONER & FAMILIES TIMOTHY & DAWN SHEPARD & FAMILY ROBERT & MARY ANN LIPPNER & FAMILY • JOHN & MARY GRVELES & FAMILY MARY CAVALLINI • ROBERT & ROSE DADO TOM & STASIA WEFLER • THE NAULTY FAMILY KURT & LEANN LANGBEHN & FAMILY • DON & SUE GIBSON JEAN M. MARTHALER & FAMILY • LEE & JILL MANSCH STEPHEN & BRENDA TROTTO • CHARLES & JEANNE DE LAS CASAS ED & KATHEY BARNETTE • JOHN & SHARON DULL PAM & GEORGE BEHNLE • JOHN & MAXINE DEGREGORIO BOB & DIANE GREANEY • COPPINGER FAMILY TERRENCE & MARGARITA PANCZUK • LAWRENCE & LORRAINE PIETROWICZ ANTHONY & MEREDITH MANSCH • ROCKY & DEBBIE URSITTI & FAMILY DONNA KMETZ • BRAD & MICHELLE ZUPAN EDWARD & PATRICIA KENNELLY & FAMILY • THE ROMANAK FAMILY GERRY & SUE BISHOP • MR. & MRS. DENNIS BEKEZA TAD & PATSY VALDEZ • ROSS & NANCY PORTER RICH & DEB WOLD • JAMES, KAILEY, JASON & MEMORY OF JULIE MORRIS JAMES WASHAUSEN & FAMILY • RICH & KATHY ZACKIEICZ CHARLES & CAROLYN SHIELDS & FAMILY • GREGORY & DEBRA AMOS BRUCE & DIANE MCFADDEN • THE NIX FAMILY NICK & SHERRY GASPAROVIC • BOB & CAROLE HERM DR. MICHAEL & MARQUITA WHITE • BILL & LINDA STACK JOE & JONI BUCCI • DONALD & DENISE BACCHUS DEAN, SHAWN & KAITLIN COVERIS • MIKE & MARIAN FARINA BRUCE & NANCY BECK, KYLE & KASSY • JOHN & PATTY DESMARETZ DAVID & DENISE ROTI • DAVID & JANET ALLEN • JOANNE DAHLIN KEN DAHLIN • PETE & BETTY POLOMCHAK & FAMILY CLAY, TINA, COLE & ADISEN PUTNAM • MONICA BLY BRIAN & GLENDA ROMER • WARMELINK’S RICH & JOELLEN SIMONI •BILL & BARB BORYS & FAMILY JEFF & KATHY PIEKUT • CHIP & RAE ANN OSTENBERG DON & LORETTA KIRKENDORFER • CHRIS & KIM BROWNLEE DEAN & TERRI LICHTENFELD & FAMILY • RAY & KATHY & CHRIS MIRANDA VERNON & ROBERTA VIERK • THE FAMILY OF BRUCE SWIFT SR. MCQUEN FAMILY • ALICE & DAVID C. ALLEN & FAMILY DICK & JOAN DELOR • LINDA & RON EISENHAUER BOB & LINDA KAVALUNAS • RICK & ANGELA HIGGINBOTHAM MRS. THOMAS GEHRING & DAUGHTERS • PAT, SUE, MARK & STEVE BLAIR THE RICCI FAMILY • ALMEDA DAVIS • DAN & LYNN HARNOIS & FAMILY JASON THOMPSON • JACK & BETH THOMPSON & FAMILY TERRY & PAULA EBERSBERGER • FRANK, JOYCE, PETER & ANNMARIE STAUDOHAR JIM & PHYLLIS WAYCO • FRANK III & WHITNEY TRAPANE & FAMILY THE DERDOWSKI FAMILY • THE O’MALLEY FAMILY KEITH & MILLY RICH RYAN/VANDENBURGH • ERIC & SHANNON BENKO & FAMILY GOLD SPONSORS DIANN TSIKOURIS • WISEWAY FOODS WINFIELD MEDICAL PHARMACY, INC ALL SQUARE ROOFING- MATT KNEZ SMITH ELECTRONICS JMJ TALENT SOLUTIONS – BOB TITHOF SAMANTHA PARKHOUSE- MCCOLLY REAL ESTATE SWARTZ, RETSON & CO., P.C. - MIKE JONES NIPSCO • KRAZY FLIP’N FUN REES FUNERAL HOME WINFIELD CHAPEL JILL MARIE PHOTOGRAPHY BRAD ZUPAN – EXTREME KARTS BY BRAD GARAGE EXPERTS OF N.W.I. – STEVE GOLUB THE DOCK GUY, LLC/RADTKE ENGINEERING ADVANCED DENTAL CONCEPTS – JEANETTE CHRISTIAN VILLAGE CROWN POINT EXPERT REMODELING- KEITH KRONER TOWN & COUNTRY CHRISTIAN CHURCH – JOSEPH MOLLET RLM- RICCI’S LANDSCAPE MANAGEMENT, INC. GATORS BAR & GRILL SILVER SPONSORS 2&7 COFFEE BAR • MRS. B’S RAINBOW PRESCHOOL JAN MARGIOTTA – CENTURY 21 • JOHN VIDAL- AMERIPRISE FINANCIAL BEACH TAN EXPRESS- SHARON DYKEMA SOUTHLAKE CARPET CLEANING- ED DEENIHAN CROSS OF CHRIST LUTHERAN CHURCH • HOLY SPIRIT CATHOLIC CHURCH CHURCH OF FOUR SEASONS UNITED METHODIST LOFS 50TH ANNIVERSARY COMMITTEE • LOFS LAKE ENHANCEMENT ASSOCIATION LOFS FISHING CLUB • LOFS WATER SPORTS ASSOCIATION LOFS HOUSE & GARDEN CLUB • LOFS WOMEN’S GOLF ASSOCIATION LOFS MEN’S GOLF ASSOCIATION • LOFS FUNDRAISERS LOFS LIONS CLUB • LOFS PHOTOGRAPHY CLUB LOFS SOCCER LEAGUE • LOFS LITTLE LEAGUE (BASEBALL & SOFTBALL) KEENAGERS • LOFS FIRE FORCE EVORIK ELECTRIC, INC • FUN JUMP MOONWALKS BRONZE SPONSORS KARAS INSURANCE SERVICES – ERIE INS. • OVERDUE BAND SHOTGUN WHISKEY BAND • WINFIELD ACE HARDWARE CHEF NICK’S EATERY • LEVINE TIRE CENTER – WINFIELD SHANNON JAMIESON- CURRIE MOTORS FORD OF VALPARAISO GARY STEINNHILBER- INDIANA FURNITURE & MATTRESS LAKE COUNTY WINDOW CLEANING INC. • KAUFFMAN CHIROPRACTIC, PC 6 July 15, 2016 Obituary ~ Mary Sobczynski Mary Sobczynski, age 93, of Crown Point, formerly of Hobart, passed away Thursday, June 30, 2016 at St. Anthony Hospice in Crown Point. She was born in Chicago, IL on August 16, 1922 to the late Frank and Lottie Slawnikowski. Mary is survived by her 2 sons, Eugene and Joseph Sobczynski; son-in-law, Roy Mattox; 5 grandchildren and great grandchildren. Mary was preceded in death by her husband, Adam and daughter, Donna Mattox. Visitation was July 6, 2016 from 12:00 p.m. until the time of service at 1:00 p.m. at Rees Funeral Home, Winfield Chapel, 10909 Randolph St., Winfield/ Crown Point, IN 46307. Burial followed at Historic Maplewood Cemetery in Crown Point. www. This day in history July 15, 1903 The newly formed Ford Motor Company took its first order from Chicago➢dentist Ernst Pfenning, an $850 two-cylinder Model A automobile with a backseat. The car, produced at Ford’s plant on Mack Street in Detroit, was delivered to Dr. Pfenning just over a week later. Henry Ford had built his first gasoline-powered vehicle in a workshop behind his home in 1896, while working as the chief engineer for the main plant of the Edison Illuminating Company in Detroit. After making two unsuccessful attempts to start a company to manufacture automobiles before 1903, Ford gathered a group of 12 stockholders, including himself, to sign the papers necessary to form the Ford Motor Company in mid-June 1903. The Model A could accommodate two people side-by-side on a bench; it had no top, and was painted red. The car’s biggest selling point was its engine, which at two cylinders and eight-horsepower was the most powerful to be found in a passenger car. It had relatively simple controls, including two forward gears that the driver operated with a foot pedal, and could reach speeds of up to 30 miles per hour. Though the company grew quickly in the next several years, it was the launch of the Model T in 1908 that catapulted Ford to the top of the automobile industry. Obituary ~ Richard Richard (Wally) Van Kempema, age 95, of Lakes of the Four Seasons, passed away peacefully on Sunday, July 3, 2016 in the Crown Point Franciscan Communities Hospice, a family centered, lifeaffirming center. He is survived by the love of his life, his wife of 71 years, Lillian; two children - Gary and Bruce Van Kempema; two grandchildren- Dirk and Gretchen Van Kempema; significant others: Ann Holch, Cheryl Van Kempema and Kelly Van Kempema. Wally was born in Chicago, IL, graduating from Morgan Park HS, earning his bachelors degree in Chemical Engineering from Rose Polytechnic Institute (Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology). He volunteered to join the Navy in 1943 to fight in WWII, and later working for Swenson (Wally) Van Kempema Division of Whiting Corp. where he was chief engineer, responsible for the design of equipment for the pulp and paper and chemical industries. He and his wife Lillian, retired to live in Lake of the Four Seasons where they became active in the community enjoying couples golf and other affairs, and were founding members of the United Methodist Church of Four Seasons where he dedicated much time and energy to build the church as it is today. He was devoted to his family and especially his loving wife Lillian, always looking out for her to make sure she was ok. He also cared greatly for this Christian family at the COFS. He will be remembered always for his dedication to serve and his loving and caring works and deeds. Go in Peace Wally with God’s Love and Grace. Friends visited with ◆Lawn Maintenance◆ ◆Snow & Ice Management◆ ◆Complete Landscape Services◆ CALL TODAY FOR A FREE ESTIMATE! the family on Saturday, July 9, 2016 at Burns Funeral Home, 10101 Broadway, Crown Point from 1-3 p.m. which was followed by a brief prayer service at 3 p.m. Services concluded at the funeral home, with cremation following. A full military memorial service celebrating the life of Wally will be scheduled at a later date. In lieu of flowers, memorials may be donated to Alzheimer Association, Church of Four Seasons, or Crown Point Franciscan Hospice. www. Local students make Dean’s List at Miami University Miami University stud-ents who achieved a 3.5 or better grade point average for second semester 2015-2016 have been named to the Dean’s List recognizing academic performance. Patricia O’Brien and Katelyn Scheive, both of Crown Point, achieved this honor for the semester. General Classifieds Classified ads must be submitted by Sunday at 3 p.m. to run in that Friday’s Winfield American. Submit your ad online at Seamstress, Tailoring, & Alteration Services Seamstress and tailor, all types of garments, men’s and women’s, specializing in gowns, beaded, wedding dresses, prom, and more. ALL HEMS (pants only) $3! Located in LOFS-Winfield. Call Terri of “Al-Terri-ations” at 219-9885152 or 219-779-0405. (735) Fire Force Volunteers Needed Lakes of The Volunteer Fire Force is in need of more dedicated volunteers to join our ranks. Have you ever thought of being a part of something bigger than yourself? Want to help your community by giving back through service? Please call 219-662-7576 and speak with Chief Campbell. Help Wanted ~ Winfield Ace Part Time Sales Associate. Must have following requirements open availability, all shifts (days nights, weekends, holidays) Able to lift 50# Minimum. Retail experience preferred Hardware experience a plus. If you are interested in being a part of our Ace team, please acquire information about application at Winfield Ace. (735) For Sale: Nordictrack elipitical cx938 10 levels of resistance. 3 speed for the fan. Heart rate ,carb count,distance all included. $200, please call Tresa at 219306-0839 (735) Moving/Vintage Sale (LOFS) July 22nd & 23rd 9AM-2PM. Your Dream Garage Sale Adventure is Finally Here!!! Furniture, Household, Vintage, and Much More!!! 3464 Highland Court, Crown Point, Indiana 46307. LOFS (736) PLACE YOUR BUSINESS CARD AD HERE 108 Family Owned for 104 99 Years Crown Point 10101 Broadway Crown Point 769-0044 WE BUY GOLD Serving Northwest Indiana for 45 Years Hobart Always buying Coin Collections, Stamp Collections, Old Gold & Silver 942-1117 .999 Fine Knight Coin & Jewelry 3434 Ridge Rd. • Lansing, IL 237 Main St. • Hobart, IN (708) 895-9339 (219) 942-4341 701 E. 7th Street Hobart, IN On the web: Call Marge’s Upholstery! 219-956-3234 ◆ Tree & Stump Removal ◆ Trimming & Pruning ◆ Lot & Land Clearing ◆ Storm Damage Removal ◆ Firewood ◆ Over 30 Years Experience Residential & Commercial Licensed * Bonded * Insured 219-663-3306 Free Estimates * 24-Hour Emergency Service Specializing in kitchens and baths Specializing in kitchens and baths • Electrical •Electrical • Plumbing • Ceramic Tile •Plumbing • Marble Tile •Ceramic • Granite •Marble •Granite 40 YeaRS’ expeRienCe 40eYEARS ’ EXPERIENCE FRee Stimate and deSign FREE ESTIMATE AND DESIGN Call Tom at 219.988.5947 Call Tom at 219-988-5947 • Tree trimming • Tree removal • Stump removal • Fertilization Free in-home service, pick-ups, and delivery. Lots of fabrics and vinyls to choose from! 34 years of experience • Credit cards accepted Clemons' Tree Experts C Remodeling SeRviCeS Complete OMPLETE REMODELING SERVICES COMPLETE RANGE OF TREE CARE SERVICES Does your furniture need a facelift? 588 East 1350 North, Wheatfield, IN We do it all! No job to big or small! Marge Milbourn, Owner HOME IMPROVEMENTS HOME IMPROVEMENTS Certified Tree Care 219-662-8888 Visit us at “Generations of Experience” Licensed . Bonded . Insured . Call 219.226.1223 John Arthur Manning Owner ISA Certified Arborist-IN-1449A TREEMAN517@AOL.COM Like Us! July 15, 2016 7 Crown Point’s Rogers graduates from BSC Patrick Rogers Jr. of Crown Point graduated from Bismarck State College with Bachelor of Applied Science in Energy Management during the college’s 76th commencement ceremony on May 13, 2016, at the Bismarck Event Center. (Rain location: Calumet College of St. Joseph Athletic Center, 2400 New York Avenue, Whiting) • Griffith Saturday, August 6, 7:30 p.m. Central Park (600 N. Broad Street) (Rain location: Griffith High School, 600 N. Wiggs Street) • Schererville Saturday, August 13, 7:30 p.m. Redar Park (Austin Street north of US 30) (Rain location: Lake Central High School, 8400 Wicker Ave., St. John) Summer concert information is available by calling the symphony office at 219-8360525 or by visiting the web site at The South Shore Summer Music Festival is sponsored by Strack and Van Til with additional support from Chase. Funding for special Indiana Bicentennial Programming made possible by grants from Indiana Arts Commission and the Legacy Foundation. (Symphony from Pg. 1) (7408 Constitution Avenue) (Rain location: Hanover Central High School, 10120 W 133rd Ave.) • Crown Point Saturday, July 30, 7:30 p.m. On the Lawn at Franciscan Communities (Corner of Main and Franciscan) (Rain location: Crown Point High School, 1500 South Main Street) • Hammond - Wolf Lake Friday, August 5, 7:30 p.m. Wolf Lake Pavilion (Calumet Ave. at Sheffield Ave.) WINFIELD RESALE SHOPPE 10645 Randolph St. “A Little Bit of Heaven right here in Winfield” The Steepwater Band opening for George Thorogood among highlights of next week’s Festival of the Lakes The 13th annual Festival of the Lakes music talent lineup for the main stage at Wolf Lake Memorial Park Pavilion, located at 2324 South Calumet Avenue, has announced their full line-up for the festival beginning next Wednesday evening. On Wednesday, July 20, The Spaniels Forever will open for headliners. Boyz II Men. On Thursday, July 21, Nicole Jamrose will open for headliner the Eli Young Band. On Friday, July 22, local band-turned-international touring act The Steepwater Band will support headliner George Thorogood & The Destroyers, with a fireworks show afterwards. On Saturday, July 23. Fitz Fonzarelli and Golden will open for Ludacris; again a fireworks show will follow. On Sunday, Antonio Pantojo with Mariachi Acero, David Guevara with Mariachi Acero, Grupo Klonadoz, Los Jefes Del Rancho, and Natalia Corona will open for headliner Banda El Recodo de Cruz Lizarraga. Show times vary by night. Free admission; $25 parking. Call 219-853-6378 for more information or visit www.festivalofthelakes. com or FestivaloftheLakes. July is the anniversary of the infamous gangster John Dillinger’s death as well as the one year anniversary of the grand reopening of the John Dillinger Museum in Crown Point. Visit downtown Crown Point on July 21 for buy-one, get-one free admission to the John Dillinger Museum, the movie, ‘Public Enemies,’ and enjoy the weekly car show around the historic Lake County Courthouse and Shops. The John Dillinger Museum will be open from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. and offer buy-one, get-one free admission. The movie, “Public Enemies” will be shown on the lawn of the historic Courthouse at dusk. There is no charge to watch the movie. Attendees should bring blankets or lawn chairs. The movie will not be shown during inclement weather; there will not be a rain date. Learn more about the museum at www. Anniversary celebrations at the John Dillinger Museum includes the movie ‘Public Enemies’ CELEBRATE JULY! All items red, white, or blue are 1/2 OFF the entire month! Open 10 a.m to 2 p.m.! All proceeds go to the local missions and ministries of Holy Spirit, Four Seasons Methodist, Cross of Christ Lutheran and St. Elizabeth Anne Seton churches KAUFFMAN CHIROPRACTIC 1ST DAY CONSUlT & ExAM $20.16 7620 E 109th • Winfield • 662.9855 100 W 84th Dr. • Merrillville • 736.7363 Visit our website at Dr. Robert Kauffman Dr. Danielle Kauffman Dr. Kelsi Dimmitt Dr. Nicholas Kauffman NEW PATIENTS SEEN SAME DAY! Coupons 10% OFF LiStyle Salon ANY COLOR SERVICE First time clients only. Must present coupon. Not valid with any other offer. Expires: 8-4-16 8291 East 109th Ave., Winfield 219-663-8440 Right across from Lil’ Caesar’s Pizza! Winfield Fadez Styles & 10923 Miami Street, Winfield 219-323-3438 10% OFF YOUR HAIRCUT Located on the south side of 109th Avenue, 1/4-mile west of Randolph Family is not an important thing, it’s EVERYTHING! Check out our cuts at Must present coupon. Not valid with any other offer. Expires: 8/4/16 10% OFF Any purchase Monday thru Friday! Baja’s Restaurant 10749 Randolph Street 219-226-0669 1 OFF $ any Medium Pizza! Must present coupon. Good anytime Monday thru Friday. Discount limited to $5. Expires: 8/4/16 2 OFF $ any Large Pizza! any Family Pizza! Stephano’S pizza 10703 Randolph Street • Winfield 219-663-6656 3 OFF $ Must present coupon. Not valid with any other offer. Expires: 8/4/16 8 July 15, 2016 Calumet Astronomical Society to host open house at Thomas Conway Observatory On Saturday, July 23, the Calumet Astronomical Society will host an open house at the Thomas Conway Observatory located at 191st and Chase Street in Lowell. The open house is scheduled from 9 p.m. to 11:30 p.m. and the title of the event is ‘The Rings of Saturn’. Members of the Society will have their telescopes set up on the observing patio to provide visitors with an ‘up close and personal’ look at the many celestial objects found in our night sky. Visitors will also have an opportunity to explore the rings of Saturn, using the observatory’s 16 inch telescope. This event is open to the public, family friendly, and free. Remember, observing with telescopes is contingent upon clear weather. Cloudy or inclement weather conditions may cause this event to be cancelled without advance notice. It is suggested that you check the weather conditions before heading to the observatory. A free screening and health education fair will be offered by the Franciscan Physician Network at the Crown Point Specialty Health Center, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. on July 23. Faheem Ahmad, MD, and Matthew Kamin, DO, will discuss cardiology and vascular disease at 9:30 a.m., followed at 10:30 a.m. by George DePhillips, MD, who will present a program on lower back pain. At 11:30 a.m. Heather Hofstra, NP, will talk about palliative care. Screenings will be available for body mass index, heart risk, glucose, blood pressure and pulmonary function. Free giveaways and re- freshments also will be offered, as will the chance to win a $50 gift card. Registration is required and is available by calling 800-931-3322. The health center is located in Suite 201 of the Burrell Professional Building on the campus of Franciscan St. Anthony Health-Crown Point, 1201 South Main Street. Health care education available at free seminar Open registration at Crown Point Adult Learning Center The Crown Point Adult Learning Center, an affiliate of the Center of Workforce Innovations, is having open registration Mondays and Wednesdays from 9:30 to 12:30, 1 to 4, and 5:30 to 7:30 for individuals wanting to attain their high school equivalency and to learn to speak, read, and write English. Learn about the skill training available in welding, certified nursing assistant, CDL, entry level manufacturing, emergency management technician, pharmacy technician, and hospitality. For information call 219-314-9904 or visit at 928-B South Court Street. Turning 65 or Older? Get the best in Medicare Supplement Insurance SENIOR CARE • SCREEN REPAIR • COASTAL VALLEY WATER, 5 GAL. • KEY CUTTING/LOCK REKEYING • SHIP PACKAGES UPS HERE • GLASS CUTTING • PURINA PRO PLAN DOG & CAT FOOD Coupon Calendar Offer • CARPET CLEANER RENTAL and Facebook • AUTOMOTIVE CHIP KEYS/FOBs SAVE 5 $ Limit 1. Promo Code 7160301Y. Coupon good at participating Ace Hardware stores. Not valid on sale or clearance priced merchandise, city stickers, online purchases or in conjunction with any other coupon offer. May not be used toward rental, in-store services, Ace gift card purchases or previously purchased merchandise. Not redeemable for cash. Must present original coupon. Limit one coupon per customer. Offer Offer valid March 1–31, 2016. valid at Winfield Ace Hardware only. Expires 7-22-16 Cashier Instructions: Scan the promotional barcode in the body of the transaction or key in the expiration 3/1/16-3/31/16 number beneath the barcode. Offer will automatically apply. Insurance Services Conveniently located in Merrillville, Valparaiso, Schererville, and Munster. Medicare Supplement Plans 219-736-7800 Medicare Part D-Prescription Drug Plans Medicare Disability Plans 1-800-821-0604 • 219-736-7800 1-800-821-0604 Fred M. Ulayyet Fred M. Ulayyet Licensed Insurance Agent Licensed Insurance Agent Conveniently located in Merrillville, Valparaiso, Schererville, and Munster On Your Next Purchase of $ 25 or More Why They Got It: Save $5 with your next purchase of $25 or Coupon Amount: Facebook (DP103087) Ace Calendar (DP102201) WINFIELD ACE HARDWARE 11702 Randolph Street • Winfield (90023606 (90018534 Promotion Dates: Valid March 1-31, 2016 663-7676 WinfieldAceHardware AFFILIATE PROMOTIONS – Why They Got It: As online deal-seeking has become more of a consumer shopping behavior norm, Ace leverag Monday-Saturday: 8:00 a.m. consideration - 7:00 p.m. to ensure we’re part of shopper sets. The Affiliate Program includes coupon and shopping sites th printable promotional offers from advertisers and loyalty sites that offer their members a perc Sunday: display 9:00 online a.m.and - 5:00 p.m. on purchases. Since thousands of retailers – including Home Depot, Lowe’s and Sears – compete in this space, strong presence on these sites. Our presence allows us to compete for millions of dollars in potential revenue. More than 1,000 affiliate sites make up the Ace affiliate partner network. Most consumer activity is driven by our including, and Cartera Commerce. Coupon Amount(s): Various $10 off $75 or $20 off $150 10% off $100 Promotion Dates: March 1–March 31 Coupon Amounts: Various March Offer 1 $15 off $75 February Offer 2 $15 off $100 Promotion Dates: March Offer 1 March 1–March 7 March Offer 2 March 8–March 14 Exclusions: Offers valid on dates specified at only. Offer applies to merchandise subtotal. Ta handling charges, including Express Delivery charges where available, will not be included in determining merch are not discountable. Offer not available with any other offer or on previous purchases. Offer excludes sale and c Weber® branded products, YETI® branded products, power tools, power equipment, water heaters, EdenPURE® gift cards. 19_130656_0216
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