Issue III 2008 - University of Mount Union


Issue III 2008 - University of Mount Union
a g a z i n e
Issue III, 2008
On the Move
Enrollment Soars as the
Campus and Academic
Curriculum Grow
of the Class of 2012 contributed to
an enhanced enthusiasm and spirit
at Mount Union.
One of the amazing aspects
of this year’s record-breaking
class of new students is
its rich diversity, including
international students from
12 different countries. Two
of the students – Archil
Pashalishvili from Georgia
and Sergey Buzhinskiy from
Russia – have become fast
friends despite the turmoil
that exists between their two
countries. The two took the
opportunity to pose for a
picture with President Giese
and Svetlana Devyanina, a
Fulbright Scholar from Russia
who is teaching courses in her
native language on campus
this year, after Matriculation
Convocation. Pictured (l-r) are
Giese, Devyanina, Pashalishvili
and Buzhinskiy.
Three years ago, one of our biggest
challenges was to turn around a
decrease in our new student enrollment that had seen a rather precipitous decline over the previous three
years. Through the hard work of
many, especially our admission team
led by Vice President for Enrollment
Services Amy Tomko, as well as our
coaches and faculty members, we
have been able to increase our numbers and propel our full-time enrollment to an all-time high of 2,150.
hroughout the past five issues of Mount Union
Magazine, we have attempted to convey the
College’s ongoing efforts to provide an exceptional
living and learning experience for our students while
remaining a competitive force in the higher education
market place. We revealed our plan for creating a 24/7
campus that combines a dynamic living environment
with all of the comforts of home. We emphasized
how Mount Union’s dedication to diversity is opening
windows to the world for our students. We displayed
how we are meeting the wellness demands of today’s
health conscious generation through new facilities and
programming. We have discussed how building the
curriculum for the future is essential to our success
and that of our undergraduates. We have embraced
a commitment to serving as a leader in the higher
education sustainability movement and implementing
“green” initiatives campus wide.
Considering what our college has been able to collectively accomplish, it is clear that Mount Union is
on the move, and I have heard visitors to the campus
express that very sentiment on numerous occasions
this year. I couldn’t agree more. We need to be a college on the move.
This fall, through the careful planning, preparation and
perseverance of many, we welcomed a record-breaking class of new students to campus. The members
In the pages that follow, you will
learn more about the admission
approaches that have aided in our
efforts to make progress in growing
our enrollment – one of the six strategic initiatives we
have set for the institution. As we continue to plan
for the future, it is important to understand that we
cannot become complacent with our success. In the
coming years, declining demographics and economic
factors will present strong challenges. To sustain our
growth, we will have to outperform our competition in
an effort to attract potential students while remaining
relevant in the higher education market place. Mount
Union must strike the right balance of change without
compromising our identity.
As we continue to plan for the recruitment of new
students, we also are emphasizing our retention efforts to grow our overall enrollment. We are building
new, exciting facilities – including a Welcome Center
that will enhance the first impression of interested
students – to create a campus environment that meets
the high expectations of today’s youth. We are exploring new academic programs that will not only provide
a solid foundation for the liberal arts, but will offer our
students the practical tools to deal with the demands
of an ever-changing world.
We continue to evolve as an institution. We are a college on the move.
a g a z i n e
Issue III, 2008
News Notes ......................... 2
Sports Notes ........................ 7
Bringing It All Together ....... 8
Mount Union celebrated Alumni Weekend and
Homecoming 2008, “Bringing It All Together” on
campus for one fun-filled weekend chalked full of
Drive for Distinction........... 10
Mount Union has raised more than $74 million
through Drive for Distinction, a campaign with a
goal of $80 million to meet the strategic initiatives
of the College.
A College on the Move....... 14
Despite tough economic factors and declining
demographics, Mount Union College is growing
in numbers, posting a record number of enrolled
freshmen this fall.
Making Their Move ............ 20
Careers in criminal justice and public service are
growing in popularity and demand across the
country. New programs in both of these fields are
preparing students for career success, but in reality, the College has been educating future leaders
for decades.
Class Notes ....................... 34
Financial Summary ............ 45
Melissa Smith ’98
Christina Best ’11
Stephanie Dominick ’10
Michael Ihrig ’02
Callie Livengood ’09
Sarah Mariani ’10
Hattie Newman ’09
Harry Paidas ’74
Katie Pusateri ’10
Lenny Reich
Melissa Smith ’98
Megan Stewart ’11
Brooke Thomas ’11
Diane Thomas ’05
Cockrill’s Studio
Anne (Zimmer ’95) Graffice
Greg King ’89
Harry Paidas ’74
Jim Piatt
Melissa Smith ’98
Diane Thomas ’05
1972 Clark Ave.
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Volume 108, No. 3 Mount Union
Magazine (USPS 365-820) is published quarterly in winter, spring,
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College for its alumni and friends.
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Founded in 1846, Mount Union College is a four-year, private, liberal
arts college affiliated with the United
Methodist Church and accredited by
the North Central Association.
It is the policy of Mount Union College
not to discriminate on the basis of race,
sex, sexual orientation, religion, age, color, creed, national or ethnic origin, marital
or parental status, or disability in student
admissions, financial aid, educational
or athletic programs, or employment as
now or may hereafter be required by Title
VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX
of the Educational Amendments of 1972,
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of
1973, the Americans With Disabilities
Act of 1990, regulations of the Internal
Revenue Service, and all other applicable federal, state and local statutes,
ordinances and regulations. Inquiries
regarding compliance may be directed
to (330) 823-2886, Associate Dean of
Students, Hoover-Price Campus Center,
or to (330) 829-6560, Director of Human
Resources and Employee Development,
Beeghly Hall.
NEWS notes
Matriculation Convocation
is a ceremony that officially
ushers in the new academic
year and welcomes the
newest class to the Mount
Union College family.
Faculty, dressed in traditional
academic regalia, process
along with the members
of the new class to begin
the ceremony, and at the
closing, new students sign the
Matriculation book, adding
their names to Mount Union
Danielle Tucker, a senior
biology major of Alliance,
OH has been awarded an
environmental scholarship administered by the
Ohio Academy of Science
and funded by the Ohio
Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA).
Dewald Honors Dinner
Alam M. Payind, a native of Afghanistan and the director of the Middle East Studies Program at The Ohio
State University, was the featured speaker for the
Dewald Dinner and Lecture. The annual event recognizes Mount Union students for academic excellence
and brings a noted speaker to campus each year.
ew students at Mount Union College had
the opportunity to participate in one of the
institution’s most time-honored traditions as the
College community welcomed the Class of 2012 at
the annual Matriculation Convocation. This recordbreaking class numbered more than 720.
The Matriculation Convocation is a tradition where the
faculty and freshman students usher in the academic
year. New students were welcomed by Dr. Patricia
Draves, vice president for academic affairs and dean
of the College and greeted by Dr. Richard F. Giese,
president of Mount Union.
Giese advised students to remember the fundamentals and keep it simple, including going to class, asking
for help, trying new things, staying on campus and setting priorities. “You are embarking on a journey with
the destination unknown,” said Giese. “Enjoy the ride
and remember to stay with the fundamentals.”
Alumni Council First Vice President Daniel Griffith ’99
offered an alumni perspective on the Mount Union
community and Student Senate President Carly Skidmore ’09 of Strasburg, OH, challenged the freshman
class to get involved because “college is what you
make of it.”
Dr. Ronald Mendel, assistant professor of human
performance and sport business and the 2007-2008
Great Teacher, then addressed the audience.
Greg King ’89, who has
served the college as
associate vice president
for college advancement,
has been named interim
vice president for college
advancement following
the departure of James
Piatt Jr.
“True learning is the constant pursuit of betterment
and excellence,” said Mendel. “The faculty are not here
to teach you what to think, but how to think. Our objective is to prepare you for your next stage in life. Your
undergraduate experience will be one of the defining
times of your life. Study hard, work hard, play hard,
and don’t let opportunities pass you by.”
After learning of its significance from Draves, students
had the opportunity to sign the Matriculation Book,
which remains in the care of the Office of the President
until graduation. At that time, it is placed on display in
the Mount Union Bookstore for students to see.
In addition, the top freshman, sophomore and junior
class scholars for 2007-2008 were recognized. The A.P.
Rickard and Alice M. and Stanley T. Evans Freshman Prize
was awarded to David Keifer
’11, a chemistry major of Niles,
OH. The Ralph K. and Elizabeth
Ramsayer Sophomore Prize
honored Eric Popczun
’10, a chemistry major of Streetsboro,
OH. The McMaster/Drushal Junior
Prize recognized
Jenna Patterson
’09, a business administration major
of Industry, PA.
1846 Society Dinner
Members of Mount Union College’s 1846 Society
were recognized for their generous contributions to
the Annual Fund at a dinner held in their honor at the
Fred J. Haupt President’s House.
Master of ceremonies for the evening was Dr. E. Karl
Schneider ’66, member of the Board of Trustees at
Mount Union. He acknowledged the members’ financial contributions to the College as well as their effort
to educate students about philanthropy through the
“Bucks for MUC” program. Nearly $1,373,000 was
raised and $796,000
of that total was contributed by the members of the 1846 Society. According to
Schneider, their donations made up 55
percent of the total
amount raised.
World War II Veteran Celebration
During halftime of the home opener football contest
between Mount Union and St. John Fisher, 29 former
athletes were honored. The distinguished group of
gentlemen all served during World War II and were
part of sports teams at Mount Union in 1946 and
Among those in attendance were Virgil “Red” Artino
’50, Duke Barret ’51, Napoleon Bell ’51, John Benincasa ’49, Jack Dawson ’47, Ed DiGregorio ’51, Calvin
Eckert ’48, Donald Evans ’51, Harry Geltz ’50, Harold
Hall ’49, Jim Halls ’47, Jim Hart ’49, Hartley Johnson
’49, Dan Kibler ’50, Frank Lauterbur ’49, Tony Lee ’50,
Vince Marotta ’48, Richard McFall ’51, Joe McInerney
’49, Lowell Myers ’56, John Plegge ’52, Randy Pope ’51,
Jesse Reese ’51, Jim Rodman ’49, Warren Strub ’49,
Lee Thompson
’50 and Karl
Zellers ’49. Attending but not
pictured was
R.R. Denny
Clunk ’51, and
the late football
coach, Willard
Pederson, was
his wife, Frances Pederson.
M Club Hall of Fame
Mount Union’s M Club inducted four new members
into its Hall of Fame, honored two others with its
Award of Excellence and
extended Honorary M Club
Membership to an individual at halftime of the Mount
Union-Ohio Northern football game.
The 2008 Hall of Fame inductees were Joyce (Wolfinbarger ‘91) Bruett (swimming), Ken Debos ’86 (track
and field) and Tracy (Miller ’91) Long (track and field).
Sam Williams ’77 (men’s soccer), who was unable to
attend the ceremony, also was inducted.
James C. Casper ’53 and William G. Krochta ’52 both
received the M Club Award of Excellence for their
significant contributions since leaving Mount Union,
and Michele McCallum was given Honorary M Club
Membership honors for her contributions to the Office
of Athletics.
Dr. John F. Kirchmeyer, professor of computer science
and information systems, served as moderator.
TGI Friday Job and Internship Fair
Mount Union recently
hosted the TGI Friday
Job and Internship
Fair where prospective
employers were given
the opportunity to visit
campus and talk with
students who are interested in jobs or internships. In addition to
talking with prospective
employers about career
opportunities, the students were able to gain valuable feedback on skills that will be important when
they enter the professional world upon
Harry Paidas ’74, vice
president for public affairs and marketing at
Mount Union, was chosen as the 2008 Alliance
Citizen of the Year.
This is the fifth year that the on-campus job
fair has taken place. With 50 recruiters,
the fair held opportunities for all majors
and160 people attended on Friday, which
was a new record for the event.
Student Debate
In light of the 2008 Presidential election,
students had the opportunity to debate
the issue “Resolved that Political Primaries Do Not
Reflect the Will of the General Electorate and Should
be Discontinued.”
Dr. Hamako FuruhataTur ner, professor of
foreign languages, has
been elected president
of the Ohio Association of
Teachers of Japanese.
Debaters included Thomas P. Krumel ’10 of Chagrin
Falls, OH; Abigail Price ’10 of Strongsville, OH; and
Kaley Smitley ’10 of North Canton, OH, who spoke
against the use of the Electoral College. Bradley
Kerstetter ’11 of Louisville, OH; Alexandra Lucak ’11 of
Maple Heights, OH; and Carly Skidmore ’09 of Strasburg, OH made an argument for its continuation.
Each student had eight minutes during which to give
a constructive speech stating their position and providing support. Both sides took turns asserting their
Faculty Forum
Mount Union faculty members Dr. John Bienz, Dr.
Xiaoshu (Catherine) Han and Dr. James Perone were
featured at the Faculty Research Forum during the
2008 Fall Semester.
Bienz, professor of English, spoke on Republican
Shakespeare? Han, assistant professor of economics,
accounting and business administration, presented
Measuring the Effect of Obesity on Earnings. Perone,
professor of music and chair of the Department of Music, offered Mods, Rockers and the Music of the British
Invasion: Sabbatical Leave Project, Spring 2008.
Sounds of Joy Sing A Long
A new collaborative relationship between Mount
Union and Stark MRDD that will include support and
education from the College’s academic departments
was kicked off with a concert by Sounds of Joy.
Dr. Mark Himmelein,
professor of foreign languages and chair of the
Department of Foreign
Languages, has begun
his term as president of
the Ohio Foreign Language Association.
Sounds of Joy is made up of selected individuals who
love to sing from the Cohen-Joliet and Higgins work|3|
shops of Stark MRDD as well as local members of the
Villa Maria Dementia Care Center. Each participant
began his or her favorite song and then the audience
was asked to join in singing.
Cheerleader Volunteerism
The Mount Union College Choir has released
its 14th commercial recording, Destiny in Black
and Gray, now available
in the Mount Union Bookstore for $10.
The Mount Union varsity cheerleaders recently had
the opportunity to volunteer in the Alliance community
for the Alliance Kiwanis Club Food Bank, along with
members of Alpha Tau Omega and Alpha Delta Pi.
Some assisted on the assembly line of food distribution, while others had the opportunity to deliver the
food to the cars of the recipients. During the day,
they were able to benefit more than 400 families in
the community.
The October 25 Mount Union
Football game at Wilmington also
gave the cheerleaders an opportunity to volunteer. In a joint effort
with the Wilmington cheerleading
squad, over $500 was raised to
benefit Muscular Dystrophy. Donations came from both the Mount
Union and Wilmington fans.
Mods, Rockers and the
Music of the British Invasion, the most recent
book from Dr. James Perone, professor of music
and chair of the Department of Music, has been
published by Praeger
Trick or Treat for Canned
Mount Union student organizations collected 2,528 non-perishable food items
to benefit the Alliance Area Domestic
Violence Shelter during their second annual Trick-or-Treat for Canned Goods.
The event was part of Mount Union’s
Make a Difference Week observation,
which featured a number of service projects including
a Breast Cancer Walk, a faith-centered youth event
at First Christian Church, the creation of stockings
for Operation Recon Stocking and work at Interfaith
Child Development Center, Alliance for Children and
Families, Kiwanis Food Bank, Silver Park, McCrea
Manor, Sterling House, Akron Zoo and Southside
Church of God.
The Politics of Ethnicity and National Identity by Dr. Santosh Saha,
professor of history, has
been nominated for the
Myers Center Outstanding Book Award by the
Gustavus Myers Center
for the Study of Bigotry
and Human Rights at Simmons College in Boston,
Mount Union has once again been named by U.S.
News and World Report as one of America’s Best
After 16 consecutive years of being ranked in the
Top 15 in the Midwest among regional comprehensive or liberal arts colleges, the College qualified for
the “Best Liberal Arts Colleges” category in 2007. In
2008, Mount Union was once again recognized at
this level.
Mount Union’s appearance in the third tier among the
best liberal arts colleges puts it in a class with other
nationally-ranked institutions.
The top three colleges in the best liberal arts colleges
category are Williams College, Amherst College and
Swarthmore College. Other Ohio colleges in this category are Oberlin and Kenyon.
National Day of Service
Through an initiative proposed by the Alumni Council,
Mount Union alumni from coast to coast will have
the opportunity to participate in the first organized
“National Day of Service” scheduled to take place on
Saturday, April 18, 2009.
A number of projects are already
being organized by dedicated
alumni in Pittsburgh, PA (Heidi
Bartholomew ’92); Akron/Cleveland, OH (Aaron Swartz ’00);
Columbus, OH (Michele Coss
’85); Alliance/Canton, OH (Leigh
Mainwaring ’70); Chicago, IL (Joel
Sassa ’78); Raleigh/Durham/
Chapel Hill, NC (Michelle Sischo
’93); New York, NY (Dan Morris
’94) and Washington, DC (T.J.
Horwood ’00).
Alumni in these areas are encouraged
to participate. Additional projects can
be submitted to the Office of Alumni
and College Activities. Once notified
about the proposed project, the office
will assist leaders in the mobilization of
alumni in the area.
For more information, visit the www2. and click on the link for “Alumni in Action: National Day of Service.” Alumni may register a
project by calling (330) 823-2030 or e-mailing alumni@
PA Program Provisional Accreditation
The Mount Union Physician Assistant Program – the
institution’s first master’s level program in nearly a
century – was granted provisional accreditation from
the Accreditation Review Commission on Education
for the Physician Assistant, Inc. (ARC-PA).
The ARC-PA defines provisional accreditation as “the
status of accreditation granted for a limited, defined
period of time to a new program that, at the time of the
site visit, has demonstrated its preparedness to initiate
a program in accordance with the standards.”
According to Sharon Luke, director of physician assistant studies, follow-up provisional visits are conducted
with programs that have successfully achieved provisional accreditation. Follow-up visits must occur no
LECTURERS on campus
Fareed Zakaria to Present Schooler Lecture
Writer and commentator Fareed Zakaria will present
the Schooler Lecture on Tuesday, April 14, 2009 at 8
p.m. in the Timken Physical Education Building.
Editor of Newsweek International, columnist and CNN
host, Zakaria, described by Esquire as “the most influential foreign policy adviser of his generation,” is widely
respected for his ability to spot economic and political
trends around the world.
Fareed Zakaria
Zakaria oversees all of Newsweek’s editions abroad,
and his cover stories and columns – on subjects from
globalization and emerging markets to the Middle East
and America’s role in the world – reach more than 25
million readers weekly. He also is the host of a weekly
international news program, Fareed Zakaria GPS, that
airs on CNN worldwide.
Constitution Day Lecture
Larry Cox ’67, executive director of Amnesty International USA, spoke to members of the College community in honor of Constitution Day. He enlightened
the audience with a shocking, critical and underlying
issue – that there are policies of the United States that
are threatening to human rights.
Larry Cox ’67
Nancy Hill ’79
Dr. Anthony Campolo
Dr. Lin Wu
Mount Union kicked off the second year of LINC
(Lunch, Information, Networking, Conversation)
this semester with presentations by a number of faculty members. Dr. Frank Triplett, professor of foreign
languages and director of international programs,
presented From Russia with Love? Sharon Luke,
director of the Physician Assistant Studies Program,
presented The Healthy People Initiatives and Angela
Smith Alder, associate professor of criminal justice
and director of pre-law, focused on How Powerful is
the President?
His new national bestseller, The Post-American World
(April 2008), is about the “rise of the rest”– the growth
of China, India, Brazil and many other countries – and
what it means for the future. His previous bestseller,
The Future of Freedom, has been translated into 20
languages and was called “a work of tremendous
originality and insight” by The Washington Post.
Born in India and educated at Yale and Harvard, he
has served as an analyst for ABC News, a roundtable
member on This Week with George Stephanopoulos
and host of Foreign Exchange on PBS. At age 28, he
became the youngest managing editor in the history
of Foreign Affairs.
Complimentary tickets will be available beginning in
February of 2009.
Association of Advertising Agencies (AAAA), explained how it is imperative to balance the two when
she presented the Gordon Heffern Business Ethics
Carr Lecture
Dr. Anthony Campolo, founder and president of the
Evangelical Association for Promotion of Education,
presented the Carr Lecture. As is the purpose of the
Carr Lecture, Campolo discussed “The Mission of the
Christian College to the World.”
Take Back the Night Speaker
Angela Rose presented “Put up a Fight…Take Back the
Night” as part of Mount Union’s annual Take Back the
Night event. A victim herself, she is now an activist
and pioneer on the issue of sexual assault. Take Back
the Night encourages women to take a stand against
violence within their communities as they seek to
reclaim their right to live without fear.
Mental Health Awareness Month Speaker
Multicultural Student Affairs Speaker
Eric Mansfield, WKYC’s Akron-Canton Bureau chief,
and his wife Lisa presented the Mental Health Awareness Lecture. Eric spent 14 months on active duty
in 2003-04 in Iraq and Kuwait as a major in the Ohio
National Guard. During their lecture, they discussed
the many adjustments that needed to be made when
Eric was deployed.
The Office of Multicultural Student Affairs brought Tim
Wise, who is among the most prominent anti-racist writers and activists, to campus this semester. In light of
president-elect Barack Obama’s recent victory, Wise
centered his lecture around this historical event.
Heffern Lecture
Dr. Lin Wu, professor of biology, discussed Little Creatures with Big Ecological Roles: A Microscopic View
of Aquatic Ecosystems at the annual Faculty Lecture.
She has been a member of the the faculty at Mount
Union since 1994.
Ethics and advertising are not two words you would
normally hear in the same sentence. Nancy Hill ’79,
president and chief executive officer of the American
Faculty Lecture
sooner than four months after students have entered
the clinical phase of the program and no later than six
months after graduation of the first class.
The College hopes to have its first Sri Lankan student
enrolled at Mount Union for the spring semester.
International Armada Festival
Sport Sales Workshop
Dr. Charles McClaugherty,
professor of biology, director of the John T. HustonDr. John D. Brumbaugh
Nature Center and the
Dr. John D. Brumbaugh
Chair in Environmental
and Ecological Sciences,
co-authored the book Plant
Litter: Decomposition, Humus Formation, Carbon
Dequestration, second edition with Björn Berg.
Margo Miller, assistant
professor of art and director of the Crandall
Ar t Galler y, received
the Rottinghaus Gallery
Award at ViewPoint 2008,
the Cincinnati Art Club’s
40th annual National Juried Competition, for her
work Colors of Niwot.
Melissa Shuttic of Cortland, OH and Matt Parnell of Green, OH were
named the 2008 Homecoming Queen and King
For the first time in its five-year history, the Mount
Union Sport Sales Workshop was held outside of
Ohio. On Friday, November 14, Metropolitan State
College, in conjunction with the Mount Union sport
business program, hosted the first Sport Sales Workshop in Denver, CO. Sales executives from the Sacramento Kings, Phoenix Coyotes, Portland Trailblazers
and Phoenix Suns along with local teams including
the Denver Broncos, Colorado Rockies, Denver Nuggets and Colorado Avalanche provided participants
with valuable insights and proven successful sales
Dr. Jim Kadlecek, associate professor of human
performance and sport business and chair of the
Department of Human Performance and Sport Business, along with Charlie Chislaghi, president of Sports
Sales Consulting and one of the premier sports sales
trainers in the country, initiated the idea of holding
this one-day workshop to provide college students
with an opportunity to be trained by sport industry
sales executives.
Plans are also underway for a Spring, 2009 Sport
Sales Workshop to be held in Memphis, TN, hosted by
the University of Memphis, and discussions have been
taking place about future events in San Francisco,
CA, and Boston, MA, and on February 6, 2009, the
workshop will return to Cleveland, OH.
Sri Lanka
On July 30 and 31, a visit to the Mount Union campus
by Priyanthi and Padmasena Dissanayke of the Educational Advising Service in Colombo, Sri Lanka helped
the College take yet another step in strengthening its
relationships with countries in Asia.
Scholarships for USA is a company founded by Priyanthi with the aid of her husband Padmasena, spurred by
their own daughter’s lengthy search for a college or
university in the United States that was willing to work
with the family to find financial support. Seven years
later, more than 100
Sri Lankan students
have enrolled in colleges and universities across the United States because
of the Dissanayke’s
Dr. Frank Triplett, professor of foreign languages and
director of international programs, and three Mount
Union students had the unique privilege to accompany the mayor of Cleveland, Frank Jackson, and
other selected representatives from northeast Ohio
to Rouen, France for the international Armada festival.
The purpose of the trip was to establish a sister city
relationship between northeast Ohio and Rouen.
Triplett, Kelly Morckel ’11 of Salem, OH, Alicia Andreani ’09 of Alliance, OH, and Amanda Kusler ’09 of
North Lawrence, OH, were among a delegation of 175
business and student representatives who were at the
festival to promote northeast Ohio.
In addition to running the booth, the students were
invited to watch Jackson
sign a formal agreement
with Rouen’s mayor Pierre
Albertini. A plaque commemorating the occasion
has been placed in Rouen’s
City Hall. As a result of this
trip, Mount Union is working to establish ties with
the University of Rouen.
Recon Stocking
For the second
consecutive year,
Mount Union collected stockings to
be filled and sent to
American soldiers
serving overseas.
The stockings were
sent to a battalion currently deployed in Iraq.
Last year, the AmeriCorps M3C student service organization and Alpha Phi Omega service fraternity along
with faculty and staff donated or made stockings and
filled them. Nearly 50 stockings were mailed to a battalion serving in Iraq.
In response to the generosity of Mount Union’s
students, Lt. Col. J.R. Schafer, commanding officer
of Camp LeJeune in North Carolina, sent a letter
to Amanda Espenschied-Reilly, director of servicelearning and community service, thanking everyone
for the stockings along with a flag that was flown
during Operation Iraqi Freedom at Headquarters, 2d
Reconnaissance Battalion, Camp Fullujah, Iraq and a
certificate of authenticity.
For more news, visit
SPORTS notes
Pierre Garcon used
to wear the number 1
on his jersey as widereceiver on the Purple
Raider football team.
Today, he’s number
85 for the Indianapolis
year ago, Pierre Garcon was catching passes
in Mount Union Stadium as he helped lead the
Purple Raiders to an Ohio Athletic Conference championship and an appearance in the Stagg Bowl. At
Mount Union College, Garcon caught a team-record
47 touchdown passes, was a two-time All-American
and two-time OAC Ed Sherman Award winner as the
conference’s top receiver.
In April, he became only the second-ever Purple Raider
taken in the NFL draft when the Indianapolis Colts took
him in the sixth round, then later on that summer he
made the Colts’ 53-man active roster. Fast forward to
today where Garcon is playing on special teams and as
a rookie he has become the Colts starting return man
on kickoffs and punts along with making tackles on
special teams coverage. Through the halfway point of
the season, he was ranked ninth among all NFL rookies
in kickoff return yards.
Pierre has not forgotten how far he has come and
where he has come from as he returned to Alliance
during the Colts bye week earlier this season and aside
from visiting old teammates, he spent time reading to
elementary school students and autographed a Colts
helmet that is on display in the Gulling Training Center
on campus.
Nathan LaRiccia, a volunteer in the Mount Union Office
of Sports Information, asked Garcon some questions
about his experiences over the last few months.
NL: When college players make the transition to the
NFL, many of them say the biggest difference they notice is the speed of the game. How accurate is that?
PG: Very accurate, All the players are good. Everyone
knows the game and is going full speed on every play.
NL: How does Indianapolis Colts head coach Tony Dungy
compare to Mount Union head coach Larry Kehres?
PG: They are both great coaches and expect you to
give everything you have when you are on the field.
NL: What have you learned from Coach Kehres that
you are applying to your professional career?
PG: Coach Kehres taught me to always work hard in
everything I do on and off the field.
NL: Which one of the veteran players on the Colts has
helped you the most this season?
ount Union College
quarterback Greg
Micheli ’09 of Upper Sandusky, OH has been selected from a nationwide
pool of 164 semifinalists
among all NCAA divisions
and the NAIA, by The
National Football Foundation and College Hall
of Fame (NFF), as one of
15 2008 National ScholarAthlete winners, who will
vie as the finalists for the Draddy Trophy, presented
by HealthSouth. As a finalist, Micheli wins an $18,000
postgraduate scholarship and an invitation to the NFF
Awards Banquet December 9 at the Waldorf-Astoria
in New York City.
The NFF’s National Scholar-Athlete program, launched
in 1959, is recognized as the first and most prestigious
initiative in the history of college sports to honor
football players for their combined athletic ability,
academic success and civic leadership.
Micheli, who maintains a 3.84 grade point average with
physics and astronomy and mathematics majors, also
was named ESPN The Magazine Academic All-American of the Year. A two-time Academic All-American, he
also writes a blog on and helps organize the Raider Buddy Program where football players
read to and mentor local elementary students.
NL: What advice have you given your former teammates at Mount Union?
One of the 15 finalists will be announced as the recipient of the 2008 Draddy Trophy which recognizes an
individual as the absolute best scholar-athlete in the
nation. The award comes with a 24-inch, 25-pound
bronze trophy and increases the winner’s scholarship
to $25,000.
PG: That hard work pays off.
For more on athletics, visit
PG: I can ask all three wide receivers for help when I
need it, but the person that helps the most is Reggie
Wayne because we are on the same side of the field.
Nate Kmic
’09, a running back
of Delta,
OH, has set
NCAA career records for rushing
yards, total touchdowns
and rushing touchdowns
as a member of the Purple
Raider football team.
Mahnke ’10
of Nor th
OH, was
the first
player in college history
to be named American
Volleyball Coaches Association National Player
of the Week. She also was
the second player in school
history to earn AVCA AllAmerican honors.
Dick ’11 of
OH, was
named to
the All-OAC
and Academic All-OAC
teams. She led the team
in goals and points on the
season as a member of the
women’s soccer team.
Bringing It All
Mount Union College brought it all together again in 2008
with a fun-packed weekend of activities in a
combined celebration of Alumni Weekend and Homecoming.
The weekend kicked off on Friday, October 17
with a Street Fair featuring music, a magician,
clown, food vendors and more outside Bracy
Hall leading up to fireworks at dusk over the
Campus Lakes.
“What a spectacular display,” said Anne (Zimmer ’95) Graffice, director of alumni and college
activities. “The fireworks were amazing and
the turnout we saw for the Street Fair was
overwhelming. As I looked out into the crowd, I
saw students, alumni and community members
mingling with one another – bringing it all together – which is exactly what we were hoping
for when we first established this Friday night
programming only a year ago.”
Also on Friday evening, Adam Thomas, a senior
mathematics major from Sullivan, OH was
crowned Mr. MUC during the annual competition. Thomas was sponsored by Alpha Delta Pi
On Saturday, the 25th Annual Run-A-MUC
5k Race and 2-Mile Fun Run/Walk was held.
For children 7 years and under, there was a
Kid’s Race following the Run-A-MUC. This
race consisted of one lap around the track and
each participant won a prize. The Homecoming Parade stepped off from the Hoover-Price
Campus Center after the race.
Camp MUCaw offered a day full of fun and activities for children ages 3 to 10 and the Fourth
Annual Carnival was held in the Field House
featuring booths of games, a bounce house and
slide, cotton candy, popcorn, music and more
for children of all ages.
The Homecoming Parade returned to Saturday
morning this year complete with floats sponsored by many of Mount Union’s student organizations. Alumni and community members also
had the opportunity to join for the traditional
community brunch in the Kresge Commons.
The Alumni Luncheon honored the recipients
of the Dodie Davis Alumni Service, McKinley
Fellow and Young Alumni awards and featured
a performance by members of the Mount Union
Alumni Choir under the direction of Dr. Scott
Dorsey, professor of music.
In addition, the Mount Union Women held a
meeting, Alpha Xi Delta held an open house at
the chapter house and the Department of Education sponsored an information tent for former
education majors.
Award Recipients Honored
Mount Union College honored the 2008 award
recipients of the Dodie Davis Alumni Service,
Young Alumni and McKinley Fellow awards during the Alumni Luncheon.
This year’s recipients of the Dodie Davis Alumni
Service Award were Gary Adams ’75 and Connie (Snode ’70) and John ’71 Flynn. Established
in 1942, it is presented in recognition of outstanding achievement in a chosen or professional field and for service to the College or to
the community. The award represents the highest non-academic honor an alumnus/alumna
can receive from the College. In 2003 the award
was renamed in honor of Dodie Davis ’62 for 35
years of service to the institution.
Adams is the president of the Greater Cleveland Auto Dealers Association, recognized as
one of the top-dealer associations in the nation.
A Mount Union graduate with a bachelor of
arts degree in business administration, Adams
earned a juris doctor degree from Cleveland
State University. He has been a member of
Mount Union’s Board of Trustees since 2006.
He and his wife Connie made a Drive for Distinction campaign gift to name Adams Court in
Hartshorn Village.
Connie Flynn earned a bachelor of arts
degree from Mount in elementary education and has served as a teacher locally.
She has been a member of Alumni Council and Alliance’s alumnae chapter of
Alpha Xi Delta and has assisted with the
College’s yearly phonathons.
John Flynn is the owner of the law firm
of Flynn & De Rhodes in Kent, OH. He graduated from Mount Union with a bachelor of arts
degree in economics and earned a juris doctor
degree from The Ohio State University.
She is a member of Alumni Council, has been
active in the Annual Fund, assisted with phonathons and helped establish the Annual Giving
Call Center.
The Flynns reside in Kent, OH. They recently
made a Drive for Distinction campaign gift to
name Snode-Flynn House in Hartshorn Village
and have provided years of dedicated service.
The recipient of this year’s McKinley Fellow
Award was Dr. Steve Kramer. Named for
former U.S. President William McKinley, this
award honors select individuals who have had a
significant impact as non-alumni.
Receiving the Young Alumni Award was Annalisa Zumbar ’91. This award honors and
recognizes those who at very early stages in
their chosen careers or callings exemplify what
Mount Union hopes all alumni will strive to
achieve upon leaving the College.
Zumbar is a territory manager for the Mid- Atlantic Region of the Yokohama Tire Corporation.
She earned a bachelor of arts degree in English
from Mount Union.
Kramer, professor of psychology, came to
Mount Union in1974. During his tenure, he has
established the Wilderness Experience and the
Social Responsibility Course which includes an
annual Spring Break service trip to various third
world countries.
Kramer earned a bachelor of arts degree in
mathematics from The College of the Holy
Cross and a doctoral degree in counseling psychology from The University of Texas at Austin.
During half-time of the Purple Raider football
game vs. Heidelberg College, Melissa Shuttic
of Cortland, OH and Matt Parnell of Green, OH
were named the 2008 Homecoming Queen
and King respectively. In addition, alumni band
members joined the Mount Union Marching
Band for a half-time performance that also
featured the Mount Union Dance Team.
The Black Student Union Welcome Reception
was held at the Black Cultural Center following
the football game, which the Purple Raiders
won 49-0.
The second annual All-Alumni Party closed out
this year’s Alumni Weekend and Homecoming
events at the Alliance Country Club. Those cel-
ebrating reunions during the event included the
classes of 1943, 1948, 1953, 1958, 1963, 1968,
1973, 1978, 1983, 1988, 1993, 1998 and 2003.
Other gatherings were held for members of
fraternities and sororities, the Alumni Choir and
former classmates and experience participants
of the Social Responsibility course taught by Dr.
Steve Kramer, professor of psychology.
Drive for
Court Dedicated
Drive for Distinction
Campaign Reaches
$74.7 Million
Drive for Distinction is an $80 million
comprehensive campaign to
support the strategic initiatives of
Mount Union College.
The Board of Trustees approved
the silent phase of Drive for
Distinction in May 2003 and the
public phase of the campaign which
launched in September 2007.
As of November 2008, $74.7
million in gifts and pledges
have been committed to the
$80 million
$75 million
$70 million
$65 million
$60 million
$55 million
$50 million
$45 million
$40 million
$35 million
$30 million
$25 million
$20 million
$15 million
$10 million
$5 million
When Carl Orwick ’42 and his wife Martha “Nickie” (Nicholson
’45) made the decision to support residential housing on the Mount
Union College campus through Orwick-Nicholson Court, they did so
because of their long-time personal history with the College.
The family bond was first forged in 1911 when Nickie’s great-uncle,
Elmer Trott, professor of mathematics and astronomy, came to Mount
Union from Scio College when the two schools merged. Nickie’s
father, Wilbur H. Nicholson, graduated from Mount Union in 1912,
as did her brother, John ’39. Carl and Nickie’s two children and their
spouses are also both graduates – Phillip ’71 and Joan (Shepard ’69)
Orwick and Nancy (Orwick ’76) and Gary ’75 McCamon. The McCamon’s children – Ryan ’02 and Kristi ’05 – are also graduates.
Although Carl and Nickie were acquainted while students at Mount
Union, they didn’t begin dating until both were serving in the armed
forces during World War II.
“We felt we owed our livelihood to the College because of our personal history,” said Carl. “We wanted to have our name associated
with the College.”
Drive for
Generous supporters for many years, the Orwicks established
the Orwick-Nicholson Scholarship Fund in 1993. In 1987, Carl and
Nickie received the Alumni Service Award. Carl was also honored
as the Greek Advisor of the Year in 2003. Nickie, a sister of Alpha
Chi Omega, also remains active in the sorority.
Campaign Progress
$43.9 $46 million
$22 million
$10.9 $12 million
$74.7 $80 million
Gathering for the dedication of Orwick-Nicholson Court were (l-r) Martha “Nickie”
(Nicholson ’45) Orwick, Carl Orwick ’42, Joan (Shepard ’69) Orwick, Phillip
Orwick ’71, Nancy (Orwick ’76) McCamon and Gary McCamon ’75.
Mount Union Breaks Ground for
Gartner Welcome Center
ount Union College honored lead supporters
Carl ’60 and Martha Gartner of Minerva, OH while celebrating what will become the first LEED-certified college or university
facility in Stark County at a ground-breaking ceremony for its new
Welcome Center. The facility is a significant project of the Drive for
Distinction campaign.
“It’s an honor to help and support Mount Union College,” said Carl.
“I’ve been on the Board of Trustees for 28 years and Martha and
I have always enjoyed supporting and being involved with such a
great institution.”
The new facility, which will carry the name Gartner Welcome Center
in honor of the Gartners’ commitment to the project, will provide a
stand-alone, homey environment that will be sure to make prospective students and their entire families feel at ease as they explore
campus for the first time. The 9,100-square-foot, two-level structure
will be home to the Office of Admission as well as the Office of Student Financial Services.
Also making significant contributions to the Welcome Center are
Dr. James ’49 and Margaret (Kinsey ’51) Rodman and the late Dr.
W. Brooks ’34 and Wanda Fortune.
Situated on the east side of campus across from Bracy Hall, the
Welcome Center will serve as the launch point for campus tours.
It also will display Mount Union’s commitment to green initiatives
through its LEED certification.
LEED stands for Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design.
Developed by the U.S. Green Building Council, this system provides
standards for environmentally sustainable construction.
“The idea that this facility would be the first ‘green’ building on campus and one of only a few at colleges and universities in Ohio was
really appealing to Martha and me,” said Carl. “I’m proud that we
were able to do this. We appreciate what Mount Union has done
for our family and we were glad to give back.”
As honorary co-chairs of Drive for Distinction, the Gartners have
provided leadership in many ways at Mount Union. In addition to serv-
Breaking ground for the Gartner Welcome Center were (l-r) Craig Kirkpatrick,
president of Hammond Construction; Randy Hunt ’75, vice chair of the Mount
Union Board of Trustees; Martha Gartner; Carl Gartner ’60; Dr. James Rodman
’49; Margaret (Kinsey ’51) Rodman; Dr. Richard Giese, president of the College;
and Paul Westlake, principal of the architectural firm of Westlake Reed Leskosky.
ing on the Board of Trustees, Carl, along with Dr. E. Karl Schneider
’66, has served as co-chair of the Annual Fund for many years. The
Gartners are active members of the Mount Union family and are
regular attendees at campus events.
“We are grateful to Carl and Martha for the many ways in which they
provide leadership,” said President Richard F. Giese. “The Gartner
Welcome Center would not have happened without them.”
Carl is quick to applaud the efforts of others who helped throughout
the process as well, though.
“We may have provided the lead gift for this facility, but so many others contributed in order to make this building possible,” he said.
Drive for
New Wellness Center
Timken Foundation
Makes Commitment
he Timken Foundation of Canton, OH has
made a Drive for Distinction Campaign pledge of $1 million to
Mount Union College for the health and wellness center project.
“Few institutions in our area have been connected to Mount Union
longer than the Timken Company and its foundation,” said Dr. Richard
F. Giese, president of the College. “We are extremely proud of our
long-term association with the Timkens and are grateful that they
have once again joined our efforts in such a meaningful way.”
Depiction of Peterson Field House
Depiction of the lobby leading into the first-floor weight room
Depiction of the second-floor cardiovascular room
The gift, a five-year pledge, is designated for the College’s $16.7
million health and wellness center project, one of the highlighted
facilities of the campaign. Work began during the summer of 2008,
and construction is expected to be complete in late 2009.
The Timken Foundation has supported each organized fund-raising
campaign at the College since the early 1960s. In the early 1970s,
it provided the lead gift to name the Timken Physical Education
Building, which has served the College as a primary recreation and
athletic venue for four decades. That same facility is being renovated
as part of the health
and wellness center
project. In the early
1990s, the Timken
Foundation provided
a lead gift during the
Progress with Tradition Campaign to
launch the College’s
program called LATTICE (Learning and
Teaching Through
an Integrated Campus Environment).
L ATTICE was the
College’s project
to establish a stateof-the-art campus
on Mount Union’s health and wellness
network, which pro- Construction
center project, which includes the addition or
pelled Mount Union renovation of 72,000 square feet of space, is well
as a front runner in underway.
Endowed Scholarships Make Great Gifts
Seventy-four new endowed scholarships,
accounting for nearly $7 million in gifts and
pledges, have been given to Mount Union
College during Drive for Distinction.
growth to the corpus of the fund. In this case,
3 percent of $50,000 ($1,500) would be reinvested in the endowed fund so that it would
grow to a new base of $51,500.
“Back in the planning phase of the campaign,
we established a goal to create 50 new endowed scholarships,” said Greg King ’89,
interim vice president for college advancement. “We surpassed that goal by the time
the campaign went public last year, and at
present we have booked 74 new endowed
“Endowed scholarships are the lifeblood
of our student financial aid program and
are great ways for donors to invest in our
students,” said Patrick D. Heddleston ’86,
vice president for business affairs and treasurer of the College. “The endowed funds
are perpetual, so they will never go away.
While fluctuations in the financial markets
may drive the value of our endowment up
one year and down the next, over time the
endowment has proven to grow.”
An endowed scholarship is a permanent fund
that is merged with the long-term assets of
the College’s overall endowment. Each year,
the Board of Trustees approves a “payout”
of usually about 5 percent of each endowed
scholarship fund to be distributed to the recipient or recipients of the scholarship. For
example, an endowed scholarship fund with
$50,000 in corpus would yield (at 5 percent)
about $2,500 to be granted to a student to
help meet his or her financial need or to
provide a merit incentive. If the College’s
investment returns 8 percent, then the difference between the 5 percent payout and
the 8 percent earnings (3 percent) provides
Examples of Growth
“The establishment of an endowed scholarship can be a great way for a donor to be
remembered at the College,” according to
Susan Denning, director of stewardship and
grants and coordinator of endowed scholarships for the Office of Advancement. “We are
always seeing how delighted our donors are
when they know that they can honor their
family name with an endowed fund that will
serve every generation of Mount Union student from this point forward.”
Endowed Scholarships
What Donors Should Know
Established with a minimum gift or pledge of $20,000
– Outright gift of $20,000
– Pledge to give $20,000 over a period of three, four or five years
May be designated with a preference for a student in a specific academic department
May be designated with a preference for a student from a particular high school
or geographic region
Donors have opportunities to meet with students who benefit from the endowed
a college on the
Its difficult to capture momentum in still life.
Yet, its easy to visualize the success Mount Union College has
been able to achieve during a remarkable 2007-08 Academic Year.
Among the Colleges rich history spanning more than 162 years,
the excitement that occurred during these 12 months will certainly
stand out in the history books for years to come. Balanced budgets,
demolition of old buildings, construction of new ones and dramatic
growth in many areas were just a few of the highlights.
As the College reaches the mid-point of the
2008-09 Academic Year, it is thriving. The
start of this new year has more than proven
that, despite a rather pessimistic economic
environment, increased competition and a
decline in state funding for private education,
Mount Union is once again on the move.
Classes on the Mount Union campus officially began August 25, but preparations for
the beginning of the 2008 Fall Semester and
the record number of new entering students
had been ongoing for months. More than 720
new students – surpassing the last recordsetting class of 700 in 2006 – unpacked their
bags in various residence halls and theme
houses across campus, further familiarizing
themselves with the College. Coupled with
about 1,480 returning students, the College’s
total enrollment now stands at 2,200.
“It is one of our strategic goals to grow the
enrollment of the institution, and it is clear
that we are on the right path,” said Dr. Richard
F. Giese, president of the College. “But this
record-setting class represents more than
progress in the area of enrollment. Not only
is this new new class strong in numbers, it
is rich in diversity, and Mount Union is committed to building a community vibrant in cultures, ethnicities, backgrounds and ideas.”
The new students on campus represent 12
foreign countries including Canada, China,
Egypt, France, Georgia, Germany, India,
Japan, Russia, Spain, United Kingdom and
Vietnam. The College also welcomed students from 20 states, and of the students
from Ohio, 237 high schools and 58 of Ohio’s
88 counties were represented.
“What is perhaps one of the most extraordinary aspects of our enrollment growth is
that we have been able to increase numbers
without sacrificing the academic quality of
our freshman class,” said Giese. “That continues to hold steady and is another sign of
strength for a growing institution.”
In addition, the College’s overall male/
female balance is favorable, being nearly
evenly divided according to gender.
Essentially, the College has grown its enrollment while staying true to its mission and
foundation in the liberal arts. By combining
innovative recruitment strategies, a strong
yet evolving academic program and a dynamic campus life complete with top-notch facilities, Mount Union continues to be a force
among private, liberal arts institutions.
Recruiting Students
A strategic effort to grow enrollment at any
institution begins with sound recruitment
practices. Mount Union’s admission efforts
have always been strong, but with each new
generation of students comes necessary
adjustments, thus the recruitment strategies
of any college or university evolve.
“We watch the numbers and trends very
carefully,” said Amy Tomko ’81, vice president
for enrollment services. “It is important to
plan in advance for a recruitment year, but it
also is imperative that we are agile enough to
change strategies as we go along.”
These trends can identify those who may
be interested in attending Mount Union,
and when combined with a number of other
strategies, can result in success. Tomko’s
staff employs the use of national and regional
data base information that allows for a better understanding of the student market.
Also, there has been an intentional effort to
increase communication with the parents of
potential students, an audience that research
shows plays a pivotal role in the college
decision-making process.
But identifying with whom to communicate
is only part of the battle. Today’s “wired”
generation demands new and innovative
recruitment methods that didn’t even exist a
decade ago as well as information targeted
directly to their needs and interests.
“We are focusing more closely on affinity
marketing,” said Tomko. Affinity marketing
is a strategy that allows the College to send
tailored information to prospective students
based on interests such as major, athletic
participation and extracurricular interests.
“This is an area where we have considerably
increased our partnerships with members
of our faculty. They are very creative and
willing to be in direct contact with students,
and in turn students truly appreciate hearing
from them.”
Staff members also have been empowered
with the technology tools and territory management philosophy that allow them to easily
identify and communicate with prospective
students on a one-on-one basis in the electronic manner that the youth of today most
prefer. A much utilized e-mail subscription
service allows the office to contact thousands of students at a time or target specific
groups interested in particular aspects of
the College.
“Perhaps most importantly, though, we have
strengthened our ties and better aligned our
efforts with other areas of campus who work
closely with recruitment efforts,” said Tomko.
“Our Office of Athletics, under the guidance
of Larry Kehres, continues to be a vital part of
the College’s success. Moreover our Department of Music, Office of Student Financial
Services and Office of Multicultural Student
Affairs are deeply involved with our campus
visit efforts and scholarship days, and their
involvement is key.”
Recently, the Office of Admission began
communicating with students at earlier
stages of the college search process by
adding high school sophomores to its inquiry
base. The office’s efforts also now include a
revised sequence of contacts – mail, e-mail,
telecounseling and hand-written communication – tailored toward students depending on where they are in the recruitment
process. According to Tomko, the College
also has revised its scholarship policies to
be more competitive and is working to drive
up campus visit numbers, particularly on the
individual visit side.
“Lastly, it matters that we are currently working across the institution to build awareness
that there are other drivers of enrollment,”
she added. “Building the entering class by
better delivery of communication messages
and affinity marketing, utilizing new technology and simply ‘working harder’ will always
matter. However, it takes more than that.
Creating new products to attract additional
undergraduate students, building a program
that attracts an entirely different student
population than we previously served and
focusing on retaining more students as
opposed to simply bringing more in on
the front end all matter as we work to stay
competitive despite the projected declining
Alumni Can Put in Their Two Cents to Enhance Enrollment Efforts
In Mount Union’s quest for great students who would benefit
from the college experience that only Mount Union can provide,
the College has turned to alumni for help. After all, who is better
positioned to know future Purple Raiders when they see them than
those who once called the campus “home?”
For the past few years, the Office of Admission has actively sought
alumni referrals – the names of high school students who may have
an interest in attending the College – and the response has been phenomenal. Teachers and counselors have sent the names of former
students. Alumni have informed the admission staff about students
who were members of their churches, lived in their neighborhoods
or thrived in their communities. Some were family members and
others were friends of friends.
No matter what the relation, alumni can play an extremely important
role in the recruitment process. Alumni referrals are one way to do
so. Those interested in forwarding the names of high school students
searching for a campus to call home can go to and click
on the Alumni link. The next step is to click on Prospective Student
Referral Form (on the left) and provide the Office of Admission with
Building the
Academic Program
As the College works to meet the strategic
initiative of growing the enrollment, it’s
important to realize that this initiative is not
mutually exclusive of the others. Enhancing
the diversity of campus is integral to enrollment. Improving the College’s reputation
and visibility as well as increasing the institution’s financial strength play a role as
well. But, directly tied to enrollment are the
initiatives of developing a curriculum for the
future and enhancing the residential nature
of campus.
Due to the effective work of Dr. Patricia
Draves, vice president for academic affairs
and dean of the College, as well as members
of the faculty, many improvements and additions have been made to the academic program. In the past few years, new majors have
been developed in biochemistry, criminal
justice, environmental science, intervention
specialist (special education) and medical
information about students (at least freshmen in high school), including their own children!
The Office of Admission will respond to referred students with
general information mailings and will place them on the mailing list
to receive appropriate literature on an on-going basis.
Alumni should be certain to have the complete name, address and
year of graduation of the student before going to the website, all
information that is necessary to complete the form. Year of graduation is especially important to aid in the College’s ability to send
appropriate communications.
It’s important to keep in mind, though, that simply spreading the
“good word” of the College is another way to aid in the admission
process. Alumni who share their Mount Union stories, proudly
display their degrees or other College memorabilia or show their
Raider spirit by wearing their purple and white have more of an impact than they often realize. So when donning those Mount Union
sweatshirts or reminiscing about their days on campus, alumni of
the College can take special pride in knowing they also are potentially influencing the Mount Union students of tomorrow.
technology. In addition, Mount Union announced its first graduate-level program
in nearly a century – physician assistant
studies – which will welcome its first class
of students in May of 2009.
“All of these programs prepare students
for careers in growing fields of study,” said
Draves. “The field of physician assistant is the
third fastest growing profession in the country
and trends indicate that a number of federal
employees may opt for early retirement in the
next few years, creating a plethora of open
positions in the criminal justice field. These
majors are in demand, but more importantly,
they are in line with our mission and foundation
in the liberal arts.”
Other curricular renovations were made to
existing programs in biology, communication,
political science and chemistry. But, these
new and revised programs mean very little
without dedicated and knowledgeable faculty to bring them to life in the classroom.
“To develop and deliver an outstanding curriculum obviously requires a commitment to
attracting and retaining outstanding faculty
members,” said Giese. “Their greatest value
lies in their ability to teach effectively and to
challenge and develop outstanding students
who excel and achieve.”
Mount Union’s commitment to explore and
implement new programs is appealing to potential students and faculty members alike,
and the evaluation of existing programs to
determine areas of needed improvement
also is imperative. Information gathering
in potential areas of program expansion is
“We are looking to ACT data, external accreditation, work force trends, market needs,
mission alignment, resource assessment and
regional competition for guidance in our efforts,” said Draves. “Undergraduate majors
in mechanical and/or civil engineering and
nursing are being explored and a second
master’s program, in education, with the
possibility of using an online delivery system
seems particularly promising.”
College officials also have been discussing
possible updates to the general education
“As our world changes at a rapid pace,
our curriculum must remain relevant,” said
Creating Comfort
on Campus
Relevance is also imperative in terms of the
residential experience on campus. What
was considered a luxury to the students of
only a decade ago is considered necessary
by today’s standards. In an era of instant
gratification – video games, movies on demand, microwavable food, ATM machines,
online bill paying, iPods and text messaging
– students want, they want immediately and
they will go where they can get what it is
they desire. In essence, they expect all the
comforts of home.
“It’s important to keep in mind that it’s not just
Mount Union students who are making these
demands,” said Giese. “National trends indicate that students of the current generation,
as well as their parents, are more concerned
than in the past about the comfort level on
college and university campuses.”
Throughout the past few years, the College
has been working diligently to create a
“24/7” campus. New construction, renovation projects, expanded programming and
small, everyday conveniences can provide
students with all they require to feel “at
home” at Mount Union.
The creation of the “24/7” campus began
with a $3 million renovation of the College’s
food service operation, allowing for the
continual modification of menus to meet the
needs of the contemporary student. Work
has begun on Mount Union’s recreation
and wellness center project, which includes
the addition or renovation of 72,000 square
feet of space. In addition, renovations to the
campus’ traditional residential facilities have
been completed over the past three years
and the new apartment-style housing initiative has been well received on campus.
This fall, more than 200 upperclassmen are
residing in the two villages of apartment-style
residences. In an attempt to provide the millennial students of today with the housing op|18|
tions they demand, Mount Union has acted
aggressively. Students have responded
enthusiastically and there were about 60 students on a waiting list for these apartments
after housing lottery this past spring.
“New facilities that resonate with students
make a very significant difference to our
recruitment efforts,” said Tomko. “State-ofthe-art academic buildings like Bracy Hall,
amazing places to live, a beautiful place to
dine complete with interesting food choices
and variable meal plans, great wellness and
recreation facilities – all of it matters.”
This year, Mount Union broke ground for
a new facility that will play a key role in the
recruitment of students – the Gartner Welcome Center (see story on p. 11). Designed
to further enhance the first impression for
prospective students as they visit the Mount
Union campus, it will provide a stand-alone,
homey environment that will be sure to make
prospective students and their families feel
at ease as they explore campus.
“I have a philosophy that I strongly believe in,”
said Giese. “Visitors should always see con-
struction underway when they visit campus.
You should not leave Mount Union without
mud on your shoes. It shows a vibrant campus on the move.”
In addition to facility and campus enhancements, on-campus activities, including
weekend and evening programming and
intramurals, have been improved and will
continue to be an emphasis of student life
staff. Many of these updates came as a
response to a student satisfaction inventory
survey presented to students in 2006.
“Asking our students what is important to
them and then acting upon the results makes
a difference both to our current students and
to visiting families,” said Tomko. “Visitors
respond well to the fact that we ask for and
listen to student opinion.”
Planning for
What’s to Come
This year’s enrollment success was outstanding, but it is important for the College not to
become complacent. Challenges are on the
Legacies Play a Critical Role in Enrollment
Mount Union College has become a family tradition for many alumni as their children,
grandchildren and other relatives choose to come to the College. Having grown up hearing
about Mount Union or experiencing life on campus first-hand, these legacies have chosen
to become members of the Mount Union family as well.
The Green Family
horizon as the number of high school seniors
in northeast Ohio is projected to decline over
the next decade and economic concerns
continue to plague the nation. To sustain
growth, Mount Union must outperform its
competition and continue to gain an increasing share of the market.
“During the coming year, I expect Mount
Union to be active in many areas,” said Giese.
“We will continue to explore and implement
program expansion. Construction on the
wellness center will wrap up and we will
begin work on the Welcome Center, all while
exploring building projects for the future.
We also will continue to explore ways to
encourage commercial development around
campus as it is in our best interests to have
more retail establishments, restaurants and
other businesses near for our students and
The College is also ramping up its marketing
efforts to expand its reach in light of unfavorable demographics in northeast Ohio and
the quest for diversity. Market research is
underway and efforts to enhance the College’s presence on the World Wide Web
have been successful and are ongoing.
“By participating in an extensive brand assessment and study, the College is now better positioned to provide a strategic marketing effort with measurable outcomes,” said
Harry Paidas ’74, vice president for public
affairs and marketing.
Efforts also are underway to improve retention rates. While Mount Union has better
than average retention statistics for a college
of its type, administrators are committed to
reaching the next level.
“In terms of retention, we are operating from
a position of strength,” said Tomko. “Our
numbers are solid but we are striving for
the next echelon in an effort to alleviate the
pressure of declining demographics existing
in the pipeline of potential students.”
“Mount Union College always had a spot on the college list, but
it didn’t reach the top until I got the chance to talk with my grandfather and experience my first visit with him,” said Casey Green
’12 whose grandfather, Sylvester “Sy” Green ’64, is a member
of the Board of Trustees. “It was always in the back of my mind
what a great school Mount Union was, but actually talking with
my grandfather about his experience made it easier to picture.”
Casey said she instantly fell in love with the campus upon her first visit. “I cannot wait to
enjoy some of the same things my grandfather enjoyed while a student,” she added.
“One can well imagine how pleased I was when Casey informed me that Mount Union was
her number one choice among the schools she was considering,” said Sy. “The College will
be a very good fit for her and my expectations are that early on she will achieve a very high
degree of comfort with her peers as well as members of both the faculty and administration.
I am also very confident that these same Mount Union family members will assist her with
maintaining a balanced focus between her academic and student life activities.”
The Shaub Family
For the Shaubs, Mount Union has truly become a family
affair. According to Laurie (Beck ’79) Shaub, each one
of her children chose Mount Union as their first choice.
“It’s been great. When they were growing up, we often
visited campus and always had a great experience.”
For Danielle ’04, it was her experience with the Stark
County Honors Flute Choir that first afforded her the opportunity to spend time on campus. “I felt comfortable here so it was a natural transition for
me,” said Danielle. “I commuted and, as a music major, Cope became home for four years. I
loved the overall environment and the one-on-one connection I had with the faculty.”
“This was the only place to which I even applied,” said Justin ’08. “As a business administration major, I got a great education. I received practical experience, landed an internship with
First Energy and am now a financial analyst for Cynergy.”
“Over the years, I attended concerts and other events in which my siblings were involved
and I really liked the campus,” said Lauren ’10. “I always liked science, too, and am really
enjoying the exercise science program at Mount Union.”
The Parnell Family
“When it was time to consider college choices, Mount Union was
an institution that always interested me,” said Matt Parnell ’09.
“I was aware that my father had attended Mount Union because
he told me about the opportunities that the College had to offer
and all about the positive experiences he had.” While a student
at Mount Union, Michael Parnell ’83, a mathematics major, was
a member of the football team and Black Student Union.
Thanks to his father, Matt knew the atmosphere and education that Mount Union had to
offer would be perfect. “I was very pleased with Matt’s choice of college,” said Michael.
“Mount Union presented the type of atmosphere and broad educational choices Matt was
looking for in a school along with a chance to further his soccer career.”
“I feel as if I am continuing my father’s tradition here at Mount Union,” Matt said. He will
graduate this year with a bachelor of arts degree in sport business and a minor in business
Alumni Play Pivotal Roles in
Weaving the Fabric of Our Nation
Mount Union College has a long-standing tradition of adapting existing and developing new
programs to meet the needs of its students.
In response to these evolving needs, two new
majors in criminal justice have been established
and the Ralph and Mary Regula Center for
Public Service and public service minor have
become more important than ever in preparing
students for meaningful work, fulfilling lives and
responsible citizenship.
Mount Union’s newest undergraduate majors
in criminal justice became a reality this fall in
response to the great demand for qualified
candidates to fill positions in this ever diversifying and expanding field. Within the first
month of its announcement last spring, 20
students had declared themselves criminal
justice majors and nearly 30 new freshmen
enrolled in criminal justice classes this fall.
The employment possibilities within the traditional police, courts and corrections areas
are being expanded with opportunities in
private business and government security.
Career opportunities include government
jobs, law enforcement, public safety, private
security, corrections, criminology, forensic
psychology and science, crime scene investigation, criminal justice administration, social
service program administration, secondary
or college education, compliance and business management.
Students now have the option of majoring
in applied criminal justice or criminal justice
research and analysis. The applied criminal
justice major prepares students to enter the
workforce upon graduation while the criminal
justice research and analysis major prepares
them for graduate school and beyond. Not
only do students leave Mount Union prepared for life, they are armed with marketable skills for which a variety of employers
and graduate programs look. Opportunities
such as internships and international security
simulations help prepare students for career
success as well as graduate school.
The establishment of the Ralph and Mary
Regula Center for Public Service and the
minor in public service have served to prepare Mount Union students for a number of
careers. The Center was formed in response
to the urgent and ongoing need for additional
public servants in our federal, state and local
Public sector employment is expanding and is
currently the largest employment area in the
United States. According to the U. S. Census
Bureau, there are over 20 million full-time
civilian government employees. The Partnership for Public Service estimates that there
will be a significant demand for individuals
who wish to work in a governmental setting.
Consistent with these trends is the desire for
meaningful and satisfying employment.
The Center for Public Service at Mount
Union is dedicated to providing students with
the capability to change the world as public
servants. Public service provides diverse
employment options such as working for the
United States Congress, state capitals, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Secret Service,
Department of Health, environmental agencies, State Department, United Nations and
offices of the chief executive. Mount Union
has a long-standing tradition of preparing
its students for service in the public sector.
Many of the College’s alumni have gone on to
successful careers in government service at
the local, state and national levels. Following
are some of the stellar examples of Mount
Union alumni who are making an impact in
the field of criminal justice and public service,
thanks in no small part to the education they
were afforded as students.
sembly, first as a state representative and
then as a state senator.
Regula is the second longest serving Republican in the House with the longest continuous
term of anyone ever from Ohio. He was first
elected in 1972 and will be wrapping up his
18th and final term this year as he retires, leaving a legacy of service to which future public
servants can aspire.
Ralph Regula ’48, U.S.
congressman for the
16th District of Ohio,
returns to his alma mater
on a regular basis to
mingle with students
both in and out of the
Ralph Regula ’48
Ralph Regula ’48, U.S. congressman for the
16th District in Ohio for more than 30 years,
has had a substantial impact on the College
and surrounding communities. His decades
of dedicated service are a testament to his
effective leadership and contributions to
society and education.
“My education opened windows to me that I
wouldn’t have experienced otherwise,” said
Regula. “My experience at Mount Union
College set the tone for my life. It has been a
part of who I am ever since.”
Regula credits the liberal arts education he
received for giving him ideas that had not
been a part of his life before college. He
said he became interested in “social forces
in society and learned of the ability to assume leadership,” – qualities that led him
into politics.
As a public school teacher, country lawyer,
small businessman and conservationist,
Regula has used his personal background
to tackle issues important to Ohio and the
“My education
opened windows
to me that I
wouldnt have
Ralph Regula ’48
As a U.S. Navy veteran, Regula attended
Mount Union on the G.I. bill and began his
career as a teacher and principal while attending the William McKinley School of Law
at night. Upon completion of his degree,
Regula opened his own law practice.
His interest in public service and his background in education brought him to serve
on the Ohio Board of Education. A few years
later he was elected to the Ohio General As-
Rick Elias ’74
When Richard Elias sat in Shea Zellweger’s
Introduction to Psychology class his freshman year in 1970, he never dreamed that
he would someday be rubbing elbows with
U.S. presidents, world leaders, criminals and
potential assassins.
That is the beauty of the liberal arts education. Elias knew he wanted to major in psychology but his career path was very much
in doubt through most of his four years. It
wasn’t until after graduation with his psychology major in tow that he realized that he
might enjoy a life in criminal justice. “It was
a match I hadn’t recognized at a time when
there was no law enforcement major available at Mount, but later became a perfect
fit,” he said.
After applying with several federal, state
and local agencies, he received acceptance
into the U.S. Secret Service in 1980, and has
been with the agency in various capacities
since. Currently the deputy assistant director for intelligence and threat assessment,
Elias has held various leadership positions
in his 28 years with the agency, including
assistant special agent in charge of the
Presidential Protective Division and
special agent in charge of the Secret
Service Training Center, responsible for preparing new agents for
their careers. He has also specialized
in counterfeit currency criminal investigations during his assignments in
the New York, NY, and Cleveland,
OH, field offices, and an extended
assignment in the Middle East.
basic street crime,
international or
organized criminal
enterprises or
global terrorism
now demands
a wide array of
sophisticated skills
properly provided
in a liberal arts
Rick Elias ’74
The badge below
represents the U.S.
Secret Service, where
Rick Elias ’74 serves
as the deputy assistant
director for intelligence
and threat assessment.
Elias has been approached to assist Mount
Union in retooling its already popular criminal
justice program and has had input about the
Center for Public Service. “Defeating basic
street crime, international or domestic organized criminal enterprises, or global terrorism
now demands a wide array of sophisticated
skills properly provided in a liberal arts setting,” said Elias. “To be successful, these
programs will need to continually adjust to
the latest federal, state and local law enforcement and intelligence demands, requiring not
only basic policing techniques, investigative
abilities and legal skills, but also languages,
laboratory, technological, statistical and
social and physical science skills – all in the
context of a sound liberal arts education.” He
also explained that critical thinking, writing
and knowledge of social contexts are as vital
in law enforcement as firearm, tactical, physical fitness and hand defensive skills. Sound
investigative work, or precise intelligence
analysis, achieves nothing if one cannot sum
it up in a properly written, well conceived
document that, for example, must be use
to establish probable cause for a warrant,
serve as an investigative report to be used
in court or serve as an intelligence briefing
document prior to a presidential visit to some
part of the globe.
Like the Secret Service, he believes the
College needs to evolve to meet the needs
of an increasingly complex, and sometimes
dangerous, world. “A sound mind in a sound
body concept, achievable with a liberal arts
education, becomes the ideal for employment in this field” he said.
“The department
is less than a year
old. I thought we
would have about becky Stevens ’80
six majors the first Becky Stevens’ journey from student to
year. With the professor of criminal justice and chair of the
Department of Criminal Justice at Mount
freshman counted Union is the result of many key influences.
in, we now have In the classes in which she enrolled and with
professors she had, she was encouraged
close to 40 the
to keep an open mind and challenge the
majors.” status quo. “Dr. Steve Kramer (professor of
Becky Stevens 80
psychology) and Dr. Jeff Hahn ’73 (professor
of sociology) are just
two of the professors that really stand
out in that respect,”
said Stevens. “The
encouragement I
received at Mount
Union to go to graduate school helped
push me forward.”
Dr. Naoko OyabuMathis ’80, professor of sociology,
has also been key
to Stevens’ career.
“She and I have a long history,” said Stevens.
“We graduated from Mount the same year.
We then went to graduate school together.
We used to talk about how great it would
be if we could get a job together.” When
Oyabu-Mathis was chair of the Department
of Sociology, she asked Stevens to come to
Mount Union for a year to help put together
a concentration program in criminal justice.
“Thirteen years later, we now have a Department of Criminal Justice,” said Stevens.
Dr. Becky Stevens
’80 has played an
instrumental role in the
development of the
criminal justice program
at Mount Union.
Angela Smith Alder, associate professor of
criminal justice and director of pre-law, has
also been a driving force behind the criminal
justice major and provided great insight in
the development of this new department.
“She brings such a high level of energy to
everything she does,” said Stevens. “We
have a terrific time working together and
with the students.”
The motivation for the new department and
criminal justice majors and minor came from
all of the students Stevens taught throughout her 13 years. “I have watched many
of them go on to great careers in criminal
justice and felt the time was right to have a
major for these students,” she said. “Some
of them have become like family to me and
I still keep in touch with them. I am proud to
have had the opportunity to work with such
motivated students.”
In terms of the future, Stevens said it is a little
hard to predict. “The department is less than
a year old. I thought we would have about six
majors the first year,” said Stevens. “With the
freshman counted in, we now have close to
40 majors.” At this point, Stevens is working
on course development. She also has some
new ideas for the direction the department
will take and will continue to listen to students
and watch current trends in the criminal
justice field.
“Finally, for those of you reading this who
were part of this journey, thank you for the
best 13 years of my life,” Stevens said.
Larry Cox ’67
As executive director of the U.S. division of Amnesty International, the
world’s largest human rights organization, Larry Cox is responsible for
mobilizing people around the world
to take action against human rights
Larry Cox ’67,
who served as the
Constitution Day
speaker at Mount Union
this fall, is the executive
director of the U.S.
Division of Amnesty
“I left Mount
Union even more
determined to
change the world.”
Larry Cox 67
When he was a student at Mount
Union, Cox already was known for being someone who raised issues about
social justice, peace and human rights.
“In the ’60s, none of these issues were
without controversy,” said Cox. “I was
often a minority in those debates.”
Cox credits the intellectual challenge and
support of the professors who took the time
to really engage in a dialogue with him. “That
kind of individual attention was tremendously
important in giving me a sense that, in fact,
these were really important issues that I was
dealing with,” he said. “Giving me the benefit
of their understanding and support, I felt that
I was part of a community of scholars.”
Intellectual debates with faculty members
such as Dr. John Saffell, Dr. Earl Russell,
Dr. George Thomas and others, were influential in Cox choosing a career to advance
social justice and human rights throughout
the world. “The scale of the College is such
that it allows students to form those kinds of
relationships with the professors,” he said. “I
left Mount Union even more determined to
change the world.”
Cox began his career at Amnesty International in 1976 and worked his way up. “I was
searching for the right way to change the
world,” he said. “Human rights became my
vehicle to accomplish that goal. I am proud
to have played a role in advancing it. My hope
is that many more students graduate with a
commitment to public service.”
Donny Williams ’99
According to Donny Williams, his education
at Mount Union led to his career both directly
and indirectly. “Indirectly, my involvement
in politics started my sophomore year in
my Introduction to Education class,” said
Williams. “We were discussing the lack of
minority achievement in education and debating whether or not race or other social
factors were the cause of low achievement.
I, of course, argued that low achievement
was related to social factors…I went on a 15
minute rant. After, I ‘came to,’ as I always say,
I was very embarrassed, but after the class
the professor told me that I should really
look into getting involved with politics. His
encouragement changed my life.”
Directly, Dr. Jack Desario, professor of political science, was particularly influential for
Williams and guided him to an internship in
Washington, DC. Williams was placed with
students from Harvard, Yale and Columbia.
“My Mount Union education made me feel
like I belonged,” he said. “As an intern, I
Donny Williams ’99,
pictured on the left
between senators
Barack Obama and
Joseph Lieberman,
currently serves as staff
director of a Senate
subcommittee that
oversees responses to
and recovery efforts
after disasters.
“Mount Union
gave me the
knowledge base
and the confidence
I needed to come
to Washington,
DC, on Capitol Hill,
one of the most
competitive places
on Earth, and not
only establish
myself and my
career, but excel
and become part
of history.”
Donny Williams 99
stood out and was asked to stay for the summer. I was actually offered a job and nearly
stayed, but it was just too expensive. When
the internship ended, I returned to Mount
Union for my senior year. Later that year the
congressman I worked for wrote me in his
own pen asking me to return…and the rest
is history.”
Williams credits Desario, Dr. Liangwu Yin,
associate professor of history and director
of Asian studies, and Dr. Santosh Saha,
professor of history, with encouraging him
and believing in him. “Dr. Desario was particularly helpful, and always believed in me
when I didn’t believe in myself,” said Williams.
“Mount Union gave me the knowledge base
and the confidence I needed to come to
Washington, DC, on Capitol Hill, one of the
most competitive places on Earth, and not
only establish myself and my career, but excel
and become part of history.”
Less than 10 years after his college graduation, Williams is staff director of a Senate
subcommittee charged with overseeing the
nation’s response to and recovery efforts
after disasters. “I have seen some amazing
and also devastating things in my time in
Washington,” he said. “I’ve witnessed history
from 9/11 to Katrina, and as a result of my
education, I have been in a position to use my
post within the U.S. Senate to help people in
dire need. I have met three living presidents,
and have had the opportunity to work with
President-Elect Obama, who is a member of
the Homeland Security and Governmental
Affairs Committee.
“Mount Union students are a lucky and
blessed bunch,” he added. “Soak your education for every ounce. “
Rachel Stein ’02
Rachel Stein credits her experience at Mount
Union with preparing her in a number of
ways for her current position as an assistant
professor in the Division of Sociology and
Anthropology at West Virginia University.
“As a student at Mount Union, the interac-
tion and mentoring
style of teaching had
a great impact on me,”
said Stein.“I valued
the personal attention
as a student and have
incorporated this style
of teaching in my own
As a student at Mount
Union, the senior
culminating experience (SCE) project
required of all majors
allowed her to get
hands-on experience
in her area of interest
within the field of sociology. “Throughout my tenure as a student,
I was interested in aspects of criminology,”
she said. “I was able to do a project based
on data I collected from the Multi-County
Juvenile Attention System of Stark County.
This experience and the advice and direction
of faculty were primary in my decision to
continue on to graduate school.“
Rachel Stein’s time as a
student at Mount Union
prepared her well for
her current position
as assistant professor
of sociology and
anthropology at West
Virginia University.
As a graduate student, Stein maintained contact with the faculty members who served as
her mentors as an undergraduate. “Through
my continued interaction with Dr. Stevens, I
had the opportunity to come back to Mount
Union and teach courses as an adjunct faculty member in sociology for two semesters,”
she said. “This experience was invaluable
to me as a graduate student, and served
to reinforce my ideals of professor-student
interactions in the classroom setting.”
In her current position at West Virginia,
Stein teaches two foundation courses for
the criminology major. “While the classes I
am currently teaching are relatively large, the
value of knowing the names of my students
remains an important factor for me, and I
make every effort to have personal interaction with my students. As an assistant professor, I also have a research agenda, which
remains focused in the area of criminology,
specifically, cross-national victimization experiences.”
“As a student at
Mount Union, the
interaction and
mentoring style
of teaching had a
great impact on
Rachel Stein 02
JULIE Bitzel ’07
Julie Bitzel ’07, pictured
with FBI Director Robert
Mueller, is an analyst in
the Criminal Investigative
Division of the Federal
Bureau of Investigation.
Julie Bitzel is firmly convinced that she
would not be where she is today if she had
not chosen to attend Mount Union. “A liberal
arts program allowed me to explore many
different career opportunities early on in
my college education,” said Bitzel. “Although
other schools offer criminal justice education, the professors at Mount Union were
able to give me the one-on-one attention and
direction that I needed to attain my goals
and succeed.” The smaller classroom sizes
allowed her to get more involved with class
discussions and form friendships with her
There were plenty of other opportunities to
get involved outside of the classroom too
such as Pre-Law society, Phi Alpha Delta,
study tables and
Psychology Club.
“Not only did students get involved
in these extracurricular activities,
the professors
were also willing
to spend extra
time out of the
classroom to get
involved, too.”
Although her education was most
important, being
part of the track
and cross country
teams, along with
playing intramural
sports and attending other sporting
events, taught her valuable life lessons as
well. “Although my teammates and I were not
on scholarships and were unlikely to make
it to the pros, I realized that the hard work,
dedication and effort that were put forth in
practice, games and on the sidelines were
preparing me for the hard work, dedication
and effort that I put forth everyday in my
life,” she said.
During Bitzel’s junior year of college she
was selected as the FBI’s Cleveland, OH
Field Office Honors Intern of 2006. “I spent
11 weeks at the FBI Academy in Virginia, assisting agents, attending classes and doing
extensive criminal justice research,” she said.
“From the very first day of my internship, I
knew that working in federal law enforcement and helping to keep people safe is
what I wanted to do with the rest of my life.
Mount Union College, along with some of
its wonderful professors, helped make that
Bitzel currently works as an analyst in the
Criminal Investigative Division of the FBI. “I
live in Washington, DC and travel the United
States assisting with major criminal issues
and cases,” she said. “I plan on making a career with the Bureau, hoping to help others
every chance I get along the way.”
“Although other
schools offer
criminal justice
education, the
professors at
Mount Union were
able to give me
the one-on-one
attention and
direction that I
needed to attain
my goals and
Julie Bitzel 07
Jeannine Gailey ’00
Dr. Jeannine Gailey, assistant professor
in the Department of Sociology, Criminal
Justice and Anthropology at Texas Christian University, credits her concentration
in criminal justice at Mount Union with being extremely beneficial to her career as
a professor. “Through the criminal justice
concentration I was exposed to a number of
different courses,” said Gailey. “Dr. Stevens’
and Dr. Hahn’s classes specifically helped
shape my understanding of crime, deviance
and the criminal justice system.” Gailey also
completed an internship at Victim’s Assistance in Akron, OH. Through the internship
she gained hands-on experience working as
a court advocate. “I worked with victims and
learned first hand how victimization impacts
people’s lives,” she said.
Gailey, whose specialty within sociology is
crime/deviance, earned a doctoral degree
in sociology from the University of Akron,
but credits her undergraduate education
for igniting her passion for the understanding and study of deviance and crime. “As an
undergraduate, I was exposed to the criminology literature and developed a greater un-
“I credit much
of my success as
an academic to
my education at
Jeannine Gailey 00
Growing up, his father was a social studies
teacher, thus leading to an interest in politics
and current issues. He attended Mount
Union to study history. While a student at
Mount Union, he began his call to service
by volunteering for the mayor’s office of
Alliance, OH until he was offered a parttime job working for Congressman Ralph
Regula ’48.
“I always saw myself graduating from Mount
Union and returning home to Pennsylvania
to run for office,” he said.
Fortunately, Oelslager has continued his
hard work right here in Ohio and has been a
public servant for more than 30 years.
Jeannine Gailey ’00
turned a criminal justice
concentration at Mount
Union into a rewarding
career as an assistant
professor of sociology,
criminal justice and
anthropology at Texas
Christian University.
derstanding of crime, victimization and law,”
she said. Teaching part-time in the Criminal
Justice Department at Kent State University
for two years while completing her doctoral
degree, she was then offered a position at
Texas Christian University in 2005.
“My research has focused on public perceptions of organizational wrongdoing,
masculinity and gender and deviance,” she
said. “I continue to publish and do research
in those areas.” Her undergraduate internship also helped her establish community
relationships and she is currently serving on
the Board of Directors for the Crime Victims
Council in Fort Worth, TX.
“I credit much of my success as an academic
to my education at Mount,” she said. “ I had
wonderful professors, especially in criminal
justice, sociology and psychology. The education I received prepared me well for graduate
school and has continued to provide me with
an appreciation for teaching and research in
the areas of deviance and crime.”
scott Oelslager ’75
Scott Oelslager ’75, who was recently elected to his fourth term as state representative
of the 51st House District in Ohio, knew at
an early age that his role in life would involve
public service.
He currently serves as chairman of the Ohio
House Civil and Commercial Law Committee, member of the Ohio Commerce and
Labor and Health committees, co-chairman
of the Ohio Tuition Trust Authority Board and
vice president of the Ohio Legal Assistance
Foundation Board.
“To give back
to society, to be
caring and to try
to make this world
a better place in
anyway you can
is what this new
center (Ralph
and Mary Regula
Center for Public
Service) for Mount
Union represents.”
Scott Oelslager 75
Proud of his Mount Union background, he is
thankful for the encouragement of the faculty
that inspired him to get involved.
“Professors such as Dr. John Saffell, Dr.
George Tune and Dr. Robert Bader were all
caring individuals and encouraged me to get
involved and to continue to help people.”
Mount Union’s Center for Public Service
is providing opportunities for
students to follow in a similar
career path as Oelslager.
“I’m really pleased with the
development of Mount Union’s
Center for Public Service,” he
added. “To give back to society, to be caring and to try to
make this world a better place
in anyway you can is what this
new center for Mount Union
represents. We need good
people to get involved in all
sorts of service, not just political service but social service
agencies and the education
community as well.”
Scott Oelslager ’75
recently won re-election
to his fourth term in
the Ohio House of
Representatives for the
51st District.
CLASS notes
Class Notes to be included in
Issue I, 2009 of Mount Union
Magazine must be received
before February 27, 2009.
Reservations are still being
taken for Mount Union’s New
York Broadway Trip scheduled
for June 26-29, 2009. Those
interested may call the Office
of Alumni and College
Activities at (330) 823-2030 or
Material for Class Notes is
obtained from the “Update”
form at the end of Mount Union
M a ga z i n e or online; news
passed along from alumni to
the offices of Alumni Activities,
Advancement and Annual
Giving; and newspaper articles.
Notices sent by the Post Office
are not printed in Class Notes.
Mount Union College has initiated a new Alumni Travel
Program with two trips planned for 2009.
New York Broadway Trip
A New York City Broadway Trip will be held June 2629, 2009 and will feature two Broadway shows and a
90-minute interactive classroom experience with the
cast and crew of a Broadway show.
Italian Riviera and Tuscany Trip
Mount Union has partnered with GoNext to offer a
tour of the Italian Riviera and Tuscany September
26-October 4, 2009. This trip, priced separately to
allow for the use of airline miles and travel from different destinations, will provide the opportunity for
exploration through a number of excursions. For more
information about the Alumni Travel Program, visit
The M Club Reverse Raffle and Silent Auction will
be held March 21, 2009 at Skyland Pines in Canton,
OH. Participants will enjoy an evening of fun as they
help support current Purple Raider athletic programs
and future M Club events. Tickets are now available
through the Office of Alumni and College Activities.
For more information, visit
A Kalahari Waterpark Family Event will be held Saturday, February 28 through Sunday, March 1, 2009
in Sandusky, OH. Cost for a room for four which
includes admission to the waterpark is $184 plus tax.
For reservations, contact Kalahari directly by calling
(877) KALAHARI or (419) 433-7200. Ask for the Mount
Union alumni discounted room rate. The deadline for
reservations is January 29, 2009.
For more alumni news, visit
William Warren was recently
inducted into the Livonia City
Hall of Fame. He resides at
21300 Archwood Cir., Apt. 106,
Farmington Hills, MI 48336.
Jini McCready resides at 800 S.
15th St., Sebring, OH 44672.
Bob Gempler resides at 800 S.
15th St., Sebring, OH 44672.
John Ansley resides at 3725
Chesterton St. SW, Roanoke,
VA 24018.
J u l i e ( Fu l m e r ) C u m m i n s
ch i l d re n’s b o o k , W o m e n
Daredevils: Thrills, Chills and
Frills, was recently published by
Dutton and has been listed on
Oprah’s Kids Reading List.
Dawn (Buckley) and Donald Van
Butsel reside at 5756 S. Bryant
Strave., Tucson, AZ 85706. She
is the program manager through
the Crisis Pregnancy Centers of
Tucson and is a consultant with
Isagenix Health System.
Joan (Kiefer) Zenteno is an
assistant bilingual patient
advocate at Wellstar Cobb
Hospital in Atlanta. She resides
at 221 Ennisbrook Dr., Smyrna,
GA 30082.
Henry Kanjobe Mwandemere
resides at 9065 Moorside Pl.,
Burnaby BC V5A 4E1, Canada.
Amanda (Trask) and Peter
Bradford reside at 11 Claybrook
Rd., Locker B 15, Gorham,
NH 03581. She is a lifeskills
teacher at Gorham Middle High
Ruth (Neitz) Fairbee resides
at 1140 Savannah Rd., Apt. 2,
Lewes, DE 19958.
Rev. Ronald and Carrie Hall
reside at 1301 Smoketown Rd.,
Utica, OH 43080. Ronald is a net
developer at Document Imaging
Solutions and a minister at
Grace United Church of Christ
in Columbus.
Karen (Dawson) Bradley is a
Montessori teacher. She resides
at 175 W. 79th St., Apt. 16 A, New
York, NY 10024.
Barb (Davis) Carlson can
be reached at P.O Box 8301,
Zanesville, OH 43702.
Rev. James “Mick” and Sally
M c G i n n i s reside at 9400
Woodcrest Rd., Pittsburgh,
PA 15237.
Dr. Gregory and Dr. Rita Sawyer
reside at 5353 Seneca Pl., Simi
Valley, CA 93063. Greg is the
vice president for student affairs
at California State University
Channel Islands and recently
received the prestigious Wang
Award for the outstanding
administrator for the California
State University system. Rita is
the vice president for admissions
at Los Angeles Film School.
Ltc. Owen and Glenda (Ward
’78) Edwards III reside at
3128 Bordel Ck., Crestview,
FL 32539. He is a militar y
operations analyst for Computer
Science Corporation and she
is a kindergarten teacher at
Northwood Elementary.
Robin (Switzer) Brucker has
retired July of 2008 from
Mt. Gilead Exempted Village
Schools af ter 30 years of
Benjamin and Alma Buono
reside at 703 Swade Rd.,
Wyndmoor, PA 19038. He
COUNCIL message
is a network engineer for
Verizon Business and she is
an enrollment specialist for
Aetna. They are the parents of
Christina, 10.
Susan Tiffany resides at 532
Beaver Rd., Ambridge, PA
15003. She has been accepted
into the masters of divinity
degree program and Trinity
Episcopal School for Ministry.
Richard Coplan Jr. is the chief
operating officer at Cavitch,
Familo, Durkin and Frutkin.
Rev. Russ and Kathryn Adams
reside at 275 Bradford Dr.,
Canfield, OH 44406. He is
the senior pastor at Western
Reser ve United Methodist
Church and she is the director
of protestant campus ministry at
Youngstown State University.
Cyndi (Martin) and Vincent
Fazio reside at 1880 Green
Acres Dr., Parma OH, 44134.
Lori (Rabuzzi) and Scott Pasch
reside at 2061 Crestwood St.,
Alliance, OH 44601. She is an
elementary teacher for West
Branch Local Schools and he is
the Ohio audit supervisor.
Rob Hyde is executive director
for the Wayne Center of the
Barbara Roseberry resides at
1255 Fixler Rd., Wadsworth,
OH 44281.
Melissa (Atzel) Brooks resides
at 8630 Red Mile Tr., Apt. H,
Florence, KY 41042.
Marty (Ring) Draime is coowner of Bebe Suite.
Rob Green is a loan officer for
First State Home Loan.
Brian Cummins is chief financial
officer for Ohio Tools Systems.
Dr. Lorenzo Fincher resides
at 8621 T Plaza 1, Omaha, NE
68127. He serves as pastor
for Bethel Missionary Baptist
Randy and Clare Rudder reside
at 2496 Port Kembla Dr., Mt.
Juliet, TN 37122. He is a writer
and producer for the Christian
Broadcasting Network.
Kathy (Toolis) and Don Begue
reside at 11339 Lippincott Rd.,
East Rochester, OH 44625. She
is a fourth grade teacher for
Minerva Local Schools.
Heather (Bradley) and David
McCullough reside at Hostvej
6, Charlottenlund, Denmark
Martin and Manuela Burns can
be reached at P.O. Box 173,
Front Royal, VA 22630.
Thomas and Vera Franken
reside at 243 S. Navarre Ave.,
Austintown, OH 44515.
Ellen Guerdat resides at 72
A Brambury Dr., Rochester,
NY 14621. She is the victim
assistant coordinator for the
Gates Police Department.
Richard Gershom Jr. resides
at 999 Homeland Dr., Akron,
OH 44319.
Troy and Tana (Hudak ’84)
Starr resides at 5429 Lake
Murray Blvd., Apt. 5, La Mesa,
CA 91942.
Kevin and Robyn Connor
reside at 2270 Indianpath Dr.,
Westlake, OH 44145. He is a
director of merchandising and
pricing at Dealer Tire. They
are the parents of Ethan, 7 and
Andrew, 3.
Laura (Walsh) and Gregory
Frank announce the birth of
son, Daniel Gregory Thomas,
on January 12, 2008 who joins
siblings Matthew, 18, Isaac,
16, Christiana, 13, Arianna, 11,
Rachael, 9, Katianna, 6 and
Benjamin, 3. They reside at 2065
Beaumont Ave., Massillon, OH
Jackie (Sinn) and Joe Grippi
reside at 126 Las Colinas Dr.,
Georgetown, TX 78628. They
are the parents of Jamison, 8
and Jordan, 7.
Peter and Lisa Renwick reside
at 24 Florence Pl., Westorang,
NJ 07052. He is principal of
Westfield High School. They
are the parents of Emma, 5 and
Matthew, 3.
Michael and Joan Stewart
reside at 1489 Old Reading
Rd., Catawissa, PA 17820. He
is a territory sales manager for
KraftMaid Cabinetry Inc.
Greetings fellow
Donna (Bahnsen) Wagner
resides at 2560 Village Ln.,
Oshkosh, WI 54904.
The members of
Alumni Council
would like to express their appreciation for your
support of our recent changes to
Homecoming and
Alumni Weekend.
Although there is
no “perfect” package that will allow us to create a program that fits
everyone’s needs and wants, we thank you for your
support of the past two years of events which have
been tremendously successful.
Samantha (Earley) and
Hannington Ochwada announce
the birth of daughter, Simone
Auma on June 5, 2008 who
joins siblings Naiomi, 5 and
Isaiah, 1. They reside at 2220
McLean Ave., New Albany,
IN 47150. Samantha is an
associate professor of English
at Indiana University Southeast
and Hannington is a visiting
assistant professor of history at
Missouri State University.
Carla (Bardall) and Jeff Hardy
are the parents of Cassie, 14
and Addison, 11. She is an
information technology delivery
manager. He is a senior business
analyst for IBM. They reside at
7024 Tenacity Ln., Johnston,
IA 50131.
Katie Lepp recently passed the
national veterinary technician
exam and is a registered
veterinary technician. She is
head technician at Terrell Mill
Animal Hospital. She resides at
899 Powers Ferry Rd., Apt. C12,
Marietta, GA 30067.
Loretta (McGrath) and Arlyn
Miller reside at 722 E. Main St.,
Arlington, KS 67514. He is an
attorney at Martindell, Swearer
& Schaffer LLC. They are the
parents of Laura, 10, Alexander,
8, Daniel, 5 and Caroline, 4.
Arwem (Kneipp) and Capt.
George Norman reside at
23 Jackson Ct., Newport, RI
02840. They are the parents of
Gennifer, 8 and Andrew, 6.
With that being said, we continue to research new
ways that we can bring programming to campus in
the summer, so stay tuned! We also hope that you
will take part in some way in our first Alumni in Action
National Day of Service taking place April 18, 2009. As
reflected in the article published on p. 4, projects are
already being organized in cities across the nation.
If you are interested in organizing a project in your
area or participating in one already being planned,
please contact the Office of Alumni and College Activities at (800) 992-6682, ext. 2030, (330) 823-2030
or If you are unable to participate,
please choose to support Mount Union on that day
by spreading the good word about the College to a
prospective student or wearing purple!
Send us your stories and we will be certain to share
them in an upcoming magazine. Let’s make it a “Raider
Nation” in April and show the world the spirit of service
that exists within each of us.
Happiest of Holidays,
Mary Lou Horwood ’98
Alumni Council President
Sara (Frischkorn) Snyder is a
print content editor for The PostCrescent in Appleton, WI.
Scott and Cathey Steiner reside
at 375 Xavier St., Gahanna,
OH 43230. He works in the
information technology
department at SARCOM.
Danae (Millard) and Mark
Barrett reside at 2405 W. Serene
Ave., Apt. 739, Las Vegas, NV
89123. She is a regional learning
specialist for Luxottica Retail.
He is a manager at Nordstrom.
ALUMNI gatherings
Amy (Gr isham) and John
Patterson announce the birth
of a daughter, Joy Elizabeth,
on June 6, 2008 who joins
siblings Zane, 9 and Jessa, 7.
She is a school psychologist for
Woodridge Local Schools. He is
a business analyst for National
City Bank.
Rebecca Vardian is a financial
advisor for Ameriprise Financial.
She resides at 27672 Caroline
Cr., Apt. F, Westlake, OH
Alumni and members of Alpha Xi Delta had the opportunity to
reunite in August. First row (l-r): Cindy (Yockey ’81) Corregan,
Deb (Vernon ’81) Remias; Second row (l-r): Nancy (Egler ’80)
Walter, Beth (Morrison ’80) Miller, Kathy (Orendas ’81) Stugmyer,
Kathy (Egler ’80) Booth
Tammy (Rogers) and Pablo ‘94
Wenhame announce the birth
of a son, Brighton James, on
May 31, 2008 who joins sibling
Rosalee, 2. He is a professor
at Universidad Techonogia de
Panama. They reside at 130
La Fontana, David, Chiriqui,
Patricia (Prucha) and Kevin
Collins reside at 1036 Valley
Ck., Eastlake, OH 44095. They
are the parents of Matthew, 9
and Brendan, 6.
A gathering of Mount Union alumni took place at the home of
Laurie (Swaldo ’82) and Jim Switzer. Pictured (l-r): Rob Brucker
’07, Laurie (Swaldo ’82) Switzer, Jim Switzer ’80, Ron Heasley
’79, Robin (Switzer ’78) Brucker
Sharon Evanich is a grants
administrator for the City of
Sandusky. She resides at 402
Center St., Huron, OH 44839.
David and Shelley Jaap reside
at 230 Walnut Dr., Venetia,
PA 15367. He is a regional
manager at Crown Technology,
Inc. They are the parents of DJ,
14, Zachary, 12, Hunter, 12 and
Ashlyn, 7.
Melissa (Milner) and
Shawn Krizan reside at 301
Hollingsworth Ct., Yorktown, VA
23693. They are the parents of
Evan, 4 and Ava, 2.
Beth (Lavelle) and Dennis
O’Reilly announce the birth of
a son, Quinn, on May 7, 2008
who joins siblings Garrett, 9,
Carrigan, 7 and Brenna, 7. Beth
is an instructional coach for
Westerville City Schools. They
reside at 5780 Harrow Glen Ct.,
Galena, OH 43021.
Kristi (Call) and Jerr y ’92
Prucha reside at 525 Rankin
Ct. SW, New Philadelphia, OH
44663. She is director of vocal
music at New Philadelphia High
School. He is an implementation
manager for HyperActive
Technologies. They are the
parents of Maggie, 6 and Abby,
Lonnie and Shannan (Haddox
’94) Yancsurak announce the
birth of a son, Bodie, on July 31,
2008. Lonnie is principal of PUC
schools. They reside at 5143
Bakman Ave., Apt. 217, North
Hollywood, CA 91601.
Don Everetts is a global service
operations and planning
manager at Diebold.
Michelle (Hearns) and Matthew
Futchko reside at 4781 Locust
Ln., Brunswick, OH 44212. She
is an occupational therapist.
He is a loan officer at Emerald
Financial Group. They are the
parents of Peyton, 7, Camdyn,
3 and Emerson, 3.
D a r c i ( L i p k a ) a n d Kev i n
Mateosky reside at 5622 Grand
Pl., Willoughby, OH 44094.
Lisa Chamberlin and David
L i b e r a to r e w e r e m a r r i e d
February 29, 2008. She is the
marketing director at Baptist
Health Care. They reside at
5308 Woodlake Tr., Gulf Breeze,
FL 32563.
Valarie Dominick and Dave
Nash were married July 7,
2007. They are the parents
of Victoria, 2. She is deputy
director of human resources at
Stark County Department of
Job and Family Services and a
cheerleading coach at Central
Catholic High School. He is a
varsity girl’s basketball coach
at St. Thomas Aquinas. They
reside at 2355 Wilmington Ave.
SE, Massillon, OH 44646.
Pamela Hudec and Pete Fehring
were married on September 23,
2006. They reside at 49 Fairfield
Pl., Ft. Thomas, KY 41075.
Melissa (Mangino) and Scott
Steepleton announce the birth
of a daughter, Ava Claire, on
September 24, 2007. They reside
at 6927 Asbury Cir. NE, Canton,
OH 44721.
Michael Bindis is a graduate
student at Miami University
and is currently working toward
a doctoral degree in chemical
education. He resides at 714
S. Locust St., Apt. 34, Oxford,
OH 45056.
J e n n i ( M o o r e ) a n d R i ck
Jameyson reside at 738 Olde
Orchard Dr., Tallmadge, OH
44278. They are the parents of
Jessica, 11 and Nicholas, 9.
Gina (Iacofano) and Tony
Lang announce the birth of a
daughter, Kyra, on May 1, 2007
who joins siblings Kyle, 6 and
Aden, 4. They reside at 1202
Pitkin Ave., Akron, OH 44310.
Brian and Laurie Reali reside
at 1845 Hibbard Dr., Stow,
OH 44224. He serves as law
director for the City of Stow
and is currently stationed at
Camp Arifjan, Kuwait in support
of Operation Iraqi Freedom as
Command Judge Advocate
for the 37th IBCT. They are the
parents of Brendan, 7, Maura,
6 and Brady, 1.
Mar tin and Dawn (Tonzo
’95) Tellman reside at 6925
W. Garfield Rd., Salem, OH
Jennifer (Langham) and Paul
Troy are the parents of Katrina, 8
and Elizabeth, 5. She is a music
specialist and recently earned
a master of education degree in
curriculum and instruction from
Olivet Nazarene University. He
is a senior systems engineer for
Ann (Liotta) and Michael Aquillo
reside at 406 Clydesdale Way,
Marysville, OH 43040. She
is director of government
relations at The Scotts MiracleGro Company and was recently
appointed to the Memorial
Hospital Board of Trustees. He
is vice president of member
ser vices at Union Rural
English teacher for West
Branch Local School District
and recently earned a master’s
degree in English from National
University. He is a senior project
manager at ATC Associates.
They are the parents of Sydney,
5 and Harper, 3.
John and Alicia Palmiero
announce the birth of a son,
Max Joseph, on July 8, 2008
who joins sibling Evan, 2.
Kelly (Hammerstrom) and
Nathan ’97 Hoellein announce
the birth of a daughter, Cora, on
May 23, 2008 who joins siblings
Reilly, 7 and Declan, 4.
Derek and Margie Hatcher
announce the birth of a son,
Preston, on July 1, 2008 who
joins siblings Eleanor, 5 and
Benjamin, 3.
Maisha (Green) and Will ’93
McIntyre announce the birth of
a daughter, Amina Zuri, on April
5, 2008. Maisha is a senior team
member relations specialist
for JoAnn Stores and recently
earned a master’s degree in
community counseling from
John Carroll University. Will
is a manager for business
intelligence at Goodyear.
They reside at 2749 Smith Rd.,
Fairlawn, OH 44333.
Karen (Beers) and Judson
Roszman announce the birth
of a son, Jacob Kenneth, on
June 29, 2008 who joins sibling
Mackenzie, 2.
Todd and Liz Simon announce
the birth of a daughter, Jesse, on
May 30, 2008 who joins siblings
Grace, 6 and Wyatt, 4. Todd is a
regional compliance officer for
NatCity Investments.
Matthew and Elisabeta Benson
announce the birth of daughter,
Ava Luciana, on June 5, 2008
who joins sibling Gianna, 2.
He is a manager at The North
Highland Company. They
reside at 13882 W. Alaska Pl.,
Lakewood, CO 80228.
Ron Fraraccio resides at 5926
Westbend Dr., Columbus, OH
Tonya (Scott) and Benjamin
Durkin reside at 678
Westminster Ave., Apt. 3,
Venice, CA 90291.
Tracie McFerren Samblanet
and Mark Samblanet reside at
3525 Randolph Rd., Mogadore,
OH 44260. She is a senior
Lauren Evans and Aaron Dorger
were married March 8, 2008.
They reside at 3367 Continental
Dr., Missouri City, TX 77459.
ALUMNI gatherings
She is a relationship manager
for Terracon.
Michael Foster resides at 2516
Vanderbilt Ln., Redondo Beach,
CA 90278.
Kristee (Hickson) and Andrew
’96 Huffman announce the
birth of a son, Grant Abraham,
on August 5, 2008 who joins
sibling Davis, 2. Andrew is West
PreSales director for HewlettPackard Company. They reside
at 41213 N. River Bend Rd.,
Anthem, AZ 85086.
Chad and Tammie (Davis ’96)
Osler are the parents of Drew,
5, and Anna, 2. Chad is a senior
manager at Plante & Moran
and Tammie is an attorney
for the Ohio Department of
Steven Ramos resides at
10211 Chipmunk Ridge Rd.,
Painesville, OH 44077.
Rick and Kim (Miller) Rofe
reside at 8415 Yorkshire St.,
Massillon, OH 44646. He is a
manager of financial analysis
at Hendrickson Trailer. She
is a senior financial analyst
for Smuckers. They are the
parents of Ryan, 6, Alyssa, 5
and Emily, 2.
Stacey (Conlon) and William
Smith announce the birth of
a son, Liam Paul William, on
May 21, 2008 who joins sibling
Lillian, 2. They reside at 5707
Frazer Ave. NW, North Canton,
OH 44720.
Kimberly (Helwig) and Anthony
Stanislo are the parents of
Jonathan, 5 and Sarah, 1.
Davida (Masalko) and Brad ’98
Wagner announce the birth of
a son, Braden David, on May 1,
2008 who join siblings Andrew,
5 and Alexander, 3. They reside
at 1230 Peony St., Hartville,
OH 44632.
Julie (Fails) and Scott Winter
a n n o u n c e th e b i r th o f a
daughter, Alison Grace, and
a son, Trevor Scott, on March
19, 2008. They reside at 31199
Gates Mills Blvd., Pepper Pike,
OH 44124.
Jason and Melissa Bokesch
are the parents of Ashlynn, 8
and Emilee, 3. He is a customer
service manager at Vaughan
Foods. They reside at 1211
Circle Dr., Neosho, MO 64850.
Chrissy (Picard) and Shawn
Bowers announce the birth of
a daughter, McKenna Victoria,
on April 10, 2008. They reside
at 1263 Ford Rd., Lyndhurst,
OH 44124.
Heather (Aldrich) and David
Craver announce the birth
of a son, Nathaniel David, on
January 7, 2008.
Dawn (Shorts) and Tom Stark
announce the birth of a son, Kyle
Thomas, on August 8, 2008.
She is an associate at Plante
and Moran. They reside at 287
Whittier Dr. N., Lancaster, OH
Stacy Wicinski resides at 1537
W. 32 nd St., Cleveland, OH
Robin (Maguire) and Kyle
Crocker are the parents of
Logan, 2 and Payton, 1. She is
a quality control supervisor for
AMERSCO Inc. They reside at
3307 Pine Ridge Dr., Ravenna,
OH 44266.
Alyson (Muenster) and Erick
Zimmer announce the birth
of a daughter, Laila Grace, on
October 24, 2007 who joins
siblings Ericka, 4 and Olivia, 3.
Todd and Amanda (Gilak ’00)
Dunmire announce the birth of
a daughter, Ella Rose, on July
14, 2008 who joins siblings
Benjamin, 2 and Abigail, 2.
Kimberly (Wervey) and Ryan
Cernansky announce the birth
of a daughter, Quinn Kennedy,
on March 29, 2008 who joins
sibling Colin, 3. She is a licensed
independent social worker
at Child and Adolescent
Behavioral Health.
Jim and Juli Eismon announce
the birth of a son, Thomas, on
January 18, 2008 who joins
sibling Ava, 5. He is a financial
planner for AIG Retirement
and she is a nurse practitioner
at Pulmonary Associates. They
reside at 5486 Weeping Willow
Dr., Hudson, OH 44236.
Andrae Hampton is a financial
manager for Prudential. He
resides at 1509 Bailey Rd.,
Cuyahoga Falls, OH 44221.
Heather (Dalrymple) and Ryan
MacRaild announce the birth
of a daughter, Mallory Anne,
on July 24, 2008 who joins
sibling Hannah, 4. She is a fifth
grade teacher for Nordonia
Hills School District. He is a
teacher at Lake Ridge Academy.
They reside at Brettin Dr.,
Independence, OH 44131.
Tiffany Morton resides at 7261
Somerset Ct., Northfield Center,
OH 44067.
Tyler Nicholson is a mortgage
originator for Huntington Bank.
He resides at 841 Summit St.,
Salem, OH 44460.
Cathy (Gir ar d) and Ryan
Pendleton are the parents of
Ella May, 3 and Clinton Ryan,
1. She is an athletic trainer. He
is treasurer and chief financial
officer for Barber ton City
Schools. They reside at 7770
Kitner Blvd., Northfield Center,
OH 44067.
Gail (Lamp) and Roy Simcox
announce the birth of a daughter,
Sara Irene, on April 28, 2008
who joins sibling Nathan, 1.
Mount Union alumni reunited aboard the Adventure of the Seas
cruise ship in June of 2008. First row (l-r): Guy Verrona, Kim
(McClure ’77) Verrona, Debbie (Wild ’77) Cain, Darcy (Tannehill
’77) Gillespie, Jennifer (Miller ’77) Kohler, Bob Kohler ’77;
Second row (l-r): Laura Tate, Kevin Tate, Gale (Roberts ’77) Harr,
Richard Harr ’75, Debbie (Patrick ’77) Munger, David Cain ’79,
Fran Munger, Michael Gillespie ’77
Michelle Cerullo and Major
Matthew Regner were married
September 1, 2007. They reside
at 501 S. Fremont Ave., Apt. 633,
Tampa, FL 33606.
Sean and Candis Hecking
reside at 7760 Hill Ct., Northfield
Center, OH 44067. He is a
consultant at Rosetta and she
is a graphic designer for Akiha
Public Relations.
Barbara Johnson resides at
362 Myers Ave., Buckeye Lake,
OH 43008.
Jared and Gretchen Lindell
announce the birth of a son,
Micah Joseph, on February 20,
2008. He is a public information
officer for Erie 2 BOCES. They
reside at 1404 Big Tree Rd.,
Lakewood, NY 14750.
A group of long-time friends from the Class of 1994, along with
their families, gathered in early July. Pictured (l-r) are Keith ’94
and Kristine Packard and their sons Thomas and Matthew; Paul
and Jennifer (Langham ’94) Troy and their daughters Katrina and
Elizabeth; and Matt ’94 and Becky (Dixon ’94) Stinson with their
son Braeden.
To n y a L u z i o a n d D a n i e l
Posar announce the birth of
daughters, Madeline and Maya,
on February 12, 2008. She is a
teacher for Stow-Munroe Falls
City Schools.
Matt and Lori Miller announce
the birth of son, Ryan, on May 9,
2008 who joins sibling Grady, 2.
They reside at 2676 Loyola Cir.
NW, North Canton, OH 44720.
Terra (Brown) and Russell
Miller have been foster parents
for four years and currently
have nine children living in
their home. She is pursuing a
master’s degree in education
from Malone University and is a
technical support representative
for Telelperformance USA. They
A number of Mount Union alumni joined at the wedding of
Lindsey Sassa and Andrew Mangus. First row (l-r): Taylor Sassa
’10, Erica Hovan ’07, Kristen Muenster ’07, Brittany Mirizio ’07,
Tiffany Centa ’08; Second row (l-r): Andrew Mangus ’07, Lindsey
(Sassa ’06) Mangus; Third row (l-r): Andy Neimes ’10, Brittany
Kerr ’07, Tom Kerr ’07, Sean Fischer ’08, Katie Davidson ’06,
Lauren Friedrich ’07, Larry Sassa ’76, Joel Sassa ’78, Gary Husel
’78, Bruce Jewell ’78, Kathy (Johnson ’79) Sassa
ALUMNI spotlight
Dr. Kenneth Luther ’88
Dr. Kenneth Luther ’88, associate professor of
mathematics and computer science at Valparaiso
University in Indiana, was presented with the 2008
Award for Distinguished College or University
Teaching of Mathematics by the Indiana Section of
the Mathematical Association of America (MAA).
He received the award at the spring meeting of the
Indiana Section of the MAA, held at St. Mary’s College in Notre Dame, IN.
The Indiana Section Award for Distinguished College or University Teaching of Mathematics annually
recognizes the accomplishments and contributions of section members who have
been identified as extraordinarily successful teachers in the mathematical sciences and whose teaching effectiveness has been shown to have had influence
beyond their own institutions.
Betsy Ludwig ’08
Betsy Ludwig ’08 joined the Sherwin-Williams summer intern
program in May of 2007. She had difficulty learning their POS
system and developed an Excel spreadsheet as a reference
guide. She then used the reference guide for a class project
that she had to complete for the internship.
Ludwig was chosen out of 75 other interns to present her
project during Internship Day. Sherwin-Williams liked the idea so much that they
have decided to implement the reference guide throughout the Midwestern Division of the company. In addition, Ludwig joined the Management Training Program
two days after graduation.
Kerri DiNarda ’07
Kerri DiNarda ’07 was recently honored as one of
Ohio’s best in journalism. She received a second
place award for Best Public Affairs program in the
Ohio Society of Professional Journalists statewide
competition for 2008.
The competition was for professional journalism
among all small market commercial and noncommercial radio stations in Ohio. The award was
presented to her during a ceremony held at the Rock
and Roll Hall of Fame in Cleveland, OH.
While attending Mount Union in 2007, DiNarda and
other students held a public forum on WRMU 91.1 FM concerning Issue 14 in
Alliance, OH. During the forum, City Council President John Benincasa and four
other City Council members answered questions about the proposed one-quarter
percent increase in the municipal income tax.
DiNarda is currently working in Washington, DC, as a communications assistant
for the Fund for American Studies. She returned to Mount Union on October 21
to speak to communication majors.
reside at 9181 Maple St., Lot 3,
Malvern, OH 44644.
Joe and Megan (Grabowski
’98) Schiavone announce the
birth of a son, Dominic Santino,
on July 2, 2008 who joins sibling
Vinnie, 4. They reside at 4911 E.
11th St., Garfield Heights, OH
44125. He is a math teacher and
assistant varsity football and
baseball coach for Twinsburg
High School.
Meredith (Gregor) and Eric
Tice announce the birth of a
daughter, Zoe RuthAnn, on
July 3, 2008. She is a pharmacy
manager at Caremark Rx. Inc.
Tom and Meghan (Fr ies)
Bauer announce the birth of
a daughter, Kaelyn Jane, on
August 11, 2008 who joins
sibling McKenna, 4. He is
a product manager for The
Garland Company.
Meredith (Garman) and Kevin
’99 Brown announce the birth
of a son, Reece Prescott, on
October 11, 2007. Kevin recently
earned a master of financial
economics degree from Ohio
Jessica Burgess resides at
6609 Cooper Meadows Rd.,
Westerville, OH 43081.
Erin (Mares) and Todd Butler
announce the birth of a son,
Hudson Nikolas, on December
19, 2007 who joins sibling
Logan, 3. They reside at 1963
Coventry Dr., Brunswick, OH
Amie (Winzenreid) and Ray
Cope announce the birth of
a daughter, McKenzie Mae,
on June 3, 2008 who joins
siblings Cody, 5, Madison, 3
and Chance, 2.
Thomas Crowe is a web content
editor at Franciscan University
of Steubenville. He resides at
1219 Ridge Ave., Steubenville,
OH 43952.
Mar y Beth (Keeney) and
Chad Gunerra reside at 11865
Edinboro Ln., Auburn Twp.,
OH 44023. She is a medical
device key accounts manager
for Covidien Energy-Based
Device. He is an area sales
manager for Paycor Inc.
Ric and Erin Hendrix announce
the birth of a daughter, Hannah
Eileen, on September 24, 2007.
They reside at 65321 Hillview
Ave., Bellaire, OH 43906. He
serves as pastor at First United
Methodist Church.
David Kauffmann resides at
2193 Jarrow Dr., Hilliard, OH
Natalie (Call) and Christian
K u r i l k o r e s i d e a t 5 212
McClintocksburg Rd., Newton
Falls, OH 44444. They are the
parents of Sarah, 8, Ethan, 4
and Ryan, 3. She is a North
American tire budget analyst
for Goodyear Tire and Rubber.
He is an industrial hygiene and
safety specialist for Ben Venue
Amy (Jordak) and James
MacLearie announce the birth
of a son, Brody James, on
March 21, 2008.
J . P. M o r a n a n d K e l l y
Zimmerman were married June
21, 2008. The wedding party
included groomsmen Josh
Booher, Tony Wittrock and
Matt Crysler ’01. J.P. and Kelly
are both teachers for Kirtland
Local Schools. They reside at
551 W. Parkway Dr., Madison,
OH 44057.
Jake Neuman is an accounting
manager for AVI Foodsystems.
Beth Allen-Boyle and BJ Boyle
announce the birth of a daughter,
Ella, on September 13, 2007
who joins sibling Lucas, 2. She
is a teacher for Seneca Valley
School District and recently
earned a master’s degree from
The Ohio State University
focusing in multicultural and
global education. He recently
earned a master of business
administration degree from
Point Park University. They
reside at 418 Stockton Ridge,
C r a n b e r r y Tow n s h i p , PA
Matthew and Laura Ball reside
at 201 Gillespie Dr., Apt. 1201,
Franklin, TN 37067.
Erin (Peters) and Ryan ’99
Barnot announce the birth
of a son, Aidan Anthony, on
February 1, 2008.
Candice (Carouse) and Joshua
’00 Booher announce the
birth of a son, Matthew Reed,
on May 1, 2008. Candice is
a kindergarten teacher for
Garfield Heights City Schools
and Joshua is a second grade
teacher for Crestwood Local
Schools. They reside at 1951
Ridge Meadow Ct., Twinsburg,
OH 44087.
They reside at 2319 Crockett
Cr., Stow, OH 44224.
Brian and Julie Condit
announce the birth of a son,
Jackson, on April 7, 2008 who
joins sibling Alexandra, 2.
Allison Zupan resides at 18334
River Valley Blvd., Nor th
Royalton, OH 44133.
Stacy (Sheldon) and Douglas
Conner are the parents of
Dylan, 2 and DJ, 4. They reside
at 8604 Springberry Dr., Fort
Wayne, IN 46818.
Julie (Randles) Hunter recently
earned a master’s degree in
instructional technology from
The University of Akron.
Dr. Erica (Sentgeorge ’02) and
Jonathan Jewell announce the
birth of a daughter, MacKenzee
Rose, on May 23, 2008. He
is a sales representative for
Stryker Orthopaedics. She is a
veterinarian at North Memorial
Animal Hospital after recently
graduating from the University
of Illinois College of Veterinary
Medicine. They reside at 4506
Grand Harbour Dr., Erie, PA
Nick and Nicole Occhionero
reside at 1313 Atterbury Dr.,
Macedonia, OH 44056.
Mindella (Bartlett) and Lee
Polzer announce the birth of
a daughter, Audriana Lynn, on
April 13, 2008.
Er ic Ray resides at 5711
Fountain Head Dr., Greensboro,
NC 27455.
Correen (Schall) and Nathan
Santamaria are the parents
of Megan, 1. She recently
earned a master’s degree in
early childhood education from
Kennesaw State University.
They reside at 6056 Rothchester
Dr., Galloway, OH 43119.
Xanath (Lang) and Peter Van
Frayen are the parents of
Gabriella, 1 and Brody, 1.
Laura (Johnson) and Dan
Walker announce the birth of
a daughter, Haley Allison, on
August 25, 2008.
Jacal yn Young and Greg
Kovach were married June 19,
2008. She is an accountant at
Kent State University.
Eric and Shelly (Trapp ’00)
Yukich announce the birth of a
son, Ethan Michael, on August 5,
2008. Eric is a product manager
in the specialty products
division of TTI Floorcare North
America and Shelly is an IO
manager for Joann Stores Inc.
Allison (Jones) and John
A n d e r s o n re s i d e a t 1119
Tallgrass Cir., Stow, OH 44224.
She is a teacher for Euclid City
Melissa (Sulin) and Jerr y
Biacsi announce the birth of
a daughter, Anna Elizabeth,
on January 22, 2008. She is a
physical therapist assistant and
athletic trainer for the Cleveland
Clinic. He is an accountant for
Ridge Tool. They reside at 4115
W. 215th St., Fairview Park, OH
Michael Benedum and Jessica
announce the birth of a son,
Tyler Michael, on August 2,
2008. He is an operations
manager for Waxman, CPG.
They reside at 745 Hennigans
Grove Rd., Grove City, OH
S h a n e and A l i s o n ( C ox )
Berger announce the birth of a
daughter, Payton Elizabeth, on
April 26, 2008. He is a fireman
and paramedic for the City of
Parma. She is a third grade
teacher for Berea City Schools.
They reside at 4819 Lincoln
Ave., Parma, OH 44134.
Casey Hall is a senior systems
engineer for Skanska USA
Building Inc. She resides at 8529
Sparrowhawk Ct., Orlando, FL
Richard and Erica (Kirksey ’03)
Jackson announce the birth of
a son, Richard Graham Jr., on
May 18, 2008. He is director of
multicultural student affairs at
Mount Union College. She is a
third grade teacher for Alliance
City Schools. They reside at
2695 Queensbury Rd., Alliance,
OH 44601.
Jason Lee and Kimberly Mitchell
were married July 15, 2008.
They are the parents of Lauryn,
8, Jayden, 5 and Jayson, 2. He
is a sportscaster for Bristol
Shannon Markel is a fourth
grade teacher at Trevor Day
School. She resides at 205
Allen St., Apt. 26, New York,
NY 10002.
Stephanie (Guess) and
Mike Restivo reside at 6300
E. Hampden Ave., Apt. 3121,
Denver, CO 80222.
Jason Richards and Tara Fala
were married July 12, 2008.
Mount Union graduates in the
wedding party included Scott
Coy and Thomas Truelson.
Jason is a plant manager for
Advanced Drainage Systems,
Inc. They reside at 1122 Harbor
Hill St., Winter Garden, FL
Sarah Bond is a project analyst
for Ernst & Young, LLP. She
resides at 9353 Cherry Tree
Dr., Apt. 311, Strongsville, OH
A m y D u n c a n a n d D av i d
G e s to s a n i w e r e m a r r i e d
December 28, 2007. She is
an eighth grade teacher for
Olentangy Local Schools. He is
a fourth year dental student at
The Ohio State University. They
reside at 3723 Hilliard Station
Rd., Hilliard, OH 43026.
Rachel Stein recently earned
a doctoral degree in sociology
from The University of Akron.
She is an assistant professor
at West Virginia University
and resides at 55 Hartford St.,
Morgantown, WV 26501.
Southern. They reside at 1625
Danube Ct., College Park, GA
Krista (Davis) and Joel Steiner
announce the birth of a son,
Andrew, on August 7, 2008.
He recently earned a master
of business administration
degree from The Ohio State
Jennifer (Nassal) and Bryan
Garver announce the birth of
a daughter, Madison Rae, on
July 27, 2008. He is a regional
business development executive
for HBCS. They reside at 9537
Cyprus Ln., Olmsted Falls, OH
Courtney (Jackson) and David
Taubken reside at 14305
Broadwinged Dr., Gainesville,
VA 20155. She is a first grade
teacher for Fairfax County
Public Schools. He is director
of operations for Home Health
Options Group.
Lindsay (Gardner) and Michael
Vranches announce the birth of
a son, Aidyn Michael, on July
16, 2008. She is an elementary
school teacher for Liberty Local
Schools. They reside at 193
Lakeshore Dr., Columbiana,
OH 44408.
Shelley (Miller) and Billy ’92
Wilson reside at 3350 Bandy
Rd., Homeworth, OH 44634.
She is a teacher for West
Branch Local Schools and
he is a salesman for Morris
Financial Group. They are the
parents of Mya, 9, Landon, 4,
and Macy, 3.
Sarah Shafer resides at 2 Keegan
Pl., Sayreville, NJ 08872.
Keith and Theresa (Yankie ’03)
Solar reside at 7300 Enfield Dr.,
Mentor, OH 44060.
Kimberly Gennaro and Tyson
Ware ’05 were married June
21, 2008. The wedding party
i n c l u d e m a t ro n o f h o n o r
Jennifer (Kern) Mroczowski,
maid of honor Roberta Butto,
bridesmaids Colleen Wheeler,
Michelle Glaser, and Julie
Grant, best man Derek Ball ’05
and groomsman Chris Kern.
Kimberly is a second grade
teacher for Parma City Schools
and Tyson is lead computer
developer for Marathon
Technical Services. They reside
at 5201 Salton Dr., Brunswick,
OH 44212.
Matthew Yacobozzi is president
and chief executive officer of
Enhanced Equity Financial
Services in Naples, FL.
Lakeisha Alston is a regional
technician and sur vey
statistician for The Department
of Commerce in Boston, MA.
She resides at 35 Wall St.,
Everett, MA 02149.
Moll y (Smith) and Morey
Scitticatt announce the birth
of a son, Mason Stephen, on
February 28, 2008. She is a
preschool teacher at Seton
Hill College Child Center. They
reside at 494 Reimer St., Lower
Burrell, PA 15068.
Morgan Cooper resides at
4165 Dudleys Grant Dr., Apt. E,
Winterville, NC 28590.
Deanne (Girsct) and Mark
Anderson reside at 4607
Winterset Dr., Columbus, OH
43220. She recently earned
a master of education degree
in school counseling from
Cleveland State University.
C h e r e e B e l l and Nathan
Holmes were married August
30, 2008. She is a language arts
and social studies educator at
Kendrick Middle School. He is
a software developer and web
design consultant for Norfolk
Anne Huntsman resides at
102 Springwater Ct., Moon
Township, PA 15108.
Thomas and Tara Jefferson
announce the birth of a son,
Thomas Jr., on August 4, 2008
who joins sibling Ayanna, 2.
He is an assistant director
for Upward Bound Classic at
Kent State University. She is a
public affairs associate for the
Cleveland Foundation. They
reside at 4188 Bridgewater
Pkwy., Stow, OH 44243.
Carolyn Kent recently
earned a master of business
administration degree from
The Ohio State University
Fisher College of Business.
She is a marketing manager in
private banking for JPMorgan.
She resides at 785 Ficus Dr.,
Columbus, OH 43085.
ALUMNI spotlight
Alumni, Faculty and
Students Join for
Amphibian Research
You can never predict where a casual conversation
will lead.
In 2002, Dr. Elizabeth (West ’64) Davidson, a professor at Arizona State University, was on sabbatical
teaching a class in biology at Mount Union College.
A conversation with Dr. Brandon Sheafor, associate
professor of biology, led to six years of collaboration
between Mount Union biologists and scientists studying amphibian disease and decline world-wide.
The amphibian research soon drew in Mount Union’s
Dr. Jon Scott, professor of biology and dean of the Division of Mathematics and Science, as well as several
students. Two of these students, Meredith Boley ’06
and Robert Brucker ’07, who went on to graduate studies, were collaborators on the amphibian project.
In 2004, Sheafor spent his sabbatical at Arizona State
where he worked with Davidson, researching how
salamanders can become infected but not die from
a fungus that kills frogs. Sheafor, Scott and their students have discovered traces of the deadly fungus in
museum specimens in Ohio dating back to the 1970s
and are currently collaborating with the Cleveland
Metroparks Zoo exploring whether rare frogs held in
their captive breeding program may be bred to become
resistant to the fungus.
Since 2004, the Mount Union scientists and students
have attended amphibian disease meetings hosted
by Arizona State. In November 2008, Sheafor, Scott,
student Jason Latimer ’09, Davidson and Brucker
joined 60 scientists to hear about the current discoveries in the field.
Vy Lam resides at 12520
Edgewater Dr., Lakewood, OH
reside at 1062 Via Saint Andrea
Pl., Henderson, NV 89011.
L i n d s ay B r i n k m a n n is an
eighth grade history teacher
for Volusia County Schools
and was named Social Studies
Teacher of the Year. She resides
at 2870 Valmont Ln., Deltona,
FL 32738.
Mi c hel l e (Mo c a r s ki ) and
Jeffrey ‘06 Legan reside at
6442 Rubystone Ln., Medina,
OH 44256. She is a teacher at
Highland Middle School. He is a
business analyst for RGIS.
Nicole Matthews recently
earned a master of arts degree
in English, composition studies
from The University of Akron
and is a director of development
and research for the university.
She resides at 2332 Ravenna
Rd., Ravenna, OH 44266.
Michael Newman is a
maintenance worker for Salem
Community Center. He resides
at 1535 Highland Ave., Salem,
OH 44460.
Tif fany Neal is a literacy
coach at Episcopal Children’s
Services. She resides at 1135
Bert Rd., Apt. A1, Jacksonville,
FL 32211.
Erica Painting is an occupational
therapist at University Hospital’s
Case Medical Center. She
resides at 2374 Euclid Heights
Blvd., Apt. 205, Cleveland
Heights, OH 44106.
Matthew Ramsey is a senior
a u d i to r fo r M a l o n ey a n d
Novotny, LLC. He resides at
9218 Highland Creek Ave. NW,
North Canton, OH 44720.
Kate Reeves recently
earned a master of business
administration degree from
Ashland University. She is an
assistant manager, consumer
direct for the J. M. Smucker
Elizabeth Semancik resides at
12900 Lake Ave., Apt. 1605,
Lakewood, OH 44107.
Kelly (Heinzman) and Craig
Stutzman announce the birth
of a daughter, Mallory Marie,
on Februar y 29, 2008 who
joins sibling Luke, 2. She is
an intervention specialist for
Tusky Valley Local Schools.
He is an English teacher for
North Canton City Schools.
They reside at 539 2nd St. NW,
Carrollton, OH 44615.
Br andice Tolson and Jim
Schnabel ’02 were married
June 7, 2008. The wedding
party included best man Brian
Rutherford ’02, maid of honor
Simi Malone and bridesmaid
Kate Carnell ’00. Brandice
recently earned a master’s
degree in social work from
The University of Akron. Jim
is a licensed electrician. They
reside at 2707 38th St. NW, Apt.
G, Canton, OH 44709.
Pictured at Arizona State University are Dr. Brandon Sheafor,
associate professor of biology at Mount Union; Jason Latimer
’09; Robert Brucker ’07; Dr. Jonathan Scott, professor of biology
and dean of the Division of Mathematics and Science at Mount
Union; and Elizabeth (West ’64) Davidson, a professor at Arizona
State University.
Kacy and Rebecca (Griffith ’03)
Carter are the parents of Annie,
4 and Ella, 1. He is a teacher
and assistant football coach
for Jackson Local Schools.
She is a choir director and
drama director for Brown Local
Joe Culler is a teacher for Kiski
Area School District.
Matthew Ferrel resides at 7040
Hills & Dales Rd. NW, Apt. A34,
Canton, OH 44708. He is a
sample control technician for
Test America Laboratory and
recently received the Quarterly
Safety Award for 2008.
Justina Flanagan and
C h r i s to p h e r H a fe l y we re
married June 14, 2008. She is an
elementary teacher for Liberty
Local School District and
recently earned the Giant Eagle
Teacher Class Act Award.
Brandy (Warner) and Jonathan
Franks announce the birth of
a son, Tyler Warner, on March
12, 2008. She is founder and
president of Absorbent Minds
Montessori School. They reside
at 647 Stuart Ave., Cuyahoga
Falls, 44221.
Sarah Gray is a business analyst
for National City Bank. She
resides at 1244 French Ave.,
Lakewood, OH 44107.
A a r o n Rem el y resides at
28786 Hazel Ave., Wickliffe,
OH 44092.
S t e p h a n i e R ey n o l d s and
Joshua Church were married
September 1, 2007. Graduates
in the wedding party included
maid of honor Melanie
Reynolds ’08, bridesmaids
Libby (Wilson) Guenther and
Michelle (Mocarski) Legan
and groomsman Mark Brace.
Stephanie is employed in tower
suites CIP services for Wynn
Las Vegas Hotel.Joshua is
an on-road supervisor for the
United Postal Service. They
Erin Blinn resides at 2316 Mt.
Pleasant St. NE, Canton, OH
Brian Keller and Faith Patterson
were married June 2, 2007. They
reside at 3363 E. Popinac Lp.,
Tucson, AZ 85716.
Rachael Watson resides at 3700
Windmeadows Blvd., Apt. T188,
Gainesville, FL 32608.
Ian Andrews is an executive
assistant for Detroit Shoreway
Community Development. He
resides at 2860 Detroit Ave.,
Apt. 104, Cleveland, OH 44113.
Melissa (Clark) and Ryan
Lawrence announce the birth
ALUMNI spotlight
of a son, Michael, on February
14, 2008. They reside at 231
Cordelia St., North Canton,
OH 44721.
Martin Mazanec resides at
103 E. Wells St., Apt. C143,
Baltimore, MD 21230.
Rebecca Michelli is in KRG
education services for the Leap
Program. She resides at 4028
Sara Dr., Apt. 204, Uniontown,
OH 44685.
Lara Mueller is an accounting
analyst for Dealer Tire. She
resides at 1513 Larchmont Ave.,
Lakewood, OH 44107.
Stacey Papp is a customer
liaison for SIRVA Relocation,
Inc. She was recently certified
as a Six Sigma Green Belt. She
can be reached at P.O. Box 263,
Chardon, OH 44024.
Lauren (Djakovich) Paulauskas
resides at 1778 Northampton
Rd., Apt. F1, Akron, OH 44313.
Nicole (Timan) and Grant Relic
are the parents of Brooks, 1. She
is a director of marketing and
office manager. He is a teacher
and coach for Brunswick City
Schools. They reside at 1922
Grantwood Dr., Parma, OH
Amy Rettinger and Matthew
Wo o d b u r y w e r e m a r r i e d
October 13, 2007. They reside
at 4294 Hardins Run Rd., New
Cumberland, WV 26047. She
is a marketing specialist at
Clearview Federal Credit Union.
He is a subcontractor for T.K.
Elizabeth (Burgess) Schrock
resides at 1022 W. Main St., Apt.
B, Sugarcreek, OH 44681.
Sarah (Stein) and Michael
Sigler reside at 330 Harmon
St. SW, North Canton, OH
44720. She is a development
research specialist for Kent
State University. He is a math
teacher and varsity football
coach for West Branch High
Curtis and Julie (Cerimele
’ 0 3 ) S t eve n s reside at 2
Gables Ct., Pooler, GA 31322.
He is a high school physical
education teacher for Effingham
County High School. She is an
elementary school teacher for
Rincon Elementary.
Aaron Walsh resides 9100
Mountain Ridge Dr., Apt. 4C,
Austin, TX 78759.
Jason Weingart and Caroline
Collins were married May 3,
2008. He is a resident physician
at University Hospitals Case
Medical Center. She is a
resident physician at Akron
Children’s Hospital. They reside
at 278 Preston Ln., Broadview
Heights, OH 44147.
K r i s t e n ( Ta u s z ) and Dan
Beck announce the birth of a
daughter, Melrose Laurel, on
July 18, 2008.
Stephanie Borowy and Bobby
VanDyke ’04 were married
April 22, 2007. Graduates in the
wedding party included Amy
(Veverka) Parker, Lynn Mortimer
and Bob Bradley ’04. Stephanie
is a kindergarten teacher for
Alliance City Schools. Bobby
is a tropper for the Ohio State
Highway Patrol. They reside at
1655 Gulf St. NW, Uniontown,
OH 44685.
Amanda Darrah and Keith
Waesch ’94 were married
December 29, 2007. Mount
Union graduates in the wedding
party included groomsmen Doug
Mori ’72 and bridesmaids Katie
Meeker ’04, Sarah VanFossen
’04, Molly (Carte) Wering and
Amanda Lewis. Keith is athletic
director and head baseball
and golf coach at Rootstown
High School. Amanda recently
graduated from The University
Matt McCallum ’93
Matt McCallum ’93, vice president of talent development
for Hitchcock Fleming and Associates Inc. was recently
named one of “30 for the Future” by the Greater Akron
Chamber of Commerce and LPC Publishing. The award
is presented to northeast Ohio business professionals
who are between the age of 25 and 39 and are making
outstanding leadership contributions in their communities
and industries.
He has made a significant contribution to TorchBearers and the greater Akron
community over the last several years. He has helped organize several successful
events for St. Bernard’s soup kitchen, the United Way and Habitat for Humanity.
McCallum joined the TorchBearers’ Board of Directors in 2008. “Through TorchBearers, I have strengthened skills that I need to better serve my community,” he
said. “I have been prepared to lead and serve the community through a focus on
boardsmanship skills, professional development and community service.”
Aside from community service, McCallum created an employee-development
program for Hitchcock Fleming and Associates Inc. This program helped build the
agency’s knowledge base. He has also developed and implemented programs that
enhance the leadership capabilities, efficiencies and productivity of the business’
McCallum earned a bachelor of arts degree in international business and economics and a minor in political science from Mount Union where he was also a member
of Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity.
Ed Kiernan ’96
Ed Kiernan ’96, executive
vice president and chief
marketing officer for Peter Jacobsen Sports, was
recently named one of the
“40 under 40” by Gulfshore
Business. This southwest
Florida magazine chooses
young professionals who
have proven themselves
in their careers and communities.
Kiernan graduated from
Mount Union with a bachelor of arts degree in sport
management and was the
youngest tournament director of the PGA Tour.
Peter Jacobsen Sports held a Lexus “Style Villa Sports”
Gala during this year’s U.S. Open. Pictured (l-r) are Peter
Jacobsen Sports colleagues Mike Galeski, executive vice
president; Ed Kiernan ’96, executive vice president and chief
marketing officer; Bill Norris, executive vice president and PGA
Tour professional; and Peter Jacobsen, chairman and chief
executive officer.
“I walked into a meeting in Connecticut, and a woman actually asked me if I was
there representing my father,” Kiernan said. At the age of 24, he signed on with
Peter Jacobsen, a sports marketing and entertainment company.
Now, as a partner in Jacobsen’s firm, Kiernan travels 220 nights a year, overseeing
marketing for big-name brands such as Red Bull, Ketel One vodka, Lexus and CVS
at offices around the country.
After living in various cities across the country, Kiernan moved to Bonita Springs, FL
in September 2004. He created the United States Golf Association’s first corporate
partnership in 2006, making Lexus the exclusive official vehicle of the USGA.
of Akron School of Law and is
currently working as a health
care attorney at Brennan,
Manna and Diamond, LLC. They
reside at 3704 Strawberry Hill,
Rootstown, OH 44272.
’04 and groomsmen Brock
Selkow ’06, Chuck Barber
’04, Jarrod Cole, Jamie Hart
and Matthew Myers. Ryan is
a Greek life coordinator for
Lehigh University.
Matt Hadgis is a web specialist
at Baldwin-Wallace College.
He resides at 4252 Hadley Ct.,
Brunswick, OH 44212.
Chad Kimmel earned a master of
science degree in bioinformatics
from the University of Pittsburgh
and is currently pursuing a
doctoral degree.
Jeffery Legan is a business
analyst for RGIS, LLC. He
resides at 6442 Rubystone Ln.,
Medina, OH 44256.
Greg and Amy (Rossler) Domino
reside at 1948 Cloverbrook Dr.,
Mineral Ridge, OH 44440. He
is a special education teacher
at West Branch Middle School.
She is a fourth grade teacher at
Lordstown Elementary School.
Sarah Freeman resides at
900 N. Stafford St., Apt. 2431,
Arlington, VA 22203.
Joe Hribar is a broadcast
graphics developer for ESPN.
He resides at 61 D Loomis Dr.,
West Hartford, CT 06107.
Dr. Elizabeth Kenska recently
earned a doctoral degree in
physical therapy from Slippery
Rock University.
Stephen Klinger resides at
3475 Doris Rd., Cleveland, OH
Laura Makovich resides at
7197 Greenleaf Ave., Parma,
OH 44130.
Michelle Marchand and Ryan
Rebholz ’04 were married
June 14, 2008. Members of the
wedding party included maid
of honor Tracy Bombik ’06,
bridesmaids Noelle Parent ’06,
Sarah (Stein ’04) Sigler, Mandy
Manocchio ’06, Cherly Kostura
’04, best man Michael Sigler
Matthew and Kristin Pauli reside
at 12544 Snode St., Alliance, OH
44601. He is a safety and drugfree coordinator and estimator
for Pauli Electric. They are the
parents of Rylin, 4.
Katherine Pierce is an
instructor in the Department
of Human Performance and
Spor t Business at Mount
Union College and is currently
pursuing a doctoral degree in
exercise physiology from Kent
State University. She resides
at 2169 Kenyon St., Apt. B,
Louisville, OH 44641.
Megan (Smith) and Jess Polak
reside at 103 Beechwood Dr.,
Northfield Center, OH 44067.
She is center director at
Huntington Learning Center.
Kathleen Ruff is a kindergarten
teacher at Shoal Creek
Elementary and was named
2007-2008 Technology Teacher
of the Year for Rockdale County
Public Schools. She resides
at 1825 Parker Rd., Apt. 1010,
Conyers, GA 30094.
Noelle Parent and Brockton
Selkow were married July
5, 2008. He is director of
admissions at Fishburne Military
School. They reside at 719 11th
St., Waynesboro, VA 22980.
Caroline Trier is head athletic
trainer at Columbia College.
She resides at 1006 Bent Tree
Ln., Apt. H, Columbia, SC
Victoria Watts resides at 5623
Lasater Dr. NW, Apt. 11, Canton,
OH 44718.
S a r a S i m c h a k and Kerr y
Saunders were married May
12, 2007.
Ashley Ambrosia is a first grade
teacher for Hillsborough County
School District. She resides at
9812 Carlsdale, Riverview, FL
Michael and Courtney Schnee
reside at 7801 Causeway Dr.,
Apt. 203, Charlotte, NC 28227.
Robert Brucker resides at 1
Club Pkwy., Apt. 1422, Nashville,
TN 37221.
Rosetta Shallcross resides
at 4169 Vira Rd., Stow, OH
Natalie Deen is director of
orchestras at Lake Highland
P re p a r a to r y S ch o o l . S h e
resides at 465 N. Phelps Ave.,
Winter Park, FL 32789.
Jessica (Storey) and Jacob
Baker reside at 6913 Twin Creek
Ct., Fayetteville, NC 28314.
She is a third grade teacher for
Cumberland County Schools.
John Burkey resides at 2023
Countryside Dr., Salem, OH
Drew DeHar t is assistant
director of athletic marketing
at Campbell University. He
resides at 25 Landis Ln., Apt.
102, Lillington, NC 27546.
Shannon Green is a media buyer
for Universal Media Syndicate.
She resides at 559 N. Main St.,
North Canton, OH 44720.
Jason Harbin and Michelle West
were married November 23,
2007. He is a training consultant
for BEAT. They reside at 2602
Arrowhead Tr., Loveland, OH
Chad Johnson earned a master
of taxation degree from The
University of Akron in is a tax
consultant for Deloitte Tax, LLP.
He resides at 2255 Par Ln., Apt.
302, Willoughby, OH 44094.
Nikki Jones and Br yan
Jaskiewicz were married June
28, 2008. They reside at 1521
Sherman St., Cheswick, PA
John Palmer resides at 1311
Hunters Lake Dr., Apt. E,
Cuyahoga Falls, OH 44221.
Brian Potts is a border patrol
agent for the United States
Boarder Patrol.
Christina Robison and Seth
Jackson were married December
1, 2007. She is a financial analyst
fot The J. M. Smucker Company.
He is a software engineer for
Professional Services, Inc. They
reside at 2471 4th St., Apt. 2,
Cuyahoga Falls, OH 44221.
Lindsey Sassa and Andrew
Mangus were married July 19,
2008. She is a kindergarten
teacher and he is an account
executive for Chicago Fire
School Team. They reside at
1622 Country Lakes Dr. 207,
Naperville, IL 60563.
Erin Schwing is an account
executive for the Orlando
Magic. She resides at 1341
Lyndale Blvd., Winter Park, FL
Andrew Stetler resides at 155
Millers Branch Dr., Saint Marys,
GA 31558.
G i n a Tr u n ke t t resides at
14604 Reese Blvd., Apt. 612,
Huntersville, NC 28078.
Nick Barren is a financial
analyst for JP Morgan Chase.
He resides at 1420 Runaway
Bay Dr., Columbus, OH 43204.
Abbie Cronin is employed by
American Income Life. She
resides at 1324 S. Freedom
Ave., Alliance, OH 44601.
Dianna Hyde is a graduate
student at the University of
Dayton. She resides at 719-2
Patterson Rd., Dayton, OH
Brittany Kugler is employed in
the costume department of the
Orlando Shakespeare Theatre.
Kelly Lammers is a financial
analyst for KeyBank. She
resides at 12900 Lake Ave., Apt.
506, Lakewood, OH 44107.
Herbert Gross ’49:
John Ansley ’58:
Donald Cox ’53:
Clark Kandel ’59:
Donald Bender ’60:
Judith (Imbrie ’61) Bender:
Julie (Fulmer ’61) Cummins:
Lynn (Wagner ’61) Dawson:
Bernard Heilman ’63:
Iva Hinkelman ’63:
Margaret “Peggy” Lamberton ’65:
Thomas Liotta ’65:
Rick Painting ’67:
Barbara Robinson ’69:
Stanley Stewart ’67:
Dawn (Buckley ’64) Van Butsel:
Ross Wakeman ’61:
Joan (Kiefer ’66) Zenteno:
Rev. Russ Adams ’79:
Mark Armstrong ’73:
Amanda (Trask ’70) Bradford:
Karen (Dawson ’73) Bradley:
Robin (Switzer ‘78) Brucker:
Benjamin Buono ’78:
William Burrell ’76:
Barb (Davis ’73) Carlson:
Ltc. Owen Edwards ’77:
Ruth (Neitz ’72) Fairbee:
Cyndi (Martin ’79) Fazio:
Susan Fredenburg ’77:
Douglas Hubert ’73:
Thomas Janikis ’78:
Lynn (Gilg ‘72) Lemmon:
Rev James “Mick” McGinnis ’73:
Lori (Rabuzzi ’79) Pasch:
Patricia Ripple ’78:
Dr. Gregory Sawyer ’76:
D o n S h e e h a n ’ 78 : don.sheehan@
Suzan Thomas ’77:
Susan Tiffany ’78:
Linda Wingard ’72:
Beth (Garey ’81) Barone:
ALUMNI e-mail
Kathy (Toolis ’83) Begue:
Melissa (Atzel ’81) Brooks:
John Bump ’88:
Martin Burns ’84:
Patricia Burns ‘81:
Joel Carter ’89:
Kevin Connor ’87:
Detria Courtalis ’89:
Brian Cummins ‘82:
Terry Feucht ’83:
Dr. Lorenzo Fincher ’82:
Laura (Walsh ’87) Frank:
Richard Gershom Jr ’85:
Rob Green ’81:
Jackie (Sinn ’87) Grippi:
Ellen Guerdat ’84:
Robb Hyde ‘80:
Melinda Liggitt ’84:
Angela (Brannon ’89) McCollam:
Heather (Bradley ’84) McCullough:
Melanie (Samay ’89) Nigro:
Samantha (Earley ’89) Ochwada:
Richard “Beardo” Patterson ’88:
Mary Paugh ’84:
Susan (Wagner ’84) Perry:
Peter Renwick ’87:
Barbara Roseberry ’80:
Randy Rudder ’83:
Troy Starr ’85:
Michael Stewart ’87:
Kathy (Orendas ‘81) Stugmyer:
Patricia Whiteman ’85:
Stephen Zamagias ’84:
Ann (Liotta ’95) Aquillo:
Susan Barr ’90:
Danae (Millard ‘91) Barrett:
Matthew Benson ’97:
Michael Bindis ’94:
Jason Bokesch ’98:
Chrissy (Picard ’98) Bowers:
Kimberely (Wervey ’99) Cernansky:
Michelle Cerullo ’99:
Stephanie Cindea ’99:
Patricia (Prucha ‘93) Collins:
Andrea (Slaina ’97) Conroy:
Robin (Maguire ’98) Crocker:
Elizabeth (Lampard) Davis:
Daria Deramo ’96:
Todd Dunmire ’98:
Tonya (Scott ’97) Durkin:
Sharon Evanich ’91:
Don Everetts ’92:
Nick Fabian ’98:
Michael Foster ’97:
Nancy (Trezenski ’90) Gibbons:
Andrea Hampton ’98:
Carla (Bardall ’90) Hardy:
Derek Hatcher ’96:
Sean Hecking ’99:
Kelly (Hammerstrom ‘96) Hoellein:
Mellanie Hopkins ’93:
David Jaap ’91:
Jenni (Moore ’94) Jameyson:
Barbara Johnson ’99:
Heather (Mountz ’98) Krause:
Melissa (Milner ‘91) Krizan:
Gina (Iacofano ‘94) Lang:
David Lasecki ’91:
Katie Lepp ’90:
Jared Lindell ’99:
Gwyn Lowe ’91:
Tonya Luzio ’99:
Heather (Dalr ymple ’98) MacRaild:
Darci (Lipka ’92) Mateosky:
Tammy McIntosh ’91:
Maisha (Green ’96) McIntyre:
Janet McClaskey ’99: janet.mcclaskey@
Nicola Mildren ’99:
Loretta (McGrath ’90) Miller:
Matt Miller ’99:
Terra (Brown ’99) Miller:
Tiffany Morton ’98:
Valarie (Dominick ‘93) Nash:
Susan Nastari ’97:
Roy Nicholson ’95:
Tyler Nicholson ’98:
Arwem (Kneipp ’90) Norman:
Beth (Lavelle ’91) O’Reilly:
Chad Osler ’97:
Jon Palmiero ’95:
Amy (Grisham ’92) Patterson:
Mike Pechac ’98:
Cathy (Girard ’98) Pendleton:
Jerry Prucha ’92:
Kristi (Call ’91) Prucha:
Steven Ramos ’97:
Brian Reali ’94:
Jason Roach ’93:
Rick Rofe ’97:
Tracie (McFerren ’95) Samblanet:
Melanie Schuller ’98:
Gail (Lamp ’98) Simcox:
Todd Simon ’96:
Kimberly Sperling ’99:
Stacey (Conlon ’97) Smith:
Sara (Frischkorn ‘90) Snyder:
Kimberly (Helwig ’97) Stanislo:
Dawn (Shorts ’98) Stark:
Melissa (Mangino ’93) Steepleton:
Scott Steiner ’90:
Jennifer (Langham ’94) Troy:
Rebecca Vardian ’92:
Davida (Masalko ’97) Wagner:
Tammy (Rogers ’92) Wenhame:
Stacy Wicinski ’98:
Julie (Fails ’97) Winter:
Heather Wolf ’91:
Lonnie Yancsurak ’91:
Lauren Alexander ’08:
Beth Allen-Boyle ’01:
Lakeisha Alston ’03:
Ashley Ambrosia ’07:
Deanne (Girsct ‘03) Anderson:
Ian Andrews ’04:
Angela Baker ’07:
Jessica Baker ’06:
Erin (Peters ’01) Barnot:
Nick Barren ’08:
Tom Bauer ’00:
Kristen (Tausz ‘05) Beck:
Michael Benedum ’02:
Sarah Bond ’02:
Candice (Carouse ’01) Booher:
Lindsay Brinkmann ’04:
Meredith (Garman ’00) Brown:
Robert Brucker ’07:
Jessica Burgess ’00:
John Burkey ’06:
Erin (Mares ’00) Butler:
Kacy Carter ’04:
Brian Condit ’01:
Stacy (Sheldon ’01) Conner:
Morgan Cooper ’03:
Amie (Winzenreid ’00) Cope:
Kristin (Daugherty ‘03) Cope:
Abbie Cronin ’08:
Thomas Crowe ’00:
Natalie Deen ’07:
Drew DeHart ’06:
Amy (Rossler ’05) Domino:
Greg Domino ’05:
Joseph Eby ’04:
Rebecca (Zink ’06) Eby:
Erin Fowler ’04:
Brandy (Warner ‘04) Franks:
Sarah Freeman ’05:
Jennifer (Nassal ‘03) Garver:
Amy (Duncan ’02) Gestosani:
Sarah Gray ’04:
Mary Beth (Keeney ’00) Gunerra:
Matt Hadgis ’06:
Justina (Flanagan ’04) Hafely:
Casey Hall ’02:
Laura Hall ’03:
Jason Harbin ’07:
Ric Hendrix ’00:
Cheree (Bell ’03) Holmes:
Joe Hribar ’05:
Julie (Randles ’01) Hunter:
Anne Huntsman ’03:
Dianna Hyde ’08:
Christina (Robison ’07) Jackson:
Richard Jackson ’02:
Nikki (Jones ‘07) Jaskiewicz:
Thomas Jefferson ’03:
Jonathan Jewell ’01:
Chad Johnson ’07:
David Kauffmann ’00:
Dr. Elizabeth Kenska ’05:
Carolyn Kent ’03:
Rachael King ’03:
Chad Kimmel ’06:
Stephen Klinger ’05:
Jacalyn (Young ’01) Kovach:
Brittany Kugler ’08:
Vy Lam ’03:
Tracey Lambdin ’00:
Kelly Lammers ’08:
Jason Lee ’02:
Jeffery Legan ’06:
Amy (Jordak ’00) MacLearie:
Laura Makovich ’05:
Shannon Markel ’02:
Nicole Matthews ’03:
Martin Mazanec ’04:
Matt Mazzolini ’08:
Elizabeth McDevitt ’01:
Rebecca Michelli ’04:
Maggie Miklos ’08:
J.P. Moran ’00:
Jennifer (Alder ’00) Morgan:
Lara Mueller ’04:
Stacy Murphy ’06:
Tiffany Neal ’03:
Jake Neuman ’00:
Michael Newman ’03:
Nick Occhionero ’01:
Matthew Onest ’08:
Erica Painting ’03:
John Palmer ’07:
Stacey Papp ’04:
Lauren (Djakovich ’04) Paulauskas:
Matthew Pauli ’05:
Katherine Pierce ’05:
Megan (Smith ’05) Polak:
Mindella (Bartlett ’01) Polzer:
Ashley Porter ’08:
Brian Potts ’07:
Rick Prescott ’05:
Matthew Ramsey ’03:
Michelle (Marchand ’05) Rebholz:
Kate Reeves ’03:
Nicole (Timan ’04) Relic:
Stephanie (Guess ’02) Restivo:
Jason Richards ’02:
Courtney Rohr ’08:
Correen Schall ’01:
Michael Schnee ’05:
Elizabeth (Burgess ’04) Schrock:
Erin Schwing ’07:
Molly (Smith ‘02) Scitticatt:
Noelle (Parent ’06) Selkow:
Katie Seward ’08:
Sarah Shafer ’02:
Rosetta Shallcross ’05:
Elissa Smith ’01:
Keith Solar ’02:
John Stack ’00:
Rachel Stein ’02:
Andrew Stetler ’07:
Curtis Stevens ’04:
Julie Stevens ’03:
Caroline Trier ’06:
Kelly (Heinzman ‘03) Stutzman:
Courtney (Jackson ‘02) Taubken:
Gina Trunkett ’07:
Tom Uber ’02:
Lindsay (Gardner ’02) Vranches:
Laure (Johnson ’01) Walker:
Aaron Walsh ’04:
Rachael Watson ’03:
Victoria Watts ’06:
Jason Weingart ’04:
Colleen Wheeler ’03:
Shelley (Miller ‘02) Wilson:
Amy Lynn (Rettinger ’04) Woodbury:
Taylor Woods ’07:
Matthew Yacobozzi ’02:
Enrique Zeleya ’03:
Allison Zupan ’01:
ALUMNI babies
on the newest addition to your family.
Let us know about your new bundle of joy by sending in an update form (found in the back of each issue of Mount Union Magazine) or
submitting it online Upon receipt of a birth announcement, we will send you a baby tee to
welcome your child to the Mount Union family. Return a photo of your child wearing the tee, and we will include it in a future issue.
Office of Alumni and College Activities
1972 Clark Ave. , Alliance, OH 44601 | (800) 992-6682, ext. 2030 | |
Ava Luciana
Logan Jakob and
Hudson Nikolas Butler
Jackson and
Alexandra Condit
Nathaniel David
Madison Rae
Daughter of Matthew ’97 and
Elisabeta Benson
Sons of Erin (Mares ’99) and
Todd ’99 Butler
Son and daughter of Brian ’01 and
Julie Condit
Son of Heather (Aldrich ’98) and
David Craver
Daughter of Jennifer (Nassal ’03)
and Bryan ’03 Garver
Richard Graham
Jackson Jr.
Amina Zuri
Brenna Marie
Taylor Rae
Ella May
Son of Richard ’02 and
Erica (Kirksey ’03) Jackson
Daughter of Maisha (Green ’96)
and Will ’93 McIntyre
Daughter of Mariah (Kirkpatrick
’97) and Ryan Miller
Daughter of Chuck ’01 and
Megan (Sauner ’01) Moore
Daughter of Cathy (Girard ’98)
and Ryan Pendleton
Dominic Santino
Mallory Marie
Anna Elizabeth
Nolyn Alyn
Son of Joe ’99 and Megan
(Grabowski ’98) Schiavone
Son of Natalie (Snyder ’98) and
Michael Antonini
Daughter of Kelly (Heinzman ’03)
and Craig Stutzman
Daughter of Melissa (Sulin ’02)
and Jerry Biacsi
Son of Erin (King ’00) and
Jeff Troyer
Van Frayen
Van Frayen
Austin Henry
Ethan Michael
Laila Grace
Daughter of Xanath (Lang ’01)
and Peter Van Frayen
Son of Xanath (Lang ’01)
and Peter Van Frayen
Son of Brian ’03
and Krista Wilson
Son of Eric ’01 and
Shelly (Trapp ’01) Yukich
Daughter of Alyson (Muenster ’98)
and Erick ’98 Zimmer
Copeland Corner
Adventures in Learning
Twice a year, professors from Mount Union College conduct
a four-week class at the Copeland Oaks Retirement Village in
Sebring, OH for the residents. Not only do the residents who are
Mount Union alumni enjoy the classes, but residents who did not
attend the College enjoy them as well. It helps residents who are
Mount Union alumni stay and feel connected with the College,
while at the same time, keeping them abreast of current topics
and events in a variety of areas such as local and world history,
politics, science and other subject areas. The program is called
“Adventures in Learning.”
This past fall, the class was led by Dr. William Cunion, assistant
professor of political science and chair of the Department of Political Science at Mount Union. The subject matter discussed by
the class dealt with issues surrounding the presidential election
such as the Electoral College, voter turnout, history of elections,
opinion polls, campaign finance and negative advertising.
For more information about the program, contact Jeff Bassett at Copeland Oaks at (800) 222-4640 or
Matt Mazzolini resides at 2161
G Lake Park Dr. SE, Smyrna,
GA 30080.
Brittany Smith resides at 890
Hampton Ct., Sagamore Hills,
OH 44067.
Kathryn (Timmons) Hartman
of Colorado Springs, CO died
June 13, 2008
Helen M. Wagner of Alliance,
OH died May 29, 2008.
George W. Ball of Akron, OH
died July 15, 2008.
John R. Sponseller of North
Canton, OH died August 12,
Rev. James E. Doty of Sebring,
OH died June 15, 2008. He is
survived by his wife, Merciel.
Maxine (McEwan) Sieg of
Ashland, OH died June 12, 2008.
She taught music in Perrysville,
Madison and Lucas schools for
33 years.
W. Richard Werner of New
Philadelphia, OH died July
28, 2008. After graduating
from Mount Union, he became
affiliated with the Standard Oil
Company in Cleveland OH. He
later joined the United States
Navy as part of the Submarine
Service in the Pacific Theater.
Robert Reeves of Palestine, OH
died July 22, 2008.
Lowell “Bud” Freshley of
Alliance, OH died September
18, 2008.
Mary (Sharpnack) Chapman
of Spartanburg, SC died July
20, 2008.
Norma (Twyman) Miller of
Alliance, OH died July 22,
Ralph W. Kegarise of Winston
Salem, NC died in September
2008. He was a brother of Alpha
Tau Omega.
Jack E. Miesmer of Arnold, MD
died July 8, 2008.
Esther (Stoffer) Groninger of
Derwood, MD died July 7, 2008.
She is survived by her husband,
W. Lee Thomas of Grand Marais,
MN died June 11, 2008. While a
student at Mount Union he
was a guard on the basketball
team. He taught high school
and coached basketball in
Ray W. Diehl of Erie, MI died
July 18, 2008.
Glorice (Daryman) Iddings of
Sebring, OH died August 20,
Edward J. Egan of North Benton,
OH died July 9, 2008.
Nancy (Mar tin) Placek of
Warren, OH died August 3,
Joseph K. Gaither of Sebring,
OH died July 8, 2008
Barbara (Richards) Dieringer
of Magnolia, OH died May 10,
Caryl (Woodring) Krannich of
Woodbridge, VA died August
4, 2008
Dean N. Nicholson died in
September 2008. While a
student at Mount Union, he
was a member of the men’s
basketball team.
David W. Woolf died April 27,
2008. After graduating from
Mount Union, he earned a
masters of arts degree from
California State University. He
was an army veteran serving
as an illustrator during the
Vietnam War. He was also a
college professor at Community
College of Allegheny County –
South Campus in West Mifflin.
Peggy (Roth) Hanna of Tucson,
AZ died May 15, 2007.
David. H Hetzel of Bay City, MI
died August 2, 2008
H. Roth Hanna of Beloit, OH
died June 29, 2008.
Edward Cross of Alliance, OH
died July 26, 2008.
John D. Drinko of Cleveland,
OH died in January 2008.
George Abraham Hickson
Jr. died May 22, 2008. He is
survived by daughters Cynthia
(Hickson ’70) Robinson
and Pamela (Hickson ’83)
Eric D. Parks of Columbus, OH
died June 29, 2008. He was a
RSC commissioner.
A Summer in China
An Experience of a Lifetime
Last year, The Timken Company of Canton, OH, under the leadership of James Griffith, president and chief executive officer who also
serves on the Mount Union College Board of Trustees, developed an internship program that would benefit a Mount Union student. The
internship at the company’s Asian headquarters in Shanghai, China, was a natural fit for Mount Union’s Asian Initiative. Katrina Hermetet
’08 was the first student intern chosen by The Timken Company and she completed her experience during the summer after graduating
with a bachelor of arts degree in psychology and a minor in media studies. The following is a report on her internship experience, written in her own words.
I have a unique alarm clock. Every morning,
a young man on a bicycle rides slowly down
the road. Attached to his handlebars is a
megaphone that repeats the same sentence
over and over. He is selling umbrellas. Every
morning, I wait for his call, like a child waiting
for a neighbor friend to come out and play.
This serves as a reminder that another day
has begun in Shanghai, another page in my
travel book.
As part of my internship, I was asked to
write a report for both Timken and Mount
Union about my experiences in China. However, instead of writing a mere list of facts
in paragraph form, I wanted this report to
be a memoir, a swan song to the institution
that taught me to enjoy the small moments
because they are the true definition of the
liberal arts experience, and a thank you to
those who made this trip a reality. Part of
my paper will be dedicated to discussing
my experience as an intern at Timken; the
other half will describe my experience as a
volunteer at a migrant school.
It has been an interesting summer with half
of the week spent on a lofty floor of a modern skyscraper, working for a fortune 500
company, and the other half of the week in
a three room schoolhouse with a dirt floor
and 50 kindergarteners. Yet like the Chinese
yin yang symbol, these “opposite” parts
of self are extremely complementary and
share common themes: the kindness of the
people, the daily challenges and the idea that
laughter is an international language. Both of
these experiences have equally and uniquely
changed my life.
It was a personal goal to not be “an American
in China” but to completely immerse myself
in the culture that surrounds me – to not
be just a spectator. This meant eating the
food, learning the language and being an
active visitor, not merely a sponge…hoping
to somehow passively “soak” up the culture
by remaining stationary. In retrospect, one of
the most active ways I reached this goal was
through my internship with the Timken Company. My internship focused on Timken’s
Global Citizenship initiative and I was given
the responsibility of auditing Timken China
on their global citizenship tasks.
After hearing about my initial responsibilities
with the company, I came across my first
postgrad life lesson. One’s college education is not a graduation mortarboard that
one throws in the air at graduation, but your
fingerprint, a unique aspect in the book of
your life, that will be with you wherever life
experiences take you. I could not believe that
I was across the world and I was basically
continuing my experience as a member of
JANUS, the social responsibility group at
Mount Union. My passions at Mount Union
continue to be my life passions.
One of the aspects of my internship that I
enjoyed the most was the amount of trust and
respect given to me by the Timken employees. I never felt that I was anything less than
a Timken colleague. The staff was welcoming
and seemed excited about my project and
my life experiences. I remember the first day;
sitting at my desk overlooking the Shanghai
skyline and thinking, what an adventure life
is…I could not even imagine a year ago that
life would take me here.
One of my favorite Timken memories occurred during my first week. I sat working
on my report when out of the corner of my
eye I saw a group of other Timken interns
nervously approaching me. They quietly
asked if I would like to join them for lunch, and
I nearly leaped out of my chair to hug them.
I was so excited to be included in something
as simple as a lunch break. It was one of the
most special experiences to sit with a group
of interns my age and share life stories. This
experience alone sums up my internship at
Timken, that I was included. I felt that I was a
cherished member of the staff and treated
as an equal.
My internship is now almost finished and I am
putting the finishing touches on my report.
With each paragraph I write, I feel the ghost
of my undergrad experience. When I write
about environmental policy, I can hear Dr.
McNaught’s (associate professor of geology,
chair of the Department of Geology and codirector of enironmental science) discussion
on global warming, when I research the role
of government in Asia, I refer to my notes
from Dr. Saha’s (professor of history) class.
When I speak about college at an American
institution to my friends and other interns,
I am reminded of my experiences of a Preview guide. Mount Union has followed me
to China.
This weekend, I participated in Junior
Achievement, a global program that teaches
students all over the world lessons on trade,
business and economics. The lessons are
presented in a dynamic and engaging manner in which the students (aged kindergarten to 6th grade) play an active role in the
learning process. Timken is a huge sponsor
of Junior Achievement in China and plays a
large role in the undertaking of these events.
I was both touched and surprised by how
active Timken was in the activities during the
day. So often companies merely attach their
names to a cause strictly for PR’s sake. However, Timken was Junior Achievement. They
planned the program, taught the lessons,
assisted the children and even cleaned up
afterward. They are an essential piece of the
success of the Junior Achievement program.
The staff was passionate and enthusiastic,
even with the weather reaching almost 100
degrees on their Saturday off. It is refreshing
to see Timken taking such a committed approach to being a “community company.”
In conclusion, my internship at Timken was
both inspiring and eye opening. I learned how
important it is to partake in experiences that
are out of the “box” that you have put yourself
in. Too often, undergraduates are desper-
ately seeking a career that ideally matches
the undergraduate degree. However, life
teaches us that it is not what your degree is
that matters; it is how you apply past knowledge to current endeavors (postgrad lesson
number two). The Timken internship gave me
a chance to jump outside my “psychology
major” box and try something different. I
found that there are some extremely unique
ties between psychology and business. I
express the gratitude I feel for this experience and for the friends and connections I
have made through Timken. Timken shares
the vision of my world student approach,
they don’t merely want to be an American
company in China, they want to improve the
community and become an active community
member, something that other companies
can learn from.
I still remember pulling off the highway of
busy Shanghai … tucked back away from
the factories and super malls is a sleepy unnamed village and a migrant school. I found
this school via email, because the head
teacher was desperately looking for an English speaking volunteer. When we pulled in
front of the alleyway that leads to the school,
we were met by the schoolmaster, Jane. At
80 years old, it was her dream to start an
English school for migrant children in the village, to gives these children a chance to learn
a language that many of their parents do not
speak. The school is free of cost; there are no
paid teachers, no flashy bulletin boards and
no toys. And yet, the students are excited,
enthusiastic and diligent learners. They learn
to learn, not for stickers, candy and recess. It
was so refreshing to see children passionate
about learning. They sing the alphabet so
loudly that Jane has to close the windows
so as not to disturb the neighbors.
As with all great experiences, I
cannot believe that my time in
China is coming to an end. In the
U.S. awaits my new school, new
apartment and new life in a different area of the country…another
chapter in my life book. I can still
remember my first steps off the
airplane when it finally hit me that
I am on the opposite side of the
world. Now, I make the long journey back…a different person from
when I stepped off the plane.
I cannot verbalize what an amazing experience this has been. I believe one of the
greatest miracles in life is participating in
the learning process. To watch a “Eureka!”
moment and know that you contributed to
their realization of the concept is an unbelievable blessing. One of my favorite memories
is when a little girl literally jumped out of her
seat because she remembered the word
“purple” from last week’s lesson.
I often wonder what I will tell my
friends and family when they
ask, “How was your trip?” What
will I say to them to sum up three
months that have been spent
across the world? How can I begin
to explain the laughter I’ve shared
with new friends, the unique experience of tasting chicken feet,
the smell of dumplings…the joy of
giving directions in Chinese to a
taxi driver and then arriving where
I intended. I will probably smile
at them and simply say “good,”
hoping that somehow I can find a
better word to epitomize this adventure.
Volunteering at the school has humbled me
and made me realize that education does not
take Powerpoint, computers and DVDs…it
takes a teacher, passion and a chalkboard.
These children will never know the amount
that I have learned from them…I received the
true lesson.
As my trip comes to a close, I find myself
shutting my eyes and breathing in, as if this
process will somehow save my experiences
into my long-term memory, so that someday,
when I am back in the U.S., stuck in a traffic
jam or daydreaming on a Sunday afternoon, I
can drift back to the summer in Shanghai.
Thank you. Thank you Mount Union for teaching me that the best life lessons occur out of
the classroom. Thank you Timken for giving
me the opportunity to have an internship
that has inspired me. Thank you to my family for giving me wings and the confidence
to travel. Thank you to my new friends. You
will never know the special place I have for
you in my heart.
Legacy R
First row (l-r): Kathy (Orendas ’80) Stugmyer, Katherine
Stugmyer ’10, Steven Stugmyer; Second row (l-r): Dale
Miller, Kelli Miller ’09, Bethann (Morrison ’80) Miller
Pictured (l-r): Michael Ciszewski ’11, Kathy Ciszewski,
Ed Ciszewski ’77
Pictured (l-r): Wayne Duerr, Kathleen (Harrington ’76)
Duerr, Christopher Duerr ’12
Pictured (l-r): Mark Nurnberger ’75, Meg Nurnberger
’12, Annie Nurnberger ’08, Beth Nurnberger
Pictured (l-r): Mike Griffith ’12 and Sharon Griffith
Pictured (l-r): Mark Loy ’86, Aubrey Loy ’11, Lisa
(Cromack ’87) Loy, Kaiden Loy
Pictured (l-r): Laura (Thompson ’82) Berkeley, Tyler
Berkeley ’12, Scott Berkeley ’80
Pictured (l-r): Rhonda (Ryan ’76) Topper, Patricia
Topper ’11, David Topper ’82
Pictured (l-r): Linda (Hull ’76) Imhoff, Steve Imhoff ’11
First row (l-r): George Kiraly Sr., Jeanne (Stein ’76)
Kiraly; Second row (l-r): Katy Kiraly ’08, George Kiraly
Jr. ’10, Kelly Kiraly ’04
First row (l-r): JoBeth (Andy ’85) Kaplan, Chris
Kaplan, Mark Kaplan ’84; Second row (l-r): Elizabeth
Kaplan ’11, Jon Kaplan
First row (l-r): Lisa Schneider, E. Karl Schneider
’66, Anne Louise Grauel; Second row (l-r): Korey
Schneider, Brittany Mendez ’12, Keith Schneider ‘00
Pictured (l-r): Matt Hadgis ’06, Elizabeth Hadgis ’09,
Paula (Hrusovsky ’74) Hadgis, Thomas Hadgis
First row (l-r): Becky (Oberholzer ’75) Montgomery, Susie
(Oberholzer ’73) Buckel: Second row (l-r): Annie Montgomery
’09, Lindsay (Buckel ’06) Szymanski and Sarah Buckel ’10
Pictured (l-r): Ron Knepp ’78, Erika Knepp ’12, Cindy
(Rudolph ’78) Knepp
Pictured (l-r): Karl Cetina ’79, Joseph Cetina ’12,
Dan Cetina ’06, Diane (Bobak ’78) Cetina
Pictured (l-r): Pam Mayer, Gina Mayer ’11, Gordon
Mayer ’00
Pictured (l-r): Kimberly (Dodson ’81) Mayer, Bethany
Mayer ’12
Pictured (l-r): Richard Snode ’79, Mary Kathryn
Snode ’12 and Laura Snode
Pictured (l-r): Dennis Rose ’75, Amanda Rose ’12,
Gina Rose
Pictured (l-r): Larry Reeder ’83, Kristin Reeder ’10, Jill
(Sawyer ’85) Reeder
Pictured (l-r): Jane Gingrich, Adam Gingrich ’09,
Sam Hasselbusch ’10, Dave Gingrich ’76
Pictured (l-r): Jon Campbell ’82, Connor Campbell
’11, Connie Campbell
Pictured (l-r): Anne Cotton, Margo (Bonistalli ’76)
Cotton, David Cotton ’10, Tim Cotton ’77
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Mount Union College
Financial Summary
2007-08 Fiscal Year
Mount Union College Financial Summary
Despite a downturn in investments due to
a declining stock market in 2007-08, Mount
Union College had another successful year
financially, recording a positive change in net
assets before investment return of nearly $6.5
million. As of June 30, 2008, net assets of the
College total $216.7 million.
As outlined in the College’s Statement of
Activities, the growth in net assets for the year
was provided in part by outstanding operating
results in enrollment and fundraising, as well as
excellent control of operating expenses. Total
revenues of $50.7 million represented a slight
decrease over last year, primarily due to reductions in the value of split interest agreements,
coinciding with reduced market returns. Tuition
revenues, gifts and grants all were basically in
line with 2007 levels, while auxiliary revenues
were up nearly 9 percent over the prior year
due to the opening of our new apartment housing. Overall expenses, at $44.3 million, grew
by 2 percent.
Investments in endowment had a difficult year,
as the market loss totaled just over 7 percent,
slightly worse than our established benchmarks within our investment portfolio. Our
endowment fund continues to be well balanced
between U.S. and international equities, fixed
income and cash, as outlined in our investment
policy. At fiscal year end, the College’s endowment, inclusive of investments, trusts and annuity instruments, totaled $132.8 million.
Apartment-style housing on Union Avenue and
Hartshorn Street contributed to a boost in auxiliary
The opening of Orwick-Nicholson Court this fall
rounded out Mount Union’s apartment-style housing
This fall, Mount Union broke ground for the Gartner
Welcome Center, which will aid in the College’s
recruitment efforts.
The renovation and addition of 72,000 square feet of
space is currently underway as part of the recreation
and wellness center project.
The College continued its expansion of new
and renovated facilities with the completion of
the second phase of apartments on West State
Street and the renovations to traditional residence halls on campus. We have also initiated
important projects for the future of the College,
including the expansion and renovation to the
Timken Physical Education Building for wellness and recreation and a new welcome center
to house the offices of Admission and Student
Financial Services. Funding for both projects
will come from fund-raising efforts.
Net Assets
$230 million
$222,226,194 216,716,351
$220 million
$140 million
$210 million
$130 million
$200 million
$190 million
$150 million
$120 million
$110 million
$180 million
$100 million
2004-05 2005-06 2006-07
2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08
Statements of
Year Ended June 30, 2008
Revenue, gains and other support
Educational and general
Student tuition and fees
Less financial aid
Net student tuition and fees
Gift and private grants
Investment return designated for operations
Change in value of split-interest agreements
Other income
$ 43,451,086
$ 43,451,086
Total educational and general revenue
Auxiliary enterprises
Net assets released from restrictions
Total revenue, gains and other support
$ 144,183,291
$ 14,740,943
$ 57,792,117
$ 216,716,351
Expenses and Losses
Educational and general
Academic support
Operation and maintenance of plant
Student services
Institutional support
Student aid
Total educational and general expenses
Auxiliary enterprises
Total expenses and losses
Change in net assets before investment return
less amounts designated for operations
Investment return less amounts
designated for operations
Change in net assets
Net assets, beginning of year
Net assets, end of year
This financial information is an excerpt from the audited financial statements. The audited financial statements contain important disclosures not included here.
Statements of
Year Ended June 30, 2007
Revenue, gains and other support
Educational and general
Student tuition and fees
Less financial aid
Net student tuition and fees
Gift and private grants
Investment return designated for operations
Change in value of split-interest agreements
Other income
$ 42,204,482
$ 42,204,482
Total educational and general revenue
Auxiliary enterprises
Net assets released from restrictions
Total revenue, gains and other support
$ 155,117,789
$ 10,317,627
$ 56,790,778
$ 222,226,194
Expenses and Losses
Educational and general
Academic support
Operation and maintenance of plant
Student services
Institutional support
Student aid
Total educational and general expenses
Auxiliary enterprises
Total expenses and losses
Change in net assets before investment return
less amounts designated for operations
Investment return less amounts
designated for operations
Change in net assets
Net assets, beginning of year
Net assets, end of year
This financial information is an excerpt from the audited financial statements. The audited financial statements contain important disclosures not included here.
Statements of
Financial Position
June 30, 2008 and 2007
Cash and cash equivalents
Accounts receivable net of allowance; 2008 - $169,736; 2007 - $147,324
Contributions receivable
Loans receivable
Beneficial interest in perpetual trusts and charitable remainder trusts
Annuity and life income funds held in trust
Property and equipment, net
Other assets
Total assets
Liabilities and Net Assets
Accounts payable
Accrued expenses
Annuities and trusts payable
Deposits and other
Advances from government for student loans
Total liabilities
Net Assets
Available for operations
Designated for specific purposes
Quasi endowment
Unrestricted capital gains
Net investment in plant
Total unrestricted
Temporarily restricted
Permanently restricted
Total net assets
Total liabilities and net assets
$ 257,370,198
$ 263,797,230
3,317, 518
$ 257,370,198
$ 263,797,230
This financial information is an excerpt from the audited financial statements. The audited financial statements contain important disclosures not included here.
CAMPUS calendar
January 8, 2009
Alumni and friends of
the College have an opportunity to participate
in the new Alumni Travel
Program. Upcoming
trips to New York City
and the Italian Riviera
are currently being
Cooking 101 – “Asian Cooking”
7 p.m., Kresge Court
February 2, 2009
Washington, DC Alumni Event
February 6, 2009
Cooking 101 – “Cooking for Two”
7 p.m., Kresge Court
February 16-18, 2009
Education on the Run
The 11th Annual Education on the Run event will be held at
the Inn at Honey Run in Millersburg, OH.
February 28, 2009
Kalahari Indoor Waterpark Family Event
Enjoy discounted room rates.
March 3, 2009
The Mary W. and Eric A. Eckler Lecture
Paula Vogel, Pulitzer Prize-winning playwright, 7:30 p.m.,
Presser Recital Hall
March 5, 2009
The Myrtie Allen Kershaw Lectureship on Poetry and the
Fine Arts
Boys of the Lough, internationally known Celtic band, 7:30
p.m., Mount Union Theatre
March 10-11, 2009
Florida Alumni Luncheons
Luncheons will be held in Sarasota on March 10 at noon at
the Hyatt Sarasota and Naples on March 11 at noon at the
Club Pelican Bay.
March 12, 2009
Cooking 101 – “Iron Chef”
6 p.m., Kresge Court
May 9, 2009
Lawn of Chapman Hall, 11 a.m.
June 26-29, 2009
New York City Broadway Trip
The event features two Broadway shows and an
interactive classroom experience with the cast and crew
of a Broadway show.
September 26-October 4, 2009
The Best of the Italian Riviera and Tuscany
This trip, priced separately to allow for the use of airline
miles and travel from different destinations, will provide
the opportunity for exploration through a number of
excursions. Arrangements provided by GoNext.
For a full calendar of events including times and locations,
March 21, 2009
M Club Reverse Raffle Fundraiser
Skyland Pines, Canton, OH,
Tickets are $100 per person which includes admission,
raffle number and dinner. Additional dinner-only tickets
can be purchased for $25 each. The event is open to
the public. Contact the Office of Alumni and College
Activities for tickets.
April 16, 2009
Thelma Tournay Slater Lecture in the Classics
Dr. Seth Rockman and Dr. Kurt Raaflaub, Freedom and
Slavery, Ancient and Modern, 7:30 p.m., Presser Recital Hall
April 18, 2009
Alumni in Action National Day of Service
To register a project, visit
April 23, 2009
Get your tickets now!
Reverse Raffle
and Silent Auction
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Skyland Pines
3550 Columbus Rd. NE, Canton, OH
Honors Convocation and SCHOLAR Day
May 8, 2009
Golden Anniversary Reunion
Members of the Class of 1959 will have the opportunity to
join on campus and participate in Commencement.
$100 ticket
(includes admission, raffle number, dinner and cash bar for one.)
Additional dinner tickets are available (no raffle) for $25 a piece.
Call (330) 823-2030 to purchase your ticket!
Visit for more information.
Only 200 tickets will be sold.
the echoes
little known facts about Mount Union’s history
As Mount Union recently achieved its highest enrollment number for an entering class,
it is interesting to note the history of student enrollment at the College. In 1858, the
first commencement ceremony graduated a total of six students, one of which was
the first woman to graduate from Mount Union – Jane Weston Chapman.
The first graduates of Mount Union College – the
Class of 1858 – featured six students including Jane
Weston Chapman, the first female to earn a degree
from the institution.
Soon after the turn of the 20th century, enrollment reached 448, and continuing patterns of increase and decrease coincided with demographic trends. Appointment of a
director of admission in 1959 was indicative of major shifts in the enrollment area and
the baby boom of the early 1960s led to a new enrollment level of 1,088 students.
The 1970s, however, were not as generous. The cost of utilities went up 40 percent
between 1974 and 1975 and thermostats in classrooms were set at 55-60 degrees to
try to reduce fuel costs. These cuts and others were made in an effort to keep financial
aid available to students and enrollment numbers up.
Enrollment decline also was a crucial problem from1980 to 1985 with numbers hitting
a low of 893 students. In 1984, Richard Giese, currently president of the College, was
named director of enrollment planning and financial aid and the change in administration was marked by a turn-around in enrollment decline. Despite demographic projections, enrollment reached 1,590 in 1995 and has continued to steadily grow since.
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