Festival friends - The Morinville News
Festival friends - The Morinville News
July 29, 2015 ISSN 2291-2738 Vol. 5 — Issue 30 Festival friends Sturgeon County resident Norm Meunier spent a little time with a blue gold Macaw at the Zoo2U event at Saturday’s Fête au Village in Legal. See Page 7 for more photos and MorinvilleNews.com for all of the weekend’s Fête photos. - Lucie Roy Photo Lessons Instruments Recording DJ & Live Performing Real Estate® Each Office Independently Owned and Operated 780-476-3371 karenp@northgategm.com MorinvilleNews.com | July 29, 2015 | Page 1 Community brought to you by Judge Paula Collins examines the D’Auost family’s vegtable garden during Sunday’s Best Gardens competition. This year’s event saw six competitors in five categories. - Stephen Dafoe Photo Judges pick the town’s Best Gardens by Morinville News Staff The eighth annual Best Gardens Competition wrapped up Sunday morning with judges viewing the handiwork of six local gardeners competing in a variety of categories. This year's entries were just over a third of the 17 competitors in 2014’s contest. Though the numbers were lower, there was no shortage of horticultural creativity in the front and back yards of Morinville homes. While judges may have felt all of the gardens had merit and beauty, a tally of points determined the final victors. Gardens were weighed by a possible score of 100 points in each of the categories from each of the three judges. Judging criteria for the plant portion of the contest included the design with first impressions and the overall effect and visual appeal. Additional criteria included the choice of plant material, combinations, textual contrast, physical plant condition, grooming, staking and pruning. The judging for the Outdoor Living Area included the design with the overall effect, use of space and special features, with consideration for physical condition as well as sustainability and cleanliness. This year's contest included five categories: Perennial Garden, Vegetable Garden, Unique Container Garden, Front to Back Overall Appeal, and Outdoor Living Area. Past winner Donna Becker took the Best Outdoor Living Area this year as well as Best Front To Back Overall Appeal. Elizabeth and Anne Stalzer won for Best Perennial Garden and Best Unique Container Garden. Ron and Lucy Cholik took Best Vegetable Garden, although the D'Aoust family — who received a Judges' Choice Award last year — came close behind in second place. Page 2 | July 29, 2015 er Be c k ac k a n Do n n t To B i ng Fro Li v Be s t u td o o r O Be s t MorinvilleNews.com Ju l Ch o li k y c u L Ron & a rde n G e l b a ge t Be s t Ve l a’s G a ie Puch a rde n L e s l ie & h t i d Ju a rde n G ’s y r u He ne b Elizabeth & Anne Stalzer Best Perennial Garden Best Unique Container Garden Please contact us at CAREERS@CHAMPIONPETFOODS.COM MorinvilleNews.com | July 29, 2015 | Page 3 Morinville News - Editorial Pages JuLly 29, 2015 ISSN 2291-2738 Publisher: Vol. 5 — Issue 30 Stephen Dafoe 780-800-3619 stephen@morinvillenews.com Advertising Sales: Stephen Dafoe 780-800-3619 sales@morinvillenews.com Design & Layout: Stephen Dafoe 780-800-3619 graphics@morinvillenews.com Correspondent: Lucie Roy 780-800-3619 community news / schools lucie@morinvillenews.com Correspondent: town / province Colin Smith 780-800-3619 colin@morinvillenews.com Correspondent: town / province Tristan Turner 780-800-3619 tristan@morinvillenews.com Marketing & publish ng Your Front Line In Getting The Word Out Sales Dept Calls: Mon-Fri 9-5 News Room Calls: Mon-Fri 9-5* *We monitor calls evenings, weekends and INC. holidays for breaking and urgent news stories www.MorinvilleNews.com /MorinvilleNews @MorinvilleNews R.V. & Motor Home Storage We Offer Year Round Storage At Reasonable Rates Guest Column: One Person’s Opinion Morinville's Animal Control Bylaw - Part 2 The last article noted that the Town has defined a requirement to amend Bylaw 26/2010 (the Morinville Responsible Pet Ownership Bylaw). Apparently what we have on the books re cat control leaves something to be desired. Mind you, our senior enforcement officer (CPO Sgt. William Norton) readily admits that the current program is not working and that enforcement staff do not actively patrol for or apprehend stray cats. The first question to be asked is: “Why not?” The existing bylaw is pretty clear on all aspects of cat control, with Parts III (Responsibility of Animal Owners) and VI (Pound Keeping and Impoundment) giving distinct direction to all concerned. However, unless the Town is going to pro-actively enforce the existing regulations, we’re dead in the water. As previously noted, rather than live up to its duties and responsibilities, Administration would prefer to be completely shed of the problem, therefore making us, the victims in this situation, responsible. When Administration proposes, and Council ratifies, ANY bylaw but then enforces that bylaw only periodically at best, you are really encouraging disrespect for the law. And that my friends, for any number of reasons, is totally unacceptable! It’s already bad enough that the non-owner must get a trap, do the deed and then care for the animal (sometimes for days) before turning $30 PER MONTH Morinville Storage & Mobile Home Sales 780-939-2442 ed_marchand@yahoo.ca SELLING NEWS & USED MODULAR/MOBILE HOMES Page 4 | July 29, 2015 James O’Brien, Citizen Author’s Note: This is the third in a series of articles to be produced over the summer and continues a discussion on our animal control bylaw, especially that portion dealing with cats. Council want a lot of their week taken up dealing with repeated cat complaints, just eliminate the bylaw. Owner Lives On Site We are located 1 1/2 miles west of Morinville and 1/2 mile south on RR 255 SERVING MORINVILLE & ST. ALBERT FOR 40 YEARS said critter over to the enforcement folks. What then would be the potential consequences of making the “victim” fully responsible? Dead cats in the street? Should the Town, for whatever reason, decide to either not effectively deal with this situation or make “Joe Citizen” totally responsible to handle cat complaints, I suggest that you not be terribly surprised or offended when “Joe Citizen” resorts to less than humane practices to resolve the problem. Make no mistake about it… most ordinary, normally law-abiding citizens just don’t appreciate someone else’s cat defecating in their kid’s sandboxes or their gardens, and they will take matters into their own hands. This is likely to happen because most of us do not have the spare cash to throw away on something for which we already pay taxes. The general population’s responsibility toward this problem should start - and end - with notification to the CPO of a situation. Exactly how our Administration handles it is their worry, not ours. That’s what we pay taxes for. There were several people who offered online comment on James O’Brien’s column on cats, the second in a two part series on a proposed alteration to the Town’s Responsible Pet Owner Bylaw that would see cats simply taken off the bylaw. Joe Gosselin wrote: James your quite right. The self regulated method was being used prior to the last bylaw coming into effect. That and multiple complaints about roaming cats forced Council to act with a bylaw. If Administration and Barbara Ann MacArthur Wrote: People need to take care of their cats and NOT let them be outside. Amanda Geisler Wrote: Far too many people think this is OK. This is NOT OK...Your pet should not affect me. HAVE YOUR SAY TELL US WHAT YOU THINK You can comment on our articles online via @MorinvilleNews on Twitter Facebook.com/MorinvilleNews MorinvilleNews.com editor@morinvillenews.com MorinvilleNews.com Morinville News - Editorial Pages Alexander Health Services Employment opportunity Licensed Practical Nurse Alexander Health Services is seeking 2 full time LPN to deliver the Nursing Services to our Extended Care Facility. Responsibilities include: EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY Morinville Position - Reception coverage ASAP Permanent part-time position for 24 hours per week 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. - Monday to Thursday Experience must include client service, phone messaging, taking payments, arranging appointments. Word and excel user is a must Candidates with Client Tracks would be considered an asset. Morinville Business Centre Fax: 780-939-6779 Mbc.morinville@telus.net NOTICE OF ACTION TO: DANIEL MIHAIL SAROLU AND ANDREEA SARALOU ONCE OF GIBBONS, ALBERTA TAKE NOTICE that the Plaintiff, ALBERTA TREASURY BRANCHES, issued a Statement of Claim, Notice to Defendant and Order for Substitutional Service numbered 1503 09649 in the Office of the Clerk of the Court of Queen's Bench of Alberta, at the City of Edmonton, in the Province of Alberta, on June 26, 2015. YOU are named as the Defendant in this action. A copy of the Statement of Claim and Notice to Defendant may be obtained from the Plaintiff’s solicitors, Reynolds Mirth Richards & Farmer LLP, Suite 3200, 10180 – 101 Street, Edmonton, Alberta, T5J 3W8 (Wesley M. Pedruski, Q.C.), Telephone No. (780) 497-3340. IF you intend to appear in this action, you should immediately file a Statement of Defence or Demand of Notice in the Office of the Clerk of the Court of Queen’s Bench of Alberta- Edmonton, Law Courts, 1A Sir Winston Churchill Square, Edmonton, AB T5J 0R2, or instruct your lawyers to do so on your behalf. IF you fail to file a Statement of Defence or Demand of Notice within 20 days of this publication, the Plaintiff may proceed according to the practice of the Court to note you in default and apply for judgment. You will not be entitled to notice of any further proceedings, and the relief sought by the Plaintiff may be given in your absence. MorinvilleNews.com Monitoring & Assessment: Contributes and participates in the ongoing nursing assessments of residents under the direction of the Resident Care Supervisor; Collects, documents and reports health status information to the Resident Care Supervisor; Implementation of the Resident’s Care Plan Collaborates and participates in the ongoing development of each resident’s care plan under the direction of the Resident Care Supervisor. Medication Management and Administration: When on duty, will be responsible for the medication management and administration of all medications. Under the supervision of the Resident Care Supervisor, adheres to all medication management and administration policies & procedures of Alexander Health Services. Qualifications: • Current Registration with CLPNA - CPR & First Aid • Transportation of Dangerous Goods & WHMIS (asset) • Valid Alberta Driver’s License Assets: • Knowledge of Cree Language or culture • Community & Public Health experience • Ability to work within an interdisciplinary team • Computer skills Alexander First Nation is located in close proximity to St. Albert, Morinville, Spruce Grove, Stony Plain or Onoway. Please submit resumes to: Diana Meabry, Nurse Manager Alexander Health Services PO Box 3570, Morinville, Alberta T8R 1S3 Phone (780) 939-4787 / fax (780) 939-2951 dmeabry@onehealth.ca Real Estate Paralegal If you are a positive self-starter who works well with others in a fast paced environment, we could be the right fit for you in this experienced Real Estate Conveyancer position. You will be part of our “Your Neighbour, Your Lawyer” environment which offers a work life balance with flexibility and a contributive community feel. We have an opportunity for an individual with at least 3 – 5 years recent experience as a Residential Real Estate Paralegal. Additional experience working with EConveyance would be an asset. If you sense that you are fit for this position please forward your resume: c/o Julie Wearmouth, Office Manager, Putnam & Lawson, Barristers & Solicitors, 9702 – 100 Street, Morinville, AB, T8R 1G3 or email resumes to juliew@putnamlawson.ca. Please cc: reneet@putnamlawson.ca. We thank all those who apply; however, only the applicants chosen for an interview will be contacted. PH: 780-939-2001 PH: 780-939-2001 FAX: 780-939-6105 FAX: 9702 780-939-6205 - 100 Street, 9702 – 100AB Street, Morinville, T8R 1G3 Morinville, AB T8R 1G3 www.putnamlawson.com Real Estate Wills & Estates www.putnamlawson.com Family Law Corporate | July 29, 2015 | Page 5 MLA looking to set up Morinville office by Morinville News Staff Barrhead-Morinville-Westlock (BMW) MLA Glenn van Dijken was Rotary’s guest speaker July 22, offering the newly-minted politician an opportunity to get to know some of his constituents a little better. More than 40 people came out to hear the MLA, who spoke about his background, the importance of volunteering, and what he sees as his role as a member of the Legislative Assembly. “I have an open door for all people,” he told Rotarians. “I am the member of Legislative Assembly for one hundred per cent of the constituents of BMW, so I will work for every person in this riding to the best of my ability Part of serving his riding to the best of his ability includes opening an office in Morinville, something he said he was hoping to have in place by the fall. “We are looking for a place in Morinville to set up a facility that we can reach out to the members in a better way,” he said, adding he had a meeting with a realtor that day and was hoping to find something that would fit in budget. “I am very much about budget and fiscal responsibility and all that, so we are hoping we can have something set up by fall in Morinville and start to have the ability for the people in the vicinity here, and reaching out to Legal and Riviere Qui Barre.” Van Dijken said he felt having an office in Morinville would allow people to have a closer link with their MLA than his current Edmonton office. Morinville RCMP investigate drowning of two-year-old girl by Morinville News Staff A two-year-old girl is dead, following a drowning in Morinville Saturday morning. On July 25th, 2015, at approximately 11:42 a.m., Morinville RCMP responded to a report of a missing 2-year-old female child who had been playing at a park in the Lakes subdivision with her siblings. The child from Morinville, was found unresponsive in a nearby pond by RCMP. Life saving efforts were initiated, but the child was later pronounced deceased by Emergency Medical Services. Morinville RCMP and the Edmonton Medical Examiner's Office continue to investigate. Support and prayers for the famil began pouring out through social media and within the community and family’s church after news of the tragedy broke. People have been leaving flowers, stuffed toys and other items at the scene. The name of the family had not been released by Morinville News’ press deadline sunday afternoon. Page 6 | July 29, 2015 The MLA reiterated his commitment to representing 100 per cent of the region he covers. “If you are worried that your views do not line up with my views, that is OK,” he said. “Come and talk to me and introduce yourself to me and possibly areas where you have concerns with the province. Where you have needs to be filled, where the province can help and fill those needs – that is what I am here for.” Morinville Baptist Church is hosting a Five-Day Club with Stories, Prizes and Songs Aug. 4-7 (Ages 5-13) Time: 10:00 - 11:30 am Location: 9303 98th Avenue Time: 1:30 - 3 pm Location: 210 Grandin Drive, Morinville Contacts: 780 233-5183 or 780 939-7545 MorinvilleNews.com Fête au Village provided Legal residents and visitors with three days of family fun over the weekend. Clockwise from top left: Gabriel Belley of the Flyers versus Kielan Jackson of the Pistons in a race at the Soap Box Derby. The Little Red Train pulls politicians and other guests loaded with candy during the parade. Gaige and Huntyr King were anxious for the Iron Chef Competition to begin Friday night so they could try the cheese stuffed bacon wrapped hot dogs made by Laryssa Oulton. Kaeden and Cohen Gable sail the high seas during Friday night’s mini parade. Sienna deChamplain was colourful and ready for the mini parade to begin. Boe Kuzio with his caricature Saturday afternoon. - Lucie Roy Photos Meet King Arthur! He is a loveable 2 year old domestic shorthair, with a very cuddly personality. He loves nothing more than being able to curl up in your lap and snuggle. He is already neutered, vaccinated, dewormed, and microchipped. All that is left for this guy to find is his forever home. If you are interested in meeting this cutie, please come visit him at the Morinville Veterinary Clinic or call (780)939-3133. 9804 90 Ave. Morinville 780-939-3133 www.morinvillevet.com MorinvilleNews.com | July 29, 2015 | Page 7 Ride Distance Options Register online www.tourdalb at erta.ca Family Fun Ride 50 km 100 km NEW 160 km this year! REGISTRATION DEADLINE EXTENDED TO AUGUST 5, 2015 E Services FREE Financial Services offers on-line services: » Ability to view and pay your tax and utility accounts » Ability to receive your utility bill by email » Immediate tax certificates » Online property searches » Pet searches » Business directory August 9, 2015 Start at 11 a.m. Morinville Community Cultural Centre Signing up is Safe, Easy & Secure visit www.morinville.ca to create your online account today Distance: Approximately 15 Km Contact us for all your E-Services Support Register by August 5, 2015 www.tourdalberta.ca or www.morinville.ca or call 780-939-7839 Monday - Friday 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. 780.939.4361 tax-utilities@morinville.ca Free Family Ride does not include a post-ride meal, however, meals can be purchased separately www.morinville.ca It is severe weather season in Alberta! Every household should have a 72 hour emergency preparedness kit in case of any emergency. A 72 hour kit should contain: • Water: min 2 litres of water per person per day; include small bottles that can be carried easily in case of an evacuation order • Canned food, energy bars and dried foods (replace food and water once a year) • Manual can-opener • Crank or battery-powered radio (and extra batteries) or Weatherradio • First aid kit • Extra keys to your car and house • Some cash in smaller bills, such as $10 bills • A copy of your emergency plan and contact information • Other items such as prescription medication, infant formula, and equipment for people with disabilities For additional details on emergency preparedness kits, please go to www.morinville.ca Main: 780-939-4361 Fax: 780-939-5633 Public Works: 780-939-2590 Community Services: 780-939-7839 Page 8 | July 29, 2015 MorinvilleNews.com www.morinville.ca SPORTS CAMP Sitting at home this summer? Can’t find anything to do? Join the 2015 Sports Camp and try tons of cool sports. Following the Long Term Athletic Development Model, we will offer a variety of sports and teach the FUNdamental movements to achieve athletic development. Join us as we play a variety of sports including dodgeball, canoeing, gymnastics, badminton, volleyball, basketball, and a mini Olympics. For more information, or to register, contact Lauren! For ages 6 to 12 years August 4th-7th , 2015 12pm—4pm Contact: Lauren Henderson 780-939-7841 lhenderson@morinville.ca DEADLINE TO REGISTER HAS BEEN EXTENDED TO July 30th, 2015 BRINGING SPORTS EXCELLENCE TO YOUR COMMUNITY Incredible Edibles You will find a variety of mixed herbs in the aggregate planters on 100 Avenue. Lettuce, radishes, herbs, rhubarb and raspberries are ready to pick and can be found at the East entrance and at the rear of St. Germain Place (Civic Hall). These edibles are for ALL residents so please help yourselves…and enjoy! SUMMER CAMP SERIES Keep your child busy throughout the summer with many unique weekly themed camps. Bring your snack and lunch each day. Each week will contain themed activities including: crafts, games, and field trips. When: Monday-Friday 8:15 am - 4:30 pm Where: Morinville Community Cultural Centre Fee: $125/child/week or $35/child/day GAME ON July 27-31 CONCOCTIONS & REACTIONS August 10-14 1,2,3 ACTION! August 17-21 To REGISTER contact Community Services at 780-939-7839 www.morinville.ca Development Permit Public Notice Communities in Bloom: Take notice that the following Development Permit(s) listed below have been approved in accordance with Morinville Land Use Bylaw 3/2012. Morinville has once again joined the Communities in Bloom program in the non-competitive category. This is a global initiative that celebrates green spaces, environmental responsibility and civic pride! Help us showcase and celebrate our vibrant community through: DP113/2015 — As-Built Shed, 9708-99 Street (Lot 16, Block 3, Plan VIIIA) — Minimum Required Rear Yard - Variance (R-1A District) DP069/2015 — Comprehensive Site Plan — Side-by-Side Duplexes w/ Variance to Minimum Required Rear Yard & Two Show Homes, 7800-94 Street (Lot 2, Block 1, Plan 042 1911) — Discretionary Use —Show Homes [R-2 District]. For further information or to arrange for an appointment to view the above development permit(s) or plans, please contact the Planning & Development Department at 780-939-7847 or visit www.morinville.ca/planningnews. Persons wishing to appeal the above noted decision(s) of Morinville’s Development Authority must do so by filing a “NOTICE OF APPEAL,” along with payment of $200 non-refundable fee to the Subdivision and Development Appeal Board, NO LATER THAN AUGUST 12, 2015. Appeals can be filed with the Secretary of the Subdivision and Development Appeal Board by calling 780-939-4361. • Environmental responsibility and beautification • Floral displays • Tidiness • Heritage conservation Judges will be visiting August 12, 2015, so let’s keep Morinville green and tidy! For more information, please contact Donald Fairweather at 780-939-7860 or via email at dfairweather@morinville.ca Civic Hall: 10125 - 100 Avenue, Phone: 780-939-4361 Fax: 780-939-5633 www.morinville.ca MorinvilleNews.com | July 29, 2015 | Page 9 Food, Home & Health Pages Eight New Burgers Onion, Bacon, And Cheddar Burger, Steak Spice Burger, Poutine Burger, Jalapeño and Cheddar, Ground Chuck, Humane Chuck, Turkey, Pork You Can Get Your Propane Here $21.99 with exchange $55.99 without exchange Nature Kids looking for fellow tree huggers by Stephen Dafoe For the second year in a row, the Nature Kids Club are embracing their love of all things natural and the fact some people refer to people like them as tree huggers. The group’s Tree Hugger Photo contest opened recently, and they are looking for more photo submissions before the contest closes Aug. 31. Entering is simple — just take a photo of yourself or your family hugging your favourite tree, and submit it to the group by email at morinvilleync@gmail.com or via their Facebook page. Photos will be posted on the group’s page, and the number of likes will whittle the entries down to five, which will be judged by group members to determine winners. “The purpose of the Tree Hugging Contest is to get families outside enjoying nature,” said Nature Kids organizer Leanne Boissonnault. “It’s getting in touch with nature. With the Hug A Tree Contest, we are trying to find a unique tree, so when they are out in a park, they are more aware of the trees around them.” Boissonnault said there were prizes from Home Hardware, RV City, Sal’s Famous, the Town of Morinville and Country Floral Magic. The club has received seven entries to date. They would like to surpass the two dozen entries the contest received last year. Although the deadline is Aug. 31, Boissonnault said it is important to enter early as Aug. 31 is also the last day people can vote for photos by liking them. Skylar Boissonnault, a club member for the past two years, said the contest is fun, and she hopes people will take part. “It gets you out into nature, and not on devices like TV and games and things that aren’t nature,” she said. Golden Szechuan Buffet 10603 - 100 Ave. Morinville (Beside Shell) Business Hours Mon. - Sat. 11 am - 11 pm Sun. & Holidays 12 pm - 11 pm 10% OFF Paid By Cash 5% OFF Paid By Debit or Credit On Pick-Up Order Over $38 Before Tax Page 10 | July 29, 2015 FREE DELIVERY Over $38 Before Tax AREA RESTRICTED MorinvilleNews.com Electronic monitoring good idea, Little Warriors Founder says by Colin Smith Bringing comfort to your home. Bringing For the peace of mind that comes with quiet, dependable warmth and energy efficiency that can For the peace of mindyou money, discover save that comes with quiet, ® systems. Comfortmaker dependable warmth and comfort to your home. energy efficiency that can save you money, discover ® Comfortmaker systems. Air Conditioning & Heating Air Conditioning & Heating S ee wa 10 ail det rranty certificate for s. ee Timely registration required. See warrantywcertificate arra for details and restrictions. nty ail s. “Should people who rape and molest our kids be walking around free on the streets after just a few months?” S “An incident like this cannot happen again and I am hopeful that this case will be reviewed, and Little Warriors founder Glori Meldrum thinks we can strengthen our justice system to actually a Wildrose MLA’s call for increased monitoring of put the safety of Albertans above the comforts of sex offenders makes a lot of sense. sex offenders.” Wildrose Shadow Justice Minister Scott Cyr The situation is a “no-brainer,” according to appealed July 17 for stricter controls after a conGlori Meldrum, founder of Little Warriors, an orvicted Edmonton sex offender identified as high ganization that works for the awareness, prevenrisk by police was arrested in close proximity to tion and treatment of child sexual abuse. children. “It’s not uncommon for Seven days before Lyle things like this to happen,” Blake Larsen was discovshe said. “Of course they ered watching children should be monitored.” in a downtown wading Meldrum stated that pool on Canada Day, the sentences for sexual ofcourts had allowed him fences often are usually to remove his electronic about three to four years, monitoring bracelet. with offenders often reThe removal was leased after as little as six despite the objections of months. Edmonton police. A police “Should people who spokesman said they rape and molest our kids considered Larsen as be walking around free on being high risk for recidithe streets after just a few vism and were “extrememonths?” - Glori Meldrum, ly concerned about his While politicians are Little Warriors Founder behaviour towards young quick to condemn such kids.” He is barred from incidents, Meldrum said being near people youngshe would like to see them er than 16. “walk the talk” and get Cyr described the case as a breakdown of the something done about them. justice system. Electronic monitoring creates an electronic “There’s no way this individual should be in fence around pre-selected areas such as playsociety without proper monitoring, and it has left grounds, schools or swimming pools and alerts many Albertans vulnerable,” he said. police when an individual wearing a monitoring According to Cyr’s press release, Wildrose device crosses the threshold. policy is to expand the use of electronic monitorAccording to information published in the Eding of pedophiles and other dangerous offenders monton Sun, Larsen was released from Bowden while mandating stricter enforcement for condiInstitution in August 2013 after serving two tions of release. years and four months of a three and a half year “Keeping Albertans safe from dangerous sentence for sexual interference. pedophiles like this on our streets should be the Since then he has been in and out of jail for number one priority of government,” Cyr said. breaching his release conditions. certificate for det 10 Timely registration required. See warranty certificate for details and restrictions. © 2014 International Comfort Products © 2014 International Comfort Products Purchase a Comformaker Home System from Quinn’s Pluming and receive a FREE... Hom Purchase a Comformaker Quinn’s Pluming and recei OR Wi-Fi FocusPRO Thermostat For over 40 years! 9910 - 100 St. Morinville MorinvilleNews.com 780.939.2100 OR HW265/225 Whole-House Bypass Humidifier Tel: (780) 939-4217 780.939.4217 Plumbing & Heating Ltd. 9923-101 Street, Morinville, AB T8R 1G2 www.quinnsplumbing.com Wi-Fi FocusPRO HW265/ www.CallQuinns.com Thermostat Bypa | July 29, 2015 | For over 40 years! Plumbing & Heating Ltd. Page 11 Tel: (780 9923-101 Street, M www.quinns County couple bringing music to the park From left: Jim and Jan Baker pose with Ken Skjersven of the Morinville Food Bank Society prior to Thursday night’s cancelled concert. The event has been tentatively set for July 30 at 7 p.m. - Stephen Dafoe Photo by Stephen Dafoe The late afternoon storm that blew through Morinville Thursday cancelled the first of three Music in the Park events. Jan and Jim Baker were to bring the first of their Summer Music in the Park events to Town July 23; however, the event has been tentatively rescheduled for July 30. The event will feature singer/songwriter Jan Baker and Canadiana singer/songwriter John Spearn beneath the clock tower for 90 minutes of music. In addition to providing an evening of summer entertainment, the free concerts are in aid of the Morinville Food Bank Society. Although Jan Baker has been singing professionally since the age of 16, it was about 10 years ago that Jim and Jan began working on music together. Putting their family first, the couple now fit the music in where they can, including the series of three concerts they have planned for the park this summer. “I’ve had this idea for music in the park ever since Jan and I played music in the park for the Lions Club in Cam- rose a few years ago,” Jim Baker said. “It was a wonderful event. I’ve had a bug in my bonnet ever since.” The Bakers tossed the idea around for a few years and were recently able to secure the space from the St. Jean Baptiste Church Parish. The summer’s performers were willing to volunteer their time for the idea. “The easiest way for the community to add something is to bring an item for the food bank,” Baker said. “The timing is perfect for that. We’ve been listening on the radio all week that the food banks are in dire straits.” The couple has two more events planned, one on Aug. 6 and one on Aug. 20, both running from 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. in the park. The first will feature Edmonton songwriter Rob Heath and Bill Wortman, owner/operator of the Northern Lights Folk Club. The Aug. 20 event will feature performers Jessica Heine, Laura Bachynski, Mary Kieftenbeld, and Tim Chesterton. All concerts are free, but attendees are asked to bring a non-perishable food item for the Morinville Food Bank For more information visit MorinvilleSummerMusic.ca. Turn those broken chains and old rings into something new. 9602 - 100 St. Morinville • 780.939.3920 • jmtinc@shaw.ca Mon. Tue Wed. Fri. 10 am - 5:30 pm Mon. Tue. Wed. Fri. 10 am10- 7a.m. - 5:30 p.m. Thur. pm Thur 10 for a.m.summer - 7 p.m. Sat. CLOSED SatWe will be closed July 27 10 a.m.3 for - 2 p.m. - Aug. holidays Page 12 | July 29, 2015 We can take any picture of what your looking for and turn it into your own unique piece of jewelry. MorinvilleNews.com - Stephen Dafoe Photos Get a head start with your off-season toys and small engines (snowmobiles, snow blowers & ice augers) before Mother Nature changes her mind! We’re located in the Morinville Industrial Park between Spiker Equipment and Technical Automotives. #2, 9802 – 90 Ave, Morinville 780-939-7262 MorinvilleNews.com www.dctransm www.dctransmissions. Edmonton magician Jeffrey Paches entertained Town of Morinville Summer Camp participants at the cultural centre Thursday afternoon. Paches mixed solid magic, audience participation and plenty of laughs into his performance. 780.939.6741 780.939. www.dctransmissions. www.dctransm 780.939 780.939.6741 TRANSMIS TRANSMISSIONS AND AUTO AND AUTO REPAIR TRANSMISSIONS TRANSMIS AND AUTO REPAIR AND AUTO A magical time Darcy Barilla Red Seal Mechanic 20 Years Experience Owner Darcy and Donna are pleased to welcome Jay Dopson & Brett Ross to the team at DC Transmissions And Auto Repair. Jay Dopson Red Seal Mechanic 24 Years Experience Formerly of J&H Auto Brett Ross Apprentice 10 Years In Tires Formerly of Integra Tire TRANSMISSIONS AND AUTO REPAIR 780.939.6741 www.dctransmissions.ca | July 29, 2015 | Page 13 Want to see your photos in print? Send them to editor@morinvillenews.com Manning their posts Town of Morinville employees Dustin Biddiscombe and Marvin Warnecke were busy installing posts for the parking area at the back of the arena July 21. - Lucie Roy Photo It was magical Six-year-old Keenen Sherk was one of a large number of children who participated in the Summer Reading Program Harry Potter craft evening June 22. The popular event was followed Friday night with a Yule Ball for families. - Stephen Dafoe Photos Ye Olde fun The difference an hour makes Publisher Stephen Dafoe snapped this photo of Thursday’s storm rolling in. Doris Jolicoeur captured the rainbow over the town an hour later. Page 14 | July 29, 2015 The Knights of the Northern Realm demonstrated the use of equipment and clothing worn in medieval times by knights before going into battle last week. The Summer Camp Series theme for the week was Knights, Princesses and Merlins. Wyatt Robertson (left) enjoyed the shield and assisting Sir Thomas of Strathcona and Squire Garrett of Sherwood Park (above). - Lucie Roy Photos MorinvilleNews.com Serge R. Froment, D.C. Doctor of Chiropractic Exceeding above and beyond your health expectations 10405 - 100 Avenue, Morinville, AB T8R 1S1 Phone: (780) 939-3885 froment@telus.net by Lucie Roy Sturgeon County held a special Council Meeting July 20 to make a Declaration of Agricultural Disaster.The Request for Decision (RFD) included the Alberta Drought Risk Management Plan for Alberta, Alberta Agriculture Moisture Update as of July 7 and the Precipitation Accumulation as of July 15. “We wanted to make this declaration to raise the concerns of the agricultural community to the province and to the federal government,” said Sturgeon County Mayor Tom Flynn. “So that if there are any programs they have that support, that our agricultural producers are recognized.” County residents having issues are asked to contact the Agricultural Services Department with their concerns. “It (the drought) has a long-term impact on [the] economics of Alberta and the region,” Flynn said. “Grasshoppers have started chewing (fields) up, so you do not know if you have anything or not. That is the problem. When it is dry like this, it can look alright and then two weeks later it is all gone. Grasshoppers, birds, but it is more awareness than anything.” Flynn said declaring the state of agricultural disaster has to do with drought and the lack of rain. “It is strange in a number of ways; first of all, it is spotty and not a general drought where everything is like the dirty thirties where everything just dried right up,” he said, adding the region has had some precipitation here and there over the summer. ” The mayor said hay and pasture lands were most impacted with hay crops being 10 to 20 per cent of normal for this time of year. ” So what can happen is that some of them may have to sell some of their livestock,” Flynn said. “Some of the fields look good, but you do not know when you get into it. Some of the crops are shorter and heads are shorter, but they do not show nearly as much. Some looks ok; it depends on where you are in the County.” Flynn also mentioned there are areas where the crops are turning white instead of golden. The mayor said farmers can insure for many things today, but some long-term effects cannot be insured. “The land gets depleted of moisture, hay land and size of the herd, what not, they take a long time to recover,” Flynn said. The last time the County declared a state of agricultural disaster was June 25, 2009. Neighbors Vitamin Shop Morinville Health Foods Custom Blinds, Shades and Shutters Competitive Prices With Superior Customer Service 780-722-9992 bdesigns@telus.net www.blinddesigns.hunterdouglas.ca Office Genie Celebrating 4 years in business ! SAVING BUSINESSES TIME & MONEY Full Cycle Bookkeeping Administrative Services Transcription REMOTE & ON-SITE SERVICES AVAILABLE Desktop Publishing Word Processing Event Planning & Support www.officegenie.org 780.720.7581 Your Local Health Food Store This Week’s Health Tip Dr. Ross Horricks Dr. Brennan Lafleur Dr. Tim Barter Over 50% of the dust in your home is dead skin cells; your epidermis sheds 30,000 cells every minute. 780.572.1011 10205 - 100 Avenue MorinvilleNews.com @NVSHealthFoods Visit Us On Facebook NeighborsVitaminShop.com Valerie Loseth Organic Gardener The Mon-Fri 10 am - 6 pm Sat 10 am - 3 pm Closed Sun & Holidays Wheelbarrow 780-668-3892 thewheelbarrowgardener@gmail.com www.thewheelbarrowgardener.com Gardener garden design and consultation indoor/outdoor container gardens maintenance services | July 29, 2015 | Page 15 Sponsored By Brent Melville Re/Max Morinville 780-699-2903 Life’s a beach Bare feet and sand united Saturday and Sunday for the first Mason Landscaping Beach Volleyball Tournament. The two-day event was put together to provide the community with another sporting event while raising funds for breast cancer research. The partnership between Masons Landscaping and the Town of Morinville drew 20 teams to two newly-made volleyball courts behind the Ray McDonald Sports Center. Total amounts raised and tournament results were not available by our press deadline. - Stephen Dafoe Photos Page 16 | July 29, 2015 MorinvilleNews.com Golf tournament to help former Morinville resident by Stephen Dafoe Ashley Ermantrout Brent Melville Janine Hurtubise Cell 780-221-0620 Cell 780-699-2903 Cell 780-983-6670 Each office independently owned and operated Proceeds from an upcoming golf tournament will help cover medical and other costs for a former Morinville resident who suffered a serious injury in December of 2014. The event takes place Aug. 29 at 2 p.m. at the Edmonton Garrison Memorial Golf Course. Tyler Phinney was taken to the hospital Dec. 31, 2014, with some back pain. After being seen and sent home, Phinney awoke the next day, got up, and collapsed. An infection in the spinal column caused him to lose the use of his legs. Emergency spinal surgery got the infection and some of the bones, and although he has come a long way over the last year in being able to lift his legs, Phinney is still unable to walk. He has every hope and confidence that he will do so again. “He’s been in the hospital seven months now,” said mother Donna Phinney, one of the organizers of the Aug. 29 fundraising tournament. “He’s 35, married, and couldn’t go back to his home in St. Albert. He had to sell his home. We purchased a house in Leduc because that was the only house we could find that would suit his wheelchair and bariatric bed. Mrs. Phinney said Tyler had just started at a new job in refrigeration when the injury occurred. As such, he has no medical benefits to assist him in his time of need. Organizers have lined up some sponsors already and are anticipating 144 golfers hitting the course in aid of Phinney. Ninety-six golfers are registered for the shotgun start event already. The cost of the tournament is $100 and includes 18 holes of golf, power cart, and a steak dinner. Edmonton Golf Club members pay $70. To register, contact Keven Phinney at 780-232-6408 or by email at phinneyke@ shaw.ca. Government looks to reduce soccer injuries by Morinville News Staff The federal government announced a $2 million investment Thursday aimed at reducing injuries in Canadian youth soccer players. The joint venture will see the Public Health Agency of Canada and FIFA investing $1 million over four years for the initiative. The financial investment will support two soccer injury prevention programs: FIFA 11+ and Movement Preparation. FIFA’s Medical Assessment and Research Centre developed the FIFA 11+ program that targets youth 14 and older, offering a series of exercises aimed at strengthening core and leg muscles. The exercises are believed to improve neuromuscular control, coordination, balance, agility and jump technique. Canadian Sport for Life developed the Movement Preparation program, a physical literacy program that uses similar exercises to the FIFA 11+, but targets soccer players aged 7 to 13. The government said the goal of both programs is to reduce injury rates among youth playing soccer while "keeping them active, healthy and injury-free, on the field and off." Both programs will be implemented in community soccer clubs across the country as early as this fall. MorinvilleNews.com 2-Storey w/Covered Deck 8911-97A St. Custom Built 2-storey 2300sqft in Notre Dame Estates. Great room w/gas fireplace, granite countertops, 4 SS Appliances. Large master, 2 junior beds, Laundry and Bonus room upstairs.Attached oversized, 23’4”x26’6” Garage. $494,900 3.1 Acres-Landscaped-SHOP 57332 RR 262 HWY 651 2200sqft beautifully maintained Bungalow. Great kitchen, attached heated garage. Heated 32x48 SHOP, plus detached garage. No gravel, paved to acreage. $599,900 Triple Oversized Garage/Tandem 74 Kingsbury Cr. 2432sqft 2-Storey in Regency Heights Estates. 4 spacious bedrooms, 4 baths. 3 low maintenance decks off the back of home. Gorgeous landscaping and lovely front porch. $729,900 Buying or selling? Let the BRENT MELVILLE TEAM of dedicated & qualified Real Estate Professionals look out for your best interests. Ready to build your Dream Home! Our mission when you hire THE RR TEAM 245is to provide outstanding service and education on every level so that every client has THE TEAM behind them to ensure a positive6.35 realAcres estate Whywith have on experience. Carbondale Road creek one agent when you can hire a team! at property line. Only 15 min to St Albert Beautiful treed property. #1 Team in Morinville for the past 10 Years Registered with Brookfield &$364,000 IRP Approved Agents! Visit www.parkbench.com for Community Information/Events. | July 29, 2015 | Page 17 Every dollar we spend has the power to influence our community. A dollar spent at a local business will turn over seven times in the community, helping our local businesses to continue to employ their staff, support other local suppliers, and support community groups and initiatives. ESPRESSO BAR Lori Shupak Andrea Eberhardt Dana Vinge 10019 - 100 Avenue Morinville 780.939.5154 Tues - Fri 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. 10019 - 100 Avenue Morinville 780.939.5154 Open Tuesday - Friday 8 am to 4 pm facebook.com/HGEspresso 780.939.5150 17-8807 100 St. Morinville HGEspresso.ca Flower Stop & Gift Shop Excellent Service 780-868-1961 Fresh Flowers Fresh Gift Ideas 9918 104 Street Morinville 9406 – 100 St. - Morinville Decorative Rock • Sand Gravel • Top Soil 780-868-1961 9406 100 Street, Bark–780-868-1961 Chips & Mulch Morinville, AB. Trees and Shrubs 9406 – 100 Street, Landscape Fabrics Morinville, AB. 780-868-1961 Firewood 9406 – 100 Street, Sidewalk Blocks and other Morinville, AB. Landscaping Products Bobcat Services Tammy Graham ph 780-203-0502 email: 4tammyg@gmail.com 780.939.3440 Free Home Evaluation 24houremergencyservice 9703A-100 Morinville, AB 1R3 T8R 1R3 9805 - 100 St,Street Morinville, AB T8R PH: PH:780-939-2001 780-939-2001 PH: 780-939-2001 FAX: 780-939-6105 FAX: 780-939-6205 780-939-6205 FAX: 9702 - 100 Street, 9702 –– 100 100 Street, Street, Morinville, Morinville, AB T8R 1G3 Morinville,AB ABT8R T8R1G3 1G3 Ph. 780-939-3994 Ph. 780-939-3994 Fax 780-459-4321 Fax 780-459-4321 Real Estate Wills & Estates Family Law Corporate Investors Services Inc., I.G.I.G. Insurance Services Inc.*Inc.* Investors Group GroupFinancial Financial Services Inc., Insurance Services ◊FurnaceRepairs&Replacement ◊ResidentialFurnace&SheetMetalInstallations ◊AirConditioningSystems ◊AirCleaners ◊Humidifiers ◊HotWaterTanks ◊WaterSofteners ◊DuctCleaning garrysheatingservices.com Page 18 | July 29, 2015 Joel – B.A., B.Ed JoelChevalier Chevalier — B.A., B.Ed Consultant Consultant 780.459.4919 joel.chevalier@investorsgroup.com joel.chevalier@investorsgroup.com *License byThe TheGreat-West Great-West Assurance Company * LicenseSponsored Sponsored by LifeLife Assurance Company Real Estate Wills & Estates Family Law Corporate www.putnamlawson.com www.putnamlawson.com MorinvilleNews.com This Weekly Puzzle Page Sponsored byJuly Linda Posting Date 27,Getzlaf 2015 Totally Renovated $94,900 MLS# E3424016 970sq.ft single wide mobile home. 2 Bdrms / 1 Bath. Renos include bathroom, flooring, cabinets, plumbing, furnace, shingles siding & more. Front drive parking pad & fenced yard. Heated Triple Car Garage $349,900 MLS# E3419160 1156sq.ft 4 Level Split. 5 Bdrms / 2.5 Baths. Vaulted ceilings, oak hardwood, ceramic tile. Huge yard w/fire pit & garden shed. Detached, heated triple car garage & RV parking. Trivia Test Answers 1. South America ; 2. Philadelphia ; 3. A long-winded and often pointless anecdote; 4. D.H. Lawrence; 5. Debussy; 6. 1921; 7. A fear of poison; 8. Harry Shearer; 9. 1943; 10. Trumpeter and singer Louis Armstrong My Listings Download a QR Reader for your smart phone, then scan the QR Code Page 22 | The Morinville News | MorinvilleNews.com MorinvilleNews.com 1. GEOGRAPHY: Drake Passage is directly south of which continent? 2. U.S. CITIES: Independence Hall is located in which city? 3. LANGUAGE: What is a shaggy dog story? 4. LITERATURE: Who wrote the novel “Lady Chatterley’s Lover”? 5. MUSIC: Who composed “Clair de Lune”? 6. U.S. PRESIDENTS: When did Franklin Roosevelt contract polio? 7. PSYCHOLOGY: What fear is represented in the condition called “iophobia”? 8. TELEVISION: Who voices the character of Mr. Burns on “The Simpsons”? 9. HISTORY: When did the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising begin? 10. ENTERTAINMENT: Which entertainer’s nickname was “Satchmo,” short for “Satchel Mouth”? ©2015 King Features Synd., Inc. Office Listings Real Estate® Each Office Independently Owned and Operated 780-690-3861 Bus: 780-939-1111 www.lindagetzlaf.com lindagetzlaf@ymail.com IRP APPROVED AGENT Registered with the Brookfield Global Relocation Services Jan. 07, 2015| Page 22 | July 29, 2015 | Page 19 Celebrate the Winter! Joel Kafka Puppetual Motion Do you have the sub-zero blues? Need something to do during the cold, snowy months? Join the library’s Winter Blues Program. Friday, July 31stAll ages 10:00 - 11:00 am welcome! Free Admission, Library Program Room during the months of January and Read for 7 hours February. (That’s less than 15 minutes per day!) and you could WIN one of six iPad Minis, or one of three $50 Chapters gift cards or many other prizes! Open craft time each week (small fee for supplies) Plus, register for the winter program Book Chat before January 31. Book Chat will be on Monday, February 23 from 6:30 - 8:00 pm Space is limited and registration is first-come, first-served, so sign up early to insure your spot! For more details call the library front desk at 780-939-3292. Scrap that Card! Cozy Corner Stories Thursday, August 6th 6:30 pm Thursday, July 30th 6:30 pm Morinville Community Library Hours of Operation Monday - Thursday 10 am - 8 pm Friday 10 am - 6 pm Saturday 10 am - 4 pm Sunday 12 pm - 4 pm Closed Holidays Morinville Community Library 10125 - 100 Avenue Morinville, Alberta T8R 1P8 Hours of Operation Phone: 780-939-3292 FAX: 780-939-2757 Monday - Thursday 10 am - 8 pm EMAIL: info@morinvillelibrary.ca Friday 10 am - 6 pm WEBSITE: www.morinvillelibrary.ca Saturday 10 am - 4 pm Sunday 12 pm - 4 pm Closed Holidays Page 20 10125 - 100 Avenue | July 29, 2015 Morinville, Alberta T8R 1P8 Phone: 780-939-3292 FAX: 780-939-2757 EMAIL: info@morinvillelibrary.ca WEBSITE: www.morinvillelibrary.ca MorinvilleNews.com
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