New public school one step closer
New public school one step closer
9 Days Until Canada Day in SJB Park Vol. 6 — Issue 25 | Your Community — Your Community News — New public school one step closer Council passes First Reading on bylaws for new location for public middle school by Tristan Turner Morinville News Correspondent plumbing - heating - air conditioning For the peace of mind comfort that tocomes with quiet, dependable warmth and energy efficiency that can your home. For the peace of mindyou money, discover save that comes with quiet, ® systems. Comfortmaker dependable warmth and energy efficiency that can save you money, discover ® Air Conditioning & Heating Comfortmaker systems. Air Conditioning & Heating ... Continued on Page 6 10 ee Timely registration required. See warrantywcertificate arra for details and restrictions. nty S Following months of uncertainty, Morinville Public School parents could now have a middle school site in town satisfying to the school board and the Town. The new public middle school is to be located in a residential area, with claimed adequate access to parking and growth for the school. The new site is at the south-east corner of town, between East Boundary Road and Grandin Drive. The area of town, Grandin Heights, will see a major development of residential properties in the indeterminate future. Council unanimously passed First Reading of a slate of bylaws which allows for the changes to the Grandin Heights ASP that would allow the project to move forward. Bringing comfort to your home. Bringing S ee wa ail det rranty certificate for ail s. ISSN 2291-2738 s. June 22, 2016 certificate for det 10 Timely registration required. See warranty certificate for details and restrictions. © 2014 International Comfort Products © 2014 International Comfort Products Purchase a Comformaker Home System from Quinn’s Pluming and receive a FREE... Hom Purchase a Comformaker Quinn’s Pluming and receiv OR Wi-Fi FocusPRO Thermostat For over 40 years! OR HW265/225 Whole-House Bypass Humidifier Tel: (780) 939-4217 780.939.4217 Plumbing & Heating Ltd. 9923-101 Street, Morinville, AB T8R 1G2 Wi-Fi FocusPRO HW265/2 Thermostat Bypa For over 40 years! Plumbing & Heating Ltd. Tel: (780 9923-101 Street, Mo www.quinns Lessons Instruments Recording DJ & Live Performing Daylight shavings time Kylee Houle shaves Morinville Public School Pincipal Wayne Rufiange’s head with help from mom Lisa and sister Tristen. See story and photos Page 2. Daily Special 2-5 PM Free Coffee When You Buy A Piece Of Pie - Stephen Dafoe Photo Linda Getzlaf Getz You Moving! Real Estate® Each Ofce Independently Owned and Operated 780-690-3861 Bus: 780-939-1111 Call and ask for me personally for your free home evaluation IRP APPROVED AGENT June 22, 2016 | Page 1 brought to you by MPS students rally around fellow student with cancer by Stephen Dafoe How do you get cancer? Can you catch cancer from someone who has it? What colour is a lymph node when you take it out after a biopsy. Such were the questions asked of and patiently answered by Dianne Tuterra, Child Life Specialist with Kids with Cancer. Tuterra spoke to Morinville Public School students Friday morning about what fellow student Kylee Houle and her family have been going through over the past few months. Houle, a six-year-old Grade 1 student, was diagnosed with Anaplastic Large Cell NonHodgkin’s Lymphoma in April. The school and school community have been supportive of Houle and her family since the diagnosis. Friday’s gathering was not only an opportunity for children and teachers to become educated about Kylee Houle’s illness; it was an opportunity for 45 students, teachers, and community members to shave their heads to show the first grader she was not alone. The Houle family also had the opportunity to express publicly their appreciation for everything the school and school community have done. That support included students holding a cookie sale, a book sale, and even two boys dressing as Darth Vader and Luke Skywalker and standing on the sidewalk posing with people for photos in exchange for a donation. Though the family do not need the monies raised, the funds will help others — half going back to student initiatives at MPS and half going to fill the treasure box at the Stollery Children’s Hospital, a portal of gift items children can draw from after having their chemotherapy treatments. “I can’t even put it into words to thank you,” Kylee’s mother, Lisa Houle, said during Friday’s assembly. “It’s completely overwhelming, and I can’t thank you enough. It is important for you all to understand the impact that you have made in our lives. You have changed somebody’s world. You need to understand that.” A world turned upside down This past St. Patrick’s Day as Kylee Houle was getting into bed for the night; she told her mom and dad that she had a lump on her neck. The parents assumed it could be lymph nodes as their daughter had been sick with a cold. The next day the Houles called the paediatrician and were advised it might be from the cold. They were told to bring her in if it did not decrease. A week later it had grown, so the Houles took their daughter for blood work, a chest x-ray, and an ultrasound. “The bloodwork came back kind of wonky, but they said, ‘You’re sick. It could be normal,’” Lisa Houle said, adding the chest x-ray was normal, but the ultrasound came back inconclusive. “That afternoon the paediatrician called and said it is cancer until it is proven otherwise.” Kylee was referred to a surgeon and the paediatrician offered to draft a letter to an oncologist. “We were like — this can’t be. She’s not sick. You’ve got it wrong,” Lisa Houle said of the family’s initial reaction. The family took the referral letter immediately to the oncologist. Houle said the paediatric surgeon admitted Kylee immediately. “He said she needs to be in tonight,” Lisa Houle said. “A week later she was in having a biopsy done.” Houle said her research showed that this type of cancer was 70 to 90 per cent advanced by the time things got to the point they were at. Add to that, a bit of wheezing from the previous cold, and the Houles feared cancer had spread to her lungs. But such was not the case. “The PET [positron emission tomography] scan showed it was localized in her neck,” said father Andre Houle. “There was one spot in her abdomen they were worried about so they had us go back for another ultrasound. It was just leftover dye.” The sit-down consultation revealed that Kylee had Anaplastic Large Cell Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. “I would consider we are one of the luckiest people in the world because it is Stage One Localized,” Lisa Houle said. “We managed to get in to see a paediatrician who didn’t wait.” The cancer is rare — accounting for 10 to 15 per cent of Lymphomas, and the Houles were told their daughter has an 88 per cent chance of an event-free survival. The Houles remain thankful for that information and for the constant support from the students and parents of Kylee’s school — students who have raised funds and visited their daughter in the hospital, and the parents who have driven their children there and made meals for the Houles while they take Kylee for treatments. “It’s amazing how people come together,” Lisa Houle said, adding she hoped to one day find a way to tell those outside the community what an amazing community Morinville is. Above from left: The Houle family gather at the assembly. Kolten Stepanick has his head shaved. Ethan Post checks his new look out in the mirror. -Stephen Dafoe Photos Please contact us at CAREERS@CHAMPIONPETFOODS.COM Page 2 | June 22, 2016 Lions pass the gavel Right: Induction of new members with Lion Francis Fryters sponsor for Chris Thompson, District Governor Elect Ron Wackenhut, new member Maigen Butler and sponsor Deborah Robillard listening as Marty Robillard read the Lions Code of Ethics, followed by the reading of Voice of the Lions Pin and Lions International Purposes. – Lucie Roy Photo by Lucie Roy Morinville News Correspondent The Morinville Lions Club held their year-end barbecue, awards presentations, Installation of Officers Ceremony and Induction of new members June 13. The 2017 Board of Directors to serve during the 100th Anniversary celebrations of the Lions Club International is President Deborah Robillard, Vice President Dustin Greenwood, Secretary/ Treasurer Tina Gougeon, and Director Korien Sampson. The gavel was passed from outgoing President Francis Fryters to Robillard by District Governor Elect (DGE) Lion Ron Wackenhut during the Installation of Officers. Robillard said for her term of office the projects for the Lions Club would remain as fundraising and also looking for grants so that the Club can purchase a building to share with the Midstream Support Society. “There are lots of projects on the go for next year and [we’re] looking at different ways to do some type of fundraising, whether raffle of some kind with a couple of nice large ticket items we can raffle off,” Robillard said. The club’s year will include some major and June 22, 23, 24, 27, 28 Smith Music Student Concerts Join Smith Music students for five nights of live shows in aid of the Morinville Food Bank Society. Shows run nightly at 7 p.m. with doors opening at 6:30 p.m. Admission is a food item. minor initiatives, including the annual Purina Walk for Dog Guides, Christmas in June Toy Run, Citizen of the Year, and Lions’ Golf Tournament to raise money for Camp He Ho Ha and the Breast Cancer Institute. Additional initiatives include the Lions’ meat draws, Lions Mint sales, eyeglass and can tab collections, Vesey Fundraising with Bulbs and Seeds Program. As has been the case in the past, Robillard will have the Lions out in the community through the club’s Breakfast with Santa, Project Pride flag distribution, Peace Poster Contest, MCHS HOWLS lunch program, and blood donor clinics. The Lions will also run the annual children’s tractor pull at the St. Jean Baptiste Festival in conjunction with J. M. Turner Goldsmith. The June 13 Induction Ceremony, a symbolic beginning to a member’s service as a Lion, was performed by District Governor Elect (DGE) Lion Ron Wackenhut for new members Chris Thompson and Maigen Butler. Saturday, June 25, SJB Festival Parade Show your community spirit and be a part of the St. Jean Baptiste Parade on Saturday, June 25 in Morinville. All community groups and businesses are welcome. Email for more information. Friday, July 1, Canada Day in the park Join the Morinville Historical and Cultural Society, and your community in St. Jean Baptiste Park for the Annual Canada Day celebration. See Page 9 for full details on times of events. Come celebrate your nation’s 149th birthday with your neighbours. Want to see your event in our Community Calen Send your not-for-profit Community Event listing to: Two weeks prior to our Wednesday publication date. Listings will be placed based on avialable space. “You have joined the world’s largest and most active service club organization, a group of approximately 1.3 million men and women in countries and geographical areas around the globe, who are dedicated to making a difference,” Wackenhut told new members. “Through your membership, you will help our club reach out to people in need in our community and throughout the world.” Presentation of a special Certificate of Centennial Membership and commemorative anniversary membership pin followed the ceremony. Deborah Robillard received the Morinville Lions of the Year Award. Certificates of Appreciation, attendance awards and pins recognizing the Secretary /Treasurer Tina Gougeon, Tail-Twister Lucien Beaupre, 1st Vice Dustin Greenwood, Donna and Lawrence Giffin, Marty Robillard, Sarenah Fergusson and Past President Francis Fryters and incoming President Deborah Robillard were also presented. Register at the library front desk! Monaville Lisa Painting Class Monday, June 27th 6 - 8 pm Cozy Corner Stories Thursday, June 23rd 10:30 am Mom & Me Craft Time Thursday, June 23rd 11:00 am Between the Covers Book Club Wednesday, June 22nd 7:00 pm Minecraft Club Monday, June 27th 3:30 & 5:30 pm Morinville Community Library Hours of Operation Tuesday-Thursday 10 am - 8 pm Friday 10 am - 6 pm Saturday 10 am - 4 pm Sunday 12 pm - 4 pm Closed Mondays & Holidays Morinville Community Library 10125 - 100 Avenue Hours of Operation Morinville, AB. T8R 1P8 Phone: 780-939-3292 FAX:- 8 780-939-2757 Tuesday - Thursday 10 am pm eMail: Friday 10 am - 6 pm Website: Saturday 10 am - 4 pm Sunday 12 pm - 4 pm Community Events Brought To You By Closed Monday & Holidays 10125 - 100 Avenue Morinville, Alberta T8R 1P8 Phone: 780-939-3292 FAX: 780-939-2757 EMAIL: WEBSITE: June 22, 2016 | Page 3 /MorinvilleNews @MorinvilleNews National Column: Canada’s patchy history with LGBTQ rights by Chantal Hébert Mere hours after the Orlando mass shooting it was already clear that its political fallout in the United States would be both divisive and significant. The tragedy is inflaming an already polarized presidential contest. It may yet turn out to be a watershed moment in the campaign. The echo effect of this tremor, if any, on the Canadian political landscape will be mild. It is not that Canada is immune from hate crimes or from terrorism. Parliament Hill was the scene of a shooting less than two years ago. An Orlando-style tragedy could happen here. In fact, it did. I am writing this column in the city that was the site, 26 years ago, of a shooting that cost 14 young women their lives at Montreal’s Polytechnique. Like the patrons of the Orlando gay club, they too had not been chosen at random. Haters did not start to turn into killers with the advent of Daesh terrorism. Nor are Daesh (also known as ISIS or ISIL) the first propagandists to glorify unspeakable acts of violence or to use them for their own benefit. But while the Orlando episode has struck a multitude of politically raw nerves in the U.S., it has mostly highlighted the fundamentally consensual nature of Canadian politics. Take the issue of gay rights. Almost two dozen American states are currently attempting to pass legislation to restrict them. Parsing through presidential hopeful Donald Trump’s early comments on the Orlando mass shootings, one would be hard-pressed to find more than a passing acknowledgement of the fact that the victims of this weekend’s massacre were members of the LGBTQ community. Just last month in this country, Canada’s Conservatives voted by a margin of two to one to strike the heterosexual definition of marriage from their policy book. The would-be and declared candidates for Stephen Harper’s succession all came out in support of accepting – if only implicitly – the decade-old marriage rights of same-sex couples. South of the border, a similar move by the Republican Party would be seen as a hugely bold step. In Canada, it was considered an overdue move. The federal Conservative party may have been the last mainstream political organization to jettison the notion that access to marriage should be restricted to heterosexual couples. The current consensus on gay rights in Canada did not emerge overnight, nor did it come easily. When former prime minister Jean Chretien set out to ban discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation in 1996, a pitched battle ensued in the House of Commons. So divided were his own MPs that Chretien had to allow a free vote to avoid a rebellion of the social conservatives within his caucus. In hindsight, it is hard to believe that 53 MPs voted against protecting Canada’s LGBTQ community from discrimination or that about the same number believed the risks to freedom of speech offset the need to protect gay Canadians – as a group – from hate speech. At second reading of the bill, more than one Reform MP brought forth a riding poll to illustrate how overwhelmingly voters opposed the legislation. There were dire warnings that Chretien’s move would eventually lead to granting marriage rights to same-sex couples with attending damage to the institution. (A majority in the House subsequently voted to affirm the man-woman definition of marriage. That stance was only overturned after the courts found it to breach the charter of rights and freedoms.) No one in 1996 imagined that the issue of gay rights would one day soon come up in the context of a global war against Islamic fanatics. As it happens, the steps taken over the past two decades in Canada are making for a sturdier social fabric today. In the U.S., Trump has been using the Orlando shooting to bolster his anti-Muslim, anti-immigration rhetoric. In Canada, in the wake of the Orlando shootings on Sunday, Don Valley West Liberal MP Rob Oliphant tweeted: “Needs to be shared: I am an openly gay MP elected by the News Room: 780-800-3619 Marketing & publish ng Your Front Line In Getting The Word Out Page 4 INC. | June 22, 2016 Advertising Sales: 780-800-3619 Letters Policy largest Muslim community in Canada.” By coincidence, two reports urging Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to issue an official apology for the discrimination long endured by Canada’s LGBTQ community have just landed on the government’s desk. PostOrlando, it may be hard to ignore those calls. Chantal Hébert is a national affairs writer. Her column appears Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Copyright 2016 – Torstar Syndication Services Open house The annual Sturgeon County Open House was held Thursday at the County Centre parking lot. The event had a free BBQ, ice cream, bouncy castle, slide, face painting and displays from the various County departments. Also offering displays were Sturgeon Rural Crime Watch, STARS, RCMP, County Peace Officers, members of the fire department and North Central Amateur Radio Club. The event was an opportunity to speak with mayor and councillors or any department staff member. • Morinville News welcomes Letters to the Editor for publication. • Letters must contain a name and a phone number or email address to verify writers identity. • Morinville News reserves the right to edit letters for legal considerations, taste and brevity. - Lucie Roy Photo Morinville News Phone: 780-800-3619 Email: 10021 — 100 Avenue, Morinville Sales Dept Calls: Tues-Sat 9-5 News Room Calls: Tues-Sat 9-5* *We monitor calls evenings, weekends and holidays for breaking news stories The letters appearing in this publication have been edited for length and other considerations. Please try to keep letters under 500 words to ensure your Letter to the Editor appears as close to its original form as possible. Email or phone us with your stories. Neighbors Vitamin Shop Morinville Health Foods Your Local Health Food Store This Week’s Health Tip Dandelions can help the liver in many ways. While the antioxidants like vitamin-C and Luteolin keep the liver functioning in optimal gear and protect it from aging, other compounds in dandelions may help treat hemorrhaging in the liver. 780.572.1011 10205 - 100 Avenue @NVSHealthFoods Visit Us On Facebook Mon-Fri 10 am - 6 pm Sat 10 am - 3 pm Closed Sun & Holidays Sobeys Recipe Peanut Butter & Sriracha Burger An exceptional volunteer Chocolate-Avocado Brownies The Fred Scharmann Award is presented annually to a Sturgeon Rural Crime Watch Association (SRCWA) volunteer who has made outstanding contributions towards making our communities safer through the promotion and support of SRCWA. At the June 1 meeting the Award was presented to Greg Harrison in appreciation of his efforts at creating and maintaining SRCWA’s website at www.sturgeonruralcrimewatch. org. Presenting the award to Greg's (left) is Fred Scharmann’s grandson Tyler, with Sheila Scharmann and her sons Adam (blue shirt) and Craig. ¼ cup (60 mL) Sensations by Compliments Spirited Mickie Seriously Sriracha BBQ Sauce ¼ cup (60 mL) smooth peanut butter 4 (5 oz/150 g each) Canadian Chuck Burgers - Francoise Meunier Photo 4 Compliments Balance Multi Whole Grain In The Thin Buns Rotarian Noreen Radford presented the library with a cheque on behalf of the Rotary Club of Morinville for $1300. The monies will support the Library’s Summer Reading Program. - Submitted Photo 1 cup (250 mL) coarsely grated carrot ¼ cup (60 mL) fresh cilantro leaves 2 green onions, thinly sliced Directions Donnie Boutilier sent in this great photo of a duck and her ducklings out for an afternoon stroll. 1/ In small bowl, blend sriracha barbecue sauce with peanut butter. Set aside. 2/ On barbecue preheated to medium-high, grill burger patties 5 to 6 min. per side, or until cooked through and internal temperature reaches 160°F (71°C). 3/ Split the buns. Place burger patties on bottom halves of buns. Top with reserved sauce, carrot, cilantro and green onion. Cap with top buns. 100s of Air Miles Points Available Each Week From Our In Store Specials June 22, 2016 | Page 5 780.939 TRANSMISSIONS AND AUTO REPAIR 780.939.6741 780.939.6741 780.939.6741 TRANSMISSIONS AND AUTO REPAIR AND AUTO REPAIR TRANSMISSIONS AND AUTO REPAIR TRANSMISSIONS AND AUTO REPAIR AND AUTO REPAIR TRANSMISSIONS 780.939.6741 780.939.6741 780.939.6741 TRANSMISSIONS AND AUTO REPAIR 780.939.6741 AND AUTO REPAIR 780.939.6741 780.939.6741 TRANSMISSIONS TRANSMISSIONS TRANSMISSIONS AND AUTO REPAIR 780.939.6741 780.939.6741 780.939.6741 780.939.6741 AND AUTO REPAIR AND AUTO REPAIR AND REPAIR AND AUTO REPAIR 780.939.6741 780.939.6741 TRANSMISSIONS AND AUTO REPAIR 780.939.6741 TRANSMISSIONS 780.939.6741 TRANSMISSIONS TRANSMISSIONS TRANSMISSIONS AND AUTO REPAIR 780.939.6741 780.939 AND AUTO REPAIR TRANSMISSIONS AND AUTO REPAIR 780.939.6741 780.939.6741 TRANSMISSIONS AND AUTO REPAIR TRANSMISSIONS AND AUTO REPAIR 780.939.6741 780.939.6741 TRANSMISSIONS TRANSMISSIONS 780.939.6741 TRANSMISSIONS AND AUTO REPAIR Following months of uncertainty, Morinville Public School parents could now have a middle school site in town satisfying to the school board and the Town. The new public middle school is to be located in a residential area, with claimed adequate access to parking and growth for the school. The new site is at the south-east corner of town, between East Boundary Road and Grandin Drive. The area of town, Grandin Heights, will see a major development of residential properties in the indeterminate future. Council unanimously passed First Reading of a slate of bylaws which allows for the changes to the Grandin Heights ASP that would allow the project to move forward. The issue of a new location for Morinville’s public school’s district has been a contentious one. The beginning of 2016 saw blame being thrown between the Town, the school board and the province for what had been identified as an inadequate school site behind the current arena, leading to delays in the project. Sturgeon School Division at the time sent a frustrated letter home with Morinville Public School parents blaming the Town and Province for the botched project. Now, they seemed to have buried the hatchet. Two trustees, and the Superintendent Dr. Michèle Dick of the Sturgeon School Division were present at the meeting, beaming while Mayor Holmes made the public announcement. They noted their satisfaction and support of the project. Mayor Holmes also hoped to forget old wounds, thanking the Province and the School Board for their work and approval of the project Continued from Page 1 TRANSMISSIONS AND AUTO REPAIR School site This is a huge step forward, but it’s taken months of work.” The location was made possible by the donation of land by the landowner and developer TAG Developments, with EDS Environmental Design employee Dr. John Buchko being responsible for working with the Town to negotiate these changes to their Area Structure Plan. Buchko said the decision wasn’t all charity, and that the school site would increase surrounding land value, but also admitted that the landowners wanted to do their part to contribute. “I think that the development industry understands that it is in everyone’s best interest to do good gestures like providing school sites,” Buchko said. “Also, it has some market value, with the school there it is attractive to many home buyers, but at the same time, I feel that the development industry as a whole just likes TRANSMIS working with communities to help with their needs.” AND AUTO Buchko also commented that there would TRANSMISSIONS not be a problem of getting adequate servicing AND AUTO REPAIR so the school could be built before the rest of changes. the development, as it is already adjacent to ”We are appreciative of the fact that the www.dctransm currently serviced lots. Government of Alberta and the Sturgeon School Dick personally thanked Bushko for working Division and their board have been open to us with the developer to contribute the land to the having dialogue and conversations about this as project. “It sounds as though you have done a well.” great deal of work on this project and we are Mayor Holmes also congratulated Town very appreciative,” Dick said. Administration for their work on the project. As for when the school will be completed, “This has been something that our Director that’s a matter for Alberta Infrastructure and of Planning and Economic Development [Greg Alberta Education to work out. Mayor Holmes Hoffman], and our CAO [Andy Isbister] have said she hoped that there would be more updates been working on [for a while],” Holmes said. TRANSMIS to timelines on the project ahead of Second and “We had our very first meeting with TAG AND AUTO Third Reading, Developments in February, with the two of A public hearing for the bylaw will be held at TRANSMISSIONS them and myself to… ask the developers in the Council’s last meeting before summer recess community to redoing their area structure plans AND AUTO REPAIR on June 28. This will be ahead of Second and looking at additional school site opportunities, www.dctransm potentially Third Reading. since the very beginning of the announcement. Flower Stop & Gift Shop TRANSMISSIONS AND AUTO REPAIR Excellent Service 780.939.6741 Fresh Flowers Fresh Gift Ideas 9918 104 Street Morinville 780.939.3440 Investors Services Inc., I.G.I.G. Insurance Services Inc.*Inc.* Investors Group GroupFinancial Financial Services Inc., Insurance Services Joel – B.A., B.Ed JoelChevalier Chevalier — B.A., B.Ed Consultant Consultant 9703A-100 Morinville, AB 1R3 T8R 1R3 9805 - 100 St,Street Morinville, AB T8R Ph. 780-939-3994 Ph. 780-939-3994 Fax 780-459-4321 Fax 780-459-4321 9910 - 100 St. Morinville *License byThe TheGreat-West Great-West Assurance Company * LicenseSponsored Sponsored by LifeLife Assurance Company 780.939.2100 GLENN VAN DIJKEN, MLA Barrhead-Morinville-Westlock PH: PH:780-939-2001 780-939-2001 PH: 780-939-2001 FAX: 780-939-6105 FAX: 780-939-6205 780-939-6205 FAX: 9702 - 100 Street, 9702 –– 100 100 Street, Street, Morinville, Morinville, AB T8R 1G3 Morinville,AB ABT8R T8R1G3 1G3 Real Estate Wills & Estates Family Law Corporate Real Estate Wills & Estates Family Law Corporate 5106 50 Street Box 4250 Barrhead, Alberta T7N 1A3 780-674-3225 Page 6 | June 22, 2016 Council Briefs by Tristan Turner Morinville News Correspondent New Recreation cost share plan may have County on the hook for $250K by 2020 A new recreation cost sharing plan approved by Council during their June 14 meeting would see Sturgeon County contribute towards the long-term operating costs of Morinville recreational facilities. The plan, which is offered to communities within Sturgeon County by County Council would see a contribution of $80,420 in 2016 and move upwards each year to $247,475 by 2020. The plan was universally disliked by Council, who saw the County’s contribution to Morinville in comparison to other communities as being unreasonable. But Administration pointed out to Council the agreement with the County is a ‘take it or leave it’ deal. Within the agreement, there is a clause that prevents the Town from charging Sturgeon County residents extra for the use of Town recreation facilities. Good Neighbourhood program Council has unanimously received a report for information on a program operated by Community Services that aims to get Morinvillians to get to know one another better. The Good Neighbourhood Program is a municipal initiative that creates opportunities to hold events and to build connections within smaller neighbourhoods that the Town claims will increase community safety and happiness. Council supports extension for Northern Gateway Pipeline In a 5-1 vote, Council has decided to support a sunset clause extension for the Northern Gateway Pipeline project that would allow three more years for the project to begin in earnest. The change would increase timelines for the project from Dec. 31, 2016 until 2019. The motion before Council was to send a letter of support for the change to the National Energy Board. Council was in support of the motion to send the letter except for two members. Deputy Mayor Rob Ladouceur, who could not vote on or contribute to the debate, as he works for Enbridge. Ladouceur declared a pecuniary interest in the project. Councillor Brennan Fitzgerald voted against the motion, noting that he does not support the project and has some major concerns about its viability going forward. “It’s a little awkward to be asked my opinion on a national project like this, but I won’t be supporting the request,” he said. “We have a federal government who’s not on board with the project, and we have a municipality at the end of the line not in support of the project, and if Morinville were at the end of the line, I wouldn’t be in support of the project. I just think that if this project is going to happen, and it looks like it might, a lot of work needs to be done on the part of Northern Gateway, and we’re not seeing that yet. In terms of the benefits to Morinville, they’re not really clear exactly.” 24houremergencyservice Office Genie Celebrating 4 years in business ! SAVING BUSINESSES TIME & MONEY Full Cycle Bookkeeping Administrative Services Transcription Desktop Publishing Word Processing Event Planning & Support REMOTE & ON-SITE SERVICES AVAILABLE 780.720.7581 Lori Shupak Physical Therapist Andrea Eberhardt Physical Therapist Council moves ahead with new Subdivision Authority Bylaw Melonie Dziwenka, FCSS and Community Program Coordinator with the Town, presented the information to Council. She explained that the program would work to create community Block Party events and other community activities. ◊FurnaceRepairs&Replacement ◊ResidentialFurnace&SheetMetalInstallations ◊AirConditioningSystems ◊AirCleaners ◊Humidifiers ◊HotWaterTanks ◊WaterSofteners ◊DuctCleaning 780.459.4919 In a unanimous decision with limited debate, Council has passed Second and Third Reading of a new Subdivision Authority Bylaw. The changes in the Bylaw are intended to simplify and expedite subdivision extensions, according to Morinville’s Director of Planning and Development, Greg Hofmann, who spoke on behalf of administration in favour of the Bylaw. The Bylaw makes changes to the extension of timelines on developing properties, making the Subdivision Authority, including Hofmann, responsible for approving or disapproving extensions. Town Council is currently responsible for voting on these extensions, something that is unusual in nearby communities, according to a survey of other municipalities conducted by Hofmann. During the passing of First Reading, Councillor Gord Putnam was concerned about applicants potentially having their applications reject without the capacity to appeal to Council or another board on a final arbitration. This concern prompted Hoffman to change the Bylaw for their vote on second and third reading to include a provision that allowed the Subdivision Authority to refer these applications to Council for decision, if any serious disputes or controversy springs up. Putnam felt that the modified document satisfied his concerns, and the legislation swiftly passed Second and Third Reading. Animal Bylaw plods along In a 6-1 decision, Council has decided to pass Second Reading of the new Responsible Pet Ownership Bylaw with Councillor Dafoe opposed. The Bylaw will be coming back for Third and final Reading at Council’s final meeting before the summer recess on June 28. Price Includes: •Weekly Colour Print Advert •Your Ad Online Linked To Your Website FOR ADVERTISING INFORMATION CONTACT •Social Media The Morinville News At 780-800-3619 And Email List or email Rotation Jeff Lamarche Phone: (780)-918-6033 Dana Vinge Massage Therapist P 780-289-2261 E Amy Brochu Hot Mama & Owner Serge R. Froment, D.C. Doctor of Chiropractic Exceeding above and beyond your health expectations HotMamaHealthFitness Dr. Ross Horricks Dr. Brennan Lafleur Dr. Tim Barter @HotMamaFit MORINVILLE/STURGEON COUNTY 10405 - 100 Avenue, Morinville, AB T8R 1S1 Phone: (780) 939-3885 @hotmamafit.hq MORINVILLE/STURGEON COUNTY MORINVILLE/STURGEON COUNTY MORINVILLE/STURGEON COUNTY June 22, 2016 | Page 7 Library gets funding to stay open Mondays over summer by Tristan Turner Morinville News Correspondent Morinville Council has passed a motion to provide the library with a $4,500 one-time grant to provide support to open the library on Mondays throughout the remaining summer months. The library was forced to shut their doors Mondays after Council cut the proposed library budget increase of $103,000 by $30,000 during the previous budget process. Councillor Stephen Dafoe made the motion, offering Council three options to come up with the $4500 in cash: Make a personal donation of half of the per diems earned at the recent FCM Conference, take part in a Jail and Bail event during the upcoming SJB Festival, or have administration ‘find money’ in the existing budget. Councillor Brennan FitzGerald snarkily commented that he’d always supported the library being open seven days per week. Council unanimously supported the Townfunded option. Another unanimous motion, also offered by Councillor Dafoe, requested that Council should bring forward Sturgeon County’s “historically inadequate” funding of the Morinville Public Library to the Intermunicipal Affairs Committee. The County currently only directly supports the library at about $3,500 per year for charging the County the same membership rate as Morinville residents. The Morinville Council / County Council discussion will not likely take place until fall. Library employee Ashley Janes tries out one of the library’s new 3D pens to draw a stick figure. The technology will be part of the library’s upcoming maker space program. MUSÉE MORINVILLE MUSEUM MUSÉE MORINVILLE MUSEUM Post a letter or buy your lunch with art? you do it every day. Poster une lettre ou payer votre repas avec une œuvre d’art? Vous le faites tous les jours. WE PROUDLY PRESENT NOUS PR´ PR É ÉSENTONS SENTONS H G U O R H T 6 01 2 , 6 E N U J 6 1 0 2 , 2 2 AUGUST -5585 0) 572 8 7 ( B A , RINVILLE O M , t S 0 10-10 100 a travelling exhibition by Page 8 | June 22, 2016 U A ’ U Q S U 16 J 0 2 N I U J DU 6 16 0 2 T Û O A 22 2-5585 10010-101 80) 57 7 ( B A , LLE , MORINVI RUE UNE EXPOSITION ITInérante par Coats or Kids 780-722-9992 Westmor Terminal expands capacity cole Notre Dame students are ecting Coats for Kids until Nov. o support the Midstream SupSociety. tudents heading the project ude Hannah Ralph, Emily Chias, Alyssa Smith, Alex Kitzan and e Rolleston (right). cceptable items being collectnclude a focus on gently used ts, toques, gloves, mittens, ves, snow pants, ear muffs, boots. Other warm clothing for oor and outdoor use including g-sleeved shirts, sweaters, and mal layers are accepted for all s. he Midstream Support Society Community ner Drop-in helps members of the communiy providing gently used clothing, household ms, furniture and appliances in working condiat little cost to the shopper. They also have by Lucie Roy Morinville News Correspondent Some finishing touches were put on two new grain storage bins at Westmor Grain Terminal June 13. Manager Fred Redhead said the bins were completed about three weeks ago and have a combined capacity of 14400 tonnes or 530,000 bushels. “[It] will be nice now [to] have more storage for local producers,” Redhead said. a Supplies for Students Program, assist with the On June 13, workers were constructing the Christmas Hamper Program, hold Family catwalk and conveyor on top of the atwo new Christmas Party and Supper and operate thespout angrain storage bins, and also installing the nual to Santa Store, which allows parents in need go into the bin. Redhead said all the work to obtain gifts forcompleted their children. should be for Aug. 1 in time for - Lucie Roy Photo harvest season. Helping in the installation of the catwalk, conveyor and spout to the 100-foot tall bins were a 130-tonne crane fully extendable to 150-feet. Canada Day Celebration Fête du Canada 9910 - 100 St. Morinville 780.939.2100 24houremergencyservice ◊FurnaceRepairs&Replacement ◊ResidentialFurnace&SheetMetalInstallations ◊AirConditioningSystems ◊AirCleaners ◊Humidifiers ◊HotWaterTanks ◊WaterSofteners ◊DuctCleaning 780-868-1961 9406 – 100 St. - Morinville 780.459.4919 Decorative Rock • Sand Gravel • Top Soil 780-868-1961 9406 100 Street, Bark–780-868-1961 Chips & Mulch Morinville, AB. Shrubs Trees and 9406 – 100 Street, Landscape Fabrics Morinville, AB. 780-868-1961 Firewood 9406 – 100 Street, Sidewalk Blocks and other Morinville, AB. Landscaping Products Bobcat Services 10% STANDING DISCOUNT FOR Military, Law Enforcement Officers, and First Responders (With ID) 9510 - 100 Street - Morinville Mon-Wed: 10-6 | Thurs-Fri: 10-7 | Sat-Sun: 11-5 |November 25, 2015 | Page 7 St. Jean Baptiste Park • 101 St. & 100 Ave. • Morinville, AB Parc St-Jean-Baptiste • 101e rue & 100e avenue • Morinville, AB Please join us July 1, 2016! Venez célébrer avec nous le 1er juillet, 2016! ESPRESSO BAR • Début des festivités 12:00 -1:30 p.m. • Mayor & Council Free Hot Dog • Conseil Municipal - Lunch Hot Dog Gratuit Lunch 12:00 - 14:30 • Maquilleurs • Face Painting • Bouncy Tents/Games for Kids • Village de jeux gonflables • Live Music (Musicians playing in the park) • Musiciens dans le parc St-Jean Baptiste 12:45 p.m. 10019 - 100 Avenue Morinville 780.939.5154 Open Tuesday - Friday 8 am to 4 pm 10019 - 100 Avenue Morinville 780.939.5154 Tues - Fri 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. 12:00 (noon/midi) • Park Opens Mon-Fri. 8am to 8pm Closed weekends and holidays • Cérémonie d’ouverture • Opening Ceremonies 1:00 p.m. / 13h00 • Raising of the Flag in front of • Lever du drapeau en face du Musée Morinville Museum Musée Morinville Museum • Ô Canada (Chanté en anglais et en français) • O Canada (Sung in English and French) • Canada Day cake / ice cream / • Gâteau de la Fête du Canada watermelon Crème glacée / Melon d’eau In business for over 15 years with 25 yrs. of experience Fully insured WCB and Liability insurance Sir Wilfrid Laurier 3:00 p.m. / 15h00 • Gate Prize Giveaways • Closing Comments • Prix gratuits • Mots de clôture 10:45 p.m. / 22h45 • Canada Day Fireworks • Fête du Canada - Feux d’ artifice 7th Prime Minit er of Canada Hosted by the Morinville Historical and Cultural Society. For more information, contact Murray Knight at 780-939-3925 Organisée par la Societé Historique et Culturelle de Morinville. Pour plus d’informations, contactez Murray Knight au 780-939-3925 Funding provided by / Financé par: l rica l a n d Cul t ur sto a ie t y Musée Morinville Museum Irene Parlby Emiliy Murphy Nellie McClung Louise McKinney Henriette Muir Edw ards Professional house cleaning, residential maid service for St Albert, Morinville, North Edmonton and area. Call Renae For Your Free Quote oc Morin vi l Hi Spring cleaning, weekly & bi-weekly lS e Professional, detailed cleaning Proud of our past, celebrating the present and preparing for the future! Fiers de notre passé, célébrant le présent et se préparant pour l’avenir! The Famous Five / Les Célèbres Cinq Canadian Women’s Rights Advocates Removal of large trees as well as trimming and pruning hedges and bushes Société historique et culturelle de Morinville 780.902.6377 June 22, 2016 | Page 9 9602 - 100 Street - Morinville 780-939-3920 Custom and Computer Jewellery Design Jewellery & Gift Sales Engraving Eye Glass Repair Watch Batteries Morinville Minstrels return from a successful road tour submitted by Judy Baker The Morinville Minstrels are a senior choral group and were started in 1999 by Gene Boulet. Our current director is Dagmar Lietz with Jean Storey on the piano. Under the umbrella of the Morinville Rendez-Vous Centre, we entertain in lodges and seniors facilities in and around the local area on a weekly basis. However, once a year we take our music on the road, where we entertain in areas that get very little entertainment. This year, from June 7 to June 10, we travelled to Southern Alberta. Some spouses and friends joined the 16 choir members (out of a possible 21) on the tour. For four days, we entertained at seniors facilities in Bashaw, Stettler, Hanna, Brooks and Three Hills. We were received with great enthusiasm and enjoyed by all who attended. The highlight of our visit for the residents is the sing along. We get to singalong with them to their favourite songs. Our motto is "Singing keeps us young" and seeing the joy we are bringing to those in the homes certainly gives you a warm and joyful feeling. They all want us to come back soon. Last year's trip had us performing six times in the three days, which proved to be too much for some of our members. It was a little straining on our voices. So this year we cut it back to five performances in four days and took a day off to play tourist. While on the trip we visited Blackfoot Crossing, Tyrrell Museum, Reynolds Car Museum and attended the Rosebud Dinner Theatre, "Outside Mullingar", in Drumheller. Our group has members from Morinville, St. Albert, Bon Accord, Legal and Sturgeon County area and we, as The Morinville Minstrels, are proud to be ambassadors for the Morinville and Sturgeon County areas. Next year, on May 5, 2017, the Minstrels will be hosting the Thirty-Eighth Annual Seniors Choral Festival in Morinville. The group is currently looking for more new members, particularly some male voices. Those interested in joining the Morinville Minstrels can contact Diana Moquin at 780-939-7241 or Judy Baker at 780-222-9050. June is for Celebrating Grads and Dads! 9602 - 100 Street - Morinville 780-939-3920 Custom and Computer Jewellery Design Jewellery & Gift Sales Engraving Eye Glass Repair Watch Batteries Page 10 | June 22, 2016 Mon. Tue. Wed. Fri. 10 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. Thur 10 a.m. - 7 p.m. Sat Closed 10% Off Please keep this coupon for gifts for either your Grad or your Dad. Must Have Coupon. Expires June 17, 2016 Mon. Tu Thur Sat Venez célébrer avec nous la St-Jean-Baptiste à Morinville! Michel Lalonde et son musicien Gilles Groleau nous interprèteront entre autres leurs célèbres chansons du répertoire traditionnel français et canadien-français de GAROLOU Samedi 25 juin/ Saturday June 25 Sur la scène extérieur de l’aréna/ At the Arena Field (community stage) Présentation à 19h00 / Showtime 7PM Une présenta�on de: Show sponsors: June 22, 2016 | Page 11 #210, 506A St. Albert Trail, St. Albert, AB T8N 5Z1 INDEPENDENTLY OWNED AND OPERATED Wayne Gatza R E A LT O R ® 780-399-8912 Office: 780-939-3616 B:780-458-5595 F: 780-460-2205 Send your sports write ups and photos to for inclusion in our sports roundup Supporting the cause Above: On Friday Morinville Rotary Club members Milissa Kilian, Linda Kilian and Carol Haley were with Joanne Camarta, a third time Canadian Blind Golf Champion, and her son Steven to promote a fundraising event at Hole 4 of the Rotary Golf Tournament. For a $10 donation golfers could “Beat the Pro” and if any of the 64 golfers beat Jo their name went in a hat for a chance to win a prize. - Lucie Roy Photo Left: The Sturgeon Victim Services Golf Tournament took place June 13 at Sandpiper Golf & Country Club. From left: Sturgeon County Mayor Tom Flynn, Division 5 Councillor Pat Tighe, Division 3 Councillor Wayne Bokenfohr, and Morinville RCMP Staff Sergeant Riz Suleman. Join Us For Our Launch Party & Microchip Day 9804 90 Avenue 790-939-3133 June 24 from 2 pm - 7 pm It’s Hockey Registration Time Registration for the 2016-2017 season is now open online at Rates & Birth Year: Level BirthYear RegistrationFee Initiation Novice Atom Peewee 2010-2012 2008-2009 2006-2007 2004-2005 $325.00 $500.00 $550.00 $675.00 Bantam Midget AA Tryout 2002-2003 1999-2001 Peewee, Bantam, & Midget $725.00 $750.00 $100.00 Latefeewillbeappliedforregistrations receivedafterJune30th,2016. Page 12 | June 22, 2016 TownofMorinville TownMorinville Fall Photo Contest We are in the process of designing the Fall Community Guide and are looking for your great fall photographs that showcase Morinville. Whether you have a photo of your family walking the dog, the kids are playing in fallen leaves, or you are attending a great Morinville event, we would love to have it! Email your best FALL PICTURES to! From all of the photos received we will choose a selection to appear throughout the guide! We may also choose a winning photograph or two to appear on the cover with photo credit recognition on page two. Let’s showcase what makes this community so great! Please email your high resolution fall photos by June 30, 2016! Town Reminders Property Tax Deadline Town of Morinville Property Taxes are due on or before June 30. All current taxes unpaid as of June 30, 2016 are subject to a penalty of 15%. Any unpaid taxes outstanding at December 31, 2016 are subject to a penalty of 18%. Should you have any questions, please call 780.939.4361. ........................................................................................... Summer Road Maintenance If you notice a pothole that needs repairing, please contact Public Works to report it at 780.939.2590. Please ensure you can explain in detail the location of the concern. Please note: 100 Avenue (Highway 642) is provincial jurisdiction and serviced by Carillion Canada. Please call 1.800.390.2242 with concerns. ........................................................................................... Traffic Line & Crosswalk Painting Public Works is responsible for the line marking of all streets, curbs and Town-managed parking lots — except 100 Ave. (Hwy 642) which is maintained by Alberta Transportation. Please exercise caution when driving in areas where personnel are working. ........................................................................................... PUBLIC HEARING and provide your comments directly to Council. If you prefer to write your comments to Council, send your written comments to the Legislative Officer before 4:30 p.m. on June 27, 2016. These comments will be reviewed as part of the hearing process. You are invited to attend a Public Hearing for Bylaw Amendments and provide What Are The Bylaw Amendments your comments directly to Council. If you prefer toabout? write your comments to The purpose ofwritten proposed Bylawto8/2016 is to amend the Grandin Council, send your comments the Legislative Officer before 4:30 pm on June 27thArea , 2016. These comments will beas reviewed as part the as hearing Heights Structure Plan (ASP), it relates to ofthe yet process. undeveloped lands, to refine the Plan’s concepts/land uses, include school/park site and increase connectivity. Amendment What areathe Bylaw Amendments about? Areapurpose shown below on the left. The of proposed The purpose of proposed Bylaw 10/2016 is Bylaw 8/2016 is to the Bylaw to amend Land Use Bylaw 3/2012, Schedule The purpose ofamend proposed 10/2016 is to amend Land Use Grandin Heights Area A —ALand – Land UseDistrict District Map, redistrict Part Bylaw 3/2012, Schedule Use Map,toto redistrict Structure Plan (ASP), as it of East ½ of 34-55-25-W4M from Single Part of East 1/2 of 34-55-25-W4M from Single Detached Estate relates to the as yet Detached Estate Residential (R1-C) District Residentiallands, (R1-C)to District (UR)District District undeveloped refine and andthe the Urban Urban Reserve Reserve (UR) to the concepts/land uses,Services Private andDistrict Public Services (PS)place Districtthe and to Plan’s Private and Public (PS) and to include a school/park siteSingle and to place the remaining area of(R1-C) Single remaining area of Detached Estate Residential increase connectivity. Detached Estate Residential (R1-C) District District within the Urban Reserve (UR) District as shown below Amendment Area shown within the Urban Reserve (UR) District as on the below on right. the left. shown below on the right. Planning & Economic Development supports these proposed bylaws. Hunger Happens in the Summer Friday June 24, 2016 Free Pancake Breakfast Saturday June 25, 2016 Time: 7:30 - 9:30 a.m. (before SJB Parade) SHARE Location: In front of Town Hall (10125 - 100 Avenue) YOUR During Mayor & Councils’s annual pancake breakfast we VOICE will be accepting non-perishable food items, cleaning and personal care items, and cash donations in support of the We’re Food Listening Morinville Bank. While the pancake breakfast is free, a donation to the Food Bank is encouraged. ............................................................................................ . Public Hearing Canada Day Celebration Friday July 1, 2016 Tuesday, June 28 , 2016 th Time: at 7:30 Event pm begins at 12 p.m. Council Chambers Location: St. Jean Baptiste Park (101 St. & 100 Ave.) St. Germain Place Hosted by the Morinville Historical and Cultural Society, 10125 – 100 Avenue celebrate Canada Morinville, AlbertaDay and enjoy a free hot dog lunch by Mayor & Council, face painting and bouncy castles, Canada Day cake, fireworks and much more! For more information, call Murray at 780.939.3925. Phone ............................................................................................ . 780.939.4361 Mail / In Person Legislative Officer Town of Morinville 10125 – 100 Avenue Morinville, AB T8R 1L6 Town Council How ThisThis Affect Me? Me? HowWill Will Affect Thank you to all residents who have completed the Municipal Census online. Our door-to-door enumerating is now taking place and will run through to June 30. Enumerators will be out visiting residents Monday to Sunday to ensure every household is accounted for. Interviews will be conducted at your door and take no more than a few minutes. For more information, please visit our Census 2016 website at The Annual St. Jean Baptiste Festival is fast-approaching and this three-day family festival is anticipated to offer something for everyone. The event includes, but is not limited to: an outdoor farmers’ market, beach volleyball, pancake breakfast, parade, show & shine, combat firefighters challenge, and logger sports. For a complete listing of the scheduled events, visit ............................................................................................ . FOR A FULL LISTING OF COMMUNITY EVENTS GO TO Resident Survey Morinville Census 2016 St. Jean Baptiste Festival June 24-26, 2016 Public Hearing Call the Sports Field Hotline at 780.939.6635 for Soccer, Slowpitch and Minor Baseball field updates. The hotline will be updated daily. Have Your Say! Upcoming Town Events Time: 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. Location: Morinville Sobeys (10003-100 Street) Help replenish the Morinville Food Bank. Look for the ASP LAND USE BYLAW ASP andAND Land Use Bylaw Amendment (GrandinAMENDMENTS Heights) Morinville Community Bus! For more details or to volunteer, (GRANDIN HEIGHTS) please contact Lori at 780.939.7832 You are invited to attend a Public Hearing for Bylaw Amendments ............................................................................................ . Sports Field Hotline The Town of Morinville is currently undertaking a 2016 Resident Survey to determine satisfaction with such things as civic services, financial planning & communication. This survey is available from May 15 to June 30 online or via hard copy available at the Town Office, Community Cultural Centre or Public Library. The survey can be completed at: and should take approximately 15 minutes. Town of Morinville The proposed amendments will provide for a revised ASP for the as yet The proposed amendments will provide for a revised ASP for the undeveloped lands within Grandin Heights and a school/park site. as yet undeveloped lands within Grandin Heights and a school/ parkDo site. How I Get More Information? AHow copy ofDo the Iproposed bylawsInformation and background information may be examined Get More between the hours of 8:30 am and 4:30 pm, Monday to Friday, at the Office of A copy of the proposed bylaws and background information may the Legislative Officer at St. Germain Place, or online at be examined between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday to Friday, at the Office of the Legislative Officer at St. Germain Place, or online at Share YOUR Voice We’re listening PUBLIC HEARING Phone Mail/In Person Internet Email Tuesday, June 28, 2016 • 7:30 p.m. Council Chambers — St. Germain Place 10125 - 100 Ave. Morinville, AB 780.939.4361 Legislative Officer, Town of Morinville 10125 - 100 Ave. Morinville, AB T8R 1L6 Agenda packages for Regular Council & Committee of the Whole Meetings are posted on the Town Internet website at by 4:30 p.m. the Friday prior to the meeting date. ≡ Regular Council Meeting Email June 28, 2016 | 7:30 p.m. Council Chambers St. Germain Place 10125-100 Ave. ............................................................................ Committee of the Whole Meeting July 19, 2016 | 6:30 p.m. Council Chambers St. Germain Place 10125-100 Ave. ............................................................................ Regular Council Meeting August 30, 2016 | 7:30 p.m. Council Chambers St. Germain Place 10125-100 Ave. ............................................................................ Council Highlights — available online Council highlights provide a short, informal update on what occurred at the Council Meetings. To access the highlights, visit Civic Hall: 10125 - 100 Avenue Main: 780-939-4361 Fax: 780-939-5633 Public Works: 780-939-2590 Community Services: 780-939-7839 June 22, 2016 | Page 13 EMPLOYMENT Time... to put your people skills to profitable use. Time... At Investors Group,we are ready to help you build your own We’re Hiring! practice a professional to putasyour peopleConsultant. skills to profitable use. WeInvestors offer theGroup,we advantage At areof… ready to help you build your own Entrepreneurial environment practice as a professional Consultant. and support WeMentorship offer the advantage of… Exceptional income potential Entrepreneurial environment Regional Director ROBERT MAURIER CFP, B.Comm. #100, 7 St. Anne St St. Albert, AB Regional Director T8N 2X4 #100, 7 St. Anne St St. Albert, AB T8N 2X4 ROBERT MAURIER CFP, B.Comm. (780) 459-3343 (780) 459-4321 Regional Director ROBERT MAURIER CFP, B.Comm. #100, St. Anne St (780) 7459-3343 Time... to put us, your people to profitable use. Contact andand find out howskills we can help you build a practice Mentorship support that can bring you personal and professional rewards far Time... Exceptional income potential At Investors Group,we are ready to help you build your own beyond associated withskills a traditional job. to putthose your people to you profitable use. practice as aand professional Consultant. Contact us, find out how we can help build a practice Time... that can bring you personal and professional rewards WeInvestors offer theGroup,we advantage At areof… ready to help you build yourfar own beyond those associated with a traditional job. Information Management Technician (780) 459-4321 St. Albert, AB Regional Director ROBERT MAURIER CFP, B.Comm. T8N 2X4 #100, 7 St. Anne St to put your people skills to profitable use. ™practice Trademarks by IGM Financial Inc. and licensed to its subsidiary corporations. asowned a professional Consultant. Entrepreneurial environment This is a full-time opportunity to establish your own variable-income and self-employed Mentorship and support We offer the advantage of… business in association with Investors Group. MP1325 (09/2008-P) At Investors Group,we are ready to help you build your own St. Albert, AB Regional Director T8N Investors #100,2X4 7 St. Anne St Group Financial Services Inc. Comp #40-2016 (Permanent Part Time) Exceptional income potential ™ practice Trademarks by IGM Financial Inc. and licensed to its subsidiary corporations. Entrepreneurial environment asowned a professional Consultant. This is a full-time opportunity to establish your own variable-income and self-employed Mentorship and support Contact us, and find out how we can help you buildMP1325 a practice We offer the advantage of… business in association with Investors Group. (09/2008-P) that can bring you personal and professional rewards far Exceptional income potential Entrepreneurial environment beyond those associated with a traditional job. build a practice Mentorship Contact us, andand findsupport out how we can help you For full details visit us online at: that can bring you personal and professional rewards far Exceptional income potential beyond those associated with a traditional job. ™ Trademarks owned IGMout Financial to itsbuild subsidiary corporations. Contact us, andbyfind how Inc. we and canlicensed help you a practice This is a full-time opportunity to establish your own variable-income and self-employed that can bring you personal and professional rewards far (09/2008-P) business in association with Investors Group. MP1325 beyond those associated withInc. a traditional ™ Trademarks owned by IGM Financial and licensedjob. to its subsidiary corporations. EVENT NOTICES ROBERT MAURIER CFP, B.Comm. St. Albert, AB (780) 459-3343 (780)2X4 459-4321 T8N Investors Group Financial Services Inc. (780) 459-3343 (780) 459-4321 Time... to put your people skills to profitable Time... to put your people skills to profitable Time... Time... to put your people skills to profitable to put your people skills to profitable Time... to put your people skills to profitable (780) 459-3343 (780) 459-4321 Investors Group Financial Services Inc. This is a full-time opportunity to establish your own variable-income and self-employed business in association with Investors Group. MP1325 (09/2008-P) Investors Group Financial Services Inc. ™ Trademarks owned by IGM Financial Inc. and licensed to its subsidiary corporations. This is a full-time opportunity to establish your own variable-income and self-employed business in association with Investors Group. MP1325 (09/2008-P) Investors Group Financial Services Inc. Looking for a change? Time... We’re Growing! to put your people skills to profitable use. Are you looking for… Time... Forward your resumé to: At Investors Group,we are ready to help you build to put your people skills to profitable use. your own practice as aemployment professional Consultant. Recession proof stability At Investors Group,we are ready to help you build We offer the advantage of… Flexibility & independence your own practice asenvironment a professional Consultant. Entrepreneurial ROBERT MAURIER CFP, B.Comm. Forward your resumé to: Regional Director Time... WeMentorship offer the advantage of… and support training and support toSuperior put your people skills to profitable use. Entrepreneurial environment Exceptional income potential Time... Mentorship and support your resumé to: At Investors arehow ready help you build Contact us, Group,we andpeople find out weto can help you build use. Forward (780) 459-3343 to put your skills to profitable Exceptional income potential Become a Financial Consultant your own practice asbring a professional Consultant. a practice that can you personal and Time... Forward your resumé to: #100, 7 St. Anne St ROBERT MAURIER CFP, B.Comm. St. Albert, AB Regional Director T8N 2X4 #100, 7 St. Anne St St. Albert, AB T8N 2X4 (780) 459-3343 ROBERT MAURIER CFP, B.Comm. (780) 459-4321 At Investors Group,we are ready help you build professional rewards far beyond those associated Contact find out how we to can help you build use. We offerus, theand advantage of… to put your people skills to profitable Regional Director your own practice as a professional Consultant. with a traditional job. (780) a practice that can environment bring you personal and #100, 7459-3343 St.MAURIER Anne St CFP, B.Comm. Entrepreneurial ROBERT (780) 459-4321 Forward your resumé to: At Investors are readythose to help you build St. Albert, AB professional rewards far beyond associated We offer theGroup,we advantage of… Regional Director Mentorship and support T8N 2X4 your own practicejob. asenvironment a professional Consultant. with a traditional #100, 7 St.MAURIER Anne St CFP, B.Comm. Entrepreneurial ROBERT Exceptional income potential St. Albert, AB We offer the advantage of… Regional Director Mentorship and support ™ Trademarks owned by IGM Financial Inc. and licensed to its subsidiary corporations. T8N 2X4 Investors Group Financial Services Inc. Contact us, andopportunity findenvironment out tohow we can you build and This is a full-time establish yourhelp own variable-income #100, 7 St. Anne St Entrepreneurial Exceptional income potential self-employed business in association with Investors Group. MP1325 (09/2008-P) (780) 459-3343 a practice that can bring you personal and St. Albert, AB Mentorship support (780) 459-4321 ™ Trademarks owned by and IGM Financial Inc. and licensed to its subsidiary corporations. T8N 2X4 professional rewards fartohow beyond associated Contact us, and find out wethose can help you build Investors Group Financial Services Inc. ThisExceptional is a full-time opportunity establish your own variable-income and potential (780) 459-3343 with a traditional job. a practice that income can bring you personal and self-employed business in association with Investors Group. MP1325 (09/2008-P) professional rewards far how beyond associated Contact us, and find out wethose can help you build with a traditional job.bring you personal and a practice that can professional rewards far beyond those associated ™ Trademarks owned by IGM Financial Inc. and licensed to its subsidiary corporations. withis aa traditional job. to establish your own variable-income and This full-time opportunity self-employed business in association with Investors Group. MP1325 (09/2008-P) ™ Trademarks owned by IGM Financial Inc. and licensed to its subsidiary corporations. This is a full-time opportunity to establish your own variable-income and self-employed business in association with Investors Group. MP1325 (09/2008-P) Hiringowned 18 by Food Service Supervisors Hiring ™ Trademarks IGM Financial Inc. and licensed to its subsidiary corporations. This is a full-time opportunity to establish your own variable-income and self-employed business in association with Investors Group. MP1325 (09/2008-P) (780) 459-4321 (780) 459-3343 (780) 459-4321 Investors Group Financial Services Inc. Investors Group Financial Services Inc. 50 Food Counter Attendants Investors Group Financial Services Inc. $13.50/hr plus Benefits. $11.65/hr plus Benefits. Start ASAP. Experience 1 to 2 Years. Education Not Required Start ASAP No Education / Experience Required 20-470 St. Albert Rd., St. Albert; 800-2 Hebert Rd. St. Albert; 400-700 St. Albert Rd., St. Albert; 275 Camegle Drive., St. Albert; 8809-100 St. Morinville. Permanent, FT, PT, Shift, Weekend, Day, Night & Evening Contact for Job Description. Apply in Person or Fax: 780-401-3376 Employment Ads From $25 ONLINE & In PRINT If you find the idea of buildi attractive, then you should Ifa you find the idea of buildin professional Consultant w attractive, then you should At Investors Group,we are r abuild professional w your ownConsultant practice tod At Investors Group,we are re We the advantage of Ifbuild youoffer find the of buildin your ownidea practice toda Entrepreneurial environ attractive, then you should We offer the advantage ofc If you find the idea of buildin a professional wi MentorshipConsultant and suppor Entrepreneurial environc attractive, then you should At Investors Group,we are re Exceptional income pot If you find the idea of buildin a professional Consultant wi Mentorship and suppor build your own practice toda attractive, then you should At Investors are rec Contact us, Group,we and find out ho Exceptional income pote a professional Consultant wi We offer the of… build your ownadvantage practice toda build a practice that can br At Investors Group,we are re Entrepreneurial environ Contact us, and find out how andoffer professional rewards fa We the advantage of… build your own practice toda build a practice that can bri Mentorship and support associated with a traditiona Entrepreneurial environ and professional rewards fa We offer the advantage of… Exceptional income pote Mentorship and support associated with a traditional Entrepreneurial environ Exceptional Contact us, andincome find outpote how Mentorship and support build a practice that can brin Contact us, andincome find outpote how andExceptional professional rewards far build a practice that can brin associated traditional Contact us,with andafind out how and professional rewards far build a practice can brin associated with athat traditional and professional rewards far associated with a traditional Forward your resumé to: ROBERT MAURIER CFP, B.Comm. Forward your resumé to: Regional Director ROBERT MAURIER #100, 7 St. Anne St CFP, B.Comm. Regional St. Albert,Director AB T8N 2X4 #100, 7 St. Anne St St. Albert, your AB resumé to: Forward T8N 2X4 ROBERT MAURIER CFP, B.Comm. Forward your resumé to: Regional Director (780) 459-3343 ROBERT (780) 7459-4321 #100, St.MAURIER Anne St CFP, B.Comm. Forward your resumé to: Regional Director St. Albert, AB (780) 459-3343 ROBERT MAURIER T8N (780)2X4 459-4321 #100, 7 St. Anne St CFP, B.Comm. Regional St. Albert,Director AB Investors Gr Help us reach our goal of 200 cars ... Investors Gr ... and $5000 raised for the Jessica Martel Memorial Foundation ™ Trademarks owned by IGM Financial Inc. and licensed to its subsidiary corporations. This is a full-time opportunit T8N 2X4 #100, 7 St. Anne variable-income andSt self-employed business in association with Investors Group. St. Albert, AB ™ Trademarks owned by IGM Financial Inc. and licensed to its subsidiary corporations. This is a full-time opportunity (780) 459-3343 T8N 2X4 variable-income and self-employed business in association with Investors Group. (780) 459-4321 (780) 459-3343 (780) 459-4321 Investors Gro Investors Gro (780) 459-3343 ™ Trademarks owned by IGM Financial Inc. and licensed to its subsidiary corporations. This is a full-time opportunity (780) 459-4321 variable-income and self-employed business in association with Investors Group. Investors Gro ™ Trademarks owned by IGM Financial Inc. and licensed to its subsidiary corporations. This is a full-time opportunity variable-income and self-employed business in association with Investors Group. ™ Trademarks owned by IGM Financial Inc. and licensed to its subsidiary corporations. This is a full-time opportunity variable-income and self-employed business in association with Investors Group. ADOPT-A-PET This is the one and only, Rusty! He is estimated to be approximately 12 months old, and is a domestic shorthair. He loves to be the center of attention and loves to explore. He is also perfectly content with lounging around. He came into the clinic with a deep wound on his tail, but we fixed him right up and now he’s as good as new! He has been neutered, microchipped, tattooed, vaccinated, and dewormed. Come meet Rusty today! Give us a call at 780-939-3133, or Come and check MEOWT! 9804 90 Ave. Morinville 780-939-3133 Page 14 | June 22, 2016 Multi-media marketing solutions for your business or organization Posting Date June 20, 2016 My Listings Download a QR Reader for your smart phone, then scan the QR Code Office Listings My Listings Office Listings Download a QR Reader for your smart Real Estate® Real Estate® www.lin phone, then Each Office Independently Owned and Operated Each Office Independently Owned and Operated lindage scan the IRP APPROVED AGENT IRP APP QR Code780-690-3861 780-690-3861 Registered with the Reg Brookfield Global Relocation Services Brookfield G Bus: 780-939-1111 Bus: 780-939-1111 Page 22 | The Morinville News | Page 22 | The Morinville News | Jan. 07, 2015| Page 22 1. ANATOMY: Where are the carpal bones found in the human body? 2. GEOGRAPHY: What is the deepest lake in the United States? 3. LANGUAGE: What is another name for a sommelier? 4. ANIMAL KINGDOM: What is the chief characteristic of a palmiped’s feet? 5. MUSIC: A piece of music in the “adagio” style would be played in what manner? 6. HISTORY: What was the name of first fully functional Space Shuttle orbiter? 7. MOVIES: What was the acronym name of the artificial intelligence in the “Iron Man” and “The Avengers” movies? 8. GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What is the study of the movement of bullets? 9. U.S. GOVERMENT: Who was the first secretary of the Treasury? 10. LITERATURE: What was the title of the first James Bond novel? © 2016 King Features Synd., Inc. 1 fou 2 the 3 som 4 cha 5 sty 6 fun 7 the “Th 8 stu 9 reta 1 firs Trivia Test Answers Slowly; 6. Columbia; 7. J.A.R.V.I.S.; 8. Ballistics; 9. Alexander Hamilton; 1. Wrist; 2. Crater Lake in Oregon; 3. Wine steward; 4. Webbed, like a water fowl; 5. 10. “Casino Royale” Slowly; 6. Columbia; 7. J.A.R.V.I.S.; 8. Ballistics; 9. Alexander Hamilton; 10. “Casino Royale” Trivia Test Answers ; 2. Crater Lake in Oregon; 3. Wine steward; 4. Webbed, like a water fowl; 5. wly; 6. Columbia; 7. J.A.R.V.I.S.; 8. Ballistics; 9. Alexander Hamilton; 10. “Casino Royale” Trivia Test Answers 1. Wrist; 2. Crater Lake in Oregon; 3. Wine steward; 4. Webbed, like a water fowl; 5. Each Office Independently Owned And Operated Cardiff 4 Level Split Backs onto Greenspace Gorgeous 2 Storey in The Lakes MLS# E4017429 MLS# E4024353 MLS# E4014869 $359,900 1100sq.ft. 4 level split in Cardiff offering 4 bdrms & 2 baths. Updates include newer flooring, furnace, shingles, R40 insulation in attic, vinyl windows & garage doors. Huge park like backyard with no neighbors behind you. Central air for those warm summer nights. Low Taxes! $379,900 $399,900 Very well maintained 1230sq.ft. fully finished Bi-level backing Large 1905sq.ft. home offering open concept main floor, on to greenspace. Home boasts 4 bdrms, 3 baths, vaulted 3 bdrms, 2.5 baths & spacious bonus room. Home offers ceilings, large windows, private master bdrm above garage, hardwood floors, gleaming granite, vaulted ceilings, eat in kitchen, excellently laid out basement w/9ft ceilings, ceramic tile, warm color tones & dark oak kitchen soundproofing throughout and roughed in plumbing/ cabinets. In floor heating in the 4pc ensuite featuring electrical for bar in the huge family room. Beautifully corner Jacuzzi tub & stand alone shower. Beautiful curb landscaped and fenced backyard. Home is a perfect 10! appeal & situated on a corner lot. . IRP APPROVED AGENT Registered With The Brookfield Global Relocation Service June 22, 2016 | Page 15 Our Commu nity, Our Heritage , Our Pride. Ju ne 2 t 4 h, 25 th FRIDAY GATED ADMISSION $5.00 (with wristband) for the weekend and children 5 and under are free. Friday Wristbands - available at MCCC Saturday & Sunday Wristbands - available at gates THANK YOU to our sponsors and supporters SILVER The Canadian Heritage Grant June 21 - 23, 2013 BRONZE FRIENDS STIHL · Kelly’s Deli & Bakery · Sturgeon County Morinville Physical Therapy & Sports Injury Clinic Servus Credit Union · Party King SUPPORTERS Canlog · Rendez Vous Center · Capture & Design · The Trophy Wife · Hunters Print & Copy · Muniware · RD Horricks Professional Corporation · Noah’s Ark · Putnam & Lawson · Morinville Self al guide Family & Cosmetic Dentistry Storage · Dr. Darren Romanowski free festiv ok for the on dAlberta an l ai Garry’s loHeating Services Forest Products Association – m e 13 in th FRIDAY, JUNE 21 .com/sjb20 llenewsWelding Champion Petfoods Work Ltd · Morinville LionsFarmers’ ClubMarket morin·viCraigs w w w.Wild Rotary Rock ‘N’ Ride (wristbands req.) MORINVILLE Festival Society Sponsors Farmers Market Carnival Wrist bands let you go on all rides all night Beer Gardens, Food Court and Music The Fathers House - Soul Café Beach Volley Ball St. Jean Baptiste DJ Dance Helicopter Rides RV City’s Information Booth & First Aid Bounce/Ride All Night Friday Night Morinville Festival Society Stage Servus Credit Union Aerial Circus Show Servus Credit Union Aerial Circus Workshop Headpins w/ Tupelo Honey ($45/ticket) SATURDAY, JUNE 22 Council Breakfast Parade From Morinville Community Center to 106 St. Show & Shine Beer Gardens Carnival Bumper to Bumper Show & Shine Farmer’s Market & Community Corner Kids Pavilion Yolo Dogs Logger Wannabe’s Logger Sports - Novice & Intermediate Jack Axe - Public Participation Event Arena Beer Gardens RV City’s Information Booth & First Aid Beach Volley Ball and Silent Auction Bingo Morinville Combat Fire Fighters Challenge Turner & Morinville Lion’s Club Kids Tractor Pull Murder Mystery and Dinner Helicopter Rides Michel Lalonde Concert Zumba Page 16 | June 22, 2016 Festival Society MORINVILLE Free Free $10 $20 Jessica Martel Run Community Breakfast Logger Sports - Open and Ladies Championships Farmer’s Market & Community Corner Kids Pavilion RV City’s Information Booth & First Aid Yolo Dogs Arena Beer Gardens Beach Volley Ball Bingo Carnival Helicopter Rides noon - 6 p.m. Zumba 3 p.m. - midnight 7 p.m. - midnight 6 & 8 p.m. Dance Connections 7 p.m. 8 p.m. - 1 a.m. Town of Morinville Council Breakfast Bumper-to-Bumper Show and Shine SJB Parade Opening Ceremonies in SJB Park Champion Petfoods Farmers’ Market Michael’s Midway (must purchase ride tickets) Putnam & Lawson Children’s Crafts Dog Show / Champion Petfoods Dog Display Re/Max Pony Rides Antique Tractor Display Sturgeon County Community Kids’ Stage Musèe de Morinville Open Landrex Miniature Golf Morinville Fire Department Combat Challenge Lions/Martin Farm Equipment Kid’s Tractor Pull Roller Derby Family Fun Bingo @ RendezVous Centre MFS Stage & Beer Garden (free live music all night) Nick Gilder & Sweeney Todd w/ Whiskey Boyz ($35/ticket) Fireworks (everywhere) 7:30 a.m. - 9:30 a.m. 8 a.m. - 3 p.m. 10 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. 11:30 a.m. 11 a.m. - 4 p.m. 11 a.m. - dusk 11:30 a.m. - 3 p.m. noon - 3 p.m. noon - 4 p.m. noon - 4 p.m. noon - 5 p.m. noon - 5 p.m. noon - 5 p.m. 12:30 p.m. - 3 p.m. 1 p.m. - 3 p.m. 2 p.m. 3 p.m. - 6 p.m. 7 p.m. - midnight 1st Annual Jessica Martel Memorial Run Noah’s Ark Hamster Races 8:30 a.m. 11 a.m. - noon SUNDAY, JUNE 23 Free Free Free Free Free $2 Free Free Free Free Free $50 SUNDAY sponsored by: $20 12:00 pm - 5:00 pm 5:00 pm - 11:00 pm 5:00 pm - 11:00 pm 7:00 pm - 11:00 pm 7:00 pm - 10:00 pm 8:00 pm - 1:00 am 10:00 am - 5:00 pm 5:00 pm - 10:00 pm 5:00 pm - 11:00 pm SATURDAY PLATINUM produced by: & 26th, 2016 8 a.m. - midnight 11 p.m. - midnight Free Free Free Free Free Free Rendez Vous Parking Lot Field and Arena Parking Lot Field Rendez Vous Center Arena Field Morinville Community Center Fish & Game Pond on 104 street Field and Arena Parking Lot 7:30 am - 9:00 am 10:00 am - 11:30 am 11:00 am - 3:00 pm 11:00 am- 11:00 pm 10:30 am - 3:00 pm 11:00 am- 5:00 pm 11:00 am - 11:00 pm 11:00 am- 5:00 pm 11:00 am- 5:00 pm 11:00 am - 5:00 pm 11:00 am - 10:00 pm 11:00 am- 11:00 pm 11:00 am- 11:00 pm 9:00 am- 10:00 pm 1:00 pm - 4 :00 pm 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm 12:00 pm - 2:00 pm 6:00 pm - 10:00 pm 10:00 am - 5:00 pm 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm On Main Street Parade route Tire Craft Parking Lot Field and Arena Parking Lot On streets of Morinville Curling Rink Arena Lions Park Logger Sports Area Field behind arena Field behind arena Field behind arena on 104 street behind Arena Rendez Vous Center In Outdoor Roller Rink In Front of Curling Rink Doors Morinville Community Center Fish and Games Arena Field 104 Street 8:30 am - 10:30 am 9:00 am - 11:30 am 10:00 am - 5:00 pm 10:00 am- 5:00 pm 10:00 am- 5:00 pm 10:00 am- 5:00 pm 10:00 am- 5:00 pm 11:00 am - 7:00 pm 10:00 am - 5:00 pm 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm 10:00 am - 5:00 pm 10:00 am - 5:00 pm 11:00 am - 12:00 pm 10:00 am - 2:00 pm Rendez Vous Centre Rendez Vous Centre in field behind Arena Curling Rink Arena on 104 street Lions Park in field behind Arena behind Arena Rendez Vous Centre Field and Arena Parking Lot Fish and Games In Outdoor Roller Rink In Outdoor Roller Rink /MorinvilleFestivals /morinvillefest
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