LISA LISA - The Morinville News
LISA LISA - The Morinville News
FREE Movie Night Oct. 23 See Page 17 For Details October 14, 2015 ISSN 2291-2738 Vol. 5 — Issue 41 Where there’s smoke, there’s pizza? Fire Chief Brad Boddez accepts some pizzas from Domino’s employee Cassandra Ratcliffe. The Department partnered with the local business Thursday night, following delivery drivers to homes. If the home’s smoke alarm worked, Domino’s gave the home owner their food for free. See Page 13 for more Fire Prevention Week photos. - Stephen Dafoe Photo A N N O U N “The management and staff at Northgate Chevrolet GMC would C like to congratulate LISA CAMERON as our new member of our professional sales team. Lisa brings with her 5 years of General E Motors sales and service experience. Lisa is a life long Albertan and has been a part of our military family for 17 years!! M Lisa welcomes all her friends, family, past and present customers E to visit her at our friendly and helpful dealership for all your automotive requirements.” N T 13215 97 St Edmonton, AB LISA CAMERON Lessons Instruments Recording DJ & Live Performing Real Estate® Each Office Independently Owned and Operated |October 14, 2015 | Page 1 Community brought to you by Notre Dame School Long Service Award recipients: Lena Bourgeois and Cyril Binette — each 35 years, Marie-France Letourneau — 25 years, and Jessica Miniaci — 5 years. Absent Sheri Crowston —10 year and now retired Marlene Therres — 35 years. See Page 12 for more award recipients - Lucie Roy Photo District presents their long-service awards by Lucie Roy Greater St. Albert Catholic Schools held their Long Service Awards at the Morinville Community Cultural Centre Thursday night. Ninety-six awards were given out for service ranging from five to 35 years. Board Chair Noreen Radford gave the welcome and Assistant Superintendent Sean McGuinness served as Master of Ceremonies for the event. Twenty-four employees received 15-year awards, the largest category, followed by 22 receiving the 10-year recognition. Three of the five 35-year awards were presented to École Notre Dame. Teacher Cyril Binette, Librarian Lena Bourgeois and (in absentia) Marlene Therres all received the honour. “I have had the pleasure of educating and meeting the needs of a multitude of students with diverse learning needs while at the same time having the opportunity to make new friends and colleagues,” wrote Cyril Binette in a prepared statement, read by emcee McGuiness. “I have always believed that to be a good teacher you must have compassion for students, unlimited patience and understanding, a strong sense of humour and a keen desire to do your best to meet the needs of everyone around you.” Binette was hired 35 years ago by Ray Pinco to teach Grade Six at Father Jan. Shortly after the interview he asked if he had the spare time as they were working on something in the gym. Binette said yes and the next thing he knew he was Page 2 | October 14, 2015 busy making plastic flowers and stapling them onto the Father Jan float. Pinco, with his passion for history, later became known as one of St. Albert’s well-known historians. Binette said he also had the pleasure of teaching with Marie Poburan, who he described as a feisty French Canadian woman. “You could tell she loved kids, giving many a hug as she walked down the hallway,” he said. “When I was teaching at VJM, a retired Vincent J. Maloney walked through the door, in his early seventies by this time. He felt he just had to join us; he apologized for interrupting the staff meeting as he just wanted to tell us what a valuable service we were providing to the students and community of St. Albert. His encouragement and kind words meant a lot to all of us.” Binette went on to recall many colleagues over the years, namesakes, who had positively influenced his teaching career and style. “Their passion for teaching and the value they placed on teachers and teaching in our school community was second to none,” he said. “I have been fortunate to have always been surrounded by well-educated, enthusiastic and thoughtful colleagues who were always willing to share freely their many talents. I have truly been blessed to be able to teach for such a great School Division for all these years. After having mentored many student teachers and having worked with such dynamic colleagues, I have seen the enthusiasm and energy we all have for teaching. I only hope that I have been somewhat of a positive mentor for you as I was taught by the best.” École Notre Dame librarian Lena Bourgeois said it was an honour to receive a 35-year service award from the district. “My entire thirty years are with École Notre Dame as a Library Technician,” she said. “I enjoy watching the children grow, and it is awesome to see their faces when kids read for the first time. That never gets old.” Bourgeois said the school library had changed over the years, evolving from a paper system to a fully automated computer system. “When students first started to sign out library books they printed their name on a card,” she recalled. “When the book was returned, the card was inserted into a pocket pasted on a book. I told a little student one time to put the card into his pocket, and he literally began to put the card into his back pocket. Today we teach the students how to use a mouse in the library.” Another of the long-standing librarians memories were the merging of the Notre Dame and Vanier libraries and her fond memories of Christmas at the school. “It is a special time where the halls are decorated, and concerts are the best where all students shine,” she said. “No one does it better. Also, I enjoy singing at the beginning and closing Masses with those special singing friends. Notre Dame is a second family to me; we support each other, and I look forward to making more good memories with my colleagues in the coming years.” Block Parent program will continue in Morinville by Morinville News Staff After announcing a month ago that the Block Parent program would discontinue in Morinville if a new board did not step forward, the association has received an injection of new blood. At a meeting held at the Morinville Community Cultural Centre Oct. 5, 13 residents came out to support the continuation of the organization locally. Past Chair Tanya Sloan said none of those in attendance were current members. From the 13 in attendance, a new board was appointed. Raina Hooper becomes the association’s new chair. Vicky Moser will serve as Vice Chair. Jennifer Berry takes on the role of treasurer and Christa Sabel will be the group’s secretary. In addition to the four taking office, another four of those in attendance have agreed to serve the board as members at large, expanding the board to eight. The new board is encouraging anyone interested in becoming a Block Parent home to contact the Association for further information. Applications can be sent out via email, fax or picked up in person (with arrangements). The board is anticipating a short transition time as they take the necessary steps to become Block Parent homes. The previous Board expressed their thanks to everyone who came out to the Oct. 5 meeting. For more information, contact Farmers’ Market heading indoors for winter by Morinville News Staff The outdoor market may have come to a close at the end of September, but those looking to get their weekly fix of local products and produce can do so starting this Friday. The Morinville Festival Society will take their weekly Farmers’ Market indoors for the third season starting Oct. 16. “We have a number of vendors lined up to start the inside season,” said Farmers’ Market Manager and Morinville Festival Society President Korien Sampson. Along with the new venue inside the Ray McDonald Sports Center, the market will also roll out new hours. “The hours will be 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. to accomodate traffic and people who work,” Sampson said. “We go every single Friday with the exception of Nov. 27 because of the Christmas Festival, and we take a two week break at Christmas and New Year’s. Then we’re right back at it until June.” Sampson said the limited space inside the arena common area limits the number of vendors the winter market can accomodate, but She is anticipating a good variety of vendors to serve those attending the weekly market. “It looks like we are going to be packing it in as best as we can,” she said. “It’s going to be a little squishy, but we’ll make it work.” Sampson said she is working with a local produce supplier to have them attend the market every other week to provide shoppers with fresh vegtables. “They started coming last year, but there wasn’t enough people buying,” she said. “They weren’t making enough money to be financially sustainable to come out. I’m hoping to convice them to come out every other week.” But the Market Manager is also hoping to encourage residents to come out as well. “The best thing to do is to support our local farmers, especially with this bad agricultural year,” Sampson said. Please contact us at CAREERS@CHAMPIONPETFOODS.COM |October 14, 2015 | Page 3 Morinville News - Editorial Pages October 14, 2015 ISSN 2291-2738 Publisher: Vol. 5 — Issue 41 Stephen Dafoe 780-800-3619 Advertising Sales: Stephen Dafoe 780-800-3619 Design & Layout: Stephen Dafoe 780-800-3619 Correspondent: Lucie Roy 780-800-3619 community news / schools Correspondent: town / province Colin Smith 780-800-3619 Correspondent: town / province Tristan Turner 780-800-3619 Marketing & publish ng Your Front Line In Getting The Word Out Sales Dept Calls: Tues-Sat 9-5 News Room Calls: Tues-Sat 9-5* *We monitor calls evenings, weekends and INC. holidays for breaking and urgent news stories /MorinvilleNews @MorinvilleNews MORINVILLE STORAGE MOBILE HOME SALES & RV STORAGE 55510 RGE. RD. 255, Sturgeon County, AB Mobile Homes - Recreational Vehicles Skirting Hangers - Sales & Storage Bus: 780-939-2442 Email: Serge R. Froment, D.C. Doctor of Chiropractic Exceeding above and beyond your health expectations 10405 - 100 Avenue, Morinville, AB T8R 1S1 Phone: (780) 939-3885 Page 4 | October 14, 2015 ED & CLARA MARCHAND Letter: Morinville Youth Justice Committee closes Well, after 15 years of participating on, and final running The Morinville Youth Justice Committee (MYJC), it’s proverbial door finally closed on Oct 5, 2015, by this writer Mr. Mike Cue. The MYJC started up, with much fanfare, in the Morinville Town Council, in September of 2000, with approximately 14 volunteers (and this writer) in attendance. Now after 15 years, with the constant loss of volunteers and the lack of new Morinville volunteers stepping forward to replace our losses, we can no longer continue (as we were down to our last 3 volunteers), and two of these volunteers just quit on Oct. 4, 2015 (due to physical infirmity, and no else in Morinville stepping forward to replace our losses). The MYJC was (and is) designed as Alternative Sentencing for Young Offenders (YOs), to basically give them a second chance (as how many of us as youth, made ‘mistakes’ as we learned to become adults). Basically, after hearing the case the MYJC would decide upon an appropriate sanction (from 1 to 3), and the YO would have three months to com- plete said sanctions. When successful the YO would be given a new slate on life and not have a criminal record. Unfortunately, after seeing about 130 YOs over 15+ years, the MYJC’s final success rate was approximately 77 per cent (about 97 successful cases). These successful YOs went on to lead productive lives, contributing to our great Canadian society while doing so. So in melancholy thought it is my sadness to say that Morinville has lost a vital Committee, that directly and positively affected the youth of our community. For future Youth Justice Services, Morinville Youth will probably have to deal with St. Albert Probations. In summation, Morinville, thank you for allowing me (and others) to be on this Committee, and I just wish it did not have to close its respective doors due to a lack of new volunteer participation. Sincerely, Mr. Mike Cue Letter: Cardiff Road speed dangerous I am at a loss with regard the imminent risks that many drivers pose on Cardiff Road due to their refusal to slow down. I reside right on this rural busy road, and while the speed limit solar signs are obvious, they are largely ignored. Rush hour times are that of the noise and speeds of a highway with commercial vehicles and commuters clearly off the speed limit, endangering every resident and their families, with blatant disregard. These signs do little to slow down the offenders, the speed traps at South Glens where a fence governs these homes, is a lazy and ineffective area, but only serves to collect money from those easy money speeders, but speed has very few risks to the citizens there. The hired monitors that sit in those cars lurking through their big cameras are a joke. I drove by one day to see a woman sleeping on her speed watch duty. Had I turned around and taken a picture of her, we would again prove how useless this area is to promote safe speeds, let alone this location. Further east on this road just after Cardiff Echoes is the problem, and it is an epidemic with no solutions in sight, but the obvious - a photo radar camera. Commercial trucks, including school buses and passenger vehicles, clearly are 20-30 plus kilometres over the posted limit, potentially upping the ante for a fatal accident involving many of the residents of this pleasant community that walk with their young families or bike ride on this narrow road. The few and far between photo radar set-ups yield results, but seemingly only deter for the event and then resume to dangerous speeds. Residents of this community and those of us directly on this road agree, that this is out of control, has been for years and since the road is paved its ways to Highway 28, this is now more than ever a commuter route with undue care and attention regularly over the posted limit. I would like to ask drivers with this blatant disregard for our safety, how they would respond to us flying down their residential toad at the rate of speed that they do ours? The old adage, "treat people how you'd like to be treated" comes to mind. Although unlikely to change the ignorance and habits of these law breaking hazardous drivers, resident scan be pro-active and record drivers on your phones and cameras while they zoom past your house and that of your neighbours. Although this is not admissible, I tried this one day to see more brake lights pushed and speeds reduced, even though there was nothing I could do with this footage. Repeat offenders can still be brought to the attention of the RCMP. Cardiff Road is a road of shame to those of you who put innocent families at risk due to your negligence. Speed kill; the pocket book hurts, simple as that. It's only matter of time until the front page of the papers will report a fatality, but hopefully prior to that consequence, it's only a matter of time when we have an active camera and the speeding tickets in the mail. C. White Cardiff, Alberta Morinville News - Editorial Pages Letter: Morinville needs a Youth Council Dear Editor: I read with interest the editorial about the proposed Youth Council Bylaw. I think that if youth had more of a voice they would feel more welcome, accepted and valued by their Mayor and Council. If youth thought that their local government cared about their problems and concerns, they would be more inclined to take pride in their community. Goodwill creates reciprocal goodwill. Youth that are involved and feel valued by their community are less inclined to participate in petty crime such as vandalism. I agree with the writer that several comments by Mayor and Councillors were stupefyingly absurd. It makes me wonder if they are afraid to give youth a voice, and if so, why? Remember, youth will grow up to be our future leaders, let's give them the opportunity to learn and grow towards effective leadership. Respectfully yours, Now Hiring - Food Service Supervisors Full Time, Weekend, Day, Evening Shifts Salary $13 - $13.50 2-3 Years Experience In A Restaurant Will supervise and train staff, do inventory of supplies and quality control. Qualified aboriginal, youth, seniors and disabled can apply. Apply to: or in person at 10604-100th avenue Cheryl Stewart EMPOWER PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES Join Westlock Independence Network (WIN) and make a difference in the lives of people with all kinds of abilities. Earn competitive wages and benefits at one of Westlock’s most respected social agencies. Full time Community Disabilities Worker Supporting adults or children in various settings. Full time Overnight Positions Supporting adults in their own homes Various Casual Positions Supporting adults or children in various settings. These positions include evening and weekend hours. We prefer directly related education in Disability or Human Services. We will consider a relevant background of education and/or experience. The successful applicants will receive on-the-job training. Wage rates are based on education and experience. WIN offers an excellent benefit package, including health, dental, vision care, best doctors, shift premiums, employer-paid RRSP as well as other benefits. For more information or to apply contact: Stephanie Leavitt 780-459-3343 Drop in and complete an application form or send resumes to: WIN 10164 -107 Street Westlock, Alberta T7P 1X3 E-mail: We thank all applicants for their interest; however only those selected for an interview will be contacted. Serving People with Disabilities Join Us Online To Get More News Than We Can Print Not all of the stories we cover, pictures we take, and info we pass on makes it into our weekly print edition, but you can get every bit of what we produce each week by following us online in one of several ways: @MorinvilleNews on Twitter & |October 14, 2015 | Page 5 100 Block West ready for occupancy in November Trade Developments 100 Block West building will be ready for occupancy Nov. 1. The company held a tour for media and the public last week. There are 36 units in the building — 24 two-bedroom and 12 one-bedroom units. The building, which will have ground floor commercial space, has 43 heated underground parking stalls. More information can be found at: - Lucie Roy Photos Chamber Awards draw double the award nominees this year by Morinville News Staff Fifty-one local businesses have been nominated 69 times for nine Morinville & District Chamber of Commerce Business Awards. But the community will have to wait until the annual Chamber Gala Oct. 29 to find out just who the winners are. This year’s crop of nominees is more than double the amount the Chamber received for their 2014 awards night. “With the amount of votes being more than double, it give us a better opportunity to showcase many more business and the community work that they do,” said Chamber Gala Chair Phil Hughes of Premium Food Services. “We have had several nominations from the entire district, which helps us reach further into our area.” Three of the awards to be given out include Business of the Year in the Large, Medium and Small designation. Nominees for Large Business of the Year include Roadrunners / Tirecraft, Home Hardware, Servus Credit Union, RV City, GB Business Enterprises Ltd., No Frills, Pleasant Homes, Cowley Newspapers – Morinville Free Press. Medium Business of the Year drew eight nominees, including Morinville Auto Body, Green Bean Coffee House, Morinville Bottle Depot, Technical Automotives Inc., Morinville Business Centre, H&R Block, Infinite Event Services, and High Street Interiors. Small Business of the Year drew a dozen nominations, including Liquor on Main, Morinville News, Psychsupport Services, ATB Financial Morinville, Technical Automotives Inc., Bistro di Madre Piccola, Premium Food Services, Elysha’s Cleaning Services Ltd., Big City Carwash, Neighbors Vitamin Shop, Mike’s Barber Shop, and Pro-Level Looks Hair Studio. There were four nominees for Home Based Business of the Year: Country Kitchen Mustard, Elysha’s Cleaning Services Ltd., Heirloom WoodworkPage 6 | October 14, 2015 ing, and Premium Food Services. This year’s New Business of the Year include Morinville Physical Therapy, Psychsupport Services, Mason Landscaping, TASER Inc. (Toys and Small Engine Repair), Elysha’s Cleaning Services Ltd., Sabecnat Plumbing, and Morinville Sports. This year’s awards also recognize those new to business and those who have created a legacy. Youth Service & Entrepreneurial Award nominees included Brennan FitzGerald, Taylor Coursaux, and Brieanna Wilding. The Legacy Award nominees for 2015 are Technical Automotives Inc., Morinville Lions Club, RV City, GB Enterprise Morinville, and Servus Credit Union. Recognizing participation in the region is the Community Spirit Award. This year’s nominees are Morinville Lions Club, Higher Grounds Espresso Bar, Gibbons Agrium Youth Centre, and the Midstream Support Society. The Chamber will also award their Integrity Award. No nominees have been announced for this particular award. The business organization is hoping to pack the cultural centre for their Oct. 29 gala. “This year the Gala is going to be bigger than ever with an exciting array of entertainment, Asian cuisine and the company of dynamic business people of the district,” Hughs said. “We are showcasing China as several of our members from the entire district will have just returned from a Business Mission trip to China.” Chamber Manager Diane Mineault said 43 Chamber members left for China Saturday but will be back in time for the gala. “During the Gala evening we will be displaying artifacts and videos from this fantastic trip,” she said. “This is our first fundraising trip and has been well received. Everyone has been very excited to participate, and we look forward to hearing their reviews when they return. Tickets for the Gala are $50 per person or $350 for a table of eight. Morinville & District Chamber of Commerce Presents Please celebrate with us on October 29th at our 8th Annual Small Business Awards Gala. Support your nominee by attending this event. Doors Open 6 PM Tickets $50 per person or $350 per table of 8 Networking - Chinese Dinner Entertainment - Awards Presentation Deadline is October 22nd Congratulations to all Morinville & District Chamber of Commerce Nominees For the 2015 Business Awards Small Business of the Year Large Business of the Year sponsored by NOMINEES Roadrunners / Tirecraft Home Hardware Servus Credit Union RV City GB Business Enterprises Ltd. No Frills Pleasant Homes Cowley Newspapers – Free Press Home Based Business of the Year sponsored by NOMINEES Country Kitchen Mustard Elysha’s Cleaning Services Ltd. Heirloom Woodworking Premium Food Services New Business of the Year Award sponsored by NOMINEES Morinville Physical Therapy Psychsupport Services Mason Landscaping TASER Inc. (Toys and Small Engine Repair) Elysha’s Cleaning Services Ltd. Sabecnat Plumbing Morinville Sports Thank you to everyone who nominated a local business for one of our awards Medium Business of the Year sponsored by NOMINEES Morinville Auto Body Green Bean Coffee House Morinville Bottle Depot Technical Automotives Inc. Morinville Business Centre H&R Block Infinite Event Services High Street Interiors Youth Service & Entrepreneurial Award sponsored by NOMINEES Brennan FitzGerald Taylor Coursaux Brieanna Wilding sponsored by NOMINEES Liquor on Main Morinville News Psychsupport Services ATB Financial Morinville Technical Automotives Inc. Bistro di Madre Piccola Premium Food Services Elysha’s Cleaning Services Ltd. Big City Carwash Neighbors Vitamin Shop Mike’s Barber Shop Pro-Level Looks Hair Studio Entertainment byHong de Canada Lion Dance and War Drum Business Legacy Award sponsored by NOMINEES Technical Automotives Inc. Morinville Lions Club RV City GB Enterprise Morinville Servus Credit Union Community Spirit Award sponsored by NOMINEES Morinville Lions Club Higher Grounds Espresso Bar Gibbons Agrium Youth Centre Midstream Support Society |October 14, 2015 | Page 7 Council will be holding their Join us for TASTE OF MORINVILLE 2015! Annual Organizational Meeting Friday, October 16 | Food Service 5:30 - 6:45 p.m. An opportunity for you & your family to sample delicious food selections from local restaurants before enjoying BAM! Percussion at the Morinville Community Cultural Centre. Tuesday, October 20 at 5 p.m. Council Chambers (10125 - 100 Ave.) Public is welcome to attend Purchase TASTE tickets for $1 each and use them to sample any of the menu items. (No cash value, non-refundable) Single menu items will not exceed $5. Menu and pricing available at on Tuesday, October 13. October 17, 2015 TASTE Tickets on sale Starting October 13 at the MCCC Box Office. (also available for a limited time during the event) Sturgeon County Centre 9313 - 100 St 10:00 am to 2:00 pm Morinville and Sturgeon County are partnering up to host the annual Household Hazardous Waste Round Up! This event is free of charge and will divert hazardous substances from the landfill. Residents are encouraged to take advantage of the event to rid your homes of hazardous materials requiring special handling, disposing of them in an environmentally friendly manner. Hazardous Waste includes products that are corrosive, flammable, explosive, toxic or poisonous. For safety purposes and identification, please keep all materials in their original containers. If the container is cracked or broken, place it in a leak-proof package and label it. For additional information call Public Works 780-939-2590. FAMILY FAMILY A of with A Taste Taste of withwith A Taste of Morinville Morinville From beginning to end, BAM! Morinville From beginning to end, BAM! electrifies the crowd with its powerful e e ed. Utilizing electro-luminescent (EL) At the the At Utilizing electro-luminescent (EL) From electrifies beginning tothe end,crowd BAM! with its powerful wire, fiber optic fabric, black light wire, fiber optic fabric, black light rhythms and its deliriously funny Morinville Community Cultural Centre Morinville Community Cultural Centre SATURDAY FRIDAY THURSDAY Back by Popular Demand! A little red rhythms and its deliriously funny electrifies the crowd with its powerful and other special effects, Rainbow SATUR SATURDAY FRIDAY FRIDAY THURSDAY Back by Popular Demand! A little red sketches. BAM’s formula? Side-splitting and other special effects, Rainbow OCT 30, 2015 SATUR truck will pull into Morinville on Monday sketches. BAM’s formula? Side-splitting FRIDAY OCT 30, 2015 Dance Theatre creates a world of rhythms and its deliriously funny and interactivity of Sheldon truck will pull into Morinville on Monday comedy and savage drumming Dance Theatre creates a world of SATURDAY FRIDAY THURSDAY Back by Popular Demand! A little red February 22, 2016 with everything and other special effects, Rainbow 6:30pm—9:00pm comedy savage drumming wonder in theirSATURDAY newest production February 22, 2016 with everything 6:30pm—9:00pm sketches. BAM’sand formula? Side-splitting Casavant’s magic! Imagine a virtuosity! 75 minutes that will leave wonder in their newest production it takes to a full scale musical truck will pull into Morinville on mount Monday virtuosity! 75 minutes that will leave Dance Theatre creates a world of EVENT* *FREE iLLUMiDANCE. Delighting it takes to mount a full scale musical theand audience with only one wish… EVENT* *FREE comedy savage drumming iLLUMiDANCE. Delighting production of The Jungle Book….. mind-bending experience wh February 22, 2016 with everything the audience with only one wish… production of TheGHOULS Jungle Book….. audiences with its magic and COSTUME EVENT, PRIZES, DANCINGwonder in their newest production MORE!!! Bringthat the whole and audiences with its magic and THE CAST! That’s where 50 – GHOULS DANCING virtuosity! 75 minutes leavefamily objects vanish and reappea MORE!!! Bring the will whole family and it COSTUME takes to mount EVENT, aEXCEPT full scalePRIZES, musical EXCEPT THE CAST! That’s where 50 – iLUMiDANCE is a tour-deenjoy a pre-concert “Taste of 60 local K-12 kids come in - auditions iLLUMiDANCE. Delighting humour, humour, iLUMiDANCE is a tour-dethe audience only one wish… enjoy awith pre-concert “Taste of 60 local K-12 kids come in - auditions FOR MORE INFORMATION through the air and challeng production of The Jungle Book….. of virtuostic dancing and on Monday, rehearsals Tuesday-Friday, audiences with its magic andforce Morinville” with food selections from force of virtuostic dancing and FOR MOREAVE INFORMATION on Monday, rehearsals Tuesday-Friday, Morinville” with food selections from 9502—100 MORE!!! Bring the whole family and cutting-edge technology. EXCEPT THE CAST! That’s where 50 starring – your favorite local restaurants! (not included in ticket price) and9502—100 2 performances on Saturday our kids! cutting-edge technology. the perceptions of reality. Joi AVE humour, iLUMiDANCE is a tour-deyour favorite local (not included in ticket price) and 2 performances on Saturday starring our kids! 780-939-7839 enjoy arestaurants! pre-concert “Taste of 60 local K-12 kids come in - auditions for this great showFor during Alb For families with children ages 5+ All 780-939-7839 ages All ages famili For families with children ages 5+ force of virtuostic dancing and All ages All ages For famili on Monday, rehearsals Tuesday-Friday, Morinville” with food selections from Culture Days and be a part o www.sheld www.sheld cutting-edge technology. your favorite local restaurants! (not included in ticket price) and 2 performances on Saturday starring our kids! amazement first hand! For families with children ages 5+ Sponsored by: by: s too! All ages All ages Sponsored and signs too! For families with children ages 4+ Sponsore Sponsored by: Sponsored by: Sponsored by: and sign Morinville Public Works Sponsored by: JOEL CHEVALIER Sponsore JOEL CHEVALIER 26 SEP 26 SEP SEP 2015 2016 2016 2016 2016 2015 2015 FEB 2015 OCT 1O MAR MAR 1O MAR 2016 27 FEB 27 FEB 16 OCT OCT 16 2016 861 Missoula Rainbow Rainbow Missoula Rainbow Sheldon Missoula Dance Children’s Dance Theatre: Theatre: Children’s Dance Theatre: Children’s Casavant Theatre: The iLUMiNATA GOBLINS FAMILY DANCE GOBLINS FAMILY DANCE Theatre: The iLUMiNATAiLUMiNATANot your everyday magician Theatre: The Jungle Sit back, laugh and lose Jungle Book electro-luminescent (EL) Jungle Book Book Utilizing yourself in the high energy, fu wire, fiber optic fabric, black light Bam! Percussion Bam! Percussion Bam! Percussion te zlaf zlaf ving! zlaf ving! 861 ving! 861 KIDS Seasonal Reminder 780-939-3994 Show 780-939-3994 Show 7:30 pm Family (max 4) $30 7:30 pm Tickets Time Family (max 4) $30 3:00pm & Family (max 4) $30 Family (max 4) $30 Single $10 Food Service Tickets TimeSponsored by: 3:00pm & ns too! Time Tickets Time Tickets Family Family 4) $30 by: Time 7:30 pm Food and sig Single $10 Single (max $10 4) $30 Single (max $10 Sponsored 5:00pm Time Time 33 7:30 pm Tickets Time Tickets Sponsored by: 5:30 –Service 6:45pm Sponsored Sani/Trailer Dump will be Single closing following Singleby: $10 $10 5:00pm 5:30 – JOEL CHEVALIER the780-939-3994 Thanksgiving long weekend. GENERAL ADMISSION GENERAL ADMISSION Show GENERAL ADMISSION GENERAL ADMISSION 7:30 pm (max 4) $30 Time Food Service Tickets Family Single $10 5:30 – 6:45pm GENERAL ADMISSION GENERAL ADMISSION 3:00pm & Time 5:00pm (max 4) $30 Tickets Family Single $10 GENERAL ADMISSION GENERAL ADMISSION Time 7:30 pm (max 4) $30 Tickets Family Single $10 GENERAL ADMISSION Time 3:30 pm (max 4 Tickets Family Single $10 GENERAL ADMISSION Main: 780-939-4361 Fax: 780-939-5633 Public Works: 780-939-2590 Community Services: 780-939-7839 Page 8 | October 14, 2015 reation Facility Pro ec R e s U ti l u M ject Arena/ nd General Public Meeti pa u o r G r e s U ng Large Building Our Future Front Row (Left to Right): Lt. Steve Gaetz, Capt. Charles Lavallee, Capt. Barret Dupuis, Deputy Chief Romeo Houle, Fire Chief Brad Boddez, Sr. Capt. Bud Rockwell, Capt. Jake Anderson, Lt. Josh Cust Middle Row (Left to right): FF Michael Gouthro, FF J.F. Philipp’s, FF Michael Bachand, Lt. Lee Barnes, Lt. Bret Wilson, Sr. FF Ben Lamer, FF Louis Lavallee, FF Marko Hirvinen Back Row (Left to right): FF Shane Tellier,Sr. FF Katherine Cust, FF Dave Thibeault, FF Nelson Bate, FF Lyndon Sernowski, FF Miles Moser, FF Dave Anslow, Sr. FF Cody Gervais Missing from photo: Deputy Chief Joel Houle, Investigator Ron Cust, Fire Marshall Ed Pomerleau, Capt. Herb Pearce, Capt. Brian Johnston, Capt. Steve Hammond, Capt. Jonny Wedick, Sr. FF Sylvain Rousseau, FF Corey Ryan, FF Jamie Tapper, FF Jason Richmond, FF Steven Holubowich, FF Jesse Poulin, FF Montana Barnes, FF Chris Gomez, FF Lane Hardman, FF Keith Gervais, FF Michael Vilani, FF Colton Hunt In recognition of a successful Fire Prevention Week, Thank You Join Mayor & Council as they welcome the Architect team from Arch | TB They are excited to take these next steps with you, and value your participation going forward. Wednesday, October 28, 2015 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. What: Future Arena/Multi-Use Recreation Facility Project Meeting to discuss: • Project update • Project stages and opportunities for ongoing involvement • Opportunities within project scope Who: All user groups, stakeholders, and general public — everyone is welcome! Where: Morinville Community Cultural Centre (9502 - 100 Ave.) RSVP is not required. Childcare available. to all our fire department members and their families for their dedication and service to our community! — Check out the online forum! JOIN THE CONVERSATION Arena/Multi-Use Recreation Facility Interactive Forum Following Council awarding Arch|TB as the successful architectural firm, the Town has launched an online interactive forum in which residents, community members and stakeholders can further provide input into various aspects of the Arena/Multi-Use Recreation Facility project. Did You Know? Community Groups and Organizations can now Add An Event to the Town of Morinville online Events Calendar. Should you not wish to comment on the forum, but wish to provide your input, please email We know there are many ways to advertise/promote your event. This website enhancement creates a single location for residents and community members to view what is taking place in our community. Add your event to the calendar today! Visit | Under the right hand column quick links tab click on “Building Our Future — Forum” Click “What’s On” >Calendar >Suggest An Event Civic Hall: 10125 - 100 Avenue, Phone: 780-939-4361 Fax: 780-939-5633 |October 14, 2015 | Page 9 Scouts get invested Bringing comfort to your home. Bringing The 1st Morinville Scouting Movement held their Investiture Ceremony at the Morinville Community Cultural Centre Oct. 7. Above: Performing the ceremony is Joshua Ethier to scouts with Scout Leader Ron Sellers and Flag Bearers Weston Parkinson and Zach Eschuk. For the peace of mind that comes with quiet, dependable warmth and energy efficiency that can For the peace of mindyou money, discover save that comes with quiet, ® systems. Comfortmaker dependable warmth and comfort to your home. energy efficiency that can save you money, discover ® Comfortmaker systems. 10 s. ail det rranty certificate for ail det s. ee Timely registration required. See warrantywcertificate arra for details and restrictions. nty S S wa Handyman Special! Cheap! CASH! Air Conditioning & Heating Air Conditioning & Heating ee LEGAL certificate for 985 square foot, - 2 bd, 1 bath 60' X 149' lot! Single Oversize Garage! 10 Timely registration required. See warranty certificate for details and restrictions. © 2014 International Comfort Products © 2014 International Comfort Products Purchase a Comformaker Home System from Quinn’s Pluming and receive a FREE... Home Purchase a Comformaker Has new furnace, H2O tank, and elec. panel! Needs Kitchen, bathroom, flooring & paint! System from Quinn’s Pluming and receive aAssessed: FREE... $171 K OR Your Price: $97 K A savings of: $74 K! Wi-Fi FocusPRO HW265/225 Whole-House OR Thermostat Bypass Humidifier For over 40 years! Tel: (780) 939-4217 780.939.4217 Call Janet at 780-483-2006 Wi-Fi FocusPRO HW265/225 Whole-House If you have financing! Plumbing & Heating Ltd. 9923-101 Street, Morinville, AB T8R 1G2 Thermostat Page 10 | October 14, 2015 For over 40 years! Plumbing & Heating Ltd. HIGHWAY 44 RV STORAGE We offer; Year Round Storage - Fire Protection - Lights - Security Sensor Cameras - Controlled Entrance - Gravelled Lane From $35.00/month Laureen 597-991-1375 -780-939-4196 Fax: 780-939-3477 - 20 minutes NW of Saint Albert Bypass Humidifier Tel: (780) 939-4217 9923-101 Street, Morinville, AB T8R 1G2 Andrew Taylor watches as Leader Jonathan Maltais completes the updating of his uniform. TRANSMISSIONS TRANSMISSIONS AND AUTO REPAIR 780.939.6741 AND AUTO REPAIR 780.939.6741 780.939.6741 AND AUTO REPAIR AND AUTO REPAIR TRANSMISSIONS AND AUTO REPAIR 780.939.6741 Custom Blinds, Shades and Shutters TRANSMISSIONS Prices With Superior Customer Service AND AUTO Competitive REPAIR 780-722-9992 780.939.6741 TRANSMISSIONS AND AUTO REPAIR 780.939.6741 780.939.6741 780.939.6741 AND AUTO REPAIR 780.939.6741 780.939.6741 TRANSMISSIONS AND AUTO REPAIR 780.939.6741 TRANSMISSIONS 780.939.6741 TRANSMISSIONS AND AUTO REPAIR TRANSMISSIONS TRANSMISSIONS 780.939.6741 780.939.6741 TRANSMISSIONS AND AUTO REPAIR TRANSMISSIONS AND AUTO REPAIR AND AUTO REPAIR TRANSMISSIONS AND AUTO REPAIR TRANSMISSIONS AND AUTO REPAIR TRANSMISSIONS AND AUTO REPAIR 780.939.6741 780.939.6741 780.939.6741 780.939.6741 AND AUTO REPAIR AND AUTO REPAIR AND AUTO REPAIR AND AUTO REPAIR 780.939.6741 780.939.6741 TRANSMISSIONS AND AUTO REPAIR 780.939.6741 TRANSMISSIONS 780.939.6741 TRANSMISSIONS TRANSMISSIONS TRANSMISSIONS AND AUTO REPAIR TRANSMISSIONS TRANSMISSIONS 780.939.6741 780.939.6741 Isaiah Shreenan and Kolten Stepanick with their turn at the Investiture Ceremony held Oct. 7. TRANSMISSIONS AND AUTO REPAIR TRANSMISSIONS AND AUTO REPAIR 780.939.6741 780.939.6741 TRANSMISSIONS AND AUTO REPAIR TRANSMISSIONS AND AUTO REPAIR 24houremergencyservice ◊FurnaceRepairs&Replacement ◊ResidentialFurnace&SheetMetalInstallations ◊AirConditioningSystems ◊AirCleaners ◊Humidifiers ◊HotWaterTanks ◊WaterSofteners ◊DuctCleaning 780-868-1961 9406 – 100 St. - Morinville 780.459.4919 Decorative Rock • Sand Gravel • Top Soil 780-868-1961 9406 100 Street, Bark–780-868-1961 Chips & Mulch Morinville, AB. Shrubs Trees and 9406 – 100 Street, Landscape Fabrics Morinville, AB. 780-868-1961 Firewood 9406 – 100 Street, Sidewalk Blocks and other Morinville, AB. Landscaping Products Bobcat Services Valerie Loseth Organic Gardener The Wheelbarrow 780-668-3892 Gardener 9910 - 100 St. Morinville 780.939.2100 garden design and consultation indoor/outdoor container gardens maintenance services |October 14, 2015 | Page 11 Greater St. Albert Catholic Schools celebrate long service at awards night Greater St. Albert Catholic Schools held their long-service awards evening Oct. 8 at the cultural centre, handing out a number of awards for five to 35-years of service. See Page 2 for full story. MCHS Long Service Award recipients – back row: Kent Lessard (25 years), Carmen Huot (15 years), Patricia Cox (15 years), Colette Amyot-Loughren (20 years), Valerie Ferland (15 years), Kathy Jackson (15 years), David Garrett (30 years) and Lisa Appell (25 years). Front row: Susanne Christensen (15 years), Greg Boutestein (20 years), Cathy Whittal-Williams (25 years), Darcy Owen (15 years), Wade Michael (20 years), Neil Korotash (10 years). Absent: Sandee Blackburn (25 years). Collectively MCHS is celebrating 290 years of service with these 15 recipients. – Lucie Roy Photos Long Service Award recipients from Legal School were Vice Principal Cara Mazur (25 years) and Kathy Kieser (25 years). Page 12 | October 14, 2015 Primeau School Long Service Award recipients: Renate Karl (10 year), Colleen Durand (10 years), Jodi Ostafichuk (20 years), Jessica Workun (5 years), Cindy Vervynck (15 years) and Vince Falcone (20 years). Absent: Travis Hay (5 year award recipient). FIRE N O I T N PREVE IN WEEK LE IL V N I R MO Fire Prevention Week offered the Morinville Fire Department an opportunity to get out into the community to meet the public and share important information. Clockwise from top left: Sparky the Fire Dog takes part in an open training session Oct. 7. Twenty-month-old Connor Hutchinson is fascinated by the trucks and gear. A firefighter checks a smoke alarm in the Samuel home. Deputy Chief Joel Houle takes part in a fire drill at Georges H. Primeau School. Fire Chief Brad Boddez says hello to Tyler and Travis Plamondon during a neighbourhood visit Oct. 8. - Stephen Dafoe and Lucie Roy Photos |October 14, 2015 | Page 13 MFRC unveil 25th anniversary logo The Edmonton Garrison Military Family Resource Centre (MFRC) Board of Directors held their AGM Oct. 4. This year marks a milestone for the MFRC as it celebrates its 25th anniversary. To commemorate the anniversary, they launched a special anniversary logo displayed in the photo. The MFRC is a non-profit society committed to the enrichment of the lives of individuals and families of the Canadian Armed Forces through positive, action, education and support. Lifting a load Town of Morinville employees Kevin Bills and Graham Poirier spent some time cleaning up in St. Jean Baptiste Park Oct. 7. - Lucie Roy Photo Photo: Ex-officio member CWO Jim Doppler 3rd Canadian Division Support Base Edmonton representative, Directors Caijsa Jackson, Amanda Graham, Executive Director Roza Parlin,Director Malcolm Johannesen, seated Vice-Chair Jenny Greyling, Chair Kaetlyn Corbould and Secretary/Treasurer Kim Earles. - Lucie Roy Photo Meet Widget & Fidget, Morinville Vet Clinic’s newest adoptees. They are 10-week-old domestic shorthair sisters. You would be amazed at the difference in them from when they first came into us and now. They were very feral when they came to us as strays, but after a lot of patience and even more cuddles, they have come around. They adore being petted and will purr as soon as you start. They have a lot of love to give to the right person/family. They have been spayed, microchipped, dewormed, and vaccinated. If you are interested in meeting one or both of the sisters, please come down to the Morinville Vet Clinic, or call 780-939-3133. 9804 90 Ave. Morinville 780-939-3133 Page 14 | October 14, 2015 Lock Boxes available Morinville Fire Department Captain Steve Hammond made a presentation to the Chamber on the Lock Box System, which allows the fire department to quickly and safely enter a propery in an emergency response. Hammond said the Morinville Fire Department has initiated the use of the MIWA High Security Key Box System. The MIWA magnetic cam lock key is registered with the Fire Department with an assigned code right from the factory. With the restricted design of the cam lock key it is not possible for it to be decoded or for a duplicate to be made. Businesses and building owners can purchase the key boxes from the Fire Department, who will coordinate the installation of the lock box with a certified installer. Hammond said the High Security Key Box System is also used by departments, including the City of Lethbridge, Camrose and Spruce Grove. - Lucie Roy Photo Crouse in the house St. Albert Mayor and Capital Region Board Chair Nolan Crouse was the guest speaker at the Morinville & District Chamber of Commerce October luncheon. Crouse spoke about development in the Capital Region and what it means to Morinville. Chamber President Simon Boersma also fielded a few questions from the members. - Lucie Roy Photo Notice of By-Election Local Authorities Election Act Section 35, 46, 53 Local Jurisdiction: Greater St. Albert RC Separate School District No 734, Province of Alberta Notice is hereby given that an election will be held for the filling of the following office: Election Day October 19, 2015 Office Greater St. Albert Roman Catholic Separate School District No. 734; Catholic School Board Trustee Number of Vacancies Ward 1 Morinville Voting will take place on October 19, 2015 between the hours of 8:00 am and 8:00 pm. The voting station will be located at: Morinville Community Cultural Centre, Meeting Rooms 2 and 3 9502—100 Avenue Morinville, Alberta In order to vote, you must produce identification for inspection. The identification must be one or more of the following: Government issued identification which contains your photograph, name and current address. This includes an Operator’s (Driver’s) Licence or an Alberta Identification Card. or Identification from the following list that confirms your name and address: Utility bill, for example: Telephone; Public Utilities Commission; Television; Hydro, gas or water Bank/credit card statement or personal cheque Income/property tax assessment notice Insurance policy or coverage card Vehicle ownership, registration or insurance certificate Government cheque or cheque hub Residential lease or mortgage statement Statement of government benefits, for example: Employment insurance; Old-age security; Social assistance; Disability support; Child tax benefit Pension Plan statement of benefits, contributions or participation One of the following issued by the responsible authority of a shelter or soup kitchen: Attestation of residence, letter of stay, admission form or statement of benefits. Correspondence issued by a school, college or university Letter from a public curator, public guardian or public trustee Attestation of Identity and Residence issued by the authorized representative of a correctional institution Attestation of Identity and Residence issued by the authorized representative of shelter or soup kitchen. Attestation of Residence issued by the authorized representative (landlord) of a commercial property management company Attestation of Residence issued by the responsible authority of a Supportive Living Facility. as required by section 53 of the Local Authorities Election Act. Dated at the Town of Morinville in the Province of Alberta, this 31st day of August 2015. Jennifer Maskoske; Returning Officer |October 14, 2015 | Page 15 Former County resident up for four country music awards by Stephen Dafoe It has been a few years since former Cardiff Echoes resident Danielle Marie sat on a stool playing guitar during a talent show at a Morinville coffee shop. Four years later and the country singer is an up-and-comer with more than 40,000 fans on Reverb Nation, an album with producer Tom McKillip under her belt and her name on four country music award nominations. Now living in Vancouver, the singer/songwriter has been nominated for the BCCMA (British Columbia Country Music Association) Awards. She was nominated for Album of the Year for Here Right Now, the Fans Choice, Female Vocalist of the Year, and the Ray McAuley Horizon Award. The performer said she is new to the BCCMA organization but has been welcomed with open arms. “It’s kind of a crazy feeling to see my name next to some of the artists that I’ve been looking up to for a while now,” she said. “I’m just happy to be nominated. I’m not going to be upset if I don’t win. Just to be nominated is crazy.” Danielle Marie said she made it to the third round of balloting, originally having been nominated for five awards. Voting closed Oct. 9 and the winners will be announced Oct. 25 at the Hard Rock Casino in Coquitlam, BC. The honour is another notch for her career. Her re- cently released album Here Right Now hit number 25 on iTunes list of top country albums on the night it was released. “Everything has been going really well, and my support system is great,” she said. “Everyone back home in Morinville has been awesome.” The singer/songwriter will be back in the area Dec. 5 performing at the Starlight Room in Edmonton. Tickets are $15 and details can be found on her website at 9602 - 100 Street - Morinville 780-939-3920 Custom and Computer Jewellery Design Jewellery & Gift Sales Engraving Eye Glass Repair Watch Batteries Page 16 | October 14, 2015 Mon. Tue. Wed. Fri. 10 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. Thur 10 a.m. - 7 p.m. Sat 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. 20% OFF All In Store Clocks & Bulova Watches Please join us Friday, Oct 23 for a FREE Showing of this past summer’s blockbuster hit |October 14, 2015 | Page 17 Food, Home & Health Pages Community Gardens clean up for winter The Morinville Centennial Community Gardens (MCCGS) held their Fall Work Bee Oct. 7 at both community garden locations: the backyard of the United Church and Champlain Park (across from the arena). All plots and raised beds needed to be cleared out and many hands made for light work. The MCCGS has more than 25 members, with many of them new to the Society. In the New Year, the group will discuss plans for Phase Three, to be located in the north end of Champlain Park. From top: Willow Newman was one of the younger volunteers at the Champlain Park work bee held Oct. 7. Rob Rheubottom transfers some of the compost from one box to the other at the cleanup. Kevin Loseth, Isabel Skjersven and Rob Rheubottom cleaning out the pots. - Lucie Roy Photos Neighbors Vitamin Shop Morinville Health Foods Your Local Health Food Store This Week’s Health Tip Dr. Ross Horricks Dr. Brennan Lafleur Dr. Tim Barter From birth to death our bodies are regulated by hormones; from eating to sleeping to reproducing. 780.572.1011 10205 - 100 Avenue Page 18 | October 14, 2015 @NVSHealthFoods Visit Us On Facebook Mon-Fri 10 am - 6 pm Sat 10 am - 3 pm Closed Sun & Holidays Food, Home & Health Pages INVITATION TO TENDER Service Contract(s) RCMP Morinville Detachment Morinville, Alberta The RCMP Morinville Detachment, Morinville, Alberta is seeking tenders for Grounds Maintenance and Snow Removal services. Interested parties may obtain a Tender Package through the Detachment by contacting: S/Sgt. Riz Suleman @ 780-939-4550 The successful contractor and their employees will be required to obtain a valid RCMP Departmental Security clearance. The successful contractor must adhere to all safety rules, regulations and labor codes in all jurisdictions where work is performed. This service contract may not necessarily be awarded to the lowest bidder. Deadline for Tender submission is: 2:00 p.m. MDT, October 21st, 2015 Bids must be forwarded to RCMP NWR Procurement & Contracting via courier or fax as per Submission of Bids within the Tender Package. Pounds of pumpkin Morinville Sobeys have a 150 pound pumpkin on display in the store in their produce department. Franchise owner Shaun Thompson said the store will have a draw three days before Halloween, giving one family the chance to take the giant pumpkin home to carve in time for Halloween. - Submitted Photos Plenty of cabbage Sturgeon County resident Charity Rostecki sent us this photo of her red cabbage plant that reproduced 10 extra heads after her husband Greg cut the first head off. She says she did not do anything special she just planted it and it kept growing. APPEL D’OFFRES Contrat(s) de services Détachement de la GRC de Morinville Morinville, Alberta Le personnel du détachement de la GRC de Morinville, à Morinville, en Alberta, sollicite des offres pour l’enlèvement de neige et de la maintenance des motifs. Les parties intéressées peuvent obtenir un dossier d’appel d’offres par l’intermédiaire du détachement en appelant: S/Sgt. Riz Suleman @ 780-939-4550 L’entrepreneur sélectionné et ses employés devront obtenir une cote de sécurité de la GRC valide. L’entrepreneur sélectionné doit respecter les consignes de sécurité, les règlements et les codes du travail en vigueur dans le territoire de compétence où sont réalisés les travaux. Le contrat de services ne sera pas nécessairement attribué au soumissionnaire présentant l’offre la plus basse. Date limite de réception des soumissions: le 21 octobre 2015 à 14 h (HAR) Les soumissions doivent parvenir à la Section des acquisitions et des marchés de la Région du Nord-Ouest de la GRC par service de messagerie ou par télécopieur, aux termes du document Présentation des soumissions faisant partie du dossier d’appel d’offres. - Submitted Photo |October 14, 2015 | Page 19 Sponsored By Brent Melville Re/Max Morinville 780-699-2903 Derby doubles on opening night skate by Morinville News Staff The Sturgeon County Junior Roller Derby Association kicked off their 2015-2016 season with a registration night and opening skate Oct. 7. Association President Terri-Ann Waschlik said she was pleased with the response at their initial skate. “We’re really happy with the turnout tonight,” she said. “We’ve had quite a few kids show up to try. We’re probably just over double the amount of kids we had last year.” Waschlik went on to say if everyone who tried out Oct. 7 signs up, the association will have enough for two full teams this year. The association was pleased to see a number of boys try out at the open house registration night. The group is open to boys and girls. Practices are Wednesdays from 5:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. and Sundays from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Morinville Public School. Sturgeon County Junior Roller Derby Association players and prospects skate at the For more information call 780-995-5389 or email Sturgeon. groups opening night Oct. 7. - Stephen Dafoe Photo The group also has a Facebook page. Cross Country team places well at zones by Terry Maslyk A big congratulations to the MCHS Cross Country Running Team for their performance at the Zone meet on Wednesday, Oct. 7th. It was a beautiful day of sunshine and warm weather on the ski hills of Willmore Park by Edson. Top finisher of the day was Graham Glaubitz in the Junior Boys category who won a silver medal for his 4-kilometre run. Graham was well ahead of the 3rd and 4th place finishers (but 2 minutes behind the first place finisher from Barrhead who looked like — "the roadrunner on speed", he was ...amazing. But a great finish for Graham so give him some love if you see him. Also qualifying for Provincials is (top 18 runners qualify — all groups had about 50 runners in each category). Jordan Zadunayski 6th Inter. Girls Kayla Oloske 15th Jr. Girls Quaid Coursaux 18th Jr. Boys Also competing on the tough/hilly course and very deserving of kudos for being willing to do this run. Chelsea Kulbisky 22nd Jr. Girls Caleb Campbell-Potts 22nd Inter Boys Brett Fieldsend 34th Jr. Boys Jacob Rogers 36th Jr. Boys Page 20 | October 14, 2015 Above: MCHS Cross Country Running Team Right: Top finisher of the day was Graham Glaubitz - Submitted Photos Ashley Ermantrout Brent Melville Janine Hurtubise Cell 780-221-0620 Cell 780-699-2903 Cell 780-983-6670 Each office independently owned and operated Brand New Kondro Home 8913-97 Ave 2-storey - 2113sqft in Beautiful Notre Dame Estates. Open kitchen w/island, raised eating bar, maple cabinets. Bonus room separating the junior bedrooms from the master. Double attached garage. $479,900 2-Storey w/Covered Deck Making the rounds A member of the Sturgeon Hockey Club’s Atom B Mustangs rounds a pylon with the puck during a team practice Oct. 7. - Stephen Dafoe Photo 8911-97a St Custom Built 2-storey 2300sqft in Notre Dame Estates. Great room w/gas fireplace, granite countertops, 4 SS Appliances. Large master, 2 junior beds, Laundry and Bonus room upstairs. Attached oversized, 23’4”x26’6” Garage. $489,900 Separate Entrance to Basement! 9402 83 Ave 6 Bedrooms, 3.5 Baths. Kitchen with tons of storage. Great Master suite with 4pc Ensuite. Fabulous country view. Buying or selling? Let the BRENT MELVILLE TEAM of dedicated & $475,000 qualified Real Estate Professionals look out for your best interests. Executive 2-Storey Our mission when you hire THE 401 TEAM is to provide Grandin Drive outstanding service and education on every level so that every client THE TEAM Kitchen w/island, granitehas countertops and behind them to ensure a positiveseparate real estate experience. Why have dining room. 4 spacious bedone agent when you can hire a team! rooms, 4 baths. Master Bedroom features jacuzzi tub and separate shower. 24’x24’ garage w/ infloor heat. #1 Team in Morinville for theattached past 10 Years In the house $429,900 Registered with Brookfield & IRP Approved Agents! Women’s curling hit the ice Oct. 7. With the ice in and cooler weather coming, curling is back in full swing at the Morinville Curling Club. - Stephen Dafoe Photo Visit for Community Information/Events. |October 14, 2015 | Page 21 Every dollar we spend has the power to influence our community. A dollar spent at a local business will turn over seven times in the community, helping our local businesses to continue to employ their staff, support other local suppliers, and support community groups and initiatives. ESPRESSO BAR Lori Shupak Andrea Eberhardt Dana Vinge 10019 - 100 Avenue Morinville 780.939.5154 Tues - Fri 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. 10019 - 100 Avenue Morinville 780.939.5154 Open Tuesday - Friday 8 am to 4 pm 780.939.5150 17-8807 100 St. Morinville Flower Stop & Gift Shop Excellent Service Fresh Flowers Tammy Graham ph 780-203-0502 Fresh Gift Ideas 9918 104 Street Morinville Office Genie Celebrating 4 years in business ! SAVING BUSINESSES TIME & MONEY Full Cycle Bookkeeping Administrative Services Transcription Desktop Publishing Word Processing Event Planning & Support REMOTE & ON-SITE SERVICES AVAILABLE Page 22 | October 14, 2015 email: 780.939.3440 780.720.7581 Free Home Evaluation 9703A-100 Morinville, AB 1R3 T8R 1R3 9805 - 100 St,Street Morinville, AB T8R PH: PH:780-939-2001 780-939-2001 PH: 780-939-2001 FAX: 780-939-6105 FAX: 780-939-6205 780-939-6205 FAX: 9702 - 100 Street, 9702 –– 100 100 Street, Street, Morinville, Morinville, AB T8R 1G3 Morinville,AB ABT8R T8R1G3 1G3 Ph. 780-939-3994 Ph. 780-939-3994 Fax 780-459-4321 Fax 780-459-4321 Real Estate Wills & Estates Family Law Corporate Investors Services Inc., I.G.I.G. Insurance Services Inc.*Inc.* Investors Group GroupFinancial Financial Services Inc., Insurance Services Joel – B.A., B.Ed JoelChevalier Chevalier — B.A., B.Ed Consultant Consultant *License byThe TheGreat-West Great-West Assurance Company * LicenseSponsored Sponsored by LifeLife Assurance Company Real Estate Wills & Estates Family Law Corporate This Weekly Puzzle Page Sponsored by Linda Posting Date October 12,Getzlaf 2015 WHY NOT BUY IN CARDIFF? Give me a call, I'd be happy to show you around! 16 Cardiff PL $339,900 - 4 Level Split / 2044sq.ft / 4 Bdrms / 2.5 Baths 31 Mill RD $400,000 -2 Storey / 2001sq.ft. / 5 Bdrms / 3.5 Baths 438 St. John's ST $449,900 -2 Storey / 1900sq.ft./ 4 Bdrm / 3.5 Baths Trivia Test Answers 1. “A Midsummer Night’s Dream”; 2. Marcia; 3. John Michael; 4. New Zealand; 5. Brahmins, or religious leaders; 6. Tanzania ; 7. Butterflies and moths; 8. Princess Aurora; 9. An inquiry into the cause of an unexpected death; 10. About a minute My Listings Download a QR Reader for your smart phone, then scan the QR Code Page 22 | The Morinville News | 1. LITERATURE: In which of Shakespeare’s plays does the character Titania appear? 2. TELEVISION: What was the name of the oldest girl on “The Brady Bunch”? 3. MUSIC: What was singer Ozzy Osbourne’s real first name? 4. HISTORY: What was the first country to allow women to vote? 5. RELIGION: What is generally considered to be the highest group in the Indian caste system? 6. GEOGRAPHY: In what country is the famous Olduvai Gorge located? 7. SCIENCE: What area of study is a lepidopterist concerned with? 8. MOVIES: What was the name of the princess in the 1959 Disney movie “Sleeping Beauty”? 9. LEGAL: What is an inquest? 10. ANATOMY: How long does it take blood to circulate throughout your body? ©2015 King Features Synd., Inc. Office Listings Real Estate® Each Office Independently Owned and Operated 780-690-3861 Bus: 780-939-1111 IRP APPROVED AGENT Registered with the Brookfield Global Relocation Services Jan. 07, 2015| Page 22 |October 14, 2015 | Page 23 ATLAS PREMIUM HOME DEVELOPMENT ATLAS PREMIUM HOME DEVELOPMENT AFFORDABLE CUSTOM QUALITY HOME BUILDER AFFORDABLE CUSTOM QUALITY HOME BUILDER FREE 3D HOME DESIGN CONSULTATION FREE 3D HOME DESIGN CONSULTATION Quality built homes that include all the little things Quality built homes that include all the little things 780-719-3757 780-719-3757 Celebrate the Winter! Celebrate October LibraryAll ages Month! welcome! Do you have the sub-zero blues? Need something to do during the cold, snowy months? Join the library’s Winter Blues Program. Kidz Flicks Movie! Read for 7 hours during the months of January and February. (That’s less than 15 minutes per day!) and you could WIN one of six iPad Minis, or one of three $50 Chapters gift cards or many other prizes! CINDERELLA Wednesday, October 14th 6:00 pm Open craft time each week (small fee forCraft supplies) (Mom & Me) Spooky Banner Plus, register 18th for the winter Book(ages 6 plus) Sunday, October 1 program - 3 pm Chat before January 31. Book Chat will be on Scrap that Page Monday, February 23 from 6:30 - 8:00 pm Wednesday, October 21st 6:30 - 8 pm Permaculture Workshop Sunday, October 25 1 - 3 pm Credit Rating IQ Session Thursday, October 29th 6 - 8 pm Minecraft Club Monday, October 26th 3:30 & 5:30 pm Morinville Community Library Hours of Operation Monday - Thursday 10 am - 8 pm Friday 10 am - 6 pm Saturday 10 am - 4 pm Sunday 12 pm - 4 pm Closed Holidays 10125 - 100 Avenue Morinville Community Library Morinville, Alberta T8R 1P8 Hours of Operation Phone: 780-939-3292 FAX: 780-939-2757 Monday -EMAIL: Thursday 10 am - 8 pm WEBSITE: Friday 10 am - 6 pm Saturday 10 am - 4 pm Sunday 12 pm - 4 pm Closed Holidays Page 24 | October10125 14, 2015 - 100 Avenue Morinville, Alberta T8R 1P8 Phone: 780-939-3292 FAX: 780-939-2757 EMAIL:
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