LISA LISA - The Morinville News
No job too BIG or small! February 24, 2016 ISSN 2291-2738 Let’s Stop Bullying | INDUSTRIAL | RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL DOWS CARPETS | WIN HING R POWERWAS IO ER XT /E OR INTERI Vol. 6 — Issue 08 Feb. 24 is All about the boot Treehouse TV performers Splash ‘N Boots brought their Big Yellow Boot and high-energy show to Morinville Saturday morning. Approximately 600 children and adults attended the show. See Page 11 for more photos. Lessons Instruments Recording DJ & Live Performing - Stephen Dafoe Photo A N N O U N “The management and staff at Northgate Chevrolet GMC would C like to congratulate LISA CAMERON as our new member of our professional sales team. Lisa brings with her 5 years of General E Motors sales and service experience. Lisa is a life long Albertan and has been a part of our military family for 17 years!! 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See warranty certificate for details and restrictions. © 2014 International Comfort Products © 2014 International Comfort Products Purchase a Comformaker Home System from Quinn’s Pluming and receive a FREE... Hom Purchase a Comformaker Call and ask for me personally Quinn’s Pluming and recei OR for your free home evaluation IRP APPROVED AGENT February 24, 2016 | Wi-Fi FocusPRO Thermostat For over 40 years! Page 1 OR HW265/225 Whole-House Bypass Humidifier Tel: (780) 939-4217 780.939.4217 Plumbing & Heating Ltd. 9923-101 Street, Morinville, AB T8R 1G2 brought to you by Former MCHS student fundraising for humanitarian trip to Ecuador by Lucie Roy Morinville News Correspondent A former MCHS student is seeking $6000 in financial support to attend a four-week program in Ecuador, which is a pre-medical trip specific to her career. Haley Stang told Rotary Club of Morinville members during her Feb. 17 presentation the proposal is with EcuaExperience, a Canadian based company offering Pre-Medical and Volunteer Programs. Stang graduated from MCHS in 2014 and is currently enrolled at the University of Alberta, pursuing Medicine and eventually Surgery Specialty. She is enrolled in Honours Physiology to pursue medicine, and then cardio vascular surgery. The Ecuador program provides students with three opportunities to help those less fortunate learn firsthand knowledge about the medical field and discover the diversity of a developing nation. Stang said she would learn by shadowing doctors, surgeons, and healthcare professionals providing care to local people. There are medical rotations involving surgery, sports medicine, radiology, obstetrics, emergency aid, internal medicine, and pediatrics. Shadowing opportunities include lab components and individual cases. The team will build houses alongside the local community and then donate the houses upon completion. There is a four-month project to build 20 homes in the rural community of Jama in 2016. The new houses would have natural cross-ventilation, be earthquake resistant and made of local sustainable materials. Stang said she believed the Ecuador trip would further her knowledge and passion for volunteering. "As an active member of society, it is important to me to enrich myself in philanthropy while always learning along the way,” she said. “The intent is [that] this trip allows me to combine my passion for volunteering with early experience to my career choice while discovering another lifestyle and culture.” Stang has had a long history of volunteerism and was a founding member of the MCHS Rotary Interact Club in 2014. During that year, she was involved in a humanitarian trip to Mexico that included restoring a church playground and visiting orphanages and families living in a dump. In addition to being Captain of the Senior Volleyball team and Assistant Coach for the Sturgeon Volleyball Club in 2014, Stang was also involved with the Careers, Next Generation to help high school students in their career after graduation. She did one year at the Health Intern-Citadel Care Centre in 2013 and a year at the Health Intern-Sturgeon Community Hospital in 2014. She was also the Health Spokesman at the 7th Annual Future Circle Event. Stang continues her volunteerism. She is currently an active member of the University of Alberta’s Rotaract Club and is a President-Elect Candidate for their elections in March and serves in a Leadership role in the Subcommittee on Community Service. Stang has volunteered at the Mustard Seed sorting clothes, created hampers at the Edmonton Food Bank, and volunteered at Ronald McDonald House. Stang is currently on the Sub-Committee of the Ronald McDonald House. At Westmount Junior High School she is the Co-founder of the Mentorship Program for at-risk youth, which begins in March. The program's goal is to meet at least once a month to develop leadership, goal setting, character building, and career building skills. Please contact us at CAREERS@CHAMPIONPETFOODS.COM Page 2 | February 24, 2016 Local woman recipient of Governor General Caring Canadian Award by Lucie Roy Morinville News Correspondent Guylaine Jacques received an email Feb. 4 saying she'd won a Governor General's award, and did not think much of it at first. “You know we receive so many things by email," Jacques said, adding emails in the inbox saying she's won a cruise or other things are common. "I read the title and almost deleted it." The email, addressed to Guylaine Jacques, read “Prix du Governeur General pour l’entraide felicitations.” Jacques said it looked real so she saved it and did some research that night with her husband, Steve Daigle. After checking it out, everything seemed legitimate, but the next morning she called to see if it was a joke. When she learned it wasn’t, she cried. Jacques is to be presented the Governor General’s Caring Canadian Friday, 26 February Higher Grounds Scribbage Tournament If you like cribbage, you’ll love scribbage, a variation of the game that’s easy to learn and fun to play. This event will take place at 7 p.m. Feb. 26 at Higher Grounds. Entry fees will be donated to a local charity. Monday, 29 February - Adult Colouring at the Green Bean Grab your colouring books and markers and come to the Green Bean from 6 - 8 p.m. for another Adult Colouring Session. Friday, March 4 The Rendez Vous de la Francophonie takes place March 6 to 20 and Morinville is joining the party. The contribution of French Canadians to the province and local community will be acknowledged March 4 with a French Canadian Heritage Celebration that will begin with the Raising of the Franco-Albertan flag in St. Jean Baptiste Park and will continue with festivities at the Morinville Community Cultural Centre (MCCC). See for details and times. Tuesday, March 8 - AGM The Annual General Meeting of the Sturgeon Rural Crime Watch Association will be held at 8 p.m. on Tuesday, March 8 at the Rendez-Vous Award in March for her volunteerism and said she still does not know who nominated her. Many places where she has volunteered have all received phone calls from the Governor Generals’ office confirming her volunteerism and involvement. Jacques said volunteering is a family thing and thinks it comes from her Mom. Her Mother got involved with the school when Jacques was young and together with a group of parents got a cafeteria built for the school. “I think when we saw her very involved in the community she looked happy and since then we always help everybody,” Jacques said adding her parents always helped everybody around them. It is something that is present in her home. She said her children are involved everywhere, and her husband takes a week of unpaid vacation time every year to do the sugar shack at area schools and events. He has done it for the last six years and recently took part at events at Morinville Public School and the Morinville Snowman Festival over the Family Day weekend. “Every community needs some volunteers," Jacques said. "If nobody volunteers in the community, the community is a dead community. If everybody is paid, they just pay them for so much. We need volunteers in a community.” Jacques' volunteerism includes but is not limited to four years with Tour de l’Alberta, volunteering with the ACFA since 2005, the Federation of Sports Alberta’s Francophone as Director for two years, and four years as vice president. She is also on the Organizing Committee for the Alberta Francophone Games, with five years as Zone 4 Coach for Zone 4. Jacques and members of the Morinville Community Library initiated the Story Time program where she reads French books to children and Library employee Margaret Meetsma reads the English ones. As a preschool teacher at École Citadelle in Legal, Jacques has also volunteered as the School Community Coordinator and organizes different activities for children to bring the community in the school and the school into the community. She also teaches Roots of Empathy and takes the students to the Chateau Sturgeon Lodge to do activities with the seniors. “Time flies so fast," Jacques said of her volunteerism. "I never count my hours. I never count the days. I never count anything. If I volunteer for something of if they call me for something, I give 110 per cent, and I am there until they tell me to leave.” Centre, 9913-104 Street, Morinville. The meeting will be preceded by the presentation of the Poster Contest Awards to the winners at 7 p.m. Light refreshments will be served. All SRCWA members and parents of winners are to encouraged to attend. Saturday, 12 March Champion Regional Series Featuring Alberta Beef, the music of the Beatles, and local and regional beers, the first Champion Regional Series will take place Mar. 12 at the Rendez-Vous Centre. See Page 16 for details. Upcoming Cultural Shows The Jungle Book Feb. 27 Illumidance - Mar. 10 CCC Want to see your event in our Community Calendar? Send your not-for-profit Community Event listing to: Two weeks prior to our Wednesday publication date. Listings will be placed based on avialable space. Celebrate FREEDOM TO READ WEEK! February 21st - 27 at the library Between the Covers Book Club Wednesday, February 24th 7:00 - 8:30 pm Cozy Corner Stories Thursday, February 25th 10:30 am Winter Reading Drop-in Craft Friday, February 26thth 3:30 - 5:30 pm Loose Threads Quilt Club Monday, February 29th 6:00 - 9:00 pm Coffee & Cards Tuesday, March 1st Noon - 2 pm Word Docs Tuesday, March 1st 6:30 - 8:00 pm LEGO Block Party Club Wednesday, March 2nd 6:00 - 7:00 pm Morinville Community Library Hours of Operation Tuesday-Thursday 10 am - 8 pm Friday 10 am - 6 pm Saturday 10 am - 4 pm Sunday 12 pm - 4 pm Closed Mondays & Holidays 10125 - 100 Avenue Morinville Community Library Morinville, AB. T8R 1P8 Hours of Operation Phone: 780-939-3292 FAX: 780-939-2757 eMail: Tuesday - Thursday 10 am - 8 pm Website: Friday 10 am - 6 pm Saturday 10 am - 4 pm Sunday 12Brought pm - 4 pmTo You By Community Events Closed Monday & Holidays 10125 - 100 Avenue Morinville, Alberta T8R 1P8 Phone: 780-939-3292 FAX: 780-939-2757 EMAIL: WEBSITE: February 24, 2016 | Page 3 /MorinvilleNews @MorinvilleNews Editorial: The prime minister needs to wake up and get a haircut The headline of this article is not a statement this publication agrees with – far from it in fact. We think the prime minister’s hair is OK as it is. But it is one that we have published nonetheless because freedom of the press gives us the right to make provocative, controversial and even ill-informed statements – published opinions that can freely criticize our municipal, provincial and federal leaders for the actions or inactions they take without fear of execution, jail time or even reprisal. You are free to read such statements or not. You are also free to agree with such statements or not. Such is the nature of a free society, and such is the message of Freedom to Read Week, an annual event that celebrates the great freedom we have in this country to (with reasonable exceptions) write what we want and to read what we want. And yet in this day and age where the free exchange of ideas and ideologies (both well-informed and ill-informed) travel with the rapidity of an Internet Tweet, there are those who would still ban and censor the written word for no other reason than it does not agree with their particular worldview. Fortunately such challenges are few and far between in Canada, and the days when a book like Rabbit’s Wedding (which depicts a black and white rabbit holding hands on the cover) could be removed from library shelves for its seemingly interracial agenda are over. It’s fitting that we discuss these Freedoms at a time when the NDP government’s dustup with reporters from Ezra Levant’s Rebel Media has caught media headlines and media support. The government quickly reversed its decision to keep those they do not consider to be journalists on the other side of the door, but will now undertake a study to look at media policies. As media, we are concerned with this move. Government should not get to decide who is media and who is not. The government should not get to decide what form or media - print or online - consists of journalists. The Guelph Mercury, in print since before Confederation, recently went online only. Under a no webbies policy, a publication older than the country itself would be barred from covering the government news of the day. It’s interesting to note that Rebel Media co-founder Brian Lilly is a member of the Canadian Parliamentary Press Gallery, as are two reporters from Buzzfeed and one from That Mr. Levant resonates with one side of a political spectrum and not another is a fact. That Mr. Levant is applauded by some and utterly loathed by others is a fact. That Mr. Levant and his colleagues have a right guaranteed under the Charter of Rights and Freedoms to criticize the government of the day is also a fact. And it’s also a fact that he takes his lumps in a court of law if he crosses the line, just like any other journalist, columnist, reporter or media pundit. Censorship or attempts at censorship remain in our modern society and the freedom to write and the freedom to read is something we must never take for granted. This past week has shown this. Go to the library and take out a banned book this week or read a newspaper article critical of government while you still can. - SD What Are You Talking About? but it might suffice for grades 7-9 until land within Morinville can be secured for construction of a new school. Shelly wrote: I am curious how many parents outside the parent council outright object to the notion of a temporary school. I am a parent with a child in the public school, and my family is facing uncertainty like everyone else. I would definitely support a temporary school over busing my child out of the community. If other parents share this perspective, its time they start speaking up. We live in an outrageously prosperous part of the world, and we need to consider how lucky we are to be in a position to be picky about the perfect location for a ‘state of the art’ school. I would rather have my child well educated in a humble building in my town than to have her shipped off to some out-of-town school because the SSD was too preoccupied trying to build a monument to itself, and snubbing an opportunity to make a practical solution happen locally. Education is about the children — this parent says get over yourselves SSD, and build the school already. You’ve been given the best option available under the circumstances, which we all understand are not ideal. Get on with fulfilling your obligations to our children. Be inspired by the imagination our children have in abundance to work out a way to make a great school in spite of the limitations — what a monument to ingenuity and creative problem solving that would be. What an example to offer to our children about gratitude and making the best with what life offers. Noah L responded: I think you are missing a key point in the messaging from SSD and to a certain extent the Alberta Government. SSD is the Customer, the Alberta Government and the Town need to figure a solution out here. Until those two come to an agreement, the “Customer” has no say over when they can “build the school already.” I’ve seen and read enough over the last few weeks to know who I personally think is at fault here. Council needs to realize that “perception is reality” in the world of politics. Quit issuing terse responses via the media and find a way to get this done with the Province. John Coffin wrote: You know, you could have saved alot of money by getting your drawings from an existing design. Why try reinventing the wheel? Stop making something simple into something complicated. Lucie Roy’s Feb. 11 (online) Feb. 17 (print) story Sturgeon School Division discusses school delay generated a bit on online discussion. Below are sme of the comments. Joel K wrote: Instead of bringing more modulars in, maybe the SSD should explore the option of renovating and re-purposing the existing Sturgeon County office that is for sale just south of Morinville. It would requiring bussing for a short distance and possibly a gymnasium added, News Room: 780-800-3619 Marketing & publish ng Your Front Line In Getting The Word Out Page 4 INC. | February 24, 2016 Advertising Sales: 780-800-3619 Letters Policy • Morinville News welcomes Letters to the Editor for publication. • Letters must contain a name and a phone number or email address to verify writers identity. • Morinville News reserves the right to edit letters for legal considerations, taste and brevity. Morinville News Phone: 780-800-3619 Email: 10021 — 100 Avenue, Morinville Sales Dept Calls: Tues-Sat 9-5 News Room Calls: Tues-Sat 9-5* *We monitor calls evenings, weekends and holidays for breaking news stories The letters appearing in this publication have been edited for length and other considerations. Please try to keep letters under 500 words to ensure your Letter to the Editor appears as close to its original form as possible. Email or phone us with your stories. Letter: CAF program more of the same Re: Edmonton Garrison part of Veteran Family Pilot Project by Lucie Roy [published on Jan. 24]. This news article really caused me a lot of mental angst. The author didn’t, but the subject matter did. Well, I read your comment/article on how the “Edmonton Garrison is one of [7] locations chosen for a [4]-year pilot project to provide medicallyreleased veterans and their families with support for [2] years from the date of release”. With the “programming” targeting medically released Veterans from the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) since 30 November 2014 (and on). I am sorry to say that I found the article to just (for me) to be a rehash of the previous CAF’s ‘party line’, about how the CAF ‘really’ cares about Veterans and their respective families. Which (I feel) is nowhere near the ‘facts’. The CAF (I believe) can ‘re-name’ and/or ‘rebrand’ their product program (in this case, how they support ‘wounded’ Veterans (both physically and psychological), but (I disbelieve and have no faith in) a military system that (I feel) just throws us Veterans ‘away’ and/or into a corner (in the hopes we will never be heard from again). For example, look at the exclusion of Veterans with “issues” who were released/kicked out before 30 November 2014. What about us? Are we to be just written off, because of an arbitrary date. I guess so. For this Veteran, this is just (I perceive) another disguised, blotted, bureaucratic government ‘program’ that takes away from previous ‘programs’, such as SISIP, etc., and does nothing to help us Veterans (regardless of whether we were released and/ or were medically kicked out before 30 November 2014 or not). Further, after the four years are up what happens to medically-released Veterans and their families? More of the same, or (as I perceive), just another renaming and re-launch of another “program”, that will (again I discern) not truly address ongoing Veteran “issues” (such as the small matters of violence, pain, suffering, and financial security). If the CAF really wanted to show that it supports wounded Veterans, it should (I feel) take a (somewhat) lead from the United States, such as implementing a USA Military Office for Retirees/Veterans (where there can be an “Office of Military Retirees/Veterans” embedded within each Base Headquarters (HQs)). All it would take to show us Veterans that the CAF really cared would be a mid-sized room, with several comfortable chairs, maybe a radio, coffee, and a coffee pot with mugs. What would this program cost? Next to nothing. But would not (I feel) serve vested interests. Oh well, why listen to us Veterans, as what do we really know? For myself, this is just another CAF “program” that (I believe) deflects from the ‘true’ causes of pain and misery for us Veterans, and that is the lack of dedicated, consistent, on-going, respectful support, and financially security for those Veterans (like myself) and their respective families. Thoughts? Mike Cue The Annual General Meeting of the Sturgeon Rural Crime Watch Association will be held at 8 p.m. on Tuesday, March 8 at the Rendez-Vous Centre, 9913-104 Street, Morinville. The meeting will be preceded by the presentation of the Poster Contest Awards to the winners at 7 p.m. Light refreshments will be served. All SRCWA members and parents of winners are to encouraged to attend. Jo HERE’S MY VIEW! MORINVILLE The older I get, the more I realize that my generation just isn’t relevant anymore. Bad night for a knight This is kind of old news on account it happened a week ago Sunday, but I think it’s worth telling for those what missed it. Paul McCartney is one of the Beatles, and they was the greatest music group that ever was. After the Grammy Awards in the States, he went to some after party that some Tyga was holding. I had to look him up. He’s a rapper. Anyway, Sir Paul, who the Queen made a knight, was turned away twice by the bouncers because they did not know who Paul McCartney was. So he had to go to a different party. I took a listen to one of Tyga’s songs, and I expect Sir Paul will be remembered long after the likes of Tyga finally pull up their pants. No work and all pay Read where a Spanish fella stayed home from work for six years but the company kept paying him. The only reason they learned he wasn’t coming to work is because they were fixing to give him an award for his 20 years of hard work managing the building he was making nearly $50,000 a year to manage. So this guy took in $250,000, and all he got was a $30,000 fine. And you folks probably guessed it. This guy was not working for a big company or a mom and pop corner store. He was working for his municipal government. Ain’t nowhere else that kind of story could happen but government. Photo with a fish I don’t understand this obsession with people taking so many photos of themselves I’d guess there ain’t more than a dozen photos of me. There’s my wedding picture, one when I give my daughter away and one when my son got married. There’s one or two from a family reunion and one from my 65th birthday. Other than that there’s one the missus kept what she took of me when I fell asleep with my mouth open. But today, people take pictures of themselves coming and going to work, to the store and BINGO. And now a bunch of idiots killed a poor dolphin because a whole bunch of them paraded it around a beach out of the water taking photos with it. They say dolphins is the smartest mammals. They’re sure smarter than those idiots on the beach. The pope and the dope So someone asked the Pope what he thought of Donald Trump wanting to build a wall between the States and Mexico and he said something about someone who would build that kind of wall wasn’t acting like a Christian. Then people what like Trump said who is the pope to question Trump’s faith or anyone? I think if a plumber is qualified to tell you if your toilet is clogged, the pope is qualified to determine if someone is acting like a Christian or not. Join Us for some Easter Fun! The Easter Egg Clue Hunt will soon be run! Hiring 18 Food Service Supervisors $13.50/hr plus Benefits. Start ASAP. Experience 1 to 2 Years. Education Not Required Hiring 50 Food Counter Attendants $11.65/hr plus Benefits. Start ASAP No Education / Experience Required 20-470 St. Albert Rd., St. Albert; 800-2 Hebert Rd. St. Albert; 400-700 St. Albert Rd., St. Albert; 275 Camegle Drive., St. Albert; 8809-100 St. Morinville. Permanent, FT, PT, Shift, Weekend, Day, Night & Evening Contact for Job Description. Apply in Person or Fax: 780-401-3376 February 24, 2016 | Page 5 Minister of Education meets with School Division and Council by Colin Smith Morinville News Correspondent in time for the 2017-18 school year. That is no longer possible, but Eggen said he wants it done as soon as possible. “The money is there, and it’s not going anywhere,” he declared. “It takes about 2½ years to get this job done. If we can start working on it straightaway that would be great, depending on the resolution of the access.” Eggen added, “We need to make sure schools are being built to meet the needs of the growing population of students in our province.” Superintendent Dick said she was very encouraged by the meeting. “The minister was very encouraging,” she stated. “He reaffirmed commitment to a new public school in Morinville and commitment to funding.” Having all players around the table to have a look at the possibilities to and see what the constraints are is a good thing she noted. “I believe there is good will. I believe there needs to be good will. I believe we have to put students at centre of the discussion.” Dick said the aim is to work collectively to identify the right site and to see the school open in 2018-19. “I certainly believe the minister was committed to that.” Alberta Education Minister David Eggen wants area residents to know that the province is truly committed to building a new public school in Morinville. This was the point stressed by the Minister after he came out of a Feb. 17 meeting with representatives of the Town of Morinville and Sturgeon School Division in regards to the planned Public Junior High School. “We want to reassure in the Morinville area that this school will be built, and the monies are available to move forward in in the most expeditious way,” Eggen stated. He said that with Morinville growing very rapidly, the interests of children need to be put first and foremost. “So we are making sure we have school spaces available in the next weeks and months and to get the new school built in a very expeditious way.” A budget of $25 million has been set for the school, which will require 2½ years for completion once construction begins. The Minister described the meeting attended by Mayor Lisa Holmes and councillors, Sturgeon School Division Superintendent Michèle Dick, and Board Chair Tracy Nowak as “very productive.” What is the plan until school built? Roadblocks on present school site There was also a necessary focus on the shorter term for Morinville Public School, she pointed out. “What happens in the 2017-18 school year? How are we going to meet student needs? We are going to be looking at a lot of different options.” One specific question is whether there will be room for more modular units. On that, Dick said the School Division is waiting for feedback from the Town. Mayor Lisa Holmes said in a Town of Morinville statement that she felt the meeting was very productive. “We continue to be committed to working together in order to ensure this project moves forward,” Holmes stated. Morinville and Sturgeon School Division have arranged a meeting for Feb. 23. The meeting was called after an impasse developed over the site offered by the Town for the school. Recently the School Division declared the site unsuitable because of road access and safety concerns, while Morinville officials assert no other site is available. As a result the planning process has been suspended. “We had a number of suggestions from the municipality and the school board on how to overcome some of the roadblocks,” Eggen said. The Minister added he would be speaking with colleagues in the Municipal Affairs and Infrastructure departments about possible ways to move forward. Following the original timeline, the project was to have been completed Jeff Lamarche Phone: (780)-918-6033 Price Includes: •Weekly Colour Print Advert •Your Ad Online Linked To Your Website •Social Media And Email List Rotation FOR ADVERTISING INFORMATION CONTACT The Morinville News At 780-800-3619 or email Flower Stop & Gift Shop Serge R. Froment, D.C. Doctor of Chiropractic Exceeding above and beyond your health expectations Dr. Ross Horricks Excellent Service Dr. Brennan Lafleur Fresh Flowers Dr. Tim Barter Fresh Gift Ideas 10405 - 100 Avenue, Morinville, AB T8R 1S1 Phone: (780) 939-3885 9918 104 Street Morinville 780.939.3440 24houremergencyservice Office Genie Celebrating 4 years in business ! SAVING BUSINESSES TIME & MONEY Full Cycle Bookkeeping Administrative Services Transcription Desktop Publishing Word Processing Event Planning & Support REMOTE & ON-SITE SERVICES AVAILABLE Page 6 | February 24, 2016 780.720.7581 ◊FurnaceRepairs&Replacement ◊ResidentialFurnace&SheetMetalInstallations ◊AirConditioningSystems ◊AirCleaners ◊Humidifiers ◊HotWaterTanks ◊WaterSofteners ◊DuctCleaning Custom Blinds, Shades and Shutters Competitive Prices With Superior Customer Service 780.459.4919 780-722-9992 The aging Ray McDonald Sports Center is seen from 107 Street. Demolition of the arena is one of the cocerns in using the property for a new public junior high school. Sturgeon School Division’s board and Morinville Town Council were to hold a joint meeting Feb. 24. Morinville school numbers show clear need for schools by Colin Smith Morinville News Correspondent is projected to be 335 students in the new school and 688 at Morinville Public School. The student population of Greater St. Albert Catholic School Division’s Notre Dame and G.H. Primeau is numerous portables along with the core buildings. Superintendent David Keohane stated that at Notre Dame 500 students are accommodated in the main building and 17 portables, and 425 at G.H. Primeau, where there are a dozen portables. According to Keohane, more than 95 per cent of the population at Notre Dame and G.H. Primeau either live in the Town of Morinville or are in the schools’ residential area, i.e. Cardiff or Legal. At Notre Dame, 460 of the students live in Morinville, 30 (6%) live in Legal or Cardiff, 10 (2%), classed as non-resident, live in Sturgeon County. Of the students at G.H. Primeau, 350 are Morinville residents, 60 (14%) reside in Cardiff or Legal and 15 (3.5%) are from Sturgeon County. The new GSACRD school planned for the Westwinds Development will be an elementary K-6 with a student capacity of 350. The details of a new Sturgeon School Division junior high school may be up in the air, but it’s certain that student population at the present Morinville Public School is going up. According to Principal Wayne Rufiange, the current school enrolment is 701 students from Preschool through Grade 8. “I am projecting 830 students from Preschool through Grade 9 in the 2016-2017 school year,” he said. Of the 701 students, 131 (18.68%) have an address that is not in Morinville, including Cardiff, Legal, Sturgeon County and surrounding areas. Rufiange said projected enrolment at the new school, for grades 5-9, would be 283 students if it were to open for the 2017-2018 school year. Morinville Public School will be Preschool to Grade 4, with a projected enrolment of 654 students. Enrolment for the 2018-2019 school year TRAN AND A TRANSMISSIONS AND AUTO REPAIR Investors Services Inc., I.G.I.G. Insurance Services Inc.*Inc.* Investors Group GroupFinancial Financial Services Inc., Insurance Services Joel – B.A., B.Ed JoelChevalier Chevalier — B.A., B.Ed Consultant Consultant 780.9 www.dctr 780.939.6741 9703A-100 Morinville, AB 1R3 T8R 1R3 9805 - 100 St,Street Morinville, AB T8R Ph. 780-939-3994 Ph. 780-939-3994 Fax 780-459-4321 Fax 780-459-4321 780.939.6741 780.939.6741 780-674-3225 www.dctr AND AUTO REPAIR AND AUTO REPAIR TRANSMISSIONS AND AUTO REPAIR TRAN AND A 780.9 TRANSMISSIONS AND AUTO REPAIR T7N 1A3 780.939.6741 780.939.6741 AND AUTO REPAIR 780.939.6741 780.939.6741 5106 50 Street Box 4250 TRANSMISSIONS AND AUTO Barrhead,REPAIR Alberta AND AUTO REPAIR TRANSMISSIONS TRANSMISSIONS TRANSMISSIONS AND AUTO REPAIR Barrhead-Morinville-Westlock TRANSMISSIONS AND AUTO REPAIR AND AUTO REPAIR TRANSMISSIONS AND AUTO REPAIR TRANSMISSIONS AND AUTO REPAIR TRANSMISSIONS AND AUTO REPAIR TRANSMISSIONS AND AUTO REPAIR Real Estate Wills & Estates Family Law Corporate 780.939.2100 GLENN VAN DIJKEN, MLA 780.939.6741 780.939.6741 780.939.6741 780.939.6741 AND AUTO REPAIR AND AUTO REPAIR AND REPAIR AND AUTO REPAIR 780.939.6741 780.939.6741 TRANSMISSIONS AND AUTO REPAIR 780.939.6741 TRANSMISSIONS 780.939.6741 TRANSMISSIONS TRANSMISSIONS TRANSMISSIONS AND AUTO REPAIR TRANSMISSIONS TRANSMISSIONS 780.939.6741 780.939.6741 TRANSMISSIONS AND AUTO REPAIR 780.939.6741 780.939.6741 TRANSMISSIONS AND AUTO REPAIR PH: PH:780-939-2001 780-939-2001 PH: 780-939-2001 FAX: 780-939-6105 FAX: 780-939-6205 780-939-6205 FAX: 9702 - 100 Street, 9702 –– 100 100 Street, Street, Morinville, Morinville, AB T8R 1G3 Morinville,AB ABT8R T8R1G3 1G3 Real Estate Wills & Estates Family Law Corporate 9910 - 100 St. Morinville *License byThe TheGreat-West Great-West Assurance Company * LicenseSponsored Sponsored by LifeLife Assurance Company 780.939.6741 780.939.6741 TRANSMISSIONS AND AUTO REPAIR 780.939.6741 TRANSMISSIONS 780.939.6741 TRANSMISSIONS 780.939.6741 February 24, 2016 | Page 7 Gibbons CAO Farrell O’Malley and Deputy Mayor Louise Bauder, Hon. Rona Ambrose, PC MP, Mayor Lisa Holmes and Interim CAO Andy Isbister. Seated: Redwater Councillor Lori Lumsden, Mayor Mel Smith, Bon Accord Councillor Lorna Pocock, and Mayor Randy Boyd. - Lucie Roy Photo Ambrose speaks to region's mayors and CAOs by Lucie Roy Morinville News Correspondent On Friday afternoon, the Town of Morinville hosted local Mayors and CAOs for a meeting with the Honourable Rona Ambrose Member of Parliament, Sturgeon River-Parkland and Interim Leader of the Official Opposition. Representatives from Morinville, Gibbons, Bon Accord and Redwater attended the meeting. Sturgeon County and Legal were unable to attend. Ambrose said there was an opportunity in the next budget for infrastructure funding. It is her hope that rural communities will get their fair share of that funding. But the Interim Conservative Leader also spoke on a larger level about the economic impact of the country’s economic debt on Albertans. The Parkland-Sturgeon River MP said there had been a significant economic and social impact of the downturn in the economy. She said she had been thinking about what can be done to work together to see what the federal government might be able to do to help. “There is a sense from a lot of people that I have met in Alberta that maybe Prime Minister Trudeau does not understand how serious things are Mixed Bonspiel 18 Mar. to 20 Mar. Sponsored by Westmore Terminals l e C al s a e l P gister mail To Re -4393 or e ot 39 780-9 ingclub@h vi l morin lecurl here or how our economy works here,” Ambrose said. “Things are in very dire straits, and this is just the beginning. We are going to see a lot more people lose their jobs.” Ambrose went on to say Employment Insurance files have skyrocketed in the province, and she believes it is just the beginning. She said she will be going back to talk to the Prime Minister about it, as she said she has done for the last three months, on an almost daily basis. “We need immediate support and change in EI but also need long-term support for this industry [energy] he is not friendly to,” Ambrose said. “He has to understand these are well-paying jobs, [a] well high-educated workforce, and this is an important part of the entire Canadian economy. We need it supported, and that includes the pipeline, supporting the natural resources from Newfoundland all the way to Kitimat, whether it is the large sector or mining or gas sector. Mayor Lisa Holmes said she was pleased to meet with Ambrose and other local leaders. “We are appreciative of the fact that although our MP is Leader of the Opposition, she took time to come to listen to our local issues.” The Liberals are expected to table their first budget in mid- to lateMarch. Meet Nabi! Nabi is an 8 month old domestic shorthair. She came into our clinic with a severely frost bitten tail that unfortunately was beyond repair and had to be amputated. She has recovered from her surgery remarkably well and is in good spirits. She has been spayed, microchipped, tattooed, vaccinated, and dewormed. She is now ready to find her forever home. If you are interested in meeting this sweetheart, give us a call at (780)939-3133, or come visit her at the clinic! 9804 90 Ave. Morinville Ray McDonald Sports Center Page 8 | February 24, 2016 780-939-3133 TownofMorinville TownMorinville Town of Morinville Upcoming Town Events Morinville Census 2016 Door-to-door enumerators will be out between May 1 and June 30 to ensure we capture an official Morinville 2016 Census will commence on April 1, count of all residents. Door-to-door interviews will with the online phase available through to May 15. take no more than a few minutes. Unique PIN numbers will be mailed out March 23 Residents who complete their census online will be to all households in Morinville. entered to win 4 tickets to a 2016-2017 “LIVE at the CCC” performance of their choosing. Community computers will be available at Civic Hall (10125 - 100 Avenue, 2nd Floor) and the Morinville For more information, please visit our Census 2016 website at Public Library (10125 - 100 Ave, Main Floor). Town Reminders Trail/Road Conditions The Town of Morinville is asking residents to use caution whether walking or driving over the next week. Warmer weather is creating slick conditions. Where trails/roads are shaded and no sun has penetrated to remove the frozen surface, gravel and salt has been placed to make walking/driving conditions safer. Conditions are being monitored daily. ........................................................................................................ Animal Licence Renewals Deadline: February 29, 2016 If you own a dog(s) six months or older and live in the Town of Morinville you are required to register your dog, and they must wear a licence tag. The licence must be obtained or renewed annually at the Town Office (10125 - 100 Ave.) ........................................................................................................ Community Programs Looking for programs, courses, groups or other things to do in Morinville? Check out the Morinville Winter Community Guide at ........................................................................................................ Storm Water Ponds The Town of Morinville would like to remind residents not to fish/skate on storm water ponds due to recent warm temperatures. With the warm temperatures and melting we have been experiencing recently, Public Works staff have had to pump the storm water ponds down in order to leave room for all of the extra water that is filling them. This is leaving a hollow between the ice and the water which can therefore take less weight than ice that is directly supported. Enumerators Wanted Looking for Municipal Census Enumerators If you are interested in becoming an enumerator for the Municipal Census (April 1 - June 30), please contact Jennifer Maskoske at 780.939.7852. Employment Opportunities The Town of Morinville has openings for the following positions: • Casual Maintenance Service Worker 1 • Senior Finance Clerk • Community Services — Summer Camp Coordinator • Community Services — Summer Camp Counselors (4 positions) • Community Services — Summer Sport Camp Coordinator For further details, please go to Job Openings at Development Permit Public Notice Take notice that the following Development Permit(s) listed below have been approved in accordance with Morinville Land Use Bylaw 3/2012. DP011/2016 – Protective and Emergency Services (Temporary Training Facility), Pt. NE2755-25-4 lying NE of Railway Plan 5773 AY – Discretionary Use (UR District). For further information or to arrange for an appointment to view the above development permit(s) or plans, please contact the Planning & Development Department at 780-939-7857 or visit Persons wishing to appeal the above noted decision(s) of Morinville’s Development Authority must do so by filing a “NOTICE OF APPEAL”, along with payment of a $100 non-refundable fee to the Subdivision and Development Appeal Board, NO LATER THAN March 9, 2016. Appeals can be filed with the Secretary of the Subdivision and Development Appeal Board by calling 780-939-4361. Missoula Children’s Theatre: The Jungle Book Saturday February 27, 2016 Back by popular demand! A little red truck will pull into Morinville on Monday February 22, 2016 with everything it takes to mount a full scale musical production of The Jungle Book. Shows: 3 & 5 p.m. Tickets: Family (max 4) $30 • Individual $10 Pick up your tickets at the MCCC Box Office, or by calling 780.939.7888. ........................................................................................ Celebrating French Heritage/ Célébration de la Francophonie March 4, 2016 Celebrate the rich French Canadian Heritage with French Heritage displays, food, music, children’s activities and more. The event will begin with the raising of the Franco Albertan flag on March 4, 2016 at 12 p.m. in St. Jean Baptiste Park. For full details go to > Event Calendar ........................................................................................ Rainbow Dance Theatre: iLUMiDance Thursday March 10, 2016 Utilizing electro-luminescent (EL) wire, fiber optic fabric, black light and other special effects, Rainbow Dance Theatre creates a world of wonder in their newest production. Show: 7:30 p.m. Tickets: FREE Pick up your (free) tickets at the MCCC Box Office, or by calling 780.939.7888. ........................................................................................ FOR A FULL LISTING OF COMMUNITY EVENTS GO TO Town Council Agenda packages for Regular Council & Committee of the Whole Meetings are posted on the Town website at by 4:30 p.m. the Friday prior to the meeting date. Regular Council Meeting March 8, 2016 | 7:30 p.m. Council Chambers St. Germain Place 10125-100 Ave. ........................................................................... Committee of the Whole Meeting March 15, 2016 | 6:30 p.m. Council Chambers St. Germain Place 10125-100 Ave. ........................................................................... Regular Council Meeting March 22, 2016 | 7:30 p.m. Council Chambers St. Germain Place 10125-100 Ave. ........................................................................... Council Highlights — available online Council highlights provide a short, informal update on what occurred at the Council Meetings. To access the highlights, visit Civic Hall: 10125 - 100 Avenue Main: 780-939-4361 Fax: 780-939-5633 Public Works: 780-939-2590 Community Services: 780-939-7839 February 24, 2016 | Page 9 Morinville Public School Principal Wayne Rufiange and Vice Principal Shannon Chabot show off the anti-bullying shirts staff will wear Feb. 24 during Pink Shirt Day. - Stephen Dafoe Photo MPS champions mental health throughout the year by Stephen Dafoe Kindness comes in one size and it fits all. That’s the message that will be disKindness comes in one size, and it fits all. That’s the message being shared throughout the community and across the country Feb. 24 on Pink Shirt Day. The movement began in 2007 as a way for two Nova Scotia students to support a fellow student bullied for wearing a pink shirt to school. Pink Shirt Day has grown over the past nine years to become a national day of awareness about the impacts of bullying. Local schools are taking part in the initiative Feb. 24. Morinville Public School Vice Principal Shannon Chabot said pink shirts were purchased for the school’s entire staff to be part of that day, and that students will be encouraged to dress in pink to support anti-bullying. But the day will feature more than donning pink garments. Presentations on bullying will take place throughout the day to remind students of the impact the behaviour has on one another. “They have a number of presentations planned around bullying, and we also have lessons that we’ll be giving the teachers in every grade so that they have a lesson they can give the students on that day as well,” Chabot said. “That week, we’ll be looking for kids doing great things - doing things that are positive, and rewarding them.” MPS Principal Wayne Rufiange said the school worked with children on a daily basis about working with peers and students in other grades. Pink Shirt Day gives the school another opportunity to convey the information. “It’s always nice to have those special times in the year to maybe focus and remind everybody to recharge and bring light to some of those problems,” Rufiange said. “We know kids, just as adults do, have difficulties with relationships, and navigating their emotions and how to decode their interactions with other kids. I think when we can get kids together and show them that they’re all really in it together, it strengthens that community. and when you strengthen the community, then you can help strengthen the individual interactions.” Bullying a year-round issue The school realizes bullying occurs throughout the year. As such, the school and Sturgeon School Division have some programs geared towards building relationships and general mental health. “Bullying comes up year round,” Chabot said. “I think educating students on the difference between rude and having a student be mean to you, and what true bullying is - I think it’s important to educate students around that.” Page 10 | February 24, 2016 As a former school counsellor, Chabot worked with students in small groups on anxiety, social skill building, and anger. The new counsellor will expand that to working with students whose families are going through a divorce, and the Division holds Boy and Girl group sessions with Rebecca Balanko on developing positive self-imagery. Programs help bigger mental health picture Another program the school is involved in is Hats On For Awareness, a weeklong initiative that raises awareness of mental health and mental illness issues. Students wear different hats, and the school provide some activities related to mental health. The Division also uses the Neurosequential Model in Education (NME). “It’s a new project our school has undertaken,” Chabot said. “It gives students a chance to understand really how their brains work, and it follows a lot of rhythmic patterns and getting kids to learn how to selfregulate.” Principal Rufiange said the project has been a journey for Sturgeon School Division - and something he has been involved in for the past five years. “As we’re looking at kids and the real complex cases with children that have perhaps suffered a trauma in their life, really how do we look at that?” he said. “How do we bring development and how do we support those kids? If children have suffered trauma where they may look like their 12-year-olds, but because of that trauma they are functioning more at a seven- or eight-year-old, even in their academics. They could be an honour student when they are 13 or 14 years old, but socially they might still be six or seven years old. That saying - act your age - sometimes kids can’t. Their brain is not developed.” Rufiange said teachers can differentiate through their academics, but it is more challenging through the social skills side. The principal said the school was also mindful of working with students that may have anxiety. “Some kids may have trouble coming into our building. While a typical resting heart beat is 60 and 90 beats per minute. They may look like they’re calm and collected, but their heartbeat might be going at 130 beats per minute,” Rufiange said. “We have heart rate monitors at the school, and we’ve seen that at the school.” The principal went on to say, teachers are aware and work with those students to help them be self-aware and find ways to calm their anxieties. Through the NME project, Rufiange has directed teachers to have three body breaks per school day, body movement and breathing exercises to help students maximize their learning. “It’s all about just preparing kids and helping them focus,” he said. 9602 - 100 Street - Morinville 780-939-3920 Custom and Computer Jewellery Design Jewellery & Gift Sales Engraving Eye Glass Repair Watch Batteries They just want to dance and sing by Morinville News Staff Stephen Dafoe Photos JUNO Award-nominated children’s performers Splash ‘N Boots played to a full house Feb. 20. The second in the series of free shows for children and their families during the cultural centre’s fifth anniversary, tickets for Splash ‘N Boots went quickly, a considerable step up from the 80 tickets sold during their 2012 visit. However, people without tickets were still given seats as the centre filled the few empty seats with those who came hoping to get in. Splash’N Boots appear on television screens daily across Canada on Treehouse TV’s The Big Yellow Boot, a show centred on the joy of music and dance. Over the past year, the group have recorded more than 100 episodes (two seasons), which air up to six times daily in 8.3 million homes across the country. Songs From the Boot, their ninth studio album is up for Children’s Album of the Year, the group’s third JUNO nomination. Nick Adams, the Splash in Splash ‘N Boots told Morinville News before the show that families could expect to sing and dance. True to his word, the aisles of the cultural centre were filled with parents dancing with their children. Splash ‘N Boots will be followed by Illumidance, another of the no charge shows being offered during the centre’s fifth year of operation. The show takes place Mar. 10 at 7:30 p.m. and is sponsored by The Morinville News. Tickets are available at the cultural centre box office. 9602 - 100 Street - Morinville 780-939-3920 Custom and Computer Jewellery Design Jewellery & Gift Sales Engraving Eye Glass Repair Watch Batteries Mon. Tue. Wed. Fri. 10 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. Thur 10 a.m. - 7 p.m. Sat 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. call or email us for any custom work February 24, 2016 | Page 11 Mon Thur Sat #210, 506A St. Albert Trail, St. Albert, AB T8N 5Z1 INDEPENDENTLY OWNED AND OPERATED Wayne Gatza R E A LT O R ® 780-399-8912 Office: 780-939-3616 B:780-458-5595 F: 780-460-2205 Send your sports write ups and photos to for inclusion in our sports roundup All or nothing for Jets by Stephen Dafoe It’s all or nothing for the Morinville Jets after 3-2 and 5-4 doubleovertime losses to the North Edmonton Red Wings Friday and Sunday night. Friday night’s road show with the Wings echoed the Jets best-of-three contest with the Warriors in round one in that it went to overtime to be decided. Both teams ended the opening frame scoreless, and although the Jets lead the second period 2-1 with goals from Craig Hills ad Brandon Duboc, the Red Wings scored on the powerplay with 5:14 left in the third to drive the game to overtime at 2-2. When overtime could not find a victor, the game went to double overtime, and the Red Wings got their third. Sunday night saw the Jets on home ice in front of a packed arena for Game 2. Unlike the previous night’s contest, the Jets found themselves trailing 2-0 after the first period. But the Jets came back with two goals to the Red Wing’s single contribution in the middle frame to close the gap to 3-2 in the Wings’ favour. The Jets brought the game to a 3-3 tie midway through the third period, but the Red Wings picked up their fourth with just over seven minutes left in the contest. A minute later, the Jets came back to even it out at 4-4 and drive the game to overtime. With neither side able to score, the game went to double-overtime, and the Red Wings earned the win on a penalty shot. Game 3 will take place Feb. 24 at 8 p.m. at Londonderry in Edmonton. The Jets need to win the next three to have a chance to move on. Town ends arrangement with EBTC’s annual Tour de l’Alberta by Morinville News Staff with files from Lucie Roy The Town of Morinville announced Friday that it had two weeks earlier terminated a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with the Edmonton Bicycle & Touring Club (EBTC) for its annual Tour de l’Alberta (the Tour). The Town provided 30-days written notice to the bike club on Jan. 29, ending a two-year relationship where the Town took on a significant role in running the event. The Tour de l’Alberta celebrated its 21st-anniversary last summer and Morinville has been the hub around which the event cycled for several years. The EBTC and the Town first co-hosted the 20th Annual Tour de l’Alberta event in 2014. For many years, the EBTC had contracted an event organizer, but due to increasing costs in contract fees they considered not holding the event in 2014 at all. It was at this time Town staff met with the EBTC Board of Directors to discuss a new management structure where they would be equal partners in the event in 2014, sharing any profits the event generated. The memorandum of understanding was signed between the EBTC and the Town in March of 2014, affirming the new partnership. A month-and-a-half after the 2014 inaugural event, Schaun Goodeve, Economic Development Coordinator for the Town of Morinville, made a presentation to Morinville Town Council and said the net profit for 2014 was $54,660, an amount that put $27,330 into the bike club’s hands and an equal amount into Town coffers. The one-day event drew a total of 1,389 riders to Morinville; however, those numbers were down significantly in 2015, a year that saw the event move its date and the number of cyclists down to just under 1000. Schaun Goodeve, Tour de l’Alberta Committee Lead and the Town of Morinville’s Planning & Economic Development Manager, said the decision to part company was due to resource capacity and not the value and importance of the event. “The Town of Morinville has always been, and continues to support the principles that the Tour represents including but not limited to regional collaboration, healthy lifestyle, community engagement and welcoming riders and spectators to our community”, Goodeve said in a Town release issued Friday. “In careful examination of the past year’s success in organizing and hosting the 2015 Tour, it was apparent that resources to which this event demands exceeded our capacities.” Though the Town has severed its MOU with the Edmonton Bicycle & Touring Club effective the end of February, they point out it does not take away the possibility of the municipality being involved in the event in the future. The Edmonton Bicycle & Touring Club website does not list a date for the 2016 iteration of the Tour de l’Alberta. The Tour page does present the Town’s press release on their decision to terminate the arrangement. Soaring Pig Studios Lori Shupak Andrea Eberhardt Dana Vinge 17-8807 100 St. Morinville Page 12 | February 24, 2016 780.939.5150 Multi-media marketing solutions for your business or organization Coming Spring of 2016 Headed for the hoop Two Camilla players move in on a ESG player as he makes his way towards the net. - Stephen Dafoe Photo MORINVILLE CO M M U N I T Y HIGH SCHOOL French Immersion? Arts? Trades? Academics? Athletics? University Credits? NO PROBLEM. MCHS HAS IT ALL! Attend Our Open House March 10, 2016 - 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. Families of All Faiths Are Welcome Conveniently located in Morinville, MCHS offers a full complement of courses for students in a unique, inclusive and flexible learning environment. *NEW - Some fees have been reduced. Contact us to learn more. MCHS take gold and silver in tournament by Morinville News Staff The Morinville Community High School Junior Boys and Girls hit the court Friday to start their weekend-long Invitational tournament. The Junior Girls defeated the Edwin Parr Predators 72-21 in their opening game of the tournament. But perhaps the real win for the team was that they all wore pink socks during the game to play “for all who struggle with cancer.” The boys hit the court against Edwin Parr in their opener as well and defeated the team 67-16. Both teams battled their way to their respective final games Saturday afternoon. The Girls defeated St. Josephs from Whitecourt to take gold. The MCHS Jr. High boys lost 58-52 to the Parkland Panthers from Edson in a rough game. “The Panthers were a big and fast team who played very physical,” said Coach Kent Lessard. “The Wolves battled all game long just coming up short.” Both teams played their final games Tuesday and will enter playoffs next week. Top: MCHS Jr. Girls pose after their gold-medal win - Submitted Photo Above: MCHS Jr. Boys pose with their silver. - Submitted Photo We are one of the top-ranked schools in the region for student achievement. Explore options in: • Fine arts - drama, music and art programs • French Immersion • Provincially ranked athletic teams • Build your skills in one of our trades programs including the Registered Apprenticeships Program (RAP) • Urban Agriculture program • We are the first of only two high schools in Canada that offer students the chance to earn university level English credits from a University professor. Thinking About Your Future? Visit our post secondary and community booths to find out more about career options. Greater St. Albert Catholic Schools Faith in Our Students Visit our website for student registration information. 9506 – 100 Avenue, Morinville, AB T8R 1P6 Phone: (780) 939-6891 February 24, 2016 | Page 13 Neighbors Vitamin Shop Morinville Health Foods Your Local Health Food Store This Week’s Health Tip Strengthen your Heart — Hawthorn (Crataegus oxycanthus) has long been considered the herb of choice for strengthening the cardiovascular system, particularly the heart. Mon-Fri 10 am - 6 pm Sat 10 am - 3 pm Closed Sun & Holidays @NVSHealthFoods 780.572.1011 Visit Us On Facebook 10205 - 100 Avenue Sale Runs Friday, Feb. 26 to Thursday, Mar. 3 CUSTOMER APPRECIATION DAY! THIS TUESDAY MARCH 1, 2016 EARN 10% 20x †With minimum $50 grocery purchase and AIR MILES® Collector Card. Minimum purchase must be made in a single transaction. See in-store for details. BASE AIR MILES REWARD MILES or OFF ® †With minimum $50 grocery purchase and AIR MILES® Collector Card. Get 1 Base Mile, plus 19 Bonus Miles for every $20 in eligible grocery purchases. Minimum purchase must be made in a single transaction. See in-store for details. Clementines Product of USA, 2 lb W E P R O U D LY S E R V E SAVE THIS WEEK 349 FRESH CANADIAN M E AT 2 LB SAVE THIS WEEK 8 99 BAG each /lb 19.82/kg Sterling Silver Prime Rib Grilling Steak or Premium Oven Roast, Cut From Fresh Western Canadian AAA Grade Beef SAVE THIS WEEK 7 99 Asparagus Product of Mexico, No. 1 Grade or Cauliflower, $2.49 each, Product of USA W E P R O U D LY S E R V E FRESH CANADIAN M E AT SAVE THIS WEEK 299 /lb 17.61/kg Prime Rib Grilling Steak SAVE THIS WEEK 249 /lb 6.59/kg or Premium Oven Roast, Cut From Fresh Western Canadian AA Grade Beef /lb 5.49/kg Fresh Pork Side Ribs Breast Bone Removed, Regular or Sweet & Sour, Cut From 100% Western Canadian Pork * SAVE UP TO $1.50 3 SAVE UP TO $1.00 99 Compliments Frozen Fruit 425 - 600 g, Selected varieties Oikos Yogourt 500 g, Drinkable Yogourt, 8 x 93 mL, Danone Activia, 8 x 100 g each 399 each 24 PACK SAVE UP TO $5.00 Coca-Cola or Pepsi Products Selected varieties, 24 x 355 mL 6 SAVE UP TO $3.16 99 Delissio Rustico Pizza each 340 - 385 g Look for this symbol in-store for this lowest prices. BASEBAR TOweek’s GO HERE 333 each EFFECTIVE DATES • FEB/MAR FRI SAT SUN MON TUES WED THUR 26 27 28 29 1 2 3 AB1-2-3-11_F1644-M03-SB-01 100s of Air Miles Points Available Each Week From Our In Store Specials F1644-M03-SB-01.indd 2 Sobeys West Base Mar 3 File Size 10"x 21" Round: 1 2 3 4 5 6 Sign Off: 2016-02-11 8:28 PM Learning about nutrition Monique Webb’s Grade 1 class at Morinville Public School got a visit from Chad and Joel of the Oilers Training Staff Feb. 19 to talk about nutrition. The trainers brought a variety of food to chat about and even brought Booster Juice for all the children. The students got a chance to talk about the kind of nutrition they need, what athletes need to play their sport. The trainers also went over some of the key fitness routines the Oilers did and got to take part in a question and answer session. Student questions included who cooks the Oilers food, can girls play hockey, too, and why does hockey have three periods. The visit was a prize in an Oilers’ contest with schools to promote healthy eating and active lifestyles. - Submitted Photos ESPRESSO BAR Page 14 | February 24, 2016 orinville 780.939.5154 a.m. - 4 p.m. 10019 - 100 Avenue Morinville 780.939.5154 Open Tuesday - Friday 8 am to 4 pm P Posting Date February 22, 2016 My Listings Download a QR Reader for your smart phone, then scan the QR Code Office Listings My Listings Office Listings Download a QR Reader for your smart Real Estate® Real Estate® www.lin phone, then Each Office Independently Owned and Operated Each Office Independently Owned and Operated lindage scan the IRP APPROVED AGENT IRP AP QR Code780-690-3861 780-690-3861 Registered with the Reg Brookfield Global Relocation Services Brookfield G Bus: 780-939-1111 Bus: 780-939-1111 Page 22 | The Morinville News | Page 22 | The Morinville News | Jan. 07, 2015| Page 22 1. MUSIC: What was the name of the record company founded by the Beatles? 2. ASTRONOMY: Which planet in our solar system spins the fastest? 3. ANIMAL KINGDOM: Which insect can indicate the temperature with accuracy? 4. GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What is the fastest known bird in the world? 5. CHEMISTRY: What is the only metal that’s liquid at room temperature? 6. MOVIES: What was Baby’s real name in “Dirty Dancing”? 7. GEOGRAPHY: What country is bordered by the Atlantic and Indian Oceans? 8. PSYCHOLOGY: What is the fear represented in the condition “herpetophobia”? 9. MEDICAL: What is the common name for hypoglycemia? 10. TELEVISION: Where does Homer Simpson work? © 2016 King Features Synd., Inc. 1 com 2 sys 3 ind 4 fas 5 liq 6 “D 7 the 8 ed 9 hyp 1 son Trivia Test Answers 4. Peregrin falcon; 5. Mercury; 6. Frances; 7. South Africa; 8. Fear of reptiles or creepy, 1. Apple Records; 2. Jupiter, which rotates once in just less than 10 hours.; 3. Crickets; crawly things; 9. Low blood sugar; 10. Springfieldfalcon; Nuclear Power Plant 4. Peregrin 5. Mercury; 6. Frances; 7. South Africa; 8. Fear of reptiles or creepy, crawly things; 9. Low blood sugar; 10. Springfield Nuclear Power Plant Trivia Test Answers ecords; 2. Jupiter, which rotates once in just less than 10 hours.; 3. Crickets; falcon; 5. Mercury; 6. Frances; 7. South Africa; 8. Fear of reptiles or creepy, wly things; 9. Low blood sugar; 10. Springfield Nuclear Power Plant Trivia Test Answers 1. Apple Records; 2. Jupiter, which rotates once in just less than 10 hours.; 3. Crickets; Each Office Independently Owned And Operated Legal Bungalow Fantastic Starter Acreage Why Rent When You Can Own MLS# E4002020 MLS# E3411889 MLS# E4006532 $359,900 Fully finished 1545sq.ft., 5 bdrm, 3 bath bungalow in Legal. Vaulted ceilings, hardwood, 2 furnaces. Heated double attached garage & RV parking. No neighbors behind you. $190,000 $144,700 536 sq.ft. 2nd floor condo featuring 1 bdrm, Situated on 3.84 Acres in Clearview Acres this 1085sq.ft. Bungalow features 2 bdrms, 1- 4pc bath, galley style kitchen, spacious living room w/patio doors to south facing balcony, 1 bath, country kitchen & living room w/ neutral colors throughout and in-suite laundry/ wood burning stove. Seller to provide storage room. Well maintained building. $4,000 cheque at closing for improvements. IRP APPROVED AGENT Registered With The Brookfield Global Relocation Service February 24, 2016 | Page 15 Page 16 | February 24, 2016
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