

Central Baptist Church of Westerly, 16 Elm Street, Westerly, RI 02891
Carrying News of God’s Work into the Community and World
March 2012
Volume 5 Issue 3
Worship With Us At
Central Baptist
Sunday School 9:00AM
Worship Service 10::30AM
Fellowship Hour 11:30AM
Church Office: e-mail
Telephone : [401] 596-4929
Newsletter: e-mail
Pastor : e-mail
These couples have been married 50 years or more!
Church Meetings
March 6
7:00 PM Board of Deacons
March 7
5:30 PM Church Pot Luck
6:45 PM Prayer Gathering
7:00 PM Board of Deacons
March 14
7:00 PM Board of Trustees
March 21
6:45 PM Prayer Gathering
March 27
7:00 PM Church Council
These couples have been married over 25 years!
Nyca and Arnold Hall
Married 54 years
Gertrude and Isaac Smith
Married 68 years
Michelle & Scott Hallamore
Married 27 years
On February 12 we celebrated Valentine’s Day by recognizing those couples in our church
family who had been married for over 50 and those married over 25 years. We wanted to
celebrate the kind of commitment that God blesses and lift it up for all to see.
Central Baptist Church of Westerly
Page 2
Rev. Dr. Cal Lord, Jr., Pastor
Lynn Dowding, Music Director
Cindy Capizzano, Administrator
Paul Arnold & Walter Dugas, Custodians
Tiffani Kaminski—Editor
Linda Engler
Dot Marra
Cindy Capizzano
A host of other contributors
Church Office Hours
Mon—Friday 9AM—1 PM
Men’s Breakfast
All Church Pot Luck Supper
March 3 - 8:00 AM
Fellowship Hall
Bring a dish to share
All men and
boys welcome.
Bring your
A Men’s Bible Study is held each
Tuesday morning in the Parlor
starting at 7:30.
All men are welcome to
join this group.
Wednesday, March 7- 5:30PM
Last Name
Friendship Circle
See the
No meeting in March
The Good Word in
Circle 2
visit our website at
Meetings are held monthly
on the third Tuesday
of the month at 9:00 AM
in the Church Parlor.
Main Dish
Wednesday, April 4 - 5:30PM
Last Name
Main Dish
Articles for the newsletter,
The Good Word, are due
the 15th of the month.
Electronic submission via
e-mail is preferred.
Please submit articles
as a WORD document if
e-mail all articles to
First and Third Monday
9:30 AM
Nancy Balentine’s home
35 Spruce St., Westerly
Come join the fellowship while
we work on projects.
Instructions available.
March 4 First Sunday in Lent
April 1 Palm Sunday
April 4 Holy Wednesday 5:30 PM Pot Luck Supper
“In the Garden” Prayer at 6:45 PM
April 5 7 PM Maundy Thursday Service
April 6 Good Friday
10 AM Ecumenical Walk with Stations of the
Cross in Wilcox Park. Meet at the
Columbus Statue.
12 Noon Good Friday Service
2 PM Prayer Vigil ( until 2 PM Saturday)
7 PM Cantata at First Baptist Church, Hope
April 7 2 PM Prayer Vigil ends
2 PM Floral Committee Decorates the
April 8 Easter Sunday
8 AM Service at Avondale Chapel
9 AM Breakfast At CBC
10:30 AM Worship Service
(No Sunday School or Fellowship Hour)
For Those
Who Have Eyes
To See
March 4 - Easter Through the
Eyes of Martha
March 11 - Easter Through the
Eyes of Barabbas
March 18 - Easter Through the
Eyes of Simon Peter
March 25 - Easter Through the
Eyes of a Soldier
April 1 - Easter Through the
Eyes of Jesus
Central Baptist Church of Westerly
Page 3
Pastor Cal’s Corner
Dear friends,
I am still aglow over the service we had on February 12 to celebrate the gift of Christian marriage. It was nice to see so many couples come forward who had been married 25 years or
more. We took the opportunity to clap for them and give God the glory. As one person said, “It
is only through God’s grace that we made it this far.” The whole service was special. The short
video from I Love Lucy was an added bonus.
I thought to myself afterward that this is what the church is all about. You can’t effectively live out your faith in a vacuum. We need each other. In his wisdom, God has called us together as a community of faith to encourage one another in our journey through life. The community gives us a place to gather in worship and adoration of God. It is
through the church that our efforts to reach out with the compassion of Christ to our neighbors can be established, or
at the very least, affirmed and celebrated. It is also that one place where we can join with others in our pursuit of the
will of God for our lives through prayer and the study of Scripture.
I hope we will have many more celebrations like the one we just finished for Valentine’s Day. They punctuate the reasons for our coming together. The next big one on the horizon is Easter. During Lent we will take time to reflect on
who Jesus was and what he came to do. Each week we will look at Jesus through the eyes of those men and women
who met him face to face. My hope is that in these encounters we will grow in our appreciation and understanding of
the Savior.
On Sunday mornings during Lent our Adult Sunday School class will be exploring Jim Cymbala’s book on Breakthrough Prayer. It will help us focus on prayer in a new way. On Monday nights Janet and Brian Gerbutavich will be
leading a group in studying the Bible titled, 40 days in the Word. It is a curriculum developed by Rick Warren, the author of The Purpose Driven Life. Both studies are aimed at helping the participants grow as disciples. This is the kind
of church growth that we all strive for. It blesses the individual as well as the community.
The other kind of church growth that is exciting is measured in terms of numbers. It is much more evident visually.
That’s happening here. Attendance and participation is up at church. People have begun to affirm the fact that we
care for one another and that good things are happening. Last month we welcomed three new members as Suzanne
Vanaman, Michael and Madison Harris were given the right hand of Christian fellowship. In March we hope to welcome three more new members. Joanne Shippee, Paul and Carol Johnson have all expressed a desire to join the
church and will be voted on shortly. That number may expand to include others. I have had a few people speak to me
recently about being baptized. I will be meeting with them in the next few weeks. So stay tuned.
Finally, I have received a number of suggestions about things we can do together in the coming months. We are already making plans for a church photo directory and a Mother-Daughter banquet. We are also investigating a regular
weekly prayer meeting, a women’s Bible study, mentoring a group of boy scouts, forming a walking group that might
do laps around the parking lot and then meet for coffee, putting together a small praise band, and many more fellowship opportunities. If you have something that God has put on your heart, drop me a line and let’s talk about it. It might
just be the next big thing for us here at Central Baptist. I look forward to hearing about it. So until next time…
God bless! I will see you in church.
Central Baptist Church of Westerly
Page 4
The Board of Deacons
Religion vs. Relationship
Have you ever been asked by someone or had to answer a questionnaire ‘what religion are you’?
Most of us would automatically respond with, “I’m Baptist or Catholic or Presbyterian” - whichever
was appropriate. The truth of the matter is that ‘religion’ can refer to a cause or system of beliefs held
to with ardor and faith, thereby having little to do with a belief in or worship of God.
Americans enjoy a myriad of blessings from God’s hand and our tendency often time is to take
them for granted. Many people worship money and/or material possessions.
God’s greatest blessing to humanity arrived quietly one night in Bethlehem. God’s plan is that
each and every one of us would not have just a ‘religion’, but a true personal relationship with His
Son, Jesus. As we have begun this Lenten season, we should seriously consider if our involvement
with the King of Kings and Lord of Lords is merely a ‘religion’ or a true relationship that He died on the
cross for you to have. John 3:3, Jesus answered Nicodemus and said unto him, “Verily, verily I say
unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.”
If you haven’t already asked Jesus into your heart, prayerfully consider it this Holy season. If you
already know Jesus as your Lord and Savior, what better time to rededicate your life to Him?
In Jesus’ matchless and eternal name,
Stephen Day for the Board of Deacons
The Board of Trustees
With the passing of February and the relatively mild winter, the promise of Spring is on the horizon.
Your Trustee Board is now focused on the various Springtime Projects necessary to maintain our
church home. Aside from the normal clean-up and painting projects to be considered, we are also looking ahead at the following list:
• Restoration of the second floor apartment for rental in the Spring
• Estimates to re-pave the church driveway and sealcoat the parking lot. (a possible capital campaign
• Estimates from National Grid to convert from oil to natural gas heat in the fall
• Formation of a Stewardship Study Group to look at funding opportunities, ways to decrease the
deficit, short and long-term planning and goals, and estate planning
As always, I ask you to keep our church and each other in prayer as we continue to deal with the challenges here at Central Baptist.
Yours in Christ,
George H. Champlin, Chairman
Treasurer’s Report
Jan 2012
Jan 2012
Central Baptist Church of Westerly
Page 5
Board of Christian Education
Good News of Great Joy
Some people may have noticed a small basket in Fellowship Hall marked “Operation Christmas Child”. Please allow me a few moments to explain.
No matter how difficult our personal situation or circumstances may be, it should always be a joyous occasion to celebrate the birth of
our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. As the angel proclaimed to the shepherds of Bethlehem, “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news of
great joy that will be for all the people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord.” (Luke 2:10b-11)
Operation Christmas Child celebrates our Savior’s birth by collecting shoe boxes filled with ordinary items donated from people like you
and me and sends them as gifts of love to millions of hurting children in the name of Jesus. Operation Christmas Child has brought joy
and hope to boys and girls in over 140 countries around the world. At its heart, this mission is still quite simple and personal – kids
helping kids, families helping families, churches helping churches – all for the sake of the Gospel. Each and every shoe box represents
the opportunity to reach one more child with the Good News of Jesus Christ. Each month, a different item will be collected so that in
November we can pack shoe boxes for children as gifts as a small reminder of God’s great gift to us, his Son Jesus Christ.
Please help the Board of Christian Education collect items and support what we consider to be a very powerful mission for our church.
For March, we will be collecting:
Toys: Small cars, balls, dolls, stuffed animals, kazoos, harmonicas, yo-yos, jump ropes, Slinkys, etc.
Janet Gerbutavich
Opportunities Bible Study on Monday nights - 40 Days in the Word - at 6:00PM at the home of
Brian and Janet Gerbutavich
Bible Study for Men - Every Tuesday morning at 7:30AM in the Parlor
Avondale Bible Fellowship - Every Thursday morning. Coffee is on at 8:00 AM followed by study in the Gospel of John.
Truth Trackers
We are beginning another 5 week lesson plan for Truth Trackers on Friendship. The
lesson is called F.E.T.C.H. The lesson focus is God is challenging us to FETCH lost
people though our Friendship, being a sample Example, being Trustworthy, showing
we Care, and Helping to scatter seeds. We will be learning this while exploring the
book of Luke in the Bible. We will all wear green the second Friday in March to earn
some extra coins for the store where the kids, through hard work at learning, can
purchase some small novelty items like yo-yo's, pencils, notebooks, and necklaces.
March is looking exciting for truth trackers.
Breakthrough Prayer - A book Study continues on Sunday mornings at 9:00AM in the Parlor
Many people are missing the great things God wants to do in their lives because they don’t know how to receive
answers to their prayers. This revolutionary book is not a step-by-step guide on how to pray but an inspiring vision
that moves people to greater hope as they see the tremendous potential of prayer. Breakthrough Prayer is peppered
with amazing stories of answered prayer from the Brooklyn Tabernacle, including the story of the final survivor of the
World Trade Center collapse and the prayers she prayed before becoming the last person pulled from the wreckage
alive. It answers the questions: What is the connection between how we live and how we pray? What are the
prayers that really have power with God? How can we learn to recognize God’s answers to our prayers? Come join
Roy Springer and Meredith Eckel in the parlor for this study.
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Central Baptist Church of Westerly
The Board of Missions
The America for Christ offering is being collected during the month of February. AFC offering is distributed by American Baptist
Churches U S A . America for Christ gifts support ministries that engage discipleship across Puerto Rico - through evangelism training,
missional church learning experiences, discipleship resources, youth initiatives, volunteer ministries and disaster response, plus initiatives that fight poverty and so much more.
The Mission Board prepared and served the WARM meal in January. Church Council members are planning to provide the February WARM meal.
The Easter Offering will be collected on March 18, 25 and on Easter Sunday April 8. The offering will be divided equally between our
Deacon's Fellowship Fund and the Ezekiel Ministries based at Pleasant Street Baptist Church. Both of these ministries assist people in
our church family and in our local community.
We received a letter of thanks and information from the Jonnycake Center of Westerly. From the newsletter.........."The Center's
food pantry is beginning to prepare for our annual SPLASH Vacation Meal Program, which will run over Feb. and April breaks. The
program aims at providing kid-friendly, healthy food items to children who qualify for free or reduced school meal programs. Items
needed include fruit juices, granola bars, peanut butter and jelly, and fresh fruit. Donations are crucial to the success of this program."
We are continually humbled by the many needs that exist where our help can be useful. We are for continually grateful for our
church family's responses to these needs.
With Christian Love,
Kay Perrone, Chairperson of Missions
Library News
NEW from Pastor Joshua McClure: The Crimson Thread of the Bible: Following the Ribbon of Redemption from Creation to Christ
Publication Date: February 2, 2012
Understanding the redemptive thread of Christ is the key to unlocking the mystery of the Bible!
Countless people read the Bible with a desire to learn more about God; however they find the text difficult
to understand and abandon their attempts to comprehend it. The Bible is meant to be understood as a whole and not in
parts. It can be frustrating to pursue answers to life's difficult questions unless you perceive how the entire Word of God
and life are strongly bound together by an intricate thread.
Written by award-winning author Joshua A. McClure, The Crimson Thread of the Bible is not a study of the actions, stories, and exploits of people in the Bible, instead it is a story about God's faithfulness and determination to carry out His
plan to redeem His fallen people. It reveals the constant thread throughout the Bible that tells how God's Divine plan is
fashioned in eternity and how the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ were always central to His plan.
With straight talk on kingdom living, this groundbreaking book speaks to the one who longs for the God who invites us to
reach for Him. In it you will find that unlocking the mystery of the Bible leads you to a road of transformation and gives
you a new sense of spiritual vigor!
Nursery Care Help Needed
The church nursery is in need of volunteers. Please use the sign up sheet on the bulletin
board in the downstairs foyer by the elevator. Any questions, please feel free to contact
Marie Bertsch, 322-6036.
Central Baptist Church of Westerly
Page 7
In The Spotlight
By Nancy Balentine
Five days a week Henry Collings goes to the YMCA and works out. He looks
back on a long history of sports activities including playing on the URI volleyball
team, on a YMCA traveling volleyball team, and assisting in coaching the women’s
volleyball team at URI. He started the girls' program of basketball and volleyball at
Ella T. Grasso Technical School in Groton and coached both teams.
Henry Collings
Love of sport is not the only reason Henry is so active at the Y today. He is determined to follow all
his cardiologist's recommendations after undergoing a triple by-pass eighteen months ago. He speaks
up about his health crisis urging people to be alert to their own weight, cholesterol, and activity level
especially since he had mistakenly counted on a strong factor of longevity in his family. His insistence
on testing brought his own situation to light.
Henry was born to Elsie and T. Marrack Collings in Westerly, attended Westerly schools, and graduated from URI with a major in psychology and minors in history and physical education. A graduate
degree brought him teachers' certification in social studies. Initially after college he worked at Electric
Boat for four years. A strike and cutbacks led him to take substitute work in public schools. EB enticed him to return during the summer vacation during which time he had to make a big decision: remain at EB or make a major career change to education for half the salary. He chose school and for 31
years taught history, civics, economics, geography, psychology, and world cultures at Ella T. Grasso.
Henry remembers work days that started at 7 a.m. and finished at 11:00pm.
A chance meeting in a parking lot during a URI graduate summer session led to marriage with
Joyce Maggs. Now also retired, Joyce taught elementary students (mostly second graders) in Charlestown. She and Henry are enjoying their granddaughter, Alexa, almost two years old. She is often in
their care. Alexa is the daughter of Sarah and Frank Giorno who are Westerly residents. Sarah is employed as a dietician and nutritionist at Miriam Hospital. Sarah's sister Katie graduated from the
Newhouse School of Public Communication at Syracuse University. Her first job was for Catholic Digest; her present job is with New England Institute Review Board. She lives in Cambridge.
Years ago the Collings family enrolled in the Disney Vacation Club. They have made use of their
membership nearly every year and this year will be going with Sarah's family. Most family vacation
trips have been made for educational purposes - such as visits to the Smithsonian. Henry has a 14 foot
aluminum boat with a 20 hp engine that is still working well after 46 years. He also has a small sailboat (Sunfish) and hopes to get the go-ahead from the cardiologist to handle a kayak.
Henry speaks warmly of the unconditional love of his parents. Their care for him saw him through
eight years of perfect attendance at Sunday School. Stories about his mother included the surprise
that she had lettered in three sports in high school and that she once moved multiple bags of Portland
cement weighing ninety-four pounds each to get them protected from the rain. She let him have freedom in the kitchen and he became an eager and good cook.
Henry's older brother David is the grandfather of the twins Madison and Michael Harris who were
baptized on January 8 at Central Baptist making Henry and Joyce their great-uncle and aunt. Henry
has served in many roles at church - as member of the Board of Education, co-superintendent of Sunday School with Mrs. Cushing, and deacon for six years. As a youth he ushered and remembers Mr.
Beam slipping a peanut into his hand as he took the collection. He speaks admiringly of the awesome,
strong women of the congregation whom he considers exceptional and talented. He is proud of the
history of community involvement of members. He enjoys the idea that both of his daughters shared
the same birthday with Emma Lloyd. Henry speaks like a historian; it was my pleasure to hear of the
role Central Baptist has played in his life.
Page 8
Central Baptist Church of Westerly
Just For Kids
By Marcia Erskine
Central Baptist Church of Westerly
Page 9
Our Lord has written the promise of the Resurrection,
not in books alone, but in every leaf in Springtime.
Martin Luther
Savings begins
March 11
If Noah had been
truly wise,
He would have
swatted those
two flies.
Your talent is God’s gift to you. What you
do with it is your gift back to God.
Dust if you must.
But wouldn’t it be better to paint a picture, or write a
letter, bake a cake, or plant a seed.
Ponder the difference between want and need.
Dust if you must.
But there is not much time, with rivers
to swim and mountains to climb!
Music to hear, and books to read,
Friends to cherish and life to lead.
Dust if you must.
But the world’s out there with the sun
in your eyes, the wind in your hair, a
flutter of snow, a shower of rain.
This day will not come round again.
Special Named Days of March
1 Peanut Butter Lovers' Day
2 Employee Appreciation Day
(first Friday in March)
3 Peach Blossom Day
4 Hug a GI Day
5 Multiple Personality Day
6 Dentist's Day
7 National Crown Roast of Pork
8 International (Working)
Women's Day
9 Panic Day
10 Middle Name Pride Day
11 Johnny Appleseed Day
12 Girl Scouts Day
13 Ear Muff Day
14 National Potato Chip Day
15 Ides of March
16 Everything You Do is Right
17 Saint Patrick's Day
18 Supreme Sacrifice Day
19 Poultry Day
20 International Earth Day
22 National Goof Off Day
23 National Chip and Dip Day
24 National Chocolate Covered
Raisin Day
25 Pecan Day
26 Make Up Your Own Holiday
27 National "Joe" Day
28 Something on a Stick Day
29 Smoke and Mirrors Day
30 Take a Walk in the Park Day
31 National Clam on the Half
Shell Day
Dust if you must.
But bear in mind, old age will come
and it’s not kind.
And when you go, and go you must,
you, yourself, will make more dust.
Remember, a house becomes a home when
you can write “I love you” on the furniture.
Author unknown
Smiling is infectious, you catch it like the flu,
When someone smiled at me today, I started smiling too.
I passed around the corner and someone saw my grin,
When he smiled I realized I’d passed it on to him.
I thought about that smile, then I realized its worth,
A single smile, just like mine, could travel ‘round the Earth.
So, if you feel a smile begin, don’t leave it undetected;
Let’s start an epidemic quick, and get the world infected!
Central Baptist Church of Westerly
Page 10
Central Baptist is compiling a new pictorial directory! We
are excited to announce that Olan Mills will create a new
pictorial directory for us! Our photography will take place in
the church parlor on April 27, 28 and May 7th, afternoon
and evening and Saturday times are available.
Sign ups will begin Sunday, March 4 and will take place every Sunday in March in Fellowship Hall after worship. You can also call the church office anytime through March
to set up your portrait sitting appointment.
Please participate! You are important to this Church! Every family will receive a
free directory and a $25 Portrait Gift Certificate
can be redeemed for an 8 x 10,
wallets, proofs - your choice. There is no obligation to purchase additional portraits.
the winter
will seeoffice.
If you have any questions, please
in theyou
We look forward
ento seeing everyone in the directory, it won't be complete without your beautiful smile!
velope is where we will place our donations
to the WARM Shelter’s Dollar Makes a Difference Campaign which provides heating
assistance to those in need in the commuIN CASE OF INCLEMENT WEATHER CHURCH SERVICE
During the winter months, you will see an envelope in your pew racks. This envelope is
where we will place our donations to the
WARM Shelter’s Dollar Makes a Difference
Campaign which provides heating assistance to
those in need in the community.
92.3 WPRO
93.3 WSNE
94.1 WHJY
95.5 WBRU
98.1 WCTK
99.7 WSKO
100.3 WKKB
101.5 WBB
102.7 JAZZ
105.1 WWLI
1590 WARV
630 WPRO
790 WSKO
920 WHJJ
1110 WPMZ
1180 WCNX
1240 WOON
1290 WRNI
1540 WADK
1590 WARV
CW 28
RI PBS/Channel 36
92.3 WPRO
1590 WARV
93.3 WSNE
630 WPRO
94.1 WHJY
790 WSKO
95.5 WBRU
920 WHJJ
98.1 WCTK
1110 WPMZ
99.7 WSKO
1180 WCNX
and Rico 1240
WBB 31 years
1290 WRNI
102.7 JAZZ
1540 WADK
105.1 WWLI
1590 WARV
CW 28
RI PBS/Channel 36
Barbara and Harry Higgins
Married 48 years
Donna & Carlo Antonino
Married 26 years
Kay and Tony Perrone
Married 51 years
Central Baptist Church of Westerly
Page 11
Seeing is Believing
March is a great time to go fly a kite
If the wind is strong it will get lost in flight
We are starting to think about the coming of Spring
And of all the beautiful colors it will bring
The early bird will get his worm from the soft ground
The others will greet the day with a beautiful sound
These are wonderful blessings of sight and sound to me
For God has given me the ears to hear and the eyes to see
Spring is soon coming as winter is quickly going
But God’s eternal light is forever glowing.
Sylvia Pierce
Members signed this
large Valentine card as
they entered the
church during the Worship Celebration on
Sunday, February
Our sympathy is
extended to the families of:
Lois Terranova
Eleanor Clark
(Mary Macomber’s sister)
Dr. David Reid, who led
our Tuesday AM Men’s
Bible Study.
In Our Prayers
Dr. Carlo Antonino
Shirley Booker
Debbie Collins
Beverly Duntz
Jerry Egan
Frances Greene
Wayne Grills
Angela Hayden
Jane Lawson
Mary Limerick
Michelle Lord
Mac PcPhail
Jaye Morgan
James Murray
Charlie Nardone
John Pitts
Debbie Plante
Judy Quigley
Suzanne Randall
Katie Sampler
Ike Smith
Scott Smith
Arthur Tate
Carol Tautenhan
Bruce Titterington
Wendy Dobson Walsh
Dennis Wright
Ken Castor, our former Youth
Pastor, at Spark* Youth Workers
Conference at Crown College
You can follow Ken at
Our Shut Ins
Ruth Brayman
Muriel Chambers
Elita Giorno
Cheryl Hunt
Lois Whewell
Those in the Military:
Maj. Eric Larkin
Lt. Commander Roy Wilson
Audrey MacKenzie
Jonathan Macomber
Mark Stepanishen
Col. Stephen Day
Veronica Ramirez
All those who serve in our armed forces.
Those in Nursing Homes
and Assisted Living
William Burdick - Westerly Nursing Home
Betty Eckel - The Elms
Dorothy Gallagher - Academy Point, Mystic
Virginia Higgins - Westerly Health Center
Jane Lawson - Westerly Health Center
Diana Stedman - Westerly Health Center
Sara Stevens - Mystic Healthcare Center
Kay Perrone
Donna Antonino
Taylor Day
Marjorie Lihou
Maude Larkin
Robert Rodehorst
Meredith Masucci
Andrew Springer
Linda Bruno
Marcia Erskine
Sandra Lawing
Charlie Nardone
Scott Hallamore, Jr.
Susan Capalbo
Kathy Caval
Ashley Doenges
Nancy Balentine
Catherine Knight
Rachel Lord
Elizabeth Carter
Vanessa Bertsch
Alicia Luther
Donald Plante
Debbie Plante
Harriet Schilke
Olivia Lathrop
Sandra Christina
Evan Caval
Janet Gerbutavich
Susan Cozzolino
Central Baptist Church of Westerly
Page 12
Numbers 21:10-11 ‘The children of Israel journeyed from the wilderness toward the sunrising’. KJV
I want to share with you a devotion I read recently. For me it was a powerful message that was a reminder of the journey
through this time called Lent. A journey that leads to the foot of the cross. Then on to the open tomb and the dawning of
Easter morning. Please read it, ponder its meaning and carry it in your heart as your journey forth.
~Journey Toward Sunrise~
When Moses led the children of Israel out of Egypt, the people immediately experienced great joy for deliverance from bondage.
However, as they traveled through the wilderness toward the Promised Land, fear of the unknown would often take hold of
their hearts. The following excerpt by Louise Haskins, taken from Traveling Toward Sunrise, captures the essence of how all of us
press on into unknown territory by simply trusting God:
These travelers were time’s valiant great hearts. They were journeying on the star road making their way
through an inspiring land, a desert waste upheld by hope of a glorious new day, a tomorrow morning, when night
with its darkness and shadows would be left far behind.
Travelers whose hopes were fixed on what was before and beyond; men of faith who followed the gleam
loyally, right through to the very end; road-makers, presenting an unparalleled example of courage and bravery;
men of vision, always looking ahead, never behind.
What an inspiring, challenging thought as we...begin our journey, traveling toward sunrise. Let us begin by filling
the air with songs of rejoicing, with songs not sighs for we are wayfarers of the infinite, traveling to the land
where dawns are begotten and glory has its dwelling place… where life begins, not ends, and where there is eternal springtime.
And I said to the man who stood at the gate of the year. “Give me light that I may tread safely into the unknown!”
And he replied: “Go out into the darkness and put your hand into the Hand of God: That shall be to you better than light and safer than a known way.” So I went forth, and finding the Hand of God, trod gladly into the
And he led me toward the hills and the breaking of the day in the lone East.
As you read this, you may be facing tremendous opportunities or over whelming difficulties. In either case, put your hand into
God’s hand and walk with Him. Let Him give your comfort and wisdom as you move toward your promised land.
John Macomber
I wish to provide a plant for Easter Sunday, April 8, 2012 in memory of:
Please PRINT clearly)
Please check for choice of plants..
( ) Lilies
( ) Daffodils $11.00
( ) Tulips $11.00
) I will pick up my plant after the 10:30 AM service
( )
I want the Floral Committee to deliver my plant as a Sonshine Gift
Please return this form with payment to the church office by Tuesday, March 20,2012
Central Baptist Church of Westerly
Page 13
Central Nursery School
Where children learn to play and play to learn in a hands-on, loving environment.
2012-2013 School Year
9 AM to 12 PM
Children ages 3 to 5 years
Half or full day programs
Pre-Registration forms are available by
calling (401)596-4929
Central Nursery School seeks to engage each child by stimulating different areas of development through hands-on learning
activities that provide connections to the world in which he or she lives. The preschool program and its teachers shall model
and encourage positive interactions and creative thinking to nurture the cognitive, physical, social and emotional development
of each child.
Check out our school at Click on the Nursery School tab.
Central Nursery
School Board
Central Nursery
School Board
The newly formed Central Nursery School Board met at the end of January to get
acquainted and to make plans for their work together in the coming year. Their next
meeting will be in March. Board members include Stefanie Renzi, Pastor Cal Lord,
Susan Capalbo, Pat Rhodes, Janet Gerbutavich, Helen Mochetti and Lauren Sposato.
Members not pictured are Alan Caval and Joan Serra.
Do You need a Student
Chair/Desk? Located on
the stage off of Fellowship
Hall, there are a number
of folding chairs with a
desk arm attached (as pictured). These chairs are
free for the taking while
supplies last!
Page 14
Central Baptist Church of Westerly
Lenten Study - 40 Days in the Word is a weekly study we will be doing in Lent of six principles of the Word of God.
We will explore the authenticity, reliability, power, comfort, interpretation and doing of God’s Word. This Lenten
journey, with a video study by Rick Warren, will encourage spiritual growth in every member of the group. The study
began on February 20 but it is never too late to jump in. Join us for dinner and the study at 6:00 p.m.
Holy Week
Palm Sunday, April 1, 2012 - Come celebrate the triumphant entry of our Lord and relive the experience of that first
“Palm Sunday.”
Holy Wednesday, April, 4, 2012 – Join us for our pot-luck supper at 5:30 p.m. and learn about the Passover meal that
Jesus shared with his disciples during the Passion week. We will have a guest speaker present to explain what happens
during a seder meal.
We will have an abbreviated “In the Garden” Prayer experience in the chapel at 6:45 p.m.
Maundy Thursday, April 5, 2012 – Witness the live re-enactment of the Upper Room celebration between Jesus and
his disciples. We will gather with them to celebrate the Lord’s Supper in Fellowship Hall.
Good Friday, April 6, 2012 –
The Ecumenical Way of the Cross walk will take place at 10:00 a.m. at Wilcox Park. Walk with others as a witness to
our common Christian faith as we relive that day when Jesus carried the cross to Golgatha. You may even have a
chance to carry the cross for a while.
Come hear “The Seven Last Words” of Christ in a service here in the chapel. We will sing and remember the Lord’s
agony on the cross. The 40 minute service begins at noon.
Join us for an Easter Season Cantata with our sisters and brothers from the First Baptist Church of Hope Valley on
Good Friday at 7:00 p.m. Some members of our choir will join them for a dramatic musical presentation of “For Such
A One As This.” It will be a blessing to your Easter Week-end preparation.
The Annual Prayer Vigil – Sign up for a half hour of prayer in our 24 hour vigil at the church. From 2:00 p.m. Friday
through 2:00 p.m. Saturday we will open the sanctuary for remembrance and prayer to help you prepare for the Easter
Easter Morning, April 8, 2012
Sonrise Service at Avondale – Join us at 8:00 a.m. for a community sunrise service at the Avondale Chapel. There will
be special music and a bright message of hope and victory as we rejoice over the resurrection.
Easter Breakfast – Join us for a quick breakfast at 9:00 a.m. before we gather for worship. There will be quiche and
casseroles, rolls and coffee, conversation and expectation. All are welcome.
Easter Worship at Central – Join us as we claim the victory of Christ’s resurrection with music and message that lift up
the Glory of the risen Christ. It is the one day of the Christian year when you will want to be sure to be present. The
sanctuary will be filled with the aroma of spring and the songs will remind us of the new life that we all have in Christ.
Invite friends and family for this great celebration.
Easter Egg Hunt – Immediately following worship the children will be invited to participate in the Annual Easter Egg
Hunt out in the field behind the church. It is something that many of them look forward to all year long.
9:30 AM Needleworkers at
Balentine home
6:00 PM Bible Study
at the Gerbutavich’s home
6:00 PM Bible Study
at the Gerbutavich’s home
9:30 AM Needleworkers at
Balentine home
6:00 PM Bible Study
at the Gerbutavich’s home
6:00 PM Bible Study
at the Gerbutavich’s home
Communion Sunday
2nd Sunday of Lent
9 AM Sunday School
10:30 AM Worship Service
11:30 AM Fellowship Hour
Daylight Savings
3rd Sunday of Lent
9 AM Sunday School
10:30 AM Worship Service
11:30 AM Fellowship Hour
4th Sunday of Lent
9 AM Sunday School
10:30 AM Worship Service
11:30 AM Fellowship Hour
5th Sunday of Lent
9 AM Sunday School
10:30 AM Worship Service
11:30 AM Fellowship Hour
7:30 AM Men’s Bible Study
7:00 pm Church Council
7:30 AM Men’s Bible Study
9:00 AM Circle 2
7:30 AM Men’s Bible Study
7:30 AM Men’s Bible Study
7:00 PM Deacon Board
7 PM Central Nursery Board
6:45 PM Prayer Gathering
7:00 PM Trustees Meeting
5:30PM Church Pot Luck
6:45 PM Prayer Gathering
7:00 PM Mission Board Meeting
8:30 AM Avondale Bible Study
7:00PM Choir Rehearsal
8:30 AM Avondale Bible Study
7:00PM Choir Rehearsal
8:30 AM Avondale Bible Study
7:00PM Choir Rehearsal
CNS Registration Day
6-8 PM Truth Trackers
WARM Meal prepared
6-8 PM Truth Trackers
(wear Green)
World Day of Prayer
8:30 AM Avondale Bible Study
11 AM Parent Academy
7:00PM Choir Rehearsal
8:30 AM Avondale Bible Study
7:00PM Choir Rehearsal
8:00 AM Men’s Breakfast
March 2012
Central Baptist Church
16 Elm Street
Westerly, RI 02891
Phone [401] 596-4929
FAX [401]596-4244
Return Service Requested
We join together to nurture
Christ-centered faith, foster
Christ-like maturity, and share Christ’s
ministry within our
Family, community and world.
Avondale Bible Fellowship
The Bible Fellowship’s Spring study of the Gospel of John continues and
will run through May.
No previous Bible study experience or special Biblical knowledge is required to attend these sessions - just a desire to come closer to the person
of Jesus! Coffee at 8:00AM followed by Bible Study from 8:30 to 9:30 AM.
Join us in March! All are invited to attend.