Jun 5th - Mary, Mother of the Redeemer
Jun 5th - Mary, Mother of the Redeemer
Buying, selling, need a mortgage or line of credit? Free evaluations to your email or over the phone: Mary, Mother of the Redeemer Parish Amparo Foster Licensed Broker/Realtor AMP Realty (403) 455-5571 www.amparo.ca Clergy: REV. SHIBU KALLARAKKAL, CFIC, PASTOR REV. EDWIN NGAH, CFCI, ASSOCIATE PASTOR REV. UGO STURABOTTI, CFIC RESIDENT PRIEST Rev. Mr. Ron Nowell, Deacon Rev. Mr. Alex Martinez, Deacon Directory: Telephone: Fax: E-mail: Website: Facebook: 403-276-1689 403-230-0603 olograce@telus.net www.mmredeemer.ca Mary Mother of the Redeemer Church Office Hours: Monday: Tuesday to Friday: Saturday: Sunday: Closed (Office and Church) 9:00am - 8:00pm 10:00am - 6:00pm Closed (Office) Mass Times 1714 – 14 Avenue N.E. Calgary, Alberta T2E 1G3 Served by the Congregation of the Sons of the Immaculate Conception Italiano-English-Español Weekend Readings: “The lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life; whom should I dread? When those who do evil draw near, they stumble and fall”. Psalm 26.1-2 First Reading: 1 Kings 17-17-21a, 22-24 Psalm: 30 Second Reading: Galatians 1.11-19 Gospel: Luke 7.11-17 Weekly Mass Intentions June 07-12 Thursday 09 7:00pm Jose Rubio Antonio Alonzo Anna Pahlavan Flia Ramiro Arroyo Saturday 11 6:30pm Consuelo Rodriguez Emmita Artiga (Salud) Juan Carlos Cordoba (Cumpleaños) Sunday 12 9:00am Emma Tignanelli 11:00am Antonio del Bello Flia Hasall Flia Tamura Flia Guido 1:00pm Emmita Artiga Ronald Southern Mercedes de Martinez 6:00pm Jofre Blanco Weekend Masses: 4:30 pm (Saturday - English) 6:30 pm (Saturday - Español) 9:00 am (Sunday - Italiano) 11:00 am (Sunday - English) - Children’s Liturgy 1:00 pm (Sunday - Español) 6:00 pm (Sunday - Español) Weekday Masses: 9:00 am (English) Tues/Wed/Thurs/Fri/Sat 7:00 pm Thursday (Español) Antes de Misa Adoración del Santisímo Sacramento 7:30 pm first Saturday of the Month Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament From 9:00am to 12:00pm and 6:00pm to 7:00pm first Friday of the Month Reconciliation/Reconciliación: English: Saturday 4:00 - 4:30pm (followed by English mass) Healing Mass / Misa de Sanación: 6:00 pm every first Tuesday of the Month Memorial Mass: 7:00 pm every first Wednesday of the Month Weddings : Please call the office 6 months in advance. Baptisms: Baptism Preparation Course every second Saturday of the month in English and every last Saturday of the month in Spanish. Call the office to Register. 05 GIUGNO Jun 05th 5 DE JUNIO 10° DOMENICA DEL TEMPO ORDINARIO 10th SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 10° DOMINGO DEL TIEMPO ORDINARIO HEALING MASS Tuesday, June 7th at 6pm mass. It will be celebrated in Spanish. MISA DE SANACION Martes, 7 de Junio a las 6pm. Luego. La misa será en Español. “AFFIRMATION OF WEDDING VOWS" “RENOVACION DE VOTOS MATRIMONIALES" MESSA DI GUARIGIONE La Santa Messa sarà celebrate, in lingua spagnola, Martedì, Giugno 7 alle ore 6:00 di sera. “AFFIRMATION OF WEDDING VOWS" On Father’s Day weekend, June On Fathers Day weekend, El fin de semana del día del padre, 18 June 18 - 19, after each Mass the -19 de Junio, después de cada misa, 18 - 19, after each Mass the Knights of Columbus are inviting all los Caballeros de Colon invitan a Knights of Columbus are inviting married couples to come and renew todas las parejas casadas a venir a all married couples to come and their wedding vows "Affirmation of renovar sus votos matrimoniales – renew their wedding vows Wedding Vows", as proposed by Renovación de votos matrimoniales "Affirmation of Wedding Vows", Pope Francis, to strengthen our según lo propuesto por el Papa as proposed by Pope Francis, to family life. There will be cake and Francisco, para fortalecer nuestra strengthen our family life. There coffee available after each mass to vida familiar. Habrá torta y café will be cake and coffee available celebrate this memorable occasion. disponibles después de cada misa after each mass to celebrate this para celebrar esta ocasión memorable occasion. memorable. PELLEGRINAGGIO Questo è l’anno della Misericordia, e per ottenere l’indulgenza la Chiesa Maria Madre Del Redentore e il Movimento Carismatico sono lieti di invitare tutti I membri di questa communità ad un Pellegrinaggio alla Cattedrale subito dopo la celebrazione della S. Messa dell’una pomeridiana Domenica 26 Giugno. I requisiti di ammissibilità sono: 1) Confessione 2) Comunione 3) Recitare le preghiere secondo le intenzioni del Papa. Potrete parcheggiare i vostri veicoli alla stazione di Bridgeland e da lì cammineremo verso la Cattedrale. Per coloro che non saranno in grado di fare questo ci sarà l’opzione di prendere il treno e scendere alla seconda fermata del centro città (downtown) e a piedi proseguire verso la Cattedrale. PILGRIMAGE PEREGRINACION This is the Year of Mercy, and to gain indulgence, Mary, Mother of The Redeemer Church and the Charismatic Renewal are pleased to invite all the members of this community to a pilgrimage to the Cathedral, immediately after 1pm mass on Sunday June 26. The eligibility requirements are: 1) Confession 2) Communion and 3) Say the Prayer for the Intentions of the Pope. All vehicles will be parked at Bridgeland Station, and we will walk to the Cathedral. For all you who won’t be able to do this, there will be a second option: take the train to the second stop downtown and then walk to the Cathedral. Este es el año de la Misericordia y para ganar indulgencias, La Iglesia Maria Madre del Redentor y la Renovación Carismática invitan a toda la comunidad a una peregrinación hacia la Catedral inmediatamente después de la misa de 1:00 pm el día 26 de Junio. Los requisitos para poder asistir son: 1) Confesión 2) Comunión 3) Oración por las intenciones del papa. Se dejaran los vehículos en la estación de Bridgeland, luego se caminara hacia Catedral. Para las personas que no puedan hacer este recorrido habrá una segunda opción tomar el tren hasta la segunda parada del centro y luego se caminar hacia la Catedral. SUMMER GALA Mary, Mother of The Redeemer Parish is pleased to invite you to this celebration in honor of our patron, with the presence of our most reverend Bishop Frederick Henry, on June 25 at 6:00pm until midnight at 1714-14 Ave. N.E. Calgary AB. General Admission. Live Entertainment, live Music, DJ Fenix. Raffle at 10:00pm. Ticket cost: $40, will be sold at the end of each mass. “We hope to see you there. 100% of proceeds will go to our church. GRUPPO GIOVANI Attenzione: Giovani dai 11-17 anni! Inizio incontri bi-settimanali dal 10 al 15 Settembre alle ore 3 PM, divertimenti giochi, discussioni sulla Bibbia, attività estive, lezioni sulla vita e.. nuovi amici ! Parrocchia Maria Madre Del Redentore Per ulteriori informazioni contattare: Tatiana Vazquez (403)341-9098/ mmryouthgroup@gmail.com YOUTH GROUP FESTA DELLE NAZIONI FEAST OF NATIONS! Si invitano tutti i parrocchiani a Our Parish invites all the formare dei gruppi members of the community to rappresentanti i loro paesi di join in groups representing their origine esponendo su bancarelle Countries at the food stands and cibi esotici e dando un saggio cultural events for the Feast of delle loro tradizioni culturali Nations to be held on August alla Festa delle Nazioni che si 14th. Thank you! terrà Domenica 14Agosto 2015. Grazie! Ti piacerebbe essere un missionario nella tua famiglia, nella tua parrocchia o nella società? Ci piacerebbe parlare con te Society of Missionaries of God’s Love 403-5901630 info@misioneroslaicos.org GRUPO JUVENIL Attention 11-17 years old! Bi-weekly Atención a todos entre 11 y 17 años. Las Gatherings start September 10 at 3pm. Fun, reuniones Bi-semanales comenzaran el 10 de games, bible talk, summers activities, life Septiembre a las 3pm. Diversión, juegos, lessons and new friends! Mary, Mother of the charla bíblica, actividades de verano, Redeemer Parish. Contact: Tatiana Vazquez lecciones de vida y nuevos amigos! Parroquia 403-3419098 María, Madre del Redentor. Información: mmryouthgroup@gmail.com Tatiana Vázquez 403-3419098 mmryouthgroup@gmail.com Would you like to be a Missionary in your Family, your Parish and Society? We would like to talk to you! Society of Missionaries of God’s Love. 403-590-1630 info@misioneroslaicos.org FIESTAS DE LAS NACIONES! Nuestra Parroquia invita a todos los miembros de la comunidad a unirse en grupos representando a sus naciones de origen en los puestos de comida y al acto cultural (para bailar o cantar) de la Fiesta de las Naciones, a realizarse el día 14 de Agosto. Gracias! ¿Te gustaría ser un Misionero o Misionera en tu Familia, tu Parroquia y la Sociedad? Nos gustaría platicar contigo Sociedad de Misioneros del Amor de Dios 403-590-630 info@misioneroslaicos.org CHOIR DIRECTOR / LEADER OF SONG Canadian Martyrs Parish community (835 Northmount Drive NW) is currently seeking applicants for a Choir Director to provide leadership for the 10:45am Sunday Mass. Interested candidates should email the parish secretary at secretary@canadianmartyrsparish.ca or call Simone De Cnodder at 587-223-4896 for more information. EXPOSITION, BENEDICTION AND PRAYER At the request of our Bishop Frederick Henry , we will offer Exposition, Benediction and Prayer every Thursday evening at 6pm in Spanish and every first Friday of the month at 6pm in English both followed by Holy Mass for Our Country, and Our law makers, for the respect for Life, for the sick and for health care providers. As Catholics we are opposed to Physician Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia, We pray for a culture of Life may always be a sign of your love in the world. Amen. ONE ROCK: VOLUNTEERS NEEDED Be a part of the One Rock festival! Volunteers are needed. More at www.onerock.ca SUPPORT ONE ROCK All six Dioceses in Alberta are joining efforts for the One Rock Festival of Faith, August 12, 13 & 14 to present World Youth Day At Home. Your support will help reach the young adults and their families in our midst, giving them the opportunity of being together with other like-minded Christians, enjoy fun events, catechesis sessions, and the sacraments. You can help us in our mission by supporting this year’s festival through your tax deductible donations. You can donate by using two options, either. 1. Online, at onerock.ca – “How can I help” page, OR 2. By sending a Cheque designated for One Rock made payable to RC Diocese of Calgary, 120 17 Ave SW, Calgary, AB T2S 2T2. Thank you.
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