February 7th
February 7th
Buying, selling, need a mortgage or line of credit? Free evaluations to your email or over the phone: Mary, Mother of the Redeemer Parish Amparo Foster Licensed Broker/Realtor AMP Realty (403) 455-5571 www.amparo.ca Clergy: REV. SHIBU KALLARAKKAL, CFIC, PASTOR REV. EDWIN NGAH, CFCI, ASSOCIATE PASTOR REV. UGO STURABOTTI, CFIC RESIDENT PRIEST Rev. Mr. Ron Nowell, Deacon Rev. Mr. Alex Martinez, Deacon Directory: Telephone: Fax: E-mail: Website: Facebook: 403-276-1689 403-230-0603 olograce@telus.net www.mmredeemer.ca Mary Mother of the Redeemer Church Office Hours: Monday: Tuesday to Friday: Saturday: Sunday: Closed (Office and Church) 9:00am - 8:00pm 10:00am - 6:00pm Closed (Office) Mass Times 1714 – 14 Avenue N.E. Calgary, Alberta T2E 1G3 Served by the Congregation of the Sons of the Immaculate Conception Italiano-English-Español Weekend Readings: “O come, let worship God and bow low before the God who made us, for he is the Lord our God. Psalm 94.6-7 First Reading: Isaiah 6.1-2a, 3-8 Psalm: 138 Second Reading: 1 Corinthians 15.1-11 Gospel: Luke 5.1-11 Weekly Mass Intentions February 9- 14h Soul of Leal a Ma Ed Davies Tuesday 09 9:00am Thursday 11 9:00am Angelina Shirley Ramos Saturday 13 4:30pm Rezerio Serpico 6:30pm Sunday Ninetta Gomez Pablo Gongora 14 11:00pm Angela Dimenna 6:00am Maria Alejandra Hernandez Weekend Masses: 4:30 pm (Saturday - English) 6:30 pm (Saturday - Español) 9:00 am (Sunday - Italiano) 11:00 am (Sunday - English) - Children’s Liturgy 1:00 pm (Sunday - Español) 6:00 pm (Sunday - Español) Weekday Masses: 9:00 am (English) Tues/Wed/Thurs/Fri/Sat 7:00 pm Thursday (Español) Antes de Misa Adoración del Santisímo Sacramento 7:30 pm first Saturday of the Month Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament From 9:00am to 12:00pm and 6:00pm to 7:00pm first Friday of the Month Reconciliation/Reconciliación: English: Saturday 4:00 - 4:30pm (followed by English mass) Healing Mass / Misa de Sanación: 6:00 pm every first Tuesday of the Month Memorial Mass: 7:00 pm every first Wednesday of the Month Weddings : Please call the office 6 months in advance. Baptisms: Baptism Preparation Course every second Saturday of the month in English and every last Sunday of the month in Spanish. Call the office to Register. FEBBRAIO 7 FEBRUARY 7 TH FEBRERO 7 5° DOMENICA DEL TEMPO ORDINARIO 5th SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 5° DOMINGO DEL TIEMPO ORDINARIO 40 Days for Life 2016 Lenten Prayer Campaign 40 DFL starts on Ash Wednesday February 10 and goes to Palm Sunday March 20. 40 DFL is the largest internationally coordinated pro-life mobilization in history, helping people in local communities end the injustice of abortion. In Calgary we have 14 parishes participating in 40 DFL campaign: St. Albert the Great, St. Anthony’s, Ascension, St. Bernadette, St. Bonaventure, Canadian Martyr’s, St. Dennis, Holy Spirit, St. James (Okotoks), St. Michael’s, Our Lady Queen of Peace, St. Patrick’s , St. Peter’s & Sacred Heart. If your parish is NOT here, we are ready to guide you to be part of this preborn baby life -saving event: Molly 403-690-4348 and Jairo 40daysforlife.calgary@gmail.com. To become better informed in the spiritual battle for life: www.priestsforlifecanada.com & www.campaignlifecoalition.com. STATIONS OF THE CROSS DURING LENT Wednesday at 6:30pm in Italian, Thursdays at 6:30pm in Spanish and Friday at 6:30 pm in English all followed by Mass. It is a tradition in the Catholic Church during Lent to celebrate the Stations of the Cross. We invite all Parishioners to join us for this prayer and meditation. Come walk with Jesus and meditate on his passion, death and resurrection. VENTA DE COMIDA! Se vendió $3.007 en la venta de comida. Muchas gracias al Grupo de “Catequesis ” y a las personas que colaborarón en la venta. La próxima venta de comida se realizará el 14 de Febrero. Te esperamos! MERCOLEDI’ DELLE CENERI, Febbraio 10, MESSA: 9:00 am Inglese 6:00 pm Italiano 7:00pm English 8:00 pm Spagnolo Le ceneri saranno distribuite dopo ogni messa. Con l’inizio della Quaresima siamo invitati a riflettere sul significato della nostra vita, su come ci mettiamo al servizio degli altri e vedere a che punto e’ la nostra relazione col Signore. La legge del Digiuno ed della astinenza va osservata il Mercoledi’ delle Ceneri ed il Venerdi’ Santo. La legge dell’ astinenza proibisce di mangiare la carne, ma i cattolici possono fare questa pratica con atti speciali di pieta’ e di carita’. La legge del digiuno prescrive solo un pasto al giorno ma non proibisce di prendere qual’cosa la mattina e la sera. Questa legge e’ di obblico per coloro che sono di eta’ tra i 18 e 60 anni. Casi individuali per ragioni serie possono essere dispensati. ASH WEDNESDAY, February 10th, Mass: 9:00am English 6:00 pm Italian 7:00pm English 8:00pm Spanish Ashes will be distributed at all masses. As a new liturgical season begins it is a time to reflect on our purpose in life, how we are caring for others and to see how we are doing in our friendship with our Savior. Fasting and abstinence are to be observed on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday. The law of abstinence forbids meat, but Catholics may also special acts of charity or piety. The law of fasting prescribed that only one meal a day is allowed, but does not forbid taking some nourishment in the morning and in the evening. The obligation of fast binds those between 18 and 60 years of age. The law of abstinence pertains to everyone over fourteen. Individual cases, for just reason (e.g. the sick) may receive dispensation from the obligation. MIERCOLES DE CENIZA, 10 de Febrero, MISA: 9:00 am Ingles 6:00 pm Italiano 7:00pm Ingles 8:00 pm Español Las cenizas serán distribuidas en todas las misas. Cuando comienza un nuevo tiempo litúrgico es un tiempo para reflexionar sobre nuestro propósito en la vida, ¿Cómo estamos cuidando a los demás y ver cómo lo estamos haciendo en nuestra amistad con nuestro Salvador? Ayuno y abstinencia se deben observar el Miércoles de Ceniza y el Viernes Santo. La ley de la abstinencia prohíbe la carne, pero los católicos puede también hacer actos especiales de caridad o piedad. La ley del ayuno prescrito es que una sola comida se permite durante un día, pero no prohíbe tomar algún alimento en la mañana y en la noche. La obligación de Ayuno es para las personas entre 18 y 60 años de edad. La ley de abstinencia se refiere a todos los mayores de catorce años. Los casos individuales, por justa razón (por ejemplo, los enfermos) pueden recibir la dispensa de la obligación. TOGETHER IN ACTION Next collection will be February 14th. We encourage everyone to respond with generosity to this important fundraising for the poor. Thank you for your contributions! GIORNATA MONDIALE DEL MALATO La Parrocchia di MARIA, MADRE DEL REDENTORE. Ha il piacere di invitare i parrocchiani alla 24.ma Giornata Mondiale del Malato celebrata con una S. Messa e l’Unzione degli infermi, Giovedì 11 Febbraio alle 7 di sera. JORNADA MUNDIAL WORLD DAY OF THE SICK DEL ENFERMO Mary, Mother of the La Parroquia María Madre del Redeemer Parishis pleased to Redentor tiene el agrado de invitar a invite the community to the toda la comunidad a la XXIV Jornada XXIV World Day of the Sick Mundial del Enfermo con una with a Eucharist and Anointing Celebración Eucarística y Unción. El día Jueves 11 de febrero a las celebration. On Thursday 7:00pm. February 11th at 7:00 pm. “PASTA/ SILENT AUTION NIGHT” “PASTA/ SILENT AUTION NIGHT” Quest’ anno avverrà il 13 Febbraio. Il Will be held on February 13th. costo dei I biglietti sono $ 30 a persona, Tickets are $30 per person, 6-12 years 0-5 anni di età gratis e of age is $15/child and 0-5 years of age 6 - 12 anni di età è di $ 15/bambino . Free. For more Per ulteriori informazioni contattare information please contact Ida al 403-274-3325 oppure Rina al Ida: 403-274-3325 or 403-295-6520. Rina 403-295-6520 “PASTA/ SILENT AUTION NIGHT” Se llevará a cabo el 13 de Febrero. Los boletos cuestan $30 por persona, de 6-12 años a $15 y niños de 0-5 años gratis. Para obtener más información, póngase en contacto con Ida: 403-274-3325 o Rina 403-295-6520 PLEASE NOTE A SILENT AUCTION WILL TAKE PLACE DURING DINNER Anyone who would like to donate items or know of a company that is willing to SPONSOR donations. Please contact Margherita at 403-274-9506. Thank You! EXPERIENCING MERCY – SESSION I Uniting the Extraordinary of Jubilee of Mercy with the 50th anniversary of the Second Vatican Council, the Diocese of Calgary is undertaking a thoughtful study of the principle teachings of Vatican II starting February 2016. Come to the 8 series of session & prayer to better appreciate the mercy God has shown through the Council and how we can authentically live that mercy during this jubilee year. Session I: “Why Ecumenical Council? Why the Second Vatican Council?” will be held on Sunday, February 14, 2016 (2 – 5 pm) at Holy Name Parish (2223 – 34th St. SW, Calgary) with speaker Dr. Agnes de Dreuzy. This will cover the history of what made Vatican II unique, both in content and historical context. Session will be closed with a Vespers. For more information you can contact: wecelebrate@calgarydiocese.ca MISCARRIAGE LITURGY (MEMORIAL LITURGY FOR MISCARRIED OR STILLBORN INFANTS) When families lose a baby in the womb, the cries of birth go unheard. This profound loss needs articulation. Join us in a prayer gathering to commend our children communally into the embrace of our merciful God and to support those who are grieving the loss of a child. We invite those who are mourning a miscarried or stillborn infant to this liturgy. Please invite friends and family. The memorial liturgy will be held on Friday, February 19, 2016 at 7pm at Sacred Heart Church (1307 14 St SW, Calgary), with Bishop Henry presiding. Parents are invited to register their presence and enroll their miscarried or stillborn infant's name. Call 403-218-5511 or go www.MiscarriageLiturgy.ca COLDEST NIGHT OF THE YEAR Feed the Hungry and the Diocese are pleased to once again be partnering with Acadia Place and the Mustard Seed to host this family friendly walking event. Volunteer, walk or sponsor the event to benefit these three agencies working hard to serve our brothers and sisters experiencing homelessness and poverty. February 20, 2016. Registration begins at 4:00 pm, Walk at 5:00 pm. Visit https://coldestnightoftheyear.org/location/calgary to sign up or contact Samantha Jones, Location Director. 403-215-5531 or samantha.jones@calgarydiocese.ca. Mission Sessions During Lent Starting Sunday March 6, 2016 with the 11:00 am Mass. March 7, 8, 9. Come to the 3 part session study of the Divine Mercy session will start at 7:00 pm and will be Led by Fr. Bryan Frank
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