J u TJMBKB - New Jersey Courier
J u TJMBKB - New Jersey Courier
N ew Jersey C ourier. Ï S S P S O K S l l E S T A B M S H E D IN 1850. ST S 3 O 3? O S S TOMS R IV E E , N. J., WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 14,1887. M e ô i n r V O L U M E 38------- NUMBER 11. SELECTED POETHY. snappishly, “ p le a s e attend to eastern clasped both hands around bis arm witIt Odd* andMi. Advice to Old Men. e rs .” a tragic little shriek. T h e seed of B e aven Is found in good In the matter of advioe, old men have OlUoo, C o w p e r t h v & lt 'i E x c h a n g e , T h e "c u s to m e r s " consisted of old Opportunity. Oh, pa,” she cried, “ just look! WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER XN been neglected. Y ou n g men, girls, deeds. OVER THE YOST OFFICE, B illy Murdook, w h o oame in regularly to Just think what you’ve escaped 1 The “ Wisdom and wealth, hud I but these D R U G S , M E D IC IN E S , Ooonpation is the necessary basi» of sit over the stove, b a t never bought any bouse would have been burned dowa iu married women and b o y s have nil T o m s R ivet», Ocean County, N . J. A ll would be p l a i n ; life's mysteries received the philanthropic attention of all enjoyment. th in g ; but John wentbaok obediontly. another minute— iu one minute—al^ C H E M IC A L S , P E R F U M E R Y , P ublished e v e r y W ednesday A fternoon . Would have n e w meaning, a ll In vain newspaper writers, but i t seems that no T h e barber’s apprentice is gen era lly * There was a p eriod of silonoe, and burned down ! Mr. Stockham has T o harm me b y its bliss or b ane." AND one has the time to d ro p a few useful strapping fellow. HALSEY JENN ì NQS Editor and P ublisher. then a clatter fr o m the front. saved it. I f he hadn’ t been here and ne 8 0 spake the m a n with philosophic sight, hints to the man who haa done so much One c o p y 1 year..................... $3 oo FANCY TOILET ARTICLES, Believing fate b a d robbed h im of his right. " O il, goodness 1 " cried Lottio, in a hadn’t smelled smoke and come out here, Pleasure ado x itteci in undu e degree One cop y e months................ . 1 00 for the world. The follow in g sugges ton e of horror. * * I ’ve knocked down a found the wood-house all ablaze, and enslaves tho w i l l _ TRUSSES, Eyes to see th e flowers a-bloom, tions are freely given : One c op y 8 months................ 50 b o x of curtain-fixtures, M ercy I do help worked like anything to pnt it out, jnst Ears to hear th e birds' glad tuue, T h e fewer o r w r wauls th e nearer w e Subaoriptions payable In Advv.ioe. O ld uaen mhould he careful of their m e pick theta n p ! ” Visions fair th a t mounted h ig h — T ransient A pvrbtib rm ints . — Tw elve lines, think what would have happened 1 It health. T h ey should n o t go to the resem ble the g o t l s . (one Inch, space.) 7o cents one luaertlon. Each PAINTS, OILS, Tho chanco w a s his, but he passed it by. John rushed t o her side. H o did,not was that horrid tramp. H e ’d got in here additional Insertion, 60 centB. Prosperity reesruits more victims fo r theatre without a shirt. I t is also ad “ The world denies mo all, a lo o f I stand, B usiness Ca r d s .— One inch Bpace, 98.00 a year, know whether s h e had knocked them oflf somehow and gone to sleep smoking, tho d e v i l than aefivenity,1 visable to wear something on the feet. each additional I n c h , 94.00. Hearing fo r o th ers praises through tho land, pnrposoly, th o n g h he hoped she had. and his horrid pipe had set things on General A d v e r tisin g . — Our rates will be O ld men will find it to their interest T he worn-out smile I smile an d smile again, “ T h e season’ » over,” laid F o g g , as ha made Xiown u p on application al this oiBce, L o ttie knew; b u t she looked quite in- fire. I ’m so glad Mr. Stockham was Vet kuowiug t h a t for mo a l l life Is vufri, not to step on a railroad track until after oapsized the pep»per-bor, either personally o r by letter. doceutly regretfa l. here— aren’t you, pa, dear ? *’ L egal A dvertisements .—At rates allowed by The storniB o f fa te can no defiance break— train has passed. Well-read physi H o w to havo '«white hands. L o t so m e law. P r o p r ie t o r o f M A T IH S ’ Q U A R T E R DOL They grouped about together for the Mr. Lamphier looked at hiB daughter N o bribe or th ro at can any difference make." cians now generally a gree that heavy body else do a ll Special N o tic e s (In local column), 10 cents a L A R F A M IL Y L I N I M E N T . Iy4t tho work. miseing curtain - fixtures, among the and at Johu Stookham, aud at the line (or first in s e rtion ; subsequent Insertions, 6 Eyes to note e a c h thing of beauty, freight trains, especially late at night, are T O M S R IV E R , N E W J E R S E Y . em pty boxes u n d e r the counter. Oc blackened wall, and at the serenelyI t would Beenes, natural for a carpenter Ears to hear th e whisper, “ duty,"— hard to digest. casionally th e ir hands touched each slumbering tramp. to w a lk with a I -«unbaring g a it. But ho fo r g lo r y looked so high, Old men, especially in a cold climate, Saw not a ch an ce and it passed him by. other. “ Ah, yes 1 " he responded, “ I t was “ T h is is a bc*.ruinR shame,” said th e Bhould not go iu swimming until after ” We’ll never find them all," said fortunate you liappeued along, StockOne does not mark the w a y the great have P 0 1 1 T 6 O N ® the first o f Jannary, n o r recline on the man w h o was sm oking abad cigar. Lottie. bam.” trod, In the brigh ■*; lexicon of W a ll s tr e e t tee iu the evening. ir . W o cry, “ B eh old, tlieir gen iu s is from God ! " “ I hope wo w on’t. I ’ m willing to There was a tinge of irony iu bis touo, A d old man should m arry a very young one o f the la r g o a t words is * * F a il.” Humanity th en whispers, l o w and clear, keep on hunting,” John rejoined, with and some grimness in bis s m ile ; hut woman. I t teaohes h im that there is T h is powder never varies. A m arvel o f purity Genius from G o d , but perseverance here ; W e aro all ^ortnne-tellera. T h a t is, sly, shy glauoe a t tho pretty face near Lottie did not mind that— nor did John strength and wholesomeness. More economic* nothing in life after a ll, and reconciles we o a n tell a foxrtuno wlion w e seo it. than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in Life gives the most to those incliucd him. Stockham. competition with the multituteof low test, short In everything some worthy thing to find, him to death, T h e moBtmis-ohiGTuus lita«.3 are th o se w eight, alum or phosphate powders. Sold only “ I ’vo got a l o t of things to do at They realized that, by a fortunate .-------- ti--------------- ----------- Co.. 106 Wall The simplest to il, the simplest pleasure take, B y observing these and other rules who keep r u b b in g tho edges o f truth. hom e," said L o t t ie , smiling back nt him. turn of events, Mr. Lam phier was de And in the w o o f aud web o f life to make some old m<m have attained great age. T h e intellect o f thowise i a like g la s s ; A golden chain , aud in each link to biud “ I ’ m trimming a new hat— ” feated and made to appreciate and admit The opportunities that ive c a n find. it adm its tho l i j ^ h t of licavoa and reflects “ Yon couldn’ t improve ou that one,” the fact. What to Teach Your Boy*. it. They oared little for the burned John put in, w ith nuother admiring Toaoh them to bo useful. glance. beams; they wero not oonsoious of thoir L o v o may l e augh at locksmiths, b u t F A M I L Y R E A R IN G . Teaoh them to be truthful. Prescription of a regular pliysiclrwho has had it know s bette X than to f o o l with, th e “ And if I ’ m g o in g to have rico-pndding dripping clothes ; the slumbering tramp Teach thorn to be manly. m any years’ experience la treating chronic dis dog. fo r dinner it o u g h t to bo g o in g on," said seemed an angel in disguise. eases of all kinds. Every house should have It Teaoh them to be p o lite in manners. ‘ Well, it’s the way to do,” Lottie de L o ttie musingly. In case ol emergency. When the children are Measure not maou by Sunday, w ith ou t A Prompt S o lu tion . Teaoh them the va lu e of time and pale, feverish, appetite poor, dull, etc., use But she k e p t on feeling aimlessly clared, a few weeks later, when regarding w h a *» thoy do a l l the w eek BUSINESS CARDS. money. John Stookham were safely engaged and about for curtain fixtures. after. Teach them to a vo id tobaooo and PHAI.BH IN ALL FINDS 01» “ I ’d be glad t o walk hom e with you Mr. Lamphier had givon them his blei T h e only m a x a who acorns t o thrive on strong drink. A U E R T C . M A R T IN , It was th e typical country store. i f my time w e r e my own,” said John, ings, and intimated that ho’d thought is tho one t h a t owes h is Teaoh them careful and correot busi proorastiualiou There were soap and p i us, and needles wistfully. taking a partner, aud that John might Attorney a n d Solicitor in Chancery, ta ilor. ness habits. and letter-paper, and back-oombs and AND “ You’ve n e v e r been to the house, posBibly do— “ it’s the way to do. If O f f i c e o v e r the B a n k , Teaoh them, by example, bow to do W om on are tho host detectors of B u i l d e r s 1 H a r d w a re , paper co lla rs, and suspendora, in'glass have you ? " L o t t i e queried. we’d just stood baok as meek as n I t overcomes Malaria and Rheumatism, Neu things well. NAILS, counterfeits w L »e n tho counterfeits are Tors R iv e r . N . J. cases in t h e front, a n d crockery and “ You’ve n e v e r invited m e,” John re and waited for pa to come round and READY-MIXED P A I N T S , ralgia, Nervousness, Constipation, Kidney-and not m en. Teaoh them to ride, drive, jump, run Bladder Troubles. Being purely vegetable, it calico, and tinware and overhauls, and sponded, with a gentle reproach. “ N ot invite you up to the house— Meroy 1 I GLASS, and swim. never Injures the health as minerals do, but puri cowhide b oots, dlaposod on the shelves, J. H O L M E S BIRDSALL, T h o p r ic e o f rubber g o o d s rem ains 00011*4, § iS H , B L I N D « , M OULDINGS, that I ’d dare t o come if yon did,” he can’t bear to think of it I ” fies the blood and builds up the delicate. It Is Teach them how to get tho most for very firm. BRICK, SHINGLES, O n o would th in k th a t it A T T O R N E Y A T I. A W , the woman’s friend in all troubles peculiar to her and butter and dried beef, and buck added, with a fa in t motion o f his head their money. LATH, LIM E , C E M E N T , P L A S T E R , W om an’s N erve. w o u ld be olaatxc. wheat and kerosene, a n d molasses and s e x . 100 doses for 75 eta. Bold by druggists aud toward Mr. Lam ph ier, Master a n d Examiner in Chancery, MATES’ MANURES, Teaoh them the habits of oleanliness country storekeepers. codfish, in friendly confusion in the rear. “ Been o u fc shooting ? ” “ Y e s ." A N D N O T A R Y P U B L IC , A tall lady with a saturnine counte Lottio sighed. I f you suffer from that loathsome disease and good order. U F F IU fi m i M ain Street, o p p o s ite th e Its motely variety was, indeed, a neces “ W h a t did y o n kill?” “ N o th in g, “ If you c o u ld g et an evening olf," she nance came into the Chronicle offico and CHEAP I r O I l CASH. CATARRH, or any other chronic disease, do not Teach them to avoid profane and O cean House, exc e p t my d o g . " Lam phier’s was the one store in suggested, tim id ly . " Pa isn ’t lume till demanded o f one o! the reporters If R A W C 1 *9 J * . . fa ll to consult J. P. FINLAW, M. £>.„ the cele sity. indecent language. T O N IS RIVER, N . J . 6 brated Specialist, 815 Broadway, Camden, N. J. Unionville. Virginia offered a good hold for a series half-past ten o r s o , andT h e r e never -was any hear t truly g re a t Teach them to be n eat and genteel in B y aid of our malls aud express companies, If L u m p h ier’s was t h e typical country of a dozen lootures on woman’s suffrage, John turned a radiantly-grateful face and genorous that was n o t also tender I. W . C A R M IC H A E L , patients avail themselves of his treatment hun their appearance. store, L o t t ie Lamphier was not tho typi upon her. “ I don’t think the Comstockers have and c o m p t i B B i o s a a t o , dreds of miles away. Counselor a t Law and Teach them to bo polite to one an Consultation free to all on Fridays and Satur cal country storekeeper’ s daughter. So “ You know I ’ d be delighted, Miss thought muoh about female suffrage,’’ A poet w r i t e s : " I o w e no m an a Master in Chancerv Opposite Railroad Depot, Toms River. days, 10 a. m. to 8.80 r. m . All communications other, helpful to the o ld and woak, and John Stockham, Mr. Liamphier’s clerk Lamphier," h e almost gasped, " I ’dreplied the reporter, frankly. d o lla r.” Wo nxevordid know a p o et who must contain a stamp. kind to animals, ( m i c e on Main s t r e e t , from the n e x t town, h a d thought, when “ Don’t say fomale,” said the tall “ Stockham 1 ” Mr. Lam phicr’s voice c o u ld got any -credit, TOMB BIVBB, N. J. he first saw her tripping into the store was alarmingly near. “ I want that box lady, sharply. H o w It ’s Pronounced. Curiously & trough th e man w h o is L I M E , C E M E N T AND B R I C K , one m orning, after a s p o o l of thread and o f spices opened immediately." “ W hy n o t ? " asked the reporter in •* How do you pronounce it, ‘ eether alw ays in a ^pioklo don’t preserve his a pound o f coffee—she was her father’s Mr. L a m p h ie r’s head projeoted itself innooent surprise. tem p er worth a cent, r * eyether,’ Goorgo ? ” housekeeper. “ Beoause, sir, a term that Is used to Attorney and Counsellor at Law, over tho oounter ; he glared down at the Agent (or “ ‘ Eether ’ is correct. ” T r u e benevolence la to l o v e all men, Also, Blacksmiths’ Coal, She had seemed to John, in her crisp, startler pair b eneath it. describe sex in animals should not bo I l S N A S S A U S T ., “ 1 thought it was pronounced W A L T E R ’S P A T E N T C H AR C O AL Recompense in ju ry with justice, and pink calico, and her n a tty straw bat, the John looked a t Lottie. There was a applied to woman.” N E W ÏO U H . eyether. ’ " unkindness w i E h kiuduoss. Tho reporter admitted, in great hu TIN SHINGLES and SIDING PLATES, moat jauutily-stylieh g i r l ho had ever daring light in h is eyes. tfOl W M . A li.W A d v . “ That’s what I s a id ." ien, as w e ll as the prettiest. A low proEnibltlng the intemporato AlflO miliation, that the point was well taken, “ I ’ll come t h i s evening. “ N o, you didn’t ; yo u said ‘ eether ’ hoarding o f This was four months ago. Lottie I He formed t h e words inandibly with and looked np in some alarm at the wealth m ig h t prevent R U B B E R R O O F IN C was correot." J. W . W E B B , M . p ., m on ey from b»«comlng tigh t. imo down to the store frequently. O f his lips, and h a r r ie d away. severe countenance of the lady, who was and Yes, that’s what I said. coarse it w a s a necessity that she should ; H O U Œ P A T R I8 T . Mr. L a m p h ier slapped th e package of a head taller than himself, and maniDEAL, in ALL KINDS OF * ‘ Oh, Mr. S t o r y I lie f ix e d your book .At tbo ------ " — ' 1 ' uuui6' uniau du uli uut u'ruutj, ruuu' MAIN 1STItBBT, (fo u r door* - <W>> n t nni't ''<*>'■<' Y you ‘‘ K M on Ff oetner m odeBt to dream that h is presence could justed her v e i l , extracted a piece o f countenance softened somewhat at these was correct.'' Signoriaa Tercilna T a a is o n a TIN AND SIJEET-mON WARE, TOMS HIVER, N. J. have the remotest rouaenco on her com citron from a j a r and n ibbled at it, and signs of confessed inferiority, however, starring tua I k x this oountry. She play* “ I know I did, and I ’ll stick to it.” 1 to 8 X. r-i u t o s , in d o r a r COAL AND WOOD, IS ings and goings. went out, w ith a parting sm ile for John and the lady continned : th e violin, b ix t is, wotrust, noam atua. “ I ’ll bet a dollar I ’m right." “ The cause of woman is tbo oauso of H j Sl R D W A . R E , Bat he had not neglected his oppor Stockham. Alflo Dealer in Here they alighted from the oar, I t is quito S-xx vain for a m an to e a t so The cause o f humanity L o c k s , H inges, S c r e w s , N a lls , « l a s s , fcc. CALVIN C. HAVENS, tunities. H e had talk ed to her as he I f Lottie p n t on her best dress, and humanity. sought a book store, found a oopy of th a t ho is dyspeptic and at th e same Stoves. Heaters, Ranges, HouseWhy, then, D o o r s S a s h , B lin d s A M o u ld in g s tied np sugar or ro lle d np her lining her prettiest rnohings, and her silver embraces all progress. S u r v e y o r and C o n v e y a n c e r , W obster’s Dictionary, and this is what t im e attempt t o live iu a s ta te of grace. furnishing Goods, etc, Shingles, Lath, Lime, Cement, Brick, cambric, a n d smiled a t her from over the hair-pin and bracelets, that evening, should the people o f V irgin ia be indif thov road : T O M S R IV E R , N . J. I t is sad t o see family relic» » o l d at A ll orders for new work er repairing, or repairs kerosene c a n and th o molasses barrel, after her fa th er had eaten h is sapper and ferent to woman ? ” f t c . , See. 2 Either pronounced e-ther or i-ther. and bricks for stoves, heaters, ranges, etc. “ They're not I ’’ cried tho small auction bat t3fcxc mastpainful thing under All business intrusted to me wiiirecetvelmm e; l o w h s t p r i c e s . and L o t t ie had not b e e n prudishly back gone back to t h e store ; and if somebody promptly attended to. Fleaao give me a call. Either was oorreot. dlatc attention. Orders by mall promptly re “ Far from it. th e hammer to generally your thumb O ffic e and Y a r d on Bay S t r e e t, ward in responding. Tho first snow knocked at t h e kitchen - door aboat reporter,hastily. «ponded t f l . _______________ ———u=r=; BLUE FRONT STORE, n a il. Barnesgat, N. J . W found th em very good friends indeed. Poor M an. eigh t; aud i f the kitchen resounded for Woman is theboss in tbis camp. inatte STEEET, TOMS R IV E E , N. J. The one blot on t h is extremely pleas two hours thereafter with pleasant chat, Everything she wants she gets, and not Would y o u cure or kill axi evil H . D. VANSANT, W ealth has its disadvantages, Andrew ant companionship w a s Mr. Lamphier. and harmless badinage, and light-hearted one in a hundred has to do a lick of prejudioo? Manage it a a you w o u ld a Oarnegie has a different home for each work.” Whether M r . Lamphier was guilty of the laughter—if t h e s e things occurred, sure season, and it keeps h im perpetually on p u llin g b o r a « , tickle it a s you w o u ld a “ Mere toys," said the tall ono with I s l a n d Heights, N . J . notion th a t his olerk w as an undesirable ly it was n o b o d y ’s bnsiness. DIALER I N ALL KINDS O F the move winning them up by his tro u t. deep soorn. “ Playthings for an idle party, an d therefore a dangerous com " I don’t n e e d to tell y o n bow I ’ve en Statistics as how that g ir ls who w o r k in Successor to W. T, Ilo well. presence. Home p eop le probably think Island H eigh ts properties for sale hour. You oover womau with silks and panion fo r bis daughter ; or, whether he joyed the e ven in g, Miss Lam phier," said effected In first-class companies at matoh fa e fcory do uot g e t m arried any Mr. Oarnegie is a lu ck y man. Has now In store a gauds and sink her soul to insignificance was possessed of an iguobie fear of the John Stockham, earnestly, as he rose at quicker thawa thoHO who work a t other and sold en commission, etc. La rge an d W eli-S elected Stock loss of a g o o d housekeeper; or whether last, lingeringly. “ I know I shouldn’t by circumscribing her sphere and allow A N D Y e s ," ho explained to the young places. he had m erely developed a streak of the have come ; b u t —I couldn’t help it and ing her no mission in life .” woman, “ I sm the adjective editor of I t ia a s t r e e t , remgefal thought that D r . LEO N C O B L E , “ W ell,” admitted the small reporter, unroason. and contrariness not entirely I can’t be s o rry I did," the magazine," “ T h e ndjeotivc editor ?” w h e n waitesr-s sit down t o eat th e y havo ID B N T I S T , unknown to elderly gentlemen who are “ Certainly not," said Lottie, with “ that’s about the way we look at it up Yes. Wo got a g rea t deal o! manu t o b e waiteiZ2 ou by som e of th e other here, that’s a foot. W omen haven’t got H o llo w W a r n o f a l l kinds, undergoing their first touches of rheu pretty warmth. script from young ladies aud it is my waiters, Office at Union Home, Maio Street, TOMS R IV E H , !¥. J . matism, a n d fooling th e need o f an older “ Ishould lik e to come again,” John the nerve to rustic for themselves like daty to go thro* th eir oopy and k ill the T IN W A R S , T O M S RIV E R , N . J. for apiano to be squ are or I t is no pair of glaflECs—w h a t Mr. Lnmphier’ s pursued ; ** b n t of course this isn’ t the men.” adjectivos. And,” he added, with Keeps on hand a good assortment Wooo and Iron Pumps, upright. R3 r. Talmage i « authority for once Days— Thnntday, Frltlty and Saturday. “ N-o-r-v-e ! ” She uttered this word motive w a s was doubtful. ” way---tired look in his eyes, " the work is Graduate of Penn. Dental CoUege. thcro will b e none o f them sayin g that iy27 M INES, E TC., But h e was plain ly opposed to John I don’t c a r e —so now 1 ” said L ottie iu a terrible tone, so terrific that the very laborious.” in heaven. Stockham’ s growing admirutiou for his stoutly. “ I f pa will b e so unreason small reporter half rose from bis seat. Which he offers at reduced rates. CED AR S H IN C L E S , Ac. E . W. SNYDER, Tho most dull and B ickering thud is “ Nerve . What is there that you do When softly falls th e feathery flakes pretty daughter. able, I don’ t know what else we can----ALSO, ‘«Quick S ales and S m a ll Fronts.* And hides the withered grasses, that p rodn oed by tbe dropping of an The scene which took place one Goodness! w h a t is that, M r. Stockham ?’ requiriug nerve that I am incapable of ? ” COMMISSIONER OF DEEDS The time has come fo r buckwheat cakes old-fashione=-ci coppor cent into » contri " No offence, Madame, no offence. I Washington Street, near Main, snowy December morning bad come to She sniffed the air apprehensively. Cowperthwait'i Exchange, Main St., And New Orleans molaucs. OF BERKELEY T O W N SH IP. M bution box. meant nothing personal, I assure yon." John sniffed, too, T o m s E l v e r , IV. J. TOMS RIVER. N. J. 1« be a common one. “ Am I not stronger than you?" she Guest—** Waiter, bring me s fried L o ttie came down to the store at a “ It’s sm ok e 1" he declared. One o f the beat coins from the mint of ” Garments cut and made to order in thebest demanded, scorning tho apology. " Am beefsteak.” Waiter—‘ *W id pleasure, quarter t o nine. I t was earlier than “ Mercy ! where ? ” cried Lottie, manner, at short notice. 1J81 nature is the penny royal. sab." Ga«?«^t-"No, no»t with pleasure, generally oatne, and the fact ac “ Wo’ll h a v e to investigate,” said I not gifted with as great a brain ? Why do you despise my sex ? Wo can bear w ith onions.” After Tennyion. P . S T A Y E R T , counted fo r the blackness of Mr. L a m - John, taking n p the lamp. more pain, and are therefore your iJIALIR IN Doctor ( EoserenideM)— "Gome right phier’s frown. They w ent into the back entry. It In the fall the iceman, erstwhile uppish, superior in courage.” in the office andI will try to relieve your Lottie gave a waxes mild and m e e k ; H er n e w brown dress was extraordi was bine w i t h smoke. Everything in th e line of a B ook . Stationery, The small reporter was gazing fixedly In the fall the brazen plumber puts a swell suffering. OF NEW YORK. No nsestanding there howl and Picture Store, t o be found a t th e Post Office, S H O E S MADE TO O R D E R . little scream. narily stylish and becoming, and John at the dark corner o f the room, and made front on hi* " check ." R e p a ir !n « Done * hJ®l ®£°,r*e8t via: in g with pew in." "S om eth in g’ safire,” said JohD StockStockham fairly blushed with delighted N o tic e , Neatly and Ch eaply. RICH ARID A . M c C IR D Y . P re s id e n t. School Books, no answer. In the fall the young man's fancy to his " beat ham, " D o n ’ t bo alarmed, Miss L a m A nowspwsper poet demands to know admiration at the e ig h t of her, Next d o o r south of Post Office, Main 8t., “ Nerve, indeed I " continued the tall Pencils, Pens & Pen Holders, g irl ” fondly flit:» ; “ Where ss^ve the girl» of tbe pasi?” L o ttie had nothing to got but a pound phier,’’ lie ad d ed , solieitonaly, TOM8 RIVER, N . J. S lady, “ why, women have infinitely more In the fall the means o f courting he doth ac Note Paper and Envelopes. He o p en ed the wood house door. Bringing c a p tbe girls of the future, Assets, Dec. 31,1885, $108,908,967. of rice, and it was impossible to be v e ry curately " size." nerve than men. O nly yesterday I law L aw Blanks, long a b o u t getting that. But Lottie was They were choked by th e rush of smoke don’t yon t»3iink ? JO H N V. MATHEWS, The oldest active Life Insurance company In the fall th* frantic father fumes about the and hot a i r . Their startled gaze re * woman-----” New York Phila. D aily Papers, a you n g persons o f ways and means. In Mrts country. Organized 1843. After ax» argument between them, the M y ! " suddenly cxolaimed the re b ig gat bills; La te st Seaside Library, Good-morning, M r. Stockham,” she vealed one s id e of the wood-house alive e largest in the world. Its policies now lu force porter, staring intently at the dark In the fall the th rifty housewife endless jars man is generally iifenced, bnt not con numbering more than I S t . O M . with lick in g, darting flames. called o u t, cheerfully. H O R S E S TAKER A T U V ER Y, Ac., * o ., Ac. vinced ; tim e woman is often oon Tinted, o f Jelly fills. oorner. “ That’a the biggest rat I ever u new policies are the most liberal eveT John Stockham ’s practical mind John was replenishing tho fire at the ■ a m u s h e . M n i w r U e *,Vdt 1* 1l . k In d * ” f In the fall a fellow wonders such a fool was bnt rarely- silenced. saw in this office ! ” offered by any insurance company, as they are r i g s ready a t a l l tim e * . worked q u ic k ly . back off the store. It is a p- wetty meanm an who w ill kick ever bora Q u ic k in i t s m o t i o n . Nnn-Forfeltable and place no restrictions upon The scream that rent the air brought " Where’ s the sink, M iss Lamphier ? ” Office: J . V. Mathews’ Blacksmith a tnw n eeenpauon cr residence after belHg two • “ Good-morning, Miss Lamphier,” he in all the printers and several oitizens Aa in tropic days o f eninmer his top coat to the legs o F a rival fellow-boarder under wright Shop, Toma giver, M. J. he demanded, “ and a water pail. Tw o, rejoined, with subdued enthusiasm. pnt in pawn. rears in force. the table » n d thenpretend he thiob be from the street. When they arrived the W e’ll have to work to «top Mr. Tjsmphier’s sharp eyes were upon if possible. J O H N C . H O W A R D , A g e n t, THEODORE F. PRÜDEN, tall one v m standing on a chair with one In the fall the brute creation find new fur was kickirasg tbeboose dog. him, a n d he did n o t venture to join her. it. It ’» g o t a good start. ” upon their backs, hand covering her eyes and the other WARETOWY, N. J. Tbe u s *ho nona down lifo’epUb They d id work. T h e y rushed to and Bat ffiweet woman baa to pray—and man to ÎStf W h a t are these, pa ? ” cried L o ttie , ooorulairelj ciutohing at her skirts aa ,u»l finite n X Ibin with m e t «nmbee fro with h e a v y pails o f water, halfpay—for sealskin sacks. immediately. " D o come and show me H u resumed practice s t his old office, ie gathered them cloee around her. im be vbo know¡eat b o w it’a d m , Tbe ranberry. P esch , Apple, T o m a to s blinded b y the «moke, hot from the how t h e y work, M r . Stockham. I ----The small reporter wisely took advan In the raii the coai m en pui the price np to U>e keepe a s W m ml e l? e «Ueea. W M S n S T I I S T .. N e a r highest notch : T h e y were patent mouse traps. I t flames, d rip p in g with spilled water. tage o f the crowd to slip out, and he In the fall the to p e r kindly tackles to his Let e m * j mmwhen be ie «b o a t L in At the e n d of a confused fifteen ruin was improbable t h a t Lottie was ignorant F L A T S W 9 IR A S P E C IA L T Y . telegraphed from G old H ill tfe*t be was This wonderful Sore Throat R em edy will cure all ■ Ticket! m *ie > ,«!»> * >U thlogm la IN strong " hot Scotch ." Nailed up or in shook. o f th e ir function, o r that John Stockham ates, they » a t down, exhausted and diz nn-ia of Sore Throat, ulcerated or otherwise. going down to Carson to work up a b ig world, etm n l iniwe of Mm— If. ni In the fall the youth who earns but fifteen b e lieved that she w a a ; but he got h im zy, in t h e doorway, and surveyed the Huckleberry Raxes, item.— Virptnta City Chronicle. T M M . » . » I L K « , FAB., T . M. DICKENSON, dreed Ure wit— with in bln. dollars often pays self to the front o f th e store with alacrity. scene. lag Weed. L a R a a r m t# ry ~ »»rw e * * t, W. J . SnccsMor to C. B. Haley, Ten o f that to lay upon some shrine theatric Hotherr (ntloalj)— " 'm atnid jm P . 8.—Orders fro m defers promptly tiled. ‘ I t * « 1oral/ weather, Mr. Stockb am ,’ ’ One w e l l of the wood-bouse was Cenar Chínales of all Kinds, A great, a good and a right mind is s two bouquets . # e g i n r » » the bdr, too maah npr, At one point the flames kind o f divinity lodged in flesh and may Cedar and Pine Lumber, Siding. Pickets, Poeta L o ttie observed, forgetting the mouse bamed b la c k . Fetor-" W ot it til. m jim . md Railing manufactured and sold by had bnret through, and the moonlight be the blessing of s slsve aa well « o f a In the fan the m erry mime doth come oar Jamee." B A N K B U IL D IN G , trap«. “ Elegant! ” N e w J e r se y Chas. B. Mathis, C o u r ie r . Ì Shoulder-Braces, Syringes, VARNISHES AN D DYE-STUFFS. POWDER Absolutely Pure. WELL TESTED A. A. B R A N T , DR. F IN L A W ’S JuTJM B K B la ani Liter Can. COAL and WOOD AUMAOK’S YARD. L U M B E R , COAL HENRY L. BRANT, THOMAS ROBERTS, DOORS, SASH AND BLINDS, AT LOW EST PRICES F O R CASH. A. M COX, Patent Slate Hoofing Paint, L u n i o r i i i ) T I N ROOFING AND SPOUTING. Real Estate and Insurance, FRANKLIN HARRIS EDWARD A. GULICK, GROCERIES PROVISIONS, STOVES, HEATERS, RANGES, OPPOSITE RAILROAD DEPOT, B U I L D E R S ' HARDWARE, FASHIONABLE T A ILO R , BOOK, STATIONERY BOOTS, SH0E8_& RUBBERS. VQM2I&,SALSi EZCBÀÏ6I STABLES, THE MUTUAL LIFE PICTURE STORE. INSURANCE COMPANY, A W ILK S ’ DENTIST, HAIR CUTTIRI A Diphtherias. C CRATES, SHAVING, TOMS R IV E R , E . J . Ladiaa’ s a d Children’s hair dressing a specialty. S A M U E L C. B A X L E Y , Ï. LARRABEE, M U D Of FRESH AND SALT MEATS. « « « T I M E S LAM K . H A R R I8 0 N H o u s e an d S i g n P a i n t e e , Terns River. M. A GOBLE, BAKER. T o n u m , Ä . 9, w iiU tte a d to an srdaa fur House and Sign Painting, Graining. Kaksomining FAFK8 EAN.'UXTG, Carriage P u ttin g t m i Claris* WHlawdssvsr to 111his V « « w t u m b , with pros CEORCE CRAVATT .S e n » B T M !« Auctioneer, _____- sale » f r e a l or persoaai property 3 5 &mdreoideaes. S £ a 3 Toma R îw er. F. í. ianss B R IV E R . K . J . F T L L L IM E OF B R E A « , C A K E and Fies, and everything awaaliy kept In a eotrnirj bakery, es— W C? gf la rge Cake _ _____________ d SoSaeveij »é r e la« tor break fass. Ten Cent Cake a _ and Twenty ___ ______ ipeei¿2í7 Also, a fill line o f Coofee^wery. A S c sf your S sPatronate, a S ? " " ’1 tfé I; S usee * I t h f ” said John, not brilliantly, but devotedly, lookin g his admiration o! L o t t ie ’ s bright e y e « and red eheeka. “ O h , yes; t h e snow’a a foot deep, and I had to wade ; bat I like i t ” “ D o you like wmlkrag alone—by y o u r self ? ** John ten hired. “ O b , well, I suppose it would be pleasanter with somebody along,” L o t tie responded w ith her eyes on a ro w of stove-polish boxee. “ I should « a y so, decidedly,” e»*d i J oh n , growing bolder. 1 “ Stockham ! ” Mr. ducats for to sc o o p ; I .rant b i r a tobefell o f grit” came stream in g in. ace ; it came from heaven and to In the fail we get hom e ¡ate to find the baby It «h o n e on the recumbent form of a heaven it most return. Tbe E-rmgighinra w h o eerd th e r e ere»0 down with crotip. red-faced, blowsy, and obviously nitrite tbb ooeritry ooald u e ie r lw l The single eye-glass is worn by the In tbe fall the weather prophet cot ebriated tra m p , sleeping peacefully on a sudden grief because dude. The theory is that he can see pile of k in d lin g wood. It shone on a after a tc^xchlighl p more w ith one eye than be ean compre- In this country thermometric things “ i dirtyclay p ip e thrust into a little mound U f on. trad ta p e * — of » good hoc*, of sh avin g», which « t ill smouldered. It In tbe ran the ra n d o m of tbe editor b , erery letter by lettiMtat H to a»F. raitb ml shone, furthermore, o o Mr. Lamphier, W e go and fancy that each man is eeein o y — F » “ * [ue errcrinóte , te m e bore standing i n the wood-bouse door and thinking o f ns : but he »n o t. H e is Is invaded, and n o motber’i sen o f an staring i n . like ns ; he is thinking o f hinwelf. Lottie w a s more than equal to the oeIn Bra n a the p ort’ s pce b prone to tarn t o A sound discretion ■ sot so aaeh ia casio®. g fe e was n o t a person to let a dotefoi rnt ssc * __ , _____ dicatod by never making a miaiase as b y , Ä e ^ ^ îooîs are fert m thick aa s o y golden opportunity escape her. to bet father and1* * * * w ***4® * jt1 «bwüm*. "a$£23SRI N ew J e r s e y C o u r ie r . Btfcta Item, Genergi News Item s. ou S a tu rd a y , O F FIC IA L P A P E R OF OCEAN C O U N T Y T O M * R IV E R . N. J. Wednesday Afternoon, Ded, 14, 1887. Entered at the P o t i Office at Tomn aecond-claea m a il matter. Hiver, at t h ir d of the organization— at least 200,Dnnham, of Woodbury, h a s plead not OOO members. g u ilty to a charge of murder, and will be T h e Commissioner o f the General tried next month. L a n d Office last week approved f o r S ta te Senator John A. MoBridge, of p a te n t 1,500 homcBtend a n d other publio Sussex county, is ly in g seriously ill at his la u d entries in Alabama, California, home in Wantage township. D akota, Florida, Id a h o , Kansas, Iluaacx county poultry raisers and Nebraska und Montana, farm ers are making a apecialty of ship T h e total value of o u r exports of ping eggs to the £?ew York market. m ineral oils daring tho eleven months E n gle»jod rep orts n possible fatal bioh closed on November 90tb was stabbing affray, in which a tord named 811,246,280, a deoroaso o f $2,178,528 Roach was the v ictim , iu adrnnken row. compared with those of th e correspond Councilman Bauer, Repnbliean, of i n g period o f 1880. Elizabeth, having: removed to California, Oapt, Warren, of V ictoria, British has resigned, an¿! tho OonDcil is now a Columbia, complotcd detailed claims tie. o f nine British sealers a d z e d in Behr R ev. Jowph Parker s a iled from N ew York fo r Eogland, on the steamer Etrnria, on Saturday. Movements oi Ocean C ou n ty Vessel«. BALTIMORE, D e c . 7.—C leared and «ailed, sehr. D. 8. Williams, Jr., L e w is . New York : «ailed, «ehr. Twilight. 8.— Cleared, «ehr. Fanny Tracy, Tilton, Wilmington, N.C. 0.— Arrived, sehr. Kaks B. Ogden, Potter, N ew York ; cleared, sehr. A. A. S h aw , Morgan, Hoboken ; sailed, sehr. Fanny Tracy, 10.— Sailed, Rchrs. A. A . Shaw and 11. H, Hanseoinb. 13.—Arrived, sehr. E l wood Ifailow, King, N ew York. 13.—Sailed, echr. Kate B . Ogden. BOSTON, Dec. b.— Cleared, *clir. Nellie VV. Craig, Pearce, Newport News, V a ., and «ailed 0th. BERM UDA HUNDRED, D o c . 8 - Bailed, «ehr. J. J. Ward. Vancleaf, N e w York. Ö.-— Hailed, sehr. Henry Finch, Hickman, N ew E. S . Savage is named for t h e position i n g ’« Boa, amonntiug to a b o u t $300,000. York. V.—Sailed, sehr. Rhoda, Holme»,New York. Tbo reports from Europe respecting the massing: o f Russian troops o n the Austrian frontier ure contradictory. Perhaps tbo most plausible explanation of the fact is that telegraphed from Warsaw, w hich asserts that R u ssia is simply strengthening her border de fences to oheokinulo any attempt t o in vade Poland, in the event of war between herself and h e r late allies, Germany and of L a w Judge o f t h e Middleae x County Austria. A t Berlin and at Vienna, the Courts, vice J u d g e Ouwonboven, who movement o f the Russian forces excites intends to resign. grave apprehension as to Russia’s inten T h e Trenton Planing M ill Company, tions, p u rlie u la ri y as it is assorted that manufacturers of ltxmbor, at Trenton, has ell the Czar’ s soldiers, whose term s of failed. Liabilities, $85,000 ; nominal sorvioe expired in the autumn, were retained in th e ranks, and that recruiting asset«, $30,000. is progressing: on a la rg o scale th r o u g h out the Em pire. The massing of troops on the frontier, however, is regarded, the whole, as a defensive precaution rather than covering an aggressive movemont. I t ib well known that Rus sia cannot m obilize her armies n early as quickly as either Germany or Auatria can theirs ; and this may account f o r the foot that she is taking tim e by tho fore lock, so as to bo ready for any posaible emergency, la case of tbo invasion of her territory. Russia continues to assert her pacific intentions; bnt as y e t Bho has made n o attempt to reconcile her latest m ilitary movements with h e r re cent official assuranoo that there in not the slightest reason for a breaoh betweou herself and Germany, at any rate. Court of c o m m i n i Pleas o f th e C erniit y o f ocean, i n t h e s ta te af N ew J e r s e y . Romford Yeast P o w d e r, MAitiOTf n.AMA?nr>, Charles V . Mapes, o f N o, 60 W est Plainfield ha« elected a colored Justice F ortieth street, New York , is looking fo r the well-known authority on oooking, the purpose o f form ing a borough under the of t h e Peace. g j B Sof an act o f Legnature of H ew Jersays : * * I oommeud the b a k in g prepara j-----"-‘“is Hey, approved oved A p r il 6th, ATi. a . J), i18T8, and th e aevM a jo r Way, off New Brunswick, has a th ief who stole a handsome oil painting tion* o f Pro/. Horeford t o the boate - era) amendment* thereto, to ----------- ---been surrendered by bis bondsmen and fr o m Ms d ic in g room. designated by th e name of " The M ayor and kcepers of Araorica. T h e y deaorvo aa Council QLLaValletta," and having the follow ing I t is said that the secession movement looked up. boundaries, to w it : a gain st Powderly iu t b o Knights of honorvblo a place in tho store-room and In the T o w nlablp a h ip o _____ . . . . ____ ... o_________ f Dover, Coonty f Ocean S a m u e l F, L e w i e , an old p a p e r maker, kitchen as docs his Arid Phosphite in »nil State of H e w Jersey. Boginalog at a stake standing near m e edge o f a «mall creek o r thor and a noted Q u a k e r , died s i M t Holly, L a b o r has grown very ra p id ly of lato, oughfare that separate* what 1« known a* the a n d that it now norapriaes about one- the family mediatae-oheet. ” T h o document« will be W ashington. forwarded to T h e Fishery Commissi oners held another meeting on Saturday afternoon a n d adjourned until January 4tb Joseph Chamberlain will loa ve Washing t o n ou tho 19th instant for Ottawa, Tho WoikiDgmen'a Institute, of w h e re he w ill spnnd tho holidays with t M illville, is to b e abandoned, owing to h e Governor-General. While M m e. Jauausohek, tho actress, lhe gla ss ami co tto n mill firms withdraw a n d Frank 8 . Hawley, her manager, ing th eir support. Herman Lovy, n Paterson Jiattor, w e r e taking a drive in Dover, N ew claims that his y o a n g wife is restrained Hampshire, on Haturday afternoon, the of her liberty by h e r paronts. H e r father horses ran away. H aw ley wub thrown b i s daughter was subjected to a diet fr o m the carriage and severely bruised. M m o . Juuausohek was n o t injured. of liv e r . DE.MERARA, N ov. 25.—In p o r t, »ehr. N. E . Newbury, King, lo r Delaware Hreakwatcr. FORTRESS MONROE, Dec. 10.-Passed out Cape Henry Dec. 5th, s e h r. James IS. Ogden, Newport N e w » for Providence, F A L L RIVER, D ec. 7.- A r r iv e d , «ehr, R. CJ. A. W ard, Hart, N orfolk, and sailed 12th to return. N E W YORK, D e c . 7.—A rriv e d ,sehr*. Chos. II. Valentine. Curtis, Norfolk ; J . It. Carring ton. Blake, Norfolk for New l l n v e i i ; Beni y R. T ilton . Harris, d o. ford o.; C . W.Alcott, French, Virginia; T . Morris P e r o t, Randolph, do.; H arry Landcll, Crowley, d o . ; Adelaide J . Aleott, Johnson, d o .; Ellen T o b in , Hannas, Hiiltlniore ; Grado I). (Jliuiubers, Luna, do.; John i>. Williams, Pearce, do. ; John II. 11*1lltluy, Moore, Baltimore for A lly n ’s Point ; H. J. Fooks, Henderson, Baltimore forßrldgeport. 13.—Arrived, sehr. J am es II. Hoyt, Dlnsuaway, Baltimore. N E W BEDFORD, Dec. 9.— Arrived, fchr. Lida J. Lewis, Boston, to load f o r u southern port. N ORFOLK. Dec. 7 . - Arrived, sdir. IL H . Ilanst-nrnl). Holmes. New lla v e n ; sailed, sehr. Emilie E. Birdsall, N ew Haven, 8.— Sailed, schr. George Aury, Sandy Hook.. 9.—Bailed, schrs. Lyd ia 11, R o p e r, New York ; Job I I . Jacksoa, l ’ rovldence. N E W HAVEN, Dec. 13.—Arrived, eclirs. John B. Carrington, Blake, Norfolk; IVm. II. K cnzel, Rose, d o. N E W P O R T N EW S, V a,, D e e . 7.-Arrived, udir. Su e Williams, Pearce, New York ; «ailed, sehr. Samuel 8. Thorp, Pearce, New York. 8.~Sallod. sehr. Suo Williams, l’earce, New York. 13.— Arrived, s e b r , Win. I I . Halley, N ew York. NEW PORT, R. I . , Dee. 7.— Arrived, Bchr. Twilight, Parker, Philadelphia. PROVIDENCE, Dec. 13.— Arrived, »ehr. James B. Ogdon, T o lo , Newport News. P H IL A D E L P H IA . Dec. 7.— Cleared, »ehr. George W Anderson, Cole, New Haven, 13.— Arrived, »ehr. Nellie W . Craig, Pierce, Boston. PORTSMOUTH, N. II., D e c . ».-Arrived, Bdlir. Agnes Manning, Birduall, Baltimore. HAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 7 .— Cleared, ship Clarence S. Bemeut, Townsend, Queenstown, and aalled 8th. A t Cincinnati, ou Saturday night, Oonuoll, H tage manager of Charles Andrew«' "M ic h a e l Btrogoff” Combination, wuh struck dead by an electric current, which ca m e down tbo b e l l wiro wbou bo rang d o w n tho curtain A n ow building is boing a d d e d to the i n ltohinson’B Tlioatro. l i e was twcutyTrenton Btato L a u a tio Asylum. It oost x yours o f ago. $100,000 and w ill hold 300 m o re patients. John Buckley wan fo u n d dying of The present b u ild in g has 7 1 5 patients, pneumonia in tho loft o f au old bam in with accommodations for only 500. N e w Haven, Conn., on Haturday. A J o h n McCarthy, a moulder employed Franco h as a President, but, as yet, f e w foot away was found the dead body has no M inistry—aa essential part o f a iu th e Klugslaml foundry, w a s terribly o f bis wifo. They had b e e n living in the complete Government in that con n try. burned ou Wednesday n ig h t by tho b a rn for several wooks, a n d Mrs. BuckTheroaro about as many difficulties, to explosion of d a m p mould in t o which he l e y , while attending her husband, was all appearances, in the formation oi a was p ouring m o lt e n from stricken down uml died Ministry bb there was before th e now T h e three-masted schooner, Bessie Tho Postmaster-General has issued nn President was elected, or last spring M orris, Captain Enoch Wheaton, of o r d e r ohnugiug tbo name o f tho post whon the lust Ministry was formed. Bridgeton, while bound s o u th with a o ffic e at Kansas City, Kansas, from Tho various factious into which tho Cham cargo of rook, w a s lost at e e a the other Wyuudotto to Kauans C it y , to corres ber of Doputios is split refuse to oom o to day. The oaptnin andorow werosnvod. p o n d with tbo uumo of t h e towu. T h e tho support of any one individual, so T h e Young Women's Christian Tem o r d e r will tuko effoot o u February 1st, that the ohancos are tbo now M inistry perance Uniou, in New Brunswick, will G E O . T. CROOK, w h eu tho free delivery service will also will bo like tho old one, provisional in raeruorializotho Legislature n o t to pass D E N T IS T , g o into effect at tho sumo placo. some respects, lu that case, the entiro any acts to p e rm it or rep ea l any aots Tho Harper trial, at Cincinnati, dosed Cowpertliwait’ 8 Exchange, Main St., Government will bo provisional t o tbo which prohibit th e sale o f liquor on o n Haturday. Tho judge, in his charge TOMS KIVFJt, IS . J. same extent, and will bo subject t o tho Bnuday, t o tho jury, roforriug t o Harper’s d e Laughing Gnu actn.mistered fo r the painless e x very same dangor that besot tho last T h o bondsmen of McMahon, the traction of toothIyl9 fen ce that bo was trying t o save tho bank, Government— instability, Tho tru th of All kinds of Dentistry promptly attended to and defaulting Hoboken oollector, now in severely arraiguod his m ethod, saying it warranted, >tf~ Engagements made bymail. the matter is, the Chamber has become Btnto l ’riHon, h a v e boou declared liable w a s not reasonable fo r a man to sink imbued w ith n knowlodgo of its power. for #50,000, T h o signature o f one man, $1,400,000 in trying to s a v e $80,000. Governments may be expected to f a ll in MARRIED. which ho churned to bo a fo rg ery , is said futuro just as tho Inst Governments Tho announcement is made that the to b o genuiuo. hnvo fallon, only, ia all prpbabllity, tobacco manufactory fir m of Korbs & CONNOLLY—THOMAS.—A t Lakewood, A t Pemberton. ou Friday night, James with greater frequency. There is very S p ie s has discarded t h e Oigarmnkors’ Doc. 11, 1887. by Rev. A. II. r>asliM. Martin 11. Lovolces, a railroad section boss, little ohanoo that Prosidout Carnot will Intoruatioual Union aud decided to turn Connolly and Misa Delma Thomas, both o f went up tho ro a d alono on b i s railroad servo out a term of seven years. I t is th e ir immense factory in t o a non-union Toms ltiyor. tricycle, ami was returning w h en ho was no longor th e Primo Minister in France establishment. This firm isonoof the 1‘R A TT—SMITH.—At Torn« River, Dec. 10. overtaken by nix extra train conveying who personates an idea, by tho Presid en t; largest in tbo United States, aud has 1887, by Hon. William A. L o w , Jjilin Pratt, the Hupnriutondoxit, and k ille d . and tho President must expect t o nnob een called tho keystone of tho Union Jr., ot Wilmington, Del., a,nd Miss Hope Smith, of Baruegat. N o w Jersoy’s representatives at Wash Label. entnb to tb o political whims o f the in gto n will hear from the Legislature ns Chamber o f Deputies, fiooige Gorman B ond, twenty-four coon ns it ftinvoue*. They w ill be me y ears of ago, and « member of a well President Cleveland says that there morialized inlair gnagonot t o b e mistaken kuowuaud wealthy BoatuU family, com is no demand for tho repeal o f tho IMPORTER O F t h e attlludo Now Jersey will expect m itted suicide by shooting himself iu the infernal revenuo laws. Before tho them to maintain regarding t h e tariff, G ilsey House, in Now Y o r k , shortly after tbongbt th a t inspired tho action that A gang of hoodlums infest tbo neigh half-past one Buuday m o rn fag. From put that statemeut in blaok and while borhood of the Salvation A r m y barracks AND letters left b y young B o n d , it is evident bus passed, tbo Yirgiuia Logislataro, at N e w Brunswick every tinm lay night th a t a love affair had something to do by a vote of uinety to one, lias and annoy worshippers. L a s t Hundny w ith tho suioido. passed a resolution demanding the n ig h t one of th em threw a n ambroila Tho oarringe at W a d d ell’s shaft near repeal of th e internal revouue system of between the l e g « of an aged gentleman taxation in whole or in part immediately ; nam ed JohnBuokalcw, and h e fell against W ilkesbarre, Penn., u s e d for hoisting both STU M AN D K E Y W V S « I N C , warrant ed to run within two lulautea a year, ooal, was lowered into t h e pit, 800 feet and tbo V irg in ia Legislature is th e only a s to n e stop, breaking bis h ip . deop, on Saturday, with ton miuors upou State Legislature in session at th is timo. Silver Hunting American Watches. T h e Burlington county maila for a It. When within 100 fo o t o f the bottom No Btato Legislature o f rooont d a t e Iibb Stem Winding, from $15.00 to $19.00. w eek past h ave been flood ed with the tbo oarriago booamo stationary and tho ever asked for or demanded a free trade Also, solo Agent tor Greenwich Street of th e oiroulariof the * * groon goods ” operators rope began to slaokon. Before the en gi recoustmotion or abolition of the customs in N e w York. Several residents of the neer could take up t h e slack the car duties, o r a reeouatructiou of th e tariff oounty bare, i t ia stated, received tele riage suddenly dosooudod, throwing four Also, Pin and King ; Patent granted Aug.SB, 1ST». laws of a n y kind. T h e President Also, a great variety of d ifferent kluds o f gram s urging them to “ com e on aud o f tho men off, who fell to tho bottom of introduced au issue which he attributes Bocure tho money before it is all gone.” tho pit. J ew elry o t tho B e s t Quality. to tho popnlnr demand for a reconstruc T h o offer is t o famish $10,000 of tho ’ ould call attention also to a choice assort tion of th o tariff, y et he cannot la y his Tho National Convention. ment of green good«” fo r $220 of United States finger on au authoritative b o d y that money. Tho next Republican Natiounl Con makes such a demand, nuiess it b e e Twopeonliar documents in the shape vention w ill bo bold in Chicago June miscellaneous Free Trade dab, i f snob Especially selected for my Retail Trade. Also have ou hand a fine assortment o f can be considered authoritative. There is of deeds were reoorded iu the Register 19th. T h e National Republican Com of Leeds' offioe iu Gamdou last Wednes mittee, iu session at Washington last au equally largo number of protectionist clubs demanding that no action b e taken, d a y. One is fro m Joseph Kmgdon to Thursday, so dooided on tho third Also, keep constantly en hand besides th e entire industrial and manu tho truatcoiof t h o mouthly meeting o f ballot. T h e result is n o t considered to facturing element of the country, whiob tbo people c a lle d Quakers, of Newton have any prophetic significance or to bo is of rather more consequence than au township, Gloucester oounty, (now Had- due to the influonoo o f auy Prosidout ini WEDOINC RINCS irresponsible body of theorists o f cither don field,) couweyiug a sm a ll piece o f candidate. Onco the committee decided Constantly on hand ; also, raado to order In th re e hour«’ time. M v ground for f i v e shillings. Tho other is not to b ring tbo Convention cast, there school. g iv e n by t h e « « trustees t o Jeremiah wah very little question as to which W A T C H R E P A IR IN G It is a hard case that oitizens o f Now E lfreth, oonveying another pieoa o f Western city it would g o to. Chicago’s nai supervision irthirty year«. Jersey should feel the necessity of ground for •• fonr hundred pounds central position, railroad facilities and organizing an anti-thief protective nnion, sterling lawful silver m o n ey of New 1would respectfully state t h a t I amthe o n ly hotel accommodations carried the day. in Greenwich street w h o keeps no F la te d B o th are dated 1798. Omaha aud Minneapolis were too fur dealer for defence against marauders. Yet it J ersey." isw elry, and have uo connection with ia reported that sundry farmers o f Esaex Through neglect the deeds had never out of the way, sod t b e ir rival offers of except my own. at and M orris counties have combined for b e e n reoorded. large sums of money w ere too much iu this purpose. The ineidoot, however, the anction-blook method to be effective. • (Near Murray,) N e w York. The Approaching Session. faintly indicate! what wonid b e the St. Louis wag Dover in the fight, and condition o f things i f our frien d *, the Ciooiuuati was probably not helped T h a t nld-est«bli»bed a n d farorite Anarchists, had their own way. Every journal, the TreutouSlate Gazette, offer« materially by it* location in a State man would be bis own detective, sheriff, new and attractive features to the New which has a candidate formally in the judge and ju ry; and a neighborhood J ersey reading public. T h e Daily has field. T h e ' committee liaioned to a H O * . P. B A t . l, takes th is method of c a llin g might com biue to aupply the place of recently been enlarged to t h e extent o f whole afternoon of speech-making, and the attention of his bnUnos* friends to th e following circular. instead of » notice by m a ll: the abolished government. I n the a b o u t eight column* upon its former decidod in favor of ChicAgo. No. 54 SOUTH STREET, present situation, the anti-thief aociety ■rixo, ia supplied with t h e fait news New Y ork . Nov. Hat, 1SST. 8m: will bring the offenders to justice, when Tone np tho system and improve the rviceoftho Associated P re s *, and has The firm of Kvann, Pall A C•o, o, having l>een n.ifrtlgntd, w h o caught. I n the era of Anarchy, the b o eu improved by the addition of now appetite b y taking A y e r ’s Sarsaparilla. dissolved on the 5th Inst., ihe umle.., has hcen with the late firms o f Messr«, essra.Md’reoffy. culprits would be punished b y Judge t y p e . Those o f our reader* who want to I t will make you feel lik e a new person. Mott .a Co., N. L. Met'ready A Co., Ball A Co. for over thirty yea rs, ha» Lynch, i f punished at all. b e thoroughly w e ll informed in regard t o Thousands have found health, and relief ated with hi* brother. Kdwarti A. Ball, and w lil continue In Ihe Ship Krokerug-e and CwBIttii ' th e approaching Legislative Session, from »offering, by th© nae of this great Business under the firm name of The annual report of the Commis w h ich promt«*« to be one o f tho most blood purifier, when a ll other moans TUG'S T. BALL A CO., at th » above address. Special attention w ill be sioner o f Agriculture says the ye a r has exciting and interesting, o s well as im failed. given to the trade of the Southern Cwst, W e s t been one of prosperity and progress, portant, of recent years, Indies and lin’d o f Mexico porta. cannot d o Correapondenoe witn Mercb a a U, Ship A r e n a The manager» of th a Dime Sawing* and the operations o f the Department b etter than L ik e the G azette for th e and Broken solicited. ^ TlKVSr. BALL, have beets successful. Plcnro-pneu- sessxou. I t h a s an established aud ou- Bank o f New Brunawick, which wa* Of the late Arm o f Evans,Call A C o. wrecked about sixteen months ago by moms baa been restricted to the cattle in riwaled wpntation for the* accuracy, CAFLI »I'ORItaS H1&TUKY, N E W YORK.” smaller areas of territory than f o r many completeness and impartiality of i t « Arthnr G . Ogilby, w ho i « serving o a t a P. S.-Information regardin »» the whereabout* yean, an d the continuation for another reports oi L egislative proceeding. T h e term to the State P ris o n for stealing Of ia * Vesstis, (UMifeltefb au d tetefrimi fn nnr year of th e present naetbod* o f Federal D a ily , for th e ensuing session of th e $3C,000 f*out the bank, have done laded rat-e, will receive oor caretui and prompt attento sell al I the rest e-*t« *e owned b y the and State aetiou should accomplish its Legislature, w i l l be furnished for $1.50, extermination. The seed distributions postage prepaid ; for the L s ily for th e bank at public anctiou o u Docembei 19th, ! NOTICI have accomplished better results than session aid the- Weekly f o r th. balance It i* be tiered that enongh money w ill be F itmt J tin o s a t Bist, a Tows Rivir , N. J . . Dec.II, 1987.f received from the Bale fa euable the heretofore. The investigations o f food o f the jear, $3.00« postage prepaid. The annual meeting of the Stockholders o f t « i s manager* to pay 5 p er cent t o the adulterations have been extended. Bank will be held at the Banking House on T h is offer a p p lies to both the old subdepositor*, aad about 15 per cent, will TwcaWay. the i « > l . day o f January n r x t , Tibera of t b « Weekly » m l Iboas » b o be raised by unbaeription. This, in to elect seven Director« to s e r v e fortheensulw# D aring th « w e n t <*oW r a « p in the « y become new sab*cr ibera. T h e West, w ith tbo thftrroornetor ranging W eekly State Gazette h « s , also, been addition to the 50 p e r cent, paid some The poll* will b e open at l * o'clock, a., and rwmonths ago to the depoeitore, will make main open oae hour. from tw e lv e to twenty-eight degrees la te ly improved by new type, greater 11 WM. A . LOW,Cishier. 70 per cent., and th is is all they will below xero, the Chicago, Milwaukee i c o r e and discrimination In the prenarareceive. asd SL P a n ! Railway has b e e s «pari- j tioxx of iU r e e lin g matter. Use Anotdaied prepared to fumisi» ai! *•)**•« wttk am tiag w ith rWtn besting fo r patten P r e m hews mod new m arket report«, No other remedy i s so reliable, in at home, the whole of the U m «, or f « their ger train* with perfect snccew. Basine** oew, U*tht and p> ....... .............................. it, altogether, th « aaost interest- cases of su dd« cold, o r eongb*, o r for moment* Perno«* of either aex eaaliv earn from .. Mt t o e s per evening, and a proportional sum by it e * Md n lo A t le newspaper to tbe peoaUthetr lime »th e traînes*. Boy» and ’ Kelsey has issued th« nival p t « d thi. Sta£e tbit is published. Send sny tad all derangements of the throat devoting earn nearly a » much as ns e®. TIalali w h o and luces, a* Ayer’ * Cherry Peetorel gins nflWal Hat, with poet office a d d r v w of to r ««p roia s- espy. i ä d . - = Ite tee this may wen« their ad-Trea, and test th e This wooderfnl medieiue affords great j bacine**, we make tins offer. To aneli a» are n o t I of the issxt Legàlatnn», wen aansned we wrlll semi o n e dollar » m v tor S t a t i Ga j s t t k , relief in oowamptioo, eTen in the i ^ t^veh^ of wrttior fnll pmnicnUrsiSd-ow^ rlftfc. » f r e e . Address GEORGS STDW0S A c o l , rp -E fe e , y. j . spaced stator th&i ¿¡ran. l* 1* wtund. Max»«. T h e Jersey C ity Board of Financoand Taxation has concurred in tho resolution of th e Boardof F u b lio Works t o advertiBO for proposals for a bettor su p p ly of drink ing water. J a m o B O. JOHN H. WELSH, Dry Flat« frnm ♦»»«• main t>w?\ >i|*t«nr wiwht and sixty lin k » from the north chimney of 3l W. O rtle y ’s hotiM no the heacb, on s north UIIHJ th irty miuuMinniirwu minntei westfrom the me h same iu e : thence running aa the magnetic needle pointed In the year 187«, (1st) along the north Itn © of Michael W. O rtley'a land sou aouth tbitity-dre lilty-flve degrees and fifteen iminutea east forty-seven chains aud ninety-four liuka to the sea; thence (Sd) north aca o r lo w water mark one hundred chains and seventy-eight links to the corner o f a tract of land quit-claimed in I I. M iller and Sarah A-, his w if e ; (8ij) along aaid Miller’s south Hue llfty to the beginning and southr of I M liter‘a land; thence (ath) southerly follow ing tins bay, lta several courses thereof, to the beginning. Being the same tract of which a map wa» duly filed In the :ierk't> Office o f Ocean County aforesaid, A . D. i->7 , entitled M ap o f Lavallette City. Upon reading d ie petition In the matter. It _ on thlBOth »lay o f December, A. D. 1887, ordered that anelection he held on MONDAY, the N IN E TEKNTII DAY o f DECEMBER, A. D. 1887, at the Fatrvlew House, of Lavallette, N . J., on (Jrand Central A ven u e, at LsmlleUe aforesaid, for the purpose o f deciding by the votes o f the electors resident within the limits or boundaries of such proposed Sjorcagh m hereinbefore described, whether or not such borough shall be formed. It 1» further ordered that tho polls shall he opened and closed a t tho hour» now required by law for all general election«. The following persons are hereby appointed to act asofficers o f «aid election: George A . W ilt and Chaa. J. Biddle, as the Inspectors o f said ‘ “ ' “ ...... *'8rrtohe the Clerk o f the . peraons being freeholders legal voters o f said District. It Infurther ordered that public notice o f said election »hall he given by publishing a c op y of the notice ami order in the New Jersey Courier, ami by nosting copies of said notice and ord er In five of the most public places In the district, and within the boundaries as above set forth s o in tended to be incorporated, at least ten days prior to «aid election ; and this order «hall be tiled In the office of the Clerk of »aid County of Ocean the Othday of December, A. I). 1887. BEN MET VAN8YCKEL, Presiding .Judge of OceanCommon Pleas. Printer's fee, WONDERFUL SUCCESS. E C O N O M Y IS W E A L T H . All tho P A T T E R N S you wish to n*e during tho year, for nothing, (a aavlng of from$3.00 to $4.00), by «uUbcrlblug for fieNew JerseyCourier M o n th ly With Twelve O rd er* for Cut Paper Patterns o f your ow n «election ami of any aiae. BOTH PUBLICATIONS, ONE YEAR, —FOR- $3.25 (THREE TBHTT-FHE). D * THE sT B E S O f a l l t h o M a g a z in e s . CONTAININQSTOniEfl, PoKMI, ANDOTHER LlTRItAKI ATTRACTIONS, COMBINING AllTI*TIC, SCIBNTinc, AND HOOBKBOLD WATTERS. H lH ltra te it w i t h O rig in a l Ste el J S n o r n v P h o t o g r a v u r e * , Oil P i c t u r e h a n d /Inn W ood c u t* , in n Icin g tf the J U o d t l M a a a *ln o o f A m e r i c a . DIAMONDS, 271 G R EEN W IC H S T R E E T , JO H N H. W ELSH NOTICE. T WORKING CUSSE8w7S;r,oî*- 50 Dozens in “ Seconds,” At $ l.S O each. (Male to sell lor S I.26}, T h e y will give, lu every way, the same At I S Cents earli. HARDWARE, s e rvice and satisfaction a the “ flr8ts” »t no Dozens $ 2. 0 0 . M en’s Blue Clouded Shirts and Drawers, We also show Ladies’ Scarlet Vests, full regular marie, Agricultural Implements, A t s i.o o each. fu ll regular made, and of the finest wool, In 28, so, and 32 inch sizes, Made to sell for $1.60. 3 V £ a ,iia S tr e e t, 100 Dozens TOMS K ITE S , K . 3. HARDWARE. AGRICULTURAL IM P LE M E N T S Plow Castings, FEfifiuZERS. T iie y cannot be duplicated under $13.00. L o n g Drawers o f Same Quality, fa ll regular mado, Medllcott & Co.’s, A t $ 1 .2 S e a c h . Worth fully $2.00. ■ a ild e rs ’ H ardware - b o d e s , Butts, Sash Weights, Nalls, and everything In the H ard ware line requisite tor furnishing a house. Carpenters’ Tools. B la c k s m ith s ’ Hardware — Horse Shoes, Horse Nails, &c. C arriage M aterial s-liims, Spoke*, Bar Ir o n , Steel, Ac. Tin a n d H oUow Ware, ntieaj lty 8 Plows, Harrows, C'ullivators, Hoes, Bakes and «hovels. Horse and Hand Rakes, At $1.93 each. M on’s Natural W o o l Shirts and Drawers, in all sizes, at the same price. 100 Dozens Men’s Camel’s H a ir Shirts and Drawers, 300 Dozens L a d ie s' W hite Merino Vests, full regular mauc, A t $2.00 e a c h . (very superior quality). Made to sell for $2.60. A t BO C ents c a c li. Our Line of Fine Underwear embraces such popular makes as C A R T W R IG H T W A R N E R ’S, I. R . M0RL E Y ’S, S M E D L E Y ’S. A M E R IC A N H O S IE R Y CO.’S, NOR FO LK A N E W B R U N S W IC K ’S, M E D L IC O T T ’S and various other well-known makes. & & .ier I’ liosp Bone Dust and I Strawbridge & Clothier, FIELD AND GARDEN SEEDS G i:: K A N JIILI.K X , Ac. C R E E N . MARKET S7REST. PAINTS, eiLSANDVARNISIIES, A v e rill'a a n d W a ilK w orili's Ready-iff x e d P a in t «. FURNITURE Of the latest improved styles an d Patterns, c o n sisting of P a rlo r and Dining Hoorn Suits, Cham ber Suits, ln Black Walnut or Chestnut or Imitation Oak, Maple, or Psuc; C olo n with Black Walnut Trimmings. S o fa«, Lounges and 8ofa-Bed*tends. Bedsteads, Bureau«, C h a irs , Tables, Ate, EIGHTH STREET, FILBERT STREET, HOLIDAY GOODS! F ren ch W in d o w Glaaa o f a ll size*. Ju st received at is In CROCKERY fto w y a v tfc w a W a such as a well selected stock of H o lid a y Goods, C H IN A A N D C L A S S W A R E , Dressing Cases, Manicure Sets, Work Boxes, Jewel Cases, Glove and Handkerchief Boxes, Collar and C u ff Boxes, Shaving Cases, Segar Cases, Bronze F ig u r e s and Vases, Toilet Bottles, T rim m ed and Untrimmed, pictureT rames Y V I R T U E o r A W RIT O F F I, FA., 1Issued ou t o f tho Ocean Circuit Court o f the H A D E T O O R D E R AT S H O R T N O T IC E T U E S D A Y , January lO , 1 8 8 8 , Atthe hotel o f Cowdrick A Cook, Ln the village of Tom* K lver, in the county of Ocean and State of New Jersey, between the honre o f 12 and 5 o’clock r. si., v iz .: at a o’cleokP.M., on said day, the following described real estate : W h is k Broom H olders, W ritin g Cases, Fancy Work Baskets, trimmed & untrimmed, S ilk T T m b x - e l le t s , Novelties in Small W ares, A l l o f -which w ill be sold at P o p u lar Prices. SANTA CLAUS has arrived a g ain at \ CEpj ^ o Theo. Hirsch’s old stand, < in .Ç ïW Ç= « -fe ig S ë S " T O M S B I V E B , N . J ., W ith a thousand and one presents for old. young and middleaged. Come one, com e all, and see our beautiful line of FANCY ARTICLES IN PLUSH, consisting o f FIRST N A T IO N A L B A N K , A X M edlicott Co.’s W hite Merino Tests and Pants, Men’s Natural W o o l Shirts aud Drawers, Hoi Jersey Courierat$3,25Per Year R E P O R T O F TH E C O N D I T I O N OF Til* PATENT INLAID BR ACELETS ; 75 Dozens (Regular ,1.00 quality), A t 9ft Cents each, PAPER HANGINGS. a A S pecial Bargain ln Ladles’ Vests sod rant? to a lot of M en’» W hite Morion Shirts and Drawers, WINDOWSHADES. S h e r if f 's Sale. Wo name elsewhere. CARPETINGS lOB&S’JUBLEMESPOgSinm MY FINE WATCHES, Which wc are now offering and w h ich cannot be duplicated 100 Doifina Mattings and^O il Cloths. STERLING SPOONS andFORKS. JEW ELR Y. F U R N IT U R E , in great variety, consisting of Each Magazine contains acoupon order entitling tha holder to the selection of any pattern illustrated D IN N E R , T E A AND T O IL E T SETS, ftC , in tlui fashion department In that number, mid In any of tho size» manufactured, making patterns during the year o f the value of over three dollars. DKMOKEST'.S MONTHLY I* justly entitled llio World’* Model Magazine, Tho Largest In Form , th« Darned ill Circulation, and Ihe best, T W O Dollar Family Magazine issued. JHS8will bo the Twenty, fourth year o f its publication, and it stands nt the headof Family Periodicals. It containa 73 page*, A large gBsortmentof all kinds and finalities. largo quarto, S A fx llK Inches, elegantly printed and fully lllU H tr a tc d . Published by w . Jennings P a p er Shades of every kind and description Demorcst, N ew Y ork , <And b y S p e c i a l A g re e m e n t C o m b i n e d with the A large and splendid assortment to select fr< G ilt, Satin a n d Plain P a p e rs , of the new est designs and patterns. H all Papers o f ail kinds, real estate o f the aaiil William H. T ru a x , Jr., owner, v iz: T h e said building la a two-story frame dwelling house with Imgetnent thereto, twenty-four fe e t wide ln front and re a r and eighteen feet d eep, with new additiou on north part of old building (being nart of the above) eight feet long and eighteen feet deep, w ith bal cony on Houth end over entrance to basement, and porch in fro n t—erected on a lot or curtilage of land situate in the Township of Dover, in said County or o cean , and State of New Jerney, on Hie easterly sid e o f Massachusetts Aven u e, be tween Maple am i iiichory SlroeUi, aud Known ou tho Map of T h e Briekaburgh Land and Im provement Company as lot number one (1), Block twentv-four (24). section A; said lot Is m eted and bounded a* fuliow s Beginning at a point in the easterly Hue o f Massacluisetta Avenue, distant northerly seven chains ami fifty links fro m the northeasterly corner of Massachuaetts Aven u e and Hickory Street, arid running thence (1st) easterly at right angles to Maaaachusotta Avenue thirteen chain* and thirty-four nuke; thence second (2d) northerly parallel with Massachusetts Avenue seven chains and fltty link«; thence th ird (3d) westerly al righ t angle* lo said Massachusetts Avenue thirteen chains and thirty-five links to the easterly lin e thereof; fourth (4tli) southerly along the said easterly line seven chains and fifty link* to the place o f beginning. Containing ten acre*. Being the same property con veyed to William 8. T ru a x, Jr., by William 8. T ru a x , Sr., by deed dated January 8, 18*0, aud recorded ln Book 140 of Deeds, page 311, Ac, Seized as th e pioperly of Wui, S. T ru a x , Sr., builder, and W in. S. Truax, Jr„ owner, defend^ ants, and taken lu execution at the suit o f Chus. It. LeCotnnte ami Aaron J. Loomis, partners trad ing anLeComptc A Loomis, couiploluants, and to be »old liv C H A R LE S L. HOLMAN, Late Sheriff. „ J. Houtia illBDSu.1., Attorney, Dated Dec. 7. 1887. I’r’s fee, $10.80. FI NE WATCHES Unusual Underwear Bargains DKJU.SK tv PAF.IS Qemo re s t’s i"-i^t-J TVlaga^ine E M O R E SrS CHAS. McCLEES, Dressing Cases, ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE Manicure Sets, T O M S R IV E R , Send for 76-Page In the State o f N ew Jersey, at the close o f hnsiness, December 1th, 1887. RESOURCES. Lnansand d is c o u n t«....................... $103.34$ U. 8. Bonds to secure circulation........ oo.ooo other stocks, bonds, and mortgages .. 106,4. » 00 Due from approved reserve agents___ 24,40$ m e n t io n t h is Due from other National Banks........ 383 Real estate, furniture, andfixtures___ 1,250 Currant expenses amt taxes paid...... 74« 02 Check*and oth er cash items...... yu «0 Bills of other banks................ . S s t& b lia h e c l Fractional paper currency, nickels, and cents................................... Joseph w . Sh in n . Specie............................................ Legal-tender notes......................... Kcdcmpuon fund with U. 8. Treasurer (5 per cent, o f circulation).......... 2,250 00 p a p e r Loo k in g Glasses, W h isk Broom H olders, etc. . 1ST4. William C l i n *. Also the finest and most complete HEW IIMIICEAGENTS, line of Toys ever offered in town. SHINS k CLINE, Total.. ............................... LIABILITIES. Capital «took paid In.......... ....... 8urnlu* fnn.l ........ #3/0,a®7y $50,000 00 lO.OUO 00 m a i n s t r e e t , p r o fit s ........................... »,*ST 40 National Bank notes ouUtandlng. Dividends u n paid .................. rao 00 Individual depo sit« subject to check!! 206,iss oi W e issue policies covering against damasre by certiflsd checks................. «,*) Due to other Notional Banks....... « 4*5 «4 Fire, Lightning and Tornadoes In all parts of Ocean County, in best companies on moat favorDue to Btate Banks and hankers. l,938 96 ble terms. A line addresse d to ns will receive Tot*1............ *....................... $32S,*I3«T irompt attention. We are alsoagents for ike State of N ew Jersey, Ooonty of Ocean, sa : . wl.lliM1® A - How, cashier of the above-named T R A V E L L E R * I lM R A N C B C OM PANY, tank, do solem nly swear thatthe above statement is true to the t»est o f my knowledge and belief. he largest and best Accident Company in th* world; and f o r the W iilum A. Low, cashier. Subscribed and sworn tobefore me this 12th day Equitable Life Assurance Company, of December, 18S7. 3 t Tom« River, N. 4. « —A « « “ :“ “ w. c i i n s o x , ) O P YEW Y O R K . S » t“ 1 is g. Ralth B. Gowdt.VDirectors. A. A. Brant , ( « «J IU COUGHKILLER PA T E N T S ™ * H 1 A i l i T « U ^r#H j Best AdrertiMnent. ° H. Th.y Spw k fo r T h .a , Kayser, O W E PRICE M A T T E R . IO SOUTH SECOND STREET Philadelph B*iow Market. i. T O ~ ^ s r r T H B WR mater Street Carpet Empor uh «.A T (. ~ __ . _ _ ------ — -----mm n W* Y T T T •O LD And by T H O M A S ROBERTS, Toms R iv e r . X, J. t " be made. Cot th » out an d retorn to »a . and we wul send t o r free something of great value and Imyon, that w i l l _______ in business w hich wiii bring yon in m ore axmey right away than anything else in th is worM. * - eae can do the work and uve a t home. _ ler sex ; all ages. Something new, that just coins money fo r all worker*. We will start yon ; capital not needed. This is one of the genuine -----------------aces of a lifetime. Tnoee who are enterprising mil not d elay. Grand outfit free. Address TRUE A CO.. M Yhe.laf** m »W L P ARTHUR a. CLUTE, P r o f e s s o r o f M u s io , P IA N «. ORCA*. r e i C f f . T IE O K T . cowrurrRVATTs r ych an o r . Toss H i m 21. J, ny Urne. t o m — c t - ^ - 'S 'F L E _ ^ jS B ' F U W O RS S __________ P PR PO OPrRi lIlETTOOR _ ! Ä A. B. A n Those degtrtag FACTORY I T » * , *- Ï ----- ' w . .. » " - w i 17»., J t t m tw u -p t r j o p OP H Y ® ? b r i cODk wc Short Botìce, at 1 '8 p s :r a c is A S n C lA L T Y . ~ - n w iB W fl EH3 Toms Rivi . wém Oo m b Count/ Court«. ew ersey ourier I n the Ocean County Courts on Wed nesday tost, tbo oaso of The Overseer of t o m s h iv es *. n . j. the Poor of Dover Township vs. George W . Rogers w a s oonoluded by a verdict of not guilty being rendered by the jury, W m , Miok, indicted for assault and battery upon Capt. Christian D. Emson in May lost, was bound in his own Euainess notice» inserted under Hits heading at recognisance for appearanoe at the April N J C , Wednesday Afternoon, Seo. 14, 1887. Holiday Presents. The custom of making presents daring the holiday season has become so general that in almost every family gifts of some kind will be bestowed during the next fortnight. Onr merchants seem to have made unusual preparations for the approaohing holiday season, and are now ready to show a larger variety of goods adapted to the holiday trade than ever before. John L . Cowperthwait makes an at tractive show of plush goods, in the line of work boxes, toilet boxes, manicure sets, h&ndkerohief and glove boxes, m&toh boxes, umbrellas, oigar holders, silk handkerchiefs, knick-knacks, and general dry goods, among which every one can find something to his or her taste. See advertisement At T heo. H irsoh’s is displayed a large stock of staple and fancy dry goods, millinery, men’s and boys’ hats and oaps, ready-made clothing, chil dren’s toys in great variety, ladies’ cloaks and shawls, gloves, underwear, etc., from which purchasers of holiday gifts oan scarcely fail to make a satis factory selection. At Cowperthwait & Co.’s will be found a fine assortment of silver plated goods, toilet articles, obina and glass ware, bronzes, vases, and other mantel ornaments, also a full line of dry goods, fancy articles, huts, cape, etc., from which selections may be made to snit the taste of almost any one. Ghas. M oOdeks has a vefy attractive stock of furniture, orookery, china and glass ware, silver plated goods of all Barnegat Item* On the arrival o f the late train on Saturday evening last, our brass band and the oalithumpian florenaders were in attendance to rcooivo a nowly-wcdded oouple, who arrived on that train. They were esoorted to their home with the musió of “ Home, S woet Home," interpersed with selections from fish horns And tin pans, A box of eigars jndiOionsly distributed by the groom soon dispersed the crowd, and they were left in peace to enjoy their honeymoon. Tho M. 12. Chnroh will hold a supper and festival in the basement of the B. A. Morton, living near New Egypt, Presbyterian Church on the 21st inst. lost a few days ago five oows. Upon in We understand tho Presbyterians are vestigation it was found that death was contemplating something of tho sort cawed b y eating the rust on cornstalks. during Christmas week. Throaghomt ths County. Tho ooal famino at Point Pleasant is over. Beynolds A Peterson, of Whltesvillo, are shipping large quantities of dunnage andmarket wood to northern porta. A large horned owl was caught near the he«d or Lake Oaraaaljo on Monday morning o f last week by two young men fromPleasant Plains. James Halsey, a son "of Samuel Halsey, of Metedeoonk, who has been insane for several years, has been removed to the Slate Insane Asylum at Trenton. They W a r e N ot Pouoned. Dr. W . B. E. Miller, the well-known veterinarian of Camden, has deoided that the recent mysterious deaths of caltlo near Now Egypt are not due to poison. Dr. M ille r is Prosident of the Veteri nary Association, was formerly Stato Veterinarian and is now United States Cattle Inspector. He has ]n%t returned from a trip to the vicinity of New One Cent a Word each insertion. Egypt, hero ho mndo a pnnt-mortem ex jg~LIPPEL &_SON will close outtheir entire T h e trial o f Lydia Parker, oharged amination of somo of tho stock that .__ . stock ol Ready-Made Clothing, such m with having set fire to a barn belonging died. I n an interview last Saturday he Bolts, Ovorcoats for Men and Boys, a t coat. Call la tor bargains. 2tll to 'William A , Parker, was begun on said: ** Last Monday I received a tele Wednesday and concluded on Thursday, gram fro m Mr. Mortou requesting me to JjROUNI).—A Purse In P o s t C , N o v . 26 the jury rendering a verdiot of acquittal. t o N ew Egypt on Tuesday morning Owner aipply to Box 209. It* T. W. Middleton for State; Charles and see his oattlo, whioh were sick and LARGE STO C K of Fancy Goods, Tow Haight for d o ft. dying rapidly. I visited New Egypt aud and Notions for Christmas at STO RM S Jacob L . Leming, indioted for as was m et at the station by M r. Morton, & BENNETT’S, Barnegat. Tho administrators of tho ostate o f A . who w as a perfect stranger to mo. Ho Oeean F ire Go., N o. 1, o f Point s a u lt and battery, was bound over for E AVE your orders for Seal Skin C a p s at Pleasant w ill meet fo r drill on Thursday M. Cox w ill sell at public sale, on informed mo that his farm was located appearance a t the April term. THEO. H l R S C H ’S altornoon o f next week at 3.30 o’olook. Saturday, Deo, 17t b , a portion of tho some distance from the town, on the road I n the matter of Charles Clayton, UILDING fo r sale a t Waretown. Story- Against whom a rule to show cause wby Every m em ber is exported to b e present. personal property o f said deceased, con leading to Toms River, and wo at onco and-o-half high. S iz e 37M fe e t by 14 started fo r tho place. Mr. Morton had Revival mootings are being held in sisting of horses, wagons, harness, eto. fe e t . Enquire of J. S . 8T0KMS, Barne- his license t o keop a hotel at Cassvillo g a t, N. J. H. A. Tolbert, contractor and builder, never soon nny eases of contagious pleuro 3 tll should not b e revoked was issued, the tho Biloam Chnroh, under the manage has gone to Staten Island for th e winter. rale was discharged. pneumonia, and he felt considerable ment o f R ev. Joe. R . W hite. Rev. J. RDERS for Holiday G oods left at K lip p e l'f Suuiuel X>uUerworth, alias Samuel until the 18th Inst, inst. w i l l receive personal B. Hewurd will also commence a revival He is at work on a house there, the o u t anxiety oonoeruiog his own animals and attention. StlO Taggart, indicted for stealing a dog side of whioh is covered en tirely w ith his neigubors' as well, and ho was there ion at Lieesville. shingles, even to t h e porch columns. from David Webb, of Wheatland, plead fore determined to find out. if possible Mrs. Fannie R iley, w ife o f Prof. Wm. Cox and A . F. Kilpatrick w ere what w as the matter with his herd and . Location in centre o f town. For particu guilty In the Court of Oyer and Terminer Mark R ile y , of Brackett, Texas, and la r s address J. S. STORMS, Barnegat, N . J. our representatives on tho gran d ju ry at tho cause of the death o f tho five. H e Thursday, and was sentenced to daughter o f Mrs. John Arnold, o f this term of Court-, and Chosen F r e e to ld me of the death o f tho five ow n make ; finest thirty days' imprisonm mt in the county in c e -m e a t . Point Pleasant, w ill spend th e winter and best. Satisfaction ¡uaranteed or jail. holder B. B. Stokes andWm. H. B la k e animals owned by Mr. Campbell, who with h er mother and sisters. J. BAIL.ET. “ W h a t!I! H a v e you finished your w a sh in g? I had m u ch less than money refunded. did service on the p etit jury. was o n e o f his nearest uaighbutet, living John 0. Oraoknell pleaded guilty to an Six fin e cottages are g o in g up at you and you are through fn»!.. What'soap d o y o n use?” ANCY SLIPPERS, Neck-wcar, Silk; Hand indictment fo r assault and battery, and Tho township committee w ill meet on only a short distance from him, aud of Barnegat City. One o f them fo r Benjakerchiefs and Mulliers. . Caps i “ I t isn’t the soap. U se washing powder a n d you w ill g et through Saturday next, a t the T o w n C le rk ’s the bu rning of the barn and animals was fined o n e dollar and costs. S ilk Hats to order. F . Aroher, of Camden, is a handin h a lf the tim e ; it does the w o r k for you.” office, to transact a ll township business also th e Saturday evoning ptovious, J. KLIPPEL & SON. The indictments against John Ireland, an d costly one. F o u r more brought before it. William E d g a r and John W. Jamison for “ I know it w ill, but the cloth es won’t last h a l f so long; w e’ ve tried it. whioh fact and tho losses o f the cattle a oottages are to be erected in th e spring. THEO. BIRBO H’S. cutting timber, and William Scott for Messrs. Bareford, of W aretown, are few d a y s before wore attributed to W e use Ivory Soap altogether; it cleans m o r e easily an d quickly than The Methodists o f Lakew ood expect framing timber f o r a house, at C o x ’i malioioua gang of barn burners and fh R D E R S fo r Silk H ats and Seal C a p s for keeping a disorderly bouse at Point any other kin d, and I find th e clothes la st as long again. M y folks their concert, comprising lumber yard, w h ich will b e ereoted at cattle poisoners. V f f Holiday Presents should bo left s o o n at kinds, docks, picture frames, table ' g i v e Pleasant, w ere nolle proBequied. w on ’ t let me use washing p o w d e r.” O n Thursday, on motion of Jacob D. cutlery, pocket knives, and a thousand choruses, recitations, dialogues, select Manchester. I then asked him to describe the “ O f course th e y won’*, n eith er will mine, b u t I use it anyhow. I don’ t ISS S. F. L A N E , T eacher of Piano, Organ Applegate, the handwriting o f Joseph and one other articles appropriate for readings, comet, harmonioa and eonGeo. O. Grimmer, a former residont of symptoms attending the sickness of his and Vocalization. 4t51 care to save th eir clothes at the expense o f m y time and back .” oertina exorcises on Tuesday evening of this town, but now residing a t Beardsley, cuttle, their suffering, manner of death, Lawrence, subscribing witness to a deed hoilday presents. Reader, which do you valuó most, your laundress’ tim o and hack, o r Minn., is hero on a visitto relatives and etc., w hich ho d id ; and in such an in Chas. B. M athis, the popular drag- next w eek . m a d e by S am u el G rover and others to ' Christmas g ift—for s a le at J o h n B. A p p legate, was proved before gist, displays an attractive stock of Tho monoy raised by th e Youpg friends. telligent manner, describing so accurately you r clothes? I f the hitter, then don’t Jot Jier use washing pow der. 4tlOT H E O . H IR S C H ’S. tla e Circuit Court. toilet and fancy articles, perfumery of Lndies’ Mission Band of the Lakewood Joe Biggins, o f the Clarence House, is all tho prominent symptoms o f ‘ splenic M e s s r s . P R O C T E R & G A M B L E , OAL, D R Y P IN E and OAK W O O D . In the C o u r t of Quarter Sessions on all kinds, pocket books, spectacles, eye Baptist Church for th e present quarter taking timo by t h e forelock, aud has fever,’ commonly called * splenio apo A. A. B R A N T . CINCINNATI, OHIO. Saturday, John Hendrickson plead glasses, brushes, and the general variety will bo donated to M r. Adamson to bo altered and partly rebuilt h is ice house. plexy,’ that I had made up my mind Olt SALE.— Handsome Set P a r lo r Furni Dear Sirs : — T h e sam ple o f Ivory S o a p received from you is an g u ilty to a n indictment for assault and of goods usually to be found in a first- used t o complete h is education as Joseph Patterson, an old timo citizen before wo reached tho farm that his ture and other pieces. E. R AYM O N D , modical missionary. battery. Sentence was suspended, and class drug store. of this place, d ie d on the 4th iust., and cattle were dying of that discaBO, and excellent Laundry Soap, o f g re a t purity a n d more than average cleansDuBuisson Place, b e was bourn! over fo r appearanoe at tbo J ohn K m tpel «t S on have a large A s m a ll house belonging to A. S. was buried ou the 7th, that th e y did not havo either contagious m g power. RIZE M E D A L P A IN T S , Standard Quality. A p r i l term. The Mullen H ouse has been o v e r pleuro-pneunouia or poisoning of any and complete stock of gentlemen’s Miller, a t East Hake wood, was burned V e r y respectfully you rs, A. A. B R A N T . D ia m o n d . George Dennett p lead guilty to an furnishing goods, sealskin and other down n few days ago, A quantity of hauled and repaired. kind. I did not, however, stato my ADIES’ S H A M P O O IN G at T. M . Dicken I I . 13. C O R N W A L L , The John C. Green School of Science, indictm ent fo r assault and battery, and caps, hats, boots and shoes, umbrellas, furniture which had been stored in the suspicious to Mr. Morton, preferring to son’s Barber Shop. Bank building. Cedar Knit. P roi'kssqk op C hem istry . Princeton, N. J., Dec. tstli, 1Q83. w a s bound over to appear at the A pril hosiery, gloves of all kinds, and o building was partially destroyed. The wait u n til I had seen tho carcasses of the Miss Mary Conklin is suffering from animals and made post-mortem examina te r m under suspension o f sentence. variety of other articles adapted to the loss is estimated at $75. A W O R D O F W A R N I N G . an attack of malarial fever. tions o f thorn. On reaching tho farm we The C o u r ts re-opened on Monday holiday trade. Atkinson Haines, living near CooksMeet all trains on Pennsylvania Railroad W illiam Perriao has presented him self were informed that another animal, a There are many white soaps, each represented to be “ just as good as th e 1Ivory’ }” morning, J u d g e W illia m A. L o w pre Quito a show o f Christmas toys a n d New Jersey Southern Railway. Leavo town, delivered to Ohafey & BrowD, of with an organ of th o latest pattern. bull, hud sickened since M r. Morton they ARE NOT, b u t like all counterfeits, lack the peculia r and remarkable qualities P o s t Oillce at time of closing of m a ils ; Covr- siding, J u d g e s Conover and Jones as made at T homas R oberts’, at prices New E g y p t, last Tuesday a lo t of geese Thomas Van Yorst has laid the started ior tho station in tho morning, the genuine, Ask for " Ivory” Soap and insist upon getting it, sociates. within the reach of every one, while his that averaged nearly 16 lbs. each. One d ric k & Cook’ s hotel tw o minutes l a t e r . Orders le ft at Post O ffice or U o w d rlck & Copyright i 860, by Procter <fe Gamble. In the case of George Matthews, stock o f stoves, tinware, etc., is extensive of the heaviest w eighed 18 lbs. M r. foundation for h is now house, whioh ho and w as rapidly growing worse. I saw the anim al and mude a careful ami com C ook ’s flotel w ill receive prompt attention. oharged w it h the larceny of a grindstone enough to minister to the more material Doran, living near Hornerstown, de intends to build soon, plete Btudy of his symptoms and Buffer JAMES BREWER, Proprietor. Samuel Johnson has im proved a n d a c e d a r- pole, th e indictment was wants o f his oustomers. ings, condition, oto., whioh taken to livered a fine lot o f chickens. health s o maoh as to be a b le to g o to gether with the history given by Mr. quashed, E dward A. Guliok haB a full line of E dw ard Matthews, aged about 80 Green Bauk to v i s i t his relatives, Fears Morton, entirely satisfied mo that my TOMS R IVER POST OFFICE. James Johnson p lea d non vu lt to an stoves, which he offers to those who years, a resident o f N ew Prospect, has aro entertained, M A IL S C L O S E FOR however, as to his suspicions of splenio fever wore correct, indictm ent charging him with the havo not yet prepared themselves for the Ho is tho permanent rooovery, His w ife accom and i t only required a post-mortem ex New York and points north of R e d Bauk, larceny o f a pistol from F. T . Johnson, winter’s cold, and will give large dis boen stricken with paralysis. amination to positively prove it. I then most successful peach-grower in that panied him. 6.50 A. M. 0 o f Lakew ood, and was committed to the counts for the holiday season. made tho post - mortem, examinations New York and all points north o f Man section, and has some trees over forty Samuel S, Johnson is rap id ly recover necessary on tho carcasses of throo of I f yon have neglectod to seenro your Deform S ch ool. chester, 9.55 A . M. and 3.05 P. M. years o l d that bore excellent fruit last ing from his recen t indisposition, which tho animals and obtained all tho positivo turkey, you can get it at S. C. B ailey ’ s The C o u r ts adjourned on Monday Manchester, Bayville, Cedar C reek , Forked year. A t last accounts M r. Matthews was n ot tho r e s u lt of a f a ll from tho ovidenco of the disoaso, so well marked market, and w ill also find there fresh R iver, Waretown, points between Manchester n o o n until 1 0 o’olook A . m . yesterday. that there could positively bo no mistake was convalescent. Now Lisbon Btation platform, as was an d Bridgeton and between W h itin g s and oelery, mince meat, and the Upon convening yesterday morning, in m y mind and I think iu tho minds of The United States Govern mont has reported. It w a s caused by a Bhock those present, except, perhaps one or Tuckerton, 9.55 A. m . the case o f Henry P. Hendrickson, other essentials for the table, Philadelphia, Western and Southern States, Slippers aro an aooeptftble‘ present for contracted with A. J. H o w ell, of New from a galvanic battery, whioh h e was two persons who insisted that tho oattlo charged w ith assault aud battery, was had eaten or been given puris green, aud Island Heights, Seaside Park, points south of taken np, and given to the jury about husband, father or brother, and can be York, to baild a breakwater toproteot using sb a rem edy for neuralgia, tho they would not believe anything else. Barnegat and Barnegat, 7.45 A. m . an d 3.45 seen in great variety at P eter Stayert’s. tho B a r ’ .egat City lighthouso, which the electric current being a trifle too strong. noon. A s we go tc press, the jury is “ I state positively that there wero no P . M. H e has also a fa ll line o f boots, shoes, encroachment of th e sea has threatened He w ill soou b n able to resume his nymptoms whatever of mineral poison, Silverton and B u m v ilie , 7.55a. m ., Tuesday, a till oat. AEE NOW OFFERING with destruction. A track w ill bo laid duties a t New Lisbon. nor any ovidenco or tracos o f it either on and rubber goods. The petit jarors were discharged for Thursday and Saturday. The Debating and Literary Associa the mombrunoB of tho stomnohs or A t the P ost Office S tore is shown a from t h e Long Beach Railroad to the term yesterday. M A IL S A R R IV E FROM am ong tho contents of tho earn, but tion organized o n Tuesday evoning of point where the work is to be done, in lino of statuary, games, presentation New York and Philadglphia, 8.10 a ., m . that on tho contrary, all tho facts and R e s o l u t i o n « o f C o n d o le n o e . books, albums, pens and pencils, boxes order t o assist the progress o f the work. last week. T h o subject: “ Resolved ovidenco pointed to blood poisoning Philadelphia, Camden, etc., 10.28 A., m . and At a regular oommnnication of of stationery, and the numberless things Choppers have been cutting brush for that it would b e beuofieial for a young instead, and all of tho lesions found in 5.50 r. M. putting in the jetties iu D r . Hilliard’B maa iu order t o secure a Lom e to g o in tho organs, the membranes of tho brain New York and all points north, Tnckerton, Harmony Lodge, N o . 18, A. F. and A. in their line. Barnegat, Forked R iver Bridgeton, e tc ., 11.20 M . , held o n Taesday, Deo. 6, 1887, the debt fo r that purpose,” was debated in particular, wore Identical with those H arrison G orlb is ready to furnish swamp a t the Y at Mannahawkin. alw ays found after doath from splenio IN GREAT VARIETY following preamble and resolutions were yon with cakes, pies, bread and all The quarterly meeting and sociable o f upon and tho decision g iv e n in fa vo r of fover or npoplexy. I therefore efcato New Y ork and points north of Manchester, tue Y o u n g Ladies' Mission Jbandof the the affirmative aiclo. M eetings w ill be positively that tho oattlo of Bonjamin unanim ous!/ ! nriiolos in hia liUO roqnieita tv the proper 8.55 r. *t. Baptist Church was held on Thursday hold on Tuesday evening o f each week. M orton died of this disease, aud none W h e r e a s , It has pleased the Supreme furnishing of jov.r Christmas table. New York and points north of R e d E Architect o f the Universe to remove from evening, in the chapel o f the church, The literary exercises aro of a very other, aud that tho reports that they 7.03 p, M. wero poisoned by some malicious porsou Oyster Thieves. Silverton and BurrsvUle,4.80p. m . , Tuesday, amongst u s oar late brother, Wm . I. James; and w a s well attended and a v e ry pleasant interesting oharaoter. or persons are untrue, and porhnps Oyster pirates have reoently m ade an d George B. Conklin w as buried on calculated to cause a fooling of Buspioion Thnrsday and Saturday. time spent. The main featuro of the W h e r e a s , The intimate relations long held several attempts to steal the oysters A . W. IR O N S , P.M, evening was the packing o f a Christmas Tuesday of last week. H e had been an to re s t on some perfectly innocent parties. b y our deceased brother with the members of from the grounds of members of the “ I did not seo tho oattlo lost by Mr, box w it h olothing, books, Bibles and intense sufferer from consumption for th is Lodge render It proper that w e should oyster association at Bayville, but it is Campbell, and am sorry I did not, as lo cal m atters. toys, whioh will b e sent as g ifts from the ovor a year. T h o funeral was largely from tho description givon of their place on record our appreciation o f his believed that all attempts have boon un attended by residents of th is and adjoin symptoms I am somewhat inclined to the Minsio n Baud to colored children services as % Mason an d his merits as a man N o tic e t o S u b s c r ib e r * . successful, owing to the vigilance of the Tho L o d g e o f Good b e lie f that there may havo been a mis therefore, be it Memphis, Tenn., who are under the ing places, A LARG E L IN E OF II onr colleotor, M r. John Hagenmra, Resolved. By Harmony Lodge, No. 18, watohman, John Grant. A few nights charge o f Miss B e lle P ettigrew a miB Templars, of w bieh he was a membor, taken diagnosis in thoir cases by those Las not already called upon yon , he will Ancient F re e and Accepted Masons, that ago, Mr. Grant saw a black yaoht lying sionary. The contents of th e Christmas attended in a b o d y; and also drafted who insist upon the paris green theory,” while we b o w with humble submission to the to on grounds under his oare, aud box a r o estimated to be w orth $10. The resolutions of sympathy t o tho parents L o s t Off Barnegat. do so in the course of the next fe w days. w ill of T u b Most H ig h , we do not the less hailed her. The captain of the boat, and relatives o f the deceased in their T h e Morgan Line steamship Algiers, All in arrears are requested t o prepare mourn f o r ou r Brother who has been called not waiting to reply to the hail, started singing o f hymns and partaking o f re In the doath o f onr from Now York for Galveston, oollided freshments was also a part o f tho even bereavement. from his la b o r to rest. for his visit. up the bay at full speed. Last week, friend, Mr. Conklin, th is community w ith and sank the schooner Nellie 8. Resoloed, That in th e death o f W illiam L ing’s programme.— Times and Journal. James t h is Lodge loses a brother who was the watohman again disoovered this will loso an a c tiv e Christian worker and J e rrill, of Bridgeton, N. J ., off Barnegat, S re v itie «A F U L L L IN E O F always a c t iv e and zealons in his work as a yaoht making its way in toward the T h e Sunday school connected with the an honorable citizen in every resp cot. late on Thursday night,- and three o f the The warm weather seems to hang on Mason; ever ready t o succor the needy and oyster beds, and discharged both barrels New E g y p t M. E . Church w ill render an Rev. Mr. Slater officiated at the funeral, sohooner’s crew were drowned. These well. distressed o f the fra te rn ity ; prompt to ad- of his gun at her. Since that time, that m joyable Christmas oantata, entitled w ere Samuel Vannaman, tho «toward of Christmas preparations are g o in g on vauco the interests o f the O rder; devoted to part of the bay, it is believed, has not " S a n ta Clans’ Hom e, or th e Christmas Waretown Itoxm. the schooner and a brother of her its w elfare and prosperity; one who was wise a ll around town. excursion ’’ in the chnrcb on Saturday been visited by the depredators. Samuel Brown, youngest son of >S«r«li captain, who lived in Oo*hen, Capo In counsel an^ 'earless In action ; an honest ovening, December 21tb. T h is pleasing Surrogate Charles H. W a x d e ll has and u p righ t ii,»u whose virtues endeared him, Brown, is very i l l with the typhoid fever. M a y cconly, and two Ecamcn, Thomas W . C. T . U . N ote*. oantata is full o f pretty songs, duets removed to this tow n. not only t o hia brethren of the ord er, but to This is the fou rth oase of th o fover in tho Burns and John C. Bourke, of Canso, Mrs. Anna M . Hammer, of Newark, and choruses interspersed. I t is one of From present indications Christmas all his f e l l o w citizens. family, during th o fall, a ll o f which havo N o v a Scotia, Capt. Charles Vannaman, State Superintendent o f Juvenile Work, the m o s t pleasing cantatas ever written Resolved. That this Lodge tender its heart been malignant forms o f the disease. of tho Jeirill, says that the steamer did will bo cold, bat green. w ill meet with tbo ladies of the local fe lt sym pathy to the fam ily and relatives o f and should draw a fu ll house. The The daughter, M rs. Sadie Eayre, is not uot use ordinary efforts in trying to elc&r Marlin Connolly and wife -were sere our deceased brother in this their sad a f Woman’s Christian Temperance Union, school will leave b y special limited train yet able to go about the house. his vessel, and the owners o f the schooner to-morrow afternoon at throe o ’clock, in naded by the drum corps Monday even fliction. over th e Arctic railroad at 8 p. m , for the L a st week, Charles Jones, one o f our w ill bring so it against tho Morgan Steam Resolved, That these resolutions be entered their new room in the ZanHise building. ing. home o f Santa Claus, returning over the merchants, w h ile butchering h is hog, upon the minutes of th is Lodge, that a copy s h ip Company for damages. On Friday afternoon at the same hour Do not forget the fair in CowperPem berton and H ightstow n branch at o f them b e sent to the family of our deceased thwait’s Hall this and to-morrow brother a u d also be published in the count; she w ill address the Temperance School, 9.30 p . m . For tickets aud passes apply was so unfortunate as to le t the carcaas R e d u c tio n in P ric e «. fall on his fo o t, thereby spraining that in tho basement o f tbo M. E. Chnrcb; evenings. John H. Welsh, the jeweler, o f 271 newspapers. to A.. G. Scribner, gen eral manager. member t< snob a degree as to prevent and on Friday evening she will deliver a R. L. D ib b r o w , ) Greenwich street. New York, well known Mioses Nellie Shinn and Annie OowIlev. W . F. H e rr w ill act as musical bis walking on it for a w eek at least. I. C. Bc h l hemax , > Committee. parlor lecture to young ladies at the to o n r readers through his advertisement perthwait, who have beenviBifcing friends director. J. H arley Compton is stage A dolph E rnst , ) T h e roll of honor o f tho Waretown residence of Mrs, Renben Fotter. Col w hich has appeared in onr columns for at Manasqnan, returned ou Monday. manager. An enjoyable tim e is promised Grammar S ch ool for th e week ending lections w ill be taken at these meetings C k r iit m a « F e it iv a h . th e past ten yoars, lias completed his to a ll who attend. J. Holmes Birdsall, Esq., h as removed Dec. 9th inclndes tho follow in g names The M . E. Sunday Softool will hold to help defray expenses. Mrs. Hammer into the honse on Washington street, T h e new band instruments arrived Minnie W ilkins, Ada Ememan, Eva twenty-ninth year in h is present stand. their Christmas festival in the chnroh on is a very interesting speaker, and we are T h e prices of all goods in his store have belonging to the estate of William T. about one week ago. Th ey are fine full Eiseman, Paul Warren, R a lp h Chambers, Friday evening of next week, commenc assured that all who hear her wil b een reduced ten per cent., in addition Howell. nickel, and pronounced the finest ones Frank Bareford and Harry Edwards. well repaid for their attendance. ing at 7.30 o’olock. The exercises will to which he will give to tho people of anywhere on the shore. There are Hon. George W . Childs, o f Phila T h e season known as “ hog-killing ” consist o f Chrictmas carols rendered by The Different)«. O cean connty for tho next thirty days a eigh teen pieces. Several o ld band men has again r o lle d around. delphia, has presented a handsome W h en the the school and recitation« by the infant ciibh discount of five per cent. All An exchange defines tho difference in are connected with tho band, among owners smile contentedly on th eir fat Bible to Goodwill Assembly, N o . 13, A. school, A special attraction of the this wise : When a man comes into a g o o d s are marked in plain figures, and whutii aro tho follow in g . J. L. West porkers, then may tho latter be assured O. M. F., of this town. evening will be an exhibition of Kris printing office and planks down the cash s o ld on the positively one price plan. brook, of the Osceola, Pennsylvania, (hat their last days are approaching. Senator George T . Cranmer, Assembly Kringle’« house, which will be visited G a ll upon him when selecting your with the remark, " Send me the paper man Jonathan Goble, Ex-Senator A. 0. T h e editor o f the C oitrieu p a id our by the children, and His Honor will in for a year,” that means bus-'ness. When B a n d ; John H. Reid, of the Lon g Branch Band ; William Howard, former little town h ie annual v is it last Thurs presents for tho holidays. B. Havens and Ex-Sheriff Charles L. return visit the school An admission one »ays, " I want your paper, but leader of the Mancheoter Band; Harry Holman were in town onMonday. day. Tho C o ttbier is a newsy and wide D i.tln g u U ito d W itnesses. fee of ten oents w ill be charged all not haven’t the money now,” that’s all right. Among the attendants at conrt on Cook snd Mr. Farr, of Oranbnry and awake paper, «nd is therefore welcomed Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Qnliok re member« of the school Bat when a persoh takes it ont of the Drake’s Band ; James T . Havens, of M onday were Ex-Senator A. C. B. by it * numerou8 readers here. turned from their wedding toor on The ohildren o f Christ Church will office for several years and then sends it Havens, Assemblyman Jonathan Goble Ypsilanti Citizen’s Cornet Sand ; Henry Garrison Cambnrn, a well - known Monday, and were tendered m serenade light th e ir Christmas tree ou Christmas bade refused, that is meanness. And a n d Snrrogate Charles H . Wardell, who by a ealitbnmpinn band that evening, Eve at 7.90 o’clock. A cordial invita when a man spends from ten cents to » Vanliew, of military fame ; D. W. For resident of t h is place, has been sick for man, an old bass drummer, and « several week«. Hia illness has been h a d been snbpmnaed as witnesses in the Notice is given on cur second page of tion is extended to sll to attend. dollar every day for cigars and beer, number of new men who take to music tedious and tb u a far bafifiea the skill of ca se of Tho State cs. George Matthews, an election to be held at La* v alietis on Further particulars will be given next and says be can’t afford to take hie charged with the larceny of a grindstone like a cat takes to a rat, simply to devour the physician •Monday next to decide whether or not m week. home paper, that's s----- no such thing. it. This band has only been together to M in Fannie Hall is visiting friends in ra in ed at forty-fire cents and a farrow borough government shall be adopted, When • ssn borrow« his neighbor’« Eatertraimauits. p o le rained at ten eeni*. practice a few times and «¡ready they Philadelphia. C e n t a W o rd D e p a rtm e n t. term. A L B O M F ‘ HASTE MAKES WASTE. " M C F P L BREWER’S HACKS of 1836. 1887. COWPERTHWAIT EXCHANGE. COWPERTHWAIT & Co. Staple & Fancy Dry Goods AT LO W E ST PRICES. Laces, Dress Goods, Handkerchiefs, Trimmings of a ll kinds. Merino and Muslin Underwear. M I L L I N E R Y G O O D S, Hats and Bonnets, trimmed and untrimmed, Feathers, Velvets, Plushes, and other Millinery Goods in great variety. CLOTHS AND CASSIMERES, Carpets, Mattings, Hugs, Floor and Table Oil Cloths. B O O TS & SH O ES. CB0CKEBY & WOODENWABE. STOVES AND TINWARE. Ocodwill Assembly, Artisans' Order, will meet in their new hill, i n the VanHiae building, to-morrow evening t! S o’clock. A fall attendance o f member« h requested. Rev. Alfred Free, pastor of the Baptist Chnrcb, returned from a trip to Connecticut on Saturday, an d occupied the pulpit of his church o n Sunday morning and evening. Canaiderabie excitement w m caused i n town yesterday morning by the report tint elderly resident had mysteriously disappeared. Searching parties were organized, but were mailed when the A oonrse of six entertainments has been arranged for this «own to break tie uitjrnoiouy of the winter. As yet, five o n ly have been selected, but the other w i ll be arranged at the proper time. T h e dates are as follows : Jan. 5th, Carrie Louise Bay; Jan. 19th, A. E. Pearsall; Feb. 2d, S. M. Speden ; Feb. 16th, Olive Thompson; March 2d, Vitale-Fsnelli-Pe Tooge ! All the entertainment« will take place in the Baptist Church. Admission has ’ been fixed at twenty-five cents for the third and fourth of the series, with ton cents extra for reserved «eats j paper to read every week, that’s un oan play several pieces well. They meet limited in a pleasant room in the borough. just Married In O-nrt. Feir sad Sociable. Ttan first marriage eousammated in onr far enough one side so aa not to irritate Preparations for the fair and sociable any who do not enjoy their practice. conrt honse occurred on Saturday even to be held in Cowperthwait’s Hall by The room is nicely fitted np tod its use ing, when Jobn Pratt, Jr., of Wilningthe ladies of the Presbyterian Church is donated by Mr. C. E. Cline, who also tor, Del., « o d Miss Hope Smith, of this and to-morrow evenings are com kindly furnished s good-stove for heating Barnegat, presented themreívea before pleted, and the room presents a band the same. Police Jcstic« Lower, wbo| JaJgp William A. Low for the purpose eóme appearanoe. A grand display of is newer behind in good works, famished of having the nuptial knot tied, Alattractive things for holiday gift* will tbe seats, and Charles A. Pbaro and L. though this was the first occasion on P . Tannotegave the lamps. Tbe only which he had officiated, the Judge n be mad« ; chowe eefcetKns will be rendered between eight and ten drawback at first was the scarcity of said to have performed hia daty like a o’clock, and refreshments will be served oosal, bat the boy» were determined and veteran. throughout the entire evening, foond «oogh « 1 ^ « -t t w r iS t o k lr ilr e . r e ® « for to. preomL P o in t P l i a n t A, „ Mr to i into town fromForked River. Mä ‘ ‘ 1 f P **“I ’ here he had gone m Monday night nests, f o r the first and fifth of the senes, secemd page this week, the annual Viotto» to U » .tore cl George W. ^ jeweler, at 233 G; Cl««y P igw as. meeting of tb e stockholder* of the First John K. Green, of tbe Blodgett National Barak of thia town wiU be held Tempewaace A i i n u street, corner of Barclay, New York, purchased at the banking hooae om Tuesday, Jan. to tbe following Mrs. Anna M. Hammer, of Newark, will will fiad a handaome new store, • largì Honse. at Forked River, a Sue clay pigeon trap and a qassiity of elect seres directors FWobs remained iralaissed is the address the W. C. T. U. recently or- stock of w-iehes asd jewelry te select Tow R rra Port Office a n tbe lieto p a i » * ! ri Fork«! Rira in the SC. R from, v A to* p ira» 1er erayttiB*, II'«toy p«soM, ■ e n p r*»n »i to »e -w toeUte Meorngyear, x r a pone * » t : 8. J. A p p lento. G r a n Choreto of Ori píreo, t o m o t r n e n ù i ta m eieoDret ptam to r a t e jw .fo ra irii ô t e r a i, for sbootagm o i * « , viU opes « 13ocloe* rad renio , Newton Since. i ri hol* pori ierra o’etoek. i pmtoreee. I ri • Ira «ionien’ notare. bee F. eel 10, 1888, fe-» to 8 . W. COWPERTHWAIT. E s t a b l is h e d 1830. Geo. W . Welsh S B !m t«K 7 S M , 233 Greenwich St., corner Barclay St., NEW YOftK. derated ft. R. »urlon a; doer. Oneblock below o íd «us.!, «bere, wttt «¡'dittos«! spare. iiK:ri«sed fa r t litte« «od «n emtirelynew suit*, be u eaibfed to offer «t tbe ¡owe« cask prie« WATCHES, DIAMONDS, JEWELRY, SOLID SILVER, ■orbit stocks u A J t s c j Good;. C. B. COWPERTHWAIT. 4 ■>«! if W . C. T . Ü. COLUMN. Sheriff’ s Sale. W riting b y Electricity. Oar Millionaire*. the outgrowth o f Christian character, the following o f the Golden Bole, T h e wonderful invention o f w rit T h e number o f m illionaires in and no man o r woman can be the tho country has steadily increased, in g b y e lectricity a t a distance o f worse for respecting them. and the number of p o or men has f if t y miles is th u s described b y tho RAILROADS. LEGAL NOTICES. 1 V1UTIE o v A H U IT OF F I . FA., _ B_ lssued out of the Court of Chancerv of tlie « r O T l C E l O A B i E I « T D E FE X W V N T *. p B W T W U V A M l A H A I L E O A D . State o f New Jersey, and to me dlrected, I wlll soil at public vendue, on T C E f iD A Y , D e c e m b e r I I , 1 8 8 1 , ___ ae hotel of Cowdriek A Cook, in th e village of Tom s River, In tho county of Ocean and State of N e w Jersey, between the hours o f 18 and fi o'clock, p. v., on said day, the following described Keai Estate: A ll those three contiguous tracts or pieces of land. HituaUj at Point Pleasant, In the Township of Brick, m the county of ocea«* aud titile ot New Jersey, comprising sixteen acres and uluetythree hundredth» of an acre of land, and bounded and described a» follows, that is to say : T ra ct No. 1. Beginning at a stone In tho southerly line of Charles W. Maxon’s homestead farm (formerly William Aiken’s, deceased), the same being also the northwesterly corner of “ Tract No. 2,” and running thence (1st) north eighteen degrees west nine chains and ninety links (G4S18-100feet) to a corner in the northerly line o f the public road leading from P oin t Pleas ant to the sea; thence (2d) along said road north sixty degrees and fifteen minutes west two chains and elghty-two links (17T 12-100 feet) to a brooklet; thence (3d) along said brooklet north eighteen degrees vast nine chP.ina am i ninety links (64018-100 feet) to a point n the aforesaid southerly line of Charles W. rtaxon’» farm; thence (4tli) along the same south HUty-thrce de grees and thirty minutes east two chains and eighty-one links to the place of beginning. Con taining within Bald bun miarles two acre» and seventy-six hundredths o f an acre of land. Being the sauietractof land which Charles Haight and w ife and Charles W. M axoa and w ife conveyed In fe e to Charles W. Botterly by deed dated the twenty-second day o f March, Auno DomioMSSi, and recorded In the Clerk’s Ottice of Ocean County, at Toms River, In Book No. 10» of Deeds, page 105, <fcc. T ra ct No. 2. Beginning at a stone in the east erly line o f" Tract N o. i , ” the same being also the northwesterly corner of"T ra c t N o . 3,"at a distance of eighty-nine feet and eighty-four hun dredths of a foot from the northerly line of the public rood leading from Foint Pleasant to tho sea, and running thence (1st) north seventeen de grees and thirty minutes east eight chains and twenty-eight links (546 48-100 feet) to a Btone In the boundary or division line between this said tract and Charles VV. Maxon's farm ; thence (2d) along said division lin e south sixty- four degrees and twelve minutes east ten chains and mxty links (70S 24-iso feet) to the sea ; tbenco (3d) along the sea south seventeen degrees and thirty minutes west eight chains and seventy-six links (578 IG-mfcet) to the north line o f « T ract No. 8;" thence (4th) alogg the same north sixty-r iN l IN CHANCERY OF NEW JEAXSEY. To C h a u l s » 8. IU in b s , I saac Bu c h a m a n ami P lik lsM ieip b laau d L o n g B ran cb^D ivIafun P t t I U i BonEtWILKIM. By Tlrtneof »Border o f the Coart o f Chancery A. W. 0. been made to increase with them, P a l l M all G a z e tte : “ Out o f the of T i e w Jersey, mode o n the day o f th e elite h e re o f, in a causew h e re in Job H. Falklxxburgh is though in a ten-fold ra tio . T h e t o p o f a box, w h ic h is about th e size complainant sudyou a n d others are defendants, you a r e requiredto a p p e a r and plead, *m «w er or A Wonderful Watch-Dial. alma-house records sh ow this latter o f an ordinary dispatch-box, pro d em ur to the bill o f said complainant on or T i m e T a b le a d o p t e d N o v . 1 4 , 1 8 8 9 . b e fo re the twenty-thln* day of Decem ber next, A gentleman connected w ith the fact, and a recen t statem ent o f the tru d e s what has th e appearance ot a u, t l i o said bill w ill »*« im p » H «confessed TRAINS L E A V E TOMS RIV gi? agalmat you. This, however, is Illin o is W a tc h Company lias a num ber o f m illionaires, even in stylographic p en . T lx e »aid bill is filed t o foreclose a mortgage F o r Camden and Philadelphia, 8.04 a . b . and g iv e n bjCbsrleB 8. H a in e s to Sam uel V . Pierson 4.07 p . k ., week days. w onderfully cu rio u s watch-dial. In N e w Y o rk c ity alone, indicates the n o t a pen, b u t th e handle o f the and J o b H. Falklntrarg-H. on lauds In t l x e village F o r Berkeley, 10.28 a . h ., and 1.60 p. a., week ot T o m s River, in the County of Ocean and State ays. There * transmitter,’ a n d its lo w er end is s te a d of the H om an numerals to correctness o f the fo rm e r. of N e w Jersey, dated t n e thirteenth d a y of De F o r Island Heights, 10.28 a . a., 1.80 and 6.56 r. c e m b e r, A. D. is*» ; th e equal un divided one- H., w e e k days. c d to a lig h t brass perpendicular d e n o te the h o u rs , there a r e eleven aro scores of m en there w hose wealth half p a r t of which s a i d mortgige w m on the F o r New York, v ia Berkeley and Bay Head f l M I K M AI OEM A N D IfEIl L O V E R « . e le v e n th day of January, A. D. 1871, assigned by u n ction, 1.80 p. M„ week days, and on Mondays sm a ll bat v e r y distinct silhouette ra n ges from $1,000,000 t o $10,000,- b a r. A r y m o tio n given by th e hand S a m u e l V.PIerm to J o b H.PslkJnbnrgb; and BY TUB BARD OP TOWER Ilil.L . you, Charlea 8. Haines, are made a p a r t y defend figu res, rep resen tin g a man out with 000 each, and many w h o g o beyond — y o u hold it ju s t like a pen— to the ant Gecause yougave s a id mortgage a n d also own Y ork , via Birmingham, 8.04 A. a ., and 4.07 p. a., In a far off Eastern city «art o f saidpremises o r have some l i e n upon or w eek days. h is d og for a d a y 's sport. A t seven e ith e r o f these figures. John Jacob handle o f tbe transm itter is com A pretty m aid did live, n t e r e s t in them, anti because Isaac Buchanan F o r Point Pleasant, 8ea Girt, Asbury Park and Who was determined never h old s said premises in. trust for h im s e lf, Annie Long Branch, 1.BOp. m ., week days, and on Mon o ’clock he is s e e n starting out with A s to r is p rob ab ly tbe wealthiest man municated by th is b a r to tw o series o f ller heart and hand to give Buchanan,aud you; an d yon, Isaac Buclmnan, days an d Saturdays only, 10.28 a . m . To a living human creature, h is gun and d o g ; at eight o ’clock he in th e m etropolis, his possessions carbon disks contained w ithin the are m ade a party defendant oeeaase you Sola F o r Tuckerton, via Whitings, 8.04 A. if., and Unless alm ost divine; said premises In tru s t for yourself, Charles 8. 4.07 p . m ., week dayB. She had a poor opinion of m akes a s h o t; a t nine o 'clock lie has b ein g estim ated at $200,000,000. b o x , and, a fter various adventures H a in e s and Annie Buchanan; and y o u , Philip The gender luanfaJlnc, LEAVE BERKELEY Sell eifXelin, are made a party defendant because Firm a young mechanic, asked her, a sandhill c r a n e which measures as J ay G ould is thought t o come next a m o n g magnets, etc., is carried again you h old a mortgage which may be a n encum F o r New York, 2.42 p . m., week days; on Mon If she would he his bride. days and Saturdays only, 10.88a . m . b r a n c e on Baldpremises. “ No, I ’ll wed no poor mechanic,” l o n g as h im s e lf; at ten o ’clock tbe in rank, and there a r e those who to th e top o f th e box, w here it is F o r Island Heights, 7.81 A. M., 12.26 and 8.38 r. A . C. MARTINI, She haughtily replied; a., w e e k days. S o lic ito r of Complainant, “ I was horn fo r something better, m a n and his d o g are scared at the ju d g e him to b e the w ealthier o f the reproduced e x a c tly by a small inkF o r Toms River, 12.26 and 8.83 v. if., week days. Toms R iver, Ocean C o u n ty, N.J. I’d have you understand; F o r Philadelphia, via Toms Elver, 8.83 p. a., D a te d Oct.22d, 188T. Prtsfec, $a.B4. It6 You are bold in your presumption E stim ates as to other N ew h o ld in g pen, w h o s e point rests on a s ig h t of a jack-rabbit which is sitting tw o . w eek days. To aok of m e my hand! ” LEAVE P O IN T PLEASANT clockwork u p o n his hind le g s with h is big long Y o rk ers aro interesting. Cornelius w h ite paper ta p e. A Then a beardless dandy wooed her. m T O T IC E l'O AWS4E1ST B EFEM HANTS, Jle had an oily tongue, F o r Toma River, Berkeley and way points, I yI IN CHANCERY OF NEW J E R SE Y, e a rs raised a b o v e the bushos; at Vanderbilt, $100,000,000; Russell apparatus p u lls th is tape a lon g at a Rut as no mustache had started. o L kwihanna K. D b w i n o and Ch a r l b s s. Dew- 1I.2S a . m., week days; on Mondays and Satur Because he was so young, days, 2.28 r. M . i x a , her husband. e leven u'clock the hunter takes a Rage, $00,000,000; D . O. Mills, g e n tle pace ; a n d after a little She gave him such a gentle hint LEAVE PHILADELPHIA B y virtue of an o r d e r of the Court o f f Chancery That led him to infer d rin k, and w h ile in this attitu de the W h itela w R e id ’s father-in law, $20,- p ractice you fin d that it is qu ite easy F o r Toms River, 8.80 a . k ., and 4.00 r. m . week o f N e w Jersey, m a d e on tho day o < the date That he must raise some whiskers ere h e r e o f, Inacause w h ere in Lawrence R . Kerr Is d ay s. lie raised hlw eyes to her. d o g sits in fr o n t of his master, with 000,000; P ierrep on t M organ , $18,- t o m ove the h a n d le o f tho transmit complainant and y ou a r e defendants, y ou arere LEAVE NEW YORK O’erwbelBJod with disappointment, Sm oking and Drinking. q u ir e d to appear, p le a d , answer or d e m u r to the He was alm ost in despair F o r Toms River and intermediate stations, at h is nose p o in tin g directly a t tho flask; 000,000 ; R o b Garrett, $20,000,000 ; t e r so that t h e pen shall write b ill o f said uomplainam on or before t l i e twentv- 9.10 a . m,, week days; on Mondays and Saturdays That his chance to win the maiden THE TWIX EVILS. t h lr d day ol December next, or the s & id bill will 12.00 noon. Hung on a single h air. a t twelve o 'c lo c k the sportsman in F r e d Vanderbilt, $15,000,000; Syd le g ib ly on th e m o vin g tape. Now, be taken asconfessed against yon. Rut another way of trying, JT. R. WOOD, W. N . BANNARD, T h e »aidbill is H ie d to foreclose a. mortgage With any chance at all, Gen. Pass. Agent. Superintendent. That tob a cco is a m on g the most s ittin g on a stump, and is eating a n ey Dillon, $10,000,000; Addison whatever is w r itte n on the tape before ; l v e n by Catharine E . ColUn»(now deceased), lu Was by dressing to her taste l e r lifetime, to L iw r e n c e R. Kerr, o n land inthe In clothe« from "Tower H all.” pow erfu l n arcotic poisons which the lu n ch — tho d o g is oying tho piece Cummack, $8,000,000; John Rocka- y o u is w ritten sim ultaneously a mile tow nship of Brick, i n the County o f Ocean and ^ K N T I U L U . K . O F N E W J E R S E Y . Therefore, within his manhood’« sky s t a t e of N ew Jersey, dated the third « l a y of J u n e, There was one hope, one star. vegetable kingdom affords, is a fact o f broad w h ic h tho h u n ter has in feller, tho Standard O il man, $10,000,- o ff; or it may b e fifty miles off, on a A. I ) . 1819; and you , Lewiaanna E. Dewing, are N E W JE R SE Y S O U T H E R N D IV IS IO N . Which was, that be bisclothes could buy m a x le a parly defendant because y o n claim to At Tower lla ll Bazaar. adm itted b y a ll, and d e n ied by none h is hand. A t on e o’clock he starts 0 0 0 ; H i R ockafeller, his brother, sim ilar tape, b y a similar instrument o w n said premises ; a n d you, Charles S. Dewing, T h r o u g h C oaches t o New Y o r k —R edu ced The beautiful styles of Clothing manufactured a r e madeaparty defen dant because y o u are the bu t because men have smoked up o a t to fish t h e rest of th e day, and $8,000,000; August Delm ont, $20,- a t tho other e n d o f the w ire. The „1 such Immense quantities by GARITEB, MAST BN A A L L E N does the whole business. In said boundaries tw elve acres and ninety-two husband at said Lewisanna 8, Dewitt g, and may and chew ed up tko v ile stuff, been he takes his dog an d fishing 000,000; C yrus W. F ie ld , $10,000,- instrument is v e r y compact, and A young or old m ao dressed In one. o f the Elegant. hundredths of an acre o f land. B eing tho same Bults bought of till« well known Urm can succeed tract of land, one equal undivided one-half part Solicitor of complainant. X I m e T a b le I n e ffe c t Now. X ls t, 1 8 8 1 . preserved a n d picklod therein, war tackle, and g o e s to ' .o w a ter; at 000, Deacon S. White, m ember-elect apparently e ffic ie n t." T h e inventor in almost anything. whereof was conveyed (n fee to ffta ssld T om a River, Ocean Oountjr.N. J. MS & m M AR K ET ST., PHILADELPHIA. Charles W. »utterly by Mary W. L illie and Julia D a t e d October 22d. 1SS7. rr'sfee, $7.20, 7t6 TRAINS LEAVE TOMS RIVER ranted to k eep mummy-like to un t w o o’clock t h e dog, which is behind o f the now Congress, $7,000,000; It. is M r. John R ob ertson , an American, It. Hunting, executrices of Thomas W. Lillie, F o r NEW YO RK , Elizabeth and Newark, all deceased, by deed dated tho twenty-seventh dsy known ages, with seem ing impunity, h is master, L a s boon cau ght with P . Flow er, $0,000,000; Wash Con r a il, at T.03 and 10.07 a . m., 3.15 and 6.66 p. m . TH E SUCCESSFUL R E M E D Y Rule to L i m i t C r e d ito r s . F o r BARNEGAT, at 8.10, 11.20 A. a., 12.00 M., An Army o f Women Workers. not at loasfc dropping down dead th o hook b y an attempt t o throw in n or, Jay G ou ld ’s o ld broker, w ho rou an d 3.55 and 7.03 p. m. River, in Book No. 84 of Deeds, page 82 Ac., and Estateof Wi l l i a m i. James, deceased. F o r LAKEWOOD, EATONTOWN, RED BANK, the other equal undivided one-huli p an whereof Three m illio n women in the United from the immediate effects, corn b is lin o; at th ro e o'clock b e and his has just m arried th e divorced w ife ’ ursunnt to an o r a e r of the Su rrogate of the L O N G BRANCH, &c„ at 7.03 and 10.07 A. m ., 3.18 conveyed lu fee to the »aid Charles W.Hutunty of Ocean, m a d e on thotwenty-fifth dayof a n d 5.58 p. m. pnratively little attention lias been d o g are a ll straightened out again, o f tho ex-lottery k in g »Simmons. »States work f o r money. O f those >vciDbfr,A,D o n e thonsnnd eight hundred and F o r ATLANTIC CITY, GLASSBORO, W IL rlxty-seyen,notice ia hereby given t o L I AMSTOWN, &c., at 7.03 A. m . and 8.16 p. m . Rotulnl 1875, and recorded in the said Clerk' given the subject. W om en have a n d tho lino i s in tho w a te r ; ho has $3,000,000 ; V ictor N ow com o, $4,000,- GOO,000 are agricultural laborers, a g a in s t the estate o f William F o r VINELAND, BRIDGETON, Ac., Cumber Ottice at Toms R iver, in Book No. 84 of Deeds, se<l, late of the c o u n ty of O cea n , la n d and Maurice River R. It., at 7.03 a . m ., and i i M E M i page 84, Ac. borne w ith this, as with many b o th hands o n the p o le , and his 0 00; H en ry Hart, w h o is manipulat m ainly in tho cotton fields of the E L Y 'S CREAM HALM thesame, underoathor affirmation, to 1.10 P. M. Tract No. 3. Beginning at a stone in the east " on o r beforethetwenty-flflhday of F o r PHILADELPHIA, via "Winslow Junction, erly line of “ Tract N o . 1,” at a distance of eightyanother h a tefu l thing, puzzlin g and fo o t braced o n a stump b y tho wator's in g to injurious drugs and has no > P a cific Mail, $10,000,000; s o u t h ; G40,000 aro employed in being nine m onths f r o m th e date at 7.03 A. m. and 3.15 p . m. nine feet and eighty-four hundredths of a foot odor. and a n y creditor n e g le c t ing—... . from the northerly hue of the public road leading pondering o v e r the n e e d therefor, ed go as th o u g h ho had a tremendous O swald O ttondorfer, ed ito r o f tho manufactories, while 530,000 in tho RETURNING his o r her claim , u n d e r from Point Pleasant to the sea, and running Y „„w m » ^ c a t a r r h t h e time so linn ' but le a rn in g the list meanwhile in b ito j thence (1st) south sixty-oue degrees east leu at fo u r o'clock th o man has »Slants Z eitu n g, $5,000,000; James laundries o f th e country insist that L e av e NEW YO RK , foot of Liberty St., N. R„ h is or her a c t; M oney, ------------------- -— 1 chains and sixty links (7o i iu-too fe e t) to them ; v ia all rat), at 4.00 anti 8.15A. u „ 1.00 and 4.30 p. u. and w ith m ore sonsos than one. g o t a big fis h on his line, which has G ordon Bennett, o f tho H erald, th e “ Chinese must go ; ” 280,000 thence (2d) along the sea south seventeen degrees L e a v e NEWARK, Broad 8t., at 8.28 A. m ., 1.06 uuU tutuy mmuies west one chain and thirty-six Tim e, a n d 4,35 p. m. T h ey have h ad their ro o m s and thoir pulled him o f f his foot, a n d ho falls on $10,000,000; Austin Corbin, $30, a re milliners an d 200,000 find om Jinks (»P84-1DU feet) to the northerly line of the O a t e d Nov. 25,18H7. Leave PHILADELPHIA, Pier 8South Wharves, public road aforesaid ; thence (3d) along the Delaware River, at 7.40 a . si., 4.00 p. m. clothing saturated w ith smoko, have th e dog and doubles him a ll up, but 000,000; Erustus W im an , $3,000, ploymont as d ressm akers; 00,000 P a i n , same nortli sixty-one degrees west ten cuains Leave ATLANTIC CITY, at 8.15 a . m . and 3.50 and sixty links (702 24-10« feet) to a stone; thence T r o u b le , boon sickened by th e nauseating tho man is b o ld in g fast t o tho pole, 000. earn thoir b re a d in the tailor shops (4th) north seventeen degree» and thirty minutes O C E A N COON T V Leave RED BANK, at 6.4G and 9.66 A. m ., 2.38 AND WILL CURB east Okie chain and thirty-six links (89 84-100feet) a u d 5.48 p. H. breath o f th e tobacco user, at homo, which is b e n t almost dou folo; at five an d 690,000 a r e saleswomen, teach to the place of beginning. Containing within Leave LONG BRANCH, N. J. 8., at 0.38 and The Value o f Pearls said boundaries one acre aud twenty-ffya h u n 9,50 A. Jf., 2,25 and 6.30 P. M. on tlio street, evorywhoro. E ntering o ’clock ho i s all straightened out R E A L E S T A T E A G E N C Y . ers, telegraph operators, typewriters, dredths of an acre of laud. B eing the same Leave EATONTOWN, at 0.54and 10.05A. m ., 2,45 T h e valuation o f a pearl depends bookkeepers, typesetters and nurses^ tract of land which Charles W. M ason and wife a n d 6.88 P.M. public buildings they have bad to a g a in ; his p o lo is throw n across 196 acres of unimproved land, suitable for conveyed In fee to tb e said Charles W. Sullerly Leave LAKEWOOD, at 7 35 and 10.45 A. m ,, 3,20 IS y i i s i i i R by deed dated tbe tweuty-llrst duy o f December, t r u c k or farming, 4 miles f r o m Barncgat. a m i 6.80 p . m. pick th oir way as b e s t they could his shoulder, and with h is fish in the upon its size, shape, color, b rig h t T h ere aro 2500 female physicians. Anno Domini 1874, and recorded in the Clerk’s S o i l loamand e a s i l y cleared. Leave MANCITE8TER, at 7.55, 11.05 and 11,10 Office of Ocean County, at Toms Itiver, In Book am ong th e spittoons th a t mot thorn other hand ho starts o u t for homo, ness and freedom from defects. 600 acres, In clu d in g farmof 40 a c r e s cleared, A . M., 3.40 and 6.48 p. m . _____________________ E L Y ’S No. 78 of Deeds, page 286, Ac. Leave BARNEGAT, at 0.25 and 9.30 A. M., 1,80 I io u s e and out-buildings, 9 milts fro m Baruc¡lucklen’s Arnica Salve. Seized aBthe property of the South Ward Build g a t . Soil of g o o d loam. at every tu rn , after v a in ly trying to the dog fo llo w in g beh in d with his T h e m ost valuable p earls are thogq 2.40 and 6.20p. m . CREAM B A L M , H A Y - F E V E R ing and Loan Association No. 2, of Camden, N. J., J . H. OLIIAUSEN, 1 0 acres of u n im p r o v e d land 3 ='a mile from Tbe best salve iu the world for cuts, Ground, tho keep th eir skirts fro m contact w ith head h an gin g down, b e in g tirod out. which aro p e r fe c tly "■ et al8., defendants, and taken in execution at the Gen’lSup’t. E L Y 'S CREAM HALM suit ot The Trustees for the Support of Public B a rn e g a t, a d j o in i n g Tuckerton t ta ilr o a d . H . P. BALDWIN. tho accompanying filth . All those T h o man’s nam o is also painted in bcuton, nr ^fitton-shaped pearls rank bruieoH, Bores, ulcers, milt rheum, fever In not a liquid, snuff or powder. Applied into School»of New Jersey, complainants, and t'o be 60 acres of la n d mile from v illa g e o f llarGea’l Pass. Ag’t, sold hr n e g a t, 20acres c le a re d , set with fr u it; house, disgu sting things have women homo, tho centro o f tho dial in rustic l e f t s ’ next, and then cornos the drop o r sores, totter, chapped hands, chilblains, nostrils is qu ickly absorbed. I t cleanses the GEORGE H. HOLMAN, Sheriff. b a r n andgrape b ou s e . Beautiful view of bay corns and all skin eruptions, and posi head. Allays inflammation. Heals the sores. W illiam Y. Johnson , Solicitor. a n d ocean. r j U C K E R T O N R A IL R O A D . con siderin g thorn inevitable, thinking Tlii# dialroiloeta a g m t -.’ ¿ ¡ j 0f credit pear-shaped pearl. P e rfe c tly round Dated Nov. 22, 1887. l*r’a fee, $21.60. House and lo t o f acre ¡a t h e village of tively cures piles, or no pay required. Restores the senses o f tasteand. smell. W cents T o take e ffe c t M on day, Oct. 3 , 18 8?. tho use o f tobacco a lu xu ry they m ust upon Barnegat, on B a y street; 8 r o o t n s , good well Mr. Charles Clejor. pearls, o ver twenty iiv o grains in I t in guaranteed to give perfect satis at druggists ; by mail, registered, 60 cents. o f water, Trains from BEACH HAVEN, BARNEGAT CITY not so lfish ly deny th o se for whom weight, a re extrem ely scarce and E L Y BRO TH ERf 10 acres of la D d , house and b a r n lathe vil faction, or m oney refunded. Price 25 'I'S '-iiK u ro V I is superseded by the and TUCKERTON to PHILADELPHIA l a g e of Baraogat. Pleasantly situated, aud they are supposed to havo vow'‘ £ *£o secure h igh prices. T h e y aro gre a tly cent« per box. For sale by 0. B. Office, 235 Greenwich St., N. Y, City. No <>|ioratimi or delay t'rftm business. Tested liyhundred! n e a r the bay. and NEW YORK. seconds,— Jewelry News. of cnrei. Jfnlfl office, 631 Areli St., Phil*. 8oui lot eireaLeave Beach Haven at 7.00 A. M. and 3.00 p, M, sufler a ll things. N - « / ’ i1QW0vori 22 acres of l a n d , partly c le a r e d , good for sought a fter to fo rm the centro o f M athis._____ ^ ________ lyl8 lars and bran hoffices. Leave Tuckerton at 7.20 a. m„ and 3.18 p. m. S h e riff’s S a le . Leave Barnegat City at 6 04 a . m . and 12 w. Many appliances and treatments for thecure of cranberry bog a u d partly In n a tu ra l vine, 2 nocklaces, and largo pearls o f this thoir oyos^ b e ir^ op en ed to tho fa ct F ir s t Run on a Bank. from B arn egat, Leave Harvey Cedars at 0.16 A. m. and 12.14 r. V. I give honor to whom it is due. Dr. r V IltT lJ E OF i W R IT OF FI. FA., rupture are advertised, built certainly must oe m iles If) acres of l a u d , 2 miles f r o m Barnegat, Leave Tuckerton at 7.20 a . m . and 8.18 p. u. character a re safe an d very profitable David Kennedy’ s Favorite Remedy cured __ Issued out o f the Court of Chancer, of the accepted as true that the moat reliable testimony thaL ! 9 - l0C° nustaius a very clo se suitable for fr u it, etc. Tho extravagan t lu xu ry of the Leave Meat Creek at 7.27 a . m. and 3.25 p. m. State of New Jersey, and to me directed, I will must come train people who are In a position to Leave Mannahawkln at 7.40 a . m ., and 3.38 r .«, speak from experience. Following are a few investments. Now discoveries o f d ia 10 building l o t s iu the village o f Barnegat. sell at public vendue, on me of Bright’s disease aud Gravel. Four relation to , and is th o creator o f a n court of C h arles the Second, com Leave Barnegat at 7.62 a . m ., and 8.60 r. u. letters selected from many thousands of a similar Also agency f o r the Bale o f Harvey Cedar T U E S D A Y , December 2 0 , 1887, Arrive at Whitings, 8.23 a . m ., and 4.21 p. u. recolved from people who haye been lo t s on Long B e a c h , opposite B arn egat; and appetite f o r the ovil th in g tlioy havo bined w ith its utter w a n t o f p rin mond fields havo b o fo ro now bo la rg e ly o f tho best physicians bad failed to At the hotel o f Cowdrlck A Cook, In the village of character, cured: RETURNING River, in tho County of Ocean and State of July to, 18S7. This Is tn c e rtify that 2 was f o r the been mo lo n g and so faithfully o p ciple and in dipnoi ty t.n carry on tho increased tho supply o f diamonds that relieve mo. I have recommended it to Toms Leave New York, (Philadelphia and Reading New Jersey, between the hours of 12 and a Through Dr. J. B, M ayer’s treatment German A m erica n Fire Insurance Co., scores of p e « p l« with like RnooosH. aud o'clock p v , on said «lay, the following described ruptured. Railroad) at 4.00 a . m„ and 1.00 p, m. 1 am completely cured, and recommend Ills posing, a n d when tb o y find th e ir memorable contest w ith Holland, those gem s are by n o means steady in Leave Philadelphia, (Pennsylvania Railroad), Rea! Estate : P h o e n ix I n s u r a n c e « Co., treatment, Joseph Wolf, Justice of the i'uttoe, know it will cu re all who try it.— Mrs. 1s.iO a . and 4.00 r. «, boys a tta in in g tho m an ly dignity o f produced t h o first run u pon bunkers price. O th er discoveries may again All that tract- or parcel "f land and premises, Ciarksboro, N. J. OF* fA>*D<m, a n d Leave Whitings, at 10.06 A. m ., and 5.38 p . m. My son was ruptured from birth until 7years E. P. Mizuer, B u rg Hill, O. Send 2-o. hereinafter particularly described, situate, lying causo a fa ll in value, b u t the source o f Leave Barnegat at 10.40 A. m ., and 6.12 p. m. Hmokiug a n d chewing almost as soon that evor w a s made. and being In Jhe TowuBlilp of Brick, In the County old. 1 took him to doctors, tried many trusses, Shrewsbury Mutual In su ran ce Co., T h o extrava Leave Mannahawkln at 10.BI a . m., and 6.23 stamp to D r. Kennedy, Handout, N. Y ., of had him at hospitals and at the University of Ocean and State of New Jersey. Situated on Of i^atontow ii, N * J . P . M. as tho firs t pair of b o o ts is drawn on, gance of t h e court had dissipated a ll supply o f pearls is fa r more closely for book how to cure Kidney, Liver and the north side o f aud near the south branch of Penn., with no relief, growing worse until 1took Leave West Creek at 11.03 a . m ., and 6.35 f . m, EvorgreenBof a l l varieties a t one-half price. Metedeconk R iver, andnear Caleb Miller's farm, him to Dr. J. B. Mayer, sal Arch St., Phils., for Arrive at Tuckerton, 11.10 a . m., and 0.42 p . m, they can n ot longer rem ain Bilont a n d tho moans which' parliam ent had sealed, and the difficulties attendant Blood Disorders. Mention this paper. He gave him ease at once and Address EMMOB- li. WJLL8, and was returned to Joseph G rover. Beginning j treatment. Arrive at Harvey Cedars at 11.19 a . m ., and 7.14 at a crooked white oak truo marked on four sides entirely cured him. William b l x , 7820Montrose “1 Barnegat, N. J. upon the prosecution o f pearl fish in g P . M. inactive. with a blaze and three notches, standing at the St., l’lilla. Sworn May 28,1887. Joseph McKin supplied f o r tho purpose of carrying Arrive at Barnegat City at 11,82 a . m ., and 7,58 head at u siuali biahcit patting out on the west ney. Notary. are as g ro a t us its disappointm ents, p. M. April 21,1886. Dr. J. u. Mayer, D bahSib;— A ll h o n o r to tho N o w Jersey S e n on offen sive hostilities. I t was Hide of tho Bouth branch of Metedeconk Hiver, Arrive at Beach Haven at 12.82 a . m ., and 7,00 about ten cnam s to me nornumst rrora naroerB M“ > aeo l received a severe rupture. 1 risks and uncertain character aro P. M . came under your treatment and got unseat uuoe. old field, and about eighteen chains to the north ate and Assembly, w h ich havo passed finally determ ined to wage on ly from Slab B ridge ; thence running as the needle Upon being examined by th" Board of Physician« deterrent to tbe w ould-be explorer. Manufacturer and D e a l e r la T U C K E R T O N R A IL R O A D C O M P A N Y For pooplo to o x poet a euro for Indiges pointed In the year lsis (1) south thirty-live o i the United states Pension Department, a b ill t o prevent th o sale o f c ig a r defensive w a r ; but o ven for that the degrees west, eleven chains; thence (2) south January 0, 1886, no trace ot rupture could be OPKBATINQ THB There is, indeed, n o prospect o f tion, unless th ey refrain from eating ettes to minors under sixteen y e a rs vast resou rces of E n glan d w ere twenty-four degrees cast sixteen chains ; thence found. J can safe]/ say thanks to your treat L O X O B EA C H R 4 IL H O A D . what in u n w holesom e; but If anything (3) north »Ixty-thrco ilegrccB east forty chains ment, ub I am entirely cured. pearl fishing b e in g increased t o Yours, A. G. Foster, 1134 o f age, making Buoh sale an offen se found insufficient. Tho Dutch and eighty-five links; thence (4) north elghty-two will sharpen th o appetite and give tone TRAINS BETWEEN BARNEGAT C IT Y AND degrees west thirty-seven chains to the beginning. Frank Deamer, 17 North Third ............. any g re a t extent, n o r are the h abits HAY and STR A W , punishable by fine o r imprisonment. insulted t h e British co u rt, sailed up to tho d ig e s tiv e organa, It is A y e r’ s S a r TUCKERTON. Containing fifty seres and thirtv-one hundredths. W . N. Lcinbach, Leinbach P. O., Berks Co., Pa, o f the m other o f p e a rl oysters lik e ly Being the same tractor land th at was conveyed II. E. Laugrehr, WilUamstown, N . J. Leave Barnegat City at 6.04* and 12.00J a . k , sap arilla. Thousands all over tho land M A R L , LIME, Th is b ill w as the e ffe c t o f ft sin gu la r tho T h a m es, took Sheernoss and to the said Elisha 8. Merrlman by Thomas DeBow John Walker, 3,033 Nortli Fifth St., riitla. RETURNING to alter and render th o formation o f testify to th o merits of this medicine. Tims. B. l/artiing, New Biaggofd, Pa. by deed dated 6th o f February, laH. LAND P L A S T E R instance o f the e ffe c ts of c ig a ro tte carried t h e ir ravages to Chatham. Lcqve Tuckerton at 5.00* and lo.20t a . m, and William W. Lee. 1747 Frankford Avenue, Phlla. Mrs. Sarah Burroughs, of 248 Eighth Seized as the property of Elmyra H. Merrlman, 8.5051. M, pearls a less rare occurrence. ct ala., defendants, and taken in execution at the A. D. Goldsworthy, Centralia, Columbia, Co. sm oking developed in Jersey C ity . Tho blazo o f the b u rn in g ships was street, South Boston, w rites; " M y hus Biilt A F E R T IL IZ E R S . C. Pipher, 1U8 South Third St., Reading, Pa. of James D. Holman, complainant, and to be O. Israel Bandt, Main St., Bouth Easton, Pa. T R A IN S B E T W E E N B E A C H H A V E N AND band has ta k e n Ayer's Sarsaparilla, fo r sold by T h o son o f n w e ll known J e rs e y soon in L o n d o n ; it w as rumored Left Handedness. Marth lluber, Blrd-ln-hand, Pa. Office near X e ^ Jersey So u th e rn Depot, CUAHLKS I.. HOLMAN, Sheriff. TUCKERTO N. Dyspepsia an d torpid liver, and has J. UOIERS BlHVSALL, Solicitor. D. J. Delict, yl4 South Twelfth St., Reading. politician wftB desirous of e n te rin g that a f o r e ig n army had landed at Leave Beach Haven at 7.U0Ja . m,, and 3,oo( p,ir, F . T. Benny, 604 South 9th St., Phlla. t o m s it m r ic , - S r. j , Thoro is strong reason for b o liev boon g reatly benefited.” Dated Nov. 15, 188T. r r ’a fee, 18.04. L. A. Hamilton, 2111 Franklin St.. Phlla. RETURNING the Annapolis N a val Academy, h a d Gravesend, and m ilitary men serious Jacob c.Schaut, 952 North Tenth St., Phlla. ing that what is n o w the cause o f Marl ii Lime bytheCaror Wagon Load. J. 0. Ouimby, 229 Pearl St., Reading, Pa, passed In s examination, but ho w a s ly p rop osed to abandon tho Tow er. ___________________ _______________ IjM A. 8. Kleingenna, Limekiln, Berks Co„ I’a, tho preference fo r tho righ t h and Cliaa. Smith, 412 Greenwich St., Phlla. C. Canterbury, of 141 Franklin st. rejected on tho g ro u n d of j^bysicnl Tho p e o p le , accustomed to tlio TRAINS BETWEEN BEACH HAVEN AND J. C. Lyme, 346 S. 14th St , Harrisburg, Pa, was origin ally an effect. N e ith e r Boston, M ass., writes, that, suffering BARNEGAT CITY. G. W. watt. Norristown, Pa. J A M E S S. H T T L M E , d isab ility. It was found that th o secure r e ig n of C rom w ell, wore in the apes nor any o th er of the lo w e r The cabinet organ was A. K. Hereshey, Hereshcy House, navrlsburg. for years fro m Indigestion, he was at Leave Beach Haven at a . m„ 7.10} p, m. M a n u fa c tu re r o f f Introduced iu Its present F. G. Roaslter. Phoenlxvllle, Pa. gla n d « o f his th roat had been d e s consternation. Tho m oneyed portion last induced to try A y e r's Sarsaparilla RETURNING animals show a Rimilur inclination I form by Mason * Hamlin S. Jones Phillips, Kcnnctt Square, Pa. Leave Barnegat City at e,04| a . m„ and I9.00t m. and, liy its use, was entirely cured. ___________________ • In 1861. Other makers Theodore Matthes, 904 West Y o rk St,, Phlla. troyed a n d his tonsils eaten away o n of the com m u nity w e re seized w ith a for the Bpecial nso o f the right lim bs. followed In tlie manufacture nr these Instruments J. Price, W aynesboro, Pa. tt « J - J- PR ARO, Superintendent. Mrs. Josep h A »bin, o f High street, account o f excessive cigarette s m o k panic. T h e country was in danger, but the Mason & Hamlin Organs havo always John Yales, 424 v in e St., Phlla. H. N, QJLSON, Gen. Pass. A g ’t. Heat Boards a n d Plank, I t is a purely hum an attribute» and Holyoke, M i « « suffered for over a y ea r maintained their supremacy as the best in the A. H. McNaight, Lewiston, Pa. * Runs Mondays only. I n c h U n a rtls , S i d i n g , ing. W e ll authenticated instances London it s e lf m igh t be invaded. world. • tRuns Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays from D yspepsia, so that she could no t probably arose grad u ally from th e Mason & Hamlin offer, as demonstration of the N.Hhoup, 4th * Hin’gnman Sts.’ Reading,Pa. N liln g ic g , R . n i i i , P ic k e tt* , o f lik e ten o r might b o quoted a lm o s t What s e c u r ity was th e re tlion for tho cat substantial food, became very w eak , unequalled excellence of their organs, the fact Ernest Fatignet, 2021 Lawrence St., Phlla, t Runs Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and F e n c e P o s ts a n d • t a i l i n g , use by th e earliest races o f men o f that at all o f the great World’s Exhibitions, since H. L. Rowe, 309 Elm fit., Reading, Pa. Saturdays only. and was u n ab le to caro for her fam ily. Fence Hall«* sand Slakes, w ithout number, b u t it is to tb e money advanced t o tlio Crown ? that of 1‘ aris, 1867. In competition with best s. T. Sooy, Mantua, Gloucester o o „ N, J, tbe r ig h t arm in fighting, while th e Neither th o medicines prescribed by makers of all countries, th ey have Invariably J. M. Lutz, 926 West Huntingdon St., Phlla. Y a c h t Knee* a n d Frames, direct influence w h ich the use o f Tho p e o p le flocked t o their debtors taken the highest honors. Illustrated catalogues Z. K. Danenhower, 2218 Fatrhill St,., Phlla. physicians, nor any o f tho remedies T d eg raxati Poles, left arm was roserved to cover th e Jacob Dambach, Jr., 2212 Lawrence 8t., l’hlla. free. tobacco exerts in th e formation o f and d em an ded thoir deposits. L o n advertised f o r the euro ot Dyspepsia, H o p Poles, JLc. Mason & Hamlin’s piano Peter Burkhart, 1162 Green St.. Heading, Pa. loft Bide o f the b o d y, where w ounds, Stringer was Introduced in Kd, J. Shcesley, Steelton, Dauphin Co., Pa, helped h er, until bIio commenced tho the a lcoh ol habit th a t we wish t o don now witnessed th o first run upon ■ them in 1882, and has been George Lecher, 2231 Hesse St.. Pa. as their experience showed, w e re use o f A y e r 's Sarsaparilla. "T h r e e M ill and S w a m p alongside t h e track of th e 1 pronounced by experts the John H.Schearer, Yellow House, Berks Co., P a . direct attention. D r . John L in a rs , tho bankers. •• greatest Improvement in 1 refer you to any of the above people, all o f Taekerfon R a ilro a d at bottles o f th is m edicine," she writes, most dangerous. Those who n e g P aten t Fafety pianos in half a century." whom are permanently cured. Scud for circular, M A M N A IU W K IN , I, ly 2 o f E n gla n d , says : “ Smoking, e v e n Tho fe a r s of tho people, however, "cured m e.” X TLN iìLISliE R A circular, containing testimonials from three Ac., to niaia office, 831 Arch St., Phlla, lected this precaution would bo m o st hundred purchasers, musicians and tuners, sent, in w hat is called a m oderate d e g r e e , proved groundless, fo r tho g o ld Cleanly. together w ith descriptive catalogue, to any ap likely to bo killed ; and hence in th e OCEAN C O U N T Y A G E N C Y plicant. is to sa y the least o f it in d ire c tly smiths, n s tho bankers wore then Pianos and Organs sold for cash or easy pay lapse o f time, th e natural su rvival FMCrAREO BT * 4 IIF F IK ments ; also reined, injurious, more especially to th e called, m e t all demands that w ere Dr. J. O. Ayer it Co., Lowell, Mas«. of would make the human race in young, because it is not denied its made u p o n them. Price $1; « i t bottle«, $5. Worth |5 a bottle. Confidence was O IL , Officers o f the Load Union. PUKSIDKNT S Mrs. C. J. Majory. VICE-l*m58IDENT3 ! Methodist, M rs. Dr. Webb, Miss A. Uoffora; Baptist, Mrs. Lewis Shinn; Presby terian, Mrs. G. T . Crook. BECOBDIKO AND COBHESrOXDI WO BECJlETAItT! Mias M. P. Rogers. THBA8UHEB : Miss Florence Fisher. BUPEIUHTBKPXNTH : Sunday School. Mrs. Reuben P o tter; Litera ture, Mrs. Emcliue M. Rogers : Preua work, Mrs. G. T . C ro o k ; Evangelistic work, Mr«. D r. Webb; Health and Heredity, Mrs. C oiiard ; Law, Miss Florence F ish er; Local Agent for W . T . P. A., Mrs. Emellne M. Rogers. motto : “ For God and Homo and Native Land." PLEDGE: I promise, God helping me, to abstain from all fermented, distilled and m alt liquors, In cluding wme, beer aud cider, and to employ all proper means to discourage the use of aud traffic lu the same. PLAN OP WORK tOlt DECEMBER. December 1st, Business Meeting ; Dcccmbor 8th, Alcohol as a household rem edy; Decem ber 15th, Heading on Cider ; December 23d, delected lieu d lu gs, December 21)tb, Bible Readings. { M T A lt R I I . CATARRHj ..._ G. HARRY AUHACK, It is A bsurd GRAIN, F L O U R , F E E D , MEAL, A Confirmed Dyspeptic. MAS 0N&HAMLIN ORGANS,; 7.oot CEDAR LUMBER. M a c h in e Surface Planing. PIANOS, Ayer’s Sarsaparilla, H u n S, Hamlin H su & Organ Company, genernl “ right handed,” w ith o c nctB as an inducement to d rin k in g, restored b y royal proclamation that casional reversions, o f course, b y thus becoming the source o f in t e m tho d em an d s on tho exchequer should “ atavism ,’’ to th e left handed, o r perance and all its accom panying be m a d e ns usual, and tbe run m ore properly, th e am bidextrous evils.” Another E nglish physician collapsed. condition. T h o m ore frequent and s a y : “ T h e proverbial drunkenness energetic, use o f the righ t lim b s O rig in of the Sabbath. o f ou r countrymen can only b e a r j would o f course rea ct upon the b ra in , rested b y laying th e axo at the r o o t The e a r ly Christians observed th e i and b rin g about the excessive d e o f th o superinducing cause— th e first d a y o f tho wook in commemora- i velopm ent of th o le ft lobe, such as thirst, creating p o w ers of tobacco." tion o f C hrist's resurrection. T h e y 1 now generally obtains. S m o k in g tends t o produce a huskv also o b s e rv e d tbe Jew ish Sabbath ir» ness o f tho m outh which colls fo r a c c o rd a n c e with custom. A fte r som e liquid. W a te r is too in sip id , as they b e c a m e quite numerous th ey th e n erves of ta s te are in a h a lf began to neglect the Jewish p a ra lyzed state fr o m the influ ence o f day, c o n fin in g th e ir observance to to b a cco smoke; hence, in o r d e r to the o th e r , which th ey called the e vils ? in b oth hands an d carries no w h ip . H e manages L\is horses en tirely b y very d ro ll to p e o p le whose coachm en m en t o smoke in your presence, or guide Brace Up. Why d o you allow a g e n t le Ton a re feeling doprws&l, your appe whitr A Driver in Russia. Inter-Ocean. ladies, why do y o n countenance th ese KIRKS A d river in R u ssia holds tho rein s talking to them, an d if he b elo n g s to b e ta sted , an a rticle o f a p u n g e n t or Lord's day. In t h e year 321 tho an aristocratic fam ily, be never raises stim u latin g character is reso rted to, E m p ero r Constantine officially his voice a b o ve a w ell-b red and hence the kindred h abits o f recogn ized tbe day b y an edict o rd e r tone. H is talk, however, is curious. sm o k in g and drinking. ing th a t all work should cease on it I f tb e horses g o w e ll, he praises and Y o u n g men, w h y is i t th a t you except necessary husbandry. The flatters them, c a llin g them all s o r ts o f a lio w these two e v ils to creep in to E m p ero r Theodosius about 382 affectionate nam es : but if they are yo u r characters, in ju rin g you rselves, ordered th at all le g a l business should lazy, it is q u ite d ifferen t; h e then distressin g your friends, even con be put a sid e on th a t day. So it came tam inating } our otherwise in n ocen t to be t h e one day o f r e s t for Christians. scolds them ron u dly, shames th em and calls hard names. I t sounds and harmless am usem ents? Y o u n g — almost en tirely by rem s an d whip and scarcely open their lip s. sm ile upon him when his b r e a th is |t',e ** P ° ° r. yon »re bothered with head SALE FOR TAXES. Tlio only brand o f Laundry Soap awarded a first class medal at the ftew Orleans Exposition. Guaran* toed absolutely pure, and for general household purposes is the very best SOAR Cure for the Deaf. ]%TOTICE is hereby given that by virtue off a lw warrant issued by J. P . Haywood. M. v\illlls and 8. P . Cranmer, th e Township C o m mittee of the Township of Eagleswood, in t h e County or Ocean, to make the unpaid t a x e s assessed on lands, tenements, hereditaments a n d real estate lu the said township in the years is s fv and im , the subscriber, Collector of Taxes f o r the said township will, on Thursday, th e 15th d a y ofberem be: next, between 12 m. and 6 p. m „ at the hotel o t OXIA S O R T 1). Abrahams, in West Creek, tn said township, soil the lands, tenements, hereditaments and r e a l estate hereunder described a t public vendue, f o r the shortest term not exceeding thirty vears f o r which any person or persons will agree to t a k e Highly Recommended as a nightcap instead of the same ami pay such taxes w ith Interest th ere o n alcoholic drinks. at the rate o f twelve per centum from the 2«ttti of December, A. I). 1885-8«. together with — G e n u in e only with t h e tar-sim lle o f day costs, fees, charges and expenses; B aron l. f e h ig S sfgn n tu re In tilue n r r o * * No. 1. lab el. Culver A W right, tax due tor 1885, *®o ,S7 Sold by storekeepers, Grocers and Druggists. Description.— Land on ^ on g Beach fr o m ^ U e end of township line to the Thomas Jones p r o p erty, now called the Peah&la club House. No. 2. LjiH Anderson, tax due for I8S6, 3.07 llouse and lot in Spraguetown. No. 3. I’Utah L. Cranm er. tax due 1886, 5 .7 4 Agents to Sell Beset iptlon.— House and lot in welt creek. No. 4. th o HISTORY e f John Warren, tax due, 3 .06 Description.— Lot at Beach Haven. No. 8. Daniel Shinn, tax due, Description.— Honse and lot in West Creek, Payment must be made before the conefTsrrfpa of the sale, otherwise the property will be i m mediately resold. Ä T L S lS Witness m y hand this 14th day of Nor., IS S 7 . ‘ “-ÍH Ä*« «0 . CRANMER, f i e l t Pr’s fee, 110.44. JOSEPH W Collectot of T a x « « . LIEBIG COMPANY’S EXTRACT of MEAT ¡¡m n it t i (m ini by Eiron Liebig. Tfhnted BLACK PHALANX, Peck’* Patent Improved Cushioned Ear Drums PERFECTI.V RENTORK the HIARIES, TCry chMp M wh„ keJ. to their customers of so many free trial drink and tobacco! Surely n o gen j10a which „timnUte ,„u hr u boor, bottles d Dr. K in g’« Sew Discovery for tleman who invites & lady to attend sod then leave yon in some condition : Consumption. Their trade is simply these with him, means to snbject her fhtn betöre. What you want isau alter- mormons in this very vslnable article to insult or even annoyance; and:*hve that will parity your blood, start from the [set that it always eurea and v e t th e atmosphere of tobacco, aad b« lu>T « t ™ of Liver and Kidneys, ! never disappoints. Coughs, oohla, asth the evidenees o f drink, a re both “ d rive renewed ma, Bronchitis, Croup, and all throat , ,, , health and strength. Suc-h a medicine long diseases quickly cured. Ton can a n t ^ o y m e a n d a n t e r t to every m w iil „ EIaeUlc BitUn, L y j b y geriingat^ lady present The seemingly small only SO cents s bottle it a R Mathis', bottle free, large eiae $1. Every bottle — “ — I of eociol etiquette a rc bat ’ Drag Store. 8 f warranted. 3 L . . . . - £2,000,000. Prompt, Honorable. S H it fii * c l i n e , A Rente, R e lia b le , GOWDY B LO CK, T o m a Eirer, E . J . For insurance tn the lower p a r t of Ocean cou n tMackertim snd vicinity, a p p l y to COURTNEY 0. CARR, Mannahawkln. N. J . 3 ^ESTABLISHED JO YXAL3, G. © . PAIL.ACER, «'HOLESA L E COMMISSION MERCHANT, FOR TDK 9AL.SC OP F R U IT S AN0 P R O D U C E , IF YOXJ W A N T THJ3 MUST, Cranben-ie*». Prnrhr«. «w re e tP o ta to e s , t c g e t a b l m , P o u l t r y , Butter, Eggs, f e e . , 166 R ea d e St., N e w York, Skipping C a r d s and Stencils s e n t onapplication. Returns se n t dally. Referen«-es-Leadlng banka aadmerchants of NewJ e rs e y . g Send for catalogue and Information of the OLD RELIABLE lir a BUSIESCOLLEGE AND THE B A R G A IN B O O K S T O R E . SEND F O R 6 R D D C H B LOGUE o f f H O l i m Y a n «! •t M A R YE K X H 6LY L O Y * « U L T E M S to » U W and LIBBLJIKIES. M r H A L E , R RO K» 1 and 9 d on rtla n d t a n ItwTJfJS C A T A J im n lle B o o ic s r P R IC B 8. L 1 B D A Y SCH O O LS SCHOOL OF SHORTHAND, MA8QMIC T E M P LE , T R E N T O N , K, J. It d e e« m o r e th o ro u g h w o r k and helm any other. Address, t o R ood P ositions than Open Sept. 1. E i i CO., ■«et,New Y o r k . a. J. RIDER, Principal, ly«l ■ COLEMAN ¡HE Newark, N. J . L A D IE S A B V K S A R E O F FE R E R plain needle work at thetr own homes (town or conntrv) byswholcvwTehonae Profitable, fennlne Good pay can be made. Everything furnished. Fsrncnlara free. A-Mress ARTISTIC NEEDLE WORK CO., i s fltt 8L, New York d ry . Of L iv e r p o o l a n d London. Capital, C O L L E G E , EPPS’S COCOA s GRATEFUL-COMPORTING. QUEEN INSURANCE COMPANY c< s* l i v e a t home a u d m ake more m o n e y ? L T r > r k ,r,0T ” anjthing e ls e i n t h is w o r ld . C apital n o t needed; y o n a r e r i' ,*H *fe* . A n y fiwtfMtT Costly oHtflt an* 1 terms tree. B e t te r not delay. ____ _____ Costs joo p o tm n g to send as y o u r Pursuant t o an order of th e Orphan’s C o a r t of address an d find out; if y o u are wfteIyots'w w i fi i soat o n c e . H . HALLETT * C O the County o f Ocean, made on the ««Tenth d a v of doHU Portland, M ain e . September, 1» * . Lydia A . Smith, Administratrix of Charles Smith, deceased, will sell at m jh lic vendue, on th e premises, a t Open aU the year. N ation al m tronare. ( O C A ^ E F .K and upwerds posltlvelv sej Z j £ qrtK ! by men »s e n ti seJliog ~ m r. Best course of Business Training. Leant e x FROSPERTOW N , N.J„ Pikantest ® » t r s G e n u in e Eterne B e l t . pensive f a tfame sind m oney. Indorsed by thousands of graduates On S a tu r d a y , D e c em b e r * 4, i s s w , enwory. and othw eqppliances. Sampies vn„ '»h~ ~ °5,'T origina! andgennme. t'U8'Dewœeno* the At 1o’clock r the following real estate o ff the So himbug. DR. SCOTT, S44 Broadway, N . Y ? late Charles Smith : ■ whether deafness Is caused by colds, fevers or Injuries to the natural drums. AlwtTS in posi tion, b u t i n » Uittie t « at hers and coaiiVwiAUe to wear. Music, conversation, even whispers, heard distinctly. We rarer to those using them. ™ tL to. F- " W ® * . * « > «rw iw s y , cor. Uth Bl , N ew York, for Illustrated book o f proofs Their Bus) nets? Booming. s tr o n g with d rin k ? W hy is i t that |,che* ? cn ,rp nervous, and , ! generally ont of sorta, and wont to brace Probably no one thing has caused e v e r y sailing i»a r ty upon the r iv e r . •, . * up. Brace nj\ but n ot with stimulants fnch a general revival of t rade at . B. freeevery social ga th erin g in th e to w n , ‘ . .. : ' J 6 6 spring medicines, or bitters, which have Mathis’ Drug Store as their giving away mast b*T8 these smrnpetiiments of |(ot ,heir EAGLESWOOD TOWNSHIP. ____________________ ____ Cnamei j-<w Bay» ta k e a ywar. topsorco a w e A a=d roo lav?the f i -‘‘tu-'l «tore In tho trocM For *»kbj all Orneen and Stove D«*letv E M M ü S lit im a w* “ sad »ot*«. *n-l dim<M «■Ttaosuon. The feebiw1 .«gMri«» Ofrw w, *> mk I ffevvtr tfcwrtr ¿rifting »1 if » m — _ _ _ ---ÍSB4AI--------itH -- - - D U d k b---“ k a M »— lg tmteJ»ii*ofFVk*rt» Gm?«rTc«ic.b«td«te7 tofeoo » I d » ata . It fa iarahabie tor pates •ad bowtte. M art Drwnfaia All that certain tract of old Umber c o n titi»in * ■‘ a PS' S ™ 1* " " » w w ij « - I - »? the UawMn Road, near Prospertown, in FMi io ® « * canvassera fo t Dr. Scotti Gemmine Electric B e lt à . Brnshes.*0 Lx>dv stead Township, Ocean coauty. Bounded cm aomb by land of J>*a Btireu, e t« by L s r r « ___ Menta w a n te d for Bectric C orata. Q& * «riti at o n c e for terms. ' KrrteSon m *Bd west by lM,1s 0* J o w p i •____________ DR. SCOTT, 8*4 Broadway, H Y 8*id woodland will be sold ln.lota to suit p u cB4« r8L Y D IA A. SM ITH , Administra t r i x , _ „ Merchantvtlle. T *. J. T. Morris W als . Attorney. S f œ * ? C B  a flo S 0^ , 1»- Saeta S tre e t, Pr’sfee. Ss» York. '^ s g s g u r M ______________ Manager. ISO t - L È G E 2 J 0_MM E R CE rur . bhy * n t V _ - ^ b t r * tton VEIL ABELFEUA. ÏÎ w w fi. w m a m stracti tr iln «f n h ~ ' ___________ _ h th fi m* prtuTiT