September 13, 2015 - St. Mary Magdalen Catholic Church
September 13, 2015 - St. Mary Magdalen Catholic Church
La Madeleine Water Well Professionals, LLC 14324 LA Hwy 330 Abbeville, La (337)-385-2558 This Space is Available! ____________________________________ 209 S. St. Charles Street, Abbeville 893-4661 TRICIA H. LEGE, O.D. Therapeutic Optometrist 204 N. St. Charles, Abbeville 337-740-2020 Compliments of Mr. & Mrs. Joe Berberich and Colby Providing Insurance and Financial Services TERRI LANDRY 893-9122 THOMAS Richard A. Broussard Since 1945 893-5515 312 S. State All Forms of Insurance 500 S. State St. INSURANCE AGENCY Insurance Agency 893-5183 THE CATHOLIC COMMUNITY OF ST. MARY MAGDALEN PARISH WELCOMES YOU TO WORSHIP Fr. Louis J. Richard, Pastor Fr. Brian Harrington, Associate Pastor Sr. Carmelita Latiolais, s.e.c., Pastoral Associate Deacon Tam M. Tran Deacon Randy E. Hyde Deacon William Vincent Wayne Hebert, CLU Agent Bus. 893-7490 Res. 893-6089 400 Corporate Corner Phil’s 2509 Charity Street; Abbeville, LA 70510 337-893-2131 Richard’s Meat Market Boys & Girls Wear 316 S. State ASE 893-1724 Nu-Tek Car Service Center, Inc. COMPLETE VEHICLE SERVICE ON ALL IMPORTS & DOMESTICS W/CONPLETE IN-HOUSE MACHINE SHOP Fresh Meats “Best Boudin in Town” 219 W. SUMMERS DR. PH: (337) 898-1955 ABBEVILLE, LA FAX: (337) 898-1953 RAY CHEVROLET-OLDS, INC. DAV I D FUNERAL HOMES 893-1243 893-3777 Doré&Company TAX, ACCOUNTING, BUSINESS SERVICES 404 Pere Megret St. 893-5400 This Space is Available! Food Allergies? All Natural Certified Organic DUHON BROS. OIL CO., INC. Distributor—Texaco Petroleum Products Jude Duhon—Pres. 893-6304 EdwardJones Kimble Sagrera AAMS, ChFC, CLU Financial Advisor 203 S. Jefferson Street 337-893-5470 A Corporation of Certified Public Accountants MARY KAY In Memory of Debbie Kite Magdalen Place Let us plan your wedding or special event. Compliments of RONALD W. MELEBECK Attorney At Law 893-5776 Andy Veazey Attorney at Law 2 Flagg Place, Lafayette, LA 70508 (337) 234-5350 Fax: (337) 234-5310 Sales & Service 1915 S. State 893-0642 Home & Commercial Improvements 893-3753 Lumber & Building Material 893-3881 Compliments of Sunday 12:00 PM Please call the parish office to schedule. St. Mary Magdalen Cemetery RECONCILIATION Columbarium Units/Cremation Niches Saturday: 2:30 - 3:30 PM Sunday: 4:45 - 5:15 PM Also before weekday Masses Other times by request. MASSES Saturday: 4:00 PM Sunday: 7:00, 9:30, & 11:00 AM 3:00 PM (Vietnamese) 5:30 PM St. Paul Cemetery Lots and Mausoleum Crypts Contact St. Mary Magdalen Church 337-893-0244 “Creating peace of mind by building ANOINTING OF THE SICK Please call the parish office to schedule. WEEKDAY MASSES Monday - Saturday: 6:30 AM This Space is Available! MARRIAGE Please contact the parish office at least SIX months before marriage date. The Abbeville Meridional Voice of Vermilion Parish since 1856. TWO SOUTH MAGDALEN SQUARE • 893-6161 Excellent References 1412 South State Street 119 S. John M Hardy Dr. In Loving Memory Of Benjamin Jude Rogers Arabie Construction MINVIELLE Lumber Co. Residential & Commercial Beverly P. Noel 337-898-2117 Susan M. Broussard 898-1237 F & R Air Conditioning Inc. In memory of Prescriptions -Compounding-Medical Equipment Tiona Broussard 716 W. Summers Your Convenient Local Service Bank BAPTISMS WELCOME TO OUR NEW PARISHIONERS!! Please call the parish office to register. The Knights of Columbus Council 2281 This Space is Available This Space is Available! Call us for a single or double space AD in this prime location! Lance Legé, D.D.S. Family Dentistry 904 N. Cushing, Kaplan 643-7766 JAMES A. NOEL, JR. La. State Certified Residential Real Estate Appraiser #R0638 PARISH STAFF Mrs. Eileen Boudoin, Cemetery Manager Mr. Malcolm d’Augereau, Maintenance Mrs. Marguerite Landry, Receptionist Mr. Tommy Guidry, Director of Music/Organist Deacon Randy Hyde, Christian Service Center Director Mr. Drew David, Youth Director Ms. Renella Livers, Christian Formation Director Deacon David Vaughn, Business Manager Mrs. Kim White, Housekeeper ASSISTED LIVING 2309 Richard Street, Abbeville, LA 70510 Wendy Hebert, Executive Director phone 898-1944 • fax 892-1298 • cell 250-1294 EST. 1910 BAbbeville ANK OF ERATH Branch Erath Branch 1309 Charity Street Abbeville, LA 70510 337 893 3761 Delcambre Branch 102 West Main St. Delcambre, LA 70528 105 West Edwards St. Erath, LA 70533 337 937 5816 Angela Gallet Director 898-2912 899 West Port St. Saint Mary Magdalen Church 300 Pere Megret P. O. Box 1507 Abbeville, LA 70511-1507 website: Telephone: 893-0244 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time From the Pastor….. 13 September 2015 Starting Now! High School Religion Program The Rite Christian of Adults (9th,of10th and Initiation 11th grade) MASS INTENTIONS Special Needs Retreat for the week of September 14h—September 20th will be held onHoly Cross MONDAY Nm 21:4b-9;AJnretreat 3:13-17, Exaltation of the Saturday, September 26, 6:30 A.M. Rev. Paul Broussard; Leah Broussard; M/M Nedier Once again, the readings today (RCIA) is a process bybegin the Catholic High School Religiondeveloped Program will Richard; Albert Jean Lequeux; Beverly P. Noel;Magdalen Jim Bazar 2015 at St. Mary challenge us to put our faith into Sunday,for September, 20th,converts 6:30pm to at the Church prospective Catholicism Ministries Building from action. As the Scripture teaches us, TUESDAY 1 Tm 3:1-13; Lk 7:16; 7:11-17, Our Lady of Sorrows Pere are Megret Center. Allof participants 9th, Over a who above the age infant baptism. 10a.m.-2:00p.m. for indi6:30 A.M. Rev. Rex Broussard; Greg Mouledous; Kevin Comeaux; practicing our faith often comes at 10th and grade studentsinterested are asked candidates to period of11th several months, viduals ages 12-adults with Developmental DisabiliM/M Rome Comeaux; M/M Alex Cormier; Nolan Frederick; Russell attend 5:30p.m. Mass on Sunday afternoons as a group. a very high price. Do we have are gradually introduced to aspects of Catholic P. Broussard, Sr; Neda C. Leblanc ties. 11:00a.m. Mass will be celebrated in the Chapel. The front pews of the church will beThe reserved for all of parwhat it takes to be a Christian tobeliefs and practices. beginning this pro- Lunch will be provided. There is no cost to attend this ticipants. Registration forms are available on the parish day? WEDNESDAY 1 Tm3:14-16; Lk 7:31-35, Saints Cornelius & Cyprigram provides information and a person is not special day website an with us. Please contact Tommy Laperouse “required” to become Catholic at that point. LatIf you have not turned in your registration at 337-898-2744 more information 6:30 A.M. for Rev. Richard Broussard; .John Vidos; Dr. & Mrs. P.O. Jesus asked his disciples, “Who in so theassessions they are given theDrew opportunity form, pleaseerdo soon as possible. Contact Landry & Fly; Prayer Blanket Intentions; Royce & Lucy Guidry; Geordo people say that I am?” Peter to discern andatconversion thehave Catholic giana Stauffer David or Renella Livers 893-0244 iftoyou any faith. replied, “You are the denomination Christ.” Christians of another Protestant whoquestions. have already been baptized are not re-baptized, but howevTHURSDAY 1 Tm 4:12-16; Lk 7:36-50, St. Robert Bellamine Who is Jesus for you? Weinto all deer make a profession of faith to enter full communion with the Catholic faith. Our program started TuesLaudato SI Micky & Minus Lege; 6:30 A.M. Rev. Msgr. Ronald Broussard; sire God to be one thing or anothday, September 8th. There is still time to begin these classes. Please call St. Mary Magdalen Office if you James Brent d’Augereau; Van Duy Huynh Fly. Dignity in All Creation us. For that we337wish would like er to for discuss thisall further: 893-0244. Baptism Join CRS’ Mission Theologian, Kim God to do and be for us, he gently FRIDAY 1 Tm 6:2-12; Luke 8:1-3 IS JESUS CALLING ME ? Lamberty, at St. Mary Magdalen in Donald reminds us of this: We must take 6:30 A.M. Rev. Theodore Broussard; Seth Viator; Have you taken the time to gather good information about Abbeville on October 15, 6:30pmRomero up our cross and follow him and Cade Joseph Scalisi the religious life? If not, join other young women to gain 7:30pm. Pope Francis’ new encycliif we wish to save our life we will Child oftoJoseph Scalisi the spiritual tools discern and your Polly vocation. 6:30 P.M. cal, VIETNAMESE Laudato MASS Si, recalls in our hearts lose it. Are we ready to follow Sunday Sept. 13 @6:30p.m.—Young Ladies Orphaned souls; Fr. Donald Theriot the long Catholic tradition of the digLocation: St. Mary Magdalen Conference Room this God? and6:13-16; common good8:4-15, of SATURDAY nity 1 Tim Lk 8:15; Januarius Attention All Lectors and RSVP by contacting: Fr. Harrington – 6:30 A.M. Rev. Keenan Brown; Theresa R. Bourgeois; David J. Learn with us how we can respond as It can seem as though the choice Eucharistic Ministers of Communion Russo; Van Duy Huynhby Fly.learning more about the parishes and individuals to be Christian is a choice for pain and suffering. Effective now the men will no longer wear cassock/ spiritual andVIGIL physical presented in this TIME But we must not forget the last part of this verse: OF THE concerns TWENTIY FIFTH SUNDAYto IN us ORDINARY surplus for these ministries. They are asked to come encyclical. Wis 2:12-20; Ps 54:3-8; Mk 9:30-37 Jesus tells us to follow him. He is walking this jourin the Cityto provides a in their “Sunday attire”. Women areChrist not required 4:00 P.M. M/M John Vigneaux; John Vidos; Tony & Enid Gua“The climate is a common good, belonging to all ney ahead of us. He is the one who first takes up dress in black/white, but again to dress in approprimonthly opportunity for rino; Josephine Guarino; M/M Sam Guarino & Fly; Angel & Michael and meant for all.”– Pope Francis the cross. And he is the one who will say, “Come ate Sunday attire. Thanks for your ministry to our B. Faulk; Loule Faulk & Fly; Leonard & Wayne Sellers; Nicole Leyoung adults to worship to me, all who are weary and burdened, and I will blanc; Barbara & Daniel Jude Broussard; Roger Sellers; Othon & community. through Eucharistic AdoraAlma Trahan; Elaine Theriot; “Flo” B. Guidry; Whitney & Rita Bonin; give you rest.” Let’s stay with him. tion. At each hour-long service, those in attendance pray in silence before the Blessed Sac- Your Gift to the Lord rament, hear a homily, sing, and go to confession. Sunday, September 6, 2015 Regular Collection: $ 14,704.32 Christ in the City will be held on the 1st Thursday of every First Friday $ 2,410.00 month at St. Mary, Mother of the Church, 419 Doucet Road, Second Collections Lafayette, LA, from 7:00-8:00PM. The events are open to Property Insurance $ 2,790.13 young adults in their 20s and 30s, married or single. A cry Helpers needed: Nursing Home Mass We are in need of volunteers to assist with the Friday 10:00 Nursing Home Mass at Vermilion Health Care. Each week a couple parishioners assist us with the rosary, setting up for Mass and helping some of the residents. We would appreciate your help for these weekly masses, on a rotating basis. Please contact church office for more information. 893-0244. room will be available those with young children. Each This Weekend: Nofor Second Collection Christ the City event will be followed by a time of fellowNext in Weekend: Christian Formation ship at Cornerbar. For more information about Christ in the City or how YOU can get involved,The pleaseBlessed find us on facebook, email / Mother Devotional, Candle burns in memory of Gregory Mouledous Our Diocesan Young Adult Ministry page has been updated. There you will find more information on young adult ministry programs: The Sanctuary Candle burns in memory of William Berberich, Jr. Dot Sellers; Athelyn Vallot; Jim Bazar; Eltes Trahan; Jill Pere; Michael Detraz, Jr & Fly; J.D. Mouton; M/M Minos Duhon; Sherman Ditch Mass Saturday Sept.Fly; 19 Priest Deacon September 14—September 20, 2015 Monday 6:30a.m. Mass 4:30 p.m. Come Lord Jesus, Conference Room 6:30p.m. Baptism Preparation Class, Conference Room 6:30p.m. Knights of Columbus, Pere Megret Center Tuesday 6:30a.m. Mass 6:00p.m. Boy Scout Troop 85, Pere Megret Center 6:30p.m. RCIA, Conference Room Wednesday 6:30 a.m. Mass 5:15p.m. Children’s Choir Practice 6:30p.m. Choir Practice, Church Thursday 6:30 a.m. Mass 7:00 a.m. Adoration with Exposition until 10:00 pm, Chapel 7:30a.m. Vermilion Catholic School Mass 4:00p.m. LayCarmelite Community Meeting, Ministries Bldg. 6:00p.m. Acquinas Institute Morel Theology Friday 6:30a.m. Mass 10:00 Nursing Home Mass Saturday 6:30a.m. Mass 7:00a.m. LayCarmelite Family Rosary, Church 2:30p.m. Confessions 4:00p.m. Mass Sunday 7:00a.m. Mass 9:30a.m. Mass 11:00a.m. Mass 12:00p.m. Baptism 3:00p.m. Vietnamese Mass 5:30p.m. Life Teen Mass 6:30p.m. Life Teen Night , Pere Megret Center Lector Communion Stations Altar Servers THE TWENTY SUNDAY INDeacon ORDINARY Fr.FIFTH Harrington Tran TIME (S) Ada Duhon Curtis Landry Austin Bourque Wis 2:12-20; Ps 54:3-8; Mk 9:30-37 Vicky Landry Vicky Landry Alexander Golden 7:00 A.M. Rev. Wilbur “Sonny” Brown; George Veazey Fly; 2016 Mission Trip Theodule Bazar; AaronDeacon & Hilda Dufour; Ryan Mass Sunday Sept & 20Joyce Noel; Jim Priest Lector Communion Stations Altar Servers Hardy; Louella Cormier; Long Nguyen Time 7:00 A.M. Fr. Harrington David LaCour Cao Michael LaCour Trip A meetingFrancis to discuss next year’s Mission th Franciswilltake Cao Pat Langlinais (S) place on October 11 in the ministries 9:30 A.M. Lovelace & Gertie Broussard; Joseph Bui Huy Long; Kay DeHart Maria Dl Thi Vui; Lola Frederick; James Gauthier; Phero Ng Ngoc building after 5:30 Mass. Please come and hear Giao; Maria Simma; Michael Jackson; Namase & Marie Dubois & adult and young adult Time 9:30 A.M. Fr. Harrington David Bertrand Joseph Vallee (S)witnesses, Jack and Henrywhat they Fly.; Francis & Elydia Dubois & Fly.; Thomas & Nella Bodin & Fly.; Susie Bertrand Byron Hebert Allie Ashley experienced while on mission. Magnificat Travel Gladu & Sings Lilly Connor & Fly.; Verna & James Chapman & Fly.; Zelma Children’s Choir Joe Berberich Gabby Ashley will be at this meeting with important dates and & Eunice Massey & Fly.; Laodis & Monique Broussard & Fly.; L.C. & Phyllis Berberich Lizzie Leese & Fly.; Alphaeus & Una Sellers & Fly.; Laurence & information. Avery Mouton & Fly.; Fr. Sidney & Edith Romero & Fly.; Buddy Time 11:00 A.M. Harrington Deacon Vincent (S)& Margie Byron or Meg Josh LeBlanc Link Hebert Savoy & Fly.; Curley & Vernice Guidry & Fly.; Robert & Anna Belle Hebert Jules Hebert Ross Cao Save the date: & Fly.; Artilus Delcambre Fly.; Johnny Percle & Fly.; StillBaptism:Brasseaux Fr. Harrington Josh LeBlanc Merle Gary Celeste Broussard born, aborted & murdered children and babies; Souls in purgatory; Lifenight begins next Sunday, Savoy Fly.; Sellers Fly.; Broussard Fly.; Mistreated and abused chilChoir Sings September 20, 6:30pm at Pere Megret dren; Prevention of divorce Time 5:3011:00 P.M. A.M. Fr.Keith Landry Deacon Hyde Sid Savoie Joan Greco (Sacristan – Seth Noegel For the Parishioners Center. Philamena Hatch Only) Jacob Noegel 3:00 P.M. Orphaned souls; Van Duy Huynh Fly LifeTeen 5:30 ChoirP.M. Sings Jim Bouse; Pierre Ulysse & Medora Broussard; Kathleen Miller Seth Viator Joshua Wilson Ulysse Broussard, Jr; Maria Ng Thi Chi Time 4:00 P.M. Special Needs Retreat Starting Now! The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is a process developed by the Catholic Church for prospective converts to Catholicism who are above the age of infant baptism. Over a period of several months, interested candidates are gradually introduced to aspects of Catholic beliefs and practices. The beginning of this program provides information and a person is not “required” to become Catholic at that point. Later in the sessions they are given the opportunity to discern and conversion to the Catholic faith. Christians of another Protestant denomination who have already been baptized are not re-baptized, but however make a profession of faith to enter into full communion with the Catholic faith. Our program started Tuesday, September 8th. There is still time to begin these classes. Please call St. Mary Magdalen Office if you would like to discuss this further: 337893-0244. Marriage Encounter Weekend Escape from the busyness of your hectic lifestyle and endless obligations and spend some very special time together. The weekend focuses on effective communications techniques, which will enhance the intimacy in your relationship For information call 1-800586-5469 email A Child’s Journey: Finding Healing and Hope after Divorce A special workshop for children ages 9-12 who are coping with the divorce of their parents will be held October 18, 2015, 2:00pm-4:30pm at the Immaculata Center, Lafayette, LA. Parent session will also be available with Daniel Jurek. Pre-registration is required A retreat will be held on Saturday, September 26, 2015 at St. Mary Magdalen Ministries Building from 10a.m.-2:00p.m. for individuals ages 12-adults with Developmental Disabilities. 11:00a.m. Mass will be celebrated in the Chapel. Lunch will be provided. There is no cost to attend this special day with us. Please contact Tommy Laperouse at 337-898-2744 for more information. Laudato SI Dignity in All Creation Join CRS’ Mission Theologian, Kim Lamberty, at St. Mary Magdalen in Have you taken the time to gather good information about Abbeville on October 15, 6:30pmthe religious life? If not, join other young women to gain 7:30pm. Pope Francis’ new encyclithe spiritual tools to discern your vocation. cal, Laudato Si, recalls in our hearts Sunday Sept. 13 @6:30p.m.—Young Ladies the long Catholic tradition of the digLocation: St. Mary Magdalen Conference Room nity and common good of all life. RSVP by contacting: Fr. Harrington – Learn with us how we can respond as parishes and individuals by learning more about the spiritual and physical concerns presented to us in this encyclical. Christ in the City provides a “The climate is a common good, belonging to all monthly opportunity for and meant for all.”– Pope Francis As part of our community outreach, we are offering a grief workshop for children ages 11-14 designed to make it easier for your child to share feelings. Sunday, October 18, 2015 2:30—4:30PM with Mass to follow St. Anne Catholic Church Parish Hall 201 Church Street Youngsville, LA 70592 Pre-registration is required, please call 261-5653 To register for either program go to divorcerecovery Flyers are located in the front of church. J. S. Paluch Company. Sales: Ivy Stutes We will be switching to a new publisher of our weekly church bulletins, one which will offer an expanded COLOR format for photos and better layout. We are asking current advertisers to renew for this “Quarter” only, which ends with October. During the coming months representatives will be contacting local businesses and parishioners to help support us through ads in this new bulletin format, starting November. IS JESUS CALLING ME ? young adults to worship through Eucharistic Adora- VC-CARMEL BOOSTERS’ PORK STEAK BARBEQUE Pork steak barbeque dinner will be served on Sunday, October 4, 2015 between the hours of 11:00a.m. and 1:00p.m. at the VC Parking Lot. The cost of each dinner will be $8.00. This fundraiser is to support the athletic programs for VC and Mount Carmel. Thank you for your continued support tion. At each hour-long service, those in attendance pray in silence before the Blessed Sacrament, hear a homily, sing, and go to confession. Mass Saturday Sept. 19 Time 4:00 P.M. Priest Fr. Harrington Deacon Deacon Tran (S) Christ in the City will be held on the 1st Thursday of every Children’s Grief Workshop Church Bulletin Advertisers Lector Ada Duhon Vicky Landry Communion Stations Curtis Landry Vicky Landry Altar Servers Austin Bourque Alexander Golden month at St. Mary, Mother of the Church, 419 Doucet Road, Mass Sunday Sept 20 Lafayette, LA, from 7:00-8:00PM. The events are open to Time 7:00 A.M. Fr. Harrington David LaCour Francis Cao Francis Cao Pat Langlinais (S) Kay DeHart Michael LaCour Time 9:30 A.M. Fr. Harrington David Bertrand Susie Bertrand Joseph Vallee (S) Byron Hebert Joe Berberich Phyllis Berberich Jack Henry Allie Ashley Gabby Ashley Priest Deacon young adults in their 20s and 30s, married or single. A cry room will be available for those with young children. Each Christ in the City event will be followed by a time of fellowship at Cornerbar. Children’s Choir Sings For more information about Christ in the City or how YOU can get involved, please find us on facebook, email /, Time 11:00 A.M. Our Diocesan Young Adult Ministry page has been updated. There you will find more information on young adult ministry programs: Lector Communion Stations Altar Servers Fr. Harrington Deacon Vincent (S) Byron or Meg Hebert Josh LeBlanc Josh LeBlanc Jules Hebert Merle Gary Link Hebert Ross Cao Celeste Broussard Fr.Keith Landry Deacon Hyde Sid Savoie Philamena Hatch Joan Greco (Sacristan – Only) Kathleen Miller Joshua Wilson Seth Noegel Jacob Noegel Seth Viator Baptism: Fr. Harrington Choir Sings Time 5:30 P.M. LifeTeen Choir Sings
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Deacon Randy Hyde, Christian Service Center Director