July 6, 2014 - St. Joseph Catholic Church
Mass Schedule Saturday Vigil Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday First Saturday 4:00 pm 7:00 am, 10:00 am & 5:30 pm 6:30 am 12:05 pm 6:30 am 12:05 pm 6:30 am 9:00 am 401 S. Adams - P. O. Box 199 Rayne, LA 70578 Phone: 337-334-2193 Fax: 337-334-2199 Website: www.stjoerayne.org E-mail: stjoseph1872@diolaf.org Youth Hall: Phone: 337-334-5991 Family Life Center: Phone:: 337-334-5656 Rev. Kendal Faulk Rev. Samuel Fontana Deacon Tommy Adams Deacon Daniel Besse Deacon Denis LaCroix Deacon Tim Ledet Pastor Associate Pastor Permanent Deacon Permanent Deacon Permanent Deacon Permanent Deacon Weekly Calendar Monday, July 7 Rosary Group-9:00 am, Church Prayer for Priests-2:00 pm, Church Tuesday, July 8 Wednesday, July 9 Elderberries-9:00 am, Family Life Center Rayne Guest Home Mass-3:30 pm Thursday, July 10 Ultreya-6:30 pm, Church Cry Room Friday, July 11 Eucharistic Minister Appreciation Supper & Training, Family Life Center-6:00 pm Saturday, July 12 Sunday, July 13 Perpetual Lamp in our sanctuary burns constantly to proclaim the real presence of our Lord Jesus Christ in the Tabernacle. This week we dedicate the flame to: Ita Dugas and Ann Bearb Call the Parish Office to add loved ones to the prayer list. Please pray for these parishioners & friends of St. Joseph Parish: Keith Alleman, Jackie Arceneaux, Josette H. Baker, Tommy Bearb, Lois Bennett, Dawn Bergeron, Helena Bertrand, Susan Besse, Vivian Boudreaux, Betty Boullion, Cynthia Bourque, Dovey Bourque, Judy Bourque, Joseph Breaux Jr., Percy Breaux, Rick Briggs, Paulette S. Butcher, Percy Castille, Charles “Moon” Chappuis, Martin Chatelain Jr., Judy Chester, Kinley Comeaux, Earlis Cormier, Carroll Credeur, Eva Belle Credeur, Jack D’Aquin, Randy “Frog” Duplechin, Joyce Dupont, Irene Durio, Bernice Eddie, Lt. Kevin Fontenot, Martha Fontenot, Ella Mae Foreman, Debra Fusilier, Junior Gaspard, Lynette Gaspard, Patricia Gautreaux, Henrietta & Raymond Gossen, Ilse Grote, Lynette Guidry, Michael Guidry, Gregory Hebert, Kadon Hebert, Karen Hebert, Philip Ray Hebert, Dana F. Hernandez, Dale Hodges, James Hodges, Leo LaCroix Jr., Erica Latiolais, Olivia Grace Latiolais, James Lavergne, Faye Ledford, Bridget Leger, Ethel Leger, Willie Leger, Eloise LeJeune, Bailey Leon, Bridget Lonseth, Heather Menier, Nita McCall, Raphael Meche, Pat Melancon, Troy B. Menard, Merlin & Norma Miller, Randal Monceaux, David Moore, Lois Myers, Tola Myers, Lily Navarre, Tina B. Northrup, Andre’ O’Brian, Mickey & Kathy Olivier, Joseph Ortego, Gail Prejean, Alice Richard, Delia Richard, Dolores Richard, Elisha Richard, Gussie Richard, Gene Romero, Jimmy & Bertha Romero, Winfred & Shirley Romero, Damion Royer, Dot Royer, Annie W. Spell, Hilda Simoneaux, Tammy Stelly, Alyssa Thevis, Joey Thibodeaux, Cindy Vondenstein, Daniel Washington, Jessie Zaunbrecher Sacrament of Baptism is held the 2nd Sunday of each month after 10AM Mass. Contact the Parish Office 4 to 6 months before to schedule Baptism Preparation. Classes are held the 4th Sunday of the month after 10AM Mass. Sacrament of Marriage: Call the Parish Office at least 6 months in advance of desired wedding date to schedule an appointment with Father in order to set the wedding date & begin the preparation process. Sacrament of Reconciliation: 30 minutes prior to Mass or any other time by appointment. Communion for the Shut-Ins: Please contact Deacon Tommy (334-8453) to schedule visits by a Minister of Communion. Funerals: Families should contact the Funeral Home to make all the necessary arrangements. Parish Membership: Every family in St. Joseph Parish is asked to register with the Parish Office by filling out a census form. If you have moved, changed your phone number or family information, please update your records. Census forms may be obtained at the Parish Office, on our website www.stjoerayne.org or in the lobby of church. Monday, July 7th, Weekday 6:30 am William "Fats" Leger, Chester Boudreaux, Lucille M. McGraw, George & Lucille Mouton Tuesday, July 8th, Weekday 12:05 pm Henry & Rita Gossen, Conrad Gossen, David Scott Jennings, Charles Dupont Wednesday, July 9th, St. Augustine Zhao Rong and Companions 6:30 am Chad Lee Elkins, Betty Guidry, Conrad Gossen, Julia Guidry Fly, M/M Joseph Gaspard, Mary Lou Boudreaux, Rodney J. Guidry, Guidry & Thibodeaux Fly, Chester Boudreaux Thursday, July 10th, Weekday 12:05 pm Joseph & Ben Stutes, Mable Hanks Friday, July 11th, St. Benedict 6:30 am Betty Guidry, Laurent & Eleanor Guidry, Deus Monceaux Fly, Chester Boudreaux, Bertha Guidry, Frank E. Landry Jr., Thomas P. Zaunbrecher Saturday, July 12th, BVM 4:00 pm Ogel & Helen Lejeune Fly, Mantor & Rose Savoy Fly, M/M Isaac C. Domingue & Fly, M/M Nathan J. Mouton, Edward Alleman Fly, Reggie Simoneaux, Pat & Aimee Wingate, Henry & Rita Gossen, Deceased Priests of St. Joseph Parish, Nellie, Keith & Chris Petitjean, M/M Clinton J. Petitjean Sr., Eunice A. Hutchinson, M/M Raoul Trahan, Elita Hebert, Raoul Hebert Fly, Alma G. DeRouen, Walton Thibodeaux Sr, Andy Clement & Fly, Nolan & Lena Clement Fly, Wilton & Helen Chiasson Sr. Fly, M/M Alcee Comeaux Fly, Nettie C. Faulk, M/M C.J. & Carlton J. Prevost, Antoine & Agnes P. Menard Fly, Raymond & Eunice A. Thevis, Wisner Boudreaux Fly, Wenzel Habetz Fly, Wilbert "Bud" Chiasson, Virginia Meyer, Lake & Aline Guidry, Donna Guidry, M/M Louis Leon, M/M Valentine Gautreaux, Clovis Boudreaux Sr., John Smith, M/M Philip E. Boudreaux Fly, M/M Julian Comeaux & Fly, M/M Bernard Boudreaux & Fly, M/M Valrey & Edna Richard, Sharon Broussard, Joseph & Ben Stutes, Dana Gilbert Sr. Sunday, July 13th, 15th Sunday In Ordinary Time 7:00 am Shawn Paul Dupuis, M/M Leroy Domingue, M/M Bradley Breaux Sr, Sarah B. Savoie, M/M Robert Borne, Hugh & Betty Miller, Jameele Saloom, Richard Thibodeaux, Murphy, Naomie & Aaron Nero, M/M Wilfred LeDoux, Marie Falcon 10:00 am All Parishioners 5:30 pm Martin Chatelain Fly May the Lord bless you on the day of your birth and fill your life with much happiness. Hubert Abshire, Kelsey Arceneaux, Michael Besse, Michelle Bott, Paige Breaux, Loreda Clement, Nicole Comeaux, Alidia Cormier, Bobby Cormier, Kalley Daigle, Madison Hanks, Martha Hodge, Nouria Koury, Larry Lagneaux, Natalie Reed, Sidney Servat, Jonathon Thibodeaux, Edward Ware, Ray Campbell, Judie Dogua, Erik Goins, Jordan Greene, David Guidry, Estay Meaux, Seth Mooney, Jill Morgan, Sydnie Simon, Van Vanicor, Mary Baronet, Gregory Besse, Nora Bieri, Lacey Cormier, Lovinia Credeur, Donna Labbe, Rita Lemarie, Marlene Quibodeaux, Linda Robichaux, Sandra Vanicor, Grace Alexander, Brenda Burleigh, Ethel Dogay, Norma Garnier, Lenette Guidry, Terry Guidry, Caroline Hensgens, Rebecca Miller, Earline Patin, Tremie Petitjean, Dawn Richard, Mike Richard, Steven Robinson, Milton Stutes, Madison Aucoin, Rhonda Bearb, Traci Brochard, Lurcy Castille, Anselmo Cortes, John Credeur, Justin Crooks, Mackenzie David, Garrett Hebert, Ryan Henry, Deanna Mouton, Morgan Oliver, Evelina Owens, Adam Pellissier, Patricia Peltier, Joshua Rice, Shirline Richard, Suzette Richard, Pamela Roy, Mary Touchette, Traci Vasseur, Malarie Zaunbrecher, Sherry Boudreaux, Hali Colligan, Jessica Credeur, Willis Gaspard, Kenny Guidry, Becky LaFleur, Leah LeBlanc, Christopher McKenzie, Hunter Prejean, Alex Richard, Terry Roberts, Overton Stelly, Dolores Thibodeaux, Owen Thibodeaux, Eric Vernoy, Betty Bellard, Kelly Bergeaux, Betty Bush, Samuel Casanova, Shelly Daigle, Tyler Fontenot, Marlo Foreman, Ambre Guidry, Nell Harson, Michele Leger, Dora Meyer, Larry Navarre, Jude Rice, Helen Thibodeaux Daily Manna Christian Service Center 600 Section Street, Rayne 337-393-2146 “Our supplies are getting alarmingly low!” There is a need for the following non-perishable food items to be given to the needy of our area. Please bring donated items to the service center. Items needed include: Baby Items: lotion, powder, bath soap, milk, diapers and wipes. Personal Items: shampoo, body wash, razors, shaving cream and adult diapers (L & XL) Food items: oatmeal, grits, cereal, jelly, milk, vegetable soup, chicken noodle soup, tomato sauce and canned meats NEW BEGINNINGS Bi-Weekly Bible Study Lessons are on-going at the Family Life Center every other Monday evening at 7:00 pm our next class is scheduled for Monday, July 14th Please join us for an informative discussion on some often neglected subjects that can affect everyone. “Truly I tell you, whatsoever you do for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you do for me. Matthew 25:40 July 7th - July 15th daily, St. Joseph Church prior to each Mass Our Lady of the Oaks Retreat House Grand Coteau, LA 337-662-5410 A day of Reflection for women “Women of Light & Wisdom: The Gifts of Hildegard of Bingen and Julian of Norwich” August 12th from 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM Cost: $25.00 - Pre-registration is required Spend a relaxing day at Our Lady of the Oaks and soak in the wisdom of these saints of prayer. Expose the words and images of these holy women as you reconnect with God and yourself. Dress comfortably and bring a journal and your lunch. Visit us online at www.ourladyoftheoaks.com and click on “retreats” to print registration form. Bishop’s Service Appeal Our donations and pledges for the Bishop’s Services Appeal through the month of May total $35,578 or 83% of our goal. Thank you for your continued support and generosity. www.stjoerayne.org , K YOU N A H T RS RTISE E V D ssible. A o p n i t ulle g our b ase consider n i k a For m ioners, ple ur Parish pping with o sho s first. r e s i t r ad ve RECENTLY DEPARTED Our faith community remembers in prayer: Betty Thomas and Earl Dupont We pray that they will find joy & peace in the Lord’s presence. We extend our sincere sympathy to their families and friends. ACADIAN KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS COUNCIL 1897 2014 - 2015 OFFICERS Knights of Columbus Council 1897 Annual Banquet and Installation of Officers was held at the K C Hall on June 22nd. Pictured above are David Leger, Worthy District Warden; Deacon Tommy Adams, Deputy Grand Knight; Larry Comeaux, Worthy Area Coordinator; Carl Landry, Worthy District Deputy; Albert Johnson, Grand Knight; Calise Doucet, Recorder; Raymond Mouton, Financial Secretary; Randy Bertrand, 1st Year Trustee; Alfred LeBlanc, Warden; Barry LeBlanc, Lecturer; L. J. Harrington, Outside Guard; and Glen Boudreaux, Chancellor. Officers not available for photo were Rev. Kendal Faulk, Chaplain; Jimmy Fontenot, Treasurer; Phillip Zaunbrecher, Advocate; Joe Swinkey, Inside Guard; Jimmy Prevost, 2nd Year Trustee; and Simon Richard, 3rd Year Trustee. New Knights that were welcomed into the council during June are: Angelo Ancona, Terry J. Benoit, Terry W. Benoit, Andre’ Bordelon, Clayton Dailey, Todd David, Keanon Latiolais, James Leger, Rodney Lucas, Jamie Orillion and Mike Rowlan. Acadian Knights of Columbus Council 1897 Grand Knight, Albert Johnson is seen presenting the “Knight of the Year Award” to Deacon Tommy Adams. Acadian Knights of Columbus Council 1897 Grand Knight, Albert Johnson is seen presenting the “Knight Family of the Year Award” to L. J. & Debbie Harrington. Not available for the photo but also receiving this award are Jack & Denise McIntyre. When you think of a king coming before his people, the image of someone riding on a donkey does not come to mind. If the Lone Ranger had Silver and Roy Rogers had Trigger, a similar white stallion would seem most fitting for a king. Not an ass, even a purebred one. But this image from the prophet Zechariah is one that must have planted itself in the imagination of Jesus, for that is how he made his great entrance into Jerusalem and was greeted as the Messiah. It was not the entrance of a powerful warrior, but of a gentle king whose rule would bring peace to the nations. I have sometimes regretted the loss of St. Christopher from the calendar of saints. That legendary saint, whose name means “Christ-bearer,” signaled that the risen Lord had now chosen to be carried by his disciples. We bear him in our bodies, minds, and hearts. We bring him to the world when we work to bring peace and healing and knowledge of the Father. This necessitates being willing to take on the yoke of Jesus. I remember once hearing that the yokes Jesus made in the carpenter shop under Joseph’s guidance rode easily on the shoulders of the animals, distributing evenly the weight they pulled. The yoke Jesus offers us is his teaching about the kingdom of heaven and how to live in it while in the world. This means putting on his attitude and spirit of attentive listening for the will of the Father—home schooling in the best sense. WHILE YOU ARE AWAY ON SUMMER VACATION PLEASE DON’T SKIP A SUNDAY DONATION YOU MAKE A HUGE DIFFERENCE! Please remember St. Joseph Parish when planning your will. For more information call the Parish Office at 334-2193. READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Hos 2:16, 17b-18, 21-22; Ps 145:2-9; Mt 9:18-26 Tuesday: Hos 8:4-7, 11-13; Ps 115:3-10; Mt 9:32-38 Wednesday: Hos 10:1-3, 7-8, 12; Ps 105:2-7; Mt 10:1-7 Thursday: Hos 11:1-4, 8c-9; Ps 80:2ac, 3b, 15-16; Mt 10:7-15 Friday: Hos 14:2-10; Ps 51:3-4, 8-9, 12-14, 17; Mt 10:16-23 Saturday: Is 6:1-8; Ps 93:1-2, 5; Mt 10:24-33 Sunday: Is 55:10-11; Ps 65:10-14; Rom 8:18-23; Mt 13:1-23 [1-9] WEEKLY OFFERINGS June 21 & 22, 2014 Weekend Offerings $ 9,484 Building & Maintenance $ 37 Total Weekly Offerings $ 9,521 Thank you for your generosity. EUCHARISTIC MINISTER for all Ministers of Communion that serve at Mass or to the sick and shut-in or anyone wishing to become a Minister of Communion on this Friday, July 11 at 6:00 PM in the Family Life Center. Please RSVP to Deacon Tommy at 258-6033 PLEASE PRAY FOR A PRIEST EACH DAY Eternal Father, we lift up to You these and all the priests of the world. Sanctify them. Heal and guide them. Mold them into the likeness of Your Son, Jesus, the Eternal High Priest. May their lives be pleasing to You. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen. July 7 Rev. Brad Guillory July 10 Rev. Thomas Habetz July 8 Bishop Curtis Guillory, SVD July 11 Rev. Jude Halphen July 9 Rev. Joshua Guillory July 12 Rev. Brian Harrington July 13 Msgr. Russell Harrington, VE Lectors _|àâÜz|vtÄ `|Ç|áàxÜá áxÜä|Çz tà à{x _ÉÜwËá gtuÄx Extra-ordinary Ministers of Communion Altar Servers Sacristans July 7 6:30 am Clinton Boullion Keith Vienne, Randy Bertrand, Mona Vienne Brenda Hooper July 8 12:05 pm Margaret Young Daniel Habetz, Charmin Broussard, Mary Guidry Margaret Young July 9 6:30 am Jeanette Leger Barry LeBlanc, Dean Thibodeaux, Betty Bellard Rita Monceaux July 10 12:05 pm Dolores Deville Peggy Lake, Charmaigne Lawless, Daniel Habetz Charmaigne Lawless July 11 6:30 am Clarence Arsement Deacon Tommy, Helen Arsement, Rita Monceaux Rita Monceaux July 12 4:00 pm Debra Reed, Deacon Tim, Brenda Hooper, Larry LeBlanc, Peggy Lake, Charmin Broussard Clara LeBlanc, Diana Duhon, Tammy LeBlanc July 13 7:00 am Clinton Boullion, Becky Miller 10:00 am Nicholas Reaux, Ivy Credeur Gilbert & Mary Cormier Deacon Dan, Flo Broussard, Jonathan Hebert, Mary Guidry, Patrick Miller, Sylvia Alleman, Mary Leger Jack Himel, Maddie Murrell, Caleb Calhoun Flo Broussard Amy Johnson, Devin Soeseno Deacon Denis, Barry LeBlanc, Marlon Leger, Kathy Breaux, Jared Lawless, Margaret Young, Liz Deaville, Jimmy Fontenot Evan Hebert, Luke Kibodeaux, Heidi Guilbeau Jude & Cynthia Beslin 5:30 pm Janet Bertrand Deacon Tommy, Bill Says, Angela Says, Russell Menard, NEED HELP Grant LeBlanc, Marley Traub, Luke Mire Flo Broussard & Eric Mire July 14 6:30 am Clinton Boullion Brenda Hooper, Patricia Greene, Matilda Johnson Brenda Hooper July 15 12:05 pm Margaret Young Daniel Habetz, Charmaigne Lawless, Linda Ancona Margaret Young July 16 6:30 am Jeanette Leger Deacon Tommy, Flo Broussard, Rita Monceaux Robert Simoneaux July 17 12:05 pm Dolores Deville Charmin Broussard, Peggy Lake, Daniel Habetz Helen Broussard July 18 6:30 am Paul Molbert Clarence Arsement, Liz Deaville, NEED HELP Rita Monceaux July 19 4:00 pm Clarence Arsement, Mary Comeaux Deacon Tommy, Gale Prejean, Helen Arsement, Edward Prejean, Dr. Neal Duhon, Charmin Broussard, Daniel Habetz Christopher & Lane Comeaux Cathy Breaux July 20 7:00 am Larry Van Pelt, Dolores Deville Deacon Tim, Brunella Reed, Keith Vienne, Randy Bertrand, Darrel Dugas, Matilda Johnson, Mona Vienne Joseph Ware, Ali Moore, Anna Claire Gossen Brunella Reed 10:00 am Connie Richard, Jim Petitjean Deacon Dan, Jonathan Broussard, Mike Ortego, Louisette Broussard, Peggy Deville, Linda Arceneaux, Eva Simon, Paul Molbert Jake Benoit, Morgan Boudreaux, Hayden Thomas Melinda Leger 5:30 pm Leah Guidry Deacon Denis, Barry LeBlanc, Josette LeBlanc, Nancy Sarsfield, Denise Breaux, Mike Abshire, Lance Abshire Gracie Mouton, Alaysha Dupont Eric Mire “I see the church as a field hospital after battle. It is useless to ask a seriously injured person if he has high cholesterol and about the level of his blood sugars! You have to heal his wounds. Then we can talk about everything else. Heal the wounds, heal the wounds. And you have to start from the ground up.” Pope Francis CHURCH NAME AND ADDRESS St. Joseph Church #467550 401 S. Adams Avenue Rayne, LA 70578 TELEPHONE 337-334-2193 CONTACT PERSON Linda Ancona SOFTWARE MSPublisher 2007 Adobe Acrobat 9.0 Windows XP Professional PRINTER HP 2420 TRANSMISSION TIME Friday 12:00 SUNDAY DATE OF PUBLICATION July 7, 2014 NUMBER OF PAGES SENT 1 THROUGH 8 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS
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