Bulletin - St. Joseph Catholic Church
401 S. Adams Phone:334-2193 P. O. Box 199 www.stjoerayne.org Rayne, LA 70578 Fax: 334-2199 WEEKLY CALENDAR Monday, October 29 Rosary Group-9:00 am, Church Prayer for Priests-2:00 pm, Church CMJ Saints Mass-5:30 pm, Church Tuesday, October 30 Choir Practice-6:30 pm, Church Wednesday, October 31 Elderberries-9:00 am, Family Life Center All Saints Vigil Mass-5:30 pm, Church Rayne Guest Home Mass-3:30 pm RCIA-7:00 pm, Family Life Center Thursday, November 1 (All Saints Day-Holy Day of Obligation) Parish Office Closed RCE Mass-8:20 am, Church Babyberries-9:00 am, Family Life Center All Saints Mass-12:05 pm, Church Ladies Altar Society-2:00 pm, Family Life Center Co-ed Ultreya-6:00 pm, Church St. Vincent de Paul-6:00 pm, Youth Hall Friday, November 2 Joe’s Café-6:00 pm, Youth Hall Saturday, November 3 1st Saturday Mass-9:00 am, Church Rosary for our Country– 9:45 am, Church Blessing of St. Joseph Cemetery #1- 2:00 pm Blessing of Arceneaux Cemetery - 3:00 pm Life Teen Fall Retreat Sunday, November 4 Flu Shot Clinic after all Masses– Family Life Center Children’s Church-10:00 am, Church Baptism Instruction-11:00 am, Church Blessing St. Joseph Cemetery #2-2:00 pm Blessing Leger Cemetery- 3:00 pm Edge-6:30 pm, Youth Hall Life Teen Retreat Confirmation Class-6:30 pm, K C Hall CONTACT INFORMATION E-mail stjoseph1872@diolaf.org C.M.J./Youth Office 334-9849 Youth Hall 334-5991 R.C.E. School 334-5657 Family Life Center 334-5656 Good Samaritans, Laura Leger 334-5165 Staff Rev. Kendal Faulk Pastor Deacon Tommy Adams Permanent Deacon Deacon Daniel Besse Permanent Deacon Deacon Denis LaCroix Permanent Deacon Deacon Tim Ledet Permanent Deacon Albert Johnson Business/Office Manager Linda Ancona Executive Secretary Patty Nugent Receptionist Debbie Harrington Sacramental Recording Georgette Richard Elementary CRE Jamie Orillion Youth Minister Fred Menard R.C.E. Principal Denise Brignac Choir Director Kip Faulk Accompanist Please remember in your prayers these parishioners & friends of St. Joseph Parish who are ill: Keith Alleman, Peggy Alleman, Curless Arabie, Allen Arceneaux, Brian Arceneaux. J. C. Arsement, Faye Aucoin, Josette Hoffpauir Baker, Blake Bearb, Tommy Bearb, Jessie Bellard, Suzanne Bercier, Helen Boudreaux, Lou Boudreaux, Rena Boudreaux, Betty Boullion, J. C. Bourque, Judy Bourque, Jerry Breaux, Judy Breaux, Rick Briggs, Kerry Broussard, Emily Elizabeth Carlton, Louise Carpenter, Mona Carriere, Bill Castille, Hilda Castille, Percy Castille, Judy Chester, Eula Cobena, Celeste Comeaux, William Comeaux, Eva Belle Credeur, Greg Credeur, Olivia Credeur, Chase Dogua, Dylan Dogua, Jacob Dogua, Markus Doucet, Jeanette Dupont, Janice Duplantis, Rose Fontenot, Trent Fontenot, A. D. Foreman, Abbie Foreman, Delanie Foreman, Donna Foreman, Ella Mae Foreman, Debra Fusilier, Patricia Gautreaux, Terry Gautreaux, Elaine Gilbert, Ethan Louis Gilbert, Lynette Guidry, Raymond “Bic” Guidry, Tenny Tony Guidry, Tatum Guillory, Stormy LeMay Hamilton, Karen Hebert, Tommy Hodges, Leo LaCroix Jr., Ruby Landry, Olivia Grace Latiolais, Erphie & Edna Lavergne, Leroy & Doris Lavergne, Margie Lavergne, Mona LeBlanc, Faye Ledford, Ethel Leger, Wilbur Leger, Dillon LeGros, Mark LeMaire, Bailey Leon, Bridget Lonseth, Hubert Matte, Laura M. Meaux, Joyce Meche, Pat Melancon, Dominic Menard, Troy Menard, David Moore, Lillian Morgan family, Haileigh Navarre, Monica Onebane, Joseph Ortego, Adele Porrier, Gale Prejean, Hilda Robichaux. Gene Romero, Shirley Romero, Damien Royer, Dot Royer, Javonte Sinegal, Layna Simon, Bryon Smith, Anthlie Sonnier, Paul Sonnier, Bill Storey, Loveless Thibodeaux, Joseph Trahan, Karen Trahan, Ryan Trahan, Rodney Trahan, Cindy Vondenstein, Glenda Young, Thomas Zaunbrecher The picture on the cover of this bulletin is of a Sunrise over St. Joseph Cemetery #2 Courtesy of Albert Johnson Sacrament of Baptism is held the 2nd Sunday of each month after 10AM Mass. Contact the Parish Office 4 to 6 months before to schedule Baptism Preparation. Classes are held the 4th Sunday of the month after 10AM Mass. Sacrament of Marriage: Call the Parish Office at least 6 months in advance of desired wedding date to schedule an appointment with Father in order to set the wedding date & begin the preparation process. Sacrament of Reconciliation: 30 minutes prior to Mass or any other time by appointment. Communion for the Shut ins: Please contact Dean Thibodeaux (334-5425) to schedule visits by a Minister of Communion. Funerals: Families should contact the Funeral Home to make all the necessary arrangements. Parish Membership: Parishioners entering or leaving the Parish are encouraged to call 2 the Parish Office. Monday, October 29th, Weekday 6:30am Theodora H. Faulk, Willis & Leora Credeur, Poor Souls in Purgatory, Chester Boudreaux, Ann Molbert Meche, Helen Weber Tuesday, October 30th, Weekday 12:05pm Jacob Milligan, Heather Richard, James "Dee" Gardiner, Ann Molbert Meche, Helen Weber Wednesday, October 31st, Weekday 6:30am Anne C. Guidry Fly, Poor Souls in Purgatory, Special Intentions, Charles Dupont, Chester Boudreaux, Ann Molbert Meche, Helen Weber 5:30pm Special Intentions, Ann Molbert Meche, Helen Weber Thursday, November 1st, All Saints Day, (Holy Day of Obligation) 6:30am Ann Molbert Meche, Helen Weber, M/M Lennis Credeur 12:05pm Clara & William Wright Fly, Joseph & Ben Stutes, Margaret M. Simpson, Clara Wright Boudreaux Fly, Murphy Moore, Sam Wingate Fly, Elphege & Anita Wingate Fly, Harvey & Sis LeBouef, John & Mable Nugent, Clopha & Alicia Royer Fly, M/M James Stafford Wingate Fly, Wenzel Habetz Fly, Kenneth & Cleveland Credeur & Dugas Fly, Ernest Alleman, Leodice & Sadie Menard, Edward, Bobbie H. & David Gossen, M/M Francois Pellissier Fly, Isaac & Marie M. Thibodeaux, Antoine & Agnes P. Menard Fly, M/M Dominic Menard Fly, M/M J. August Habetz Fly, Tommy Petitjean Sr Fly, Rosella Stelly Perry, Poor Souls in Purgatory, Thevis, Hoffpauir & Ohlenforst Fly, Anthony & Rita Privat, M/M Bernard Leger & Sons, Lucille "Tookie" Patin, Norbert Thevis, Ohlenforst & Leonards Fly, Glenn Zaunbrecher, Megan Hoffpauir, Bert & Helena Pharr, Chester Boudreaux, Isaac & Julia Cormier, Autry Cormier, Wilton "Boy" Foreman, Eudy & Lena Comeaux & Children, Sarah Bryson, Eva & Edmae Gary Fly, Dennis & Eunice Comeaux, T- George & Scott Larriviere, St. Joseph Class of 1959, Carson Brignac, Jacob Milligan, Special Intentions, Calvin & Bobby Royer Fly, Ann Molbert Meche, Helen Weber, Clovis Boudreaux Friday, November 2nd, "FIRST FRIDAY", All Souls Day 6:30am Calice Constantin Jr Fly, Joseph & Ina Kibodeaux Fly, Clara Wright Boudreaux Fly, Harvey & Sis LeBouef, Sam Wingate Fly, Clopha & Alicia Royer Fly, M/M James Stafford Wingate Fly, Ernest Alleman, Leodice & Sadie Menard, Edward, Bobbie H. & David Gossen, Tommy Petitjean Sr Fly, M/M N.J. Gossen Fly, M/M Clyde Arsement Fly, John & Mable Nugent, Poor Souls in Purgatory, Guidry & Thibodeaux Fly, Conrad Gossen, Calvin J. Caillier Fly, Louisa P. Breaux, M/M Karl Zaunbrecher Sr Fly, Leonard "Jake" Cramer, Norbert Thevis, Glenn Zaunbrecher, Megan Hoffpauir, Bert & Helena Pharr, Chester Boudreaux, Eva & Edmae Gary Fly, Alfredo Guarino Jr., Edward Duran, Jesus Codotco & Petra Codotco, Zachary Codotco, M/M Philip E. Boudreaux Fly, Viola Sonnier & Children, Ann Molbert Meche, Helen Weber, Deus Monceaux Fly, Edward Alleman Fly, Amanda Briggs, Clovis Boudreaux, Joseph & Ben Stutes Saturday, November 3rd, "FIRST SATURDAY", St. Martin de Porres, Religious, BVM 9:00am Cathy Schexnider, Rayne High Class of 1959, Robert A. Gossen Sr, Weil, Privat & Gossen Fly, Merton Leger, Aline Privat Thibodeaux, Wenzel Habetz Fly, Sam Wingate Fly, Sadie Menard, Ernest Alleman, Poor Souls in Purgatory, Nelson G. Richard, Ashleigh Miller, Megan Hoffpauir, Glenn Zaunbrecher, Bert & Helena Pharr, Cecile L. Leonards, Carson Brignac, Special Intentions, Ann Molbert Meche, Helen Weber, Joseph & Ben Stutes 4:00pm Sean Credeur & The Soileaux Fly, Etienne Hernandez, James "Dee" Gardiner, M/M Isaac C. Domingue Fly, M/M Nathan J. Mouton, Everett D. Hildreth, Wenzel Habetz Fly, Antoine & Agnes P. Menard Fly, Sam Wingate Fly, M/M Claude Simon, Virginia Meyer, Louis Granger, Voorhies Trahan Fly, Poor Souls in Purgatory, Preston Dogua, Clarence, Alice & Carlton Prevost, Stephanie & Julia Zaunbrecher, Theresa Bailey, Ted Menard, Russel Benoit, Chad Pellerin, George Breaux, Danny Soileaux, Delton Soileaux, Loretta Dugas, Diana Boullion, Cecile L. Leonards, Arceneaux & Simoneaux Fly, Poor Souls in Purgatory, Nellie Boudreaux, M/M Julien Comeaux Fly, Chester Boudreaux, M/M Bernard Boudreaux Fly, Marie Boudreaux, Ann Molbert Meche, Helen Weber, Wilson Key, Clovis Boudreaux, Odell & Agatha Melancon, Joseph & Ben Stutes, Chadwick Pellerin Sunday, November 4th, Thirty-first Sunday In Ordinary Time 7:00am M/M Pierre Prevost Fly, Ernest Alleman, Debbie M. Stutes, Poor Souls in Purgatory, Lloyd Hoffpauir Sr, Mollie Trahan, Millard Gilbert & Children, Ann Molbert Meche, Helen Weber, Delaine Foreman 10:00am Wilbert Cary Fly, M/M J.B. Benoit, Eunice Thomas Fly, M/M Joseph Numa Martin, Eloi Guidry Fly, M/M Ernest Aguillard, M/M E. C. Andrus, M/M Hadley Young, Poor Souls in Purgatory, George & Claudia Breaux, Stephen Prevost, Freddie & Helen LeBeouf, Belezaire, Ernest, Isaac & Clemence Trahan, Paul S. & Bertha T. Sonnier, Carson Brignac, Ann Molbert Meche, Helen Weber, Eric Alleman, Marguerite Constantine, Ruth Barton, John Barton 5:30pm All Parishioners Many Thanks to Charles & Leita Chappuis for generously donating Sanctuary Bells to our Church. 3 Please remember St. Joseph Parish, Rayne Catholic Elementary & Notre Dame High School in your Last Will and Testament when planning your estate. PARISH LIFE SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM Thursday, November 1st is a Holy Day of Obligation. There will be a vigil Mass on Wednesday, October 31 at 5:30 PM and Mass at 6:30 AM and 12:05 PM on Thursday. We welcome those who entered our Catholic faith through the waters of Baptism: Vivian Katherine Moody, Peighton Sloane Simoneaux & Paxton Casey Prudhomme The Parish Office will be closed on Thursday, November 1st. BLESSING OF THE CEMETERIES Saturday, November 3 St. Joseph Cemetery #1 2:00PM Arceneaux Cemetery 3:00PM SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE We joyfully share in the union of: Mark Edward Alleman & Erin Katherine Leach Sunday, November 4 St. Joseph Cemetery #2 2:00PM Leger Cemetery 3:00PM Jody Lynn Breaux & Kourtney Blythe Thibodeaux Mausoleum Crypts RECENTLY DEPARTED Crypts in St. Joseph Cemetery #2, Mausoleum #6 are available and may be purchased on terms if desired. FMI call the Parish Office at 334-2193 or Acme Mausoleums at 1-877-620-7875. Our faith community remembers in prayer: Charles Myers We pray that he will find joy and peace in the Lord’s presence. We extend our sincere sympathy to his families and friends. Weekly Offerings for October 14, 2012 Envelopes 54% $ 5,491 Loose Checks 27% 2,713 Cash 19% $ 1,910 Total contributions $10,114 Weekly budget $11,589 ($ 1,475) Mass Schedule Saturday 4:00 pm Sunday 7:00 am, 10:00 am & 5:30 pm Monday 6:30 am Tuesday 12:05 pm Wednesday 6:30 am Thursday 12:05 pm Friday 6:30 am Perpetual Lamp in our sanctuary burns constantly to proclaim the real presence of our Lord Jesus Christ in the Tabernacle. This week we dedicate the flame to: Special Intentions, Mr. & Mrs. Alcide Bourque & family and Mr. & Mrs. Isaac Stutes & family Little Blue Advent Books are in and available at the Parish Office for $1.00 each. They contain six-minute meditations for each day of the Advent Season. Don’t Let the Flu Get You! CVS Pharmacy will be sponsoring a flu shot clinic after all Masses on Sunday, November 4th in St. Joseph Family Life Center. May the Lord bless you on the day of your birth and fill your life with much happiness. Annie Alleman, Nicholas Bearb, John Bush, Nicholas Granger, Pam Hazlett, Danon Hoffpauir, Paul Kedinger, Gayla Matte, Madison Richard, Eric Terro, Annaleigh Thibodeaux, Betty Thomas, Leslie Alleman, Thomas Bearb, Ashton Benoit, Valery Kratzer, Elmo Meche, Heather Richard, Tabetha Richard, Corey Romero, Kaylie Soileaux, Vernice Sonnier, Russel Thibodeaux, Thomas Ware, Patricia Alleman, James Ancelet, Ramona Besse, Jonathan Broussard, Blake Comeaux, Joshua Hardy, Deborah Harrington, Albert Johnson, Geronna Leonards, Brenda Melancon, Caron Myles, Janet Reed, Clyde Richard, Wallace Sonnier, Benny Stelly, Kenneth Thibodeaux, Alison Trudell, Ashton Dupuis, Heather Gautreaux, Carl Istre, Vicki Istre, Tanner Lagrange, Yvonne Lavergne, Benjamin Lormand, Kailey Meaux, Theogene Meaux, James Morgan, Nicholas Nero, Joshua Peltier, Ann Richard, Viola Roy, Dan Theriot, Ashley Bearb, Chrissie Benoit, Catherine Breaux, Joey Duhon, Pauline Gilbert, Lisa Guidry, Jason Hanks, Sheila Hebert, Daniel Henry, Grace Johnson, Merella McFalls, Margarert Meche, Ariel Melancon, Vivian Menard, Aidan Mouton, Alli Mouton, Ron Myers, Larry Richard Sr, Andie Thibodeaux, James Towry, Charles Alleman, Alicia Bordelon, Gene Comeaux, Evan Sean Credeur, Jeremy Granger, Linda Guidry, Neil Hanks, Kenneth Johnson, John Mahaffey, Katherine Mouton, Danielle Pastor, Brennen Benoit, Beverly Cannon, Lacey Castille, Eva Comeaux, Steve Comeaux, L. J. Credeur, Lori Guidry, Dina Matte, Laura Matte, Edward Moody, Gina Moreaux, Thomas Pousson, Tyler Prejean, Edgar Quebodeaux, Chad Richard, Gaynal Savoy, Wendy Thibodeaux, Bryan Trahan, 4 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Babyberries Mothers & caregivers of children ages 0-5 years old. Please join us in the Family Life Center on Thursday, November 1st at 9:00am for an hour of prayer, singing, Bible stories, dancing & crafts. FMI contact Marian Lormand at 334-8984. Joe’s Café Children’s Church Children Meeting Jesus Religious Education for children ages 4, 5 & 6 years old while parents attend 10:00 am Mass on November 4th Children are called up, blessed and escorted to class. For more information call the Rel. Ed. Dept. at 334-9849. Monday, October 29th Saints Mass in Church 5:30 pm to 6:45 pm 11th grade students who wish to be confirmed will meet on Sunday, November 4th in the K C Hall Friday, November 2nd For more information or if you have any questions contact Todd David at 334-0302. Religious Education for 6th, 7th & 8th graders. Sunday, November 4th after 5:30 pm Mass in the Youth Hall FMI, please contact Rikki Martin at 334-9849. Confirmation Christian-based recreation for 6th, 7th & 8th graders from 6:00 pm to 10:00 pm in the Youth Hall. Anyone interested in helping please call 334-9849. Religious Instruction for Pre-k through 5th grade. R. C. I. A. Religious Education for 9th through 12th graders. FALL RETREAT Nov. 2nd to 4th Please pray for our young people and leaders attending. FMI please contact the Rel. Ed. Dept. at 334-9849. Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults Wednesday, October 31st at 7:00 PM in the Family Life Center. For more information contact Randy Bertrand at 356-1909 AREA HAPPENINGS Retreats at the Cenacle 5500 St. Mary Street, Metairie, La. 1-800-699-4095 www.cenaclesisters.org/metairie Advent Retreat: Come to the Quiet II November 30th - December 1 In the midst of the busy, hurried, noisy holiday season, come to an overnight retreat in a relaxed, quiet, peaceful place, with scripture, liturgical music, presentations, quiet prayer, candlelight and a deepening of your personal encounter with Christ. Minimum Offering: $125 Legends of the Soul: Stories of Transformation of the Journey of Faith January 18 - 20 Conversion is a personal experience that leads us to community. The movement of transformation beckons us to believe and accept our identity as the beloved of God. For more of us, conversion is not one, brief, binding moment that changes our life forever, but rather a slow, maturing process that takes place over time as we learn a new language found in the whisper and wisdom of Godthe language of our soul. This retreat reflects how the life of faith is a sojourn of the soul. During this retreat, this rest stop for our soul, we will explore stories of our faith and seek to see how they connect and reconnect us to the stories of our lives. Minimum Offering: $125 5 Notre Dame High School Announces 8th Grade Visitation Day On Tuesday, November 6th from 9AM to 1PM. 8th graders will meet Notre Dame students, visit classes and be part of an introduction program. All participants must pre-register. Students attending Our Lady Immaculate (Jennings), Our Mother of Peace (Church Point), Rayne Catholic Elementary, Redemptorist Catholic (Crowley), St. Francis ( Iota), St. Michael (Crowley) or St. Peter (Gueydan) are already pre-registered. Students attending other schools may register by calling Louisette Broussard at 783-7143 by October 29. Parents will have the opportunity to learn more about Notre Dame by attending a complementary Parent Information Dinner on Wednesday, November 7th at 6:00 PM in the school cafeteria. Please call Louisette at 783-7143 or e-mail lbroussard@ndpios.com. Notre Dame High School will hold its Annual Dining Extravaganza on Tuesday, November 13th at 6 PM in the Rayne Civic Center. $100 donation admits 2 people & includes dinner & drinks. For more information call 783-3519 or e-mail lbroussard@ndpios.com. RECOGNIZING JESUS Being All You Can Be The star of today’s Gospel is a panhandler. Bartimaeus is blind, yes, but he is probably also homeless and filthy, a real nuisance to respectable citizens. Even so, it is Bartimaeus who recognizes Jesus as the Messiah, places all his faith in him, throws aside everything he has (his cloak), begs him for mercy, receives new vision, and follows Jesus on the way to suffering and death in Jerusalem. How desperate will we have to get before we can do the same? If we look at the Church’s saints, we see fishermen and farmers, husbands and wives, rich & poor, soldiers and scholars, even kings & queens honored there. Everyone is called to achieve his or her fullest potential, to be a truly whole and holy person, regardless of occupation or state of life. All the saints and mystics see themselves for what they are and invite God to make them all they can be. Catholic holiness is not a Jesus-and-me attitude. It is not enough to go to church on Sunday and leave the rest of your life unchanged. True holiness requires conversion of the whole person, a transformation of the total personality. And it requires a conversion of your life-style, no matter where you live or what you do for a living. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. A Prayer for Saintly Grace Almighty and Everlasting God, who enkindles the flame of Your love in the hearts of the saints, grant us the same faith and power of love; that, as we rejoice in their triumphs we may profit by their examples, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Sunday: 6 Eph 4:32-5:8; Lk 13:10-17 Eph 5:21-33 [2a, 25-33]; Lk 13:18-21 Eph 6:1-9; Lk 13:22-30 Rv 7:2-4, 9-14; 1 Jn 3:1-3; Mt 5:1-12a Wis 3:1-9; Rom 5:5-11 or 6:3-9; Jn 6:37-40, or any readings from no. 668 or from the Lectionary for Ritual Masses (vol. IV), the Masses for the Dead, nos. 1011-1016 Phil 1:18b-26; Lk 14:1, 7-11 Dt 6:2-6; Ps 18; Heb 7:23-28; Mk 12:28b-34 Liturgical Ministers serving at the Lord’s table Lectors Eucharistic Ministers 6:30am Clinton Boullion Patricia Greene, Matilda Johnson, Brenda Hooper Brenda Hooper Oct. 30 12:05pm Margaret Young Daniel Habetz, Linda Ancona, NEED HELP Margaret Young Oct. 29 Altar Servers Sacristans Oct. 31 6:30am Jeanette Leger Deacon Tommy Adams, Flo Broussard, Betty Bellard Tommy Adams Nov. 1 12:05pm Dolores Deville Peggy Lake, Charmaigne Lawless, Leah Guidry Charmaigne Lawless Nov. 2 6:30am Paul Molbert Helen Arsement, Liz Deaville, Dr. Neal Duhon Rita Monceaux Nov. 3 9:00am Annette Gossen Dolores Deville, Flo Broussard, NEED HELP NEED HELP 4:00pm Larry Van Pelt, Cathy Breaux Deacon Dan, Randy Bertrand, Gale Prejean, Edward Prejean, Peggy Lake, Angela Rosteet, Tammy LeBlanc Kyler Habetz, Allie Moore, Emily Savoy Cathy Breaux 7:00am Becky Miller, Joseph Swinkey Deacon Tommy, Keith Vienne, Flo Broussard, Georgette Richard, Mona Vienne, Sylvia Alleman, Patrick Miller Michael Gossen, Hunter Keely Mike Doucet 10:00am Paul Molbert, Jim Petitjean Deacon Denis, Harry Comeaux, Mike Ortego, Kathy Breaux, Jonathan Hebert, Eva Simon, Linda Arceneaux, Jonathan Broussard Brittany LaCroix, Matthew Molbert, Ben Zaunbrecher Faye Jeffers 5:30pm Leah Guidry Deacon Tim. Lance Abshire, Blake Breaux, Nancy Sarsfield, Denise Breaux, Mike Abshire, Beth Goins Baileigh Goins, Tanner Fee, Luke Mire Eric Mire Nov. 5 6:30am Clinton Boullion Randy Bertrand, Rita Monceaux, Mike Ortego Brenda Hooper Nov. 6 12:05pm Margaret Young Linda Ancona, Daniel Habetz, Mary Guidry Margaret Young Nov. 7 6:30am Betty Bellard Barry LeBlanc, Dean Thibodeaux, Davis Normand Rita Monceaux Nov. 8 12:05pm Dolores Deville Leah Guidry, Peggy Lake, Charmaigne Lawless Helen Boudreaux Nov. 9 6:30am Clarence Arsement Keith Vienne, Mona Vienne, Randy Bertrand Robert Simoneaux Nov. 10 4:00pm Martha Hodge, Davis Normand Deacon Tim, Brenda Hooper, Zubaida Elahi, Dr. Neal Duhon, Diana Duhon, Lyn Guidry, Daniel Habetz Jordan Daigle, Dylan Meche, Ethan Comeaux Gilbert & Mary Cormier Nov. 11 7:00am Clinton Boullion, Dolores Deville Deacon Dan, Barry LeBlanc, Brunella Reed, Mary Leger, Darrel Dugas, Jonathan Hebert, Matilda Johnson Hunter Keely, Michael Gossen Brunella Reed 10:00am Jared Lawless, Mica Smith Deacon Denis, Margaret Young, Harry Comeaux, Louisette Broussard, Hebert Matte, Liz Deaville, Marlon Leger, Peggy Deville Kennedy Smith, Ethan Bowling, Madeleine Deville Harry & Nola Comeaux 5:30pm Sarah Ledet Deacon Tommy, Randy Bertrand, Angela Says, Jimmy Fontenot, Mike Abshire, Bill Says, Russell Menard Ian, Luke & Noah LeBlanc Eric Mire Nov. 4 There will be a table placed at the foot of the stairs in church every weekend in November with lost & found items. PLEASE CLAIM YOUR LOST ITEMS All remaining items will be donated to the poor at the beginning of December. Thank you But, other than that, the Life Teen Retreat was a huge success. 7 CHURCH NAME AND ADDRESS St. Joseph Church #467550 401 S. Adams Avenue Rayne, LA 70578 TELEPHONE 337-334-2193 CONTACT PERSON Linda Ancona SOFTWARE MSPublisher 2007 Adobe Acrobat 9.0 Windows XP Professional PRINTER HP 2420 TRANSMISSION TIME Friday 12:00 SUNDAY DATE OF PUBLICATION October 28, 2012 NUMBER OF PAGES SENT 1 THROUGH 8 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS 8
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