bulletin - St. Joseph Catholic Church
September 22, 2013 Twenty-fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time Staff Rev. Kendal Faulk Pastor Rev. Garrett Savoie Associate Pastor Deacon Tommy Adams Permanent Deacon Deacon Daniel Besse Permanent Deacon Deacon Denis LaCroix Permanent Deacon Deacon Tim Ledet Permanent Deacon Albert Johnson Business/Office Manager Linda Ancona Executive Secretary Patty Nugent Receptionist Debbie Harrington Sacramental Recording Georgette Richard Elementary CRE Jamie Orillion Youth Minister Rikki Martin Edge Coordinator Fred Menard R.C.E. Principal Denise Brignac Choir Director Kip Faulk Accompanist Parish office is open 8:00 am to 4:00pm Monday - Thursday and 8:00 am to Noon on Friday 401 S. Adams - P. O. Box 199 Phone: 337-334-2193 Rayne, LA 70578 Fax: 337-334-2199 Website: www.stjoerayne.org E-mail: stjoseph1872@diolaf.org Religious Education Office: 337-334-9849 Youth Hall: 337-334-5991 Rayne Catholic Elementary: 337-334-5657 Family Life Center: 337-334-5656 Mass Schedule Saturday Vigil 4:00 pm Sunday 7:00 am, 10:00 am & 5:30pm Monday 6:30 am Tuesday 12:05 pm Wednesday 6:30 am Thursday 12:05 pm Friday 6:30 am First Saturday 9:00 am Weekly Calendar Monday, September 23 Rosary Group-9:00 am, Church Prayer for Priests-2:00 pm, Church CMJ Mass-5:30 pm, RCE Campus Tuesday, September 24 That Man is You!-5:30 am, Family Life Center Carpenters Choir-6:30 pm, Church Bible Study-7:00 pm, Family Life Center Wednesday, September 25 Elderberries-9:00 am, Family Life Center Rayne Guest Home Mass -3:30 pm RCIA—7:00 pm, Family Life Center Thursday, September 26 Babyberries-9:00 am, Family Life Center 1st Comm Parent Mtg-6:00 pm, Family Life Center Ultreya– 6:30 pm, Church cry room Friday, September 27 Saturday, September 28 Sunday, September 29 Children’s Church-10:00 am Mass, Church Edge-6:30 pm, Youth Hall Life Teen-6:30 pm, Family Life Center September 8, 2013 Offerings Envelopes $ 6,376 Loose Checks 4,577 Cash 1,899 Catholic University 207 First Friday 164 Building & Maintenance $ 355 Weekly Offerings $ 13,578 Call the Parish Office to add loved ones to the prayer list. Names remain for one month. Feel free to call and have the name continue on the list. Please pray for these parishioners & friends of St. Joseph Parish who are ill: Keith Alleman, Josette Hoffpauir Baker, Tommy Bearb, Suzanne Bercier, Carter Bertrand, Mark Bertrand, Roxanne Bertrand, Helen Boudreaux, Vivian Boudreaux, Betty Boullion, J. C. Bourque, Judy Bourque, Barbara Breaux, Debbie L. Breaux, Rick Briggs, Blackie Broussard, Susan Broussard, Paulette S. Butcher, Percy Castille, Martin Chatelain Jr., Judy Chester, Eula Cobena, Vanessa Comeaux, Eva Belle Credeur, Lovenia Credeur, Eileen Domingue, Randy “Frog” Duplechin, Earl & Joyce Dupont, Bernice Eddie, Nettie Faulk, A. D. Foreman, Abbie Foreman, Patricia Gautreaux, Loretta Girouard, Brian Guidry, Lillian Leger Guidry, Lynette Guidry, Stormy LeMay Hamilton, Karen Hebert, Dana F. Hernandez, Tonva Huval, Leo LaCroix Jr., Roland LaFleur, Ruby Landry, Erica Latiolais, Olivia Grace Latiolais, James F. Lavergne, Leroy & Doris Lavergne, Margie Lavergne, Faye Ledford, Ethel Leger, William Leger, Deacon Leleux, Amanda Leon, Bailey Leon, Bridget Lonseth, Carla Sue Lormand, Laura M. Meaux, Beulah Meche, Brandon Meche, Byron Meche, Joyce Meche, E. J. Melancon, Pat Melancon, Troy B. Menard, Donald “Rod” Mire, David Moore, Andre’ O’Brian, Joseph Ortego, Phil & Connie Quartana, Cynthia Melancon Reed, Dolores Richard, Damion Royer, Dot Royer, Annie W. Spell, Jerome Simoneaux, Anthony “Tony” Spaetgens, Bill Storey, Gerald Tanner, Brenda Thibodeaux, Austin Trahan, Robert Trahan, Cindy Vondenstein, John Weber, Lindsay West, Spike Wingate, Jessie Zaunbrecher Perpetual Lamp in our sanctuary burns constantly to proclaim the real presence of our Lord Jesus Christ in the Tabernacle. This week we dedicate the flame to: Mr. & Mrs. Bradley Breaux, Curless Arabie family and Leland & Hilda Hebert Please pray for a Priest each day Eternal Father, we lift up to You these and all the priests of the world. Sanctify them. Heal and guide them. Mold them into the likeness of Your Son, Jesus, the Eternal High Priest. May their lives be pleasing to You. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen. September 23 September 24 September 25 September 26 Rev. Robert DeCesare, LC Rev. Edward Degeyter Rev. Herbert Delauney Rev. Michael Delcambre September 27 Rev. Mark Derise September 28 Msgr. Keith DeRouen September 29 Rev. Ferdinand Derrera, SJ Sacrament of Baptism is held the 2nd Sunday of each month after 10AM Mass. Contact the Parish Office 4 to 6 months before to schedule Baptism Preparation. Classes are held the 4th Sunday of the month after 10AM Mass. Sacrament of Marriage: Call the Parish Office at least 6 months in advance of desired wedding date to schedule an appointment with Father in order to set the wedding date & begin the preparation process. Sacrament of Reconciliation: 30 minutes prior to Mass or any other time by appointment. Communion for the Shut-Ins: Please contact Deacon Tommy (334-8453) to schedule visits by a Minister of Communion. Funerals: Families should contact the Funeral Home to make all the necessary arrangements. Parish Membership: Every family in St. Joseph Parish is asked to register with the Parish Office by filling out a census form. If you have moved, changed your phone number or family information, please update your records. Census forms may be obtained at the Parish Office, on our website www.stjoerayne.org or in the lobby of church. Monday, September 23rd, St. Pius of Pietrelcina (Padre Pio) 6:30am Bert & Helena Pharr Tuesday, September 24th, Weekday 12:05pm Wenzel Habetz & Fly, M/M Estay Meaux & John Meaux, M/M Lawrence H. Zaunbrecher, Diane Leger Pitre, Poor Souls in Purgatory Wednesday, September 25th, Weekday 6:30am M/M Cyrus Dugas Fly, Lula & Lawrence Leon, Chester Boudreaux Thursday, September 26th, Sts. Cosmas & Damian 12:05pm Wenzel Habetz & Fly, Norbert Thevis, Wilton "Boy" Foreman, Dr. Gerald E."Chief" Waguespack, Joseph & Ben Stutes, M/M Louis Breaux, Rita, Junior, Chester & Mary Jane Breaux, Donwid Deville Friday, September 27th, St. Vincent de Paul 6:30am Thurston & Maude Duhon, Calvin & Buella Guidry, Ramona Gilbert, Mollie Trahan, M/M Desire' Menard, Ted Menard, Clovis Boudreaux, Chester Boudreaux, Poor Souls in Purgatory Saturday, September 28th, St. Wenceslaus, St. Lawrence Ruiz & Companions, BVM 4:00pm Wenzel Habetz & Fly, Obrey, Sr & Bertha G. Benoit, Antoine & Agnes P. Menard Fly, Rufus M. LaCroix Sr, Leodice & Sadie Menard, Eunice A. Thevis, Ted Menard, Arceneaux & Simoneaux Fly, Bearb & Bellard Fly, Clovis Boudreaux, Robert "Ray" & Flora Lee Camp, Lloyd "Kelly" & Mark J. LeBlanc, Alex & Rosella Dupuis, M/M Leonce Trahan, Melvin & Emma Bourque, Alma G. DeRouen, Eunice A. & Raymond Thevis, Lois F. Petitjean, Wilbert Quebodeaux, Louis Privat Jr., Raymond Thevis, Joseph & Ben Stutes, Raymond "Bic" Guidry, M/M Ryness LeBlanc, Herman Stelly, Lauless & Gladys Robichaux, Curless Arabie & Fly Sunday, September 29th, Twenty-sixth Sunday In Ordinary Time 7:00am All Parishioners 10:00am Ernest Alleman, M/M Clet Richard, Carson Brignac, Clarence Courville Fly, Oclude P. Dupuis Fly, Mollie Trahan, Terry & Nimfa Easterling, Bubba & Mona Zaunbrecher, Lloyd J. Meaux, Josephine Vincent Henry, Minus Gaspard, Otis & Marie Romero, Lawrence & Bernice Richard, Winnie Prejean, Elias Romero, Wilson & Shirley Dupuis, Elaine D. Saltzman, Cecile Richard, Wilfred Jr. & Perry "Bozo" Romero, Lloyd Joseph Meaux, Betty Jane Henry Meaux, Debbie Stanford, Donwid Deville, Jowel & Joliet Hicks, Wilfred Romero Jr 5:30pm Charles Trahan, Leleux & Menard Fly The Parish Office will be closed every Wednesday from Noon to 1:00 PM for staff renewal and development. We will remain open through the lunch period on the other days of operation. Parish office is open 8:00 am to 4:00pm Monday - Thursday and 8:00 am to Noon on Friday WILL YOUR WISHES BE KNOWN? A bequest to St. Joseph Parish, Rayne Catholic Elementary or Notre Dame High School affords a way for you to express specific philanthropic wishes. A bequest may be made by naming a specific dollar amount, a percentage of the estate or specific assets. The spirit is given a voice when wishes are expressed in a Will. While many may think philanthropy is reserved for a select few, the truth is that every bequest makes a mark that will last throughout history. Please pray for guidance when planning your estate. SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM RECENTLY DEPARTED We welcome those who entered our Catholic faith through the waters of Baptism: Our faith community remembers in prayer: Eleanor Louise Leonards and Grace Marie Fontenot Marjorie Hains McCarty, Olivia L. Credeur and Percy J. Leger We pray that they will find joy and peace in the Lord’s presence. We extend our sincere sympathy to their families and friends. PARISH LIFE 600 Section Street, Rayne, LA Phone # 393-2146 Thank you for the help and donations provided to the Daily Manna Christian Service Center. Through your generous contributions and by patronizing the shop, we have distributed over 5 tons of food to area families in need. Please inform family members and friends who are in need of assistance that the Center is open every Tuesday and Thursday from 8:00 AM to 3:00 PM. To apply, a photo ID and verification of income are required. The Daily Manna Christian Service Center is a nonprofit organization that relies on the support of generous donors like yourself to provide assistance to individuals of all faiths. St. Joseph Rosary Makers There will be a rosary making class given at the Family Life Center on Saturday, September 28th from 9AM till Noon. The cost for supplies is $5.00 per person. Everything you need will be provided for you. Come early and learn how to make several different kinds of rosaries. There is no pre-registration required and all ages are invited. Rosary Pilgrimage Friday, October 11th Carpool with us as we travel to area churches for a Rosary Pilgrimage. We will meet at St. Joseph Church and leave at 8AM Our schedule includes visits to: Our Lady of Peace Church in Lafayette St. Elizabeth Seaton Church in Lafayette St. Joseph Church in Parks, LA St. Joseph Church in Loureauville, LA Please contact Jeanette Leger at 334-2186 for more information. Catholic Daughters Court Rayne #844 Annual Raffle Tickets are $1.00 each and may be purchased at the Parish Office or from any Catholic Daughter. All proceeds go towards ongoing charitable works of the Catholic Daughters. Grand Prize: $400 Deluxe Curio Cabinet 2nd prize: $150 Fleur-de-lis candlestick set 3rd prize: $50.00 Visa Card 4th prize: $25.00 Visa Card 5th prize: 2 seafood dinners from Gabe’s 6th prize: $25.00 gift certificate to Frog City 7th prize: Quilted Angel Wall Hanging Thank you for supporting CDA Court Rayne! Everyone is invited to the Living Rosary in Church on Monday, October 7th at 5:45 PM It will be held in conjunction with CMJ teachers & students. Please make every effort to attend this important event as we pray and teach our Catholic youth the importance of October as the Month of the Rosary. Participants will only be asked to light a candle as the rosary is lead and recited by a coordinator. FREE ROSARY REPAIR A parishioner of St. Joseph Parish will repair Rosaries for free. Please bring them to the parish office in an envelope with your name and phone number. If you have any extra rosaries, spare parts or other religious items that you wish to donate, they will be greatly appreciated. Please indicate if it is a repair or a donation. Thank you May the Lord bless you on the day of your birth and fill your life with much happiness. Maggie Breaux, Theresa Breaux, Lillian Casanova, Janet Cavalier, Amanda Daigle, Bart Guidry, Jennifer Guidry, Barry Istre, Linda McDaniel, Alma Meche, Anna Meche, David Meche, Lena Meche, Zachary Meche, Russell Richard, Kayle Robinson, Margaret Boullion, Emma Cormier, Deinna Hoffpauir, Odile Meaux, Scotty Simon, Harris Sonnier, Bernadine Stewart, Bobby Abshire, Lance Abshire, Merlin Alleman, Kane Bergeron, Linda Breaux, Meredith Calhoun, Chetwin Coleman, Shanea Cormier, Edgar Credeur, Tammy Doga, Emily Dupont, Bryan Guidry, Lloyd Hoffpauir, Lauren Moody, Joan Mouton, Nicholas Petitjean, Lucille Trahan, Roxanne Alleman, Mary Dugas, Jacob Fabacher, Marie Habetz, Anna LeBlanc, Keith Manual, Brian Menard, James Menard, Colby Mouton, James Orillion, Mandy Quebodeaux, David Reed, Denise Schexnyder, Diane Stelly, Brooke Abshire, John Bihm, Ben Boudreaux, Francine Clark, Brandy Comeaux, Ruby Comeaux, Allison Daigle, Scott Dupuis, Ernest Holloway, Ava LeBlanc, Jasmine Lopez, Mary-Michael McIntyre, Anna Melancon, Marialine Murrell, Jenna Roberts, Bryson Sanchez, Shirley Simon, Joyce Smith, Gerald Tanner, Sandra Touchet, John Trahan Sr., Amber Wills, Richard Barbier, John Casanova, Frederick Credeur, Patricia Guidry, Zach Henry, Daniel Johnson, Robert Landry, Hanna McKenzie, Meagan Molbert, Jenna Roberts, Mona Savoie, Wilma Thibodeaux, Katie Venable, Kelli Venable, Lee Bares, Hazel Baronet, Dayne David, Aaron Dorsett, Betty Doucet, Annette Guidry, Jack Guidry, Vanessa Habetz, Thomas Hebert, Linda Istre, Sherill Latiolais, Mona Lopez, Wayne Menard, Daniel Mooney, Gabrielle Navarre, Hazel Patin, Robert Prejean, Roland Thibodeaux, Sonya Zaunbrecher RELIGIOUS EDUCATION St. Joseph Parish Religious Education Department is now located inside the Parish Office Building at 401 S. Adams Avenue. Please see us there for all of your religious education needs. Georgette, Jamie, Peggy & Rikki Children Meeting Jesus Religious Instruction for Pre-K through 5th graders Monday, September 23rd on the RCE Campus from 5:30 pm to 6:45 pm. Please call the CMJ Office at 334-9849 if you did not receive a registration form or to volunteer. Children’s Church Religious Education for children ages 4, 5 and 6 while parents are attending mass. Sunday, September 29th during 10:00 am Mass. Children are called up, blessed and escorted to class at the beginning of Mass. Edge Religious Education for 6th, 7th & 8th graders. Sunday, September 29th 6:30pm in the Youth Hall For more information or to volunteer, call Rikki Martin at 334-9849. Religious Education for 9th, 10th, 11th & 12th graders Cookout Sept. 29th at 6:30pm in the Family Life Center For more information, please contact Jamie at 334-9849 Joe’s Café Christian-based recreation for 6th, 7th & 8th graders Next Joe’s Café, Friday, October 4th from 6:00 pm to 10:00 pm in the Youth Hall. Anyone interested in helping call 334-9849. Babyberries Is a faith-filled, fun hour for Parents, Grandparents, caregivers & children 0-5 years. Thursday, September 26th at 9:00am in the Family Life Center This week’s lesson is on Samson St. Joseph Bible Study Join us this Tuesday September 24th at 7:00 pm For 11th grade students registered to be confirmed. Next Confirmation Class October 6th at 6:30pm in the K C Hall For more information contact Todd David at 334-0302 2013-2014 RCIA Process Next class is Wednesday, Sept. 25th at 7:00 pm in the Family Life Center All are welcome but especially those who are considering full communion with the Catholic Church. Please call the Parish Office (334-2193) or contact Randy Bertrand (356-1909) to register. St. Joseph Altar Server Training Wednesday, Oct. 23rd at 6PM or make-up class, Saturday, Oct. 26th at 9AM both training sessions will be done in Church For all Altar Servers and anyone wishing to become an Altar Server. For more information, please contact Deacon Tim Ledet at 280-1243 in the Family Life Center. National Shrine of Blessed Francis Seelos St. Mary’s Assumption Church 919 Josephine Street, New Orleans 504-525-2495 www.seelos.org Father Seelos Memorial Mass Sunday, October 6th at 1:00 pm Celebrant & Homilist: Most Rev. Gregory Aymond, Archbishop of New Orleans Confessions before Mass Veneration of Relic Crucifix Welcome Center / Shrine / Museum Open: Monday-Friday 9:00am to 3:00pm & Saturday 10:00 am to 3:30pm 27th Annual Rosary Congress Our Lady Seat of Wisdom Chapel, Notre Dame High School Campus Monday, Oct.7th Opening 7:00 AM –Deacon Denis LaCroix 6:30 PM –Holy Mass-Fr. Godwin, celebrant Tuesday, Oct. 8th 6:30 PM –Holy Mass-Fr. Garrett Savoie, celebrant Wednesday, Oct. 9th 6:30 PM-Holy Mass-Fr. Clint Trahan, celebrant Thursday, Oct. 10th 6:30 PM– Holy Mass-Fr. Kendal Faulk, celebrant Friday, Oct. 11th 6:30 PM -Consecration to our Holy Mother Investment of the brown scapular Blessing of the Roses Holy Mass-Fr. David Broussard, celebrant Patriotic Rosary at 6:00 pm daily For more information call Ding Hoffpauir at 783-6419 STEWARDSHIP REFLECTIONS READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Ezr 1:1-6; Ps 126:1b-6; Lk 8:16-18 Tuesday: Ezr 6:7-8, 12b, 14-20; Ps 122:1-5; Lk 8:19-21 Wednesday: Ezr 9:5-9; Tb13:2, 3-4abefghn, 7-8; Lk 9:1-6 Thursday: Hg 1:1-8; Ps 149:1b-6a, 9b; Lk 9:7-9 Friday: Hg 2:1-9; Ps 43:1-4; Lk 9:18-22 Saturday: Zec 2:5-9, 14-15a; Jer 31:10-2ab, 13; Lk 9:43b-45 Sunday: Am 6:1a, 4-7; Ps 146:7-10; 1Tm 6:11-16; Lk 16:19-31 Rejecting Market Worship We live in a culture that worships the marketplace. There is a distinction here between respecting the market and understanding its place in our economy—and worshiping it. Market worship is the most prevalent form of idolatry in our culture today. And unfortunately, we have allowed these market values to virtually trump all our religious values, some times even in the lives of our parishes. How often do we go through life sorting other human beings into market categories? How often do we forget the holy and inherent worth of all we encounter? Opening our eyes to the ways each of us has unwittingly internalized the values of the market can be shocking and painful, but it helps in our journey to build an economy based on Gospel values. “How will we ever have unity among Christians if we are not capable of having it among us Catholics, ...in the family, how many families fight and split up? Seek unity, unity builds the Church and comes from Jesus Christ. He sends us the Holy Spirit to build unity!” When Jacob Marley appears to Ebenezer Scrooge at the beginning of A Christmas Carol, he wears a long chain, clasped around his middle, “made of cash-boxes, keys, padlocks, ledgers, deeds, and heavy purses wrought in steel.” He tells Scrooge that he wears the chain he forged in life, and now he wanders the earth because in life his spirit never went beyond “the narrow limits of our money-changing hole.” Old Marley’s life had been about money until it ended; now he pays the price. Luke calls on his community to consider its use of money. In today’s parable a steward has been caught squandering his master’s property. Seeing that his days are numbered, the steward acts quickly to ensure that he will have friends at the end. Surprisingly, the master commends him for “acting prudently.” Jesus then comments that the children of this world have more gumption than the children of light, using their money to make friends. Three other comments follow: Use money to make friends for eternity; trustworthiness in small matters and earthly wealth will lead to being trusted with true wealth, i.e. God’s kingdom; and you have to choose between God and “mammon” (whatever holds your deepest trust other than God). In a nutshell, use your money to serve; allow God to save. Jesus is in line with the prophet Amos, who castigates the businessmen of his day for cheating the poor and needy. God is on the side of these little ones. They are the ones we are to befriend by using our money for their good. Jesus, who came as a “ransom for all” (1 Timothy 2:4), is our true wealth. —James A. Wallace, C.SS.R. _|àâÜz|vtÄ `|Ç|áàxÜá áxÜä|Çz tà à{x _ÉÜwËá gtuÄx Lectors Extra-ordinary Ministers of Communion Altar Servers Sacristans Sept. 23 6:30 am Clinton Boullion Mike Ortego, Patricia Greene, Matilda Johnson Brenda Hooper Sept. 24 12:05pm Margaret Young Daniel Habetz, Charmaigne Lawless, Mary Guidry Margaret Young Sept. 25 6:30 am Jeanette Leger Dean Thibodeaux, Flo Broussard, Mona Vienne Rita Monceaux Sept. 26 12:05 pm Dolores Deville Leah Guidry, Peggy Lake, NEED HELP Helen Boudreaux Sept. 27 6:30 am Clarence Arsement Paul Molbert, Rita Monceaux, Liz Deaville Rita Monceaux Sept. 28 4:00 pm Mary Comeaux, Amy Johnson Sept. 29 7:00 am Dolores Deville Deacon Denis, Sylvia Alleman, Darrel Dugas, Jonathan Hebert, Matilda Johnson, Becky Miller, Flo Broussard Joseph Ware, Nicholas Reaux Mike Doucet 10:00 am Paul Molbert, Mica Smith Deacon Tommy, Barry LeBlanc, Eva Simon, Nathan Mouton, Faye Jeffers, Jared Lawless, Peggy Deville, Mike Ortego Kennedy Smith, Matthew Molbert, Madeleine Deville Melinda Leger 5:30 pm Laila Wyatt Deacon Tim, Randy Bertrand, Jimmy Fontenot, Janet Bertrand, Denise Breaux, Mike Abshire, NEED HELP Alyssa Picard, Jude Thibodeaux, Heidi Guilbeau Eric Mire Sept. 30 6:30 am Clinton Boullion Keith Vienne, Randy Bertrand, Mona Vienne Brenda Hooper Oct. 1 12:05pm Margaret Young Daniel Habetz, Mary Guidry, NEED HELP Margaret Young Oct. 2 6:30 am Jeanette Leger Barry LeBlanc, Dean Thibodeaux, Betty Bellard Rita Monceaux Oct. 3 12:05 pm Dolores Deville Peggy Lake, Charmaigne Lawless, Linda Ancona Charmaigne Lawless Oct. 4 6:30 am Clarence Arsement Deacon Tommy, Helen Arsement, Rita Monceaux Robert Simoneaux Oct. 5 9:00 am Annette Gossen Rita Monceaux, Flo Broussard, NEED HELP Rita Monceaux 4:00 pm Debra Reed, Shawn LaCroix Deacon Tim, Barry LeBlanc, Brenda Hooper, Tammy LeBlanc, Larry LeBlanc, Clara LeBlanc, Larry Van Pelt Sarah LeBlanc, Cody LeBlanc, Brittany LaCroix Gilbert & Mary Cormier 7:00 am Janet Bertrand, Dan Landry Deacon Dan, Michael Bellard, Mary Guidry, Randy Bertrand, Betty Bellard, Brunella Reed, Mary Leger Evan Hebert, Anna Claire Ledet, Elizabeth Ledet Brunella Reed 10:00 am Jim Petitjean, Devin Soeseno Deacon Denis, Margaret Young, Jonathan Broussard, Kathy Breaux, Liz Deaville, Marlon Leger, Linda Arceneaux, Eva Simon Hunter Benoit, Jacob Mooney Elizabeth Kibodeaux Faye Jeffers 5:30 pm Beth Goins Deacon Tommy, Bill Says, Lance Abshire, Mike Abshire, Russell Menard, Angela Says, Nancy Sarsfield Baileigh Goins, Tanner Fee Flo Broussard Oct. 6 Deacon Dan, Gale Prejean, Zubaida Elahi, Edward Prejean, Mary Francis Beslin, Albert Johnson, Annette Gossen, Barbara Nugent Christian Comeaux, Jacob Zaunbrecher When I Grow Up After Mass one Sunday morning, a young boy suddenly announced to his mother, “Mom, I’ve decided to become a priest when I grow up.” “Why honey, that’s great! But what made you decide all of a sudden?” said his mom. “Well,” said the little boy, “Since I have to go to Mass every Sunday anyway, I figure it will be more fun to stand up front and yell, than to have to sit and listen.” Cathy Breaux CHURCH NAME AND ADDRESS St. Joseph Church #467550 401 S. Adams Avenue Rayne, LA 70578 TELEPHONE 337-334-2193 CONTACT PERSON Linda Ancona SOFTWARE MSPublisher 2007 Adobe Acrobat 9.0 Windows XP Professional PRINTER HP 2420 TRANSMISSION TIME Friday 12:00 SUNDAY DATE OF PUBLICATION September 22, 2013 NUMBER OF PAGES SENT 1 THROUGH 8 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS
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