bulletin - St. Joseph Catholic Church


bulletin - St. Joseph Catholic Church
February 16,
Sunday in
Rev. Kendal Faulk
Rev. Garrett Savoie
Deacon Tommy Adams
Deacon Daniel Besse
Deacon Denis LaCroix
Deacon Tim Ledet
Associate Pastor
Permanent Deacon
Permanent Deacon
Permanent Deacon
Permanent Deacon
401 S. Adams - P. O. Box 199
Phone: 337-334-2193
Rayne, LA 70578
Fax: 337-334-2199
Youth Hall:
Rayne Catholic Elementary:
Family Life Center:
Mass Schedule
Saturday Vigil
4:00 pm
7:00 am, 10:00 am & 5:30pm
6:30 am
12:05 pm
First Saturday
Parish office is open 8:00 am to 4:00pm Monday - Thursday
and 8:00 am to Noon on Friday
6:30 am
12:05 pm
6:30 am
9:00 am
Weekly Calendar
Monday, February 17
Rosary Group-9:00 am, Church
Prayer for Priests-2:00 pm, Church
CMJ Class-5:30 pm, RCE Campus
Tuesday, February 18
Lay Carmelite-5:00 pm, Youth Hall
Choir Practice-6:30 pm, Church
Wednesday, February 19
RCE Mass-8:15 am, Church
Elderberries-9:00 am, Family Life Center
Rayne Guest Home Mass -3:30 pm
RCIA-7:00 pm, Family Life Center
Thursday, February 20
Babyberries-9:00 am, Family Life Center
Co-ed Ultreya– 6:00 pm, Church
Friday, February 21
Joe’s Cafe’-6:00 pm, Youth Hall
Confirmation Retreat-leave at 6:00 pm
Saturday, February 22
Confirmation Retreat– LeBlanc, LA
Sunday, February 23
Confirmation Retreat-return at 2:00 pm
Edge-6:30 pm, Youth Hall
Life Teen– 6:30 pm, Family Life Center
St. Joseph
in your will.
For further
information call
the Parish Office
at 334-2193.
Call the Parish Office to add loved ones
to the prayer list.
Please pray for these parishioners &
friends of St. Joseph Parish:
Keith Alleman, Josette H. Baker, Tommy Bearb, Suzanne
Bercier, Carleen Bertrand, Carter Bertrand, Jody Besse, Susan
Besse, Helen Boudreaux, Vivian Boudreaux, Betty Boullion,
Cynthia Bourque, Judy Bourque, Alexis Breaux, Joseph
Breaux, Jr., Debbie Low Breaux, Rick Briggs, Paulette S.
Butcher, Percy Castille, Charles “Moon” Chappuis, Martin
Chatelain Jr., Judy Chester, Kinley Comeaux, Naomi
Comeaux, Eva Belle Credeur, Lovenia Credeur, Jacob &
Amanda Dogua, John Doga, Jr., Randy “Frog” Duplechin,
Earl & Joyce Dupont, Susan Dupuis, Irene Durio, Bernice
Eddie, Anthony Emmons, A. D. Foreman, Abbie Foreman,
Ella Mae Foreman, Claudia Fruge’, Debra Fusilier, Lynette
Gaspard, Patricia Gautreaux, Loretta Girouard, Lynette
Guidry, Nelda Guidry, Stormy LeMay Hamilton, Kadon
Hebert, Karen Hebert, Philip Ray Hebert, Dana F. Hernandez,
Dale Hodges, James Hodges, Diane Hoffpauir, Shawn
Hoffpauir, Leo LaCroix Jr., Erica Latiolais, Olivia Grace
Latiolais, James Lavergne, Doris Lavergne, Margie Lavergne,
Faye Ledford, Eloise LeJeune, Ethel Leger, Deacon Leleux,
Amanda Leon, Bailey Leon, Bridget Lonseth, Carla Lormand,
Cooper Lormand, Mary Lou Marks, Laura M. Meaux,
Beulah Meche, Joyce Meche, Pat Melancon, Troy B. Menard,
Merlin & Norma Miller, Donald “Rod” Mire, David Moore,
Tola Myers, Lily Navarre, Tina B. Northrup, Andre’ O’Brian,
Joseph Ortego, Gale Prejean, Cynthia Melancon Reed, Alice
Richard, Dolores Richard, Elisha Richard, Damion Royer,
Dot Royer, Don Sigur, Annie W. Spell, Edmond Simon,
Edward Simon, Hilda Simon, Tammy Stelly, Bill Storey,
Joey Thibodeaux, Scott Vincent, Cindy Vondenstein, John
Weber, Lindsay West, Spike Wingate, Jessie Zaunbrecher
Perpetual Lamp
in our sanctuary burns constantly to proclaim the
real presence of our Lord Jesus Christ in the
Tabernacle. This week we dedicate the flame to:
Vocations to the Priesthood
Sacrament of Baptism is held the 2nd Sunday of each month after 10AM Mass. Contact the Parish Office 4 to 6 months before to
schedule Baptism Preparation. Classes are held the 4th Sunday of the month after 10AM Mass.
Sacrament of Marriage: Call the Parish Office at least 6 months in advance of desired wedding date to schedule an appointment
with Father in order to set the wedding date & begin the preparation process.
Sacrament of Reconciliation: 30 minutes prior to Mass or any other time by appointment.
Communion for the Shut-Ins: Please contact Deacon Tommy (334-8453) to schedule visits by a Minister of Communion.
Funerals: Families should contact the Funeral Home to make all the necessary arrangements.
Parish Membership: Every family in St. Joseph Parish is asked to register with the Parish Office by filling out a census form. If you
have moved, changed your phone number or family information, please update your records. Census forms may be obtained at the
Parish Office, on our website www.stjoerayne.org or in the lobby of church.
Monday, February 17th, The Seven Holy Founders of the Servite Order
6:30 am Poor Souls in Purgatory
Tuesday, February 18th, Weekday in Ordinary Time
12:05 pm Rodney J. Guidry
Wednesday, February 19th, Weekday in Ordinary Time
6:30 am Betty Guidry, Laurent & Eleanor Guidry
Thursday, February 20th, Weekday in Ordinary Time
12:05 pm Willie Clement Fly, M/M David Trahan, Donwid Deville, Joseph & Ben Stutes
Friday, February 21st, St. Peter Damian
6:30 am Thurston & Maude Duhon, Calvin & Buella Guidry
Saturday, February 22nd, The Chair of St. Peter the Apostle
4:00 pm Wenzel Habetz Fly, Melise & Remie Brasseaux Fly, Nellie, Keith & Chris Petitjean, M/M
Clinton J. Petitjean Sr., Eunice A. Hutchinson, M/M Raoul Trahan, Louis Granger Fly,
Andy Clement & Fly, Nolan & Lena Clement Fly, Wilton & Helen Chiasson Sr. Fly, Roland
& Debbie Clement, Darren Lajaunie, Nettie C. Faulk, M/M C.J. & Carlton J. Prevost,
Wilson Key, Obrey & Bertha G. Benoit Sr., Antoine & Agnes P. Menard Fly, M/M Hypolite
Fontenot Fly, Wilbert "Bud" Chiasson, Members of St. Joseph Ladies Altar Society,
Joseph & Ben Stutes
Sunday, February 23rd, Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time
7:00 am Bubba & Mona Zaunbrecher, Laura Z. Bellard, Hugh & Betty Miller, Jameele Saloom,
F. E. Landry
10:00 am All Parishioners
5:30 pm Poor Souls in Purgatory
Eternal Father, we lift up to You these and all the priests of the world. Sanctify them. Heal
and guide them. Mold them into the likeness of Your Son, Jesus, the Eternal High Priest.
May their lives be pleasing to You. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.
February 17 Rev. William Ruskoski
February 20 Rev. William Schambough
February 18 Rev. Michael Russo
February 21 Rev. Gary Schexnayder
February 19 Rev. Garrett Savoie
February 22 Rev. Paul Schott, SJ
February 23 Rev. John Schroder, SJ
May the Lord bless you on the day of your birth and fill your life with much happiness.
Layne Autin, Edward Bergeron, Mark Beslin, Wilbert Bourque, Norris Clement, Kenneth
Comeaux, Elaine Gilbert, Jason Gossen, Cary Hebert, Susan Henry, Larry LeBlanc, Alfred
Leger, Roy Oathoudt, Logan Richard, Randy Savoy, Theresa Savoy, Aimee Speyrer, Josey
Benoit, James Burch, Kevin Daigle, Yvonne Daigle, Elizabeth Kibodeaux, Derek LeBlanc, Evelyn Leger,
Nicholas Lyons, Byron Meche, Marlene Melancon, Lily Morgan, Henry Perrodin, Sable Rivette, William Says,
Michelle Simoneaux, Gervis Soileaux, Elizabeth Stelly, Jacques Vidrine, William Arceneaux, Sandy Carrier,
William Crooks, Jeanell Daigle, Dalton Dupuis, David Gautreaux, Boyd Gray, Patrick Hoffpauir, Herman
Mayeux, Chloe Myers, Holden Racca, Anna Soileaux, Larry Thibodeaux, Gabe Casanova, Zubaida Elahi,
Derek Hudson, Chris Leger, Marjorie Monceaux, Marsha Pellerin, Mark Prevost, Gretchen Roy, Laine
Breaux, Elma Castille, Elizabeth Coleman, Barbara Galland, Ronald Leger, Alexandra Lopez, Nazida
Petitjean, Shelby St. Germain, Dawn Stelly, Natalie Thibodeaux, Eva Bott, Patsy Chiasson, Bertha Cormier,
Malyn Cormier, Jody David, John Doguet, Maudra Duhon, Steven Junot, Sydnie Lavergne, Robert Melancon,
Lisa Menard, Sylvia Moody, Michael Mooney, Terri Myers, Lara Myles, Pat Ware, Billy Arsement, Wil
Benoit, Madison Boudreaux, Mikalyn Comeaux, Millard Conques, Scott Cormier, Chalette Credeur, Gregory
Credeur, Lauren Credeur, Jude Doucet, Kim Hebert, Cynthia Ledet, Kristen Navarre, Eugene Prejean
Lenten Day of Reflection
with Fr. Savoie
Saturday, April 12th
10:00 AM to 2:00 PM
in the Family Life Center
No charge—no registration
To include Mass and Lunch
Sponsored by the
Catholic Daughters Court Rayne
March 5th
Day of Fasting & Abstinence
Mass & Distribution of Ashes
6:30 AM,
8:20 AM (RCE Mass),
12:05 PM,
3:30 PM (Guest Home) and
6:00 PM
Lenten Mission
Presented by Fr. Savoie
Monday, March 24th
Tuesday, March 25th and
Wednesday, March 26th
at 6:30 PM each evening
in Church
Mass with elongated homily.
Fasting and Abstinence
Ash Wednesday and Good Friday are days of both abstinence (all Catholics 14 years or older abstain from
eating meat) and fasting (Catholics between 18 and 59 years are obliged to partake of only one full meal).
Fridays during Lent are days of abstinence only.
Ash Wednesday is 46 days before Easter, but Lent is considered 40 days long, because Sundays are not
counted as days of Lent. The reason? Fasting is considered inappropriate on Sunday,
the day commemorating the resurrection of Jesus.
We joyfully share
in the union of:
Paul Michael Jordan &
Jennifer Alyse Guidry
“What God has joined together, let no man
Mark 10:9
January 26, 2014 Offerings
Weekend Offerings
$ 10,873
Other Donations
Building & Maintenance
Total Weekly Offerings
$ 15,948
Thank you for your generosity.
Our faith community
remembers in prayer:
Bernice Credeur & Frances Lyons
We pray that they will find joy & peace in
the Lord’s presence. We extend our sincere
sympathy to their families and friends.
Beginning again February 4th
and each Tuesday morning
Breakfast at 5:30 am
Meeting immediately following
in the Family Life Center
That Man Is You! is transforming men, families and
society as it presents the vision of man fully alive!
Combining the teachings of the Church and wisdom of
the saints with the best research from modern science
in an interactive, multimedia format. That Man Is
You! puts this vision within the grasp of every man.
AARP Driver Safety Program
Thursday, March 13, 2014
from 12:30 pm to 4:30 pm
at the Family Life Center
$15 for AARP members & $20 for non-members
For more information or to register
contact Jeanette Leger at 334-2186.
C. M. J.
for K through 5th grade students
will be
from June 16th through June 27th
from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm
on the RCE Campus
Please contact Georgette at 334-2193
for additional information or
if you would like to volunteer
Joe’s Café
Christian-based recreation for
6th, 7th & 8th graders
Next Joe’s on February 21st
from 6:00 pm to 10:00 pm
in the Youth Hall.
Confirmation Class
11th grade students to be confirmed.
Confirmation Retreat
will begin Friday, February 21st
leaving for LeBlanc, LA at 6:00 pm
and returning
Sunday, February 23rd at 2:00 pm
FMI call Todd David at 334-0302
Children Meeting Jesus
Religious Ed. for Pre-K to 5th graders
CMJ class on February 17th
5:30 PM on the RCE Campus
Life Teen
Religious Education for
9th, 10th, 11th & 12th graders
Next Life Teen
on Sunday, February 23rd
at 6:30 pm in the Family Life Center
will be held
June 2nd through June 6th
from 9:00 am to Noon
on the RCE Campus
Please contact Georgette at 334-2193
for additional information or
if you would like to volunteer
Next Babyberries
on February 20th
at 9:00am in the Family Life Center.
“The Foolish Farmer”
Catholic Middle School Ministry
Next Edge is
February 23rd
at 6:30 pm
in the Youth Hall
Children’s Church
Religious Education
for children ages 4, 5 and 6
while parents are attending mass.
Next Children’s Church
Sunday, March 2nd
at 10:00 AM
on the R C E Campus
2013-2014 RCIA Process
Next RCIA Class on
February 19th
at 7:00 pm in the Family Life Center
Please call the
Parish Office (334-2193) or
Randy Bertrand (356-1909) to register.
Saint Charles Center
2151 Sam Houston Jones Pkwy,
Lake Charles, LA 70611
(337) 855-1232
“Song of Songs"
Sr. Diane Depwe
Tuesday, February 18th 6:00pm - 9:00pm
This unique book of the Old Testament is a collection
of love lyrics referring to mutual desire, courtship and
the ideal of human love. It reaffirms our human
sexuality and the sacredness of the covenant of marital
union. Yet the book is also an interpretation of the
ideal Israel covenant relationship with God, using
marriage as an image for God and His Church.
Jesus also refers to Himself as the Bridegroom and the
Church as His Bride. Valentine's Day has just recently
passed, but finding the way to romance, love and
commitment in marriage is readily available in and
through this holy book of the Bible.
Come and experience God's love and be renewed!
Call the Center to register (337) 855-1232 or go to our
website at stcharlescenter.com.
Suggested donation is $20.00 per person.
Please register so that adequate arrangements can be
made for supper.
Do you feel an emptiness in your life?
Are you looking for ways to connect with
God in a more personal way?
Having a spiritual director to meet with
monthly, can be of great help in developing a
committed prayer life
and in living more consciously
in God’s presence.
A spiritual director will walk with you on
your journey and give you the
encouragement and guidance needed to grow
closer to the Lord.
For further information please feel free to
contact Simone Dubois,
a member of St. Michael Parish in Crowley
at 788-5129, to schedule a time or
to get answers to your questions.
First Reconcile Yourselves
At Mass the temple of God,
which we are, gathers
together to worship our God.
Here to this altar we bring
our gifts, the gift of our
lives, our hearts, our whole beings. But there is one
necessary condition that will make our gifts acceptable mutual charity, mutual reconciliation. It is good - it is
necessary - to remember Jesus’ words in today’s Gospel
about reconciling with others before we worship. Jesus is
telling us that the most noble of all
human activities, the worship of God, the recognition of
God’s lordship over all things, cannot take place without
reconciliation with other members of our communities
and families. As long as there is antagonism in our hearts
toward anyone, our worship is a sham.
Jas 1:1-11;
Ps 119:67-68, 71-72,
75-76; Mk 8:11-13
Jas 1:12-18;
Ps 94:12-13a; 14-15,
18-19; Mk 8:14-21
Wednesday: Jas 1:19-27;
Ps 15:2-4ab, 5;
Mk 8:22-26
Thursday: Jas 2:1-9; Ps 34:2-7;
Mk 8:27-33
Jas 2:14-24, 26;
Ps 112:1-6; Mk 8:34- 9:1
Saturday: 1 Pt 5:1-4;
Ps 23:1-3a, 4-6;
Mt 16:13-19
Lv 19:1-2, 17-18;
Ps 103:1-4, 8, 10, 12-13;
1 Cor 3:16-23; Mt 5:38-48
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Extra-ordinary Ministers of Communion
Altar Servers
Feb. 17
6:30 am
Clinton Boullion
Randy Bertrand, Mike Ortego, NEED HELP
Brenda Hooper
Feb. 18
12:05 pm
Margaret Young
Linda Ancona, Daniel Habetz, Mary Guidry
Margaret Young
Feb. 19
6:30 am
Jeanette Leger
Barry LeBlanc, Dean Thibodeaux, Rita Monceaux
Robert Simoneaux
Feb. 20
12:05 pm
Dolores Deville
Daniel Habetz, Peggy Lake, Charmaigne Lawless
Charmaigne Lawless
Feb. 21
6:30 am
Clarence Arsement
Deacon Tommy, Keith Vienne, Mona Vienne, Randy
Rita Monceaux
Feb. 22
4:00 pm
Cathy Breaux,
Charmin Broussard
Deacon Tim, Zubaida Elahi, Larry LeBlanc, Brenda
Hooper, Clara LeBlanc, Tammy LeBlanc, Albert Johnson
Sarah LeBlanc,
Cody LeBlanc
Cathy Breaux
Feb. 23
7:00 am
Janet Bertrand,
Dan Landry
Deacon Dan, Michael Bellard, Keith Vienne, Flo
Broussard, Randy Bertrand, Mary Guidry, Mona Vienne
Jack Himel,
Anna Claire Ledet,
Elizabeth Ledet
Flo Broussard
10:00 am
Mica Smith,
Luke Beslin
Deacon Denis, Barry LeBlanc, Margaret Young, Kathy
Breaux, Liz Deaville, Jonathan Broussard, Jared Lawless,
Harry Comeaux
Allie Moore,
Kennedy Smith,
Jon Cameron Habetz
Melinda Leger
5:30 pm
Erin LeBlanc
Deacon Tommy, Lance Abshire, Bill Says, Angela Says,
Russell Menard, Mike Abshire, NEED HELP
Tanner Fee,
Baileigh Goins
Gilbert & Mary Cormier
Feb. 24
6:30 am
Clinton Boullion
Mike Ortego, Patricia Greene, Matilda Johnson
Brenda Hooper
Feb. 25
12:05 pm
Margaret Young
Daniel Habetz, Charmaigne Lawless, Mary Guidry
Margaret Young
Feb. 26
6:30 am
Jeanette Leger
Dean Thibodeaux, Flo Broussard, Mona Vienne
Rita Monceaux
Feb. 27
12:05 pm
Dolores Deville
Charmin Broussard, Leah Guidry, Peggy Lake
Helen Boudreaux
Feb. 28
6:30 am
Clarence Arsement
Paul Molbert, Rita Monceaux, Liz Deaville
Rita Monceaux
March 1
4:00 pm
Clarence Arsement,
Peggy Lake
Deacon Tommy, Gale Prejean, Helen Arsement, Edward
Prejean, Lyn Guidry, Diana Duhon, NEED HELP
Emily Savoy,
Emma Landaiche
Gilbert & Mary Cormier
March 2
7:00 am
Becky Miller,
Dolores Deville
Deacon Tim, Barry LeBlanc, Larry Van Pelt, Patrick
Miller, Brunella Reed, Matilda Johnson, Josette LeBlanc
Michael Gossen,
Hunter Keely
Brunella Reed
10:00 am
Jim Petitjean,
Allison Gray
Deacon Dan, Eva Simon, Paul Molbert, Louisette
Broussard, Marlon Leger, Linda Arceneaux, Mike Ortego,
Faye Jeffers
Lee Ann Gray,
Madison Gray,
Hayden Thomas
Faye Jeffers
5:30 pm
Laila Wyatt
Deacon Denis, Randy Bertrand, Nancy Sarsfield, Mike
Abshire, Janet Bertrand, Leah Guidry, Denise Breaux
Luke Mire,
Heidi Guilbeau
Eric Mire,
Flo Broussard
“Unfortunately, what is thrown away is
not only food and dispensable objects,
but often human beings themselves,
who are discarded as ‘unnecessary.’
For example, it is frightful even to think there are children,
victims of abortion, who will never see the light of day;
children being used as soldiers,
abused & killed in armed conflicts;
and children being bought and sold
in that terrible form of modern slavery
which is human trafficking,
which is a crime against humanity.”
Pope Francis
St. Joseph Church #467550
401 S. Adams Avenue
Rayne, LA 70578
Linda Ancona
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Friday 12:00
February 16, 2014

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