March 13, 2016 - St. Mary Magdalen Catholic Church
March 13, 2016 - St. Mary Magdalen Catholic Church
La Madeleine THE CATHOLIC COMMUNITY OF ST. MARY MAGDALEN PARISH Abbeville, Louisiana FIFTH SUNDAY OF LENT 13TH MARCH 2016 Mass Schedule WEEKEND Saturday: 4:00 PM Sunday: 7:00AM, 9:30 AM, 11:00 AM 3:00 PM (Vietnamese), 5:30 PM WEEKDAYS Tuesday - Saturday: 6:30 AM Reconciliation Saturday: 2:30 - 3:30 PM Sunday: 4:45 - 5:15 PM Also before weekday Mass. Other times by request. Baptism Please call the parish office to schedule. Baptism Preparation Please call the parish office to schedule. Classes are held 2nd Monday every other month. Anointing of the Sick Please call the parish office to schedule. Marriage Please contact the parish office at least SIX months before marriage date. Funeral Arrangements Please call the parish office after contacting the Funeral Home. PARISH STAFF Pastor Fr. Louis J. Richard Pastoral Associate Sr. Carmelita Latiolais, S.E.C. Deacon Billy Vincent Deacon Tam M. Tran Deacon Candidate Francis Cao Director of Parish Renewal & Evangelization Mr. John Listi Life Teen Youth Minister Mr. John Listi and Mr. Drew David Weddings & Christian Formation Director Ms. Renella Livers Funerals & Cemetery Manager Mrs. Eileen Boudoin Business Manager Deacon David Vaughn Receptionist Mrs. Marguerite Landry Director of Music & Church Organist Mr. Tommy Guidry Christian Service Center Director Mr. Marcelo Davis Maintenance Mr. Malcolm d’Augereau Housekeeper Mrs. Kim White We welcome you to St. Mary Magdalen Parish . If you are new to the parish please introduce yourself before or after Mass. Please pick up a census form located in the vestibule of church or call the parish office. 300 Pere Megret P. O. Box 1507 Abbeville, LA 70511-1507 website: Telephone: 337-893-0244 From The Pastor Holy Week Mass Schedule Neither Do I Condemn You… To the woman caught in adultery, Jesus was literally a savior. She was about to suffer the death penalty, according to the law of Moses, by being stoned to death. But the Lord preserved her life. He did not pretend she was innocent or excuse her behavior. Rather, for Jesus, “everyday” was his “Year of Mercy”. His love and forgiveness became an opportunity for her conversion. The woman’s physical life was spared, and if she chose to follow Jesus’ instruction to abandon sin, her spiritual life was also saved as a result of this beautiful encounter. We also have access to this mercy and freedom. In just a couple short weeks, we will read from the Passion account of Jesus’ suffering and death. When he died on the cross for us, Jesus became our savior too. Instead of condemning us, He set us free from the power of sin. But like the woman in the Gospel, we have a choice to make. We, ultimately, have to decide: will I follow the path of Jesus, who has saved me, by striving to sin no more? Or will I depart from my savior, and return to the same old self-destructive patterns? Holy Week Triduum Mass Schedule Holy Thursday—6:30pm Good Friday– 3:00pm Service Easter Vigil—8:00pm Easter Sunday— 7:00am, 9:30am 11:00am No 3:00 or 5:30pm Mass Pilgrimage with Fr. Louie Next year during Lent 2017, I will be leading a Pilgrimage to the Holy Land and to Jordan. The dates are listed above. Please contact me at the Church office if interested. Fr. Louie Word for the Day “The little things? The little moments? They aren’t little.” Jon Kabat-Zinn Your Gift to the Lord 1st Collection $ 17,259.29 Catholic Relief $ 2,396.80 First Friday $ 2,646.00 2nd Collection This week: Insurance Next week: BSA Email Information St. Mary Magdalen Staff members often want to notify members of upcoming special masses, meetings, and parish events. An effective way to do this is through email. Please update your email address for our files. Please email or call 337-893-0244. Thank you for your assistance. Mass Intentions March 15th—March 20th TUESDAY 6:30 A.M Nm 21:4-9, Jn 8:21-30 Rev. Brian Taylor; Lola Frederick; Bobbie Pearl Britton Wilson; Charles Triche III; Maria Thi Nguyen Nghiem; Nguyen V. Khanh; Dolores Young WEDNESDAY 6:30 A.M Dn 3:14-20, 91-92, 95, Jn 8:31-42 Rev. Jeseph Tetlow, SJ; Mary M. Morgan & Patricia M. Horn; Harvey Broussard; Mickey & Minus Lege; John Vidos; Prayer Blanket Intentions; Leah Broussard; Maxine & Marshall Leblanc THURSDAY 6:30A.M St. Patrick Gn 17:3-9, Jn 8:51-59 Rev; Alphonse Thainese; Mary M. Morgan & Patricia M. Horn; Orphaned Souls; Anton Tang Do; All Souls who have no one to pray for them; Do T Hai Maria FRIDAY 6:30A.M St. Cyril Jer 20:10-13, Jn 10:31-42 Rev Rev. Mark Thidobeaux, SJ; Deacon Joel Faulk; Blanche Hayell; Royce Frederick; Marshall Leblanc; Maria Soi Tran; David “Jap” Hebert; Lelia Noel SATURDAY 6:30 A.M. St. Joesph 2 Sm 7:4-5a, 12-14a, 16, Mt 1:16, 18-21, 24a Rev. Paul Thibodeaux; Caroline Corrado Russo; George Veazey Family; Maria Doan Ty; Ancestors 4:00 P.M. Vigil of The Palm Sunday of The Passion of the Lord Lk 19:28-40, Phil 2:6-11, Lk 22:14—23:56 M/M Emile Dugas; Carmen L. Wood; Mary Ann & Dicky Broussard; Sherman Ditch; M/M Albert Russo; Fadra David; Flo B. Guidry; Tony & Enid Guarino; M/M Sam Guarino & Fly; Josephine Guarino; Nicole Leblanc; Elvina Bourque & Fly; M/M John Vigneaux; Leonard & Wayne Sellers; Roger Sellers; Barbara & Daniel Jude Broussard; John Vidos; Elvina Bourque & Fly; Charles Ray Hebert; Whitney & Rita Bonin; Othon & Alma Trahan; Margie Bonin; Bill Johnson; Athelyn Vallot and Fadra David SUNDAY Palm Sunday of The Passion of the Lord Lk 19:28-40, Phil 2:6-11, Lk 22:14—23:56 7:00 A.M. Rev. Jude Tierney, SJ; George Veazey Fly; Damian Abshire; Corey Melebeck; Nomi & Joyce Noel; The Marion Scalisi Family; Wade Huval; Maria Thi Nguyen Hghiem 9:30 A.M. . Luther Suire; Hazel Huntsberry Broussard; Orphaned Souls; Raymond Billieu; Maxine & Marshall Leblanc; Harris J. Sellers; Eula V. Bourque & Son Larry; Maria Thi Hoi; Benson Gary 11:00 A.M For the Parishioners 3:00P.M. Orphaned Souls; For All Our Ancestors; Dang Nguyen; Tue Nguyen; Maria Soi Tran; Joseph Hung Nguyen; Thank God, Virgin Mary & Joseph 5:30 P.M. Jim Bouse; Kathryn Hatch; Anton Tang Do; All Souls who have no one to Pray for them; Continued Blessings for my family from God, Virgin Mary. & Joseph. Our prayers and sympathy go out to the families of: Dorothy Mae White Hebert The Blessed Mother Candle this week burns in memory of the Indest Family The Sanctuary Candle this week burns in Thanksgiving for all the Prayers from the St. Mary Magdalen Community for Michael & Edith Russo FiŌh Sunday of Lent A Stewardship Moment Strong words come from Saint Paul in today’s second reading. He reveals in no uncertain terms that life in Christ is our goal. Everything else, he maintains, is “rubbish.” Junk. Trash. Garbage. Is that true? Is everything else “rubbish” compared to deepening our relaƟonship with the Lord? What about puƫng recreaƟonal acƟviƟes ahead of aƩending Mass? Or preferring uninterrupted hours playing the latest video games or watching TV to spending Ɵme in a bible study group, choir pracƟce or serving in a soup kitchen? Or keeping late hours at work over sharing the gospel with friends and neighbors? To what extent do we exercise stewardship over our relaƟonship with Christ? St. Mary Magdalen Youth in Action VC-Carmel Boosters’ Members of the Life Teen Group and Confirmation students volunteered last weekend to paint St. Mary Magdalen Pere Megret Center for service hours. Great job !!!! VC-Carmel Boosters’ Pork Steak Barbeque Sunday, March 20, 2016 What: 1/2 Chicken, Rice Dressing, Beans and Bread Where: VC Parking Lot (Car-Hop Service only) Time: 11:00am—12:30pm Donation: $8.00 Per Dinner This fundraiser is to support the athletic programs of Mount Carmel and Vermilion Catholic Schools. Thank you for your continued support St. Pat’s Comedy for a Cause The Rotary Club of Abbeville is proud to host the 4th Annual St. Pat’s Comedy for a Cause on Saturday, March 19, 2016, 5:00pm at Magdalen Place. The event will benefit the remodeling of the Christian Service Center Soup Kitchen. Magdalen Place, in downtown Abbeville, will provide the setting for another fun filled night. Ticket holders are able to participate in the silent and live auction, dinner buffet, enjoy comedy and music until midnight and other benefits. This year’s comedy lineup includes Ronnie Bullard who’s style could be called Southern Fried Comedy with a mischievous twist. Ronnie has appeared on Comedy Central, Showtime, and A&E comedy on the Road. Valerie Storm will also perform. This quick, animated “tomboy in high heels” has performed in some of the best comedy clubs across the country. For more information please call 893-6798 or email Please help support this benefit which will help remodel the Christian Service Center Soup Kitchen. Date Celebrant/ Deacon Lectors Eucharistic Ministers Altar Servers Saturday, March 19 Fr. Louie Deacon Tran (S) Ada Duhon Vicky Landry For Passion: Ada:Narrator Vicky:Speaker Curtis Landry Vicky Landry Austin Bourque Alexander Golden Fr. Louie David LaCour Allen McLain For Passion: David: Narrator Allen: Speaker Pat Langlinais (S) Kay DeHart Ken Taylor Michael LaCour 9:30am Fr. Louie David Bertrand Susie Bertrand For Passion: David: Narrator Susie: Speaker Joseph Vallee (S) Byron Hebert Phyllis or Joe Berberich Austin Landry Emily LeBlanc Marie-Elena Desormeaux 11:00am Fr. Louie Deacon Vincent (S) Byron Hebert Meg Hebert For Passion: Dec. Vincent: Narrator Francis Cao: Speaker Eileen Boudoin (S) Susan Desormeaux Jules Hebert Merle Gary Incense will be used Link Hebert Ross Cao Celeste Hebert Parrish Vienne Nicholas Cao Austin Cao 5:30pm Fr. Louie Philamena Hatch Anna Edwards For Passion: Anna: Narrator Philamena: Speaker Joan Greco (S-only) Kathleen Miller Joan Harrington Josh Wilson Andrew Romaine Emile Hebert Andre Hebert 4:00pm Sunday, March 20 7:00am HOMEBOUND COMMUNION Do you have a family member that is homebound and would like to receive communion regularly? Please call the parish office 893-0244 and give the address and phone number of the homebound person. Homebound Communion Ministry volunteers are needed. These volunteers who bring the Holy Eucharist act as compassionate visitors, offering a vital link between St. Mary Magdalen Parish and the sick and homebound. For more information call the parish office or speak to one of the active ministers. Special thanks to those who have ministered in the past and presently: George & Lou Veazey, Edith Russo, Audrey Bergeron, Patricia Delcambre, Letty Gallet, Vicky Landry, Ruby Leblanc, Sharlene Monic, Elaine Moledous, Julie Moledous, Judy Mouton, Flo Veazey, Elaine Mula, Mary Premeaux, Linda Woodruff and Mike Guilbeau. . Food for the Poor Food for the Poor-Bins in Church Each time you go grocery shopping, we ask you to buy an extra bag of dry good food items for our Christian Service Center. You can place your bag of groceries in the large bins located at each church door. Thanks for your support of our Outreach to the poor in our community. Faith Camp 2016 Catholic Summer Camp for Junior High Students Faith Camp is an action packed week of making friends and growing in the Christian life. Register your 7th, 8th, and 9th grader now so they don’t miss out on this awesome opportunity for fun, fellowship and spiritual growth. Faith Camp is held at Camp Woodman in Abbeville, Louisiana. This summer Faith camp will be July 4-8th and July 11th-15th. For more information about Faith Camp or to register, visit Theology of the Body Level III, IV, V, or VI: Elective, 6 credits, 4 hrs* Must be 18 years of age or older NO Charge WHAT IS “THEOLOGY OF THE BODY”? It consists of 4, 60 minute videos nar r ated by Chr istopher West and moderated by Adele Guillot, MA Theology. It is an Evangelization Tool and the Theological foundation of the Culture of Life with the family at its center. Along with the videos, the participants will use the accompanying workbook (funded by the Desormeaux Foundation) to better synthesize the teachings “ Theology of the Body” Participants must attend all four workshops in proper sequence to receive credits or hours. Partial credits or hours are not available. St. Mary Magdalene, 300 Pere Megret St., Abbeville 6:30 p.m. – 7:45 p.m. Tuesday’s April 5th, 12th, 19th, & 26th Nativity of our Lady, 130 N. Richelieu Circle, New Iberia, 6:30 p.m. – 7:45 p.m. Thursday’s April 14th, 21st, 28th, & May 5th Holy Ghost Church, 747 N. Union Street, Opelousas, 6:30 p.m. – 7:45 p.m., Wednesday’s, April 20th, 27th, May 4th, & 11th St. Patrick Church, 406 E. Pinhook Road, Lafayette, 6:30 p.m. – 7:45 p.m., Tuesday’s, May 3rd, 10th, 17th, and 24th _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ New Altar Servers Needed Any youth 4th grade and above are invited to become altar servers. A special training for all new and current servers is scheduled for Saturday April 9th, 10-12 am in church. We also invite the parents to attend the training. For more information call the STMM office 893-0244. EASTER FLORAL DONATION ENVELOPES Attached to the bulletin is the envelope for Easter Memorial donations. Any memorial donations for Easter flowers can be placed in the envelope and dropped in any collection or sent to the parish office. Memorials will be listed in the Sunday bulletin. Family Mercy Fest BAYOU MERCY - A FAMILY MERCY FEST St. Martinville Festival Grounds - April 3 Divine Mercy Sunday GATED OPEN AT 8AM & CLOSE AT 8PM 9am -Prayer & Talk on Divine Mercy 10:30am - Praise & Worship 12 noon - Lunch (Pork Steak Lunch Tickets for Sale in Advance) 2pm - Gospel Choir 3pm - Outdoor Mass 5pm - Talk on Mother Teresa 6pm - Outdoor Movie on Mother Teresa Confession and Veneration of Relics This Event is Free of Charge Sponsored by Fete-Dieu du Teche, LLC Email: for more information F & R AIR CONDITIONING, INC. DAVID ASHLEY President 119 South John M. Hardy Dr. Abbeville, Louisiana 70510 phone 337.893.5646 fax 337.893.5614 license 32253 e-mail C. Bernard (337) 893-8522 Premier Designs Jewelry 1101 West Port Street Abbeville, LA 70510 (337) 288-2027 Superior Care for ANY Large or Small Breed Animal. Bright Beginnings LEARNING CENTER Reaching For a Brighter Future! 1312 Charity Street, Abbeville, LA 337-893-2600 Sarah Thibodeaux, Owner/Director 1412 SOUTH STATE STREET ABBEVILLE, LA 70510 (337) 893-3881 & BUILDING MATERIAL Susan M. Broussard (337) 898-1237 Doré & Company Gasoline • Diesel Fuel • Lube Oils • Grease Jude Duhon 818 South Henry St. Abbeville, LA 70510 Off: 337-893-0674 Fax: 337-898-9244 President Patrick Duhon V.P. Operations/Sales Manager Serving Acadiana Boys & Girls Wear 16 locations Baptism • First Communion 316 S. State TAX, ACCOUNTING, BUSINESS SERVICES 404 Pere Megret St. 893-5400 893-1724 “Like A Good Neighbor State Farm Is There” 893-6304 Prescriptions • Compounding Medical Equipment WAYNE HEBERT, AGENT 893-7490 100 S Louisiana St. #400, Abbeville Main: 337.893.7733 In Loving Memory of Debbie Kite James A. Noel, Jr. Sales Agent Residential * Commercial * Acreage 207 Charity St * Abbeville, LA Ph: 337-898-1166 Compliments of PRODUCTION • MEASUREMENT • CALIBRATION TED L. AYO ISO 9001: 2008 ATTORNEY AT LAW 205 NORTH LUKE STREET • LAFAYETTE, LA 70506 893-6372 337.232.7431• Abbeville Branch 1309 Charity St. 337-893-3761 鵷鵸 337-523-2405 The Depot Gift Shop 鵷鵸 BankEst.Of1910Erath • LAWNCARE MAINTENANCE • BUSH HOGGING • HOUSEWASHING JACOB FAULK Owner (337) 740-2112 Souvenirs Cajun Products Art Work Jewelry Clothes, Etc. 201 W EST L AFAYETTE S T., A BBEVILLE , LA 70510 Erath Branch 105 West Edwards St. 337-937-5816 Delcambre Branch 102 West Main St. 337-685-2310 “AG is an equal opportunity employer and provider” 525165 St Mary Magdalen Church (B) In Memory of Beverly P. Noel 8431 US Hwy 167, Abbeville, LA Fax: 337-898-1834 Owner: Allen Lemaire For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-438-8931 Monica Blancas, DDS Leslie Whittington, DDS Hiep Nguyen, DDS In Loving Memory of Jim Bazar MULA FAMILY RONALD W. MELEBECK PHARMACY & GIFTS Attorney At Law (337) 893-2614 337-385-1250 114 E. Lafayette St. (337) 893-5776 2617 South Drive, Abbeville, LA 70510 VINCENT Funeral Home ◆ 209 S. ST. CHARLES STREET, ABBEVILLE 893-7661 604 S. State St. • 893-4364 2309 Richard St., Abbeville Wendy Hebert Executive Director phone 898-1944 fax 892-1298 cell 250-1294 11238 Veterans Memorial Dr. Arabie Construction Excellent References RICHARD J. DUBOIS AGENT Auto • Home • Life Home & Commercial Improvements 337-893-2114 337-893-3753 Nu-Tek Abbeville, LA (337) 893-1451 Abbeville Lake Charles Angela Gallet Car Service Center, Inc. Director COMPLETE VEHICLE SERVICE ON ALL IMPORTS & DOMESTICS W/ COMPLETE IN-HOUSE MACHINE SHOP 2509 Charity Street Abbeville, LA 70510 337-893-2131 219 W. SUMMERS DR (337) 898-1955 898-2912 899 West Port St. Lance Legé, D.D.S. TERRI LANDRY, Agent Abbeville, LA Phillip E. Noel, MD Family Dentistry 893-9122 • 904 N. Cushing, Kaplan 2655 Veterans Memorial Drive Board-Certified Amerian Board of Otolaryngology 643-7766 2615 North Dr. * 898-3700 RICHARD A. BROUSSARD Insurance Agency 24 Hour Surveillance with climate control all year round to keep your belongings safe from theft and humidity. 893-5183 ALL FORMS OF INSURANCE 500 S. State St. (A Corporation of Certified Public Accountants) Richard’s Meat Market 337-893-9139 Fresh Meats TRICIA H. LEGE, O.D. “Best Boudin in Town” 204 N. St.Charles, Abbeville 3133 Veterans Memorial Dr. Abbeville, LA 70510 Attorney at Law In Loving Memory PERRET PROPERTIES of HOME & OFFICE RENTALS Benjamin Jude Rogers Therapeutic Optometrist 337-740-2020 PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE A NDY V EAZEY 337.234.5350 898-0950 Family Owned Since 1995 “Home-Vehicle-Audio & Video Communications” 203 S. Jefferson St. Abbeville • 893-5470 2 Flagg Place Lafayette 1804 Charity Street Abbeville, LA 70510 PUSH TALK ........... 24/7 HELP ........... 654-5417 $19.95*/Mo. + 1 FREE MONTH FREE SCAPULAR Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise Brian or Sally, coordinators Send self-addressed stamped envelope to: an Official 301 Old Kaplan Hwy. 860.399.1785 Travel Agency of AOS-USA Abbeville, LA 70510 525165 St Mary Magdalen Church (A) ➢ No Long-Term Contracts ➢ Price Guarantee ➢ American Made TOLL FREE: 1-877-801-8608 *First Three Months For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-438-8931
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