February 14, 2016 - St. Mary Magdalen Catholic Church
February 14, 2016 - St. Mary Magdalen Catholic Church
La Madeleine THE CATHOLIC COMMUNITY OF ST. MARY MAGDALEN PARISH Abbeville, Louisiana FIRST SUNDAY OF LENT 14 FEBRUARY 2016 Mass Schedule WEEKEND Saturday: 4:00 PM Sunday: 7:00AM, 9:30 AM, 11:00 AM 3:00 PM (Vietnamese), 5:30 PM WEEKDAYS Monday - Saturday: 6:30 AM Reconciliation Saturday: 2:30 - 3:30 PM Sunday: 4:45 - 5:15 PM Also before weekday Mass. Other times by request. Baptism Please call the parish office to schedule. Baptism Preparation Please call the parish office to schedule Anointing of the Sick Please call the parish office to schedule. 2nd Monday every other month, 6:00PM Marriage Please contact the parish office at least SIX months before marriage date. Funeral Arrangements Please call the parish office after meeting with the Funeral Home. PARISH STAFF Pastor Fr. Louis J. Richard Associate Fr. Brian Harrington Pastoral Associate Sr. Carmelita Latiolais, S.E.C. Deacon Billy Vincent Deacon Tam M. Tran Director of Parish Renewal & Evangelization Mr. John Listi Life Teen Youth Minister Mr. Drew David Christian Formation Director Ms. Renella Livers Cemetery Manager Mrs. Eileen Boudoin Business Manager Deacon David Vaughn Receptionist Mrs. Marguerite Landry Director of Music/Organist Mr. Tommy Guidry Christian Service Center Director Mr. Marcelo Davis Maintenance Mr. Malcolm d’Augereau Housekeeper Mrs. Kim White We welcome you to St. Mary Magdalen Parish . If you are new to the parish please introduce yourself before or after Mass. Please pick up a census form located in the vestibule of church or call the parish office. 300 Pere Megret P. O. Box 1507 Abbeville, LA 70511-1507 website: stmarymagdalenparish.org Telephone: 337-893-0244 From Fr. Harrington Important Daily Mass Change Dear my St. Mary Magdalen family, When our bishop, Michael Jarrell, called me up on Wednesday Feb. 3rd to inform me that he has assigned me to the office of pastor at Our Lady of Prompt Succor in Coteau effective on Feb. 22nd, I was filled both bitter and sweet feelings. Bitter were my feelings because I’d be leaving a community that is filled with so many tremendously generous people. A community that is in love with the Lord, and a community that I have felt at home within. But my feelings were also soaring with joy because the Lord, through the bishop, is going to entrust me to the care of souls. I will be assuming the same office that my heroes assumed. I will be a shepherd, a pastor, like them. First of all, I want to thank all of you, the St. Mary Magdalen family, for your tremendous witness of love and support for me. I will sorely miss you. I also want to thank all of the office staff, (Marguerite, Eileen, Renella, John, Deacon Vaughn,Tommy, Malcolm, Kim, and Sr. Carm) for all of your hard work and support of the mission of bringing Jesus to our parish. Last, but certainly not least, I want to thank our pastor, Fr. Louis. The St. Mary Magdalen parish family is very blessed to have such a gentle, wise, pastoral, and (above all) holy pastor. I have learned much from him and his example. I will certainly be making use of his lessons as long as I am a pastor. I love you all and be assured that I will be keeping you in my prayers. And as a sign that I will indeed be keeping you in my prayers, I will have the makers of my chalice attach a small medallion of St. Mary Magdalen to the outside base of my personal chalice. That way every time I lift up the Lord in the Eucharist, I will be reminded to lift you up, the St. Mary Magdalen parish community, as well. AMEN! Due to Fr. Harrington’s departure next week to become Pastor in Coteau, and the lack of another associate being named before July, we will discontinue the Monday morning daily Mass, until ther e is another pr iest her e in our parish. This will be effective next Monday, Feb. 22. Our new daily Mass schedule, until further notice, will be 6:30 AM (Tuesday thru Saturday). Please note that there are Monday masses at our neighbors: 12:10 PM St. Theresa, Abbeville 6:30 AM Holy Rosary, Kaplan Thanks for your understanding and support. Please pray for vocations! In Christ the Good Shepherd, Fr. Brian Harrington Farewell for Fr. Harrington A Farewell Reception for Fr. Brian Harrington will be this Sunday at noon, following the 11:00 AM Mass. He becomes Pastor of Our Lady of Prompt Succor in Coteau next weekend. There will NOT be another priest coming to St. Mary Magdalen until hopefully JULY. Plans for Lent 2016 WeekdayMasses:6:30AMTuesday-Saturday WayoftheCross:FridaysinLent5:30PM *exceptFri.Feb.12(duetoConcert) LentenReadingProgram:ADynamicCatholicbookwill besharedwithallfamilies“BeautifulMercy” Come Lord Jesus Lenten Journey Journey with us during this holy season of Lent as we study and meditate upon the Sunday Gospels leading to the glorious resurrection of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Meet weekly with a small faith community. For more information, please contact the Parish office at (337-893-0244) or email scarmlatoais@gmail.com). St. Mary Magdalen Church Lenten Mission February 22 – February 24 6:30 p.m.-8:00 p.m. Presenter: Rev. Whitney Miller, priest from the Diocese of Lake Charles Topic: “Beautiful Mercy: Experiencing God’s Unconditional Love.” For information call office: 337.893.0244 Web-site: www.stmarymagdalenparish.org 40 Cans for 40 Days Our Lady of the Brown Scapular Lay Carmelite Community invites everyone to join in their Lenten service project “40 Cans for 40 Days” This project is designed to help fight hunger. Collect one can of food per day during the 40 days of Lent which begins on Ash Wednesday. All food collected will benefit Christian Service Center. This project will make a big Difference in the lives of others. Call Judy Broussard at 652-3657 or any Lay Carmelite Member. Mass Intentions February 15th –21st MONDAY 6:30A.M. Lv 19:1-2; Mt 25:31-46 Rev Herve Racivitch, SJ; Leah Broussard; Maria Huong Pham; Wilton & Eula Lene’ TUESDAY 6:30 A.M Is 55:10-11, Mt 6:7-15 Rev Hernando Ramirez, SJ; God’s Blessing on all Handicapped WEDNESDAY 6:30 A.M Jon 3:1-10, Lk 11:29-32 Rev Louis Richard; Prayer Blanket Intentions; John Vidos; M/M Charles Dill, Sr; Ellen Broussard; Ricky & Jodie Leblanc; Lexie J. Belaire; Harvey Broussard; Marshall & Maxine Leblanc; Dudley L. Broussard THURSDAY 6:30A.M Est C: 12, 14-16, 23-25, Mt 7: 7-12 Rev Rusty Richard; Marshall & Maxine Leblanc; Casey White; Joe Livers FRIDAY 6:30A.M Ez 18: 21-28, Mt 5: 20-26 Msgr Robie Robichaux, JCL, VJ; Deacon Joel Faulk; Tommy Reinsch; Alyne Thomas-Matt SATURDAY 6:30 A.M. Dt 26: 16-19, Mt 5: 43-48 Rev Raymond Robitaille; Marshall & Maxine Leblanc; M/M Sam Guarino; Josephine Guarino 4:00 P.M. THE VIGIL OF SECOND SUNDAY OF LENT Gn 15: 5-12, 17-18, Phil 3: 17—4:1, Lk 9-28b-36 Tony & Enid Guarino; M/M Sam Guarino & Fly; Josephine Guarino; Joseph Thang Do’; Nicole Leblanc; Elvina Bourque & Fly; Felicia Ann Trahan; Aline & Edward Leblanc; Mary Ann & Dicky Broussard; All Souls; Sherman Ditch Fly; M/M John Vigneaux; Leonard & Wayne Sellers; Roger Sellers; Barbara & Daniel Jude Broussard; John Vidos 7:00 A.M. SECOND SECOND OF LENT Gn 15: 5-12, 17-18, Phil 3: 17—4:1, Lk 9-28b-36 Rev Edmundo Rodriguez, SJ; James “Bubba” Frederick; Pierre Trahan Fly; Tim Guidry; George Veazey Fly; Eula Bourque & Larry; Kathryn Hatch; Marion Scalisi; Alvin J. & Audrey Ledet Broussard 9:30 A.M. Luther Suire; Lottie Noel Lauro; Marion Scalisi; Bubba Trahan; Orphaned Souls; Alphonse Broussard; Marshall & Maxine Leblanc 11:00 A.M. For the Par ishioner s 3:00P.M. Personal Intentions 5:30 P.M. Jim Bouse February 20th and 21st Celebrant/ Deacon Lectors Eucharistic Ministers Altar Servers Saturday 4:00pm Fr. Louie Deacon Tran (S) Teesie Landry Jeannie Cormier Randall Landry Teesie Landry Austin Bourque Alexander Golden Sunday Fr. Louie Billy Noegel Ken Taylor Mike Russo (S) Edith Russo (S) Michael LaCour Fr. Louie Diana Broussard Kim David Cindy Broussard (S) Diana Broussard Tammy Cao Phyllis Berberich Nicholas Cao Austin Cao 7:00am 9:30am Children’s Choir Marie-Elena Desormeaux 11:00am Adult Choir Baptism– Deacon Vincent Fr. Louie Judge Edwards Francis Cao (S) Woody Woodruff John Boudoin Link Hebert Parrish Vienne Celeste Broussard 5:30pm Youth Choir Fr. Louie Marty Hebert Anna Edwards Joan Greco (S-Only) Marty Hebert Suzanne Meaux Sid Savoie Andrew Romaine Emile Hebert Andre Hebert The Blessed Mother Devotional Candle this week burns in memory of Bubba Trahan The Sanctuary Candle this week burns For Special Intentions Joe Livers Our prayers and sympathy go out to the family of: Harvey Derouen Grief Support Group The next meeting for the Grief Support Group will be held on February 18, 2016 at 6PM in the Conference Room. Please contact Sr. Carm if you need more information at srcarmlatiolais@gmail.com or 893-0244 Fr. Brian would like to sincerely thank everyone who contributed so generously to the first and very successful VC Dancing with the Stars fund raiser. Safe Environment Program 2016 Continuing Education recertification must be done every calendar year. You may either do the online r ecer tification module through VIRTUS (www.virtus.org) or attend a Continuing Education live session in February 2016 to maintain active status with St. Mary Magdalen Parish activity or ministry. Attending a Live Session (see schedule) Please register the day before the training session that you plan to attend. For initial training, please be prepared to supply driver’s license and social security numbers on the required paperwork. Initial and Continuing Education Schedule 2016 Wednesday, February 23, 2016, 6:00PM St. Theresa Catholic Church Call Loretta at 893-5631 Thursday, February 25, 2016, 6:00PM St. Mary Magdalen Church Call Deacon Vaughan 893-0244 Tuesday, March 1, 2016, 6:00PM St. Mary Magdalen Church Call Deacon Vaughan 893-0244 Vermilion Catholic 2016-2017 Registration Vermilion Catholic High School 425 Park Avenue Abbeville, Louisiana 70510 337.893.6636 vermilioncatholic.com Application for the 2016-2017 school year is now available online. Bus transportation is available from locations in Maurice and Milton. For more information, contact the Admissions Office at 337.893.6636. KAYLA BERRY CAITLYN BISHOP BRODY HUMBLE The Life Teen and Confirmation schedule has been updated and is posted here for participants to view. All high school students are invited to attend Life Teen. We are looking forward to a solid finish to the year. This summer we will have some powerful opportunities to continue to grow in faith. Included is the summer schedule as well. If you have any questions, please call John Listi in the parish office. Life Teen /Confirmation Spring Schedule February 14: Confirmation Class - for ALL juniors who are confirming February 21: Life Night March 6: Confirmation Class - for ALL juniors who are confirming March 11-13: Confirmation Retreat April 3: Confirmation Practice 6:30PM in Church April 8: Confirmation Ceremony 6:30PM April 17: Life Night May 1: Life Night May 15: BLOW OUT PARTY FOR SUMMER June 17: Prep meeting for Steubenville at 6:30Pm in Pere Megret Center June 24-26: Steubenville South Youth Conference, Alexandria, LA July 17-23: Mission Trip to Aguas Buenos, Puerto Rico Please pray for our Confirmation students as they prepare for this very important Sacrament. SABRINA GUIDRY LISA TOURNEAR St. Mary Magdalen Parish RCIA 2016 Please pray for the RCIA catechumen and candidates who will attend the Rite of Election at Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist on Sunday, February 14th. PATRICK JONES SUZANNE VICKNAIR F & R AIR CONDITIONING, INC. DAVID ASHLEY President 119 South John M. Hardy Dr. Abbeville, Louisiana 70510 phone 337.893.5646 fax 337.893.5614 license 32253 e-mail dashley@cox-internet.com C. Bernard (337) 893-8522 Premier Designs Jewelry 1101 West Port Street Abbeville, LA 70510 (337) 288-2027 cindydb51@gmail.com Superior Care for ANY Large or Small Breed Animal. Bright Beginnings LEARNING CENTER Reaching For a Brighter Future! www.whittingtonvetclinic.com 1312 Charity Street, Abbeville, LA 337-893-2600 Sarah Thibodeaux, Owner/Director 1412 SOUTH STATE STREET ABBEVILLE, LA 70510 (337) 893-3881 & BUILDING MATERIAL Susan M. Broussard (337) 898-1237 Doré & Company Gasoline • Diesel Fuel • Lube Oils • Grease Jude Duhon 818 South Henry St. Abbeville, LA 70510 Off: 337-893-0674 Fax: 337-898-9244 President Patrick Duhon V.P. Operations/Sales Manager Serving Acadiana Boys & Girls Wear 16 locations Baptism • First Communion 316 S. State TAX, ACCOUNTING, BUSINESS SERVICES 404 Pere Megret St. 893-5400 893-1724 “Like A Good Neighbor State Farm Is There” 893-6304 Prescriptions • Compounding Medical Equipment www.thriftywayrx.com WAYNE HEBERT, AGENT 893-7490 100 S Louisiana St. #400, Abbeville Main: 337.893.7733 In Loving Memory of Debbie Kite James A. Noel, Jr. Sales Agent www.gcbank.com Residential * Commercial * Acreage 207 Charity St * Abbeville, LA Ph: 337-898-1166 Compliments of PRODUCTION • MEASUREMENT • CALIBRATION TED L. AYO ISO 9001: 2008 ATTORNEY AT LAW 205 NORTH LUKE STREET • LAFAYETTE, LA 70506 893-6372 337.232.7431• www.RobinInstruments.com Abbeville Branch 1309 Charity St. 337-893-3761 鵷鵸 www.bankoferath.com 337-523-2405 The Depot Gift Shop 鵷鵸 BankEst.Of1910Erath • LAWNCARE MAINTENANCE • BUSH HOGGING • HOUSEWASHING JACOB FAULK Owner (337) 740-2112 Souvenirs Cajun Products Art Work Jewelry Clothes, Etc. 201 W EST L AFAYETTE S T., A BBEVILLE , LA 70510 Erath Branch 105 West Edwards St. 337-937-5816 Delcambre Branch 102 West Main St. 337-685-2310 “AG is an equal opportunity employer and provider” 525165 St Mary Magdalen Church (B) In Memory of Beverly P. Noel www.jspaluch.com 8431 US Hwy 167, Abbeville, LA Fax: 337-898-1834 apbs85@con-internet.com Owner: Allen Lemaire For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-438-8931 Monica Blancas, DDS Leslie Whittington, DDS Hiep Nguyen, DDS In Loving Memory of Jim Bazar MULA FAMILY RONALD W. MELEBECK PHARMACY & GIFTS Attorney At Law (337) 893-2614 337-385-1250 114 E. Lafayette St. (337) 893-5776 2617 South Drive, Abbeville, LA 70510 VINCENT Funeral Home ◆ 209 S. ST. CHARLES STREET, ABBEVILLE 893-7661 604 S. State St. • 893-4364 RICHARD J. DUBOIS 2309 Richard St., Abbeville Wendy Hebert Executive Director phone 898-1944 fax 892-1298 cell 250-1294 whebert@elderoutreach.com Arabie Construction Excellent References AGENT Auto • Home • Life Home & Commercial Improvements 337-893-2114 337-893-3753 Nu-Tek Director COMPLETE VEHICLE SERVICE ON ALL IMPORTS & DOMESTICS W/ COMPLETE IN-HOUSE MACHINE SHOP 2509 Charity Street Abbeville, LA 70510 337-893-2131 219 W. SUMMERS DR (337) 898-1955 898-2912 www.hendersonimplement.com Phillip E. Noel, MD Family Dentistry 893-9122 • www.TerriLandry.com 904 N. Cushing, Kaplan 2655 Veterans Memorial Drive Board-Certified Amerian Board of Otolaryngology 643-7766 2615 North Dr. * 898-3700 RICHARD A. BROUSSARD Insurance Agency 893-5183 ALL FORMS OF INSURANCE 500 S. State St. (A Corporation of Certified Public Accountants) 898-0950 Family Owned Since 1995 337-893-9139 Fresh Meats TRICIA H. LEGE, O.D. “Best Boudin in Town” 204 N. St.Charles, Abbeville 3133 Veterans Memorial Dr. Abbeville, LA 70510 A NDY V EAZEY Attorney at Law In Loving Memory of Benjamin Jude Rogers www.hvfr-law.com 1804 Charity Street Abbeville, LA 70510 Richard’s Meat Market www.dsfcpas.com 337.234.5350 24 Hour Surveillance with climate control all year round to keep your belongings safe from theft and humidity. “Home-Vehicle-Audio & Video Communications” 203 S. Jefferson St. Abbeville • 893-5470 2 Flagg Place Lafayette (337) 893-1451 899 West Port St. Abbeville, LA Lance Legé, D.D.S. TERRI LANDRY, Agent Abbeville, LA Abbeville Lake Charles Angela Gallet Car Service Center, Inc. 11238 Veterans Memorial Dr. FREE SCAPULAR PERRET PROPERTIES HOME & OFFICE RENTALS 337-654-5417 Susan Perret Desormeaux 337-740-2020 Water Well Professionals, LLC Serving ALL of your Water Well needs in the Acadiana area. Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise Brian or Sally, coordinators Send self-addressed stamped envelope to: an Official 301 Old Kaplan Hwy. 860.399.1785 Travel Agency of AOS-USA Abbeville, LA 70510 www.CatholicCruisesAndTours.com 525165 St Mary Magdalen Church (A) Therapeutic Optometrist www.jspaluch.com 14324 LA Hwy 330 Abbeville, LA 337.385.2558 www.waterwellprofessionals.com For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-438-8931
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