La Madeleine - St. Mary Magdalen Catholic Church
La Madeleine - St. Mary Magdalen Catholic Church
La Madeleine THE CATHOLIC COMMUNITY OF ST. MARY MAGDALEN PARISH WELCOMES YOU TO WORSHIP FR. LOUIS J. RICHARD, Pastor FR. NEIL PETTIT, Associate Pastor DEACON JOSEPH HEBERT DEACON TAM M. TRAN DEACON RANDY E. HYDE DEACON WILLIAM VINCENT BAPTISMS NEW PARISHIONERS WELCOME!! Please call the parish office to register Sunday 12:15 PM Please call the parish office to schedule RECONCILIATION MASSES Saturday: 4:00 PM Sunday: 7:00, 9:30, & 11:00 AM 3:00 PM (Vietnamese) 5:30 PM Saturday: 2:30 - 3:30 PM Sunday: 4:45 - 5:15 PM Before weekday Mass Other times by request WEEKDAY MASSES Monday - Saturday: 6:30 AM MARRIAGE ANOINTING OF THE SICK Please call the parish office to schedule Please contact the parish office at least SIX months before marriage date PARISH STAFF Mrs. Eileen Boudoin, Cemetery Manager Mr. Malcolm d’Augereau, Maintenance Mrs. Merle Gary, Receptionist Mr. Tommy Guidry, Director of Music/Organist Deacon Randy Hyde, Christian Service Center Director Mr. Jacob LeBouef, Youth Director Ms. Renella Livers, Christian Formation Director Mr. Sidney Savoie, II, Outreach Evangelization Deacon David Vaughn, Business Manager Mrs. Kim White, Housekeeper Saint Mary Magdalen Church 300 Pere Megret P. O. Box 1507 Abbeville, LA 70511-1507 website: Telephone: 893-0244 Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time July 27, 2014 MASS INTENTIONS From the Pastor… Prayer: Knowing what to ask for. The scriptures this weekend ask us to reflect on what we truly “want” and “seek” in life. The “pearl of great price” and the hidden treasure are different for each of us. So often we seek after things that we believe are so important in order to make us happy, only to be discouraged and disappointed. The real search for treasure and pearls of value begins with understanding what is our deepest want and longing. I love the first reading from 1 Kings 3. God appears to Solomon and tells him to ask for “anything and I will give it to you”. Solomon could have asked for a bigger palace or fame or success or more wives. Instead, Solomon rightly asks the Lord: “give your servant an understanding heart, to judge your people and to distinguish right from wrong.” Wow! The most important things are not wealth or fame or power. The most noble thing to pray for, to ask God for, is wisdom and understanding. So the next time you find yourself in prayer, for yourself, for your children and friends, for government leaders, for anyone: pray for an understanding heart to distinguish right from wrong. SCHEDULE FOR : July 28, 2014—August 3, 2014 Monday Come Lord Jesus Group Vespers in Chapel 4:30 p.m. 6:00 p.m. Wednesday Men of Mary Group Attend Mass/Recite Rosary 6:30 a.m. 6:30 a.m. Thursday Adoration with Exposition until 10:00 p.m. 7:00 a.m. Saturday LayCarmelites 1st Saturday Rosary in Church Sunday 6:00 a.m. Blood Drive @ Pere Megret Center for Hoat Kieu until 3:00 p.m. 10:00 a.m. The Blessed Mother Devotional Candle this week burns in memory of Alberta LeBlanc Page 1 for the week of July 28th—August 3rd, 2014 MONDAY: 6:30 A.M. TUESDAY Jer 13:1-11; Mt 13:31-35 Eugene Choate Jer 14:17-22; Jn 11:19-27 St. Martha 6:30 A.M. Jake Ussery WEDNESDAY Jer 15:10, 16-21; Mt 13:44-46 St. Peter Chrysologus 6:30 A.M. Leah Broussard; Dr. & Mrs. P.O. Landry & Fly.; John Vidos; Prayer Blanket Intentions; Gerald Mouton; Ruth E. Broussard; Special Intention; Nolia LeBouef THURSDAY Jer 18:1-6; Mt 13:47-53 St. Ignatius of Loyola 6:30 A.M Roland & Maxine LeBlanc FRIDAY Jer 26:1-9; Mt 13:54-58 St. Alphonsus 6:30 A.M. Randy Primeaux VIETNAMESE MASS 6:00 P.M. Anthony Tran Van Tong; Mary Tran Thi Khuyen; Mary Nguyen Thi Theo; Mary Ngo Thi Hoi; Doan Thi Ty; Mary Nguyen T Quet; Dominic Tran V Giac; Maria Soi Tran; Maria Nghiem Nguyen; Dominic Giac Tran; Mary Quet Nguyen; Dominic Hoc Tran; Joseph Nghiem Nguyen; Mary Mo Vu; Tien Nhan; Cac Linh Hon; Cac Linh Hon Mo Coi SATURDAY Jer 26:11-16, 24; Mt 14:1-12 Sts. Eusebius of Vercelli & Peter Julian Eymard 6:30 A.M. Wills Lege VIGIL OF THE EIGHTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Is 55:1-3; Rom 8:35, 37-39; Mt 14:13-21 4:00P.M. M/M Emile Hebert & Fly.; M/M Percy Lege & Fly.; Antonia “Anne” C. Sonnier; Henry “Potsy” Landry; M/M John Vigneaux; Inez Faulk; Frances LeBlanc; John Vidos; Leonard & Wayne Sellers; Jim Bouse; Whitney & Rita Bonin; Othon & Alma Trahan; M/M Sam Guarino & Fly.; Tony & Enid Guarino; Josephine Guarino; Emery Sonnier; Dot Sellers; Mrs. Annie Mae Bourque; Roger C. Sellers; Edola Landry; Barbara & Daniel Jude Broussard; Nicole LeBlanc; Edwin & Gaylan Duhon; Juanita Duhon Simon; Ray Frederick; Gerald Mouton; M/M Stanley Morton; Rita B. Romero; Ruth Broussard; Elaine Theriot; Elvina Bourque & Fly.; Michael B. Faulk; Randy Primeaux; Annie Mae Haden Broussard EIGHTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Is 55:1-3; Rom 8:35, 37-39; Mt 14:13-21 7:00 A.M. George Veazey Fly. 9:30 A.M. David J. Russo 11:00 A.M. For the Parishioners 3:00 P.M. Orphaned Souls 5:30 P.M. Greg Mouledous BULLETIN ADVERTISER OF THE WEEK LANCE LEGE’, D.D.S. business has prospered with him.” Spiritual Life and Worship We welcome our Vicar, Msgr. Jefferson DeBlanc, who is with us for our 11:00 Mass today for the formal Installation of Fr. Louie Richard as Pastor of St. Mary Magdalen Church. Thank you Msgr. DeBlanc for your ministry and service to our Diocese. We are also grateful to the Choir members for adding solemnity and reverence to this special liturgy. Please Pray for Annual Mass of Petition for Charlene Richard Date: Aug 8, 2014 Time: 6:00 PM All are invited to attend the Annual Mass of Petition for Charlene Richard. The main celebrant for this year's Mass will be Fr. Bill Melancon, Pastor of Our Lady of Lourdes Church in Erath. Prior to the Mass, the rosary will also be prayed beginning at 5:30 PM. GOING ON VACATION? For nationwide Mass times and locations go to HOLY FATHER’S PRAYER INTENTIONS FOR AUGUST Refugees: That refugees, forced by violence to abandon their homes, may find a generous welcome and the protection of their rights. Oceania: That Christians in Oceania may joyfully announce the faith to all the people of that region. Velma Mills and Grace Cormier who died recently. Baptisms Elijah Luke Peltier, child of Brody Patrick Peltier and Simone Adele LeBlanc PRAYER FOR HURRICANE SEASON O God, Master of this passing world, hear the humble voices of your children. The Sea of Galilee obeyed your order and returned to its former quietude. You are still the Master of land and sea. We live in the shadow of a danger over which we have no control: the Gulf, like a provoked and angry giant, can awake from its seeming lethargy, overstep its conventional boundaries, invade our land and spread chaos and disaster. During this hurricane season we turn to you, O loving Father. Spare us from past tragedies whose memories are still so vivid and whose wounds seem to refuse to heal with the passing of time. O Virgin, Star of the Sea, Our Beloved Mother, we ask you to plead with your Son on our behalf, so that spared from the calamities common to this area and animated with a true spirit of gratitude, we will walk in the footsteps of your divine Son to reach heavenly Jerusalem where a stormless eternity awaits us. Amen Imprimatur: August 29, 1967 Maurice Schexnayder, Bishop of Lafayette In Louisiana LITURGICAL MINISTERS SCHEDULE—SATURDAY & SUNDAY AUGUST 2 & 3, 2014 If you cannot serve at your appointed time please find a substitute to fill the spot. Thank you. Saturday 4:00 p.m. Fr. Louie Dcn. Tran (S) Teesie Landry L Jeannie Cormier L Randal Landry EOM Teesie Landry EOM Jeannie Cormier EOM Austin Bourque AS Sunday 7:00 a.m. Fr. Louie Francis Cao George Veazey L Edith Russo (S) Mike Russo (S) David LaCour AS Michael LaCour AS Sunday 9:30 a.m. Fr. Louie Dcn. Vincent Diana Broussard L Rebecca Shirley L Cindy Broussard (S) Mark Shirley EOM Brandon Gallet EOM Diana Broussard EOM Allie Ashley AS Gabby Ashley AS Matthew Romero AS Sunday 11:00 a.m. Fr. Pettit Dcn. Hebert (S) Judge Edwards L Calvin Woodruff EOM Merle Gary EOM MC: William Faulk Thurifer: Ross Cao Crucifer: Bill Broussard Aco: Celeste Broussard Aco: Zachary Broussard Sunday 5:30 p.m. Dcn. Hyde (S) Amanda Vienne L Suzanne Meaux EOM Sharlene Monic EOM Marty Hebert EOM Jude Roger AS Luke Roger AS Paul Moresi AS Fr. Pettit NO WEDDINGS (AS) Altar Server (L) Lector (S) Sacristan (EOM) Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion Page 2 Community Life & Outreach COMPANIONS ALONG THE JOURNEY WHAT: Bereavement Support Group WHEN: Thursday, August 14, 2014 6:30 p.m. –8:30 p.m. Saints Peter and Paul Catholic Church in Scott will be hosting grief support meetings every month. These meetings are based on the program “Companions Along the Journey,” which the diocese uses. Meetings will be on the 2nd Thursday of each month, from 6:30-8:30pm in the CCD Hall (Alfred St. entrance). If you or someone you know has suffered a loss and would benefit from grief support, please join us. Contact Carla Oliver at 337-989-0232 if you have questions. Page 3 UNVEILED: DISCOVERING THE GREAT MYSTERY IN YOUR MARRIAGE Our Lady of Wisdom Catholic Church along with Pax Renewal Center, the Diocese of Lafayette Office of Marriage and Family Life and Friends of Wisdom present a married couples retreat, Unveiled: Discovering the Great Mystery in Your Marriage by Dr. Bob Schuchts & the John Paul II Healing Center. This is an interactive and preached retreat for couples consisting of talks and meditations pertinent to living out the Sacrament of Matrimony with deeper intimacy. General Schedule: Friday, August 8th, 2014: 4:00—9:00 p.m., includes dinner Saturday, August 9th, 2014: 8:00 a.m.—5:00 p.m. Continental breakfast & Lunch provided. Mass at 4:00 p.m. Sunday, August 10th, 2014: 8:00 a.m.—12:00 p.m. Continental breakfast provided. For more information visit Christian Formation SEMINARIAN’S TEACHING Each week this column will contain an article written by our seminarian. Hope By Chris Cambre In his book Man’s Search for Meaning, Viktor Frankl, a Nazi concentration camp survivor, noticed that in horrible situations some people would react radically different from others. Some people might give in to despair and see no meaning to life, while others would praise God for every second they had to live. Remarking on this phenomenon, Frankl wrote, "He who has a why to live for can bear with almost any how" (Man’s Search for Meaning, 121). In other words, those who chose to have hope also chose to live. Hope gave them life; it gave them purpose. Hope gave them the will to live. We see then that hope is essential to man. Furthermore, hope is essential to a Christian. It is his weapon against the despair that the world can often bring. We all desire purpose in our life, and it is Christian hope that gives us our true purpose. The Catechism defines hope as, “The theological virtue by which we desire the kingdom of heaven and eternal life as our happiness, placing our trust in Christ’s promises and relying not on our own strength, but on the help of the grace of the Holy Spirit” (CCC 1817). Hope is a gift given to us by God by means of Jesus Christ. What he has revealed to us corresponds to the deepest desires of our heart. We now know that our lives have purpose; we know our lives will not end in emptiness. Most importantly, we also know that our suffering here on earth is not in vain. The gift of hope helps us endure suffering and the many difficulties in life. We know that our suffering can be redemptive, just as Christ’s suffering redeemed all. So do not give in to despair and do not let the troubles of the world bring you down. There is a God who loves you and who died for you. Let us live our lives with purpose and with hope. INTERESTED IN BECOMING CATHOLIC? St. Mary Magdalen Catholic Church and St. Theresa Catholic Church are excited to begin its combined RCIA program. RCIA The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults - is especially designed for individuals who are interested in learning about the Catholic Faith and have an interest in joining the Catholic Church. Are you interested in becoming a Catholic or do you know someone who is interested in becoming Catholic? Members of the clergy will give teaching presentations on the doctrinal elements of Catholic life. In addition, candidates will have the opportunity for training in prayer and Catholic practices. If you are interested in seeking entrance into the Catholic faith, please contact Renella Livers at St. Mary Magdalen Parish Office ( 893-0244) for more information. Jesuit Spirituality Center Grand Coteau, Louisiana Individually Directed 8-Day Retreats Beginning Thursday, August 21, 2014 The Jesuit Spirituality Center at Grand Coteau will offer an individually directed 8-day retreat from August 21st. Three and five-day retreats will also begin on the opening date. A non-refundable deposit of $70 (included in the fee, is required in advance.) For an application form please visit or call 337-662-5251. Jesuit Spirituality Center Grand Coteau, Louisiana Special Weekend Group Program Consider It Pure Joy: Persevering Through Life’s Trials A Day of Renewal for Women Saturday, September 27, 2014 9 a.m—4 p.m. Lunch included In this day of reflection, we will look at the trials of life in the context of our walk with Christ and explore the contemplative prayer forms of lectio divina and art as prayer. Presented by Andrea “Ani” Vidrine. Fee is $50.00. For an application form please visit or call 337-6625251. Page 4 Stewardship and Development Second Collections Weekly Offertory July 20, 2014 Collection Regular Collection: $ 12,622.50 Second Collection: Missionaries of Jesus $ 6,030.02 Thank You for your generosity. This Weekend MAINTENANCE FUND Next Weekend INSURANCE COLLECTION Annual Insurance Premium Appeal Update Thank You! Thank you to everyone who sent in donations for the annual insurance premium appeal. We continue to receive donations toward the 2014-2015 insurance premium. The amount collected in the insurance second collection from Sunday, July 6th has been placed in savings for the 20152016 premium. Total Premiums Due: $57,170.00 Amount Collected: $54,729.32 Remaining Balance: $2,440.68 Thank you! All of the Bibles for the Adoration Chapel have been memorialized. Thank you to all those for your donations. Reflection for Sunday, July 27, 2014 A profound stewardship prayer is offered by the young king Solomon in today’s first reading. He asks the Lord to give him an understanding heart, compassion towards God’s people and the insight to distinguish right from wrong. An understanding heart, or wisdom, is a gift from God. It is a gift that enables us to make good decisions and prudent choices. Cultivating and sharing this gift is essential, especially when poor decisions and lack of compassion have consequences that affect the lives of others. Do we exercise good stewardship over the gift of wisdom? Do we share our compassionate hearts with others? ~Time, Talent, and Treasure~ Page 5 Management and Finance Sounds, Bells, Clocks and Leaks Youth Ministry For a couple weeks now, the Church Bell and Clock system has not been working properly. We have sent off for parts and repairs. Also the sound system has not been functioning properly. That too is in the process of repair. Thanks for your understanding and ongoing financial support of the parish to help us with these repairs. Additionally, with the recent heavy rains we have discovered a number of leaks within the church and these too are being addressed. Jacob LeBouef early in the summer had made plans to resign as Youth Minister for the parish due to other family & work obligations. I have asked him to remain for a few more months in order for me to have more time to interview and search for a new Youth Minister for our Parish. Any adult interested in this position should contact me. Thanks. Fr. Louie Richard CERTIFIED POSITIONS AVAILABLE 5th Grade Math, Science and Social Studies 7th Grade English/Language Arts & 8th Grade History Please contact Mt. Carmel Elementary 405 Park Avenue Abbeville, LA 70510 337-898-0859/898-0140 Email: Equal Opportunity Employer TEACHING POSITION OPENING Kindergarten teacher needed at St. Peter School in Gueydan, LA. Degreed and certified preferred or certified in alternate area and willing to work on proper certification accepted. Send resume to St. Peter school office or call Carl LeJeune, Principal at 337-224-4357. DIOCESE OF LAFAYETTE CENTRAL OFFICE POSITION OPENINGS Job descriptions and employment applications for each position are available at The Diocese of Lafayette, Office of Justice and Peace in collaboration with Catholic Relief Services (CRS) is working toward implementing parish-based programs that will lead to a greater awareness of CRS’s efforts to reduce international poverty, and respond to natural disasters. To this end, we are participating in a grant-based program which will allow us to hire a Program Intern. Please submit completed application along with a current resume to the Office of Human Resources, 1408 Carmel Drive, Lafayette, LA 70501, or via email to The Diocese of Lafayette is currently accepting applications for a position opening for a Bilingual Case Manager in the Office of Migration and Refugee Services. For further details, please refer to the job description below. To apply, please complete an Application for Employment and return it along with your current resume to: Diocese of Lafayette, Office of Human Resources, 1408 Carmel Drive, Lafayette, LA 70501. The Diocese of Lafayette is currently accepting applications for Director, Office of Stewardship & Development. To apply, please submit completed application along with a current resume to the Office of Human Resources, 1408 Carmel Drive, Lafayette, LA 70501, or via email to Page 6 Langlinais & Broussard ____________________________________ Certified Public Accountants 2419 Veterans Memorial Dr. 893-6232 209 S. St. Charles Street, Abbeville 893-4661 TRICIA H. LEGE, O.D. Therapeutic Optometrist 204 N. St. Charles, Abbeville 337-740-2020 Compliments of Mr. & Mrs. Joe Berberich and Colby Providing Insurance and Financial Services TERRI LANDRY 893-9122 THOMAS Richard A. Broussard Since 1945 893-5515 312 S. State All Forms of Insurance 500 S. State St. INSURANCE AGENCY Insurance Agency 893-5183 Wayne Hebert, CLU Agent Bus. 893-7490 Res. 893-6089 400 Corporate Corner EARL’S FURNITURE Phil’s F & R Air Conditioning Inc. Boys & Girls Wear 316 S. State Richard’s Meat Market Nu-Tek ASE Fresh Meats “Best Boudin in Town” 893-1724 Car Service Center, Inc. COMPLETE VEHICLE SERVICE ON ALL IMPORTS & DOMESTICS W/CONPLETE IN-HOUSE MACHINE SHOP 219 W. SUMMERS DR. PH: (337) 898-1955 ABBEVILLE, LA FAX: (337) 898-1953 RAY CHEVROLET-OLDS, INC. DAV I D FUNERAL HOMES 893-1243 893-3777 Doré&Company TAX, ACCOUNTING, BUSINESS SERVICES 404 Pere Megret St. 893-5400 Residential & Commercial 119 S. John M Hardy Dr. 893-5646 St. Mary Magdalen Cemetery Columbarium Units/Cremation Niches St. Paul Cemetery Lots and Mausoleum Crypts Contact St. Mary Magdalen Church 337-893-0244 “Creating peace of mind by building solid spiritual relationships”. In memory of Beverly P. Noel DUHON BROS. OIL CO., INC. “The Security Of Quality Healthcare, The Comfort Of Home” 716 W. Summers Your Convenient Local Service Bank THIS SPACE AVAILABLE! Distributor—Texaco Petroleum Products 1-800-754-6990 Jude Duhon—Pres. Lafayette • Crowley • New Iberia • Opelousas 818 S. Henry 893-0674 Food Allergies? All Natural Certified Organic 893-6304 Prescriptions -Compounding-Medical Equipment Attorney At Law 893-5776 A Corporation of Certified Public Accountants Susan M. Broussard 898-1237 In Memory of Debbie Kite Andy Veazey Attorney at Law 2 Flagg Place, Lafayette, LA 70508 (337) 234-5350 Fax: (337) 234-5310 Sales & Service 1915 S. State 893-0642 Arabie Construction Excellent References Home & Commercial Improvements 893-3753 MINVIELLE Lumber Co. 1412 South State Street Lumber & Building Material 893-3881 Abbeville Meridional Voice of Vermilion Parish since 1856. 318 N. MAIN ST. 893 -4223 TWO SOUTH MAGDALEN SQUARE • 893-6161 RONALD W. MELEBECK 203 S. Jefferson Street 337-893-5470 The Let us plan your wedding or special event. Compliments of Tiona Broussard 337.898.2067 337.207.2322 MARY KAY Magdalen Place Please patronize our advertisers This is the best way to thank them for your bulletin. To place a business advertisement, or a memorial to a loved one or friend, call the parish office at 893-0244. Lance Legé, D.D.S. Family Dentistry 904 N. Cushing, Kaplan 643-7766 JAMES A. NOEL, JR. La. State Certified Residential Real Estate Appraiser #R0638 898-1166 409 E. Lafayette St. EdwardJones ASSISTED LIVING 2309 Richard Street, Abbeville, LA 70510 Edie Casselman, Executive Director phone 898-1944 • fax 892-1298 • cell 250-1294 EST. 1910 BAbbeville ANK OF ERATH Branch Erath Branch 1309 Charity Street Abbeville, LA 70510 337 893 3761 Delcambre Branch 102 West Main St. Delcambre, LA 70528 105 West Edwards St. Erath, LA 70533 337 937 5816 Kimble Sagrera AAMS, ChFC, CLU Financial Advisor 337-898-2117 In Memory of Justin and “Jay” Broussard Angela Gallet Director 898-2912 899 West Port St.
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