APR 17 - St. Theresa Parish
APR 17 - St. Theresa Parish
St. Theresa Parish 455 North Benton St. ● Palatine, IL 60067 Fourth Sunday of Easter PARISH STAFF Rev. Timothy J. Fairman, Pastor, ext. 101 Rev. Matthew Jamesson, Associate Pastor, ext. 127 Rev. Dennis Stafford, Associate Pastor, ext. 109 Rev. Ron Lewinski, Resident, ext. 118 Rev. Monsignor John P. McNamara, Pastor Emeritus Deacon Stephen Norys, Minister of Care, ext. 110 Hank Aleliunas, Business Manager, ext. 105 Laura Kutscher, Music Director, ext. 114 DIACONAL MINISTRY Deacon Jim and Melody Devine, ext. 113 Deacon Stephen and Gail Norys, ext. 110 Deacon Richard and Kathie Pizzato, ext. 361 Deacon Louis and Ann Riccio, ext. 362 Deacon Larry and Karen Schumacher, ext. 363 Deacon Greg and Elizabeth Vogt, ext. 364 ● ● 847-358-7760 April 17, 2016 SCHOOL Mary Keenley, Principal, ext. 202 Mary-Anne Zielinski, Administrative Assistant, ext. 203 Terri Kolbus, Director of Admissions, ext. 249 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Elizabeth Vogt, Director of Religious Education, ext. 111 Marsha Jones, Rel. Ed. Registrar, Adm. Asst., ext. 112 Religious Education: 847-359-2846, ext. 111 PARISH SUPPORT STAFF Mary Amirante, Receptionist, ext.100 Joyce Pizek, Bookkeeper, ext. 102 Marie Paul, Sacristan Leader, ext. 119 Nicole Carlisle, Communications Director, ext. 107 Kathryn McIntyre, Secretary, ext. 104 Please pray for all our sick parishioners, family members, friends & loved ones, especially: Masses & Intentions for This Week Monday, April 18 6:30 am 8:00 am Patrick Miller Jerzy Siwy Mary Haugh Mr. & Mrs. V. Siwy Tuesday, April 19 6:30 am 8:00 am Jerard Kinney Mary Haugh Avila Family Rita Schroeder Wednesday, April 20 6:30 am 8:00 am Priest’s Intention 50th Birthday Blessings to Jeannine Moscinski Family Thursday, April 21 6:30 am 8:00 am St. Theresa Purgatorial Society Nobert Brzycki Family 6:30 am 8:00 am Marilynn Roy Ken Roy Birthday Blessings for Rose Mele Friday, April 22 Jackie Saturday, April 23 8:00 am 5:00 pm Daniel Goedken Rose Chiavola Family Sunday, April 24 7:00 am 8:30 am 10:00 am 11:30 pm Alice Ann Meersman Russ Family Jim Harold Family For Parishioners Neil Keutzer / Fred Costello / Edward Gruber / Wilbur Kanak Please pray for all our military and veterans, especially: John H. Landers (Air Force) Patrick Malackowski (Air Force) Deacon Steve Norys (Navy) Jim Olinski (Vietnam, Army) Deacon Lou Riccio (Korea, Army) Captain Louis J. Schager, Jr. Joseph A. Bondi (Korea/U.S. Army) Sgt. Robert E. Brodkorb (Air Force S.A.C.) Lance Corporal John F. Campe (U.S. Marine Corp) Alan Carlson (Navy) Sgt. David A. Crouse (U.S.M.C.) Jackie Fairman (Navy) Captain Kevin Hand (Air Force) Captain Stephen Hand (U.S. Navy) Judy Amoroso Daniel Anfuso Hilda Avila Maria Ofelia Avila Linda I. Barnstable Bill Carole Bilse Patricia Blankenship Mary Boland Carolyn Bohlman Timothy Cannon Frank Caruk Eileen Ceisel Louis Cipparrone Anna Maria Collier John Condon Bob Crowell Donelda Danz Robert Fairman Carole Flood Sam Greco Ryan Guerrero (age 16) Don Hausser William Hopp Jr. Don Humphries Vi Jasonowicz Gary Jones Joan Kuthe Robert Lindquist Mary Lucas Zacharias Lucas Daniel Macbride Patty Marshall Owen Patrick McGoldrick May God Hold Them in the Palm of His Hand... John Sellinger (Air Force) Colonel Daniel Joseph Settergren (U.S. Marine Corp) Louis Kittler (Navy) Colonel James F. Kott (Air Force) Colonel Marilyn H. Kott (Air Force) Jerry Mele Isabelle Miklius Nancy Miklius Kathleen Miller Kay Miller Krista Motley Jean Nechi Dale Palka Frank Pankanin Paul Jennie Prudente Jeanne Pryble Michelle Rohde Dale Schafernak Michala Schauble Matt Schroeder Helen Schultz Cole Schwartz (newborn) Charles Sebastyan Gerard Slania Mary Kate Sleppy B.J. Smith Sarah Smith Emil Solans Ronald Sowizrol Jackie Stevens Martha Todd Kathy Tomusiak Emil Tosch Scott Wallace Brian Ward Debbie Yurcheschen Ann Zimmerman Please Pray For Those Who Have Died (Air Force) Adolf Stransky (Vietnam, Navy) Phil Urban (WWII, Air Force) Ron Willer (Vietnam, Army) Lt. Matthew Zak (Navy Pilot) Donald McKay, Rose Losurdo, Edward Kalmuk LITURGICAL SCHEDULE for Saturday and Sunday, April 23 & 24 Minister(s) CELEBRANT DEACON SACRISTAN Saturday 5:00 PM Sunday 7:00 AM Sunday 8:30 AM Sunday 10:00 AM Sunday 11:30 AM Fr. Tim Fr. Tim Fr. Dennis Fr. Ron Fr. Matt Louis Riccio Steve Norys Greg Vogt Richard Pizzato Larry Schumacher Smith, C. Russ, D. LaRusso, J. Hirn, N. Paul, M. LECTORS 1-Solari, M. 2-Andersen, S. 1-Thompson, M. 2-Sullivan, K. 1-Lonteen, G. 2-Siemianowski, C. 1-Religious Ed 2-Religious Ed 1-Religious Ed 2-Religious Ed EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS Pfister ,C. Owens, N.* Cushing, C. Englebrecht, L. Combs, J. Iuorio, S. Brown, M. Willer, R. Willer, S. Fasick, D.* Travers, D. Wezdecki, A. Zak, B. Arns, ML* Galvin, T. Hoffman, M. Schwind, A. Russ, D.* Byrns, R. Curran, C Deyhle,R. Hannon, S. Kliarsky, D. Magnuson, D. Nuxoll, J. Olejniczak, Z.* Orlowski, J.* Amidei, S. Appel, C. Apuli, C.* Apuli, R.* Arvidson, M. Mullen, T. Poznanski, R. Fleischhauer, M Fleischhauer, MB Gryzlo, K. Gryzlo, M. Barsella, M. Griseto, D.* Dzierzak, M. Kane, N. Krupp, R. Mayworm, M.* O'Laughlin, N. Brooks, K. Matthew Attak Abigail James Clare James Jillian Price Arthur Cholewa Marta Cholewa Tommy Houser Maggie Doland Luke Doland Ryan Kurrie Molly Braskich Herbst, Jack Kaiser, John Neamand, Briana Pfaller, Jillyan Victoria Wagner Amanda Weiss Josh Nelson Tom Brinckerhoff * = Wash vessels after Mass ALTAR SERVERS Page 3 A Message from Our Pastor... Dear Friends, On Saturday, April 30th our 25th annual Green & Gold Gala will take place at The Stonegate in Hoffman Estates. RSVP’s for the event were due on Friday. If you didn’t turn in your RSVP yet, but still wish to go, please do so today! This is a very fun evening that benefits the school enormously by allowing us to keep tuition rates lower so that more families can choose Catholic school education for their children. Please see this week’s bulletin for a further description of live auction items and raffle prizes! Parish Transformation continues at St. Theresa. On Saturday, April 9th members of our team traveled to St. Catherine/St. Lucy Parish in Oak Park to gather with several other parishes engaged in the Parish Transformation process at the same time we are. It was a great opportunity to share our progress and get different perspectives on the process. Now we continue our work as a team by furthering our conversation and crafting an action plan for the future of our parish. I am very excited about our progress and look forward to sharing our plan with the entire community once the team has completed their effort on it. I continue to be thankful for the 46 team members who have devoted so much of their time and talent to Parish Transformation. As you have noticed in the bulletin the past few weeks, you are encouraged to participate in the creation of a parish directory by having your family’s photo taken here at St. Theresa over the next several months. The directory is one of the ways we will be celebrating our parish’s 75th Anniversary this year so I want to encourage all of you to get your photo taken! See the ad in this week’s bulletin for more details. As we have been preparing for our 75th Anniversary I have been consulting our 50th Anniversary directory from 25 years ago. This is a great resource and way for us to celebrate this big moment in St. Theresa’s history, so I encourage you to take a moment form your busy lives and have your photo taken. The directory will also be a great way of helping our community to get to know one another better as we finally begin to put the names and faces together! Archbishop Cupich is asking all parishioners to participate in a survey that will assist him in leading us through the “Renew My Church” initiative, which is the planning process for the future that will impact all parishes and agencies of the Archdiocese of Chicago. As is true with most surveys, the more who participate, the more accurate the findings. I know I’ve asked you to complete two surveys in the last year already, but if you could do this one as well, I would greatly appreciate it. Please see this week’s bulletin for more information and the direct link to the survey. As many of you are aware by now, His Holiness, Pope Francis has just published his new exhortation, Amoris Laetitia (The Joy of Love). It is a lengthy document, but I’m sure it will be worth reading. I will reflect on it at my next retreat opportunity this summer. Bishop Robert Barron, the author of our “Soup and Spirituality” series the last two Lenten seasons, answers some questions about the exhortation on his “Word on Fire” website. You can access that exchange by typing in the following on your computer: http://www.wordonfire.org/resources/blog/bishop-barron-qa-on-amoris-laetitiathe-joy-of-love/5137/. Thanks to all of you who have complimented me on my weight loss. I have now reached my goal and will continue with a month of “maintenance” to transition back into eating a more normal diet in the future. My weight loss coach will continue to work with me to prevent me from putting any weight back on. I don’t believe I have been this light since high school, so I’m really enjoying it right now! Enjoy the week and God bless you all. Page 4 OUR STEWARDSHIP Year Actual Year Prior $ 22,442 Pending EASTER 4/5/15 $ 76,969 $ 4,281 $ 81,250 $ 20,261 Pending 4/12/15 $ 20,763 $ 2,117 $ 22,880 4/3/16 Basket Online Total 4/10/16 Basket Online Total Our Parish Uses For Online Donations Sign up for online giving at https://www.givecentral.org/location/314 HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! 80th Birthday Blessings to Deacon Richard Pizzato on April 19th! May God continue to bless you with health for many more years to come. WEEK AT A GLANCE... Monday, 4/18 Tuesday, 4/19 Wednesday, 4/20 Thursday, 4/21 Friday, 4/22 Saturday, 4/23 Sunday, 4/24 6:30, 8:00am Daily Mass (Chapel) 6:30pm Families of Nazareth (104) 7:00pm Boy Scout Troop 91 Committee Meeting (105) 7:00pm BSJ Meeting (Festle) 7:00pm Marian Rosary Devotion (Church) 7:30pm RCIA (Bernardin) 6:30am Daily Mass (Chapel) 8:00am All School Mass (Church) 10:30am Cenacle Prayer Group (Festle) 6:00pm PT Leadership Meeting (Festle) 6:00pm Children’s Choir (Church) 6:30pm Women’s Club Pot Luck (Bernardin) 7:00pm Parish Transformation (Lower Dolan) 6:30, 8:00am Daily Mass (Chapel) 10:00am Adult Bible Study (Festle) 3:30pm Parish Staff Meeting (2nd Floor Pauline) 7:00pm Boy Scout Troop 91 (Lower Dolan) 7:30pm REACH Mass Practice (Church) 7:30pm Charismatic Prayer Group (Bernardin) 6:30, 8:00am Daily Mass (Chapel) 10:00am Moms & Tots (Bernardin) 6:30pm Mixed Voice Chorale (105) 7:00pm Adult Bible Study (School) 7:30pm Adult Choir Rehearsal (Church) 6:30, 8:00am Daily Mass (Chapel) 8:30am Adoration (Chapel) 9:00am Jr. High Play (Gym) 3:00pm Holy Hour (Chapel) 5:00pm Benediction (Chapel) 7:00pm Jr. High Play (Gym) 8:00am Mass (Chapel) 12:30pm Confessions (Church) 5:00pm Mass (Church) 7:00pm Jr. High Play (Gym) 7:00 am Mass (Church) 8:30 am Mass (Church) 10:00 am Mass (Church) 10:00am Children’s Liturgy of the Word (Bernardin) 10:30am RCIC (Festle) 11:30am Mass (Church) Page 5 READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Acts 11:1-18; Ps 42:2-3; 43:3, 4; Jn 10:11-18 Tuesday: Acts 11:19-26; Ps 87:1b-7; Jn 10:22-30 Wednesday: Acts 12:24 — 13:5a; Ps 67:2-3, 5-6, 8; Jn 12:44-50 Thursday: Acts 13:13-25; Ps 89:2-3, 21-22, 25, 27; Jn 13:16-20 Friday: Acts 13:26-33; Ps 2:6-11ab; Jn 14:1-6 Saturday: Acts 13:44-52; Ps 98:1-4; Jn 14:7-14 Sunday: Acts 14:21-27; Ps 145:8-13; Rv 21:1-5a; Jn 13:31-33a, 34-35 2016 EASTER FLOWER MEMORIALS Donations made in honor of: Harold A. Herbst Joe Pestka, Sr. Delia Scaglione Kathryn Catrambone Mr. & Mrs. Gerald M. Killigrew, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Donald Vinson Gene Ferris Ronald Vercillo James Vercillo Wanda Mangan Ronald Krist Berna Hanahan Dorie & Paul Bohlmann Stephanie & Ben Szramek Joe & Kathleen Giglio Mary Occhino Logan Giglio Jack & Joan Ezell Sypek Family Iwanicki Family Leo Mancino Joseph & Josephine Calabrese Sam Calabrese Joseph Cimmarusti Secondino & Marietta Cimmarusti Christine, Veronica, Dino Calabrese Teresa, Saverio, Lena, Vincent Salponara Tony Alexandria Marie Alexandria Kathleen Alexandria Adeline Avelle Salomon Kim Elizabeth Kang Sang K. Lee So S. Kang George Norek Cy Plazak Raymond Guziec Beloved Fedko Family Members Eugene & Caroline Burkhardt Christopher & Louise Niersbach James Cabay Eugene Volk Cathleen Volk-Colbert Mary K. Schultz Donald L. Schultz Heselbarth & Ramond Families Michael & Ann Rubino Ella & James Malek Susan Homuth Gayle Photokarmbumrung Robert Reckamp Allan Reckamp Wayne Reckamp Agnes & Walter Janowiak Zofia & John Zielinski Edward & Josephine Bernd Jennie Armatys Family Czeslaw & Maria Oleszczuk Shirlee Pervenecki Mr. & Mrs. Facundo & Aurora Alerre Mr. & Mrs. Montano & Hening Mangubat Herminia Lackie Renato Alerre Andrew Barba Manuel Barba Daniel Bufanda Sisters of Lucille Sprenzel Doroteo & Rufina Herrera Art, Alice, & Arthur Maciejewski Daniel A. Snyder Mr. & Mrs. Tony Skaleski Mr. & Mrs. Steven Paar Olinski/Minkalis Families Nick & Hattie Jerzak Mary & Ernest Favaro Bob Gazda Lawrence & Helen Weber John J. Hirn Reverend Francis J. Sahlfeld Lucy & Wally Arvidson Andy Carponelli Lois A. Butler Mary T. Butler Donna Smith Peter Mele Bernice Horner Jeannette Zapotocky Ann Gavnilovich Joseph Ignoffo Joe Wade Riley Burkeen Walter & Jean Oswald John & Della Owens Arnold C. Brodkorb Juanita M. Brodkorb Frank J. Lopresti Marie Lopresti William C. Cordes Mary Terese Cordes Mary Stephanie Cordes Nadine Fachet Laurie Mendala Fred & Peggy Schwind Jozef Majewicz Zofia Majewicz Fr. Frank Majewicz, CR Jeanine Majewicz Russell & Josephine Willis Jozef Burzana Andrej & Jozefa Rogoz Maria Uszko Rudolf & Vincentia Chimak Richard J. Deyhle Paul Combs Robert Bowers James Neurauter Patricia L. Grisco Mary Storey Tom Storey Louis & Patricia Mursico Jacob & Florence Ulrich Joe & Marie Arns Jim & Louise Sobczynski Page 6 KENT CKY DERBY An Evening at the Races FOR ST. THERESA PARISH SCHOOL You are cordially invited to attend the 25th Annual St. Theresa Green & Gold Gala Saturday, April 30, 2016 The Stonegate 2401 West Higgins Road Hoffman Estates, Illinois 60169 Cocktails at 5:30pm Dinner at 7:30pm GREEN & GOLD RAFFLE BASKETS Again this year, we are giving everyone a chance to buy $10 tickets ahead of time for the ever-popular Green & Gold Raffle Baskets. Last year, six of the ten winning tickets were sold at Church! We will be selling tickets after all the masses in the Gathering Area on the weekends of April 16th/17th and April 23rd/24th. Winning tickets will be drawn at the Green & Gold Gala on April 30th. Come see and take a chance on this year's raffle baskets: Silent and Live Auctions Raffle Baskets 1. Drone – Propel Altitude 2.0 Quadrocopter with built-in HD Camera and Altitude Stabilization Technology RSVP by April 15, 2016 2. Nintendo Wii and Games - Wii game system Wii Sports game included 3. Coach Purse – mini sierra satchel in color block leather and a stars multi-mix key ring 4. American Girl Doll “Grace” - with many accessories and handmade St. Theresa uniform 5. Restaurant Gift Certificate Basket with many area eateries included 6. UP Fitness Tracker by Jawbone – Bluetooth SMART, black band 7. Wheelbarrow of Booze – selection of various drinks for any occasion 8. Chicago Cubs Tickets – four tickets Cubs vs. Washington Nationals on May 5th at 7:05 pm 9. Chicago White Sox Tickets – four tickets for game TBD by donor 10. Five “Dress Down” Passes at STS and opportunity for student to be a “Teacher’s Assistant” for a day! Celebrating 25 Years of Green & Gold Page 7 KENT CKY DERBY An Evening at the Races FOR ST. THERESA PARISH SCHOOL SPOTLIGHT ON LIVE AUCTION… Each week leading up to Green & Gold 2016, we will highlight five of the Live Auction items to bid on. Diva Den – Last year we offered the “Man Cave” for the men; this year we offer every woman’s dream! Included in this package is a comfy chair from Walter E. Smithe furniture, a hand crafted bookcase, accessories, a gift certificate for custom window treatments, pillows or bedding, free room design and paint color consult from Barrington Draperies and Shutters, wine, and a wine chiller/warmer. The perfect in-home getaway for the “lady of the house”! Skybox for Beyonce Concert – This is a must-bid item that features a luxury skybox that accommodates 20 people and four parking passes for Beyonce’s “The Formation World Tour” as it stops at Soldier Field on Saturday, May 28th. Food and beverages are included. What more needs to be said? Take Home an Italian Chef – Culinary expert and certified executive chef Scott LeCompte will come to your home and prepare an elegant dinner for eight (with wine pairings). Why go to a fancy restaurant when the restaurant can come to you?! Included on the menu for the evening is spicy pan-seared scallops with caramelized apple and fennel risotto, panzanella salad, grilled salmon and asparagus with mushroom polenta, pancetta wrapped pork tenderloin, with tiramisu for dessert! Delicioso! Coldplay Concert – Enjoy four tickets for the British Band Coldplay, who produced hit singles such as “Viva La Vida,” “In My Place,” “Yellow,” and “Paradise,” as they tour their new album “A Head Full of Dreams” at Soldier Field on Sunday, July 24th. Trip for Two to Napa, California – This perfect get-away for wine lovers features four days and three nights at the Andaz Napa, with a $200 gift certificate for dinner at The Wine Spectator Greystone Restaurant, tour of the Long Meadow Ranch Farmstead gardens with lunch at the chef’s table and a choice of either a seated tasting or a guided tour of Frog’s Leap Winery. Dates for this trip are flexible, but this package does not include airfare. THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT!!! Page 8 The Knights of Columbus Holy Ghost Council 4977 offer our congratulations and extend a warm welcome to our newest members. On Sunday, March 20, 2016, Brothers Ron Nota, Mark Nannini, Jon Connor and Lee Fialek took their Second and Third Degree Exemplifications and Troy Kerr took his First Degree Exemplification at Queen of the Rosary School in Elk Grove Village. Joe Karkosch, John Mahoney, Dan Johnston, Thomas O’Connor and Bob Kudney completed their First Degree Exemplification on Sunday, April 3, 2016 at Holy Ghost Council. These Brothers have thus joined the largest lay organization of the Catholic Church. Page 9 Ultrasound Pasta Palooza Saturday, April 23, 2016 at St. Thomas of Villanova Doors open at 6 pm with dinner served at 7 pm All money collected goes toward a new Ultrasound Machine to be located at Aid For Women in Cicero, IL ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Tickets are $20 each for all over the age of 21 and include one free glass of wine or beer Tickets are $15 for all 20 years of age and under Italian sit down dinner with soup, salad, sausage, meatballs, pasta, and desert Open Cash Bar Available with Beer and Wine 50/50 Split the Pot Raffle and Prize Raffles Advance ticket sales below. We will also have a table in the back of the church this weekend. Any remaining tickets will be sold at the door. We are limited on space, so please send in early to guarantee a seat!!! Please complete the below and mail to: Jim Arns 3850 N Firestone Dr. Hoffman Estates, IL 60192 Name to be put on tickets at will call: _______________________________________ Number of Adult tickets (over 21) at $20 each: _______________________________ Number of Youth tickets (under 21) at $15 each: _____________________________ Phone Number to be reached at: __________________________________________ Make all Checks payable to: Knights of Columbus #4977 78% of women who see an ultrasound of their babies choose not to have abortions Page 10 MINISTRY OF CARE The Ministry of Care office is the central point in our parish community for outreach, resources and referrals. Deacon Stephen Norys, Coordinator ST. THERESA WOMEN’S CLUB INVITES ALL WOMEN OF THE PARISH TO THE ANNUAL POTLUCK DINNER FOOD PANTRY COLLECTION For April 16-17 Most needed: Can fruit, Mayo, Juice, Crackers, Cooking Oil, Deodorant, and Socks Tuesday, April 19, 2016 6:30 p.m. Bernadin Suite of the Pauline Center Bring your signature dish to pass. Dessert and Beverages will be provided. The Women’s Club will be collecting non-perishable items for this fall’s Thanksgiving baskets. Please bring items with expiration dates of 2017 or later. An evangelist lives in Christian joy! IT'S KAIROS COOKIE TIME AGAIN ( A short story ) "One of the inmates at Stateville Prison told us that he and others believed they had an opportunity to be out of their cells for 4 days, eating cookies and drinking coffee, but became "trapped" by the evidence of Jesus love for them". The power of the Holy Spirit and these cookies are a very important part of this ministry and we need your help again. There are recipe sheets in the proper bags (press and seal only) located in the church foyer. Recipes must be followed, no exceptions! Once again the main ingredient is prayer. Please bring the cookies to the collection bins in the foyer no later than the 11:30am Mass Sunday, April 24th. Thank You, Kairos Prison Ministry Joe Raducka 847-337-3847 Holy Scripture, daily conversion and story-telling form the basis of evangelization. Glory in his holy name; let the hearts of those who seek the Lord rejoice! Psalm 105:3 A pearl of wisdom from Fr. Dennis Stafford’s book “A Courageous Leap of Faith”: In the words of Pope Benedict XVI, the Hebrew equivalent of the word ‘evangelization’ describes the “voice that announces a victory, that announces goodness, joy and happiness” transmitting the message that “God has not forgotten his people.” Share this thought with friend and stranger: Never forget that there are only two philosophies to rule your life: the one of the cross, which starts with the fast and ends with the feast. The other of Satan, which starts with the feast and ends with the headache. Venerable Fulton J. Sheen Enjoy learning the basics of a ‘new’ evangelization with Fr. Stafford’s book, A Courageous Leap of Faith - Becoming A Disciple of Jesus in the New Evangelization Available at www.Amazon.com Page 11 Spiritual Adoption for the Whole Parish Everyone loves the beauty and innocence of a baby! As an expression of that love, St. Theresa Parish will be "spiritually" adopting two newly conceived children next week. Not all newly conceived babies are allowed to be born. In fact, more than 3,200 babies lose their lives to abortion each day (59 of those right here in Cook County). We will be "adopting" two of these babies. To acknowledge the humanity of these children we will name them: Max to honor St. Maximilian Kolbe, patron saint of the pro-life movement, and Gianna to honor St. Gianna Molla (pictured), patron saint of the unborn. How does one “spiritually adopt” a baby? All you need to do is pledge to pray the following prayer every day for the next nine months that these 2 children will be given life, for the power of prayer is great. It’s as simple as that! Prayer of Spiritual Adoption Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, I love you very much. I beg you to spare the lives of the unborn babies, Max and Gianna, that I have spiritually adopted who are in danger of abortion. - Archbishop Fulton Sheen Respect Life Team members will be passing out prayer card bookmarks after all masses next weekend. Watch the bulletin for updates on Max and Gianna's development. Nine months from now, in January near the anniversary of Roe v. Wade, we will celebrate their births with a baby shower for them! Facing an unintended pregnancy? You are not alone. Call 1-800-712-HELP or www.OptionLine.org Hurting from abortion? You are loved. Call 1-888-456-HOPE or www.AbortionRecovery.org Page 12 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION There are two weeks left of Religious Education Classes for this year. The last week of classes is Tuesday, April 26 and Saturday, April 30. Help us end another fantastic Religious Education year by attending the parish-wide Religious Education Mass on Sunday, April 24, 2016 at the 11:30am Mass. Religious Education students will play a special role in many aspects of the Mass. There will be light refreshments following the liturgy. If you are interested in providing/baking some cookies, cake, coffee cake, etc., please contact Elizabeth Vogt at elizabethv@sttheresachurch.org or 847-359-2946. First Communion is Saturday, May 7 at 10:00am. Rehearsal is Tuesday, May 3 at 6:00pm in church. Please wear your First Communion clothes to rehearsal. There will be a professional photographer at rehearsal taking class and group pictures. Please keep these students in your prayers. Registration packets for 2016-2017 were sent out this week. If you have not received your packet, please contact the Religious Education Office. If you are new to the program and would like a registration packet, please stop by the Pauline Center or contact the Religious Education Office. Classes are offered on Tuesdays and Saturdays for students in Kindergarten – 8th grade/ Confirmation. Students must be enrolled for class at least one year prior to a Sacrament year. We are always in need of catechists, substitutes, and other volunteers. The next Mom and Tots gathering is Thursday, April 21 from10am–12pm in the Pauline Center. If you are a mom/caregiver with a little one/little ones at home and would like to gather in a relaxed environment with other moms, please feel free to join us. There will be an activity for the kids and a chance to talk with other moms. For more information, contact the Religious Education Office. Do you have a brother, sister, or friend making their First Communion? Would you like to participate at Mass on Mother’s Day? Join the St. Theresa Parish Youth Choir and sing for these special Masses! Youth from third grade through high school are invited to sing for these two special liturgies. Three rehearsals prepare us for both liturgies Participants are asked to bring a water bottle and small snack Rehearsals are held in room 105 in the Pauline Center Participants can sing for just one or both of the Masses Contact Director of Music, Laura Kutscher (847) 358-7760, ext.114 or laurak@sttheresachurch.org for additional information. DATE TIME REHEARSALS AND MASSES Tuesday, April 19 6:00-7:15 p.m. Rehearsal for 1st Communion/Mother’s Day Tuesday, April 26 6:00-7:15 p.m. Rehearsal for 1st Communion/Mother’s Day Tuesday, May 03 5:00-6:15 p.m. Rehearsal for 1st Communion/Mother’s Day Saturday, May 7 10:00 a.m. Mass First Communion, arrive at 9:30 a.m. Sunday, May 8 11:30 a.m. Mass Mother’s Day, arrive at 11:00 a.m. Thursday, 5/12 4:15-5:30 p.m. End of year gathering and party Page 13 ST. THERESA SCHOOL OFFICE OF ADMISSIONS St. Theresa School is now accepting applications for admissions for preschool - 8th grade. We offer an education that combines Catholic faith and teachings with academic excellence. For a tour of the campus, or for more information regarding the upcoming school year, please contact Mrs. Terri Kolbus, tkolbus@sttheresaschool.com or visit sttheresaschool.com. COME BEGIN THE JOURNEY WITH US St. Theresa School Junior High Proudly Presents… RETIREMENT MASS At the end of this school year, four beloved veteran teachers and after school care providers will be retiring... Kate Duncan, Darlene Strysik, Val Banas, and Germaine Hesiak. We will celebrate their years of service with a Mass and refreshments on May 3 at 8:00am. We hope you will be able to join us! Please consider writing a note to these ladies who have dedicated over 70 years of teaching combined!!! WHEN: Friday AND Saturday, APRIL 22 & 23, 2016 TIME: 7:00PM WHERE: Benton Street Theatre (Dolan Center) COST: ALL TICKETS $5.00 May be purchased at the door. Any questions, please call the school office 847-359-1820. Letters can be sent to the school, attention Dotty Burns. Page 14 Page 15 EUCHARISTIC ADORATION "The Eucharist is described in the catechism as the ‘source and summit’ of our faith. Finding the time to go to Adoration can be difficult. But if you can make it happen, committing to regular Adoration with an open heart can have some surprising results." You develop a sense of awe and wonder. You experience peace in other areas of your life. You begin to look outwardly. You realize how fortunate you are. Grace enters your life. Make a date now for some Adoration and let God transform your life! To learn more… http://catholic-link.org/ Unplug and spend half an hour quietly with the Lord. Adoration of the Holy Eucharist is offered every Friday, all day long, in the St. Theresa chapel. We thank the sponsors who help to make the bulletin cost-free. For information on ads, contact J. S. Paluch Co., Inc.1-800-566-6170 The Catholic Community of St. Theresa Parish PARISH ADDRESS: 455 N. Benton St., Palatine, IL 60067 Parish Website: www.sttheresachurch.org Phone: 847-358-7760 Fax: 847-202-8941 Sundays: 7:00, 8:30, 10:00 and 11 :30 AM Weekdays: 6:30 and 8:00 AM Saturday: 8:00 AM and 5:00 PM (Vigil) SCHOOL ADDRESS: 445 N. Benton St., Palatine, IL 60067 School Website: www.sttheresaschool.com Office: 847-359-1820 Fax: 847-705-2084 PARISH OFFICE HOURS Monday-Thursday: 9:00 AM to 9:00 PM Friday: 9:00 AM to 4:30 PM Saturday: 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM Sunday: 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM MASS SCHEDULE ST. THERESA PARISH MISSION STATEMENT The mission of St. Theresa Parish is to share Christ with others through the sacraments, education, prayer and service. NEW PARISHIONERS PARISH COMMITTEE CHAIRPERSONS Welcome to St. Theresa. We invite you to contact the parish secretary and/or speak with a Greeter before Sunday Mass for information on registration. Also, please visit the parish website and view the Welcome Info button for helpful information. Parish Pastoral Council: Leo Miklius Board of Specified Jurisdiction (School Board): Tom Paar Finance Council: Jerry Sara Religious Education Board: Frank Annerino VISITATION OF THE SICK BEREAVEMENT MINISTRY / MINISTERS OF CARE TO THE SICK If you or a family member are in a local hospital and would like a visit from a priest, please call the Parish Office. Those who are homebound can also make arrangements to receive communion on a regular basis by calling the Ministry of Care, 847-358-7760. Deacon Stephen Norys, 847-358-7760 ext. 110 SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS, HOLY GHOST COUNCIL: Saturdays at 12:30-1:30 PM or by appointment. SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM Baptism is celebrated at 1:00 PM on the first and third Sundays of the month. Parents are asked to arrive at 12:45 PM. Parents must take part in preparation classes before the Baptism takes place. Please call the Parish Office to make arrangements. Parents are required to attend the classes before the baby is born. SACRAMENT OF MATRIMONY EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS and ALTAR SERVERS Marie Paul, mariep@sttheresachurch.org or 847-358-7760 ext. 119 Jim Arns, grandknight4977@gmail.com 2nd Monday of month, 7:30 PM Lower Dolan Center MARIAN ROSARY and MASS: Mondays at 7:00 PM, in the church OUR LADY of FATIMA DEVOTIONS: First Saturday of month after the 8:00 AM Mass CHARISMATIC PRAYER GROUP: Wednesdays at 7:30 PM in the Pauline Center; Deacon Lou Riccio Arrangements must be made at least six months in advance. Please call the Parish Office to make an appointment with a priest. No other plans should be finalized until then. REACH (Special Religious Education for Adults) SACRAMENT OF THE ANOINTING OF THE SICK Maria Goldstein, 1st Tuesday of the month, 7:00 PM in the Pauline Center This sacrament offers the Lord's healing strength and peace to anyone who is seriously or chronically ill, hospitalized or about to have surgery. Please call the Parish Office if you wish to have someone receive this sacrament. SACRAMENT FOR ADULTS The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) Anyone interested in joining the Catholic Church or wanting information about the Catholic Church is asked to call Deacon Larry Schumacher at 847-358-7760 ext. 363. Baptized, adult Catholics who have not received the Sacraments of Eucharist or Confirmation and wish to, call Deacon Schumacher. For Bulletin: bulletin@sttheresachurch.org For Scheduling: scheduling@sttheresachurch.org For Website: webmaster@sttheresachurch.org Deacon Rich and Kathie Pizzato RESPECT LIFE, www.sttheresachurch.org/respect life ST. THERESA WOMEN’S CLUB: Liz Gawlik SOCIETY OF ST. VINCENT de PAUL Last Monday of month, 7:00 PM, in Pauline Center WEDDING REHEARSAL MINISTRY: Mary Vaughan YOUTH MINISTRY LIFT@sttheresachurch.org Nancy Brinckerhoff Kathy Ferry Maureen Ross Rev. Matthew Jamesson
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