May 2015 - Rincon Valley Christian School
May 2015 - Rincon Valley Christian School
*Rincon Valley Christian School PSP* May Newsletter 2015 Honors Night 6:00 and Graduation 7:00 Friday, May 22nd Kindergarten - 2nd grade practice for Honors Night on Thursday, May 14th, at the beginning of first period. Arrive at 9:00 a.m. in the Auditorium. Parents are encouraged to stay for the practice. Kindergarteners will receive their caps and tassels at that time. Students will be dismissed around 9:15. All Kindergarten - 1 1 th students should arrive in the gym at 5:45 before Honors Night. Student should wear semi-formal, modest attire—in keeping with the RVC dress code. Girls—no tank tops, spaghetti straps or halters. All families are invited to stay for the Class of 2015 graduation. A reception will follow in the Connection Point. Table of Contents page 2 Paperwork and Important Dates pages 3-4 PSP Activities page 5 PSP News pages 5-6 Online Curriculum page 7 Athletics pages 8-9 Community News page 10 Fort Ross Field Trip pages 11-12 PSP Calendars Parents needed! Please sign up on the May Activity Form if you can “chaperone” a grade level during Honors Night. Chaperones put students in alphabetical order and sit with them during the ceremony. The PSP is currently accepting applications for new member families for the 2015-2016 school year. If you know of any families who would like to join, please direct them to the PSP website at Enrollment will close as of May 31st for the 2015-2016 school year. Paperwork and Important Dates Page 2 PSP 2015-2016 Calendar Attached to this Newsletter email. Please print and mark dates. Dropbox During the summer we will add 2015-16 forms to your Dropbox and delete all files that are not PSP forms. If you have placed something in your Dropbox family folder that is not a PSP form, please move to outside of your family folder. You can store personal items in Dropbox outside of your family folder, but within your family folder (your last name) please do not add personal items. New 2015-16 Lesson Summary files are being added to Dropbox folders this month. Please note that the Course of Study and Lesson Summary sections have been combined. Grades will now be reported on a column embedded into the Lesson Summary section. Otherwise everything looks the same as 2014-15. The Word file will open in Pages for Mac users. Remember to export the file to a Word document once you've completed the summaries. Items due May 10th: May Activity form and Lesson Summary updated with May attendance and lessons in your family Dropbox folder. Senior Grades Course of Study with 4th quarter and 2nd semester grades must be completed by May 21st in order to graduate End-of-Year Paperwork due June 10: CIF for RVC athletes playing a fall sport who will be in 10th-12 grades next year, Lesson Summary & Attendance for each student, and Course of Study for 4th Quarter/2nd Semester for each student. Attendance must show 175 days by May 31st. Campus Day Teachers Please submit all 7th-12th Fourth Quarter and Second Semester grades to Linda Hoffman by Thursday, May 21st. Fall Campus Day Teachers Mandatory Meeting Thursday, May 21st, 9:00-10:00 in room 4. Helpers are welcome to attend. Childcare available, only if needed. Return borrowed PSP Curriculum: Donate, return, and borrow PSP Curriculum in room 21 at 10:00 on Thursday, May 21st. Activities End of Year Pool Party-Wed, June 3rd, 12:45-3:15 pm—Only $1 per person For PSP families and children only (due to insurance coverage). We will be celebrating the end of the school year by having a "splashing" good time at Ridgeway Swim Center in Santa Rosa. This is our annual celebration and is enjoyed by the entire PSP. This event is open to your entire family. All ages through 8th grade must have a parent or assigned adult monitor (18 or over) with them. Grades 9-12 can attend without direct supervision, but will be under the direct authority of the PSP staff and lifeguards. Unattended grade 9-12 students must be picked up by 3:15 pm. Children must be 48" to ride the water slide. The following are NOT allowed at Ridgeway: * no metal rivets or zippers allowed on swimsuits (for those riding the slide) * no t-shirts over bathing suits * no floaties, noodles or toys in the pool Page 3 Modesty for the girls is the goal. Pizza, juice, water, veggie trays, and cookies will be provided by the PSP. Sign up on the May Activity Form. Contact Shelley Gillette with questions EGG DROP at RVC on Thursday, May 14th (Last Campus Day) If your 4th - 8th grade student would like to participate in a PSP Egg Drop after Campus Day at 12:45, please have them design and build an egg "basket" that will protect a raw egg from breaking when dropped from the school's roof. The egg "basket" must be labeled with your name and contain one RAW egg. The smallest "basket" with a surviving raw egg wins! All egg "baskets" should be the student's own idea and invention so please do not search online for the best ideas. Let's have fun letting our kids think outside (or inside) the box. Meet near the church glass doors at 12:45 to see the eggs drop. They have asked us NOT to use peanut butter as it is a mess to clean up and after many attempts in past years it has proven not to work. Thank you! Activities “Beyond the Mask” Movie More tickets available Go to Thursday, MAY 14th, at 7:00 pm at the Reading Theater Rohnert Park at 555 Rohnert Park Expressway West . Friends and family may purchase tickets as well, but there are not tickets available at the door. Please print (from the “Gathr Films” email) and bring your tickets with you. Page 4 PILGRIM'S PROGRESS - PSP Drama Class presentation. Mark your calendar for this free 90 minute event, appropriate for all ages. Watch a presentation of this age old Christian classic on Monday, May 11 at 6PM. BBQ on the Ball field This coming Friday, May 1st, come watch our Baseball and Softball teams play. Games start at 5pm in order to host an evening BBQ. $1 Hot Dogs and $2 Hamburgers served from 5:00pm - 6:15pm. Come out and enjoy a great evening with our RVC family. Middle and High School Service Project (open to all 6-12th graders) When: Tuesday, May 19th, 4:15-6:15 pm ADDRESS: 1425 Corporate Parkway, Santa Rosa AGENCY: Becoming Independent PROJECT: Washing the service vehicles Becoming Independent provides transportation to mentally and physically handicapped adults. Come help us to bless this agency by helping to keep their fleet of trucks and vans clean for their clients. We will wash as many as we can in the time allotted. Come ready to get WET!! Wear clothes you can work in....t-shirts and shorts. Parents are a welcome asset to stay and help! Sign up on the activity sheet. Contact Shelley with any questions, PSP Secondary Rafting Trip two tickets have became available for the June 5th Rafting Trip. Price: $87.00 per person. Contact if you are interested. Last Campus Day Thursday, May 14th: PSP News Please make an effort to say thank you to the your children’s teachers. The first Fall Campus Day will be August 27th. Page 5 Please Help Please sign the May Activity form if you can : 1. Bring 2 dozen cookies to the Graduation Reception on May 22nd 2. Help “chaperone” a grade (sit in the pew) with students during Honors Night. Next Teacher Education & Encouragement Meeting (TEEM) Our first required Teacher Education & Encouragement Meeting (replaces PEM) will occur on Monday, Aug 24th at 6:45. We will focus on the beginning of the year start up, goals, and family homeschooling vision. Mark your calendars. Campus Day Teacher Needed Looking for a Lego Robotics teacher for 1st period in Fall. All materials are provided. Class will run 9:20 to 10:35. Online Curriculum Page 5 Omega Math Subscriptions Campus Day Pre-Algebra, Algebra 1, and Algebra 2 courses utilize the Omega Math curriculum. These courses are included in the Campus Day classes but individuals who wish to purchase a course at school pricing may do so for $25. Courses will begin as of Aug 17th, 2015 and remain available for nine months through May 16th, 2016. Please indicate on the Activity Form if you wish to purchase one of the following courses: Pre-Algebra, Algebra 1, Algebra 2, Geometry, Trigonometry, Pre-Calculus, or College Algebra. More information regarding this program is available at Upper level courses can be very challenging in this college prep program. Contact Linda Hoffman for more information. Wordly Wise 3000 Online 12-month subscription (Levels 2-12) Online Curriculum Wordly Wise 3000® Online is a dynamic and interactive Page 6 online program that helps students master the academic vocabulary they encounter in school every day with the same robust content as the Wordly Wise 3000®. Also available for iPad® and Android. Sign up on the May Activity Sheet. Pricing will be $15 for the year per student and will be available June 1st. Here is a link to an overview video: products/online-programs/wordly-wise-3000-online/about-the-program Here is a link that describes more in PDF format: Bob Jones Online Courses The PSP has teamed up with Bob Jones Press to offer their distance learning courses at a fraction of the retail price. PSP members may purchase individual Courses range from $69-$99 per course, depending on grade. Distance courses include a full year of daily teaching videos with directed lessons. Online assessment is built in for grades 5 and up. More information and sample videos can be found at – Distance Learning tab. PSP pricing will include eTextbooks. If hard copy textbooks are desired, they must be purchased separately. Family will not be charged until the course is ready to be activated. Please contact Linda Hoffman to sign up. IXL Math Practice—New or Renewed Subscriptions IXL is a dynamic, adaptive learning environment for practicing math skills for K through Algebra 2. Pre-calculus level will be added soon. This is the same practice program that the day school utilizes. School member pricing is $10 for each subscription. Please indicate on the Activity Form if you wish to purchase a new subscription (begins May 18) or renew an existing subscriptions (renews May 18). More information on this program is available at or contact Linda Hoffman. RVC Field Use We need your support in observing the following policies for all events using our fields including softball, Athletics Page 7 football, track, baseball and special events. * Dogs and other animals are not permitted on campus at any time with the exception of certified service dogs. * Parking on the street adjacent to our field (Anderson Drive), which is reserved for emergency vehicle access, is prohibited. RVC Varsity Football Weight training Tues, Wed, and Fri 3:30-5:50 through May 6th. Spring ball will soon be here! It will start Friday May 8th. This is for current 8th-11th grade boys 5:00-7:00. Contact Paul Bartholow at for more information. RVC Flag Football This is for current 4th-7th grader. Practice May 12 and 19 on the field at 6:30-7:30. Contact Paul Bartholow at for more information. Congratulations to Erik Fisher Erik Fisher for being named one of the few winners of the $1,000 NCS CIF Foundation/Merv Harris Scholarship. Cross Country 8th grade and up are invited to join the Cross country Club for the summer to prepare for the Fall Cross Country season. This year the Varsity and J.V. Boys and Girls teams will consist of 10 runners on each team up to 40 runners. If you have never run competitively do not worry. If you will give Mr. Skandera 2 weeks of your time you will be running 5 miles consecutively without stopping and open up a new world for the rest of your life.Interested students should email Mr. Skandera at or 753-0204. Junior-Senior Banquet (JSB tickets) will be Secondary Page 7 going on sale starting on Monday, May 3- If a PSP student wants one they can buy them on Thursdays, or come into the High School office to purchase them. $75 Cash/check only please. Homestay Host Families are needed for International Students attending RVC for the Community coming school year(2015-1016). A monthly stipend is (Next two pages) paid for each month as families are expected to Pages 8-9 provide meals, transportation and fellowship for the new and returning international students. Please contact Mr. Harry Skandera, International Director for Rincon Valley Christian for more information.(707-753-0204 or email Informational meeting for families interested in the International Homestay program will be held this Thursday, May 7, at 8:45 am in the church conference room. All interested families are encouraged to attend. Summer Math Linda Hoffman is offering summer Math Courses in Algebra and Geometry. Geometry currently has a waiting list, but there are still openings in the Algebra 1 Review course. See the April NL for additional details or contact Linda at . Help for those with Learning Struggles Summer is a great time to focus on those struggling areas for your children. Pam Douglas has several openings for Tutoring starting the first week of June. If you have a child or know someone that is struggling with any of these areas please feel free to call 477-8853 or email with any questions. Go to It will have all the information you need about my services, as well as an abundant amount of information on Dyslexia, including videos. It will also have my story & background, my training & certification, and testimonials. A short clip of my background: I have a passion for Dyslexic learners because my first two children started struggling in Kindergarten. I didn’t know how to help them for several years & it was disheartening. I have seen first hand how Dyslexia can hinder a school age child to effectively learn in the traditional way. They cannot learn in the same way the average student learns to read, write, & spell. Their brains are wired differently & therefore needs to be taught differently. Through homeschooling my two Dyslexic kids, God has given me an insight & a desire to tutor, as well as boost confidence, in all areas of learning for the Dyslexic child. Touche’ on Display. Come see some of the best speeches of the year from the Touche’ Speech and Debate Club on Tuesday, May 5th, 7:00-9:00 at Santa Rosa Christian Church, 1315 Pacific Ave. Learn more about Touche’, especially if your 12 year old or older is interested in joining next year. Frontline Speech and Debate Next fall, students in grades 7-12 are invited to join Frontline Speech and Debate to learn how to think critically, stand confidently and communicate excellently. We will be offering Team Policy debate which develops the skills of critical thinking, research, partnership/teamwork and knowledge of history/current events. We will also offer training in various speech events whose benefits include literary analysis, writing/composition, research, Worldview training and faith integration as well as the ability to think quickly and organize thoughts effectively. Students may participate in Speech or Debate- or both (if they are highly motivated). Students participating in speech will be able to take full Bible credit, as well as partial English credit. A graded option will be offered for those needing CIF credit. For more information including cost, schedule and how Speech and Debate can be incorporated into your Bible, English and History credit planning please contact Kate Chera at: Club will be held on Tuesday afternoons at RVCS. Christian Youth in Action (CYIA) is a summer camp program designed to train teens (for all ages going into 7th grade or higher) in effective and engaging ways to teach children about God. They will learn to present the Gospel clearly on a child's level, counsel a child for salvation and lead a dynamic club ministry for kids. The camp begins 6-13-15 and ends 6-20-15. It is $300.00 but $100 scholarships are available to those qualifying. Request registration papers at . Registration is due by Friday (May 1st), but hopefully will be considered if a little late. Contact Roxanne Blackmore, the local director for Child Evangelism Fellowship, at phone 707-838-4174 or . Fort Ross Overnight Adventure Rosalia Lewman is going to be hosting a Fort Ross Environmental Program in the fall and it is open to any PSP students grade 3 and up. Students must have a parent attending with them. Fort Ross Field Trip page 10 This is an environmental history emersion program where the students will learn about the rich history of Fort Ross and the Russian American trading company that was established there in 1812. You will spend your day and night at the Fort in a period costume, participate in hands-on-learning as an "employee" of the trading company, perform the same tasks for the company as occupants that lived at the fort during that time, and eat historically accurate food. All adults and students will be assigned a historical character name of a Fort Ross 1812 occupant and perform assigned duties. The students will play the role of this character for the duration of their stay at the fort. To ensure that the experience is enriching for the students, we ask that you be willing to help your student to research and learn about the history of Fort Ross and the character that they are assigned to play during the program as well as participate in duty assignments that will be given to each student and adult. Night watch and kitchen duty will be required by everyone. Costumes and role play will be mandatory to take part in this adventure. There will be more detailed information, including ideas for costumes and job duties in a meeting in August, date to be announced. Parental participation for the entire field trip is expected. If you would like to attend, indicate interest on the May Activity Form. Payment will be made to Rosalia Lewman. This will equal $60 and is per person. Fees are nonrefundable. DATE: October 12-13, 2015 TIME: Arrive 10:30 am October 12 - depart 2:00 pm October 13 COST: $60 per person *includes food, overnight lodging and activities at the fort For more information please contact; Rosalia Lewman at or call at 707-508-6393 Calendar page 11 May and June May 1 3 4 5 6 2 7 8 9 14 15 16 Fall CD teachers meeting 9:00 Curriculum 10:00 Honors Night 6:00 Senior and CD Graduation 7:00 Grades Due Campus Day 10 11 12 13 Paperwork Due Last Campus Day Beyond the Mask Movie 17 18 19 20 Secondary Service Project 24 21 22 23 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 June 1 2 3 4 5 6 PSP Pool Party 7 8 9 10 Paperwork Due (COS, Lesson Summary & Attendance, CIF) Rafting Trip Rincon Valley Christian Private Satellite Program 4585 Badger Road, Santa Rosa, CA 95409 (707) 539-1486 2015-16 School Year Calendar August (11) September (21/32) S M T W T F 2 3 4 5 6 7 S S M 8 6 7 October (22/54) T W 1 2 3 4 5 8 9 10 11 1 T F S S M T W 12 4 5 6 7 November (18/72 T F S S M 1 8 T W T F S 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 27 28 29 30 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 29 30 30 31 F S 17: First Day of School 7: Labor Day 5: Family Night 6pm 2: TEEM Meeting 6:45pm 19-21: RVC Retreat 7th-12th 14: mid-month Support Meeting 7pm 14: PSAT 18: ASVAB Testing JR/SR 24: TEEM Meeting 6:45pm 24: Picture Day (tentative 16: End of 1st Qtr (44) 25-27: Thanksgiving Break 27: First Fall Campus Day 30: Harvest Party (offsite) 27: Campus Orientation 8:30am December (14/86 S M 6 7 13 20 27 January (19/105) T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 8 9 10 11 14 15 16 17 21 22 23 24 28 29 30 31 February (16/121) S M T W T F S 12 3 4 5 6 7 18 19 10 11 12 13 25 26 17 18 19 20 24 25 26 27 S 1 2 8 9 7 14 15 16 21 22 23 28 29 30 W March (19/140) M T T F S S M 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 18 21 22 23 24 25 28 29 T W 13 6 7 19 20 13 26 27 20 27 T 1 2 3 4 5 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 21 22 23 24 25 26 28 29 30 31 31 7: Christmas Celebration 6:45pm 7: First Spring Campus Da 8: TEEM Meeting 6:45pm 7: Student Spectacular 6pm 17: Last Fall Campus Day 11: TEEM Meeting 6:45pm 15-19: PSP Winter Break 11: End of 3rd Qtr (44) 18: End of 2nd Qtr (42) 18: MLK Day 27: Easte 21-1/1: Christmas Break 28-4/1: Easter Vacation Calendar Legend April (20/160) S M T May (15/175) W T June F S S M T W T F S 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 S 10 M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 10 11 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 29 30 31 26 27 28 29 30 4: Curriculum Buy/Sell/Swap 6pm 2: TEEM Meeting 6:45pm 4: TEEM Meeting 6:45pm 12: Last Spring Campus Day 11-15: Jr/Sr DC Trip 20: Last Day/End of 4th Qtr (45 18-22: Schoolwide Testing 20: Honors Night / Graduation 21: No Campus Day (testing) 24-25: Senior Trip 27: Day School Graduatio 30: Memorial Day 2: End of Year Swim Party (tentative Paperwork / Statement Due Dates # Campus Days # PSP Noteworthy Day # PSP Non school Days School Days First Quarter: 44 Second Quarter: 42 Semester 1: 86 Third Quarter: 44 Second Quarter: 45 Semester 2: 89 Total: 175
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