June 2015 - Rincon Valley Christian School


June 2015 - Rincon Valley Christian School

June Newsletter
Items due:
May lesson summary, 4th quarter grades for all, and 2nd
semester grades for 7th-12th are due as an update to your
student's COS in Dropbox by June 10th.
CIF paperwork for outside classes other than Campus Day is due
to Linda by June 10th. Incoming 9th graders are waived from CIF
requirements for the 1st quarter of 2015-16
All account balances are due. If you have a balance you will receive
a statement. Please follow directions on cover letter for payment.
HSLDA - your account must be current by August 10th. If you are
new, sign up with HSLDA via their website (see link on our
website). Use our group number 299594 for a discount.
Campus Day Teachers send headshot of yourself to
Table of Contents
Paperwork 1
Activity Form 2
Campus Day
Prayer Groups 3
PSP News 4
RVC Sports/Music 5
Summer Activities 6
June Activity Form Due June 10. See link in Newsletter email.
Dropbox During the summer we will add 2015-16 forms to your Dropbox and delete all files that are
not PSP forms. If you have placed something in your Dropbox family folder that is not a PSP form,
please move to outside of your family folder. You can store personal items in Dropbox outside of your
family folder, but within your family folder (your last name) please do not add personal items.
completed the summaries.
June Activity Form
Honors & Graduation Night DVD: We had a DVD made of our Honors and Graduation Night
which can be purchased for $10. If you would like to order one and have not yet done so, please sign up
on the June Activity Form
PSP Bible Reading Program Your family is invited to join others from the PSP who will read
through God’s Word in one year. Beginning June 1st, we will kick-off our annual DAILY Bible reading plan
—adaptable to various ages. Three tracks are available to download for individuals, parents, students,
and/or family devotions.
Premier Track: Read through the entire Bible in chronological order—only about 15-20 minutes of
reading each day. (CIF course credit for high school students may be earned for completing this track)
Intermediate Track: Read through either the Old Testament or the New Testament—about 25 verses a
day, taking only about five minutes.
Primary Track: (For Early Readers) Read a new theme every month— about 5 verses a day.
Go to the Rincon Valley Christian PSP Website and search of Bible Reading Program or go to http://
Church Involvement: Please indicate on the June Activity Form the name of the church your
family attends regularly.
Campus Day
Campus Day Schedule Changes:
For requested Campus Day class changes after June 10th there will be a $10 per student fee for each
Fall Campus Teachers Please email a headshot to Shelley for your teacher ID badge ASAP. Thank you
to those who have already sent pics. Updated Class Descriptions and Schedule for the Fall Campus Day program are included in the
Newsletter email. Please refer to the Class Descriptions for needed books and materials. Teachers will be
contacting students in by early August with more information on individual Campus Day classes.
Teachers needed: We are still in need of a Lego Robotics teacher. We also need a Photography coteacher for 4th period (2-3 pm). Contact Shelley Gillette for more information.
Prayer Groups
PSP Prayer Groups We will have a Prayer Group Leadership Committee for next year that consists of
Heather Evans, Pam Palmgren, and Susie Schneider. They will be working on plans for an effective and
encouraging Prayer and Care Group time at our TEEM meetings. Men Wanted! We are blessed every month to have a handful of dads attend the TEEM (PEM) meetings. In
an effort to support and encourage them, we would like to have a Dads' Prayer Group Leader. This dad will
serve in the same capacity as all of the other Prayer Group Leaders, which will require them to attend the
TEEMs regularly and facilitate prayer time with the other men that attend that evening. Because the group of
men who attend the meetings are not usually consistent (often filling in for their wives when needed), the
group will likely change every meeting. Therefore, the Dads' Prayer Group Leader will need to be comfortable
pulling together a group of men who may not have met before and leading them into a time of sharing and
prayer. This is a tough call, but we KNOW the right man is in our group! Please e-mail Heather
Evans at dchfamily@comcast.net if you might be interested in serving this way.
PSP Information
Honors Night and Presidential Fitness Certificates Those of you who were not
able to receive your Honors Night Awards or Presidential Fitness certificates and patches may pick
them up in the “will call” boxes in room 21.
Reminder about End of Year Pool Party—Ridgeway Swim Center
Wednesday, June 3rd at 12:45-3:15 455 Ridgeway Drive off Mendocino Ave. Please
park and enter from Santa Rosa High parking lot. For PSP families who signed up on May Activity Form and children only (due to insurance coverage).
All ages through 8th grade must have a parent or assigned adult monitor (18 or over) with them. Grades
9-12 can attend without direct supervision, but will be under the direct authority of the PSP staff and
lifeguards. Unattended grade 9-12 students must be picked up by 3:15 pm. Children must be 48" to ride
the water slide. The following are NOT allowed at Ridgeway:
no metal rivets or zippers allowed on swimsuits (for those riding the slide)
no t-shirts over bathing suits
no floaties, noodles or toys in the pool
Modesty for the girls is the goal. No bikinis (including bikinis with a t-shirt over them. Pizza, juice, water,
veggie trays, and cookies will be provided by the PSP. Contact Shelley Gillette with questions
PSP Curriculum Library
will be open:
June 16th, Tuesday, from 9-10:30
July 9th, Thursday, from 9-10:30
RVC Sports and Music
Summer Volleyball Girls (5th - 12th)
Open Gym every Tuesday (Thursdays for Varsity
players only) in June and July, 3:00-5:00.
For 5th - 7th grade girls
(incoming 6th - 8th grade girls). Contact Coach VanZandt
at craigandbetsvz@gmail.com OR Coach T
at rthomas@rvchristian.org
High School Girls Summer Basketball: We hope to field a team this summer and play in the Santa
Rosa Junior College High School League. Please click on the following link in order to complete a quick
survey that will help us determine if we will be able to field a team this summer and give us a good idea for
our ability to field both a JV and Varsity team next year. Link: http://goo.gl/forms/SlhPqd0JE6
RVC Running Club will meet every Monday morning at 8 am at the parking lot on Channel Drive which
is at the east end of Annadel Park. We will begin June 1st, and meet every Monday morning thereafter.
All students 8th grade and up are invited to join the Cross Country Club for the summer to prepare for
the Fall Cross Country season. This year the Varsity and J.V. Boys and Girls teams will consist of 10
runners on each team up to 40 runners. If you have never run competitively do not worry. If you will
give Mr. Skandera 2 weeks of your time you will be running 5 miles. If you are unable to run at that time
please email me and suggest another appropriate time in addition to the Monday morning and we will try
to accommodate your interest. Contact hskandera@srchristian.org for more information.
RVC Concert Choir is open to all RVC/PSP high school students by audition.
The class is held in room 33 Monday through Friday from 7:45am to 8:25am beginning the second
day of school in August. Singing experience helps but is not a prerequisite.
Submit, AT YOUR AUDITION, a typed, one-page (max.) paper stating your reasons for wanting
to join choir. Please contact the high school office (539-1486) for an audition time or for
more information email Mr. Humphreys at jhumphreys@rvchristian.org
Summer Activities
VBX 2015 Beach Blast Registration
Join us at Santa Rosa Bible Church on June 15-19, from 9:30-12. It's sure to be a Totally Tubular great
time! Students entering Kindergarten through 6th grade are invited to the Beach Blast. Sign up at
Homeschool Convention:
2015 SCOPE/CHEA Conference will be held on June 11-13, at William Jessup University in Rocklin, CA!
Homeschool conferences are a great place to see what is new in the homeschool world. You may find the
curriculum you have been searching for, or hear the encouraging words you have been needing from one of
the many speakers. For more information, go to scopehome.org/2015-annual-conference/
Used Curriculum Sale: Stony Point Christian Fellowship on Friday, June 12th 6:00-8:00 pm.
This is a great place to browse and buy curriculum you're interested in at discounted prices! If you'd like a
chance to sell your gently used books and other school supplies, text me, Dawn Martin, at 486-2605, or
email busymartinmom@comcast.net, or message me right here on FB. Please give a donation of $8 per
Spring Lake Summer Days! All are invited to meet at Spring Lake Lagoon on Fridays from 1:00 to ??
Bring your camp chair, blanket, sand toys, and boogie boards. Hope to see many of you there this Friday!
We'll meet close to the restrooms.
Novato Space Festival Saturday, August 1st at the Space Station Museum/Pacheco Plaza’s “Center
Stage” 464 Ignacio Blvd, Novato. 10:00 am-4:00 pm. Admission and
parking are free. Go to thespacestationca.org for more information.

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